The Clinton New Era, 1901-06-14, Page 1orthers can have the New Era from now
Recommend the New Ern to
your Wends,
putohatree, martian *et thee
merohantliedvertietreseett *
The poblireser wd
if feeders Wield, Whim
JUNE 14.,1901.
- 60010rach. VOarnabilp
. Ante BinneineWhile.Mrs. Wm, Ele
1.1ott,.,ef the Bayfield road, was feeding
the turkeys, on Tueeday, she met with
. an accident- which will render her un-
able to perfcrnaany duties,. for Seine
there. A ram which was moped bunt,
ecther and knocked het do yen thereby
breaking her arm.
To larger, higher and more to -
modem querters, And extend an in-
vitation to call and ;tee our new °toe
In the Biddlecombe block.
• Saturday June 15th, ei
lOru Coe. NoTes, -S. Lowery, of the
1.0th, delivered a 3 year old large last
week to W. Miller, 2n4 con.,of Mullett,
for which he received about 8150;
another to Jas. Archibald, Seaforth,
for which he received about 11125. W.
Lovvery, V. S.,of Dungantion,has gone
into practise at Seaforth ; he is a par-
Nores,-Mr and Mrs Sims, of Myth,
were visiting at the home of the tatter's
father, Wm. Graham, during the Orel
ef the week. Mr Mains has completed
the outside work of Me0owan's new
barn. Statute labor ie now in progress
and our good roads will he etill further
Nonts.-Ifre R. 314001 and child
returned home to Drumbo on Frede.e.
Last Sunday Rev Mr Davidson preach-
ed a very eloquent and practical ser-
mon to the Foresters of 0ourt Varna;
v our opening day, cense and see our about 30 plotting bret• hren from Hen- social on 11. Elfora a lawn on Friday,
and we will be pleased to shovr yon • will no doubt do well. .
grand display it will cost you nableg *.'i4 tienlarlY competent 3rneefi Inati, and salt were Preseut. ' Mr and Mrs faeorge
• the latest and moat up-to-date .goods ,:r. 1 their daughter, ,Misse Rena, resent 0U0 cream
of Clinton. accompanied, by june 21; all kinds of refreshment will
be served, incloding strawberries and
cream; 'brass bands will be in fattend-
on the market. Also an up-to-date e. GARDEN' PARTY. -A garden party day at the home of S. A. Moffatt.
4. store. 4 will be given on Tuesday, June 25, on • -e, ance and an open air coneert given,
t •• the lawn of Wm. Currie, 7th con., lart- . earrEireemaneeOn Friday evening Everybody .should take this apoortun-
last jos. Foster entertained the in etia- ity of enjoying themselves, as the cone -
We Will carry a larger stook in der the auspicee of Sharon Methodist ren of Cana Varna. No.204, C.O. F.,to rnittee is "level headed man" and is
the future than we have in the past sparing no pains in making this sur-
.. and hope for a coatinnatioe of your passanything (even the Pan-American)
e patronage. offered to the subtle. - A booth will be
FRIDAY, June 21 11°
and Strawberries
Ste Reign.
*Write -W. Miller, cf Torobto, was
a guest at the home Of Mai R. K. Mi-
ler. during the past week ; he returned
to Toronto on Monday. The stone -
Work for Ohriet church (Episcopalian)
was completed on Monday last and
they ettpect to begin the back work
about July let; it will be a handsome
building, we judge, when finished. I.
MilIer spent Suuday with Weide in
Goderich. Mies E. Lockhart now rides
lc tie .
Monday evening to 41Helass the matter
of loaning W. H. Finnemore sane fee -
andel aid towarde rebuilding his ;
meeting was largely attended and the
.property owners were unanimous to
Mr Irinneraortes proposal to which a
by-law will be submitted to the people
to vote on ; we hope they will stand to
hie shoulder and help him for be right-
ly deserves it. Mise feeble Gracey, of
filanonoque, ie 'eating Aire j. Buie,• .
I iWurdnien,--thi Monday morning St,
a new "Garden wheel; B. M h es R 'church was the scene of.
.. Tom, inspector, paidour school a visit a, very interesting and happy event, it I
Halineetr1110 . on Wednesday morning of last
Swam. --The Epworth League and and expressed himself as highly pleas- bef eon of Jas. Kelly, Morris, to Miss l
week* being the marriage ceremony of Mich -1
Sunday school intend bottling a lawn ed with the work dace by Mr Tebbutt; 4,12
addresees bearing on the school work;
also gave abort of East We,Wanoeh, The bride looked !
