HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-08-09, Page 7__ I
I ? '117- ;11 I � 7-10-- . --"_,_7, .
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. I . . I 1, , .1 ,August 9th, 1001 - 1. -1
. - � _., � 1� . I 0
, � I I R"! - - . �.. 11 1. .1 .. .1, 1. .I I I. I _1. �.. .. 4.. , � .1 I . .
. I -_ . 1. L. � . i
I I.. � . 11 . . I . I 1. I . I.. . I I 1. � 1. . . I—- I 4 I �
111 I WHY HE SQ40 HIS BLANKET- I . . .
. � � � I)LA--t0' Li -WE .6'.twili . Z A 0ANQELLED STAMP- 41
, I I . 1NXwS .NOT�15.
i . U . I 1 -4
r . . Au,lpoldcut in tile Life of ��lr. lerneot .
I I i I � Vrose Stgry of an Adventure That In. ' ,
. . I I � HOW THEY ARE "HATCHED AND Seton-Thompsou. . ! tereists Everybody. , The flow.e. of Lord,; nunultuousl Ceylon and � - India, �
I - Mr. Rdmund 13. Le Roy, inspector I . I . d staitiry R v -"d the grant tit X . 8110AX) to Lot� I .
I . 0 " HELPED IN INCLIBATORS. . k1cre is the tale of a caricella obel t,.-� I �
, I . . . % 1_1 ... I— Canada Permanent & Western Can- Vitt a stainp- . New life fqr. it quarter. Millpr'a Iron . .1
4 . . ,,,
11 � ad, Mortgago Corporation, related A postage slump- Pilla. Sold by H. B, Combs and R. P.
11 Whe Young; 11311rdIm VArNi Dauxer After . . . I .
I Look at your tongu04 . -art interesting incident Ili the life of A two -center; Rcekie, Clinton. NATURAL LE AF
le In Its shell In �. � 14 . . I I
I Is ted P l3rea"ins; 4 110 , I i Mr. Rynest Soton-rThompson, the fam- ' 1)on't want to btago I Will -r'.- -Grarnles will m4ke a eltar coin. . � I I . . I
� Death by Drownluw�.Nq Swimming; - ous writer on aninial life, a day or Dut I never was , plexion, So d by IL 13 Conibe and R, P. .
11 "CQ4 . .. I t*o ago. It appears that some years Licked 'ENTEA-
Then you bad For the Or-owwx Illowifs. , I � GRIE
I taste In Your mouth every Seton, 4s he was then Rxcept once- . I . Reekle, Clinton. I . .
I I.. Duck culture as a business proposition s . . 'Dai
. morning. Your appetite Is not so Simple as it seems.' To one at. Called, spent hi summer vacations, . Ily a gentleni % too .. I ` inatter ; is inty anfl
. �W _ . Lord Ninto has eignf d the ore,er in Coun. IS Free froin Any Paitiele of Colo
in the woods, where be stu4i6d the Ile put me oil . oil for the (xeoutioll.of O'Brien at 1):twoon . I n
... 1, Is a s- all expert in tills ]!lle tile hat:0111114 and characteristics of ardmal.life.� This . on the 23rd August, 1. I Invigorating ; is the only'tea, that suats fasti(liolis plate,18 alad " ,
� tresses you. You have , rearing of -ducks fire a comparatively Sim- year be was In the neighborhood To a good thing. � . . longest � English ; is - . .
I frequent headaches and pie matter,, and there is a chance to figu ' Of' It was an envelope, � This is tbouibl. to bethe . wholesome for the'r4o,st delicate digestions. .
, I r,0 CQboconk, where Mr. Lo Roy' - was Ilerfumed, pinl�, square. word, though there are other olaimante: . I
I : out what the product will be from a giv- .. 11, . I
. ,eping a store. .
. tire often dizzy'. Your i en number of eggs, ,Ill. this respect there �, then Ito One day a wild- -I've been stuck, oil Ant idisolabli6h menl;�t ja nism, .
, I
i I stomach is weak and I I is a difference between ducks and chick- looking, -unkempt young man came Tilitt envelope M. A. Very, of Sharbob LakL, is now 1 IT IS ALSO A BRITISR PRODU04"T - 1.
. �
-_ - ,
. , your bowels are always � ens, for a.certain percentage of ducks can into the store and purchased sup- F)ver since, . spoP.en of as the Conservative candidate I ' e - __ - _-___ -_ --- ---.- _. , I
i . be raised and marketed I under given con. . plies. He said his riame was Seton, He drop . p.iqd us- Addit or I --
. . - I . '"too for Federal Unuae. � Ceyloil 'I ca,i tire sold ilk Seitl.d Le,td P.e% Im.,me
11 �, constipated. I ditions. . and that he was hunting for bird The envelope arid me- ' " On I .
. � U. C. Slieffield, of Tor.oato, a former ,4% " Cis 00y, 141twelci Al Ixed, I I it eolored (Wt It u
G I.Co$, 1
There's an old and re- Through the vastern states there are skins. When he had been around V10 Throug , 9 c, d r. bQxJ sIo(.P,J)g car diet L �, - retib 16�4*A-
�11 liable cure: . I the neighborhood about 4 inprithL Mr. JA 1% a , 10L. int a a k . ributor on the C. P. It. S I dv;,_, .. le(.I�sanjil es sBut. Add
i.. I i many large plants devoted entirely to . 331it wo-were rescued . �L . abot himself detW in a Nia,ara I .1 - . adn,I0 Toronto, I I .
�it I � reaging of ducks. One Luali, a pioneer in Roy asked him one 14y where - he By a mail -clerk- ,, . F alls hotel. . ' . . .
, .
,L; !, the business, keeps 2,000 breeding ducks lodged. : 110h,11* replied the eccentric .- More's the pityl I . I . � . Prof 8, J. MoLvan, the � - .- .. I'll, i
�' L, � I In stock"at all times and. has each one as Young fellow, "I go asleep wherever - He hit me an awful I . miseloner, will spend a nionth in 111anitota t
... � near a pe I � I happen to I - Smash with v. haininer; e . and the Nortbwj.'at heariag ,(ulplainig, 'MS1TM1ZW -V ' - 1
%* I rfect specimen of its kind as call Ve when I am tired. , I I W_ I . .&11Z,* LONDON:,
! , . . .. . I
I I . . .
