HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-05-24, Page 2wwFvmor'rProir ""isTelTrirw7r7r''
Iry 24th
• c "
7pE,^4b, r-nbrbri
tat** stAkt
• FIVIDAX, MAY. 21, 19%
rie. •M.P. P., Wag agaiu
ilduste4 TOr tbe.Legielative • Assem-
bly by. thn Liberals Of South Welling
Own ti% 4.1.iatebfold sap the eg4te„,"„thent-klaolv they „gan beat the editor in
f t that he was to be a . , running a newspaper, Every man to
PROttateu to a histrade is a i';are maxim
te ,
otut Juditie,thW nosoitItelY ABOUT THE ENUMERATORS. -The
tlt QR. ft, u kerne Mi at Agelcultare will send out
Additional Local News
Er Is So. -From a western paper:--
One - bird of.the fool in the country
thing they can oeat the lavvyers in ex-
pounding law,one-half think they can
beat the doctor in healing the eick,two
thirds tbink they etat beat the clergy -
▪ e Mau in preaphing the gospel and all of
• • e
When the Liberals came into power
VIOY bad nine Ouppurters in the Senate
et•it and to -day they have got W.
which trivet; the Oanservatives only a
roajority ef 9.
The Oatio 'G ,ve., me a t hae decd-
•etz Ivan toe lands to be set ap at for
the veteran volunteers. 'the, land wili
bo inNipiseing and generafiy' will run
nost, and west north of the Mattawan
relever,Leke Nipiesing and French river.
n'he tOWnehipe have not yet been se-
PAVIA mentary Sketches.
By the Editor.
As near as cern be ceessified, the relig-
- louts deuotnivatione in the House stand
In the fellu wing Cathie
, Preabyterian second, Church
of England third, Methodist fourth and
Baptie, UfLl.
Th' Houie ordinnzily sit from three
lee SIX PO• in., arid resiumes its sitting at
eight o'clock, but on W eduesday, w hen
six tefcluck sae reached, the leads r of
the Goverement moved that the
House adjouin until Thursday alto -
tome, in tidei that the members of
the Oppoeition; ho were giving a
• supper to their leadei Buidn.
Met evening, might all be able to el-
ated: Thi e %as a gratioue eel n he
It of tie Goverpuient, ano Mi Ben-
t:len aeknowl. dgsd it in a few woe de.
• - -
Queen'. y of Kingston has
•Vitifered item, H, le David Mills, Ise 0,
L. B the degree of L L. D. Fin
any years, ti t aa a k oboe schoot
• tvechey, then es a school inspector and
its a newOpeper editor, and afterwards
a. professor of const i ntional and inter -
e 'mown el inw in the Universe y of Tus-
tin' te the Mee'. ter of Jubilee has earned
this higheet eeteem fioru ell wit h whom
• he has come in contract. hits . ripe
est p has gr.... y increased 13,--
equipmeni for dealing with the many
teded puhIi.. q ie.tions which have
we up for settlement during bes
t1 ird ot. e•eetury of cunt inuous set viee
- The merobees IA the Meese were
treated 10 a spec* I t •ip to Quebec oe,
Haturday, where they were royally el - ,
:tett deed by the Board of Trade ami t 0 toer all you can There Pr 3 Int as
'Mu bur 01 minis -inti, a banquet belie: I much reason sitting on the roadside
ea -en thein on Saturday evening. Tee ' aed waiting for a eow to back up to he
distance from Ottawa to Quebec is 800 ullIkr'd as therais in trying to do busi-
miles, and as the party left the capital ness and expeet - a big trade without
at 7 a.m. it was necessary to see ve the b making en eff'srt to get it. If you have
• breakfast and dinner on the tram. 0. a it gain tell the people about it. When
Sunday a special t rain was run to co, You bee 15 Mete out, vs rays
othing in advertising, there is some
• vey the party back to Oaawa, and
00.1. A VERDICT OR $2,000.-FrOm Crisp County Clippings
the London Free Fres :-Last summer
The death oCeut red on Sunday week
of 3, F. Morrison, Winghane forme' ly
of Perth, Ile leaves A wife, three eons
and one daughter, .
After over twenty ,ears faithful ser.
vice in the hardware store, Winghana,
Jas. Loutitt has decided to retire' and
remove to Battle Oreek,
Another aged and respected resident
of time, Jae. Millman, at the ate of 76.
family of four brothers and two busters.
The many friends of Mrs P0. Keynp,
of Seafortb, will extend theysincerest
sympethy to her in the particularly sad
beat., in the death of • her eecond 800.•
Kenneth, which sad event occurred at
Montreal on Tuesday. He was about
18 years pf age.
