The Clinton New Era, 1901-06-28, Page 3741117r.
IN oi.o. LAWOOOKS, 40,1
Dream That Anticipated a Crime.
A Mother,' Fragie Vlsicrine-The Re.
snarkwiete performaatee of a Mein-
tersed Corpse,
Ile CarlLaw reports or the sixteenth and Bevels-
teenth centuries contain numerous refer -
°aces to supernetural ocearreuces in court
andleitn scafld ?ne oitathie Meet ret -
ed with a 'nauraer trial which took place
in England 'early in the reign nt the first
Charles. Sir John Maynard, one ot the
greatest lawyers, is the authority for the
supernatural events of the trial, and in
his quaint preface to his notes he says he
"thought good to report the evidence
which, was given, wItich many did hear,
that the memory thereof might not be
lost by miscarriage of papers or other-
One Johan Norkett, a farmer's wife,
had died, and at the coroaer's Inquest evi-
dence was given proving that the wom-
an's throat had been cut from ear to ear.
At first the jury favored a verdict of fele
de se, and the body was interred, but ru-
mors became general pinnting to toul
play, and the body wan exhamed. Thir-
ty days after the death the jury assem-
bled before the body and four saripected
persons were brought ins The only. evi-
dence against the prisoners was that they
, slept in an adjoining room and that no
one had passed that room; "therefore, If
she did not murder herself, they must be
the murderers." •
What took place at the remarkable post
modem inquiry may best be described in
the words of a witness at the subsequent"
trial, who was described as "an aricient
and grave person, niinister to the parish
where this nierder was eammitted." This
'estimable- gentleman mini-: "They (the
prisoners) did touch the dead, body, where -
iii brow of the dead, which was ,be- .
fore tat livid an carrion 'color, began to
have a dew or gentle sweat arise upon It,
which increased by degrees till the sweat.
rap . down ip drops upon the face, the
brow turned and .changed to a lively col-
or, and the dead opened one Of her eyes
and shut it again,- which she did three
several times. She likewise thrust out
the ring or marriage linger' three thites
and pulled it in again, and the finger
dropped blood on the floor." .
Naturally enough such remarkable evi-
dence as this was received with some Sus-
picion by the court, Although the witness,
to again quote Sir John Maynard, "was
a reverend person about 60 years of age,
as could be guessed. His testimonY way,
the great admiration of• the auditory.".
Ample confirmation....of. ansobyieusly_lm-,
partial character was, however, forth-.
coming, and. the "admiration" turned to
horror, eo much so that the prisoners
were convicted, and two of them suffered
death at the hand ef the common hahg-
man. Neither , of the victims, one of
whom was an aged woman; could ever be
prevailed upon to confess any tompticity
InSthe crime.
In 1751 an Irish murderer was convict-
ed largely upon dream evidence. A Wa-
terford publican named Rogers dreamed .
one night that he saw a man .murder an-
other man on a green apot .on the summit
of an adjoining mountein. . was able•
next day to describe •both men' with per-
fect accuracy, and did so to Many of his
friends. One of the was exception-
ally strong, the other weak and miny; but
It was the latter who in the vision.eom-
mitted the murder. Rogers persuaded .the
• parish priest -to accompany him to • the• •
spot, -which he found without difficUlty,
, but where there seemed to be no traces of
a murder or a struggle; hence- Rogers got
rather laughed it. Next day, however.
two men entered the public house, and
Mrs. Rogers' at Mite "-recognized them
from her hueband's description of the
heroes in -the -visions -Much alarreed, she
fetched her husbend, who was also cer-
tain they were the two men.
Men they rose to leave, Rogersbegged
the one he expected to be .murdered to re-
main, but without avail. • He nearly
fainted with fright after the men had gone
and finally Persuaded a neighbor to ac-
combany him he green spot on the
hill, where,ss e ough, the .tragedy of
the dream ad taken place in reality.
The murderer. , was traeked and caught,
and Rogers was the principal witness.
His recital of hie -dream was ecrvivid-that
the prisoner at once confessed, .:adding
that he killed his companion exactly • as
foretold In the dream. The weapon used
was a knife, and as eight stabs were seen
by Rogers, in his dream, so the murderer
admitted that he drove his knife up to the
handle in his companion's body exact!),
that number of times.
