HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-05-24, Page 9flogyar
Food. In health, you want
nothing but food; and your
baby wants nothing but food.
But, when not quite well, you
waqt to get back to where
'I food is enough.
The most delicate food,
that is known to man, is
Liver Oil.
When usual (pod is a bur-
den, it feeds you enough to
restore your stomach; ''baby
the same.
The body-builder is food;
the body -restorer is
SCON'S Emilisioli
of Cod Liver Oil.
61V't ITtnaletrliteildt jek segifVree sample,
•&OTT Sts 139gtlIfogherntata. -
see. and sem; all druggists.
Most of the houses of the village of
Acerenza Italy, have been swept away
by the fail of an immense rock.
We offer one hundred dollars reward for
any case of catarrh that cannot be cured
by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheeney & Co., Props., Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned. have known F. J.
Chesney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfeotly honorable in all business
transactions, and financially able to carry
out any obligationetnade by their tirm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To-.
ledo, 0.
Welding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholsale
Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting direotly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Price 75o per bot-
tle, Bold by all druegists. Testimonials
fi to
Hall's Family Pills are the best
The Bislev team has been .seleettd
and sails frem Montieal on June 22. •
'I recall now with horror,"Beys May.
Carrier Buinett Mann,of Levaanri,l).4"my
three years' of suffering from Kidney
trouble. I was hardly ever free from dull
aohee or acute pains in my back: To stoop
or lift mail woks made ma groan. I tea
tiredmoin out about ready to give up,when
I beaten to use Electric Bitters,ba., six bet,
ties completely cured me and made me
feel likeat new man "They're unrivaledto
regulate etemach,liver,kidneysand bowels.
Perfect malefaction guaranteed by all Drug.
gists,only ,50 mate.
. _
.116-3mmiSsiol to rev se the statu'
of Manitoba has been apnointed, con-
sisting of Chief Justice Ea Mea: e.
E. L, Taylor and L. McMeans,
Dean am glad to be able to
tell you that Doan's Kidney Pills proved
,.,au.excellent remedy for lame back and
kidney troubles, from which I suffered.
I took one box and they entirely enrol. me.
Mae HOSture.•
The officers and' men of Wolsr!.. y
rarr icks, and other friends, gave Col.
Buchan a warm farewell at. London
on his departure for Toronto.
Children are often attacked suddenly
by painful and dangerous Colic, Cramp;
Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus,
Infanium, eto. Dr. Fowler's Extract of
*lid Strawberry is a prompt aud .sure
cure which should" always be kept in the
'There ie prcspect of a new theati e
being built in Hamilton.
Miller's Grip Powders Cure, Sold by
H. 13. Combe and R. P. Reekie, Clinton.
Senator Masson is seriously ill.
Miller's Compound Pills, Out, 25 cents.
for 50 doses. Sold by 11. 5. Dembe and
R. P. Reekie, Clinton.
• A senior baseball team will play a
game with the Windham Club at
Lucknow on the 24th.
A dose of Miller's Worm Powders ' owe -
Sold by H. B. Combe and R. P. &chi°
Clinton goes to Blyth to play foot-
ball tonight (Friday.)
A marvel of oheapnette, of elderly,' 5ana
of promptitude, is contained pa a bottle of
that famous remedy, Putnam'e Painless
Corn Extractor. It gees right ter the retit
of the trouble, there stets quickly but SO
painlessly that nothing is known of its
operation until the corn is shelled.Be.
ware of substitutee offered for PuttiaM'e
Painless Corn Extractor -side, sure and
painleea, Sold at dtuggiste.
Two respeeteble citizens Were 'shot et
Albany by the National guird, who tired
into a mob in respnage to 1), yolleysofelones4
one was killed outright and the other
badly wounded. Seiveral. other easnalties
occurred from encounters between rioters
and troops or policemen. '
This season oftheyeet eenghe
and colds are so prevalent, it would
be advisable to keep a bottle of Dr.