Tuesdity morning.last D. B. Foreter
was united in marriage to Miss Kate
OhrietineMeIntosh, Kineardiue, On
nit% who works in Detroit, went home
to visit the old folke, taking paseage
upon the steamer /-11 t teburg from Wind-
sor itngompany with two other girls
whosertaes are in Mum dine. They
all testified Wednesday in court at
Detroit that while the steamer was
lying at Godprich, Wtn.J. Brown, the
owner of the Pittsburg, called Miss
McIntosh vile naraes. After her return
to Detroit she cOmmenced an action
for $20,000 damages for elander. VV hen
the suit ca.tne to trial neither the de -
a circular to the censns commissioners fendant nor his attorneys we
throughout the country teyiewing the and the taking of the "teetimony for
facts in regard to the rate of pay for the plaintiff occupied but a few min -
enumerators, The circular will show utee, Ide Mahon, of Mahon an,d Sa,v-
the pay earned would amount to 3 for of the Plaintiff was complete, and no
an approveddof 61101.1re and that defense had been made After
ti led to extra remuneration. The clic- vei,diatfor plaintiff in the sum of$2,00.
that for a man of ordinary diligence age, argued to the jury that the case
out a short time the *urn br u beinght
thnee who worked overtime were en -
o g to a
cellar will not say anything about the
co nitiori of cases of hardship, but
it is nevertheless believed if WV enure -
• Church Chimes
McKay at the Wheeler street residem e
of Wingham, has passe the boundary
Deceased was the last mein er of a
eftlictaon she has been called upon to
Properties for Sale or to Let
Shorthorns for Sale
0 young bulls, 10 to 10 months eia, also some
young heifers, breeding age, a choice tote geed
quality. Como and see them, E. WISE,
Feb, 2,--tf Clinton.
Farm to Rent.
At once -.20
Mar. 1-4f, OlintonOnt
That excellent ane desirable eteek farm, but
which may be used. for other purposes, cone
prising the uorth half of lot 22, Ind con., Hell et,
, containing 160 wires. Possession given tif• er
I hervest. For particulars apply to D. SHAMA..
RAN, Rellett. Mae 10-tf
HOITS310 for SALE or to BENT.
Boarders Wanted.
• Boardera and roomers waPted.
A young woman to help in berme woik, Ap,
ply at the NAW ERA office.
mar, 22-tf.
Japanese Millett.
On Vi toria St near Orr raatort. $300 Ta Wei ADI quantite of pure ',avows.
Id Ilett weed.le t at r per bushel.
iwillbir;throoray;'comfortab e house w good
all, ecepply at awe to-
Barrister See 011uton.
e property recently occupied by Frank Mar ea BLED D es SON, Holmeavi le.
House tor Sale
erators can establish that they have Probably the lar t Sunday
gee c on
s it I ot the In ide's father, II. McKay, Luck.
by Rev. A. McKay, and after a werl..; a. on.gei two steal. frame house with pretty I
now.The- ceremony was performed .:
been Meat ghat ely . paid their clitiews class in the world is theB lh Vb1
Unicn, Philadelphia, taught bg John
ding breakfast, the bridal conple left sale at a barggain g 2H
Qui; ot enr nss t:r ae ne tel. Ri sit eovffeerrgo forng
e. any i e burro indin s on
tl Ill he satietied. well. Win sell for en000 less than its cost aa I
fOr their future 13ome in Orillia. Proprietor is leaving for Manitoba. F -r artt-
agent. 0 N TED oRD, linter', peb.22-
OVER 2000 PURMIASED.-Mr•Walter- Wanamaker. The present mem ership
Hotaand Smith, ot Wand's Horse Re- is 2,200. It has just celebrated its 251h
pository. in l'oronto, hail purchased anniversary.
aboul 2,200,horses for the British leov. Queen Victoria was virtually head of
maintain for 'service in South Africa. all the denominations in England, ex-
cept the Roman Catholic. In England
she attended the Angliciaat churcli,and
in Scotland she attended the -Presby-
terian churl;
Of these 1,7C3 were aecepted. These
hut were putehased as follows: In
Perth and North Middlesex, 824;. Well.
ington, 08; Middlesex and Oxford, 285;
Haelir gs arid Lennox,185;We1land,106;
E,..FE. X 60-Hurnn."74; Bi•uce, 58; York,
Many will regret to learn of the
A very pretty weddmg took place
on Wednesday evening, May 15,h, at
'the "Maple Leaf" form, near 13lyth,the
beautiful home of Mr and Mrs' A. W.
•Sloan, when their y( ungest daughter.
Margaret W Illiamsert, . became the
bride of Wesley Welker, of Wingham,
The cet emony perforthed by Rey,
milers Iplion. the remisee!; or te John R douti
Choke Farm for Fate
-- •
Subscriber effere for sale hie -See farm 01.147
acres, being lot 25, con. 18, Hullett All clear-
ed but four acres. Brick house (and also frame
house for hired manebank barn spring creek,
bearing orchard of 2 awes zw, ranee from Lon-
desboro, soil first-class an in good condition.