,� : be found, One of the largest plants turns just roll myself Up In my' blanket," , It ltqt,.Tny face L . I . `Ihe London. Ont., lio(noe comunissIoLere . .. 1� I
L 'L - . . . L . . L . 1
14, � 11 I . - : out about 50,000 ducks annually, and in Mr. Le Roy remarked at the time to' Black and blde, . I I . . . . . I have'rofuc-e� the Tecume(b Ilcusf-a 11-.-tnse, ! . . I p Igol . _ I L. . .. ' '
.1 . seen it is no ex- friends near that this young man Then I we Sept. 5th to" 14t . I L' - -F, ,
. I . . .and it will be 6n its& temporan, I L . . 77�- ..
I the height of the killing so . , : ,. . nt. oil a � long . I L . . .e hott 1. I . I . I I :L b _.
,.� . I aggeration to.say the feathers fairly fly would be heard from some day,.Lat- I j i)urney - .1 . . . I I . I I - I . I . . . � . . . I .
11 ; : I . � xhe Montreal City Hall bad s'na:rrc w . . . ; .. . .
I I In this plant th6 number er In the summ6r young Seton Walk-; - Of two dayi4. ' * . . . - esoa'pa from. destruoi,ion by tire. The't(p I . . I . I
� . 0 . I . on this place. . .. , I - I � hNTAIFS CLUB SEPT. 4TH 1.
' L , . . I .
. I . . .
I i of ducks that will be sent to ma-rket can I e4 Into Mr. La Roy's store and told * And when we a riv . L . ..
' , ' r , ed- . :. �, : story was gutted.4 The loss. wiii I a nbc tit I I � . . I I .
. I
�� I be estimated from the first few hatch�s .him ihal; he was dead broke and that 1 The pink envelope and me-. . � , $10,OOP. .1 . I ... . -Now ex 'bits and leadin I g attractions- . Lo a M . L �
" made early in t 6 season, a _ . . . . I A home exposition of genuine merit ..Ili ekh rf
.h , a the propor- -he wanted -to go to Toronto''L Mr. Le . We were presented I I � . *The Normal School of Domestic Soieu e -the baby elephant, amid
i tion of ducks hatelved to the number of . . I . . . C performing RIqphanta-Tbb- Three 6,races and ,,Tcm Tom"
. .
Roy offered to loan h4A the amount To a. perfect3ove, . at Hamilton will he conti* 1' , many other spootalties-ofa. high, rder-Grand Fireworke Display, including represents.; 40
1 eggs placed In the Incubators will be I Ki I - 1 -,7- nued. .Mise � K,lld41TakiX1gof' e I I I .
,: . . I ..of his fare, but Seton jsr�id, "No, Of a, r . I., .. �. Hope has been anweeded on -tho stafl� - by lion of -Fall of China" - I? k n." Speoial.trains over 611 lines each even- � *
I . maintained throughout the season, will' sell you )n for , i fee wataort, 0 Ap., � I I , . . . .
I y rubber 41anket With a .stunfiIngest pair � Mi I I ing, aft,v fireworks. For prize lie to, programmes, eto ,apply to .
1 In market ducks the big white Poking : ,$3.V Mr. Le Roy bought the blanket - I S . I . I . I .
- P I Of b ue eye . It , I I I . . .
. gild the greatest fayor. -The Pekin Is. a and -it was such a good one.1hat he That ever blinked. .!.:� �, _:1 T,
1; . I I A.college tot- waslifirwomen has beca I LT,.COL. W. -M. GARTSHORE, President J. A. NELLES, Se3reter .
.. I . I
. I . . I . . . I
,� I., .. hummer in the way of a market duck, 0 still ha's it in his possession. Uter ,Say, she's a, dreaml - � .: , ! ovened in New York hy the charity I �- I - .
Don't take a cathartic . I ,..
.... ; It grows rapidly and is hardy and, white, still, *hen Mr. Ernest Setbri-Thoinp- . Well, she mutilated , , I Thecourse is12 . I .--------- ; I !, !, ; 1! ; !, !, I I I �,__ - '.
I . � I *************ll I
dose and then stop. Bet- ; ' I I ,f . , . �, organiz;ttion societv. 1. , , *"******V**V*;***111.111*311111111luili� . . .
i Iwhich makes it pick clean and Its feath- - son becabie famous as the result.* of The pink envelopej .. . ; , 1 daily lessoiis, and.the students receiVe I � . . . .
, , . . I I I . . I � I .
ter take a laxative dose ers salable. A good price is paid for duck, - his wor4'it struck Mr; 1w Itoy . one And tore one corner . . .' 60rents a ds�y and luncheon, .1 ' " . I L 6
, . , I
. :i � I ", . each night, just enough to ! feathers. . .. 1. . . � I day. that �erhaps that . young Milo* of- rile off - , - I . I . � 4, 0 I . i ! ., � -�, - . Nearly. 400 wompri . are . acting as OEM xt . . .:
I., cause one good free move-� The best point -about the Pekins, in the � With e, hairph�. . e , pharmacists in the United States. One Go,pkd E"SCLL . . . .
� eyes of the poultryman who is in the bual- Seton might, be the now -famous ar� . , ;, , %..- * . I I %P I . - a . I . . 1. I .
11' . tist, and author.' He penned a.. rate ' Then she read. what I large drug shop in New . . . �� .
... ment the day following. ness for,prolit-is the rapidify with which . I � . England em- I . .� . .1 � . . I
1, , I to the author, sending It to )its Now ' , r* a I
" they grow and the fact that, they grow . , Was inside - . 1, I I �.� ploys women almost exclusLve!y,. giv- I � .1 . ....
. i'm $. - '' - I . . .. I
;!.! You feel better' the 'water than in . . Yorli.addresp; asking him if he was The' pink . envelope, � � :*.' imythein precedence Over men. . I . 'The Best bisonit and'aiway the Be I
. .! I Your better out of the - it. It In . not , the man who had sold him Ahe ' 'a; 'girl, blush � . ; ' ' I . . I . . .No changes, no,uncertaindei. * ' ' . . � .
