The Clinton New Era, 1901-07-05, Page 911,7.
• IV' 41160-.,, -19
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\,71141 .elekeereAae
July 5th,
Many eneewoman has periodic crying
apells. We meets her husband with
eyes red. and swollen and he cries out:.
What has happened?" e Nothing" his
wife replies, n don't knew what is the
matter with me, but I just had to have
a good cry." 1Veen don't have crying
spells, It would seem therefore that an
affection c2efined to women must have
its cause in the womanly naeure. There
Is no doubt that a diseased condition of
the delicate womanly organs, is in gene
eral responsible for feminine nervous-
ness and hysteria.
The use of Dr. Pierce's leavdrite Pre-
scription makes women happy 13y mak-
ing them healthy. There are no more
• crying spells. eFavorite Prescription"
• cares in ammation, ulceration and fe-
male weakness. It makes weak women
atrong, sick women well.
There is no medicine "just as good."
Accept no substitute.
a For three years,” writes Mrs. Mary A. Sasser,
of High, Lamar Co., Texas, tt I suffered with fall.
Ing of the womb, also ulceration of the womb.
Alter using three bottles of your 'Favorite Pre.
ecriptionvi four of Golden Medical Discovery'
and two vials of Pleasant Pellets,' I found re-
lief. I am able to do my Work with ease. I rec-
otnmend your wonderful medicine to all my
ftiends, for truly believe it saved my life."
1VIedical Adviser, in paper covers, is
sentfres on receipt of el one -cent stamps
—•,to pay cost of customs and Mailing tittlfi.
Cloth binding so stamps. Address Dr.
R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
The latest French coiffure shows the •
OF THE "131,ADK HAND." bair coiled law on tne nape of the neck.
Farseeing London designers have re-
cently declared that the flounces and
A Hietovie Itelle of Vorn3ert Den" In
a Heautlful Spot In 0141e That Was
Bleated Awey in the Ruthless
• Starch of Progreso.
As the average touriat, traveling east-
ward from Newark, O., dashee through a
rocky cut near the eastern limits of Lick-
ing county, he likely does not realize that
this spot was once one of the most Pic-
turesque, romantic and historic localities
in Ohio. , Such a traveler abould read the
history sted legends of "Black Haler -
history that reads like a dream of Shad -
din, legend that finds he beginning In the
dim primeval days, When , an immense
lake filled the entire Licking valley and
poured itO surplus water over an immense
natural sandstone dam four miles aerate
During tbe ages which rolled away, the
waters by erosion cut through the de-
vonian grit, leaving two parallel •walls
whieh rise about 50 feet. When civilize.
tip reached what is now Ohio, it found
a swirling flood in this rock bound ravine.
The faces of the cliffs were crowned with
rare flowers and beautirel laurel gave its
fragrance to the zephyr and its delicate
tints to the landscape. .
This is the beautiful spot that after-
ward came to be called,"Black Hand." In
the early part of the last century the pro-
moters and surveyors a the 011ie centel
took adeantagb of the rock walled chan-
nel to form -a storage dam for that early
civilizen About midway down the canyon
a sharpheadland protruded into the rin.
er. Here the first surveyors found, cut
In the face of the rock, a gigantic human
I hand. The carvings had been filled with
I a black pigment, which still remains a
1 Mute monument of the forgotten race to
whom the carver belonged. Though na-
ture had raised a stone for him, be derved
i I: he
-.-- .....
•- carved • .
I fit a Hue 0 01 WIN 4 rt. 9.1' w 7
r ,... FLORIDA RAZORBACK. I and that it was eight feet from the tip of
1 Accounts et the size of the black hand
..... • ' differ. Old men say their parents% saw it
Becomes Monet Valuable When Killed' the thumb • tp the tip of the little -'finger.
