HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-07-12, Page 10July 12th, 1001 Cool Muslins FRIDAY. aCrrtY 12. 1901 ............ paring to go camping, How would ' 1.t?('r 1. ; OTICES. you like to be the\ ice man these dolt (:o a ►S a os-li Insertion.] cool ' it takes him all his time to keep FF N EFFECTS. NEW LINE TUE CLINTON NEW ERA TafeZree-- ite a lazy man who can't 1 NoT1cs--As a result of a horse be- earn his bread by the .sweat Of hie coming frightened and . running away brow this weather, We are on the I on Monday afternoon, l.)ayie and Day. latter halter the let year, in the new , la hada handsome buggy badly dam - a e century. Several town families. are pre• aged and the hares some what injured. We .Learn that the wounds Jos. Copp received a Week ago from the brutal assault made upon .hint, are nicely healing, but he does not get necessary sleep as he suffers some what from pain ; he got out of bed on Tues-. day for the first time since the affair. The public library added( some new books this week to the 1iet. The hos- pital is closed for a few weeks to al- low those engaged there to have a holiday. The results of the arts ex aminaLions at Trinity University are out and among the successful to whom congratulations are due to Frank Hov- ey, who passed his final, taking first class honors in philosophy; G, E.-R.olt, of Goderich, secured first class honors in moderns. and L. J. R. Naftel, of Goderich, second class honors in Eng- lish, both obtaining the pass in the primary exam. The agent for a pat- ent smoothing non, who canvassed here about a month ago, sold 110 irons in Clinton and 130 in Seaforth; they were sold at $3.75 each. . The de - More of popular theo ular and fashionable dress muslins in P fancy Iain and flinen effects, arrived at this store this the make a comfortable and stylish.summer costume; do not y easil soil or get mussy -looking, and do up well. or. They are a little. out of the ordinary, tht. quantity we have is limited. and they are very scarce and.hard to get. If you want a dress do not delay too long. 44 Plain linen dress muslius, light weight, suitable for rither skirts or dresses, very stylish, 30 inches wide,makes a cool and aervicable costu.ae,per yd..1.., t C Fanoy Ameaioan Batiste arose maeline plain linen oolored ground. with fancy stripes is pale bine, nile, green and blank. Makes a handsome costume, 20c one of the latest American novelties, per yd +• •. week. There is nothing newer to be had, y (DaintyWhite Musiins ,.. k y +1 ****:k** ktlr>tr Anything you want in White Muslins you are almost sure to find at this store. No nicer goods, better assortment, or better values are to be found anywhere near here. New lines came in last week, to take the place of sold outs, and our range is once more complete. Milder 'twine e—CAidrEr,ON Bti0S HORSE NOTES.—Davis & Davis have CAliTNTNLON 33ii013., Clinton. made a number of horse exchanges the Ckerriee Wau t i 9ighas price ico pa iTBLOIT id Popular Exerrrdien.—The Afasoule exotic. vet week The quiet little dark mare, V v � table;oftheR. much by s D B. Kenned the an rates. buckskin horse bought from A. HQ pp sold to Rev Miller, r y 8 i k W ttd u pow r e n all our machines now in use, R of these are ail a gray horse from W. r , on es oto, or liveryc) ham, of the Mason House, bought a Mr err o wee ; it ie a fine looking driver. DIED IN AN INGIHAM—Un Ferday last, RuNAiPAX. -While several of our Miss Grace Wade, youngest daughter citizens NAwith. relatives from T a e Wwlter Wade,. of Clinton,with ofthel t theiroro- and niece of died and 'J. E. awaits, of frr ndsitt Auburn one of thea horses tiVingham died aged 2l � geoid and ' 4 an away Mrs E Oarter, Miss Carter th She has been a sufferer for and Mrs Blaber, of Toronto were in r E. , mon s. a considerable time, withconsumption, one buggy and Mr Ce;rter with and her old triendq in Clinton were be Bieber in another. It was with the . nartmental examinations are being very sorry to hear of her demise. The remains wete interred in Clinton cemetery on Saturday. PIANO RECITAL.