HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-06-14, Page 2Ju 14th 10' 1,
vima 1 too eou w i '1 ILI?
IA Watford us a wird deal of satis-
brettenif slaw, ibers will Madly see to
it that their auhacriptiona are paid in
eds'atiee. • 'The price of paper and of
firlotieg material of all kinds has. ad -
Warned very materially during the past
Year, While the price of material has
4,elinatined the same. Our white paper
Pests ne e per lb. more than it did last
year. This rendere it all the more ne
senSeary that subscribers pay promptly.
Will those who have not paid remit us
sat epee the amount of their subset ip-
Vinn. One dollar or two to a subscrits
let May seem a small amount, but
when hundreds such are scattered
.lerfliand it. becomes a serious matter.
• •.
FRIDAY JUNE 14, 1901.
•••' Ss.
tut, Aga
'Our Children and Scientific
Temperance Teaching.
Ask any respectable father or 'moth-
er, who is not in association with *be
liquor traffic, whether they want their
children taught Scientific 4temperance
in the school% and they Will answer
to the great NorthWest and was car -
'Yes". Every instinct of parental .Also an interesting talk on
hive demands that so long as bars are ried.
legalized and the -drink habit destroys deconess work by Mire Howson, of
• a. P. GI aham, M. P. P., was nom-
's *dated by Broel ville Liberals for the
-Iiegislative Ass many.
° ald'm tnd Liberals have re-nomin-
*del J. W.Holmes. M.P.P.,for the la g
isTative Assembly, Hon. E. J. Da' is ad
'• dressed the convention at Cayuga.
• • •
• The London News prophesies that
the next Oatario Sesator will be a
Lund in man. If be is it will probably
s, be a newspaper man who deserves well
at the bands of the Government.
• • •
Alex. Henderson, of Vancouver, has
'.b ,en appointed a judge tor that dis
trict. The name of John D. Swanson,
of Kamloops, was among those under
.-.Consideration for the sr me osition
",',1"4111,e-issa--Huron hoy, graduating from
Mee of the late M. C. Cameron.
• is *
Mrs of Goderich, read I
an interesting paper on the topic "The
Stranger within our gates" and also
Moved, seconded by Mr e Elford, of
olrnesville, that the parent society
be consulted regarding a MedicalMissionary to be sent to the • Galatians
of our own Dominion, who baye come
The British Admiralty has decided
eine Manitoba flour in.. the navy•
is been decide,dsraffsir a series of
s: experiments wlair‘ have been carried
sssen for some time, with the view to
t,satacertatrung what times were best
• •
a: •
suited for that arm of the British ser-
vice. in future, all flour used by the
ys !navy will he purchased by secret brok-
ers and manufactur ed laic sea biscuits
a- for use on shire and for storing in fort-
resses and depots. This announcement
swill be receis ed with general satisfact-
ion by Canadian millers, as it will mean
;S. as large increase in the export of our
'Ss watt slates flour to Sleet& Britain and
‘:S .1t.,he British possessions.
An elet.ric clock is the latest inven-
tion and ili,js said to run forever with-
-out aa, di gton the same principle as a
▪ s woman's tongue, evidently.
Anexchange speaks of "Four hem s
slat a shot." Now if it had said four
s Shots at, a bear it would have been
More like it.
•" 'A "shirt and collar trust" is spoken
of. This will enable us to change ours
,t 'Snore frequently if the "trust" is goad.
I, s thousands yearly, the children shall
not go out into life blindfolded to the
evils of alcohol. drawer was answered by the talented
At the evening seesion the church
Mrs Gordon Wright, of London,
Why even the saloon keeper is often
glad of the protection this
knowledge was full to the door while the bees at.
tention Was given to the speaker of
affords his boy, , the evening, itIts G. Wright, and as
It is only a couple of years ago since all listened to her wards of eloquence
Clinton now of 'Toronto. A question
e saloon keeper s son, attending a Mi •
dlesex county village school, took the
or ize ffered by the lecal W. 0, T. U.
fae paesing the best Entrance exam, in
Scientific Temperance.
When the tattier was twitted about
it by his friends he answered -"I make
my living by the liquor business, be-
cause if I didn't smite one else would s
but I knew its a bad business and I
don't want, my boy to have anything
to do with it. I'm glad the public
school is teaching him to let the stuff
and earnest zeal for the cause of mist -
dons at home and abroad, we felt that
surely such earnest words would in-
spire us with. fresh aeal in the Master's
Crisp County Clippings
. —
Mrs S. Plumtree, aeon', 4, McKillop,
died on Monday week. She bad been
ill since last fall with cancer. Deceased
A: IONS I was 51 yeate of age.