I very next day. ert . I never saw I � W. W. Moore, lawyer, died in New "
a common thing fbr exp 8 to raise' Pe� . I Vvery Bisquit hplit, moist, delicious. �
I 144 . appetite returns, your kins that 1weigh six. pounds when '10 rubber blanket_A few days aigo Mr. Sobeautifully. . I � 6. '; 4'..' York. worth $100,000.* Bis w)II left . I .
� . I., Y. ` If yon want this certaint . on Baking Day, use I .
I � dyspepsia Is cured, your weeks old. - Duclia that weigh under five Le.Roy reccived� the foll6wing rerly. I -would be stuck � . 0, ..� $00,000 to Itia-Roberts. a Denviar wid- ' . . . . I . . . I
. ., I
from the brilliant author, vile, was Oil her -if I could.� , ,. t% . ., I 6w, who once, mu,-e*d..hiiu when be - . . .. ... 1� . I.. . . � ... I .
I I headaches pass aiiay, pounds at that oge are a reflection on the , I �- .* . .. . . . . .
�, ; your tongue clears up, skill of tbe-poultryman � Who turns them then st�qpping .at ,the Auditorium, . .Then she placed .. . � .., . 1!i.? , we,sllbroke',�anilttiendles.s. I I � '
I . bhicag6: . I � 1. . .. I. r ,.; ., � I . Hovey's Baking Powder, 95e pel 1b, ,
� . �. ..
outi An eipert. with chickens is not al- I .21he . writing --back I I ,.� t 1)`,J*. rmer , i4ar * Ches.. . . .� . '.. � . I I .1 .- �, I . . .1 .
yo . . I .1 . . � I Thomas, Bugg, a fa . . .
, .. ur liver acts well, and � Xy� dear 61r, -Yes, I am lbe. .�Xl an lev, was kicked 1-v it 11 . I . .
,. � �. ways successful in. the7 handling of ducks, . . .', In the pillk-envolope; - - l - I:. orse,in his, o1wn . Parls, Green,. best geiuk :2�e 1)4(.'I.- I be - , ,
I, i your bowels no lot ger as the quackers need to bei: handlod'dif- who sold -you the rubber !.11anket in Then ishe kissed me, - ' - .- ,- " �, bayn Wedndedav'aft r . . I
. . , - I - . , , � I . e noon.. and. Aied. I . I .1 I I � I � 91. . ... � . p �
-uble. -very siti: rely, Mr- Oh, you fittlb godlets! * " " h an hour lat' .
. . � I , 'injliries., A � r, .
ferently, at all'tiffies.. A .difference. .19, 1885. . qlf . .. � .
give you tr( I , I ara yours. . ce .. . .,... � �. � er of hisf . . . 11 .. � . . . . . . .
.. found at,the outset,.aa 98 days tire re-, nedt. Setorl,Thompsan. . I ,Her. lipi§ .Were' ripe - - .Gimilai- case occurred in Chexley, Mbn. I I I
. , I . . ' folk6w e' I I . . � . ,; ' . : J wo 0.1sp,ensillb., Chehlfst4 Clinton, *
: Price, 25 estate. All drbW ts. quired. In which to batch a duck ing" . The 64bor's totem s th As .cherries . : . .1"; :' � . - erfkoin ' . r"Jloyr I . a . I
. I ' ' . Big- . , '. , - dAT, Gent ge'FattiPt son,a farm . . . .1 � . . .. .. I �. .
�T,' - ' -Imt.;__ _ _: ...... _ . I - - -
��,,�. . 11 . . tekg � -nE�f,ure--.a;-beiA,r-,�,--fo-o,tpi I . .- 4 �'. ..
, _� 0eds_onIy-2Wayein-wJ1Icb ,:� .:* Sullivan township, -while haying his *At****"-V****N-N-W-",*.X**,u.u.-,iz*ic*.*;**k*-O�
- - --'- - - W.hiW"A.Cb , _ f- t.tRhr11_. � I ....Ud.Nvarin , ,' ;. ." **1l!A.A*
. .4 , _. I ', 1_1111�.. �,�:.',_,��, I I I �. �As�l tIl". -1 0
ft for 85 e s inner sun. , ; � � . __ _____ �
I "I have inken.Aver-'s''Pi h , . . ��'rrhi- " i ` � � '��' ,- _; ,.+orse,"b,odi7-.va�-kick-ed-,.-n --the- bowels � I , . I L� _
, to cbmp ete t e process. er na ur,e . I. . . - . � I -1 ' , . . � :
years, and I consider them the beat I . . . . . . . � ' We— - . . . . . , . . . .� � ..--- -__., ,_ � -. -�.�7�`.._ _,"". , ... ---.___.--__1-.___ I-
_.. .. .. I � -made., One pill dam me more good .puts it into the world'_,i�' scratch,'for a SABLE ISLAND. I . . I r*. � b horse belonging. to anofher.man . � I. I , ,:bi�_*_* __ 6
� than halt a lw)x of any other k Ad I living. . . . � . . . - I . . � � . . I . . .) The p! - . . ., .11 f6red that hb died nex� , I . I
I .. I I . � - ilk: ovelo e.and me-.. , .nd so. bsd1 y inj . .
� , I * '
bave I rayeyard of the - 0 . . 1P.. I " " . , � 11 �. . � , . .
* ever tried.- The best wotk in producing dticksAs. � a' . Oce'A , wi Be made4reen .- Are.now I � . � morning.. .. . . I � � I I . I . . -
.. . . , � .1 . . I -6 . ww, . . I I . ' � . �
. � " Mrs DL IL TALi)oT - . . , - wilfhatph . . � . with Te , snugly I _ � I ,�,i�,� ble i.cr the I � �
done withan Incubator which . . : Remarkable and' admir I
x1rck 30, IN9. AxrbgWn:3Kt mA. . . 4 1. .. � . '.7. .::Nestling . -L.1' . a . ..wG!ven'- A W- a y''. " ' .
- more and�better ducklings than sin old. The trees i recently planted on . Xn-her bosom. . . . . . � :� I Chien 6. Trib.tineon 003stfcp. .rake . . . � : � �
I V- -v- I -_ - . I . . . kt,,g I ' . .. ... I . I I . .
� 10� - - . MAMAZZ duck or a hen. For incubating, purposes Sable Island consisted Of 81,600 An We can hear .. ... . �, .I ts of June ve, 26 tl�vs of July, as . I . .... I . . I. I. . . . . - I .
