The Clinton New Era, 1901-05-24, Page 7.r • Ve beg to Notif Our customers and the public generally that we shall on .3 • Saturday N ext May 11tfi, Commence to sell one of the largest stocks of Clothing ' d Boys' s' consisting of Men's, Youths” an � Snits, which has this week been bought from the trustees of the estate of John Calder & Co.,the largest manufac- turers Curers in Canada, who have gone into liquidation. • The goods have been bought at . a. very low figure for spot cash, which will enable us to sell far below any dealer in the county of Huron.. The first Saturday will be. dexo• ed to the Boys' and Youths' Clothing ; the following for Men's Suits': and Furnishings. We invite everybody to inspect these good. CLINTON T. Jackson, Sr CLINTON NEW ERA CLINTON 61,dRNJ1TS Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, l<lav, 10, 1001 Fall. Wheat...,...,., 0 06 a 0 66 oate„..... 081 a 082 Rye 0 40 a Q 45 Barley A 40 a 0 40 . Peso..........,.....,0 60 It 0 60 Flour per cwt 1 75 2 Q0 Butter, looee 15-16,p'k' C 12 a 0 13 ( Egg per doz 0 9 a 0 10 Hay, 8 00 a 8 00 • Sheepskins ... - 0 40 a 0 50 No, 1 Green trim, hides 5 00 a 5 00 Potatoes, 0 25 a 0 25 Chicken», per pair , 0 20 a 0 20 Ducks, each 0 00 a 0 70 Geese, per lb.... , . 0 07 a 0 ( 8 Turkeys, per lb0 09 a a 10 Pork, live 6 75 a 6 75. Pork, dressed.. 8 00 '' s R 00 Wood short.,......,2 25 a 2 25 Wool 0 13 a 0 14 arqain OF B. NOI3NIG'S Wanted. Eggs 120. One ton of butter weekly. We have all kinds of corn fromCromptom'e early dawn. We are sole agents for the celebrated Baily corn. For silo purposes it has no equal, 'so says. Jno, McMillan & Sons, the largest corn producers of Canada, G. E. KING. Wtngham, heanFrul • We have decided -to sell until ful they notice 28 lbs best selected raisins $2.00 3 .., • " 25 Prunes per Ib 5 Dates ' " , . 5. Figs " 5 Young,Hyeon Tea per 1b15 Agent for Ranaforde'. fine Dairy Salt. ,come early and often. HvI1;, GROCERY W. O'Neil Our -telephone number is 48 Bailftupt Stock Brill -1_31J 0 NTIl\TTI S and judging from the number of people who have visited our store during the last twoweeks we are inclined to believe that our bargalP3 are appreciated. We have a full stock of Sta t le and Fancy Dry Goods_ Readymada Clothing and Boots and Shoes "which we intend as soon as possible. Below are a few of our prices which we think are worthy of your consideration. ` We cannot mention everything, but just enough to give you an idea of what our store contains. GENZ" S FURN IsRINGS DRESS GOODS It you are thinking of a new dreee come in and let us show you what we have. We gun eave money foe yon. 50o eergee for 30o 30o honteepan for 20o 60o and 350 lustre for 35o and 25o 35c, 50o, 75o henrietta for 25o, 35c and 50o Boma area and skirt lengtha-mast be Been to be appreciated. A few pieces of very pretty plak e, were 85o for 25o Drees muelin,re r. 120 and 15o for 10o Linings from 6o to loo Slack Sateen Underikirts,reg.$1,25 for 75o Fanny Colored Sateen Underekirte, reg. $1, $1.75 for ;$2.25 • Black Sateen Waists, reg. $1.75, $2 for $1.25 Reg. $1 for 65e Chenille Curtains, reg. $3.50 and $4.50 jtor $2.50 and 93 50 Chenille Table Covera at leas than whole. Bale prices IN STAPLES•. WE HAVE 120 and 15O ebirting for 100 qn4 ilo Cotton, worth 6 • for 40 " 7o for 5o r* 100 tor8or Flannelette, worth 7o for 5o " 10o for 8o 100, 15o for 100 Towels, from 5o a. pair up Toweling,wortl►-6o for 4�o " 10o for 70 25o ;lottonad a for 20a Table Oilcloth, 11 yards wide at 20o 120o and 150 prints for 10o Colored Sateens reg. 15o for 12c Table Linens at wholesale. price» Linen Table Napkins from 75o per doz. up Linen t+hle covers, side board drapes, five o'clock tea covers, tray covers, etc., at lees than wholesale prices. - A, good stook of fine and course boots to be cleared out at wholesale prices, means bar- gaine tor some one. We have the McPher- son shoe the quality of which ie above oritieiem. Flannelette shirts, worth 25o,;35p, 60o, for 20o, 25a and 40o Prirt Shirie at 50o, 65e,.750- Lannd ried white shirts at 60o,. 