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup in the
It ellitys all inflammation aucl, irri-
tation Of the breathing organs, and
eines eonglts tied•eolde of idling tied .
old More quickly and effectually than
any other remedy. '
Itre. Arthur Itolaskey, White,*
Queen's do., N.B., writeet
111111 the fall of 1800. t Was taken
torn with a severe Atte& of La
AtIppe whiolt left at with a bad
sou obtain to relief and we* Minot
emir t tried several retnedlet and
eapair of a ours :0611 a trlella'
eatilded P010 take, lir. wood,* Nor.
loy Pine situp. I took three bottle*
in all and it Made a complete ante.**
one the Meet Cone/110400e in Perliantellit;
the Other Among the Silent, Un-
noticed Bock Boucher&
Charlemagne Laurier, the represens
tatiVe of 1.[S,ssoniption, is the hafl.
brother of the Prentier-•the same las
titer, but child of a first wife of
• &Locum's AN UNEXPIAINEO ImPuLse.
4.. Carious. Outstare or Japanese visas,
ermen In Bewail. ,
Where several years ago the fisbing for i
the supplying of the Honolula market I
Waif done almOst exclusively by the na-
tives in their canoes and a few •China -
Men new the bulk a the work is none
•CarOlus Laurier, the Premier being nbytinthbeerojapanese, who are at it In great
the -only -son by the second wife,---- Te boats -which thos, line IVO bUilt
Oharlesaagne Laurier. is 10 year here after patterns used in Japan, and
older than his distinguished halls once in aWhilla an oriental steamer arriv-
brother, and he looks it, SaYs The ing from the west brings an, imported'
Toronto Star; Ile is one of the silent fishing boat, which the fishermen think is
ones; a regular attendant at the sit- superior to those of local intioufacture.
ting, but an uncommunicative one. The boats are of it peculiar shape and
Thera he sits in his seat, day after are of different sizes, some able to aeons -
'day, his iron -gray hair barely dise monate but tbred men, which is an era-
cernible behind the heeds of the nary crew, and others are large enough
other occupants of the Opposition for sevea or eight men,
benches, taking no pat in the diss Notwithstanding the frail appearance
missions and going and coming so of the boats they are strongly construct -
quietly as • ordinarily to attract lit- ed and good sea boats and as a usual
tie, if any, ,notice. It is interesting thing are fast sailers.
to Wonder sometimes what Charles On Punchbowl street In Kahneho, a
inagne Laurier thinks* about it all. greet many of the boats are built, and
What fancies pass through the busy the launching of one ot 'the larger kind
brain beneath that iron -gray thatch? is always an event of a great deal of in-
-Doe.s-shesnver• 'meditate on the tricks terest to an Onlooker And of great impels
late plays upon her mortal puppets? tance to the silen who are to operate the
,Does he ever envy the distinguished
brother so near to lains. by 'bleat3 ties,
so far above hint in the political
world? Does he ever wonder at the
partiality df the fickle goddess who
groat shoutingd h II i b th d
makes one brother the firat Common- '
er in all the land and of the 'other an Up to the time that the vessel is launch -
obscure, Went, back bencher'? ' Does ed there is no captain selected for the
he ever wish to exchange places with boat The choosing of this important
his distinguished half-brother, to factor in every case Is left until the boat
[418 in the water. It is known Who the
.. the fail_ tilet of hitasserri-
0 smarty flik-the trialtni-tribula?-:--membeFs-q-theserew-Asessaiffistrom clia
the captain is selected. A Iniowledge a
tions, the rewards and NVOrrles, of
wafering is not apparently necessary fox
those who sit in the fierce white light •
a man to be a captain of a Japanese fish -
of publicity? Doithtlese Strange
boat, as the following will show:
thoughts sometimes chese'lliernselves ing
through the brain of this (Viet little i moored securely, the Members of the
. When the boat IS in the water and
man on the back benches, but it is i crew, who are generally the 'owners of
doubtful If the older brother be- , the boat, strip thensselves and get into
grudges the younger his greatness. If •
the boat. Then the fun of making the se,
he 'does he gives no sign , lection of the commander begins. There
And. the Premier? To his brother he,
is iset genial as to the other me111- is no voting or drawing of lots to settle
the Matter. At a given signal from one
bers, probably more so, but the Pre- ot the crowd on shore, who are watching,
mier of Canada makes no display of the men in the boat begin with all 'their-.
