HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-07-19, Page 6�".- 7 4115R�-11101:97�w­ ,� -7. ­r"�--s-- - 'I. :7.1, .. � _VM www""', " , __�,­ z 11 I :T1 , �__.V W. .. -Irp T��rW1.?MX1VW­4rr,VW- I � - _71T"T , �11" -VIIII.011�� I I W - -T - Me PT 7W - " - T 37 -T W W � V 9 - M - � � - MR M . - ;FVF1rVqFW0"*.1V-W.� z 't 11� I 1 "97,71- - .T__ ,"XW . . .1 .... , - � . I . 4 77jew" . . 7 � , , . � N . . I I . . , . I .. . , . - - I , . . I I July loth, I #-)t . I . . . f, . I % . . . I I 1X_ I i I TUB CLINTON N r4W BRA . . I � I ,.=..!�":!,�.�'l":,""I:ll.11ll:l"I 1---11-____ I 11111111111170-1__ 1- . _� __ 1:11;11 1� ! 1! !.!. 1111!11 ­0� ­_ I, .;;,;_­ �111_1_.­ I.. - ­ -1111-1 I 11 -;, - , � _ ­­ I ! ___ . 1 . .. . , . --"-'- 4" . I i � =Z t: !: - _=_______________ I � I ; LORD 1-ANSDOWNE .. I � � - *X=4R-"-f­%-% I . � --Mm" ­ ­­­ ­ 11 . , I �' 1' 0kNA0A AND IRE4AND, STRANGEs BUT WHY NOT? � � � . 11 L Vormpi. Governor 00"oral of Callao*, * , . 11 . _ Irboy Iffou.40 101laraotorlotilp 14114 Attractive Mall T:rplval of Aeposo. . 4031041# ,churpor iwatos s I . For pure blood, � I Uhlb.its skt ti . ntor lovirsous I .. we fj1A,goW,VXP0#ltI0n_ . . ,ox - � . L , I ord Lan%d �vnop ,,por I I Incid9ats In T V I 4 I r 0904 141. PhysiqAt Jo4olwoAtIVILA. traits aro Farouto st4r. V, bright eve and I ,. . � V . III -1-.4.111lig. " 4. nvoy the impres- I . A , man I . X�Ussia is not the only agricultural ,- I 11 I 0 04 SP10111A Avenue ha(t &I . " I -Y which hereenters the manu, ti ,hlf III(- ini . 11 Secretary all droam that, his moth . or in Ottawa, . A oleo?, a1c,oplexiono . I , I . counts " i . . slat,o tot. . o 41, '14� airs is ft, tail J Strong P o i nts., was Ill with Pneumonia, And itex I , facturing lists. The CanAldlau colt.. I morning got A letter almounc ng, ,, t, 1� , . . : . LL �Ic . I . ! � 111411. h W Ili a � - .1" Q'f - OW kbid. bi- I ,, tile A " 90A loetitef . i � I , - I I . . , I I I I . . tribution 4 qqually conlprtq%ensiv'v d;wd, )to ti, sm0l Land slight. Some I AsouT L IS, 11" IS, fact. Strange, but Why not? Aft firs -- di " . � I .." C I 1'.. And scarcely less enterprising. I . A Merchant In Toronto W , ___ ;f L ' ,, I /%-' ,, , Alt, 'pt oplo evert doserlbe him as, minute, , estion , I I , roto to IL I g , . I � I 11), the products of the I)Ol41Iu101% are re- and lie to of th�at particular class of 1. M rurltyt friend In South America, whom r . .� Prese'ated, and violtors w , Us Ana r eshino slee - . I , L -n Nvho are described as 11dapper." 20 Its ThoUsAU40, 't . bad not corresponded . I �Jll be our- iii, - 0 . with I,% e, P � , I : . re prifed at their var ety And extent, (hves* ,L ,Tgost nL%atly and carefully groomed year, Ana at the same time the man W Am om"p, "=% . . . Agriculture is most ift evjdenco� It he f)r,.& rits AL striking contrast to hi; 13- Its Fle,0110MY- IC, A d080- 14 South , America wr 1&_AV-46;3%"414M - L I$ Illustr4t(O very prettily by 4 I 0 to the mer. I . I I L - lofty brother, J,ord 111dinond FILZitiatirice, I I . chafft* and the two letters Crossed, I I L . : L I .. . �, ; -K . L 10 klosk in the Contra of tile pavilion, N%ho, since his divorce frofn� his New .30. MR. X3. I Str4ngo, but why not? . . d,coratcd entirely fro'ii� top to bo - it Ora care- RtgUlateff the, Stomacb� L Livo *%i4 Bowe,U4 . rs � , * ., . �' , , , . � $ I t Yngland wife, has become I . A mail In Guelph jell "jeep oile I I 1 2 . . , . L tom with the cereaLs and grasses of liss about his dress tlian. ever, pre- ufflocko tho $ccrotloos� Ptirgla the $load and Sunday Afternoon while reading on , , ' . � . slu \ Canada. These are supplied by 250 sertilng an aplieurance.t4at; has beesi the Wunoo An . I . I . ' - .... . the direct- dc a rit ad as a, inixture between a la.y before him, And drawing it bAck, I _ I . I . remqVcs &a f uri*s ft in a Common L d in .A dream a f;hrq,ud , I is .0 3 a , 1'ri , " .he imp 0 , " farmers, anci urron#4 by I � . r , , , S Ai I - Fimplc to Off; worst $aofulous 3"e# And . I . I � I �'. ,,, L :10 or of the central experimental farm. French jo,irnilist anct .4 torribly ac- . he saw his son. At twelve o'clock I . 'L . �. . I . . I I I "! I ,�. , , . . . :,­ . e 4 1 . , `1 h. n there are fruits, vegetables, five American druwmer,L ' covZu"M . I th%t, SuAday night ho'was aftkened 0 I . . (. 16 L ' 1"o . i . . .1 , r , , I . cheeses, wines, flour, Itoney, cannod Lord IDdinofla is Always,excitable, . P, - - It, arouses th ' . I 'I , .. I DY!�PRPSIA, ,. 41LIOUSNUSS, by a, messenger,' Ills bQY, a locomo, . . , I . 0 ! goods, and so forth. But, the manu-. flying* about here, there and every- CONS11PATIONP ARAPACHR, , . tive firelnWA running out of Toron. . . lati - ; D re fa,-tures will probably attract equal ultere, his face reilectina, a Ace , . Quiokens the eirou ' Ong 1: L I Wro, . .very t- � 1 to h �__ Qt attention. One realizes that Canada Ing emotion. I SALT RNFEUM, L SCROFULA, 13�,y. ad been drowned In I . _J%mijtcA . I - I I ' If. . HUA TIM I , At the time ol the dream. I Brightens the, spirits an - is s,ctua ly becoming a Manufacturing Lord LatiFidowne, on the other � 'L ' 'R I RK, SPUR STOMACH, Strange, but why not? . . ­ IL I 1. ,d . . , 11 4 'L . . DIZZINaSS, DROPSY, ' I I . , If ri e -S", . k (:&intry. 'It turns out p .r - � � .�­V . I P,e , Wool hand, W. lypi al of repose, of com- A Well-known railroad man In Galt - Generally, makes life worth H 1"9 ; , ". ,�'7 1. - an, cotton,. silk, rubber, leatlipro iron, 'isession. Ile -is R.HIEUMATISM, SKIN'DISEASES, I , * . , . . V . 