The Clinton New Era, 1901-06-14, Page 7i 91'1/e beg to No. ..r • sr 44 THE CLINTON ON NEW ER 7' d 1 Our customers and the public generally that we shallop Saturday Next May 4.1th, sell one of the Commence to .largest stocks of Clothing consisting of f mens, Youths' and Boys' . Snits, • r bought from the trustees'of which has this week been g the largest manufac- turers the estate of John Calder & Co.„ .. • � • . , ,� • ha a one into liquidation. tuners in Canada, who v . The goodsbought have been at a very low figure' .. for spot cash, which will enable us to sell far below_ any dealer in the county of Huron, to 'he Boys' The first Saturday will be devotedthe Suits and Youths' Clothing ; the following for: Ma and Furnishings. We invite everybody to inspect these goods. CLINTON x• . 41 CLINTON MARKETS Corrected WWI Thureder afternoon. Thnraday, June 7, 1301. l3 all Whtat ,..,,.,,:' A a a. u fiia Oats Leetsiative School Grant. The following le the legislative whim] i' grant for 1001 for the Yellowmnnicip- ftlitiee in the county .•-- Ashflt�k1 $813, (2',lhnrne $222, Gadehich $207, Otey I Rye....... ... ....... • ., } * 0. 40 a 0 45 $'418, Hay $863, Ho wick $460, ,14ulle t ... Bailey 040 a 0 40 $330; McKillop $313, Morris $5306, Start- t Peas......• ... .... ••,0 00 a 0 60 ley $264, Stephen $403, Titckersmith Flour per cwt .. • , . , ., 1 76. 2 00 $303, Turi berry$268, East Wawanosh Batter loose 12/-13,p It 0 14 a .0 15 $238, West, Wawa nosh_ $238, Clinton l F,lggep'r doz..,......w• 0 9i.a 0 11 , $300, (* .derich .$142, Searorth $200, Hay, 8.00 ,r 8 00, l WTingham $869,. Bayfield $70. Blyth Slice ekine•,.,,,,,•• Q 49 a Q 6Q No. I Green trim,bidee 5 00 a 5 00 Potatoes, . ......,. 0 25 a 0 25 Chickens, per pair ... , 0 20 a 0 20 Duoks, each."... • • • 0 60 a 0 70 Geese, per lb .... • ... •. 0 07 a 0 0$ Turkeys', perib0'09 a 0 10 Pork, live ... ,0 75 a 0 85 Pork, dressed.....,,8 00 a 8 00 Wood short...., 2 25 a 2 25 Wool 0 13 a 0 14 1.1'e Stock Markets, London, June 10. -The live stook trade has improved somewhat and prices are firmer.... United States cattle, fid; Cana - diens, 5 d to 6d, No Sheep,. Liverpool, June 1P. -Canadian cattle, 54d to U. Trade firmer. Montreal, June 10, --.There were about 400 headof butchers' cattle, 250 calves and 300 sheep and lambs offered for sale at the East End Abattoir,to-day. The butchers were out strong, but trade in cattle wee not brisk, as anything good was held at firm rates, while a considerable numberof the grass-fed animals were not `Over -bur- dened with fat. Prime beeves sold at from 5o to 54o per lb. Pretty good animals, sold at from 4o to 5o per lb; Rough, half - fatted beasts at from 3o to 4o per Ib, and thin grassers at from 2to. to 3o per lb. There is a brisk demand for anything moderately good in the veal department, and prices ranged from ,94 to $12 each, while a few very yrung animalssold at from $2 to $3 each. Shippers paid 8o per lb for good large sheep and butchers paid from 30 to 4o per Ib for the others. Lambs sold at from $2.50 to $1 each, with a few extra lambs at from $4.50 to $5 each. Fat hogs sold at from 67}o to Geo per lb for good straight tote, weighed off the care. OF Bankrupt Stock. -� - Thestock, howeyer, is a largeg has so far been even more successfril than we anticipated,noticeable, on have alreadysold a lot of goods the vacancy is scarcely We and although we s. iblo and our low.prices must` do it. • Come and We intend to run off the stock as soon as po s see the bargains we have, a few of which are mentioned below: Our:dress goods are all bargains but wehave not room to men- tion them all. Boeides the goods must be seen before the prices can be appreciated. ` Our best shirting for .10c.and 11C, pp . A couple of pieces of the Fancy Plaid left at 25c and 4:c. STAPLES line of Drees Goode in•pnrpleand red: only, at 121c.