his emotions. The ether day, weary- " might to try to throw each Other eut•into
ing possibly of the seemingly endless : the water Each man leagainst the oth-
budget debate, the Premier crossed : er, and so the struggle, as A usual thing,
over ;to the Opposition side and wan-. lasts a long iirfk, 'Mid is remarkably es--
dered up through the labyi inth of (thing. All the tittle the play goes op the
seats to where his half-brother was frames of the coutestants Yell words of
sitting. - One hand he placed with a cheer to the etruggling Men in the boat
careasing moi ion-, on the.. older, man's and throw buckets of water on them and
boat. When the boat is completed, the
owners and builders and their Meads
decorate her with . Japanese flags, lan-
terns and flowers. Then they take her to
the water, jute which she glides aznid a
That of Some Versions to Leap We
I ' ppLi Q a Looking DIMS" Vr011a Dian Olaries.
SiLki DIN !, i "The strange temptation to earn, them-
selves into speee 'which assails so mat:
people wnen they look down from high
5.".......".".0,.....r..01 pe
"It has uTdoubtedly been
Nurriber °pie in Places Is very hard to aceount for stolen -
tinnily," said a well kn2wn neurologist
i Canada Who are Being or two city.
,• the cause 01 hundreds of cases of self
CUred of„,_,Consunription destruetionr yet it certainly cannot be
classed as a suicidal impulse, because
those who experience it invariably resist
1 Is Positive Evidence
IIMI.,11.1WIM,•••••••,....4 inan aptly of dread and repubsion. TheY
with all their strength and hang back
don't want to kill themselves, but some
power stronger than will,' stronger even
Of the Marvelons Suceens Of the than leve of life draws them irresistibly
Slocum System tor all Long
I over the brink.
Diseases. ' ,,peop.o
I with this singular infirmitY,"
• I continued the doctor, "should never ex.
NO moRu mo DOCTORS FEES i pose themselves to danger, because the
igypulmseomaeentst apuataosna;;teireotir caonndtroury otint
, Dr. Slocum 'a success In curing ail diseases or the one occasion, when I was considerably
, tunes siie• bronchial tubes is bel end question, younger than I am at Present, I under.
ecores et nate anti women vrho had believed their tbok to care a patient who couldn't look
einidition hopeless have beep restored to health
through the Slocum system Ot treatment. Each of from a height, and the experience left as
the three preparation's coropr slog the Slocum
treatment act together uutil perfect health rotten& was
impression on MY mind. Hs
as a bie strannine fellow et 35 or so,
If YOU 34Or ICOM any form of tune trouble -where. .' . , ,-I ., - - . -
ever, you should not lose a mlnute in applying for A CrtomeT meteor by trade and the laSt
a r a o le °cum rya ern o wan:lent. -
You are not asked to pas' a cent. All You Wive man apparently to be bothered by nerv-
to do is to writethe T. 4. stoma Cztemscse eo., . . . •
' Os fancies I laid an idea that by mak-
',name, 179 Klee st• wtet, Toronto, clique name ing bit look persistently into space for a
In lull, eith poet °Mee and express cgice address, certain length of time each day I Mild
NT , drivie took
the dread and the impulse.
• him to the top of a six story
will be trent you promptly on retrept of Your ree. -building that had ft flat roof and told him
guest. This is the most generous offer e'er er made to lie down on his sto.tuach SP Only the
rie:Ve.Ttg`earl4tillttIZZA7Ciii'Lrt'lletuit:: upper part et his face projected over the
makes this tinpreeenentee offer, fully confident of edge and look at the street. He was very
what the 'results will be to all thoseosho want to reluctant to try it, 'Pm afraid to, doe -
...wane% ss hesaid 4 leg
Whoa vrIliliarsirie7thern-a3weressnlention--thth— ' - - ' 0---' , -
. 'Will ili Oft in-thi itir, and I'll, go Wei --
Personal') Canada, seeing stocum's free offer in sure.'
the Toronto laboratcnies. "'Oh, nonsense!! I said, laughing, 'Atm
*American papers %Miens° send for semples to
. in the world could your legs fly up. in the.