—MISS Carol New- combe, music teacher. has issued inyit ations to fi lends to a piano recital to be given by her pupils, assisted by Mrs P. P. Reekie and Norman Murch, .solo- ists, in the town ball, this evening, (Fr ida)) at 8 p. M. Thhe program 'in- • eludes vocal and instrumental selec- tions and will be a treat to those fav- ored. Miss Newcombe is considered an excellent teacher. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD —The re al- ar meeting for July was held on 1on- slay evening, the Ohwirman and Messrs Jackson, Taylor, Manning, O'Neil, Irwin and Stevenson ou being present,sent The principal's reports for May and Junewere read,. In the former month there was enrolled 207 boys, 191 girls, total 398,. average 346. In June the roll contained 200 boys, 185 girls, total 385, average 331. As promotions were made at Easter and classes are not ready to move in September ; some changes will be made necessary fcr new pupils and will produce a better re- sult. Wm Wheatley's coal bill for e181,82 was ordered to be paid The properly committee was empowered to complete the approach to school dnoes b y having in g g ra n olit ic wel s laid, , improve the g ground in. front of the school and also•Vtiave the frame school painted. ' " Fine Victoria Lawns and India Linens, mostof them imported by. ourselves direct from the makers, mach used for waists and dreeses,priaee 10c to 011e Fine Dimity Muslioe, fine oheoks and stripes, very thin, are much used for obildrene wear as we11•exs for waists and dresses. prices ':Oe to 23r' Real Organdie Muslin, nothing more fashionable for white dress for lm , wear,the lines we carrywash and do up nicely, price......255+~.,l;0 i mer ., i' i FOR•.TRIMMING. For trimming White Muslin we have the biggest assortment of fine Valenciennes, Laces and Insertions in -the county. We import them direct fom the makers in Engl';nd and -France, and -you will find our values ver' good gid: very New Velenciennes Laces 3 to 25e New Valenciennes Insertions 4. to 20c °. >r 4(4.44•Wr M 44 444 Our Special Sale of. TRIMMED HATS AT $2.50. will continue until all are sold. - iy►x� ax ***AC'!r******rr This is the Millinery event . of the season. The unreserved choice of cmr great collection of ready -trimmed hats :for two dollars and fitty cents. As we said last week, they have served their purpose as models, and we want to turn them int' read- niouey as quickly as it can be done.: Hats that sold at $ 4 to 5, now selling at $2.30 each *AA*AA*AA*** 75c_Sailors_5Oc.**AAAetAk***rr i/ >«> i% K if:::* . If this were the beginning of the season these hats would be 75c. As it is we are able to sell them at fifty cents, and are going to let you have them at that prica. Ladies rustic straw sailor hats, good quality of straw, fashionable shape, black or white, silk ribbon band, regular 75o quality. Choice of the lot IJ C Stylish Shirt Waists. 1.4.04:0:644.4444:1410.**�+IOC«C•O:»:»:«:«:«:»:«:«:«:»::«;»:«:«:«:»:«y Q«:»:44 ,.,»:..4. DIED IN THE WEST --Word was re- 'eived:thia week of the ,sudden :deetb: from a paralytic stroke,' of Matthew tireensides, at Fleming, . N. W. T , on =June 30..-. ceased heel Melded With his son,. Thomas, at that place for the past nine years, and although he had reached the age of i2, had enjoyed good health up to the time of the fatal attack, He formerly resided in Clinton s had been od Arrangements e net litho g g former that the accident happened,near held at the .ppublic school and Inspect- or Robb and Principal Lough are pre. siding. The West Huron Farmer's In- etitttte•will net over $200 as the result of the Expermental Farm excursion. Oantelon Bros shipped a car load cif butter on Monday. Mr Geo Crystal, Auburn. The breast strap broke and. the horse became free ; the buggy was upset and the occupants all thrown out and badly shaken up, Mrs Blaber receiving a slight cut on the head.. The horse was cau tht some three miles awe*. of. London, is.repairing one of the pans THE MARKETS.