Fine office desks from Bell's factory,
Anything that weakens the present
school regulations on this tome willWingham, will form part of the Cams -
not be received with favor by Ontario hibition
Ex -
fathers or mothers, We therefore pre -
diet, with confidence, that the alteras R- Elliott, manager for S. A. Elliott,
tions proposed by the Educational As- has opened a new ;quern y, flour and
sociation, which held its annual Con- feed store in 13roderick's old stand,
The death of John A.itcheeornof Box,
boro, McKillop,took mdaa
May 28th, Hs was born in the parish
of Inerwick, East Lothian, on July 15.
1813, but he spent most of his younger
days in Bertvickshire, Scotland. Ile
was married to Alison Wilson, daugh
ter of the late Wm. Wilson, of Cock
bumspitle, Berwickshire, in May, 1838,
their married life thus extending oyer
a, period of 63 years. With his -wife
Properties for Sale or to Let
House tor Sale
TWO story houss, on Maple street, for sale'
on easv tense of payment. Apply to
May 81-tf. J. TWITCHALTs
• and two children he left fee Canada in Farm to Rent.
, d' St b f that year
settled on the farm on which he died.
He leaves an aged partnerand a family
of four eons and two daughters:- alas
Bowzer, of Talmage, Kansas; William,
of HOW: David and Sohn, of McKil-
lop, and James and Jennie at home,
"An egg combine" is spoken of. The
s Combination likely includes a little
Yee, we've seen just as wet weather
-. -as this before. When? Why, when it
) Sizing up Mr. Borden.
The weakness of the Borden -Monk
i• leadership is its absolute failure to ex-
cite enthusiasm anywhere. The cir-
:settamstances of the time and count' y
„criray forbid any outhur st of enthusiasm
'on behalf of the opposition. -Toronto
warn, Conservative.
Mr Borden is not brilliant and he
rouses 110 enthusiasm. He is young
at bath in years and in experience as
nblie man and leader, and in the fed -
see of time if he develops into a wise
nd' thoughtful statesman, he may by
is strong presence command the en•
hriefa.sni of the party. But it must be
Admitted that now neither his presence
for his speeches arouse any kind of
tenthusiasim, nor do they bear In them
the greatest athount of conviction.
6 Conservative party cannot have
the ranks too many men of the
amp of Mr Borden, but if their °b-
et is early successes they have one
Many of that stamp in the leader-
ip.s-London News, Independeat.
vention in Toronto, Easter week, will Goderich.
not win the approval of of those inter-' We notice that Dr..T. S. Daidlaw,and
, . .
e, -..ed in the welfare of our young peo-
DrJSMcGowan, of Blyth were
among the recent graduates , at the
The Scientific Temperance law as itNorthwestern Dental Collego, Chicago
now stands, asks for one hour per
week rf study upon this branch in the After. Coulters raising, at White-.
second and third forms and a brief chnrcb, there will be plenty of time for
specified course of teaching, covering
those whowho are inviteto witness the
only four chapters of a small book, in marrage of A.Purden to Miss Tena
the fourth form, with an examination- IVIcKalt•
al test at the Entrance. 'On Wednesday Week, at the li7ime of
IMPORTANT PCINTS John Sproat, of Tuekersruith, Rev. N
Shaw united in namriage Miss leen,
Enquiries msdeseveral times throne-,
their eldest daughter, and lYlr Geo. C.
this provincehave pr Organizationsan Of
y Dale, son of Wm. Dale, of the Huron
, cved beyond
doubt that because the regulations for r°54' ' • •
the 2nd and 3rd forms do not call for Having completed fitteen years of
exams. at the close of the year.,asa rule faithful and veryaeffleieni service as
the -work donein-these-formsas-far-in-- Iilermrl-hishn1of The First, Breeb-rss
ferior to that, in the fourth form. . ternin church, Seafortb Jas, Scott has
It has also been proved, not only by tendered his resignation' to the church
Canadian experience, but by the much session.
longer and broader tests applied on the
o'her side of the lines, that temperance On the 22nd inst., Isabella Charters,
truths taught apart tram physiology of Whiteshuich, passed away , aged 20
have little lasting effect. It is after years. Sbe was a bright girl when at
the teacher has shown the pupil the tending schools but for the past 14
delicate nature of the brain that 'years she has been a great sufferer, her
he can impress upon him the injury sickness making her, a great care to her
alcohol (which is a brain poison) does mother.
this organ. It is after the pupil knows
car John Newcsmhe. jr., believes in hay.
