HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-07-19, Page 2Oe * Shia Concert* VW.' It Yillaffoiri us a ward deal of eatis. "faction if subscribers will Itiodly see to ft that their subscriptione are paid in Ildeenee. The price of paper and of prieting material of all kiPds bits ad Vowed verytnaterially during the past 3tear, while the price of material bee temained the same. Our white paper taste us 4c per lb. more than it did last Year. This renders it all the more tue ,egeriary that subscribers pay promptly, Will those who have not paid retnit us at once the aineunt of their subset ip- 'tion. One dollar or two to a eubscrin- et May seem a small amount, hut When hundreds ouch are scattered around it becomes a serious matter. R. HOLMES London Liberals presented Geo. M. Reid with a handsome cabinet of silver. • a J: B, Tudhope, Mayor ot OrLUia, was nominated by the Libera:s of East Sim- cee tor the Legislative Assembly. • • • The Census Returns. The census announcements promise to be vet y much later this year than they were in the case of the last cen- , sus, when the census was issued from the depart inent on August 13, of the same year. That bulletin contained the census results for cities and towns. and the material hadall been published in the oewepaper s,•to which it had been supplied by the statistician in the month of June. This year it seerne -likely that it will be much later. Crisp County Clippings Mrs J. Maxwell has put ehased a resi- dence from 37 Leckie, in Brussels. D. L. Taylcir. Ashfield, has left for Vrrginia, where he intends spending the summer, for Lis health. Wm. Bawtinhimer, an ofd residentof Henfyrn, died on Friday wee,k-aged 53 yeare. Jabez Dennis has opened a hoeshop at. V4 oodham, in ihe D18CP twitted by ,3, Sykes, who has moved to a farm near Mitchell. On Monday, July 8, lienneth,ynung- est son of Mr J. L. Wilson, near Fuld vvich, passed away. He was 1 year and 14 days old. F. Be attie,of the Bank of Commerce, Goderich, left last week to take a posi- tion in the Chatham branch. Mr Mc- Gowan, of Paris, takes his place. While no perFon was at home the re- sidence of W. W. Meredith, Seaforth, was entered by some party and 615 stolen. Entrn rice was gamed through a window. Mrs (Rev.) Aeheom al d fetaily, vi he, have beet, •eli z• le. . f Kipper' 101 1.0 years, left on oiwit.i..y. last week; for their future home in Pembina, N. D. . 11 Denman,Sarnia,formerly of 13rus. sels. and Miss Joan, daughter of Geo. McMillan, Brussels, were united in marriage on June 25. Rev. Mr Hall performed the ceremony. • , : The by-law authorizing the village of Blyth to loan $5000 for the rebuilding of the grist. mill in that village was vot- ed on and carried; 5 votes were record- ed against it. . • • 13ainton Bros., of Blyth, are nego- tiating for the purchase of the Gilchrist building, north of the G. T. R. track, at Wingham for the purpose of estate lishing a tannery. D. McKay. son ot P. McKay.of Tuck-• . etaimith. has one to Grand Rapids, Mich., vehere he secured a petition with the Fred Macey Manufacturing Com- pany, et which his cousin is manager. A very pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mrs j Bowers, Sr. ,. Therese, formerly of Titingannon, in which her daughter. Etta . E., was united in marriage to Ernest E. Mann, of that City. WG Were gears, to learn of the unee- 'voted decease of the M, NichoLcon. 4, Morris, on Wednesday week. She leaves a husband and five children, the b.ese e es-, reit n few months old, Elle G as WI yeerli of age and a sister to TIVI'l IV.IeCiriagnr, Brespels, ' ,. . lobo Mack, father of fits Mack, who formerly iived on the 2nd eon.,Stattley, died on July 9, at his daughter's red. dence near Prancesto en. The deceas- ed was 65 yenta of aee. Ile originally came holm Ireland, and was a member of the Presbyterian church J. Cowan has gold the old homestead farm. on con. 6, McMillin:00J, H. BOIL for $5200. The farm contains 100 acre& G. Murdie has also sold his farm on con. 4, MoKillop, to Ins neighbor- R. „Ms- ' .:* Eercher, for the sum of $8,200; MS farm contains 100 acres. k. /. FrOnt niehift ttd• BlittOe. Mich., ,Inly 4th, 1001. To the Editot of the New gra. • Logan Sm. -flaying read several ar- ticles through the NUW Ellie horn far- iners of the Prairie States, Districts and PeeYince of Manitoloa, also item of 3. Jobristoe, Lindon Road, `Stanley township, behag a fernier Ulintoniels, 1 decided to send 'Roil a satePle each et 'imothy and aslike clover,. measuring 5 feet and 52i, inches reepectIvelseeroW0 indee from tbis place, for seeing le helleTing.IThese samples wet er selected at random from it ten acre field, in if strip of land abounding in soft maple, ash, elm, and cedar timber which Joint t be Columbia, swamp, near Linkville;' This ececalled swamp extends south" westerly for a distance of nearly tweu- ty-two miles and varies in breadth, trom seven to ten miles. It contains farms of almost unexampled fertility. There leprattically no waste laiicl in Ibis district, because for many