HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-05-24, Page 411 I Additional, Iocal News. A Trip to Quebec City* __ , #A 'I � � I — '. --1 1. I _.o'. - t'A , I _ . � ,Z , ,�,� . . k(i. I At the invitation of the Quebec Boava at V 9 4 __ " , _ 'I. �. N , -1 . IS A,DDREssWA,NrrED,-,Slr ThomJ . )�) " �5 � . I - �_ 1: , .1, �, � , ipard. Who knov; a big addreL-s, ? 1 Tr&dla and Harbor Commission, Senators, .1', I � ,/,,� I - 1 49 01 � i I Members- of -the Honed of obtuniono, and 11� - I go - ­ . r ­_ r� - � - - 1. . �. I'll.. Up Was 4 pioneer in opelplug Canadian . 'q'�__�,__ -4 0 v, Vs, .. . I . , 7 . --1 " �'� L , . I I I oil fields, Write X. A. James, J, P., press men to the nuntber ,of m, vivitea, 'It— :F',' Nk 13 I � _7,�� ! .�,' . � � — � . the ancient city of Quebec, on the i . , ::�;��*�� I I . Bowmanville, Out, Exvhanges please. I , 11th. �� , - , I I - ifferent Store, .1 . I favor by cbpying. � The 41stanoe from Ottawa to Queboo is I I . . I I � , - ,about 300 u.iles., and Arrangements wore I _­,. �� � � � � -1 . I I . 1 $- A. WEDI)rNG.-A Plett6ffllt affair' made to leave Ottawa at 7 a. m., but It was I , I .11 . , � . I I was the weddipg of Isaac Bezzo,of N or- ,nearly 8 before the train. got away. It was ( I . �. ­ I I .1 i� � I . ( 0, wich, to Captain mathers, of the SalVa ak ape3jal, composed of Rveoleopers and two �, 11 " " n. -: . I " �. � tiou Arm on Wearies: - th .. . Vo at, St. Tho ainiug oars, generously plaosif at the dia 11,014, . ""*Z, -.�.A I 11 .. .. I day,the th,ofMay, Bezzo ip for� posal of tl.)e party: by the 0. F, P. The I IN . � 1, I , 4 I I I , merly of Clinton, but now of NorWLUU gineer in charge bad a record of having P VN I ­ I . nd. en , " ,- - 1- 4-1 made the run from Montreal to Ottawa, I I �� n, ","A I � . His relatives and friends here exte . 114111141 ti 4") . ­ .. I � ZT1111 .!!".11�1io - � .1 , their heartiest congratulations to the 120 miles I "'. I,- , , �11 ­ - �T - I .� , - - k ­,-";K�., , �` �. , �� , . ,�_ 10 �,_`, 101'. n 99 minutes, and it was his 1\ . I - oves `11 � � - 'K­*d.G1' I , � � t 01,111, _ �1 Mr .. � � . . �;PA � I . I 0 I . � ... ,� _,�', .,: . ' , ;�i_ 1111,11 . �:,:�$, NV�r ,\—. ,\_. \1 " - I . : . - . . -� ,, happy wedded coupli, , R11 - W ��11 ,,,, I %%% i )�� 11 "' , intention to make a r4cord run on this . . -i - -_ - ­ , ,�. �. -� i I --- . � _�__t� � . , - - ­� I . GOVERNMENT GRANTS, -Among the occasion, but a hot box on a diner delayed -1 I - __ -, J . : . . Supplementary estimates'for the next no. considerably. Breakfast and dinner, . I . . , 'L I - . fiscal year in the Dominion arei tboofa oerve,1 in Superb style, *era furniobed on I . I , . � I � I � whichare down for places in Huron the train, a I . . - f ).r 59c 0 0 1 *. I 1. . county are:-Godetich, $10,OW for its The cloy woo cool' enough to make � � � . I � 11 I ' 1. 1. - Clintoti., $5,0W for a postoffice; travelling 0 " 1, ­. � . . � I harbor, lessant spathe oarty were in -- - . 0 . Bayfleld, $5,5W for extension of sopth. ,excellent .spirits. Grit jollied Tory andi � .% , I u y ' May 250, we will era pier ; St Joseph, - Tory poked fun at Grit, Some 0,1470a , I..''. .. I Commencing Sat rda morning, . 1 ,$5,000 for a wharf I, Su, miner is Coming - I � I . . . TWENTY YEARS MARRiED.-From A 3t many emoketi, but all gave them- I . I I - . � �� I -P -ac . I I I h e on sale nearly 10,0 pairs'of Kid Gloves that are .regular the La Riviere, Man., Times we learn, selves up to baying just as good a time as . . I I I I � . . ' I . I ' that Mr and. Mr I a Robt. . � Emerson cele- was possible. � . I . I � . :1 . �' and fin- brated their china wedding recently. The country, almost the entire distance . I Get one of our H I . * I C00 -values for 59c per pair they are.perfect in fit . between Ottawa and Quebec, is very leyel, ammocks and . . I ­. T;l4" I , I I � I I Mrs Ernst son is a sister of the editor - . . . . . I I . �:-, A", I of the NEW ERA, May they, celebrite the . Ottawa valley particularly so, And I � L . I I . 11 ,,"'.1s.h. made by one of t1n,e best f Or'eign malkers. All sizes in their diamond anniversary,is the wish '(6ng the line of railway pretty well cleared the, latest Magazines. and Books., . I 11 . l. . , � I - . . . of their wany friends here as N� Ell as up, but there is much more bush Land to be ' I I I . I I I - . L seen then one expects in a se6tiqu settled . I . . I I . . . I I � - . . I . I �.�-,,,.stocklk Regular $1 perpatrfor 59c. � .. .1 . in Manitoba.. . � for. so long, and where' such extensive - � I . . . ; . . . . � I . , :..�­­ , � - � . . � � . � I � ­_­ ­ ­_ � . - I . .T-----. .* . .. _. EMPIRE DAY.-KinW--Rdward,�. who lum�eri.n., operations have been carried on. - - - - ' i __'_ - . I . 11 . � I I I � I � 11 �,v . I � I I . was born Novembes' 9 1841, has 4ecid- Th. 1,1_ ageribtios of French-Canadian HammoCkS at $1060, $M6t 8,1.509 $2.00 to $4-001 . I I I - � . I I .1 . - I I I ed that his birthday b�ail be celebrated * � . � . ! . ", - I I I . farms havis often been described, yet I . I . I L I Ma � 9 i3uzqe there are many people pro , . � .11 . . � I I y 24, of each year, tbus"continuin . who will Still * I I . . . I I .- I " � I . .. . .. I . I I . I the holiday hitherto otwerved by All be interested in knowing what they are like. " I I . the publi6 departtnents-�- eut, when there I . , . . I . Queen Vic- At the time of settlem . W,' COOPER & coo�. CLINTON., . . I ,� I I . toria's birthday -and giving an impet- no roads, and. t a I -in or out' . I . . . I I I , , ..),i � I . . � to. y avenue . � I I . I . - 1% Vew wash a0lods, , - ; . us to the colonial movements ob, wag byway, river anid.Quebec-io)- .- - - - __�._ - I - . 1.� ___ .- ­­ I -_ � ­_ - - _. - -- - � - -_ -- � - , , - %,.Jr - , . - - __ - �- - - , � - - - ­.. 4 _part,io I I ____ _ � . - - -- ---- �____ , ._ - __ , - T , . . ,;__,­_ ­ ­ - -- - - - � . - . - - -_ �� - 1. - -_ �__ _.�_ � �._ , , . , b . -, -serve tha duto-aa'Empire DaN. ' ularly a pro .1 ce or a rivers every - I I I . .. . I . I __ .On thA I . . I . tl_`�,­ - --The Most --comp,letei-t-he��best-seleett"6cic�of-al-1--the-w'anted-su-mmer-was � - ---impROVVM-ENTS;---�A-i-J-i--H-alloway.-is settler -faced-. ..r ver, --with- - ------,--,-- ­__­_.­_.______. ____ --.---I-,- -----_�-- - - -;r ��' , I . having his house on Huron street,th'or- the result that the farms are' about one . . _�W61lli1_1i6_iifi_d_Goi6d. . � r �;, � :_, . tomers tell . ' wide ana fifty sores deep, ru 6 . -_ . I . . 01-JIN 17 ow �, I I., fabrics Trom the looms of ( anada, i nd the United States are here. - Cus bughly renovated aud repapered and aore nning . � , ..