HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-07-12, Page 2July 12th, 1901 " THE CLINTON NEW ERA, Dotes '1 his eoncern You? goveru went, no one will object so Write It wine ffoi ci u, a good deal of Batts- a.4 the public interests aro net injured. — fact a n if suhsci ibers will kitully see to We Wave even known our friend of it tlaat their eubscliptions are paid in the Expositor to express certain views e tdvance. The pike of paper and of and.then repodiate them, an4 if so I printing materiel of all kirds has ad i gemal and able an Individual may a anced verymatet lolly during the past charge his views Without detriment, year. while the en ice of material has WAY neVa gsarelnment, Which is but a xernained the same. Oer white paper collection of individuals, costs us lc per lb. more than it did last 'year. This renders it all the more ne• (*sear y (hat subscribers pay. promptly. Will those who have not paid remtt us • II The "Good Fruit" Let'ut. On July first the new Dominion Fruit Marks' Act came into force. It at once the amount of their subscrip- hi aimed to promote honest packing, tion. One dollar or two to a subscrib- and applies to both open and closed es may seem a small amount, but packages, As regards closed packages:, when hundreds such are scattered for instance, closed barrels of apples, around it becomes a serious matter. or covered baxes of any kind ot fruit, R. HOLES the name and address of the packer, together with the grade of the fruit, must be marked on the barrel or box. Nobody is allowed to gen packages not so marked. Thus if inferior or had ft nit is packed, the responsibility can be fixed. And no fralit shaft be graded -as No 1 Canadian "Unless such fruit consists of well- grewn specimens of onevariety, sound, of nearly ueiforna size, good color, normal shade and not less than ninety per cent fee from scab, worm holes, bruises and other defects, and proper- ly packed.' As regaads fruit not in closed or coy. ered packages, the law similarly aims to ensure honest quality through -out. The act says: - e9 No personahall sell, or offer, ex- posed or have in his possession for sale, any fruit packed in any package in which the faced or shown surface gives a false reryesentation of the contente of such package ; and it shall be con. sidered a false representation when -sore than fifteen per cent of such butt ie substantially smaller insize than, or inferior in grade to, or different in a variety from, the faced or shown sur- face of such package." This places upon fruit dealers the res- ponsibility of getting honest packages, in which the bottom layer of fruit will be something !lee the top. Commenting on this Act, the London Free Pr ess says: -"The law seems very well framed, and experience proves that it is a necessary' cne to ensure either satisfaction in the purchase ot fruit by householders, or the promo- tion of Canadian fruit sales abroad." 'I he Post Mee Again. The Expositor ot last week says :- '1,P0or eateemed neighbor, the Clinton INS v ERA, is still hedging on the new post office questiou. Illvtdently the only reason it can give fur the Govern• meet presenting to that town a new post ollice buildiaig, is that Ulinton is eo central and impertant a town that the Government have recognized i s pasition and importance in this way, and the only evidence it has to offer of this importance is the fact that last, yea.roander no doubt, exceptional cite cninstances, the gross receipts of the Clinton post offce exceeded those of the Seafortia office by the enormous surn of $233.48. We suppose a poor excuse is better than none at ; but this a very poor one" The NEw ERA. denies the imputation o "hedging",for it has roet every state- ment of the Expositor fairly and squarely. If there has been any hedg- ing it is the Expositor which has been guilty of it, for the Expositor has been whipped on its own argutrents. Two weeks ago it showed it did not know what is was talking about by astuming that the business of Seaforth Post Offi w g e•tt er than that of Clintcn, and when we proved to ht. contrary,it C 'awls 01.1t of a knot holt , -say tetgo that "under except ion LI circumstances the gross receipts of C.intott • x otetled those of Seaforth by the ...noon •tot 313 am of $233.48" Daesn't that prove that Clintou's business is m jre hos that of Seaforth? And does not (he Exposi- tor know that an incre is,e of $233 means a con siderable inore v.e in pos tal business for a small town? ; it is more than • he t otal busincots of most of the post fflces in the r n11,1' 7. What are t "o rcc ional •• • e`ances" ae Expositor iefers Lo'? I 013IlOt PaPY U.1eI1k. Were there ex- -16eptional. circu mstances in 1899 ale..? for the bosiness of Mato° post office was-. la -ger than that of Seaforth in that year, as well as in 1900. As we are adopt -Ong the Expositor with inforrr a tion we will tell it what "exceptional circumstances" means in this case. It means t hat the general busiress -of Seaforth is decreasing, and that of Ulinton is increasing, for the postal . business is always a barometer of the town's cernmercial standing, and we fear this is really where the oboe pinch- , June Exttininati ens at the Cana ada Business eoliege, ehathain, Ont. 