HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-05-24, Page 1094th,I901. 'AWE CLINTON NEW ERA inery Extra Ready Trimmed HaIs $2,50 To make record breaking millinery business for he last days'of the Month, we Place on sale con= rt- ., FRIDAY. MA''S:2 Among the mil teryap. p011attnesits wild promotions goeetted are the following t 33rd Huron Regi- 1PO1 rnen'----To he Lieutenant, Second, Lien. ant O. McPhail, vice AT Pollock retited; iOitlil 11,01,110. el , be second Lieutenant, Sergeant- BuVreen EtnTfole,- Nitijor T. W. Jackson, vice B. De F. I rant prnmoted. Most r Greig .4 Mac - ''The 24, h of Mey Ft our Victoria Davi mild, clothing then of Seaforth, has eeived a cot act. to furnishing the If Y011 don't give U6 A pada)" kird regiment with hate and ehirts to WOO all run away,' It n u.e vir e the men are at London 001•7 flatatteeonn -The Olileene ea ui in topJune the contract will will regret tip hewn thet 3.1 Fisher has ansoutit to about $500. itobt. Doan cemg Saturday, May 25, the handsomest lot of hats gone to Bran fs ma and the ramify will is now on the road r,•presenting leeve on Monday next. Mr Fisher has and buying hides for 3, Ifallam of Tore 4t.$2,50.that have ever been displayed in our show-% ;Wet, tamp of the Adams wagon fee. the railways are gtvingeingte nese elaso a,rti 1 d k hi h o o 2J - - - ----accepted weittuoion.aefottiOati he onto, Poi. Victoria Day-Mayl 24th - tort. lie is a.an adept at the brush faredbetween all trations in Oanada, rd 1400,01% These are sttylish hats in every detail, trim- :anaProroc4 kk7, LC& LiT,g anTi v,711 treke4 vn,4 tno retPUYCnfr;rn genlinlAbo4 p I be found not only &good workineu hut on or before May gel h. The &memo ,a.. our tnillmers know how to trim. Ribbons, 0. no -polar foreman, e are eorry to report wheat and gross are looking ' lose the family horn onr town. • fine and gardeners in toyer) are com- ffons,- gauzes, flowers and foliage are „used and DA WWI, .rix ILL -We learn that A mencing to reapply garden stuff ; the Tqlter, who;; with the accident last eounty looks beautiful in its green (trees week whereby he lost both feet, Is and a driVe oot into the counery at this well as could be expected ; AS there has D. Crowder, (late with 0, D, keerifg), !hen you see them you'll wonder how we can turn at (he hoepital and is progressing as ; thee of the year is most delightful, R. tam out at the peice. This is the choicest lot we eitizens will 1),. pleased to learn this, bought the etock of R, G. Gordon in been so many enquiries! made the and at (me' time of Lucknovv, 'ehae, Mrs lime., who .00fortunately broke , Winghana arid opened tita for business ever sold for the money, no two alike and they lineurictgplaIntel.yatilsesrt!lqiureaskaaVor cfIzz 8,..:3,=,;iliTe(ptikwiknegigranna3. Dramatic for three orr sale commencing Saturday, at each qevi eon, Huron SI., is very ill at present well known in Clinton, The Govern. $2 w. with pneumonia, L. Kennedy was Went has passed an order in Council v 6 Lefattentien, John, son ot .1. Steven. I nights of this vveek ; it je a, company 'IP . I cenflued to the house for the past t restricting, the export of speckled Innit 1 s rel 9 Sailors 25 -e ' - . I week from the accident he met with I to one package (125 pnitnds per fisher - on Wednetelay la-lt week while return. IThoe. Jacktinte jr. • and emote Stewart Jackson nee' t te' t ' fnr,(Ittlilrya tounteall iciteet!8 goutthaeg'41111Parti reeital given by St.lis Tholitml ahsecliz:trivreattil We ran actors some childron's broad brim., sailor hats the We are glad to krinw (hat Mrs Fisher, 1 SO if r h, Woilneselay• even. h teen con ne tie her room lit The'uext public h. lido • i 11 I tile 'other day that were very cheap. They are now here and for the last two months, is now able to 4,1rea,dy 'selling freely. / be around again. H. O. B'S Ex.ounsImst TO. OLINTON —. A en e too?, ing of the Huron s . as. eale turns f•pare time to the of illy • on Saturday, July 0 'h, the Heron Old Boys, of Toronto, will run an excursion and celehrate Clinton - - -Oki-ktiystAaeociation- was held in the study of fine arts of which some are aluldrente li road brim sail ir hats. wile rilh.nn buil vied etre In 3?31, vol• EuAl-, 2. 