- � - . . ,.. I . . I
TI - . . the humble hen, - surpaslges,� the duck � � ,., 1�1 follows, for- the' whole United Staie.Q6, `.. I . I . I .
. I * all, and filled cle-likeen.. large easeii... . Irer heart ,throb.', I I t _.1.' ' f ', i6o lj� . '. .. .
. . ,
� I., It is expected that the Yukon tele- . strange as it Qiay seem. But,'whatever Those � ,trees 'were selected by, . ' Dr ... When. it goes fastc%t ..� . . i, k..'' Jdly,'4137 dtownings-;'$21 could 'not .* ' I . . A. tooth bitusli with every"25c. bottle- 0 . ; . ' .:
, . . i
. .. � . . .
I - y - duckling Is much . I . . � .swim. Loss of life b -t-, - 3 illy, $5. -, ... 6 - - . -- ..
�, . the wit It is hatched, the I aund&s .., . - She takes � us -out � , * y fl t ,... .POW , 0 p. -dr to. . tli wash we, s�ll.� . . � ' -,- �
graph line will he in oyeration by . S. . der, t qth soa ' . . ., � '..
whon, in Europe last:yeAr . . . ; - ed by ligbtningi July 115, . as to '21 1 . I I ; . . '. . .. � .. : I
I - , ,
. � and of the present month. . more Interesting and amusing. than a . I .. :: - - - .And -kis'ses me. . -1. . . 4 . � . � .. kill . . . � . . . I � I . I . .4 .
i", . . . % � from a largd'tree nursery. in. �Kp�' . . - . � . I * , I . . . . �. I
chick shortly-tifter hil'toWng. _ - , � .� . . � t ',.,* ' C e$ � -will b* : I ._ ''
,: Alex. Remy, of Parry , I man 0Il,.$ay' . I - . I . , .. ., : in. june. The 'hot weitb6v ,increased ' - I .
1 Sound, u . dy. Before. making -the selection -
.;.� was A ,hick that cutimot' work Itself o t. of � ''' . - *., , . %both'muraers snd suicide,i.inly (25 ' 'Use'. ,0"mb Is Bali i ng - 11 o!Qelie, 4ud you, . a.- , - ..
. ; order Is I not worth bbth- 'Brit-, This 16'gremtl , ". - I.- � - . -.... " - I . .* L.. . ... . . .
. .
.� , .. bit on tbe,bead by a piece of wood the shell in short ' he .'visited. ihe .sea shores of - � I.. . . da.7'i.),: 401 c-Ise";:of st�iade, agAinat 455: : �, ' ` , * il b" , �'ObtaijlAle.'.- , 2.5c per yi(Airid. . I .�. ... .. . . . �
. .1
''I thrown from a saw. and killed. . tany, ,and . darefully studied the , re. I'm' glad I'm. �a stanip- . . � - all Ju to ; and W3 cases .(,f mdrder � . : using, ie. es,t, . I 'L . I I . .
I I ering *lth, While a duck that, is."belped . 4 . . . . .. . : . fo I . . I . . � I .. I . . I . .. I I . . . . .. 11 . '. .. . I .. .,
. . A woman and two m6n -were taken - out of the shell Is just as good as -.one. sult's. of treo p1griting, there, � which . A, two-qenter. : % . I .. in, 25 days,JllIy.,. As against.481 eased in . - . I : .. . I I . . ... . - I., I �. * * , . . . . . :.�'. I - 1. .
, I . . I. :0 - . �.. . . . I . . . �
�, i , froull'all and lynched at Cartoliton, . rp . , - I . , I . . .
I - -without assistancei . vFas, begun.sixty, years ago. . . I . . . ".. � . . . I ,,flust ist - � , �. . I, .p
I .� that scrambles out . . � The Lut�-Archie Broamner., , ,' all Ju.n.e. - , .. . . . . . H - B C 014 ITA 3 E .. VbC -% Druggr . . . . '.
La. The4wete suspected of murder, When the du�kllng -tit ready .to* batch, - drifting sands of. th6 sea coast*. Thc� . . . . - inner will � I . 1 ..$I . GO , A -$ � ' - .. . 'a.... I 9 I I I . 91 . .. � I . . . . . . . �� � . . .
I Promot6ra of the Independent political I'll; taps a' small hole il; thd! shell and then - trees purchased for cxporlm�fital test ' The death of ArchiO' Dre . . . REW IP, , .100. - , . . - ____ - I monmump ..� .
� . I . . .. . . - --.,-- _. .
. . . I . .
party in Manitoba are holding meeti . stops to consider if �111s' worth while to oil. S01 e Island included a. I#rge - - be sincere] , regretted ' 1�he readers of t '' . . .. � ". ... I I ... .... . 11 . I ... - I
ngs to . I � . . I Y . by. every nows- , his paper vHII be pleaded .� I . .. 1. ., .. I
. organize. Messrs R. L. Riebardson.and do any more than that. It. lies'in the . nliml�er of those'which have succeed- 'Paper man - in. C.ana.do. who ,nad the, i Idarn:that there is st least� 6ije dieaded" .. I..... I... . I I I .. . . I . . . . , 1. - , %. 4 . . I I
. . . . .
A. W. Puttee, H. P., are among the leaders - -so well in France, to which *or ' , diseas thaOgcie�ce bao.been' aU to care - , . 7 . '. !
,. , - prlvil� M UW0,411 "Is , , " .. I �..
I i -shell for a daymithout makipi any'fur� . ed I a . ge of.knowing hiiii. Mr,,Ivr(,In- - e . P_ 1�0.:.- M(:TaggArt , ..,.: . I..: ,.,,. � . . � I.,
ther effort to get -out and h re 'k beset added � a: number -of. other "its which',, ner was one of the cleverest writers in All. its'stages -aud'that is Calarrah. Qr''.1 . . . ,: . -AX � 1. � . , .. - .� . ..
I e - . . . . 1. . 1�1 . I . .. .� ., , . . . .
. A lot of Indians from the Walpole I � . I . .
I with its fi .. I . . . . . .