75a and $1. Collare,100,120 and 15o Ties at about half price Braces from 5a.* pair'np Beet oaehmere and wool hose for 20o Cotton Hoee from 7o np In readymade clothing we are prepared to show you the highest quality: of material dnd workmanship combined with the low- est prices to be found anywhere, we have. all sizes and can promise you a saving of from 2 to 8 dollars on a suit. A lot of odd pante reg. $1, $1.25, $1.50 and $2 for 750, $1 and01.25 Overalls 50a, 65o and 75o A few smocks at wholesale prices. We have not room to quote any more prices, .but invite you to cometo our store, see the goods we advertise and ,compare the qualitywith the price. We know we' have better values than can be found elsewhere and will be pleased to have you come and ` investigate. Proprle4,or,Clinton. Plumsteel & Gibb ugsI Jam Garbett, Jr., 8/6,atendardbredroadster � t stallion, will stand for services, at the hotel ....._.".----•-_---- t Clarendenstables-for the seasonof1901. OLIVER JOHNSR*ON, Propriefor,-Vlinton. iul� w�, I�,�tpiltl�aE ��IIlI, 4lI�� 01(II1II'UIii1, The People Who Know Will congratulateyou if pair choice of a wheel !ig epasno ehn.uld be a Mem Burney -Beattie. The heat- t-'-d-.y and beet for yenrw, • Onr pricer. $40 and $30 ate within teach of all. EMERSON'S BIi. ICLE AND MUSIC HOUSE. Coded( It . `_ Livery,- .., . Repairs Horse Routes. Texas Jack, the great speed producing stallion, standard and registered. No. 0321, trial, 214, race record, 2191, will stand Friday nr the season:- on liondav,'.Tnesday, and'Satdey, at. et. Innes stables, con. 2, Stan- leir (near Clinton); on Wednesday niaht at Jas. Horton s Hibbert,. Boundary. INNE4 8c Live Stock Markets, set Beffelo, N. 'X., May 20 -Cattle- Otferinga 115 loa'ls;. active demand for all handy butcher cattle at 10a higher than the but price last Monday. Export and medium cattle were barely steady on last week's basis, Offerings of Canada cattle were moderate, 7 loads, and as the stocker and, feeder demand was active prices were strong but no highe'. °Alyea fairly motive but closed lower; choice to extra export cattle of desirable quality, 85.60 to $5 75; shipping steers, $4 to $5 40; .export tiul;s, cholas to extra,e4 to $450;georl to beet fat bulls, l$4 to $4.50; feeder b.•`10, $3 10 to $8. 40 ; yearling steers, goon...to envier: $t 25 tc $4.60: fat cows $4 10 to $4 50 ; fat heifer» ahj' e to extra, $4 50 to $5;..Can- ada stook calves, choice to txtrie 04 $5 to $4 50; Canada feeders, good to extra, $4 40 to $4 60; milkers choice to extra, $50 to $55; springers, oholee to extra, $48 to $52; oalyes choice to extra $5.60 to $5,75; Michigan calves, $4 to $4.25, Sheep and lambs- Cfferinga,8loads; mar- ket dative and higher;°lam{ a, choice to extra', $5 05/' to $5,70; export lambs, $5 to $5.25; sheep, wethsrs, $4,60 to $4 65; spring Iambs, 10o• to ilo Hoge opened 5o to 10o lower, with a total of 115 loads on sale; the basis on heavy hogs was $6,05; Yorkers, $5,00 to $6; pigs $5.80 to $5.00; roughs, $5,40 to $5'60; stage,, 54 50, to $ 4 75. London, May 20. - There is no improve• went in the cattle trade.. It is even worse. United States cattle, 6 1.4d; Canadian, 534dto6d. Liverpool, May 20. -Canadian oat-• tle, ,53.414, m...__ „ Montreal, May 20. -There were about 600 head'.•of butchers' cattle, 500 calves and 200 ehgep and lambs offered for sale at the East End Abattoir today. The butchers were out in full force and trade was brisk, but the prices were nearly 7-4o: per lb lower than on last Thureoay'd mar- ket, Prime beeves Bold at about 5o per lb, a choice pair being bought by Mr G. Mar- tel at 5 1.4o per ib, Mr George Niokolson bought 24 very good cattle at a little less than 5e per Ib. Pretty good oattje.