HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-07-19, Page 7PTIO DO not think• for a single tnomeat that conaumption will =strike you a Sudden blow. It does not come that way. It creeps its way along. First you think it is a ' little cold, , nothing but a ' little hacking cough; then a Hole loss in weight; then a harder cough; then the fever and the night sweats. • Better stsp the disease : while it is yet creeping. Better cure your cough - today. " You can do it With 1 The pressure on the • cheqt is lifted, that feel- ing of suffocation is re- moved, and you are cur. ed. You can stop that little cold with a 25 cent bottle; harder coughs will need a 50 cent size; if it's on the lungs the one dollar size will be most economical. " 1 confidently recommend Ayer's Cherryrectoral to all my patrons. I am using it now in my own faintly. Forty a5::: I fer sure %wed Tan. 4;1898. ief33it Madiaou, koWit: Write the Doctor at any time.• Ad- dress, Da. J. 0. AYER, Mau - AN ARISTOCRATIC PRISON. Institution In France For the Care of Tonna Rich Offenders. Under the innocent looking title "La Mason Paternelle" there exist in France what might be briefly designated as an authorized aristocratic prison for juvenile offenders. It was founded py a legal luminary, M. De Metz, a man deep- ly interested In the training and welfare TliE CLINTON NEW BEA July 19611001 Wm.!, ,woborproo(01 C N actor MAGIC CITY OF INDIA ALF A E TURY 0 a PLANNING A SURPRISS. THE PEOPLE AND THE PALACES OF JAIPUR THE WONDERFUL, A Standard Remedy Tonglete In Smirch or Novelty Will Used in Thousands 01 -Humus Plait It In This CUT Where I eistialloe and Iteanty et' The 19 .Canu.da, Faletee and City of Amber, es, Is a mere infant, having been in exist- ence scarcely 200 years, The absolute uniformity of its buildings, both in de- sign and material, a lovely rose colored sandstone having been used, makes one feel as if they must have been construct- ed by the "genii ot tbe lamp" in response to the hasty summons of an imperious Master, And this impression of hurried Magic is only increased when one finds that the upper stories are more often than not merely a decorative Omit with- in which is space and nothing more. Vet jaipur is a town et considerable modern importance, and its wide streets are daily silted with a motley throng of native buyers and sellers, with a spritet kling a curiosity stricken tourists. Here. pacing softly on his padded feet, may be seen a hooded cheetah, submissive in hie blindness to his leaders. But let the hood slip, and "'Ware the tiger!" Here a naked, ash covered fakir strides proudly through the crowds, his long, matted hair - hanging 'down his back, his red lidded ekes taking apparent cognizance of ao one, at his heels one or two disciples of either sex. And here, serenely conscious of his importance as he, swings majes- tically from side to side in the wide path which every one hastens to clear for him, comes one of the maharajah's elephants, bearing on his broad forehead the paint- ed hisIgnia of his royal master. • It lain Sr'eur.that the traveler is first subject(' : • he powering teinptation of Indiau bras:mak-1 use the adjective "overpowering" _advisedly. Here, too, the artful "hawker man". danglee before the helpless femininity native neeklacei of amethyst, garnet, turquoise and amber and if one escapes from this ordeal with Cionspared with Ajmer°, and indeed with letter of the cities of India, Jaipur from five to nine yards long and are dyed in the softest and most beautiful colors about the roem ginetly. that'eastern taste eau suggest, and so Carty a cheerful face. Speak cheerful, long as two threads hang together those , pleasant words. . • colors seem to endure, In order -to cheer you need tell no lies. The process of laundering these saris is, If your friend is very ill, do not fall like most processes in this land where into gay or careless talk in the attempt taking things easy has been reduced to a to be cheerful. fine art, a very sitnple one. The precepts, Don't ask questions, thus _obliging your of their native religions, however they. . k , - .COMIES Dittrrhcea, Dysentery, .Cholera, ChoIein Morbus; Cholera Infan- tuM, CraMps, Colic, Sea Sickness and all Summar Complaints. Its prompt Use