by Railway TrOthers say it was larger and some not eo
The Florida razorback is the hog in- I large' '
digenous to that alienate and soil. He is•
But the rock wbich bore the hand was
usually large of limb and fleet of foot, - in the way of the. canal builder, and in
being the only known porker that can 1828 they drilled Into the face of the cliff
outrun a darky. He has a tail of won- and blasted away the historicealic. Not
' drous length, which while he is in active content with that, they cut it fete blocks,
motion he twiats into the tightest cork- ruthlessly chiseling away -the carvings and
- screw, but with which while quietly feed- tracery, and with the blocks built --a Bus-
ing he raps his leathery sides much in Mining wall, over whieh tow borsei might
same manner that the docile cow uses walk while thawing wealth. into the-west-
theher tail He is self supporting. He ern world. The' block hand on the rock's ;
earns his own living and thrives equally tape livedeonly in the memory of its de..
well in the high woods, in the flat woods, stroyers, • . O'er gloom is golden gioty flung,
In the hummocks and in the marshes. fle When the Central Ohlo Railway com- And sunbeams sport the waves among: ter' gets practically a new protectiop, and
Etigene •Banits in Rockford (Me). Rep the janitor doesn't stand the 'chance of
subsists upon anything he can find above eany in the early fifties desired. to pierce • "-Charles paying him'a vieie without ringing tbe
earth or underneath its surface. He tbe garden spot of .0hio, they took advan- nor -Gazette. .
bee and being regularly admitted."
has a clear, farseeing eye and is very gen- tage of' the grades established by eaten% ' .
sithe of bearing. • from Ze.,?r7eville and &Rowed the Licking SHE. WAS ‘A FINANCIAL GENIUS. . 14
1.1.1110 on the lower half of the skirt are
hut forerunners of tbe calamity of
crinoline and hool3skirtS-
• Tucks, accordion, side and bon plait.
Ings, Insertion bands and dainty pat-
terns In lace applique form tbe garnt• ..
tures whiclt dominate on gowns pre-
pared for Morning, afternoen and even -
Ing wear next !season.
It Is eVident that dainty transpar-
ent sailor collars, yokes and vests are
to have a Marked and very general
Inning during the summer season, as
they are exhibited among the choice
and meek to be favored accessories at
all the leading importing houses.
Velvet ribbon is used for trenrolug
In every possible form In waved, ver-
tical and diagonal lines in lattice, dia-
mond and Greek key patterns and for
bows, loops, clic:11x, rosettes, tabs,
pointed ends, lacings, etc., from the
narroweet to the widest weaves of the
ribbon. " •
Warp printing continues as a feature
of the new silks and muslins as well as
many other summer fabrics. The
vague, shadowy chine effect of this
sort of modern decoration Is suggestive
and far prettier and more delicate than
the more, realistic designs on many
fabrics of higher price.• ,
• White, pink, blue, cherry red and
other colored pique costumes which
are to AVM one of the features of sum-
mer dress" for morning wear are varied
In every possible manner with strap -
pings, stitched bands of linen, clotb or
silk and gold or silver braid and are
made up by fashionable tailors in the
moat approved style. -
_ .
801.11. LiFE lb LOVE.- •
The world is a sterile cliff, •*1
But love Wilke the dew
That falls upon it, and the moo •
Liko life springs from the two.
It eleePetli o'er the barren stone •
Till all.the place be verdant grown.
The world is as a blasted oak, . •
But love is like the vine •
That trails it o'er; its sunlit leaves
• Like life the two entwine.
The trunk is green that erst was bare,
And blossoms it everywhere.
The world is as a clouded iett,„ •
• • But lave is like tbe sun ,
That steals along the murky ways
And brightens every one. ,
New Torii Ternants DO Not Seem 10
Trust Their eaultorte •
"All riglit," ti o lovitamith, who
keeps a little shop ttmsterilam avenue
and does odd jells of no great importanee
in. themselves for the residents of the
neighborhood, "all right, sir; I ean fix
this key to suit you, think."
"You see," he explained to a visitor,
when the custormr hail retired, "he
wants me to give him a jaeltor proot key.
guess you don't know what a janitor
proof key is, because I know you live in
a house. • If you lived in a flat, you'd
"N"Vhen a Man moves into a new apart-
ment -that is, an apartment the Is new
to bina-the first thing he begins to worry
about ie the bey Proposition. take my
oath that New York people are the most
suspieloue set of citizens that I ever saw
in all my life. Why, they don't trust
their relatives. After the man of the flat
• gets his string of two or three keys from
the janitor he begins to let his suspicions
"He thinks of course that the *niter
Is predatory by nature. • Maybe he is
right, but I believe the law holds all per
sous innocent until they are proved guilty,
and it would be a pretty bard thing to do
to prove a janitor guilty. Anyway, the
man of the flat gets nervous. He has re-
ceived so many keys. What is to prevent
the janitor from having kept a duplicate
keY of the apartment? Nothing at all.
