The Clinton New Era, 1901-06-21, Page 4June 21,rAt, 1901 THE 'apnea NEW ERA eeeee•— r- WANYanlaWANOMANWWVI :"..".feWs;00*7- .1tftAMAO/WeeketANWYt 01$11010. DressGoods Pir HOUGH the weather has been unfavorable for the sale of Summer Dress • • ' fabrics, the excellence of our assortments and our moderate prices have combined to give us so large a trade, that many lines have already been sold out. 2 2 This week we tell for the first time of some dainty white Dress Goods that are in great demand. 2 A 2 •a 2 2 a 2 A 2 ....... --....,... .... .... MO..' .. ' . .. . 0.9 .. 1 .. 10.4 . . . . ....... 0.00 . i ... .0 0.0044.0 .0*.• 0.0•••••00.00.0 00 0/000 000•040.0000.00•,~00,0004.00, 00,‘,00.0 I .„.-.÷.-.444++.444-0-04- • WHITE MUSLINS 4 -•444 -..;•-..”;*4-4-4-0-04-0-40-40444-4-.• 25 inch wide Muslin, fine open etripe, suitable for' &ewes or waists, good voter aper viol., . 10c 27 inch wide Illuslir,epen work etripe, very fine gust- ity for ehildrei s dreesee, will give pod wear, price per 3 are.. IOU 29 inch wide Swiss Muslin, extra lite quality, with stripe and poets, suitable for ladled drawee, will wash well, Al value at per yard 29 inch wide Irish Dimity, with fine bair line stripe, . One of the newest effects for dress s or waists, price per 3 ard ... • .... • • • • • • . • .... ow!" ••PIQUES, Duac.s,.,E,TC. I 26 inch wide Figured Pique, very neat deeign. for . boys' blouses, will wash well and give good wear, g g. - price, per yard ... ,. ....,,... ioe 4xtre heavy quelity white duols,27 lobes wide, suit- , w _ able for skirts, price per yerd ......... LOU 28 inch wide Pique, fine eyen cord, heavy quality for skirte or mute1 will welsh well,, prices per yard , I.6g and • IOC 38 to 45 inch wile Victoria Lawns, fine and 11017 makes, suitable for waiete or obildren'e wear, extra values at per yard, 1or,124g,15e. iSe to mile 44.444444:444,* • COLORED WASH GOOD'S • • I -veesee-41-0-104-eeteses-e-04,4444444-a •-•-•44-404-e-det-e-det • /i6 loch wide Madras Prints (note the width) totted aliens, i.elors of blue and white, restive and white, etc, warranted fest coloriesuitable for shirt waiste, extra value at per yard „, 26 inch wide Diara Cloth, in navy and black with little -White figures -a very serviceable oloth for, waists or dresses, price per yard 1VG2C 29 inch wide Dimity in navy blue with white strige, a muslierthat is perfectly fast color and will give t good weer for waists. price , IOU . • 29 inch wide Dimities in shades of navy, red, light blue, and black, also fancy etriped Dimities in mooed colors, for welds or dresses, price per yard.. 4VC Wane, cloths in a fine range of styles and. colors, °owe in spots and figures, prices per yard, 215c end Hosiery Cnderwcar • The ' first touch .of warm weEther has.brO...tght with it a most active de- mand for light Hosiery and Underwear.-L-We-ara well,prepared to meet every demand in these lines. Just,0 hint of Our many :good values. : SpeCia1EXCUrSiOntoRilfra10 , 2.7t13..... Fore $2.45; Tielmts good • for 2 flays, A geoid train will leave Clinton at 0.30 a. m. for this excursion. Purehese your tiekete uptown the day previous to the Raourelon eta save delay at ntatieo4=1 E. Ito illadgensi Picket agent. I " Advertoetatato Pure Paris Green -It p Beekie, liage , Weshable dress gooda--Newcorebe • 4 Important -It Adams ..... 4 Excursion to Buffalp-F R Plodgene 4 Second -handed bicycle -cooper 64 Co 4 Ready.towear clothing . .. • 5 Rot weather -McKinnon 61 co 5. Bedreggied sewer-JohnIIa .• 6 We are showing -172 L Onimette .. . .. 5 House for sale -Mrs , To rent gcott 5 Boy wanted -New ERA ' 5 5 S5 reward -8 K smith . Tenders wanted -w .... 6 Special excursions -G T. R. 5 Fair in Canada -P BSec 5 Cream Separator -Chas C ...... 5 June specials--Rodgens Bros . . ... . . . 8 ••••. fe. MO* -14.1twfvst I e I FRIDAY, JUN4 21 1901, In order to accommodate ourloot mat- ter a lot of other interesting matter is -un- avoidably left out. Maim Old Boys' Excursion. Clinton, 'Julyfith. CasualtieS KILLED ilsT A SAWMILL.