HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-07-19, Page 1' )0401420-14444444****4-144**40Palf Recommend the New lira to 4 4( 444 -***********4-444144440.014 • your friends, ESTABLISHED 1865. :ROBERT 1101,108, Pub I Miss A Italia? just nay luck, you any. Not at all, juet your neglect. You depended on your watoh and it wee vrrong. • ff repairecl by se. it will hedone promptly,acourately and in a manner to ensure otitis - faction. We °barges fair price but we giye you high-olass work „NAIR ISN'T IT? To-day'a good time to bring it in P. B, CREWS, Expert Watch Repairer • Jeweler. And Optician- SIDDLEOODISE'S OLD STAND OPPOSITE TOWN HALL. • Westfield. inteneed for teat week. Cul:MOIL-Rev. Mr Jewett, of Hen - sail, will take charge of the services 4here on Sunday next. Rev. Mr Ken- nedy taking his work there. The an- -.Dual membership cards were distribut- ' •ed last Sunday. Prof, Campbell, of Goderich, is still practicing the ehoir, ,preparing for another concert in the near future.- -. _ • • NoTas.-A• B. Carr had a &tee killed by lightaing during the seyere storm on Friday last: Mrs Richardson and daughter, of Grand Valley, are guests atahe home of J. H. McClinton. Miss h. Boles, of Guelph, is at present spending.a few days with her friend Miss H. Stackasouse. Geos Wightman .and Miss Ada, of Essex, arrived here last week to spend a. few weeks with the -former's parents, Mr and Mrs . H. Wightman. Quite a number were • sinprieed to see E. G. Shorts again in our neighborhood, he ha.ving spent some years 4n the southern states; Mrs Shorts and daughter Ruth accom- panied him; they will visit their daugh- ters in 13tooklyn and Cobourg before long. H.-Flyde, of McVille, Mich:, ar- rived here last week to spend the sum- mer, Mr and Mrs J. Killougla spent a • few days this week with Brussels re- latives. Mrs W. Taylor and children, .of Geelph, are the guests of her sister, MreT, H_. Taylor, sr., 6th con. Mr and .Mrs A. B. Carr and elaughtere, Alberta and Lillie,spent several days this week in and around Clinton, visiting rela- tlyes. GARDEN PARTv.-The Epwatth Lea* gue of Blag.e's church will hold a gar- den party on R. Biake's property near church, on the evening of July 19. Re- freshments served outside and an in- teresting program in the church. ANNEAL Sentrana.-The pastor, Rey. J. Oaten, M. A. preached the annual sermon to the Orangemen in the church Sunday afternoon, The cot- gregation was too large for the church. After the service the Orangemen Pass. • ed a hearty vote of thanks •to the , preacher and also to the visiting brethren. •lin exact likeness Take eny of onr photographe and com- pare there with the individval, see the likeness and appreciete collates of our were, We like to have you make there) cOMpari* eons. We know our photographa wifl argae our astute. •.11enry's - Photo - Studio. :What Can We Have tor a Change 9 jagrA blithe Cry of Every llkonsekeeper. ihrOstiggeot a fent lipnittlzers StraliberrYPIe Pliant • P1 natippleehtlaks Staffed Pickles eltill gatteal :Suihrt. s 31 Cita of Splatteli • 'Save your Eggs • nvg, Mitt His RtirneWat Condo• • eloaret, to Settle Voatcoffett. LeaVe ue your order for &HMO Tette Cages early In: the week.• Ogle Cooper / Caner store ht. Peeriets SIttie'k114 I (/ Creel for Butte and Eget Phone tit 61) CLINTON. ONTARIO, JULY 19,1901. codericn Township ) IsierrES...,-MiS8 Bertha Disney,,,•‘..oter, tabled a number of her fyieuds last Wednesday at her fate" t Connote. -At theitr meeting of the coursed very a business of Importance yeas -41m ; the next coun- cil Will be.held on Monday, July Mb, MAERIED.-The many friends of Thos Trick will read with interest and pleasure the notice of his mars slave, which took place at Exeter, • on July 11th. We extend coogratulae dans. PERSONAL. -W. McCloskey, son of J. McOloskey,:* o has been a resident of the (lawman Islands for the past .five years; has returned tor a visit. He was formerly a popular teacher, in this township, and has been following •the same position in the Islands, where he bolds a high and responsible posi. ' don ; in addition thereto he has gone into ittariculturals pursuits', . raising coffee on an extensive scale. He looks well and enjos his life there. Watnernela.