It would be the easiest thing in the world
for the janitor to hold out, turning over
all the keys but one and making use of
that to enter the feat whenever he saw a
Lomotyo.pPortanity in the absence of the
"That's the way the householder figures
the case out to himself. Then he comes
around to some locksmith in the neigh-
borhood and gives one excuse after an-
other 'to account for his wisb to have the
lock cleinged on his front door. It doesn't
make any difference to the locksmith
what :the reason is, se long as he gets
paid for the work he does, but the 'flat-
ter' seem; to tereik it necessam to spiel
him a fairy Mi. • Inflefte, the mitier
ends by the locksmith 'going around to
•the flat, teeing 'a squint at the lock,
marking a place where he can mit off a
trifle ot the iron se that the key belongs
, to it won't work and then altering the
key pp that will fit the revised lock.
• "For this the Charge is very slight.
,There is only a few minutes' week to tb,e
Job, and a locksmith hasn't the heart to
make an overcharge, you knew- • Nowt
this is muds cheaper than having the old
leek taken off and a new ane put on, for
then new _keys wont? have to- le made,
and good keys cost considerable. You
know. By eimply.acraping a piece off the
lock at a certain peint and scraping a
correseoneine •pieee of the key the 'flee
the bulleers ncounteee a a an : • et, -
A d et a a uow NewIrvve!1 a ,Blotlier-in-lawr
an 'the House. .
Nature has equipped• him with a snout elver. hen Black Hand •wee reached, • 31r... '
peliean of Borneo with which be. can the opposite siiie therivet eel -respond- • • • • • " • •
almost as long as the beak of the wild
penetrate the earth many Inches in quest ing to Black Hand reek and, cut- sheer • .• "I have head- nettOer • (Meer Stoeleteabolit.
of worms, snakes and insects. He is the through it. So today the eastbound tour:• .me ers , Aced Mr. • Newly- e .
most intelligent of all the hogs and is
likewise the most courageous. He has
been known to engage In mortal. combat
- with a coon for the possession of a water-
melon and --4o tend asunder a 'barbed
wire fence.
, He is so Intelligent that 'when -be
• In the towas he becomes as familiar witta
the railroad schedules as aro the train
dispatchers themselves and plies his vo-
cation in great numbers about the rel-
oad stations, and yet no train ever ran
over e razorback. Whenever- Ore rail-
road companies are forced to pay tor kill-
ing bog it -always proves. to be a Berk -
Aire, a guinea or some other Ste breed -
neer a razorback. He fs too active
sae alert to be caught. evert kee, tteloeetiii:e '
live. He Is nervous, restless, energetic.
end hence does not thrive •well in pens.
'Confined, he loses rather than • nine
iflesh. Be is always ripe tor market, as
this condition is as good in .'Aug,ust as it is'
iin January. His owner 'respects his in-
telligence, admires his nerve and is fond
of him as food, for he gnajealWays be
upon to afford the proverbial
"streak. of lean" teeth a vety small
"streak of fat." de the king of hogs.
He can be grown more profitebly than
any other known satiety, since as has
been observed, he is -energetic and -lotelil
gent enough to feedeend clothe himself. -
'Whit a mie'reliant round Ont After 11
. 'Had Killed Four Mea.
When Well a Child, the aleinl to me
Through the nursery curtains Seemed td be
A thing of marvel and witch( ry,
The elina white crescent fioalwg bigli
In the lucid green of the western sky
Was a fair/ boat and the* ening star
A light on the land where tho fairies am.
Wbea I was a woman the moon to me
(Whose life was a ple'dge of what lifo might be
Was a thing of promise and prophesy.
When from my wintiew I saw it set,'
• In the twilight my lashes, with team were wet,
at my heart Ong over beouse know
That from /our window you watched it too,
And now, oh, my love, the =on to me.
Who think ot what was and was not to be,
111. • thing of heartbreak and memory!