1 Tenni e builkling,,210rolito, on Rat tie- considered exceptionally well done • = -.4, -- - iv of straw, lined, blue and twt Ltd &store, spaniel sale......... ..... ..- 04 daY evening, when it was tteculkl to la elY 1§,le has cep, d Um Biddle - hold the annual exeursion of t he gornhe's arid Mr J, II hire? bodies to assoc"atIon to Clinton, on Saturd i37, put. on canvas. The front street was July 6 h. A committee was appointeil densely packed uu last Thursday night to take charge of the arrangements to witness the feats of the trick b mc for the .event, which from present elisqt,.wbo were exhibiting and ad, same ae la -it Week ; utter is going indications promises to burp las the Vertising the talevel,ind and. Recycle from 13e to leto and.egv from 9c to Me. annual outing of last Year. A wheels Seeley a,nd Tomer s e • Oha G 1 For Rainy Days • • or Bright Ones Whether it be for rain or shine you are almost sure to need a parasol for the summer. We've got a. splendid stook of them, the Strong substantial kinds that. do fot eitherrain or shine and the dainty, sura 4 mery kinds that are good only for the bright Bpi. Whichever kind you want you'll find our value k good bettk.r than. you are likely to get in mut stores. for our steel-. is bought direct fromithe maker. Here are four good, (min ton 'Ile ,,I4ner town of 1 he cnun ty. lia$o =TED Orsoc;Fris,,--Now we agai ave a town band eyk.ry en - Ems at popular prices. • • mos pack parasols: gforia top, will keep les of tawny wood,laorn etc..in black its color and wear well, steel rod, and colors • 1,25 c strong tranefer„ At the foot 1)411 game in Myth, on Friday last week Frank Day - meta, while at nifty, received a kick 'In theeye trona one of the opponents it is fortunate the eye was not serious- ly injured. The prtrie of hogs is ruinig at *675 cents which Robt, Marshall saye is a goocl price ; the other day be sold seven hogs for which I/95,10 was re- ceived and this makes $310 from sales of hogs during the past nine trionthe, other day and only lasted for seven A total eclipe of the sun took place the minutes but it was pot visible in North Ainerica ; another eclipe, an annular one, is tine this fall, and that alto) will be invisible from bete. Prone the re - 'Suttee of the Pharnwey exams,- which are out this week we notice that A. Bailee, of town, has made a creditable showing, of which his Mende are pleae. to learn. There was lost, between D. Shanahan's, con. 2. Rullett, and Clin- ton, an open faced silver watch and chain ; the finder will please leave at the Nntv Etta office for reward, Street Inspectoe ()has, Carter with several assistants have been grading and cut- ting the bill on 1.ownsend street ; a 90 foot drain of ten inch pipe that was much needed will be Jaidacrose the street. Among the contracts secured by $. S. Cooper is a new brick house to be erected for Mt John R. Medd, of Untied. Jos. H. Holrnes,. ot London, brother of Dr. G. Ernest Holmes, is attending -to thedental office for the short time our genial doctor is on ' his wedding trip.