11 - . . ­, -, L PlacencY and of setf-Po. .. . I had A dream in which .he saw- a reler ' � �L . I and wooden goods. The agricultural always aerei*, always suave, and his . . tive in Scotland'hurt, by a $ailing SIXW MWen years trlal have proved It to be beyond qv::-%t1ots, - . . 11 I . ! I _ 1� , ,I 111 -, ..,., , �'. ­ . implements are, perhaps, the %nost smile is always with him. In fact, he . . wall. On tbe next mail from Sect, , I . the most relmole 13LOOD purlfle:* knoWr.. , . . � � I , I '...., I.: . *. . . . 'L - i" ..... � -1��- : " _.'rnoat amtable in finer land was a letter telling,,111m of t114 . I � , .Z.. 1 . � ... 11 ... . . ... noticea,ble examples. It is, I believe, smiles in the a . � I I ;!, ., ­ I . . . - ... I ., '' . . I .,., ., ., ., � ... I., 11 I .. ., . a fact that Canada matially exports thrQughotft his dialectical duel %ith MCC14011t, Strange, but why not? . , . I . . L . I � .�,­ _____ 1,00Q reapinf in% Inca t( lia XjQuse of Five men Jn Guelph � once agreed, to . All. the. leading Drugg,131S �ek� BRISTOL'S SARSAPARILLA, I ". �V . - . . I I . . I '. .., I . . I � 1. . - GermaO, Ws G d4e 1hineria section, 01%is, and I �_Is suld tWat Jtwa9L dil- . 11 . 1, I . 7 � I . tail suipther man that he looked slak�. ___ I o , . L . l',, 11 IT CURIES, - the Wealth Of Onthrio, Quebec, Nova fibult for those who only saw him , 11 . . After the fifth w4n had told -Ulm he . WSMmam � � .=== I . . . . . . I L I I L - dio- 0,40 cou'd not hear his words to be- - . .. . . -_ thought he was sick, And 'Went to . . � .. I J �'. � . -Scotia arld British Columbia, is . - . I .. . , . . . I .; IRREGURAWTV played In a 8ystJ,-n'0,tJ4 faSil'OUL by lieve that he wo.,4 delivering one of � . ­­ .. I . bad for three days. Strange, but ! , I I IN 0�_ I . I - 11 � I I I I . 'i .. . L .. . I . . L . �.. , . their respe�tivo governments,' And I the most Cutting Aud biAng Wtacks . why not? . I L Z . . . . . . . ,�.., I 1. I - hat df the Dominion a , s WILIO10 is . upon. a' follow -peer that have ever, L QUAINTIN.01ANPUSTOM, - It would not be strange If We were . . . . 4 . . . 1, � .1, .. I I I . . . .. I 11 ­ , . . 14a L . . . . � to spend more, thae looking Inwards. ;,��iT: � . .. , X . " �L I &IMI F "IN NATI. 011 looked, after by the centarAl govern- been Ward in the House of Lords. . Chiefs -of the 51 tions Condole With � at the W . ondrouc workings of th .1 ,�;". � ,, , . Both Theom a . 40tice Prove. .�� 11 merit at Ottawa, Irorestry-is similar- .� in conclusion, it may be sattl that 'L Dr. Oroah , nd Pr , , - , L . L I . . . , ­ '"'. 1OLVERATION AND . 0 ywt4kha In His Recent Pe- I . 0 . . . . , ll L ly treated. I � . Lo,-.fd Lansdown Lfias , drawn dri-inir I reavement--Chlef lifills Letter.� soul, 'but L tUQ. Soul in starved, an$ . , I � , I I I WrC The IrJah.Pavilloh. I � . . the body gorged. Tho telephone, the . Its One -Piece Frame, Unclosed Gears, Runw : "I the IaPt 17 years over $1,000,000 of . . L �.�L � FIEMAIJEWEAKN . in Theory .;, � I IL33 Tha Irish pavilion, Which afarids Pay from thQ Government, It- io 0. ! The Indian$ have some very pretty, railway, the steamship, and the -talo- Bowl'.,nd n,nl,y in Oil, Few Parts, Threer8op%ratoro-In­! . I : , 11 . 5uperior Constraztion ingerferal make it the . I ' � .11 uaint, customs,. to which theyO graph a r too slow for the 0 I I . . I ; , ff MAKES WEAK hard by tl�e 'Canadiarl,. Will attract great intstake L to imagine:I'Lat be.is.- It q will b fa, , I one. L ­ Cling With MUChLtQ,nAo I I , ,�'. L I I �, I . I "' L unive) sal Attention, by 'r,Mson of its On the contrary, be iii A' $ Cleanest 151ifinining, Most, SubStiPtialp a weak Dtan. I .. ity and hold soul. of the future. Wh� Ot gash. A I � � , . . : I L L I I f. "'. ' tenacious of an, opinion, absolutely ; �4 grgat reverence' L An illutitratiol; thought about the, globe oftLether, I#. I , ,� I L, WOMEN STRONG charming and characteristic exterior. 1. , . Jftl- 11 ls designed by Mr-, 'T, 9�nly lr . lijflu- ' ' % L . . , �,V Nations' to.Dr. Or . ..i not understand? WhYL these.c4mbrous . �� I'll ': I'll, I na . . � .. I . __ '71 � , L Safest, Easie" t Operated and 009C - �if. beyond the reach of popult of t@.9 will be found In the Xt);Iow- stead of the electricity we use but do . �:" ., -eso by the chiefs of th six . , �, ,e, Ing addi a I ., WKWOMENWE Deane, -and represents a small court- ell,. _ .and, at tim,ea most. p�,Iitidally . able'Separator de.' ". try house of . Neorgian .period, at cruel,-Xilrq,vioe do P4 ontenoy. .. I , � onhyatekha, condoj� means' when it may'soon be possible I . . . I 11 ,, ____ --- , I I � . I . Ing Witl% him upon t I . * ., - 4 daily proving the ,correctneso of our ­. Malahide, standing ! I I I ,he recent "death to annihilate. space In Practice � 11 1 ."�­ . - . , with thought I . theory, 49 tostilled t6 by pl6sqed users all - , . .. �, ... � "' - . I I ' . . - . . 11 The flee its :i itarometer. It is a. low double -fro 'ART OF CHICKEN -RAISING. of.hia.wifp. The -customs to,' whiClIL and follow the, t ought with L th over the codutry. , If Interested write for illustrated oa.tkloguc �.. . . il _. grounds. nted . , h � 1. 