HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-06-28, Page 40
1. I � � -
- " I , ,
F "I *� you wantlto� mei�tcold fri6nds dad have a good time generally, go to the Huron Old Boys' celebration at Clinton, July 6th..
'I*- I a I . � �' 9 I
I 11 . ,
. . � I
.. . June 28011 1901 THE CLINTON NEW ERA. I � ./
. I , . . . I
� � � � . . I . I I . I . I - . . � . I . i R1 1. � I I . I . � I . . . � , I . I 1. � 1. -_ , , - -_ � � " -0
*"�.. . I I :�__ - 7, 1 . I . 11 I -.111 - I I ; . ; . . . . I . . I .
� I . ,_yVVyyyV0*-^ . – I – � ____ 1 The f3alander, ' '
� - 9121? 11111121 I — .
. - . I
. I . In, III ,aF Ids ve in Tune 28, St Paul's church I - -
, vAl y A g,c, AM
.. . a, ,it It" rounds.. s11111F 1�1
. . . . . . . 0 _ tor7 g
I (I)9rc c,
"'. DOMINION DAY Mon e ot = A Do�)Ijuly let. Is Ing of
Wes .
1� &or.er ,,,z,, 40 ., m.; 0 church b � A W, I Second 14and �
her . c i 11ra* 1%
rteke match a ;R.rea- I . I
. �
� t
ion p�
... F,XeUR$ION , at 10 a.m,, between Iforost rind Clin, - �,
� � . � 4 te.. , I.:
.� Washable . Shl*rt, Wahs . s _ � .
.1 . Return tickets will be leaned at, I t ;u ,.�iand ,8, G.derl.h street Pair; 13tr.t� I
. I .,d�i , To , , �1
I . I . i , . . I ..
. I &W,""""_ """"fflW"A"MM"""""A"?""M"MW � -, Single Fair July17 and 18, Goderich. races. I I
1�,, I - . . . I g .)Ocl rom June 29th and July let- � Bieveles
-. �� I '01wN I I I � . I
. . I .. �� � . . - ' . return nr wily 204, Additional Local,News. . . �_, - ',,-
. . HE backward season has had litile apparent effect on the demand for Purchaset our tickets uptown the (lay SpEcIAL MEnTING,—The special Com- . I . �w ,
. .11 I ' previous to �e Excursion arid Save delay mitteeof the county council met at - I AI . .. I
. ortment we at Station, Goderich lately and had architect Pow-
_,', I Pretty Shirt Waists which make up the most attractive ass . lor preFa�e plans and specifications for .
. . ( I
F, R. Hodgens, ticket agent. he i era new residence, which will
. . . '. ,a , �. ' Q 3kx .
. � have ever shown. a -� , a a 11 k. . a . b Q feet ; a special meeting of the $5 to $15 1
. . . ' I Co. council will be held on. or about . I
11:11 y, rich in white waists of medium "grade and "4fw 'UmflotrAtuto J uly .3rd to open tenders, discuss plans . . � . . I 11
i - Our Stock is parbicularL I I I i and other necessary business. � — � . �
,� " . � ' In now stgixe- ii ewo fi;;�ij . ...... page I I � I . .
e nicely tr inserti ns, embroider- A ['..U�X B . I
, �� price, most of which ar immed with 0 1 ,,.drea- "w" .... ..... I THE BL,&CK KNIGHT.-ReV J. H. .
� . . I I,., �Olas..S_A J Grigir I I I . I . I . I I I
.. �%% . . I Smokerail notlee-RF Res,i;.',..'.'�'.:'.:'. I Hector gave a; very interesting town . I . __ - I
, ".. . I a .1 k - Shirt waists -Newcombe ............ 4 peyance lecture oxi = eve,,o,i n I I .. . .
11 . Domi to rig . - .. �
11 I , ies or fine tuc-kingi -- -re, . 1i .. i i . . a n1in Do X ffol.o.—! 1�!n ��i 4 Hattetibury Street atid I :,
, I . . I . . .. I . o rent Jae calt .. .,... 5 . I, ,�" I I
. e* lso very popular and %aled tenders -Jacob Taylor : .., 5 iencewbich should have been law ger, LL �.�, ... L I , I ,
The Colored,'Waist$` we are showing ar a I Marble w -Rsale 11 Bice - * I .
M,lI,wrS,y!r :.,: . ,:.: 6- according to the merits of the,16cturer, �, .
.As;Xj . :
`:.3:' I L I _ .... aC. � , "' . 1. 5 , The Knight is full of humor., as well as I , � ..!, I , I I
- . * I
� I � I . . a I - i 9 a 31 Liusn collaro-Hodgens Bro;:.:.:..... 8 fact, and th6se present were well repaid -1. ... I
.1 - in the ver west st les' ' A . I . . � ..
� " I I ccm� y rie y � I � . 11��_ , L - �
, � . . I . I . I I — I I %10F-x*� _ forgoing. He preitcheCin the Goderich �� . . . ., I .. I � 1�
,.. . . .on Sund%y.
I , LL .
, "L, I I . Methodist churches . . I � . . ; ,
, . I- %� to of fine white I f rout and, back � Laiiies' $Wri Wol'sts, maiie of good quality of print - . I � , , . . � :
� Loa as, wais aMe tuoks.plain and in stripes, Colors of pink, blue and mauve, also , ,, two # Qrg, NATTZ11q,—'1here are . . I
.'L, ". made of face insertion, and fi . . . lain white lawn, all with new Bishop __ **I(m Av# 1 n "T'Bur, :a, , e, and Mr - . I , L *, to . � I
I .
'I', I oil Bishop pleovest extra special at- I' W I '?leave' 50q � Most opboties In use her *
L' � Pud rth 75c special at...: ... I accommodate otie We have 6 or 8 second band wheels that we wish
. tucked cuffe � 1. ... .20 I a . new back, well wo I . . Rumball cap only . '. I � . I � I LL;
, " , � I I FRIDAYJ JUNE 28 , L
�, , I . .