the struct tire of the lungs thet be ing only the best in stock, and is now
among the minute cells through which
appreciate the havoc alcohol can make. the owner of a very promising yearling
be breathes. Temperance teaching short-hcrn bull "General Buller" bred
by A,'Elcorat, Brucefield. The animal
and Physiology cannot he separated
without great Ices to the pupiltook first prize at Brucefield
The alterations proposed by the A very happy event occurred at the
residence of Mrs Wm. Murdoch, Luck-
opping of the one examinatiOn now Edneatianal Association involve the
now, on Wednesday, June 5th, when
granted and the dissevering of the s- her youngest daughter, Lizzie. one of
jeer from physiology. The Public Luckn ow's most estimable young ladies,
School section of t,he Educational was united in the -bonds of matrimony
Association, in their meeting on Thurs-
to F. Bay.nes. of Toronto; Rev. A Mc -
day afternoon, April 111h, voted, by a Kay officiated..
lasge majority against these changes, 0 W d d
n e nes ay evening of bet week
The same night the General Asirocui-
t ion, which was very slimly -attended
hv the teachers, adopted the proposed
eleratiens with some slight amend-
The action . thus taken does not
actually effect any -change. The 'Edu-
cational Deptirtthent of the (.4rMern-
ment alone can do this. But unless the
people protest against them, the re-
commendations thus made may, have
weight with the Departmeut and cause
entaire modificntiong of a law thatneeds
strengthening Matted of weakening.
Ontario Should Co Liberal.
'Oetaune the Conservauives happened
make some gains in Ontario in the
boit Dominion election, some people
assuming that the Province
ittleasseryative,and that it must neces-
ily go that Way in the next Provin-
td 'election. This &tee not by any
wog follow. In the Legislature there
e 5.2 Liberals, 41 Conservatives and
es t Hutto Vacant.
t in the last Dominion election the
*totes OW in the constituencies - if
roldricial beundaries had been in
eases would have given 50 Liberals
Osinseryativers The Dominion
rimandeec the Work of the Conser-
vative administration at Ottawa, left -
Liberals of the Province with 86
ettratives in the Ifonste of Coni-
ne. It addition to the 50 ridings,
which, in the Dominion vete, would
aye gene Liberal by Provincial
*Warier, 14 other tidiege Were car -
4 by the Liberals in the Provincial
tion in 1808.
1808 and 1900, 64 of the 94
tge in this Province Went, Liberal at
ri tittle GP aneltheit, Welded these,
here efe 11 ridings in which patty'
chieMer lotit the election to the Liber -
Is in 1900. Thew/ echisnu do net Orbit
, fair 40 Provincial matters are One
arid they MO be eittietted to
it and return duPnetterit of
. tee the COneeetittiVea will
deed set On treersr, elittittittieney
he Liberithi Might to be able to
WO on their own ground, and
lees there _le an entirely unlooked-for
m tit* adMillitatratien cif Ron. G.
.should carry amajdfity of the
Geod Mloney In Live Stock.
It the farmers of Canada are not
making money now it is them own
fault. The demand for life stock of all
kinds is yerv active and prices range
exceptionally high. With hogs selling
at $7,25 per cwt., there ought to 'be a
fine 'profit in raising pigs. The country
has been scoured for highgrade horses
with the result that there are now not
P" nugh animals to supply the demand
for horses of the right type. For some
time past business in the Toronto Cattle
Market has been brisk and good prict
have been realized for all grades of
cattle. The prices recently r nged
trona 93511 to $5.25 per mist. The re-
putation of Ontario as a breeder of
high grade cattle is extending every
year. We now make frequent ship -
truants of pure-bred stock to Manitoba,
British Columbia the United States,
South America and other distant points.
Baggage Arrangements for Tra
yellers to Pan-atnerican Ex-
position, Buffalo, N. Y.
In view of the enormous quantity of
baggage that will be shipped to Buff-
alo during the Pan-American Exposit-
ion, and which will tax the terminal
facilities to the utmost the following
suggestions are given by the Grand
Trunk RailwaysSyiStefirticiiid the-to-tar-
ieh end the traveller in checking their
A ii baggage should be plainly mark-
ed as it ii owner's name in full and per-
manent or home address. All baggage
should be in good order before being
checked and on account of the large
amount winch will be shipped it would
• lc advisable not to check satchels, bags,
or any small baggage. Anotherim-
portant feature which the passengers
should be careful to do is to identify
and- check his own baggage at the
starting point. It should not be dele-
gated to hackmen, expressmen or
others, and in no case should it be done
by an "obliging friend" or chance, ac-
quaintance, as experience has demon-
strated to the railways that in a large
majority of cases,sestrays, lose of bug -
gage or other cornplicatious, are the re-
sult, of the owner failing to act for him-
self. Passengers should keep a mem-
orandum of their check numbers A
representative of the Transfer Com-
pany at Buffalo will pass through all
trains approaching the city or be at
the depot to give transfer checks in ex-
change for railroad cheeks for the de-
livery of baggage to all hotels, board-
ing houses or private residences.' All
bagrage should be checked to Baird°
and rot to the Exposition grounds, as
there are no facilities for , handling
baggage at the latter place. Baggage
should be claimed by persons immed-
iately on arrival to • ewe sterage
charges. If all these suggestions would
be followed out by persons checking
baggage, it will save not only the bag-
gage -masters, but themselves from a
large amount ot inconvenience and
Women's Missionary
Society .
