The Clinton New Era, 1901-06-28, Page 1The Huron Old Boys' Celebration at ()iinOn, on iuiy.6tia, will be
orth coming
iles to attend.
RW00114040 the New lira to
• yoUr telelltist
a- #444)PF/~Pel-VPPPPPI-Y4W04-1,
The publiaber woold eeteem it fivor
ie. if reedera would, when reeking their
to, purobases, mention that they tiler the
merchant'eadverthementiu thiaPaPOt
,• Bissiamenen 1866. t
1t06343%* HOX,Idatil. Pub
In the
New Store
A. word About it colleotion Of neiv
ett pieces, that ire now in Mir OREM%
s Celieetlen
thet boldo many reflnerl poejbillties
in the way of gifts, and all at such
eesespricest •
A glance; at the gathering
Sayer pieeea, select endbon-hon bowie,
' *niche, in lirnogue ohina, j'apariese
• china. Adder'y china, Carlton ware,
cut glase, china and bisque brie-a-
bre% pedeinala, mantle °looks, and
other articles of wide variety.
• Do we get your repair work?. If
so it Will be done right.
Expert Watch Repairer
drewelea And Optician
Buinnzeousts,Onn Swam
From the West.
'To the Editor of the New Era.
• Manitou, June 15th, 1901.
•Dees Eirs.-1 will give you ,a stort out-
line of the prospects of our district. We
had a very fineseeding,it being very dry all
through, not looeing any time at all. • The
orop went in goodeihape although a little
dry towards the last, making it very un-
• certain if the last seeding evouldgerminate,
"but fortunately Providence favored es with
• bountiful rains, commencing about the thel
of June, and on the 6th we had a snow
storm. Snow fell to the depth of 8 Indies
• and a heavy frost the night following, in-
• juring the wild fruit and gitedens,and it has
rained almost eerily day sinoe; to -day, the
1.5th, there being a regular downpour. The
oropeeintheeelanitou-distriot are looking
-line although the grub playee havoo in the
--oat and wheat fields, but it is picking up
wonderfully of late. •If nothing happens
we will have a bountiful hare est and will
require many hands, giving a chance to the
Eastern people to see our wonderful omen-
-try. I replan, 'Yount truly
.8013T. L. FritIING,
Get) a Mittel. Vs.
To the Editor of the 1V:ew Erg.
DEAR Pan.-Itia plain to be seen from
:the apPearance of the -streets of the town,
that one good law id rigidly, enforced; name-
ly, that ;lows mutt ot min at large. If
-the did the sides of the made would not
• •-preeent quite so much the fappearance of's
very weedy hay field, badly in need of the
etranger visiting the .placie, who has
.been accustomed to seeing neatly' kept
.setreets, with nicely elpped, grassy tools
Vatie cannot fail to draw °comparisons,
in which the appearance of the old home
•;town sutlers considerably. As a genert I
there is a men appointed* in each
. seinen of the town to at lease keep the I
The following particulars. concerning
Rattenbury St; Methodist Church are
of interest, and are intended to be en-
closed in the Owner stone of Wesleye
Church, which will be laid on July let,
Previons to the year 1870, this church
was a part Of Clinton Circuit, Which
.comprised Clinton, Holmesville,Tipper-
aey, Budd's, Lendesborbugh, •Kin burn,
Turner's and Peayetes. In 1870 Clinton
became a self-supporting church. • The
first Qearterly Board met on Auge8th,
1870; the following tueinbers were Pre-
sent :-Rev. James Graham. Wm.Har-
land, A. S. Fisher, J. B. Fisher, Silas
Andrews, Wen.Robinserni JohnIGtreren-
wood, John liodgene, John Jackson,
MAL Callander, Henry Stevens,,D..B.
Strathy, Charles Morrow, H. B.Evaus
and W. C. Searle. A. S. Fisher was
appointed Recording Steward. • .
The church, was originally built in
1857, Me Harry Stevens being the coo -
tractor, and 'enlarged in 1871; the pres-
ent lecture room was erected in 1885. -
When the union of :the Wesleyan Me-
•thodiselEpiseopal Methodist, Primitive
Methodist; Ne* Connection and Bible
Christian churches was- Consummated;
the church became known as the Rat-
tenbury St, Methodist Church. The
pastors have been:- '
- Rev. James Graham; 3 yeses.
Rev. W. S. Blacketock,1 year.
Rev. Thomas Brock, 3 years.
Hee. Relied Fowler, 2 years,
Hey. De O. Sutherland; 2 years. '
Rey; We_IlicDonagb. 2 years. '
.00araa weeds down, and prevent them
-ripening a heavy crop of seed to be spread
?broadcast. If it is so here, then the city
defilers are to blame for allowing such
neglect of duty in eorporation servant,
cOn July 6th there will lee many. old Clin-
ton boys visit the old town, and it would
be too bad if the attests should have their
present wild crop of weeds, when s little
-.attention would so easily remove them.
