The Clinton New Era, 1901-06-14, Page 60 -, " " ­__ ­_­ !, ''..".."E'' YLOIN AND - INDIA TEA9 k I � � � I . GREEN OR BLACK111 � . I A Quantity of Quality ' A what all drinkers of Machine Made Tea get. No Tea as I), re., wholeso,me � " . var � � Or 00940migal. $uperlative In actual inerit. 1110 suit all otie, . , . a or tastes. =="_-�­'—'_-!�t-- 1 ..-.---- ------------ I . "�"..?...�'!--.-�-.-L..'.��.'. 1--.... . , � . I . I � . '49' 1 ) Cey. Ion Teas are 9ohif in s . ealiIIII le,va� . - I . I. SALADA packets otily, 1javier In bulk . , .% .. /;,, Blqcic, nixed or thicollorod Caylor , a 'Umplesonappilcation. Addreafs OiSALADA," Toronto, , , W . �: . - IM , I 7- I ­ . — . . . � I . ­ ­ I ; � �_. � 3% rr'\�O. - ,1, �, I I �_ ,!I, ''I '�_ 2 , . , .. .11 :i:i: -(T .11 a .... I . ��,_A= ­ :�� ... i , -?,.. 1'r , . ., I � 4 I . .- I I I I . r I . I . A I I . I 11 I . ,-. . 441 I 4 � , . * - I 11 ,� I I i:1 - ..., __ ­- � . " , . . . I .4? - - ­­ _ � - - A . . , . , . # I - . . � ­_ ,4---"-- . - _. - . .. _-;, - I Y _­ - 1, " �. TV " . - I . I , Ili, .1, I . � . I . ' I _. Only Two Hours' Ride From the PANl­AMERICAN,_I3uffaTo, I .. r, . r . - . . - L SUpt-vul,ifriNtp ,to lorjn�4 ,­ ­­.- catlolesely, "that tile ropm ,opposite (12, w�.VX,-:C.Qt,�1Pr,t tit t Alan answered. "I told thout illat youc,loro In nu , and th0tYoi(t3 und this aill"I'd.l.w.,1111,Z11 0 . ooluo bu ill OT wouldn't Shift. It waa V017 foolish 0 them, too, for they wanted two, Ono each uall =d they could Just no well have had e . Just as well," Mr. Sabin remarked, quietly. "Thank you, John. I them know, I Dave spoken to you about : It'll . . . I . $$Certainly not, ,Sir.') � - ; p Mr. Sabin walked upon deck. As lie 4.5sed tile saloke-room lie Baw, Mr. Watson stretellptl upon a sofa with a Olga" In his mouth. Mr. Sablu smiled $0 himself, and passed on. The evening promenade on dock after dinner Was quite a, social event oil board tile Callplia. As a rule the cap. taill and *.Wr. Sabin, Btrollpd together, none of the other Passengers, not. withstanding Mr. Sablifi; courtesy towards them, having tc�yet at- t0n1 tecl in any Wa thriwA Ile? 1. hr . t society upon In.. But to- night, as lie -had half, expected, the , captain had already a .companion. . Mrs, Watson, With 'a very becoming wrap around ber !lead, and a cigar . - ette In liar niouth, Was wall(lng by' .1110 , Side, chatting gally most of tile time, but listening also With an air so to the personal experlenceo which liw�r. questions pro- "oked. Every now and then, as , they PaOSOEI Mr. Sabin, Sometimes I , (I UNTON . � _­1_111_.__._­­­-­,�, - 14sWonderful woman." lie murmured, $$to have a 43,11000 0, "I = gol;lg to g4 al divorce Ill Air. Nabbl "I have alsy�IO.Vl�a=�OW"10"4110�3,111(ii; "that tile marria(;e lavira of America are convenimit." � I'Tllay� are humane. They make me . 01anhful that I tire an American." Air. Sablil Inclined Ills head slightly towards the sinoklug-room.. ITOOR kJA your nnfortull , . ate IlUqband ow TO I t "Ile doeg;antl be-acquIesces. He line � no alternative. But la that quite nice of you, Mr. t4abill, to call my husband all unfortunate Anall top .. "I cannot conceive 11 Ila said, slowly, "greator misery than to ilave pos� hes8ea and lost you." IMtt(.,(J himself to adnilro that laugh, It was 11k6the tinkling of a silver bell, anti her teeth were perfect. 'TOW are incorrigible," She satd, "I believe that if I Woul(I lot 'you, you would make love to Ino." i.If I tlipught," he answers(], "that Y011 Would never ,allow me to make 101*0 to you,- I ,61tould feel like follow. Ing title, (Agar.11 He tlireir it into the Bona, . . . I ' I her little Sbe slgbed,� And t.1pped French heel upon the deck, . I , flIvIlat a pity that yon are like a I I other men,$, . 1. I. 11. ill WIJI Bay notbing so -unkind 'of .Y.Ou, ,' lie remarked. ,,You are unlike any other —­­ ��h T *i� + to W X114'W ERAO STAGE DRIVER N . — . EXPU1011100 OfIloth, Ills Wife: and . Himself, . 11 -ralell llas+ested CIAO POwer of Ooldit$s I ,"d,"I 141118--Ritch JXJAO Achieved the Sllylkke Result -ooddla lil(II 0 1.1116 have Jure(I-1,110,14 qPtl). l y � . DrOnore, Oint., Jupo S.-O,j)(vial) Mr. Qeorre Sackett clrlvp.g tiu%_ o+-= I -1 - _­ __ � 1"... -­.; hel Is known, Utroug,hiout tile countr side goes without � Buying, ly-itpIt, ple , waij in troublon short Nrlille ago Olin I 111ad tikO SyMputOlY thCral"UTO Of more , thain Clio few Immediate frlendm nil(I nerghbors a man Ili orlotaxer wa4k woulZi itavo, . ,Air. Sackett thouggit ,at on,oa tl�ino Ile would have 'a give lip tille, stago� " sitting up .0, to drivor's fiml; day 1.0 and ditty ut,. ratti, or Shine, hot air cold, he an,tracte.(I &.serious dle- e 01, 11.1 order. 1: Idnoys beemne weake-n- � "I' ed fr tI 10 continual exposure. Tholy graPuallY gave JAIAX Moro nud more troubole. Ile felt that lie coul(loot keep up much I'Dingor, . I 11 I '. 0. Ir I .1 0 !t�=_ fowl- , �, , 4 R DIAMONDS AT A DISCOUNT. . _­ I , � . , �: , I 11, : 1:01,0 : 1111 1 1 � 1AF9UR NO '44 19010 _ , I (401as are Not tile Only litolfulano of ­_,__­.____ � � __ fi itlevess oil tile $toga, I Oncoo there wao a. Merry vulap'll There Is - In IL, 001011111, OPe"a company who haod I tsk And white, and was Inetalled a's toll to W 4 whole constellAtlou al?'rb",' ,,,T,,,,. oAlle wo'bolled the 310 ascapin the genus of consutupo' . 9 UL trily firm-ttment Very carefully and no�tic �M , that every oi,ar had pion - -k tion, ,ill them with health. 11ealth, . I t,volu, collection ,at Jewelry and lie , "Any (114111011d oullbarat's , that they 10 ybUr Oul uteans of killing them. . .7 , got tolined wearing tpe4q, hilie,torgot to .remeniber thn,t all. ti to 04tare had � s I C06 I�Mtllslan of cod-liVer 0 , .11 . Wriltva teetimoula,le to pa.tent medl- ollli'0, 11,110 thAt 'Lite picture of one. of I . � WIU &iye yoU that, he4.1th, if. ally- thPlu Or another �Wellt with every . . !T1,W11 of tonle. 