. en a , yt, . . Possession*at any time,_terms to suit purchaser
81; Peel. 80; The horses -required for removal of the Rev. JP:mtheebr,
Tuesday week 1 t as Thos. D., elde t , Jan 4-..n.m-tt• w. IIILES,Londesboro.
from It hands if McCabe, the pastor of Ste
this bei -vice muet be
inches to 15 hands 2 inchee, and trom church at Seaforth, It will take place 8:nnd 0,Jip4F.,,, 1..,cr, b„,,a,,,,,::Lego,nieg, ill ueirePg' I .
about, the letofJune, and his new pale
out me nure, and wi s changing the TOR SALE. . .
six-ta-eigli!_._ye,e.re old. The must be
ewee„„beeeemdeefeatioe_ettee, um eih-will-be-nearSirneoe,Norfolle.eauntyee
is. there must be no greys, roans,Flitheritto0abe-waa-nOtonly---populere -tInnilftPTCE----TP-agoet-t-fothe-ssthereonee .Trbeetramecettarnenne,ofappeetreet
of the horse- Kicked h. na in the bowel- Pred the undersiredi o eredlor sale on
Medical aid was stirmiente. d but he died reasonable terms. he ot is e of an acre, with
•hard and soft evater, stable good fruit ancl
but. won the respect and esteem of the
ed, or light creams,.
COUNTY Leessens-Oonntytreasurer on Supday following at the age of 23 vegetable garden, The remise contains hall;
Id d I • ter st d years. parlor, two • bedrooms, clothes closet, dining
room, summer kitchen, cellar and wdodsheo,
is winter -illy roosted, possession given any time
to suit purchater. ELIZABETH GRAHAM tt
W. Holmes has sent us the following . • U. is P
net oflicenses granted in Huron Conn tv ; interested in the story that Pops Leo
XIII has made his will ar,:al thus Indic -
Licensed auctioneeree-ThomaeGinadry,
Jain teill, Thomas Brown, Edward ated his euccessor,which is regarded as
the.Pope s•prereg ave. The man nem-
FIncs. el hie e y„Tehrt Currie,HenryBrown,
ed is Cardinal erette, one of the least
Jebel Kilt x, B. S. Philips, Jas. Stanley,
Joe eph Cewan, D. Dickinson, G. Bar- known of the church dignitaries, and of the Mill road, Tuckersoillh now elec.
ton, John Purvis, Robt, Be Ganders, Welton, of Kincardine. The ,ceremonV
F, itis alseestated that Cardinal Rampolla
is ambitious to fill the p3pal chair, •
S. Scott, R. M. Charles, U, EL 1VIerry- was performed at. 1;80 p, in by Mx M.
&Id, i I. Ha tnilton, Henry Torrance, C. Reports to the recent Ptesbyterian L. Leitch, pastor t,i Knox c'hurch. "
A Quiet wedding tut k place Wednes-
day, May 14, at the home of Mr T. Me
Burney, Stratford, vi hen his eldest
slaugbter. Miss Maty, became the mide
of Mr Alex Reid, son of Samuel -Reid
H. Wil.on.lienrY Richmond. Lincen- Synod of Hamilton and Lendon Ste.. e
Last, Prida.3, week: -Jane eMcCloy, re.
sed pedlars -Louie Rashkopski, jaeob that 30,03C0 children are out of the ,Sue- lict of late Thoe uf Walt on,
died at homeof her dsmghter's,Toronto,
in ber.70th year. 'Deceased was born
in• the Co. Antrim, It eland, and came
to this country with her, late husband
short ly aftet their marriage, about the
year 1843. After a. step on the Goshen
1Me, Stanley t ow nehip, Huron Coe they
Vette, J. L. Frey,Fred .Gusman, Thos, day Sphotils, who might naturally he
iley. Louis Fine, W. K. Whaley, expected to be in them, This should'
Thos. L ingan, Alen McNair, Fred Mor- engage the attention of church aud
gan. Harden, W. J. Miller, Leeo. Sunday school workers who ought't In
French, O. I. Sanderson., A. J. McKee, helve something done to bring the large
Jas. W. Gibson, George Beatty, G. F. number into the school. This does no.
McPhee, Walter Lanes. oUly apply to the Presbyterians but
DON'T RUN Do NH YOUR TOWN. -If coverts every other church .fielde 'alloyed to McKillop township where
you sion't.- like y.nitio Trieltribtee IHOVEk. 1 J--Igi.-e Henertst-A.-sserablf ofthefreebe-- they:spent 20 -years aatitthenicsc•xted-itt-- •
Von won't be missed. If you can't say terian church ' of the United States is ViTalton village where Mr hicKibbon
something good of your town, keep soon to meet in Philadelphia, when the died in July of 1898, aged•75 years, Mrs
371 eel, mouth Phut. You not only incur I much talked -of question Of revision of McKibbon 1 emoved to Brussels where
the el -will of enterprising men, . but I the creed will become a live issue she Heed' until going to Torbnto in Oct-
dspley ignoeance.• • It is easY to speak „there is a strong feeling that seam- i ober of last year. Four sons and eta
well of 3 our tewn. -Don't send out f thing is to be done, but whether It will
Omni fin ynurjob printing. You would t take the form of a general revision or
not like it if the editor were. to Send the issue of &supplementary statement
out ,f town for his et uff. Menet etnir is not easy . to predict. Perhatis ne-
thing acoieved at this assembly.
