The Clinton New Era, 1901-06-21, Page 2Jill— 21.t 1901
Dills hi kt.oticer n r
County Council. HON. A.S.HARDY PASSED AVVAY. Properties for Sale or to Let
It willatIm d L,s a good deal of sttis-
faction if subscribers will kindly see to
it that their subscriptions are paid ite
advance. The pi ice of paper and of ,
printing mat pi iii 1 Of all kinds has ad I
vanced very materially doting the past
year, while tip -Price of material has
z emained the san3e. Our white paper
Costes us ec per lb. more than it, did last
sear. This renders it all the more .ne
eessaiy that subset.; bets pay promptly.
Will those who have not paid I emit us
Etta:ince the amount of their subect ip
tion. One dollar or two toa subscrib-
er may see in a small nrnount, but
when hundreds such a,re scattered
'around it becomes a serious matter. 9
Blouse for Sale.
1 Two story hour, on Marle etreet, for *sale,
FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1901
(Coneluded from last week.)
La reference te the application by the
tflallead B. No. 3, Gorleriold towastop,
on placing lots 45 and 47, Maitland corms-
sion, in b. S. No, 3, the Eduoational corn -
MOO!' Hugh Clark, of the Kincar-
dine Review, was nominated by the
Coiservatives of Center Bence for the
Legislative Assembly.
• • •
The crop outlook both in the united
St . • et• and Canada is firetmate, Reali
z t n a present rrospects meens bread, groceries and statiouery, and rind
unn h in the w ty of continued pros- the tenders -accepted by the Clerk right in I a 5hOdt to many who 'esteemed it an
per ity, each muse. We received two tenders for honor to be ranked among his friends.
When he was forced by ill -health to re-,
octal, and recommended that neither be so -
tire from' tha Premiership of Ontario
• • • cepted as we think the price too high. With
to -
it was feared that he would not live
rept d to the application for e grant to -
many years, but relief from the cares
Hon. Sydney fe, her, "...he C, naaieli wards entertainIng the Huron Old Boys'
111 isi er of Ag • ieolture, who is nnw rA:,,soscoiatioe, -we rearm:n=11d no action. We office wroughtsuch an improvement
ita his health that hope was revived,
mmend a grant of $15 to Brucefield
th coun•ry has been interviewed Public Library, end also a grant of 1$25 to and it was thought that he might long
enjoy the rest to which his quarter of
by the Morning Post. He stated the theChiloren's Aid Society. -Jas. COOLLY,
a century of arduous public service en -
tide of emigratirit to the United States Cheirman. . titled him In him the Province, tbe
from Canada has pract ic "lly Teased and SrEciu, COMMITTEE BE. JAILER'S RESIDENCE. r, '
.1./ommion,loses a man of the best type;
W6 beg to repprt that, according to in• up -right, far-seeing, resolute, eloquent,
that now large numbers were emigi ea- • • • .
ing feorn the United States to Cansn'a s ructions we met with Dr, Chamberlain* ' chivalrcus, he was such a rnan as the
Beep )ke very optimistic tlly of Cana- luspeotor Of Prison's, relative to proddingv °nth of Canada might well emulate..
• An able abandoned the prac-
tice of his profession to devote his en-
tire time to the' task "of grovernment.
Had he continued the pract lee he would
undoubtedly have stood at the head of
the bat *ealthy main - 'Choosing a
political career, he Won for himself
the highest position in the gift of, On-
tario, ouly to he forced hy ilebealth to
abendon it and seek the repose of priv-
ate life poorer • than when he entered
the Legislature 26 Years before.
Mr ,Ilardy WAS born December 14.
1837; palled to 'the bar 1865; . created
Queen's Counsel 1876; flret retuened to
Perljament iri April, 1873; entered the
Mowat Government as Provineia,1 Sec-
retary and Revistrar, March, 1877. be-
came Commissionei of Crown Lands in
1889: became Premier of On-
tario JOIY,1896; retired 0,ctotter 18,1899.
Mr Hardy passed as a. solicitor in
1861. • His first taste of political work
was on the cmmittees of lion. George
Brown in Toronto during his student
days. He kept .up this interest on his
'return to Brantford to practiee. but
for a time it seemed as if ticeattradtions
of law were stronger than those of pol-
itics. He entered the lists against
Eldn, E. B. Wood, the leading counsel
of the Brant dietrict, and beat him in
some famous cases, matching with his
humor and exact knowledge of tbe
facts the more ponderous eloquence of
his rival. •
Ati Attack of Appendicitis Proves Fatal—Members of HIS I On. Rata41P-V1 Paymen Aj),17Wt1TORELL
to have arearatore appointed to adjudicate
wittee reconamended that no action be half- \ Family at His Bellside at the End --1 Brilliant
en. The Couuty Treasurer was inetruoted
tO draw the attention of County Columbia ,
to the matter ot enforcing the Pedlars' by.
law to the taws that they are expected. to
Bee thet ell eedlars purchase a license.