'We have just received from the principal of the above institution a. re- port of the egultu yearly examinations for Gold and Silver medals, which have lust been completed, and the following is the result: Wm°, Canabell, of 'Wingham, is the winner of the Guld. 1Viedal for Gener- al Proficiency in the Besieess Depai Merit. " He is also winner of the Gsld lkeedal for Mathematics giyen by Mr S. J. Sutherland, of the'firm of Suther- land & banes Chatham, Out. Heiman Jenner, of 'Charing Clross, wins tbe Silver Medal for second highest stand- ing for General Proficiency in this department. Ed. Wells wins the Sil- ver Medal for t he best penmanship, and also wins another Silver Medal ter the best set of books. Should Mr Wells see fit to follovy up the subject of penmanship. he will, undoubtedly, some day rank Among America's best. The set of books 'on which he won the medal referred to would certainly please the most exacting business _mans They were rt, model of fleetness. All of the above are ex.public school- teachers who have spent from 3 to 11 years in that work. T. S. ?orkinsOn, of Medford, wins the Silver Medal given for Rapid Clalculation, He was also a close competitor for the Silver Medal given for second higheet stand- ing in General Proficiency. In the Shorthand Department, Miss Ella White, of Blenheim, was success- ful in carrying off the Gold Medal for General Proficiency. Miss Margaret M. Kerr, of Chatham, won the Silver kedal tor second highest standing, also the Silver Medal given for the highest speed in Typewriting' from Dictation. Miss Kerres speed was at the rate of nearly 70 words per minute, and when it is taken into account that the test lasted for 5 rninutes, and that it was continuous matter with many long words Occurring in it, tha test was cer- tainly a creditable one. Another feature in connection with Miss Keri 's work worthy of special mention is the fact that on one of her tests, she made a, transcription atter notes at the rate of 30 words per minute. The Gold Medal given for Tonch typewriting by Creelman Bros., of Toronto, represent- ing the Underwood typewtiter iti Can- ada, was won by Miss Flo. Surby, of Chatham. The question of touch •t ypewriting has • been to some extent an experimental one in this College during the past two years. It was first made optional with the students as_to whether they shpeld teke it or not. The result of the past year's work • • a -Chas McCabe, - of Toronto, --base been appoitted Chief Surrogate Clerk of the Province to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the late Hen A. S. Hardy. Mr McCabe is a Roman Cathc lic. a • • • • There were $285 deaths from contag- ious diseases in May, sigainet 310 in May, 1900. There were 210 deaths from consumption in the same peried against 239 in May last year. Con.' emotion does not appear to be on the increare, but it closely presses all the contagious diseases combined. . ()Mario last year 8,219 wills were 'admitted to probate,and with letters of admission and 'guardianship involved personalty to the value of $19,247,029, and realty to the value f 66,330,870.' Of the personalty 21 'A ills were for soms af over 5100,000, 33 between $50, 000 and $100,000, and 1,115 for sums be, tween $500 ano 51,000. PRESS ASSOCIATION'S EXCURSION. - Arrangements have been completed for the Canadian Prees Me0C1etion's. excursions to the Mat 'time Provinces, The start will be made from Meattreal on August 15th, via the Intereolonial „Reit way, and a trip extending foreigb- teen days will be made through the es our good friend. Provinces by the sea. . Some of the The Expositor also says :- places to be visited are -The Sydneys, "The Liberals opposed and denounced New Glasgow, Ti Halifax, Win the practise of giving public buildings sor, Kentville, St John, Annapolis, and such like benefits to municipal!. Digby, Levis and. Qeebec. The route ties for the sole and only reasen of aid- has I en carefully planned, thearr ange- log politirel supporters at the public neents will be found Suitable for all the expense. We hope that is not what excursion no doubtswill be as •success: the Government, ere doing in this in. ful ea those of fcrmer years, • Stance. If the NEW ERA will consult , MATH OF ARCHIBALD 'BREMNER.