miles east the higher Landis almost as level as the prairies of Manitoba. The low land swamp above mentioned atentride principelly in soft maple and fish tim- ber. Most of it bas been drained by ditches and the pi iceof all unimproved land has advanced $5 per acre. Im- mense areas of sugar beets are being celtivated and the Caro Sugar Co., of (aro, is constructing a new railroad, termed the Caro and Lake Huron, be. tvveen Caro and Owendale; which with other roads will format' air line for the ti ansportation of Boger beets, ftom. Elko on, to the Caro sugar factory. This railroad will be completed this summer and will be operated by the Michigan Csntral Railroad It may he interestmg to readers of the NEW BRA to learn that fully 75% of the ferment of this: (Oliver), town- ship came fromOntern, many of whom are thrifty Germans from Stephen and Hopi township, who lived near Credi- ton and Zurich. Other Germans were former residents of Elgin, Wellington, Waterloo, Perth and Bruce counties, Spring crops may be below the average here this year for the frerent rains planting, June is generallY coosider• ed the warmest month in this State. • W. B. MCMULLEN. ' Grand Trunk :Railway Tourist Book. The Grand Trunk Railway System bate issued. its. summer touriet, book, which gives an immense amount of nseful information to those planning their summer tripe,. The book is en- titled "Routes and Fares for Tours," and includes the different routes to the Pan-American exposition. In adoition to this several pages deal with infor- mation of interest to the traveller, a list of side trips and steenaer' ana steamboat connections. There is also embodied in'the ppialication a complete and comprehensive map of the beauti- ful scenic districts in the Highlands of Ontario and of tbe system arid its connections. Rouse of Common* Vacancies. Seven seats in the .House of Com- mons are vacant. • They are West Dor, ham, where the court has discovered ' corrupt practices to have existed In the late election; West Hastings,where H. Carby has resigned; Bernice, opened by the resignation of Dr. Godhout to accept a sept the Senate; L'Islet, opened by the appointment to the Senate of Mr Dechene ; Sr. James divi- sion, Montreal, caused by theelevation ot,Mr•Mestisarais- to the Bench, and York;N. B., where Mr Gibson veaq un- seated for corrupt practices by agents. Addington vacated by death of John Ben. of_therer„ ark the parties ready with their candidates,tro it is pro - able that the elections wilt net be brought on beforefall. and then all to - 'gather. In. West Durham and West Hastings. a majority of the votes cast at the general election were for the Conservative candidates, In West Hastings Mr Corby. the Conservative leader in that part of Ontario, Won by, a Majority tiV t e irly a thousand, but had u0 relish fot epending another five years in opposition, and so gent in his resignation. The other three seats were held by supporters ot the govern. went. An effort hi being made to per- suade Hon, G. E. Foster to roll for did- dington, On Stanchly morning the wife of H.., Park,aged 48 yea.ts and 8 months pass ed away. Deceased,WhO wags respect- ed resident of Winghana was born in Onadagn, Brant count*, and was Met'. ried to Mr Park 20 vials ago. They moved to Wingham 23 years age; with the exception of 5 years,htts heed there since. A family of 8 80118 and 5 daugh- ters and a number of brothers and sis- ters besides her husband and an aged father are left, tin Sunday Week Mies Anna, daugh- ter of Livingston, of the 15th &M.,' Grey i Wept the botae of her sister, Mrs W. Sietntnon, Oth cob., for *Visit- A +I hgnolti after she had retired Uri; as caged and glee Liyirigaton pageett iterave. ged 44 -Yeate. Deceased had been trbttbled With her heartforY yeas and IIad at varl005 times tiettrlyptultjed. aWa ' She leayeir her parents, tied brotlletaapdtwo titters. . Aft•er an teas Of 6 Weeks., a good.p• et* Ott e Alum partiallY, undap. sett431111„14.''Kelftigton, a residenbef the 4t 100, Morrie. for over 25 years,naeft, itti away in his tigth , year on Monday week; He was Ora in Yorkshite,Eng4 conviiig to Canada, When id Yams Olds He ilyed in Peel tiounty,thiMin thille0 add EOM there eatoe to Mdrtris, *here - aebelatid aftertvards "'labile 56 il haftileohrieedAffheree from Mrs Weleh, of frIna ,IDOWelfes *needs. e Ill r lt ef• lingtotria death Watt Caused by 0, brag ailment. fieteavelt a Wife and•13 'obit' dren4, . during May causecl unusua delay. in . • TOO OhitteSO; oannOnscaP toted by the Britt* duttng,th e reeeht trobblektiatte beel2 sent to Ottawa. J. Minnie, of ttti mitten. felt elf hilte escape, on *Well he- Vette *110010, and eueteined terton# 3. Loon.