�t 1 4 back from the river,cthe oloseness of fenoes ' R.Crawfora was a Rippen visitor on S ,r,.,.,,,,, ,.Uq, time and again that they .find dain beautiful colors here that are lacking in will.remove to it in a few weeks ; the . . .. . . . � . house he yac .necessitateaby this methoa, gives an un, day. � u7* Marble & Ur - i . ates has been bought by levelness of . H. Bell was down from Wingham on , an 1.4 -� �. : other store�' stocks, They tell us as ty'll r . .. I ,- r C�' we that. our prices are decidedly lowest.' I . Mrs Taylor, who will occupy it. The usual number thereof, and the . . . . ,�. " . . �, r I - r , . - . . I ,�/ . . , . � . . . - .� . . . . I barn near the Mason House. on Rat�- thelanaandepeedotthe train seemin 'y Saturday. . r . . I . "W0]RJ2K8 I . I � I � , I I . I . , . � runs the fences together until a - �­ � I tenbury, street, is fitted up for th3ylook , . . � I ,.� ,,� 27 inch wide Gingh un 4. in as %t stripa4 aq3 checks, *arrapted fast colors, suitable for, chiiaren's 10C Schrock & Warrener, who have remov- sariftof.-loge. From Montreal .aRh J. B. Hoover took a business. trip south . . ( � � . ice por .s ard .......... ............. . . , , � found On Kol'"Y", : . . � , - I I ,., weer, pr _ q ........... _ �.; ............. �... I I ........ . .� I lana appoars to be as gooe so can be , . . I I , 'I . I . . . . . . . I ed, their livery to itl; they will keep in this Dominion. . W. H. Perrin went to Hincardine on busi- The pdrohnser of a mon,hi�aent , . . I I." . 28 to 35 inch wide Ginghame, Z pbyra and Cliambrys, in colors ofpink,_ blue,. -red, also. black sua vood drivers and Stylish turnouts. A Theforrabousee, generally, are small, uses this week. " ' - . should have complete conficlence� - - . . 0 ..". I White, in stripes and checks. &I . I fast ODlors,'for waists or child's dreesee,price ............. i..... 15C .. - stone foundation basbeen put under ' r . . . . I . . . . . . r thehouse inwhich Hugh Rorke tesides and one imagines that the only partitions MiG8.Winnie P-Aipley is home .7rom f3t '. r in the reliability of the firm, frim . . �..., I Bilk Lawns und Mercerized Satec-ns, full 26 inches wide, in an olegant assortment of now designs, - , . - ,.' on Huron street. - - . in them are caused by putting out the Thom,%s visiting. , ., I r which he bayp, for the material I..'', I . I " I . . � -.1 I e in shades of omy and White, MRUVe .and black, blue and white, pink,and wbite, sto., hard - I HORSES SOLD. -, Bell & Johnston L light at night. Where new buildings. are Miss . M . a . ry 0. L:)ugh is turned. fr L om Var L' and worktiaMriBbip is Something . . " L . �_11 . 0 . going up they are modern,but the old barns - r '. very few buyers Are familiar with. ,. ��' to il them from silk, oil warranted fast oolore'r 2i.yarle.will make a waist, price"25c. 30c, 35c - � have .bad some exceptionally fine. horse . . frame.- aler invariably dtr&W'tl:&tohSd, Laity on Wednesday. . . . . , ..,:,L I . . L I . I , I � . r . . � . I - ..If you do.not know us, please in. r I ,, I - flegh, particularly of the working classi aties 19. Humball r Went 'to. ,, "L'oronto, L .� � ,� �-" . I ,Irish -Dim' ies, 29 inches wide, in colors of navy. red, gray, pink, blue. alsiAlue And white, in soiia , � houses Audi barrial being % lit . It .- L I I I quim,about Our. reliability'trom . .. . _� . . �hitewaahtd. ' I . . I . " .�. LL ioeable fibric for waists or dresses, Wfll wash 'Well, price' N Since the -k -started* their exchange the entire distance betwren�Ottiliwa and,' � Thursday on a visi ... I I %hose who know no best. We are . . " ��. I ` � , I color and tancy stripes, a very eery � L ... I . . t I . - - stable; . Shordy� after startingr Up . . Jae. Tw . I ' , � . -trip to St, the only practical meh here in our - � I I I . . "� 1. 1,1 L per ya ... ; ....................................................... L ... � ..... � ...... ..... .15c,", L 1 ruany padueo I aid not See a dozeW good ,brick L tobell took& Lbusiness .. . . � . 11 I .". I. . Ir. I . I L 11 . I .. __ . sales were, made, but lately the houses ontaideLof the towns and cities, and Thomas on Thursday, : , - I . .. line. ' I . . I . 1----7 * * i�-.­, in 27 inobes wide, best Inolgablue with white otri es and,epots, fine quality'Will g L ive u ade has not been as brisk. ThiSe hardly a brick house that would' compare - , r L . L .. - .. � � I ­ ­ �' I - . f 'T L of I I . _Hcaro w ona-busineas trip to Tor- - t - good " r,1 *-­­r� ............ � ........ I .......... � .... ; ....... , 'animals were -dis� , o ent . � - - I I , , - week a number. . nary commodious two�atory C . . . J. V V rq or.-, ­_.___­.­ -_ �- -- �.' Wes our pries, per yari ....... . . . Se I with the ordi 1. , Roo e .Pro' �, , . r - ' " ­ r a, I I ,r. . . b '. . I posed of, am onw. them - being- a at 3 lish, I brickhouses�thst-,ate.so plentiful-ozi On� -onto _Tb.ursday-mO,rn1ng-­,­ L ­_ - .- 1---1- - ­­ _`_ " - ` " - - - - , .. _. ., prye'j_ I I . . - � I.,, � ­ '_ , r 'X60 to!Commercial Hotel . . . ,� Ch 8 W day . . I � Beat Canadian and nelieb Prints. 38 to 32 in c . Me, ,d SfIrperfeetly faa lois.ov�r 4,000 y(TR ' well matched team of fine year old tario, farms. , On many of thb farms the J E, Hovey Went to Tor,ontd, on Mon - . I . . . . ­ - to obootie fro ................................. r L , . for '� few days- n bllduesa' . , : r I r I I . ,�. I - . ., ................... L .,.. - - -1 0e: and'l�je L. r -vpb;ch , gartboulght -fashioned I ,sweep" and bucket is - used .... . drivers, 4. D. McTag old, 0 . 1. .. . ' r ' I . . . ' ' . . at a , 100d figure; Goo. . Cox; Detroit, - Peterson Spent sunamy - - River Hotel, jRayflelf), r- L .1 . . j�i.­ ­­ % ta litt water. . ,rNotwith3tauding the ab A. and Bert � a:t ". nob wide Madri-a P *nts. in colors of �a�y, pifik,'red-and bluie,in strippipand neat figuri�' all fast boug t 9 brown teiim,4 and 5 yeAr olds, sence of features so familiar in Ontario,.the' their hornei in Ritioardind,". * . I : . . . .� � I � . . .. . . , , .. � - . .1 � to �., colors, our apecia rice ...... ......................... I ­.�. � .................. r ........ .W . rWW whad sit air of, oleSitnege Snar &osper- I I � :. . . �.. i .,. 2 .. weight, lbs., and.a, f6ur year old 'far. L I , � . I . , w .L gelding 611550 lbs.; and Chao, Wilson, 6 L R. P. R13ekie is spending the 24th with . � __ , 1: ' . I I I . I I . . � . ' 1,� 'v, � � r " White Victoria Lawns, aii -ooa Values at .................... �.; ..... 1 0e, 12je, 15 18c -to 20C. 