I , I 4 4 ............ . , 1001, witch- 1. . "
, Mill- �.. I a ...... 4 414'' . I . - - . I more without getting a new 8 I I
,:-z I ..- . I . . , - . I � . 1k. 1,
L: i, . . Laliee' Shirt Waists, made of extra fine white Iowa - . . I . . . . . . � board, as 10) is the limit thereon. The . . clear out. I .� . . .11 , �
" I f ineer. -
.1�,, Ine tucks aDd Ladies' Waists, of, M16 �rini, in colors of Pink, ,. ig-distance phone I .
:.�:! front4 back sad sleeves 01 ane white ot!iP8, nicely . The Proposed Pont Offlice. Advantage of the lor I . . I
." 1 - tion, newest collars and sleeves, a real beautv ' mauve and blue, with J 3bing braid, - — L it; Shown in the fact, that the other day ' . . � .
, - .. 11 I trimmed, with one inch wide flull an talked from hero to, St. Lotils, L � ' 1� . I I
I ,, , at each .................... o ............... 1.50 1 - 8� m . I I . I . .
� � Missouri, and had no difficulty in I
I , LL� . I Self collars, also navy blue waists with strip" Diecusehim again the proposed eree ' I - I
I-: , I I � . I ould sell at 75o h They will be cleared o S.
, � e of fine Madras piints ana * and figares,with Bishop *Bleeve,v n . . office here,the Expositor carrying on the conversation, whic . I . , ut regardless of forier price ., - .
. I . . I .
;�_ Lad ice' Waists. mAd !navy, pink and' light I our .price esobi ............................. 60c . L I tio - '6f a Post cost him over $5 for a few minut6s, . . . I I
11 .
...�� %% dimities,171 wi,ie stripes of ,� . says:— . - . . '. . . . � . . JI . , �
i , "I - blue,with f rout and back of fine pleates,in new- 1.25 . � I . . - I . . "If Clinton is'so central -and so 'important R THE GODkIticH FAIR. . �ln the adver- . . I I � ... . . . . I . . ,
4"11, est styles, our special price each ........... Ladies! Shirt Wa.ist, made of block Sateen and asta. place as to secure the favor 6f the Government t!sing columns may be. risen an exteli- I""'-/ .
��.: ,4 1 by.virtue of its impqrtanbe, and Seaforth so . . . I., I
, ", - . W., � COOPER & COO, , CLINTON 1. -
� , - , made of fine quality of print /' at Ap
IN I no, Cloth, in the wo ,proved ,styles, some
1� - Ladies, Shht Waists, to give gbod ice of the Goderich Street Fair I 0
, �,' in white with black stripes, with white plea . plainj others tucked, but all made units tent that it is not deserving of natt give. no i t de Cariinval, on.July 1, 2 and 3, � . I I .9. . .1 . I . .
I . � ;0 W . I
� I I I ... 65j, $1, $1.25. $ o 2 * thi.0 t EMA please explain how it is 0= � .
. "'., 1 ybpeoial at ech- � . west ........ . I b of Clinton p6stoffice has never and Tra � I . . �, . . I . . �
.�,� !far and cuffe, ver . equalled thebusinem of the Sesforth office. which is the first ever held in - Canada, . ; I � �',
l.� _. front, 00 4 01 I I - - .
�, , , 4-0.-X-e.-W%16%0%%4-04-0"0"�. 0.0006" - - I � I Whev it does this it may perhaps e pon and the countV'town being &'waterre- 11
1, I * I ..�
_*�*' . . -
I - 'e' '"*" . I
��, - I . 16%0*"-W^%*C '9C"K . . . . I . . . whatprine �i Intou" has sort ther d place - to. go . . 00mina and Goina. -Mr and Mrs Webster, .
. . .
1.1; I I . . � a (�Ie of right or justice of Toronto, are ,
,,,, . . . I . .
�,�tt I a I been avo r and other places of, at. least equal and enjoy the Program � of attractions , isiting His E. Saville. . . . "
I - , importance, as shown by the postoffice returns, _. — V .
,., I. * I . b I . It I W. W. Farran was in. Elora Wednesday. .
I ..
, �,� � �.' . . � . 1 4v. been passed over." . whl6' the committees have arranged. Mr and Mrs Baker, of Grand Bond, at& .
. - -and every. per-' The Misses Combo were Detroit visitors ! I
.1. � . S . . Evelthing will be free I b t , .
I I .
-�",'�"`, roideries . Onemould think that before penning.1 son. is welcomed. There will.bespecial last week. . . I . visiting. at It a .house ( A Refuge. , .
...:,' Lace and Emb. , . .. *. . . I I
:,.�`,,-; . . I I � . �� . . this pat agraph, the. able editor, -of , the i ailway'rates for tkei great carinval. William, son of Robt. Mason, went to Miss Ida Murphy is spending a month or �
,,*, . � . I . . . I I . so 'tb her mother at Buffalo. . . I
- . . , Algoma last week. I ' wl . I .
�,,�4,, vel y . Expositor-would�,hav-e-looked up his 'Moo, MA*FX'1CT.Tbe price of bogs, still � .
,_a ... ... Our gathering, -of Laces and Erilbroideries of e I de , . - - I . . . I Miss Ida Holmes *so via - . . I
_, . . . . " ". I , iti�i friends in I Mrs -S. Nixon, oif-Hilbride, isvisting. bar ,
. .. are at ,7e. . , , _ .
_.� . 'in town. We'd. like.to. I figures. :.The NEW RR,k, has therefore . Cantelon & Wallis made a . . I
. . I . I
�,� "'. . ption is' not surpassed in any.stiore . . - I � . . . 11 slaprit9pt of. 150 bogs last MondaTthe Petroles. this week. . . - sister, Mrs,T, Howson, Albert street. . I I
. I
�,V� scri I . N . . . I much ples;sure',in supplyin-k -the .Ex- value ot the shipment being $1850 ; last Mrs BA6 leaveo.next month on a Vidt ' Miss- Nellie . I I " . I .
'. :., ply your . - . . Minn. � I . . I . McDougall, Seaforth, has. , I
"O. boon the guest of Mrs J. W. Elliott. -a .�,
, � have you look here before you buy as, . WP - Can. 5UP . .., -P )sit6r with inibrinati *on on this- point, week's was $2200. Among sorno kston, ' . .,
� I . I . beat weights of hogs received, were: -Noble. J. B. Rumball was in Toronto Moniday ...
� .