. air? How can you possibly fall when
your whole body. is stretched out flat on
the roof?'
I • "'1 don't care,' he insistdd doggedly.
* 'I know my legs will fly up in the air if
, The Dyspeptic cannibal.
A. cannibal was mated on a green Pacific bk. I try to look over tlfe edge. ,
With the terliperature at pinety-nine degrees; . I "After a great deal of persuasion I
Ilia dress was rather scanty, in a truly savage finally induced him to he down as I
styl had directed, telling him to. shut his.e,yes
, suet a pair of Boston garters rouk
nd his nee. until he became cortiposed. As soon as he
-, _ ._ .• _ • •
ed them and lotsneel into the street a
But he didn't Seem quite happy, for now and then Open
a groan strong shudder ran through his whole
shoulder, while wit» the other he thto the boat, eeeiningly with the idea 61.
shook hands. . Just a few words were . making the battleground more slippery as
exchanged, and. then the first Com- well as refreshing to the men at work.
monis- in Canada came back to his As soon as lt man is thrown out of the
splace. whe.t: did the Premier say in boat he must stay out but may assist
that brief interview? Probably neths 'with water if he so desires.; The man
ing very much; but he made for the who stays in, the boat longest, or, rather,
moment 'the •obscure little man_ With who is able to put all the others out of
the Veit -gray hair the cynosure Of the boat has by his proivess shown fat-
al' eyes. .Doubtlepe, if Charlemagne self 'competent to be captain,,and so he
Laurier a'sensible man -and the is greeted with much applause and show
chances are that he is, else he would ered with, congratulations at the termina-
not be where he is -he feels proud ot tion 'crt the scufge. ',There is no appeal
the -man. who throws a shining lus- from. the selection so made, and the man
tre. on, the family and the name of sa chosen continues to be captain until
Laurier, and • is content With. the he voluntarily retires or sells. out his
modest measure of reflected glory share in the boat. ,
that has hitherto been his portton. The novel way of 'getting a skipper
• „seems very satisfactory to the fishermen,
and it certainly affords a great deal of
- . BID NICKEL PURCHASE: amusement to strangers who happen to
Nickel Copper co, Acquireethe McConnell suindet.
be about during the selection of a Coal-.
. Propertlai in the thidbury. ' • ' • • • •
• •
The Nigkel-Cepper Company of
Hamilton' have purchased the Mc-
Connell properties in what is called
the Northern Nickel Range, These are
supposed to be the largest 'nickel
and Copper bearing properties in the
entire Sudbury district, and
under option to the Nickel -Copper
Company for sem° time, but that
company had, not 'evidently succeed-
ed in its refining process tintil late-
ly, as they allowed the option to
lapse. .Bys their action in purchas-
ing these properties for over $300,,
000 they must have become -tiatis-
Bed that the Fritsch system of re-
ducing ores' is a thorough success.
From a conversation with one of the
largest shareholders it was learned
that the company will begin eaten -
Sive ' developments at once.. Any
doubts a,s, to the Preach process
which those interested might pre-
viously have entertained have, by
the aetion of the company's par-.
chaseof these properties, been • re-
moved, and the development of the
Nickel-Oopper Company's entire pro-
perties in the Sudbury district will,
it is expected, follow.
win Probably Come to Canada to Meek
stoyal 1rrither and Mother.
_ He Was It.