'Id. a three ypa' ity about them, 'and French memb re on,. hie pmntain St. Ibonifts.". . This . old favorite hotel. t has always- . . . ­ . . . � ll�t . of Brucefte r old driver. the triin told, no the people were happy, . . . made money, is now for. lease, for a term, to I : .1 V �," - ­ . - . . .r , L . I . . , hat . . �, 1:"� I . I � �� I . � I r ,, _. I I . . �. . I � . ... . � I contented, and in many ossea wesltbye .. Mrs Miller is the oest of, -.her daughter suit At a very low rent,to a suitable tertant,and I" . . � � � I r - I . . . . � � T — ,THODIST . . a r Wossession give . , :,.�. . .. . r . . - Arriving at . I 1, of 1. I :�._ I . r. - I- , . . - I . I . .1 ,ME . CHURC11 CONTAAC;rS " Quebec in .the if ternoon we Mrar W. Foster, albert street north, , immedi to n;a yto,ROBMT, - .. I . �. I . . Those interested vvi BAIRD , IP91 , . . . - 'r I . r . � 11 be pleased ostmaster,, Kincar ne, or W. W..' . I . � , . . 1�- � I � . -1 -, . I . .''", zl �r r: I . . . � . r went-aboArd a steamer and started up the ' Urs Jae. Dunfora and son Ernest spent FARRAN,Clinton or I J MARKS,Bayfeld, .1 , . I . I! (1_,­ � . ; . : . - ­ 1 ' .: I - . e trustess. , of St. Lawrence, passing. under the gune - of h6st, week visiting inGrey township. Bayllold, MA3,21-­ ' ' . . . . , ­ , . I . . . � � r I " � . � � r . , . I . Rat�enbury- . 8treet' church ' At a . .11 .2, ,. � 1. .. . .., I � I ,r r .. , * - . . . 1� I I . I . . r .. . I meeting on Thursday I : I night, ,of the citadlel hundi�dla of fast above, - along - A E. rMi Thomson, 61 Goderich., was . . ' I - r- , -1, , ,.. I ' ­ I ' r . . � . I I . ,cast, the fortifications, the Plains Of , Abra- s� . I I , to Re ' r _ . .. 'in ry I I . . . � � I I , tenders 'for . of mong blaoiafriend here Tuesday. - , I � Matchle'ss' [1*11"6e I I I I . � last Week considered thp I . .1 �. I � � . . For, Sale or . nt. r . I . . i � . I . . . . . � - ... . . . I � . . the different work in connection with ham and Wolfe's mQuament and places .. I I . . ­­_ . � . , I- 41 .1 . r I 1; � ,� . . interest to which our attention wio'drawn. W. Irwin is in T` to7 He I' , on EAron *, street West , 64, few _ � - . . ; I : I � I ".. .1 . . .. . L I . J. . oron r UtOnds . 1�rsmte house ,�� I S '* ' - '_ -i '* ' " p i 0 e ' ' or I 0 ' ' r y ' 'h i ise n m n, 2 a . 'r 9 I . - 0 i- m n - ' m h a 0 !. an P ,.I. ' 27 - . i r I e _ k , _ " w 8 a a - one a 80 0 E 0 a 0 4 v a a r _"a J p ' 'I . .' e' en , 8 .,d v , _ 71`W_'-'�i,��. �- ", 11 � �, , � I , - I I , �1'�' I , '. � , . .�, 11"\ , 4 �; I � I on - of 1( __1 v of h b- - 11 U1 I 1' I I 1� '. _ear . Pon.. _ia -1 ri, - ? d ' - ' .., V.t .. ... .,I. . 'a di and ..b Pr, to .bo. -O r'.m ........ . _ "d M r P .,.. I. h \d - - � colors, our -pe.i. rice , 41 V . . . .,t.r,. Lawns. .11 ..., ' .1 I i 4 - '. - "'! I y .. the new Methodist church. Hiratn'Hill � It looks An iMP4088illty for Mon to scale the to go to the 'Pan-American before long. I - minutes walk.] from the Postoffice. Rrpartf- r I It is very plain to soe - �; hy ve are doing such .a' large milliner businesg. Jt- ,wag awarded the contract for the atone. . ' 'c ' and culars, %lito JOHN *NIDER, Ch)nton, or- - . 4;. - � - 50 ' $ 50 $ . r and.brick work, the trustees to find the hills; they. are precipi0tis. oliffe'litindr6do.of Mr Spalding, of Galt, is the gaest of ,toMRSL A.YRUMB4LL,Goderwh. ,, I . . :, iii because we seli you for $2.�O: $ 0 and $4.50 a ha that. Woull C06t you a half ... L . . ' � r I I .. .t I . . . r .. material; the wood. and carpentering feeihigb. After Roing several miles up the his son, W. P. Spalding, for a few asyti. . May 24-2. - ' . . I . . I L ' ' ,_ 'a e it is t ru.e 4 - thi store, tha , L and Up -to- . work was given to . river the ,party landed and ward, driven :. . 'L . ­ L I .r � . --- . I L —7. . . . � , more elsewbere.r It is because it is t ru!e of .8 . at only good. r ... I Thos,' McKenzie. , . - _L I . . I ' L r . . I � O..L J kinds' are'r-'s d in ]mmingL . . r I The character of. thia- contractors is bsokin carriages to the Chatoan Frontenake Ilia Rattenbusy went to London last ' : '�L . . .BORN. . L . 1. . . . a have some a cia . j"A ate materials, the waitted kinds, are, r, d in tr".. i our hats. . Conie as early in - fhe workwill be -well done, vhere a banquet was given I�ri the evening, Friday and will'remain tber6'for S rebort I � . L L .;A4601 . . . . rwrn�f th,vt I - � . *I " , . . I PIPER �4n Wingharn,'on Ui l3ih,'M&S_ � 0 . t calls for* thb completion, nearly. 300 sitting down thereto.' Next while. . I , L . . F! fit da ht,r, . I . L 3r. I . - the week as possible if you have some s cial' r4er,to be carried out. The Unefit ; ,rhe -ow?," .1 .'. I ' . . 11 r 1. I I r. . . 1. . L . . . . I I 111. I . by .Dec. 15th. - : '. . I . . mckning-thebulkoftlie party returned by 4. ak L L - 911WLETOV -In Exeter, on May qtb, thQ-r 1, , Will 1-t-' otirs . . L . . . . � 1. .. L I �. _ . 1. I . speoi&l tor Ottawa, about a dozen, the writ- r , Xids'B. Beaver and B er, of Ored wife of F. Middleton, of a, do ter . I " " ' , 'L , . � . . . . BICYCLE SA . . - , . i L '' ,L'� _ * .7 1 . I . .. I . I L . LE9. Bicycle repairing -number, remaining -over . to iton, were the guests of Miso.M,.Hill forL JAPPRAY-In U,b,rne, qNsunes Road, om' . I ., ,%,. . . I . . . er among the . -1. . . I I � .. . . - . . . . . . : � , "F, , , � I . . . . . . has kept Seeley & Turner ver* .busy of: 8 unday. .� Ma9th, the Wife of G..Taffray,of a son. . , - - - � . I . . � ,�;r ;', , �, sea the oity aid reaching Ottawa on Mon- . � AVIN -In Stephen. Bout Bounder Olt. I ­!�.,�,�:. t� . , . . I . ..... . . 7 ; . . .,L :, . . I I . . I . .. I . . I . late, while the sale Of wheels has k' .. I I . . � . rned Saturday from big %16th � . . I I L L . � to the usual. Among the sales H - ift AT HRLAND- In Scaforth, on ?,.:-,,. ", k* � 3' , , 01 . . I p ePt - day. '.. .seen' Quebec it J. W4 Irwin retu g the wife of P. Glavin, of a dau Zion " � �,� L _ - , - - . I I u if, I L'.. , - �, ", 0 �. . . ;_ I 1,,"�.*, 0 . L . . � I I To may one who has never visit to St. Thomas. a MY Shortly go. on ay fth,,. . . I " , , y L - - -Clevelands lo, .. � , -;� 7 during April andMay are.z L . . the wife oL J. A. Leatherland; of a soil. , ., , � , . . . I (Bia L quaint city of gable roofs,so totally un- another trip. . L RO&%-In McRillop. On May 12th, the vrife of . '�` ­, . to W. -U. Myers, tfordJ and'Chas. like one has been acuotorried to, that I . I . I I ",� . . I � � . . "bat I �-­ , , r! X . ". , I - W. A. Roes, of a da to . - , . 3 e hildren's Milli .r . . Z I ., Wallis; Racyclew to Jas, McCaughey, I.. Rev. W., T. Cluff and son Roy,of Strath I r I 'I,. 4� , It"'. : 00 I L I. ... ' L .