- Among the shipments this week are a carload oflhorses by Geo. Cox who has been around here for the past week huying,fnr Detroit; oneAea amid of call le nv. S. Sinit h, tut - ronto, and one each of help by Ohas. Wallis, for the Don, and R. Fitzsimons. for Collingwood Oon, ductor,M. Algie of the Goderichauffido run is i iti r V 6 ng n Winnipeg at present being on leave of absence and when he returns expecte-to-he-on-a better -row his place is being supplied by Conduct-, ot S. Runn, whose run is attended to by Conductor Flatter, The market. y stations for dairy traduce is the band 11 ; oln ver e. u ette, of St. atharines, late p e o boys I tun Matmeavres were execute and their friends to the western town. pretty team of drivers from Bell 84 The council should take this proposed On Saturday night coneideable trout).- exciusion into consideration and have le was caused to Jos, Izzarcl eveqthing arranged; to give the by his team runnin vieitors royal ennhered by the,m; the herses start'ed idf4statakilin&ehri°zInlee4 will go hand-in-babd- Clinton • is railway bridge Ori t he 13a,yfield road Make. it a load of shingle-. he CV gt .way with one lone to irenivvelcatne. we -are 'sure the citizens in gene:al planing mill but were stopped at. the noted for its hoepitality and enter. o t. Joseph hotel, is now clerk at the Clarendon hotel. 'A number of bow. ling or. Dr. Agnew's lawn ; bowling on the club lawn will scow commence, Militia orders contain the tollowing: Owingto the existence of smallpox In certain parts of the, Dominion, none but individuals who can show evidence of having had 'eroallpiex,. will be per if you contemplate exchanging Colo for commodities in the shape of a WALKING STICK, • We invite your inspection of our assortment, which is fairly large. It includes several styles in color and kinds of wood, from the small Swagger Stick to the Heavy Oak, Prices range from fifteen cents upwards. In handles we have the following shapes Round Hook • • Searboro Crook • Cross Rook • Strait Butt Natural Root Me W. 0. PAIR 00, Clinton "Often the Cheapestivvays the Rest." PYWAMMIY, MmmyklyVANWMANNARM/Wt itt‘ 1. el.1.1711101.717/1.7,1",",71000' 1,‘WiievTtowivireivti•-• re shingie4---to- • be--fetind nutted„to-gouito or remain to camp. •- $ Cointie; in looking after the cooven- 13e held accountable for the returri to tain went and thianccasion, should be' made worthy of euck,ail event as to This is their sec excursion and by haveourold -Hui: boys among us. giving Mem a ly thxte they will vote. ribs, a good variety clammy Fihe Plods paraeols,firin and strong an les I 00 Black Gloriaparasols,top will not out or tarn rusty,ateel rod.hollow ribs, very strong and serviceable, hand- oura nent should_ g' n 0 keep %Abe interest in the Organization; wt have an an. oir streets annoying pedestrians, . • d d on the road •th I an n the wagon. II, 13, and °facers coinneanding units will- .ience of customers had .had a number .theirhomes of individuals found Un - of spring seats put in a,langaide the Vaccinated. A tar ge !mother intend • ho argam . • . We have some Sp al Bargains 1-c! offer von in all Kinds et fine shoes, schToh WEt bought at a siterid le whish will be ready for your iospeotion ' on Friday =vulva. ' Seasonable goods at wholesale prices • . • • 1 Men's Vine Tan Boots, tipoodate sine only $1. 75. Mni's litovele Boots, at $1,25, SI 50 ,ind $1 76, see thenn.thy are cheap. Ladies' leteg'Quelity Buttoned ton's, regale) $3 for $2.35, new goods, Ladies' ET:: Q lots, Licei Boma, regular $3.for 32,35, a bargain. Ivien's 5350 Hun $4 Laced Sot, at one ptioe only 83, Tfp.to-date, Ladiele Kid Oxford.i, Great Values et $140 uow only $1.25, a snap. . Ladiee'V3.50.-and.