In 1801 a woman named Kraenie ap-
peared before a Frankfort justice ad
asked to be sworn, as she had valuable
information about a crime committed in
a remote village in Buesia, 'many days'
.jaarney rens_hers_aersgen_liorag,__The_
story she told the justice was this: Ten
'years before her only son had left home.
She heard nothing Of him' and had no
idea at all where he wee living until the
night before, when his spirit appeared to
her and told her what she now hastened
to relate.. The revelation was that after
leaving home the young man hinl wan-
dered about Europe till he had finally
found permanent work in the village of
Kiat, in Russia. Here be had fallen in
love with a serf's daughter who bad
Russian beau. On the preceding night
this latter had inveigled the young Teu-
ton into the country, where be had stab.
bed him and then concealed thes body in
it cave off the highway, •
• The justice knew that his •Intermit*
was poor and 'bed never been outside of
her native town, And he was so struck
with the •vividness of her descriptioo of
victim, assailant and location thatbe for-
warded. It to a netary in Kiat. •
Meantime Cati Kraette had been miss-
ed, and on the receipt of the dream story
the police hunted for the 'Mille, found It
exactly as located and also the body,
with a wound horresponding with that de,
scribed in the vision. The murderer Was
at once arrested, and the Widow graeme
undertook the long journey to avenge her
son's death. Her recital In court was
vivid in the extreme, and ethe zereamed
with fright when she first salv the pris.
ono, whom she identified old picked out
from among a creed of men in a dimly
lighted cell. She also Identified the wom-
an who was at the bottom of the trouble,
Bdieve 1111
He's blowing with
all his might and
barely stir the record-
ing hand from zero.
Tlaer7 many a big,
health , looking man
lun PrOba'bly• •half
wl.-sirs: *air he the
or - thirds • of' his
lung surface barely
know%the contact of oxygen. He's the
kind of man, who, when a cough attacks
bun, goes galloping down the road
toward consumption. Many such a man
has found strength and healing for weak
lungs and tissues lacerated by coughing •
and. drained by hemorrhages, in the use
of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov-
ery. The healing power of this medi-
cine in pulmonary diseases seems little
short of marvelous at times, so extreme
are the conditions which it cures. The
1lDiscover7” contains no alcohol, and
no narcotics.
"When I starjed to take your 'Golden med.
ical Discovery, " writes Mr. A. P. Novotny, of
New York, N. Y., Box 1437 had a regular
• consumptive cough, of which I was afraid, and
. everybody cautioned rue and warned me con-
• cerning it. I was losing weight rapidly, was
very pale and had no appetite, whatever. Now
my condition is changed entirely. I do not
cough at all, have gained eight pounds in
weight, have recovered my healthy color, and
my appetite is enormous.' can recommend
your medicine to everybody who may be in need
of the same, as it is a sure cure.“
Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipations --
Be gave his eyes to the skies of blue.
His ears to the birds and bees
And he gave his heart to the wiLS that dew
Away over empty seas,
And he saw the depths that he could not sound,
And he heard the unworldly songs,
And his heart, unfettered. Bed past the bound
Of a tired life's rights and wrongs,
.And he neither wrought nor played nor slept
Nor troubled with good and ill,
And his dreams were vague as the meats that
And sweetened the ins1y hill,
And there from morning till eve 110 lay,
And never a joy he souglir
nut he came home glad at the close of the day
Because he had lived for naught.
—J. J. Bell in Chambers' Journal.
••Coinstoek Lode Discovered Atte'
Hard Work and Perseverance.
Just beyond "the divide", two men kept
a store. They' were James L. Flood and
William O'Brien. They had saved some
money after a few years of trading witb
the miners, were ready for a deal in one
of the mines and had faith in Mackay
and Fair- So. when Mackay walked inter
heir store one morning and remarked,
'Jim Flood, tf you and O'Brien will put
up the money, Fair and I will put up the
brain, and I think the four of us can buy
t,tie 'Ca' Virginia and make Nomething
out of it."
"How much do you want, John?" said
"Eighty thouband dollars."
The deal was closed on the spot. The
• history of the "Con" Virginia is sta well
known almost as the storY- of Washing.
ton and the cherry tree. Before the four
stainers had struck the "lead" they had ex-
• hausted their money and their credit.