13110 thought 411 were , � , �i . th ng W.ill, . , . ---l up "or Balary rot- telf yeais ati-I mou had, a bureau drawer full of Ruld"Oorie. Sho then appile . d for a job OJA t4les iytreilig,th, OI her gem museum . . litlt t-110 1111111ager aNkoa her It her PlOutireo were all over the town re. conIllic1l"llng a Dow Sort .Qf nutritious PtIpPY Nmult. Then she sadly replied that It wu'g net. He repileil., "YOU "'On"t de, T110 (11,11130II(W are all right, .but wo oarl't ,)at' thelu all it bill-, . bunro," 11111 , p,roupjn lie blew cigarette 01110ke, through. hl,ii ll,)se, which slaill- fID1 that tile Inter"'IeW Was"Ovell. ' Xoral-A bucket Of pilote on 4 bill_ I . I , . boar4l is worth, two real diamonds Ill thia top drawpi- of a Louis Seize 011if- raltler.��-New York (-!niuroe tat Adve­ !560TT 0 0""" '"i4l'to, � . TomikTo., , W.".5 $1.00; 11'ary � . . --- , — -.----- , TIONS , — And MaY JUIVe Long 'Enough to Wit -P ness a rourth. ' $)AAW Men hure seep more of tbA" Inner Ride of 1118tory-making than , x,orQ UWYOYr, who, resides. at Ills- WIPh, He has been counted among , British subJects during the relZaa of 110 fewer than five- Monarchs. Of . t.110,COronation ,a( three or these he has been witness, and albeit Ills I great awe make It. ,,m­iT_ , +,I-+ � I . or Niagara Falls. walking, sometimeu Zazing Ki h ­ ­ �A� . � ku Is nine miles . from Droinore to oeir, I : . I he will be able I I - . _t_a,R--­ThPy listened together - I I , . . ,� �o Attend the oor- . . I . absorbed Air. at th6 dl"ahi' chaos of to the befls Holstein, That Xileans a round trill ' 011ation of King Edward, file won" ' ! I ,. . . . � .sounding from tile qbarterdbck. It of 'Olghteen mli,es..Mwo trahns a day � derful ,Itality And,. strength, dug- , I . . . sea. and sky, she flashed a, glance of In- ,was eleven o'clock. Tha deck behind vrould mlake thirtya.slx in I 1 $1 00 REWARD, $100. , vito,tioXi, upon Ili Iles of drIv-. geot that Ills voice will 'be added,? . I . . THE HOTEL BRANT �. in' WhIch "a as' of- them waq de,;erted, and.o, fine drizzling Ing. ,knagilne this 111i a wet drlyinc, The readerii of U& paper -,%,Ill " -pleased to from a disiance, to the' chorus of " I , I BURLINOTON, ONTAIZ10, CANADA . ! '. .ten Ignored. Once shelialf -stopped ralit Wds beginning to fall. Mrs, Wat- snow F ebruar� IeRru thittlikere 1.4 n t: least one droaded diseaRe , RoeJamat 0 . I and aisubd, him some slight question, son reilloved the rug from -her knees StOrMo of WarO,i or I 11 greeting the King I I I ' ' Thlo olegie,nt an,d commodious hotel opected last year cut � a cost but, lie answered It brl,611y, standing I ' I .. to a' mit'll. ki, a delleafle state al Chat �0011108 IIRH bea') able to oure in Eat its when, he, forinLilly a r. . , . I .qcepty tils-1,orown. ­ i 1 $190,0001 we& OPeinled tOl tile publio on toW. 2nd of July, 1900, of oil one side, ant] tile captain huorried regretfully, . I bealt'll. ; . I � � slagoiji and that is Catarrb. Hall% Catarrh Lord Gwydyr was born Ili :1.810, and I &I'd al" her on. " I must P�0,11 Mile' Mid I ,.do you hear . Cure Is the proly Positivii ourenowknowit to the I 1, It WAS a stroke of Ill-fortunei ow late It IR, � - , .. . . niedical frtitorsill.y. Caliti,rh, liclue a constL- � thOU911 the 1101100 Was Ilot ontlirely compl,6ted.at tile openililig, and . It I 11 qol . . Mr, Sackett did -'riot give up drIy_ has Just entered Upon Ills 02 id year. . . � I., , lie thodught to himself, the coming of 'lTou will tell ale all ab ... , Ing the,,sta.ga. Instead -lie sougillt tile tiltional(iltietkoe,x-ijqiiii-esaeonstittitioitokltreAt- He Still labcalls, ivith poloas`ulre (.�'k , . . :1 I grA=do and out of door amuseniellAt features were far from 0 out Amer- of DoOd's Kiduply I'lont. liall',goat-ari-ii(',ui-eistttke)iinteintLIly, day upon which, -as a boy of *': . I .. thO Otate of perfection that Ila,] becin. plaiarled, the o9aaoill pro " these two people, Ile had had a clear � . . R(M pro a s�u . start ant] a fair field; now Ale was I Ica,". he said, rising, and drawing back 1101P . pills. I)Id he nothif., directly upon the bloodand mucous . -preasied themselvef s her clia1r, "to -In find lift? Itead Ills o1win, letter, a on . . ;�-� I Xal one, a.nd the patrons, One and all, ex ,; I orrow?" � I rtaces of the sys' oni, thereby deotivying the was carried in his '. . ­". I= deftlited and &urpriiied 'it, the beauty of thie hoilige and ro . y ae wltlr'A, danger,. .. ,if We calt . 1,11111. nothing more Inter" letter whiell tells alsD VII1,t.t Ills Wife foundation of tfie disease, And civing the a. gorgeou . u barge. frog . L. . . . �� 111W. . � the full *extent of 1rhich it was hard estilig to talk -about," proved ' tient stA*cngCh by building lip tile constitutroll see the � .; 1.411 to . � . . � , tile truth of the sayling, Its Avork. The . coronation ;pr .eorge IV., . � �� to estimate,. *r(or ire.coilld scarcely Ing up'at him with ­ I tind assisting uaturein Aotu , I . " ik oil's 'said look-, 'Todd's Klidney Pills are wonlaa's ,oprietorshtwo so much fait and, t . � �el - - 11 . kildtoo the close of the season of .1900 $10,000 has been etpended on doubt but that. their coming was on . (In - . I a,. lip4rkle "in ,her ,best fr1end.11 10, pi 1 In Its curative . lie subsequent banquet In � , . �. , , tilm grouinds. New fentoes have been bulIti, triaes qinld sditrubs eyea. "U'ood-xilght.1 I . I I.g. . . powgrs thatthey offbrOpe Kundred Dollars Westminster Hall, He ronlembersthe � . " ." � . I , Planted, Ills account. They had played their *-"HaVhng used othet Itar 61y ad- rorc4nyca-totli4titfixiistgoiirO. Sendforliat thrill lie a I . , . floWer bedo told out, parfoot tenints couirtpirounistwi rtPidvamid1,6'o lo�aticid that . Her' hand, very small and white and . . I . xperlence4 as Royal Chain- .� I Part,g well, but they were. secret *erttsed r6tmedles and"a,11 the medi- Address, F. J, CHEN114Y & CO., 'Toledo, 6. pion Dyntoke. entered the . I , thoy are protecited from the preyadling winds, 11' f links .with, Interest- very soft, 1111gerad iii his. �, testinionials, . , . goll h n.-pblice. lie At that obnes recominetrided to me by. . hall oil 1 ", . � tnir hazardpi. 010ok golf, a now and entertaknan-9 game tiblat how recently mome: r1emdo foi Kidney Trouble and ex- � � I I .prancing steed to challenge an , , I t . , ", emokedAlls cigar leisurely, the ob t at 4n.unpleasant votes sounded f my 4ar Sold kly Druggists. '75c. .... . . are. , I . . � � . I Jac in their e, . , y , l"'Od, Ito IS called �aver.