•. • '�. Some nice dress and Skirt lengths at bbC, 75C and 81 per yard. • Cottonade 25c Blue and Brown Deuhams 15c Toweling worth 8c tor 4c - - - Regular 12}c Print' for 1 CSC Colored Sateens reg. 15c for 12c Cotton Towels 5c a pair - 'I'nrkieh Towele, 20c a pair up Serge's, Metres, Henriettas and Cashmerep et about whole- Linea Towele_22c a pair up. . sale prices.. Table Linens at lese.than wholesale prices 'table oilcloth. 20c .' Drees Muslims at loo.. I Floor Oilcloth 30c • •;,•; The ready-made Clothing has been one of our busie st < `apartments and it is. • in this department we can make the greatest reductions. We are selling all our best suits at whole - . prices which moans a big saving for you if you need a snit. Tweeds from 20c up An exceptionally nice black worsted nit $1.5O Collars1 Cc to 15c Pants made :o order lam our best striped worsteds, for$24 Cuffs Backe at 7C a pair Odde pants from 8150illr:0 We have a few blaok sateen shirt waists left, mostly small Overalls bracesr at i1 c - r d : 01c sizes, to clear at $1 Men's a. 2s' .bad ] OC Men's braces at `..r0[', 25C and 40cAnother line of black sateen, trimmed with white, at 60c White laundried elate atI1Sc • Two pairs only Ohez.ille Curtains, Koenig's price $5.00, our Best line 75Cpriee $3.50 Ties from 5c to .25cA few Chenille labia covers 500 In Boots and Shoes we can show the highest quality, combined with the lowed prices to be found in the trade. We extend to everyone a hearty invitation to come and inspect' our stock and get our • • $108, Brussels $151, Exeter $227, Kens sail $110, Wroxeter $54. Separate Schools as ft llnwt•:--Ashfield $47, Hay , $42. Mullett $11, Mcttillip.$14, Stephen I 811, West Wawanosh 915, Godeiich $57. The total grant to the public schools of Hucun is $5146 and that to separate schools $177. The only count - i •s which receive a larger grant than Huron are Middlesex, Siincoe, and the United Counties of Stormont, Dundee' and Glengarry, 000 The lands to be granted to veterans by the Ontario Government vt i11 be taken from Nipiseing, Algoma. , Thun- der Bay and Rainy River districts. iYicZinuou dcCo. A Matter - r?yi f Policy Stories differ! One has taete, another has not, One. oonfintfs iteell to reliable Goode, ai. otber buys whatever it can got,to eel! cheap. One mark* its geode in plain figures at the very lowest cash price and gives no dieeounts another marks i• a good? bigb and takes off 10 per cent dieoourst and tries to make yon believe you are getting 10 per cent off' cath prices, but in this enlightened see people know that 10 per cent must: be put on before it can be taken off. One > urns the experience of the past into a constant betterment} another jumps at conclusions, brags mnoh about. enterprise and "gets lett'. sometimes. �t a would be aahaiued to nave nothing better to• offer than oheepnesa. Price and quality go hand -In -band here, which means your in- tereate are co a par with our own. Tit,e week we have received several outer of new summer good's which were boneht at very low prides for cash, end will be sold at prides like these: - Black Cheviots, all wool, for ladies' tailor•madecostnrne, 50 to 56 inches wide, at $1, $1.25 and $1,50. White Pique (P.K.), fine queliey, regular 20o, for 127Io. • New Drees Goode, 40 inches wide, in small check, a. good range 'of color. 