Augustus Hare told an ,amusing story
of one 01 his charming peripatetic lee
tures in Rome. .Fie had .convoyed his lit-
tle Hock, which inCluded at least one live
prince, throligh the palace of the Owen;
and had gathered them near the Forum,
when he observed a mysterious stranger
who had attached hiumqf toI the party
"looking more and m'ote angry every min-
ute." ' At length this interloper could
stand Mr. Hare tie longer. ' He burst
forth in denunciations. "All that this
person has been telling you," he in-
formed the party in a,loud voice, "about
the palace of the Ctesars he has had the
effrontery to rebiett to you as if it were
his own. You will be astonished, gentle-
men and ladies, to hear that it is taken
word for word, -word for word, without
the slightest acknowledgment -from Mr.
Hare's 'Walks In Rome.!" "All I said,"
says Mr. Hare, "was: 'Oh, I am so much
obliged to yen). I did not know there wan
anybody In the world who would defend
my interests so kindly. I am Augustus
/Ism" It was a magnificent moment
Little Prince Edward of Cornwall
promises to begin his travels earlier
than his father or grandfather did.
If reports be true, he may aceompany,
his aunt, the Princess Victoria, to
Canada, to meet his parents return-
ing from their world trip.
The Xing's personal popularity ap.
pep% to have deseeacjed to the heir
Preetinaptive, who 'is already faxen.
tarty dubbed "Xing David." Stories
of his childish prattle are eagerly
read,, while the doings of his par.,
etas, even while they are visiting dis-
tant Parte of the Empire, only
cite a perfunctory intereet. .
It will be next to impossible for
the present generation to speak of
_the....Eachess ef Cortiwall as _Princess
of Wales,' The globe -circling tour
may eradicate this feeling, but it is
impossible to deny its existence. The
King's wisdom in insisting on the
Australian trip in face of the oppo-
sition of the Queen and the _Duke and
Duchess becomes daily more appar-
The Canadian Pacific Railway Com-
pany' is building a train of Iuxuri-
ously-ettiipped care for the purpose
of conveying the Nike and Duchess
df York atid party.
Bleck null Inn.
Black Bull Inn, made famous by
Mittens in "Martin ChtizzleWit," 70
Wise torn down tothm.ke way for
modern buildings. It is over BOO
years old.
, The Afters/Maser threose.
A medicat paper states that, ft nap
of half an hour or ao in the after.,
noon after a' meal is helpful, an4
favore rather than hinders good
sletti at eight.
OnAgnevee Catarrhal Powder
has proved * hawing to, many a" Matt
before the publiel, in casts Of hoarsettele,
bad throat tossilitis and catarrh. Some
of the most recent evidence of its efficacy
eertitte from a well-known actor, whose home
la la New *Stork City, Ile says:"/ have
never found anything to equal this remedy
for quick relief." so conic -437
Sold by J. E. Sores, and fl, P. Seale.
(Madera In the Eye. -
Persons traveliug by railtviiy are aid).
teat to continued annoyance from the fly-
ing cinders. On getting into the eyes,
they are not only painful for the moment
but are often the cause of king buffering
that ends In a total loss of sight. A very
ndsseffectivesscuresslesw !thins the -
reach of everyone and would prevent
much suffering and expense were it gen-
erally known. It is simply one or two
grains of flaxseed. These may iss placed
In the eye withoet injury or pain to that
delicate organ, and Iggly they begin to
swell and dissolve k ,Xinous substance
that covers the ball ot the eye, enveloping
. any foreign subetance that may be in it.
The Irritationnf cutting the membrane is
thus prevented, and the anuoyante may
soon be washed out A dozen of these
grains stowed ((way In the vest pocket
may prove in an emergency worth their
number in gold. '
May 241141901
For pure blood,
Albright eye and
A dear tki;c4nplexion,
A. %Oen 'Qpetitp,
sAi Ptl, digestion
Ana refreshing sleep:
IP un
rinoi s 1Jarsapan1Is
It arouses, the Liver,.
Quickens the circulation',
Brightens thespirits. and
Generally, makes life worth living.;
Slaty seven years trial have proved It to be beyond citt:041013,
• the most rellaole :„OOD purifier known, •
• oa
All the leading Drutists &e,*BRISTOL'S SARSAPARILLA*
rirr-Em TrWO
uv vour new hat------elth-16:1-42
Before Easter, b fore.the style and
Oen gst broken, We Maks a speciality et
hats runt 0 r% e a larger steels than IL. any
previous stetson of the best Englieb arid
Amerioan make, styles anti sizee. '
In English heave hive .the es.e.
bated Wakefield., Sackville and Lesiie
makes. Our Anierican Hats ccmbine gcOd
style and quality in all the new colors hom
pearl to black.