*. .is* minutes, .-of . many skle. 'Td-Tou know*,the time, cruclatiog Baokach6 . without the' I . � � � I I - Who dared dlisipate the Kinglu 4litlo.'. , . � ,�, � � oe for experts '64ances and covert smiles from .the The llilits are Pitt all or' 710'et ? 'Tightest relief, I w1as In desplair. In , . Cursing.'Conte'st. I �. to soirereignty, Lord Cf,,.,vvydyr was I .l � 1, . has Meal been. aelicately attired little lady, whose er the ship. iilo tile . . a witness, too,''Of the coroutution of I I , f don't understand what you are do- 'k Of time I VMS tildiieed t6 A professor ' of languages, , William IV., and of -Queen Victoria. . � �: .more have bd�n bilken Skirts, ditintily,ralsed from the frig on deck." - , . I . . try Dodd'b Kidney Pills. and can. I solue . , . . I " . , ground, brush,!d ag . allist him every . . no,yer-be too thankful for years ago, on. returning. from India, Some years after the latter 6verit . . I .. *1 , . . I. w1thin a stone?s few minutes Mr. Watson was riot 'pleasant to the �44- remarked upon lie b6came Official Seoretary'ta the. . I . its She and Ner comp�Ln- look upon..:11.ls eyLls 0. Ity 9f.dbJec- � r6 puffy . tile patic . I "', . n Bayi--and to In Ion passed and.repaseed. What* was . w b,nd y1C6 whle* pvo,6�oted` nti-6 to do 'so, tionable phrabes among t1le'BrItish Lord Chamberlain. and held that of- * ' .11 � acciass from all poliltis, being only isix mlle�s r Hamilton, thlrty� swollen,"and lie was not �uite.stiirady T4ey simply toDik hold of:my trouble working classes when comphred,with floe 16r *83 years. In Addl tlon, lie was - . .1 1,� ­ their'plarl'of action ? he wondered. If nporl ]Ile feet, 1.119 ,,vIfo "I'd 11 . rted It off me. I niever heard . .. . ,. . lagara� r4allo, it was al. ply looked At 1111I I the abundance supopoltet] by the Orl-� f9r%maily years Chii,irman of , .the �.' I. .. . . in .to- be assassinuti011, In cold digill6asure.' . . . I . of amythtng wth-Wh gives , I , . " , .. � . I In style, fin-_Wlly-so, elaborate' -an arti0ce? and; I "The I .1. I . Such in- . erintalsi of similar r,ai)k. ,To provel till,, SuffoJk Quartei-Sesdbns-i,�.-a-nd'Lord-----l�--- .'. ", � 11_� , , atiant, relbet, I . I - I ' - ` I . awl. ._'to,qA11p" Wliatxwoxse place -in, tile *arid could' roOrn, I Ights 0 out In � the smol;e- �,, her,,glvea a'case which OR -me under hii swich. Lord Gwi....- ': , . "" , evators &Tlq call- thore ll,e.for .anything' of the'.60 1911pliole"1101 : she Said_ - ,,or we M2� wire-owds, evelv_inor*e�to bodd1b Own llati6e_ HO had dismissed ;L man H'g has lived All his'llfa in the free . . I . I I . Is, ]to- u ave the polphstire of see. Kidlivy, Vills than 'I do. Her cage servant for dishonesty, and -the . next �yr 1 �afty I I manner ng. , . ,. 11 � I c0slmr,Y. TI than the narrow confines' of a 'small .InF and at �-w e0bust, E- " ­ - . �'. � ts. T ' Yon. Good-nlghti Mr. Sabin,l was wotrse thaju mine, Mrs. Sac, . I .:­ ..kett Andrning at 6 Ole - . ", -1. I I steamer?'' No, there was evidently' a . - , ­Wdiild .f lock he sought an lish gentleman,_r,,rom tile King.. l. �. _ � te. Each floorr :Bornething - inora�� -oil " Una. - Wsrou B,Y,muclx-f-dr�lobkfii"g-"a-f'ter lot, b6 allve to -day only for Interview with Ills. forpzer.nkaster, . . . I — � ". 11 "' j - compre)c It 1. . � . . . Is I . .. � I I I I , �. . . . " . .. supplied with lavatories, private and s,-.'i1stivIP(_)' - � 60d Cidney-Pills. Both, my wife He flourished a carving 'knife; with � 7-- .. IIIJ T -pil'Wic bath me I . I k W I _ . . I .... AS . - - A , _ Minard's b nimeD t _.Lnmberjmpas� r ' and sanitation unexcelled. . . * Was the.vVooman brought L40-- -de, . - X ".&b1it_boW0d--a�n4- walked slowly �Pll -­CA'n­-triiIy, -zecomm.eind. -,vvjftlj__hu_, - 6. --_'jj thby . rebLIl­ -5 -1) — - —7. 1. � � , 1. .� . 1. � . I— ... -coy-1--he ivoniaeffed;. did - y . aWa_,V� *Doddps ;pIalrd tnftd'-.V --elm Tia- V r1e n d, .. . . " - ' I Ining-roomi Open � Ing' ' . . ting -a freell cigarette. if I I . I . I ��, 'A Special feature of the hotel 'is its ellaclaus d imagine hint,capAble of being dazzled ligh I�Jdney Pills - for : they , do Size Ills r&nai 0 ­ I . . C� . . � ks. When lie -foAkid It - I �.. I . I . . .. I I I Oidt froto each side 6n 'to large verandas, where mleals can be served,'. al or faisclna�ted by. any 'woman oil ,the ;It" w." �Mctllig, 'it was Very �adlfilrablyj what. they.,are dlabmed. to- do." :,, allile to gain admission ,he st& ' . . . . . . . . . . � . � . W .1 . I . . - . � ­4r,pecio. . . � - donop. . .1 � . . I ­ � .. ''. � -6 . . . Impos , �, I .1 . earth I ' lae Smiled. softly .at , the I I .. . . _, I I � � I I . : �. under the w.lnoow, and the* llsweax- .it Wanted- T*o Thousand. Wiv . - " . I . 04�-orch&sitra has been securedt0furnish music for mor'ninf c9neerts,. thought, . and the�sight of . � �,M� be Continued.) .i I '. . . I 1. . . .... as. I o. , I I . L .: . . . . . dancing every evening dnd for ,gaturday night hops. The atter � will �srulle Llingering llpiDn Ills lips that .. I . '. 1. . . . . . A CurlQus illusion, ` L Ing!' process began. He eursed. ,tile 31adame Surd& Orandlos lectures In . 11 . 'I-, eL 1. brought , .. � professor. Qlnog_thf� genealogld,�l trpq England- d0ing tlks� past .-Wint, , I . " b6 held at the roof, wher selActentertainnients will Also be.given her to -a standstill. , Ile heard ART.'. OF FAKING. -L - 0 . er , I : . occasionally during the week. . .1 I . . . rluddeniy the-Swf�h of hei sklit, and L ,p .. . I . .. . ... I I . I. � I . L: back to i the first ancestor. of his race. have b en, attended IvIth singular su(.,- , - I * L — . . Then he' dwelt upolt every detall 6i oesis, Clever, accomplished aond charm', I � . Amusements in addifion to those above into,ntinned, which can �alsa--;be­ hei.-Bort-4vole"Ji Ills earl, Lower do L n flow.,'a, 44spfelee-)q .1if the .Pan. ­ ,his anatamy,.' f&m tile t6p or'bla )lead L Ing; She talks borlillon'tly Land Ile'etur , . . .. i w . - . - I OULI- . - . to the end of hlIsi toes 0 rot- three ,-eaoy.:L . - I . .