1, � 1, . house, with white concreted walls, TH E� L ­. - -1 alluelon is made, as well as the - soul? , . Or is the soul thought? . , containing hundreds ot letters to this effect. , ' L . I . . ': (.:, I I Such should be the title of these . . - s of expression by which- . they I . , . ­", rounded bow. windows, 4nd'thatched I Work at Government Uxii"invint'a at&. fol�M Strange,* but why not? ' - 1. , - . , �, - - . I.A. theL ' .. - . 11 : T , , ... lines, for whoever observes these in roof, The "friendl, --to bor I I Are described, have. pravail6d amoDg We waken night at a crash, ! �L �� , . � CHARLIE 1C.'n1:1,T^1L I , I I �.�, , . y". aspect -n tion# Proving satisfactory. � _ ", - %-0f�-"J_VXXV ,,, toresting Insects finds It easy enough � SL .11 . ' . . '... � row a German tarm- (if this modest 11r. F. !0. Hare; po . u I Itry exp . art for the" Indian tribe for hundreds 61 and trembling rOUSSL the house, and 11 . I ""'."_L�,­ , �4 TtickersiJaith, OLINTON P. O., General 'Agent for I , e;,,, I : ,�, to foretell exactly t,he kind of weath- structure makes it conspicuous. The t111 yv4rs.. The beauty and, appropriate- fear a � burglar. D"UtAt is only % �-1. ­ , I L Huron County. )Local Afgonts. Wanted., ' , . . I .. . I . . - 11 . .. .. ,; - . the Depar cut -of Agriculture, has neas of ceremony 'and language eon- slamming phutter, It, Is seldom. in � , . . . ;;; � I I .. I . I . I "L. or to be expected, At least that Is . I . .. . .. L . 11 I ... interior is divided into several rooms just rotLwile I 'L � . I . . . I . . , - ; ,., . . � . . .. . * the opinion of niany raisers of bees. d to Otthwa,1270= , an,Of- not fail to be recogniz . . . I I . L V� . ed and appre�- life- that the things that frighten'gr ` . . . - I I I L I. . . L �i� which are devoted to . different' ficia.1 trip to the eastern ed -�by� all' . . b us reall;�, are; It. Is, 'Only wb4t - - " .. . Men. . .- L -_ .� �� . provinces, ciat .. I I . I I - ­ _,� . I . . . I . I . . . ;��,­,'. Generally the bee stays at home -branches of Irish, irrdus,try.: There' are where he visitcd the poultry stations ' L' � I . I . . .. I , . I . . ­,� distur . ' � ' To Dr L Oronhy . I I I . . . . I . I �L -4.':, when rain is in tho air. When the . I . L . . .. I . . ­ .� I . ."�`�� tweeds, linens, laces, basj�et al,__Trimo,�__X. :8.-,' aird * L . Dear� Sir r L " I V4" . . � _M!JR, ' . a.tckha: we think they. are.. , � L _ �,__ ,� 4_ . sky is simply dark and cloudy these Donegal carpoti, wood carvlog,.. end - Bonciville; '" 7 ' . and - B dthe)�-,4. ain in6 � ' . iti-Charlia bhurn. . - . . . ; � . .. . . . Z_ . 5t ,.�,� � range., , isn?t .. . L I I � , L .'.�_ I busy workers do not leave their - Lboins. Q�e. ' At', both th6se .places, as well otllucted by the.chlefo'of the Six NW, er,. in. Toronto .Sta�r. : ­ . L.. I " L� � k's � NA iL UR . I I L . .� ' ,;"L`-� . models of ships from Belfast. . I . . . ' ., L � ­' ' .. I E � ,� L' ... . . , . _ ­ L, , - I I I . ��P��11: - .dwelling all at .once. A few go out ** as. At Whitby,: experiments, are being tions .to . forwar,d..'to you their sin- . . - I - � . � . I . . 11 1. I L . L L . ..: . . . I ; . . . I I I . L , .. ,�,"I.I.e. first, as though ihe queen had sent are being put up an4 will be . at made *with three, lots of'chickeas, cere. sympathy , with' I Pr j '_`-,. out messengers to study the state of - also some prornisel numbeting from 250 -to.:360.'. `.Ilor�� . anck t6 condol � of. Zilgene Haanel. . I . . ,,& LCO . . .1 .,� . I �g� work.. There war . .. y . 0 � . . I BROADVOOT. BOX ... ,,, .. I A L".. held out of a still At. work_ but I in- t6fore th6 experiments. -conducted byL I ,ou 14 the great lose you littve, fivis- . The Syracuse Post-stanAard" saym; . .1 . 11 . 9 . . I .0 . I . ': .- . . '�V,Z . the atmosphere. The greater num- quiriid'aft�w it in vain.'Perhiipo Jt. is L � I . . ... . . taLlned L -6y" this dddth Of. your wife, as. . The-selection.;of-Br9f. g�gsno ,H4a,u j j),.2�rqa L . . . . . . � I . I .. .. , � I , 4' � . . . . : . , , . ,�.j'.,:, be in observation until the clouds � the department have been confined to follows, . - , . 1� . A, � The stena se -in bar trade is ooa ploof of the fact that car. goods a 410t and - ,� ... . �.­_ Iti Trg, but t4fs.year' the statiot �O . L.. . of Syracuse .MlivorsitY for one lot I .., I . te 1. .1 ,,�: begin to dissipatel and h - in 1. W� Zri `a,waro that . our prices low"'ir' than thboa:o -other'dealaiii iwt I . I N illicit, in order to make tits. na on4l fq#�rii . . I .o..'� It 19 only 'character complete. T e Department . IQ when it, mem- b. . I �­ . the Important statutory ofil",4 I I . o.trade� ' : I I , ,,��l ... then that the battalions entire rush . ard -engajeld'ld ridpilig chickens, * and 'die 0anada -is an- .hbno', r - ec-lipsm' : -,O We mAirafacture 0. .. - . '. - � . - wate "'� of Agriculture and Technic .hing L th .bvr.of a family Ek, the . survivors , f4rilitur 'on a large scale and batt afford - 16 sell cUi§1f;p.'- � if ' b , ' ' , al-Instruc . . g any, y6u., 'uy L .,L� fa " . L I 1.,,',� out In search of their nectaf. A bee tion, for Ireland, which'is responsible em day by'day. from the, Are brought to mourn, and are In ever' ' I from us,.we save for you the1jrofit,',,Pihi in other cases,' hiss J0.be added in .1 ,��, . never goes out in a fog, simply be timo� they leave the, incubator until before conferred upon -a. member ' tb' : 104.1, . . L . ­ : , . I ,�,� .1 - .. be Cion, I 0 great darkneow I . ­ e retail dealer. � .. I... I I Will I Z . OtL" PdM . , I ... for -this pavilioni Is to , tears, will flow from, of the faculty L of Syracuse Univer . '' I , �.. " . cause it is well aware that dampness r they are fouir mos they � aity". "L I - This wtiek, we have passed into stock some of our new designs. $psce L ii .4�_,] � � �..Iie` lated on Thiii* resdlt,-�-Ca,ltholic Union .1 .1 their �eyes, 96, that they -cannot sev ' eredit. both Upon .Orloes, but oome�and see'for yourself wbst, snaps we have to offer, . �. �Iftn � . . ... .go . ido ille''iattentug. crates and. L nd ,reffects . , :'us to quote L ' * , 11,�_ d cold are too fearsonqe� redoubt- . . Are what is goilig- 61i around them. -Such the -man :, and the Institution ,With '* 'L I . ,:.