The Annual mee-ring of the Western
branch of Wbbidee Missionary Society
Met in North Aired Methodist ehurch,
Goderich, on Thttreclay.Mar
president, Mrs Leach, in the their, the
secretary Miss Washington, being ab.
sent, Mrs H. Andrews, of Clinton,
Wes anointed as secretary for the con-
Thie Marston Opened at ten o'clock a.
M. and considering the very Inclement
Weather there WAS& large and en!
thitstatitie gathering of Christian work.
ere. Reports from the different so.
eletiots showed the very deep interest
taken in foreign mission work Words
of welcome from Mrs (Rev,) Jasper
Willson were appreciated with the
kind hospitality of Goderich friends
who entertained the delegates right
royalty, The ,Preihyteriall church
was represented by Mr. Stewart,. of
Goderich, who *poke in the interests
01IW4 0, T. U, work and prohibition,
The Farming World advises the far -
riser who is now engaged in some de-
partment of the live stock industry, to
get into line right away. He can find
no work about the farm that will pay
him better than the raising of horses,
cattle, sheep, and hogs. No. matter
That excellent and desirable stock farm, but
which may be need for other purposes, cum
prising the north half of lot 22, 8rd con.,Hullet,
containing 150 acres, Possession given at or
Alart,particulars apply t° ikasylet
IliOITSE for SALE or to JAEN T.
On Victoria St., near Organ F'aotory. $ SOO'
will buy a roomy, comfortable house with gobd
lot -the property recently occupied by Emelt
'Umbel), Apply at once to -
Barrister &c. Clinton,
Bull for Service.
' The undersigned keepa for servlee on Let 35,
Con, 2, Tuthersmith, the thorehred Short
tpwr Lev nyi ee ga re so
Horn' Bull, Strathoona, of Hillside, No. 33163,
Terms $1,25`, with
June 7-tf
---s--„. HARRY JOHNS
' House for Kale •
Boarders Wanted.
Boarders and roomers wasted.
Bull for Service.
The undersigned has on his premises, lot 27,
on. 4, Hallett, a thorobred Scotch shorthorn
bull, "Clan Stuart," which will be kept for ser-
vice. Terms, $1,50 to insure.
May 10-tf ADAM WEIE, Hullett.
Shorthorns fot Sale
Alarge, two story frame house with pretty
surroundings, on Huron street, is offered for
sale at a bargain; 2 cisterns :and a never -failing
well. Will sell for $1,003 less than its cost as
proprietor is leaving for Manitoba, IF'r parti-
culars apply on the premises, or to John Ridout,
agent. JOHN TEDFORD, Clinton, Feb.22- f
Choice Farm for Sale
Subscriber offers for sale his fine farm of 147
acres, being lot 25, con. 13, Ilullett, All clear-
ed but four acres. Brick house (and also frame
house for hired manSbank barn spring creek,
bearing orchard of 2 acres ES Miles from Lon-
desboro, Boil first-class an in good condition.
Possession at any time, terms to suit purchaser
Jan 4 -*1 m-tt W. HILES.Londesboro.
which he goes in for there is money in
the business,if he will only conduct it 1 • . .1F°R S ALB'
on intelligent lines. The up-to-date
farmer no longer grows cereals for the
market, He raises grain as the raw
material for penducing. a isinfirhighlY
finished article. He is becoming a
manufacturer as well as a farmer. 'We
a rse_e_wistir that
mere Sr ansitory one, "but is ctaracter-
izecl by a degree of pet manency which
we believe will keep it to the front as a
money -making business for many years
to come in this country.
. -• -
the preSeneaetivity farmin is nota •
8 young bulls, 10 to 13 mouths old, also some
young heifers, breeding age, a choice lot, good
quality. Come and see them. E, H. WISE,
Feb. 8-tf Clinton,
Stray Steers.
Strayed from lot 14, Con. 14, Hallett, on or
about the 18to of illay, tar -year old steere,1
white, 1 spottsd, 2 red. Any information
leading to rthoyery will be suitably rewarded
'June 7-tf WM. BRYANT, Birth.
The framecottage on Orange al rest, occu-
p,ed by the undersigned, is offered for sale On
rtories:..aocwursoorintutla:uatiurivieyomitheeorrom.akst.it;hene top is of an ao with
hard -and -soft water, stable, goad contains and vegeta,btlwe twobedroom,,n3Teh,e.ni ()uses n.04et, dining
e_, nosee.set on given any time '
and woodshee,
-A---Great Nian.