-- vvith the esteemed representative. of On Saturday afternoon, Archibald West Huron, he will pi ratably be ehle Bremner, the well known journaliet, to advise it whether or not tbie is the Of London, passed away. For over case, and, if it is not. he may. perhaps be in a position to give a better and teee, neat Mr Bremner, had been more plausible reason for singling out rlskaairs^ health. from a coreph- Ciinton foe ?nettle.' favors " cation of organic troilmee whim d themastery before he had. iletnight it necessary to take Medical advice. Until a rnonth•ago, however, the pat- ient was able to go about', and was loath to give up his work as one of the Free Press editorial staff, preserving his intellectual faculties almost to the last, and after the loss of his physical strength. "Archie" Fremner was a genial, inoffensive .man, Well on in middle life, ad had Many friends, but never married. He Waif eleelee all round worker on a newspaper, and noted as an editorial paragrapher, cons- preeeing a forcible argument into a few terse Etna pithy sentences. Some Vtlate ago the editor of the NEW ERA "Archie" worked side by side bri the Free Pres, •and can conorborate all that is said of bitn, 44-IY ,bae an"" - .41 ale . .' , . .. treen able to give." The Expositor's perceptive faculties must be getting dull. or it would not have penned that paragraph. rhe old practise was to help political support- ers in constituencies where they could not be elected without that assistance. ' The Liberals of West Huron having shown their ability to elect a represen- tative, de not, therefore, require "aid •to political supporters at the public ex- pense." Consequently that cannot be the reason why the Government decd - ed to erect a post office in Clinton, and to slaow the fallacy of the Expositor's argutnent, we may point it to the fact that last year the government erected ,13, similar building in Paris, (South Brant), ;where there is a Liberal major- ity of BOO. Futher, the representative for West Huron is in a position to in- form the editor of the New ERA that at no Hme did the governtnent or any of it e members approach him in any manner, shape or form, as to the pol- itical exigencies of the case, and if a government Was so diaposed it would bar ly do so four years before the por. cl sibil ty Of an election. ' There may be another reason, not aneparent on the surface, why the Ex. posifor its so worried about an office being erected here. It was very cur. rently tenor ted -and we never heard it denied -that the Liberalehadscaree- ly been . reteorne is in 1806, before a request was made for the erection ot a new post office at Seafortb. The re.. (peg, if made, was appatencly not • granted. and the knowledge of this Oral be the cause of our See:forth &end's hostility. We believe the go*ernment selected Clinton tor the reason Hutt a building lin accernalate betiathe Postal arid 00- tOnte BMOCS WW1 badly needed, that It Will ptove a good Invesitnent, and that Other tOWne Will obtain like lavore in pas to dome, . If there has been a *UMW Of lloltey on the part of the Crisp County Clnas Between 20 and 30 cases of smallpox At a meeting of ti e directors of Page' Myth fair on Friday week Mr A. E. WHITE IVAN TURNED YELLOW, Bia.dwin was elected secretary to sec. Great consternation was telt by the ceed the late J. S. Habkir k. fritnds of U. A. Regally of Lexington, have been diecovered in Scotland vil- Boy Wanted Wanted, smart, active boy to lea' n Orbiting In an offi co in Huron, butnot Clinton. Good chance for boy wishing to learn tile businees. Apply at NEW ERA office. James A, Bell, near Heneall, had a 1t3'., whim they paw t ovate turning yellow, Shorthorns for Sale retsina bee (torridity week which was, Hie Elkin slowly changedcolor, also his eyes, attended by over two hundred farmers and he suffered terribly. IneladY NY" His besidee some rertidents of the village. Yellow Jaundice. Ile was treated by the young nheifer buel I sl; rle°e td1 ni gra- b eag 6ouo'S best doctors, but without benefit. Then he qutility. Come and see theme B. WISB, Miss Margaret Kehoe daughter of was advised to try Eleetrio Ritters, the Feb. 8-tf Clinton, Mr James Kehoe, of hea or t , has wonderful Storna4r. end Liver remedy, and graduated with honors as a nurse ak he writes: "After taking two bottles I was St Vincent's Hospital Training Sehool, wholly cured," Atrial provee its motels- Ohicago, less merit for ail Stomach, Liver and Rid - At the home of liride's mother, Mrs ney troubles. Only 25o. Sold by All Elizabeth Beam, Port Huron, on Wed- Deuggist. nesday evening, occurred the moral- i 1 Geo. IL Cubbin, a Belleville book. t ge of Miss Edith May Beam formerly keeper, was found dead in bed with ot Seaforth and Mr et in R. Scher- the gas turned on, merhorn. , On Wednesday of last week, at the There is naore Caterrh in this section Stray Steers. Strayed from lot 14, e'er. - 14, Mullett, on or about the 18to of May, 4 two-year old steers,l, 'white, 1 spotted, 2 rid, Any information leading to recovery will be suitably rewarded WM. 13RYANT, BlYth. June 7-tf Stearns Bicycle Fred Forrester, agent for the, celebrated home of Mrs D. Sanderson, of Wrox. of the country than all othes Stearns Bicycle. so wheels will be sold at a 21;et3tjoli $4p. Anyonie wishing a on? ter, her daughter, Miss Annie L , wes diseases put together, and until the last married to Chas 0. Stuart, of Arthur. few years ,was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors renounced FORRESTER, Agent. best f4ilr ig gado :808.