.I.-;---- nee&_ at -a gre�at-saving.,_UnlessyoU-ar- ".lready_.a_ i , . .... � - - � _ - _Tq..__PostLMAster Gener4l's:.Ktpqr��fo_E, � . . ,purchabiog - ____ . -Mra%hfiehe -and-her mother, Misl,%�, - ---- - ','
. . -s-,-500,lbo,,--Wvst.-2.-365-lbo,----Glev��-6,-jOB6- -on-a- _triP______ ad
.1 . . __ .. ' tle, are visiting friends inkWingliam., i t ��
- - . �
I'... . the zdvantage, and ,q no .. - . � .. - - - .11 I - ,� 1900. the last one issued-shovy.s the lbs- . Carbert,,,1l,,2b70 lbs; 'Wise, 4, 660 lbg; v V. Bronsoombe is here visiting, his sister, - -,
; - .... .1 1. . ... . "I . ... ... .. _ � I -1 " ' I - �
. .
, ,:. ciate : . . . I . of the'� two ' 'M -'f - i k be; Cartwright; -1 1c . ,
�� � �,- this store., you car1not appre � . . . I gross revenue , o ces or Trio , 6, 1180 i - - O' ' jg6 f6g; 'Mrs W. 'Newcombe. "� - Misses Millie Liitli-an(fMiS'Wh4ehi%d1 : 1��
,,,,,,r,. ,. ,� . � I .1 . . . I.. I - . . .." ... , . . , Gibbings, 5, 840 lbs; Middleton, i: iii� lbe- Me Kyl�, Rippen, vallod on Clinton spent Monday with friends in. Seaforthi ". " 11�
..� . .
, I purchasing here. ' � . . 'I I -t , , , . . . �
.. that year' to be as f011OwS:- .. � I Hill, 1,. 855 lbs; Smitit, 1. 455olbs-, . ( ' Miss Lon And Mill Littl *
,�,:, � afforded in . . . I . . . I . 1. . . - - . � . - , �nigley, friends on Tuesday. - - - n is e and ' Mrfp 1,
1, ,�� q .1 . I . ... Clinton ... �; ........ ;.. $4,225.79. 9.1515 ]be; Elliott, 18, 8140 lbad, Forster. � Miss Susie Cook visited relativ4i � Yp- W I 'j
. I . . 'in, De
� � I � . � I . - . - . �
!�,�,-�' I 6athread, all worth one third more than our prices . . lseafoith;. . -�.,.,.... 03,1W.31. - - Ii, Mich., last week. . . . hitehead and Mrs Johnson Were � , I
1: � _ . . . . .1� I I - .19. 8460 lbs; Dal'opty, 4. 67�; Tufts, 4, 815. #Alfin � I . . � . troit last week. . . . . � . I
1.11 Valenciennes Laces, in newest designs. oil made of,go . , . . . . . . I . . I ...... llael.25e,. 25r_ , . . . . .L' , . U. . . . I . . � ��
.. 11 r doz. yards ......... I .... - ... I ....................... I ..... .................... . This s4otild convince our eptem that Tro"j'x`G WELL. -J. W. Irwin, who L volierty Spent a few days this.. week I Miss Tens Matheson le%Veg L n , :
,�! - � goods at per .Yard . I . ext week.. � L �,:
PLO . C I on'one point at least, Clinton has a re'Oently was on a trip to the' Soo, says, I - for. Galt Hospital,where she tokes.a Course' . � I
Oriental sees and Insertions are in great deme,ild thissurnmer, we hove tho Very latast designs in thase with his parents in L. ondon.
... j ..... j ! ....... FL ..... . a. .,. I. - ' ' 18c to 50 � . .. . ' Mrs Jae. Fair,oeLn., I . _ . I I . . .;,
�L .
�.,, ___ .................................. . - � ..... � ....... 12je. 1 54�, , c aUn . ov . or . Sea i e, venture things are booming up theie. Oleirgue is Visiting her dough., in training as a nurse. . . . 1. ..
li��11;1. widths from I i to 5 inches, in very daintv. esigns, special va0es per, yard L ............ 5c, ft# 10c, uAli - . I . .. forth, and w.. L I .. . I . � L I I`,
. ..
, .
, . Embroideries in . . 1. . 1. .. . . I � . � I L I has works developing on. both sides of 46r, Mrs.,Cimpbell,in Detroit. . . �,i'
-. I . .11 . . � : . . . . .
,% �, . . Miss Barbara Sprost,: of Tuckeremith, � -
. _� 0:make the� is'seftion that when the the river. .0n,tbe Canadian side., the .
�. - I 0 441 -;44 0 +!O-%� . �.6m.,+-ow.-O'..� , spent par,t I
ol_.. -0-24. - 66"'o 41 e� - *A. -.W-4-04-0 �- . , I . . . . We were delighted to. have a call from
_,`i� .0,0"0,0,0"0"0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,6,0.00*C.4'.0400 #*.6.C,6+*,6 . .0600V , , � . , .11 e steel works are being .built and oflaot week as the guest of Mrs. . . ...
.�% . .11 . I I .. . . . figiiares for 1901 are published theiliff, i.: . t L .1 our old friend, J. McMillan, oxi-M. P., 9" NY M.L Fogter, Afbert Street. : . I �
I - "'. - . I . . L . � .. Ir pulp mill is,r arming a eadt y while Bstutro&y. . . . .. . I
�:. . I . . .heg . . . . . ., . . ... . I ' I ' �
-_�!�' SPEei L'S L o en more marked � and . L
I .
�, � . SATURDAY. * 21 _L - . . . . . . .. -in the American side there ate- hand. , S%J �7. P. Martin and'wife, of Toronto,' will , ''
, . . . . . Miss Mania Houston returned home' . mbe'6f- Haron' Old'Boyw � L
L!��' , . I . . . aig,trifibant. . These figu as therefoi.e veds of men day and nikht, on the big . ,
, . . I . . . . . - be among the nu r L L . . 1,
�_., . . . . . Ii. . . . . ,r 8L - urday night from Toronto C6UEervatory Of ..