Mary, only daughter of W. Manahan. '
the trultees Present
Mr Tebbutt accompanied Mr Tom to beautiful, attired in a wedding &Awn° ;
Phillips, our enterprising blacksmith, of cream silk with white bat and ostrich ,
Belfast school in the afternoon,
has his brick kiln now in good wprk-
Mr plumes to match and carrying)). boquet
ing order, and although they. have a of ivhite geraniums and nee of the val-
ley; her bridesmaid was Miss Mery
steadily. Rev. Stewart. of Delmore, ..Blake. of trullett, and was .pretty in a
similate-costume,. The groom's sen -
tare% output, yet the demand. increases
will preach hloarvie church on sun- porter was his brother, William J.,and
ed by the Presbytery to examme the the ceremony was officiated by Rev. '
Father McMenamin, who tied the knot .
day next, and as he has been eppoint-
Sunday School, he roil perform that securely in the presence of a large num- l
work too, • ' bperePtwtyhc)onaet,tetnhdeedattarlbeewinegdddlnecgowraatseda
Scam% Itaeorte.- Below is given and appropriate music from the choir. '
the etanding of the pupils of our school /The congratulations oyer the invited !
based on regularity, good deportment, went to Ithe bride's father's, where ;
and eneral tart:deem , Jr. . Pt 1-. a bountiful dinner was awaiting, over 1
one hundred sitting down. Speeclies 1
of congratulation were made by Rev. !
Fr. McMenamin and others, a ho spoke
very highly of the bride and groom, af-
ter which a few hours were spent • in a
social hop. Mr and Mrs Kelly will
take up their home on a farm of ehe
hundred acres in Morris, aceemPamed
be the good wishes of their numerous
church. Au ereergetic committee has a sumptuous repast. Mr Foster took
beeb framed, vino have secured fee the this plan of showing his gretituae to'
. the purpese, able talent .bothl Joel and them duripg his late illness The broth.
, ... alien. Cole% orchestra, bir R. Downs ren were completely taken by surprise on the groun , end,. all kinds of re,
.t. • • 9 toWns will help te make the • programa,
among maw otheisfrorn the surround -
Tea will be served from six. to eight. but at thasame time did ample justice
to the good things provided awl au freshments can ' be obtained at • very
reasonable rates. For' further peat-
, went home feeling satisfied that -Bro. caters see posters.
Mepert Watch Repairer
•. -..,Teweler And Optician • event'of the season everybody should
As. this. promisee to be the .greateee Fester and his etitimable lady were
g's come. tOYal entertainers. " .
.. --- • . .
. . .D.EATHEI.--3111es Anna Dowson, of the place l
-ha" Pr".en .t°. be an unlucky • ra air.
DEH.—It is out; sad duteeto chron- Babylon line, daughter of Haire Dow -
took est Sunday evening. &bait
ice the death on:Sunday, June 2nd, of eon, died on Friday night at the. eaily
Emma, second daughter of Jas. Swite age of 23 years; Miss Dowson• was h
zer, Bayfield line.Slid bas been ailing very popular yoturg lady and highly
for sometime, but lately herdisease esteemed; . she was a member. -of the
•. ftrueetield. developed very. rapidly. She :was a Methodistchurch choir. Her remains
NOTES. -Sample chapters of Sirs little over 17 years of age and was. ley- were interred in B tyfield cemetery on
Anna Ross's new book, "The Nevi? Coy- ed by all who knew her, beingef a very Sunday last. A very large number of
amiable disposition:. She was conscious friends and acquaintances turned out
to thelaatandes she was dying she to pay:the-last tribute of respect to the
'called the benny to her bedside and departed. -Much sympathy is felt for
hid each a good-bye. .This is the the bereaved parents.andlamily in the
third death in that house inside of six hour of theirsad aftIction, J.Wanlestr,
Ifintilliearidtheireeents arid surviving of. Chatham, died lately; bewas well
members of the family :have the,warm- known haying ran a saw mill and also
est sympathy of the community, - • a carding mill in the township of Hey
. . many Years; ago. He has not been an
Bereaved•rea en 1s, whrdo you weew -
Ber..these who..aritiasle.ryL.-, .,•• good health. ,for. some timee his wife.
led about-tw-crarearreargre-fte-was 11,
departed is in Christasieep. -'
Au.c1 entered just before you. . : . Liberal in politics and a consistent
•member of the •Piesbyterian church.
-And-now in Joy she waits to meet •
Upon that crystal shore • •
Her former Merida in •bliss to greet
When work on eitrthie o'er. • . . .
. - Conetaitets . . ' • '-
'*NOTES-HobtaPearson,i4of Toronto; -Nneess.;.-The League tonic last Sun- '
University,who had an ageney tor sell- daY•eyening Was. taken ' by Mr Medd
ing a stock book, visited his uncles, Ihe delegates appointed to the Y.P.U.
Robert and James Richardson of God- convention in Clinton next week are
erichtewnehip; indJoseph, of .Stanley, Misses Ida Britton, Jennie ,McGregor,
and other friends, has returned to his and Charlotte Clark; the delegates for :
home neat Ethel, G. Render,' Con. IS, the Sunday school are Robt. (nark and.
lost a valuable mare last week. . Miss 1Robt. Rogerson. Miss Ida...Britton has
Addle Tebbutt . has returned . to her returned . home . after 'spending nearly
home after- e vieit with . Goderich tvvoyears visititigrelativesinKillarney...
friends. Jos Izzerdia.serving.ou the, Manitoba: The annual.. picnic of.Bane
Jdry this Week.. There its to be a med. :donochoOl. will .be 'held An the usual
ding this month ; oneof the principals
knowsa trick or Iwo, the lady belongs .
to uncle Sam's dominion. WM.. Yoe
occupied the pulpit in. Coles , church
last Sunday. . A large number • from .
this vicinity attended the funeral of
Miss Annie Dowson, on Sun lay.. Fred.