will prevent a great deal of unnecessary suffer - Ing and Often save life. PIRIOE, 3.60, The T. Milburn CO., Limited, TOrente, Ont. 1 • may differ in other respects) are alike in compelling Many ablutions. So Ilindoo, Talk about something outside and not Mohammedan, Sikh and Buddhist, when about the disease end the eircuMstanees about to take a bath, will strip down to 01 the patient' the loin cloth and give their other gar- If possible, take something with you to ment the same treatment given to their Please the eye and relieve the monotony bodies. after which they drape it around ' of the siekrogni-a flower or even a PC their legs And shoulders,' wet or dry, as it ture which yeti can loan for a few days. • may be, assured that the kindly sun of ' If desirable, • some little delicacy to India will do the rest. . tempt the appetite will be well bestoWed. The ancient city of Amber and jalpur's Stay only a eminent of a few minutes former capital lies about five miles to the at the longest, unless you can be of some east 'of the present royal residence: It is • helF• • • reached by a long avenue lined by. a tall • growing spirit of insubordination to au- WouldaPt He Hoodooed. of the young, with a view to checking the hedge of cacti, behind which are scat- thority, both- at home and at school. which had become specially marked. in the highest ranks of society in France. tered venerable tombs, gui'ned temples Rear 14drairal Robley "D. Evans. Was 44 ' and deserted villas. ' The famous palace Once in the lighthouse sesvice. 10 P of Amberottecond in renown to only one Sailor's Log," published 'by the Apple other in all this great land of palaces, lies tont he'tells of one a his experiences as 4 One of the most salutary elements In en the may side of a range of hills, up follows. oun mos o g the scheme of this Institution is the eb- whose rugged slopes climbs the , but- keepers in Virginia 'waters were; Colored so u e secrecy w • tresse wa o eo c ty, 1 t hich Is maintained in d f th ld • 1 and hi h men. Many of them had to be removed, France both as to the exact locality of above all Stands the guardian fort, .lts generally because they Weald go, to sleep this house of correction and the names ramparts 'unmanned, its ' welch towers and neglect their lights. One of them 1 of these who are sent there. On an ele- forsaken, its veil,' existence an anomaly, bad to reinove for a very curious offense, 'Med, somewhat bare tract or country where there Is nothing left to guard but or rather he removed himself when he within a few miles of Tours stands' a eztipti walla. le a hello* beleves the •found I was going to de it. ge quadrangular building known as - lar palace a tiny. lake ruffles it bravely. in "I visited the station where he was on 'La Coionie Agrieolewhieh is a eovernthe passing bteeze; On Its bosom the watch and was inspecting wheo I no - Mont 'establishment, and behind the chap- creamy lords blooms and In its depths tieed that he followed me about, Spitting Cif?, WMP PAO") 08 4111111 Pleasure In the Virarn'i chases et an Ateetl Couple, "Let inc tell you a story of huinan In- terest," said a real estate man to a ree porter. "A feW Mouths ago g lean and •his wife, people to whom nothing luni COMO Witheitt inuell labor, came to my office and Made the first payment On the . house Which they had long been occupy. Ing as tenants. They were very happy to be able to nes' their home, and the, way theY laughed about it siel talked of the sacrifices they had made to accompiish it etsPiled the work of eVery clerk in the offtee lied somehow matte us feel as though the sun were shining through the windows, although the day was dark out-, side. a few days, when we had about tor - gotten the transaction, we \eiere surpris- ed with a visit from the old wife, 'Do :ou know,' she said to me after glanolug about.to see that we were aloue--`do you know, I've been thinking that I can save enoukh money from my allowance to buy that 50 foot lot adjoining ours on the south. It will make such a splendid play- ground for the children, and eau have it about paid for when our house is deeded to us clear, It will be so good for the chile dren,' she continued quietly and then, aft- er a pause, 'and it will surprise Henry too,' Well, we closed the deall for the lot on the south, and she went away happy. It was a beautiful scheme, we thought, and one in which, from business motives, We took much interest. "But that isn't all. A few days ago the old man eame in, his face wreathed with 'smiles. 