.1 � Isla,nd reserve employed on the sugar rat d9riger-death by drowning. from Canadian experienco * Were: and one 'of the best all-round jour�- 1, .Hall's Catarrh, Curo, is thb only r,ositiVe -'. .-. 'BANtiElt - , . -i - � � . - .11 , 1.
� 15rove use- n' . I . , .. 'Ma tv U an't , . I I
keet-fairms across the river in Mich-.- ' It seems'odd to think that it duck would . thought to b6'lik,ely to alists Canaflu' has ptoduced.: I -lis cute no,A known.to the medical fixternity, - I ' . . � I . .� I . . . . . . . I t. . �
I die In such tin lgnbmirilous way, but Prac- ful ior this purpose. Of the I pecimens . hurnor was, . , of that I I quiet' quality Catarril being.. 'a* constitutional disease I . I 'I . I �. . . . .- .
' . I �
. tical poultrymenkpow that It Is* a diinger I . . . 0 ' , - � I . I . 1. ;. � . . 1. I
. gan were deported bythe alien labor 'Chosen, 68,000 were t.veirgreens, Con-, w4ieh never 'grows stalb; his generaj� :, rppulres a constitutional treatment. Halile" ABERT'' ST., - CLINT N i ,...
. . . I I I . , , I I
1. . . . 10F .
that makes -a Alfference . . - - (0 V
� inspector. I . . . sigtfng . 'of pine Catarrh Cure is taken infernally, :acting . . . I 11. ., 1 4 . wolr' siore .. , -
on, th4F- w�dng' � sj� sprudes and. ,jutim- U)jowledge. was wonderfully wide and . I . . I . . I I I .. . . I . ... �
I . It will be impossible for the Royal viqit. side of -the:'Iedger' if,,It -isn't guarded pets.. and the remaining 13,000 were correct; his* *descriptive work was directly upon. the -blood and- mticobs Bar- 11 Geuer6l. '113alikilipg .13.0 s I n es. S, .� - . I . . . . . � .. .. . 1 . . . .
. .
-vra to comply with a tithe of the requests 21 against, whIch is an easy matter. . inade uo of different hardy deciduous nicy: arid entertaining, and tit faces of the -system, thereby destro) ing the - . ., ' J , If -you wentupifg-,d, . I I . I
the . ., �. transacted. _ . , �.. , ikt
. 1. ' . 11 . _ q_LevKp1ry'_y9.q.0P...__-___-__
I . . . . . I . -1 I - iha`g�lvin the . . � I .� I. I . .1
. I for their appearanne at public functions When the'duck ha's tapped a. hole In the ... . . I , "lounqKiiarl'of-the' diseases, an always bwoure of getting thevery and. most
I sorts. , . -same time correct; -and. -his -heavier. I..- - - I . . 9. .. I .1 i � 1. s . . _ - . .
I from all parts of the country during their shell, it It a on Its back If it is a well be- . A 0 Q - re articles.were of. the. firs patient strength by bn1lding up the con- . 1. .1. . . ___ � (�o.r.i.e�o,t;t,bi4u,,berv,..-.%Vhatev�er yott.buy you., - - , .
- I - .
visit to Canada. . h- I . .e - . ' s so o'.as th',forcit trees %te . t.,prrlcr_. Ile , I -ch.-A Utiat f6g-ii aiturs.16 a * ' i ' ' ' N0T1,',S Di§QO . UNT.E 16, - ca' . I f , , ,
U � - " _ ' i "' h"N ' "' ' , _ . . I . I
haved youngster. ,Some of them am un- ` - lyti tition't in- oing -its n Mel sure that its all right. Or I youl
. rip�Lcicecl 'ind healed in',- sites' i%',cre was a w o c�souled, genial, com-- . . . .. . . '. . " . .
C of 4
t -
_ AyZvet4rLs
_', ,
� I - 0�d
�- i I 15
. .1
I .
I 'I
I I ' ' wOrk. The prootietors have r1:6`__MU-0Ii- - ' 1. ...- . . . I havo anything that needs to baiLltered," ' : .
It is quite possible tbat,in view. of.the large rully, and they turn the egg. over until tile . - -who mado I I . � ". , .. ,
- Ike , . � _-_-_1-:.-___:, M.".., :
, .
faith inits ourative. powers, that they offe,r.- Dr 9 issued.. Iii 4 irl;��V 1d1116*ed"cn,%-.- ,palr�,oii-avresetj-brmg Itrta. 'Ile, , . I .. ,
,.selected for.. the - planting, '.�nd � t) ' ' pailiomible man,.. , friends . 0:ii I " I .
� expense which, will be entailed by the mil 1 hole in the shell Is benea4h them..,,This I work, wa's b9guh. One of Lhe sites. 'whorever'he went; .he was always the . I . 'deposits . . . � : . .. I � I . I . . 1. .. . 1_. �
�; ; OneHondred Dollars for an� ease -'that �it - - I .. � I I . . . ... � 1- . .
not d life and ' : sotll'..'of any. comPany he , � I . .. I .
d itary reviews planned in &be Royal honor, I wouldn't matter ,were It. n6t for'the f. ch6seii,was.upparcutly,a pure san � failstocure. Send for list.of.testimonials. _. � . . . I - . .. � , 3�yea examined tree. . I .
. the G6vernment may re'duoe the number I that tbe' duckling ,has its bill pressed -I . � . �. � : . I I . . . .. . - , - , , -
. �
. I partly covered with * sand -binding' foiind himself in,. mid he', was .one. of . � . Address, �F.41. Uumlti & Co.,, To'!edo, . I ' . . . . . , . .. I - ! , , , * .
,, . . of men participating. In Toronto the against the operfing in, or -der to get -air. , .grass. This was the.top.of a promin" "those raxe conyer.Sfttl6ilists 'wpo Inev- 'O Sold by druggists . 75c. � '. I . . : I . I I . 1. . . ... . 1. . . .1 I � , . . * . . '.
. number may be cut down from 7,000 to I NYben the -egg is turned over, the fluld,re- 1 ent Cliff, where the trees . - Wo,uld * be � or tired those,who he . tened t.Q., h6n. I Hall's"Foraily Pill(i I 9, � re.the' . I . . . , . . . . . , . � ,
� � . ' , � . . I -
. �
5,000. malnin$ In thd shell flows he opening, . . beast .