A letter was received from 031.Var0oe,i1.- ---- -
°amp iu London, and also thanking the Throughout the length and breadth hardly he dOubted, jading from the
vitiug the members of Council to Visit the
Canada the announcement of the plienominal success as a counsel which
uounoil fur the greet made in. January, of
$il0O, to eupplement the pay of tbe men. death of Hon. Arthur Sturgis Hardy, he had achieved while yet under forty,
Oa inotiou 44 WAS decided that io the event p ier of OW ario will be receiv- that bad he remained at the bar he
would not only lutve secured a greater
financial return for his laber than he
Success at the Bar and a Long and Uselut
Career as a Sinister of the Crown,
of an appeal from the equalization ot Ui
met:Bement, the final equalization be left to
the County Judee. A building committee,
rt. tie it.tileilee, was formed as fol.
tow t.; -fuesere Uonnolly,Rerrand the War
deb, with power to preemie Orme, etc., and
sattinit tbe same at a special reeettng of
the counoil.
'The following repeals were adopted: -
Yhe coilumittee recommended payment
dE, a large number of small acconnts,am_ong
which were 620 to the township of McKee
lop and §29.74 to the townebip of Ashfield
for taking insane pen() e to the asylum.
I The Treasurer's eeourities, as arranged by
I the Warder) aud county solicitoravere quite
' satisfactory -J. Bowetax, chairman.
We have examined the tenders for meat,
ed with eincere and heartfelt sorrow.
For almost a week Mr Hardy had lain
between life and death, following upon
an operation for appendicitis performed
early Sunday morning. He had been
perfectly, conscious during tbe greater
part of the time, and had borne his suf-
fering with the greatest fortitude and
cheerfulneis., There had been several
rallies in his 'condition, and, in the early
part of the'week there Was even a
faint hope of recovery, but this was
quickly overcast. Thursday Mr Hardy.
sank rapidly, and was unconscious for
some time before the end, which came
at 10 08 The cause of death was giv-
en as paralysis of the heart, following
upon the operation. Mrs Hardy. Miss
Gladys Hardy,the ex -Premier's datigh-
ter, and Dr.Hardy and Mr A.O. Hardy,
his fens, were present when death oc-
The death of Mr Hardy will come as
Boaillers Wanted. ProfessimmlandOtherCard g
•••••• •••••
Boarders s.nd roomers warted.
Bull for Service.
Barrister, Solicitor,
Orme-Elliott Block, Testae Streett
The undersigned has on his premises, lot HONEY TO LOAN.
con. 4, Mullett, a thorobred Scotch Shorthorn
I bull, "Clan Stuart," which will be kept for ser. W. BRYDONE.
vice, Terms. $1.50 to insure.
Farm tultent, may Amax WEIR, Mullett. ' BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTABV
FoirMpaaretrie8eu.lafriasspepTylmitogDiv.WANri 3 young bulls, 10 to lamonths old, also some rp-etairs, OppoopittiFNoTsotelir's Piphoto Gallery
choangaeisnti. g
HAN, Hullett. may 4...4f quality. Cotne and see them. E, EL WISE,
young heifers breeding age, a choice lot, good
Feb. 8-tf . Clinton.
Which May be uSed for other purposes, corn
That excellent and desirable stook farm, but Shorthorns for Sale I Office -Beaver Block,
, prising the north half of lot 22, lird con., Millet,
Stmv Steers.
HOUSE for SALE or to HEST.
Barrister, *Solicitor, Notary and Conveyancer
wUl Strayed from lot 14, Con. 14, Hallett, on or
On Victoria St., near Organ Factory, $ 300 Office -Opposite Colborne Hotel
tbhueYparorp°0°133:tyY' rce7ont(IlytabooltlihP°1uesde hiWY"FriCa°1111 about the 1St° of May. 4 tw .year old steers,1 • tmeterich
did as a Minister, but he wonld have Unshall, Apply at once to- rwhite, 1 spotte d, 2 rad. Any informat on
Barrister 8tc, 011utont Juno 7-tf WM, BIWA T, Blytb.
ranked with Blake,Osler and McCaythy W. BRYDONE, leading to recovery will be suitab rewarded M. G, CAMERON
as a leader of the bar, Politics claimed
him and the Province is his debtor for
tbe best years of his life devoted tothe
public service. ooDgioto „ oNT
foOlenedOic)tyober 18, 1890 Mr Hardy Ns as The undersigned keeps for service on Lot 35; Fred Forrester, agent for the celebrated'
ill -health to retire from the Tuckersmith, the therobred Short Stearns Blonde. 350 wheels will be sold at a
h I
da's agricultural fut ut e.
• • •
President McKinley positively refus-
es to think of a third term for the
Unit* d States Presidency. The good
suggestion has been made that the re-
gular Presidential term -now four
yettre-shou'd be lengteened, •and the
tenure t hen limited by ta,w to one term.
The idea is good. Presidential turmoil
every four years is about 50 per cent
too often
• e
another Big Surplus.