* tv4 aocidentally killed, nioecasseti payee Milli at Rawkeehtiry by being caught in a belt, What A Splendid type of tireless activity is the Ban as thepsahnist describer it Matt- ing like a ',bridegroom from his obamber and rejoicing like s strong man to run e race". Every M411 ought to rise in the morning refreehed by slumber and renew- ed by refit, eager for Inc ettuggie of the day. But how rarely this ie so. Mont Dee - pie stlit rise unrefreshed, and dreading the ritrMn of the day's Mom. The cause of this ie deficient vitality and behind thue lies a deficient supply of pure, rich Wed. and an inedequate nourishment of the body k There is nothing that will give a man strength and enegt, as will Dr. Pierce's Golden Meclioal Discovery. It dries this by increasing the quantity and quality of theldoed supply. This nonr- when the name, feeds the brain( Wilde up enfeebled orgens, and gives that sense of strength and power which makes the °Wag- gle of life a joy- The "good feeling" which follow; the use of "Golden Modioal Ditioov- ' is not due to etimulittion, as • it oon- ts4ne no eleohol, whisky or other intosi. t, It does not brace up tbe body, but builds it up into a condition of sound health. ifirttlea of great Men. Carafe; Curious Street, In Cala% uot fer from the lauding pier is wind is Suomi as the fisher quer- ter The itthabitants et this part of the town, numbering something like 2,000, form a commuuity of their own and live quite apart from the rest ot Calais. The tenuff People never think of marrying out of their quartet., just in tbe heart at this district is a verY narrow street, its *width being about Ove feet at most. The curious thing about it is that the bottom room of every house is qnite isolated from the upper vomits, and the tenants who wish to go up to the bedrooms have to come Mit int° the street and enter another doorway, behind Whieli Is a Sight of eteps leading up stairs. Durability of Wood. In very dry atinoSpliereS the durability of wood is almost incredible, Pleees of Wood, wooden caskets and wooden vies bave been withdrawn from Egyptian catacombs of an antiquity 2,000 or 3,000 Years antedating the Christ'an era. Ifinaluese In Puniness, • The Millionaire -Yes, your highness, intend to settle ten millions on my (laugh- ter the day she is married. 1 • The Duke -Just give me a inenth's op- tion cat that and I'll consider it. -Brook- lyn Lite. He Knew.. Teacher -If you are polite and kind to your young comrades,, What 'will he the result? Bully Jones -They 11 know they. can lick you, -Puck. •Narrow minded ' people are like narrow becked bottles -the less they have in them the more poise they make 'in get- ting it opt - 'Our deposits of borax- are beated be practically inexhaustible. MAGIC MIRRORS OF 'JAPAN: new tire AnCient Buddhist Priests Preyed Upon.the Susceptible. Rome time ago I rend in The Weekly Times of Tokyo, Japan, about an -old steel mirror that when held to a strong light was said to reflect the image.of Buddha. This was attributed by the editor to su- perstition, if I am not iniStaken. An old steel Japanese mirror has come into MY pessession Which When' held to si strong light distinctly reflects the -image of a child Buddha, . full length, with arms ex- tended upward over the head. There ts no mistaking this, for I an neither; sentimental nor superstitions. This, 1 think, has been produced by some old time Jtiptolese artist. 1 think that steel has been inlaid into steel after the manner ot dainascene work, then the tihole face of the mirror polished. The grain- of the damascene work, 'being dif- ferent from the body of the steel mirror, reflects the figure as inlaid, while the mir- ror'shoes only a clear; polished steel sur- • lace, The object of this is quite clear to , me. When auch .a 'mirror was shown to the people, it would be to them a mystery And could be palmed off as a "miracle" and would draw them closer to Bud- dhism. Of course there is no such. thing as a "miracle." To him who has attained 13uddahood all things are clear. • What ignorant people do not understand design- ing men palm off as a miracle and draw people closer A) their form of belief, • . Since writing the above 1 have consult- ed S. Nomura, from whom I got the mir- ror.. Mr. Nomura is president of Benten & Co. ot mote and informs me that he secured six mirrors Is exchange for em- broideries from the priest or priests of one of the'templesin 'Ciotti. They were very old and very dirty. The priests in charge knew nothing of these mirrors, except that they were old mirrors, brought to the - temple before their time. Mr. Nomura supposed them to be -old common steel mirrors and rive them' to one Of his serv- ants to polish with white powder and silk cloth. As he polished each one he laid It on the, thihr face up. When the sun strlick the Mirror, the Man noticed in the reilectlosi'on the ceiling the'form of a child Buddha, and that was how the dis- ceiery Wag MA& 1 have all the SIX mir- ror), in my poesession told have tested each one and found that each reflects a cbild Buddha, but not always the puree, and some of the mirrors cast a different reflection from others, These Mirrors are sound, have loops to hang than no, wad b it the back are Buddhist characters. es. es- • Pleasantinstnaces of cheerfulness and equanimity Of tereper may be fohnd ita the lives of Goldsmith, Ben