The Clinton New Era, 1901-06-21, Page 1New subscribers
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&RA aLlsnen I 885. I
1 :lanseoppeteopetpetpeopenapeiPenape-tP14
l'he pinnieher would esteem it it fever
if reedera would, when mating their
leurchasee, mention that they traw the
merchant's advertisentent le this piper
To larger, higher anti more co-
o modions quarter& and extend an in-
. 9t vitation to call and see our new etor•p
A in the Biddlecombe block.
i Saturday, June 15th, is
4. oar ,opening day, come and see our
grand display it will cost you nothing e.
and we will be pleased to show you t
the latest and moat up-to-date goods s
on the market. Al90 an up-to•date Y
store. ;.
We Will carry a larger stock in 4.4.
k the future than we have in the past X
Iand hope for a continuation of your t
*.t. Expert Watch Repairer A
Jewetet And Optician 4.
. Orr/parrs TOWN HALL.
St. Augustine.
THE Prone:L-11e report of the very
successful R. C picnic last week was
necessarily incomplete, as some of the
contest e were not finished at the 4 time
the report was written, and the fol-
lowing particulars are of interest,
The gold watch was awarded to John
Stafford, No. 46 being the winning one.
Miss Nellie Boyle got the let prize for
selling tickets, and Miss Kate Welsh
the second. D. W. Beeton, posttnast-
er, Whitechurch, won the album,
and Gus McGuire the plaints of Pope
•Leo XIII. Dean O'Connor, of Mount
Forest, was amcng those who were
,present. ,The platform committee
was Messrs. John Gibbins, John Mc-
Cabe, and Jos. Flynn; tbe dancing
.committee : John Stafford, A.
Brophy., P. Walsh, J. Redmond, jr.;
the refreshment booth committee:—
Mrs 0. Mose, Mrs R. Phalen. Miss M.
:Stafford; the table committee:— Mrs
•Cumings,Mrs Redmond, er„Mrs J.Ken-
ahan, MrsW.Brophy.11Irs H.King, Mrs
J.Redmond,jr., Mrs W. Leddy, Mrs E.
McGuire • managing committee .• —
Messrs. R. Phalen, J. Gibbins, W.
'O'Callaghan, P. Kerney. The total
proceeds amounted to over 11300, From
first to last the picnic was a 'grand
success, and credit, is due all who assist-
ed in Making it such.
Paoasotres..— Messrs. John Boyle
and R. Phalen visited the Guelph
Model Farm on Saturday.. The latter
is more familiarly known as "Dick",
and he is as genial, whole suuled and
large hearted as he is big. A strong
Conservative, he is a useful man to
his party; believes in fighting fair,
and takes defeat like a man. The
fellow who runs up against him dur-
ing an election campaign has tobe
well informed or Dice Phalen will
very quickly call him down: •
Porter's Rill.
PERSONAL.—Miss A. Rickard, of this
place, lett on Friday, on a vasit to her
sister, Mrs Johnson, of Galt. wild has
been so seriously ill for scene time that
she was in the hospital. The latter's
many friends will be glad to know,
&mover, that she is on the mend.
NOTES.—Wm. Johnston, con. 6, is
raising his barn this; week, and intends
putting a stone foundation und,er it.
Mrs Wm. Sterling, con, 6, is very ill
with congestion of the lungs. Miss
Amy Umr returned to Kincardine on
Wednesday, after spending a week at
home. The volunteer s returned home
on Saturday.
Picture gi Frames
If You haveaptcture ot 5 phot b you
, Wanted fradied call and see oar large
assortment of the very latest styles
in frame& ,
Branch gallery in Bayfield open
every 'Wednesday.
Henry's. Photo - Studio.
ACOIDENT,—What might have prov-
ed &serious accident happened to M.
Flick. While he and his brother were
hitching a colt in a gangplow, it ran
away dragging the plow over him:
He is doing as well as can be expected.
NOTE13,—Mr Hill has had a new fence
put up, which greatly adds to • the im-
provement of the plane. Mrs E. Mit-
chell, who has been on -the sick list for
scme time, is able to be around win.
Mr and Mrs B. Mannings, Goderich,
who have been visiting their son here,
returned home last Thursday.Rev.
Mr Burnie the Evangelical minister, is
at presmit attending a convention in
Pictno.—One of 1 hosepleasing events
to which one can always look back
with a feeling of pleasure took place on
Tuesday, llth inst., at the home of Mr
H. Morris, an esteemed resident of this
to enship. It was the picnic, gratuit-
ously given by mine host and bodes
to t he S. 0, E. lodge of Benimiller and
their friends. Despite the lowering
clouds which appeared at noon, the af.
ternoon turned out fine, and as a con-
sequence the Members turned out en
masse. Shortly after dinner the car-
riages began to roll in so thatsoon the
spacious grounds were spotted with
merry disciples of Epicurus the per-
sonification of pleasure. rhe Weather
was oppressively *arm, yet, despite
t his fact, both sexes; young and old, in-
dulged in numerous games with a
gusto that really did honor tp the oc-
casion. Al baseba,11,in particularamine
ot the older raeinbere distinguished
themselves. In due order followed
supper, which was served on the lawn
in such style and bospitality as has be.