°Irto FRED The ceremony was performed by Rey Mr Gray, • From the Manitoba Free Press we note the marriage of Mr H. L. Mont- gomery, alarotherof Mrs W. P. Van- stone,of Wingham. The lady was Miss Lillian M, third daughter et Thos Greenway. Mr Montgomery is a prominent merchant of Deloraine. A pretty wedding ceremony weeper - formed on Wednesday last week on the lawn of Isaac Wright, con, 6,Turn- berry, when by Rev Wm Lowe, Mr J. G. Armstrong, of Rainy. River, was united in marriage to 111.1ss Adelaine Wright. Miss Lizzie Johnston, a very estun- Mile young lady, daughter of J. J. Johnston; late Mayor of Meafords and cousin to Robert Johnston, of Cochrane & Johnetoo,..Wingbarn, died Saturday morning, June 22nd, from the effects of a dose of poison taken in mistake for headaches powders about 10 days -previous, A wedding the announcement of which will be at interest to. Goderich people took place at De Soto, Missouri, on Tuesday afternoon, June 25th, when Charlie Herbert Passmore, of St Louis,son ofpIrs Passmore,of Goder. icb, and Miss Edna Rucker Shelton, of De Solo, were united in matrimony. James ioung, ot Auburn, receiVed word of the cleat h of his brother an -law, Thos Foui by, of The Buffalo Express, it a local disease, and prescribe local rem- edies: and by constantly failing to euro• witb looal treatment, pronounced it in - able. arieneahaaproirennatarra ta_ba_ a constitutional disease. and tberefore re- quires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co , Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken paternally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It sots direotly on the blood and mucoue surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonols. Address, F. a. CHENEY du Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 76o, Hall's Family Pills are the best, The artillery at Deseronto shot so straight that the target wasdestroyed in half a, day's practice. • Picking the Noce is a common symptom of worms in children, Mothers who sus- pect their child is troubled with worms should administer Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup. • It s simple, safe and effece tali'. Price 25o. Honore Denier, of Ottawa, dived 90 feet off the interprovincial. bridge. Pr operties for Sale or to Let on Friday week, The eleceased was House for Sale. seized with* stroke of paralysis, and . . . died shortly after. He was •at one t. tune an emplesseeof The Signal, when Two atory house, on Maple street, for sale • she-and-hisebrotheise-Johneeworked- to.• _en early,stermea payment:_ Apply,t9_013Bizfr, shows that 1r:rich ypewr 'ling has come nether. . to stay, •and it is now -felt -that -this The people cf Brussels were surpris- , • method must be tnade compel:1m y with I .ed to learn that Dr: Tweddle has dis- HOUSE for SALE or to RENT. all the students t•o secure the hest re- posed of his dental practice to Dr. P. sults inthe future in thia part of the F'ield, ot Listowel, and gave over the on victoria St., near Organ Faotorr. $ 303 worlZ. Mies Surby had only been at- business to his successor. His succes- Vt,1-1-tilileYparore"en' reeementZaobledegirci liythriffec ter -ding ab nit 5 1-2 months, and her sor, Dr. Field, is a clever young -gentle. Unehall. Apply at once to- . earring off this medal does her all the Man, who had Dr. Bruce, of Liseowel, els, BRYDONE, .that she was competing with well there. • 13 &. Cli count ton. more credit when it is taken into ac- as his preceptor, and will no doubt do 1 Otter cn students who had about four months the advantage of her in time. In copy- Chrisopher.L. Papet, of Kincardine, was tried'by Judge Doyle last week in big work, Miss Surby was able to Write Goderich at a rate of 11 words per minute faster , on changes of obtaining than those who had not taken up this •money by fraud by representing birn- method, and yet had practised type - self as the agent of a Toronto loan company. Or one cherge he was found writing for More than double the length of time she bad, . not guilty, A thud charge was not pressed. His Honor suspended sent The contest for the Medals this year was one of the best in the history. of, ance and the pi isoner was released on his own recognizance for a500, the College. In no ease was there any certainty as to who would be the win- At the Dundas street Methodist ner until the last examination was tak. church London a very qmet wedding was sofemnizedi last Saturday week, en and the •results known. Special mention ehould be made of the many fine pentmen in the senior class:, and it is felt that their work would compare with that of the pupils of any other school of the kind on the continent. The principal has prided himself on the work of this subject. but feels that this year's clue' as a whcle has done the school MOre credit than 'any previ- Ous alai; ' The Mail Course work in Shorthand, Book-keeping and Penmanship has now become a marked feature in the work of the institution, and is meeting with excellent snccess. Many students balsa...been carried over the entire --tteritlr course without toten heiug side of the institution until after ths,t part of the com•se was completed. • Speed and accuracy in figures is an- other feature which holds a high place in the work of the institution. R, A. Scott, of Preston, gave Borne results ia-addition -which-are- wort hy of special mention. PLC added 27 col- umns of 20 figures each ita 5 minutes; and without an error. T. S, Parkin - Bull for Service. 