Johnson, Sidney Smith, ,Lord Palmer, son and Atieehain Lessons Of integrity and uPtIghtneria of principle'ai.e,shoWn In the careers of Oiogenes, Newton Bueke,DrAentlid. SeottcRir ThOti Moore, W. Cbantberes ward', fttitide4_14Yola _HOPIOr` rgh, Emmett, Thierry, ilberfortet atid gtenewali laehaon; or the many qualities of patience a d foritada' id. referiesetolitte' Witthe eteof'ffautiduttv. Irsin itti, te, itidergh,'Treticir, Itosintt ; TOcqueville, Watt, Battgher, J. Iltint. tre,Andubon,tieyerd, Addison. vElY•rte ,Ikea, flOK,Lortaine, Flay* man, „eat and Pugin lor e4mple5 :f tide a ar hnOti.;lookinte the biol.' anergy, • 'prompti. alt grb facift, Peter the Great, 1040,1i.NUrflt, Wildfin, 13%140; Nayk B ultlopi; - Ignite& , 4ttairpa,,, 30h4 Wel11111407ls stanley, Ogee, Father; Xyier, Nelson. Creme 711, AndreW'Sahkh and R.Le,e. When Queen Vittoria Was horn the ,population of Glaegow Wait 188,000: the populatiorkof the'city suld.tathitthe fe now atitnit 900,008. The. value of ithe corner/del estate of the city.tvas ,at' the Queen's birth, 4240684 now it hi' 600, 000. •Glasgow te quite * growing plaee,*4. The wreaked. A.nokop Armed* was erild by tinetinn to fohn E. Moore, et. /Ohre for 04,700. Toronto's Big Exhibition The raze List for Toronto's Great Annual Exposition and Industrial Fair, which this year will be held trent. August 26th to Sent. 7th, has come to hand. It is printed in yellow shaded With green, and presents a very hand- some appearance. Upwards of $35,000 Will be "distributed in premiums, and $80,000 will be Vent in features and• special attractions. The live Attack dassee•havit beep rearranged ip Some instances and the Prenlinins increased in others. A dater for French Cana- dian cattle has been 'added. Conies Of the Prize List and all information de- sired ean be had on addressing 11. 3. Hill, 82. King St East, Toronto. Spad- ini efforts are being made to indrease the excellence of the Exhibition this year on account of the close proxiMity of the Pan-American. b:r krawil.NOMS. x.1.24S IA THE EAR. Trig PRIMARY SISAT OP THAT w0e- FUt. MALAPY, saAwKrIess. it los the Ortrart of Rearing Which Irtrit Kicks lip the Libiturbancle Which Illonifeste Later In Stomach. Convulsions'. Seasickness, Abet woefal malady which first maims the sufferer afraid- he is ,going to die and later inspires hito with terror for fear be won't ille, Is an aunoyenee which briege A shudder to the man or woman who contemplates going any- where by water. Nearly everybody knows what seasickness is, It is no re- specter 'of persons, but attacks the high awl the lowly, the rick and the poor. AU Wads of ameliorating agents are rented and resorted to -with religiotuefer. • vency to quell thn teethe in the epigas- , tritin, but without avail. Lemons, limes.' anti all kinds of acids are used to still the onion° going on inthe stomach. In the agony Nvhich follows an attack of. sea- sickness anyttpromise can be exiieted Of' 'a victim in return for immediate • relief, And yet the stomach is not to' blame, Nine .out of ten people will declare the seat ot seasickness to be the stomach. It one should tell a man who had . been throughthe ordeal that the seat of the trouble is not inthe stomach, but in the ear, the, integrity of his mental processes would be seriously questioned, The ex- victiin would probably regard hiniself as a past grand master in all that Apper- tains to seasickness"' and would in all • probability indignantly refuse to listen to a learned .diseertation on the ear as having :nothing to do with seasicknese. And yet it is tree that the ear le the part whieh first kicks up the disturbance vrhieh manifests- itself in the stomach convulsions.• The ear is not wily built to bear with, but also the apparatus which glees to. us the sense of balance is laid in the. ear. • Before we can know whether we are standing -up or lytng down we must learn ' it. from, the ear. The apparatus of bal- wipe is. As follows: It is located in the temporal bone.. This bone farms partot: the skull wall in the region. of the temple, end another portion of it, which projects at .right angles to ,that .part which forms part of the shnir wall, forms part of the ,flOor of the skull ciivity where the brain •is. The latter portion is known as the petroue ,portion .of the temporal bone, • and is. in -thit. portion that the. balance machinery -lies. :In the petrus portion are three semkirCulee canals uniting at their base. These -canals lie in three different planes, and the man, no matter le what position be May'. be, is always- in -one of these plapes... If .he falls, he will 'fall in One of these planes- „ . • , • . Thee canals have.0 common, base and are hollow.. They are lined on the inside .witle a membrane in whieh the filaments of the nerve .whieh controls our .balance . - are distributed, or, in other words, the nerve which tells us whether we are erect. or lying,.'down. whether we are falling,- ete. There is a fluid in. these...cegats . which only scantily fills them. When we arestanding erect this