Middleton is the possessor of a beauti-
ful Shetland pony.. All eyes are to-
wards the automobile, Which hat•arriv-
ed in Clinton ; Geo. Steep's horse ' got
frightened the other day- andthrew
him into the Altai but he was not in-
jured.- The angle.vvorrals Working in
the fall wheat and trectittiin it • offat.
the first joint ; wheat will be a. lettere
in this township this year.; some far-
mers have let their cattle take posdes-
eke* of it The numerous . friend's of
Mrs H. Beacom,ef the eleyiletd thiamin
be pleased to know that she is able to
take a short want occasionally. . Geoe
Ciailtelon, 7 con, is erectingee wire
fence around the front of bis premises
Miss Ida Miller,. who has been - visit- •
ine in Stanley has returned borne. A.
Welsh 'started., lest Friday to visit his
brother Dave ul Michigan; this is his
, first trip to the States and we hope his
tour .does him good; physically.. . John.
Rithwell-went tO Leadbury on. Satut-
day for a load of calves; this is his
third oad from -that -place. My -Hod-
ginsea, young.student is likely to be the
minister at Middleton's church ; be is a
young man of clever ability and is en. excellent meals were served -dinner
tering upon bis duties with a bright I
prospect. . . . • " and supper -there being a superabund-
MATRAIONIAL.-The follOviing is takPipet*
. . . , mice of eatables; the joyed themselves in. .young . dancing. people en-
, en from a British Colorable. paper and McDonald,. Wing, with the "bags"
, '•
refers to the marriage of S: G. Ohio. . stirred . the sentiments of • more than
chill, step son of Mrs Robert Marshall, Scotch men. During the afternoon Mr.
of this township, .and to whom and, Robert Medd, reeve of West Wawa -
Mrs Churchill congratulations are ex- .nosb, was ap ?tainted chairman,•and ad.
tended: -"There was a pretty Wedding dresses were giv.en by W. Proudfoot,
at the teem of Mr and Mrs Wra Day- W. Lane,ln. McGillicuddy, R. Mermen,
idson of Eighth avenue. on Wednes-E, Campion and ' A. M. Todd, all of
day evening 15th,' when Mr S. G. Ofar- ' Goderigh, .and R. Holmes, M. P, of
chill and Miss Elinor Draney were we. Clinton; clone ' of the speeches were
ited in marriage by Rey. J. A. Logan, more than five minutes long, and were
of Eburne. Mies Eva Green acted as apparently ar, the more appreciated
bridesmaid, and Mt Dan Cooke, of An. therefor. Father Menton, Parishpriest,
acortee, suet ',ate& the groom. The Father Corcoran, of: Seaforth, and
bride looked 1,- leely in her wedding Father McCormack, Of Ashfield,were
gown of Crean) brocade, trimmed . with on the ground, the formai in particular
satin, and maltese lace; in her dark exerting himself to make everybaly
hair she Wore a wreath of orange blue- enjOY themeelves. Merry' were diem).
sours and carried a _large boquet of pointed because 'Father McMenamin,
lilliee sose buds and ineiden-hair feral, of Clinton, formerly of this place, was
tied • with broad white ribbon. Her not present. but he was twavoldably
goinga-way gown Was Of clolh in soft absent, flaying been suddenly called
shade' of dove gray, tailor-made, with to London. • .
white silk..yest and Eaton coat; becom-
ing -white- chip hat with two long ost-
rich plumes, chiffon folds and bride BARN Reasieret.-A yery successful
. roses under the brim, completed &taste- raising was that of ...ryndtill Bros., lot
ful eciiitunie. The bridesmaid was Very 28, .31.4- con., On Friday last.when the
pretty in White organdie and carried, barb eoxge manta up without, a /gig,
1 &plat of lillies. Little Mabel andMary hap to mar the intent, There was
What Can We Ilave for a "'
Britney. cousins of the bride. acted as e,bout 145 men taking partahe captains
maids of 'honor, and Wore white dress- being J. Carbert and A. Weir, the for-
est theY earried botplete of white buds nier's shle comingout Victoticius.. After
0••••••#, .
an hale after dusk., , It seems that L. Ann e Brownscorabe, tuart Pennell,
.enant, a Lost Secret" has been sent to
our village • the book will shortly be
published by Briggs,Toronto; she has
many friends in onr midst, who wish
,-her success. Miss Della O'Neil.OlintOn,
elated berelest weer: ' B. Rot -cheer
avill preach in the Preshyterion church
during the absense of Mr Sewers in
Scotland; they intend remaining a
month. A number of farmers are ex -
agent from the Agricultural College is
overseeing the work ; it ie though& b,y.
many that it will be a success. Miss
Allen, Clinton, is visiting Mrs A. Ross.