" . to ' partly protected from tile ivinds, and He was. gene�ous .and his friendship ' . , . . ... I . . _0 . � I I ...
1. . � . �. I .M. N, Walker. *,�
il. Patriot Boyle. a vweran journalist, and fills the tiny blil drid the open g at the dif . Terent, was warhi - I and loyal, H . 1 .1 . . . I I !.. . . 0 �Tv . I .. I I , .,._� I .1. . I
-.1 1. - - - -d tbe #-11 - ducklin chokes i :readily seen from many 0 Was, the ' I . . 1. � I anos � .* .X, . I , . . I I:.
� ,
a leader in Irian Nationalist movements,
was found dead in bed Tharsday morning
. � -1 a .
to death, unless some one happens. along ! Points., At this. olace, several thous-
I and trees were PJafited. Tfiree other
e.neiyiy of conventionality, - pretence, I
hypocrisy and framif; , arid * never failed
at his residence, Toronto. Death had re.
and turns.the right side of the egg up , I .. . 4 ,
I.. . . . . wit. Co. for tree. lil-anting were selected
to ,give these ' a solid rap when o . ,
, ,
stilted from heart failure, MrBoyle founded
.. . . I
ward, - . . I
If the duck doesn't. come out of the egg near. the house.of the superinterident
. I
oortunit.� e - : , As a tiewspaper
''.. oftr d t
�,, ,
i ,
the Irish Canadian in 1862. Shortly after
coming to Canada from Ireland, the pi
. I
In proper time, 'the. poultrymau takes. it . the plunting. of - all,of which -ma;
. .
the incubator It. He:! .completed. . before Dr, Saunders' party
* '
man he'stood in the 'front rank,t aiid .
.,his influence upon' the of C�an- i
was amalgamated with the Catholic
ister a few years ago, but revived last year
out of and examines
I tll'�
. breaks away part of the shell, being. 6ake. left..A' ' large garden -belonging to, .
. .
.press I
ad' 1�
a will be felt fbr inivily %eArs to
. �
by Wr Boyle.
. artly filled .with
fill to. rupture no blood vessels in tho . central station wag p
2,000 specimens, among. which
, come. � .6d rest thee, Ar�hi`c;
�d 'thy
friends will thee, §adIy,__jjjLmij�_
. 715c pieces for l0c-�-wbolesalo. .
duckfing, inserts a finger Into the shell �' over -,
I . :.
. . . DIED.r
and yanks the duckli6g's head out.- aie includ4d & number of trarietics,
ton Spectator. ,. - � -. ... I 1
. Professor Wesley E. James, B. A
ducklings can express their feelings, they ' :of small fruits, sen� from 'the Ctmtral
I . �
. �. . � I . 1. .� .. L �
.. ..
of Manitoba College, Winnipeg, dieg i
are.certainly pleased when. this operation Experiment4l Farnl a,t Ottawa. . I
. ,
I AvellipcIti..'s Cook.— .
. I
. ,
ab Bowmanville.
Is erformed. . . . . . I
, :
Wellington's personal taste and
, '. .
GOLOSKY. -At Dasbwood,on July 22ndo
� : .11. ,
The ducklinga, which look like so many ArojormGenerxl Dartnell, k.0
habits like'those of most grdat men,
-1 �
Caroline Coloakv, aged 54 years, 4 months
: fluffy golden balls, are left.' 11LL the lncu� Major-General. . Dartnell, who -has.
were very Simple, L H6 eared.not4or
. ,
and 10 days. I
bitter to dry, off*, during which time they , received a X. 0, B. 'for his services
. are as lively an -c I rickets. They run and in South Africa., Was born in
show or pomp of any kind., ..Instead
of building -a counterpart to blcn�
, ,.,
CREBUH--In Eieter,on July I%b,(Js-9
de Wells wife of -Fee n....h A Q17 -
I ,Lon-
hop about, bump Into each other and are - of
. . don, - Ont. 1838. -Its is the bon
heim, I '
or which money had'been vot-
, I K 11
.. I I . I ; ''.
. . .& , *
I . . . , '. ,
. . ... -rer,.�, . - , .
pholste , ,
. �. . . . . . .11 . ..
I . I . .. . I �
. . , . P. -4 . I
In -all kinds of Pa,rIor Furniture and Han' ' -
,..�. I Wholesale and. retail 'piano .*
. .. � *1 Ufacturer of - . � .. ,: s �
. . and organ distributing centrL-. . ' .
�o4 ,..High gr�ide new* pianos. ]Five. � '
� . � I . .� I . I
I ' . I � I . . I . I
I . I .
I .
lffattress6s Loungest. - - - , . . I
used pianos at decided.. ban: . '.
. I Vouches - C * osy Corners I .
. . .. . .
. gains. , . .
.. . . . .
. I ... Etc. . ; . .
. � . . . . . . q 11.11. . .
. . � I . .
Buy the Wonderful, .. 'I
I I . .
- I
Carpets taken up, cleaned and relaid and � �
. . . � .
., , . �
. boakeeleaning attended to. Mattrealles, I. . I I
. I . , .
.GrAmapliolke . . . . �
oier. , -Prices reasonable. . . . ,
. .
. Ior a pleasing entertainer. We
. 4
CAll and see samplto .of work and oilier. -
� .are headquarters for It.%. I �
inge,'orl,for paitioularo, , ' � - - . .
I . Bar ains to teaebars and stu- ..
� derittain Sheet Miisic,25e
. .
. . For Salb- 75 yards "of . fine Bruseds ' - . . ,
. 715c pieces for l0c-�-wbolesalo. .
Carpet, almost a.a.gpod as new.% I
I - . . .
. I -
Instruments of all.-kindg sold. ,
. Stand-�.Shepbtirtl Block, Outarte, - ,.
� I .
,. I I 1. Music Emporium J �.
I . : Street, Clinton. . I . 1. .
�� . . , .e. eontinually seat,ching for something to 1. the latd"Dr. Gen. Russell -1)artftell, od, he bought and improved Strath- . . . . I I . ,. .1 I . I . . . 11 � I . . I . � .
., years and 6 months. . . - I .
� . . . .
.e., I enti 114 forn the -first they are fed a com- Deputy lispector-Goneral . of Army Oeldsiiye, 9. . common country gentlo- . . "I I I - - AR F. GLINTO I I . . '. . .