come veritablyproverbially English
sons. After all had done duty to the
wants of the Inner man.(and probably
in some cases going beyond the mark
that would be accounted judicious in
accordance with hygienic principles)
the merry -makers again started up
other gamest' We have implied that
almost all, without an exception, enter-
ed into these games, but if so we must
Leg Perri:agate/1 to retied,' for some of
the swains and their ladyloves might,
by an acute obseiver, have been seen
wending their way stealthily down the
long and shady avenues. When all
had spent their vital energy and felt
that it was time to 'break up, they
gathered together end at the urgent
invitatioc of several members the host
was called upon to niakeap impromptu
speech. He kindly respondecl'in his
candid aid fluent style, thanking :the
assembled members for the honor
which their Presence and entertain-
ment afforded them and expressed his
earnest wish that it Would not be the
last time that the lodge would honor
hinvin -like manner. • Atter a hearty
applause the picnic was brought to a
close by the singing of the nationalan-
them. Although no decisive step was
taken in regard to Mr Morris' amiable
°Bet, yet it is will -known and general-
ly admitted that there will be a repit i•
tion of the same event the en-
suing year.
drew, Lucknow, Was united in meant.
age to Miss Webster, daughter of Mr
Robert Webster, of Asbrieln, on VVecis
nesdity at the residence of the bride's
parents, The ceremcmy was perform-
ed by the Rey P. J. Oaten, in the pre.
sepce of a large number of relatayes
and friends of the happyyoung coeple.
The bride was the recipient of many
'useful and beautiful gifts, and their
rimy friends wish Mr and Mrs Andrew
long years of happy married life.
trionnzeDeieree—One of the roost
hi My esteemed residents of this towo-
eh p died somewhat suddenly on Sun-
day night, in the person of Thomas
Blake, of the 7th con. He was in Luck -
now on Saturday, apparently in his
usual health, but while at home eating
his supper complained of illness, and
' on Sunday evening passed away.. He
was about 67 years of age, Liberal in
politics, a member of Crewe Methodist
church; he was twice married, and
• leaves a family of 5 children by his
first wife and 4 bythe second, who sur-
vives him. The funeral on Wednesday
was very largely attended.
SHCCESSEVI, PICNIC.—.A picnic that
Was successful in every respect was
that held in the beautiful grove of Jno.
Griffin, north of Kingsbridge, on Tues-
day, under the auspices of the R. C.
church at Kingsbridge. The day was
delightful, the crowd was immense,
ample provision Was made to abun-
dantly supply the inner wants, every-
body present was in their happiest
woad, and nothing whatever occurred
to mar the pleasure of the day. It is
eight treareaince a similar picnic has
been held, • and the people naturally
looked forward to a good time—and
they had it without a doubt. The
pleasure tasted from early in the morn -
hay 'until darkness _Put a step to it.
Father McCormack, the popular parish.
priest, Was superintenden t of the whole
Proceedings, and is entitled to great
credit, as are the various :committees -
who assisted materially in making the•
()tension • one of genuine, unalloyed
pleasure. A sumptuous ' dinner and
supper were served, dancipg was in-
dulged in almost without cessation,
while a band, two violins, organ and
Irish piper supplied music.. • In the af-
ternoon Morgan Dalton, the very able
and popular reeye of the township,
was appointed chairman, and bright,
short speeches were:delivered by Hugh
McPhee. Hon. 3..* T. Garrote, Major
Beck, R. Holinee; M. P., R. McLean,
M. Onmeron, P. Holt, warden,': D.
McGillicuddy. Dr. O'Hagan. Termite.,
E. Campion, Jas. L. Grant, W. Proud -
foot and W. Campbell, A gold headed
cane was put up forcompetition bet-
ween Messrs Garrow' and. Bece, the
former. being the successful one by a
large number of votes; a gold watch
came to Dr. Shannon, Goderich. while
Miss Sadie Griffin got theist prize for
selling the largest number of tickets.
The committee of .management was:—
Morgan Dalton, J. J. Griffin, M. Whit-
ty. T. O'Connor, John Stiles, John
Laing; ticket takers—P. McCarthy„ Ed.
Wail, Vane. Ford, Ed. Flynn; tables—
Mesdames M. Bowler, Flynn, H.
Piles, M. W hi tty, Lannon. O'Loughlin,,
Kennedy, J. Foley, F. Robinson. J. T.