The change of each *document as the
Westminster confession'is a task which
any churchman may well . dread. Not
until such is attempted has any body
any idea of the difficulty of agreeing on
points of doctrine and language to be
used. The confession is a large work
Venerable by reastm of its erre and aer
while Several went back thereon, • hing wrong; he ie either too sting/ to sociations and to make any
daughters survive
Population ofGreat Britain.
• —__ .
The British census returns show that
the tOtal population of England and
Wales is 32,525,711 an it'.crease over
the population of 1891 of 3,524,191, or
1215 per cent. The increaee for the de-
vade between 1881 and 1891 was 11.65
per cent. •
The figures for Ireland and Scotland
j'". hav• e
goodly number did not violate thee spend •a • dollar or there' is somet ing mentaries that will not clash will be have not yet
been published but Eng -
wrong in his head. ln this enlighteo- hard work. . land and Wales have epopulation of
ed day people go vvhere they are 'met-
ed med. where they con get the. best years. in spite of the steady emigration:
bargains'. Birth Rate ot Ontario and
CONTRADICTION.-,FrOM London and• Quebec:
principles, but remained over till Moe, 3.2 625,716, a gain of 8528,191, in ten
d 4 y.
- -
Hon. J. J.Rese, a Conservative mem
• )er of the Senate, who died a few da),.
• ago, occupied a dual position, being al-
• to a raember of the Quebec Legislative
.11,10uncil (which is practically a Benet
and drew a sessional indemnity fee
beth Houses; 61000 as Senator and $800
0 as a Legislative Councillor. There
another member of the Senate -Mr De
Boucherville - who occupies a similar
position. There are now two vacancies
; the Senate, and when these are filled
• the Ceneervatives still have a majority
•of 9 it, shat venerable body. The tildes •
member in he Senate, and by far th.
oldest in the House, is Senator Wurk
who is in his 98th year He is a mem-
ber of a committee, of which I happe,
to be also a member (e Joint coma -Atte
on printing) and, although feehheis
most the filet- man at the committ e
.• He is e Liberel, and was appointed
' the lite Sir Alexander Mackenzie.
ElectIons In West Huron.
_ -
(Goderich Signal.)
• At present Wees Huron holds the cham-
• pltraillip record in the holding of elections
Tao •onstitnearty is on the eve of its eleven
th election in elet en years. This takes in
• the Federial and Pi ovinoial contests.
Ire 1890 a Provincial eleetion was held in
- Which Mr Garrow wag successful. Majorit
•• '' In 1891 a Dominion general election took
Place, in which the late M.O. Cameron won
Majority. MR
eodee" 1892 A Dominion bye -election remitted
in tile kethin of Hon. .7. (L Patterson by a
narrow majority.
In 1894 a Provincial eleotion was won
by Mr Garrow. Majority 70.
In Sannary, 1898, in a Dominion election
Mr Cameron was elect( d by 190 over Mr
In June, 1898, Mr Cameron headed the
poll in a Dominion election.
In Marcie 1898, in previnciaI election)
G errow was eleoted by the returning
offfeet'a vote.
In December, 1898, in a byweleotion Hon.
J. T. Garrow received a majority of 48.
It] February, 1899, Itobert Holmes de-
. e Wed Bober% Mi Lean in a Dominion byt-
• e.etetitla.
• . . In November, 1900; in a DOrninion gen-
eral election, Robert Efolmesagain defeated
• Bober t McLean.
The ensiling Provincial bye-eleetion,
Which will make the eleventh since 1893
• --rottlida op en election record without par -
Oil Canadian history in la similar thun,
har SO years.
If the electors ef West Ekren de not
kow the game it is not because they have
• not had practice.
A story 'with /I Moral.'
Here is the latest awry of a man who is
tea etirgy to take hie home paper: -A men
who was too economical to take this paper
tent hie little In y to borrow the copy taken
by his neighbor. In his heath the boy tan
etryer a $4 stand.of beech and in ten minutes
' looked. Are a warty summer squeal'. His
titles rehed hie fathers wive OM to his toe
eistanoe, and fail* to see a herbed wire
flineeren into that. bringing it down, outt.
• 4agg handful Of Roth from hid Mateo
7 ittidruinieg a 84 air ct pante. The ciiw
Of course, England 'makes seme g tins
from immigration, not only from the
sister kingdoms. but from European
other pipers we notice that Clinton is• countries not to amide of American
g e resses , w lin
Free medical advice. Men and minim
life in London quite endurable, •
suffering from chronic diseases are invited
to cousult Dr Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., by
letter, absolutely without fee or, charge.