--A Pretty wedding took place at the residence of Jas. Graham ; on July 1001, at 6 li.m.,vvhen his eldest ' daughter, Enema F, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to John Henna, a prosperous farmer of Ue borne, The ceremony was perforated by Rev, Mr Elussar, tioirnesville. As the wed- ding march was played by Miss A.nnie Keys, Stanley, tate bride, leaning on the arm of her father, entered the par. tor, where the bride awaited her under an arch prepared for the occasion. The bride was becomingly attired in a dress of cream crishinere,triromedsayitia satin and lace. and carried in hand a baguet of white lilies. After, tlarceie. mortar was performed the 'ueats retired to the dining room, where a sumptuous • Lonaesooro. . •E • Fntrance Exantination. FINANCIAL, --The anneal financial re• pnrt of the Londesboro cireuit Methc. dist church for the year 1900 01 ends with May 81st and shows the enaneial standing of the circuit in a prosperous condition. The amount contributed at Londesboro for church purposes was $556.20 and at Kinburn $235 90. The contributions to the connexional fuoda were :-Missionary, $155 06; superan. nua,tiona$45 ; educational, $10 25 ; con- tingent, SO 22 ; general conference, $6, 78; union churchrelief $6.03; Sunday School aid $2 23; sustentation 8371; temperance. 03 08; Epteorth League. *1: total $239 96. ,The receipts were : Balance from last year, $29.72, collec- tions $1,3 28, from envelopes, $51:1,20, Kinburn appropriation $232, total' $788.- 20 ; expenditure -Rev. Coupland's sal- ary, $725, incideotals 021, expenses, $8.14, balance, $31 00, total, $788 20. The amounts in the report of the trus- tees are: -To balance from 1899, $18 30; subscriptions, $83,50 ; pew rents, $65 ; Armenians collections, $6,68 ,• Armen- ian enterteinnaent, $7; collections, 121.. 60; Rev. J. Coupland,$1; total receipts, $253,98 The expenditures for the Year were :-Caretaker's salary, 570; Webster Bios,, wood, • 54.15; Wm. Deer, wood, 4/31,75 ; carbide, for light- ing,$32,16; caretaker, part salary, 535; Bible society, $6 ; other accounts, 337., 77; balance co hand, 46 25 ; total ex- penditure, $253 08,4 , Nelms. -Mrs R. Crawford is visiting friends in Lendon and Detroit ' this week. On Senaay Rev. MP Shaw, of Egmondville,peeached in Knox church; his discourse was excellent, A Bell telephone gang has spent a few days days here Making changes in the line movfng poles and putting on a second aiteci wire ; it ,is rather strange that there is. em. The guests num. no office here. Miss .E. Allen' came bared about fifty and were from Olin. home for a visit on Monday evening. ton, Goderich, Goderich townehip, ,MTS Jeffrey is improving and hopes for Hullett,Tnekerenalth,Staeley,Usborne, recovery are brightening. "Mr Vebb Colborne, McKillop, Port armor}, Iowa, has men -at work this weekmaking ex - and New Mexico.; The presents were tensiye alterations.in his flour millsand numerous and costly which show the putting in a lot of new machinery. A aghseeteentsinawhichathe-hidersa.vaas-st.arloadsiattlyswas shipped fr,m h ' held. They left the sante evening for this week. Mrs ' Whitely and family their home in Usborne amidst the good spent Thursday at Goderich. ,wishes of their nunterouta•friends. • Paesula.-:We are pleased to note the eeturn to our midst of Miss Annie Allire who has teen studying music,. pipe organ and theory, for some time past under Glenn Campbell in , Goder- ich ;she has ' done creditably' 'Ina her exams which Were conducted from the Toronto Conservatory of Music hav- ing taken first class honors. • We ten- der out congratniatione. • Ncerze..The cherry season is now in full swing'evhich,.togethet Withthe farmerss-inekes. the farmers get a- woad on ; the fall wheat however, owing to the Hessian fly,is in many cases se, total failure. We are Berry to learn of the loss M. $chwanz has sustained in has fine thorough bred Durham brill - through indigestion it has howeyer been quickay replaced by . another. Mr Schwanz.hati Just erected two very fine centeier.e silos, One. at -each -barn; which makes quite an imposing ap- pearance besides holding an immense quantity of ensilage, • . Rolmesville CIIOROE FINANCEs.-The following figures, from the annual financial re - part of the Methodist church, are of interest :-Genetal Church , receipts. pew rents, $57.98 ; collections, 555.49; anniversary, $39.10. Total, $152.57; expenditure! $151,13. Contributions to ministerial support, Elcilmesville, $505 07 ; Ebenezer, $8L50! Sharon. $77, Oon tributions to 'Conn ex tonal fends '- Educational, $11 37; Cantiogent, 83.41; Union Church Relief, 52,10; Sunday School Aid, BLOC)Epworth League foe Missions, $24,394; 'NV, M. Society, $49.10; Missionary, 5183.66; Superan- nuation,$31.00; General Conference.