- On We& nodav mot ning of lot week, Mr Louis Cole, father of Samuel Cole, (employed at Macpherson &rlovey's foundry) wa9 killed in Helne'e saw mill at Ottervele, near Woodstock, a lab striking him 1 luet below the chest. Death wae at. most instantaneoue. A. peculiar dr- ounistaece was that about four years ago his son Louie was killed in almoet Identically the same way at Chatham The occasion of the return for a short visit of Old Boys' and "Old Gioia" to the county of their early life and childhood days is no doubt hailed with delight by every member of the Association, and, •a great many of them, we are sure, will steal away from the while and busy life df their city 4Stiribundingel0 enjoy- themselves...in the "Hub" of the county where renaln. iscences of the pitet ekre ever 'testi in their Memory. • - tohave a grind reception for their Visitors and will make the event as fat as possible entertaining and profitable to all those who claim. Huron as their mother count y. Fri,ln the four points of the compaue wiil be yisitersi and wrests to gee and be seen, to shake hands and renew old cquaintances, and to assist generally in making- the fl, O. B.'s feel there iet-a picnic at the "old homestead". " On the Arrival of the train from Tor- onto at about 11 a. m. the Citizen's Re- eetition 'Corninittee will escort the ex- cursionists up town, where a banquet will be given and a formal reception tendered them, Int* after noon n program of spot ts will be carried out in the park, which • will consist of Baseball and Lacrosse Matches, Foot Races, Tug -Of -war, etc. • Throurthout the performance .of the whole of the above mentioned prorrarn, music will he furnished by brass bands. The famous Regimental Bandofthe 48ch 'Highlanders *ill accompany the 11. O. B.'s and *ill play at the grounds in the afternoon. in the evening a grand open air concert will be given by the . Highlanders' ,Band -which is cdpatle of presenting'a program that hi roost delightful and plerieing to all, At 12eo. we have is very good line of plain and ribbei not- Ledies' Veste, 'cede of good cotton yarn, with short ton hose. all werranted fast black, sizes ele, 9 and At 150 and 18c we have some extra good values in plain and ribbed fat black. Hosiery, in ohildran's and itclies' --all 3izes in stock. At 25oladies fine quality cotton hose, Herrasdort Dye and warranted fest bleels, extra value, at per pair. ' sleeves, well worth 106, our poem each •, Lathe' foie ribbed cotton vests with'short eleeyes, brad:lite . and cream nicely trimmed, at neck, prices ewes 123e and 15e. Ladies' este* line vests, made of the best eotton yarn, in cream and white, nicely trim flied, prices, each 2541 and 3,5c • : Summer..-.. The 'great success of our Millinery department, Which is becoming so favorably known for miles 'around Clinton, is the result of : giving the best values: It Is no, wonder this .department is always busy ---the hats we sell at $250 ili or $3.90 would •cost you nearly double in most store's. Out hats are trimmed with good materials in the latest. styles. 4 . aeat nieWlifereei a kiiira-eliiiindor Trned Leghorn Heti. • We have them at all perms and canoinit you perfeetly SAIL0B4,...see eelleog yen'. I rieI v-onr prices s;r0 25c,50c; 75(tie $1.26. OBILLiteTeN-VSAILORS at 25o, that were 35c to 50e. . • BABY BONNETS in tbenewestdealene-ericee 25c, au., 50a, to 162. roar money back Ryon want it. CL11\TTOIT . eyifwoiwb,Amivk,peo~,A,miv"fwwi;"AmeAwwwompA•vvovgo;oAwAAN;AA•wAAA•vys RaTranntraT ST Cam:in.-The pas- Two Days' Cowireutioa. -0110 .14.And leveles $5 to DIED IN BRUSSELS -After a lengthy illness which was the result of a care- ful attention to her late father Miss Isabel Robertson, slater of 0e0. nob, ertson, of town, passed away peace- fully at the home of bar *deter, Mil Jas. Ballantyne, in Brussels,- on Sun- day litet at the early age of 21. Year% 'Month and 12 days, Ifer vela - lives feel the lose cf their dear slater most keenly sa she was a cheerful kind •and affectionate sister, and had numerous friends ' who are sorry to learn of her demise. The funeral was held flow the home of her Oster to the Bruseete cemetery on Tuesday, the 18th lost, and was very largely at. tended. Aocarnorr.-4 most painful accident befel Ed, Miller's son,. Geo, Miller, Oth con., while engaged In cutting wood with a circular saw. W. Oole had the machine at work at Hanley Cantelon's, the belt flew off the pulley on the saw and George in endeavoring to replace it, .caught his hand just at the Wrist and like a flash the event vs as ended in a terrible masticated arm but which makes the affair of a more tragical nature it being his arm; it was at one time thought that the hand would have to be amputated hut he begged of the physician to leave it for a While and at time of writing it id doilies as .well as possible; much sympathy is . extended to the young man. DISLOCATED MS SPINE. -On Ftiday afternoon John J, McLaughlin, of Mc- Killop, well and favorably known as a former resident of Hullett, met with an accident which will, it is feared,cost liSto have 6 or 8. second hand wheal that we ideth to clear •ont. • • ,pum.