Reilly, J. McNamara. and Misses Kate
Sullivan, Maggie Reilly, Mary Bowler,
Sarah Morano.A.nnie,Dalton, Dora Dat.
ton, Ella Dean, Mary Hogan, Annie
Griffin, Kate • ak hit ty, Nelile Reilly,
Kai e, Annin and Maggie Bowler. Nellie
Sullivan, (Jessie O'Connor. Bridget
Cotertney.,Rose iii.gan. Lizzie Dalton,
Ma•egie Larnbertus, Minnie Doolan,
Hapnab Hogan, 'Hannah Long, Mary
Courtney, Anme.flussey„ Kate Dineen
and others; booths—Misses Josephine
McConnell, Mary O., Dalton, Maggie
O'Neill, Mary McCartney, B. O'Neill,
Hattie Young, and Mears J.T.Griffin,
M. O'Reilly, Joe•Dalton and M. 'Bowler;
canvassers for cane—for Hon. J. T,
Garrow—Misses Martha O'Neill, Hattie
Noble, Kate Stiles, Rose Omietney,
Kate McPhee, B. McCarthy, R Coney;
tor Major Beck -- Misses McGrory,
Noonan, Jennie Griffin, Hannah Dal.
ton, Annie I.lussey, Nellie Gilmour and
Ida Flynn, The total proceeds were
over $1000, and form a nest egg to go
towards the erection of a new church
aL Kinesbeidge. Whed it is known
that there are over 100 families attend:
mg church here, with an average of
from'at least five to seven members in
a fronny, it tell1 at once be seen that
(he building is altogether to small for
Its requirements, It is estimated that
between 0 fteen hundred and two thong -
and personal were present, among the
outsiders being Very 'Rev. Dean 0.
Connor, Mount Forest; Pettier Corcor-
an, Teeswater, and Father Hanlon, of
Si. Augustine.'
CEruitcH.—Rev. E. A. Shaw, of Ben-
milier, took charge of the services here
on Sunday last. The Ladies'' Aid
Society were busy last week beautify-
ing the basement of the church by
giving it a coat ofpaint, also aper.
mg ii,which reflects much credit -on
these ladies for the industrious Way
in which they have labored in: doing
in doing their work so nicely.
NOTES.—Mr. Herb. Wightm n, of .
t,Vinghem, and Miss Comte, e. of
Detroit, spent Sunday, at. the home of
the former's grandparen ts, Mr and Mrs
H. Wightma,n. Jas, Hoover is busy
putting un a silo, as is also George
Fothergill. Mrs G. Ainslie, of, Oomeer,
also MIS3 Brown, of the same place, are
the guests of Mr and Mrs N. Campbell.
John Baintord, of Dungannon, • is
spending a few weeks at his home here.
A large number from here took in the
Guelph excursion, Mies Etta Mc:
Dowell spent Sunday .in Goderich.
The masons are busv at the stone-
work of Messrs W. illough s and J.
Cook's barns, which will both be fine
buildings when completed. Missses
Laure and Alberta Cern are attending
the county convention in - Clinton'
this week. W. O. Myers, of Brant-
ford, was here on businese last week.
John Dow, Oth con., has bought the
!Stern owned by Geo, 'Henry and has
taken possession. Mr and Mrs FL J.
Morrish, of Goderich, spent last week
with relatives here.
f „ Goderich.
STREET PAHL—The ,first fair of this
nature ever held in Canada will take
place in Goderich on July 1-2-3., Some
proposed features are Monday—
Patriotic celebrations. sports, free. per-
formances on the square, fireworks;
Tuesday-ehorse faire procession, en-
tertainments on the square, country
fiddlers' contest, fireworks; Wednesday
—flower procession and Mardi:Gras
festival, special children's day, mare
rat class fare.
Tau LATE D, O. STEateare.N.—The
funeral of the late D. C. Strachan, Of
His Majesty's Customs Department,
lionegich, took place last Friday. A
large' eoncourse of people Were present
at the obsequies, to testify their es-
teem foe tha deceased', who had been
one of Gtideileh's West business men.
The funeral eervice Wasperformed by
Rev J. A. Anderson. The Sons of
Scaland had charge of the obsequies,
and the Foresters, of which the de-
ceased badbeen a worthy member,
also attended in a body. The pall-
bearers Were Sheriff Reynolds, A. Mc
D. Allan. D. Macdonald, clerk; M. G.
Cameron and 0. A. Nairn. A sister—i
Mrs A. G. Mackintosh, of Lender),
and two dalightere—Mrs De Hoeper,"of
Toronto, and Miss Nina—survive, and
have the eympathy Of the entire com•
mutate Donald Colvin Strachan was.
a nativewof Inverness, Scotland, and
came to'Canada with hie parent° in
1854, When he was in his tenth year.
The frinallyflestsettled in London and
atterivatMioDonald Went „t0 Goderich
What Can We ,Have for
Is the Cry of Every
We sudgeet few TiPpetizers
StroWberryPie Plant
Pine apple ehunks
Stuffed Matteis•
Obi* Snuees •
Can of Spineeb
I •
Save your iggs
• Oita use SUrnett's • Coffee
Clearer to settle voureoffee.
as yonr order for Lettuce
Young Onions esrly in
, the week,
, , ,
I Ogle ti Coopeir &
, 4
Carnet stbretin PM
earls's ock.