$6,• 87; Sustentation, $2.02 ; General H. L Noris,--Mrer Irvine and Mrs Farm: son,of Belgraveirecently yisited friends .in this vicinity.. Mrs Clark hasveturn, .ed home from Toronto Where she wao attending the Conservatory of. Mite& A. F. McDonald visited friends. in •Brussels and Wroxeter last week. R. Miller has returned home to Tonto - to. Mrs Salkeld and Miss Lizzie Sal- keld,of Goderich. were guests at Mrs W. E. McPherson ' was L� Goderich twice last week delivering Goderich. h. An.aaissalin S . Clark is hoe frasur umber from here went to Luck ,nove on the 12th, Miases Reoa and Winnie Fordon, Lucknow, spent a few days last week with their aunts, the•Misses Gordons, Miss Irvine, a re- turned missionary from China, ad - dreaded a pnblic meeting at St. Helens recently; _Miss Irvine was dressed in the Chinese costume and had set very large collection of curios which, • with the exeellentaddress, misclea vety.ans terestiea meeting, Mt Beckett, late principal of Listowel school, and who purposes studying theo,logy, occianied the pulpit of Calvin church, on July Ith, in. the absAnce of Mr Whaley, Rev 11,11411all. of Wingbarn, preaching on Sunday last, • arms. GRAND REND PIONIC,-There were two cab loads ot the Varna boys and girls drove to Grand Bend on Ftiday last, and had a very enjoyable time NOTES, --The annual garden party 0 St. Johns church, 'Varna, will be head in Mrs Secord's orchard on Wednesday evening,Jults 31st. The Seaforth Brass hand will be in attendance; the corn- rnistee are sparing to pains to Make this social the event of the season. ea. Mr Hartlesr visiting at his aughter's, Mrs J. Sharp Ba,b Ion ?und $1.00 ; Sunday .Schoolss $65.24 d Epworth League, $39.97. Mullett GOon WOUX. -Last week Messrs,It J. Miller and Robt Freeman did good Work on the farm of Mr Miller. They forked eight ton of hay out of the win - row and put it in the barn in 44 hours. Bob is a, hustler towork, NoTss.-Chas, Mason, of the lid con. had the Misfortune to lose a $40 sovejast week, Master Irvip, of Cleve- land, Ohio'iis spending his summer.summer.holidays with Mr and Mee P.. S. Rey- nolde Mrs kl B yrtire and. children, of Cleveland, have been Venting Mrs P. I. Reynolds, • Stanley .No.rEe.---Mrs Craig, of Heileall, who was for some time the guest of Tos,IVIc- Cully, returned to her home last week. Mrs Hugh ideate or se d her daughters Betsy and Maggie are ramp- ing at Bayfield this week. John Me- Greiror, Chicago, spent a week', holi- days with his motherand brother Neil, W. Baird, teacher, has gone to Grey this Week to -visit acquaintances there. Fall wheat Is now Out, and is in general a fair crop, though meth straw broken, " Nile. Otatincia FINANCES. ---The financial report of the Methotliet churehes in the Nile circuit for the year ending May 31st, just published, shows them In a flourishing condition, The contri- butions for the three appointments Were NiI Shepparde,on tbenoter Ministees sa1ary-9420 1125 00 $115 Oa Thank-ci7erials58 19 MiESIODary 04 15 CT 80 40 Superannuation 26 96 1640 6 66 Waal ..... . 6,47 46 160 66 151 66 he quarterly board relit:els receipts of 16. d8 and the expenditures Were ra•-• ev, Wileon, 5700; books and station-, rri 65,86 ; printing, $11.02, The total oney rained on Circuit was i-Quar-. erly board, $716.88; trustee board, ; missionary, 177.41 ; Women's lesionary, $50;,,Sunday Schools, am. 2 ; Sunday School aid, till; League' ollection, $1 ; Epworth League, 5102, - circuit incidentals, 4.50; rameraile tuition, 542; Educational, 515.50; eneral Conference, 116 27; Union htieeh relief, 112,55 ; Contingent, fund, 248; Sustentatien fund, $1.58 ; gOth T. fund, $222; all other pnrpeees, 86. - tote!, $1802,39 V a tri 5 85 line, and he pi eached in the Presbyter- ian church last Sunday morningf Mrs Woods is visiting for a few days at the home of her mother, Mrs Beaty. Berry picking is the order of the lay, but if this dry weather continues, will soon be a thing. of tne past, the fall. wheat haryest is practically O'er and most of the barley is cut ; rain is Much needed as the pasture is burnt up. 0, Reid, our genial drover, shipped two car loads- of fat cattle to Toronto on Monday last ; they were an exception- al fine lot of eattie, some weighed over 1600 pounds. Leebiten. NOTES. -Mrs