(0 They will be Cleared out regardieSS of f ormer prices. -COOPgg: •Sz' C.U.NTQls4 and W. 11. Kerr, to arrange for plane, Jae, for a new residence for jailer Griffin, which was decided upon. Mise Lizzie Twitohell orient Sunday in Hensall. ' Mies M. MaQuien, 'of Petrolea,• is ' the guest of Mrs W. Newcombe. Mr Smith, of Brentford, was visiting his friend ,N. B. Henry, thie week. . Mise.Anderson, of Blyth, spent s few days with 'friends in town. Itlulloy, of Detreit, is the guest of him his life. lie was at the raising of her meter, Mrs Jae, Twitched. a barn on the farm of his neighbor, Mrt Mies Mary Robb and.' Mies Wiltsie are iloeunnddeartBiO tone home f L N 1 fil h 1, w. 87 jraLondon oilm s roeriurenedo after sp e n d . foundation at odn set acorner,nai ng°hue tdhea bstone ,: 1 bar in his hand to guide the post into bre is few drays with friends in Stratford. . place. . When the post slid in be put Mrs M. Y. McLean, of Seatorth„ lent remove a few days this week with .Mre J. Ouning- it strengthbutiieiatoieidteheetcefeoeWiebratrateon.hee2.t. home. ected an e fell backwards, a di- mew Bessie Garretkat_09.0-toPelideelbeLRILY tance-of left for Manitoba on -.Tuesday B. Phalan, of West 'Wawanoeh, was. is back of his neck. " The rail dislocated inornint. fleet of, Pettier McMenamin, P. P. on ' e91111110 and Going. Chas. Boyer spent Sunday with _his pit tints at Alba Craig. . Miss Ella Woodyard, of Grand game... ,Mich., is visiting friends here. Miss Nellie (bitting has retur „ewe from the Blind Inflated° at Brantford. Miss Jean Macpherson spent &week with relative's in London, returning Saturday. Mr and Mre Willson, of Calumet, Mich., were visiting Miss Nettie McRae recently., D. F. Macpherson was visiting hie son, Stewart, in Brantford, for is few days last. A. S son and Mies Stinson are visiting* at Port Elgin and other northern Tante. „ Miss Annie Sanded and Mr F. Walte're, of Exeter, spent Sunday week with friends in town. - . • the opine at about the middle of the Biro J. wosbington, mita; Bury wsio. °natty. • •AbatIcke1cttohrewePaiell.eimaPmPeadrieanttellYy tseulniesuicOppinet examegod. drove over from, Seaforth on Sabin*? ington and Thos. Jenkine, took la the De: A. Dickson and company of five ladies and with the aid of four men the airs Be. Altair°. of Goderiohc is spend- evening and.spent a few hours in town. , hisc tiroenii wasef tapulledehetve, si netuoffpelraicneg, intensely.reat to Fitzineone. • to London Monday to attend the Synod of ing a few days at the borne of her father, Rev. O. R. Gonne-and J. RansfOrd went ; ehurch D. Tiplady conducted the service last I tor of It ttteribury St church, takes' . -- Sunday at the Rouse of Refuge. 'for hia subjects next Sunday; at 11 a. The 0. E. and S. S. Meet at m. "Christ, the solution,ot many pro- elinton. ----------.- ery f Huron Meets et • • and Jdrees on crime, its detection and The annual convention for the conn - 10.30 a.m. "Rice, Rutledge -- Willis chutch, Clinton, on J uly Otle, at bleats." At, 7 P. ro. punishmen't " The public cordially ty was hold in Willis church on Tues. Rey. Father McCabe, of Seaforth, invited, Good music by the choir. has gone to his newefield of labor in . . La Salette. Norfolk county, ' ONYAMO STREET. ORUR011.-- Don't Chrietien Endeayorers' 20th annual forget the lawn social under the atm. international convention meets in 0In- pices of the ladies of Ontario street cinnati, Ohio, from July 6 to 10. Methodist church, next Tuesday night on the grounds of Mr 11. R. Walker. Re*. Gray, of Toronto, is ittplying The town band will be in attendance for Rey. R. S. Anderson, of WTI:meter and a •good time is expected. Owing Presbyterian church,during the latter 's to there notbeing a quorum the meet. absence in Scotland for seYeralmonthe. ing to be beld, eyening to I , eon bf Mr wabh. consider tbe question of the insptove- Albert Widish, ments and ex endow' to the church London Road, la now pastor of the did not materialize, but another has First Ilsettiet church, Cambridge, been called for next Monday evening. Maine. Canadians will rise whet- , . ever they go. ,, The total toritribiltien oft:Egmont-I. had the pleasure of meeting Rev. J. Mills , While.at Guelph last week the