When I see its crescent white and Wm,
The emPtY present of life grows dim,
And its pale young gold is the hoop of troth
That, stronger than death is, binds us both.
-A, e, F, In Atlsretio Monthly.
I aui prepared to buy this season's
clip of Wool, as usual, at tbe
Berimiller W'oollen
fe4-14-14141444-2:4•444-44-44.4 44444 44114444-014-10444444-44:44-440.,rea
Keep You flead Free
Frani Damfruff
• with Quinine Tonic, It cleans the scalp and keeps it Mean and
cures dandruff. les an excellent tonic, increases the growth, pre-
• yenta the hair from coming out, makes the hair soft and brillient,
nicely perfumed and not sticky,
Larne bottle75e.
E. HOVEY, Dispensing Chemist
for highest °ash prioe,orinexoleange
for manufactured articles.
Jesse Gledhill
Street Fair
July 1st 2nd 3rd
For several years bait the towne and
cities of tbe United States have been going
ild otier street fairs and they are univer.
Belly regarded as the most delightful of eel-
ebra tion 8,
Trade Exhibitions
Beautiful .DecorationS
Free Perfollitances. by high
class artists
Beautiful Flower Procession
and Mardilras carnival
on. Wednesday '
• d • addresiing Several; of his bachelor . rre
'were releiing. incidents that Pee •
,And countless other. features
ist sees little Of ac a . . . .
Mane legends itnger about the .locality. • 'friends; "but My a won- curved in the blase tiger district. Said.
An 'Arline sat at the door of a settler's der, She is a financial wizard and should the revenne officer: • . .
ago the red men in the eastern . part of be down in Wall street these days.. When !" : "All of vitt that in those ' dry
Birdie and I returned from our wedding ' counties the totter, Who' is ' deprived of his.
cabin and told this story: "Many years •
• he the . • cTram will soon- icaim to dripk • anything
the state were at war with those -
middle and northwestern parts. Chief trip, her motb,er suggested that we shoeld that is hot or .fiet-e; froth cologne to -ja-
• live together and that . we should share maicit ginger or pepper vinegar. Well,
the .expeeees. ' She said she wanted to one of the most remarkable tbinge of this
feel ind,ependent. I consepted. .Mother -t kind that ever came under my observeBirdie's, • not -mine-suggested that he tied happened , down here in one ofthe .
ebonite pay the 'rent of the apartment and counties touchedby the Southern rail
that we should pay her $25 a week for road. Some time after the county .went
our board. The rent was $100 a Monthdry it man yielded to the 'demands uf the
. So the plan seemed-. a fair one, and four frequenters of his general store end or -
'serf and compelled. to earnM. weeks ago we went to live under the dered an extie supplyeof the 5811008 hot
was made a f . Sallie mg * Today I received a billfrom stuffs that ordinarily would .have only a
the good esteem and fellowship Os .
captors,. a fate erase than death. O. tbe .. ' a -grocer for $96: one. frees. the buteher
. moderate sale. In the lot was a case of
Young Indian.' '. . . • . • . for' $35; a gas hill for $8.50 -and•-an. ice:. .. Jamaica ginger, Theefiest le. buy. any, of
"The woes et his • caetivitY, however, ' bill for $6,25, besides several -other ,small this ginger was. a couple of brothers .who.
bilis. Tee total represented the first had just returned home from the Mate
were lightened by the kindly' attention of
i month's expenses. As I had the day. be- , utdeersity. In a few hours. after drinking
a Young Wyandotte maiden, tbadeughter
of the chlee of the tribe into which the fore paid to dear mother-in-law $100 for some uf the stuff they were dead. With -
Mingo had 'been adopted. Genuine lithe- four weeks out paying a word to anybody, tbe men
prised." board., I was Boinewl3at sue. .
' - • chant carried the ease of ginger to the at
Newlywed's three beehelor friends, tic and instructed the clerk never to sell
naddedencouragingly, and he resumed: • • any '15 it. .