'Miss Bell Aikenhead and Heigh Aiken -
head drove to Cross Hill, near' Suet-
-ford, where they visited Mr Campbell.
-J. Nellens left last week for Scot-
Ideannen.-The many friends and
-acquaintances will be pleased' to learn
of the marriage of an old Kippen boy.
The happy event was performed at
theemanss on Tuesday, Jurse 4th, by
the father of the bride, when Thos. S.
Acheson, 0. P. R. agent, Winkler. eld-
oat son of the Rev. S, Acneson, of Pern.
-bine, N. D., and late of Kipper], was
joined in wedlock to Miss Mary E., eld-
ost daughter of the Rev. R. MilneCroll,
.of Nesbitt, Man Mr Acheson is favor-
ably known here and was a was a for-
mer student at the Clinton Collegiate
Institute. His father is well koown
an Huron county,particularly in church
,matters pertaining to the Presbyterian
,church. The numerous friends will be
pleased to hear of the happy event and
wish for a long life of happiness to Mr
and Mrs Acheson.
Nos. -The Bethel Sunday School
-held a picnic on Thursday. Jnne 13, on
Mr Forster's grounds. Wm. atilt lost
a valuable horse on Wednesday of last
'week. A. Mitchell has painted his
house, which greatly adds to the im-
movement of his place. Me and Mrs
Wm. Hill, of Colborne. are visiting
friends in Collingwood,
wanted -500 Tubs of Butter, Cash or Trade.
•Get into that 19-20 cent Butter Race. Eggs,
12c. G. E. KING, Wingham.
June 14 - 1, V.
place, Mr Allen's grove, near the aver.
on Thursday, June 20; lunch Will be
served,, and a goodprograra rendered;
a football match will be playea between
Lendeeboro and Bandon sections.
BERRY FESTIVAL. -Kinburn Methodist
Sabbath school purposes holding an •
n yersitry serv leek on Sunday; June 18,
meetings Ur be addressed by Rev Mr
Penhall, lelyth, at 230 and 7 p. On
the following Friday afternoon, June
21, commencing at 2 o'clock, a straw-
berry festival will be held On the lawn
of .A.; Coates, near the village; addresses
by B.ev Me Gifford, of Aimee anclatev
Mr la -ver,* of Walton, also reticling4,
recitations ani " music will be Oven;
innch will be served at 5 o'clock; Clin-
ton brass band will be in attendance.
Admission, adults 20e. children 100.
St.- flugustine.
MONSTER PIONW, -The Picnic held
on Wednesday in connection with the
R. 0. church was it gratifying success
from first to last, and all who had to do
with it axe to be congratulated on the
reeult. The day was delightful, and
the large gathering just as -non -denomi-
national as possible. The picnic was
held in Wallace's grove. a short dis-
tance north of Westfield, and itwas
eal ideal. place for the purpose, being
on the north bank of the river. Two
Picture - Frames
If you have a picture or it photo yen
wanted framed call and see our large
assortment of the very latest styles
in frames.
Branch gallery in Beylleld open
every Wednesday.
• Renry's - Photo - Studio.
Tebbutt and his mece,Mise Levine Teb- Geo. jo nt; Harvey' Webb, Mary Dar -
butt, of this village,were coming home
from Goderich,when passing the house
of W. Hick, some unpercelyable
animate made several obnoxious move-
ments which naturally frightened the.
.spirited bore*, Without. so much as
giving the driver warning the steed. took
one long bound into the ditch and it
was not without the 'moat strenuous
efforts on the part of the yeunggallent
that . the horse - was prevented from Brownscom e„ Geo. BroWnscombe ;
running into R. Theineson's wire fence Sr. 3rd -Jean' .Clark, Cleve aoynt,
and thus the event, which ended with Mamie Weatherheacl, Mary Sheriff ;
no other than teMperare, fright, for Sr. 3rd -Sara Dineen, John Aitchison,
the two occuyants, might have had a Altherliff, Herman . Philips. Agnes
Ocamerv.r.--sAt theAeague meeting Miert Stia7t731111" -15-3iiild Clerk;
an, 'Ed th Horn, Bert Miller, Edna
Woods, Nina "Woons, Marian Gillies ;
Sr. Pt. 1 -David Toyiit; Jessie Weath"
erhead ; jr. 2nd-jennie Webb,Chrissie,
Miller, Stuart Anderson, Roy Aitchi-
son, Leonard Anderson, Jimmie Bar-
bour; Sr. 2nd -Irene Weatherheed,
Tena Ellis, Johnnie Miller, Lizzie And-
erson, Archie Aitchison, Robert D ur-
nip, Wesley13rownscombe, Phyllis
most tragica issue. Cliff, thel Barbour • .7r. 4th -Lizzie
on -Monday .. night the mungion . ban
Elliott Miller William McbOneld I Sr.
gave the program, Pros. L. McCartney
presiding. The entertainment was
ler, Myrtle . Phillipe, Elena Shear,
4th-etoiclon 'McDonald, Charlie Mil -
good and the band deserved great &ed.,
ir E len Garrol, 'Etta; Oarrol ; ' Yr. 1 Jr
it • The collectionsjamoented to 070;
Leaving -Mamie Miller,Minna Rabe!.