'regular price 25o, for 15o. New Black Drees Goode, small figure's, 49' inches wide,regnlar•price $00, a great snap at 20o. New Curtains, 23, 3 and 3, yards long, extra value at 18o, 25o, 500, 75a and $1 per pair. Men's Heavy Cotton Bock', ribbed tope, 5 pairs for 25o. • Ladies' Heam Ribbed Hose, fast.bleok, worth 18o, 2 pair for 25c McEino,on 8z Co. Blyt • ...._S timpoilao East Buffalo,N. Y., June 10. -Cattle - Offerings, 180Joads, including 80 loads of Canadian cattle; stookare end feeders were dull and 100 to 15o lower; -export grades suffered a :deoline d at. least -100, - to 15o; choice.. o extra export cattle of •desirable gnality, $5.15 to $5,45; shipping Steers,. $5;15 to $5.45; export bulla, choice to ex- tra, $4 to $4,50; good to best fat bulls, $4 -to -$1 40; -feeder -bulls,. $3.$3,50; stook ,bulls _ $3 to 52.50: yearling steers, good to ohoioe, $4 to $4.40 good to ohoioe fat cows, $3.50 to $4,10; fat heifers, ohoioe to extra, $4,75 to $5,25; Canada stook calves, ohoioe to extra, $4.10 to $4.60; Canada feeders, good - $425 t $4 65•Ik ohoioe to The Farmers Cooperative 'Binder Twine Company of Brantford. Limit- ed,Joseph Stratford, General Manager, are just now placing some of their stock in small holdings with the far- mers of Canada, at par. This rather places stock in other so-called eo-oper- ative binder twine companies, that are reaching to get into existence, at quits• a discount. Thy will not under any circumstances. however, deviate trom their rule of true co -operation --one share of ten dollars for every hundred acres or art of•a hundred. Their "Red Star"10 cent twine is allowed by experts this year to be the best: all- round value in the world. GROWINei WEATHER OF: MAY.- The month of May was a record break- er as far as the weather was concerned. Rain fell on 18 days out of the 31, and at times veru heavy.' In May, 18$4, rain fell on 21 days, the rainfall being 0 31 inches, while on the 16 days of the month just ended it was 2.38 inches, There were 6 clear days,3 partly cloudy and 22 cloudy. and on 18 days of the month the wind was' from the east to north' -east; the highest temperature was 76 d?grees on the 6th inst., and the lowest 30 degrees, two dee'rees of front, on the 15th. The month, however,was an- excepti.onally„ good,growing '.one as can be.seen from the phenomenal growth of vegetation in some in- stances. The rains .have been - most beneficial on all grain crope,particular- -ly-clover; the-wheat-eropwhas_picked. up. and gives'•protniee of an average crop, and hay will be. a full crop 11 nothing happens. to .iiia, ., extra, $50 to $55; calves, choice to extra, $5.75 to $6; Michigan calves, $3 75 to $4.. Sheep end lambs -Offerings, 40 loads; lamb,, ohoioe.. to extra, $5.10 . to. $525; sheep, choice to extra, $4.10 to $4 25; the offerings were. well 'o'eaned up... Hogs active on.tbe basisof$6.05 to $6.10; the total offerings were 100.loade;,nixed,, mel ium and Heavy sold at $6.07; ;to $6 i 0; •'' Yorkers, $6.05 to $6.10;. pige 56.05 to 96.10; roughs, ,$5, .40 to $5 60; :stage, $4 50 to $4 75: all the cfferinga.were cleaned up. Rev. W. r.:Wileor, formerly of'To- ronto; and comrrienly known; is' M •ve on Wilson" wag elected president of the Hamilton Methodist Conference.' BORN. WALLACE-In Morris, May 81, wife • of Mr John Wallace, a son. DOTE -In Whitechurch, May 24 wife of . R. J. Dobie, ason: Wroxeter, x • HAVE- On con. A. Howick, near o , FINKBINER-1n Stephen, May 28, wife .of Mr. Wnr. Finkbiner, a