� - . . : _ 1, _J�:,-.!' I able enemies. We do not mean, how- . - I ., - tion, L ' 111member-we are determined that our itrices sballbe the 6weitin the trails. - . I i ,iz� ' . I kept- thbro.one month, whon' they Are being' .yQi&. preseni' condl als 1 . ­ � . . I . , �,, "! ever, that the bee is a meteorologist �%nadlan Frogs Are SweotosC L. . . . whose growth be has. been Intimately . . I . . . I'll, . . . L to -be killed imd. marketied� The ,�v 11 as that, of y ' L . � . . . . I F I I i� I I lego... L AjoL firmer, . ro`1111� , the gxperimefitia Will beL'nolt_ e our familyj your Associated. ,lu,blibosing a. scien'tist UNBEIMAKING.'. ,` . I ..... . . , . . . ­.. , . . 1.�l.: Ae se of the -Word, Its . ,Canadian frog , ,lot .0 . brother : W, elm of the:,. SIX Nations' as n .. I . � .. . . .. : � , '. . .. � _. ..� . . I . . ay� be ascer - I . . I . and.: Ili their n e t4%A. the profit:m - a thIS d0phttoasilt our stock is comp ete, rind we Dave andoubtedly the."booffusoM ,. : � . ".Y.I.,ii, - cleverness consists in never being sweeter ead. larg4i... a- d, So take the'pure White liA,eff,, "d . wip . Super! tendeiiL of Mines of �.the I ' I ­ :1 . I . .e DOlnInJ6UL 'of Carl&d' .no* * . . '..'.."", taken unawares, for it posses-ica Un- tive haunts jump farther than those tained, � I ,. � . I 1. . � . . . I . L . . I , . a.- . man more � L outAt in the county. Our prictis are as ow so the lowest - , . , . ­ .1 4 ", . . L . . of the' t f, f 'T V V liffur wor6y fro . . . _. . . I . . - 1, � � ' ' 'no. . Those chick ' * tod', on . . I . . . . . . . I I " 1. ; I vigilance. Often ,.)ne ulay ob- from other sections. .Frogs' , go eno Are bel i "' of 90 Wit a � e . iii� paa�- rodord 41:lO.present I - , - L . � L. I.., I .. .... .. I . 11 . 1. . I . �.. 1. ., ,d tiring , le , 119 - - VIR A I . . , ­ . . . I. . I. .. . . . I .. . � . � . used skim milk and..graund oats, and .60uld hmvii­' been 4-lectea. - I . I . . I . '. I . 11 . L I . . 11 .!, serve the hidden entrarmo of bees' JoLo longer sell by the PaIr, as they & objects - about you and Understand 0 "I I I . - .1 ., 11 X4 ;O u , . ' - - , - . - . ,� . I , , . ,. I I .16ading scien-, .. . I ,. , ,�.., CoMeL . L af� the whole tmaking .: wh-4t'ls I ' ok aroupti you. I . ai), " �t L. . * B R OA I I .'so �. . 1�;" .. known by the . . the hive'when h 49n.4e clouds hides to do. The-dernand for them-hAs ba- - Lhough tho rain . .little �blood me Wldely� X & Co.4. WK Willey. ;-.j;-, so extensive it FO'R tvs C Axterl&. . and Europe, Dr. . � .cLDVOOT ' 0. . . . 1. L ­� the sun, and oven is'found more. a- Veiy rich food.- By. this treatment And WhL It �. . . ... ­. � I I . . , I . �. I . I ,L% � . 2.. person is I . . . � . . I Naliager - �1 . w4"l,". is not in evidem.-n. I . convenient, to , sell them-, b., Jhe )� cUlokom We;gbjlJff ope and a qufj*te'r 'to mouraci It . brought H"nel has long'he)ld -stmong th6m a . �. L.� . .. . . '. . . ... . . . __1 - I . . �., � . . . I . I -_ . ' 1 4. 't In . it�r,e.6 I is eaii are stopped UP' POSItiOn of commanding iogliect for� ' . if I : . . . . . I .... . 1-1. � . pound. ' The 'fro ; ib' ounces *hon�.hatched U&s :;a 1i I ­ . , . -(Ptmor .. :1.. I , go -,are co � . � I t t at Uo cannot hear clearly , the I Pk. 8.'-4Ight'jnd Sunday call., attende.cl -to bycalling *.at J.,' VV. obialey's V, . L. '�L, - ,�' � . .- I w sh - _ L' . I � . I . . I . ,;­, I Irst Printing Press in Canada. I by netting, or by- means of 6­plece of . week 'reached 'efght'Ouneas'. And, I i I e go . . ments. U a tfib . Director) reoldepos, . : . 11 . . I , ,; " ­'; � ri� -ti;iIiii tiai' rr, L.. . .W, . I I . � . . ,,. ,,,�. arjun no , Upon tU L - . . . . . I . . . . I . va: or'dix pounds. th4 , him; such h%S'Lbeeolne Y L e -con- . . . � : I . I 1 - " ,, � . . � . 1. I 1,��' outline red dannel . attaphid 6` a hook as live is .1 1�&on d at* 'Paid LDr. Haft I . '... nontho,. ft . L.. I . � - - - . ". 11 . , . . . L . . . . I . . � . .1 . ._' ­ . : .. . . I . I . i us on- of fourteen y4ars 64' servici ', : . 1. . L I , ":` Nothing, except in barest . OIrr 0.1 A ... -1 I . . I. . ! . . V is known of the men who had Tl;; bait. Their'weight rangsk fri)in.aix 'eipprimients"are being tried as 'be- fArn1ly'j. colkditt6n Your, 'brother . :. I . L . . . -;: �! - . . . . . . -_ . ­ . , , ` , . . V. __ -_ ­. j,".". honor a ounces. to two and. a halt pounds. : , twean � Wyan-dottes a4d Rocks in or- " . ,as -a profes�or in Viciorit'L TIniversity - . - I -1 ! , 4- ;':�,�_ f -setting up the first printing . chiefs therefore now remove the ob- - . I . 1. L � . -1 - � - , 'd . . . . IL . - So says .6, Writer -In. the New York der i tli6,r.esp,bcUv*'meri -some years . agb, 'it VV . . � , .. . . . I * � , 1, "i,�e press in Canada. Their names are _ts' ,.Of structi6h from your e thai � 11 as sai hat I . . I . . .