- , ' I , Amerli,11,11'0008'the Ciowd , , , . I . with va.0e .and finleh.. People. I . aptalilla I r d It . L, enjoyed, are ytialitIng, chnoeing nnd rowing on -thelake or. bay,modernl the-Oack tile 0 b 04 6 oil 0 E. ;_ . . er4Ikuelt, ten pIns, billiarde, pool and loathing o,n aL . . . . . -� I � ,to L Sat, tiler ­ � I 11L . fine white sand Ilsainh., dors. were dieappearbig, as lie �aosed : Rem - , conise6litivo, llailr� e anti., Ilea, have ru0hed to, hear her In the �. .r� ;1 I On tile. Wily. to the L, enibbil, spieling Is an: art. Slip- . d W1 .. '.. - ITeie also will be found fine roadg for a�utomoblios, as well as fbil eym , -engln�brbl room . I- BIWO1.6"', *Saye tile LI>rOfegeor "wt out boopp'.,�hat box leoturesi watild.. Savor .. . " . 1. ... Wittig, rlding and drivirim. - - L . *. . �. for Ills ii1ghtly V'S'LLof Inap.90ti 1 POK, -you . are strolling along_the .. : ome , .a . .�� ' ' L ­ L 1. : .. �. I . , L , , ,,you 11, . . on, . LAItdivay, QWj of a bb-thronit. -What repeating, - phrasie'.11 White of. the, problemiso,'In "Tile Aear6ill , , . � n, a uTO ni>t .. . ! � . d L I L y . . .. - . L _ r�by, . . . travelling -oil the 'und6rgratin rail T*11iff,' . and � "Babis the milossibleo'!, ' . - : `� -1 - . . Si-ma3l mouth base In the bay anti brook, Vrout ItWiMg in P . 'fort � to. te!gioue -ine, mode. .6, Slogle of-.. .,will Cato . IL �a*nd, hold- and persuado . . 1. � - I streamv can be 1ndulged In. �) .0 - she said reproaclf� .*oil and� tile -others j� tile 'thrloiig I I . . way In tondon_a paxty of -workinir- and.who� expeeted to- be-'Anfldly ishook. ' . . . . . � �,:�� Mfferers from liar fever and rhPuniattsin will find conditioni favor 'fully-, "'you Are most uilldnd.11, . - . _ ' L . ' ' ... ' ' ... ' � . . . .., . . . . to go Into, a special show in prefer- rneP entered tIA6'same'oonipartnielit, ed. have been' disappointed. But they L - I - .. . I � i a1b)e tio, their relief. Mr. Sabin liftedAils cap,.and re- OLlIO0.,tOLaiiothor�? - , and laterspeised their-reiii,atics with have been iii.grdeably- surprised in, , I - I Rutes--$20.50 ana upiwardie per day; $12 and upwards per week, in - It"is Tobin's busi L - I's L We. .. oved the cigar from. his- teeth. * ' . I . tile commonest forms' of wearlog," 0-ther Viso I . .. . �,, L � d,L..Il liess to :catcli Y(ju, No matter-whe- I by her ae6pe 'of .humpr, � . I � 41.0gle; *$22 and upwards Der Week for tyro 'In a ,*r0QnA,e . I 4. . - 1131Y dear. lady," liq -sal . have tiler . I rnie':�rofessor politely asked them to . I I . ,W,A,CUJENE,V8F,N & 1306G9,�- �. - been. mifferbig the . you axe.-wl1lIng. .or not, you MIN 0 '. - .. wh1oh W the' Salt ot her speaklng� as 1. . I I . . , - pangs of the ne- lllu&t be caught, imi-ro0le � . . .. L .1 .. . desist, whereupon he was told in ifiInd well so her writing. Recently nh - .,� -_ . . '_� , .1 ', I I 11 ..U. W. Wach4mhtrsen,� w.. Af. Bqggff,,� glected,'. but how dared .1 break - in leii to tile box office � 4, captured, -­ . .e � :�'. . . , .. �, ,. Ardt,el Granada. . . . Hotei OXfOrC14 L upon-sto confidential'a L to 1),t y;011 11, ' L .and passed in- - , his own -- ,business. Ht�,­at * once sent a London tuAdienee into screams I . . . : . I . -a,4 ­ . ate Into English of I&ughtei' . ... � . . . . .. tete _ Side after d , E M commenced to trans) r when slia. responded to,-: .- - ( - I -, , St. Augustine, ; I tkvon-by-the-gea.. , "You, have, little of.'tile colirt�ge at L avO p4i ''your money. , 4L. some. f-n a . .. " . .., - I .. .. I , i � Florida. Now Jersey. Your — - To do- t.hai,- to'haildio.the tb6usandg ; . .' atfis .the cry from 'Aittstiplla­'Send .its 2, '. 11 .. � I -1 . . . natioll, - tilen," slie ahAwered a, - successful Bpieler..must - re.nA,Jlll- . N,w which lie had hedild 6 .Calcutta mej. 000 wive&'. . �i , i: . I . . . ­ � 11 . i ___ - --�-'�-----'L."--.-''�-.-----_-----�--�-------- - . . op, . 1 . . . .. ; . . . I . __ laukIling" "Jor I gavo'y6ii'many � ., - cliant's servant use to It mfselonari's "In behalf or. tWo.thou,Sand:EngIIsh.. .L . � . . . .1 , . _ . partunitles. '' But you .11ave been . mail .nattire Ixt .a g;allceo ' . . I : A curlous optical Illusion Is to, ba­servirtnt. .. . 1� ' co- "Fur ,no twP uroswls,�aro alike". S(ien In th6'accompanying figure from. Tfie� men sidled .from. him �13enedfcts, I reply, .Take �qurs. Take. I . 4 . I .1 . 1. grossed with youi- . thoughts,- ant] 8 Tpbln; - anti Tbbin . 1. a' . 1. . �. . I . , ­'.'L�� I . . t1loy, succeeded 'at least' aye L , a0 If 110 had tile �lagae,:and 'at tile ouro."' , . . . .1 . a.. f. '�' '. I . 1 ., ... , lwfi�re- - I "Urowids aie a hilows. L Nature. - At the plaeas Where the .next station sought -another. edm!, - �' ­ I — . , L ­ . " I . I failed­�-you ivere. 'distinctly hlIIIIIr1g_'Wlla,t L s different.his porsort-4. white .. strips 1peparMng the black. partment.-Uverpool, Eng., Post. L, ' . , � . . . - 1 . I i I - ' . pon you." , , .. will lAeast- qt,nd . ler-'a- liaz' I . . . I -.� ry - '� '. ,� L Whpiv I came: u _'. . . . . capture one squares . drossr ,eacli� at] Y. . Not 'Above NeAd of M" I. I . . ilit Iva . s 6'. preirlonition," lie began, ' crbw4l will IlOvCt_- U;it. an car ,in the pe,nunibra'can be seen..L if, -.however, . . 1. . I I. - .. I I . I .. ., . .. .. 1. I .. " . A P LOr" T FOR E M PIREG t next crowXl.,7 - . .. . .1 . . tentlori'la.,00ncentrated upo Special. Train to ;,Iii 0ra,ncls oc Dr.. 'Phtlp, th a St, T'holAaN Irapart . _. , � I I . � I I...- ____ - ___ Rho ralsed a little,wlilto - lla:nd, . . . at n one * . . . I 't � . L . .. I flashing'with rings, to'his lipsi, and he Tobin also says that* a crowd in air the Spots it disappears, though For Canadlah delekates Land all oathl. scoarns the 'idea -tha-f a minleter to ' .. . , ; I " 11 --.L-.S- 4 1 . .. I I I . .. , . I ­ 1. itself uitually changes . 116 the the others remain vl,lble. . �­ . ero'going to. Upworth League Con- werrl.01 -about No Salary.. decaslo'n- . I. . � was�silent. , . - . . W11 � � . . . . I . . . I . ,: � I . ... .. . "Please don't thl .. � Splolor talks, many. coining, Some - * I . . . . 1. t. ally one to found Who doesn't talk .. . . . 1� L� , lilt It necessary to � . I , -" ventlon, via. Chicago arid Northwes , it­d1l tile Sam'si, , , "i, 11 11 . . - -..'1.