'I've been figuring it all out,' he began confidentially, Tve "held out" so much in the past that I'm going to keep it up. I want to buy the 80 feet on the north side of our holm. I can have It paid for by the •time my wife and have a deed to the house. I want to get play room for She children. God bless them! They've been a lot of troubles but, they're worth it, and it will be such a sur- prise to Martha.' '"While he had been talking I didn't know whether to laugh or to wipe. my eyes. The girl clerks, tao, who knew the a single "pie" there is always another to SICK CALLS. , undergo when the lovely saris --long cot- ton cloths worn by both men and woinen - Only call at: the door ueless you- are -are brought mit to dazzle the eye and sure your Wend ifi able to see you with - open the pocketbook. These cloths are . • out harm. Enter and leasre the house and move' story well by this time and had been lis- tening intently,' now found that some- thing on the street demanded their atten- tion, and One was trying to rub some dust from her eyes. 'All right,' I said, 'you can have it.' Now, you may not believe it," the rear estate man concluded sol- emnly, "but les. a Meta knocked off my ecimmissiori oa One sale. •Such occur- rences are so rare. in real life that they . should be encouraged. should like to be present when them two -spring their sur- prises." ARTISTS' (JEER 'BLUNDERS. • Poutisin • has picture of St Jerotne seated hi front of a clock. • . . Tintoretto represents the Israelites gathering manna armed with gene Paul Veronese places .several Beeedic. tine monies among the priests at the Mar- riage in C . Ucello, •wishing to represent a chame- leon; makes it marv.elolis beast, half camel, half lion, . . RaPtitel represeots Apollo playing the yiolin and -has -a- a• red lobster in his "Ili- reelflope Draft ;�f Fighes." Dem painted 'Adatii and .Eve expelled from the garden of Eden by an angel in a dreas trimnied with liounees, well knoWn Dutch painter 'shows ue A.brahani preparing to sacrifice his son - by biowing' out his brains with a pistol. In a ruinous pietare of Adam and Eve In the garden of Eden we see in the back- ground a hunter costinne shooting ducks. In a neted Dutch pletire one of the .wise men is ,represented offering to the •_divine.teltint medel of a Dutch man of Var. A pieture' of Sir Cloudeeley Shovel hanging in a Liindon house shows the fa- mous admiral' with a Raman cuirass- and ,pandals and an eighteentli centery el. which is situated in the center of dm west front, La Matson Patvernelle is cue Dingly concealed. It is a rectangular. two storied Mehl - lug eiejoining the east end of the chapel. turd the first thing tbat meets the eye upon entering is a tinge canard ben ring _I he eiminous word "Silva:cc." The ground illoor is occupied by ynisonlike cells and elifiees: the upper owe eon t a i ns rit ther 5111a1IPT cells andis surrounded by a gal - fiery which shuts off All communication with the ground down When a boy or voeung toan under age -'becomes inveterawly idle. refiuetory •ar dissipated. his paeonts or guardians clan obtain the consent en a magistrate. wleiello is sometimes secs:stied by that of a men - teal man, and after certain papers have been signed a fist of quest ions relating Ito the boy's educstdem and present or tont,t peculiarities is &led up by the ginveists, an:1 the culprit. 'who in this mummy would be licked Into shape in a lowldity, outdoor fashion, is solemnly handed tsrer to the paternal came of monsieur le :4tiree- teur. The main feetnre 11 the treatment/ is solitary confineweent (hiring 'nee:T*1-811nm be it long or short Three months 4s the usual time, brit .coses hare been known In which it has !been extended to toe or even two years. GOOD TIMES COMING. . Under the nee of IDr. Boott's E multiSon all the organo and dame take on now life.' The roipd sets with more ior, the 'heart beats stronger and the blood is greatly en- riched. ABSOLUTE SWIM Carter Little.Liver Must liar Signatiiiii;of s stkiffsbra, vcre' Vest melt �ltt � aaeff R4.