. � I __ - .bination of grithis, with a large .proper* 0 �,"() It N
� ", T) Itospitals and formerly surgeon of man's house. In his diet he. -was ,/cry . fg. .1 - * . . I . . . '
, 1111111ona of Lobstrrs. Wit of meat, The more meat.they get, abst . . THE""OL �ON � R .
I 8 the Ist Royals. 0eneral Dartnell .enm einious, even to the Injuryo it At 8 EPLADDER , 11 S 8 , AME
.. I
, The Government lobster hatchery within reason ble, bonridil, the better,they i n a pear . of I his. . . . . � . le , 1. ; .
. . I I will tIjlr1*b-.- M W -Rh' a proper degree of, tered tli6 arloy as cusign I � th� 86th P s, - health. lie, of . . . . . . 1. . . . .. I ; . . I I 1. 'Incorporated I5,y'Aet of Varliament!1855 , i ' ' �
I r , at Cariboo, Nova Scot in, has this .Regiment - In .185.5 and was sub-, course, kept ai� :first-rate Vrqnch cook . � . '04 I . . I I I . � . . . .. . I .
se son put out onT, limidred million . heat and suitable food not more than 2 sequently Adjutant of the force, -serV- for his , guests. The cook'At, Was - I . . I . 00M . ..
i lobsters along Ili, coast (if Nova per cent ought to..be lost. ing With It in the Central Indio, force said, . one: day suddenly resigned, The GIVEN AWAY. � . . . t, . CAPITAL - - $2;5 0 .
- . . . . . ____ . I
Sicotia, Now Brunswick, and Prince to I. � ... - I . . . . - �1 _8T,J?V9jD-- $2;020.000 - 11 .
I Bit above all things, they tnust be ' . I . 11,11
. ' -e e, in astonishment, a*ed the rta� .� . I .. � _________:�
Em,&D.ovirum, MONTREAL, :
- . I I '
- they will 61ortainly die or be so badly . I (in, ,, I . w1r, mohsox MACPHERSON, Presift* -� . I
I .
1� - crippled that they Will. not be AV411able tack on the fortress of Jhansl; was r , . . . .
� E)dward Islund. kept away from water, Willey 4re al-. chiring the mutiny. 11 was pregent Duk . . .. . ' --- ' � ------- �
�, . lowed to paddI6 In or -run through Water, at the'storm and capture of Chun- soli. `Waa� his salary insudllciont?'� . I . 0116,0au
r -daree d led �tha only successful. at. "No, my.galary. is very hands6me : To every purchaser of .
, But I am not appreciated. I coo� .0and off
SO-CALLED - . . 6i out ,pure Cream' Baking , .
�.// for market�, severely v�ourtded and mentligned in, your., dinner., myself, a dinner . fit for . . . . I I . � . . . JAAIES ELLIOTT, Gen, Manag , . ' . , ��
I . I * .
8TRAWBERRY COMPOUNDS They. are allowed to drink only -when despatches, and'. , received a, brevet a X ' Ing. You say nothing... I go out . . Rowd.er we will give, without Notes discounted, collection ' milas. -'r-witfia , .
k _� eating, and then the 'water Is absolutely majority. , Subseqtiently he served in and leiWiD - the under cook. -to cook � . I . . I. . issned, sterling and American exchanip
necelisaryk Without It the ducks cannot the Bho6tah expedition as A.' D. 0. your dinner. He gifes you a Ainner , . any extra charge, a strong . . bought wad sold. Interests Allowed '&k
. . . �
11 , . , ARE NOTHINO � � C. DO
I . .
1, , MORE OR LESS THAN get the food down their throats. They to Major-Goneral Tombs. General fit fox, a Pig.. You fty nothing. I . durable flyeatoot.Stepladder. � . . 'I deposits.. SavrNa BAxic-Inteiegisalloweat
I fill their bills -With foodo Into which suffi- bartnell retired from .the army in ara not approciatoid. , I must go.11.;- . . . . � . . on sums of $1 and up, Money advanced jo
I . I I
I . � .
I . " ciOnt gri . t has been placed to fit out their 1864, and in 1874 became Major I GoldW!n Smith,, - . 'Thred 1U bar& of Soap fill . r 2 Soo � . . . ( . farmers on their own note, with one or .
I to gill I . - . . . Is the result.of careful . more endorsers, No inortgage requiroa.
1.1�. . RANK IMITATIONS. digestive aPD1106ttiff, and then try p co,mmanding the Natal Volunteers - . . . . 25C. Broolds go At 204, . . . . * . . I .,
� I I Yes, It, Did, . . . study and ex eritnent. . Fr,.C. BREWER, Mtiiager, Clint*12. I
� . I I It down� The food Is ilways'nioisto but and Mounted Police forces, it posi'- I I . � . . . I I I P W. . . I _
al, I
they gatirlot.force It. down until they have oil he has held ever since. in 18,79 A party W youths at an English . - 0. OILS01% , It is a clear liquid., ith I .. . . . .
1. 'i I run over -to a fountain and washed It he led the. left, flanking force of. -Lord seoide.town had tried all the penny-, Next door to Dr. Guriala private hospital , - no sediment or inuddy , . - - Js � P, TISDUL - .
� 1. :. . down with a swallow :of water. They 6heltaford's ,column from Isan-. in-the-tilot machines on the pier, until I .. � . . . . . .. . I .
, I
�:, t THE GENUINE IS 0 the water all around their quarters, ra' a- at Good Butter and Ei!go wanted., colored deposit to be , * , -% . * I
� . �. I si hlwna, in the Zulu war,. and is me last illoy came Ld one that didn't .. -1 I.".. I 1. . . a 14, .. BANKER, .
.. ; . I 11112 which dry earth must be placed tre- tioned by name in Mr,. Rider Hag--' respond to. the pmny placed in the - I shaken up befote Using, . ..
� I . y � quently In order to keep doWnAhe damp- a,rd's novel, "The Witch's Itead Op sot.' - . - . . .. . . I .. I . * .. �. . . � . . . .
� . . . I . . - UlR%%.----- In 1881 he received the dec I . � 111yo-olch Re, W_'Wia`n�,saj �to __ _ 11 , - - ,- �_ - Tt contabig t10,_qulP11=,__ I n_X-X.______
. I .