It dream of frienas
GOderich Township
WEDDING. -One of the prettiest of
June weddings took place on Wedues-
deg June 2e3th at "Dairyveoedn the re-
sidence of Mr and biro J1, Porter. con.
Goderich township, when their old. tnere. Deceased pelieed away on the
est daughter„ was united 14 PeeVioue TireeditY ett the teethe Of her
Matrimony to Alex; M. Forcien, of tbe son Divehi, at the advanced age of 83 The Morning session opened shortly
pretty residence known as "Ve °Winne Yeark and had been a resident of the after 10 o'clock with S. 0„ Mrs Camp.
Villa", a well -to do ming man of the I eenntY WWI for about 55 years. Three 'abell, a Goderich, in the chairMisce
. l- I
nemia business was diaposed of and
the session adjourned to meet at 1,30, .ainf ihrhneeoeofcntoemar enmeosoli ton.
tnWas ecommittee
epee work reported as to the best
means of increasing and holding our
membership. We should make out. 1,
eiders feel that it would be a benefit to
unite withas, • perhaps more • so for
their Milt -tepee upon others, .Nociahil-
ity and gocid programs in the council
room, personal compass and open meet-
ings were strongly recommended.
Committee on state of the Oder -
While eomecouncils shower) a decrease,
others had gained largely in member-
0opening and resuscitating couh-
cils--One council had surrender ed its
charter, two new ones had been ensti-
toted by J. T. Westeott ; one, Far-
quhar, with a strongmembership.
A special Committee.. consisting of.
E. A. Wanless, M. Vincent and W.
Lewie, appointed to coneiclei and re-
port on communleation received from
J. A. Austin, of Toronto, Grand Coun-
lor of the Province, reported in sub-
stance as follows
Bro. Buchanan's meetings 'through,
the county were successtul, not in
point of numbers, but in strengthen-
ing temperance .sentiaient and encour-
aging many who were •despondent.
We endorse the wisdom of Pushing -the
Royal Degree,but 'strongly recommend
that the Select Degree be instituted in
each council to give Permanence to
our order. We recommend to Chris-
tian men and *omen and all desirous
Of taking up life. insurance; who ab-
stain from all alc.oholic drinks, to in-
sure in a society proclaimed by the
courts inntir recent butt. `against the
Economist Co., TorontO, after three
dee% evidence, to be -sound and the
statements published libellees. We
recomemild'and endorse what is. term-
ed our "New Polley", which invites all
ie sympathy with our work who cant -
not attend our meetings to become
affiliated with our society by joining A.. T. Cooper and J. Ford will eanvati the
as assobiate members: Regarding the town and get the ladies interested ire
•suggestiOn of local option for the supplies; W. Beicom, 0, Coorer and
county, we cannot teeommend it un- 0.8eil will take charge of the drinkable.;
less nearly all the townships would A. J.. Morrish, It. Agnew and ,J, B. Hoover
carry it. In sonae country hotels, looks after the .decorating and setting and
where ' ehe receipts from the liquor decorating Of the tables; N. Fair, Bert..
trade is swill, and no other plan would Sere J. Wheatley and el. B. Connie -Will
work well. we suggest that the license
be an outside limit. •
M. Vincent, district representative
to t he Grand Council, gave e very elab-
orate report of that body's proceedings.
A strong communication was read fr. m
W. W. Buchanan Biking up the condi-
tion of each council in the district. J.
T. Westcott was appointed county or-
ganizer. Miss Lewis and Mies Brown,
of Crediton, were instructed to organ-
ize a junior society in that place. The
week tha remains of the late Mrs Jane
Wilsen,' an old resident of Goderich,
Were interred in Maitland cemetery
Royal Testplars. .
The Pend -annual meeting of the SMOKERS'
R yel Tempters of 'eemperence for the
district of Huron was held m the Tem- Nonce
prance Hall,Vaina, on Tuesdey. June
same township. romptly at two
o'clock. to the straine of the wedding
march the bridal procession began,
The bride came forth leaning on the
arm of her father and took her place
under an arch which was taetefuli V
prepared for the occasion. She was
exquisitely arrayed in white organdie
over white silk trirnaaed with 'anions
and lace, wore a bridal veil and orange
blossoms and carried a favor of bridal
roses. After congratulations a taste-
fully arrayedj wedding repast was eery -
ed, after which the happy Young caul,'
le lefteon the 3.15 train amid showers
of rice. Before returning they will
visit in Michigan, the Pan American
and other places, after which they will
take up their new- home in Goderich.