'The undersigned keeps for service on Lot 35, Con„ 2, Tnokersmitb, the thorobred Short Horn Bull, Strathoona, of Hillside, No., 33165, two years o:d June 3rd. Terms $1.25i with privelege of returning. June 7-tf HARRY JOHNS House tor Sale -- A large;,two story frame house with pretty surrounclings„on Huron street, is offered for sale at a bargain; 2 cisterns: and a never -failing well Will sell for 31.1100 less than its cost as w hen Rey. H. E, Kelltrigton, B. A , proprietor is leaving for Dianitoba. F.,. parti- culars applyon the premises, or to John Ridout, formerly of the County ot Huran, agent:_ ICHN TEDFORD, Clinton, Feb.22- ,f pastor of the Rill' Street Mission and - assistant pastor of the Dundas Center church, WAS united in mart iage to Miss Emma Richard', of Horton street. The ceremony was performed -by- Rey. C. T. Scott, B. A., pastor of the Due - des Center Methodist church. • bearing orchard of 2 acres, mil At the re War monthly meeting of deaboro, soii first -el and in ea fr°1n t the•directo s of the Mcliillop Poasession at any time, terms to snit much:laser ance Comp ny, held at•Seaforth lately, &in 4 -*1 in-tt W. BILES,LOndesboro. there were 102 applications for insur- ance presented and accepted. This is • C-hoice Farm for Sale Subscriber offers for sale his line farm of 197 acres, being lot 25, con. 18, Mullett, All clear- ed but four acres. Brick house (amiable frame •house for hired man),banit barn, spring creek, the largest number•for any one mean h s, in the histcry of tlie company, Dur- The framecottage on Oralike treetoccu- sing Hee past yeer there -were -737 apellialer-r.aibia-egt=1:8ineedioiesi: il;ed cations accepted, beim? one-third More hard and soft water, stable, good fruit and than in any previous year. FOR SALE. Another of the old settlers, of Mor- ris, passed away early on Thursday week in the_ person of James Kerne.- ghan. Mr Kernaghan was a native of Armagbiirelank and came to Canada 44 yeare ago, Re lived in Caledonia a couple of years and ills n came to Mor where he lived for 42 years. He (Pr', 'Ir. -won the Medal on the corn- leaVeS a son and one daughter, James loured Sliblects in rapid calculation, of Morris, and Mrs sI. G. Turnbull of added a greater number of columns GreY. than Mr Scott but had only an equal number correct. This school, has always had an ex- cellent reputation for superior work, and it will give the public some idea of the severity of the tests to which the students are ;ant when it knowe that in the Business Department there are 20 different examination papers to write on, and in Shorthand Depart- ment 14, and In no case is the student allowed to take less than 75%. .while on some frobjects ats high as 90% is re- quired, There is also another feature regarding the time set fortaking finals, which may not be generally known, and that is, any student whci is quali- fled for examination can take his final work in the first week of any month during the school year. • The principal informs tie that Many of the pimils who are finishing their vvork, and a number who have not yet finished have alreadyseeuted positions. Three have already tnade arrange- ments for taking positions in business schools for the September Opening, and no doubtmany other positions of this kind will be filled during the next two 'months, The Canada Business College has won an enviable repute. - tion for supplying teaphers for other business schools. and the supply for this kind of help does not at alk equal the demand made upon the College. The principal reports that the past year has been in every way one of the most successful ,and satisfactory In thehistory of the institution, and the prospects for the September open- ing are brighter than ever, The school has just completed its twenty-fifth seholastic year without change of management during the entire period and Is certainly deserving of • the best r,atronage. Theelanadian kreerein peser this wel. detierVed tribute to Hon. Filt.Latchforrii- "Wbateryer May bstbe result,of the forth, coming Provinelet genera eleetion there • Alai be no houellt gaineaving but, abet the cBon. mr Istobtordhas proved himself ed attotaufni campaigner and s tower ot 'etrength therGoveromenirof *Moltke is Imo:ober. Elie-Portition on the taxing of large. estatee left by those whe in life have been fOrtrtaets In iocumulatiog Mt wealth. stanipahirei ash apen Who knowa whet is right, end *kat le leo midst. °Iir Littein foals more than Merely, it Weems on the platform end In the tultninistration of his department, Heir' a thoroughly streight man *aids word Is as good as his bond, end