fluid lies at the common base of the canals and by its • weight on the nerve filaments, even which the fluid lies, irritates them,and they Elea& a nerve impulse to -the seat of orighi ot their nerve in the .brain and we are in- formed thatwe are In 'the erect ,pestare. hoWeVer:- We change our posture - for instanee. Ile down -the fluid 'in the mats, run into that canal which is in the .sanie plane in which weAre lying.. Grey, ity moves the fluid,. • Here a new set of nerve filaments areagitated by the fluid and an impulse is again sent to their sent of- origin in the bran, andthe brain tells Vs that, we are lying down. NoW, when a person la on board a boat, he is nitehed abutby the various motions of the ves • 'gel' and instinctively gets up' it different • motion of his ownin his attempts to . . keephis balance. This .sets that fluid iti the eemicircular canals splashing around from one 'plane to (Mother', or, in other Words,. frem one canal to atiother. No sooner does Ong set . of nerve, filaments send warning to the seat of origM in the brain, telling of the direction' in Which the man ie inning. than istibther set sends out a nerve bnputrie, of a conflicting " report. The result la a strange confusion01'neiva impulses taking place in that part of the • twain where the nerve of balance takes its -origin. • •7 • Now, if this were all there would be no sense of seasicknese. • • 13ot it. le not all • There Is,a large.nerve which has its seat of Origin go closely interwoven with that GI the nerve of balance that when that gest Is In the throes- -of coutusion this large nerve becemes agitated and dis- turbed. this In called the pneurnogas. trio nerve awl. pansing dOWn the neck from the brain, giree 'off Rome et its file - Meets to the Mims trod lierirt. add, what Is left Is distributed to the walls of the • 'rhe peculiar confusion whichtakes Place In the brain as the resUlt of the loaning about of the body from one Vane to another In Wok succession inspires the pneumogastric nerve to send down animpulse along Its nerve trunk which causes nausea and the etomachic convul. stone Which are associated with letteiek.• • • The victim of seasickness Invariably enhances his Own discomfort by liderpori- ing a motion of his own, Intended, of course, to Obviate the Motion of the boat and keep himself from falling, lint all a rule tide effort on his part old, Adds to the diaturblag causes and, renders the confusion in the ear and .brain more In- tellect. ' A sufferer from seasieknees lir ale wore, better!f he lies down "oir his back and gives hinitelf up to the motion a the - heat. ;BY so doing, while he will be still 00404. ft Will pot be go eev.ere heetruSe heofferh no 'motion of his body to that of the boat end Is hist that much better off, Barreiteof lernone. limes and other tickle will het -held him mech. In- tithictively he will, atconimodate hiniseif to the boat'i motion and fitsion in both ear ahd brain Will milef down, nad he widerawl oat On. deck Again, wan and drawn perhaps, and begin to take an in - tercet In his Aurrounilings. TheGovet nment witi piobably advei- tise for tendtrs for a 23 -knot Atlantic service, if you hike a Laze-Lived:Ill teenight be- fore retiring, it will work while you sleep without a griPe Or Path, miring bilioneuees, conetipation, dyspepsia and Wok headache, And make you feel better m the morning, . The Hon, Jones Sutherland, who•sita itt the federal ministry without portfolio, is tiolisideeed be those Who know /liveliest to be possestred of one of the bent ,practical mincer ift Ikea government, and hie eervioes are frequently onded into relate -Ulan be tia :eagles' tot d putinental adrainietrat tool Theloodott'oolotoop of tb0 Biyal` Clantulten Regimeut of Infantry has been selentedtOltet an an escort- tor his Etoyat flightless the Duke of14`Ork dur- ing hte etitthihjla Patilltift*' • tir•Vi R eitipieyeee Will picnic at Guelph On July 31. S. Meilen& rem**, hanged hime eelf in Ilia barn. ' A little Iglu Of Wear Blatchford, of Lindeay, was drowned itt e. well, Ttii) opioroor rtiamor to Ohara on the etnitern enast,qporifootketo,od. TheittieEePtermLorillard, of ble:tv York left °Veit $25• 000 000 kroiihdi.at GleAgew, and' fora time ow s A kin oke bet in the Exhibition 'destruttion of the Exhibititin bulldinge WAS threatened. •The flithie &Vete eani. fineatO a bihek of teatootne.-; Tbe 500-Mer,rlebnitts from Dundee, which WellOaehorCrin the at coast Of Newfoundland, 15 a.tatat• wrArk. • ' * At`tiollkeribrt, l 8., Sydney Locke while' tuniipbraidy,' loom*, ghat Mid killed hie tbrtif ehilaretW ' 4,tdesSortirlt3lit4t,t,W, vr4iro'lkAdied at roof while.01 vt4e,tnAak. jacking t, up. Mit Adair, a young Parry Sound niri, Witt drowned. • slow to hearties liisty deer.'" said Mr. Biekerfi 10 hi:4 wife, "I eaw In the 'natters ,tisday ot a de- chtion of a eourt that the wife may in grime gates be the bezel of the family. ' «Jobe Henry,' replied Mrs, Bickers. "the, •courts are sorne'timert • very 'slow alieStiihnling01 thlugs10-Iuck. Ah the' peeve jubilee ift Bottom 1860, • Mite. Pareas ttesa's Yoke Was distin- guishable above 32.06a 'ninderr, an or- theetra of over 1,000 inetretnenut and le a hall where die ettdienO.Colislitted • 46.000. bottle.; • • thams kt4 ohnd • Oil hot la olettidenles 'ORM At Otillia, „Bridle Robinson. the thir. teen-Year-oM son of ()has. Robinson, was accidently shot througb."the head and killed by a companion. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all othee dieeasett put together, and until the lest few years wits aupposed to be incurable. For e great many Team dootorspronouliced it a local theme, end prescribed local rem- edies: and by constantly failing to cure with local trestnient, pronounced it in - motile. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease. and therefore re- quires constitutional treatment, Hell's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney dr Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the. market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaepoontul. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any mule it faile to oure. Send for circulars .e,nd teetirnonols. Address, F. J. Comm 4, Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best, • Properties for Sale or to Let House tor Sale. Roy Wanted Wanted, smart, active boy to lea' 0 Priltting ittfAin office In Ritmo, but not in Oltuton. Oooti elie:poo for boy wishing to learn the business. AppllY sit NEW ERA erecs, k Shorthorn.% for Sale 8 y Ung bulls, 10 to 18 months old, also SOIDO yowl; heifers breeding age, a choice letgood thH. !IRO Volneend see em. E. WAIN, Clinton. .4° Stray Steers. str rd from lot 14, Con;' 14, Mullett, on or ,t‘tohoti the 18to of mar, li,tivr -year old steertill hit , 1 spottvd, 2 r..d. Any information lead to recovery Will be suitably rewarded lune tf WM. BRYANT, Myth. S Ourns Bicycle Fred Forrester, agent for the celebrated Stearns Almelo. 860 wheels will be sold at a filitatdrefrhilit 4noYgnii:eraliiiIn ea 04111thie best made, should tall or drop it cam to elms FORESSTER, Agent, , NEW SHOE SHOP Two story house, on Maple street for gale on easiatAirlif payment. Alplqo ITCHELL ROUSE for SALE or -to RENT. On Victoria St., near Organ Factory. $ 300 will buy a roomy, comfortable bowie with good lot -the property resiently occupied by Frank lleshall. Apply at once bi-.. W liftYDONE, •• Rs, biter &c.. Clinton. Bull for Service. The undersigned keeps for service on Lot 35, Corr,,• 2, Tnekersinith, the thorobred Short Horn Bull, Iltrathoona, of Hillside, No., 88188, two. years . old Juno 8rd. Terms 51.25, with privelege otreturning. _ • June 7-tf HARRY ao/INS House tor Sale A large,two �tory fraine house with pretty surroundings, on Huron street, is offered for sale at a bargain ;2 cisterns; and it never -failing well. Will sell for $1,000 less than its cost as Proprietor is leaving for Manitoba. In, partk. colars apply= the premises, or to John Ridout, agent,. JO TEDFORD. Clinton. Feb. 22- f . Choice rnrin l'or sale --- • ' Subscriber offers for sale his fine farm of 14/ acres, being lot 26, con. 18, Ifullett, All clear- • ed but four acres. Brick house (andalso frame house for hired man),baitIr barn, spring week, bearing orchard of 2 twee, Pi miles from Len, dallier.), soil first-class and in . good condition. Possession at any time, terms to suit purchaser Jan 4.--41 m-tf W. HILES, Londesboro. 'Olt:SALE. The framecottage on Orange street, °con- r'ed by the undersigned, is offered for sale on reasonable terpos. The lot is it of an acre, with hard and eoft Water, stable, good fruit and Vegetable garden, The 1 -one contains ball,. parlor, twobedrooms, clothes closet, dining room, summer kitchen, Cellar and woodshee, is centrally located, possession given any time to snit 'purchaser. ELIE ABE'M GRAHAM tf Auction Sale ot Farm The Riddle Farm, lot 14, con. 18, Townehip of laCti3lettti,mgiik in figi0 tetrz, vicill be off errdiroz., Eo - tel, at Public -This hi an excellent opportunity to *procure it first- class farm._ Particulars will Cie furnished by the thatiersignea. • •• W. or: RIDDELL arnburti,:•Ont. DAVID McGILL, Blyth,- Ont. TrIlate" W. BItYDGLIE, Clinton, Ont. Truiteete Sol. July 12. -td. STOTtE Fon SALE. The premises occupied by it,J Cluff, and consisting of a at Obles brickstore, on Albert Street Clinton, is offered • for sale on easy terra _ Also Cottage on Albert Street._ with two lots, stable, and all oonviencee. Partiordars on appication to Mrs W. Robertson, Clinton or lire 0. W, McGregor,Constance. FARM. FOR SALE. ---- Sitheeriber offers for sale his farm. Of 180 acres, iitnated on the Maitland conoeleion, Colborne. About 140 sores cleared, frame house, bankbarn. plenty of water and in good etate of cultivation,/ of a mile from school and 2 miles irons Ifolmesville. Torras reasonable. Deo 14--tf RICHARD BAKER. Clinton P.0 For Sale or to Rent. The &mice brick Muse= the corner of Fat- ten and Joeeph streets, belonging to the estate of the late Richard Heywood. is offered either for sale or rent. It contains Mom for ordi- nary Wally, I practically a new bonee, with all conveniences. end. 02r00-tedtbe Of an acre. (Aland. If the property is not eold or rented, part of it will 'be related. Apply tO W. COATS Executor Clinton, • rAtcm loOK SALE Subscriber offers for sale his'Ittrin of ion 50505,101 1.70.34, situated on 20th 00114 town - shit Of Hullett, Huron Co., about 90 acres cleared and In a solid state of cultivation, bal- anco breih. On the family* good frame house, large bank barn and Other out buiteinge, geed bearing mallard, and Well waterisi. Apply to JOSEPH 31011818, . March 22-tf Londesboro, Farm lor Sale• 100 Acres, Whet ,Lot 130,10t Cott.,East Wawa mesh: good toads, good Water, near I'. 