* W. Cant . every attest Possesses some speoial and un- roy, are the guests of R, J. Cluff, of - town, MONTGOMERY -It --lil.wood" Goderlch� 1, . ', -../,.T `., ". V - . elon jr.,,P. Plumateel ano Jas, usual feature of interest. It is h . I t0WWJh1Pi on May Sth, a son to Mr an Mrs H.. , , . * a . � ;'_ "L * r . . . L. Montgome .. . . . - d _,�.,:�,_ ecoming I . r3r. . . ­. . I . 11 �, L L L 7 U� lie I an r air, o re and At Doherty; Urescenut to Miss Gardiner, down, but most I" an for a few dsys� . . . 'WRIORT- In Gorrie, on May Ilth,'the wife, - ,.,,,,, . . L -4 a dainty charin, a b .. � 'I .' f ' fined, style � � )y up, and it is p . . . Tht-re, I 'I u c y � � � ­­ : . . , . I � no .rdTnar ;- .?­ , . I - in most of Goderich'township, and.Bett Rum- hill by any insane. Quebec io: S L Thomas Gundry. of* Goderioh; was, in OfJ.W-ht f son I I . -� , I ­ . . . I . ,��; 1�1 ,.� �i I 'I iren.. a it ward a . I I . I prettines,q in ('our trimmed bats for girls c ' " at will be hard -'to find I town on Tueoday and WrA. Gandry drove DICRrly. �giao of, , I 1191 .1 I . I . 1. I . �� - ball.; MeBurnev &-Beattie'9* tn W. transplanted city. Of it, Henry Ward I I . rth, on May 10th, the wife , . , . . . ,I ,,� �� 41 ', - L75 .to $3� 0. '- . . & -to Beecher wrote : --Curiotis old Quebec - 1-,�o . . Jas�'Dlok, of a son. I ... 1 ­'. 1. aitored. Prices are $i, $1.511, $ 1 . . I Weir and U., Plumsteel; 'E. tb rough on Saturday. .1 � I , �- " , . . � 1. . I . �. . I . I I . MACDONALD-On Sunday. 19th, to M*_ , . . � ,�; ." � . . I I . . r John X 'ehej,o (Stapleton) and R, ,11citielton the coiMnont'of Arneribal the Judge Masson was' a visitor in � town � on and Mrs R. J Macdonald. 86afort ,a son. . i L I � . ' ,,­ � . , Al. �,:� " . I , I .,. � I Ladies' Sailors at ......... ' ................... 25c, 50cl, .7 1 $1-00i $1.50' . . Jenkins - We verine to,S. Merrill and qnsint.est. It is's populated v1dr, I COOPER -lin Clinton, May 18, wife of Goo'. � "­ -1.1 .4" '� , e, 25c to'75c ,--- - . i a 11 I&J9 a Tuesday. Heietaking &:three months' Cooper, a son. . I .,��. _ ;, Children's Siki;oca at ..................................... arti3O;*O o. R.'Tanney. B#sides . . . I . I . � I . . . Ba,by Bonnets ................ a ................. : *iicit"i* c, Sc to $1.50 . � . . 1 40 1 the new wheels t6ey sold a mighty rock, Oarped and 'giraded,and made leave of absence owing to ill health:. . I MARRIED. . . . . ,.,)_::��.�,. . . . � . , . . I to hold houses and castles - wbiob,by a prop- I . . . - . . I I .. . r I 'BEZZO-MATH as, M � I ;,!,�,1�1�1 .1 :,. . 1. . I . I number of,second hand bicycles and, or natural liw,onght to slidii off its bs6lr,, . *Th mas Trick attended the w6dAing of : E'RS-in St. Thor� I I I . .. I . . . � I - I I . . . . . I - . 0 . � , I . � . still ba, = " - - - : ., %le.", � , . . I . I Isaw Bezzo, of Norwich, formerly of C n.. :­ . .11 I I .1 . � . ve prospects of disposing Of like an ungirded load form a camel's back. Ovation Army. -4 I . .­ � . . I . . , I lore,the setwan is Out.' - * , * * Here is a Mr T. J. Lockhart to Mrs i H. Unwell in ,to0aptainmaywr4 o!v,t�S. I . I ; I,', ,,- r " I . . I . . . . �.. muov lie . - I . I . . . . I .. . But they atio.k. , * I Exater on Wednesday- morning list week. HOLMES DOHERTIY-At Lilactiewephal . . . ,7­�­�-�' .., . . . . . � r I . BOWLED OUT. -L earning.'of his i 6, am p . � . I the residence of the bride's arentt%Clinton, by- � . � . . . - - I . - I - . . . 9 . . : � . I '. . tell bit of 19salseval . Europe' arched on a . '.'�J.,.,.' . . , . � . . . . . '�.life a . - ' I ' n Sheppard, of Clinton, was on a the Rev. J. W4 Holmes (fat or of t. e Krootn),of I , r ,. "�', . I . , rigl nd previous ho I ill. ' 4 1 :-'.1, ,� � 11 . Yuor)KoneY r \ I . rock and dried for keeping in I thd� north- Mr*'Toit �� i . ' ' 9 , , tirpmeut from si - London Askin street Methodist chure , Dr G. � � 9',t�. �, , . , I I .. . - - __ - east corner ofAmerica, a curiosity that has visit to his brother Jacob, W 8 He Ernest Holmes, dentist.to Miss Lena M.,daugh- . I '�� L 0 �.,: " . Brelk if Y to his marriage (on Wednesday) a few q O spent . a day or two witli his 1, � -ter of Mr and Mrs W. Doherty. . . . � ,, , 16 I brother _ r � walto . LINTON me. bachelor friends, w � . I Ge . . ---CUMING-MICOL-At the home of the bride's-, . I ,-- ;1'1'­�, - t it of Dr. Hot , ho not itele val, in its kind this side, of the ale . I I �.,�,,�,�. I � . Newcomb e' s ,,,c . � o"a" " . 1. I I . - � . orge at the Nile, ... father, Walnut Hill, Hullatt, 0 15th,. by I . .. i ��;,;,�, ,� , . I .. . , I . . from day to day sat around the same - Rev. A. McLean, Jai m` ' , . . ,. � -,�,, � . . . . � . It is literally built. on the side.of an im- - MoCateheon an oli Clintonian now 5. S. Curniug, M.fP4hit*ood,. . I I I . � 'm festive boardi chatted and joked,,. felt . ' W .1 I 7 �; ,\ , . . . , . . . I I � �rayeller was around for a few ' Ages to Unoecond dauf I I I . I I- they would not allow the event to pass Menge hill. The streets are aq irregular as . ,ter of D. Nicol, . . .. I �� � . �� , .:.:, . . . . . . . . . .. �.. - - UMALA r apatchworliqtfilt. Itisesider than roll. is week. U is. Said b days WXiaR- LOAN -In lythionMa � ". , *. tb % isth , . I � 1. , k1%1hh*j%6 i - i I . I I , - I _ % I . . PEWWAAMM - " . by without E-ome rega d beinor paid so I may come back W. Walker Am, to Maggie, daug ter ;i_ , , ,, Win I "Ab ' lug off *log for the people ion one street to .to Clinton and engage in b-asiness. A. Sloan. o Blytvl . � �': ,4 ,.,. 111. .1 I I ebulFilti chimes '. I , gave very Interesting and encouraging they ave a parting Salute and he was look down the chimney of it house on: I 'LOOXHART�-SAMWML-At the residence- .I ,'­�, , — . . "bowled out" of the circle. On Satuv. , the r I I : I I . reports of the work being done by -one below. It you go dQwis the Street you A company eonposing W. Di -Fair Jae. of Geo. Samwell, Exeter. on May 15th. by Re*. . I � X1112 I 11MIMMUNIE generally, are S. 8, I , We. .& "Ohrist's control over natute" _t*n,, � , the day evening at -the Queen's hotel the W. X. Martin, B D., T. J. pockhart, Rings �, "., I _. Ministers and church workers have hard Work to keep.fron! getting on a Fair. A. Port�r, A. J. Morrish, N Fair and . � - , - cordially-_ invited to contribute items of church , was r th, resident, on behalf of his friends 'and formerly Principal of the Exeter Public school I L � , I .1 ­._____­___ theme of Mr Howson's DrLShaW drove to St Joseph on Sunday to toMrs Minnie Samwell. I � I " L . newk; under this heading, from their respective F,a, few words presented Dr. .Holmes run to keepyour balance, and if you go UT . " . I : . . i. see the for -famed and noted -"Petit paree.11 SINCLAIR-BOTHWELL.