writer vina congregation to the Century and wife. a clergymart who was padorof Fond ant0111011 Med° up RattimbtirY 8t. oitouit of the Methodiet. as follows :-$160 to the debt fund and church in the year 1860. ma field of lab( r 001.17 paid in to Rev. Dr. vetteden at that time tookin Goderloh toWnehip, for the common fund. Itiliett, Morris, MoRillop, Seaferth, parte of Tuoketswith and.Stanley, and Clinton. Mr A. Itapsoe, a youne Man well /le ie now on the euperannuetedliet,though known in this locality, he being a both he and hit wife &rein excellent beelih. native of Hulled, retired from the They wiehed to be reineWbered to the few ministerial ranks at the recent meek- oliffri0nds yet residual' here, who were w- ing of the Methodist conference in laborers with Warn in the serly days of St. Thomas. He did se simply because Methodism hem. • he found it mipossible, under hie • circumstances, to complete the ss•udierr necessary for the WOK derid at MI88 LECTIlltlf.-There Wee a ood attetidance at the town hall lad iiday evening to bear the lectute by Mies Hill and a program by Weinberg Of the Excelsior Missicin Rand of Wil. lie church under whose auspicee the en. tertaitiorent was given. Every person Was well pleased with it throughout mi it was interesting and instructive. R. Holmes presided as chairman and the numbers by the band were all good. The famous baby shove Wee prettily given by twelve little gide; a. solo The Hely City" by Stewart Jacksoe, the conqueror, and itt t'he evening 41 will eoprano, was exceedingly well render. magnify Thee" Ado 'parts being taken ed and it only goes to show that he Is by Mae MAciffurray and ta P.Spaid- likely to become a singer of more than hig., The- W. P. M. S, held ite teenier ordinary ; the violin 8010 by Mies Irene Jude meeting on Tuesday afternoon; Jackson and the plow, solo by Mies the guerilla*, of "Miselone in Quebec" More Lily Jackson added materially to . Watt dwelt with by Mrs (Rev.) Stewart the entertainment and was much atelthet of "Proportionate Giving" by appreciated, the Tecktions ase a metric- ,- Mated The Sunday School al fatnily; the Little Shaking Quakers will bad, Itiritattual picnic at ilteileld *as another number which Wile Amite - on Thutiday, July 4th; the teatbere ing and entertaining Miss- 1111), who and officers sit promileing an enjoyable has travelled conside:rably, was Mens- al& letting for the children and will Ing with ndeecription of her travel& otetiere 6 good prOgratil Of gatiate etc., and the etories of Earnest Seton The tnainegeter Of the church at a re. Thorn eon's wonderful ritcount a wild cent Meeting °fib, beard cliscuroted the advisability Of jighting the ehtiteh thrtiugbrelt hydecteleltr eard end diee 4,Itiit 'be done toOn. the same time perform the other dutiee required of him Hie Aninitterier brethren speak of him in the very highest and kindest term& and his friends have the satisfaction Of know - lug that no stigma whatever is attach- ed to his character, his standing in this particular being irreproachable. WiLt.te Counorr.,-,-The Choir render- ed several anthems excellently on Sun- day; in thetowering "Rise glorious day and Wednesday, the termer day by the Christian Endeavor and Ep- worth League Societies and the' latter day was devoted to Sunday School work. At the first day's session W. H. Kerr, Brussels, presided, and those down on the program • for the C. He were 3. A. Anderson, of Goderich, Dr. Gifford, A. T. Cooper, R. Holmes, and Re*. A. Stewart, of Clinton. Hey. F. H. Larain Seaforth, Miss C. Moffatt, Blyth, Harvey,Exeter, Mien Mutch, Gorrie,Mrie M. Richardeon, Bruit- ed& Rev. W. Bradshaw, Parkdale, Rev. E. N. Baker. Stretford, and the Presidene The following being the report air eubmitted by the nominating commit- tee and accepted by the Convention are the officere appointed t. -Pres., J. E. Tom Goderich ; vice,W, II. Harvey, Exeter ; seer. H. E. Rorke, Clinton ; treas., MINA- 1M. A. Miltch, Gerrie," junior superintendent, Mies Maud Illyth t executive, Frank Tur- ner, Goderich, Rey Henderson, Han- sa% Miss D. Moffat, Blyth P. Chapman, Winghanr,and W. Kerr, Brueseler, the preient system ;It likely that West Horan rarniara' institute. The annual meeting was held at Nile, on Wednesday, President Jaraes Snell in the chair, who gave an interesting resume of the year's work.. The memberehip is 875, an increase over last year. Ten meetings were held during the year, the attendance at thiese in theafternoon being 1035. and in the evening 2200; the average attendance Huron held this week at Bishop' Oronyn" Paralysis of his body .ei owe r the shoulders -down. When visitedbyl Thar:dn.:tanner am lengthy visit here as the . Mies 'Holmes retdrnea to Stratbr0Y. friends after the accident he gum o re R. Manning fectly conscious but helpless, and the Dr, and Mrs Robertson and four children medical men holdout noleope*Of ream- ery. • of Slater,Mis., have •beenethe guest of Mrs . - . - ',, Combe, Rattenbury street. . .. STaioNEN. went PARALYSIS. -- 00 Mr and Aire a. 