Canada in general and particularly
the Township of Zorra, in Oxford
County, may well be proud of having
produced one of the- world's greatest
men in "MacKay of Formosa," the
famous missionary, who, died a few
days ago in his far-off field,' Such
Men are a moral stimulas in a world-
ly age that persists in talking of "suc-
cess" as if the wad only applied to
money -getting. 'Thirty years ago, girt
with physical and • moral courage of
the highest order, be entered on his
work as a missionary in fat Formosa.
There are now, on what then was a
savage island, no fewer than 60 Chums -
tiara churches, with a. large staff of
native preachere, together with hos-
pitals and training schools. Dr. Mac -
the matrimonial bow was lied at. the , Kay identified himself with the peo-
ole b marra,ying a Chinese woman, a
residence ot Mr and Mrs Geo. Colvin,
Brussels sahib; by Rev. Geo-J-Abey, dainty, helpful little lady, whoa few
yeare. ago visited London with her
husband. Dr MacKay was a great
marl, a het °, and one whose life nitlet
be consiaered as in the highest sense
successful. How many can show such
a tecord ?
incumbent of St -John's church, between
Geo. M. ,Mitchell, a well-known and
well to-do young business man of
Ethel.and Miss Sara J., eldest daughter
of the host and hostess.
. It was with much regret that we
chronicle the death of Mrs G. E. Case,
of the London road, which sad event
took place on Sunday week. Mrs Case
was a daughter of B. Hoggarth. of
Hensel!, and was married to Mr_Case
aboot three years ago. 'She leaves he -
hind a husband and child.
Binder Twine frice.
The Ontarro Goyernmen Fixes
It at Eight Cents.
The Hon. :Mr Stratton, Provincial
A very pretty wedding took place at Secretery,and the Inspector of Prisons
the residence of Mr and Mrs gem Arm;
strong, Thames Road, on Wednesday,
June 5th, in the presence of about sisal'
guests, when Miss Jennie Armstrong
was united in marriage to W.E.Sayler.
Sarnia. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. Mr Waddell.
An old and respected resident of
Goder-ich passed away on Wednesday'.
May 28th, in th.s person of ja,s.Carruth-
ers, of the Mutt road. He was born
in. Aberdeen, Scotland, and came to
Oanada in 1855. For the past twenty-
two years he had been a resident of
Goderich. He leaves a widow and four
daughters. .
In Brussels. on Tuesday. June 4th,
the spirit crt. Clara Arneliiht bird datigh-
ter of Mr and -Mrs .Alex. Hunter, took
its flight after an illness' of three or
four months as the result of In grippe,
which developed into tuberculosis.
She was horn in Cranbrook, July 15th,
1878, and carte to Brussels when only
two years old., She was a member of
the Methodist church and took great
interest in all Christian work. s
On Tuesday, May 21st, the angel of
death carried to her eternal reward
-Julia Lillian Victoria, second danghter
of Jos. Griffin, gaoler of the county
of Huron. Nearly four months ago
she contracted a cold, which settled
on her lungs in the form of pneumonia,
and finally terminated in her death
Deceased was aged nineteen years,
eight months and nine days, and, be-
sides her father.leaees three sisters and
two brothers to mourn her lose,
A Charming lune wedding was eele-
blasted at "Riverside", Winghans, the
residence of Thos. Bell, on Wednesday
of last week, when his daughter, Miss
Jean Mn, we united in marriage to
Mr Hubert Howse Chisholm, The
bride was one of Winghainse most pop -
Wee young lathes, and 'the groom is
well known MS the prosperous propi let -
or Of -the c uner jewelery. store. The
ceremony watt performed by' Rev. Mr
Lowe, rector of St. Paul's church.
On Pride*, May 210r, Mrs Bell, wife
of Willie hell, of West Wawanosh
died -very suddenly at the home- of her
Johnston,son-in-law, ,itobt. Bayfield
road, where she was staying. 'The de-
ceased WO aged 66 Veers. She was
been at Garillgill, Cumberland, Eng-
land, and Callle to this ecitintrts With
her parents in 1856, settling In the
county, of Ontario. Thirty-eight years
ago she Was Married to Mr Bell, and
for ten years' they lived at Oekville,
and for the past twenty-six leant in
this 'County. She leaves a fatality Of
'fonts Mahe and five daughter.