0.% Olitirch. school. Biz miles from Blyth, lees° ex- pire. Oct. 81, 1901. Purchaser has privilege tO plough and Sow fall wheat, S. MARSHALL. June 28-.1m. Anburn. TEACHEIt-WANTED Wanted, kor B. B. No. 5, township of Goder. mence snot boll is. APplication to be eent ich, a teacher, onglior female, dame to cern- to undereignediii later than hrdof Ater, dliP1101,!*YullorietzrallANTOlfs Seor' Jule 184. ' I THAT TOUCHES, The SPOT 0011.6.4-01" *vows • sysiEtliRtoyAlot or we.tik and leupke‘r,tilooti, Liver **kinex Meeksesik rernalte 000011000t. 4.11 Drtiggiete, or write direet to' d'sM. liormott, .0ederude, Oni Weereireineneterionitieilleiteriatielleieriellenneliti The undersigned bas opened ont a shoe shop in the SitePPara Block, Huron Street, where he will give speoial attention to repairing and custom work. Parties requiring anything in his line will And to their intereet to call on him,• AMOS Cooper, Clinton. July 6-4n, • • Durham Bull for Sale. --- A. Bret class short born Bull for sale. Good color and first pedigree. About 13 months old If soldat once, a bargain will be Ten. • PLUMB , Clinton. - June 14, • Lumber tor Sale. Suitable for 1Paron Bulidings • -- Book Blm 2 and 2/ inchee thick, pries 512.00 per M. - Boit Rini 1,11, i end 2 inches thick, price a12.00 per M. . Hard Maple 1. 11, q, v and 8 inches thick. Price 12.00 per M. W, DOHERTY & Co, 3416• Clinton. Farrn For Sale. The west half of lot 24, Bayeeld COD., God. aria townehin. containing 100 sorts of good land, is offered for sale on easy terms. Good.. barn, log bowie, plenty of water and small orghard.. Particulars on application to • tf- J. P. T1SDA,LL, Clinton BINDER TWINE Season, 1901, Profes oualarodOtherCards SPECIAL" binder twine sup' plied to Farmers Only. at. 8c per. Ib, . bt-tWo- bushel, cotton, 16 -oz grain bags, bound with - two rope 'snap halters, and weighing 60 lbs each, length over 500fseper lb, quality and loofah guaranteed. Cash with orders,' pur- chaser pays freight. Address orders J. .T, GIL•MOUR, Warden Central Prison, Toronto, Fortner particulars adflress James Noxen,.Inspectof , Parliament Buildings, Toronto. 3.11. STRATTON, Toronto, .lune 11, 1801, Provincial Secretary. Lake Erie Navigation Co. Steamer "Urania" SHORT ROBTE To 'CLEVELAND,. Ohio.. One way fare from Minton, Ont. - 'OM Return, $e. Boat leave* Port Stanley every Tuesday and Thurpeay at 11 p.m. Satnedaye, at fp,m. Tickets on sale at all local ticket. • offices. For further information, write • Woollatt, Manager. T. IllarShrill, Asst.P seweanikeravstim• HOHILLOP ACTUAL FIRE INSUILAN_CE CO.. pew & isoiaTzri TOWN PROPER S pyLoYirs:EEBSURED, J. B. McLean. Preildent, Eilipen P. 0; •Thoe.• Fraser. vie -president, BrUcefield P. 0.;. E. HOY% Secy-Treas., SettfOrth Pc O.; W. G. '.33rOadfpot,Inspector of Lomas, Seaforth 0: DIREOTOM ' • ortailfoot, Seafortn; John 0. Grieve Winthrop • P. George Dale. Seaforth;• Joha Benzenes* Dublin( Jett Evan. Beechwood Beechwood P. 0; John Watt, HarlooltP. Tholllos Fraser Brneefield_, John B. bieLean, Kippen James Connolly, Clinton. • . Robert Smith, HairrocENTBk; Robt. M011illan. Ses- forthL, games Cumming, Estmondville; J. W. Yee, floimesville ; George MurdisiandJobn C. Mo: ri auditors. • , P1 rtes desirous to t fleet Menke Or train.' act caber business will be promptly attended te on application to ably of the above effacers addreassul to theirrest erf've offices, , , 0,411411-.41-.~144411,4146441k44141004444.” OUR.• Summer School Offers a splendid opportunity for • teachers and Othere to develop in. orea,red earning power at it limited • expense of time and money. • Jane or July finieh a course in the I OWrite us about it. CR REGULAR WORK fall when ninny are juin entering. thorOugh work every month in the • to month. Students entering in oontinnes right. along from raonth We have • nitt varatiOns. We do , year and ate constantly sending out I• yotilig people iht0 goad positione. JAMES SCOTT Berrieter, Solleitor, 41;04 CLINTON. 