----.. , , I .. I t, I I ' .. . . . . �1 I -­ L .. � . __.__=_�__ . , , .1 L --I- - 61 ii " ' -Tu'es � - -a . � _� � ,� talk.nonsense to we alFtlie tim,6,11 she . gOing- L . � , ­_ - ­ ­ ,, . tari '----t- i ­ -Money-'Lbilt lie. need I .. .11 � , A THRILLING STORY OF CONTINENTAL CONSPIRAC . � . . I I . I. ­_ . . . . orn a, - way, a save A cago, . Y AGAINST BRITAiN. . : "Inticr St them i Got ­. . . . . and 11 s, usually all that to . . '.1 f . to. -1 .Want their, 'atten- . - . . 1. .. .1 . .. day, July Oth,'11.59 p. in. Sto him. � . . I begged. "Come! I ,am� tired c ii� c6liect L� it'. d L . . . . I . ps Will Co�jjnj to _kingqt�L . . I , ­ - I a Whig. : � I ! .0 own.* I)On't you want t take tioill Hold thenil" says T,obin. - . L . . n, . . I � L . I . 0 1 - . I I . be made ati Denveri Coloracto l:iprIngs, . � ­ - my. chair dowir by the side of ,tile Illustrative. -of th.e quick Wlt,-and I . . I . ... - .sa�_­., I I . . � . . . . ., Glen wood, Springs,. and Salt Lake, ' I . . ., I" I . y L'' . . . -4 - "I 1. . . . �1 .. * I . . 9 e � . . " I . boat there? 'l like to watch, the keen . mill'a.: of � Tobin wAs 'an incl- ' '- . . I ­ baAsin .en route"th' finest seenir .. 11 64 i9 on tho.'watej,'and ,you � ' L ' ' ' ; . .. . . I . , 1� Y,our yacht ridoas rena!arkably well, once more In civilized society. I was light, (tent yesterday afternoon., A batch . . . .11.06ky 'aad , Sierra :Nevada - I %. , . :. ,, I � If har shaft is reaftly broken," he re- never so dull Ili my life.as: . on that 'talk to me -if yoli:like.,., - . Way or,20 .01'. 30 ,paruons � .1 . '. . . ,. . .. . .� In the . FRAGRANTt; . ­ . . ; ;,_;�l;. I I . came .along' I I .. L I . . 'L I . I . � % % . . in.tWo'to , , L ' _ Po . rt 11,111g* ji-i I AtountaIns. Through� Pullman pal -w - . L I . . .. . I .. .. . I ;. L Warked. poky little yacht." �.. I "Youll lawband,". lie ivemarked a uld. Every concession. has fro � .a, June 5, i897, nice. And ton Ist sleepingbarg. Order , , , , .1 . 4 I . . . , � ' i Xr. Watson nodded. " Poky little, yacht, Indeed 1". AJr. . tuell�. oil' two -later,, ae.he arranged ., fivo POrsons Who form the nucleus C. C. RICII4RDS & r CO. ' L I I .. I . r . I . . . . . . I I , I .. . . '-t I . - berths early, as -party Will be limit- - . . . . . , , � "Alia's a beapati-fully built boat," he I Wateou,- Interrupted, with'a note of .1101' Cushlon,%. "does not care for the of' at crowd. Toblh4 spied the shoal Deal,' ,41rs, - - . I L I 1. I I e L I MIXAMS LINIMENT ed In nu,niber.- rare 'only $50 round ' . I L . . � Ahi,y. Oveni.119 aii 2" I . ' . . . . 11 (if people, They di Is my reinedy for colds, icte, It is the trip, With Phoice of Ar , autos returning. . I . I I .. . � 'remarked with anthusiaWzn. "If the annoyance -in his tone. "Tile I * IV n st. I DO . I . I L . . ',"'.'welatYier Iss favo.rable her canvas will flower anyway cost me pretty ,:;�ell . 1'�t Is sufficient for hlm'," silo .an. .as ,thiuAy were WEL11111 hall. al IOPIV b'st'lln1nipjit. I liave ever, aeod. , Send Stamp4for Illuettated Itinerary - - I I . I .. I I I . . ,: L . I ;L I 11Y .. y� �!� . . . : I I . . I bring liar into Ro?ston Harbor twol two hundred thousand dollats,"and swered,quie � "that.l.prefei-At. Ila lourd guffaw rang out froiu a ball -, . MIMS'. 170SITAIT HXAT. ' and map.of San:'Francisco, to B,'H. 11 . .� L . . . I . , . . h0c) 111) tile Midway.' 'rho crowd*, __ . . . . . . . 'days after us,." I she's nearly the largest pleas Lq Will riot loave tile sinoking-itloorn . lilt tyav I . .. . . . ;> -`Pffflot I old dent1frife. for ths . . L I i . . , .ur . . . � .KI,li 0 I . L ". "I suppose," the captal'a asked, look- I yacht afloat." . .. . - I I .. Be*nriett, General A , t ' .14 . . - . . I t1l -tIIO lightlf-Il,re Put Out." - L prett' but 'not -80 T,obin.j . L. � . .1, ­. I . ... . I : ' ' . gen , - I . . . L '! . L I. . . '. . . . . I . $ng lit liar through his glass, " yuu I "I don't wixe If khe ,cost. you a ' . , : street east, Toronto,.;Ont L A . .. .l, illn 'all ordinary wa,,v," )I!; remarked . "Ali Ill 110 exclaimad, joy6usly. "kVile . . . . L . . I . . . . . . I , I I . . � 1. , . . . - . - - ; . , 11 1 Au-tidled yotImalf that her shaft was I million dollars," Afi-B. Wats � "that must be aull for, you,,, ., , ' laIL-ItIlIg flow I* T'lle ITiug . . .. I . :.. . . . I . 1, 'r h! Tile I . I L . . . I I . . . ,­ really broken I" swored, pettishly. "I never . way; and evi aughing, 'floweri. Tho� ... . � � I., I - Liniment - In , tile . . . : (11 a�; ,-In an oildinary . . ary Jau;h I - The 'I L I . Keep I inard's . . . vrA4 � . . . . I.Teith iw'd' M'oudh ' I . " I d.'d not, si-r," Mr. Watson ans- suit on her again.' I prefer title in- � way,11.she answered. in alow tone,,ill� famous Doomla goolalil 1-16W majly . . . . .1 Alydse.,_ :, ­ .1. I., .. . I 25C 50� , L . I I -, mere&, "My engbueer reported it so, finitely." I . . a'm always, dull.- But, after ,All, - I Of . I . . Newsbesozoolif . . . YatL 114YO Ijeoll .tIJ6 Baoulla goo- . .11 . � . I — . 1. ;811,11 . . ­ a " I I . . ' . � . I . SM1111111111111'"111TH, AWER, 211c. . . and, as I know noottji,�ng of machinery she I ughed al Capt. Ackinson, must not, weary a.. :�stranger with lalil .Vj,o ftl,liloud lauglibig flower! - � japanese. Journalism. � " I it a , Kler)tonlauta Beyond Oure.. ', .[Am Utwb =4 POWD111t. 7sc 1 1 _.niy'solf, I was cont,ent to take ,h' B orld her husband continued. .his din. 113Y Woos- - 'Coll Joe all about, your- Wo have N it never has been Xo the year'1878 Japan had 260 � I , , 2, 1 ­', , 11i a * tO, ,soen apart from its native Islo be, newspapers and rF,,,IOws tli6 total : amusing story , Ateaftraherbruati, forthovrice. . I , ,,w"d. Ile holds very fiae diplonla�, ner lit silence. Mr. Slablit made , 961f, T Ir. $� bill, - - Are you going The Flgaro teils'an I , . . � . � .. and I presume he knows whaL he 's mental note of two things *- first, America on piensiire, �or, have you- fore. Wd li,ave it 'vv,ith our score circulatio,ri of wl'Ich amo�nted to over Of .'a trick recently played ,on a � . 1. 1. . talking about. But anyway Mrs. Wai- that Mr. Watson did n buslnu;s there ?11 . .1 I HALL 4, RUOKEL, MONTREAL . I , ab treat life I arid.dozen dahcjig 'girls., lgho Boom� "S io 9 0 ,Paris doctor. Ali elegantly dressed ­*­_­_�__ ."