The groom is well known in Clinton as
"Sandy Forden", of Stapleton.
BAvFiter.,D LINE NOTES. -Mrs Wm.
Elliott's arm is improving; it -will be
some time before she has proper nee of
it. Edward Elliott from Baltimore is
vieitIng at his fetheree Wro, Elliott,
Bayfleld line. Geo. Graham, of
In 1900 steps were taken to erect a gan, is at present visiting at his broth -
new church, The lots fronting on Vic- er James'. Robt. Trick is pulling down
toria and King Streets, were purchased his old barn and putting up a new one.
aka cost of $600, and $11,700 subscribed ConancTION.-The insertion of a let -
towards the building. ter "a" in an item last week made all .
the difference in the world.- It made
-m„Q,-thhMe°c"odrnaeYr; sjtuolnYelvveti'll(DbeViallatoty1M0 re. us say ‘bat Mrs W. of the °th.
con. was quite ill, but it should have
W. Doherty. been Mr W. Stirling, Who, we are glad
The trustees of Wesley Church, by to say is recovering.
• • • • •
• which name the new building will here- -
after be known, are W. Doher le P. ficilmesville
SODS survive Jones, of Clinton,
David, Goderich, and Wm., of Forest.
—we are exceedingly softy' co an-
nounce the death of Everett Mc
-Kenzie, only son -of R. W. -McKenzie.
which occurred eerie, Tuesday morn-
ing. Deceased was a very bright,. pro-
mising young man, but was a victim
to ill health. Fla studied for law, Merg-
ing his examination With honors, and
went west expecting that it would im.
prove his health, but returned hew
some time ago„and has been here ever
Once. Going to Wingham a few da --is,
since, he suffered an attack of inflam-
mation of the bowels, and was brought
home, everything possible being done,
for him, but without avail. He was
an active worker among the young
people of North St, Methodist church,
and beloved by ali. The bereaved par -
rants have the synepethy of theentire
community in their loss.
Meriesetugg Park, near Goderich hes
now posed under the control Of Wro,
H. Smith. who lies for several years
had experience in this line in the States
and was favorably impressed by his
Visits threes, He has been busy' for sev.
era,1 week.s preparing for this season's
letistness. A large addition has been
made to the hotel, and all the cottages
have been completely refurnished;
everything has been made cosy, com-
fortable and complete in all depart:
naents and they have their own ice,
water, milk arid fruit suppees. The
park includes 50 acres aline groves
and beautiful level lawns, ended'. this:
Cantelon, W. S. Harland; John Bean, Setireete-e0n Friday the first • ship -
A. T. Cooper, J. 0. Stevenson, A. O.
Pattison, Thomas Jenkins, Alex. Arm-
strong, E. liodgensiW.N,Manning.
R. Rolmes, 1)1.-P-,--Jaines • Sou thcornbei-
A.•Tyndall. C. abare, R. Manning, H.
B: -.Chant. 'Tames McMath; J,Andrews,
and C. J. ,Wallis. • • •
ment of cheese for the season Was
made. The • price realized Was ' 9/c. at an eletratien of over 125 feet above
The outlook for 024. year is good. The the lake. Mr Smith is willing to meet
-supply- of-milk--yery the--Wiehes-oUAhe-public. _generally, -
idly, It already•surpessee 'hat or fast and expects to have a very busy fleas -
year and the indication e ere that it on. He now has engagements with
will still' be greeter. wisitors &on] Michigan, Missouri,
Washington, Kentucky And other
state?, as 'well as with local perties.
This is a beautiful (spot, end picnic par-
ties Will tied every acconarnodotion,
kir ainith will be pleased to weleerne
his Clinton friends. •
For many years the choir has been Siox•L-Por the pare week and a half
under the efficientleadership of Mr W. our village has missed the. curly bead
'Doherty, with Mr B. P. Sibley as as- and pilling face of Geo. W. Acheson.
sistant. , - , , A few minutes bathing in the Maitland
• after being overheated . by the days'
The Quarterly Board consists of Rev. work, hareput him older the doctors
W. G. Howson,. W. Doherty R. R. care with an inflernmaticei bordering
Lough, R, Holmes, John Jackson, W. On appendicitis, The doctors, on Toes:.
Cantelon A. T. Cooper, F. Out:obeli, S.