the following- program was rendered: ford,
Lily Clark. C. A. TEBBUTT,
Chorus by five girls; a short sketch of
ofir Work by Edith Mulholland; solo by Teacher. •
Geo. Weeeherhead, 'Marv, Crawford,
Change ?
tied with pink ribbon. The parlor and the day a hard work, which was rush
Is the Cry of Every dining room of Mr and Mit Dayidson's andexcitement all the time they all sat
home were , tastefully decorated with down to it bountiful supper prepared
4. Hougekeep er. ley, carnations and plants About
and 0. few hours spent otherwise. Tyn-
. thirty invited guests were entertained dail Bros, are successful and pregres-
We suggest a foot Appotizara at the wedding dinner br Mr and Mrs sive teener%
Lottie Lavis; reading bk Florence Tre-
wartha; chorus by seven gerls,•
tionby Sadie Cantelon; duet by Misses • • „,,_ e
..,,OndesDoroi •
McCartneand Levis; recitation by .ANeneeERnaeon- Auo miniver -
Mabel Wilson; reading by A.' Mulhol. sary of the Methodist church here will.
lend; teaaing,hy .tescar Tebbutt; duet be held on the inst., when sermons
will. be preached by Rev.It. Hobbs, of
be Misses Wilson and Tebbutt; flag.
exerdiee by Myrtle Lavis and Millie Wingham, at 10 30 &en. and 7 pew. A
Halstead; solo by L. Levis; recitation latvn social will be held on the evening
of Monde,y, the 23th, on the parsonage
with singine, Misses Fisher and Wil -
rounds, after which A 'platform meet-
.. t, fng will be held in the church addressed'
son; duet by M. Levis. and S. Caeltelon;
reading by Blanche Tebhutte &les eY by Revs. Hobbs, Penhall and locals:
Misses Fisher ant! Green; Ole. L.Leeria
. NOras.-Me Jeffrey has been, in Tor;
NOT/MS.-Mrs O. Willedia.of the Huron onto this week vonsdhing .a throat.
road, is recovering. " Several men from specialist. Dr. Mairs is visiting his
around here, attended the raising of brother ; father, who has
T. Johnston's been last lelenday after- been illroe some time, is slowly im-
noon. The 13, O. E..lodee, Barnstable, proving, S. Woodman is the owner
Benmiller, held their annual picnic in of a handsome new buggy. W. Crisp;
Colborne last Tuesday ;a large crowd accompanied by a few of his Sertforth
attended and spent •a most enjoyable friends, spent Sunday at his home.
time.. Dr. Blackwell and wife from MeTitheway, who has been relieving
Cincinnati; Ohio, is at present visiting a,t the . station here, wheeled to his
his father, J. Blackwell Thos. Potter home. in Stratford on Sunday. Mrs
has lost a number; of Iambs through Whitley has been in Toronto this
being worried by dogs; it would he week attending (YoliVots,tion at Toren -
well if parties owniog dogs would see to University; Mr. L. Whitely has
that they are kept at home. Vine passed his final exam, in medicine and
Tebbutt visited- Porter's am Siinday. is now a full fledged M. D.; Len has
The cheese factory, promises a good itiways been a Very steady and clearable
season, as the output for Monday was young man, taking a good standing
44 cheese. C. L Fisher is busy dispos- in all his exams and we vvish him every
ing of stock:of lead and silver mines in success in his future career. Miss Lou
British Columbia in which he has an (luimette hag passed her first, year
interest. Mrs Geo. Tebbutt, is this cellege examination at. the Ontario
week visiting at Rev A. Fear's, At- Medical College for Women, taking
wood. G. F. Marsh, of the Farming first class honors in Anatomy, Pheelo-
World staff, Toronto on bis official logy and Histologee A few, of our
yiett to the breeders oi pure bred stock, yosing pectple attendea the weeding
• as been renewing acquaintance with Mlle home of R. Bruce on Wednes-
his old college niend, le. C. Flfqrd. S. day. A couple of Goderich gentle.
T. Walter and sister Carrie ateendecl. were here on Monday, with the view,
the wedding of their cousin, Miss Rowe, of starting a tailor shop; there is a
St. Mares, on Wednesday; 8, T. also good opening here for the right man.
went to attehd conference at St. Thom- Miss Landy Young visited Wendt) in
as FL Elford is in Ofifford attending Clintoti this week. Miss Clara Young
the funeral of his brotherdn-law; he arrived home from Bellville on Wed -
will be 'absent seeeral days. Miss nesday, Me Coupland is away at Con -
Stewart, Nile, has been visiting at Jno, fereuce this week; bisplace here in the
McCartney's. The 'social on Mr Stan-
ley's lavvn this (Friday) evening pro-
mises to be it great Success; J. Elliott,
Clinton, has made arrangements to
run rigs out, at 10c the round trip.
" intended for last week.
Chennos,-.Ree. Mr Greene returned
from Kintardine, ori Monday; he went
on Tuesday' morning to Conference.