I ".7" ' ' ,anal, two and a half mile long. J.O.L . Music L. . who will renew acqnsiatanoes h4efe on � th* ' , I :
", �; We have planned this extraordinaty.saving occasion for � Saturday*., shoppers, answer fully.the. Above quotation on i a � . I o m I I - L . I � - . .,
.,. I . . I . . ..'� . . . . . I . I � . . . Miller is doing a fine grccery busineFes, . . . . I . 602, . - - .:
,��:"� wi ' ' . . . . . . I I ., ownline of argument, The R t his son John being with him , he has Chao, Glew'went the BuffoloTan-Amer- Mrs Edvauna Poster atteuilea the Wing- � - I
,: � � M - represente. : I . . . . .x
1;1 Every ite 11 be found as d . . . , post , i
. I . I : . . 1, - ' - . L . .
I I . .
- " . . . I I � I I . . . . doeshot attempt, to answer its, owff i - Jso goiie-itito partnershipind building iesn'loot *Saturday to spend several weeks hatin races and intends. spending a wegit: I . . I
, I I I
I . . . L . 1. . . . . �� , .. .
�� � 500 yards of American Prints.all warranted' Indigo ' I L . . . . a slargehritel on onet of the principal in the.city with relatives. . or so with friends in Duaginnon and "God.
� - blue, -with white stripes and spots, all fast col�, * ' Ladies' Cotton Hogs, in ribbed and-plaitt, all ,fast- . *.I. logical pbsitioni of ."'the -principle I Attests. Mr Irwin is vpry sanguine of* � . . .. ericb. . . . . .. . . . I I 1, r
. , . day I
,�, . L , ' I L . � in P Y . . I "..,
turday ' 0. A. Chant, ledtarer ' " It sies at Tor. -
� W. Robb went to Po t Hope wednes
��:' . orp, well worth to -day Joe, Be L - black, full range -6f eizes,,'qpecial at 2 pair.fo,., 25c wrong-butbeaforth shouldget.shus0e -he Sault's outlook sisa. great.. wanti morning! lio join wir ' '.. .,%,
'. .
'�'L_ , ...., 6c � : . . 1.11 . . .. . . . . on and share in the ;opd thiniregoing.' factoring and business cent I . onto University.and brother of H- I . IJ 4
. at per yard ............................. . I , L . .. re. .� I Boys' Re union there,he being ond of, them. . , .&.Chant - .1 "
�'. I I 100 pairs of Ladies' Summ6r'Uorsete, made with The Exposit also says-- .. . � . Uoats. of . I will receive the degree Of Ph.D. at Harvard' , .1
. I or . . I . L ... .
, ,
, 500 yards of 34 inch wide cottoD, good besvy quali- . . I good strong net,'all warranted perfect .in fit and . - . . . .:.I DIED IN KENT Co.�Mrs.'S. f Rey MzLowe,of Wingbarn,paseedthrough t12i9week. . . L I I . I . .. ti
�. L I .
�1_ - . I '"The NEW ERA might L further explain th-t. �-lber�tLSt--�q was called upon a few days Clinton Wednesday on big way tothe Ang-. Mrs C. Overbury and Mr - � �1' ,
," , - ...... 4je . finish, extra "value. Saturday, price., a. 5ft reasons which hdve induced the Government t t tt nd - the funeral of her lican, Sunday School o6tiventionin-Boyfield. have gone on A'Visit to Mrs 9 ,.,. �
,. " � ty, on Sa.arday per yard ............ . . . " a J McClacherty :
�j " I . I
.i I", I . � . . . . . �Change thZrlley in the'mattqT of the on. ' =a,?, wholdied in Kent, . near Chat- I .unro and � .
."l- e with $3.50 and $4.50 Hate at $1.95. Your choice of about . 0 c . � - � .
_.�, � 40 yards of frilled Curtain Muslin, in wbit I f;ion of posto ebuildl,nX.,.or why they shoul ' pan 0- other friends at St. Thotalk
I or bedroom our- a aozen,Hate, trimmed in the very latest styles, 1; I now adopt a policy whi ' they bitterly Coll taw, at the age of 87 years. , . I
%:� twitablo 11 � Deceased Miss Leckie a t Tuesday with her br I a and Port.
:1 blue flower and Vines. a I 11 ; -widow of way home for oev. Stanley.' .. . . . . I ...
,. .
��,"�,' 1, � - with good trimmings, regular, values of which .. . demned *hen In opposition. . � : wots the the lab� Rev Jesse ther here while on her
. __ .
tains, regular price was 60o and on account of , from Mont Clair,N' J.,hospital. ,
n "I". it being slightly soiled you, - at per . were, as high I So 4 $4.50, Saturday We do not. know who.t reasoni 11) Voegler, a well known missionary who oral weeks .1 .. . Alex-MoRinnon, our 'Scotch friend or ,
. May have it . I. . . � Tivertou, gave us a ball on Tharad
... . . .- - I - ,7;j,�*.LLW' 29AC - . your choice at..... I....'. -Y... I !"t.�?4111%."'.e..-I-95 -aboredamongthe� Moravian Indiana Mise.Rsudall, wilUner at Hodgene WOS.; . . lay. He ,
,:;,�_ yard ..... I ...... .................. . . ,.- . , � - I - goveirwintent may -,have for..ilts. actiol . �r about thirty L years. and w Walionhiswaybownstrout Grand Camp,
"? I . . 1. . I I . . I � to 1101WAS leaves next: week for her home in Paris for. .
, . - - held at Torouto'thiff -w � - �
�, ,. .
I Luaies'.-WrapperB, nurde, of good-, strong pyint in . Lddies"outing, hate andswilore in asmorted styles , but we board one of'the, most limporl. 4O highly esteemed by his red brethren the summer season and will return Ior* the S.O.S.9 , Sek.- --.-_ - _. r - __ - _. -
I ,,�,,_ ' I . . I . L I . Mrs Scott, motherof
'. light colors, waists All lined, well worth 900, on and Colors. regular pri6ea are 75o � and $L50, ant members of the! Cabinet -and no hat they in0pted,ripan hisiremaina be- suturan'taillinery. ' Mrs S, L. Scott, "
r'. ' � oice on Saturday at ......... ;.. . � erLO-Publir Works either- -n'g L interred in the mission burial ,Mrs D * Walse,of Londesboro and Mrs T. wlio hag been visiting, here - for some time ' � -
, . esie Saturday at ............ ................ 5.5c your Ohl .� .... t)t c' the Minist '
" - . . ,. . . . I ., , . . . ' returhod. to her boine at Yale, Hioli.,,'yes- . I
", � . . I ay that he believed in the policy w tround at Moraviantnwn, where also
�,�� . I I . . I I a L Biddle, �f Auburn, were the guests Of Mrs ierday, bNeing ticketed by P. R. liodgenil- _.. I L .