. .. 41 While the rearing of duoks to ellmple� _ Of a 0. M. G, General Dartnell has eldest of the party to the pier tij�, I . B I 11SH . and is guaranteed abso. � Pri4ste fun - I I
� . I I . do to loan on raortgagoo at; .
� S enough-, an has teen said. It Is another most recently been in command of tendant, "that machine is to try . lutely free.fiom ase west i:urrent rates.
ii � I . I a 6 matter to make a god profit out of them. a column operating in the Eastern Your weight; the next your height; I . ., . . I I xr� . �
., . I They Oat voraclobely arid must be killed TransvoLal under General Preach, his thd ne5et your strength; ,then, your I t, � � I . or any othe:e injurious I " - . ... .
. -- I % � substances. -It .i�q a A General. Banking Business tranwaW I
S , at a certain time to pick property, novices - having both 'Iloaned"* to sight; and how I've put a penny In � . Jnterest allowed on depooli4.
, . I I I .
� I
.1� go Fror the first few weekif of,early liPring the Imperial authorities by the Nn, this thing, but I Mn't moo what it's .. I . GuAizANT)mD cure for Sale notes bought . 1.
g gubd prices. aftc .. , : .
. i f * they brin Ir whiell, the tal Goverlim.64t. . I . .4 tu . . .
. . for." . �
. price depends on *the wupply,and demand. . I'll . .. I...", � "That, ,air," r,lepllod the I . I all. forms of dat1drnff 4- , , . 1. 1.
I One season. foIr Instance, the first con- . The rroir Vialtatibu. plermart, I . If you Want to kno� ': - *.:$tlobese* - 1 64 ":0
signrxients, of brolldro brought In New . "Oh, that one is to try your tem. . . I , I I . .i .. �
�, garly In the. thirties there came pet 8 r what . ;.
. (rid up in vemis W"41W.) York city 60 cents a pound tit wbolositle� I elso a visiteetion of frogs In Canada. And It. did, , * . . % t : . ,- '' - -
. ) In a short time the price; tumbled, until It I The frogs came down with showers, , . � , " I'll , .. 11.�. . . . I . . I CO'nlral . .
, .� , CUREIS got down to 11 cent# A pound, A'ad there falling from a clear sky, They d Itsitroad totboie Troubles 6f $810 . �11 11 I � i I I .
, ,
), " I , , I I was no monev Ili It at tht; latter figure. . 0. I I # . � .1 I 11
I 11 KE � - ,
. . I t, Dimlima, Dysentery, 06114, . . . scionded In thousands. But this wato I The RAilroad-The laborers hil;va '. . I .� a . CO
I . , . . 1. . I . not &11. The doritinuml raining, With I returned to. t,heIr work, having � . . . . . ... .. . .1 I .
, I , . 1� -1
1. . 1_� � . 411, CrAmps, Pdffig WOW Wilk"ho . TooA1r-)vw a Itet'it". .1, the blazing sun and decaying frogs ! agreed to the contractors' regula- I I P *14 , I Dandruff Cure I Meat � Market
�. � Cho ' ,,trtos g&,Vb Ulloa W6st India cllrnat4i In thlil I tionbo-12 hourw and six, slijIlIngil ,� �41, I -
,� . . , �ok�d� pretty hard to select a wife 'll . Havingpurol-atioa the b
1, n wa. ; I ut0hering �
. 1 Ch6lora, Choitelia , lem I I York pet, day, gaYs The Toronto business. of r V, H. PdWoll I
11, . I . I � , , " , . dilyii." remarkod Mr� Mn SeeL ,#The Prov neo. The air was poisoned I Globe of May. 17, 1851. At pr6serit - - I am pro..,
,, . , h&"t= itlad all Summer Coin- average gIrI of today doesn't know With deftying matter, and their pes- r paredtofurnlah thepoople-of C11in. .. -
I I 11 _ _
I I tileuce stalkod through tho land. ! 0,11 Is &PPArehtIY A&tiAfA0totyb Th6 TROOP OIL I I
. " �_I( enough." I � will do� buy a bottle ton with tit kinds of Fresh slid
"I i i Paints. Safe, Reliable, XaM- -i've foua&ll replied mr. Mittens, , Almost every home Was visited by I troopi§ have not been sent from Lon. 1,1NIMf
..?4T r . follow directions wid Oared Meats. Sausage, bologna
I , � so_ the cholera� and the victitrio waill done and under present circum. . I lard, butter atka eggs always kojps on
� � � b"t EffeatuaL� - "that the,o '146? entirely too taldcb. . giumbilred by hundred#,. . . I AtaACes tho,v are not required, ,� , . . . if it falls we will re. .. hand, . I �
. I Plillodelp�1a ltoc6rd, . . r .. .
I I , . � r � I I . r lrolt. . fund your money. I . . .
. . . � I . I . Wplipeople do nq *otry, -Take Mil .'_g ., . . I ,
. . lotiipound It on Pills soa. be *611. 90 I Pricel, $1.00 per bot- R. 'FlUsliftons & Son. -
� r � . .r . ler's Q M04 . �
�i I .. . 11 . WkIAT D098 IW M9AX � 'I'lle war in South Africa 008egil,25% dosesforsquairter, goldby)[1,33.0emb6 8*16* SkA* C914 IWOU1114 * ' 11111111
, ! r .� 0 1 Ir Wbatill ,riob blaoCj, Strong nat'rod I tle at all dtUggi$t$, Or Tlapholle 76. 1
� HAS AS, ould 000 weekly during, July,, shil & P, R-Itte Clinton. OPOA S0014 11IM1W, Stfff JOIntilf BIWA" .
, I sonfid dig6stion. Is inoona prosperity and Who Drink hablibured at'horno by U11. IL he autantobile service of the Toro I ft. ftor 6f %J&* Cdagfii�, C6144 ConWAW by mail. .. .
� . 0, gwo. I 1i ,,,,,,, good Color Onto, 'gold by 11, 9. Conallo NeurAW413WACM4 I Acce Itute.
I N "iti too ,hd Youth. let's Prink to natoffIce has been extended to the C;et4 9joulittl0sita# ptn.0 SiAbsti Order# d6lk6rad pr6kopily f4 #Al
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