•lI4 FON NUOACN '4 flW1VC$t ontoititt FOR TONMO tom OR CONSTIPATION. • FSI SNAPS SKIN. FOR VHLIOMP1UIOI MvsTMvIj dung SIGIC HEADACHE: A s, J. the palace,mes the constant reflection. of frequently when.oug her forsakren charms. 'Tis a Very Vashti Observing him. I learned front the prin. among rpalaces, and the preferred Esther i cipal keeper, colored Blethodist minis 8t &limit is not to be compared to her ter, that the felloW was ehevting herbs Without were jutting balconies, with mid spitting around me as a hoodoo te *omens of cunningly carved alabaster, prevent me from iitporting the various latticed windows behind which dark eyes irregularities I discovered. When be hail 'flashedand soft Voices milimured, found that I had reported Omni all and und broad marble steps that had echoed asked for his renioval asomit, be jumped to the tread of many a princely warrioroverboard and was not sees again." Within were rows awn. rows of fluted . :columns, miles of marble halls, statelyA Candid. liorge Ad. vat:Mont where the 'lord of lords" haa A gentienian who has .a (Christian spirit 'dispensed justice and injustice to his and a horse for sale ta!ratettises as follows waiting vassals and *vaulted rooms whose la a Minnesota Val)elr: ceilings and WAIN were curiously Wild We have a good ttresily driving horse with the mirrored arid spangled work ffor for sale, prosiliug 70C carry insurance. whichJaipur has 'long been famous. 'The He is not overpaiticular as to feed. mirrors used insrthe decorations are mot In fact, he preters tour neighbors' hay - more than an bleb squareand the ,el- stacks an& ennimilbs to our own. fect of the innumerable reflectionti as one We feed him 'Whenever we can eAtth stands In an *cove and moves the bands eon, which is seldom. and head is hot% bewildering and beau- Be nid.artly -gentle. The other parts ti are not, and yentutust govern yourself at - Simple prose Nails to give any adequate cor 1. We wel throw in the derrick and tele- graph role mordelnation which we Use Ito hitch hem :op ' • If ,yeu are loud of driving, we wand advise you totengage a cowboy that ewes a felt horse tto do your driving, and be sure aind tgettee top of the barn betere ihe hegira to 'drive the horse. ' For price :and coroner's address saffiPlY teethe 401vner. Idea of the beauty and wealth wilileh the oriental potentates Javisbed and !lavish , noon the magnificent rwhich the: erect today, occupy tomorrow and' desert in a twelvemonth. They Are scat- tered" from Ane• end of India, to the•other, abandoned terthe .birds, the bate and the tourist_ Anther.. however, besot tenthrely given over 'to these three. Al 'the head ef sue flied .of stops stands -a grimy; Off1l:3 temple 'to Kali the Terrible, and daily a kid begaeriticed here to etirepitiate or -appease Ws dreadful godilems The slinrillisS We were these :a little bleating creature was tugging at ate rope as if aware ofithe !repel:Wing fate,land al- tar, floor andeteps were stained 'with the blood of mateY a previous sacrifice. The attendant priests showed us the theavy: sacrificial knives and offered for A .anittil, Monetary consideration to let 00 tee*:the Ceremony. •Looking backward. 11sithnost • wish I had seen' It, but at the moment, end fate to taco with the trembling .whie.htried to climb Into my .przens, nothing eetild have Induced me to olive it the indIffetent 'Sanction of my presence. It Was midnight -when•-werreeeitetlfiair pur, and the' whole countryside iley lent andohadowless under ithe white 'light Or the full 'woe. As We passed' feona tiaatatlop to tte neighboring bptel.site stopped short in the toad beside some shrended figures prone by :the MaisanoGentlomsu 14ettreSSItIg. .a poet/ little .and 'froth which tan% I dontinneetc kW gfro_youlitsloibeitntyl you sea sm. My iinelining. 4 "1"1111 le title?" We" •44.6' , wife when ,farli are grown uo. Will 44Aftiqbese , titer& dil?" • e"Oh, ne,"..SIte sous plied bar guidaladifferently. "'VI. 