-___.___ _ .- I . .000,000 c pie . Last year's ta- . . . .. .1 'son would never %have o,,iayed upon ,wifo with tjlat consideration which A faint SnAIIO flickered, fterom Mr. - lo, goolahl The l)(,,aatlfuI laughing tlgtics allow. that the number of daily . -Man, calling himaelf M. de R--�i, datl� ... . ­ .., I I . I I � I . Alhat boaut oine moment longer than IS supposed to be distinctive.. -0 . I Sabln'ko face. Ile- watefied tile W111W flower I You will see it as y . Uu ,oil.; newspapers and. P.eriodlcItfghao great- MI on tile doctor In the avenue de . � . . I I ­ .� � . . � . !" "'aho -was compelled. l. nat-trembling.upon It's 019dr-for .. 1, ]a fira aed. hIm f6 . , �DROPSY l. , She's a, wonder- American husbands; and secondly, . a ,torl Tho Doonila goulzqlll,, . ly.increased duringthe past 20years, . . 4ollynervatlB woman is Mrs. Wa.tison." that lie drank a good deal of Wine. moment before lie spoko; I . 'Tobin had Nvon. Tile, crowd stream- 11,11d that tire, total number of both tako charge of Ills Oldest daughter , . � . � I . .. Treated Free. __ . .. --.--,I i 1 A��', , ­� 'That's a somewhat unusual trait mor' "I can. scatecl�e 'be said to: be Ito, Od 1110 Way. Tile IatI9;I1 Of the ne&r-by . IS about * "2,000'. and that tile' combill- .. . andits 11, . without becoming even a Shade 6 . anod curo her of..kleptomanla. ,He We have inade drops I America oil pleasure," .110 all. complications a Spec ait�r for I for .your eountrywoman is i,t not I" I amiable. %Ills wife, somewhat, point- Ing barlylloo Alad b8tin aniniunitlun ,whicli ad circulation is 91'519 1.51 copies., gave his address as in the: Avenue I � T, �i - . edly, draink water; and, tu , d twelity years. . Quick relief. . . . Mr Sablon, aisked. riting hor swetV, "nor : have I any business 'Tobill-turne,,I to 1116'tant4 usa; Ho did Of this numbell tile aqW, newspapers Xleber and.pald ,down r)00r. ($100) �. I I d steadUy at I right shoulder there, Let ,us agree that I am go, nat ignaro, tho laugh, for lie know tile forin 6lie-fiftli part. The* . city . of In aidVance.1 I � Curem worst cases. Book of .1 I � 1. I ' � TICSTIMON JAMS and IO D . . upon her husband, d(H. Ing benalise It.la tile one - In orowd had lioard It and for the mqu_ Tokyo alone Ila& 20 daily newspapers. I ea - trealmon, ra . 05 4 1 � lilia uestk n r. voted herself to the entertainmont , The doctor took c"a of his b rd I . I ED, , ito ... - ' , .. . . '4' w � I cou�tr enoug , . . � I ,d care, foor she - Ir. ILG1WENIS soils, - . - � -- , Biro" he ,aid, "has lived of her two compa,nions. At the -con. ha 0 0 jVI.,4ltdd." L . I nient, wa& Interestal bi� It, 3�jla g-avc An. , yet -'this immense number in- Oil- ,bl't not dt . the world: of any Importance whi.41 sappe I 1. �,DR . I ter niany years on t1he continent. She v nev r tho crowd rope awl gradually (frow creages very fast, and, many of the has recently ared with ee- BOX -0 ATLANTAgOA. I i, � ' elusion of tile meal, the captain was "You have been v, great traveller, . � I . . reviews'Whic-11 appear have but- one l t .1 I .. . *ould iscare4Ay com.a.der herself an her object slave, and Allo, Sablilwas It, In, . , - � . curttles of " 11, , Value, ,Qf� 12311!?Oot. . . . . I �t ,%nlerkan." then," k?lq.c murmured, looking up at: � I Quite willing to admit that Mrs. J, him - 11 gx)t 08 people In that orievrowd day'O'exlAtence. The journalists of W1,1000). , I I - . I 1� beg your pardon,," Mr. &b'n 11. Ws.tson, ,wha ver . with Innocent, wide-ope ey'00, on tile lailgiling floiviar'.11 said T6bin tile "first mrik" earn only about from On the doctor's calling 4il the Thr Continental Life - 1 � I I t 0, ked te her national-, " hh you 1) t been fl,91do. � , I I . I 1$40 to $50 per n\anth, whil 4venue Kleber to see w1wither 'Ills ' , . . . . . 11 i Ir courtwusly. "One can ,9;� ity might be, was a very charrolog eVOryWhere. 'Won, t i a tile av- . I I . . ab least that sbe has acqui-reid, the womain. - I � , Oft .. me no had,counted them going If], an or.ago xilip not over $30, boarder had retarn'ed to her tathow I I 11 I about some! of . ,tile odd places yo . - � I idh of the only haNtable country After dinner, Ali. Sabin We t 0, vbq1ted Vy a hav-0 lie talked. Tile no!oy &-illyhoos of Ask �oi -_ ", he tourld A ,)LI. do S—. wlid. hald . . to ' . . blaring rptiela illaka It doubly hard Allnar�Va ,-and ,'take no two offaughter$, but lie was.not.the , � . . � , the world,. Hot Lf I had taken the his lower state room for an over- " With pleutirii, � other, I . I insurance. company , . . � .11-bortw of guessing at ,heir nationality, coat, and whilat feeling: for -Same I I it 110 answered ; for 'TobIn, 6a ,Ills success le evell . I . I Af. 'do S! I Jeah.91 cigars, heard voices In the adjoining . but f1rat Won't yott gratify A, riAt. grOotter *1111xb It li(3 Were In- hil lilt- . I .. I � . t . whos6,daughter Suffered . IF A&auld have ta-ken heir to be A Ger- � I . front kleptomania. * ' Hl@AD OF -VICE, TORONTO, �1 . roo i1ritl and Very. tpoeVic curiosity 'Of inelodlotio section Of the..'Alldway'. Observations. *, I '. Authorized Capoital.o- $1,500,000 .� in, which had been empty,up to mine ? r am'. .010 man of S016nee hood �been tj � - MT. Watson ratised his eyeblo,wo, and now. . . wit golog to' a country ,cjl)m0tIm60 110 In.a, I I') The policies of this company em- . . y be seen., Leaning . Curi,oulty Is Ono of tile vices of a,gol vi0tim of a clever swindler, who had . � 0,om�ehblw mianaged, to drop Me match "Won't Yon rome and- Walk ,With IOU I have never visited Were. Toll - a,I,_,lfnA,t. the side of ),Is, ballyhoo, Ills Vorbosity . Ital visible form. . .not UJIBled him When he said that brace every good feature of Life Ili- ' . . . �, Me, was rals-ing to his cigar. me 0, little about it, Let lie talk dallp-till.r..8irlo gBi'l ' surance contracts, and guarantee the . 1.--A#You astionleh .AlMb very much, ol.r,11- me, James T' Ile heard Mrs. WataQU - abou-t-America. , _- -1 I I -1 . m1i!&J,,ans__ --bollind Ateamplislied talkers -when--in-vitat! AI_1,Q__XQ1iVZ. iA47__w"_A._._kIeP_t.o=oX- -lilghe --in regal: to Ion-noi . . Ray. ­ It,ig Ani. 