There seemed to be nothing in the rock
they brought out of the earth. Other min-
ers met them day after day and laughed
at their apparently hopeless task. They
were jeered and made fun of. But they
kept serious faces and sober minds and
were not to be thwarted by the idle talk
of idlers.
One morning, when the prorniect seem-
ed te blackest, a friend seid to Mackay:
"Tohn, luck has gone agatnst you. Why
don't you quit and go prospecting?"
"The man who figures on luck in min.
ing," said Mackay, "is a fool. The man
who figures on doing a lot of hard work
anti not losing his grit will get some.
The four partners did not lose their
grit, nor did they rely on luck. Ope after-
noon the rumor spt.ead over Virginia City
that the "'Con' Virginia men" had struck
a body of ore. It spread as wildfire often
swept over the Nevada prairies. The four
men left their mine at sundown and
walked down 0 street amid a babel of
cheers. The next morning the Consolidan
mar ab e records t is k s connee
Yet the Patient Hal BM Reatored fi
Health and StrengthThrough the Agent)),
of Dr Williame! Pink Pills.
Among the many many persona through-
out Coned& who owe good 1;10444 -perhaps
every life itself -to Dr Williams Pink Pills
is Mrs Alex Fair, a well 'mown and highly
&deemed readout of West Willian.e town -
all p Middlesex 0o., Oat, For nearly tar)
year Mre Fair was a great sufferer from
troubles brought on by a severe ettaolt of
Is grippe. A, reporter who called was tier,
dially received by begs Mr and Mrs Fair
and was given the following faots of the
case: "In the epring of 1896 I Wart attacked
by la grippe for which X WSB treated by our
family dootor but of instead of getting bet.
ttr I gradually at eve worse, until my whale
body became racked with pains, I consult.
ed one of the best docters in Ontario and
•fcr nearly ,eighteen months Wowed hia
treatraentbut without any material benefit.
I had a terrible cough which caused intenoe
pairs in my head and lungs; I became very
weak; could not sleep, and for over a year
I could only talk in a whisper and some
times my voice left me entirely, I came to
regard my condition as hopeless, , but my
husband urged further treatment Etna on
his advice our family dootor, with two
ed Virginia -stock had gone teal -SO -cents'
to $250 a share and in another day up to
$500 a share. In throe days it was an-
nounced that the body of rock was so
large that Its value could not be estimat-
ed. In two weeks the United States gov.
erpment was negotiating with the own-
ers of ---the mine for'-ehe--redemption--oi
bonds whose values had been affected by
the civfl war. In two months the finam
eial centers of old Europe had felt the
ehock, and about the same time Mackay,
Flood, Fair and O'Brien were 'able to an-
nounce that they were millionaStes be.
yond the dreams of avarice. -Success.
Sprahm, Strains, OAS* 170titICISp Malt
Open'Sores. Bruises, Stiff Joints, Bites and
Stings of Insects, Coughs, Colds, Contracted
Cords, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bronchitis,
The Tremont of a Monroe era the
Leedom ot & Fish, •
"It Is a curious fact that these floating
threads from the wehe ot spidere will
take the bluing off a gun barrel. I have
been, unable to find out why," says Harry
Sutherland In Ainelee's. "The threads of
the big tropical spiders are distinetly
ter to the taste but though the Ant laniidi,cikia"4" aWwerticioef, Charienahetnepular:
thing bitter is that it niallit be good for New York.
iheUght a man him when he tastes any. sespea by Walter mod, len., of
medicine, the only use the healing art Franzoia Montreal!, nineteen years old,
makes of spiders" webs is to tare them tct employed at Booth's mill, was drowned in
the Ottawa River,
iSir raiwarci tthaw, a resicent ot Van-
.gnerte Beach, about 76 yeare of age, was
instantly killed by a Grand Trunk en-
gine near RaMilton.
Xillerle Orin Pewdere are the best lex,.
ative medicine for children; as num ea lig-
sr. Eleld by Li, B. Combo and B. P. Heck.
ie, Clinton,
stanch the flow of blood. The kind of
web used for that grows under the coun-
Sere of groceries, and it Was one of these
spiders that caught a mouse.