-In Brussels, at . churches I . � . I evening address,and was suppleornenteCl with a beautiful -new pair of bowls and you are afraid of failing backwards. . the residence of Mrs A, McNichot on M 15th, - . . li� �11_; �.- �ViCtoria 0 -q v Rev. J. W. flohnes; formetly of the by one of the most delightful musical y ti stand on the lowest street and look up Rev.J. ROSS,B. A�, Jag. Sinclair to I � ­­, %11,16T . itti of the sea I son Mr Murch prov- shoes, knowing that he has joined 0 . A. Ranco'came home from Toronto was E� . I - r . I _ , , . been invitoid t the buildinize, it'givee one a kink in the Whwell; both of Grey, � I I I eve on � ". I . I WO.teijbury St.church,has d himself to be a ;�aster in the art of the bowling'club and will learn the bastik of the n(ok; while, if you a . tand Above Friday WOW. He was in his formarplace PLEW.NS­-0ARTER;---Iu Tuckeramith, Me I I , , I '.1'. . .. . - to remain another year in the London e mysteries of the bing, The doctor.was. y_ I . .. -r � " '11, Ray 24th , Askin street Methodist church. . . choir leader. The chcWa interpreta& I . at J. E. Hovey's drug store for a few days 29, at the home of the brides, father# Charlotte, . � . I tiolk of the anthems - "Oh mighty entirelytakerlbysurprise, and,replied and look down it makes you dizzy and weak ' this week while the proprietor was to Tor- 2nd daughter of Mr Henry Carter, to Frank . 1: ,-'.', - . I .. . very feelingly for inthekn6es. The stonewall, which atone I I , , Plewes.-by Rev, Ur Gifford, of Clinton, . . I 1. � � � A congreltai- Lord" by L'Aterson; "Fierce were the the kindness , be onto, . I . I I I ,�. . 'Usturn tiakats at 9 I migle Fare good. ONTARIO ST. CUURCH.� ?ill -never 'forget big ha tirne on) rounded the whole city, is still in - . I . . BIND. * --,.--- __-, i � , tional meeting was, livid on Mon aV wild'billows"by R,)gers,, I 'There arose a V Mrs John Middletorri-of-Godalch tow]n. I . ., .-,�,�)gdlog May 23cd and 24th returning up to am!qng. the boys. it Is said P at ah6th- .. - . . I _ I � t?,y times existence, bob the oity has grown outside it. BRdWX-IrL nosing township, Halton . . . ng for great storm" by flerbert,baswon num- sbip.ret_urA_od._Ume _o m� I-— � -216h�-- - -- - ­ , , ., � - - . , __., , , ],�,,Vtq! -thepurpose of considerin - ­ I t,---,,-,., -An-p a -- an d-- - n---T-t180d4­y===4 to -connty;=brothsr-o J8mes=HUweoUp0rC11ff-- . - I . _ __ � - `bi�wdet­6_th se, - _D'9 t - fid- I ponaerone iron, gates bnilt for . ootion, I � eat of h I or ton- ar . . I �:: ., �W - _ _ ---'f --',— � -a-whrr I oi)o;�the.�immenee�atone---arobee Ull, ; I . I.- I chanves ,.nd�-idafifioii-s-to MWWWrds o --p-r-adis at rendi. er,onemcf the-circlevon - -,% 3lyt"here ahehao been the go Id 68 - � ,� ,�hurcb_ Upon a, resolution one I ` y ' the president., is also conte plating REI ITT,_iearrg1ronto May 13, Mrs Lizzio, I . . Purchase tiesete up town and save dL- , delicacy were exhib in �r � 3yetihovidenae. 'khecitade?,ron'd'forti- daughter, Mrs Chao. X. Tay�lorj for a short, I i of th an . Hewitt. sister to Mrs �1 I ! I... _�.. .-i-A . . -1 U.. __ 100! tion to a very hi deirree There was very seriously- Al f -, while I Jerry Blashill, Brussels, " a" . � � , AMy ItS. UlaW 013. r �Fhigh musi I I ''I I in the hands of the trusteesT, to dea also a solidity an eal quality I ;- I % , O.'"Ift. Hodgens, ticket agente,, wI0 it. It is proposed that owing to shownin the iiathem "Fierce were the I , I . - - . . - necessity of more seating capacity th wild billows" wits rendered with Re es. . I � , 11��� - ebanpres may be extensive. The Lea- peclailly classical grace anti. iwasatall ... . 1. 11,� I L , I At ue held its weekly meeti . tig ot) Tues- times e j y.t le and. b . t1fal. Mr,i I I; Uy eyening- �L., Murch's rendering of the.solo "Guide I .11 09. vst I ()H � thou my - Lark, 11 by Danks, was an.Lor; * , WILLIS ftcn.' Sacrament was porttinity for technical achievern n . � !Jlits "M - �, �' ' divp%qed last-8unday. mornlingibut 1,be ,, I �L - ,FRIDAY MAY 27, 1901. 1 , I and was admir bly taken. Miss Combe I '. ft . . , L - tttkaAm6 W0 not 13P to ' the Usual firquitted herse"If , brilliantly at the or. v �,, number ; prel I ,5-- X, aervl&'A were gAn ,, her opmiug qQ*V19n, "Triumpli. . . , - L . , , ' L . fr in al March' waa hideedAmasterpleca. .� . , , Varlotw are the optnions its to he preaehed Inst Friday. thg 6asito I . the aftettloot), and Rev. Dr, Gifford in I . 4ate of the West Huron bye -election. The 60holtiva on the roll of the Sunday � . L . the o I W otice that 116yerly _ L ' I _L .. . I � venin'l. � n, School number OW, distributed astol. - I Au agreement. has been reacb#d L, - , Stauley, who Is at pre8ent lov�p:-Iki primary classes, 57; inter- 1*1� � . I , dtudeni of Toronto Knox College,will medtate-clifsees;,182t adult classes, 126; ( I � tWeed members of 'thb House Of Cc - . tality Rev. Ut Steiviii V6*work here, ddr- . I , I I on the cradle roll, 85,, the average at- ' L Mon's and benaturs ato,ottawA to In- ing his vacation this suminer. Miss L tendance . Meir d%elt with the topic"A nameless teachers# and the number of absenteeo f ioreas,le the indemnity to $1500, heroine" at the Endeavor mqetin on i . 0;.. . . . very few, This school 'has nearly WQ " �_�., I Ilon, David Mills will represent Can- Mondayeven.ing;thepreeldet .- Fided, volumes in the library. and distributes � � , 41,_, ,AU, . 40bet conference in London, Eng., RATtENBURY ST.-SUnd&V,MAY 10111, about IM copies of S. S. papers . amongst the scholare annu 11 Dur.. - WAS A real feast -day of musle, and song . 'a In the 13ast yeat they raiseTabout r ��kh the question of giving the at the Rattenbury 'St. phurch, in honor WN. .Vhe success of the school. is o*. .46,t�w, . 1. - I , ,.Oohies: representation on the Judicial .of' the Anniversary of the Sunday I larfely to the excellent way in School.'The latform, was ousted with , ,- Ingleb t is managed by Its progressive I Crommitf ee of the Imperial Privy Conn. r, w ':' , � til Is td be considered. It is understood paltut0ower ng , and when the ,plants #Lnd eat flo wers. superititendenta,'W. X. Manning ,and ,r . licitar-General Fitzpatrick Will rightiv clad crowd of fl. X Hodgene, moot ably supported � t :6,1",;'Any him. boys and 00a o6k their seat?d lk' the by an ifit0ligent, And.devoted staff of - 4 t � ­ 1_.�-_ — choir loft and Platform the pletute was teachers and officers. Ever ef r luttrest r I , I ,, - - indeed a pretty one, Ifi the morning Of the school Is most � cow ti ly conald. I I the PAstUruce Liberal Association the Sunday, School were stitited in the �erM ard overseen. They begin ih6 . � '*01 h, 14 ' its annual meeting for the contJ6 aisle,while the restof the chureh ne I . , I , I iblo,Afon of vAlcers and receiVing re. was crowded with Interested listeners. w Year with warm, enthusiasm at2d � I Rev M11 Howedn weAelied An illubtria. enlarged hopes. - -.