A fere Months' after two brothers who
who been listening to his tale of woe,-
"I went to mamma -is -law and in my --were in the turpentine .business called at
sweetest manner salt: 'Mother, dear, • the store and asked for -Jamaica gingen
these bills were intended for you. They • The owner or. tbeetote was absent at the
*ere sent to me. by mistake.' She glanced •' time, and the clerk, remembering the box •
over them ant exclaimed: 'Oh; no. They . tip stairs, finally, after much pleading on
represent your share Nif the expenses for - the paet of the 'boys, told them that tlere
the month. I paid the rent' .was seine up 'stairs; bet be couldn't sell
b-arning with the passion,of a
.11 1- "'But I paid you 4100 for our board it The young men proposed that they
ad lover and aching for vengeange, tray- for thut weeks.' would go tie and get some of it and thee
alefi 'faster than the couple end overtook " 'Yee,' responded ',mother...In-law', 'but I he timid tell his employer that he .dieret
the bills.' -sell it . eille clei-k was finally penetrated
at Blac
them k //and rock. paid 4100 or tbe merit,. and you muse pay
•"They heard the pursuers lbdend Rime, - into 'this 'arrangement. In a few hears%
"'But I gave youlthe Pier which yen bah yomg reed were deade '
paid to the landlorte I exclainted. •"Wlide the owner of the store etelsed.of
"Tre 'course con elide btit I' paid the the'deall3s and the action of the elm*, he
rent il have liveil 4up to my agreement keetiliis own 'counsel, He knew, 'but the
to pay tete rent. Vou, must pay the bilis.' elerkilild net, thaf the deathe tee 'the two
"I was ,dazed -Tor a moment," said sets,dt brothers were &used ley 'that gin-
• Newlywed, "and :thee I urged upon her ger. •
that lit was my motley that had gale to "Quietly' be went into an therestigation.
the landlord.. She onlY replied with a Plereiscovered after so long st time that
smile that -Effie ilia lived up to her con- the ginger was made by nu up country
trazt and had mild $100 rent and hoped firm, who, in order to proauce a cheap
gristle of the so called gieger, had used -
Wood alcohol in the preparation of it.
This wood alcohol -being :rteleadly poison,
.death was sure to follow :the drinkingeff
it Thestorekeeper wars so miseratile
lover what bad occurred, ;Itemising himself
idf being the came of the detains Of !the
Moor men, that he finally told a friend
othout the whole transaction and -Bien
idrank a bottle of the ginger, the' lne of
dise case, having dearer:Ted all bet one
'beetle be had reserved :for his owa else.
at ended his misery." .
among the former were the Miegoes and
among the latter the Wyandotte's. In.
'one of 'the stealthy and bloodthirsty in-
cursions into the Mingo hunting ground5r.
a young chief of,great promise was cap-
tured and carried brick by the Wyan-
dotte!". Instead of killing the young Min-
go chieftain, as was the usual custom, he
Sends litts EOM to the Men.
"There is a men in an eastern city who
does a large business in babies' dresses
and clothing tor young children," writes
Edward Bok in (Ladies' Home Journal.
"He makes and sells nothing else. His
trade le almost entirely with women. Up
to within three years ago he would send
out to his customers bills amounting to
as much as $1410500. In six months' thne
he would receive less than $3.000 in re-
turn. Yet his enstomers all 'stood well'
and were oousidered women of easy '
"Then he deliberately Changed his
method of rendering bills. He went over
his books and foiled that he had sonte
$12,000 worth of unpaid accounts. Be
made out the bells and addressed them to
the beeline& or tethers of his customers.
directing the billseto their offices. Within
60 days he had received $9.600 in checks.
HIS Invariable ride now is to send all his
hills to the busenteds, fathers or tbe male
members of his customers' families.
When no male member exists, he insiats
upon a cash transaction."
The ori nal kidney specific. for
the ouregof Back-aeha, Diabetes,
Bright's Difiettfte and ail Urinary
Don't acdeptsomethIngiust as,
good, See you get the genuine
Bon knows•no condition, for it rises 'above
all environment. .Tbe maiden thel In love
with the 'unfortunate young, chief, and,
though watched by the crafty tribesmen,
they made their affection known to each
other and decided to fly AO the Mingo
"One•night they made their escape. At
daylight they were Missed and were pur-
sued iby a posse of 'Wyandotte's. The girl
had !left behind a tribesmen ilover, who,
knowing that worse than deeth awaited
them if captured. With the stoicism of
*he savage they walked to the edge af
Ile precipice and "surveyed the flood.