•cleat for nutter and Eggs Phoile 28 a
Where he entered into business' With
his brother -indent., the firm being
known as Sheppard & Strachan, an
did a suceessful trade for over a, inert,
etta eitentliil. In :j 1808 he was ap.
panted to the custom departinent, a
position which his busineee acumen
arid inflexible honesty and integrity
eratlited him to fill with satisfaction to
the pUblie and 'credit to the service
and himself.
Civic Eictan' AYEoslc.—•The Town -
shit) of Stephen: 'following the usual
Custoin of cities and town will obsteVe
Thursday, June 201h, as civic holiday.
A pic-nic will be held Grand Bend. The
committee Of management are leaving
nothing undohe in the Way of. pi ovid.
hag ititinsiernerittrac.d-efilditititiing feet:
tires, for the affair. A program of
sports is being arranged, for which
Drites Will be awarded. , •
ST Petro IDIVIRCEI.—On June 28th.
a garden putt/will be held On the Ree -
tory grounds of St Paul's church,
which, Will afford an opportunity for
the eitizeue, and their wives and fam-
ilies to meet Rev. and Mrs O. R.
Gunne wbo hope to be well settled in
their new home by that date. The
affair Will be managed by the Guild
and ladies of St Paul's Choral who
have always made similar events ver'
successful in the peat, Our Own band
has been engaged and refreshments
will be served during the evening. The
proceeds will be devoted to the buikl-
ing fund. !, g
We're ell going to the Social,
on Elford'e Lawn, Holraesville;
on Vrulay. June 21. Come on.:
EARLY RATING. -11. Elford coral-
mencedcutting his hay on Wednesdnv;
this is unpsually, early, but bele always
issms,—salesman Jas. Connolly sold
the May make, 130 boxes, of cheese of
Holmesville Cheese and Butter Manrg:
Co. to John Isaac, of London, for rico
Jno. McCartney and wife left on Tues-
day on a visit to Manitoba and the
northwest; they expect to be absent a
month or two. W. Watson, wife and
et Nile, laesire been aipending
day or two visiting friends here. • •
LAWN S0CE.A.L.-1-Hvery person is in-
vited to attend the lawn socil to begiv-
en on IL Elford's lawn under the ans-
pities., of the npwcrth League and Sun-
day school to -night (Friday) -Refresh-
ments of all kinds will be servedinclud,
ing strawberries andcrean and ice
cream, Clinton braes band, R. Downs
and a male gnartette from town will
take part in the open air concert a,nd , a
football match between the Holnaes-
ville and Jackson Bros' teams will be
played at 7 o'clock. .1
Sucoessotro.--We are glad tb know
that at tbe recent university exams. C.
L. Fisher came but 2nd in general pro-
ficiency in Victoria university, and 4th
in both "Vic" and Varsity.; Claude is
certainly to be congratulated on his
high standing, especially when he
covered the work $ in much shorter
time than is generally taken. A. J.
0ourtice has Also been successful in his
dental exaMe atighicago, haying-aver-
sahgoedwfiggP.7 which is, a decidedly gocd
•—jslohnesville Council No. 301 held a
very successful ,At Home on Tuesday
night last. This council was organized
on the 10th of lest same!, and now has
a membership or 33. Last Tuesday
night 'being, council night, the ladies
belongingto the order prcivided the
members with a very excellerit banceiet,
including all the delicacies Of the seas-
' on. There were present visitors from
Clinton, Porter's Hill and Seaforth.
The success of this council, is now an
assured fact, as there, are prospects for
a membership of • 50 in the very near
• Londesnoro.
NOTne.--ThaMessrs Brunedon got a
cat of binder twine; they are disposing
of it very feet. 3. Lasham is the. first
to start haying, having cut on Tues-
day, the 18th inst. • Statute labor is
about completed for this year. Eighty-
six from here took in the excursion to
Guelph on Saturday. On Thursday
morning G. Snell left for Burk's Falls,
in Party Sound district, and may go
on to the Soo. Miss E. Garrett left on
Tuesday to visit friends in Manitoba.'
R. Scott, of the 13th con.,, left here on
Tuesday teeming for Maeleod,Alberta.
Mrs Stovin left on Thursday morning
,to visit friends , in Perth and Smiths
Falls on her way to her home in
Psloraine, Mater.'
SIM.—Mrs R. 13. Jeffrey, who was
improving, has had a relapse for the
•paist week and is in a very low state;
•Mrs Henderson, bar sitter from Cleve-
land, is acting as nurse for her, and it.
is hoped that with care she may recov-
er her usnal health. . Mrs Hamilton, at
the Manse does not improve very
much; Miss'Oox, her sister., Is waiting
on her, and it is hoped she also may
recover. '
• Ciannon.—RevoYfr ntevvart, Clinton, .
is announced to conduckthe service in
Knox ch urcham Sunday. The Metho-
dist social is to be On the parsonage
lawn on Monday night. nonce person
or persons one we.. last week cut
down an apple tree oh the- manse
ground ana carded it into Mit Wood.'
man's field; they are not receiving any
pay for their trouble in the m tter;
they will be rewardedonot a do of
it, sooner or later.
t•Tricirersmith. '
ACCIDENT,— Some tinae ago while
Miss Carrie Johns wasUn in the act of
, watering some cattle, one of the an -
male became furocious and knocked
her down.'she carries a black eye, but
had it not been tor helping hands ib.
might have been worse.- On Sunday
week the same beast pnt her horns
through the Aide of a driving horse, in-
curring such a wound that medical eid
Was summoned to apply some etitehee.