while ever oontisous with the hurnh- lest, he abates not In the Jellying priother Which is the, propensity of to many of lur publio Men." The Western Fair. LONDON; SEPTEMBER 5111 TO 1kru,1901 The fleet VVestern Fair of the twen- tieth centurr promises to be a record - breaker in all the essential features that go to make up a varied exhibition of the products of the soil, the skill of dairynaen, the judgment and know- ledge of bur breeders of thoroughbred Stock, the skill ot artisan, and the gen- eral perfection to winch agyarlan cper- ationa and 'all that pertains thereto may be brought. It is only when such are concentrated and brought within the compass ofa day or two of pleasur- able eight -seeing that one is enabled to realize' at a glance the richness, of the section from which I the Western draws it* patronage and the vast Os- sibilitres of the land we inherit. At the Fair grounds all conveniences have been inripetiVed,' and elthibitors will he pleaaed tolkno* of such addit- ions and :alterations In thn 'prize list as are ealcniated'to gitttethei greatest ben outit Ofilittlefii et 100 to the etthibltrirs; • The speedieg in the ling, Klwaye feature of the Western Fair, will this year, with enlarged pertit,' be More attraetiVe then ever. While ,the In- • ciderital"attraetiont are ithrs'-hightist. prited 'thaV druid° be Sedated. The Svnattatifs•a4i alt 6f the fiesit-elass,Inf the Vittideeille'Weratld'io.day, and not the ilatiet infrir4sting fettelied id a full troupe Perfettning 4lfriphirith Prize lista may be had on spplit. talon to Mr A. Nelles. Secretary. One Teaspoonful of Pain -Killer in hot water sweetened will cure almost any Cabe of flatulency and, indigestion. AvOld trubetitutes, there is but one Painailler, Petry Davis', 25c. and On Wednesday, the 26th at., a quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized au the residence of Robert, and William Hanna 8th conceseion of Tuckeremith, when their sister. Rachel Ann, was un- ited in marriage to Mr Thomas Bell, of Usborne township. The ceremony was perfornied by the Rev W. J. Wad- dell; of Ellaville. At her eon's residence, lot 2, con 2, Ashfield, on Saturday, Rine 20th, Sarah, beloved wife of the late Jno Field, aged 83 years and 8 months, The deceased leaves to mourn her loss, one son and six daughters -George. of Ashfield ; Mrs Jas Nevins, W. %Vim- anosh ; Mrs Joseph McCann, Colborne Tp s, Mrs Ross, Brantford; Mrs McUrait And Mrs Dunlop, Kincardine, and Miss Alice Fieldel, Texas, U; 8, Her hus- band died in September, 1872. vegetable garden, T -c. tense, contains hall, parlor, two bedroom,, clothes closet, dining room, summer kitchen, cellar and woodshed, is centrally located, possession given any time to suit purchaser. 'ELIE ABElli GRAHAM. if sgroitu FOR SALE.' NEW SHOE SIIOP The undersigned lies opened put a shoe shop fn the Sheppard Block, litiron- Street, where be will give special attention to repairing and custom work. Parties requiring anything In his line will find to their interest to call on him. The premises occupied by R. J. Cluff, and coneiating of a first claire 'brick store, on Albert Street Clinton, hi offered for sale on easy term Also Cottage on Albert Street, with two lots, stable, and all conviences. Particulars on appleation to Etre W. Robertson, Clinton or Mrs.:). W. McGregor,Constanoe. . Amos Cooper, elinton. July 5-m ' - Durham Bull for Sale. A first class short horn Bull for sale. Good. color and first pedigree. Aboot la mouths old if sold at once, a bargain will be given. PLUMSTEEL, Clinton. June 14, PARR FOR SALE, —• Subscriber offere for sale his farm of 156 acres, situated oh tbe Maitland concession, .Celborne. About 140 • sores cleared, frame hones, bank barn, plenty of water and in good state of aultivation4 of a mile from school and 2 miles from Holmesville. Terms reasonable. Deo 14-pf • RICHARD BAKER, Clinton P.0 Mrs ,Tames Dodds, of the 7th concess- ion of McKillop, Passed peacefully away to the better land on tle 22nd of June. Shehad been ill from 0.0051 - plication of diseases for about a year, She was aged 63 years and 2 months. Fier maidenname wee lElizabeth Begin. She was married to Mr Dodds ' about 42 years ago and resided on lot 82, concession 7. Matillop, where she continued to reside until her death. Besides her bereaved husdand she leav- es a Melly of two sons and five daughters. , ' For Sale or to Rent. . Lumber tor Sale. soitabli for Farm Buildings, Rook Elm 2 and 21 inches thick, price • $12.00 per M. Soft Elm 1,11, and 2 inches thick, -Price $12.00 per M. Hard Maple L 11,11, 2 and 3 !riches thick. price 12.00 per M. W, DOBERTY & Co. • . M15 Clinton. Yaw.. " Farm For Sale. The west half of lot 24, Bayfleld Con„ God- erich township, containing NO acres a good land, is offered for sale on easy terms. Good barn, log hou.e, plenty of water and small orchard. Particulars on application to • -if-, , J. P. 7.risohm., Clinton RINDER TWINE . Season, 1901. 