HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-08-09, Page 8,August 9th, 1901 THE CLINTON NEW EEtA A must, The bel.IiPi1ie; Seas n 1..Wint Your dry goods wants may be very few in this month of August, but whatever they may . be you will find this easily the best place to supply them. Strictly summer stocks will be kept fully assorted right up to theend ad of the season.Early buyers of fall stuffs will .Y . find'a fair assortment of new goods here 'already, while there will be many an odd lot of summer stuffs that can bepicked up by careful buyers at prices that will save them some money. Here are a few of them: 8 and 10c EMBROIDERIES 5c 1 We have another embroidery special for August buyers. &ll must be out of the way before the cool weather comes. . That is why we put this quick=march.price. on the lot. 200 yore's of fine Swiss embroideries and insertions .of muslin and cambric, assorted widths, last ends of lines that sold ab 83 and 10oAugust buyers oan have them at per yard WHITE IVIUSLINS, 10c ( WHITE "COTTON VESTS 2 FOR 25c USUALLY,,20c. 1f you can use some fine white muslins youcan save a little money buying it here. We have -"thin little -lot --toy- Sell - under price. 200 yards of fine white dress muslins suitable for dresses or childrens pinafores, last ends of lines that sold at 20o and 26o, Augnet buyers oan buy them at per yard ., ... 1ve. Dunt o ..».ij, FRIDAY , AUGUST 0, 1901, LOCA`1J NOTIOES, fully one hill course will be given in Clin- ton by the well glum n O'Sullivan Bushier* College.. Those wishing to receive a 13ush oas or shorthand k cat on s ou take advan- tagetoge of thio opportunity, Open day and evening - Visitors welcome, I3ookkeoping; i'onmanehlp, Shorthand, Typewr.trng oto., taught th iroughly ab the O'sullivan Bossiness College, McKay block, Clinton. ()Miter a ronlars. lora .tho'oanb Business a'11 -Shorthand E neaten V oKaylblo'k. day rani eveniingg sessi001,- loge, Boy Wanted Wanted, smart, active' boy to learn printing Apply at NEW 13a1A office. rlo'rio .•.-We are exceedingly sorry Hodgens .lime. held a mun picnic. to hear of the continued illness of Mas J. Oopp has theappeararrce of hie 'pre- Eagleson (daughter of Mr Alex me- raises improved by a new :once, The Kenz.e) who was not able to accatn. Aiigust meeting of the sehoi I hoard is pany her husband back to 1)akcte, on next Monday evening. The work - The Building committee of the county men have about completed the new council met at, Goderich, on Friday,ranolithic walk on the not th side of in connection with the house for the �tattonbury street and that on the jailer. Mr Ainsley, County Road south side of Townsend street is being prepared ; a number of others were passed by the council on Monday night, as will be seen in the council re- port. Messrs. Davie & Rowland are putting in Preston coal furnaces far Phil Crews, and' F. Rumball, . Theo -Zealand, brother of Miss Zealand, who is visitioe in town, is laid up in.Detroit hospital with typhoid fever. • Mr Ben. nett, late of Wingham, has taken a •position, in the Doherty Organ Factory here. J. Oopp is beautirying and re- paint.ng the bus for the Itatteubury House ; the Clarendon bus is receiving attention and being repainted by F. Rumball. It seems a shame to see those fine large' maple trees on Ratten- bury street being cut down ; in some places however it is found necessary to do so, W. Robinson sold a horse this week to Jae: Arohatlald, Seaforth, for $145, Mr Isaac Rapson, of Woodstock, who -died last -week; was -`a relative of Messrs Isaac and .1.truee Rwpson, of this neighborhood, Mr Geo Warrener, oftown, hasbeen engaged to look after W. Sinclair's farm, 10th con, G. T., during�the latter's absence in Man- itbba. Mrs Currieand two children who were on their way to Blyth carne. off the noon train on 'Wednesday; when in McLannan's resternant pur- chasing some articles Mrs Currie be - carne, suddenly ill, fainted and fell ; she remained delirious for some time but recovered sufficiently, though feeling weak, to take the evening train to her destination. •'Ihe ship- ments from the Clinton yards this week were two carloads of.. beef cattle by 0. Reid, to Toronto, on Monday,. and two each by S. Smith and E. Wat- son to the•same place on Wednesday. The fire department' had a practice. Wednesday evening and found the engine worked satisfactory. The wife. of Mr Ed. Leddicott; or