The liklihood is that at the close of
the present fiscal y ear the balance sheet
of the Dominion ill show a surplus of
raven ne over all expenditures of about,
two and quer' er millions On the 31st
M y 1 whrt. e:e cen months had ex -
pi, ed, the surnlus of ordinary revenue
overordinar31.xnenditure was $10,945, •
038, se against $12.531,563 for the same
psriod of the previous year. Deducting
the capital expenditure from the stir-
itu mud If rive a balance of 52,214,-
7 .4 to the good.
Trade Still Growing.
- -
Canada's aggregate trade for the
eleven months ended May 31st amount-
ed to 5329,352,721 as compared .with
5308.548,034 for the sameperiod of- the
pi mous fiscal year, or an inmease in
favor of 1900 01 of $20,804,687. This is
on the basis of impr rts for consump-
ti:In and exports, excluding, however,
in rob case coin and bullion. The in-
crease was almast entirely in exports,
which are over $20,000M0 ahead of the
eleven months of the let. fiscal year.
The imports of free goods show a bet.
Ir . meet of $1,616,499. but the dutiable
imports declined by $981,119, which
trir ra the net ism e.ise In
irrT, ts $635 380, The imports for
t he, last eleven months were 5158,745.-
082 AS avainst $158,109,682 for the pre-
ceding year.
Pretty Plain Talk.
The Ontario Tory is the name of a
su w magazine just started at Toronto,
and whoever is its editor believes in
tauter acocnimodation for the Jailer, owing
to the unsanitary condition of the prese t
buinlitig,atid after carefully considering the
matter, rebbmmend that a new residence be.
bu it, the stone in pertion of the jeit waU
and the -brink in the cottage to be ualized ;
construction to be proceeded with -as soon
as plans and. specifications are prepared
and approved of be the Council or a com-
mittee appointed by H. Keen,
I beg to repeat to you that tbe accommo,
dal ion of thekeeper'of the jail at Gocierich
is insufficient for hiroself and family; that
it is unsanitary and dangerous to health on
account of improper ventilation, the build-
ing being too low .under tbe gound; also
-that the construction Of the rooms -for the
use 01 the family is very inconvenient, -L.
We.visited thejeal, which we found clean
and in good order, and are glad to know
that only seven inmates are confined there-
in. We visited- the Registry Office and
found everything eiatisfactory. The court
house and groueds we found in good order.
-D. CaNeerene, Chairman.
The commat e reported that the eqn iliz-
ed assessment of each 'municipality in the
county for 1991 ahould be the same as for
1900. The zotel assessment of the county
is $32,335,290, which necessitates a county
rate of one and oneetenth mills on tbe dol.
lars-beine aliehtly lees than la'st year. -T.
E His, Chairman.
We examined.the statements submitted
by the Connty Tresenrer at the January
mce. nig, aud find them correct and in ac-
cordance with thebooks and vow:them:The
ba'ance in cash at the end cf the year was
$12,545.53, ot which $12,366.11 was depos-
ited in the Bank of Commerce, Goderich,
plein talk, as tee fallowing from a re-
cent issue shows: -At present the lead-
ers and managers of the party at Ot-
tawa and in Ontario are afraid to move
ahead, There is actually a more or
less organized clique controlling both
the provincial and federal Conservative
organizations, r esolved to keep the pro-
greseive party men in the rear: these
same men are still in tooch with Tun-
periern and they would have Mr Fos-
ter resurrected. To my, mind, the dis-
appearance cf a large number of Our
old leaders in the late election was iv
distinct pin, 13ut while these Men
have die peared the organizaticil has
remained in the hands of men whose
only ideas are to look. to the past.
If the young Conser valves of Ontario
have not come to thefront it Ifr because
the Tupperitea at Ottawa are deter-
. 'pined to block the way. Poor Bord-
en knows 'foiling of fhig-; lfel-maylearn
Water on. But these ancient marin-
• ere must let fresh and younger seamen
have a turn. Col. Tisdale, George Tay,
lor and Samuel Barker have got it in-
to their heads that Tupperism and an
alliance with the ccrporations is the
way to power. These are the the men
zebra put Mr Oster, against his wieh,
to be tbe financial critic of the party.
As for Mr Whitney, he must abake
himaelf into e more advanced frame of
Mind. Ile ie under the iefinenee Of
the back numbere.
f 1 30 eron Holt & Cameron
Bull for Service. 1, . Stearns Bicycle
office-Itsrallton St o oalte Colborne House
Premiership, which he bad held since two years old June 3rd. Terms $L25, with date wheel, rteognized as one of the
Horn Bull, Strathcona. of Hillside, No., 83163, reduction for 445. Anyone w axing a e eap GAIRROW & GARROW
, •
best made should call or drop a, card to FRED
t he retirement ot Sir Oliver Mowat in
July, 1896, Mr Hardy left public life
pont, man, and accepted the office of
Oles k ot the Process and Surrogate
Registrar in Osgoode Hall,
Throughout his long public career
tIr Hardy a • s popular among friends
and oppoaents alike, In the House be
was quick to repel attaeks upon him-
self or his colleagues,and many a sharp
retort was flung by him across the
floor. Bat at no time did he permit the
acrimony of Parliamentary debate to
enter into private life, and his feeling
privet ege of returning.