A�:, O" ~..-e._-*_*-_1*e--W4---*---%* ".0.0".40-40-W.M.K." .. put ing tip public buldinge in Contra the remains of Mrs 'Voegler,'were in- I!Uesday, and Mrs and Miss kl Miller, tacknow, formerly Clerk witb:i,� . i
. . 'C_Wd.***��' X-:4 - t- ' , I .
. -�� �:2. . I . . . � .1 I I I I 11 ''. L 'localities, providing the. cost was on] . -orred. :The latter has been a widow Mitchell -on ! ' I
I � , . . �
�.. I I � . . I Turnoy,-of Westfield, on Wednesday H. .8. Combo, was here Wednesday. 116,�-, �,
I . t, , . � , " . -are, arid leaves five.chil. I hold an . .
- Your . . . � . I . . I moderate, &sit h intended shall he tb I for aboitit-25 yL Thip6opleof St. Catharines leaves todsy� (Fiday) for Ottawa. where hV . L .
", - . I . i . case in Clinton. What the Libera drein livin although she had been the euition" on the lit of J aly arid has accepted a aituat on in Saijers,g, .
. . . I �Rone* bw k it... :- - - - - - . - . . . Opposed, when in oppogitiob.L was ex , taoth,gr of % - . ,,Old Boyo'.r . .
I if i0le =0 * .. . . � I li druX . L'
� I I . . I . . . . I . � . .., I . Mr slid Mrs R, Holmes both.being natives . . .1. . .
. .. I I . . travagance in pu RA ff� store. "
I . I .. � I . I I iblic buildin
I . I I - . . . . . GOING TO, ALTOON wing of that city, L. sy - ,
- . , ,
-11 . . L I - I - . - . . . . . . L instance the expi 140,000 fo- from tile .Homestead., Pa..' NeWs-Mes- Rev. J. W.- Andrews, of Varna, has been '�S per, of Goderich, brother. or . I .
, 0 . ! 0 A.-Tfie folio ' , will Spend tbe-d there. Mr Al;x. Coo
I I . . .. I � . . LL ... . a,post office at Walkerton, n, . Dian) . ' , S. - Cooper, left yesterday morning, on a.
� . . 9 , i L . . . ion ders' to a forguet Clintonian
. 1, . . . elected so Orand Councillor �of. the Inde* to 0 an w! I be Ono
1, - . I I simular expenditures. I . I . ger rO I .trip the old o try; he I g , .
I L . I . .1
I, I . . . I L . . . .1 � . . - I I I .1� and brother of C. M. BeZZO. of 0wn, pend6nt Order of Good Template, a- pcol- about six weeks and will restimu his budw ,
.,. _ ." . I I . . I ,. I .i,nd ea to show that Canadians are' tion heibaq already filled for Some timi. Aess in Goderich on his return. , . .. .
I . . . I bOuX to make their mark wherever - - Our genial host,Jonathan Miller of
. . I I rade Development. . n I the
� . . .. � I 1. . . I . I � �_ , . . I . . . ' . A tele irawn from OtterV'lle, states that L '
I . L . . . . I . I . � . I they rwilay go. . Bedford hotel Goderich# drove to town R
1 . . . . I . . .. .How trade maybe cultivat6d and de- "Manager Be;mo, .L'of McCune avid . �'hss boon a longtime since ev.T. J. Sabine, Methodist minister, is, ,
l I I :. . . Saturday, 11 . - ,!lowly-ifinking and there is no.hopeforbin
e, . . I 1. . . . . L . V61oped is Strikingly shown in at leasi Swartz's departingnt store, tesigned he spent a day at the hub. . He was accom- recovery. He is a brother,in,law of Mt L-
I , . .100 . .1 .. .. . I CLMTON. . L. ' . ' . I . two or three instances. . When Hon.8, big Position Saturday night and Will Ponied by Miss Hillen, who. was visiting at Bray, Wroxeter, and was formerly station. -
. . L I - - - . I leave (or Ajtoona, 'where he has accqpt- her home. I .
L --------------- AAAAAA , I . I ad o Goderioh.district. I I
11 � 1-010~10. — - - - ; .---- . Fisher took hold of the ctepartment of edthe management ofthe large depart- . lery, Ibe retiring pastor of L n
� ------ ----- . � . . Rey, S. Sel� Mr James T. Ba
a I � '. . I . . I . I I . I agriculture,, our exports of butter to mentL store run by Kline Bros. of that L L rk, of Stratford, will be
�_, � . . I central Methodist Church, Woodstock, was appointed factory inspector, in succession.
:.,. � . - � Not all Pleasure. . the old country amounted to lessthan city'. Mr Bezzo came here from Mil. on Tuesday evening tenaered'a farewell re- to Mr R. �Bsrber, resigned. The salary of'
; . l WILLIS Cauttou-Next Sunday is I _17 . . . � . waukeg one year ago to take chat ge. of ception by the zoniregation,'ana presented the inspector is 41,000. Mr Burke: is a
I., , Church Chimes treview of the past three months' lec- I I- . .1 . A000,000 worth. By improvements McCune & Swartz's store and during
I . __ w3h an address and & puree Of $100 in' brother to Mr John Bark, assistant G. T,
.� . song in the Sunday School. The hght it would be nice i shipping facilities and the adoption bisstaybiire, basmade many friends - ' a is an uncle of Mrs A. T. Cooper. R. agent, Goderio ). I .
�1 Wnisters andchurch workers generally, are anal picnic for. the Sunday School will to take hie wife an - d children out for a in .by his gentlemanly conduct andstrict gold. H I . ._Mr.And..Mro-W�Doher6y--d ------- `--1-- I ------ _:
cordially invited to contribute items of church be held atBavfleld,on!K4,ur8qa.V,July 4. , I. - . of the cold stor �Mqt�� b - _a Amoi)g,tboge.-who..went.Ao-the..-Ringling - " xpeot to save,
z1_ news-tuider this -heading, from their -respective-_ .-----.-------- - - iYii;V6':",�iffi',iFii�ii'E-,iiif"WdlI akind-th-6 - -- -.--- --�--Pgo __y -During-his, con- ' .