—The dry weather of Staplelon Salt Block. The Chosen helped to cut oft the strawberry crop;. Friends have secured lodge room ac- t here are none whatever now. lter- comrnodation with the Oddfello.ws, ries are in large quantities and in Rood and the Workmen with the C. 0. F., demand but in a short while the sup,- in the Stavely . Hall. Davis & Davis, ply will lower the price which is at pre- have bought for their livery from Rum - sent from 500 to 600 per basket, Cante- ball & McMath a beautiful and .sty- lon Bros. havin trade a shipment •of Belt looking Mikado ; it it a beauty, .of 120 baskets on'Ttfesday for local trade ; gooseberries are quoted at 35 cents per no great demand t but there basks for currants of any kind ; raspberries are coming in, - In produce Cantelon Bros. made a shipment cf a., carload, . 500 tube, to Montreal for export the local rulings are butter,loose,13c'to 14c, tub 14c, eggs 9c to 10c. STOCK NOTES,—Ps� MacKay, Tucker smith, breeder- of Shorthorn cattle, paid a visit to Elmhurst farm, London road, lastweek, and purchased the well'enpwn .Imperial . Shorthorn bull, Koval - Don (64717), by • Royal James• (64972), first prize and sweepstakes win - varnish gear and oak finish, E. Mc- Lean has sold his fine large St Bernard filer to Dr J. L. Turnbull dais "Buller , of Goderich, 'for a good sum. By the ,Sault. St Marie. Times, of a -recent date, we notice that RichardRyan is one of the successful- graduates ; he is taking a course in civil engeneering ; be was born in Clinton, being a nephew of Mrs Whitt, a former well known re- sident of town, To day is the glorious 12th of July ; - the local Orangemen will celebrate and join in the demon- stration at Stratford. Mr and Mrs - J. E, Hovey, will be at home, Townsend street, to receive friends on Thursday and Friday of this week, July 18th and ner over-allages at the Manitoba Pro- -19,h. T, W. Parimer has Instructed vincial exhibition, Winnipeg; in 1894, Auctioneer D. Dickenson to :sell by auction, on the market square, on Sat- urday afternoon, at 3p.m., July 13th, all his household; effects ; as he intends to go west all will be sold withoues re- serve. Seale & Bice -have eructed a fine large -sign, at : their marble and granite works, on Rattenbury street. Ther -Jackson --Manufactory ar_e-43 running at full blast with a large staff employed ; they now have a gasoline engine of the Goldie & McCulloch manufacture, of Galt, and this week atitin a 40 light acetylene gas gener- tor,. According to the Clinton 'voters as well as a number of first and sweep- stake prizes at local shows; Lady Kin - :tore, by Gravesend: (46161) the dam of. Royal Don, won first prize and Silver medal at the Blackburn Aberdeenshire,. show in 1892 as the best Shorthorn in the show of any age. Royal lion has been chief stock. bull in:.,Elnahit.rst ficial. , since 1895. Music b.XAMS.-We congratulate Miss Azie Gibbinge on .her success In passing' her music examination .recent- ly held in London in connection with wastohave whereby uM hisresidencecthe Conservatory of Mom Wbnsectlr- list just printed for 1901 the number of pd alified to serve as urors in with his daughter at London; hie sur.ed first class honors h theory an pass persons it 9 den demise came as' a shock to her, I ed her second year in piano. " Prof. this municipality is: --No 1 Division, Deceassd leaves a faintlyof three' sons Campbell, of Goderich, who comes to 81 ; Noi:2, 82 •,'No3, 8I ; No 4, 69 ; total and two s loss Clinton each week to teach, had six, .813; the n unber of, voters k: -No • 1, Messrs Thomas,. daughters t ne des,o nof �Flem .pupils tip for examination and has the 230; No 2, .26(i ; :::' 3. X38 i . o 1; 2J ;. Ing, N. W... T:`, . David and Richard satisfaction to know that all were sue- total 960.. Yesterda iY1es si Mast Greensides, of London of Toledo, .0., and Mrs A. 0 Clark, of this city. In-, terment took place. at Fleming. CoRtegurroN—In last week's issue a paragraph appearegamong the notes, as follows which teas entirely wrong and out' of proper sense:— "A T uenc,r has been going around town that rut. •friend,• J. Tedford, bad lately i'vund i number .of back doors left unlocked and we know of a few of front floors which.have been left the same way ; merchants and others should be cat (- hit about this in future." It should haye read:—"A rumor has hr en.:going around tgwn that our friend, J. T, d ford, had recently suffered from