�patts,�`JnIho town hall, Brussels, on ed serinoti on "LlAht" to tho � . I I I . young ST. PAVJ4'8 40HCrRCH.-Last Thur da � Tueadkili MAY. 28, Addressed are ex- people,.*hlch the older onesppyeelat- being Ascension Day, seiy1ce was "b'M I . i by the recttw,, "d' Wm well attended i-om A, Hfolop, UX.P.; Dr. ed full* as weth The S. 9 &ofe sailg - �, r-1116donald, Deputy Speaker of (lit- the MAhem. and the Junior Mosla Quar. by'the congregation, Lao Sunday ,UoUiltona, 9oft G. W. Rciis. Prem!er t6fte composed Jim Dobort,vo Bert tfev J, M Gunne. Wyoming, bre"I - I , 4if 01itAirl3i and,116h, 3, T. GiirrbW. Jackson, John MOffAtt,and Kenneth of the 11fttor here ""A.W.11! - � ­­Jtoller . 7_,____ ,; , , . I Cho no g an of thgtr quarettt torosti.-, - - �, , t PC t�Aiaied very in - i -_­ *� ,�,*.#tio,�w .A* 4U.2AM.. t -k .4 . I . ...We , - alyd � e � , " 00 ­ I .&ad 116ftollsi" It is h %ped. that his ; , ,_ 4 � . "­ ­ I ntla,q, i)0ej11ifg *ith good iffed; In the aftZi-i'"" i vialts here Way be frequent. Ur Car. , ""*?1q0*!bLAb0#JJt ond'(50 et., noon i- I o6r5i larip audience mith ta hei%p lisle, Loadozi, will actupy Litt pulpit of tho Paid-AwMealh Axpbsiflon has 'the 6xdrcl entitled vogmtet tillileali next Sunday, 11or MrGahtlo r"obing t I � ` � 00 one at Porkbirl, his late lot, Inw. the law ledukoothoPollde 0061- which *AN itridefed by, the 8, 9, ebolt-i ftre`17611, filerW WWantita -being ordered to -,appear be- tinder the lelidership of Mr Tatiney. Patillth- 6 ' I I The, 6horuses id careful traln;ng - . .1 .1 . it. , foro, ,,j'�p6jjtittt 0out t of Now Y6t k and Seemed to breafl�e tbo, joypoweell � ;th�%� tet ana illhbw nrom ,why f In time and the resurtection of FOR VoLtrXTknnS,-J net #A we go to �' � At UOt 6 I tuay aliptild hot U, removed from 6111ce Vhrofsr. Ve progrAoi wait Intero*rsed preot Uapt,, Shaw Inforps us he regely- "", gdr, violiktioa of the Sund&Y law, , Tho with. appr6priMe, seelpturt readitigo, ad word from the member for Weet �, , , timolit will he of colieldembla fn ter- recitations and pretty otimberi by the Huron thab'the yolnutogre 'Will Neu * :gto thof# OtUdy1bg tU*,8uada,7 qtket- Infaht el" The secretary Ur Uu plLed itt caml), with th* Loe-RafieldrlL 1. Va. Dohedr, Itod tho tre"arti" kr Lough, iva-4 Olivar equipmes,16 11 I '.I, I � �, , ,� I � . 1 I . . . . I . : ". , � , � � �, I , �?!, , ;'� _, . . 1. � �'I I ',�! , - I J. I . . ­ t �,_�- 1�01_ �, ­ - _% �� �, .1 . I . I I � . mai�,,, 11 . ,__�. . ;&ft,1AA_J CS& oils r present an enormous stuoulit or. . COtLEGIIATH INSTITUTE. -At the re- laborandespital by the Britishgov%rn. R.Tipiaayandthe Witless Southoombe cent Art School examinations held : ment, and it looks like an abdurdity to went to Prestonj Tueeasy. They were I here the,0oll. lust. students Succeeded �'keep a force of soldiers there at this day. called there On account of She serious illness in takin%fifty-ning,Rroficievey cortific- There is little or no unjfbrmitj in either of Mrs Tbos, Soukboombe (nee Miss Nellie a4es in � e primary! art course. This size, style Or chatsolier of the buildings in Tiplady)i , speaks ver lif bly for the commercial � which has now a claimed popu%- I . I , ge %rate time I . Lens Holmes accompanied her fathe'r 'this if this exam. =0,000. back to Ottawa on- Saturday. She re- ination hae been held In Clinton And Some of: the buillinge are very fine, anob, turned on'Triesday with her sister, Miss H. the rosulka are excellent, eonsideting as the ProVinoial Parliament premiseb, Louise, Who has been in she capital for the t , hat the greater pat t of the work was Laval UniVeralty, Cardinal's Palact. Bail* past weeks . � . ,1w,papared In 0, tei# Weeke. The subjects iliosi Cotirt Housp,se or&] of the churches, I of the examination were freehand etc. ' Outside of the 91 such churches,thiro Mr A. V., MoLaren, 'U.P,, the choose drawing. object drawing, memory or is a large Episcopalian edifiod,two Prosby.. king of Canada his been appointid judge blackboard ' drawing and practical terlan churches, and one Methodiss;tho lat. Of choose at �4e Pan-American Exhibition. Keometry, on which abojpt thirty. can- ter will accommodate abont cps thousand Mr MoLitren was judge, at the Chicago ates wrote. The commercial de. pereono;on Sunday. morning f here were less World's Fair, I � I partment Is in charge of Miss K Parlee, than one hundred people there.du t d Mr and Mrs T. ff. Pottor and family a teacher of wide-experfance anti one of wasther, but I was told the ganer:l conktrneE of Porters 11111, left this week for Chicago the Very few commercial specialists in gation was between two and throw hiin. where they intendi to live in the future. e rov nce. Th ' e Students are work- dred, . They. wore booked by A. 0. Pattioolo, no: ar In view (if the midstitntner � The Chateau Frontenso-A hotel at which G T. R. agent. depart n I and matriculatinn examo, the vartY were royally antert6ined,is a six., ,4rs J. Roan and daughter Mile Annio wh!chc 1k1meneen?iTue0fl­,T,iIy2qd, atorybuildin , occupying a unitind 1006- lateot&ubornis visiting among friends 411d will undotib,A'v im0wain the flon 6varl6nkflng thi harbor. Ita front of it as Brueefield st'pre"ns and as soon . high at nc.dard t% hich Ott' K 11001 hall At- 113 Champlain's mounmept, atia the famed homfi can be secured she will remov`oo t106 talned in former years. . Dufferin Torract, from whose broad prom- town to reside. I What's the matter with the 0, 0. I.' onade glorious scones spread out'befora one FAv. Ur Danlop 'has been. in Sta nor � juniors ? They dertainiv distinguished that can be duplicated nowhere else In V America,, 'siting his family. 9.1 them-Avep oft W#doesdiy avarinR In a, The Chat6au Front6pso Is a A Since ooming to lin. football match'agAinotthe clerks and tailors me nifloanto modern, fireproof structurow ton ibis was the kayerend gentl6man's first bnl Visit to his family ; they will'remove here of the large oind flotirlabing establiahmem, ft at a cost Of otor $1,000,000. It Is de. In a f6w months. . af Jackson JRros, Although tho ,&tier pat signed both upon plan std elevation, to the I 11 2Op a splendid game, and rained ahoks on Ityla of' ibi earlier chateaux of 11he valley of Among those bOn14 for the 246h of May 6 goal of their 6 ponen!s, the - 0. 0. 