$4 1Ce4 Boots, 0 pairs lilt, your choioe fOr $2,50. Litdiest•Tan and Kid Oxfords, well worth $1.50 only $1, all sizes. . these goods in stack and at the aboire prices they woulthe here Very long. Several other lines which you cannot afford to miss, We don't want to put $ counter. The collegiate board met' on going to Exeter,. and Mitchell cele - Monday, evening fey the.May Meeting ..bratiotis ond other plitcen for the.24tht - but business was light.. besides •the some of the triwlers may go to Hamil- passing of it few -,act.onns end- order. ton tor the day. Tue small boys .with. ing some iMprovein nits arkaind . the the fireMackere is again abroitd on inatit t • In • top will not turn green or out,steel e rod, hollow ribs, -light, neat. and t strong parasol.tRandseme handles C in natural wood, horn end pearl...Lou every assistance. is neede , 'and we nouncernent card in cobne.ction with frightening horses and en angering trust our citizens Will ' lend any help the institute printet1 for general use j property; the boys should take care hey can. On Thursday night the and they al-h!iiecided that all parties . or it may be that the.practice will have ' i and gave the first promenade concert Caught defacing any of the 'school i to be St d English Oxford ,,• _ .,, Shirtivgs , t , .:! 1.-*...: We don't know of any kind of shirting that is better for all kinds of wear than a genuine English Oxford They -tv ash well, do up well, keep there color awl wear well. A. ship - l' , inflat of oyer a thousand yards came to us the other day direct ',from the maker in England. They are good qualities and cost .114 more than the common makes. The prices are 123c and tic per yard. • - New Be:Cs .and Buckles. ‘,. A little bit the nobbiest stock of b3Its and buckles that we've ever shown is now on our counters. The latest Ameri- f,:c. ...tan novelties in tinsel, leather, velvet and -satin boys, and all the popular shapes in gilt, silver and black buckles are here. Not many of any one k and and of the best only - one of each. 25 to $1.00 each, The prices To Specia as for Saturday We have two specials in wanted goods for Saturday shop-- ,.., .pers •One is 4 line of'summer vests for ladies' that we am going to sell ut I flc each, the other is a lot of children's cotton ',. and cashmere hose, that we are going to sell at 12ie per pair. .., Thd vests are part of the overmakers of one of the big milts and came to us away under value, the hose are- a lot of odd ...' pairs of different kinds ihat ,we want—aCTsr-3d out at once. ';‘,... -- The Vests 125 ladies vests, fine rib in white cream and natural, shaped, sleeveless, or i - with short sleeves, some have closed the rest open front, all are worth a in good deal more than our price, on sale commencing Saturday, ohoice.,.. 1VC 'the Hose - ,„, . 100 pplairisnoifnohildroetn , . thei 'afa°813ttrolltitrendncoatsahinpaerre rasteizsfoorrOieristriats,n r1i7hohedrtiaannd ., were 25o, to °leer, your choice Y •1.4c : . Better Vests . In better Vests you will find many good lines in our stook If you want them a ,little better than the ordinary kinds you'll 'And a good assortment and good values here. Here are these ,good -lines. G9111111.01110 AAA of the season, on the street in front of ertY. will be Proseet d pro. oppe • .All the livery Jigs in I • , Ee R. A. Moore town haye been ordered forothe 24th; mark that it was greatly apprpeiated 1 ,t , I I , .4,1exander on, pei C..km 4 and get first choice. Th y,An t eelyed that ()nee. 13rovOn, whom his # • • ting.the band ' together.' Oa Tuesday Gee". Monti, Thee. outhentilbe and deer of last week$ the cause of his de - night the following officers were elected•Ttitis'rord. to look after the details: -President J. v • ar' z, of Whighatn, muse being , an affection of the 'lungs. haS decided.t 0 retire for awhile and --He vvas ottrhe'age of 03.years, and this eaah and One Price. • . . reodered and up-to-date. A good deat eston ; the a.re a number of Clinton siater,„Mrs jas,Flowsbn, Albert St.,wae of credit ie due'Mr 13 oland for hie :2;05;?; Lhert fkulorig WhOtri are; frank called to Esqueeing, Hettoo county, to Taylor Br Sou fur ts in organizing, antrsuccess in gel, tier mananek (3',,,,eeier, Win, Biggert, !see, died. at his home there on Wednes- I• I 44 Jaines McRae; vice B Kerr. Fa Itas sold nut his hotel. businesss to Jas. l interment Wag Made in the •Hornby 'flUtter and Hoge taken gig As . treas., R. A. Dowirs'; ce,minittt:e. Bi'adwaY, Toronto, who takes p°''aea" 'Cemetery. A. Howson, of .A.uhurn,a Einnierton, S. Hovland !and ley;. leader., S, Borland. The band Srtgen nn JulY ' let.; Inspector will'he one of the valuators for the last. hiittit/tAtArelikW44/101,41101/4114r aisleY nephew,attended the funeral on FridaY • • C h, thirteen instruinents, • and it, is • ' . . expected that the number will be A Downs; bortterte, T. Wheatley; co, oi."" . • , • . itT:ee'asfitetc)PIZve4711‘.1 :r°°=—Inbaa:sii.tr "tttt?ttlittt fittititilittnItittittltttttlIttittilltt,ttiftt t?? !tit?! tti t!! tttrti ft! tit e nets, S Borland and Geo. McRae; e'er - 'nets, Jae. McBee.' T. McKenzie, Lein -Doher ty and. W. M Wee; slide tromei e, .7, T. Eiornertino (Prior, D Downs; aft°, B R•rr; bass chum, W. McRae; snare, IV; Rattenbury A .14,NYWEDropro.-At "Li seep. weptia" the pa !aria! -residence of • Mr and Mrs W. Doherty, tc wn was an in- fonaut scene but a very • iriterestin eventon Wednesday,May 22nd,at, 12 o'clock, and the pretty qiiiet 'home wedding took place when their dough, .ter, Miss .Lana M. Louise, became the wife of Dr. 0 Ernest Holum% dentist, of Clinton. The father of the groom, Rev. 3. W. Holittes, formerly of Bat- tenbury street church, noW thepopu- lar pastor of London Askin street Methodist eluickolliciateci at the eere. ttiony,asisisted by Rev. Mr O. Howson, of town. .The bride looked- ideal in her dress of cream crepe tie chine and' her sister, Miss Ethel, as bridesmaid, was beautifully attired'in white organ - dip ; S. H. H011),N3P, a brother of the groom, of London, performed the duties as groomsman. Aftee the usual wedding dinner and congratulations easterided the young couple -left on the 2 55 p.m tram for Montreal end other points for a trio. The gifts comprised some Very valuable as. well as' useful articles. Org,v the immediate. relative, of the cerirracTing fiarlies-WeririketTeiic - to witness the ceremony, among Whole might he nu3ntioned Rev. and Mrs J. W. Holmes, Of London, Miss Lottie Holmeti, of "Strathrny, Mies Clara "liolneet; and Dr, J. E. and J. H. Holmes. of London, Dr, and Mrs Holmes will be at home after jutie elltb, at their home on Ratteobery 'Street, east, Olin - ton. Both are very popular' voung peorile of Clinton and the Naw SA,t joins with the numerous friends in wishing the newly wedded pair many happy years of married life. THE. NEU-POST O1IE1C1t,-00ncerning the proposed new post-office:in Clinton the NewieRecord says:- eWhere the new office will be located will concern Many of oureltizenstanumber of whoa) are inclined to doubt that the question Will be settled from the standpoint of what will bee#. serve the town Re Wh 1 much doubt it, Thbv unite however. Lidies' Pure white cotton yesta, very fine quality,open front, long sleeves ...... expressing the wish that 'the gittinf ey hope at will but they wanes, Silk Vesta, short sleeves, light weight, for spring arid sainmer,verydurablee, 75n wortrYite jahOut the sitting memb • - White Pine Balbriggan Vesta, ahaped, nicely fittished, pearl buttons, long Sleeves. ,2 in 500 make the Imp office an mine* to hie • „mein er is not pulimg w res to print. ' Our cotena need not tvh 24 Bargain in bieeel his •, eurtain Muslias *II tha Awe, 0010••• ow• — P -. Jackson Eros. ••-.40 •••••/0 Etto-- • AtAtWolutuatisaioet****4 w* -1.