I, Horton returned last week from Stratford where she had been visiting her daughter. A. Mc - Nevin andsister Bella anent the 12th at Lucknow, 11 Andrew, Goderich, is spending hie holidays here. D. nor - ton had a narrow escape front being hurt lately, by the horse twining away with the horse rake. Fortunately he was Pitched too far to be caught by the wheels and so escaped with some bruises, The brick layers are busy at Sas. Chisholm's new addition to his house. Cannon Notes, --The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed on Sunday morning service beginning at 10,30 a-tn., Sunday School being a half .hour earlier. Preparatory service on Friday morning at ASO. The officers appointed by the Christian Endeavor eociety for the remainderof 1001, are as follows ;-Pres.,H, Shaw; yle6 pres., • IL A. Horton; red, see., Miss U. Fun fcitd; teem. Mali G. LaWSOn. ' •••••••••I•••••••••••••••••••.••••......Y• Colborne Netart.,-W, Hill lista begun to dig out the foundation for his new house Which will greatly add to the improve - improvements of hie place. Ws W. Fisher vow% a broad smile thoee days; it's A girl, 11. Mew took 111 on Tues. day afternoon While digging in the cellar ; we hone soon to see himaround. again. Rey. E. A. Shaw paid a vitit to 11. llieW on Tuesd Seafortbr Tnit Itaoge.--The /mond race Meet of the Seaforth Turf Atisociation WAS i held on their grotto& on the Oth and 1 10th filet& The Weather Was fine and the MO0161160 WO good, particularly that of the last clay, When $700 was taken in at the gate, I'if readers would, when reeking p uotbeir merrotete,,risuea cl:teri toltrala 11'4 tt neyoliaawrktphser The publisher would esteem it a favor VAST HURON. The following are the names of th successful candidates, who wrote On th Entrance Examination at the yaalo examination centres in the Inspecto ate of East Huron. The names are arranged. alPbabe ically in two classes :-those who o tallied sixty per cent of the tot marks or over are placed in the Bono List ; those who obtained more tha fifty per cent, but less than slatype cent. are placed In the Pass List. The papers of this examination wet all fair and ronable except that o Os Murray, Rot*. E. Runiciman Robt. McGregor Shenk Poo -Barry Constable, Roy Crow - sten, Arthur Craig*, Benj. A. Davidson. John a, Dawson, Roy Deacon, Wm, Eltiott,48eryille Griffin, Jai'. L, lienning, Albert liolmes,john 0, Het- rn, stuster. Win. McLean, Wm, Itoderns, Austin Ek Ruth, Wm. Scott, t. sainsley Sha,rpe, b. al WEST HURON, r The following is the list of •candidatee n eased by the board of examiners for 'Were P Huron, together with the marks obtained by earth, The total required to pees is 050 a Maths, The number of candidates writine n • was 284 and 204 of theoe have permed, spelling wht 'was much too difficeIt for children. Fifty marks are allowed for th' paper with two marks off for each tin spelled word. There were atleast fift difficult words on the paper. Th town and village school 'pupils di quite well on this paper, but °Win to the number of claeses in the rura schools, the teachers have not th time to . give the necessary drill t prepare their pupils for such a (lift cult paper. Except in so far as an unfair pape is likely to demoralize candidates fo sneceedingpapers of the examinatio those writing in this inspectorat suffered no injusttce on • account o the unreasonableness of this Dictation 'Panay. • , SEAPORTET, . Girls-lieners -May P. Gatzemeyer, Della Gillespie. &try Gillespie, Mary Johns, Ella RObb, Priscilla Smith. • Pass -Jessie Bell Anderson, Jennie P. Chesney, Winnifred Daley, Martha Fowler, Rebecca Friel, Rae Goven• lock, Effie Hanailton,Mary L. Holland, Edna ,Holmes, Maty Murphy, Ella Park, Hazel Reid, Bertha Robb, Kath- er s. Beiuie D. Somerville, Sean L. Van- Helmond, Ella aVestcott. Bella Wilson, Dolena Wil,on,' • • Boys:-Biinerer,-W. M. Barker, Aech, T. Dale, Nelson HS 'Garden, _Arthur E. McGarvin,-Randal-Rose, Arthur_Routa ledge, Ed. Smith, Elliott 'Somerville Geo. H. Scott. . Pam -John: W: Aitcheson;• A. Bread - foot, John Case, Louis Horan, Ohas. Holmes. Beverly Kemp, Charlie Lane,. Jas; Lynch, J. Ss Little, Peter McIver, R. Y. McLean, Edaer A. Neelin, Louis G. len ergast, Ray Sproat,. J, 11. Smith F T. Townsend, Bunesees Gi rls -Houoz8__Beattice Armstrong,. Julta Bartla, Bessie Bone, Birdie Geddes, Nellie Irwin, Mar McArter . - cierneon Moen, Smoot -Lydia Beek, 9 , May Bissett Rose Carey, Wiona Craig Ittay , Duff, Pearl Evans, Nina Graham, Rite ; Jordan, Gertrude Morrow, Jennie Mc - Loan Margaret MoEwan May Bell Mo - Donald, Ivy Newton', Isabel Proaafoot, Maggio Proudfoot, Lottie Robinson, Grecs , Rhyme,. Irene Sauna, Pdaggie Sutherland, Ethel Sutherland, Bitted Tiit, Jean Toro 0 ' Immo) Wiggins, Emma Young, Lewie s altken, Attie Anderson Harry Babb, Cheeter Hisoett, Cariae, James Cul - bed, Rol* W. Creigie, John Galt,M. P. r Lane, Owen McGillicuddy, Willie Proud- • foot, Herbert Smith, Ray Thompson, Har - fry Welsh, John Waleer. e t • ISODERT011 SAPARATE Sonpors-Maggie J. Dean, Winnifred Griffin, Edna Hogan, Kathleen Kelly, Erre Kidd, EZETEB.-Eth'el Armstrong, Martha Car- ling,Lonise Carling,Vera Gobbled-it:4k, Viola Davidson, Olive Elliott! Edith Monour, Isiary'Parsons, Olive Qaance,•Della Treble, Harold Bissett, Alvin 33retnel, John • Gardiner, Garfield Rodgert, Wilbert Mar- , tin, William Murray, Oreille tiOntheett, Frank W. Weeks. Thiesera,.- Maggie Bouthron, Florence . Pope/ Lelia Welsh laugh Buchanan', J, W. awe, Oliver jewett, Wdlie Mem, Bertie zzte cArter. , game: eCracken, Elle McKinnon, Artie Gartie Ross, Elsie Wilton, Pass -Bessie Beattie Carrie Berry, BerYa Bryan, Annie tsunninghana: Annie. Dickson, Eliza,beth Dickson. Vera Denford, Bella Henderson, Sadie Lemont, Ada Lott, Winnie MeGnire, Margie MeLeirehlin, Mimi McRae, Olive Mainprize, Reehel Moses., Hearne .Moses, Ruby Piurn, Edna Pugh, . Win- nitred Scott, Myrtle Thompson, Boys-Honora Ainley, Bart- Hiegston,..Telin Kerr, • Robt: McKen- .Zie,S,$1.6.WArP. Scott, 441.tur Smith, Willie Zillittui, Pasi-Roy Ainla,y. Willie Ardent, Earl /3 teker, Willie Cameron, ' Dick .Davis, Geo. Eckmier, Findlay Foster, Chas. Etsogston, Gordon Imlay, Don - aid Innes, Welland McDonald, Ritssell .Pot ter. Percy Richards, Lade Richard - on, Elton Rozell, • PORDWICII. Girls -Parts -Eva May Leird, Blythie A. McLaughlin, Bertha C. Sotheean.• Boys•---Honors--Wm. Padfield. • Pass -Percy Stuton Ashton He Beith, Qarnett Webber,' - • Besexersoa-s-Ade Cameron, /gado Whisl- -den, - "'• DuNOANNos.--Synton Fairnbeirn, Warner Ilairoul `Bart Eiteweit-Diail Tr I yezyjbn" •Young.• . Ellestteranss,-Goraon McDonald, Charles Miller. , Kirittri Peetra Starbors-Lturit Griffin, ensue johnston, Esther McGregor, jessie Moalurolly, Agnes Style% John Cathcart CEEDITON.-E114 Beaver, Wilda Banes, Ethel Clark, Edna Baba., Lizzie Finkbeins er, Martha Wenzel, Lucy Young, William „Braun, Wilber McMurray. _ Desewcers- Olwer Graybid, Geo, 11, Wambold,,Theit llartlieb, Bertha Wilbert, ASHITELD. Jessie McMillian, Myrtle Buns's, Cassie Finn, Addis O'Keefe, Rfia MacDonald, Eliza Finlayson, .Christina Me/Sainte, Innes Wilson, Anna M. Kilpat- rick, Luella Trealeven, Tennant Drennan,' llavid•Earrish, Belle Taylor, Mary Parish, Jas. A. Brown, Thos. 'tempter), •Williakc- Gregor; jogai% Irwin Maggie H. McKen- zie, Henry Lipeehaz, Ida Shackleton, Thoo. Rexete, Norman Treleaven, Mary Barkley, Edna Pentland, (Mums --Therm Ounninghent,. Lillie Levy, Charles IL Robertson, Jessie 13Iake, Herman Maedel, Clifton Medium% Bile :Goalthrope, Edna Hanghtonsdrehle Sande,' Jawed B. Woods, Ezra .DarseJeseie Mitch- ell, dohnie Milliare Ruth Shawl • Gonzeiee ToWilsans-lielen Dryerlale- Lettie Graham, Edna Gibson Lizzie Newt combo, Minnie Bell, Nettie Sturdy Pear 3.11.W;CITIVI.gat .......10.•••••••••••••••••••...mml...M.,•••••••••441141. quality, while plinne are to be more plentiful, Other fruits will be in average quantity - New Waracs. -The men are engag- ed in laying a new walk en the norm eta° of Hatteubury street and petition:. are in for walks on the North aide of Ontario street bona Irwin's store tt Percival street, the eastern bonnie'? 01 the town,aral also on the sooth side of Townsend street between Kirk and William streets, „ ENUMERATORS PAID. -Jas. Is Grant, commissioner for West Huron, receiv ed chegnes for the enumerators in his division on Saturday, ail of which Wert dibtributed this week, The accounts, as rendered to the Department, ham been slightly reduced, but they Stili seem to be hurly remunerative for tht time engaged in the work, S. S. Exannetorr-It has been amt. a•ng ed to run the Sunday school excursion from Wingham to take in Listowel, Clinton and all intermediate stations to Godettch,on Thursday, August The following are the rates;-Olinton, adelts 50, children 25c ; Londesboro 550 and 30c 050 and 85e. Last year itwas a big excursion, and pronn. ises to be as largly patronized this year, SrnPMuNTsA,nong the outputs Tanglefoot and Poison : 'Fly Paper 11 Fruit Jar Rings Pieta and tanitrts i.R ,t. Itee4ies Presdription Drug Store CLINTON Summer to elynney Jackson, Yie,..