'The choice brick houee on the corner of Ful- ton and Joseph Istreeteti belonging GO the estate of the late Richard Heywood, Is offered either for sale or to rent. It contains room for ordi- nary fondle, is practically a hew house, with all conveniences, and three-tentbs of an acre of land. It the property is not gold or rented, part of it Will be rooted. Apply to W. COATS Eireoutor Clinton. • 'FARMERS' SPECIAL" binder twine sup: plied:to • Farmers: Only at 80 _lux lb, in.....two• bushel, cotton, 16 -oz grain bags, bound with two rope snap, halters, and. weighing 60 lbs emit, letr_gth over 500 1. et per lb, quality and length -guaranteed. Cash- Witli-orders,-pur•- chaser pays freight'. • • Address erders J. ,T, GILMOUR, Wardell Central Prison, Toronto. Further particulars adAress James Noxon,"Inspectoi, Parliament Buildings Toronto _ J. R. STRATTON. Toronto; June 8, DOT. Provincial Secretary. Professionalamdflthereards, JAMES SCOTT Barrister, Solleitor, &o., CLINTON. Orem-Elliott Inock, Isaacs Streett MONEY WO LOAN. Wd BRYDONE. ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY" ETO, Office -Beaver Block. Up -stairs, Opposite Foster'e Phrt:Neallegy CLINTON , CHARLES SEAGEIR Barrister, Solicitor, Notary and Conveyamie Office -Opposite Colborne Hotel Goderieli Lake Erie Navigation Co. Steamer "Urania." SHORT ROUTE To CLEVELAND, Ohio. One way tare from Clinton, Ont. ••• $3.75 Return, $6. Boat leaves Port Stanley every Tuesday and Thursday at 11 pan. Saturdays, at 1 p.m. lickets on sale at all local ticket offices. For further information, write Woollatt, Manager. T. Marshall, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt. • Walkerville, Ont. McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO.. rARM FOR SALE Subscriber offers for sale his [arra 01 100 aeree,lot No, 34, situated on 10th con., town - of Hallett, lititoo Co., sheet 00 acres eleared and In a good state of Miltivatibn, bal- anoe btlah. On the feria is a geed frame house, large bank barn and other out buildings, got d bearing orobard; and well Watered. AnnlY to JOSEPH MORRIS, Mardi 22-1)1 Londesboro. IT DAZZLES THE WORLD, No Dierrovery in medicine has ever created one quarter of the excitement that has been caused by Dr King's New Discovery for Coneumption.. Its trevereht tests have been onhopeless victims. of ConeenlOion, Prieumonie Hemorrhage. Pleurisy and Bronchitis,'‘honsands otwhont 11 has re- stored to perfect health, Por Coughs. , Colds, Aithraklirotie. Hay Paver, Hoarso. nem and 'Whooping Cough It is the quick- est, surest onre in the world, Ws Sold by All Drup,gista,,who guarantee satisfact- ion or refund money tarp 'bottles 6010 and $1,00, Trial bottle* free. - The captain of the steamer Pennsyl- vania was tined $26 for Vanning a Sun- day excursion from Buffalo to Port Colborne. Good Meath is rropossibio without regu,- ler action of the bOwele. LexterliverPillis roulette the bewelloottre aonetipetion, (Ise - mete, biliottenests, eiok headache and all affectiene of the octane of digestion. Price 25 °erne. All druggists, An old Matt named Schiller throw htmoolf In front Of a train on the Wat- erloo branch alba G. T. P. and Wait killed. . • a.: _ e 4,1tra. Farm lor Sale. FARM. ez ISOLATED TOWN PROPER 1 . ONLY INSURED OFFICERS J. B. McLean, President,Kippen P. 0 ; Thos. Fraser. vice-president, Brucefield P, 0. • Thor. IL Bays, Seey-Treas., Seaforth P. 0.; 'W. G. Broadfoot,Inspector of Losses, Seaforth P.O. DIRECTGLS W. G. oiroadfoot, Seaform; Johrt G. Grieve Winthrop P. O.; George Dale. Seaforth; Jobs Benneweis. Dub ,In• Jas. Evan!, Beachwood P. 0.rJohn Watk-Harlookf. O.; Thomas -Fraser Brucefield ; John B, McLean, Kippen James 'Connolly, Clinton. AGENTS Robert Smith, Barbet; ltobt. McMillan. Sot.- forth;_. James Cumming, Eemondrillet S. W. Yeo.•Rolmesville ; George Hurdle and John C. Mc rbtin, auditors. • Pt rt'efl desirous to tffect instince or ilrsnt.. act other buednesawill beprompflyattandeelte on application to any of the above °mimes addressed to their -rest ert've offices!. M. Gs CAMERON formerly of Cameron Holt & Cameron BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, Oftioe-namuton et opposite Colborne Hewn GODERICH, ONT • 100 Acres, WeftKLat Kist Con.,Bast Wawa nosh: good reads, good water, near P. O., church, sehool, siX miles from Blyth, %tires, Oct. 81, 1001. Purchaser has Privilege to plough and sow fall wheat. S. MARSHALL. June 28-.1m. Auburn. I THAT TOUCHES The SPOT lieLIEOD'S SEM RENOVATOR OF Weak and..101Ptire 13104d. 'Limer & Kidney ,Diseases, Female Complaint, Etc. All Druggists, or write direct to Mot,1100, 0°4.414, OR evaere. .0.0**4.4144-41,•-••••••••.. 