june 7-tf HARRY JOHNS
House for Sale
Alarge, two story frame house with pretty
surroundings, on Huron street, is offered for
sale at a bargain ;2 cisterns; and a never -failing
well. Will sell for 51,000 less than its cost as
Proprietor is leaving for Manitoba. Ftr parti-
culars apply_on the preraises, or to John Ridout,
agent, JOHN TEDFORD, Clinton. Feb.22- f
Choice Farm for Sale
Subscriber Offers tint sale his fine farm of 147
acres, being lot 25, cen. 13, Hullett, All clear -
towards those who sat on etther side of ed but fent-acres. Brick,house (midwife frame
house for hired ratin),bank barn, spring creek,
the House is well illustrated by the bearing orchard of 2 acres, miles from Lon -
words of his farewell address to the desboro, soil first-olatis and in good oondition.
electors of that constituency which had Possession at any time, ternts to snit purchaser
so loyally stoodeay him during his long Jan 4 -*1 in-tt W. H1LES.Londesboro.
political career - South Brant. After
speaking of the painful causes of his
retirement, he said; —
"In retiring from the Government of
which I have been a member Inc over
The framecottage on Orange street, occu-
' d b the unciersi necl, is onbred for tale on
reasonable terms. he lot is of an acre, with
twenty-two consecutive yeare,I trust 1 hard and soft water, stable, good fruit and
may be permitted to express my ac- vegetable garden, The house contains hall,
and present, and to the members of the is cearallr
gilicArgni,133reltri7N:ic, ccitir a n's:vtiretdistf,
)(mated, possession given any time
knowledgments to my colleagues,Past
House, upon both sides, for. the court. to suit -purchaser. nrizaBwria GRAHAM tf
esy and kindness which have always
been extended to me during that same
period. No man in public life could de-
sire more consideration- at tbe hands
orhonorable members than that, which
has been cartended to me during that
time and I need hardly assure them that
-Later he met Hillvard Cameron,
Crooks Cameron, the Blake's. B. B. Os-
ier, Thomas Mose, and others of the
most -famous pleaders of the Ontario
bdr. His reputation in Western OM,
The premises cuitoapied by R. J. Cluff, and
consisting of a first class brick atore, on Albert
Street Clinton, is offered for sale on easy
it is with deep regret that I am,about to Also Cottage on Albert street with two
public mad. Warm, heated and shit onor m_npiocatwi nmtoollirs W. Robertson, Clinton
as have at times been the discussiornP ra e regor,Constance.
sever my connection with them as a lotsii:.stable,oand all convienees. Particulars
between men3bers of the Opposition
and 'myself, they have alvvays been
conducted within the rules of Parlia-
mentary debate. They have 'left, no
sting and no bitterness behind, and it
is to me, now, in quitting piiblic life, a
source of infinite satisfaction that I am
able freely to say. that of the hundreds
o men w sa g m
twenty•six years of membership and
twenty-two years in the Gcvernixient
there is not one living whom I cannot
meet with pleasure and upon terms of
personal friendship."
Mr Hardy's closing words 'to bis con-
stituents . were: -"I leave. my record
with you, not asbeingbeyond criticism
but upon the Whole as onewhich I may
fairly claim bears evidence that I have
sought wit h zealand with some energy
to promote the growth,. progress and
development of my'nativeProvince
during a much longer and more active
term of public life than usually falls to
the lot of public men in Canada."
Last year, as a token of the esteem
in which he wag held and a recognition
Of hie great aereine to.o.atarto. he .and
Mrs Hardy were presented with a wag -
tario was great, and between 1885 and nificent silver service and a eheck for
1877 he defended no lees - than sixteen 617,000. • •
persons accused of murder. On one Mr Hardy married in 1870, Mary.
occasion he held 43 briefs, civil and cri- daughter of the late Mr Justice Morel -
mina', at one assize. Duringthe years son. There are four children -Mr Jos.
from 1873 when he wee elected to the C. Hardy, Liverpool, Eng.; Dr E. A. P.
Legislature after a keen contest against , Hardy, Toronto; Mr Arthur C., barrist-
Mr J. J."Flawkins, to 1877. .when he er, Biantford, and Miss Gladys, Hardy,
and Molcou'e Bank, Clirton and 6183 42 in entered the Government, Mr Hardy TorontoHe 18 a so enrvivsU by
the hands of theTreastirerWe examined contitined his practice, but after that brothers, Judge Hasdy, of Brantford,
theli.ortgages heldby the county as an hi- he seldom appeared in court. ' It can i and Mr Eugene Hardy,of Chicago.