London, died a few days since.; Mr Leddicott was formerly a resident of this locality. Banister Brydone has a number of sales to attend to next week ; on Tues- day next the estate of the late Geo Brown, of Constance, is offeredfor sale and on Saturday, the 17th, the farm of the late Walter ..Riddle at, Londesboro.. The Seaforth Bowlers will play the home club here : on Fri- day and will comeup three or four rinks strong. • Commissioner, was here la.4 t week in. cru epecting� the bridges in this vicinity, Frank Evans, the well-known teams- ter of town, has gone to 'Toronto, where he goes into the insurance bust. nese with a brother who likewise en- gagedin that city. We are sorry to a learn of the death of Mater Norman Thompson, son of Mr Jarnes'Chompson which occurred at kelvin, Mich., re- cently, at the age of I2 years and a few day? ; :deceased was born in. Clinton and was a nephew of Me peter Uole, of Goderich township. Mr Isaac Dodd gown d lit is quite an apiarist, having shout 50 colonies of bees; this season has been VeNDAI,S,--Some persons are in the a good one for honey, he having se - habit or visiting the cemetery after the cured about 2500 lbs from40 hiyes,some caretaker leases his work or on the of which yieldedinearly 150Ibe;Mr Dodd Sa.hhath and have been disfigurierg finds a better market for the honey sortie of themonuments by screeching atGoderich •than anywhere else, and the polished face or breaking off small .hes Bold considerable, there •, Col. -pieces...--Thei-.. cemetery. committee •.-Iloare-�is---also -quite-'.a- bee- fa'neier- shoutd•otrer a reward for their punish- and has taken about the same quantity meet. Mr Seatle has ofrered.a reward of honey from his bees, _.. W'e' are of ten dollars for the discovery of the sorry to learn of the death, at Brant - person who damaged the monument ford last week, of the infant child of on his lot, Mr John S. Fisher, formerly of Clinton. TO REPRESENT THE OIL CO. --Mr Mr 11.`Bevan, of Petrolia, is here for James Howe has been engaged as' re- the purpose of going into the artesian presentative .for this district of the well business ; he has considerable ex - Queen City Oil Co., and enters upon • perience in boring wells, not, only in his duties sometime next month, Ontario, but was also with a party which will necessitate .retirementfroin who were employed in India ; now his present office of night watchman, .that, farmers. realize more than.ever The Company• furnishes him with' a the need.of plenty of water, the artee- handsome tank waggon, which is now ion well is the best method of procur- here, and 'team' of splendid horses, ing it; he will bore one for Jog Batten - which were supplied by Messrs John hairy, and C. Whitely, Goderich town- ston & Bell, and has been fortunate in ship, There was a slight fi oat early n u d' o a a e Mond, morin b tit id n d m is just be - y e>z. g . ' 3 as e tat t er eb ori. hies vie securing.here.A little. son of Mr 1. Darter; man for a position of this kind. His Stapleton who is suffering with spinal duties will he to deliver oil_eo the re- tailers in all , his: section. ' . trouble, was taken to the hospital for RETIREMMENT. OF 'TWO' GOOD: UFFIO- sick children at Toronto on Tuesday.' ' I ts.-�9t the meeting of the• .ouncil Marsh Morrish, formerly of Clinton, Monday night the resignations of Mr who is living at North Bay, writes con - Reynolds, caretaker of the cemetery, tradicting a recent paragraph in these and of Mr Howe nightwatchman,were. columns to the effect that the C. P. R. both accepted. Mr Reynolds finds the' was. inn good condition, notwithetand- work more than he •can do,aod intends ing she. strike; Mr Morrish, speaking moving to London, where other mem- for the section where he resides, says bers of the family reside. Mr. Iiowe. the road le not, safe, and .something. has accepted a better situation with should be done about it; we incline to the Queen City Oil C.otnpany. Both the opinion that the managers of the men `.have been faithful townofficiate, road,however,know best as to whether performing their duties with reg ird for or not it is safe. Mrs Armstrong, of the interests of the community.,. We Goderich,who has been an'inmate of; regret the removal of Mr Reynolds' the House of Retuge for sometime; went to•Snowfeke, .Iran., on Tuesday .l and family from" town. to livewith her son; it required a good. MARQUIS VS. DEMPSEY.