• A. J•MORRISIIi. Clinton
If you desirs a new suit or pair el
trousers made to your order, read
for .E stet me shall • have to take
3 our measure without further dela,3
and I t setts save dieappoirtment.
Wt. claim Lertaip distinot super-
iorits ut sty:e „and finish,witioll MAY
' the garments thenseelves dem-
.„Bpsiness ' and semi dram suit ' to
.1. J. HOLLOWAY, Clinton.
. 'Escaped, which tore his savage breast in two, body, and I know he istist bk suffering
Anil he chanted in a melancholy, meditative toile mortal agony, but I was determined to go
The ditty that! now repeat to you: • through the lesson and. urged him strong -
ly not to draw bath. Possibly a minute
'rve eaten hostile tribesmen without a single
. elapsed and then a •shocking 'thing ee- • .
re:Tee:at:2.°n the yellow, black -rind brow ,. curved. Suddenly and without the slight.'
-eestion . pttrapet with both hands, dressy liis bodY .
But I never have encountered such a At' et Ind!: est Warning he seized:the :ate of the
As accompanied. the minister from town. , violently forward, at the sanse•time fling;
mg. up his legs and would undoubtedly
have tried the Uambago, boiled and roasted, have gone over the edge if I had not
baked and fried; ' thrOwn myself instantly on his back.
I have chewed the ;woolly Colah . stuffed with
The mov.emeut was purely convulsive
Bat for all the after eymptonss' horn the dishes' I soil Involuntary. Re eOuld no more help
It than he-eoul& help breathing, but it
w.ohuirdenttrigeidve a nama...anooa jot.
' made my blood run cold to ,think what
• .. on . 'night have ,happeped. 4ow .could I
But I caught this missionary calmly -strolling
. have explained 'myself had he fallen?. I '
the main; .
Might readily have ' been suspected of '
-Cooked and served him dre.ssed. exactly eomme
11 faut, • murder, I 'dragged him back, and we
But a feeling deep %Vint* mri Makes it disagree- • wept down Stains, a pretty badly agitated
tarty plain. couple. Since then I have tried no more
That the missionary Surely. is de trop. s I experimente eine,. that 'line." '
"I have eaten hostile tribesmen with the greatest
of urbanity; .
I have feasted it the. yellow, black and brown.
But to eat a missionary -was the acme of humility;
• You can't keep a good man down,"
Quite' Indispensable.
Towne -I've swell Gaxley several
nights recently with his fieldglasses.
I wonder what tits game is. .
Browne -Oh, he's calling -on diee
liulcher of Boston.
Towne -,--The ideal, -What. does - he
carry tieldglaimes for? '
Browne -He doesn't He Merely, Uses
the ease to carry a dictionary In.,
• Mysteries. t
, The wise man gazed out into space
• And said insneasured tones and .
"There are some thoughts we cannot trace
There are some things we may not know.
"W e may not know what holds the life
Within the blossom bearing seed
Nor why some people use the knife '
rata they have gathered rOund to feed.. .
"We may not knoW what sets the glow sw
In•etare that gem the midnight stir /110,
Nor what the merchant folk bestow dr -
In hall the things to eat we buy.
Beecher Lech.
On* day in a town wherehe was to lee.
-ture-Iten-Henry -Ward-Beecher -went--
into-a barber shop to be shaved The
barber, not knowing him, asked him if he
was gOing to hear Beecher lecture.
"I irtiets so." was the reply.
"Weil," continued the barber, "if you
, haven't got a tieket you can't get one
: -
They're all sold, and you'll hay* ti
"That's just me luck," said Mr. Beech
er. "I always did have to etani when
ever I've heard that Man talk/' -Ladies
Some Journal.