-1 _ .J�e.gqy ttention- to-businesa, widay afternoon next on their trip to
1, . � -At the meeting - I I ernm enti , re, Brog,'oircus at Stretford on Friday were �� "O 'Ou , ..
"I churches i RATTEN-BURY - ST. . the . �alue. of our shipments nection with McCune & Swartes sto , the old ntry. They go by. beat from
.. jal of the League on Uonda evening �R. fresh air would do her good. So be last year was over $5,000,000; surelv % the business flourished as.never before Jos. Fair, M. Dowzer and A. J. Morrish, Toronto io Montreal, theh by rail to Port.
, Lieut. Berner, late of Palmerston, I fl, I I . sAisfaction of, and to -London on Monday wor . a N. Fsir�
,;;, 6s, M. P,, gave &AAL k on "Parlia- hired a nice, c,)mfortabla rig,, and and he leaves. with the land from which. point they sail on. the.
assistine, the captain of the Salvation I HOlM . . � very gratifying 'Increase'. Sixygar 'has done his duty W D. Fair, Ur and Mrs W.'Brydone J. I
I � n3entaryiex erience" whicbmas inter- I . 18 knowing, that he -
Army here for Several weeks. _i - Dt, W. Newcombe Mrs- steamer Dominion. Their visit will include
. s, started up the Huron 4,oitd. He -spoke . I . ef breadetuffs -b - firm W. Irwin, J Tay),
� ,
- I eating - - - -F - aIda,__McRae_ga,y,_,_____ � ago our exports of the chi � . ""' and the eat wishes of the PnTland, Scotland, Germany and Holland
1, At the meeting of Synod last week, a 'i excellent solo. The pastor of Rat- of 1164-ellilits of a i3ic.e drive, over the owmd the employees, along withithat of (Dr) Gunne �nd family, Harvey DZerty. an they expf.ot to be away about two .
1. J. EtansfQrd was elected a aelegate to I tenbury 8f, church next Sunday even . .. I causumed.in Great Britain'were only 7 the business men o? the town, will go I graduate of Philadelphia month,,. 11 .
,. I -the Provincial Synod, and also a mem-1 ing will take up -again the subject he smooth roads ; how easy the ,rig ran; er cent of her imports; today they are with him in big new field." . I I Miss Agnew,
,�: p6ined out the beauties of naturei. and p . . . hospital, was the guest of her brother here The following from thi Leeburn MUSS-. .
� ,' ber of the Executive committee Rev. I preached from last Sundav morning, I r 16 per cent, Our cheese trade has de- - THE 116LIOAT TimE.-Vacs,tion time Friday. 'She will remain for the -summer pondence of the Signal refers to a daughter .., -
� �: �, C.R.Gunne was also elected a member and endeavor to setylght some. thisun- was revelling in the glorious scenery, veloped, by having commercial agents has Arrived and a few Words are per.L months at her home in Winglism. L Dr. of Mrs W. Cooper, of town:-Tbis w k 1; -1
i af the Executive. . I I derstanding and misinterpretations in when � horse' nearly ran them into in the old countryo and looking closely ba 9, no, oat of place in regard i'o the and Mrs Agnew and two children scoom, Cloaca the first halt year of study Ok our- "
� I , I egard to 117,il and its wages;" subject tl�e . r r . hoFidaycraze whiolimanybavocaught. panied her to Winghain and spent Sunday College of learning in charge of its present ',
A I WILLIS CHURCH.-ReV, Mt H811111- 1 itch to avoid a pile. of gravel that aftkr careful shipment, until now we An objectional. point, it seems to as theee-� , r . I . r ' .
r,, - at 11 a. in. "Mangling.down herb;" -the the d I precap'"00, Misfi-fiva Comer, of Clinton,
I I . 4on. of Londesboro, occulpied the pul thsholid r ,, ,who goes to ind hot holidays in the gol- ,
. i I -
; Flit Sunday morning and evening And public always welcomo I had been dumped in the TiAddle of the send 70 per cent of - the total amount that the wro" people get ays. Dr. A. B. and Mrs SmilliS -and son, Of I
. . I I
I r preached very acceptable and interest- . . road. Mrs Blank gave a shrill cry as i , , Those who have need of Ono have to Ann h rbor, Mich., arrived here on Friday den state of Zralifordia, where she will visit : �.
�, ,< pa tor exchanging ST PAUL'S CHURCH.- On June 28th, , thought the- rig -was being upoet; mported. Ted years agd we did not do Without while those who are not ressoorx. Mrs Smillleand a married sister residing there. She ban,
-1. Ing Sermons. the 111:1 I a garden party will beheldon the Rec- she for the gamma ipared two Candidates for the entrance .
: .. and condUCLing the morning service tory grounda.. of St Paul's church, and asked John to drive back home, ,export half-a-milliop dollars'worthof activeeno litorequirorest get the child -qill baths guests of her parents, M r Prf
, � . I . as she Was sure her nerves were All lid... We Indolent )oiler never Smillia will and four f6r the leaving examination. In
in Londeaboro. which will affird an, opportunity for bacon; last year wa exported over four. ho , 'L t and Mrs &Monteith, while Mr
, � � the citimh% and their Wives and fam- unstrung,but he wouldn't-he'Was 'out teen million dollars' worth. . got a real holiday, even Sunday is no, spend some time with relatives at Hippan thm other grades of study all her soholara
. I � � I The Rev. F. J. Oaten having par, ilies - to meet Rev. and' Mrs 0. U; 'fora...gocil time and.. the good of ,his, -These -are isuggeative-fliguresi-and- -&-day-of-resti-to-bim. and, is otiiy a rest ,ad in Lambton county. . . I have mad6 good Process to the general sat. ,.