� . . I . , - . � ,L'. �: 1� . . I � ' . .. I. . . I . L .. .'�,��­ un. Others wbo� ship them to ,We * . 1$iobably A6.otfter pe ' ' . " ". William Browd . . W. tbo to* a etieS, ' _ flne - , ' I ' , . , , - , . ' and Thomas Oitmour, a WC111tar, . . , %,,hen your. fanlliy . arid airre,61461 " W, L11 so inticif i�, give science' Its due im- " I . . I . - .. � , . . I I I ­1�i',� York send along the whole frog and , * *�' . L. . - . .� � . I .. � . I ... , ju 1763 they came from Philadelphia too,_B'ftL But tit" . . . . sp(ak �to you, you . . , . ,�,'jl. the meat Is often 0 . Q. . . . I . may hear. . with portance in -thil,-�universitk educatibli. , -RB - ' . . .... ..J. . 1, �Zi�, to Quebec with the idea of starting L . . BA .. . . ,.,,,%� . writer SoLint][46 View of Wrecks. distinctness, . I I . I � Z . WERE . . . I .� , , . . . - , a .newspaper, but the difficult! - in sa,ya the Fr6rxch�Canadiana It is S belle . f coinmori among sail- .8, . And when - a person 16 brought . of Called& as.this man.. Ile entered :- . . ... . L - . I .� . . I . .. .1 I Ili` ... ea. I * '. L . . . . . - -110" . ".. pack and ship, them! too soon-tiley ' � Syracuse University twolve, years-itgo I . I . I 7.,R . ,� the way were so many and Arduous 0 re that a wre . L - bso been a scarce arti . . . 11, 7-:,,:� . should be allb,wed to 66 . . ck never goes to the -to mourn by death in hip. -family, -his when the dtipartmentr� of - phL.sic I We for same time. ,We DOW heiVe AiKdad-stook an hand, � . L that it. was a' full year before the I before be� 0 , y s WAS I .- L Conle, fer._'Wb&t Don'tfo g 4 Rho t V k , ' ' ,� I,!.',- at- Ing packed. go tells �of a:n interview .b(?ttom; that It pinks until the, pres-: throat,. becomes choked 'so tha,t..' be fil , _YOU'Wantj also Staples. f a it or a _R . - ".. . . Mall and poorly equipped; he will , , - 11"' Ed )th�J­'b-l-' � ­­ f 6_d fe_#.­_­ &ken, - , . .I. . tempi tmao- to anything' All mater- sure of the water hold$ it fast and -'cannot speak;audb, has become yours' leave thd University ln,poss6ssl . Handles,Msoin"Ol �'. L- - . ­�­­­�­__..,._4 . .. ­­­_­­� _': L . you, family's,."Colld I I . . L �7.11.1­:�­. !'I, - with an experienced. frog 'catc*her, . . ... � I lal-Ink, * paper, the press it.qe)f- -.had . there,. rooking tibou t. in - the pb"ow� ','and ition . Yo r . . on of I . .. '.., . .. - . .. 11 . . . " whose observations are worth . I . . L' V�� 008:01 the finest and most, Complete -'-� I I... I . .. .: , . . � 1?AR1W.G1%EVMand B'VG FINI$Ff ate�ir, demand Aese days. ,L' . . % I �".j to be irnporn-d frow England, arid Ing: I I I quot- .depthoo it slowly 'dissolveq. What brother' chiffloL.Will therefore n'ow ;re_� - . .1 �L ;. . . , .. ��. L 'I';. , I . . � 11 . departinents ' b f0jind * in L ' ' " ' ' . I . I I . fbod for-tho ima thiq,.'.� . . t at can be I . . I , , _�W4 11 n ginati6n Res In - Move the. obstruotioD. from .your I .. . L . . .. . . ! ­ .., � I A , -f �1 I , . .: � , I r ,.,.. ' ' . :,yll coming . a4y edutational, i * " '' , -, For HOUSE WOLD 1U$8 Sugar ind rfuit Ja . , 'r" skilled labor did not exist. .,Over I 'Ver3; intelligex& animal, a rog. � institution in the . . . : ,� � I fleet of the lost, nayles. of' the world., �-1,hroat, so..t)!a;t you may one;- moris .. ., r8mr6liefiaod, Coins beref6t tholo . : ��-'­ L all obstacles, however, the used to catch' 'em, arid. k6-ep lem. in A I I . ' country. , From rhin 'earnest biAlef * In �' , ' - . .. I � . ­ . . .L I ' ' L ' L. . , 1'. ! � firr . - h ' I � L � , : . . . � . I ­ . ,1. number ol The Quebec Gazette tub of water. Vheri' I'd catch L a still. floating L' up and dow In the 'be' -Able to speak- with 'clearness to, Christianity, his .ent ]POR THE IIIAIRY-Tty 21 14stional Cies6i geparator, andy&u . � . . 1.111., "e". - deep, meeting and -passing In silencu,` your family and friends. ,hUstasnl. for his - .. . I . L � , the .win .and thro' . 'Work- and his integrity of character* ' ', "W .o I . ,!,.. appeared on the 21st of June, 17.63, - �umblebee by VV W . Ill be pleased. . No bett r insohine-m thb -market. - ' - . � . . .., . with one litindred and fifty subscrib- no votco,ever. calltng through . .the .. .4.r,Ahd. Wilen a. person in brought Dr. HAallet, L , I ., . . , . � . I ., I. .1 . .� ,... .. . I . . . I I 6 college lectures ha,yj ' '. , , L .1 I . . . . I . . . . `�; � -down hard -onto the water,,, And o' a, breeze, , to grief 'by the. death of a* debx 'One, . 0 rrodabi., R gbest �rldo for butter and egg . 0. - . . I � , . J1. �,�,N" era, and'frum that day Canada him . dark; no *all .ever rising t . Termabash . . I I " never without a newspaper. was while he was buzzing around .trying been'a powerful inopirfitio .a i . I , I * , . , Kiplink has 'voiced this 'idea,,, in - one bis heart is wrlink'With pain."d en� a - to young - ., I .�. . �' - . L. . . I . ­. . I . , . . L . � - ...'s . to get off, 'the � frog .w6uld:Jump for , .. . . . . I L people Ill his elastics. Few teacher* ' -'� . e � ­ . . .. . . "'.1. . S. and soti-OW, .. . . I MUM._ nddjW]i:�� L ` . - I 1. of his pp- Gifts' ..veloped in disp sadnes , leave so deep,& moiml rind -Intollec- 1: .1 . I .. " . I . . * ', L , . � .­ Ztyrra'o4 Gift tci r)r. mackiLy. Ulm And git him. . I � . .. . . . - .1 , 1�11lp I � I . , -*. L, I . thL And he feels thait the grief. to . - 4;, ' . .