Subsoribeil, Of Course.
"I suppose you subscribe to the doe -
trine that honesty is the hest policy?"
"1 suntate eso," answered Senator
Sorghum. "Everybody that starts any.
thing tries to get toe on the list. I sub'.
eeribe to a whole Jot of things, hut I don't
pay any attention to theM."-
Pronaln y -Knew.
Teacher-Thorriaa, what are "partt of
Tommy TuCkee tatter an exhaustive
menial erfort)-It's the wny a man talks
when he st era:
bootored Nine Years for
fetter.-Vir. James daston, metchant,
Wilicesharre Pe., Writes: "For nine
years have been disfigured with Tetter on
my hands and face. At last I have found *
ore In Dr. Agnew's Oietment. It helped
me from the first application, and now I sun
perinanently cueed,"-r3j
Sold by 3, 110,41, atS, P. Bakis,
_I- a .
I . . E • ,sy Sawing,
1 • Some . of •the inmates of it Yorkshire
asylum were engaged in sawing wood;
i .
'and an ' attendant -thought that one 'ph]
1 • -
fellow., who appeared to be working as
hard as anybody. had not touch to show
tor his labor.
1 Approaching blin,' the attendant -soon
discovered the cause of this. • Thold
matt . had. turned.' his saw upside down,
.` with the teeth In the air, and was work
lug away with the back of the tool. . •
"Here,,I say, John," remarked the at.'
teadant, 'what. are you doing? You'll'
' nevercut the wood in that fashion. Turn
1 the saw overt" ' •
' The old Dian. paused and stared con '
, temptuously at the attendant '. ..
I "Did ta leer try a saw this way?" he
asked. ' • • • : . • -
I"Well. 'no," replied the 'attendant.: ItCif
coureie I haven't." . '.
I , ."Then hod thy noise, mon," was the in
. .
.stant rejoinder. "I've tried both ways, 1
. hey, and,"' impressively, . "this is ll'
easiest!"-Lonelon AnSwers.
"We know not how tate will befall
And bear us low or to the top
Nor (deepest mystery of all)
Just where the car is going to stop.",
Toles of Woe. •
Newitt-That's Borroughs. He's quite
an adept in the art of constructing
short stories.
Aecnni-Efe doesn't look like a liter-
ary man.
Newitt-ge isn't You misunderstood
me. He can tell you he's broke in more
different ways than any, other man I
ever met.-
• •
flOtith Arrierican NervIne makes
the whble System radiant in perkct health,
it accelerates circulation, enrichee the blood,
penetrates to the very centres of nerve
force, builds tissue, makes mid keeps reople
well. This wonderful remedy has bad a
charmed experience and has done its great-
est work in caseq that the msdical fraternity
had pronounced hopeless. -140
Sold by 3. E. Hovey, & R. P. Reekis.
- --
Lady Minto will give gold, silver. d
b 'maze medal., in a competition for t e
best kept garden and lawn hi Ottawr
-Shattered Nerves and
Weakened System,
Am Tea lig La Grippe? "
Did it Leave any After Effeeta?
If it did, read what Mr. P. J.
Brophy, of Montreal, Que., has to
say of thi good Milliura's Matt
andrsterve Pills did
1"1"* • * had very weft
ne attack ofla. grippe,
which ieft inc a'. 4,441* very nervous
and eXtrenley V 00d not sleep af
night and wa: • 4 \••,,,th profuse per..
nitration. Wit; - . Much SALM)"
ISICS. r , ussi effeet*of
burn's Pint, • 11 them. Vitiate
my gratificat., b. trot up, &vigor.
ated 4ty •no a•ld made me ful
like IV man. 1 tan recomniend than NI
all Wilt its I did.
• • . • '.
The steady imirease in our trade is gem pzerif of the feet that ozir geode are ,right and •
' our prices lower than those of other dealers in the trade.
We mannfacture furniture on a large settle and can afford to sell cheap. If you 1)4
ft °ram, save for 3 on the profit whIcb in einer cases has to be added in lot
the retail dealer. • ' • 4 .