"I Will admit, right In the beginning,
that this looks like a pretty large story,
but It is substantiated by no lees a per-
sonage than the late Proctor Knott, who
was then governor et Kentucky, though
his greater claim to famewas his speech
In congress about Deluth, "the zenith'
city of the unsalted Berm," as he humor-
ously called it, which Is very far indeed
from being anything nowadays but a
plain etaternent of feet, as he liVed to see.
Governor Knott ulnae a signed statement
of the event and sent it to Prote*aor Mc-
Cook, whose authority ain the spider ques-
_tion. ,nobodys will dispute. He OAF the
spider :shortly after obeliad snared the
mouse by the end of its tail and vehile it ,
was still alive and straggling half way off
others, held a consultation the result of the ground, and he saw it after It had been
which was tbat they pronounced my Me hoisted nine inches from the floor and all
incurable. Neighbors advised me to try wrapped up in silk. • He calls particular
Dr Williams' Pink Fills,but after haying attention -to the WO' the Spider kept stir.
'already spent over $560 . doetor'a bills 1 ring up the mouse by biting it so as to get
did not have rauoh faith left in any med. anotherline on it.
Mine but as a last resert 1 finally decided to • ,"And this adventure with a mouse Is
give them a trial. I had not taken many not the only ease on reeord where spiders
boxes of the pith; before 1 noticed an. have done deeds cl high enterprise. The
provement in my condition and this en- •Hon. David E. Evans rif Batavia, N. Y.,
COUra.led ate to continue -the* nee. After
taking the pills for several -Months I 'wee saw a striped, snake • nine inches long
caught and killed by a•apider, its mouth
cdinnibtely restored to health. Tee cough shut up With threads of silk and Its tail
disappeared; I no tenger Buffered teem the tied to a knot so as to form a loop though
terrible pains 1 onoe endured; my voice be.
and I was able to obtain restful sleep
which was reeved a cord as strong as
mune strong again; ray appetite iniproved, silk made of nsultiplied threads
°PCP and runup over a acid of pulley of Which
more. While taking the p1118 I gained 37
a -dead fly was the core' ,
pounds in weight. Allethie 1 owe 'to Dr.'
Miami? Pink Mg and I feet that / clan "Maybe you t b• ink that is a pretty able.
bodied yarn, but .what do you call the
net say enough in their favor for I know
thet they lieve certainly, saved my life." statement that a Dolomedes spider has
In came of this kind Dr Williams' Pink been seen to catch and land a Osh? NO,
Pills will give more certain and speedy re- I'm sure I've got It right. It wasn't the
sultErthan any ocher medioine. They eet fish that caught . the spider. There
directly on the blood thus reaohingthe mart wouldn't be any story in that at all. It
of the trouble and driving eyery vestige et was the spider tbat caught the fish. It
disease from the system. Sold by all deal- leaped on the fish's shoulders and bit and
• es in nsedioine or send post paid at 50 oent bit and swung ashore and eastened lines
a box, or six boxes for $2,50 by addrese- till it warped the fish out of water. It
ing tlaalar Williards M.edioine Cos, Brook- wasn't a very big fish, I grant you, if one
vine, Ont. may go by the picture in the book, but it
was a fish, and that is wonderful enough
• In itself." •
El.18-0-P-SPICERS";77 T I CR-CtliViNifitilli.
Also. eine Right .Informaitma About .
•Fa.rieter.Wha Wasn't -to- Be -Cheated
' Tarantulas. ..• coca Rise on the curls,
Interurban Badinage. .
' "Your town," said the Chicagoan. "is
called the City of Straits, I believe."
"Yes," replied the Detroiter, "and Yourit•
1 suppose, Might be known as the City tif
"There are very many kinds of spi-
ders," sive Harry. Sutherland in Ainslee's,
"besides those that annoy the housewife
with -their' webs, stuck.stipsin_the Corners
of the COQMS and in the windows when
ehe has been too busy with the sewing
to Idok after the house much,' but every
kind is an appetite on eight legs and am-
oughly convinced that nobody' can, be
strong. and hearty that lives on vegeta-
bles. They all spin more or less, whence
their name, which is a contraction of
spinder, or spinner. Also, they bite, And
It youlieten to all the fool stories that are
told .when a spider bites you, you •will
save time by sending for the lawyer to
Make your will and telegraph for the boys
to come homesat-onoe if they want -to see
you alive.