Rev. A. E. M. Thompson preached two
splendid sermons on Sunday; it was
his last Sunday herabut he will be wee,
com,ed by Molmesville people at any
timPRe'ESENTATION.-A very pleasant
evening was spent- on Tuesday. at the
home of Mr and letrs jno. Marquis,
Huron road., by the members of his old
class here and a few other Weeds,
when Mr and MO Marquis were pre-
sented with a beautiful extension
table and cake dish as but it slight tok-
en of the high esteem in Which" he, as
Wage -leader, and both, as neighbors,
were held. Mrs Leich read the act -
dress, and G. Tebbutt and W. Jervis
'made the presentation, .Mr Marquis
made it suitable reply, expressing his
gratitude and pleatsure at having them
spend the evening with him,
Port Alberti '
Picance-Under the auspices of the
Ladies Aid of Christ Church, Poet Alb-
ert, a ciente will be held on Wednes-
day, June 28th, in the Park. A brass
Strawberry pie plant DaVidson. Mr Churchil is a 'aiding' PASSED AWAY --an old pioneer hi trients will be served. Strawberries,
bend will be in atteosonee, Refresh -
Citizen arid bushing man of Eburnean .
Pin. apple eltUnks hie beim
ide a ch popuaar favorite inCircles and is a Presbye the Per" of Timothy Nolen!, of Ha-, ice crearreetc.
lett, died on Thursday, June Othott the `
telitt4 dieter of
Mrs Wm Davidson and Mrs W. R. old and respected age of four score Alma -
Such as stuffed Weldon Ovielati, of Mt Pleasarit. Ake end Mrs Pare. He has lived in nullett for NOTIcie-Mr and Mrs J. Jamieson
, rorty -five yeare and came to this spent Sunda' with friends in KiPpen.
country from Ireland, claiming the s. Berilletkof WinehaM,vistted friends*
county Of Limerick as his birth place. here bet Week, Mrs t. °rich and son
Be is survived by a family cifthree spent a couplet of daps last week at her
sods, James and Thad, in. Mullett, and home here. A. Scott had his barn
a son *Way, and five daughters., Mre raised on Saturday 'eat, W. Jamieson
T, Oarberi, Mee McGuinness, Mr9 spent Sunday last With Waltonfriende.
Iamb, Misses Maggie and Warp The Quite a, number from here attended
funeral took place on Saturday from the wedding of Geo. Ode and Miss *lean
his late home, the renlaille being Sproat,of Egmondville, on A ednesday
taken to St Michaels 11.0.churcb, Blyt lest, Mr ond Mrs S. Gliadon spent
where high requiem mass was sung Sunday last with friends in ciinten,
and it thougbful funeral oration Wart Mr Shaw, of Clinton, occupied the put.
4:Ogle '' C., °Opel* ti CO; &Vitt!. ftd,g 01 next
attendance ea 118 °tit
good time is leo ed for, All the speak- Mists iStaggle Marten and Mrs Jae Flynn, once. Mr and Mrs Geo, Dale -have re -
well delivered by IteV Father McMen. pit here on Sundey litet in the absence
awn of St Joseph R. O. church, of Mr Gifford,who le attending Confer-
- era. on tbe Program art expected to be 1 of .Olinton, took thereto of the ehOir. tarned.from their wedding tour and
Ostrtsr stools Petrie/00100k, preeenherld the tiroe of the year is op- The interment Wag made in the 11. are no* .conefortabliy settled te the
fci " portude foe. a large gathering, 0. ceraetery in Ilnllett. ' , sterner realities of li a
Churchill will make their home be
ehjli Sauce* Eburne. Many beautiful and costly
Predente Were reeelyett by the young
Can of Spinech
Saye your Eggs uurou e. Et and St S. Union.
and Wit, Barnett.* defreo
Clearer tooet le.voure _00. A tee llentprOgritm has been pre-
' for the Huron: Christian En -
Leave no yottr order for lettuce eleaver and Sundae, School Union 000,
Voting Oniont early in yentIon to be held in Willis Presbyter-,
elle Week, iatithurah, Clinton On Tuesday and
morning Wive taken by Ur Stevens and
J. Garrett in the evening. Do not for-
get the social at the parsonage on the
27th. The Road work has begun again
and our patbmariter is busy looking af-
ter the welfare of our village. Miss Cue
mate yisited friends in Seaforth this
week. J. Melville has been off work
with a sore foot, Miss 'Jordon visited
at her home in Summerhill over Sun-
day. A number fretn here purpose pe-
lt* to Guelph on Saturday. Mrs T. H.
Col e who has been on the sick list is
improving. Richmond, of Newry,
will be in Londeslboro With another
load of calves forattle on Fridax, Tune, at two o'clock; this is Mr Rich-
mond's third load this year and they
always find a ready Salo as they are
well bred and fine aninials. Teyloi ,
it former business man, made a short
'visit here on Wednesday. Wm. Brig-
ham has purchased from We executors
of the late Barkwell an acre adjoiti"
ing the rieeth Of the village. There are
three bots of excursion bills up here
now: One toeauelph, one to Detroit
from Goderich and One from bag.
ham to Sarnia and Detroit; this will
glint you it chance to take the top off
your toile of money you have been sav-
ing since last summer, but be sure to
leave some of the bottom layer for
horde BOcials and lawn parties. Rev.