There died in Lueltnow on Monday
Week an Old and highlyeeteetned reek! -
our, in the 'person Of Mrs Stevenson.
beloved wife of Mr P. Steveneon,
at -
the ripe old age of 81 years. The clek
etteeedWaa born in RilrnsatiOtk, Beets
Mad. in 1820, and was married in the
id -country .to Mr Stevenson over 00
ears ago, and together with her hus-
band crone to Canada some 80 years
inoe. They were for *many year*
keeldents of Ashoold, and removed to
uokrw ut 20 years itgo,
have decided upon the price (8 cents per
pound) by which farmers canbe sup-
plied with binder twine from the On-
tario Central Prison, for the season ,of
1901. This year there is only, one qual-
ity' that will be supplied, and that the
best, of which every ball and every
ounce is guaranteed, and any.fariner
who purchases this twine and does
not find it satisfactory, , can
be returning it have the price paid for
the twine returned.. This condition,
however, is not likely. to arise, for
for there is no question of the quality
of the twine supplied the farmer- it is
as good as the best twine that will be
placed upon the market this year.
There will be besides a decided, and,
to the farmer, pi actable impi ove men t
in the mode of parcelling Heretofore
at had been the practice of binder twine
mannfacturers to ship twine in ordin-
ary jute bags, which was useless to the
farmer after the twine was received,
and the lashings, of loosely twisted
tow, were also useless after their tem-
porary purpose was served. The weight
of these sacks and lashings six per cent
of the weight of the bale.
But this is now changed as regards
the twine from the Central Prison, and
there will be no six per cent loss to the
farmer. The twine will hereafter be
shipped in two -bushel 18 -oz: cotton
grain bags of excellent quality, which
Will be of permanent use to the farmer
as will also be the lashings, which con-
sist of two nine•feet rope halters, with
Snap and ring ready for use. The value
of the grain bag is greater than an
equal weight of twine, and the same
applies to the halters. The twine balls
are five pounds in weight each -twelve
to the bag -and of a length of five hun-
dred feet to the pound, and of uniform
quality thr Jughotzt.
About SOIL
'Almost all the Canadian loth which goo
into daily use is obtained in Ontario, from
the Counties of Erma, Laminar and Rare
and parts of Rent, Middlesex end Bruce
The prstrenoe Lot fedi was first discovered
in 1866s neer Goderioh, while boring for
petroleum, and since then wells have been
gunk. at Clinton, Beeforth, Brussels, Blyth
„„..119:initbsze. Kincardine, Bader, Parkhill,
windeor and other Ismael, though in sever
al of the placer mentioned the wells have
, given, oat. There are avian,' three WI
of an aggregate thiekttets of 100 feet, the
upper one lying all the *ay from 600 feat
be ow the eurfeoe, at at Xlinaaidine, to
Is100 feet' at °outright. !the Canadian
Placid° shined It. first Well at Windsor
in November, 1802, retching the tipper bed
of salt at a little Over 1,127 feet and a sec-
ond well tapped the salt at 1,127 feet.
Tee mit found throughout this area is
remarkably free from imperilled, partic-
ularly from lime, and livery white in col-
or. There are between WO Said 800 men
employed in the industry. The total pro-
duct Ion of matt it Moeda in 1000 WM 67,
000 tone, worth about ill254,000. The an
nerd output for 110016 years has fluatuatad
between 66,000 and 60,000 tone,
Brturreig will oelibrets on June 21 end
the 001Eilnittlifla SO wake all ottraugeruenW
Wm hem appointed.
sssts, ';'-• •
Stearns Bicycle
Professional andOtherCax
Barrititer, Solicitor, &se
OFFICE -Elliott Block, Ittaae Streeti
nosey re LOAN.
Prod Forrester, agent for the celebrated
Stearns Bicycle. $50 wheels will be sold at a
reduction for $45. Anyone wishing a cheap
up -to date wheel, r• cognized as one of the
best made should pall or drop a card to FRED
The premises occupied by It. J. Cluff, and
consisting of a first class briok store, on Albert
Street Clinton, is offered for sale on easy
Also Cottage on Albert Street, with two .
lots, stable, and all conviences. Particulars
on appication. to Mrs W. Robertson, Clinton
or Mrs C. W. MeGregor, Constance.
-Subscriber offers for sale his farm of 156
acres, situated on the Maitland concession,
Colborne. • About 140 acres cleared,frame
house, bank barn, plenty of water and in good
state of oultivation,S of a mile from schooland
2 miles from Holmesville. Terms reasonable.
Dec 14-tf. RICHARD BAKER. Clinton P.O
Lumber for Sale.
Suitable for Parra Buildings.
Rook Elm 2 and 21 Inches thick, price $12.00
per H.
Soft Elm 1, 11, l and 2 inches thick, price
$12.00 per M.
Hard Maple 1, 11, 11, and 9 inches thick.
price 12.00 per M. W, DOHERTY & Co.
MIS Clinton.
. Farm For Sale.
The west hell of lot 24, Bayfield Cons Hod.
erich township, containing 100 sores or good
land, is offered for sale on easy terms Good
barn, log hen•e, plenty of water and small
orchard. Particulars on application to
tf - J. P. TISDALL, Clinton
Office -Beaver Bloat,
Up -stairs, Opposite Foster's 'Photo Gallery
Farmer Wanted.