• "But I will tell you, as between edu-
cateepeople that know a thing or. two
and do not get scared over every little
trifle, that a spider's bite is rai'worse than
a mosquito's -not se bad, in fact.' A big
Spider can kill* a' small bird with its p01 -
ion, but it only makes a ntan'e arm swell
'tip Mid hart for a -day -or -less, and not
,Inort very mite)) at that, •13ertkau eould
not feel the ordinary domestic spider on
the thick skin �f his hand,. and only be-
ttveen the fingers could the spider make n
puncture like that of a dull pin. ' The
worst result was that it Itched a little.
Blackwell had -them draw blood, but tbat
was all. Though one spider bit another
so hard that its liver ran out, It lived for
snore than a year afterward. •
• "As for these terrible tarantulas, either
the stories told about victims having to
dance till they fell dOwn in exhaustion in
• order to escape death atid madness were'
tremendous whoppers or tarantulas don't
bite as bad as they used to. • It Is true
that in those days the Italian violinists
had to work overtime composing taran-
telles to play for the bitten, but still there
• were sneering skeptics that said it was all.
a scherae got up to pass the hat for the
wife and family of the suffering man
• whom a malignant spider had bitten while
he was out looking" for a job. Dufour
had a tarantula that was quite tame and
gentle. She took tiles from his fingers
• like a dear thing, Almost any spicier can
be taught to take food from forceirs and
-water -fremenseanate'eshabs knot, Thoy
are great water drinkers, spiders are. I'll.
Say that for 'ern. Like the...little temper -
epee bird we used to read about., 'Water,
cold water, is all of their song.' Rum
and tobacco they turn from with loath -
A Sprained Ankle is not an ain amens
accident. Pain -Killer relieees and °urea
alMost as if by ratig1c. Thegreatest home,
bold remedy. Avoid filibstitut03, there is
but one Priin-Killee, Pars yDavie. 2004450e
Cf-css. '1-hreat, (,)ttlesey, Whooping
Covell alit: all
vhIldrett Iry to
A LA11;172. s ;LE, 220.
Sober as a Judge.
Judge Boyd, the English jurist, was BO
fond of brandy that he kept a supply ot
it in court upon his desk before him in an
Inkstand of peculiar make. als lords ylt
used to lean his arm upon the desk, Ob
down his head and steal a hurried sip
from time to time through a quill that lap
among the pens, which maneuver be flat-
tered himself escaped observation. At
the Tralee assizes it was sought by coun-
sel to convict a witness of having been in-
toxteated at the time to which his evi-
dence referred. Harry Dean Grady with
Daniel OlConneM labored hard to show
the man had been trotter.
"Come new,. my good man," said Judge
Boyd, "it is a very important eonsiderit-
tion; tell the court truly, upon the virtue
of your oath, were you drunk or were you
"Oh, quite itob&, my lord," broke in
Grady, with a smile at O'Connell and a
Bignifitartt look at the inkstand. "Be was
as sober as it judge."
Dena ticket agents naturally come into
contact With Bette very peculiar patrons,
Is s process excited by vanity, backed sit
by good tight boots -you may lack tirat
vanity but you have the tight bows
you, may wsar any size boots you pleat e
up to three sizes too small, if you nee
Pntnam's Painless Corn lend Wart Extra.
otor. Druggists sell it,
ames Henigan, of Hamilton, was struok
by a street sew and died of the inturits he
• I ant prepared to buy this season's
• clip of Wool, ow usual, at the
13enmiller 1017.0011en-..)2110.
for highest cash prioe,or in ex rh thee
for raripubtottirs 1 I. rdi
Je ss
• Street Fair in
July 1st; 2tidt, 3rd
For several years back the towns and
cities of the 'United States haye heen going
Pa -twee -street fairs -and they -are -univer-
sally regarded as the most deiiihtful of cel-
Trade Exhibitions
Beautiful Decorati()ns
and constant service behind the window •
of a busy center of travel cannot fail to •Free Perlof mances by h•i
Beautiful flower procession
and Ilardi-gras carnival
• on Wednesday
And.tountless .other features
for particulars of which see
program bills.