For more than Shirty years as chief con.
snitieg physician to the Invalids' Hotel
and Surgical eInatitute of Buffalo, N, • Ye
Doctor Pierce h'as deyoted himself to the
treatment and aura of chronic forms of dio-
cese, Assisted by -his staff of nearly a wore
of playeicians, eartnmati isA specialiet, hie
success has been phenomenal, ninety-eight
persons in evere hundred treated being ao-
scentely and altogether mired. Women
have especially availed themselves of Dr
Pierce's offer of free consultation by letter,
thereby avoiding the nneleatiant question-
ings, the obnoxious examinations, and oti-
ions local treittnienta considered necessary
by some practitioners. Over half a mill-
ion women have been treated by Dr Pierce
and hie staff for eliseaaes peculiar to women,
with novae int Bacons. Write without
fear as witboat fee. Every letter ie treated
gone over the reports recalyed from as strictly peivate and saoredlyeonfidential,
congregations • of the church, The Qnebeo-21 07; Ontario -12 02, and all answers are seat in plain envelopes,
81.00.000 .oThret Quebec loses by death every year bearing no printing upon them. Address
conernittre aimed at getting
and it was propobed to devote $400,000 9.05 Febrile per thoneandmore than Ontario.. Dr R, Pierce, World's Dispensary Med-
" Allowing for the difference in the death kid Alisoolation, Buffalo, N. *Lee
for debt ttorposed and 3800,000 to gen-
eportaindicate--thatee$8C-9 iffitiFiltoLthekttLigoVinneseQnebaseeicet
000 have been subscribed for the debt gain from eXeeas of births over Ontario is
fund and /1525,000 for thecommon fund,
including estimates of subscriptione
yet to be received from a number of
congregations in the Nor th- West.
Thus there is lacking 075;00 of the sem
asked for the common fund, though
actually the Million-dollare mark has
been already passed by 9825,000 The
time fixed for the completion of the
efforts, ace.ii ding to the action of the
General Aitsembly, wait May 1, The
committee prolonged the date to May
28, and resolved to make an earnest ap-
1 t n ti d i i
for Sale. .
• Lot 'number 684, Maple !Street, Clinton
owned and forraerly occupied by kir Thomas
bobertson is offered for sale at a reasonable
price. The house is commodious and in good
condition. For particulars apply to
Clinton.Mar QM. 1901. W. BRYDONE.
••.• STORE Fcskt SALE. ,
The premises occupied by R. Muff, and
eon -sating of a first class brick store, on Albert'
Street Clinton, is offered for sale on easy
term '
• Mao Cottage on Albert Street, with two
lots, stable, and all conviences. Partiorlars
on appioation to 111re W. Robertson, Clioton
or Mrs C. W. McGregor, Constantin.
. --
Subsoriber offers for sale his farm of /56
zezin. ttiirtt t147 lkofiltlayeermiceisrsalo%
hOustle,bertnk bai*In. talent; of Water and' in good
state of cultivation4 of a nine from school and
2 miles from Holmesville. Terme reasonable.
Deo 14-tf RIOHARD BAKE R. Clinton P.0
For Sale or .to Rent.
Professional andOtherCard
grrister, soloitor, fte.,
Onrice-Elliott Block, Tease Street,
Office—Beaver Block.
op-otalre, Opposgyseksge Pboleallery
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary and Conveyancer
omee-oppostte Caborne Meta
The 'bre* store on Albert St. lately °cou-
pled by Mrs MoLellan. Will be "sold,season-
abie and on easy terms, Ames to
efey 8-4. MRS BIDDLECOMBE, Clinton.
Wanted •
Girl to do ;xenon] house work for small
family in London, Apply to MRS R. ROLMES,
Queen St. 0 inton,
An upright engin, and boiler, four none
Power, in goodworking order, lust the thing
for a farmer or aome one who 'wants light
power. Can be seen at NEW ERA Office will
be sold. cheap
Bull tor Service.
The undersigned has on his premises, lot 27,
con. 4, Hallett, a thorobred Scotch Shorthorn
Termsese6010-hisur .
May 10-tf ADAm wEta, Hallett.
For Sale Or to Rent. '
The choice brick hone° on, tbe corner of Ful-
ton and Joseph streets, belonging to the estate
of the laM Richard Heywood, is offered either
for sale or to rent. It -contains room for ordi-
nary family, is practically a new: house, with ,
aliconveniences, and three -tenths of an acre
(gland. If the property Is not sold or rented,
part of it will be re.ited Apply to
W. COATS Exeoutor Clinton.
Subscriber offers fot sale Ms farm of 100
acires, 1 t No, 84. situated on 10th con., town-
ship of°Hullett Hurd-, Co. about 90 acres
eleared and in a, good state o. cultivation,bal-
ance bush. On the farm b. a good frame kerne,
large hank barn anadnodth:erifuvbuildings, go # d
baring orchard; •
JOSEPH 3159.4rIViii, Apply
March 22-tf Londesboro.
wrongfully charged in conneetionrwith A din to the Toronto Tele ram h and aires ha d
the smallpox outbreak in that it says "Quebec's net birth rate is little, if at all
"the disease is supposed to have been in excess of Ontario's birth rate' A study
carried into London township from of the statistics leads our contemporary to
Clinton" From oneoflast week's he these ccinelusionee:
sue of the London News. in which ap- s•More children are born in Quebec
petered a letter from Mr McRoberts, More people die. in.gtleheb. Fewer children
it may be seen that the reverse - is • the. are born in Ontario. Fewer people die in
case, but now we are entirely free
from thebaine dread disease. It is sup.
posed to have been contracted in Lon -
on township Pt a Mr Flodgens and births. The baptismal records of the Rom.
taken from there • to the McRoberts an Catholic C)hnroh are virtually A corn -
family, whose daughter, -while visiting pieta record of every &PA born in the Pro.
at her uncle's here fell a victim but has_evinee, There has been -great oarelessnees
since returned -home with her father ' in the registration of births in Ontario,
and in the year 1897 the records of birth
ratee between the provinces stood thne:
"Birth rate per LOCO population ;
-"Quebec-85.M; Ontatio.-20.04.