A middle aged single man, of steady habits,
must understand farming and care of stook.
Presbyterian grefered. Wages NO per month
for six summer months, and $151 per month
for balance of year, with board andSwasbing.
Position permanent if satisfaction given.
Applicants to send testimonials and tier-
.stificatesif, character. Address,
'June 7-9 Crowstand, Aim.
For Sale or to Bent.
The choice brick house on the corner of Ful-
and Joseph streets, belonging to the estate
the late Richard Heywood, is offeredeither
sale or to rent. It contains room for ordi-
family, is practically a new house, with
conveniences, and three -tenths of an acre
land. If the property is not sold or rented,
of it will be mated. /Apply to
W. COATS Eiceoutor Clinton.
,. . .
-- • -- .
Subscriber offers for sale his farm of- 10e.
acres, lot No. 34 situated on 111tI-S con, town -
shit. of Hallett, Balms Co., about 90 acres
cleared and',, a good state ts• cultivation, bal-
ance bush. On the farm ih a good frame house,
large bank barn and other out buildings, got d
bearing' orchard; and well watered. Apply
March 22-tf Londesboro.
Farm* to Rent.
That desirable farm, lot 22, con. 8, Hullett,
in en 150 acres, to rent ; will rent
100 acres separately on which there are a
and bank barn, This farm is rich hy-
never been rented. Possession given after
for particulars, apply to
May 10-tf. D. S1JANA1IAN, Ifullett,
Choice Farm for Sale or
to Rent.
. -- ._
The splendid farm, on the Maitland Conces-
Goderich Tosmiship, belonging to the es-
of the late John Rudd, is offered either
rent or for sale . It contains 153 acres of
land, with good brick house, splendid
orchard and it; well watered.
Nearly all cleared and fit for cultivation.
on application to
May 81-tf Mary Street, Clinton
0 F •
Weak and impure Blood,
Liver at Kidney Diseases,
Female Colnplaint, Etc.
Al) Druggists, or write direct to
J. If. MeLEOD,
Goderich, Ont
'The Novelty Bakery
and Restaurant
We are prepared to tropey all
your wants in the bakery line, and
we guarantee to give satisfaction in
rersry respect.
We male a epeoialty in Wed-
ding Cakes andad icing cakes all a
reasonable price.
Our Restaurant ,
is a place where you will find 3
everything in a first allies restaur-
Candies of allfkinds and always
Cigars in the best of bromic
Tobite000 of all kinds.
We will have .'
Ice Cream and Drinks'
Of all kinds as boon as the wea-
ther is suitable,
MoOlectliertett Old steed
Parinier a Relay
Telephone No. 1. - CLINTON.
Agents. WANTED.= II;
Queen Victoria Authors
The Queen herself, Dr.
John Coulter. from London, EngsJohn A. Coop-
er, editor of Canadian Magazine, Toronto;
about 700 pages; quality never equalled; price
$1.75. See other advertisments in this paper
aise to reviews in this paper.
World PubliShing Co.; Gnel oh. Out.
Barrister, Solicitor. Notary and Conveyanoeis
Office -Opposite Colborne Rotel
. Goderich
foseserly of Cameron Holt dr Cameron
Offiee-Semuton St opposite Colborne HOOK;
J. B. McLean. President, Eippen P. 0 Thor.
Fraser, vice-president, Brucefield P. O. • Thos.
E. Hays, • Secy-Treas., Seaforth P. O.; 'W. 0.
Broadfoot, Inspector of Lessee, 13eaforth P.O.
W. G. riroadfoot, Seafortn; John G. Grieve
Winthrop P. 0.,• George Dale. Seaforth; -John
Bennoweis.Dubbn; Jas. Evans, Betichwood P.
O.; John Watt, Harlook P. G.; Thomas Fraser
Brumelleld ; John B, McLean, Kippen James
Connolly, Clinton.
Robert Smith, Harlock; Robt. McMillan, Sea -
forth; James Curaming; Egmondville J. W.
Holmeiryilles George MnrdiaaritiJohn-C.
Morrison, auditors. ,
Parties( desirous to t ffeet Insunce or trans.
act other business will be promptly attended tr
on application to an. of the above olllicors
addressed to theirrest er'Sve offices.
Office -Cerner 11qmilton St. and the Square
Goderich, 01St.',
I. T. Gamow. Q. C. CHAS. GARROW.
Summer School
offers a splendid opportunity for
teachers and °there to develop in-
creased earning power at a limited
expense of time and money.
' Write us about it. `
oontinnes right along from month
to month. Students entering in
June or July finish a course in the
fall when many are just entering.