'Emmerton, of Enron Wednesday Week while Mr G. Bennet, towpship, spent a !eve days lad week . with Was fixing the stens leading. to the Mesita Mrs.J. T. Emtneeton, of town. ' basement et St. Paul's church he was Min A. Gibbinge was in Goderich Wed - stricken with paralysis of. the left side, niniday,attending an examination in musk ,but did not realize the feet 'until. •the theory .held in connection with• the Censer:* next day. He was found sitting on the t . , • .... i top step, but still able to speak; he was Rev, M. A. grailehaw,.ef Brantford, was tario Medical College. • him and started for his home: lira the Owner Toledo, fora month's visit with without it. ' . • re Martin being out of town and hie two her Went% Mr and Mrs 'Thos. Creighton, ()Joy, of floleon's Bank, left on Monday , e got. borne he laid down and did not Mrs J.:11. Rumball, her twoohddren end brother, They 'will go. se ter as Montrete. daughters not being in at the time be of the River Road, Moore. • . morniug for a two weeks' visit with his, 0,......”, . assisted' to hie feet and again started down on the program' of the convention on Mr and hire D.Neville, of Saltfor0,droveii. 1 to finish the work he was on, but soen Tuesday and while here spent it With W. to town Saturday. We were delighted to-, . realized that something more serious C. fdeers, . . • • . . see our old friend, who is an old subearibeele.; than he had anticipated had come over MrsE. E. Hilton left last Wednesday on 1 to the Now Bee and•whe, ',seems cennot de( , complain,tbinking &l would re-Swartzoventnn the-Detroit'aionridott and •Queitee and also 'speed a few days at in. the mottling.. after a good nightie end•Will,gO from there to 3leveland te'vien their home inOrillia. • lifr and •etre ,i Smith and little dangirW'• rest. Be arose in the' morning, how- with relatives for some time. „ eyer,With the same condition still tirion whjeorhenhSechratietobnee nits. linittlo fralearayinirgetifiDerinatio9nr telt arrived here on Friday from InditinaP'4••!' . hint and not till after • the doctor was °rnoll2tIls hoe They Went to Goderich fore nd.„ ,end will spend the surennielte: called did he fully realize' the helpless some time ago. He haeleft there and has condition he waein. Shiite theaboye hap- not decided where he will locate. ' a shod while but will be the ue te f Mr : pened we are pleased to say Mr Bent- B. Cole went to. Woodstock Friday Jolt !ea. ef.n. 448;bmito, ontormget!, . P :1 ley has held his own with good Pros. to attend the funeral ofhis father, . Louts pi-ete of biz fury recovering from this Cole; who met death in 4 sawmill at Otter- ...•..R. Holmes. went on the Guelph 0, A. C. severe shock, whieh• has been vet y try. vine the previous Wednesday. . . eadursion ou 'Saturday, and spent Senility e ing open his. two yntrng daughters, Mr S.Plummer took advantage of the ex: at Etrantford with hie sister, sirs C. Farr.,i, who are let t alone with hie care. cordon to Guelph on Saturday, fisiiisie a He was the Only Dominion 'representative %. brother in the neighborhood of that city, outside of the Brant members, wheattenlo; whom'he had not seen !Or nearly twenty ed the indent of the late Hon. A. d. Rsr.: yeirs. , • .. • dy, at Brantford. • ' • - • '.,,, Dr. J. L. Turnbull, of Goderich, former - 01 Clinton, tame is paper before the Ont tario Medical A.ssociation at Toronto, Tumidity. Miss H.Sutherland returned to her horee, in Hewett Saturday, after a pleasant few, day's' vieit as the 'guest ot Mr•and Mre J. MoGarva, • Dr. Gunn has been appointed examiner in Medical and Surgical Anatomy, in con+ e Petition with the examinations of the One ' SAD Ortoweirelee OASIL-A ,rnost la- beingone-thar4 more than last year. The 1 nientable and heart-rending case of Treasurer began the year with a balance of drowning happened in Clinton cri Sun. F24,66 on hand, and the receipts front var. wise