'No 1 don't 'want to get married, but itaMite 0110 ,•And, after thltne Met Owen sadly often theme Sontrneyinke, With 4111433! the" w61'1141ike to etnAcieted Iltalmseettieen etoninclie, ehrhe de(' ekitt "and' kladay -40e. Stripped tel the laid rig. they would stand by the 'wayside, bottling out clawlike' bandit and erylngt "Oh, my father! Oh, my mother! The Poeuniterobeek Quareellsesise. When tthe • fameue John #adeliffe, whose Shrew is se well know* -an :insti- tution at tOiSeard, lived hi Bow street, this garden adjoined that of Sir God -free' Kneller. intimate failends;" lea Jesse tells fue, "they agreed that at :deer. WaY sheulli lbe broken theottell the mutt to admit elf itheir enjoying a Olvi3e linter course with"elich other, Some intisundeto standing, 'however, having arisen !heti:vent them, Keener:sent a message ite Radcliffe that be dattended to close tip the doer. Ittideleffe. it Ile said, netted thoffsessenger to tell Handier' that he might do Anything with theideet:-,exeept_paitit itsriehile the_ 'Tell Dr. fflatieliffe, with mg ..compli., monis, that U atilt tecke anythisiggeom him but his ohysiie:'"-Loadon Post. A attirainht grip. ' ,tlio f tit/ovation!" What WAider oaf,' grids turiled to Water Wit/0 '1/11:kor. rOr of It and our pica, annals and rupeef digaPbefit011ititifdegicle-Alhaa O. DOI" In Chlengo Herald. . • - The manufacturers of Toronto- s.pend 110.000 onan arch in honor of the Duilte and Duchess of COrnWall and, York, LIVE AORIgir WANTED. Mae or woman -lady preferred. We luxe pleasant and profitablo employment ger any nun or woman at every poet ofilee ed. driers in Canada or United Stetted, for aa ertiele of great Wait WhIoh sell* it sight. ExclutIVe ,territory 'given to done teat Addreee N, 0 POISon Cu., Ringeton, Ont, 11. Robinson, A nressengar boy, ten *lean; of age, was crushed to death in Trinity beneath an iron -laden dray. ° *Mon 1Iailey, ot Vt ilton, hanged himself to a tree, • .lthiet Oa040013INONEDi. oldpd Ol iticts, E. W Oteve's sietaluts11.011 eatth hog CAS"r"(:* IA TakelienuttiSe beano 401006,1401de. All druggists refund the nioney ID fella to MIN , and people agree that Scott's 14mul, siou of cod-liver oil is the best thing I to take for "don't feel well and I don't know why," especially babies 1 --they like it—men and women • don't mind it, but babies actually enjoy it. 5180 404! 48110 SaMpLe /MD TOY IT. seem 4 DOWNE, CHIrMIRTs, TORONTO, SOC. and $r.00: 1111 drneeirts. THE IDAY'`P REST HOUR. :„.,.' I Owed is the morn that deepens to a blush, Athwart mit clear cut ridge and mountain high, When on the eewy twigs the birds all vie '' In tuneful measures with the glorious thrush! . And deeply sweet is noen, when every rush And nodding blade of grass seems full asleep, When scarce a whisper through the woods dotb creep While distant scenes look hazy in the hush. - But pot's: hour loved Eve, whose shadow fOldS In peace the deeper g-rasses by the mere, Whose 'crimson same givee glory to the near And dapples every height the eye beholds, With fervent glory fringing cape and bay, . • Thou Art the sweetest, lordliest hour of dayl —William J. Gallagher in Chambers' Journal. , puzzLEs OF A GREAT RIVER, Insignificant Causes Which Change " the 011ooloolppl," Current. "1 have been much impressed with the Importance of small things in late years," said an :bid steamboat man, "and the Mississippi river. has furnished me some rather good •examples. ' I can understand now. why Cocsar looked out upon the Nile in such curious amazement and offered all that he stood for to the Egyptian priest. if he would show 'him the source of that wonderful river. But the antics of the Nile look like insignificant noth- ings . to. me when compared with the strange conduct of the stream that oozed out of the earth at Itasca and hurries on its murky way toward the gulf of Mex - leo. "Towns along the Mississippi that once stood right en, thebrink pi the dyer have . been isolated even in -my day,and there are, too, all along the course of the stream little empires in view where the river has encroached 'upon small centers of 'population finztlly eating the earth away and forcing the inhabitants to Seek other quarters. There are hundreds of thesel places that are almost • forgotten now even by the men who are constantly on the river. What brings about these -violent changes along the banki of the river? Not floods. . It is just the ordi; nary &legs of the stream. • "In the first place, the current of •tbe Mleetseippi is wonderfully swift; and