The cow wad since dehorned.
NOTEEL— Messrs E. Crich and A.
Turnbull Were guests of Harvey Johns
on Tuesday evening. MIS A. Inlcoat,
sr., is visiting her daughter in Holmes.
ville this week. Mr and Mrs Livens,'
Seaforth, spent' Sunday at Wm. El -
coat's. Mr and Mrs 'W. 'P. Pepper and
son Harold, Toronto, i visited, their
uncle, Roger Pepper, this week. Thos.
Ashton and Miss Powell, of Blueyale,
went Sunday at Robert White's, Jno.
White purchased an Empire cream
.separator from A. Q. BObler, Exeter.
Alex. Gray 106 a Valuable Ayrshire
cow last week from paralysis.
NOTES.—Sunday morning the ser-
vice here was conducted by Rev S.
Pentland; in the -evening tlee toaster
addressed a large gathering of the C.
0 F.; next Sunday evening the tete
noon. will be to the young ladies. Nile
S. S. held it anneal picnic at Port Als
bet t thiS year; all report having spent
it very enjoyable •time. MierriEdgier,
NOM has been visiting her slater, Mrs
A. P. Sheppard, returned troller home
last week. On Wednesday evening D.
Echlin entertained it number of his
friends ..ght royally at his home. The
League intends spending a, social even.
ing at the home of 0, (Arvin on Tues-
day evening next.
Ogunon.—Rev. Mr Currie otilciated
In the Presbyterian church here for
the last two Sabbaths: he Is it good
speaker and &first class Sabbath School
teacher. We have been supplied with
able men throughout the vacancy, but
hope soon to have a settled pastor.
LAWN Sociar.,—A strawberry fes-
tival will be held at the Auburn
Methodist church on Wednesday, June
261h. Refreshments will be served on
J., Nicholson's lawn from 8.80 to 8 p.m.,
after which a fIrst•class program will
be given in the church, consisting of
addresses by Rev, Dr, Gifford, Clinton,
M. J. Wilson, Nile, and solos, duets,
etn, by other able talent.
NOTES.—Jas. Young, ,' of the Man.
Chester saw mills is busy turning Out
heading; he has quite a large supply of
material on hand to manufacture, J.
Ferguson, our village- blacksmith, is
buildine a brick residence; F. Shonitz
built the foundation and F. Naegle, of
Colborne, Is building the brick work;
And J. Young will attend to the wood
work; may the blacksmith and his es-
teemed -spouse long enjoy the comforts
of their new home. R. Roberton, Mrs
Roberton and Mrs Clerk attended the
funeral of their 'cousin, the late Isabel
Roberton, of Brussels, last Tuesday,
M. Roltzhauev is heving 'a stone wall
Dirt under his stable; F.Shoultz has the
contract. •
• WEDDED in THE WEST.—A. very
pleasant wedding took place t the
home of Mr and Mrs R. S.Sprung, ken-
itou, Man., on June 121h, the contract-
ing parties bein Miss Annie E. Knox,
ef Auburn, an John W. Bowler, of 1
Manitou, Man„ a prosperous young
farmer living ten miles south of Mon-
itore There were about 20 guests at the
wedding, chiefly friends of the bride.
Immediately atter the cerentony they
drove to the groom's parents for a re-
ception,there beteg about seyentY
guests', who partook of a sumptuous
teenast, after which the bride and
'Prom went to their own' home about
half a mile distant. The bride was
tastefully gowned in white silk ors.
gaudy with orange ,blossonas, and was
assisted by her consul, Miss Maggie
Sprung, while the groom was supported
by his brother. The bride was the re-
cipient of a number of beautiful pres-
ents. A number of friends from Win-
nipeg and Dakota attended the wed-
ding. rhe bride is a daughter of Mr
and Mrs J. Knox, Auburn, '
• illuliett
STOCK NOTES.—Jas. Snell recently
sold nine there bred Leicester sheep 'to
A. P. hite, of Hornellsville, N. Y.,
'netting his own price for then'. • Ake
Snell is alinibuying it quantity of there -
bred Cotswolds for tee Same breeder„
who has for neyeral years bought quan-
tities Of Canadian sheep. • • • •
„Firm Flottses.—.. A handsome brick
bonse beingereceed on, the 13th•eon,
Of Hullett for 111r B. Grainger; it is to e
fitted with all modera appliances. Mr
E. Brown, 'near Ieondesboro,is also hav-
ing one put up. The brickwork of both
is being done by D. Prior, of Clinton,
and the woodwork by. Messrs Hill; ot
Blyth. • ,
BITTEN BY man DOG.—The two:year
old child of Thos. Mair was 7bitteri by
Iiiii•own dot liatsweek and necessitated
its destruction. The wounds were
dressed by one of the town's doctors
and we understand it will not prove
serious, but is nicely healing pp.