***** -•of ,„1-44140PitAupsiwa42.004op,t4t11-144444 • * 0*** • ****-*-114111*******.rastso$ at.******46t4Jatmagapppipppui, • OP.* 11116... ,***************aoraltikaritycitit?t****** 1140.-• It's .Study 110•••• 11101.-- 1111P- 110.-• 411....- Ow- 411110. - OM.* ' * To dress the boy stylish at the same time to dO it economically. --: 0,..- OP- 111114.- It's a deeper stedy. with us. We are never through our task—always looking -...... sok.- -...,e op- for manly styles, testing qualities and scheming tilt cut our prices tc• tlielowest notch,, -71-2 • - . no. In the "Lion" brand you get the top noteh of goods at the lowest prices ever - quoted for reliable goods, made frorn pure all wool goods. Out, made and trimmed --or in a manner totally diffierent from ordinary goods. •••••4111 •••••411r Our system ,of selling the "Lion" brand of Schcol Suits is a new idea, You -.OW OP - 1110.-. 11111*-• can buy the coat, vest and a complete snit, or you can leave out the vest, buying -.la 1110.* • 111100.- •-•441/0 only the coat tu4d knickers or you can buy the coat separate or the • knickers separ- -...• ate. We carry the samecolors in stock all the time and you can /natal a suit when- -.4111P ~Elf ...VI eyer you please. . - -go We are sole agents in this place fOr this .Iiiiiiiis brand 11110.. 111110▪ .- 1111111b--' 411111*-.• '1°` dillit•••• Ow, 1000."`• .71•ImAhmato.70.•••••..0.4=1.1..v.m.monms,..... o challenges anyone to show that it; public actions, at any time during career, he has been influenced by fish eonekleretione, The new oftlee I not go on any property owned bg eaten; of the repretentative, though nservatives have already advised t :tousle, The doubt expressed ve, we are inchned to betietre,existe he Mind of our contre I We have a line of Curtain Muslin that we ?nbet) the price in half. want to clear out nick' . co mope it Ave eut it Fine White Curtain Muslin, 50 Inches wide ilierew atripea of blue, green or yellow, itheat Otte inch „apart regular 80o te clear at per yard; 46..:r inc interesta to be considered are certainly those of the public, and when the Wen, •tion is decided upon it Will be wibh that end in view, as far as cireturietaneea Will allow. The rant of $5000 received the approval of the Bowie on Mond A.skeel if the antOunt woul comp ate it will cost a little more than this, . but a cheaper class of buildings than has d11.••• 11/0040. 111110P4- 111111bw, go. it5e Only one member verbally 7posinif mird~ iYtt the budding Mr Tarte said "We expect the government has deckled to put up Jackson been ereefed in the pasi, and mere of ...... tial btilidinils whit will meet the • illferes Buckskin Pants; Price $1.001 Our Buckskin Pants at the above priee are made by ourselves in a manner -42 totally different from ordinary- ready made goods. They. are better cut, better made and will outwear the ordinary goods twice over. You have only to try a pair and they will soon demonstrate the difference. We are making up hundreds of pairs and no line that we have ever placed on ;le naarket haahad such a sale. .441i Our .Meres Suits at $7650 - Our suits at the above prices is a surprise, some people ould get'va00 for our own goods, limo the lowness of prices. the same suit but you have no middlemans profit to pay here. We manufacture all The keenest buyers in the country' will find. values here thateannot *al - led; 4 •********************* 11101•*. **************wwwwww****** waterwwwwwWW***************- , eAt iTh---W-'----*t*********ivortrot****** !*******11111************* 41001•40• 044iNer Olio* 41100•0 at: Bros The Famous a Clothing People, them. We are goimitto erect au stow ow,. wants of the public, aecommodating goo thefamity of the postmaster, who will have charge of and be responsible for the ore Of these bullding.'w -22 1 •