son. HAI„T In Stephen, May 26, wife of Mr Fred Heist a daughter. DICKIE -May. 30, at Orangeville, to Rev. R. W. and. Mrs Dickie, a son. to Mr and Mir, HugJune Thurlow, a s n�pRardton, JOHNSTON-At Fort William Mat 12, to Mr and Mrs Harry Johnston, neeClara ton, a eon • -ED-GAR-In Gorrie, June 2, wife. of Mr T. D. Edgar, a daughter. • EASON-In Clinton, June 2. wife of George Eason, a daughter. MARRIED. HUNT--WRIGHT-AtBeeton May 12, Harry Hunt, of London, formerly of Clinton, to .Mies Wright, of Keeton. ARMSTRONG -GALLOWAY -At the raw eidence o9 the bride's father, Dresden, Mao 15. by Rev. J. Galloway, father of the bride, Jas. Armstrong. D. D. S., of Belding, Mich., to Miss Nellie Galloway, formerly of Clinton. prices. Pltunsteel & Gibb ngs, Clinton Good Shoes 1 Goderich Street Fair and Summer - Carnival, July 1st, end and 3rd. Everybody come and Sae the firs Street Fade in Canada. And while enjoying theFair drop aron'id to Emerson's and see the snaps he is offering in Bicycles for Ladies The shoes that we're going to tell you about now are the - cheapest shoes • we know of. o it's not $1.48 nor $1,98.. - It's $3, $3,50 and $4 Tsal hey're not the cheapest in the sense that they're the lowest priced, but cheap- est because they give the Theymost wear, dollar for dollar. are made of the best Philadel- phia Vice Kid with oak tanned. soles, designedand put to— 1 am prepared to buy this Season's ether by the highest skilled intelligent labor, ensuring fit- ting and wearing qualities not had inother makes of , Beliniu er V00 shoes. toSo much here, vr. se Lome i11 and. dee for yourself. for highest' oath prloe,or in exchange for manutectared article*. It Ilred T J k n Yon will find it. the cheapest' plaoe in Canada to •procure a' mount. 35 firstcl : ss wheels in Liyery. , EMERSON'S BICICLE AND.. MUSIC HOUSE. roderlch� I4verV Repairs 1 woos clip of Wool, as usual,. at the tw ,$�duedi5eu ttit5. CheapFruit Durham Bull for. Sale. A first class short born Bull for . sale. Good color and first pedigree. About 1'1 months'. old if sold at once, a bargain will be given } H. PLUMSTEETj, Clinton. June 14, BINDER TWINE SeasoH, 1901. AL" binder twine sup- plied 80 pur in t Only et rain bags, bond with /, and weighing fill ihs f *C per lb, qua,ity and Cas'i with orders,. pur- chaser T; f�IGMOL-R, Warden Toronto. Fnrt ,nr particulars Iua'peatoi; Parliament J. R. STRATTON, • Toro*to, •rune 8.1901. Provincial Seer e�ary. "Nati W e have decided to self until fur ther notico-- 28 lbs best selected raisins $2,00 3 .c •. 25 Prunes per lb, ..... . - 5 Dates �� b Figs .°• . Young Hymn Tea , per lb16 Agent for Ransfords" fine Dairy Salt. Come early and often. NvsB ottoman:* "FARMER'S SPECT . Ont .idtoFarmers e ushel,cotton, 6 -oz g two rope Snap halter each, length over 5Qo length guaranteed. chaser pays freight. Address orders J. Central Prison,Toron ad ress James Noxon, Bnildinge, Toronto. May ,wife ofRobt.Earle, a son. '"i h O'Neil Our telephone number is 40. Lake Erie Navigation Co. Steamer "Urania." SHOUT BOVT&' T. �. , Jesse�rle�lh�ll. le lUlfgA%e torCitato* Y.,.t.. _'MY"..,j. .,,.r Y•:f:i,"4'`.'- .... �.a`36.