sources swelled this to 083,34; h day afternoon,the whole cit cunistatices expenditure was $246,25, leaving a 00111101rte- 4 attending it making it particularly sad and pathetic. Mr and Mrs Whitesides, able bilance on lowd,to which the Institute WO all the reMilt of of Hensel!, accompanied bytheir bright expects to add at least the Experimental Farm exonarion. little boy of one year and nine months, drove up here to spend the day with The executive elected was:President, 1 Mr and Mrs ParIraer, Mary streef,Mrs Seen, Clinton. let vice. Rod. Young, Car- low. 2nd vice, H. Morrie, Loyal.. Seoy- Whitesides and Mr Parineer being brother and sister). In the afternoon Tine., F. 0. BINH, Holtoeseille. Direc- the two ladies i emained in the house tors for the municipalities are:-Aehne11, Jamee Hayden, 1 Andrew'', Jas. McGregor. and their husbands were seated out on the lawn, while the little fellow, Guy, West WaWanosh, 3 Gaunt. G Howatt, W wee left to play by himself 'outdoors. Bailie. Emit Wavranoah, M Lockhart, B Not *Retching what he doing or gOing 0 , McGowan,* Currie. Colborne, II Mor - tie. 11 'Young, N Hernighan. Hulled, W he was forgotten for the moment and -Jag:Ike jon0,01,Iwaesiii3, jnotpl, hWwWbieteitye: 1,Goodseit.e.era.. ,e.1., not until his mother looked for him Was he missed. A cistern is in the P Griereon. W Clegg, a A Merton. Myth and die grief-stricken parents and yard, the cover of which was off. Tarnherry, Gavin Wilton. Winghaw, W Jecobe. Olin. friends blatantly concluded that the F Metcalf, A E Bradwio, A ton, D A Ferrate% W Weir, J E Blacludl. child had fallen Lb' which was anfcr Goderich, A, MoD Allan, Thos. Naftel, W tentately too true; and tte body was Wernook. . lifted out in it moment or two. It could not have been in the water more Wednesday's program on .Sunday School Work was Osten by Rev, W. G. Howson, Rev. Dr. Gifford and Roe. Dunlop. Clinton. L. Harold and 3. C. Stoneman, Benoit I* E. Tom and Mies Nairn Goderich, L Hord, Mit- chell, D. 13.*Mutaro, Aubtini and J. A. Jeckson, B. A.,secretary Ontario S. S. Ass'n and Rev. A. L. Geggle, Parkale. The officers appointed by the nomin- ating committee Inc the current year are :-.Pres.. 3. rt, Tom, I. P. 8.4 God - rich r let vice, Dr. Towler, Witertileont 2nd vice, all the presidents of the local associatione ; sec. -tram, J. 0, Stone- man, Hansen ; cor. sec., L Harold, Hensel' ; executive, composed of the eflicerd, Ministers of the town in which the committee meete, organiz. ere of keel organiratione. !Owing to leek of space thie week is fuller report will be giten in next Week's leetie. Itev. be. Pollock, retiring MOdeke.* tor of the Presbyterian Amembly, tays1.440.000 of the Scottish peOple ...about 87 per cent, of the population do net now enter the elattrehert. anima e ; these etoriee were illuetrated j And Scotland hat been held up aft an and her address was well listened to. t example of what religious teliching_ itt The proceed') amounted to about $90 the echools aceompliehet. Dr. Pol. Which Will be applied towards Miterion loed urge* Visitation Add: persona Band purpotak dealing with the &millet. Tatt Guer.oa EXCIIRSION.-The ex- cursbon to the agricultural college at Guelph, last Saturday morning was a large One and was run under the sus- Pleea of the Partnere Institutes of Huron. A 'medal train run by Con., ductor Gordon, mune up With passeng- ers from Oerittalia. and etations along thirlihe to Clifieon, to the' number of 290 and Conductor Quirk bad V..'5 front' lielgrave down ; the Goderich _train had 170,h Om -Goderich and 70 from Holmesville and Clinton had 180 while the number from Seaforth and others statiode deem the line added largely to the number. Conduetor A.usebrook had five coacher" to the regular which left at 7.40 and the special 11 crowded coacher leaving at 8 o'clock. In all there Must have been about 1200 pass- engers. Aceoininildationlveas provided at the college anti a sobstantial lunch given by the Ontario Government. The tiekets elltiWed etop over until Monday which many took' advantage of to visit with friends. , EXconelofee.