the sediment deposited at any point where' resistance to the flQW is offered is great. , Tie a string to the neck of a -bottle and sink it, with the Mouth .of the bottle up and (men. If bold in one place where the flow is ionise), in an extremely. short, pe- riod of time the bottle will -fill with sedi- ment Stretch a• net aeross the river, a net so finely woven that nothing but the pure water of the river can pass through, and on account of ther pidity of the flow and -the greatness of t e deposit of sedi- ment almost hi a t4vnk1ing the river would be danamed at that point. Ex- perts have admitted this. This brings Fie to the point of my narrative The flew of currents Ss frequently interfered with by sunken boats, perhaps by a jack staff sticking up above the surface, The •eurrent is diverted by degrees, generally touching the far side of the stream a mile from the point, where it again meets' resistance and _immediately begins the , • -.building Of a sand bee; - , "1 have seen 'a thousand examples of this, egrt tiering my 'career on the river. and I have known of Instances where the root of a tees or the mere twig of a 'WH- IM has brought about•similar conditione These things have tended to mitie a n dle out of the river, yet the stream after awhile will be handled so as to .undoall that it has accomplished in this vfay.". , • 11-114-444-1004,414114sWesesPe804,441,4****10•4'eso Good Biscuit The Beet tesoint andsway the Be No changes, no uncertainties, Every Biscuit heht, moist, delicious. If you want this certaint on Baling Pay, utie Moyers Baking l'owder,'25c pet lb Paris Green, best grade, i5 c per J, E HOVEY, Dispensing Chemist,' Ctintuu, 000.-k*******Wirevvritiririkkink4 taneItigenee of Fishes. • "Here is a curious thing that fishes do and one that seems clearly te show great intelligence," said an old ,fisherman. '"It might be that two fishes genie feet apart s,aw the Same object of prey, maybe a smaller fish, at the same iustant and they might both dart for it at once and come violentlyinto collision, white their prey escaped. Now, that would hi when they bed each the same chant* of capturing what they wanted; they Would both make a daph for it. "But often 1 have seen vernething very (different .happen S 01 two larger •fishes followleg along side by -side and pretty web closed up together, pursuing a min- now, 1 have seen the seamiest sheer off mid let the other fellow have it, appar- ently either because he knew be couldn't reach it and them was me 'use •of his try- ing any more or because lee knew that it he kept on and mixed in Ite would make the ash ahead lose the game as well' :al hiinself, This last would:seem to 'be tedi- cate, besides intelligence, 'unselfishness ton the part of' fish No. '2, end the faction en sheering off when be ilftW he cooldn't met it showed tatelligenee anyhow." Advice it* tmerestera Almon Metwey. On all steamers American money is ac- cepted, but every paesenger almelii have enough of the <loin :of the •eountry to which the,weettraship dine belongs tte tweet all bills outside e51 mere passage !money, as these bills are made out in trance, marks or Shillings. :according :to dbe offi- cial mediuni the dines The einsvenienee Iso -of having same tot the commit coin of te country to !be first visited .is ap- preciated im the albility to hoard a train on landing withoirt She delay of thank ex- change Experienced travelers 'reserve 'United States cumatmy for a litielreneon. -Helen IL Gavit In Womanle Home Companion. A ticket emit ha Leavenwonth wets startled the *titer day when a 'pretty young -*tomato lateuiried through the twin, flow, 'How touch de lit to Laver' svhen he recovered. the implied. "To Lone One way. $3.45: eco Lowe "both wart, 40," tobre la a, dig staitieM *Iktinsbnol. 