F d nd kindfou
vestmentof the Suing uu e, a
the same as reported by the Treasurer. We
audited the several school accounts and
found them correct, and submit for your
consideration and disposal a statement
showing the balances in the halide of
Towheb"p Treasurer.. With regard to
some of these balances they have appeared
year a1 r year without any explanation
and we think it time t13ey were disposed of
or son3e satisfactory reason given for their
retention. That not a single report wee
delivered to HS by Mutioipal Treasurers, al
required by the Mnnioipal Amendment
Act. We found the treasurer'e books neat-
ly cnd correctly kept,a11 y audios and dom.
meets. being systematically arranged -and
eaey cf access, and every facility was af-
forded by the Treasurer in making a thor-
ough examination of all tnattere pertaining
to our duties. The balancer] of Legielative
school grants in the hands of Township
Tresenrere at the end of 1900 was Ashfleld
94c, Morrie $84.08, Hay $8.80, Stepley 46c,
Ent Wavfanosh 114,65,
• G. W. HOLMAN Auditor°
Administration of justice, $6600; jail ex-
penditure, $2000; enndries and charities,
$800; municipal government, $4000;station.
ery, printing, etco $800; miscel1aneona$100;
schoole, $57004.8(1001 management, 0340;
grants, $1400; debentures, $5500; Div.court
jury fund, $100; Indnetriel Home, $4000;
county property, $3000; roads and bridges,
$6171,44; total, $41371•44. Lees reetipts--
Surpins 1990. $8502.62; registry ofiloe.$600;
interest,$4e0;11censess$1300; tota1,115802,62.
Platform of the Liberals.
At Brockville, the other day, lion.
G. W. Ross announced the platform
on which he intended again to seek the
confidence of the electors, at it meeting
at Lyn yesterday, which was sumeaar-
tzed as follows.,- (1) Early settlement
of tinoccuOied lande. (2) Rothe Man-
ufactureof fotestand mineral products.
(3) Increasing but Vrettlth by means of
Improved .niethode. EXIterieltitt of
trade With Britain in all natural pre -
wealth. 8) Better highways and the
duct. (T Perpetuation of Our forest
re moval of tolls. (7) Regulation of the
railways rates on and ,ultimate control ')
of all railiorayl ittibilidized. (8) Bevel...!
opMent of the province and relief df
the taxpayers by We of pkiblierevenueil.
(9) ReVillieft of IMO' strlitity be required
and inforeement of limo affecting pub-
morality. (10) Maintenance of in,
dependence of leiriale.ture to guardian
aconetitittional rights of the pre*Ance.
(11) bound principlee of education in
coureee of inetruction in ail gehoole
• •••••• 4,:••L• • •
The committee visited the Howie twice
since the Jaenary session, and on both
visite found the management ef the house
and farm satisfactory. The number of in-
mates is a little lege than last year, and the
general health of the inmates fairly geed.
Seyeril ,miner improvemente were recom-
mended. The stook on the farm ooneiste
of 3 horees, 3 cows and 9 pigs, all in good
condition. Tbe following orop is in.: Otte
11 sores, barley 5, hay 12, mangolde 2, tur-
nips 1, potatoes 8, beans *acre, fodder corn
/ sore, beets sore, vegetablea l. The rest
ia in pasture. The accounts were nal:obi
ed and found satisfactory. The total ex
penes of House and farm dime Jen. lst
this year is $1008.07.-T. E. HAYS, Chair -
The contracts authorized have been duly
let. The snperstruotrire of the bridge be-
tvier n Wroxeter and Bellmore was let to the
Hamilton Bridge Co. and le to 10 (templet -
ed in July. The bridge to be erected on
the bohndery of HoOritik and Wallace was
awarded to Stratford Bridge Co. at $554 to
be completed by the let of Aug. Frank
Ontteridge, Sertforth.litte the work of ',root-
ing stone abutmente for both bridgea. At
the Graham bridge. !eke shore road, Ash-
field, there should be Jetts concrete walls
erecite.1 to protect the n`pproacheti. Cham-
ber's bridge, on the boundary Of Huron end
Breit*, should be thoroughly repaired or it
new one erected, There will be the ruing
amount of repairs required to thO bridges
and aoproaohee throughout the oounty %btu
BOORT or ROM) & Bitinot
We lenennuend tlistrOraham's bridge be
repaired at once. That Chamber'S bridge
be attended -to in conjunotion with Rrinse
Ia the metier of the petition asking for it
bridge across the Maitland from Colborne
to Goatirlob township; we recommend that
the engineer visit the piece and 'report JO
the ()outwit ,et Its December meeting the
neoeseity and omit of stieh bridge. We
reoommena that 825 be expended on the
boundary between thetownehips of Bowick
and Rink). That the re nest ormeernin
the Aux, liable river WI go be gnsntad,
which le to the effeet that we 112664 rept*.
ItenietireS from terabit% and Miadieter to
arrange for erection of a joint bridge.