•••••=yy lay i i N.B. -Another shipment of:Pare • Paris Green just arrived. Bente . price, 25e per lb. ue ..X 1r •X of x ,r I. E, 1 Trsa Mantraxs.-sThe chief shipment ; to isle these days by eantelon Bros. are hi, atterries wholly for the local tra•de • down ' the .11ne; on •Wednesclay they ' tr, made a shipnaent of over 400 baskets; e i he prices run from 50,• to 70e per bass le net.; raspberries are selling at 5c per . x lb.; black currants at dc per quart, and a 400seberries at 25c per basket. In pro- . En, duo butter is weak, tub being quoted, s; C14e-afer---pland,. and loose at Mato - e. 14c;•eggsna e from 9c to 10c. • • th week were the °Bowline, at t Clinton yards: On 'Mondays a doub deck of hogs by eantelon di f the Don, and one car load of cattle Chas. Reid for Toronto; on Tuesda one of bogs by R. Fitzsimons for Cr lingwood, and four of cattle by.B Watson; on Wednesday two by Watson and two by S. IL Smith, a for Toronto. Dornarse ' METALLIC Line -T telephone line men are here repairin and improving the systent; Lt spring the company converted the lin from isondon to Clinton hitt) a doub Metallic system and theys are now e tending it front here to Wingham thu bW"inikefinednit.hi:PTIhIgeblolPar-ogffIrTe 14413114(.31initY a new snatch board and ether thieve -rnents•put in sheally. MASONIC .BECURS/ON-D. D. G. M. Munro, of . Auburn, Dr W. Dahn, of Granton, W. E. Rand, of Ojiitton,and other masons met et Windsor hotels. Stratford, last week With a view f arranging an excurSion to the Pans American -for a date sometime in Aeg- int, and white], veould include the South Huron .division, excursions to be run front Goderich, from" Partt ill; from Baden, and takieg in llensalt and • ' ,PASSED IIER,MESIO EVAN -We Con- gratUlate IVlisii Mann) Houston invites tug her second year examination in othoensnerri; an tnoar y of auklYsia6;tobtthaeiniTtiogeoh,notiLi: s oueten was also successfuil. in passing the examination for admis- ' awn Into theMendelssohn Choir,a lock of 'some five hundred singers, the mos• Important choir in Toronto,in whioh.ir is considered' quite an honor to be LONDON CONSERVATORY OF Mukc EXA5L-Rrincipai W. °even Barran, was in Clinton Tuesday, lying exami nation, in onnection wit the London COniervelory .of Music; the following are the resuitsi First year piano and theory --Miss Seta Cottetice, 98 per cent, 1st blase honors; Miss Mabel Cour- tiers Lo d b Wilsop, Howard Study,. /Katie Sterling boners; Miss- Fannie Shipley,. 80 pei ,,, per cent, ist class' Lew/eland Tiohboine, Reginald Elliott, Co- cent, 1st class honors; MiShOarrie Shirt lin McDonald, Mowatt McDougall, Sadie ley, 65 per • cent, pase. The result of 1 IStehtath, . . thorny examination could not be ob- Ilkv.--Gertie Hervey, John Pottle, O. tained for this 11381.16, blit Win be given • nieLlliolt.' • • tater on. The above aotung ladies,vetto Saseter.-T san johnoton Ernekson Sni. Aster Cal ter Roy Mauric Ed •der, M tle Sti WROXETER. Campbell, Baize Robinoen Edith Stogdill, Girls - Honors - Nibble Abraham, $ Agnes Black, Lulu Hemphill, Kate m 'Hazelwood, Lizzie Wiley. 0 Pass -Edith Harris • Boys-Honots--Melvin Rae. Hill Laura Joey Stolle Penhale Lydia Pas6 Vernon, Armstrong, Paul Bro4n, zamag,, Doll?, Irwin Gough, John McIlelvie, e • s yr nteon, Edith Sparks, Oolin NOrman,Boyea, Arthur idighoffer, Edna herritt, Laura Swayzle, Drew Swan, Ma- te Kayo, Susanna Clark, Wilmer Peek, harks Grasskik, Herbert Whiteman. STEPHEN. - Minnie Baqultan, Garnett Welds Miller, Ernest Wiley. STEPHEN SnrABATE 801100L. -Vincent Quarrie, e wa, o the age of 88 years and 7 4jr.,DTTON. have been so excellently prepared, tire I STOCK NOTESThe two carloads of 'cattle shippeciBY g. Watson on Tues- day were those bought frorn Geo.Stan_ of Stanley, and the seventy head, 'or the shipMent on Wednesday were front C. Dale, Hullett, Which averaged pounds. There were eighteen head bought from R. J, Miller,' of Rat: lett, the caOss weight of which was 27480pounds, the average being 1527 two lighter beefers went 2620 pounds. Thesenattle are considered to be ex - Optionally goat( and will bring 's the .highest market price. THE McnaArtoif