The Clinton New Era, 1901-06-14, Page 3w �j A /�l IMM, OF L BRITISH CIVIL LIST* � 0RJ.et �7� i l A R u\ 114%•F� t _ F�a� tared �xrrar, � • 1�1T RE ` o -;— PA i iii �� o OR IsA Mol•Snan, qo matter wba# ble alA BCISNTi3i;l� "fHl ftwltAS STRIKE 1NHlMIE 7HS M4iVSYVQTEtTq ttlNtA A Poor g ttar► HAS TAPPFM IT- 1� la�•:,�lQli neo why let � vinta t4 be buried in A para white eQt. i t o,tl�►s hey r WyiQ] t14e jpWARP Yll. QQS� ry, all u x Where isn't a lighthouse to An ,Ala*, �Clflatl�atiafl h t a "bu kisht at sit, *� xn A g ka except, ane lit .l . ' lttaeamt lRlMopvsrr ox tha 130MAIMOUt 1�ta0fi1 ,►t 7iti Ia liAld to Co. to Prgvlde nine•an 9 1lii3U$XiB s and . boars 11, d ka• opogto r 9eaxaM to CoMArm _.Agttwitr cure p oee for bfea,aluere of �th.a .A.rla. I zl d S The average deo#Il of the ocean is I0 tue Now Field, 1 tooraefi�-$ome Yerr Curloae and Qwalat ` kHead-Aches rioiittlY leas than. three miles, or 15,000 I the great ail strike in Texas fievivep. io^ ourvlvale of #ha flaxa whoa bhaw wf►ae i G xhjnk youforth feet: must � b What #Flt .IDnsllab paper raaN ie{ tha Ocie Pieta t at theoryset er olefiudaeax�MRuR• to ta.3>3G,� Uty. i > reateei too' In the world is at petrolauna Siows from the ucrkhwestern The civil list auaaun 'f'I1Q InQSt beautiful thing 1 t w near, .sydnoy. itt accam?nQ e x 'S Batar�► X40$0 hens' Portion of the United States tbrouF,lt Col- ,COQ. 'l his BUM is divided as tallow,• tit44 World 18 the baby: all ' dates 11,s44M11 duC>f erica or R or do and Tara$ and cut Ander the eau expenses of the household, #:?2,- haze our are i� . e PILL�O* older �- . e ga, ai; Mexico,. It is claimed that the $eau• , soQ. salaries of tlio household and a g._ r gill 3eru,alem mant usher tapped this great reservoir. retired aliowapc n spec, A servieal MPI, and 1��. The most .j Yet' it's inllpossible to Recent discaQe Y ueduct presence of an oil lake under the gulf bouniy alms and ape a They are $afet with the pr.ovea that the ancient aci 'qhs o been known to snilors, and marry 218,200, unapproprlated, GO'Q`lO, pitiful thing iS that same baby, Zook. young which brought water frorti Bethlehem has long i 11 thought a sea captain has searched for it as a ha- the „monarch a privy purse, 0,00 i�ix�d, l tG Ra t :f Color of 70 Yeats n W- 1112 ll iue Hlunah Valley, thin end tial pain, And the s, ' rk of Herod woo built by veo of refu>re during severe Storms. � when we turn t9 the details ai this. Fal�iteS�, d6'not ��a�gl�� The hair. les Sad to to be tbq 'rto Ynscri Certainly tha oil well dlseovered b7 expenditure we And that a great porgy 4 ft BDI 0 nlothel:� does. not know, that a tlitl persons $ 4 $ Ntnpdror Severna, 1'00 A. D- p• Captain A ,x F, Lucas was no oxdinar a tion. to it .a goes numbest membsrs f�,t,�ly,ays give ,satistaotto r see young : P tions to that eiXect haV* been food. l prematurely old hid gusher, When it broke loose, it was a 1, tje f at makes all, the Cllffer a IOOI p Nothing can be food for ever yt �n,,, if the power at a couflued Niagara was of the aristocracy of both sexes. Lot and bo- t, ° e t in wall brings success, behind the opouter.. ( us taka a few items, Saxe. Deynold`s: GIICe. Ti ny arethe most reliable Household Medicine knAWn . in this way. Sad Dom aR h R Doan's Pills, do one thing: well. 'There were five men working at the. Newsgapor. First there is the klt� . Gap be taken at any season. by Adults or chiidrern, Cause it's all ulilneGeS i for s•ckkidne e. ° well on the morning of the strike, It 1, then, which is managed. bs what is -• hev are ; yd all Piens ills. I?lmpjes and joy have gone, • for ray hair chap cure be oksche an Y the custom In ,sinking these •wells is de- known as the board of gree -..,c clatPII.C.St Sorg g a bore crease tha size of the Pipe according to the steward of which is 'tho Earl of ALL TH �,EADING DRUGGISTS SELL BRISTOL!S may always be l'e• I TheLeylaud LiuerAseyrtan�e s :„n«AnMA nt depth. They were fax Pembroke, whose salary out of the and 1Cft hollo�vS and feat; the