MeMath,'B. P:. Sibley, John Stephen- day, deeided, upon consultation, that
F. IL Hodgens, M E. Hodgens, George
son. W. N. Mannirie, A. O. Pattison i cvan operation was necessary. It was
&termed on Wednesday afternoon.'
e trust it may be successfulandbope
Rorke, IL Rorke, .J. Bean, J. C. Ste- to see the patientout in the near futon.
yerison; Frank Fowler.Jas.Southerenbe . wife and A. Tyndall, C. JeWeillis, W.S. Harland, . NOTES. -D. B. C ilbick, wile ana son
R. B. Chant, W. Baseerville. P. Centre spent tt few days at Robt. Acheson's.
ion, G A McKee and Mrs Hall. • alias Lettlea Acheson, of Goderich, was
Choir leader, W. Doherty -
Rev. ;dines Gray, 2 years. - S.S. Superintendent-W.N.Mariping
• Envelope Stewards -F. R. Ifedgens
and A. T. Cooper. ,
Pew Steward -A. T. Cooper.
Treasurer -W. R. Lough
President of ,League -H. Berke
Sec: Trustee Board -P. Cantelon
Church Membership -30 .
Epworth -League membership -I-09
Intermediate league membership -36
Junior League membership -68
Rev. MF,Salton. (associate) 1 year..
Rev. E. 8, Rupert, 3 years.
Rev. James Livingstone, 2 years
Rey. J W. Shiltott, 3 years. '
Rev. J.. W. 'Holmes. 8 years.
Rey. R. Millyard, 3 years.
Rev. W.O.Howson, is in 3ed year.
' A. S. Fisher was Recording Steward
from 1870 to 1885, 'Dr. R. W. Williams
WAR from 1885 to 1806, le, R. Lough
bee been from 18e0 to.1.901. Sunday School membership -393
Saillield. . . • ..
. Winnham.,-.. . .
_ .
.Dosollertuute-eilis Excellency ' the. . witatea4oe Tubs ofputter, Me Or Trade.
. ae,f.) into that le- 20 t .3 ttet . Race; Eggs
. 0 E. KING,Wingham.,
Governor-General lute Ordered the dile. . nen u
charge of Fred Elliott; ',who was some - June 1.4,-1 tr. : . . . • ' .. , .. ..
time ago. coramitted to -Kingston in. , Kinzie -T.' Bennett, Clinton, :wheel -
the guest of Miss Susie Acheson on
Sunday last. Misses L. Weeks and P.
Loon, of Varna, and Miss A. Weeks,
of Eretroit, spent a few days with ales
• Miss B. Pickard. Mr and Mrs •Vtr, El-
ford, of Goderich, attended the garden
party on Friday last and remained till
Sunday.Rev. A. E. M. Thompson, B.
A.; was n the village last week. Bev.
Andrews and-wife.of Fdllarton,.
were renewing acquaintance!" in Ude
Rey..J. Green preaches his
farewell 'sermon on Sunday evening;
he moved to Clinton on WI& esday.
where he will reside during the next
conference year. • '
connection with the unfortunate kill-
ing of his brother. The term was
shortened' by good bell av tor .
N0TES.-Jeale9 McDanald, who has
been visiting his son James in Wash-
ingtori, D. 01.,is back to Bayfield for
the summer. Chas.' and John Whid-
don wheeled to Ripley on Wednesday.
The anneal Picnic of the Stanley
schools was held m Bayffeld last Fre
day; there was a large turnout, and as was fine, all spent a very en-
jeyable time. Walter Walwin is home
from Detroit for, a visit, • Miss Belle.
Wbiddon has gone to Obesley to spend
a couple of weeks with her aster, Miss
Marie. Frank Regan is home from
ed to Wingham last Saturday evening
and spent Sunday with friends here,
Will Fyfe, of Palmerston, was in town
on Wednesday. Bert Koss left Wed-
nesday afternoon, via 0: P.• M, to
Winuipe , where a situation awaits
. LAWN SOCIAL. -Yee, it was a.bril-
liant emcees; Berm:tiller was here, Nile
did not forget us. Goderich had her
representation, Porter's Hill came in
' large 'limbers, Varna added her qpotae
Summerhill yeas not absent, while Clin-
ton sent her vast contingent headed by
the band. The weather for Friday
• right was all that could be desired,and
the attendance the largest in the his-
tory of our socialt In fact, such were
him in t e telegragh department of the numbera that it was after ten
the 0, P. R.; he is one of those bright, o'clock before all were seeyecljbe foot -
energetic young mei?, who are so much ban rao,tob between Jackson Bros.'
in demand in the stirring waste he rs team and the home eleven resulted in a
bound to succeed. Our local 9.- P. R. tie -7-00; the band discoursed sweet
trackmen are erijoyireee a holiday en music, while the quertettes. and Bolos
account of the great Strike;. when will by some of its member g were highly
our legislators frame ti,. measure •to appreciated. The total receipts were
compel diePutes of this kind to be sub- ma
mitt,ed to arbitration so that the error- .
mous hose and risk occaeioned by them
may• be avoided? 11.0hieholm and W.