froz- en fingers but we are pleased to learn that such was not the case. Night watchman .1, Howe has lately found a 'number of back doors left unlocked and we know .of a fewof the front doors which have also been left, the same way ; merchants and -others should be careful about this in future." The above correction was marked on a proof sheet, but unfortunately one of the .staff overlooked : it ; the items. were mixed up in the setting and thus not corrected. We are sorry for the mistake and hope this will rectify the blundge or oversight. INTERRRED HERE. --•The .remains of Erntst Call, who met hie death by falling from one of the Niagara River bridges, a few days since, while paint- ing the same, were recovered on Mon- day, and brought here' for interment .an Wednesday. They were accom- panied by his aunt, Miss Clara. Call,' now a resident of Echota, a suburb of Niagara Falls, N. Y. Ernest Cali, althongh.only 20 years of age, had put AClear a Active Brain is much to the man or woman who would achieve success in the battle of life. Fresh air, taken in liberal doses, while reclining in a Hammock, isconducive to this good re- sult Depression, Tired Feeling, Exhaus- tion, or whatever you choose to call it, is much relieved by the use of a Hammock., rt You get rest in the best possible surround- ings. The first application often tells. Mr Depression humps as fast as you will allow him to go, and by the time you have follow- ed the treatment for a period, it tends much to restore normal good health, and content- ment. To rest takes time, and to buy a Hammock takes, of course, a little cash, but not much of either is consumed, .propor- tionate ' results considered. Inquire of us further • for details. The W. D. FAIR CO, moon Otten the Cheapest Always the Best." MAW � MMPM cessful which proves his ability as a teacher ; among: the members were two -Clinton musicians, Miss Maud Goodwin, who : obtained honors in theory, harmony and 'practical work' and Mies Jennie Sbannon,of town,who also got honors in practical work. and Forrester'shipped a double-declre,. car of export sheepto Toronto. 'Messrs Bowers & Downs have painted -a large sign for Warrener Bros.' livery. - Wal- ter McGowan,' one of the stalwart,Lib. emits of East Wa,wanoeb,'was in town yesterday; it is seldom he gets to.Oiin- They deserve much credit, ton now. S Nothing succeeds Like success The suooess we are haying in selling' all kinds of footwear gives, us the confidence to say that we haye the lbest assortment and the beet values to be found anywhere and to make it still more • interest- ing for June buyers, we have placed ourbargain counters for gniok selling 150 pairs of Ladies' Oxford Shoes which are without alioubt the greatest values ever offered • in Clinton. ` Don't fall -ee to see them as.we are positively going to have the greatest. sale offine ehoes ever known or heard of in this partof the country. Our Great Sale commences, •.Friday morning,` Jane 14th. VPs• mean what we say and a call will convince you that you oafs save money by buyiag year Boots and does at The Old Reliable, The Store That Never Disappoints Taylor & S Bash and l�idt3 Piri41 - Butter and Eggs tatten as Casha 11%1411111011111/11°‘411141101*** * itrttOrrtt",t.0.101t101-ttirtitrIti,t0011.ttymmr.tit.i010.10:0Mmittittle:-.• inen COLLAl4'S andCUFFS in four years as a dental student, - but It's hardly worth while going to the trouble and bother Of not seeming employment, had taken making up your own Shirt Waists when arments like these u palatini;, and was on a swinging r g platform beneath a bridge, where he can be had for such prices. Every garment 'we show is this was thrown into the river by the season's make, and you are sure of gettingcorrect styles if dropping of one end of the platform. - y y He was born here, lits moth- er, since deceased being a sister of W. Stanley and Mrs Jas Graham, of God- erich township. Rey. W. G. Howson conducted the interment services. Miss Call speaks very strongly of the heartlessness ,displayed by those for whom her nephew was working, as none of them,: not even the neighbors, manifested the slightest concern about the