-tly.' BINDER TWINE Farmers' Cc -Operative Company Limited. BRANTFORD. Prices °for Season of 1901 Now is the time to order We' are delivering right off the cars at the lowest pdssibli price for the best grade of Anthracite Coal. • e , Thi Best is the . Cheapest Owing to the' scarity of.'cars there is a dl floulty.in, get ting orders filled. We would mise ordering at once• in orde to secure present price as call will undoubtedly. advance. `fairs of next: month if not sooner. ; Leave your orders at our.ti 2 cars of Portland' anth Ttrorold Cement dust,. -receive 1 Call and get our prices.:. l d e I n for barns ates,bridges,fence Cold water paint suitable ,g ut8ide work White and 17.cul ,1•s. It:s durable•, an andall o get color card and all. ; articular mighty cheap too. Call'.andP ,• Good assortment of stoves, screen doors and windows., EARLAND SRS Cheap Hardware House A 5ON-CROLL-At the Manse, Nesbitt, June 4, by the father of the bride, Thorium Stu- art Acheson, C. P. R. Agent, Winkler, eldest .. son ofithe Rev. ramuel Acheson; of Pembina, N. D•, and lately of Sipppen, to Mary Elizabeth. eldest daughterof the iiev. R Milne ()roll, of Nesbitt, Man. CRAWFORD_SHEA-At the Roman Catho- lic church, Iriehtown, June '4,: by 'Rev, D^. Flannery, Mr David Crawford of Hallett, to Mies Annie Shea, of McKillop• SAYLOR.- ARMSTRONG -At the residence June b Jun Road , , Thames , bride's of the bri Rev. W. J. Waddell assisted byY.Rev. W. A. Walden, of Elimvill'e, Mr W.E.•Saylor, of Sar- nia, to Miss Jennie Armstrong. • Red Sta`> Oe ft 1Oic Red Star. 550 It ...:10 c Special Manilla, SOe 1t... 9ic Sisal, old .• • . Sisal, colored.... , 7 e The two latter not our own make. We have Just a word to say , to you. The To CLEVELAND, Ohio. one way fare from at. $3.76 Return.. e6. Boat 1 'tem Clinton.$ort Mentes every Tnleday and Thurso~ tae 1 gash localurd* skis 1 p.m, Tiokete en pifiees, Per farther inforrratten,.wrlte weelltitt. Manager. Marshall, Aset.al Iki begttl ,tit. MITCHEIpp.L-OOLVIN-At the' residence gof Rev Geo.sJ.arAbey MraGee.South. Mitchell, of Ethel. to Miss Sara J., eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs George Colvin. CHISHOLM-BELL-At Riverside; the re- sidence of the bride's parents June 5, by Rev. W. Lowe, Mr, H. H. Chisholm to Mise Jean Ma , eeeond daughter of Thee. Bell, Esq., both of Wingham. KELLY SCARLETT - At St. Thomas' church, Seaforth, June 5,by Rev. Rural Dean Hodgins Mr George Kelly, of Morrie, to Mise Margaret mueleSe E. Se., olff 1doKi daughter of the late DALE-SPROAT At the residence of the, bride's parents, Tuckeremith, June 6. by Rev, Neil 6114w, Mr'George C. Dale, to Miss Jean eldest daughter of Mr John Sproat. iRDON-Mc)AY-At the residence of the bride's parents Turnborry, May 22, by Rev. G. M. Dunn, of Whitechurch, Mr Alexander Pur - don. of East Wawanosh, to Miss Tena, `daugh- ter of Mr Hector McKay. BELLY-HAT.LAHAN•�-In Blyth; June, 10, at St. Michael's R. 0. chnren by Rev. Father McMenanim, Michael, son Of Mr and Mre Jae. Selly, of Morrie township, to Maryonly daugh- ter ofWilliam Hallahan, of East Wawanosh. DIED., Brat and Only 011(3'6o -operative company in America, le offering yen today its stook in small holdniar one and two shares at poi. Itis also piacing its splendid twines with you for the Domini harvest, at pricer raw material cannot be bought for. Your loyalty and.intel- 1lgenoe will hold us in existence; your skepti- oism and indifference will drivo us down and out, which meant' a death blow to all future co•op.ration of farmers and will surely bring one result, a gigantio twine combine, from the influences ofwhioh you will be absolutely helpless to help yourselves. your money and You have yonr option -pay take your choice. Standby tis greatest and most perfect oo-operative movement in the world and es' bring a continuation of relief thrcu.h itt, unquestionable influenoe' as a twine pride regulator, Demertus or treat our agents with indifference and