� - .; I " ' . . OvOr'� Jp!y 12tb,..' . ., LR . ADAMS . This Incident of the late Rev. Dr. � "But the bumb ebee had his 'rfi�, -Tive V"6eks. dis,solve above' us,- eir I I . tual --!mArk, upaii.their students. "as. - 1901 .1 I I . I . . . .1. . . . . . -i, L , . � . powering, Such being your. oomAltion, ' . . . L . . I L . . I ,�. � venge already, and -.you . , I I I. . . . . . .. � �, I I . . I . I I �. � .. I .. I . .1, , - , its well Ati tW&V of. your family, your od upon.'theft departure by A greater I I I . 1. 11 . : . . ... . . . .. . . �, � MackaY, of Formosa, is told by c6uldn". dust drops down from afar I he has done, and few couldbo, follow.: .. -_ _. I .. .1 I - I , -­ correspondent of The London Advor- SOL L of pain- own to' the dai-k, ill's utter dark, , i ther. ehisifowill therefore now' ad- lea, - -_ I . 11 " a count one-two before P, looli , " bro . . . , , % ad surpri woUld a . Ing of regret; , Syracb.�o - uniVor- '. . I Come�lnto tha:t where th blind white. sea snakei.­ fn� istolo potion of medicine to co - ity., . , its f cul,ty ' b I I I . . in I . , L - . . . * I � a barn a .1 I it n I . I L . . . . J- , . �. . , .1 , ­.. I Th . I . . L 1 $ 1 ­ . I I tiger: "I had th& ples.qurc iff bein- frog's eyes. lebee had, . are." . . a a d its students , , . . .1 Acquainted with Dr. Mackay some I I . . I � . sole you fifnd 411 your fialilly, so that if ­ . . . . TrAn �w .. . . . .. 1 . . .! ... . . � ".1 , V 1� .. . , ., .��!, rt,is unfortttrnmt�l however, that . I ' . . ne 0 IN . 11 . ... .: . "', 1 stung him.. With, that'raio' intell'i- , , I ... . . I su er serious IOSS in'the departure Z ' . . years ago. He preached for us In gence, however, for which I give the �D your t . tnd -their..hearts may' boL pat Of Mr. Ijadnel. ' ' I � -,. Tur '. d ' . I . .1 8t. Mary's Presbyterian Church . right, and thus you may be.able, to . . L I . I . . 11 . � "': species . credit, tho� frog Would then -i the poetic view is not -the scientific . � I � I I I.. I . I . . . I . " I 1. . . I L . . 'i I . � , about 30 years ago. Ile also spoke view� . L. , ' , 1". . I . � rQ19111110 your great responsibilities to�,- I . A Strang� 1?fsh.' 11 . . I . I I ­ . .� , .­ 1;,,".�11V46AV . .... L. . . I . I 1. ... _1 I . " ' ' �, .1 , �. of his intention of going out as a . take his fore foot, r6ach down, and "Anything that - will sink 1h a . war.dSL your tollow-beings.* _. I I I I . at Cornwall. . . ; Xf.thio misfortune oboql be' * I . . . � 1.11 11 , � I I a r I ... �. - the heathen in For- fact. . � � . . . . 5. .And. now ' we proceed to L the . . a since U. sea gaj� L b ,Pin year . . . I, missionary to . pull the bumblebee out. That Is A -water," sayA Sir John Mur�- . I it is a long.. tim uggy, remember the jilace tot gof a I Idsmag- I . I I L . . , 1� I mosa, wbere lie soon aftdr went. Ile "They . � ' .. ' . I . I glass of grave of your,departed end beloved � mon was seen in the St.. Lawnwico, so repaired proparrY is at Rtinitiallk NO-. . . . � . I L ,� :% Was always a man of L work those forefeet very ra,y, .the eminent Canaidlan scientist, but one was killed last �eek I,, ,th6 M,athlg I L I .. 1. . ­ ... ­_.. -_ 'L ,�n 7eat earnest- cleverly anyway, 'L & ,,Will. PrMeticalli 'Vink toLtho bottom wife, auil we decorate It with wreaths , . , . .. I . 'L I . . . ' I I When 'hooked I raceway under Afack's nil . . I I - 1. I I L . , I_ I ,.ne8A and his heart was always in his , of love �nd affoLtIon,. made of :sweet 115, by: AV. L . L . . . . . I.. �. I '. . .. .. . .. I . . " ; frog will often take' hold of ,the fish- Of the &Vest Sea'-" . . . We keep a good sssortm6ht'of`new . � , . � , I . . I . Z 2 , .. work. On one occasion, �when' Lid- line And -try to got tho­hook Z. f MurraSr points. out that Arater is Vasse'l And forest Ilowers, awl we Borthwick, a: mill empi.bJe, thile I I � . I "".., Ing a church he sent home to Zorra . spearing suckers, says the Corn Lbaggies always on hand, prioe4 low ooni,ider. L I . � , township for $5,000, and without Failing thail he will hold I the Ilue One �Of tile most incompressible �of : cover.1t with. it slab to, sh!�tcr it Freeholder. He d,ld not kriow WaIT Ing quality. . I . ­ 'L ' . . . I I . L . . . . I . - . from storms and excessive beat, so I 'what I I . � � " L I so as to ease up. on .the hook. As � ,substances; (water can be comfiregsed. I a prize he had captttred, and ' . .. I 11 . I L i- . . . . L � � I I I ":. _. apology demanded that it be P(lit, at for what, they eat, I once found a bi ff Only L one twenty thousandth of it L s that her -remains May be securely home amd had It oleaned,'' took It n USIBALUMeMATAC110ton � . . . I . I . I ..."'; i� once. The amount was made up and bulk) � that 4thoujh the prt-ssure I protected .and quietly and peacefully ,but; On .1%, 1� I L .. I . I., . . . . . I I . � I . frog which had choked to death an a i I . . i .showing the he�d. to Mr. . . .. � ­ I .. L . j . . sent by return mail. may be enormous at the ocean. bot- . rest. ' ' I . .1 Mack, the � . . I L. I . � I . I . I . I . . . . 7� " I swallow. I supp ose . the. . bird had 1 6. Arid when a , person In - C,AJ ,Off stranger was clearly identified from - L' _ � . , . I I I .. . L ­ . . . I LL . I f � --- I . Inumom, I 1- . I come down to the riVer bank to. got.: tom,, the water ifl only A very 1itile theL scales -and shape of the head as . . ,. �, Paper Wood. , I more dense than at the. sUrface. 