The Governor-rJeneral and
•Lady Minto have been
• invitod to •attend and
013011 the event.
develop whatever inclination to stutlY
man nature one may possess. The nem
pus passenger, the flustered old lady that
Is always confused over the two stand-
ards' of time and the foreig
whom the agent sometiniesibas much lin-
gual diffieuity, contrive to put a strain
upon his patience that is not calculated
to make him. •an ; extremely amiable per-
"I had ts. rather 'tunny experience with
an odd customer the other day," remark-
• ed oars of these much tried Aseni "Me was
typleal granger and spoke in a delibers•
ate, drawling way that was Somewhat
exasperating In view, of the fact that
there were several. clamorous ticket pur-
.chasers behind him, He wanted a ticket
to a certain town, the name of which has
slipped my memory, • Now, as Indiana
arid Massachusetts both oontain a town
of that name, I of course asked Min to
which place he wanted to go. _
" 'Durned ef I know,' was his reply.•
Sis brother lives there, an 1 want tew
pay hint a visit.' ' •
"'But don't you know whether the
town is in .Indtana or Massachusetts? .
• "'Et mout be in •Georgy fer all I
know,' was the drawling reply.
"Ile could give no description of the
place, having never been there, and I
•asked hire to retire Until the rush was
over. Then I looked up the two Owns on
• the railroad maps and tried to fix his des -
titration in that way. But it was no use.
He bad no letters withhim, and his case
was a puzzler. Well, sir, he hung around
the depot all day,, munching peanuts and
thinking the matter over, occasionally
coming to the window and asking if we
had made up our minds where to send
hint. •-
• "At last, losing pittlettce, I was on the
Point of telling him tu go to Jericho when
he suddenly brightened Up and said he
would go to the town in Indiana anyway,
higosh, and if that didn't !lappet, to be
the right place he would journey on to
the town of the same name in llassaehu-
clefts. • And as he bought his ticket he
• pisitosephically observed; .
" 'Et's it lo -ng -"Ciiire-gairdesT"Fee'
chanst tew tide on the kyars, an I mout
as well take a good long ride while I'm at
Dose and Men, -
The Instinct and order a of eVerY animal
are to lay lose and say nothing. When.
ever they get Mart they get foto trouble.
Doge are like men -every mice in avrhils
they long to be wicke.d1 have known,
nine different doge who Watched 'Sheep be
the daytime and silently ',tole away
Vent' them at night.
' Sheep thrive best in a Ptah:ire Where
moles are numerous. 'I`he aisle holes
serve to drain the land.
• Shelley Was a Queer Hoy.
The poet • Percy Bysshe Shelley as a
'small buy wits an eccentric little being.
itse,1 to dress his hair sisters to repeat
•atitt fiends, and, filling a fire stove with
intIntnniable fluid stud setting it
• aflame, lie would marshal the dialmlical
• procession to the back door. As a boy at
Emit 110 •would wnteh the livelong night
!fa ghtiqts nod consulted his books how to
rnise sine. flis diet in triter years was
in bags!. enough to 'bring hint weird fan-
cies. lit end became his chief sustenance,
nettles imeirets were well Stored with it.
A circle • upon the carpet, clearly de-
fined by en ample verge of crumbs, often
' minim] the place where he had long sat
at his Studies, hie nearly in contact
with his book, devouring bread at inter-
•italS amid • his profound abstractions.
Sometimes he ate raisins with it, and his
sweet ,tooth was itnmense.
• A. dose of l‘filleee Worm Powders °acid-
sionally will keep the children healthy.
Hold by II, B. Combo and It. P. Weide,
bir J. Menacliern of tbe Provincial
Auditor'office hag arrived at Belleville
and will imperviee the audit of the tax,
oelleetor'e books. Tho ahortap is Mira at -
cd, at $20,000'.
A surprise. .
"And VMS my present it darpriSe to
Year sister, Johnny?" '
, "tehould rather think so! She said she
never suspected you'd give her anything
so eheap.' -Exchange.
• Single fare from all points:
'Good from. June 29th to July
:4th inclusive
Also4eoial. excursions.