-A epecial rate of $2 65 from Clintoo was given for the model excursion to the PeneAtnericau, Buf- falo, oil Thursday at which a number from around here went; another one id advertised Jane 26 at the same rate by epeciel train from Goderich at 8.80 *ad,, good to teturn by special train leaving the Pan-American grotinde at 1050 pont. On same date ot on any regular raid leaving Buffalo the day following. The ritilWay13 will run home seeker& excurelone from ell stations to Maititelest and the Canadian Northwest in July. The first Was on the 18th jbut two more will follow, good gtd_ng Joy. 16, return trip to be completed oh or before Sept. IA and on July 213, return trio by Sept. 22. The Parte rue from *28 tO k0 Adcording to place of destine - tion. Stop Over ttekete allowed on ap- plication to conductor at VariOunpointe or extenefon of time limit up to two titiontha on payment of f4 per month. The Brandon fair Will be held from July 24th to 26th and Wintilpeg 'tofu July 20th to Ang. 2nd, Which will be Very interesting and Will afford an excellent chance to tee the producte of the *extern country. than a few minutes at moot, but life was apparently extinct A doctor was hornediately sent for; in the Meantime every effort was made by A. Turner Miaa Iryine, Of Belgreve, well known as Mies De. McMurray, after a fortnightie. a Chinees missionary, is home on a fur- vidit at her home here, returned en Int"1"1,t lough after an sheeted of 8 years, and wei- day to New York,where she has been train - calling on h'er Clinton Irian& on Wednese ing for a ,nuree. Mee McMurray and day. daughter, Mite Rade, leaves about the 201h a. se. /twin r,3torood home ott wedinne. of next month for Weyburn,Man.,to day evening from hie trite op to the so% several months with Mr McMurray • out . He imp things are booming up there end prospecte are bright for good Beeson in every line of businees. Richard VanEernoad, of Hallett, and j. Runcienan, of Goderich, leave next week on 0 trip up the lakes. They take with thetn a canvas -covered canoe, in which they in- tend to "do" the Algoma diatriot, fishing and hunting for a couple of months. Jas. McOool was one who went to the Northwest Tuesday morello& He -vas of- fered and accepted the position is organizer of the 0.0. F. or the west. We will he very sorry to lose Mr McCool end tensile from Clinton should they remove from here. Geo. Turnbull, ot (brother -in law of John &very) a well-known horse dealer, returned from the old country On Monday, . Re had taken 0 consignMent of who happened to :be at his mothers's) 70 hones thera, 611 01 which he add as four teAgnew and afterwards by Pc. Shaw to resuscitate the child but 16 was fruit. less, and with breaking hearts the be. reatted parents, had to accept the iti- evite.ble. The body wee taken to Hen - salt for ieteement, the funeral taking place on Tuesday. Gaming and Going. Miss E, Adams, of Londeshoro, was a yisitor in town On Tuesday. • Mr and Afro D. Orstrierdiet LOndssbors. spent Sunday at' 0, Reynolds". • Mar It(ng rind son Willie are vhiting friends Dashwood Shia Week. • L. Kennedy came home from Toronto on Monday evening ond 'went the week It home. EL A. Southern wee booked by F. R. liodgene for Liverpool, via ateemer To* Malan, of the Allen Line. Thee. fkitithcombe returned to Pillion Tuesday, lifter being had on the *ad Wil. sion of hie tete wife* funeral. We nndeestend that Dim Greig and the children of Mr T. Jeckson leave this week for si *Vele of weeks' outing in attacks'. Mr end Mei 11.V/erten, of Hulled, were tioketitd this week by F. It, goOgene, G. T. It, agent, tor the Pareatairloan at Buffalo. prices. tee says there isnot mull demand there for heavy horses, but good cerriage horses, wish plenty of adioll, find ready seta tire 0. Miller and fatuity went down to Detection Wesineedey looming, via the excursion- from-Goderich and win Wilt *itli Mrs Windred in Windsor and other friendr. litre Miller will shortly go to the Soo where hoe husband and son are engaged in an ex. *elicit grocery business but the family will remain for awhile in Windsor. On flaturdey we had the pleasureOf Mill and obit with Israel %vier, Secretary of the William's Sheaf:to., of Brampton. He remained in talrri over Sunday and many friend. Were ghtd to renew frlendebip. The faotory le still boomiog and the prospec's are that the demand will keep pace with the supply. Gee Rorke went West on Tondo,. He sold his house to Mrs Una, late of Militate and expiate to beoetne * Settler out there if he finds it egreeable and prospects bright. For st While gee Berke and obild will OM at hiestord, Owen Sound and other places. They Were good citizens of Clinton and ail members of the Itattenburv St. Methodist &arch their leaving it regretted by all. Dr. and 'Min W. A. Blaokwell, of Dirieiti6 natl. Ohio, are enjoying a visit with Mr ana Mrs Alfred Blackwell, Of Violate Si., the doctor bating left Canada twenty -live veers ego, end his wife never having visited his aide of the line until the present Mrs Rirtirell end 'Amity lett Clinton on sa * Feicley last for Liverpool, dig the Allin time. They emia six weekes trill eprd- ing pert Of the time at his hither e, Jos. line; they were boOked by A 0 Pattimin A. -" -- -- 0 4 Blairkwell. Rolmeetille, and szot 'leo take G. T. It. agent. Messrs. W. 0. Smith, P. Clinte1011. 