1. the LoW, It in planned to a chaisan ig am Prod Whiteley, wooastack; Elliot% boys managed to 911p in two goals in tba planned, with a cantral court Instead! of a Daymant, 061t; John Marriage, Pfaston; second half -and it's goals that count. roinhas, as loan In some mod6rh hotels. flarl; Do, wants Stratford, Mism Eva Both foama had good combinatiori. while Tha hotel in built of gray alone and Bootoh Cooper, 91olbome ; Grace Shepherd, Arbh ; � Hirarn Walker did some or,landid Indivia. f16 brick, and the iorrato and towers land Flossla Rine, DashwoA I nal playing, Robin, Macpherabn act6a as to tbs wholo sirtiotnto ilia ilppoaranoa Ot an Ur and Mrs H. T. Banco loattion Satur- i4l";,"to'. to the ghtf0faction ofall. They incl6ni atintla parchad on 4 proolplos, Th6 day for their trip to the, old obinity for line up,W4s AS !0llOw8:-Collog1at6.1qnIors intnishingo oknd ap"Inilmoullm, or$ of jilb Na"ral months. They go by Uontr661 and most modprn irps, And thera - to an air of arose the oosmin by A steamer of tho Allon _Gbal, W 8 Befid; hacks, Whiddon Bros, ( lutatioul aom Oh abont the Ohatowo that from halt backs, R King, IT, Button, J Laird-, ob&r&c16rlN04 vory t4w oth#r PIA , 10 , 6 Is obari6tod forvvar&, A E Aikenhasa; V And6rion a m T1 b Ider- a a r Line. The captain r ObMmu hAil r4tiodmadation for 460 . Bromfier, H Walkar,'C. MoMordiii. a6k. 11161111111, has b grouill a three woulb's leavt of 11 son Uroa�_Gcsl, W Shipley-, backs, if.� and tho wrilor Ja willing to may thki IC ilcs I& I on nfrow military dhil" ford ana U Bide; half ba at 0 Court ad$ 60mmobiloh and lkillehilloA gj4on J() guallill I everythIngiltall 0104t.ito Pokorm oin at- 11on. George B. Posts* will *eftla to To. invin ana G Motion an, f0twa a A Is ronto as oardl3bill, J Todd, 6woom , 0 sim - I mmager of ilia 10rifon Trust CIO. . Plamoteel, 0 Poschgo , . ,, 4 *1 I 11 ThI4L . ill& PoWarful orgaS106tion, of Which I Theft, Marys ArlXqmPr.ys.,=,41tav,.& Dr. Ororhyatakha, In thd oblof incorporator ,J.()r , , l,g. r. d,)Plb Is L. R11"foll, M, Aq A A. of Hod( andwillolt will bt domfoildd In the Tomple Croeeley Mid Hunter have olco#d isgokon oftit ,% J)ro ltto� N VdAtAfla lob experience as I Ist k,of itua a ti-A&II11616 him thtir oepwa of #vAngellstiv meAffin q Ut bable tandl 1 )200 To , ( tprosiderlo,vot the Lolldoo confor mount Forest) , Abd ate how,, h0faf'og arkee, t(I 116 6'res , Ill Is asitioll, which lit Will , fflunter #ip; a 6 gir serticat t%t Orlinaeyhle6 0 614 to tho Crotpoloy-fluntel, I I I � � I Vh1lomal, Itl ,Tun& � � , ' � , I I . I , . , - I , L � , , I I 1 4 1 .�4 , ,k,.,� - . . 11 ,� ­ - Z ,� Ji�,,,.4', �i-l".�419.&-.ii..�.�,�.�-6-4-.,&�.., - aged 41 years. I FARQUH&RSON-1n Morris, on Mayl2j Thow. D., eldest son'of David and Istmet Far I quharson, aged 28 years, . GREY -In Hibbort, on Sth inst,, Henry Grey, aged 98 years. . DETWTT,T, R -In Pullarton, on 5th Inst., A. Detwiller, agedti6ye6ra and 11 months. RONNENBURG - in Logans 'on 5th inat: Christian Ronuenburg, of Mitchell, ag4d 7f Y6Mar11:LMA1;-Xn Wingham. on May 11, JOB. Millman, aged 76 years, MORRISON-In Wihgham, on May, 12tlr, J. F Morrison, aged 74 y6ars. '. . DRUMMOND-In gowick, on MIS Ist, Mary Drathmond.renct of the late John Lrummond - LAUB11ART-In Segforth. on Xaf.16th, John, Josel)hLambert, aged24years. BAGSAAW-In Stephen, on May 20th, Wm, , B. Bagshaw, aged 98 years. IMLL-In McKilloty, oft May l6th, Thos,'Bellp aged Mysore. -V1 XMR-In MoKillop, on May 12th, ras4l1w. Can!0611, relicA of the late Jae. Kerr, &W n yearn. TRAUNOR- In "arich., on May 7th, Marir J.� wife of Capt. F, Traunch. 1i 'McLUAN-lu Picton, Prince Edwakd'o-ounty Ont on May 12th John W,McLssri. editor;a. pubiUer of the FRon Times, aged 68 years. . . . I .1 I I � . I ' I BakingPowder Makes.the bread owe heolthful* , . Safeguar& the foOd 10 I against a6rm "kttft balk1fig powders tre Ac'etittst- MtAA"" to heAlth of the pftuht diey. ,, 11 I I I I ­ " . ?.1- , ,,, '. � � L, . �, _A�t 1. - __� � -I# �.. .4�L *.I;r �. I '_ , 'L il � ,r�.. AANL'*� '. I � . 1 I . . . . I . : ". , � , � � �, I , �?!, , ;'� _, . . 1. � �'I I ',�! , - I J. I . . ­ t �,_�- 1�01_ �, ­ - _% �� �, .1 . I . I I � . mai�,,, 11 . ,__�. . ;&ft,1AA_J CS& oils r present an enormous stuoulit or. . COtLEGIIATH INSTITUTE. -At the re- laborandespital by the Britishgov%rn. R.Tipiaayandthe Witless Southoombe cent Art School examinations held : ment, and it looks like an abdurdity to went to Prestonj Tueeasy. They were I here the,0oll. lust. students Succeeded �'keep a force of soldiers there at this day. called there On account of She serious illness in takin%fifty-ning,Rroficievey cortific- There is little or no unjfbrmitj in either of Mrs Tbos, Soukboombe (nee Miss Nellie a4es in � e primary! art course. This size, style Or chatsolier of the buildings in Tiplady)i , speaks ver lif bly for the commercial � which has now a claimed popu%- I . I , ge %rate time I . Lens Holmes accompanied her fathe'r 'this if this exam. =0,000. back to Ottawa on- Saturday. She re- ination hae been held In Clinton And Some of: the buillinge are very fine, anob, turned on'Triesday with her sister, Miss H. the rosulka are excellent, eonsideting as the ProVinoial Parliament premiseb, Louise, Who has been in she capital for the t , hat the greater pat t of the work was Laval UniVeralty, Cardinal's Palact. Bail* past weeks . � . ,1w,papared In 0, tei# Weeke. The subjects iliosi Cotirt Housp,se or&] of the churches, I of the examination were freehand etc. ' Outside of the 91 such churches,thiro Mr A. V., MoLaren, 'U.P,, the choose drawing. object drawing, memory or is a large Episcopalian edifiod,two Prosby.. king of Canada his been appointid judge blackboard ' drawing and practical terlan churches, and one Methodiss;tho lat. Of choose at �4e Pan-American Exhibition. Keometry, on which abojpt thirty. can- ter will accommodate abont cps thousand Mr MoLitren was judge, at the Chicago ates wrote. The commercial de. pereono;on Sunday. morning f here were less World's Fair, I � I partment Is in charge of Miss K Parlee, than one hundred people there.du t d Mr and Mrs T. ff. Pottor and family a teacher of wide-experfance anti one of wasther, but I was told the ganer:l conktrneE of Porters 11111, left this week for Chicago the Very few commercial specialists in gation was between two and throw hiin. where they intendi to live in the future. e rov nce. Th ' e Students are work- dred, . They. wore booked by A. 0. Pattioolo, no: ar In view (if the midstitntner � The Chateau Frontenso-A hotel at which G T. R. agent. depart n I and matriculatinn examo, the vartY were royally antert6ined,is a six., ,4rs J. Roan and daughter Mile Annio wh!chc 1k1meneen?iTue0fl­,T,iIy2qd, atorybuildin , occupying a unitind 1006- lateot&ubornis visiting among friends 411d will undotib,A'v im0wain the flon 6varl6nkflng thi harbor. Ita front of it as Brueefield st'pre"ns and as soon . high at nc.dard t% hich Ott' K 11001 hall At- 113 Champlain's mounmept, atia the famed homfi can be secured she will remov`oo t106 talned in former years. . Dufferin Torract, from whose broad prom- town to reside. I What's the matter with the 0, 0. I.' onade glorious scones spread out'befora one FAv. Ur Danlop 'has been. in Sta nor � juniors ? They dertainiv distinguished that can be duplicated nowhere else In V America,, 'siting his family. 