"Thus 14.05. children' per 1,000 of popn-
"Quebec has the additional advantage of
absolute motieaciy in the registration of,
during the night, seyeral weeks ago,
mid now there is ' no fear whatever
as every precaution was taken to pree
Vent its spreading. Those newspaper•s
which were so eager to la the blame
on Clinton be kind throng to correct lation are born Every year more in Quebec
the statement published. We don't than in Ontario. •-
mind shouldering our own troubles oxhis enormone Weds of births in Qae.
but those of others we object to, • beo is to some extent offset ley an almost
equally enormous excess of deathe aa loom
pared With Ontario. The fignreefor 1897 are:
"Death rattiest- 1,000 of 'population:
The'5 executive ot the Presbyterian
century fund committee have carefully
pee o every co grega on an m se on
station in the church for a special addl..
Monet contribution Oil Sebbathe-May
19, or Where this hi net 'convenient, on
Sabbath, May 21 Envelopes have been
prepared, containing a brief appeal,
vvitb blanks Mt the name of the con-
tributor and Cheer:name of the offering.
BreVILING.-Thebieyole as a fad hail gone
its day as each isi over after great abuse of
its nse and injury to health. Wherewe were
scoustomed to lituidrede, on the go now we
see only s dozen or eo. In the cities there
Were the thoneande now there ere only
hundreds Iola area wire are again monk
taken advantage of. •This state of things
is notiecable etre where particularly in the
cities. The Toronto Star has the follow-
ing rematksinreepeot to lie nee and abree:-
"Three yeare ago there would have
been thousands of bievilee entering
High Park Wharf yesterday tbere
were but hundreds. Wheeling as A fad, as
a kind of insanity, indulged in for the meet
seise Of wheeling, hag Pretty *ell died out,
told the bioyele has ftund JIB place as Me
of the greatest utilities; of modern life, It
Is WI DIII0h of a beeeediS AB ate dray, the
delivery wagon, the buggy or the baby car.
riege. It is really indispensable, although
tie in the OW Of any of the others vehicles
nitmed, there areperaona and whole tamil.
let who ecu do without it, No longer do
We sea a &write/so with eWeaters and nick-
tdekaciyantage of the g ap in the fence and erg, hetrile down, tearing elong the eountry
got into * cornfieldand killed hentelf eating made 011 Sunday, ao that they can say oa
green corn, Heating the reek. MI 0 wife ;Wesley that they made the run to Bowtn.
ran, poet it four gallon chtim of tieh cream 1 anyille and busk. In 189/ the wheelman
, into it Ualfet Of ' yoting kittens drownin vvlics` didn't do 50milee on Stitnraite or Solt -
5 per i,000 Of population. This difference
• would'. 3 reduced or altogeather wiped tins
if the . egistration Of births in Ontario were
as thcirough and accurate as the registrea
tion of births in Quebec."
the *holistic's*. In the htirry a e aroppo day Wee 0011eidered an imposter. There is
et $8 tot el faite teeth. ...The baby left, no moreof that. If aman id now Wien I
10, utile/led through the spilled Cretan" skitarling Meng a country road It may be
fnitiliagahraeci new $20 carpet. Delifig. taken for 0104 that he hi going 'crag,
. the excitement the °idea' datighter ten lellere The blayell he found ita ttne
' *troy with bleed Mini The dog brOkettp cohere: hie the tehiale of the individttal,
*Want netthzg beet and the canvas got OM It le ineomperable in lit plebe. It Om
and ehewod the tovdo Off fent White thirte, A It •
e •
The Canadian lionse Neepew.
The Canadian House keeper for May
ens up with a charming piottire of Her
Excellency, Lady Minto from her Week
photo, Eeciellent articles( are contributed
littifook r or Mothers. on "Domestic Science and Art," by Mrs A.
Boodles, Hamilton; and Dr Jennie G. Dm.
nan, St.• Thornier, Then follows an ertiole
COntaibing Much Intormation as to the
on "Bread Making," by Genevieve Bender -
Kin. "Food. /or Bebies" is the topic of
Mrs Jean Joh Household Editor, whose
contributions are 'away* popular. "Table
Topics'," by Dire May C. Bradley, Hamil-
ton, cohttins wary seasonable receipt§ and
mein! clirections to those engaged in cul-
inary work, "The Soolologioil Woman"
is a new departnient disetissing ec000inice
from a Woman'e standpoint in a way that
tenet prove to be very helpful. "The
and knell children and tells the mother World of Women" contains' a story of pea
how to aid her little ones in the -enter. and coming events presented in &condensed
gencies of every day life. It describes readable from. The rnegazibe contains
t he ills that comn3only afflict children many original fillistratioes. One Dollar
arid tells how to treat them, This; little a pier. Sold by newedealere ten cents
book le bite that should be in ever?' per copy. Canadian kloneekeeper Pub CO.,
home Where therts are infante Or sma 1 Toronto, Pnbliebere.