Trankettena-Amopg those who have lately put chased new Mon inn Threshing Machines in this 13er4otsi°,," GavcerteMricsiasrs' jtOrWvn.eliSipietiobaeurcit -Henderson, Goderich ownship. Meesre .slorris 8c Morrell, of town ; Walter murphy, of Hallett; and Thos Richard - am of Port Albert. These machines sae fitted with all the latest improve-. !cents 'anti conveniences, and are • un - quilled -for fast and thoroughly lent war k in all kinds of grain, l'he acord of the Monarch, 'especially of ite years, has surpassed that of any ,t er, and particularly for saving the graiolt has no equal, 'The fact that • bis is , the second machine of same rind for Robert ilendsreon and Messes. ..forris & Morrell and the third for Mr Murphy is the Strongest . assurance that the Monarch has given them and • heir patrons excellent satisfaction. Ne have pleasure In commending the nteeprise of the above 'different thresh- • • rrnen, in providing thenaselyes with !taw machines and trust they will be ss arol Newcombe, 'eeeeded the most liberal Patrette" who is an aethorized outside teacher to the Oonsereatory. DEATH OE MRS SAMORL HOLMES-- Much sympathy is expressed to the bereaved by the death of Margare' Holmes, relict of the late Samuel Hol mes in town, on VVednesday morning, the 17th inst. She has met with sever - ;d accidents in late years, at the time of death suffering front a broken hip. all students of Mi 0 Girle-Honora--Lizzle Burnett, Ida 17"'"'-nlillie Monteith, Nettie Pass- months, The funeral will take DIMS Pearl Cantelon, Annie t)ook,Jessie Cat. more, Tens Pasernore, Orville Snell, Ruby from her late home, Princese street, well, Jessie Coupland, Tepee), Crooke, Mitten, Effie Taylor, Clifford Whitloolc. this (Friday) afternoon, at one o'clock, Jennie Carter, Ida Oornish, Annie For- Wese Wawesose.- Lacy Shoff, Ells, for the Goderich cemetery. Norther rester,May Holland,Minnie Rill Neill Ryan, Josie Young,. Leslie Fidler Irene Particulars will hei Holmes, Frances . Ienkine, Eleanor Mains, Matjory McIvor, I/onna Perlee, .81, i abel Pickard, Carolina Rose, Katie Scales, Laura Savers, Millie Stev- enson, Maggie • Steep, Etattie Trick, Maggie Wiseman, Ida Wilkeri, Pase-Lulie Green, Viva Mak, Zella Whitely, Boys -Mows-- Frank Akain, Cecil Brewer, Henry Parlour,' Oliver Boyce, Eddie Ball, Lorne H. Cantelon, Nor- man Disney, Sas. Doherty, Malcolm Fraser, 0, W. Gibbings, Everard Lee, Geo, A. Leitch, Geo. McVittie, Sas, Manning, Lewis Manning, Roy Pick- ard, Willie Rattenbury, 'Thos. Rance, John Rumba% Ernest S. Reynolds, Walter Stewart; C. J. Stewart, Willie Taylor, John Woon, YJ.. 1)...... Berry 'John Ooo er, g ven in nett Ernest Izzard,jae. LovesVittoe MiIiar Garnet McBrien, Robt, Vodden, BLYTE, Girlssan'onorsi-Annie Coyest, Edit Jenkins-, Arletta, Potter, Lilly Taylor Pearl Toll, Allie Toll. .Pass -Etta Lyon, Katie Marshal; Rose O'Connor,__13eseie Taylor, &tie Tunney, Etta Wanless, Boys-ifonore-Herbert Armstrong Pass -Joseph Bell, Brirvey Oidler, Leo Kelly, Don. McLean, Ruston Sel km, Albert Wilford, Henry Wettlain fer. W/NONA112. Girls- Honors - Henrietta Agar, Laura A, Ansley, Marion E. 'korner, Alice Chapman, Pearl Irene Davie, Olive K. Ferguson, Ruby Forbes, • Marjorie GordineTestile HallidaYt Win - Mired Holmes,Ethel M. King, Olive O. Illason,A.Laura Kerr,Hattie McDonald. Laura B. May, Alice aul, Alerria Pesten, Maude R. Sherk,Pday 0, Scott, Maud P. Troy, Sesame Melon, Pan -Nellie Bickle, A. Countese Coe, Melba' Olove, Geared% °fink. shinike, Annie. Henry, Florence E, Graham, Nellie McEwen, Bertha Mc- Kagneaanet P, Murray, Castle A, Powell, Mabel Praetor, Cora Sherrie, Carrie Stewart, Lilly Snell, Loulen A. Stewart, Mary G, Troy, Seanette • ere , Boys-iforiore-John E, Currie, due M. Ellie, Fred Howson, Wm. It, Sobl • Wm. F. Litiklatee, Geo. Muir, he, al oug Betsy Smyth, Maggie Buchan- an, Edna Anderion, Willie Webstee, Ida DavietiOn, , Wear WANANostt filarAmon flotroors-Ati- gustine Leddy, Mary A. Brophy, MoGrtraviret.-Joeephine Coughlin, Cora Short, Ildoalatravitte Seminar Elonoors-Fratik Farmer. , TodscsiiniTs.--.bernara (Mooney, Mary linehatian. Additional Local hews. IVgA.ELY A CENTENAIMAN,--Shiloil Roche, father of Mrs Raba, Biggart, of town. died at his home 451 Vine- , wood Ave. Detroit., on' Saturday, July 13th, the cause of his demise being old age, he being of the advanced age of 08 yeers and months, Itricovunin.