SAD DROWierNta CASE. -It is our Farquhereon have returned with their NOTES. -Mise R. Langstrath, who
painful duty to record the sad death brides from their honeymoons and Set- has been the guest of Miss A. Law -
by drawning of J. . Norman McGee the tled down to theireespective burdnesses. rence, returned to Seaforth on Mon.
Rt. -year-old gen of John McGee, Bay- A severe lhallstorm (struck this town day. Mrs Biddleeombeog Clinton, is
field Line, Goderich township. on last Saturday afternoons the oldest in- at present the guest of Mrs S. M.
Friday lase he was on his way horcie I habitant does not reinember ever see. Risley. Rev. T. B. Conpland preached
f rom echool, in compel ing as large hailstonesfortunately the in Wingbana last Sabbath, The Meth -
with his storm did not last long, and beyond odist choir had a- goo& time at Hayfield
t :
brother and another smal boy, when
he decided to have a bath in the river. the breaking of two or three hundred
Like himself, both of the other hue dollars' worth of glass; no damage is re -
were unable to swim, so when he went ported.
in and beyond his depth, they could do Exonastott.- The Sunday Schools
nothing to Bare hun, and when help of Wirigheen are arranging to min a
monster excursion to Goderich about
Aug. 1, The arrangements will be to
take in Listowel and Clinton and all
intermediate stations. The similar ex
eursion held last year was acknowledg-
ed to be the most succeesful and hest
managed that ever visited the lake
town. Dr.Towler, the efficient secret-
ary of the management committee, has
the matter in hand, and • already euesi expecting a good time. r. McCal um
sister hes been visiting him for a few
mem seems assured. days. Mise Crisp has two young lady
friends from Detroit visiting her. Mrs
Stintmerhill • P. G. Tinting, Goderich, is spondmg a
NOTIts,--Mise Mitehell, (Anton, and few days with Mil R. )3. Jeffrey, whei
Mrs Colburn were the gneste Of Mrs. Is still on the sick list, B. Gray, who
ef lierideeltero, on Friday, has been spending a few daya *cider
N. Snider, Clinton, visited at Mrs J. thepaternal roof, returned to Ann air-
Tibbett'e on Teesdale Miss Mitchell bor. Mich., on Wedneaday. S. Gray
returned borne to Clinton, after e& two and wife sat Texas, and his brother
week's visit here. D. BMus was in
OlintOn on Sunday.
came it was too late, flovveyer, he
ptimessirin of the photo of Mende '
• le a deoided pleasure and as time rollson
these mementoes beoome more ealutible be-
,eattee they cerinoehe replaced. Yon should
do your share towards elayine up future
pleiteure for other& -Oar photos are •life -
.like now andatill be works of art years to
Henry's - Photo • -Studio.
44 4
What Can We Have tor a
4( Change?
is the Cry of Every
.ifSsutlasst s tow nivsttsors
Strati/heft? Pis Platelt4
was taken to the house of James Thom,
101 straftWeehitiskS
SikkAIS Soared Piaicles
emu sasses
A Can tit Spinsek
SRO your Eggs
and Ulitb Aftlreeteat Cense
Chiater fti eletthe Ihstire011100.
Ij*"ne your gitniitrirletituce
the week,
son, and Drs. Stanhary, W cods and
Pallister were at Once serninoned; they
usedeveriteselable means to restore
him, but found that life was quite ex.
tinct. The accident has east a gloom
over the whole cornmunity, and heart.
Mb sympathy.for the bereft and heart-
broken parents was shown by the very
large tutelary who attended the tuner -
al., which proceeded to the Bayfield
cemetery On bungles, afternoon, The
pail bearers were chosen from hie own
schoolmates -Harry Merits, Rattly Mc-
Gee,Walter Walwin Mado Whiddon,
iinot 1101Olitil and Jim Cameron.
Cie Cooper& Co.
Corner storelit Pertelefalleelt.
And the Angelis hastened to him,
.4.nd tbeybore him faraway,
To the gentle, Sa-viotu.,
And their friendly yokes, say:
"Tie our clArline-„WO have forted hire,
_And we bring him home to Thee.
With a Laurel fair to crown him
• For he rained the Victory."
Contreit..---Stanley council met as
per adjourninent Monday, June 24;
all the members were present; as there
were no appeals the Big Dram ti by-law
Was pried, and eteps are being taken
to begin Work as soma as possible. Ac-
counts presented were paid, and after
&cussing statute labor, tile bridges,
etc., the couneil adlourned, to web on
Aug. 5th, at 1 O'clock. -J. HAM.