We have no vacations. We do
thorough work every month in the ,
year and ate constantly sending out
1 young people into good positions.
Central Business College
Office: North at,, next door toSignal *trice
Private Funds to lend at lowest rates
of interest. •
Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Money fa
, lend on Mortgage and Note security.
. •
, Office adjoining Photo Studio, -
-..»,—___0,ffillesllfaltSs-9 to 5
W.0. Shaw, Principal.
, 4-44+444+4•4•4+4-44-.4-444444-0-4-0.
Let us have them
, (Sucoessor to:Dr .• T. C. Bruce)
Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work
L. D. S. -Graduate neva College Dental but
goons of Ontario, Toronto,
D. D. S. -First-class Honor graduate of Den-
tal Department of Toronto University.
Special attention Will to preservation or
children's teesh. Will visit Bayfield even'
Monday: '
Office over W Taylor & Son's shoe store.
Licentiate of tpnen
f Physic
Office and Residence-, ,
' BLOCK, lip statri,,, •
Send all your shirt, collars and cuffs to
the Revere Laundry, and ace how nicely
the work can be done by people who em-
ploy the best of everything -including care
as well at operators.
We'll send for your bundle if you give
us the address.
John Hays.Revere Laundry
For 10 days
We will offer
Goderich bicycle now for $26 and $27
Ofevelande slightly need $26
E. and 1). alightly used $25
ItaeyoleiiighOuted $25 and $30
nitiod second hand wheels $10 end up
McBurney Beattie 'Bicycle
Tho bait that le
of which we have a large number in Moak
wit Will rail at 10% off for oash,10 days only
MUSIC HOUSE. Clederich
am" litslosirs
Ascouchenr, etc., cffica and residence On -
tate° St., opposite English church, forMerly oct•
envied by Dr. Appleton, Clinton Ont. -
Medical Department of Victoria Univer-
sity, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and
Dispensaries, New York, Coroner of the
County of Huron, Bavfleld Ont. •
-Member of ttie Veterinary Medical -
Cons of London end Edinburgh, and Grade. -
ate of the Ontario Veterinary College.
Office open night and day, opt:Matte Com-
mercial Hon 1.
Successor to Dr . H. Fowler, Clinton,
• Physician, Surgeon, Etc.
Special attention given to diseasee of the
Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose.
Office En 1 Residence -
Albert Street, 2 Blocks North of Rattenbus
U • HonoraryGraduatc Of theOntarloVeterit ro•
College, Treats andiseases oi dOinesticated at 1
male on the most modern and' thientific prir el
plea Office -Immediately south of the Ne• Era
Office. Residence - Albert 8t, Clinton. Ca))
night Imlay attendedto pronarithr
MARRIAGE LICENSES issued by the Un-
signed at his Residence, Mary', street..
No witnettess required
12 • p, L. 8„ Provincial Land Surveyor and
Civil Engineer, London, Ont. -Office at Gee
Stewart's Grocery Store. Clinton
Orgianist and Steeliest Director of North
Street Church, Goderich, and teacher on
pared to take alb:lilted Mother of Pupils in
the above, , For terms apply this officio 'or to-
MRCAMPBELL,may be seen from 11 a. m., to
2 p.m., at the Clarendon Hotel, Clintor,
Friday of each week.
• ---
Subscriber is prepared to promptly a all or-
ders for Wood or Coal, 'which will be sold at
lowest rates. Officio oh Isaac Street, at LAVIS
Pr Life Insurance
Clinton, Ont. L..
Fires el Lire, Accident' Plate• tnieste
WO, MACRAT )3r,Oor. 4.1..nrror
Anent ter the marantasrea -Aistatelmi
co, of Manchester, England, whose funds and
security are rated at $14,500,000. Also the MO.
1101,01. MnStstr, lastristrine Co. All clews Of
farm risks and town property taken at
esitstit rates, First -blase Lean Cervantes
also represented. Money to be had freak 4; per
centup, according, to nature of lioeurit7.-
Doily mail to card will.
tomb. him
ACallt3 WAN'Insb" toissorniiLIlt AND
epeeist ineirtarlel tilluiteelftlifil the most amino
eat British, and Canadian statesmen, turd "Tfee,
Life of King Edward VII.' Site 10s71S, Omit
000 pavan eamt• llItistrtda: any rival
SrOrk. written by Drs , from 1.4k -
don, Ry„ the cel&lisairrd and
net, J,n A. , editor Cananien
asine, *mato. oe only $1.75suew
fromeredicover to otter. Extra WO *One*
Pagr.81"bct1360/1., MOW, 0111.11.• 14"81"14
Notice of Transfer.
1.4.0 or.
Nala• 10 here, rear th th.t: geAtter4
tii'itraii"ntm 1 "
* • ikt . . •