accident, and duringthe'two .weeks that the body was in the water, scar- cely a word of sympathy was extended her. She says the Americans simply don't do it. - you buy here. Fine white muslin ehirt waists, hem stitching and tanks down front, bank -tucked. new sleeve, a very .31 stylish garment Stylish waists of fine white muslin, clusters of narrow tucks down back and front, earth Fine white lawn shirt waiets,front and back of fine hemstitching and tacks, new sleeve, each .. $1.50 $L35 Fine quality white muslin, shirt waist, new pattern, open, work insertion and tucks down front; tucked back, naw sleeves, each. Very fine quality white muslin shirt waists sleeves of clusters of fine tucks, front of openwork in- sertion and tucking, badk of fine tucks, each - - $1.50 $2.75 Elegant. Black DRESS GOODS AIi new fall materials. The first of our Black Dress Goods for fall -,came to 'hand this week They, are the celebrated "Priestly" goods.— No better materials for appearance and durability are made in the world. "Priestly's" blacks are universally acknowledged to be the best. This big lot is just out of the papers. Handsomer black goods we , have never shown. The leading and most popular fabrics are here, aturyou'll find no such collection of stylish dress stuffs in black anywhere near here. HI BACK To CsaerroN--We are pleased to welcome our old friend and former town -man, H. Uantelon; _back to Olin. ton, be having taken possession of the Hotel Clarendon this week and will u conduct an 144o -date house. Mr Can- telon is thoroughly acquainted with the hotel business and all know he will do well here. The many friends in Heneall regret their' removal, and es- pecially Miss Oantelon who has been identified with work in connection with the Methodist church and we welcome them back again as rest- dents. From the Heneall Observer we take the following item which speaks well of the above family:-+• H, Cantelon who has during the past year conducted the Oommerdial Hotel with marked ability and success leaves on Saturday to assume control of the Clarendon, at Clinton, his old home, Six years ave Mr Oantelon took charge of the Coyne House, Mount Forest, Which he conducted with marked suc- cess after which he came to Hensen where each successive week brought him new friends and hisineee. His fine family will also be missed, more especially Miss Uantelon, who Was an indefatigable worker in the Sunday School, Epworth Luague,and choir of a Methodist c circ was res We are agents for the celebrated -make of W.G. & R, gbra..... Collars and Cuffs, a make which is admitted to the finest on the market. There is a fit and finish about these goods that is not seen in ordinary goods,. and the prices are : no higher. When you have to buy Collars come and see our big selection. be ALWAYS ON TOP - DUNDONALD ONE WIDTH ONLY. J —412 ALDN IERE. HEIGHTS 21' • 21 loACK 2 21 'r 14 .)1441( V _ Thoughtless People look at the, price. •The cautious ones look at the quality, ... They reason rightly, that the cheapest is costliest. Better to buy once at a fair price than twice at prices that can't possibly hold any value. Mothers of boys, duality (light to be your guide, and if y ou�stick to the LION brand you will be all right,—' 1P All col, lionest s ev�in r, h(laest linings, cost money, but they wear. The best that l.ut into Po) 6. C)o11;es is none two strong for the assaults of romp and play Zl tit this ieli(ibihty ecsts less here than elsewhere is the truth. If somebody, else sells Boys' Clothing lower than we do it is because they ignore quality, risk satisfac-40 - tion, trust to luck. The "LION" brand is demonstrating the fact everyday that no other line equals it. -' --* t*it**************r ****'**>{itr*#***AAIkA *4 444414140 th h h A4ways ready i'�1� �"a►�cno►ua�r to assist itI every good work her .place, Eiros � th P" will be difficult to fill, Mr Catltelon acksison Vo 1e takes his able assistants Joe Blaney v J,.:., ., r and (leo Ross, .who. will bo tniis�,eci b ,�,--111* � � s,rr' 1i , their kiensali friends. y t tr ..r.<... __...- J �11�1������i,IlI�1II�iiJ�111��11�111111�1�� 11�1u�11�1�����1���1�)�11��1��1�►1��1�1��x�I�jii�►.