• .S. O. E. SOCIAL.—A .very enjoyable
and well attended social was held at
Hayendlarton farm, the residence of
Jas. Snell, on the evening.of Thureney
!last. It was adisappointplent that the,
band was not Present, hut other music
was furnished, end everybody had a.
gobd time: E. Crawford was chairman,
and arogram was rendered that add-
ed to the interest and entertainment
of all present. Theimet and hostess
did everything possible to make the
occasion one of pleasure. •
NOTES.—The councils of Hutlett and
Goderich township have been attend-,
ing to,the wants of the Base Littersome
places the road looks a good deal the
better of the grader; in some places we
believe that it would be better for ap-
pearances and use if the loose earth
was placed somewhere else than filling
'Up the ditches. ;the new school on
the llth con. is nearing completipn,and
we expect to see. it occupied after the'
holidays; Miss Chidley, the teacher, is
doing good work at present, but when
the new school is occupied it will ex-
ceed our expectations. j. Wilson and
Wm. Waite attended the Sunday
School convention at Clinton on the
19th, as delegates from the Presbyter-
ian Sabbath School at Manchester. J.
Bennett, of Blyth, has been busy dur-
ing the past week Or two in the em-
ploy of this township with his stone
crusher.., Da '
Dan, Shanahan, con, 3,: has
,rented his 100 -acre farm to Sam, Gild -
don for it term of years.,
NOTES.— S. Graelay and daughter,
Miss Della, left on Monday morning MI
a two Weekle trips they Will visit Sar-
nia Welland, Hamilton, and will. also
take in the Pan-American Exposition
before returning. • A number froiri here'
attended the convention in Clinton this
week. Mrs 0,11arris, of Detre% is vis-
iting her mother, Mee G. King, at pres-
ent, A. Youngblutt, of Herisall.,10 in
town present.
Whnnoaa.—An event of importance
transpited at the parsonage onluesday
at 11.80 a me, it being the marriage of ,
Edwin Kreahling, of Morris, to Mrs W.
Eggert, of Myth. They were attended
by Miss Clara 'Crediting .(sister of the
groorn) as bridesniaid aid A. Young;
hint, of Ilensitil, After the usual din,
ner the party left on the 8,48 train fot
Dmitri td spend it short time, after
Which they will rettirti to Morris and
e on r Km
reahlin 'a old hoe'.
stead, They have the earty wislaes
of their numerous friends for a long
life of heppiness,
NOTES.—Mr More, station agent, left
cin Monday tor Atwood, where he has
it better position; during hie stay hero
he has made many friends, who sin-
cerely regret hie, departure. Miss A.
Howe, Clinton. Who has been visiting
at tbe hoMe of Chas. Wilson, American
Hotel, returned home last week. Miss
Flora Smith is visiting friends in Bow-
manville. Thos. Walker hi ,building
the stonework • of Geo. Watt' barn.
Mr Grey, St. Catharines, has taken Mr
Mores place at the railway Station. Mr
Watt, mill, road, had, his barn struck
by lightning on Friday. Miss Jennie
Mustard visited,friends in Exeter 'ebb
week. Mr 13rown has purchased a,
Doherty organ from Mr ,Hoare, Clin-
ton, and Woodley has purchased a
piano from the earne agent.
81 per year in iulvanort
(0..58 when not so pie&
Cuusem.--The • Women's Auxiliary
of St, paul's church, Renee% intend
bolding a strawberry festival in the
skating rink of that place on Saturday,
june 22nd.
. • .
GoderIch TownablP
brutritfro Btoonairr.-. Henry Oakes has
his brother John, of Win-
nipeg, Man., the 67 acre lot. situated
on the Maitland concession, being the
north half lot 50, known as the Oakes
Kir.rato nr Lluanstuto.—Mr Robt.
Acheson, of the lath con., had a splen-
did sow killed by lightning, on Friday;
it was valued at $40. Another • per-
son, who suffered also in the same
way was John Woon, in losing a• cow
by lightning. , •
GARDEN Patranc..—Tne garden party
in connection with Sharon Methodist . Reees
church has been changed in date and
place. It will be held at Geo. Canto. prescription Drug Store
lon's, con. 7,on Thursday ovening,june
27th. Excellent talent,local and other.
wise, has been secured, including Cola's
orchestra, .Bayfield male crar tetteaind Successor to Synney Jackson..
As this will be a spectal event. every
and it RETAIL
others, Tea served from to 8 o'clock.
person should make it a point to ob.
NoTEs.—J. Percy Cole and A. James
Thompson spent Sunday in Stanley
township. One of the heaviest rain-
fallsthat was ever wrtnessed in this
Vicinity fell ,!..1 Friday afternoon; the
rain descendete; n torrents for a full
hour the suppoa: ;ion is that it was a
cloud burst. Amos Cole, of Belleville,
is holidaying under the . parental roof
of S. (tole's, 9th con. Cole's famous
orchestra has been reor nized and
is ready for a good season s enjoyment
and is open to fulfil any engagement
• that they are required to attend. Miss
Jennie Tebbutt took in the excursion to
Detroit on Wednesday. .