9.1 them-Avep oft W#doesdiy avarinR In a, The Chat6au Front6pso Is a A Since ooming to lin. football match'agAinotthe clerks and tailors me nifloanto modern, fireproof structurow ton ibis was the kayerend gentl6man's first bnl Visit to his family ; they will'remove here of the large oind flotirlabing establiahmem, ft at a cost Of otor $1,000,000. It Is de. In a f6w months. . af Jackson JRros, Although tho ,&tier pat signed both upon plan std elevation, to the I 11 2Op a splendid game, and rained ahoks on Ityla of' ibi earlier chateaux of 11he valley of Among those bOn14 for the 246h of May 6 goal of their 6 ponen!s, the - 0. 0. 1. the LoW, It in planned to a chaisan ig am Prod Whiteley, wooastack; Elliot% boys managed to 911p in two goals in tba planned, with a cantral court Instead! of a Daymant, 061t; John Marriage, Pfaston; second half -and it's goals that count. roinhas, as loan In some mod6rh hotels. flarl; Do, wants Stratford, Mism Eva Both foama had good combinatiori. while Tha hotel in built of gray alone and Bootoh Cooper, 91olbome ; Grace Shepherd, Arbh ; � Hirarn Walker did some or,landid Indivia. f16 brick, and the iorrato and towers land Flossla Rine, DashwoA I nal playing, Robin, Macpherabn act6a as to tbs wholo sirtiotnto ilia ilppoaranoa Ot an Ur and Mrs H. T. Banco loattion Satur- i4l";,"to'. to the ghtf0faction ofall. They incl6ni atintla parchad on 4 proolplos, Th6 day for their trip to the, old obinity for line up,W4s AS !0llOw8:-Collog1at6.1qnIors intnishingo oknd ap"Inilmoullm, or$ of jilb Na"ral months. They go by Uontr661 and most modprn irps, And thera - to an air of arose the oosmin by A steamer of tho Allon _Gbal, W 8 Befid; hacks, Whiddon Bros, ( lutatioul aom Oh abont the Ohatowo that from halt backs, R King, IT, Button, J Laird-, ob&r&c16rlN04 vory t4w oth#r PIA , 10 , 6 Is obari6tod forvvar&, A E Aikenhasa; V And6rion a m T1 b Ider- a a r Line. The captain r ObMmu hAil r4tiodmadation for 460 . Bromfier, H Walkar,'C. MoMordiii. a6k. 11161111111, has b grouill a three woulb's leavt of 11 son Uroa�_Gcsl, W Shipley-, backs, if.� and tho wrilor Ja willing to may thki IC ilcs I& I on nfrow military dhil" ford ana U Bide; half ba at 0 Court ad$ 60mmobiloh and lkillehilloA gj4on J() guallill I everythIngiltall 0104t.ito Pokorm oin at- 11on. George B. Posts* will *eftla to To. invin ana G Motion an, f0twa a A Is ronto as oardl3bill, J Todd, 6woom , 0 sim - I mmager of ilia 10rifon Trust CIO. . Plamoteel, 0 Poschgo , . ,, 4 *1 I 11 ThI4L . ill& PoWarful orgaS106tion, of Which I Theft, Marys ArlXqmPr.ys.,=,41tav,.& Dr. Ororhyatakha, In thd oblof incorporator ,J.()r , , l,g. r. d,)Plb Is L. R11"foll, M, Aq A A. of Hod( andwillolt will bt domfoildd In the Tomple Croeeley Mid Hunter have olco#d isgokon oftit ,% J)ro ltto� N VdAtAfla lob experience as I Ist k,of itua a ti-A&II11616 him thtir oepwa of #vAngellstiv meAffin q Ut bable tandl 1 )200 To , ( tprosiderlo,vot the Lolldoo confor mount Forest) , Abd ate how,, h0faf'og arkee, t(I 116 6'res , Ill Is asitioll, which lit Will , fflunter #ip; a 6 gir serticat t%t Orlinaeyhle6 0 614 to tho Crotpoloy-fluntel, I I I � � I Vh1lomal, Itl ,Tun& � � , ' � , I I . I , . , - I , L � , , I I 1 4 1 .�4 , ,k,.,� - . . 11 ,� ­ - Z ,� Ji�,,,.4', �i-l".�419.&-.ii..�.�,�.�-6-4-.,&�.., - aged 41 years. I FARQUH&RSON-1n Morris, on Mayl2j Thow. D., eldest son'of David and Istmet Far I quharson, aged 28 years, . GREY -In Hibbort, on Sth inst,, Henry Grey, aged 98 years. . DETWTT,T, R -In Pullarton, on 5th Inst., A. Detwiller, agedti6ye6ra and 11 months. RONNENBURG - in Logans 'on 5th inat: Christian Ronuenburg, of Mitchell, ag4d 7f Y6Mar11:LMA1;-Xn Wingham. on May 11, JOB. Millman, aged 76 years, MORRISON-In Wihgham, on May, 12tlr, J. F Morrison, aged 74 y6ars. '. . DRUMMOND-In gowick, on MIS Ist, Mary Drathmond.renct of the late John Lrummond - LAUB11ART-In Segforth. on Xaf.16th, John, Josel)hLambert, aged24years. BAGSAAW-In Stephen, on May 20th, Wm, , B. Bagshaw, aged 98 years. IMLL-In McKilloty, oft May l6th, Thos,'Bellp aged Mysore. -V1 XMR-In MoKillop, on May 12th, ras4l1w. Can!0611, relicA of the late Jae. Kerr, &W n yearn. TRAUNOR- In "arich., on May 7th, Marir J.� wife of Capt. F, Traunch. 1i 'McLUAN-lu Picton, Prince Edwakd'o-ounty Ont on May 12th John W,McLssri. editor;a. pubiUer of the FRon Times, aged 68 years. . . . I .1 I I � . I ' I BakingPowder Makes.the bread owe heolthful* , . Safeguar& the foOd 10 I against a6rm "kttft balk1fig powders tre Ac'etittst- MtAA"" to heAlth of the pftuht diey. ,, 11 I I I I ­ " . ?.1- , ,,, '. � � L, . �, _A�t 1. - __� � -I# �.. .4�L *.I;r �. I '_ , 'L il � ,r�.. AANL'*� '. � � , ' � , I I . I , . , - I , L � , , I I 1 4 1 .�4 , ,k,.,� - . . 11 ,� ­ - Z ,� Ji�,,,.4', �i-l".�419.&-.ii..�.�,�.�-6-4-.,&�.., - aged 41 years. I FARQUH&RSON-1n Morris, on Mayl2j Thow. D., eldest son'of David and Istmet Far I quharson, aged 28 years, . GREY -In Hibbort, on Sth inst,, Henry Grey, aged 98 years. . DETWTT,T, R -In Pullarton, on 5th Inst., A. Detwiller, agedti6ye6ra and 11 months. RONNENBURG - in Logans 'on 5th inat: Christian Ronuenburg, of Mitchell, ag4d 7f Y6Mar11:LMA1;-Xn Wingham. on May 11, JOB. Millman, aged 76 years, MORRISON-In Wihgham, on May, 12tlr, J. F Morrison, aged 74 y6ars. '. . DRUMMOND-In gowick, on MIS Ist, Mary Drathmond.renct of the late John Lrummond - LAUB11ART-In Segforth. on Xaf.16th, John, Josel)hLambert, aged24years. BAGSAAW-In Stephen, on May 20th, Wm, , B. Bagshaw, aged 98 years. IMLL-In McKilloty, oft May l6th, Thos,'Bellp aged Mysore. -V1 XMR-In MoKillop, on May 12th, ras4l1w. Can!0611, relicA of the late Jae. Kerr, &W n yearn. TRAUNOR- In "arich., on May 7th, Marir J.� wife of Capt. F, Traunch. 1i 'McLUAN-lu Picton, Prince Edwakd'o-ounty Ont on May 12th John W,McLssri. editor;a. pubiUer of the FRon Times, aged 68 years. . . . I .1 I I � . I ' I BakingPowder Makes.the bread owe heolthful* , . Safeguar& the foOd 10 I against a6rm "kttft balk1fig powders tre Ac'etittst- MtAA"" to heAlth of the pftuht diey. ,, 11 I I I I ­ " . ?.1- , ,,, '. � � L, . �, _A�t 1. - __� � -I# �.. .4�L *.I;r �. I '_ , 'L il � ,r�.. AANL'*� '.