Feeding the idol of his heart in his arms,
ira, sprang into the bolting water. The
pursuers were close enough,to see the last
thapter of the dranta."
The narrator says the eikrappointed par-
isuers marked the spot as -the Caucasian
towel it.
The other tegend-arel .one worthy of I waled be 'honorable and pay all the
gerpetuity-is born ,fff the geology and biles. I became ssomewhat excited end
.ceuntry and the Ire& eonditions of the said eye, •$100 went:to the landlord, and if
:aborigines. Minot filtft milt% Southwest I• had to pay mil gthe hMs what share of
,or Black Hand is a great outcropping of •• the expanses meirteout of her pocket.
-chalcedony. The Mace -le 'known now as
Flint ridge, and the tint, rare ori this
.continent was much valued by Indians
and mound builders for making imple-
ments of agriculture and war. Like tbe
ripe stone quarries of the 'Dakotas, where
Vie inimical Sioux and Mandan work side
by side in apparent 'peace, hither tbe
trlbes came up, the plate being considered
eared to the giver of all good and per-
fect gifts, For a radius of flee miles
cieound Plint ridge rested the blessing of
the great spirit, or that ot the orb of dee.
the divinity worshiped by the mound
Guilders. None of the tumult of war is
Mend within that space, Patter' in quest
ef tile flint thming to the eenfines of the
(-harmed circle laid down their arms for
tie, purpose of mining the necessary
stone. for the time forgetting the tradi-
tionary hatred ot foes. They came from
the Mississippi valley, probably by water,
and debarked from their frail eraft at the
loot of the rack, •
The 'romancer says_ the spread hand
eiieved on the rock was in mute appeal
nett forcibly reminded the' wayfarer In
it way at once foreibl% ad it was poetical,
ibat thug far and no farther ehoried the
synoeS of- onlightee vengeance roll. The
hand Marked the portal a' a sanctuary
whieb was sacred to the savage, whose
lust for blood rose -above every other con-
sideration in his narrow but Intense, Igo -
elated but eventful life.eeOhlo State JOU'.
toy particulars of which see.
progrE,m bills.
The Governoi-leneril and
Lady Minto have. .been
invit4d to attend .and
oten the event
Soft corns, mins of all 'kinds removed'
without pain or sore spots by Pntnarnvs
Parilesa Qom and Wart Extraotor. Thou-
atinds testify that is certain, painless._ and
prompt. Beware ef substitute:: offered for
the genuine "Paine:13'e" Extractor, Miro,
gale, hatIOIOAIL At all druggists or gent by
mail upon receipt of twenty -fire oents.
ht. pogo & Co., Itingetoth Ott,
"17113* rent imoney,' :the responded. -
"leirt et vete ;my tnoney,' I retabed,
end that was more than dear Maniple -In-
law could etalel for She gave me
scornful rearme, ;muttered something like
'foal' and left the iroom." • Newlywed re-
marked in conclusion: "She is a finannial
wizard, dear mamma-ineaw, as you me,
The tent end all eke money for expenses
come ;out of'enry ;pocket, yet she insist%
she bee gaid the isent."
.0resswell, !davit 28, 1901,
The I: Idilhurn Co., limited,
Toronto, Qat,
Dear Sirs,—I write ttosay that
I have usedBurdock Mood Bitters
With excellent reaultea Last
spring my daughter go 11 run
down and was very thin and
Her face was covered With red
spots and a large boil formed on
her'cheelt. I procured 2 bottles
of BAIL, and by the time she
had finished them the spots and ,
boll disappeared and she has I
got strong and fleshy agatn.
1 consider 11.11.B. the bestblood '
medicine known,
!Pieta and Second Infewlint; svicnatnce.
"Gentlemen," remarked a third -man,
II don't like to compete in fit& stories
ffiecause 1 am not a fisherman, but I'll
lairs the liberty of telling you that when
Silived Texim1 had a friend who went
iout fishing one !Daniel,. and when the re-
Atirned ho had a wagon load.of tfitid. and
IbeIcialtate that when be went out -before
dayihe went to what- be-thought:was his
:favorite fishing place. "lefe began (overli-
e/owe...throwing out his line and Milling in
fish ato fast as hetould move. 'When day
broke, he bad a wagon load and oulcl find
job rereek at all.Upon kevestigatiott he
dlasovered that he was half a mile Iron:
the creek and that he bail been ;fishing
In. the leg."
sge Ways aSingle an.