-This ad- deal ofPluck:for.her to undertake' the j,ourney-ariehewasso•weak;she-had-to .be. carried into,the•car. Harold Steep -aeon of,3as.'Steep)is one of the lacrosse play- ers who are giving exhibition games •atWinnipe Fair this week. 11 Oan-' talon took' Winnipeg of the• Hotel C71ar- endon on Friday last' andhas brought' with him Jos, Blaney, of Hensall, wbo will attend to the liquid refreshments; the travelling .public and our citizens willfind •Me C-antelnn: a courteous land- lord who will conduct, a good. hotel business.` London held. a re. union of Old Boys during the: forepart' of the week; quite a number ,of filintonians attended. The name of.Can'telon Bros.. as fruit dealers, is widely, known; they received.ulettoj from Bombay, India, the other day for a" fruit shipment.. There are quite a number of icnice We happen. to have .too many of this • line of : vests, have. more >of diem, than ' we care to this season •of,the'. year 1. week's.sellin�^ at our August 'rices ought to clear .out P lot. 60 only fine quality: white cotton vests, sleeveless,' nicely trimited with lane and baby: ribbon, cur price has been 20o and they; were good vat�., for August we mark 2�C them '2 for:,..... journed„_assault.,,ca.e caaete,.tap before the the Mayor or. • Friday, and. additional' • evidence was taken. ` It. was shown.. that the horses were :impounded , by Dempsey; who' put them. in charge of • the putndkeepei•'e wife; that Marquis - 'made satisfactory arrangements for their release and that the township 'eonncil had • subsequently declared it was proper. for' the poundkeeper's faro- ily to. act" in: hie absence, ' The Mayor reserved his •judgment until' Monday • In view of the facts Adduced he decided that a cc se of assault had been , proven against Dempsey, and imposed a. tine of .$2 and`costs-itt all :about $18.. AN AUGUST WEDDIN0.-A happy event war the pretty home wedding at 'hie residence .of the. bride's parents, Huron street, on Thursday at' high. neon, It was -the: marriage of 'Miss Lizzie; third, dauehter.of Mr and Mrs Arthur Twitchell to Alex :•Lewis, of \iringham, but whose home is " near Hamilton. In the absence of Rev. Mr Stewart the ceremony was performed ese 2 C„ Lustre" Tor Skirts, 9 The 15c kind.. You know the wearingqualities of a good black lustre. There isn't anything much hr for a sumer'skirt. This week you can bu;, tt is line for less than its value. cod q iality black luster, rich glossy clack, very durable, two neat designs, 42 inches wine, will make dressy skirts, Regular45o line commencing. Sat' 29e nrday oar price will be I$1 and $ 1.5.0 BLOUSES FOR 69c Not a great many blouses left to sell but tho:,e we have you can bny for a fraction of what they are worth 1 Eour_Nsize is in the lot you should not let this .chalice slip. ,all our white and colored blouses that sold at $1 and $1,50 neat and stylish de- afens, all new this season, choice of lot for August selling.. 69e STRAW EATS AT 5c Not the fine kind but the strong substantial homemade kind. They are marked ex- actly half price. 200 men's and boys' harvest hats, small and large sizes,home made sold regularly at 10c each, clear- ing for August at 50 25c BLACK SOCKS - ` FOR •15c Just a few pairs of these left but 1� e dont want -any cot- ton sock on `hand when the cold weather comes so ` clear them out this way. Men's black cotton socket very fine quality, Herm;darf dye which . never fades,. spliced hest and toe ire • regular 250' for August IOU TONY YOKES. by Rev. Dr. Gifford, in the. presence of a few friends and relatives.. Th;e house was beautifu'ly decorated for. the event and everything was in harmony with • the-.., event.....: The-.,,weddir -wedding h_. was played' by Miss Mable,Twichell. The bride locked pretty' in a costume. of 'white Swiss-.inu.lin, carrying a• a shower boquetot white rosereand' was ie. - assisted as bridesmaid by . her • sister, Oa- . 'Miss Alice Twitchell, who was . also beautifully attired. in white dimity Po - muslin and carrying a,boquet of pink'. so - roses .-•• roses ;• a -little niece, Miee Iva Twit- Oa - shell, performed the services of flower a>`• _girl. Ger. Marshall acted as grooms- aa►- • rnan, _Afterthedinner was partaken.. �^-• of and congratulations were ',extended �' the happy couple took the afternoons. express, for a win to Hamilton, leia- gara, Buffalo at d other points fora fere Weeks and: will return . to reside in se - Wingham. The bride has numerous ft lends and was the recipint cf many useful p'•• seats; the groom's';.r' f to the �. bride a am: a beautiful gold w itch and eye - chain. e -chain: We join in extending fo Mr ee-- and Mrs Lewis cnngratulati .ins and wish for th in a long happy.;ife. rriE LATE flat (4ILCliIRST.