Mr Voupland and wife returned &OM
conference on Tuesday evening.
r Butter sett Noes Phone NI .r
A Bra- CATCH -There has been a
rival contest among some of the ladies
of the village as to who could Catch the
lergest fish with the ordieaey book
and line. The other i14- Mrs Jas Hudie
worrthepalm havtag-landed it flue
shad which weighed five pounds. This
is Wel to beat alt previous records of
even among the oicleaeinhebitants.
NOTES -The eme-rchante of: the vil-
lage hiee agreeil to close their places
of business . every Tuesday and Friday
at 7 p.m. until the end ,of :Auguste
There is some talk of Mr Stephens of
Seafort11, running . the River Fletel'Pe
the summer, but -do far it has not ma-
terialized: , W. liarriSon, son of John
Harrison, Goderieb. township, who is
working at Donaldsones saw mill,
Bruce Mines,_ got: his hand badly cut
recently. ,Mr and Mrs James Parsons,
Hines Green, spent Sunday' with the
formers mother in the village. D..
MeLeod and D. McDonald have gone
to Goderich to fish for the summer.
Jas. Eagleson, ()linnet], visited friends
here last Week. Miss Lily and Mr Mil-
ler, 'Clinton, Sundayed with their aunt
Mrs Jas. Donaldson. The brovernment
survey steamer celled here Tuesday,
and the crew spentthe evening with
friends in town. Jno. Falconer has
recovered sufficiently, to resume his
duties aboard the Bayfield. It is ex-
Decfedthitt there will nct be the usual
number of visitors in Bayfield this
•year, owing to the ;numbers visiting
the Pan-American.
140TE“..-11. Young, of Sudbury, is
visiting his tether ; he has purchased a
drug bueitiese in that place and le doing
well. BY Lowe left on Tuesday morn-
ing fOrDelleville,where he heti aecurede
pi:4MM] a� engineer in it large canning
factory ; MU not known yet whether
he will move his family or net. Mr and
Mat W. W.Sloan Whack from Natchez,
MieSiseippi State,where they beers been
residing during the past winter; they
Will remain here during the euinmer.
I. Wilford occuplecUbe pulpit of the
Methodist data ,on bUtiday Morning,
on accountof the pada being at Oon-
ference. W. TamanEwho has been
In S. it Oidley's gents' futiablung and
tailoring establishment, for the past 12
yearereeigned his position and Weide
opening Out business tor hints& in
grime town; at present he is vielting hio
father m Palmerston, A publie toed-
-4 4
P,8,—Pure English Paris
Green, ft)* sale whole.
sale and retail.
We have the follovain
Little's Dip
Kemp' s Dip
Shepherd's Dip °
.Persis tic Dip
Brig& Dip
Miller's Dip
R P. Reekie's
Prescription Drug Store
fenocessor to Sydney Jackson.
N. B.—Always ozbaud
Sulphate of Copper for
spraying trees.
filnonza Deeee,--This community was,
again startled on Wednesday, by the ea&
den death of Mr P. a. sbreeben, one of the
best known and moat highly, eespeoted,
citizens of town, who expired While eating
at the breakfast table. He had ,bean cone.
planing for a week past of an oweeiOnei
shortuess of breath, but otherviise as wofl
se usual.. He was playing on the bowling)
green -the preview...afternoon- The oaukt-
t-his-tiest-Was-dettralgie,--ot -the heart.
For many years the deceased was engage
in tee grocery business, and elterwaede in
the coal business, and the past few years
he had been the junior customsr:pater here..
His genial member made him popular with ,
all claesee of citizeps. His age weafrfeeei
bine years. A successor erhortly be
appointed in the onstoilea-rrjeveier but in
order that the public may not be inennyUri-
ienced in the meantime.. Archie a. Di**
eon has been named as temporary
• •
Huron Old Boys. .Excursion.
. •
The following information concern-
ing the Huron Old Beyer -Ezetirition,
from Toronto to Clinton Lon. Jule OAST
be of Interest to thosewho have friends
coming. • • The fare from :Toronto is
$1.75 tor. the round trip, Azad, tickets
may ba procured MIT MemPeretf
the Executive or at tifia; Wand -Creak,
offices. 'Tickets are d return. en
Amy regular train on the 13tie or ttth Of
july, or on special. leaving Clinton at 7
p.m. on Monday, July 8!e, Vxeursion,
train 'leaves Toronto at 7 a, m.dla:Juiy
Oth, and will probably stop at BraneP-
't Ti and Elitelpli, " It Is expected
reach Clinton about 11 tem.
141coat attended the Foresters' lawn
social at Holmesville last.Fridity even-
ing. The lime light views were well at-
tended in Breadfoot's school last Mon-
day evening, Miss Mary Layton vis-
ited friends in Goderich this week. IL
White has recovered from an attack of
pleurisy. T. Townsend has purchased
a new piano from C. Hoare, Clinton.