CRAIIIIRMI, °bairn:16n,
ROICO Meets*
The Winghani races on June 26 and
27 promises to be the banner meeting
in the history of the club. No club in
America more thoroughly enjoys the
ccinfldence of the racing Public. The
free-forall contains the largest field
and swiftest horses ever started in Can-
ada. The crowd is expected to eclipse
anything ever seen in Wingham.- ---
When the horses reach Listowel on
the 26111 and 27th of Jane they will
have had work enough' and be in shape
to go out after the money. The purees,
$0Yeach, are large enough to be an
indecement, and with a full entry of
all the best horse] in each of the Mtur
stake races already closed, from 6 to 17
entries in each nice, the best racing
meet of Western Ontario la a cert
Large strings of running horses will
also he present and in all Were is euro
to be oven 100 fast horses at the meet-
ing. A prime attraction Will be the
presence of the world-famous band of
the 48th Highlanders in full national
costume who will play free dining the
day at the park and give grand toti-
certe each evening at tke rink. Fare
and one-third titters Will be given on all
railways to Listowel from June 26th
to 28th.
Subscriber offers for sale his farm of 156
mires situated on the Maitland concession,
Colborne. About 140 sores cleared, frame
house, bank barn, plenty of water and in good,
state of oultivationd ole raile front 1)02001 and
2 miles from Holmesvillet Terms reasonable.
Dec 14-tf RIOHARD BAKER, Clinton P.O
Now He's Sorry that He
Bow a Walkerville Fireman
Squelched a Blatant
- Yankee Boaster,
Monday Morning a fresh Yansee, al
together likely from the seedy state of
Ohio, visited Walkerville, says the
Windsor RecOrd. After lOokingaround
the town and sneering el everything he
saw, he paid it visit to the fire hall,
trpon better looking around I he town
a,nd well-equipped establishment, be
proceeded -to ridicule everything in gen
mai, which Is just about what is ex-
pected from a raw-boned man from
the Buckeye State ; but when he re-
marked that the Canadian soldierewho
served in Sonth Africa were no good,
following with it slurringremark about
the late Queen, Mortimer Wigle,one of
the firemen, and a young man, who
served with distinction in Africa with
the Canadian Motinted Riflesdanded On
his la* with his right hand and quickly
followed with his Feft,which caused the
fresh Yank to paueefor a moment in his
remarks about things he knew nothing
about, The action of Wigle has caus-
ed very -favorable -comment, and since
the affair he has been receiving the
congratulations of the whole town.
The American, who name could not be
lea, lied, lost no time in scattering hint -
self toward his nativeland, where it is
to be hoped he will stay until taught
better manners.
For Sale or to Rent.
The choice brick house on the corner of Ful-
ton and Joseph streets belonging to the est,ate
of the late Richard Heiwood, is offered either
for sale or to rent. It contains room for. ordi-
nary family, is practically a new house, with
all conveniences, and three -tenths of an acre
of land. If the property is dot sold or rented,
Part of it will be rented. APP19 to
•• W. COATS Executor Clinton.
Durham Bull for Sale. '• Office -Corner Hamilton fit. and the Square,
Goderich, Ont.
A first class short horn Bull for sale, Good . J. T. GA/mow, Q. C. CHAS. GAIIROV.4 14,D.
colof and first pedigree. About 13 months
old if sold at once, a barrin will be given.
*Subscriber offers for sale his farm of 100
acres, 1dt Ne, 34 situated on 10th con town-
ship of Hallett, Hum, Co., about 90 nitres
cleared and in a good state of cultivation,-bal.
once bush. On the farm ib a good frame house,
large bank barn and other out buildings, gord
bearing orchard; and well watered. Apply
March 22-tf Londeeboro.
Farm to Rent.
June 14,
Lumber for Sale.
Suitable for Farm Buildings.
Rook Elm 2 and 21; inches thick. price $12.00
Per Ai,
Soft Elm 1, 11, 11 and 2 inches thick, price
$12.09 per M.,
Hard Maple 1, 11, le, and -3 -inches thick.
price 12.00 per Al. W, DOHERTY & Co.
MIS • Clinton.
Farm For Sale.
The west half of lot 24, Hayfield Con. God-
erioh township, containing 100 acrrs of good
land, is offered for sale on easy terms. Good
barn, log house, plenty of water and small
orchard. Particulars on application to
tf- J. P. IISDALL, Clinton
Fa.rnier Wanted.
A middle aged single man, of steady habite,
must -andel-nand farming and care of stock,
Pre byterian prefered. Wages $20 Per tainith
for six summer months, and $15, per month
for balance of year, with board and:washing.
Position permanent if satisfaction given.
Applicants to send testimonials and cer-
tificate of character. Address,
June 7-3 Crowstand. Assa.
Season -1901
• "FARMER,S' SPECIAL" binder twine sup-
tiliedto Farmers Only at 8o per lb, in two -
bushel, cotton, 16 -oz grain bags, bound with.
two rope snap halters, and weighing 60 MS
each, length over 500 feet.'per lb, quality and
length guaranteed.. Cash with orders,; pur-
chaser pays freight. . •
Address orders .1. T, GILMOUR, Warden
Central Prison, Toronto. Fortner particulars
adiress James Noxon,Jnspectot ,• Parliament
Buildings, Toronto. •
Toronto, ;rune 8,1001. Provincial Secretary.