'the duleimer4 f'101 taftost exactlygthe form in which It is known today, etas been In nu' in Persia end Arabia from time stail probablY 40- trodiaced into Europe tring the et/1- 'r sades. • The great Juvenal Is authority for the statement that earrings wale worn by fall the males „residing In the 131nobratto prov- inces. ' Bath tots the hottest, springs la Eng - degrees THE KING or CORN CURE. Is PntnanVii Painless Corn Extractor, browned by years :at 011004109, toga Inicauge unapproachea and unapproachable, holding i sway n tale eantinentimoatete of its taper. iority, Putnam,* Painless Corn and Wart *Extrootor, Sold by all draggists,_ or sent by mail by N. O. Poison it Qat Kingston. Ont,, on woo Of 28 dente, • lore Worth 825.00, our price $2t,50. Our geode are all new and up-to-date in style. We can show you a great variety of Parlor, Dining -room and Bedroons Furniture, at prides that defy competition. Frices recineed on Window Shades, Curtain Pelee and Room Mouldings. (Mr Pianos, Organ') aud .Sewing Machines, ere guaranteed to give stitisfaption. • . • . k..) W, kilyt, 4 dor item Ivrea Away A tooth brush Aith -every-Mc—bottle of tool powder, tooth soap .or tooth, wash we sell. Use .Combe's Baking Powder and you !ill be using the best obtainable. 25c per pound. 14. 113 oOMBE, .Cbetnist ,t Druggist After Work or Exercise,' • A 1 . Pianos. • + Wholeeale' and retail piano and organ distributing centre. High grede new:pianos. Five used pianos at decided bar- , os Seethes tired muscles, ,re. ie nil=nd.segr- • ' nem and gives the body a feeling of comiort and .. strength. • 'Don't take the weak, Watery Witch. hazel preparatipos represented, "the ,sseme as" Pond's Extract, Which easily sour and genteelly contain "wood alcohol," a deadly ,polson.• • EissalbaliZ7s, Wats** au4 3'ovio3ary *tor* If you wont ups' o -date jewelry you can always be ante of getting theveryand most correct thing here. Whatever you buy you can feel sure that its all right Of if yau have anything that needs to beattered, re - 'paired or reset, bring it to us, • Eyes examined free. • N. Wa1ker Upholsterer In all kinde of Parlor Furniture, and Mao ufactUrbf of : • Mat tresses Lounges . couches CosS Vornera , Etc. Carpettaken up„ cleaned .and relaid and ' houpeelearting attended to. Mattresses made over. Prices reasoftable. Call and see temple's/A work and cover- ings, or for partioulars7 A Maclean and a Campbell. When Sir Archibald Campbell - wits governor of New Brunswiek, he Chanced to meet with an aged highlander of the natne of Maclean who had done brave soldierly service for his cOnntry and had borne birnself well in many a fierce en- eotinter. After his discharge Ile had set; tled in the woods, but things had not gone smoothly with hien, and his .circum- stances were quite straitened. Anxious to befriend hint his excellency invited him to make his home at Government House, where he could find easy work to do in blacking boots end shoes and such like little things. 'The old •nian was quite indignant, the hot blood mounting to his cheeks, and, drawing himself up to his full height, he replied, with all the dignity of a lord: "Na, no, sir; na, na. A. Maclean never blackit-a boot for a Campbell." He pre- ferred privation with independence on the fannsto ,easo as a menial in a rich man's pouse, a feeling that was appre- elated by no onemore warmly than by the genial and kind hearted governor.. One of ?future's Workohopo. in 'all island in the lake of Bombon Is the remarkable Taal volcano, which is readily accessible from Manila. Its Oen- tral crater is oval in shape, a mile and a quarter across the greatest diameter and has within Its rim two lakes of hot Wa- ter, one yellow tied the other green, and a smell active cone 50 feet in height from which escape steam and sulphurous gases.. The strange colors of the waters are due to the presence of chemicals evolved in subterranean laboratories. ..The.greatesteroution of Taai took OW* in 1754, wiping out • four villages. Ap- parently the vgleasse ash lends weeder- ful fertility to the mil, and presently a new growth Of bamboo and palms sips pears where desolation had reigned. , Pain -Killer is just the Remedy needed in every honeehold. Per cute, burns and bruises, .trains and sprains dampen a cloth with it, apply to the wound and the paw leaves. Mold enbetittitee, there's bet One Pain-1011er, Perry Davis'. 25c. and 50c, For Sale- 75 yards of fine- Brtisse's Carpet, almost as good as new. ' Stand -Shepherd. 1310Irk Ontario Street, elk ton. BINDER TWINE Farmers' Cc -Operative Company Limited. BRANTFORD. Buy the wonderfu Gramophone . for a pleasing entertainer. We are headquarters ter it ' Rargains to teachers and stn. dents in Sheet Music, 250 to 75o:pieces for .10o --wholesale. Instruments of all hinds sold. Music Entporiaint 0- KOARE. icuperoni D McTaggart EA.N ALBERT eLINTON 11 General •Banking Buslness traanacted4. ' NOTES DISCOUNTED.