A.Townsend has shingled his barn this
weNeok;es,-.Frank Leyton andiF Learness
spent Sunday at the home of the latter
near Bluevale. Miss Mary attended a
wedding near Blyth on, Monday of
this weelc., Miss 0, Johns and Miss R.
Stanbury spentSunday with Mrs A.
Seeley. Mrs Wm, Cunningham,' of
Colborne visited friends here this
weeic. A number from the West core;
ternplate taking in the exulted= to
Guelph on Saturday next. Mr and
Mrs . Onch. ot UlInton, visited rela-
tives here on Sunday last Mr and
Mrs Patrick O'Brien, of Stratford, and
Mrs Chris. O'Brien, of Cheyenne, are
visiting at lhos. O'Brien's. The fol-
lowinirdeleeetes heel. been .eppnintee
to att odd S school etid 0.
E. Convention in Olinton,on June 18th
and:19th ; for Sunday School --Misses
P. Nott, 0, Townsend, and E. Johns;
for E. 0..lohns, M. Pepper
and Messrs. Wesley Nott and Everett,
WEnnren.-.-et Glade park, the
home of J. Smartie Tuckersmith, Rev.
Neil Shaw uhited in marriage Miss
Jean, eldest daughter, and Geo. C.
Dale son of Wm Dale, of tbe Huron
road: The bride wore white satin with
veil and flowers and the bridesmaid,
More Lillie Reid, of Ashfleld, Wore
white organdy, The three little,. melee
Of honor -little Miss Edna Yeast, of
Clinton, was gowned in .pure White and
'tasked very sweetcarrying basket of
flowers which contained the ring,
wbile Miss Mamie and Nellie Sproat
acted as flower girls looked Very pret-
ty in pink @ilk. Mr Wesley Sprcat act-
ing as groomsman Mee Dale. slater of
the groom,played the Wedding March.
The service was held in the pretty
g.roends and everything Wail in keep.
Ing with the pleasant surroundings.
The preen* Were beautiful, the bride,
being One of the meet popular young
ladies in the :township. Luncheon and.
congrattilations over the young couple
left for the Pan-American with best
vedette) of every friend. On their re-
turn Mr and Mrs Dale 'will steallife to-
gether on the groom's fine farm on the
Huron reed.
.5Porting Notes.
Tennis is now beingplayed by the meeee
bare on their r3ourt fawn.
Tne lacrosse bsys; sent down to Mitchell.
last Friday. picked up team to play the,
first scheduled- game in No. 6 district, and
eufiered defeat by a more of 7 te O.
The janior baseball club played a fiy
innings game with &Jackson Broe, hone
gation on Tuesday night, and won by
score of 11 to 5; it your good:Mite
throughout, and the juniors deserve eredi
for the manner in which they Play,
The Goderich Dominion Day oefebr
committee has been organized nif fon
President, A. Mole Allan; vine preeidert
W. C. Goode; second vice president, Jose!
Kidd; secretary, le. le. Smith; trees=
W. T. blarney. In addition to, these t
following are members. of the exeunt
committee; G. • F. lenereon,e fit Geor
Price, George Stewart and Mayor Wits
The eoheme on which the committee
working is to hold a street :fair and, 0
ival on July the lit, 2ad and 3rd,
will be bele Oa Lilo Square, .
Another football game for the Bo
cup was played in Goderich on taut re
it being a challenge on the pert of Cli
collegiate team to contest no/sin with
C. tha 11.34tel.o ttl.! Oa, d;aLt
Some few... weeks ago the teams tied
a goal eater and the county town ki
still held lie own, defeating the See
collegiate a week later. Shure Our
firet match they .fenna their *pee
having developed toneidembly-they
ea signs of bard tesinine-reetiv to
the tights of beeline tildOOp tuld Wei
winning Friday's tatttah by 8 rleilit
Mr Jackson rested as referee to the
faction of all, This now leetes it wi
art& until the fall when either
or Clinton are privilegedttaligein
the holden.
A full report of the tiounty
In type is unavoidably crowded
until next week.
ing heid in the industry Hall on
• auburn,
NoTEEL-Itev, Mr Pocock is conduct-
ing special service oin the Baptist
Church, Base line, thie week; they ate
Well attended. Mots Oakes, Clinton,
apent Tuesday beto renewing old ac.
quoit:0,611cm Mite Brown. of EilYtilf Le
the guest of her brother'T. Brown. P.
Sharpe, of Litstowel,bartgOne to Goder-
ich. W. Xing, an, raised, his barn on
Saturday. 4. Ferguson has the stone
work of his new halite completed and
the bricklayer* have coirtmenced theft
One hundred year* ego We
Were tblok balky affairs.; to -day, watehee are materiels)
pearenoe and time keeping
rho oosi cot a widoh 111 130 1
the serious bonier it onott was
hive them for leafed, gentler)*
boys, in gold, goldstilied, silver
cadet oust Oa pieta Wet will
any pooket. We will be pi
+thew eat one goOds.
* •
Zereller en
Onosessor to 4
..ra'_•;cta for ,