,children. All mothers who sent their
name and address on a poet card to the
Dr Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Ont., will receive a copy Of thin book
free of charge. Mention the NEW -ERA
When Writing.
Care Of Children,. and the,Treate
• Went of ills that Commonly
• Afflict littleones-Given free,
"Bailee Bat ties; A Message for Moth-
ers" is the title of a very handsome
little pamphlet pet itssued by the Dr
Williams' Medicine Company.' It is
devoted entirely to the care of infants
Goderien Tol,ouship,
• (Intended for last week)
On Sunday iatb vvittt pleasure bent,
. Did Mae dr livery- hire,
To take hie beet girl -as he thought -
And driveher through the mire.
• Anteing it the house familiar,
' Which Oh limes Was belere,
Hia horse he to a peat did tie,
Thinking of the drive galore.
The tune Wee"ohan4ed, a lower note• ,
The nymph ke did admite
Refused to go e-driviug. to
The youth zio morels livery hire.
rot brow Ivo
Let us have them
Send all 'nor shirt, collars tuaa cuffs to
the Revere Laundry, and see bow nicely
the work can be done by people who em
ploy the beat of everything -including care
an well itaeperatork .
Well Mina trer 3 OM handle if you give,
lig Sins the ealdrtne,
4( tgasI, it It I.
ee0eall .atinury,
Estate of James McGill,
, All persons having claims against the estate
of James McGill,late of the town of Clinton,
In the county of Huron, eoMan, deceased, who
died on or about the 21tday of April, 1901, are
IcilT0),Jriircie 17;g:et. dp g5414
liver to F. ,, . Watts. Clinton, Ont., or R. &Mc-
Gill, Chicago, the executors of the said
estnfuti ?a°rrtitciilaig undersigned
rci7tirlisT rciliz4e qral:
te, t rsi-
tied declaration. After the' 15th day of
June, 1901, the said executors will proceed to
distribute the proceeds of the said estate
ainoung the parties entitled, having regard
Only to the claims of which they then have
Dated at Clinton, May 7th,_1901.
Solleitor for the executor%
May 10-8 • Clinton. Ont.
. els'• ;ereeeereeageee,
OB' • .
Weak avid impure Blood, 0
LivereZ Kidney Diseases,
Female Complaint, Etc,
All Dregeiste, or write direct th .
• 3, M. tatiLEODi
Coderal, Ont
WANTED— manea
enwomen for a genuine
• money -making position;
no books, insurance or fake scheme,. every
house a customer. Particulars free. write to-
day. • TUE T. E. MAHN CO.,
132 Victoria Street, • Toronto, Can.
;Very. 16-13m
Stearns Bicycle
Fred Forrester, agent for the,..gelebrated
Stearns Bioyele. roe whee's wiii be sold at a
reduction for 345. Anyone 'wishing a cheap
tin -to date wheel, sccognized as one of the
hest made should pall or drop a card to FEED
FORRESTelt, Agent.
•:• Lumber. for
,Sultable for ParinL Buildings.*
Root Elm 2 and 25 inohes.thiek. price 312.00
,per M. •. •
-SoftEline,31,44..itiedeanelieu ..ptiee
.$12.00 perM. . •"
Hard Maplel: 15, 15, 2 and 3 inches thtok
price 12.00 per M. W, DOHERTY & Co.• .
MIS • . • , Clinton.
' English Shire Stud Rook,
This splendid stallion was foaled in. 1806 and
ptirclia• ed by hie importers, Meseta Bowden
& McDonnell. from tint WO/hire Hone ' Co.,
Who need him for two erelong.' Bred by
& J. Thompson.. of Baron' e Park, Desford,
Leicesterishire, Eaglaoe. He fa a beautiful
tar, With blare on face and iota 'white I. gs,
weight 2000 pounds, and is in style, actionand
every other point • a fins a specimen as luta
Yet reached thiecetnitil. •
He was sired by Sopwell Deka (14,502), bred
by Lord Verulamoof Sopron, and his dam
being Desfurd ne,hess of Bridgeport (7947),
bred,yEarl 6f Ellesmere
St/Dwell Duke woe the fallowing pikes: -
Pirate Hatfield, 1892; First, Hatfield, 12931
Third, Royal Counties Show at Canterbory,
1898; Second, Hatfield, 1804. Highly wont -
mended, Linichin Show, 1895. Fi1Jl.s aired by
SopWell Duke Made 440 gateau at Lord Vern.
lara'S Sale, 850un1tente at Mr Philo.Millie sale;
290 gu nese at Mr PatlielVe MI6. A. filly alio
sired by SepWell Mike, ifinsedDeeford Mater -
bird, held ea tinheatiriehOw tileord in 1898. •
A.ttlie annual elbow he'd by the Usk Shire
Iterse Coe Limited, on oat. 29, 1000, the. 146
Dries dolt waita red hyDeeford Martinis, lees%
taking let prize in elase and alio champion
prize of show, and was seld for a large sum to
a Midland buyer. _
\ ROUTE-....Mointay, Mat 6tii at noon, he will
proceed to John flowerbyls, ith coo., Gederish
Tp, for night.