For booth privileges, eto.,
'applicants please •address • at
once,much space being.already
tak en,
The world, as a rule, hears very little
of the man who is too much afraid of his
Wife to smoke in the Meese.
Be good, but do'not lie down and per -
Knit your friends to walk over you. -Dal-
las News.
Many young ladiea who were suppniqd
to be going into deoliee Ilave b.t,n restored
to health and vigor by the tise of Merle
Compound Iron rifle, field by II, Th.Conthe
and B.,P. Bookie, Clinton.
Four new coot; 01 siriallinos. hieee &Mel.
(sped in Beachvillo, but they aro ail in the
family of Mr Andrew Todd.
New life for a quarter, " COM -
'Donna Iron Pille.t Sold by 11, B, Combo
anrf fl, r, Reside. Clinton.
P. Ri-suall,• :se c.
•Farrners' Co-Pperative
Company Limited.
June 28th, 190.1
PAV-V404$44.*******4.11.44191Pit **-11444144,WWW440.
Keep You Head Free
Frain Dandruff
with Quinine Hair Tonic. It cleans the scalp and keeps it °teen and
cures dandruff. LSI an exeellent tool°, inereaeas the growth, pro.
Yeats the hair from co ning out, mime the hair soft and brillient,
nicely perfumed and not etioky,
Lame bettieTae.
J. E. novircy, Dikpensing Chemisk Mutat. t
lore 41p1or
Worth $2$,00, our price $22,50,
Our, goods are all new and up-to-date in etyle. We oan Blihw yout a great
vartety of Parlor, Dining -room and Bedroom Furniture, at prices that
defyroompetition. Prices reduced on Window Shades, Curtain Poles
and Room Mouldings. Our Pianos, Organs aud Sewing Machines, are
guaranteed to give satisfaction.
U. 4p1 -11031431...W.,
Ivan Away
tooth brush with every 25c bottle of toolh
powder, tooth soap or tootri wash we sell.
Use Combe's Baking. Pouller and you will be
using the best obtainable. 25e per pound.
Chemist ‘t Druggist
Relieve tilose Inflamed Eyes!?
Pond's Extra.ct
Reduced one-half with pare soft water,
applied frequently with dropper or eye cap.
the congestion will be removed sind the pain
and inflammation instantly relieved. •
CAUTION:÷Avold dangerous, Ir.
ritating Witch Hazel preparations
represented to be "the same as”
Peados Extract which easily sour
hot,/ a deadly &Non.
Prices for Season of
Red Star, 600 U....
Red' Star, 550 ft •10 c
Special Manilla, 500 11- pie
Sisal, old . • .. 1166.00..4 8 e
Sisal, colored... c
• • The two latter not our own make, •
Goderic4 Street Fair
and S1,111ililef
July 1st, 2nd and 3r.l.
•Everybody ootne• and sse the.
• first Street ' Fair • in Canada.
And while enjoying the Fair
drop arouticl to Emerson's and
Bee the snaps be is offering in
You will find it the cheapest
plaoe in•Canadit to procure a
86 firstola;s wheels
• t.timiry . Repairs
We have lust *Word to say to you. The
first and only true co -Operative company
in America, is offering you today its steak in
small hohl ngs, oue and two shares at par.
itis also platting its splendid twines with you
for the coming hareest,,-at pricee raw material
rennet be t ought for. Your 1 lyalty and intel-
ligence will hold Us in existence; your skepti-
cism and indifference will drive us down and
out, Which means a death blow to all future
CO operation of farmers and will surely bring
one result, a gigantio *twine combine, from
the infiacinoes of which you will be absolutely
htae..pooleso teoehhyoeile7.0outrfelves,s,
k your S and by this greatest arid
have onr p on -pa year nioncif and
moat perfect co-operative =moment in the
world and so bring a continuation of relief
thrLugh its unquestionable influence aft a
twine price regulator. Desertus or treat our
agents with indifference and you have only to
wait for results.
ITO better twine was ever niade on earth or
furnished to the Cann dian Farmer than has
been supplied you by this your own comnatty.If
we were not an intense element of protection
to young farmers these would be no oppettitfon
whatever pitted egidestsus. Remember the
Salt Beall there is a treghty combine being
farinit eshdojurtaitY.nnvt in Canada. Yott Vs 11 know
Don't waste time wrestling with, the gave
Mon any longer. Loortit straight in the face
and identify yourselves with us as sharehold-
ers, Huy your twine from • this Mother,
Company 'with its splendid past record of
sears and you will have occasion to be proud
or youx action and loyalty later on.