0,111014-„E1liott 0104% IOW). Street) MONIAN TO LOAN. BRYD0NE, pABRIBTEB, SOLIOITOR, NOTAIM RTIMIO, ETC, Office -Beaver Bloelc.0 Dii-staire, Opposite Foeter's Plage Gallery CI.INTOR • CHARLES sEAGan Barrister, Solicitor, Notary and Conveyance, Ofilee-Opposlite 4,:elborne Motel Coderich M. Gs CAMERON formerly of Cameron Holt & Clexcteroa BARRISTER AND SOLIOITOB; Ofileer-litimlitc108Diggariagolliorne Hens% , GARROW & BARROW BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETO, Onlee-Coruee Hamilton lit. Width° Square Ont. GARROW, 00. Criss. Gsaltow, PROUDFOOT & HAYS. •BARRISTER% SOLICITOR% ATOTARIEEI plum • IPROCTORB IR TEE Melons= COVET, &C, °Wee: North at., next door toSignal Private Funds to lend at lovi est rates ' of interest. W, PROUDFOOT.• M.O. HAYS; JOHN. RIDOUT7. CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, • rerte- Real Estate and. /neurance Agent. money to lend on Nfortgage and Note security. Oface-IiIIRON STREET, 'CLINTON, DR. AGNEW. DENTIST. CLINTON Office adjoining Photo .Studio. Office Hours -9 to 5 AT BAIVISI.D. EVERY WEDNESDAY AnZallo) DR. G. ERNEST HOLMES • :DENTIST '(Succiessor • to Tri. T. C. Bhuie) _ Speclaibit'In Crown end Bridge Work L. D. S. -Graduate Royal College Dental Sur ' geona of Ontario, Toronto, D.D. S. -First-class Honor graduate of .0401- . talDepartment of Toronto, University. Special attention _paid. to preSereation ot • children's Latish.. Will visit Barfield ever/ Monday. Moe over W. Taylor & Son' e shoe store. • DR..WM. GRAHAM Licentiate of .the Royal Cohost) of Physician •London, Faiglaud. •Oilioe and Residence- ' • PERRIN'S mots; Itp imairst DB. 'J. W;BRAW, SIIBGEOR Asconcheur, eto., office and residence On- tario St., opposite English church; formerly 00. , eapied by Dr, Appleton.' Clinton Ont. DR. STASIBURY, GRADUATE OF_„..THE • Medical Department of Victoria Delver. atty. Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and • Dispensaries, New York, Coroner of the County of Huron, Baviield' Ont. , D J. . vR. EYEFaRttlrEsEurGEAcerN,* • Member of the :Veterinary Medical Aimee*. tions of London and Edinburgh, and Gradu- ate of the Ontario reterinery College. • .• • TREAT DISEASES OE LIM Asmara Moe open night and, day, opposite Con*, mercial Haig 1. . . Successor to Dr. %h. J. 11. Fowler, Clinton, Ont. • •DR. c: W. THOMPSON - Physician, Eutuecn. Ete. • • Speelal attention lily= to diseases Of the • Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose. Mica ani. Residence- . ' Albert Streets 2 Pioche North of Rattenbury a E. BLAOKALL VETERINARY SURGEON IJ allOROr6XyGrAdt/Ote of theOntarloVeteritury College. Treats all diseases of domestionted aLt male on the olostniodern arid Seientifie pritel plea Offloo+, imatediately son tb of tbeNforEIS Ofiloe. Residence Albert Si., OtintliA. Gali Welt ordav attendedto promptly IMARRIA.0)1 LICENSES isseedby the nn ' •111,11 signed at his Residence, Mary street Clinton. JAMS SCOTT, SR. FAMES 0AmPBELTJ LONDEBBORO J • 188151611 08' ilARBIAGE moimisga. No witnesses, required MI W. FARNCOMB, MEMBER OF AWN 01P ,jc • p„ L. B., Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, London. Onte.-Oifice at Geo atewarer Grocery Store. Clinton .01.01r. W. GLEN. CAMPBEL Organist and Musical Director of North Street Church, tioderich, and teacher in PIANO, PIPE ORGAN an THEORY. is Phi* pared to take a limited atinber of Pm:Willis , the above. For terms apply this *Moe: or to MR CAMPBELL,may be seen from 11 a. M., to 2 p.m., at the Clarendon Hotel, :01intlal • Friday of each week. CLINTON WOOD and COAL YARD, Srieel3eatlatYlirderoMigiwiwilbe itti lowest rates. °Moe orrisaaStr e eet, at LAWS IMPLEMENT ROOMS IV. WHEA. Central Business College TLEY F"Life Insurance orgaito,/krincip.„. The Novelty Bakery. analtestatrant We are,prepered to 'Jowly- ill your wants.= the Watery line, and we guarantee toe,* isetiefeetion Isi ovay reepect, • Westlake a specialty in Wed! dingCskee and °hieing cakes at a ressomible price, , Our Restaurant "#. 16944606 whore you Will find overything in a Bret oleo' reetaar- anti Candled Of alljkindit and alW143'0 treat. Clore in the best of briinis. Tattoos of all kinds. 'We will haie leetresuil and Drinks, Ateoi go.0, the Weao Xeerlholt!ti,14 Oki Stand, rarliner 44 *Clay - Telephone No, L CLINTON. OALL ON CHAS. R. HALE, Clinton, Onto be LI, .114C1'ORRSON ziostrgokson. Fire, . Life, •iceldent PlateGleas 0,11011 Wet at 113Loe,0 CUSTOM Joirktwvv.,:yee HO 31ppyrpps, Agent tot, itte Atesrtnatette • Co, of Mattobtelter, England. Whine fonds and itiourititersratadat $4.600,000h ,A1s0 the mo- Rmr.oratornattotevattret um. A11,61. farm rinks ^mill -fife PronartY tlateltit ot0' °west resteWa• 44iiitailvireen 'thiumetritio alto represented, otter to be heti froze 4por cent tip, decor ftag . to. nature Of ractirity..-, Daily mail to, HardearingttP Motel card Wilt fetch Mtn • , 70.a. AGENTs WANTED ' fort ol'ilit Dill AND %NOP WISH VIOTOBJA, including inioriai Wilithe from the wet =in. SOWOLSIX*Pj1_001411dAllk stsiteatitii, tnd "The Lite of Kin =Ward VDI.," Size 10x7-, isbout 4tt ow ritt;,, Igryoust.iken ADM tind dOtIoNiig„ t retedia Magid as:titres" woe t . a:it:letter, front Lon - list, end John A. CssillietV ' tor Cenobite' mag- azine, Toronto. Price Only 31.78 -new book from cover ti3 cover. Extralarge tionimibelOnt tdPabtdng Go e , r ratocoret ctittcita. resti174 Wftr 11;w4.4it 44joe.a. ..taittdren: Cry -for CASTOR IA.