Witt4 Clerk.
NOTES. --Mise Graham has gone
to Detroit, to !Wend some time with
friends there. Mrs Craig, Hernia% le
spending fewdaye With her netpliniV,
Joe. McCulle Wtn. Sage wheeled
from Ashfieldlast Satutday, and AAR-
oa at Thos, liaird'es returning on Mon-
day morning, Chat Walinsiev,who is
' Working for John, Moffat, took in the
(Ash forBatter and Itegte peons Detroit eireerSiett,
last Friday. The prayer meeting cei
Wednesday night of each week the
,basement of•theelethodiret church be-
gins at eight o'clock; The Sermons
preached by Rev. Hobbs on Sunday
were such that Ought, to do much good
and were Well received. Rev Mr Stew-
art preached in the Presbyterian
church en Sunday; there was a good
chngrepation, and his fine discourse
ought to be profitable to his hearers.
The Presbyterians will hold their see -
he on Monday next, July 1, ca the
grounds of James Cam bell; the ar
MMES. -T. Cartwrighe is having his
barn raised this week. S. S.; No 4, pic-
nic 'wag a great success only for the
misfortune, of a broken leg happening
to one of the picnickers.. H. Liver,
more burned lime this week which
is pronounced good,
AN OLD Ptorrsea..-06 Fridity. the
21st inst., Heavy Render, an old pee -
neer of the township, passed away at
his late home at the advanced age of 90
years. lie has borne his ' yeaes Well,
notwithstanding that dating the ,past
25 years be has -been paralyzed from
being thrown by a bull, and has suffer-
ed therefrom ever sinceeuotil his death.
He was a thorough Englishman, being
born in Yorkshire, and Cann Up Canada
in.I.853, settling in.Harpurheye where
he lived for a few years,.and then moy-
ed to lot 17,' con. 6, Hallett, then all
bush. Here he cut out a good farm,
and has been a resident ever since. In
his dealings he was -always upright
and'honest, and all who knew him
placed the utmost confidence in hint.
Mr Bo nder was of a retiring disposition
but very genial an& companionable;
in religion he was a faithful member
of theEnglish church and in polities
true Liberal. His wife survives him,
and. also their only sou, George, who
lives on thole th cen, ot Goderich town-
ship. The remains Were interred in
Kinburn cemetery on • Sunday after-
noon, Rev Ce ReGionne, of St. Paul's,
Clinton, officiating. The funeral was
very largely attended by sympathizing
• While our preeent stock
• lasts we wilt sell the fol-
10o Cigars a;.; 4 for 25e
or in boxes of 50 each
at $2.75 :
Rosebery, Jam •
Ph tranh. ireinii•
• Berestord. $1100 Attic°
• • • • . Paris Green
Wholesale and Retail,
R. P. Reekie's
, P. resoriptioe Drug CLINTONlo re
Successor to Sidney jackeore •
N.: B.—Thelma; the
come. in and*:gaMple
ituron Old Bon, .
• Saturday, JU1Y
, •
Everything in conneCtion with the
Oeption of the Huron Old Boys' Iteoeptioa .
ie in good elispe, all the different 0001.•
raittees being now at work carrying out eeeee' -
the details; The banquet committee bele •
a meet n ; on Tuesday evening, M. a Mr.
Teggai t in the chair, and it. selected tle
following workers: Agnew, W. O'Neill
and W. Bariom will look the rink, Net
thetit is ,decoritted and hive, tables and
chairs put into position; Jae. Ford,. 1i. M.
Molunin-andet-(1-Bance- will -look af“r
the meat department; C. C. Itanoe, 0
Cooper, J. E. Oantelen and H. B. Combs
will see that all the dielies are on hand;
Footer's Rill.
BARN RAISIN -0. -The raising ot John
Torrance's new barn took •place on
Tueeday; eyerything .went together in
good style. '7else stonework, which was
erected by 33.:L. Livingstone, Belgreve,
was much, admired as a piece of excel-
lent work., the framing and. woodwork
being in, charge of Donald Patterson,
Auburn.. When comPleted. it will be
one of the neatest and beet, finished
barns in the vieinity. • .
PRESENTATION. -W, A. Elliott, the
popular teacher of Porter s Hill school,
intends retiring froth the teaching
Profession at the midsummer holidays.