-aold-at:- from 3 3 4o to 4 3 4o per !bend common stook at from 2 8 4a to 3 1 2o per lb.. Bulls were numerous and sold' at from 3o to 40 per lb. Calves sold at from $3 to $10 each. Shippers paid 41.40 per ib for good large sheep, and the butchers paid from 3 3-4o: to 4 1-2e per Ibfor• the others. Lambs sold at from $2.50 to $4.50 each. Fat hogs' were more plentiful than for some time past, and prices are declining. Good straight lot , cl weighed off the cars, Sold to -day at fro; 7o to 7 1-4c--per-ib• Toronto, May 21. -To -day's opening. market for theweek al; the cattle 'market was quite as strong as `tk,t the• close last week.. Thesupply was a. little heavier, comprising 100 loads, with 1,060 head of (rattle, 700 hogs, 200 sheep and I,be, and about 70 calves,. The quotations wer prac- tioally thee same as .last Friday, choice: export cattle selling strong at $5 to $5.2 while there was cola of one deal as high as $5.40..' Good butcher.. cattle Bold at $4:25' to $4.65. Common.. and inferior butcher cattle were a utile slow at $3 t) $3.50; but everything, poor to choice, found a market, Stockers weighing from 500 to 550 7be are worth from. $3: to $3.25, and are wanted; but very' few arecoming in. Hoge are still Sim at $7.25, top price, Wool Want) d. BicyclesforSale or Rent Ha ving bought out thewhole stook of bicycles from A. T. Cooper, inolnding 14 wheels; -2 Hartfords, 3 Wolverines, 2 Clevelands (one with coaster. brake,) 2 Gendrone, t E. k D., 2 E. Z,, 2 °resents, all of which we intend to ran of at a low margin to make Given Awa A tooth brush with every 25c bottle of ton h powder, tooth soap or tooth wash vve sell. Use Combe's Baking Powder and you will - be using the best obtainable. 25c per pound. H a B. COM B E, ChenistA Druggist The highest price in cash, will be paid for 60.000 lbs of wool, at the Standard Elevator. May 13-4. HOLMES a SMITH, Clinton. room for new wheels, Anyone wanting-a-goodbicycle .:would_save noneyby_bnyingcite___ of these All kinds of repairs kept on hand and wheels cleaned or repaired. Work guar- shenticed.New tires from $6 to $i1:0. you nt New -.es 131ackemith and machine she in connection. We are also prepared to do all kinds of work in horse shoeing, and general CALL ON reptlAll the plow pointe and repairs kept by J. Tedford still kept in ptook;- ' Points tor the Tedford plow. "' " Miller -Tedford. " " Tedford No. 8. " " Wilkinson No. 7 and 21, - - " 4' Fleury No, 18, 12,10 and 21. '• " Sylvester No. 7, " 41 Hill's patent. 44 " Old No. 18. Seeley t Turner; I Tedford's old stand, Rattenbury street, Clinton. Fred T. Jackson, Dealer in all kinds of Footwear, A oorditil invitation is extended to everybody to call Bind inspect ear coeds std prices We have a very choioelseleoticn of *Mel linea, herb fratn the waken np•to•,iate in every respect. Our line of MEN'S SHOES are superior to any ever style. • u Rork manstii p. sold in Clinton in st ._ .. n =Reda i h p Our lines of LADIES', MISSES' and CHILDREN'S are Keep You fiend 'Free models of the highest skill in shoe building. - SHOES FOR BOYS have reeeived special attention, Fro/nf ' Dandruff and our lines cannot be equalled for durability, with Quinine $airx'ofib6 It 018f1118 the soap and keeps it clean and Cures dancakuff. It's an exo'ellent tenter inoreases the growth, pre• vents dull keit from atiilliligout, makeethe bait soft and brilliant, nicely perfufliod rind net sticky, Large bate dad C E. HOVE'), Dispensing Cheniist, Clinton, iki Orr terms are strictlycash. We guarantee eatlefaCtion or yourmoney book. BUTTER and GGS will be taken ea dash, and when the value of either article offered exoeede the amount of the purohase, we will pay the difference in -dash. Our store is In the . Beaver Block, next door to Grigg's Famous Jewellery est e°blishnieut. . FRE T JACO`_ Bicycle for , Sale. Good secondhand. bicycle for sale at 410. Apply to W. W. FARMAN, Clinton.' May 17-4. lith ►.t4vertisernents: To Rent. A nice pleasant, furnished room. to let ; only 6 minutes walk from P, O. -Apply to the May 24-2. NEW ERA. Farm to Renta That desirable farm, lot42, con. 8, Hullett, cont,,inini: in all 160 acres. to rent; willrent the 100 acres separately on which' there are a house and bank bar,,, This farm is rich hav- ing aying never been rented. PossesEion given after harvest. for particulars, apply to May 10-tf,. D. SHAN. AN, Mullett- • Jur- Session OF THE HURON COUNTYCOUNCIL