This week we have passed into stock some of onr new designe. . Space will not permit
no to quote.prices, but come and see for 3 ourself sob st snaps we have to offer. •
Rernensbetsswe are determined that our prices shall be the sweat in the trade.
lim thie department our SiO is. completes -and We neve ,undoubtedly the beet -funeral
outfit in the county1Ur prices are as' ow as the lowest
P„ 0. Night end Sunday cal' etta.del to. • pi ;Pang at J. M (Funera
Director) reeideness
A Few Specials
. 1_would.plei,se you to see .our new stock of Wall: Paper,
Borders, Curtain Pole and Window Shades,. We have the
Hats that please the eye, and are so cheap. We _Would not ,
forget our, magnificent range of priuts.saud 'dress goods. We
have still some timothy st. eus,red and alike clOverpow peas1r4pe
tures, orchard grass, speitz, alfalffa or lucerne. Also, a full,
stock of mammoth red map& and gia,ut yellow extra sugar*
bebt. Turnip sedk.-of different kinds and a' great variety of
garlen seeds. The opportunity to show these seeds' to you
would please us. See our Junior Sprayer.
Londesbore rium, D
31134 awe. Life Saver. EmpoR. A1..1V1In • Lotdon it was noticed that when Mar. 20th, 1901
the etreets were muddy there was a
marked diminution cif diseases that were
prevalent when dust is blowing. Ca.
timbal troubles are plentiful wben people
are compelled to inhale dust. Consump-
tion, too, often gets its start from the
breathing of flying particles of filth. Add
sufficient water to transform the dlist
into mud, and the power for harm Is
gone, for mud is not inhaled. The germs
that infest dry dust become inert ha mud,
1:..Tnse these germs, vicious as they are,
• elazy..4.13-gasuisnyhere-unles
kloreover, mud is very like-,
ly to get ultimately into the drain pipe,
and the germs are carried off where they
can de no harm:, Even when mud dries -
on the clothing and is brushed off the
dust that arises therefrom does not ap-
pear to be as dangerous as that which
hue not beep recently wet. .
. trbe Seem In the Powell.
"Talk against the seamy side of
things!" said the girl In the bedraggled
blue hat to the girl in the shabby black
satin skirt on. the elevated yesterday. "I
don't know what we typewriters would
do without the seamy side of an oflice
roller towel. It's the one spot likely to
be clean at the mut of a bard day's litual
satistyleg things to wipe one's hands, on
than, MIMS, but ra rather have a clean
team thee a soiled ho seam any day. To
ase the seam, too, is almost like having
a private Individual towel all of your
Own, Everybody save the initiated few
avoids the seam nf n towel tnft0n won-
der whether all seamy sides, if duly, in.
vestigated, wheat net mese to have equal
She violet Give tin.
"Which sex is the more persistent, Mr.
Smitherti?" •
"I thought every one knew that. Thir.
ty years ego, when we married, my wife
and I Started in to make each other over.
I gave up the job at the etal of five weeks,
and my wife is working at it yet."-Iilv
Told In Washinatesi.
an5 the- correspondeitt of that puha.
t'llt1011 a well informed man?"'
"I ehould etty so," was the answer.
"Half the time he's the only person in
the world who know* whether what he
hue is true or not".
Keep your Stomach lra good
working order klucl rank dotterel health
will take cafe of itself." Thit le the advice
of an emleent ipeoitlist en etontol troubles,
and 86 "clinched" the advice by prescribing
Dr. Von Steol'a Pitteepple TelbletS ea a W011.
der worker in sill phi** of stomach die.
orders from the little "ferniete atter *atlas
to the chronic dyspepsia, 3$ cente.-436
Sold by $ 3, Sovsy & 14 P.'1 Iteakiti
• This is what we oall our most -yl
carnage. We have a number now on -it
end wc eta like 300 to call and see thee
attn elf rieg.,Isntiearriotuowdias the taonpda font saes ocra rilfOnt yOmfhi
xperienced_men to_do
For in