'And. from life, bloodstains ma3r be left . I . .. . I . . L '' . . I ' �­ � mud for his nost. At any rat.0) 'there. , ,t so in his usual stat. ' Your brother I a genuine sallno sttl&r, -The fish was . .. . . I ­ I . . I Paper wood is as hard -as wood it- 1� %�as, with its tall sticking out of yet the compression: Is f,ufficla I . _­ � 1, �_� - . L . . L . . . . . . I . * , - - - I I - � self, is suqceptible of brilliant tredt- V va co I Lught frogs that R it Were suddenly toleased; say chiefs thert,fdrQ DOW Wlpo ,away all . I 0. felliale, Weighitig about Ave p9unds, I I . I I .. . .. . . . . I . *.. I I �' the frog'$. mouth, from the seat, so, that and was full of spawn It Is a pity L I . � . . . . I . . . . %-I - . ; , . I I I :I went, is vaqtly lighter, perfectly ad- that had oaten little' catfish about, - by the SU.4pension of, the at. traction stallas . . 11 .that Mr. -Borthwick 'had mi4tilated - . . . . I . � , jwttable and Absolutely fireproof, � . I resuAne It with comfort, ' I . I . . �. " !our Inches long." I of graVitAtion, and all the water yV4 may . 11 . � .. � .1 � I . I Vrl . ". ., . I �_ � I The erection of qkyscrappm necessi- I ,, I L over gl -, ould expand tin- 7. And wheiv &,Wrifon is brought I the ih-4h before speaking about it, as, I . . . � I I .. I � .. . . ..- � . i , . . L '. I " all the Obe sh . . I �� tated a very serious study of flre- The Laura .14ocord iwtcuumcnt� - , - til it was of the -same dengity as tile t , o grief by ,death his hedd.is bo*ed -it would have been Worth a good - I . . . . . I I . V, L . �, proofing treatimni of wo.)(1, tAnd Ille I � in� down with xorrOWL and woo. Such bo-� deal as a curiosity,. No .(Iuubt it . ! . . I I . 0% I . . '! The Laura, SecoAd Monument, Un- I surfActit water, flic oceans woul(I graw from, , one Of tha.',Innul�nerable . . I .. - . . '. I . . . . . , I result is that papor is t-onflng vary veiled at Undy's Lane, On Saffie, j. stantly -rise s,onjo , 500 feet, coverin� ink your condition, as well as that . . I . . . � . I � . .. 1 �4� I n try Which have been doposjt�, � I I I I . LL I I � . , . . � . .1 1; --tF,,Q Wl-lr- day, June 22, Is a bronze life-size I practically all the. Inhahttg4 Ittrict in 4eis , "a'nio I I . .�; largPly into iise in all %. . of your family, your brother ch ed in the river from time to,time, ­ . . ''I . woaownr), I o to lie ti.q (I I pliplyort your bowed befta and raise I I I " ,,, ticulurly Z�aljtltnhlf, for e Wn..r,, ri h -.4- . I you up, and remove thu clouds of Im - -_ � . If iq Ty"r- bust of the heroine, 'on a square I the World- , . We hOP& fisherman. will be oil th# , " "I'd granite pedestal, a d Is t a work of i I I . . lool, L . R 9"A*19018 . . . . . I 11 is becomirm, poiml,�r foi- t� ,o Tile Itow.4t. Ill 1851., vorr9w front your Ilortion, so that rout for' strango fish, and let us . . . . . . . 141, ^0AP I 110-`- Miss Vildral Peet. The erection of j. - The I lrouoe._Not a little . Amu' I you . may clearly see the sun rise fit' know about them, as 6 the matter Is of ' . . . . . I . . I I . . ­ � . . .. 1. this memorial 'Was undertaken by1he so- i decided sefentilic interest, . . . L. .. . .. . . L .. . . I . . . . I I .. . . . I . I I - Ontario. Historical Society. About meat Was occa4loned by the line of the morning, and tMee Its cloUrse un- . . I . I . .. �. ., . . '. . . L .. I � . .. . . I. 4L- . I I % , 1 $600 has been collefted, and - $100 Argument pursued by more than Ono til it rearliew the ruld heaven, When ' . . . � - : . I . . . � . . I . I . . I - I p is still f*04ufrod.tocomplot� the work member in favor of the gratuitl - ous its bright, off-ulgent rays will shine N . mr, J., J. 141111# Way.'' , . L ,�, I I . . I I ` � R* , L 'is . , , - �, I I Idow Of Ono- of�hls e 4. �',�. . C., teil.t 3 on - - - - eL around you and your fainily,'oo that - A wi , arly friands A I . I Which, It is Intended, will inelUd tile distribution of all, Parliamentary P&- . . I''. I I . I �, I L Placing Of suitably inscribed 'ti�blctq pers. It. ��as gravely proposed thatL I you, may once more be cheered, - and applied to James, J. Hill for gk .#.,�, . 1) '01 .. ]XIL L%& . I - . . I I * at the housa.at ChIPP;6w& in which the "ctwly-headed boys" of the couji- , 'Ith. renewed dnorgY resume- Your small loan, She said she wit! . ,�., . . . . I . . I . L . . , __ I_ , , goin . , * �11 I .. . . I I . 1-1 ­#- ­ - , . ,s, And be able to to open a boarding liouse. I I , 11. . . . . . . I . . I . - --.9ht---I1�w,di---ov,or.. 50 years. Ago,.,_at,,thg tryt�-the embryo electors And Sena-" great, responsibilitie Sorry! , !-..-.d, I- 11 L I I I L . . % . �� . - L" I discharge ,your duties towards your Xts. X,, but qan't-lot you iblava it,' . 11��, ­ V . . . ' .i a tors a an A& '. 1- . ' ' I . hoU** In QQe01ft9tOft from Which _'Wh ­___ "if -F � td corab-should--be�--lit-��.�-.,jr ­ ­' -_.1.1.-_.- � - - ---- -- _ Dut�-you'A-batter-,gd x.our boarding� -11, " , I started on her heroic Walk, find the a of every-' fe , ow -men, , #,W,h.y, Air L �­ � .L, J . _ � I . :, - d,0) . Hill,- �. ... _ , possession of official record Signed� on behalf of the Council, house starto ­­ � L . I I& 10 . . 1 I & house at Decow, which was the- head-! thing pertaining to Government do- . Josiah Rikl, hOW* Can 17 I have no money to I .4 . I . I A quarters of LIeUt, FftZglbbon In Ingo. By and by the IAXIslaturo will L L I � . . . . e ­7--�A--�­- G.,00d - '. I � . . . I . I I* _4__ � ', Secretary SO.C. "Von't keed rnoney.11 ,,Whyv sU;0j . ..: " " 19113. A hft'dstdnd L be called U'Pon to Anake grants for ! - � I . 