1,, home. Ford ralleAuterkin bef°re "ittraIng Fool end j. Shapperd were at Ifensali on John W. Hell is hors from Alpena Taesdey 'hearth* the senii-enntiel meet- Mioh., end lead a visit to Mr arid Mre W. ing of the County Orange lodge. ell:option and Mr and Milt. Dineley as Rev. Perks, or Ainberieburg, was a vita: well sii re friend*. /*hi 45 YOStd abate te 10 irer toill be in net or its Clan Oil Ttlealay on his way to Meek. ha tan 0".P" .1 a meetiege. been bath wnen nit pante lived og the team through the bush horn here to what bete line and he wart the first to drive a dela whets he oftioleted at an importent 1 evellt -the oerenteny of the Rovey.Luem , , le now Londeiboro, He le on hie bleic'e 3, 06/2110.0 Pa t, , ,,b aoketiett to.drl(e'r!: Old Went OVet to Brnassit to vlait his day) so OBil of 6 Vaud 061111SY omen brother, James, and will alto *bolt friend* mitts. oo dad g Ise et Warden Rea in in I,. 2102t1 11 11 4 there, - 28rd, the wife of Rev. J. M. Della& of a daell -.. teDzALLAS:-At CalkinOnsENVilfe. Michigen, on. Mat - ' DAT --lis Lower Wingham, lune 10th, Mrs H..' J. Dar, a daughter. . SALTER -In East WAvvanosh; June ttli. re. ..11,7,.. W. Salter, of a soli. . l 1 i Mr1fl and.i .ALL—In 1.' . - 'Mrbia 17:wiraircitil oHlistiVril,°andadsuiginlitere. Nth. ' 4i '' 11ra Birrobt-'. 131:olft°,tfildaBtrIgnhillertr.e Ith' to M'r. 64(1.;4,2! 'A.RMSTRONG--In Morris, on June Oh, te.X.r• and Mrs Win. Armstrong,- a daughter, , ' SELERA.--In Gerrie, on Friday June lth• t.1111Q wife of Idt :las, T, Shea, of a son, ,r.1. , COLE -In Otterville, oti Wedneeday judo. 12th Louis 041e, father of Serail& °bled togn . .1 wire n 3(066c113eVigrylinoVigallitttleV,7:fliagatillitti.,une16,t!t BERRY -In Trickersmith, on June 1 Mr and blts Wildfire Berry, a Son. monnisort-IIESBIAN-le Winglia Awe 12th. at the residence of the brldf' feat* Windham, by Rev, Wm, Lowe. Morrison of Langside to mesa Eleanor MEM, daughter of Thos. Reagan. - SOOTT-BEWLEIT-At the residence of t bride's father, on June 125h, by Re". A. Mae. Nib, M. A,, Mr IOU Scott of Hulled, to Mies Anzde daughter of Mr Rieluird Bewley, or Morrie. WEITEFIELD-...10PECIDISON-At the rad- idence of the bride's imrent,11, on June 5th_l by R042'. Musgrive, 31r Levi Whitelleid, of Grey- townabip, to Mint Annie McPherson, of Mc - =lop. MAPES-KENNEDY-At the residence of the bride's father, Goderich, on MaY asth. bl Bev. Jarneel,.. Anderson A., Mr Louis A. Manes, of Book Island. 'kohl, to Mint Bated J.idatighter of Mr John mined,. SMALLDON-MODOWALL-Te Cranbeeek... ottJune 12th, by Re*. D. B. McRae, Mr Ettealldon, tet Aiele Irate MeDougall, both of Cranbroex. BOW'rAtti-ENdit-at the home ot AMA. 1. Seroug,Menttous Men., on June 12th, John. W.,' Bowler to Midi Annie /2, Knox, slaughter or John latex, auhtuw, 11/ISAIILING-116161Allner-At the Mahe: diet Parsonage, myth, on Tuesday June 487 by the Rev. Wm. Paola% Mr Edwin Irteahlin Of Morrie township, Ilte WM. Eggartt Myth. MACN1111,441AVORT011-At St. George* church, Dederick on Wednesdny, June 126h. hr. ' Rev. Mark Turnbull, R A • Ohm. o, MaeNeil.. Second ton of the late Alex . ,MacNeil. to Aare, Maria. third daughter of T. A. Naughton, of, Orchard Cottage, all of Dairbrkild, Colborne. DiON-tutwar-At the eationsee. Bel. grave, on June 65h, by Rev, Mr Beown, Mr John )ow. East Wawanosh, to Ida, yetingatt daughter of Me George Henry._ of leelgritee. MED. IIALL8-tn =milk, on jun. end, Jateed Halle, egg 70 years end 7 menthe. GLAtle-Te ecaforth, on June Ilth, Joao, Otani, aged et /toe, 5 months and 18 days, 4 DOOtri1/41.641i1 trthhart, on the erd Me,tOret Jellesbelotod wit f George Decking, ege 81. years,11 months ion. 46 delta RITOelne-in Howick. on :one lith, Jeerer . Molloy spa 60 yore, 6 nienthit and 25 days. _IVOIII-411 Merritt, on Tune 12th, Elizabe Boyd, wife of Robert Kull'. aged 441 yet" months end ti doe, _tvniater-efe Wintliree...caiJeue oth. 34. Arbookbewlf. of Mr .1ainet Wright, glywireand,lOdutys.