'OUR Summer School offers a splendid opportunity for teachers end others to develop in- creased earning power at a limited expense of time and Money. , Write us about it. OUR REGULAR WORK oontirmes right along from mouth to month. Students entering in Tune or jaiffinieh a course in the fall when many are just entering. We have no vacations. We do thorough work every month in the year and ate constantly sandbag out young people into good positions, Central Business College TORONTO W. 11. Shaw, Principal. G A RIR OJAI ARR OW _ _ BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Office -Corner liamilton alt. and the Square Goderielo Ont. • j. T, GAMOW. Q. 0. CHAS. GAMOW, LLD. PROLIDFCOT & HAYS, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS' NOTARIES EMIL Id IPROCTORS TN THE MARITIME COURT, dt0, Office: North at., next door toSignal orrice, Private Funds to lend at low est rates of interest, . W. PROUDFOOT. HAYS. JOHN RIDOUT. CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER,, ETC.. Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Money bee lend on Mortgage and Note security. --- Office-HURON STREET, CLINTON DR. AGNEW. DENTIST, CLINTON — Office adjoining Photo Studio. Office Hours -9 to 5 .AT BATFIELD EVERY WEDHESDAII ArTERNOOd., DR. G. ERNEST HOLMES . Down - 481:M0880r- to I)r. T. C. Bruce/ • • Specialist in Crown. and Bridge Werlir L. D. S. -Graduate Royal College Dental Sur --geons of Ontarico-Torontor- S.-First-olass Honor graduate 'of Den- , talDepartment of Toronto University. Special attention _paid to preservation ot children's teesh. Will visit Bayfiel& every M°011daffice over. W Taylor & Son's shoe ft_..tore. ' DR. WM. 'GRAHAM Licentiate of the Royal College of Physician London, England. Office and Residence- , PERRIN'S BLOCK, Pp Stairs, • TAR. J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEOPt 1,Alconcheur, etO„ office and resittence On- tario St., opposite English church, tormerly oci- emoted by Dr. Appleton, Clinton Mit, •4•4.++++4 -0 -••••••+++O -e -e -s -s-+ The Novelty Bakery inclRestatrant We are prepared to supply all i your wants n the bakery line, and we guarantee to giye Benefaction in every respect. We make a specialty in Wed- ding ()ekes and of ioing cakes at a reasonable price. Our Restaurant ia a place where you will find eyerything in a first clam restaur- ant. thilldiett Of allikinds and always fresh, Cigeralu the best of brands. Tolss000s of all kinds. 'We will have Ice Cream and Drinks Of all Utak es soon as the wets, tiler le suitable. MoOleohertee Old Stand Pointer it lieelay Telephoue No. 1, OLI11T011, DR. STANBUFtY, GRADUATE OF THE Medical Department of Victoria 'Univer- sity, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and Dispensaries, New York, Coroner of the CountV of Huroil. Bayfield Ont. DR. J. FREEMAN, , VETERINARY SURGEON, Member of the VeterinaryMedicalAssoola- tions of London end Edinburgh, and Grade.- . ate of the Ontario Veterinery College, TREAT DISEAAIES or ALL ANIMALS Office open night and day, opposite Com- mercial Moto]. Successor to Dr, IA. J. R. Fowler, Clinton, Ont. DR. G. W. THOMPSON Physician, Surgeon, Etc. Special attention given to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose. . Office an Residence- , . . Albert Street, 2 Sleeks North of Itattenbary • B. BLAcKALL VETERINARY SURGEON emorioraryGraduat,s of theOsats.rioVeterine ree Collage. Trestralldiseases of domesticated &Li male en 1,beincAtInnaiirt,And otientifie prize • ples 001oe-iroine7c-alatt eunth oftbe New3E a °floe. kes,Lienot A.bert•Llar.,tota. Cal) • rag' v rt lot •oraaattehedto airozor;t1v 1sittted14. Ithe •Sg,ned at this Meaner/tole,. Mary street fAmKS•CAmPBELL, LONDESB0310. •ISSCER OE IGIBRIAGE LICENSES, wiitesses roonimi MI.W FARNCOMB, MEMBER OF ASS N OF 1Pail:I . IA S., Pa-asi Land Surveyor and e1,9-11 Engine.sr, London. Cont. -Office at Cho Ste**rte Grooscv Store. Clinton W. GLEN cilivti*BEL Organist and )Irtalosi Director of North S treet Church, Goderich, and leacher on PIANO, PIPE ORGAN an THEORY, is pri. pared to take a limited atmber of Papilskin. the alert.. For terms apply this office -or to MR CAAPBELL,nuty be seen trom 11 a. m., to 2 p.m. at the Clarendon Hotel, :Clintor , Prided of Mob week. CLINTON 'WOOD and COAL YARD, Subscriber is pregzdio promptly alt or - dors for Wood or which will be sold at lowest rateecoffee on Isaac Street, at LAVIS IMPLEMENT ROOMS W. WHEATLEY PrLife Insurance CALL ON CHAS. B. HALE, eunton, Out b. L. MACPHERSON INSURANCE. Life, tccident Macitae BLOott, (.1.1retal Fire.. Clerics JOHN 1111, YE0 BOLMESVILLE, Agent for the MANCIiittaits P1111 Amen/dant Co, of Mont:Amster, England, whiffle funds and fesE lurr, woruer 0 rate.1 hottmetrOcetcopeo: AAriooltithees ay 00-f farm risks and town property taken at owed rates. First -oleos Loan Cenittelliel also represented. Money to be had from 4 per cent ny, accor&ing to nature *oI security, - Daily roan to Holnarieville - beget card will fetohliiin F ANI) ARIA g 4c1156TAI)* ff910T"iiiifiALIE: dement. memoriti tribiltes from the moat emin- ent British and Canadian etateemen, and "The Life of ging Edward VII." Elise woi . about coo inee,lobetteritestrogst itisy neat work.written .J , from Lon- don,g,, the cola ted and Jotutpi- BA and. John A. cooper, editor cananian mate seine, Toronto., Price only 31.75 -mw boolc from cover to Ter. Extra large commission; eredit igen rosnieetue free to canvasser% World blab nis Co ,Guelph. Ont. tAildren Cry for CASTOR IA.