.. . sued for several ears A graduate Gunne, who hope to be well settled In health, and be wad going to have Wo show not Alone the advantages of the day for the workers -of; six"'16 ng' -days, � isfaction of the parents and guardiAna, of . -
I course in Menta Ahil000phy, 'Theism the"it new home by that date, orknowthe reason why. The, horse cold storage egatem. but 11, these lollers would Change with the The Nxw Enk extenas iteloongratulations ihe section. . . .
The they also . to Mr John Tolmis, M. P., for West Bruce.
� and Economics as been gratiteil'tbe affair willbe managed %, the Guild was pulled back on the centre of .the point out branc es of trade which may workers and let thera take arest by the who wta married the other day'to Miss � W. H.. Newcombe lesyes on Saturday for .
. A.A. degree by is university. Though andladies of, St hutch who rciad� but it woulan't stay there ; 60WO ba developed to an unlimited amount. seaside it Would even tuattere up. At . Allee M. Itobertoon, daughter,of the late Moutteal where bib will meet A. S. Fota� of -
I ,htfully(?) filled the centre �
I ,the Teeswater ethodist church sent have alway very one had tboug Great Btit&in will readily purchase all MY irate 6YOO man and woman needs I doc. ,'Mr Tolmle I
.a made similar events John Robertson, of Ma Petroles, H. Eval s of Strathroy,and W.D. I
; 4L request to ca renee for his appoint- Successful in the past. Ourtownband of the road with gravel and stories, the produce of this nature we can send to get out of'the rut for a little while . where she 00- I Y,
. Inent to that ch igh pride for it if it is at I -east, each yeart a change does good, dioate In, which he bays. Each year . ,
I rgo, he has been ro* has been engaged and refres and instead of trotting nicely alotif'. it, and pays, h first met his'wife at Ottawa, IcConnell, of 0 Ills,, the members of the
hments , I
'i turned to the As fleld circuit for a' se'. the horse dropped Into a walk, whi e good, ,a-) that every care should be is beneficial and refreshing .if it does oupiea a responsible position in the Depart- gyn I
- , . ment of Trails and Coming . roe. . %,.Eaotern �
will be served during the evening. The they make a visit iWather to. tht
I tond Year. . . ty other second tho wheels would iakentbp-r6duce the beatarticlepos- occssiontrouble and ii, fittle worry. market in search of the motif �
, �, proceeds -will be devoted to the build_ eve _ I .f,,ted �
ing fund. . strike a good sized stone with a jar sible. and as a matter of self-interest, The vacation days have come and all Will H. Ga dry, the well known county goods at a bif saving in price, wbioh they
I The induction of Rev. J. J. Hastie, that added so much to the pleasure tows will see that ihey tire sent in then will enjoy and embrace it -all save constable and calieriff's assistant, has re. are atiocasofa in Pilling, This vear they
I Unox college graduate, into the Bet- ONTARIO ST.-ROV, Dr, Gifford will of the occupants. I .
, gtavehKnoxond East Wawanosh Knox preach anniversary sermons at Staffa John began to speak to himself, and =order. the newspaper man, who, as everyone ceived an appointment at the hands of the received a a telegram from it large whole-
e,,urc so too � ' knows, is only ba?py when be is work- British Government In Soutth Africa. It aisle firra Announcing & chance to buy a
1� . k place In Belgrave on on Sunday next, his pulpit here being used every -dal language -at lesat it Politicians were surprised on gatui' ing away to secure the latest news for is that of Lieutenant of the South African lot of staple dry goods at lesinhart market
, Tbureday. Rev. Ross, of Brussels, supplied by Rey, A. R. M. Th6m6on at ,*go hot Sun &y language. He said those who are enjoying holidays away Coast Police, and Carries with - it a salary prioe. On 8aturday,July'6tb,Newcombe1s I
Whaley and Parris assisted by, address. both morning and evening gerviceS. kindatideomplimentary things about, day to learn that Proclamations ware from home, of $1600 a year and emoluments, with a will start a fifteen days' sale when their- )
. I W e at, lio
I 1. to and M. D. McGill, of 1- lytb, Mies At a meetinr of the trustee board on the men ho wer t u fitful 16 to issued calling for a bye-olection to fill P. _.F
I Grace Stewart. of Lucknow, and Miss Monday evening they decided to go spoil good roads at the onfy season of . , Yes the Sweet vacation daya have come, prowisea increase, ThO Position hinges 6 tire summer stook'along with -the bar�
TAe happiest of the yeari I U 64 -
� in the OntAtio Legislature his ability to pass the necessary medical gains purchased in Montreal will be put on ,
I , Crooks. of Brussels, in the musical por. ahelid with the enlarging and imptov* the year when driving could be enjoyed, TacAncy' ' Whensithin seven and muraturing,streams. * I
� . 11 exsmas,tiou, of blah. there is not the sale.
I tion of the program. Ing the building and are Asking for and he mentioned that some people caused by the redirriatloo of Col. Leyp, FAU gently oil the ear. . �
tenders, iip to July Ord, fcr the work,, Then 11fe itsolf rolls right along. slightest Joubt, Mr Gundry has es4ab- Mr James mitcheli, editor of the Goder-
.had nct sense enought to pound sand, i for ability, bravqry and loh Star. war on big his way to Toronto,
.1 of London, It was bolleved, even by in one ealmo mewmid rhyme, lished a reputatioi I
, .
At the Synod of Huron in session laat� when Completed this church Will bo Occasionolly the would reach a spot Col. Ley I a himself, that It had been And trouble seents a corato song, executive qualities that is surpseaed by last week, and *as stopped at Guelph by a I �
. week in London there were very Inter one of the most commodious in the that had no graveron it, and John and In the pleasant loafing time .
, I eating rep6rta resented :--Several new west. Where has been $M already the farnily &came themselves again. withdrawn, but the election. has been . Very few Of the peace offiot to in the Do' telegram announcing the serious illness, I
churches have teen opeued.namelvi at subscribed, but the estimate will run but it waa not long before John fell natured minion, and those, wbo know him feet con of his mother at Windsor. He. took the
Tileonburg, Tilbury, Kirkton olapk- tip far ahead of thle ourn and the from grace badly, With twildice afore- flxe& for July Oth. with; nomination on That usually suave and good . ,.;ndNI he will 000n ,,wia his Spars" in the train for the went, but had little liop.06.
bargi Btookholm and Sandwich. The changes will be extensive as th,e plans thought the gravel bad been spread Julv 9nd. Col. Leys is &gain in the cbsp who Wits the Brussels Post and is i;gion whem he will have &rapid OPPOrtan. that he woull reach bin mother0s Words,
. -01tirner-ttonis of a new church at St! and- Specifications sho # he Arden rl -bed and It made field . a ainat all. comers, and *111 flgbt - also a member, of tihe County 0butiello Ity to show what Is in him. - -in time to see her alive but he d d and she
Helen's has also been laid. and four Patty' On the SPAciOu n e I kept d qht across the road to 0, fln1ab. Ib is doubtful whether the is chowIing the rig because Mr Ratio- . died shortly after hi; artrivall Trouble,.