-aar Kinbure, h - ' who had the misfortune to get his eye cut with a TACO of a rivet, and came to the hospital here went hone few days since; he has fully recovered, and .1 expects to have the use) of his eye, though the doctors had to remove a . portion of the iris. 4311001213600,1i STIMEOVI-Preen the remain; of the earanahlations at the Normal collere and Normal school, we notie,e the folloneing name,:L, n. Whitely Was SUccessir in passing his examination at the Normal Hamilton, or more commonl knoven as the &hoot of Pedagogy, ; Ise Mary E. Robb and Miss- Maud Wiltse were also succeeedul at London. Normal e o ongra, ulatione are .Itaw-Ane our yodel; friends. ' THU CROP 11138901ITS-The famere froni Marty parts of the country report the MIMS are doing well. Nearly all the ha has been taken int Which Wall good,e though only fair in some quart- ers:. (letting of wheat has nailed And it points to a gdod.Vield4xermt a few places where the Beide Wet been injured by the fly. &dear° growing Well, the late rains hewing given. OM a start. Generally, the faen1erS +say they don't need to grumble. In %its apniee Will he a fair supply of good [Her son Joseph, who resides on the 2nd con. of Tuckerinnith, had the mis- fortune an Monday, to tall front a load of hay, ahd break his ankle; it was at first thought that his ribs were also broken, but we a,re pleaeed to know such is not the cased VO'rEns' A.TTeNT,ON-The revision of the voters' not Iii the different men. icipalities in the county by the County Judges will shortly begin, It is 'im- portant that where any person entit- led to A vote has neglected to beve his name placed on the liet by the Men icipal Court ef Re vision,t hat he shoeld apply to the Judge, The removal of the names of those not entitled to vote should also' be attended to, where it has not been done. The general elect- ions for the Legislature of Ontario will alinost certainty be held on tha list= now being revised. An important Change in •reference to age has . beeti made in the law, so that now anyone, "who will be of the age of 21 years within thirty deka from the day fixed for hearing appeals by the County Judge" can be Placed on the list, pro. • riding he is otherwise qualified, RECEIPTS Or Onstous AND RIMENVE-Follotving is a statement of the customs receipts of the port of Goderich, with its various OutpoetS, for the twelvemonths ending June 80. 1901, together With a imilar state- ment fee the previoue twelve mont 1901)1901 1800-1000 Goderich.... fee:1 08 $8,188 81 Clinton...4.... 7,299 SO 8,48682 Whigharti....... 5,405 6,712 16 2,467 lij 2,431 47 Seeforth • • • • • II is 7,074 0,632 59 Southampton... 1, : " 37 2,02379 Lecknow P.O. , .... 8 18 15 00 $34,426 BO $35,700 sa The receiptsin the outport of Godertch, inland revenue divielon of Stratford, from July 1st, 1000, to June 80th,,,1001. Were as follorevel On 1700i " Algritti 4111ilkilOYIY.ryttfiyitt 2,817 41 " Melt . 11011 Oft 2,657 " 26 Ot oioliwymyro. 105,06 60 T he thsreeeipts for the previone tWelvi MonWere $6,884,1I, \t ass . Coderich. • RACES, --The firet day's events of the urinal meeting of the Goderich Turf association came off un Wednesday in he presence of about I2•00 people. The lay was warm but the cool breeze Made he heat bearable, and exclthair heats • tnd good music made it a .red letter me. In the 2 45 clue the winner is Aid to be the only three-year-old that 'las won a race in tuvh time, and the e heats throughotit - were excellent 'Mere are over fifty trotters and ruaa ners on the grounds, the largest nutd- bee attending a meeting outside the 'cities in Ontario. PI illsgreen PRESENTATION.-PreVious to tile de. parture of the family of Rev, Samuel ' .1.cheson for their new home in Pena - eine, Dakota, they were Waited on by r, deputation Who, on behalf of the Presbyter hut congregatioti of Hills - green, presented them with a liberal purse of nanney and a OOMplimentary idaress. The deputation, and through. hem the congregation, were feelingly thankerby Miss Acheson on behalfofher father and mother, not only for the present gift but for the kindness and aortinderation always shown to Mr .-icheson and family by the Hillsgfeen eongregation during the many yeara • he had -been theft pastbr. YYYYYY-..Y.-ryyya-y-*y.Y•ayyyyyyuY**owyYiI Guard Your „, Eyes. ..,1, it annehine ataltitit s.ing painful, e islinnfOrt and Ili itx pormsnoni-taX ep *III be isvOldS4 WeArInd our Lri o. Cast Smoked 01414mook swop per Xix11. IMO! Wx1rduk