'alirce' 6vei Ili , - , __ ___ them. The crowd 19 flowing by: I I- st-Unefits I-- ­ _-,d--- - --' ----- ,',-" 6h 1 6 -End- S;hb Stoic -a sudden, HwIft glance ,at. . ,.* I . lie remarked. "I alway.4 looked upon I want to go oil dock", . . Tobin out are cxpected to 'earn their slip- 1110. " ' . 11 i � her questioner, NO, he did Ilot appear le.t'zA It 9'o, StI'3do*11Iy 110 catches tile POr In thb old Tommy Tuckeran way. . . . cash surrendiers, and oxtondqd Insur- I . . ,ttile, fair, rotund woman as the typical "Yon caii go With eye of a etranger and roilses up. A young man harried Is, W ,young P ;--------- . ance. I . . � � Out 1110, then," to be Watching ]ter. Illsi eyes we'rO - - "Tile pms,nlala. Ill lie exe it ,a " , <load agents wanted In this district "rman face." was the gruff answer. "'�m 901119 to. fixed Idly upon the shee I 1111s. - , . man married. . . I . lilo,,�A�0000iieloo . * G k ,. MT. Sabin shook his hen.d gently. have a cigar In the smokii-room.11 Tile otianger Stops, '. ' . .1 I Real virtuo. 19 the ability, t6 defeat iron. Sno. Dryaen, , " �Thsre or& many types," he so-. 'Yon can smoke,11,sho reinInded him, esvent light Which glittered In t 16 - "The paornala, Ill lia,va Tbbin. evil Sliam virtue tile . I 4 IOAhd na.Eonality, you lin,ow, doos not "on deck.- - steamerle, track. Nevorthelegs, . 811a ability to 1; Presidentl Genera I . . do I . 00. I �` 4'0^ �_, ", , I . was a little uneasy. . Another stranger "�tops, then- a wre*en It. � I . � I I Th.a signalture, Is, on evory box ot the genuine, . I . . lian 0. . ., 91waya go by complexion or aize. For IlThankii,11, lie .replied, ',but I. don't "Awe Iva," silo sidd, after I, third, thrb ,a fourthi thon, a, (losoll, PormiHsion. to lova �' g1ril's' . dog Laxative Bromo-QuildlIlle"e"s . � ingbance, you ore very Rk-e many care to give my Lanting6s inent's r 'no' '110blil to talking Of tile beautiful (1009 Iwto broludd a perralt, to love the remody that ent-is a cold Ila oneAlley. Boys and, Girls Want,ed 0 - 4. Ily I . . . . k to ' the pau'Re, "In tile orto Count native lote, or 010 famo, dancing liar. I —_ . . k I %Anoarlean gentileirlien whoni I have flad winds. TO" would come here, and you cletest, Wo ve us . 1, .166 pleasure of meeting, but at the Must Ila tl'm best you c . are (inly therc, ry sel- 'Tho banilinunitclile" or "the A neglected child of affluence Is I To earn ahandsonte stern -wind arid sot silver � , game time I Should riot have tnkeil I'll' 'You can't dOM-11rh011 Ur, Wqti�on'a business do. A Close Call. Watch. guaranteed tinteikenper. foi, selling . l . onlyl2boxes ofManarell Silver Ilollioh� some - expect to btLve ine dangling-afto ala In, alolia9- , poorer than. a beloved littlo.beggar. A olxdus paid a flying visit' to A thine every housekeeper will buy. Cleans gold, � ,r you mands it. Yon could not seek for in gl"'S`� ' � . piled lalnpa,') or ',tile gill. I ;. ybU for ain American. nil the time." , or Wimilar i8trango, but oripbonla ' SocifIty and Heaven alike -demand I �, The captain laughed. ,formation from anyone Worse Inforin- eolleMons of nyllables fall froni h1,5, t'hat those Who enter shall ho,ve oul, .1ated w e, or 4,141. � There was a silence, and then*r,ho oil thun IanA,,, . . I � small ,toirn, and thi prIi3e of adinlell -ollver, p ar a n us your addrd6s. I . ; "I can't agree with you, Mr. Sa- sound of Afr� Watson's heavy ti -440 As rangoill he Rald softly. ON I v- tivatea the talents vouchsafed them. years of age half prio.e. , it was we wil Send You the . I . . lillow E't lipo� All tile wl"'(, seCITAIngly coloon was 20 cents, children under 10 copper, tin, steel, ate. 9.Tan allvor, lor ! billft," he Bold. "Mr. Watson appears lie left tile stateroom, followda Jn a lotto In all but tboo earnest truth, I , I tpto liblis 6. yn,(,, sell t. return 1 "You, itro the first linfintriotle Am- But there the parallel ceases. the nione3r. we IN , I yon till! watch 11 Im, 't.11 ab86I1ILCIyff06by`r0tUr0 Mod]. Add,ei,tho I - to me to be, if )lo3 will pardon my Anoineitt or two by tile light footstel)(1 orleall I llnvv over Tobin 10 wittli.-hing" hill orowd, ITo, gevg Who pains II, Nilld by. a, lto elne , Eldith'a tenth birthday, and heir bro. ill I � ., "�*Ytng so, the very typo of tile and Bar, rustle of allk Skiritsi which . Whea the Weird wor(L9 are about t , o wit(), camfortg I ther Tom, ated 18, took her in tile 1rie"Mroall suiply 00.) St. catharl am, Out. " You lallould be thankful," r1he re. It bY SUPPrOss ng t)10 afterfAloon to see toile Sh6w. .., � bi6dein American Annn," Indicate il also of Ills m" tire afJ1 110 91108 AM00thly Into a truth g1lall be forgiven., � I Arrived at tho door lie Pitt down GENT13 WANT]t -$go A Wf�,T,..Ic. G. . .. oirm much obliged to you, (�ap- wife. arked, ,11tbat I am an exception, otoryi It MMY be of love, or wit or Women love alla toga; men loseand 80 ,onto And asked for wo -front A arshall & C6., ti%, Importers, London. . ttlfl," Mr. Watson said cheerfully. Mr. Sabin carefully enveloped )Jim. %,not it�pleuallt to meet people who war or patrifitlom. On. Dedleatlon DAy IOV,e, � t .,$Vm& Boston man, that's Rure, and for it xna� are different from othdr people?" . " mata. � : � Reill In an u1ster, anti stood , f Illn the present caso it to delight. Ile tria;] four otorles on it, crowd, The All arillorigm., to be go6d, mile . � '. I,I)OROVO, Sir, I'm proud of It. I want rnpnt or two wondering whether that 01111 I firet ifirve could n,it budge them. ,rho t be "How old Is the little girl?" asked " I �, , , lie r aching vled M a be�n g our und ____ - - _4;. root " n _, "' �­ � a E an' 0 0 as he p 0 0 8UDO038 d IS sp 0 Id praet, � _b h. B 0 n 0 0 1W b I fee ' - so ro V ---' d an� A — __� .. 1� ' Me" 9 n I I nd 0 C ts 30 Many = � ne y � 'g' , in ' - ­ u' Al 'Ii- ' � , , an , a �T f At I� g r .1 , bep I ,,Vn - All wl on died M so a , , - , illop "m_n r to � ce t ,.r' Uo only , w wain f a f pro in', � hat n 'If w. Lie W at] b Xh bl . , a olo or delightfully 1, t' at " , Ing 0 0 �mlLt" I hr w , tu 't - t . 