• .
NOTES. — JaS. Mark& of Seattle,:
Warlh., is home en it visit. Mr Tisdall,
Clinton, visited town ladt Thiireday in
his new autontobile, MISS L,Perguson
visited friends 'In GlititOn %tit week.
Illts(Dr.) Atkinson,' Detroit, hr et Miss,
Simplon's for the sunitner, "reser
and daughter are visiting' h other,
1, Fraser, for few days.
son, Of Egmonaville, is ' attier
uncleity Cape...lack On% God( t oad,
MiSsea Bert rind' Flo Motger j
turned home train ' le ritx here
they halve been t
tug d cotireb inus-
k. A neither Of portsnieti front Lon.
don lia,V.e been enjoying thernselvea
fishing herefor the past Week.
St. Helens
Carmen —As announced for last week
RAW Mr Stewart, of Belmore, preached
here on Sunday last ; Mr Stewart was
appointed by Maitland Presbytery to
examine the Sunday Schools.- ,He ex-
pressed himself as exceedingly well
pleased with the order, interest. &cof
our Sundayschools, here. Mr Stewart
preached n Lucknow, on Sabbath
evening. Rev S. M. Whaley OA
the work for 3Xr Stewart, at his charge,
Norms -4,11, Cite, vititin g Mr
Aequith, at present. Mr Willie amid
is suffering from a felon on his hand
which we hope will soon be better
again. Mrs Martin anddaughter Rate,
of .Teeswater, visited at Mr John Mc
Pherson's this week. David Todd, jun.,
who has been some what indisposed of
late, has gone on a trip to Algoma for
the good of his health Mr and Mrs
J. D. Murdock Sundayed with the htt-
ter'sparents at Auborn. Mrs(1)r) Gor-
den and family, of 'Ripley, are visii ing
at W. 8, McCrostiels. Miss B•McDon-
ald, of Toronto, and Mr D. McDonald
and Miss • Taylor, of Brussels, visited
friends in this vicinity last • week.
M.essre Angus and Jae McDonald were
to Goderich last week or. business. Mr
Menzies and Miss McGee called at St
Helene on Sabbath evening when on
their way home from the Nile. Mr
Sam Garton,who recently, got his hand
injured,is able tir emanate his work at
Mr Todd's Mill 'again. Miss Lizzie
Taylor, and Mr R. Vent, of Ashfield,
were married a t the home of Mrs Tay-
lor on Wednesday evening (June 19th)
when 'a number of invited guests were
Present to witness the 'ceremony; we
extend to the young couple heartest
congratulations. A few of (he young
people here nie-nieked'at the Maitland
river on Saturday lest and reported
having had every enjoyable time. Mr
Wesley Sherriff,..of Owen Sound, Busi-
ness College is elating under the par-
ental •roof. Miss Brown, who was
;visiting her ender, Mis •Weatherhead.
has returned home to Blyth. Miss
Coulter is laid off at present with an at-
tack of sciatica. Mr Jack Leone has
returned after a two weeks sojourn at
catnp in Loudon, Mrs Robb Wilson,
of E en Mills, is visiting her brother
Mr Virtu Humphrey. Harry Macey. of
'Dungannon. spent Sabbath last with
friends in this town. Mr and Mrs Jas
'Sherrill and daughter, of Whitechurch,
'visited at Mr Wm SherriffelfIst week.
Sandy Campbell is having it new house
put up this season; (that's rightSandy);
when the cage is ready. We will expect
the bird will be foetid to occupy it
with you. Mr and Mrs %tell, of East
Watvanosb, visited friends in this vic-
inity this IN eek. lir Mali Ma: rootie
is enlarging and haying extensiVe int-
provemente put oh hishouse ; A. Ruth-
erford intends building this year too,
,Dr and Mrs Gorden, of Lucknow, paid
a short visit at W. E. Gordon'elast
week. A successful operation wasper-
formed on Mrs Wrn Webb, en, for the
removal of a large tumor, by Dr Gunn,
of Clinton, and Dr.Elliot, Lucknow, on
Saturday morning last; the patient is
reported to be doing very nicely and
we hope she may soon make &safe and
comnlete recovery. Misses Murrey,
Todd,' and ItobeilikTif, accompaniedMies Gorden to herhome atSheppards
ton, for a fewdeys'vlsit. Quite a num-
ber from this vicinity went on the
Guelph excursion on Saturday last.