The other evening the pupils presented
him with an &levet; and present as a
token of their love and esteem for the
efficient manner in which he discharged
his duties as teacher. •
NOTES. -Peter McDougall, of the 8th
con., wears a happy smile, a son being
the cause. S0030 have commenced.
cutting clover; on the whole the hay
crop will be light; fall wheat is show-
ing the effect .,ot the fly; other crops
promise well.
lir B.Walters,e011.4,1a building a net/
kitchen which greatly adds to the im-
provement et his place. Mr A. Mit-
chell entertaned a few of his blonde to
an ice cream Board on ,the evening of
Friday of last Week. Quite a number
took in thderetirsion to Detroit and re:
hunt np the waiters ;. E. M. McLean and
M. 1). MoTageart will contract for the
cartage. . •
We are very pleased to be We- to
announce 10 our readere in this connection
that besides the attraction of tne band
of the :46th Highlanders Which has been
epeeially engaged for %it .00rusion at the
expense of thetowo. the ,peoplede Toronto
have decided as their quota to the program
to tarnish the Pipers of the 48thrNighland-
era- with theladditienal attraatin. of the
well known danseuse. Mies Campbell:, This
secretary. oteachcouncil rs ..a., member .1 lady has -appeal -el before Royalty and bait -
of a progrkm committee to arrange for won unbounded admiration whenever she
an entertaitunent on the evening of the
next district meeting. Next meeting
in Seaforth,in Jan., 1902. This was the -
largest and most enthusiastic meeting,
we have held for some time.
The Ladies Institute.
The annual • meeting of the Ladies'
Institute (a branch of the West Huron
Farmers"' Institute) was held at Nate,
last week. The president,Mrs H. Elford,.
gave an excellent address on neat=
of the Women's Institute. • The secret-
ary, Mrs Colin Campbell, of Goderieh,
presented the following report:: "At
,Goderieb, on December 28th, last. a
meeting of the ladies of West Baron
was convened for the purpose. of or-
ganizing a Women's Institute. con-
siderable interest was manifested and
a partial organization. was 'effected.
On February the 5th arnithee meeting
was called, officers were elected and
the Women's Institute of West Huron
was billy launched; The success of
the work has gone beyond, our expect-
ations. The members have found the*
meeting both intereseing and instruct-
ive, and the Institute promisee to be-
come a meet usefuli organization for
the bettering of our homes and the
spreading of knowledge pertaining to
domestic science. At our first. meeting
twenty-seven 1,an,,,le Wale% handed in
for membership and the list has steadi-
ly increased until now we have a mem-
bership of eighty-two. During the past
five months tourteen regular meetings,
with an average attendance of forty
five, have been held, as follovvs: Four
at Goderich, three at Hohnesville, two
at Winches'. three at St Hetens, two
at Kintail. For the better earring otr
of the work, branches have been ot-
ganized at Goderich, VVingharn, Holm-
esville, Kirite.11 and St Helens. The
folldwing papers and addresses have
been read by the members: Women's
Institutes, Mrs E. Elford Should girls
have an allowance ? , Mies Mary Sal-
keld; Home Influence, Mrs Colin Cain -
bell ; Care of milk, Mrs David Todd,
Se Helene ; The elm and (Meet ot
Womeree Institutes, Miss McDonald,
St ; Hote we may lesson our
household duties, Mrs Bichan ; Oare of
Potlitty, Mrs Church • WOMen's
ing,Miss A. Andrews, Goderich;Crite of
milk, Miss Orem, Loyal; Decorating a
country home, Mrs Currje, Wing.
ham; A happy home, Mit 3. LInklater,
Winghattl, VieW Of th0 NOV tilftt
we have hob yet been °Maniac& els
months and that the Work has been
new both to officers and directors, we
feel pleated with the results and are
enceucarted to lookforward to greatet
ettecesti in the fhture. A. E. CaMpbell,
Officers for the ensuing year were
elected as follows: President, ?dm 11,
Elford, Hohnefiville ; vice president,
Mrs Sas Clinton ; secretary tree.
surer, Mrs Colin Campbell, Goderich;
directresses, Mtn; Ifolinee, Clinton ;
Miss Georgie McPhail, Porter's Hill ;
Mire J. P. Linklater, Witighaint Mis
Wtet J. Currie, Winghatni Mrs R. M.
Young, OarloW ; Mrs 11, Morrie, Cer.
low ; Bionan, Goderich; Miss
Green, Loyal; fits Salkeld, jun.
tioderich; /des Geo, Andrews, Gods-
erich ; Mre J. N. McKenzie, Leerier;
Mrs D. N. McKenzie, Laurier; hire R,
X, Miller, At. Helens ; Mrs Hugh Gk.
vin, Nile ; Mtst Oruni motto Mrs
NOTES.-Thecrop8 in this section are
looking well and there is every • mos-
pect of a good harvest. Mrs M. Park,
Mr and Mrs Win, Potter. and J. L. Mc-
Pherson took in the excurekin to De-
troit last weekland report a good time,
Mrs Jas, Steele and her father, Mt
Reid were in Michigan last, weekattend-
Ing a funeral of a relative, Neil
Donaldleft last Saturday for the tioo.