"Net' odd the landlady. "We 'Cannot
acconiniodgte you. We only take in elle
gle gentlemen."
"Goodness:I" replied Mr, Marryttt.
"What ratikee you think rnii
Philadelphia Ilecord,
West Virginite in Allusion to' Its Indus -
tritons territory, bus been Ineinklithli
totke Switzerland At AmeticiG.
ChIldreti iy tor
wngle fare from all points.
Good from kne2pth to July
° Worth $25.00, our price $22.50,
Our goods are all new and tip -to -date in style. We can show you a great
variety of I?tirlor, Dining -room and Bedroom Furniture, at prices thee
defy:competition. Prices reduced on Window Shades, Curtain Poles
and Room Mouldings. Our Plaecee, Organs aud . Sewing Alachines, are
guaranteed to giye satisfaotion.
• 11. ‘011. 13 ; h
Also special excursioi,t3.
For booth privileges, etc,
applicants Pipase addreso•at
oncelmuch spae,e being already
taken. .
P. B. SMITH, Set.
iven Away
A tooth brush with every 25c bottle of tool'
powder, tooth soap or tootn wash we sell.
Use Combe's Baking Powder and you will be
using thebest 'obtainable. 25c per poiind.
H. B. 001111BEI, chemist ..y6 litultgist
Pond's Extract
ns, Sprains, WoundsBruiaes
• Oyer fifty years a househtild remedy
for Bur
ble to occur in every.home.
Coughs, Colds end all accidents lid
CAUTI6N—There Is only
one Pond's Extract Be
sure you get the. genuine,
sold only in sealed bottles
,...In bUff wrappers.
F armors' Co -Operative
Company Limited.
Goderich Street Fair
arid .S.ummer
4ply, 1st,' .2nd and 3rd.
• Everybody con3e and sue the
:Stet fitreet Fair in Cattacht,
And while enjoyieg theeeeFaii,
drop aroued to Emerson's and
e. see the magi he is offering in
Prices for Season of
Red Star, 550 It .10 c
Special Manilla,5001t...
Sisal, old ........ 8 c
The two latter tot our own 'make.
You will And it the cheapest
plaoe in Canada _to procure a
35 &stews wheels
in Livery. -- •
Weshatielnstaword to say to you. The
first and Onli true co-operative company
an America, is offering you to -day its stook in
small hold nge, one and two aharee at par.
It's also prating it's eplendid twines with von
for the coining hsewest, at Priooravi material
annot be taught for. Tour 1.)yalty and Intel-
ligence stttlhold usin existeneel your shwa -
esti and indifference will drive us down and
out, whicheaeans a death blow to all future
co operittion.offariners and will Surely' bring
one Vault, A gigantic twine .combine, from
the hill lemmas of whioh you will he absolutely
btatl,Posootlesd tilorvfeeekbyleOrer,.onpuireleieps yuto om pe co o a, ve m yam nt in the
x u. ha b op on a lour money and
itk your Stan by Isere test end
world and as bring a continuation of relief
thrt nth ita ribeuestionsible influence an a
twine price regulator. Deserttus or treat oUr
agents with indifference and you have only to
watt for reaultte
No better twine was ever Made on eihrth or
furelehedtothe Cenedian Penner than has
been idippliedymt by thee your own oommuty,If
we were not an intense element of protection
to yonas farttleris there would bo neopPesition
whatever pitted egainst us. Remember the
Salt...Deal; there is A mighty combine belt*
formed lust now in Canada. Yen w 11 know
Of it shortly.
Don't Waete time wrestling With tee quote
Bon any longer. Loot it streight in, the facie
end identify yourselves with us es shetilhold.
era. Bee /Our twine from *his Mother
Company with its liplandid poet reeotd of
3 ears end you will have obetunort to be proud
ot your action and loyelty tette on.