If you WO butte, partied° of ittdgment you, will
see at a glance that other eompanies going
Into existence are simply trading on our
grand reputation, and that in many of theists
casee you will be Mulehdlogly disappointed.
We have pleaded for eight yeara for you to
come in on the atoned floor andjoin horde
with this bid established twine organizetion.
Buy our Bed Star leo twine end you will Make
no mistake; Itle said to be equal to any 120
twine offered ngaitalb us. Don't ktife your
01V11 hornes. True co-operation under good
management toelay is your only salvation.
Joseph Stratford.
General Manager.
illirepteh tein4
4:(owlit*7 $itort$
Idst received a lot of new Bette,
Backlog; Pulley Bette, Bangle Breeden',
one, The latest goods in the niarkets.• •
• • We mtike adnecialty of fitting Spec-
tacles anct.Eye Glasses.
• ,Eyes examined free,
W. N. Walker
In alIkinhs of I' t• 1"Voitnre and Vas
ufeeturer of .
• MattresseS• Lounges
couches Cosy corners
Carpets taken up, °Mailed and relaid and
• housecleanin 4 ettended to. Mattresses
made over. Fileee reasimablet
Call arid gee aamples of work and cover-
ings, or for particulars. '
For Sale -75 yards of fine .Bruseels
Carpet, almost as good tie new,
Stand -4 hephera 010els, befall°
' Street, (Ai eton.
-*Whet we here we'll hold
Az everyman who has praised Page Pastdsig.
linowe hetes the beat Fence en the market.
Whet we hatette we're after"
Ind Wrens:Oa the mast for fosoing wi weatit
late te emu yeti coati (beau melts of tile "Paget'
fence. Cooed wire, made Is oar own Wire
WOltall by surselves. Slapped ahead,' to pat op.
tier Xr.fa-5.
.4.0 Children,
Wholesale and retail piano
and organ distributing centre.
kfigh grade new:pianos. Five
used Metros at decided bar-
Buy the Wonderful
• for a pleasing entertainer. We
- are headquarters for z
Bargaina to teachers and attl-
dente in Sheet Musks 25o to
• 756 pieces for 10ewholesale.•
. Instruments of all kinds sold.
Music Emporium • "
G. D. McTaggart
' BANE Eft
Geller al .Bankinsd Businesit
• Drafts issued. Interest aillowei on
sIgeorporatted by-Aof .of-Parliament11135531..
. • .CAPITAL $2,500,000 ,
. HEST FUND -- -• $2;02000
stat fad.
"444 Wiry
Wm, Mouton MACPBERSON, :President
James EDLIOTTo Gen. Manag
Notee discounted, collection made, d -Car
issted, ;sterling ..and Ameriaan exchange
bciught and sold. Interests allewed :ore
deposits. Semites ilmas«-Interests allowed
na demo of $1, and up. Money advanced td
farmere on their own note, with • one
more. endorsers, No mortgage requlred."
H. p. BREWER, Manager, Pliiiton. .
• BA NKER, •
ONT. •
11E4 /ate 'hinds to beim on mortgages at
• west current rates,
• A General 13 seking Business transeottd
• Tntereat allowed on deposits.
_aeae notes bonght_.
Meat Market
Having pure?. aetia' the b ;laboring
business of F', 11 Powsll 1 ern pre«
pared to furnish the people of Clin-
ton With all kinds of Fresh and
Oared filtrate. s Satiaage, belogna
lard, butter and -eggs always kept 013
It, Fitzsimons it Son.
Tlephone 76.
/• Orders delivered promptly to all
parts of the town.
• N.B.-Persona having: hogs for
hipment will confer a favor by
av ins word a.t the shop.
Given Away
Toswery pnrchaser of one can
of oar Pure Cream Baking
rowdet we will give, without
ally...extra charge, a strong
datable flyealoot , Stepladder.
Throo 15 are of Soap tar
0. OLSON..
Nest door to 1Jr3 ulittu's private. hospital
Oona Bator na net% wanted.