R. Shielle had the misfortune to fall
ff bio wheel Friday last and hurt his
Eph., of Lansing, Mich., are visiting at e' ed bed i
Ing. We are tad to repott Mrs Ann
leg although con n to e mproy
the old homeetead,
LAWN SocitateThe lawn. Maid Ihdiburn gra nail? improving ; lira
at the Methodist pareonage on Mon- A. McLellan, is Mao abbeto go around
"withstanding the feet that children nearly eenipletecl the frenaing of the
again. J. Johnston and 3. Bushel have
day evening was. a great success not again.
adnattted free and the fee for
adults; was only 16e, the proceedei in. Methodiet church abode and purpose
eluding Sabbath collectiode amounted raising this week ; it le 50 feet equate.
to VMS. After the Octal the church ,156eStire* P. Couttney, A. Bell and las;
WM crowded to -the doors rind the pro. fehniton have been improving thole
arms this saninier by -building new
•appeare in public. The veev anticipation
of the appearance on our streete oe the '
-doming MI of 'Taipei the Highland, pipette .
in. all their glorioup war paint should be
,eufficient to insure the attendance of every
beither Seat withinsa radiria of 60. ranee.
Tee 6d3 of July we prophesy will be a red
fetter day in the history of Clinton.
The ladies of the town Will be. esked to
contribute saheb and eelliesotoe for tbe
'Huron Old Boys' Banquet to be Oven in
'the rink on Saturday morning. A com-
mittee has been appointed to owl. and
Shay stett • on thsir rounde nett week.
Please receiye them cordially and thus belp
the Om mime toenter Min your own friende.
Die meati and othisr supplies- ace to be
furnished by the committee,
pert having a good time. Mr and Mrs l gram was, highly appreciated. The
Hill, who have been visiting friends in superintendent Wielleti to exp,rees
Collingwood, returned on Tuesday and thanks to all those Who helped, to make
report it very pleasent time. , it% success,
00brittrrtina.--43, L. Papists Itinear.
dine, has been committed to the county
Jail by Blyth tnegietratee on it charge'
of obtaining money by fraudulent
pretences, in representing himself as
an agent of the Home Loan and Say-
ings Society, to one Edward
from whom he reeelved, the sum of
$5.50, He Will be brought behave Judge
Doyle in a few days for election.
NOTittl.e.011 Satairday next the young
(people of Turner's church Intend hear.
trig their annual picnic at Bayfield;
-come and bring your berate. Last Sun.
day was flower- Sunday at Turner's,
and everything poisedoff pleasantly,
Mies Sari* and Mr lames Nott,
ma, elient Sunday afternoon the guest
nf 11,1189 liolniek (Mae. Layton epent
RIDIVIITASIONEL-Thrett cf the Colleg-
iate staff have tendered their resigna-
tions, and will rawer their connection
With the sehool at the chase of the pies -
ant term. Mr Mowat, the principal, has
been offered and will accept the prinel.
palehip of the Brockville institute at
$1500 per year; Mr Hogg, mathematical
master, having secured &fellowship in
Hatrarti University, goes there to take
a post graduate course; Mrs Kirkman,
modern languageecottnt of impairede teacher for twenty
The Huron OldBoys of London decided
not to come in a'body but will attend the
Reunion, here ere- q eta a number of
Hume residents in they atty.
Stioday evening vvith fri emit; in Clinretires onton ealth,
14. McCaul. has return-
ed home from Dett oitb where she bee
been for some time, Miss Bertram, of
London, is the goe‘t of Miss A. Sewers
at the MailSe. Pairs Watt, 'Clinton, is
visiting at the home of Mrs Thoneaa
Simpson. Mrs Armstrong is visiting
her sister, Mrs • Fred Long, Lender)... ,
Mr Woods, of Way, an' •h, (1)14
week at the home of Mrs A. Johnstoo.
Stanley. a Blair left last week for
Atwood, where he is studying telee
graphy with Mr Moore, our fernier
station mastet. Mrs W. McDonald, of
Essex Co., has returned -to our village,
le, Seven, owing to illness: was unable
to try the entrance vitamin:1*k
St. Helens
Noma -The council board of West
Wawanosh will meet an 'Wednesday,
She fird day of July, at 10 o'clook,
' 31, Tebbutt, lloimeeville.
Glasses Pleast
the Paineutsr.
Two ere fitted hug
trs the fiat. eselt podren.
The fl.nI.b-of au?
wieteehrwers &ult.
less, the fit perfect
1r- 136-
• Jr. CrlitiGG ,
$41iiintif fie 1401044,26 sad