That desirable farm, lot 22, on. 8, Hallett,
containing in all 150 acres. to rent ; will rent
I e 100 acres sena -"ely on which there are a
uouse anti bank earn, -J.11118 farm is rich hay -
g never been rented. POSAPAPi011 given after
purvest, forparticulara, apply to
May 10-tf. D. SHANAHAN, Hullett.
Choice Farm for Sale or
to Rent.
The splendid farm, on the Maitland Conces-
sion, Goderich Township, belonging to the eft -
tate of the l
ate John Budd, Is offered either
torent or for sale. It pertains 158 acres of
choice land, with good brick house, splendid
out -buildings, orchard and is well watered.
Nearly all cleared and fit for cultivation.
Particulars on applitation to
May 81-41 Mary Street, Clinton
To put the brake on the wagon going
down the hill ie it help to the horse, when
the wagon is heavily leaded. But what
driver would think of Applying the brake
to a loaded wagon going up hill? If he
cilia, hie beneible horses would F.:pliably
bilk. Many a Man is in the condition of
' Palling e. iota rap hill with tbe brake set
egairot him. When his mot:each is out of
Order, and the silica organi of digestion
and, nutrition impaired in their functional'
friction is set up whioh has to be overcome
in addition to the performance of daily dnt-
lei. A fent itornaoh a foga brain,
eildi the or:1%n With a-dieordrsm1 'Ionia& bar
often to grope hie way throu� the day's
businese lihe it man in it fog. Ho forgets
rippointMents, PtOblerell seem presented
to lilt mind ,,wrong end to". Tbie
tion is entirely remedied by the nee of Dr.
Plerce'r GOiaen Medical Disoovery. It
punt the stomach and digestive and nutri.
tire sysient into a tiendition of perfect
health, and gives it dear brain, it steady
band and it light step for the day's duties.
When oonstipation °logs the channels of
the body, Br. Vieroe'a Pleasant Pellets will
work an effectual cure of that 12110164r0126
Henry A, Everett, head of the Ever-
etr-M oore-trolley.styzalkming syndl2
cate, of Cleveland, will ride about the
country, or at 'east the large section of
11 covered bYitie trolley railways, in a
private car as palatial as that of any
steam railroad magnate. He is having
'built for him the first palace sleeping
and touring trolley car in the world.
It Will cost; WA*, exclusive of interior
furnishints and. furniture. The scale
of magni once itatulicated
center. , le for the parka. compart-
ment. Of the car. In addition to Bleep-
ing bertho Out will disappear out of
the way in the daytime, it will include
a kitchen, a dining -room, bath rooms,
office, library, observationroonts, bnffet
and a little electrical laboratory in
the car.
Children gry fciV
Weak and impure Blood,
Liver it Kidney' Disease,
Female Ooraplaint, Ete.
All Dri epitte, or write direct to
J., M. ltiotE0D,
Goderioh. Ont
The Novelty Bakery
anaR esto,intant
We tire prepared to supply all
your want, irt tbe bakery line, and
We guarantee to give satisfaction in
ovary reepect.
We nuke a specialty in Wed-
ding Cakee and of icing cakes at a
reasonable price.
Our Restaurant
is it place where you will find
eyerything in a fiat class remitter..
Caiallee of Akin& and always
Cigars in the beat Of brands.
Tobin:loos of all kinds.
We vd11 have
Ice Cream and Drinks
Of all kinds as soon de the Wes-
Mo0rie5 Old Stend
Parimer 1t MeClay
Telephone No. 1. (=tort,
Lake Erie Navigation Co.
Steamer "Urania."
One way fare from Clinton, Oht. - 83.75
Return, 46. Boat leaves Fort Stanley every
Tuesday and Thursday at 11 p.m. Saturdays,
at 1 p.m. 2 ickets on sale at all local ticket
offices For further inforreation, write
1Vm. WooIlat, Manager
Marnhall, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.
Walkerville, Ont.
1344nytuarnne, SouoiTortek NOTARIES PUi3L
°Mee: North st., next door toSignal Olftce
Private Funds to lend at lowest rates
• of interest.
— •
Real Estate and Insurance Agent Money bo
lend on Mortgage and Note security, I,
J. 13. McLean, President, KitYpen P. 0 ; Thee.
Fraser. vice.preaident, Brucefield P. 0.'Thos.
E. Sm aSecy-Treas., Seaforth P. O.; W. G.
Broadfoot, Inspector of Losses, Seaforth P.O.
• putgoroas
AY. G. raroadfoot, seriforrn; John G. Grieve
Winthrop P. 0.; George Dale. Seaforth; Joha
Arnhem.* Dubl•n; Jas. Evans, Beechwood P.
0,;John Watt, Harlock P. O. Thomas Fraser
Bruceileld ; John 13, McLean, Kippen James
Connolly, Clinton.