If you Wm but& partiole of Judgmenteort will
scent. is Manes chat, Other torripaniee going
into existenee are sitnely trading On our
grand reputetion, and that In teeny of these
daces you will be exceedingly dliappainted
We have pleaded for eight yearn, for Mt to
could On ,,.the ground flea end 10th hands
with thlo old oatablished twine ,brgetimitilni.
BUyOlar lied Star leo route and you Will make
ne miets,ke; lee said to be equal, _leerier Ho
twine offered againstR
us. Don't afe your
Own enterier, „Vets co-operation under good
Sasnatement to -day Iasi:Mr only salvation.
Joseph gtratiord
General illanatier.
Mi SIC' Goderich
Livery Repaint
Viratch sa. 4
' If you want up-to-date jewelry you oan
always be sure of getting the very and most
correct thing here. Whatever you bey you
can feel sure that its all right. Or if you
have anything that needs to be altered,re-
paired or reset, bring it to us,
Eye e examined free.
Whoiceele and retail .piane
and organ distributing centre..
iligh grade new:pianos. Five
Aped pianos at decided bar- .
g fins,
Buy ° the -wonderful
• for a Pleasing entertainer. We
are headquarters
Bargains to teachers and stn. -
dente in •Sheet- Music, 25o to
750 pieces for 10c -wholesale
e Instruments of all kinds sold. '
Music Emporium
G D McTaggart
BAN att
A General Oinking Business
,. transacted: '
. •••
Drafts issued. • Interest ailloWei on
-W N. Walker
In all kinds of Parlor Furniture and Man
afacturer of .
Mattresses Lounges
Couches • Cosi Corners
Carpets taken up, oleaned and relaid
housecleaning attended to. Mettreases
made over. Prices reasonable. .
Call and aee samples of work and. cover-
ings, Oe.for particulate
For Sale -75 yards of fine Brakes
Carpet, almost at good as new.
Stand—Shepherd Block, Ontario
Street, Oliaton.
Iceamenited- beeAet " Of letielitementi1855.3Ve •
CAPITA', $2,500,000
' REST FUND $2020.60(1.
twar:# 14Q-STTREA.1i
Wm. Moreiox MAceenetenc, President.
• Jteizs ELLIOTT, Gen. Mang
Notes disootuitee, collection Made, denits.
issued, sterling and Atnerioae exthange •
bought and sold. Interests:allowed 'OD
deposits, Silence Bead -Interests allowed
on Bums of $1 and up. Money advanced to
farmers on their own note; . with one or
more endorsers. No mortgage required.
H. 0, BREWER, Manager, Clinton,
Pthate funds to loan on mortgages lit
. west current rates.
A General Banking Ilneiness traneected
Interest 'allowed on deposits,
Sale .notes bought
eet i-•4444-e-oe-ee-ese-ee-weewee-e- •
Meat Market
tiering pun:baited the butchering
businese of F. R. Powell I am pre-
pared to furnish the pTiciple,of Clin-
ton with all kinda-of Fresh and
Cured Meats. Santo" bologna
lard, better and egret always kept tin
hand. •
R. Fitzsimons it SOn.
Tlephone 78.
Ordera. delivered promptly to, all
parts of the town.
N. R. -Persons -hiving; hogs for
hiptnent will *nfer a favor by
eying word at the shop.
!I A Stook Helder "
for bolding steel' the "Puget is the ettlY
reliable kind. lt it tieed on the largest Stet*
rams In Canada: equally suitsb'e for mug. Air
large . I.t We now make our own wire Caw.
ace get good enough betel*. it In hrIO) It Wong
as that in other r taCci and bettor galvanised, Ger
Venetic It shIPped il•om ourfittorytaidy-Miwit,,
sad our total representative kin put ttp stringer
It ter yo nIn short meet. Mee lower %be year,
The aAGelviRe MACE Co. (Ltd)
WeetteriVILLt• tom
y- ' - t" •
Por Infant's and Children,
A Stepladder
Given Away
To every purehieer of one taw
of oar Pure Creme Baking
Powder We will give, without
any extra °barge, a strong
durable o.foot Stepladder.
Tiara* Of Sttiffr 1141t $
c Brame go ato..
Next door to' Dr, Sann'a private. hoepitali
Goad &deer ilibd EMS 414010(10