--Glillis �►- TAI E To GOnRRIO11;-Chief'Van Norman, of 'Winghatn; ;was. in town on Saturday, in chat; of a young'. g . ;. . w h..: an -names Helps, of H]>zqt Wawangs , m pl whoni he was taking. to Goderich, for. safe keeping. ,Helps is a very respect- able young man, but unfortunately is subject to spells of temporary insanity, and as'he . would not be got into an asylum for' some time, it was' thought best to send him to Goderich, ., Tiii CIVIOIIOLIDAY.-In compliance with request of a ,,numerously signed petition Mayor Jackson has proclaim- ed Wednesday, Augnst,,14th, as " a civic holiday. for Clinton. The-Mer- chants he mer-, chants will close their businesses on that day and it would be well to bear• it in mind 'and save any discppointncents. We understand the G, T. R. will give return rates; for single fare to all points p vest of .Toronto, tickets, good to go on; public '.arid .private, being held these . Tuesday afternoon.;any time. Vednes-` days ac Bayfield;.on' Tuesday the steerday, returning Thursday, amino doubt of Holloway's' and Down's tailoring el them- selves of the ormun twto spill end the the • and the dressmaking. establishment of i . i day. with friends elsewhere....• . wwwwwiwwwwwiwiwammiwwwww neer Idea Pattern given absolutely free with every 250 purchase at our store. Our idea is to stimulate trade during the usually quiet month of August. They are the pattern regularly sold at 12c .each and the assortment con. slits of nearly 200 different styles, It just means that you get 370 worth of merchandise for 25o. o Is it. not a saving proposition for ytsul The W. D. FAIR, CO, Clinton "Often the Chea?nt---:tllv;t s the Best.", MAMA Y11Y11A NTMIMM YWA MAR p�ciaShoeBargains IP Having secured the agency of the Celebrated J. D. RING. & CO'S ' Shoes for Clinton and distriot,.and expecting. a big shipment of them in a couple of weeks, we have decided' to make a clearance of both Men's and Women's fine shoes, and you may expect. to get some genuine bargains, as they must go See onr North Window', for. Men's Fine Shoes. • We have several liner of `LADIES OXFORDS, also LACED and BUTTONED BOOTS that we are willing to let, you havewithout any profit, as we want the room for King quality, goods i See-ottr_Sobth:.Window forthese bargains for Friday and Saturday. y A line of MEI'T'S HARVEST BOOTS, notheavy, but good •wearers; • they ate well worth $1, but we are selling them at 75o. Duncan' Ceilchr. t sleeps, his voice is silent, his really hand is still, On Men - day the summo:.s carne that none call ignore and a man,' who wasrobust in yeagby. o respectedrsnne has gone cue ,it whth-was. advanhiecedhly age sr lime hn confined to theof 83 ti ruse yearfor sixe wanadkh, senr so :the cause' b ing dropsy and liii, death was leaked for any time. The deceased was horn in Sutherlandshire, Scotland, in the year. year•18.03,seed. with his parents. came to Canada settling in Oxford county at Beechville, where he lived 101" -- until 1858, employed as foreman for M. ��",.... McTaggart, Manufacturer of fanning ow The Old' Reliable, The Store That Never , DiSappoints. • So*: Gash arid One Price: .Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. %%4%4%%4%4%%4%4% _4 tn�mmrnmt - ' Irma Saturday, ............. 10. .......1 .. .... idrik****ik*ltitittililkk*** ***-1 t 1-25 Men's Suits all sizes extra bigvalue at 7.50. LOT '7-28'Boys' Suits, long pants,. sold at $3 and $7,50 ...� LST Consists of light and dark colored tweeds, our own sale price on Saturday only, $3 9u. make, sale prico $,65. a1►• . . LOT 8-120 Fame Colored Shirts - starched fronts and I: aaa - LOT 2'-40 Men's Suits, in all the latest and newest pat- soft fronts,all the latest stud newest patterns, sold _._ terns, and our own make, sold 'at $10.00.117 the from $1 t $1.50, sale price on Saturday', 75. regular, but our sale pricers only • 7.6u, ..r sizes for --4 Colored Shirts starched fronts, new . atterns LOT 3—Alen's Pants, odds and ends In big LO`1.0 d(, Co or ts, , large men, as long as they last you can get your , good value at 75e, sale price' 45c. ....