- • Prices for Season of 1.901 Red Star, 600 It......10ie Red Star, 550 It . .10 c Special Manilla, 500 It... 90 Sisal, old .... .... 8 e Sisal, colored.... 7 e The two latter not otir own niake. We have lust a word to to you. The first and only true co-operative company In Asnerice, is offering you to -day its etoOh in small holdings, one and two shares at par. Itie also p'soing its splendid twines with gen for the coming harvest, at prides:rat/ material annot be lought for. Tour loyalty an:lintel- ligence Will hold US in existence; your oketiti- cleM and indifference will Mite no dena atid • out, Which meting a death blow to all future mcrprratiou of fartnersand-will-turell bring one result, a gigantic twine combine, from ' the hiiiIoneet air/bleu yonwill be absolutelY helpless to help yourselves. You have yobr option -pity your money and take your choice. Stand by t1i1 greatest and most perfect oo-operative movement in tha world and so bring a continuation of relief tine ugh its unquestionable influences' as * twine pries regulator. Deportee or treat oor agents with indifference and yen have only to 1 waisem treettil ' Nelietter twine was ever made on earth or remitted:tether Peotidien gartatat that has been supplied youby this your own corneae Jf vespers 908 45 letentSteleMmie of lute oil to miss farmers there would be nooppsaltlon Iwhatever pitted againstus. Rentent r the Salt Deal; there is /nighty combine being formed just now in Canada: You w 11 knew of it ihortty. Don't WILetetim6 wrestling With the antes. tion any longer. Leo* it streiglit tee fiber and identify yourselves with no as sharehold- ers. Buy your twine front 'his Mother Company WifhAts Splendid vast record Of years and you will have oevne4011 Iv) be Weed of your action andioyaitylater on. , ' Drafts IssueS. Interest billowei on deposits.. THIOLso1$tNk ,Igeorporated by Act cil Parliamene41855 CAPITAL - $2,500,000 REST FUND - $2;020.000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTBEAL. Wm, Messer; Ilideenenson, President • Jetuts BrA,totr, Gen. Manag Notes discounted,collection made, asefte issued, sterling and American exchange bought and -sold. Interest) allowed on deposits. • Sense BANE -Intereste allotied on sums of $1 and up. Money advanced to farmers on their own note, with one or more andorsers. No mortgage required. H. C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton. J. P. T1SDALL. BANNER. CLINTON, ONT. PriAte fundi to loan on mortgagee at went current rites. A, General Banking Bueinese trammeled Interest allowed on deposits. Sale notes betight •-•,:-**••••••••04-04-**0-0•0•••••10 •Celifr:01 Meat Market Having purokaeed*h�I butchering bueineed of P. E. Powell I am pre, pared to furnish the people of Olin, ton with all kinds, of Fresh and Cured Moab,. Batuntge, bologna lard, butter' and eggs always kept on hand. R. Fitzsimons tt• Sou. hipbone 76. , . parte , Orderitth.e deliveVid promptly to on of lit Nellie -Persons having: hogs.. for hipment will er a favor by living word at the shop. , t If you not but a particle of bulement tett will 1 ere Prepared to buy this iletteett4 Nee at a glanoo that other companies going clip of Wool, as tonal, at the into existence are simply.trading eaLour grandrepntation and thsitin g tog tnetta Benmiller Woollen Mills for higheet oath priee,orin exchengs for mannittotored articles, Jesse 086416 you will be exeeedinglY d We beTef>3nettledgfreoeundglilLleeri come in e r andTin- lanai with this oldeetablished twine prettnivatien. Ray our Red fitak 100 Paine and Yen Will Mishit ne mistake; It's .aid 80 b. equal lo aliP•12* tivineoffered against is. Donis hone yaur own hemeit Tene oo-ogeration under good iflaitth141At to -day is your Only salvation. Joseph Stratford, " Genoril, Itteeegor., A.StepUi'dder OwAway To every pail:313*one of one cam of Oar ,Pnre Cream Baking PoWder we will give, without any extra charge, 'a strong durable tivestoot Stepladder. Three 1Se Saner Soap tor ie. nrimotimilletat 20t. Next door to Dr. OnAllve pnvitte &aping -40 61A1011T • GOtal DOW and Um *mud.