The council of the corporation of the County of Huron, will meet in the council chamber, in, the town of GODERIOS,•Mal o'clock p. m., on the FIRST TUESDAY in June next, W, LANE, Clerk. Dated at Goderich, this 22ndday ct May, 1901. ay'24• Estate oft ur ooi arca,. Deceased. All peraond having claims against the Estate of Arthur Woodman, late of the village of Londesborough, in the county of Huron, Tailor, deceased, who died on or about the eleventh fore of the are day required Junne,.on 1901r be - to send by poet prepaid or deliver to Samuel Wood- man. Londesborough, Ont., or Richard Adams, Londesborough, Ont , the executnl•s of the said estate. ar to the undersigned, their Solicitor, full particulars of their claims and the nature of theirsecuriiyy (if any). After the said,15th day of June 1901, the said executors will proceed to distribute the pro- ceeds of the said estate among the parties en- titled, having regard only to the claims of which they then -have notice. G. T. BLAIR, Solicitor for thefExedutors, Blyth. Ont. Dated at Blyth,,this 21st dayof May,1901. May 24-8. May 24t14, 1901 .0sarrer90rar,1wN0lr0f McKinnon & Co, S LYTi3 Some Snaps For This Week We have lout received and passed into stook, a large gpanttty of season+ able goods, ehich we bought greatly under value for epot oaolt and which will make people wonder how we da it. Grey Cotton, good width,regular•price 40 for 3o, White Cotton, 37 inohes wide, soft finish, now worth .8o per yard for 50, Women'» B:aok Cashmere Hose, all wool, fast black, sizes 8e, 9, 911, reg., War price 250, our.epeoial price 150 or 2 for 25o. 'JVomen's Fast Black Cotton Hose, worth $o for 5o, Women's Heavy Ribbed Cotton Hose, fast blank, seemleas feet, very special, 15e or two pair for 25o, Ladies' Vesta, trimmed with pink and blue, worth 8o for bo. Fanev Gingham Remnants, in blue and white and fancy bright cherlke in 2to levard ends, worth 8o per yard our price 5o per yard or 85o per pound. i1ens' Shirts and Drawers, very epeeist 25o each. Boy's Pants. in fancy ,tweeds with double knees and Beats, in all eizes at 5c, , 50, 600 75o Men'sWool Tweed Pants, in dark and light narrow stripes, regular price $1.25 and $1.50, your choice 980. Ladies' Summer Corsets, strong and well made, in sizes from 18 to 26, regelar price 35o for 25o. • Erect form Corsets, in all sizes, at 75o to $1. McKinnon & Co., Slytb, 004104114114,000001110110410 11011114111111 The Novelty Bakery and Restaurant We are prepared to: supply all your wants in the bakery line, and tv• ..narantee to give satisfaction in ev,ry respect. We Make a epeoialty in Wed- ding Cakes and of ioing cakee at a reasonable price. Our Restaurant everything in a first clans reatanr- ant.ie a puce where yon will find Candies of allikinds and simile fresh. Cigars in the beet of brand!). Tobaccos of alt kinds. We will have lee Cream and Drinks Ot all kinds at boon as the wee. ther'lit suitable, : MaOti eherty's Old Stand Parimler .IG 11lcGlay Telephone No. 1: CLINTON. i� Stock o rdware Just received' another stoe Hardware Graniteware Tinware Glass Ready mixed Paints Alabastine Kalsom.ine Daisy Churns Clothes Wringers Lawn Mowers Spades Shovels Rakes noes, etc. •a 'i C AJ kinds of Fence Wire V e buy in large quantities anc1 gi benefit of it. u .__customers the Just received 2 cars Portland and y _ Thorold Cement. Call and :get our price(#; Cive us a call. Alt LAN DBROS.' Cheap Hardware House W. L. OUI M ETT B, : Londesboro� To' Pant is to "reserve To preserve is to keep up value. Keep up the vaine of your property by Heir g Sherman William's prepared :paints. We sell all the desirable ebades to paint your honee,palnt your fenoe'or plink your buggy. 4. SEED CORN - For fodder, yellow dent and mtnimonth southern sweet. Por ensilage, oomptone early, white dap and a few boatel;. of Heifer.. All these verieliee were Used law[ season by some of Hallett'. best fermate roc' eatiefaotory. p We want your Meed trade, we <,a ndlb the best We call hay and roll on a oloee "aim. gin of profit. W. L. OtiPIETTE, Loudeeboo` r.