Mr D. Todd jr. left on a trip up the
lakes on Saturday. ' On account of this
being one of the examination centres
for Entrance, the regular school work
closes on Tuesdaynext, to open on the
third Monday n August. Quite a
neither of young people of the village
and vicinity spent it most enjoyable
time on the banks of the Maitland, on
Saturday afternoon. Some of our
young people Attended the lawn social
in Whitechurch, Wednesday evening,
Vars.. '
Ilcyrga.—Mr and Mrs John Hart
took in the Detroit excursion on Wed -
Phil;. Murray, Egmondville,
N. B.—Thelma, the
newest thing in Perfume
come in ono sample
*4.114444444414.4t ,44.4.44,4444.*
ACCIDENT,— Last week as Master
Peter Moffat Was usinga jack knife it i
slipped and struck hirn n •the left eye,
seriously injuring it. He has been in "
the hospital siece it occurred,
• Nores.---Miss Janie Mustard spent.
the last of the week in Exeter. Mr and,
Mrs A. Thomson and son etas. took in
the excursion to the Model Farm on
Saturday last and then visited Meads
in Georgetown returning home on
Monday ; Aikenhea,d and wife tater.,
Visited the Model Farm and friends °
near Georgetown. 'Mrs Jos. Dunbar,
Ashfield, is visiting her daughter, Mrs
Tlaos. Baird. Jas. Wylie, TurnberrY,
is thie week visiting friends and, ac-
quaintances he Stanley. Johp Mc-
Naughton sold his driving horse to B.
•R* Higgins, the price being 0150; good
horses are now hard to 'find. Charles
Reed.ha,s bought JohnBose's hmise in ,
Brucetield, '• at a fair . figure; the rest.
dence is a good one; we wander what it
bachelor wants a house for.
THE MAREETs.—H3rses And cattle
demand fair prices. Live hogs sell at
7c for shipment; they are very scaece,
consequently the high price., Captelon
Bros. shipped rover 20,000 .pcunds of •
butter to Halifax; butter is quoted at
1.4c to 15c. loose, ,12c to 14e; eggs, 9 1.2o •
to Ilo; strawberries areplentiful 10c.
THE Now CHURCH.—The corner
stone of the new Methodist church,
(to replace the present .-RattenburV
street edifice) will be laid by our lustly.
popular and highly -esteemed friend,
Mrs W. Dcherty, at 10 a. m., on the
lst of July, with the usual formalities ;
it is expected that short addresses Will
be given by others who. are to .partici,
pate in the eerenionn. A new
olartnr,. will be introduced thiao,
occasion, forapo subscriptions will . be
asked for, nor will ay collection be
taken, m is usual at events Of this
nature. The structure will be of
pressed -red brick, instead of Stone, as
et first intended, and the name by
which the building will be . known is '
Wesley church-- suggestive of the .
great; work done by the founder of
Methodism:. . • • •
Will eoon have his cold storage plant
ready for the large supply of prodene
which he expects to handle at times.
He has great faith in cold storage; hay-
ing large qauntities of butter and eggs
vvhen at a low market price, he can
thus keep them for months at a time
until quotations era" higher there-
by making ti wird srgin, not being
forced to sell for f,-• ,,f destroying as
formerly. The place is atout 12x12
foot apartment and air tight, having •
long galvanized pipes to contain the
ice, which will make the temperature
at about freezing point or, it few degrees
above. He rail store away some 7000
donoscee, of eggs ur 12,0001bs of butter at
SVOIITING Norns.-o-A number of
bowling rinks from here will go to
Mitchell tournament nn 1st. The
junior bat Walt L.444U Ui ukvil showtd
their superiority by defeating Gorier-
ich team in Goderich by a score pf 10 '
to 6. The match between the organ
factory and the town players was won
by the latter by 2 to 0 on Wednesday
evening. The Mitchell junior lacrosse
team failed to come last Thinsday to
Play a match with the to (Jut, teem
here, The Seaforth races are on July'
0 and 10. The S. O. S. held a demon-
seratien yeeterday (Thursday);the 48th
Highlanders Band being an attraction,
ham byll to 3 and Kincardine by 8 to 'V
»tette Last Sather:ley No. 1 'Shop of
the organ factory defeated No. 2 shop
in a baseball game by 19 to 5.
wiuuit Varna on Tuesday, and bought
Mr Hart's driver at it good, figure. M.
Armstrong, the veteran agent for,nur-
eery stock, was in town on Monday on
his rounds:he says husinees was never '
better; he is tielltng more stock this
spring than ev'er. -S. 0. Rathwell, our
enterprising shoe maker, has bought
the -Stock of Mt Jamieson, Eruceileid,
who, We understand, intends moving
to 'Dakota. The dietriet meeting of
the Royal Tempters was bola in the,
temperaneehall here oh Tuesday last,
with a large repeesentrition of delegates'
were present -from li,xetei, Goclerich
Marin, Orediton, ete, jas. Wanless
. was in Chatham on Friday attending.
the fotieral of his brother Devlid,
The New
4 Watch
One hundred pasta ego Watched
were tlatok bulky affairs; to -day, the
, upaceltete watches aro woad, in ap.,
pearance and Hine keeping quelitiee..
The cosi cis watch is no knot
the tortoni; t arrier it once WOO/ WO
have them for !edits, gentlemen or
boys, in' gold, silver and,
nickel °ems at Aces that will suit
any pocket. wilt be pleased
show you orn oode,
: Aim J. -Grigg
ihviener aid ihttillit,
latecomer to jos. Biaciletiembe