Robert Smith, IIarlock; Robt, McMillan. Sea -
forth; James Cumming, EgmondvilleJ, W.
Yeo,13olmeriville ; George Murdio and John 9..
Morrison, auditers.
Parties desirous to tffeet Instate or Irene.
act other buainess will be promptly attended to
on application to an. of the above offileeri
addressed to theirrest anttve offices:
Office adjoining Photo Studio.
Offlce Hours -9 to 5
(Successor to Dr.T. p. Bruce)
L. trge.-111211:74;kargegintar Sklar
S.-,-Firstof Den-
SpseialtatT:=1_penaticdd it&
chudren's teesh. will visit PHityfiveld ever;
Monday. over W. Taylor 8t SOUPS shoe store.
rer-11-0-0 ••••••••4141.110,4414-
Summer School
.offere it splendid opportunity for
teachers and others to develop in-
creased earning power at a limited
/ense Write us about it,
expof time and money.
continues right along from month
to month. Students entering in
jone or, July finish it course in the
fall when many are just -enrering.-
We have no vacations. We do
thorough work every month in the
Iyear and are constantly sending oat
young people into good poeitiene.
CentralBusiness College
i w. 0. Shaw, Principal.
Licentiate of the Royal College Ourhysioten
London, England. .
Office and Residence-
Pkitineye itkoox, hp stairs,
A 3coneheur, ete., office and residence OM
tario St., opposite English church, formerly o0.
eluded by Dr. Appleton, Clinton Ont. .
' D_
-11-, Medical Department of Victoria Univer-
sity. Toronto, formerly of the 'Hospitals and
Dispensaries, New York, Coroner of the
County of Huron. Hayfield Ont.
Member of the Veterinary Medical Associa-
tions of London end Edinburgh, and Grada-
ate of the Ontario Veterinery College,
Office °Den night and day, onoOsite Com.
mercial Bob 1.
Successor to Dr 1.1. J. R. Fowler, Clinton,
Physician, Surgeon, Etc.
Special attention (Oven to diseases of the
Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose.
Office a n 1 Residence -
Albert Street, 2 Blocks North of Dattenbury
• HonoraryGraduate of theontarioVeterinerie
College. Treats alidieetiees of domesticated azi
male on the most modern and scientific prinel
plee Office- immedia tely south of the New Era
Office. Residence - Albet t 81, Clinton, Call
nig/it orday attendedto pronnit1V
Let us have them
MARMAGH LICENSES issued by the un-,
signed at Ms Residence, Mary street,
Cliu ton.
No witnesses required
_V • P. L. S., r rovincial Land Surveyor and
Civil Engineer, Louden, Out. -Oce at Geo
Stewart's Grocery Store. Clinton
Organist and Mrudeal Director of North
Street Church, Goderich, and teacher on
pared to take & limited atmber of Pnpils1in
the above. For terms apply this office or to.
MR CAMPBELL,may be seen from 11*. m., to
2 p.
., at the arsmen Hotel, Clinton,
Friday or eaoh 'week.
fiend ell your ehirt, oollareand cuffs to
the Revere Laundry, and see how Itioely
the work oan be done by people who em•
ploy the beet of everything-inoluding care
is well as operators.
We'll send for 'oft bundle it you give
nit the address.
John llittyS,Revere Laundry
Subscriber is prepared to promptly ft au on
ders for Wood or Coal. which will be sold at
lowest rates. Office on Isaac Street, at LAVIS
Futile Insurance
elinton. Ont.
Mc, . it*, accident irlittelastse
omen . MACKAY Bao,.. (Awes
Agent for the Mantweirree. Fins Aiisunfindsi
Co, of manobetter. Entrlane, whose funds and
security are rated fit $14400,00. Also the Mo.'
Kutner Mtrynan Iestirourox soio. All classes of
farm risks and town Property taken cot
*West rates. Hirst -Class LOan_, Companies'
also reyerirDrated. MO/ley to be had trent 4} per
eenttip, according to nature of security. -
Daily mail to 110111102•7010 Postsl card wilt
fetch him
special memorial tributes from the meat plan-
ent British and Canadian statertmen, Mid "The
Life of Xing Edward V11." Sisso 10z75.4. about
MO pagos cotter tittletrated than any rival
wait. writteribrpt. Jan. Cantisir. from Lot'
don, Roo, the celebrated Historian and Javan-
list,and JOhn Cooper, editor Censnien ma
azine, Toronto. Flipp on $1.75 -new
from cover to enter. Nitre ge
Credit given; prossiceturs free to canneloni
WorldPnblishing Co., Guelph, Ont.
A.....„tANETD- "(f1llreenvitterie Author'
Queen ,herecit,.. Dr,
301010S1oulter, from LOndontEng.,JOhn A. Coop-
er, Wit of Canadian Magazine, Terento;
abOilt 700 peeve; totality never equalled; Pride
5375. See other advertiements in this paper
Mee to retrieveit in thiapaper.
Wend lritbliSitint CO., Gael At Olt*