1. I . I . I . � � . I I 'Will 'also be i - - I y I � 4.1 L . . � . Placed to mark harL graVe ,it Chip. I the'proparation and Publication Of a I Must Pay for the lurnitural" ,19* 4I , . . . I I I . I I . 1. .. I L ... . L . . . I I 14W& Church, I I . new series of juvenile politiev.1 man- 46any tin I Itartod it. 3rOU mustn't. Got a good house, . . I fp , . I ,�5 . � . . . V '' V . . . For fifty. years the Proteatazt, Or- A bill of six months' h , . . I t , I ­ . . I . I I . I I I ._A­�, L uals, adapted to the opinions of those rent, furttfs' i ' . 16 ' I . I . . I . I � I . 11ton Who Quit. *cry pro egsivo gent?y. "Chancery phans' Home in Toronto has been the hoxiso, band bills to me, I'll pixy .0, ,W%l 41101ft * . 11 : . Raturno sdo 0asy". will pi,obo,bly . ­ - . I Al looking after the -fathorlesS children, 'Ora. . Sorry can't let ,v n , , k K ,ou have a y i, � ­ . P46016 should not ancouri*Ar's the be the first of tho now order of and starting them on the Jotiinoyr of hlonoY. Good morning, grit. X.1, " . A resurliotion , *. .. I I . 01*6VAIIIII9 disPotitiott to kcce�t ox- life, It is interesting to know that 4,� . . . . I onft . * MW ' L . ;1 I duseo for woral do�liiquiinoiea.. When school books. -Prow The Globe ot . I � I I . a man giv Junt 1, 1851. this Institution Aaelved the assist- A 1111kiniairk0l Idea.. I I ­_ . . I . . . . I so up the otrugglo for Sao-' ance, at Its Ififtlatioh of Jenny Lind, Word beg reached us of a rPorwito �16 11, I . I . . I'll I 4680 -When he falters and quith, when , XAW Zoalanalil Policy. the 18*edIsh Nightingale. .1onny girl In Muskoka who, seeing itfs.rin_ ,�., L , I . I � I I his breaks or falls fatid. piroves how . I I `10- . .. � -. . 11 I . 1pooir thc stuff L is of 'Which he is made, .. I 11 i'varl .fJ!','!;j!FK�5, . . I I . . , Within Mik years th#-Xbw Zealand Lind *&a dfacoVored by 11. T. Bar- or'* wito wringing 96 hen'* nook, to , ;, , I a0verriment has bought back of the uUm *Ad brought to America for * orgauliing a Inovement to havelowl , .1 . , I I -he need but take to Ititoxice,ting ." 1� .*;� __ I L aaL . 'Ila are a speeifio for ift drink And poopI6 say 4)f him that, but, tour . Aar **#at voice, enthralled the chlorotorined baf6re being killed. it &" For I . These pi ortgulal Battlers 924,167' Acres of I I I . � L diseases arising from disordert4 , tot drink L I land used for L sheep runs and 1,6SO ,people On both.sides of the line. \would be a kinder way of doing it ( , I Awl:, ,he m4ht hav* bie,de 6 kmilles have ,4uAd ,kowles 04 thorn. When in Toronto fifilf a Pautury ago certainly, but we foa,t- it, will hat i� I . I I .�. hervea, Weak heart or WatefY blood, &"t name for MOO*% . � . I I She sang for the Protostant OrphanV ~411y siflopted. . I L - �'Mfe� r Thoy cure Palpitation, diulnegs, 'it yout t6bgve iii coat6d,try billidr1a Gt%n* I ., .1 . I., . Itoma, find the proceeds of her coa- Milier'S Gtip POW&rg Cate, So . . . ,.r . "', l "OtnothdAug, fitint and WoRk ap , 600P aloe. sold.byiI.B. combe . Ana R. r. To make Molloy it is ne6oaorty to have 6 sae e itution uponAts Id uy it. � I . . . . . . � , I . . L . ,gfiortneAS of brea,h, �,vvelljrfga of foo . 6100 bright, brain, &-000iheaa ftea from � � . ,t Iteeklo, (31hAdn. I L . ml4sioa. Those who MA40ibtr the 13.0ombe and it. z wew. . ' I . ittid iinkles# nervouqugg, sideV1,61104, . . . . . Pkill, Slid Ardn#, vigorons nervaq, Wil. first bull4ing on Zoverlo,v (street Will I . � . '&A". *�W##4`o*A*"0**0s61~__.__ I . I I L - L b reeall th6 Inscriptfoh over the door It Is offlicially Annoupped that 8,081 ,= CICA. "*r0A*.,0*M*4W4" isTvrm� .. I ndioi anwrnigit hySt6dail St, Richard 9#ano, 016VAtor fnati at th b, Ana Servo Pilfs Invigoliate find hich Aaid that the 6strity wa!, Poera have been killed, wounde& or . oft a 0146004 tm 6WAV6 L I . "Ulo Montreal Gas Works, Wag killed by thee """' near' besift, sirdngthdri the nerVell, W . do Partial priralyje�, belf1f, &go h All hefirt, nerve and brain f0t1nd0d br J05nZY Lind in Is _k . . I - dAnt a rIR on the 181511 In ,captured or havo ottriendereft since the e "-& R=x6ples"M MWIM"W"14sia"'fift, � I I fall of the elevator" fid remove in l9t of rda�ch last, -, . I WME11 I (0twile CoMplafntq, gen at debility* I I troubles, . � . (ho more dommodinus structure, I . I 11 . and lack of vitality. PrI,;e5o&$Lb0i6, 1.86millar's GraDulos . 1 �w We'st Vnd �1111 home fit dollift , � . I . . . . . ,,, otim Constioation. . , New Ukrter - � I . . : t* I . I bY M Ar Combo Ana it, 1P, Itookidi At*o-ypar-olddati teroM R. � 9"I'at4r 'Vork that, "ver. " I . . . 1 04, 1 . . _ "'o '" ' r . ­­ ­­ .� __.­W.'W­ JOIN 111016*16 cow L I Clint PrUll we's 1prampton. , pound Iron Ville? I I , -11.111. --­­­' '­­­­­. . I . . � . , I I . I A I i? . . I , . I and- Us V"Re6kid, "", � _ I . L- L-L - I . . . . . � 1'� I . . . ., 04, � . I " 1 4 L I I I I . I . I � �, I I I I '. . I . � . . , I . I I ! 11 I 9. � �' 1� 7", 1 1 1 1 . I B t I 00 P . I I " * I I No & I A I I I ii, I a ", 11 *1 I L � .1 . 0 1 1 1 .' .1 . I . k L� I I I . I . I I I . . I . W . ... I . 11 I � �, I I I I . I - � L L I I'll 14, I I � ,� . , . . � .�. I V L , L . I;* i I " . � I : % 1"....11- _"M , ��, %Afi� I I . . ,V �1. I L__ - - -1 , - , I " - __�W�__A.*.'W- ot I *4 .­ � ­ - ­ - ' ' ' ­­ 'I _4 - 1- .­ I., "@dkh"MW'MM6'bgl"k'At�l "- - ­ L- '� '- - . � . - 1. I