• choice for 68e. —41 mills: He then eame to Clinton fora ' We have about 25 samples of fancy Muslin Yokings; there ` few years and then went back to Beech- a* is enough in each for a yoke. They are worth per yard, from N to $1.50, We put them on sale Saturday, at each ....Ik OVERALLS We can save you a little money on Overalls. Our. lines. are,maderfrom _go_od_mate! ialss,=a _ `he�sewin and-�- - g makin arev e er thin h u t o ought be. Mostof g 0 the y g�. .� seams are double sewn, theockets' riveted, and the but- M tons put on to stay. Some have bibs, others have not 1 The prices _..7- c; 90c, $ t per pair. COTTONAL E. Perhaps you would rather:buy the material and make. them up. If so you cannot do better than thew. • a He vy Cottonade, firm and strong, will coot cut and gives etcellcnt; wear a regular 20o quality.......................15C Extra heavy Cottonede, the best made in Canada, strong, heavy durable, will stand no end of hardweer, per yard...,.►.,..,,,.,.kg' • , 2�C Ville, returning here in 1803 and has resided ever since. As a tradesman he was a cooper but for many years he was employed as a wood worker at respective times withthe firms of Mc- ' Taggart .& Co.,, Glaseo McPherson & Co and McMurchie & Co;; but of late years he helms only worked at cooper- age when required, Ile was .some what of a jovial sporting nature' when in the prime of life and took pleasure in shooting particularly. Deceased was of a robustcenstitutaon;al straight. orwar- an onorable man in all his intercourses' with his fellow men and was highly respected by those' who knew him. His death causes a blank in the ranks of those true and valient men who formed the early residents of town and who has lefts creditable name behind him. In public he lived a re-. served life but in private he was a most. genial and companionable man and all who enjoyed his friendship will feel a personal loss, In religious.convictious he was a strict member of the Presby- terian church and in politics a stiff Contervatiee. When living in Oxford hewasmarr el to ICatharnieBeith,Who survives. The fancily consists of eight daughters and one son: --Mrs Gorden in Flint, Mich., Mrs Shauntz in (1al- ifornra, Mrs Neal, Mrs Ramsay and Mrs Slengess in Platteville, Mrs togas and Miss dean in Bay City, Miss Mary at home and Gillis, a traveller for a Toronto wholesale boot and shoe firm, evilo were all at the funeral except Mrs Hhaunty, from California. The remains were interred in the Clinton cemetery Ott Wednesday afternoon, the service* living conducted by lh'v Mr Hamilton, of Jeotideeboro, in the absence of BAY Mr :Stewaar t,and the funeral vas large- ly attended by frieualq. The ..all bear - CM were Messes Ji,hii sold Wm hate ,01111. Sae Twitchell, J 1T'iii ito0, Alex. McKenzie, and John Johnstetti, LOT 4 -Men's $1.50 Pants our own make and the best value in the trade at the above figure, sale price on Sttturday, $1.151. op— LOT— i _•.-. Mmfr$2.00 Pants; auz ower make-a>nd he -hest selling line we have; well cut and well made, will be offered on Saturday at $1.45. . .=-, - 98 Boys' 2 -piece Fancy Suits, 22 to 26, sold E from $•- LOT 6fr $2,50 to p$4.50 per it, take ° oiir' choice on , Saturday for' $2.10. y' ow - 111110..0 Besides the above special lots we have laid out a large quantity of odds and ends in all classes of goods, which we find it impossible to enumerate, and there will be some remarkably low prices quoted. It will be a day iwr fur slaughter prices and it will ay you to be here in good. time, I4o goods on approval, no goods exchanged. ow - Store opens at a,m. and closes at1p.m. ,i *lk*******lMrs*tik t'R+Jk�ltik#nllriMft�.;fr;6t�* tkrA^k*rl'It*llkAritrJit ; ,,."'"",,. 011110.-. ,.... ....„,,, sonro 111110.0 h yisto c _,.., ,?..iftrzve,„..i. i 411 ariliiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir iiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUiiiiiiiiill iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit .-41111 LOT 10-15 Cotton Shirts,"suitable for hot weather, sold = 0 at 25e apiece, on Saturday next you can have 2 for 25c. e r •-s _ 1 or__ ,_ _ _...-- LOT-11—GO-pairs of Men•-s••-dile--Braces,�sold usual �* 85c and 40c, but the price on Saturday , next will be only 25e. it. *-411111 .-41111 LOT '12-75 Men's Soft and Stiff flats, pearl and drab in. + color, regular price $1.50 and $2, 'sale price on Saturday $1f ^+