0 0, bea�� ul Lak. Ontario,, .,ad ,v,T�l 'k a Ntots be n only s`*� "'t from n' I ' ' "m6s am to a ' ' 7 I " g " from Buffalo am � NI,a * �n IS is oa ek otr"ture', col"'., � "'rn n eo'not`ructilan g h �awoa d 8 V L I glits" ?Iev. T 0 � In � 'r n " nd 11" ih from To, ro a fill _pr .' bill g , . . thr beat In a 0 , I In .� s flow ce i he" nia.� p y ititil'id f ", r ' � Efe ty . the for 0 , f"niaw 'a, , I -pi,n,l,n oof 'he't w '.00"modatli'll far two hendr-d and futy sts. I W4 lgtlisost". ,hal,b,r, are arranged gio. d ', �t, a �1. p It. W1 t, I t,rl, , I I T ell D a � a . . I .t. . . va 8 r � na ,. 7�� E ` , I - � , I N .1 - - I , - I . &a .�. I I afl, I - I n I I u I I � 'to know for what nationality you eonversation wail Anertat to be over, go I . I bad, according to the. majority. And the Money-tAkor, doubtfully. �18 I I ' , Would r wonder," she said reflectively, foll"th OtOrY was of, 06 "Starry Yet# sort- aphorism is nQ Joke, . " 4. BROWN' . DROPS, have taken me if you had 310ard or wt. Ile rang the bell tot, tile ,,In will(,,), ist,.hoi) you flag.11 , � if, Well,', reblied' Master Tom, "thla, . . � . I t'Vot been Informp . I I Rtudled MY Life Id real, bub no longer earnest, t i - A ?" steward. . III Caught 0.3 pp,opla by, It," aal(t liev temth birthday, but silo was � � a . � " I 8110111d have I0okPd for you The man appeared alm BOX, and from what particular ivroniaro TobTn,-Bnffn,lo I,lx WLVO to Alloso Willa have a goal ton not born Ainfll riatottlar hit Ili the A one dollar bottle gual-Aptood to cum WoNt I I I Ost lftlalf-Al- You, loarlied tile art of making those ' ' , pres.i. make. . 11 . !, KIWI" Mr. Sabin ately. Mr. Sabin had known how to little aftern-Doa.1- . . ease of laws bac);4 oa,uged byatraln orkidney ; 0 OrLid d(lII;bPrnt0Jy, , specollps.?,, I � 4" the streets of Berlin." elloure prompt service. I � 111 ohn anol . Ir I tftl't I am a . Dandelions I . Many iry born tool haal (lied ai phil- The money -taker a0depted tile ttOliblee. If hot k6 bv our deugglab ordor from 3101 .Yet no- omphor. acoordift to eulogy. altatemont and Itanded hilia the tick. &I A , d i Proprietor, "W" it my fancy, John, 01' did I v1C0j" lie delare(d. In thp tilarkoto tiowmlays therb are , PrIba#266'Noan $I.ft suttoft P. 0 1 1 hertr 11 voice,; In tile statorooill OVI)O. "Then you 114VO a wonderful tuture �110 newer Ole woluan the longer octiv. tat Lt waa a, ,010,40 ishave.- Ex. ___ 1.11, I I � ... A Weak Conspirator. . Hite? I Mr. Sabin asked. � I . hnet�IVN the (1,111,101011 'proons, dando. 01WR lived. , . I . I chia,n;ge, . 0Lt,_FPU0tJ_4 A % I T I h 1- A � , � t . 0 1 . &Cf Vf%'b a f " t. b0foro you. Yoll will inalito a enurtle- 1!4)n Igoatolmrl ftyr -Inif yol,­ -1 I4- .11 ----------- : . . ... dinner timn Mrs. Wateon ap. red In a, very dainty toilette of it "I" &Ila Arrog, Wftts011 haVO takoll the man all"weved. Mr. Sabin '01 . 'it Shall be liappy to be the lium- I enoll I I . A daild"flow, are tile Inore expen- but . Accowinodating.. "Como I tsk And white, and was Inetalled v','�r,Uln nppt%re .(I annoyed, "You know 'of hIoAt of attondalita Ill tile couft *Ave, 11.1-ve thVY tuft1to a (Toliclous salad.' 'thn oakvt bnwl' cold ond rrub said back au soon as possible," hot* migtrosg to Maggio, - t 'the CAPtain's right hand. WA � 19 Introduced at once to ' Hh" Mr. Rn- that notne. my clotlipa are filing 110 there," lie reirlark- where you are quo0n.11 . . "Suell protlelelley", ovor Ito Iniier .iurface with a bit of wots w%o going 110;IA0 Ill response to a . y "d proweded to Anitko herself 0d, "and t have Tieen using -it ris A dreAstrig-l"Ill, 1,11era n%.o lleitpg of 811A .1blirmurod, . ill,'; the ball mark ()f insincerity. You r.arlie. 11011, Ald tho loavp.,� ot tile &qn(le_ very WMI Wilo9herl, T&tka a drega. tolograin -saying her Inotber W40 Ill. "YeR, Intiln," prainised Maggie, & VtofY agreeable POInpanlon. .�., 4 I I this ' fectly W20 "(tte-r061118 vo,citnt, '811VOY You could (tile vot a mnyl.ta, 1)(5 trivgted, Rr. Sit- bitilo, Ing lit t1te proportion of four tltl)le- A fday, � bv two later a letter 6&mo., 6 yll I I V venael pet do' � ainiost 11011 fillet bx- have f6tilld t1leM d1l6ther' �,'*' "I ()ill Tby�'bo.nt, 141r," tile 1116,11 "Try me," he beg,ged. I 'it c,opoonrals 61moftfal of oilve oil to one table- pf Urnigon vInegar. &aslon nt'x 'Toor* IS118 Swiltli. I will be back* Weolt, PIOARO k-01) MY Plate, for r4flti6h, after a Swift glance at r, 'Sabln'o qWot but Irrepronthablo an- oWeredo "but they Rpoillocl to, talto n plirtloulmll, farle W111 I I Will, toll' You it peotot.11 "It will rock it Ill tile turtheRt ellaill- witR own 0alt on.1 p"pil'r to vult Zroill. taoto. (,,tit 111) it few blades of Iftlo call, mother Is (lying AN fast as ilhe 'IT0 00�, itttfrA. I'Voll . crin't 111111,01`10 '. ilo" od I am to find ,y t(I that Ono, .1 (vildn't g,pt thnny off it 11r)1low", "'DId ber of RAY 141)1101. J_'oJIRe.Io%JSJAPB.q." . "I AM going to America for �Ohlvpiq Bill 4(1(1 tholn. Ciftes, like . obildit, v I I . "AlAggle.11 I . iftyself UeY lill6wro' All-, Sabin asked' "'iiot - a pur- I parmiloy, _ are move pas fly Cut %irith : .,M,rollito 'r Zoo ,khart, In, June Uppift- , 11 , I � . � I . I . .. , mlawors V1411 Chopped. I . I I . ; oott. t I % I � � . I 1. . 0 I I Ulnardlp Lt . n1ment, lit used bjr Polly— 61,01"'1100 � � Racial pecks ifarlitles. .. "WhIte folk# la ptou)[40,1`116S said Eraetus Pinkloy-, I'mighty peaultar." 11 Whalsi do0 matt0r, Wit 'em 1`11 Asked 11INg Allow& Brown. . I 11 Doy keepq a-elemplA.IiAlft, an, &.Oom. lAftina-wil obout do way, yothuh pbolilusis I ehlekonst come# into 46y ittlifis y4hdo It do ve*x Ungr4t6f4l"1--t1IV�AbJsjG' I at4w, i ! � . . . , , . , , , , , , , , _: . I I I ^ — U-1hirty, dollars abro, a _�� Irarbor. Johti 0, Griham,lintlar.log, I I 1ft'T Illf" Iron SATIZ-ONE OP T111111 t, Fill I we X, Ara; Peninsula, ab W10041 I from Immiltob on Wo rall. wa ago . a I ham in A $8 of *hich is In fruitt Awe hoc Wf I be bold in one parcel or ..... 11 1AA ION of IS t6 W aeree W Suit purl It it decided IW94111 Ad&tas aftsthad At6r, P. 'O. b6z toot Willions, C � I ­ _.... I -1 XkNWJfis16W1a ftbthfn run a ould t10 .. 'Ar4t . Ma 14i" I Al tb6,rr (I UhIng, its I 11 t ateurod wIndotta, W a III t0mild for )Avth"�� Twenty 1111" a