you have only . to wait, for results, No better twins was ever made on earth of furnished tot Cuu•dc�inn Farmer than h a been supplied ra.b7 tkis our own oemnatiy. If we Were not an intense *lenient of protection to you as farmer, there would be noopppeessit.0n whatever pitted asainatinit. Remember the Balt D.a ; there is a mighty e. farmed ,net now in. Canada. You w 11 know of it shortie. Don't waste timewreatling with the sties- tion any longer. Leek it straight in the face and identifyycatches with use as shar�ebold- ert', Buy your twine Boni chis other Company' w th its ,plea id past rowed of years and you will have oectslort to be prond efn. t?Youeane.butaPpiar�ticl oy ftJud mentsyenowiilt seeat a gtanee-that the a�m ly trap . on our { c�*e a ism ware ill beand z tbat a wnblated. We yi veupleaded for eight reari for yht, t0 cos. in on theground floorand join hands Bur00'rRe d �1to a 1011 oiilis ed twine lnMa e twineiha otakej t e said twine OH staid; tuff • n't Dia your ellSeeht mist y lay iv5tltn °0a Oft Joseph Stt tford, tooter** !Menai sr. 'Fool Motet 1 MERCER -In Woodstock, June 6, William John, son of Mr and Mrs B. Mercer. aged 9, years. HUNTER -In Brussel/3. June 4, Clara Amelia third daughter of Alex and Mrs Hunter, aged 24 yeare. CASE -In Hay, London Road, June 2, Agnes • Hoggarth, beloved wife of Geo. E. Case, aged. eo years NEWTON -In Goderlch May 'd9' Horace Newton, brother of Geo. A. newton, Wingham, aged 58 years. - BEST -In Seefortb, May 81, Wm. Beet, aged es' years. PLU REE --In McKillop, June 8, Elizabeth H. Hallman, wife of . Samuel Plumtree, aged 61 years. a FRANg8-Soddenly at Maplo,Henr Franke (father fa her• l), 01agMi7ss Franks, ofGoderich public CAUDLE -In Lakelet, May 80, Emilie Brant1- gam, wife of Robert Caudle, agef140 years. ROBERTSON -In llowlok, Jnne 1, Alexander Robertson. aged 77 years. NOLAIi ; 11Hullett, June 6, Timothy Nolan,. aged80 "Sart'. - CLI! TOS Marble & Granite ...=ate► - , :� The purchaser of a monument should have complete coniidenoe in the reliability of the: firm, barn • which he baler, for the material '4k-. and workmanship is something vary few buyers are familiar with. It you do not know us, plea. in. quire about our reliability from those who know ns best. We are the only practical number* inour Brig, Goderich to DETROIT AND RETURN The fast steamer CITY' OF rOLEI Goderich; will leave Code . •tlJune•��� ed.nesda , . W Y 8.30 a. m. Eastern Time, Arrive rt. Huron 12,30 2 6 0 p. no on, e r o 4 80 oder' _nu lope Detroit, June 20, at. 2,00 p. n1., Pt, Moron and return to Detroit, Friday, June 21, at 8.00 a. m., Eastern titre. Fare to Detroit one way, June 21st, $1.00. The Btrettord Herald Excursion will leave Stratford at 640 a, fns., Jl is ping at Mitchell, Dublin. Seaforth and Clinton, - Special train leaves Goderioh for Clinton' and way Stations 6. Stratford on of steamer Thursday night. Moonlight ExCar0I0 l at Goderich. Tuesdsy Bvsilfiingr C. F. RIELiIAN, Traffic Manager, White Star J. B. Hoover, Proprietor ii'ext tto 00011114001061 HOW Seasonable goods Window soreene,extenelon, 25e ooh, , Pari6. Green, guaranteed pure, 25e a pound fi•,. Swede Catnip seed, Halla Westbury, Sktrving, 10y01. Norfolk, LT Lothian, 200 per pouf!.' - Steele's'sleeted. 250 per pound. Rope reed, Dwarf Lssex,10o per gonad. Sherwin.Williaf 1$' Prlptei good range'Ot dNlrable': t)olorr, batter and eggs to tie. 'Ws are paying for good bad, Grin` your ba f r 14c t,l6Oin' gOolL. lir '!$p, cash, 14a in goods; tub butte • , • oath, 110 in goats. L. o,x'm',.TTt Lord. • It t -i