,churches consecrated to the worship of. groiinds of I or,, onday t 2'" so nice and pleasont. (?) John M1 Geo. Honrv, onp'of the most hilofill bit been oomingin battalions so Ur Mit. .
I t . alkedgto hitoqelf till the air was blue Conservatives will put a man in the .f,)rd and the NEW RRA rapped his
, God as havi ng boon Iftiade free of debt, OV0131119 w well -at e ,, . Ineoe , I field to run for the seiiit,whieh will last, egiaera6d ragidet1to of East wawanosh' 'a ohell this year. In March last tha fateful
. 171Z.. Dundalk, Kelvin. Wingliam add lanterns Illu Inat scene, the around him. so, only one term, wind perhaps none at 411, knuckles over the smallness of the spondint a few days with his' oon4a4aw. messenger, Death, Came and robbed hint -
at Chki,10-a', bdfdham. The nainbor band played pleasin usie, t e ladies Assoon aa John could pull the hor t 11's Action concerning the Aftiod 0 allenger, of the base line. Mr of big devoted life Companion. Then his , .
. I .
. tonfirmed during the past, year was were charming in li t arments and &round he did so. His Wife said she The law 18 thAt"a reeignation sent to County 0ound Henry lit one of the pioneers 'of that mag- fiftoan-yeeir-old sonfr S bright, ofig'aging
, was glad he wag going home -she was the Speaker cannot be withdraw, and - nifloent township, and reslizing1hist he
1, -, th L ht the roads in th 6 case there was no alternative bers of the Oounty Council Are not be- hat worked hard anough to enittle him to a wen
. 1,451 being an Increase of OWL Over the the, refreshments were 4e leipbs, Next Cired out already , Huron Old Boys, reception. The mem lad, took fly, � The boy'a grondmotber went
I vtovii0las year. The total number of Sunday will be review in the Sunday would be niae slid am'o'o"M, but they'd but to order a new election. big farm to Mt John Dow, t from Windsor to Ooderich to nurse
I faiwillitio returned is 11,068# ail iacregs6L Schot,l,- the first month to be taken by, I ond criticism, oven If bhey ar6 11wlAe rest, hot ranW hitu d tender and issaiduotis. weire
� boon spoiled ;� didtift; see why they a 4 '' geado,"atid altogethew- ontsideofthe a promising young fartner of that township. bar' 1nigirs6iond to the sick child, -
I n 6 UrDow had the good for-, ,
, t I I
I ,
I ( *b-,
- I I
I I -
I I"
ole,XApAn6e. wasnomin fact that the Huron Old Boys Are tdm- It happens th i
. bf W�,, thfAl number of touto 52,867, an J. R, Shni% the second by .T. Taylcr Wanted to put, gravel on good roads 1 ,6 _ al
tingi indro"L - - I
I IntoeAse of 9W . nUMbet, of eburph sit,. And the Ord by T. March,- it fitil orcbes* , the summer time anyhow , It Was hard M. S. Mad Xt w But It wag kill In vain, He pa'ad.
I from 00.631 to 01,M - tre, will -be In atod,bythol,lberalaoftofinox foethe Ingt601iriton ne eek, we believe tuna, a tow days ago, to secure a life Port ad away s, couple of weeks ago, and the
� ed , attendance. W,- A, Gif* on the hdrAe, hatil on the bag les,hard OW 9' brokon-hear4ad grandmothor wont back
. - bo,p marrIgA, the refusal of the �grant Is an action or in the 06 roon of Miss Ids Its durt
tfowg from 1,778. to 18M 1 ford conducted the Epworth Le he Tad her n laughisr of Ur Henry)
06,; blirlaf# 'Is on on6'o feell ,,nd If h ,togislativ6 Assombly,.O.B. A oat i his hom home ouderingfroma cold, which dtvbl-
Westing on Monday evening# it b VoWdrth tict endorsed by the,eloetorg.te. Com- ana It Is Z6 ist.
o, It be done, M.P.P., having,decid6d to rot re. p trod with other transactions of the ter's latentlou to make
� 06 from &%to I frofA 1,018 einr WAY would nort 4 , , 6 there
to,1,288L;8ondg,y school offitets and -on misslonarr Work. I Of 'ha�4 OW into �6 fatal Music Mr, Mliloh6ll will
John looked at her, savagely for & , A a a , same council, It Was potty business, Noivoithitanding his Many Years on8nradly L I
I . Ablaft from 160W to 100281 and I niomebt� tben SAICIL ,,if I bod my way ffilriyL hale and Carl; and we h%va the olhoora sympath of
. I 0 0 0 JWIW401100 of Ila commit for 00 days every Ono guilty have tioroltmt;ed T,A. Wardell, MAP.o I 11strAltill on o the old adage work he Is a 'i comfowt big Irldrids In a, serlim of 4faidtlottit
� 'totAl oontributhm's for all pulvomod Vail, Aicha6toord' North Wentworth ConservativoW'and.loan Illuritrad W114111
� *00 MAUS tO 0241i4ft% Brookville is doid, of the folly of putting 06.yol on a ag &t a gnO itad WhIlOW101? a hood be in 111're I I 11"m 161molt, too heavy 60 b"t.
. a i4isu"114, his declining days. .
- I . . �AAA t- I-hk. . A* ftw",*�% for the LeRielatIVO A96601161y, 06M61,11 *11 zi
. �, —
. * " I
j 1$41L.AAV�. 'r I . , . ,
1. it,
i � _ I - -11�u
� 0 - . - _ __ � _kffia�e_ a, . __ __I� " _j� , ,