Tuesday, to John Young's, 4th core for town;
then to John Stewartli for bight. -
Wednesday, he wild peorseed to John Wiesen.
tone for neon, thence to McCaughey'. Com.
Mersial Hotel, moon, for night.
Thursday, he will proceed to Wm. Col-
Vougifte, Iltk con., Goeterloh TP., for Peet
thence to George 0, Sturd_yiti Mr bight.
Friday, he *ill proceed to Win. fliteteke's
Huron Road, fer noon; therelei 50 Tiltie barn.
Goderich, for night, and will remain all,
day Weirdo, and then refute to Ridgewood
Parkewhere he nen retrain Until the following
Monday noon,
This vette wlit be continued during. the Nea-
t" 1100101 and Weather Petrehtinge
Terms. 05 to Influto.tlialable Jelititerr 1st1902. ,
EDWARD C. Arilt/fift,
W/LSONi COOK, Prepriet0t.
MAY 10-411M4"1.14.
Seed Grain tor Sale
ferelerlY of Cameron Holt rt Cameron) •
Office-liarailton St oPposite Colborne Bonet
etongaIon. ONT
Office -Corner Hamilton St. and the Square
Goderizli; Ont.
T. GARnevv, trO. Owes, GAIIROw.L.I...D.
•Office: North st., next door toSignal Office,
• Private Funds to lend at lowest rates
of interest.
2 cars Seed Peas. [NO BUGS) from Owen
4 kinds obSocaliSdeed Oats, :Barley, anttGo* dee.
A quantity of feeding Corn steak times
sell for cash or Midianite for any kind of
Groin. In some cases from 2 to 9 months time
can be had if desired. Drive right to our ware
house railway staion. W. II, P ERRIN.
Clinton March 51901. •
• Court of Revision, •Town
of Clinton.
Talte notice that a Court of Revision for. the
Town of Clinton will hold its tint sitting in the
Council Oluunber,on Monday,Mey 27th, A. D.,
1901, conimencing at 8 o'clock p. m., for the pur-
pose of hearing and rectifying all comphunts
against or errors in the Assessment Roll of the
present year. All parties interested are re-
quested to attend. _
Clerk of the Municipality.
-Clinton, May 17-2.
Township of Bullett Court
ot Revision.
Notice is hereby given that thermeeting of the'
Court for the Revision of the Assessraent Roll
of the Township of Hullett,will be held at Lon-
deshoro, on Saturday, May 25th, at the hour of
100%100k ion., for the purpose of hearing and
settling complaints against the said assessment
roll. Persons having business at the Court will
please attend at she said time and place with-
out further notice,
May 10-3 Clerk.
• Estate of Walter Riddell, •
• Deceased.
All persons having °lathes against the estate
of Walter Riddellaste of the village, of Lon-
desborough, in the county of Huron, yeoman,
deeeased, who died on er about the 7th day of
April, 1901, are hereby required on sr before
Saturday, the 15th d 7 of J rine 1901, to send by
Post prepaid, or deliver to William T. Riddell,
Auburn, Ont., and David MOGUL Blyth, Ont.,
the executors of the said estate, or to the
undersigned,their solicitor, full partioulars of
their. olaints, duly verified by declaration.
After the 15th day of June, 1901. the said ex-
ecutors will proceed to distribute the pro-
ceeds of they said estate among the parties
_entitled,-haying_regard_only to the claims
of whioh they then -Wive
n0118 --
Datcd at Clinton, April 80th,1901.
Solicitor for -the executors
Clinton, Ont.
Notice to Creditors
in the mailer of the Estate of the kik Rkh-
• aid Waite; °Ohs Township of Hallett,
kt the County of Moon, Yoeman,
Deceased. •
Notice hereby given pursuant to R. 8.0.
18971 Cap. 129, that all creditors and ethers
haring olainis against the Estate of the above
tallied Richard Walt*, deoeittied, who died on
or about the 19th day of February, 1901,are re-
quested to sand or deliver on or before tha doth
day 01 May, 1901, to William, Waite, Lohdes.
boro,P.O. the exerniter of the will of
the said deceased particulate of their
claims ended' the securities held by ..thein
And notice is further given that after such
bait mentioned date the said executor will
proceed to distribute the meets et the said
estate amongst the parties entitled thereto,
having regard onlyto the claims of phich he
shall then have notice.
Solicitor for Williara Waite. Exeoutor.
• May 3-1
Dated at Clinks:a, this Mil day of April, 2901.
Agents Miceli Victoria Authore
me Queen herself, Dr.
John Coulter. from Londop, Eng.,john A. Coop-
er, editor of Canadian Magazine, Toronto;
about 700 pages quality never equalled: price
$1,7e. See other edvertismente in the; paper
Mao tO reviewein thispaper.
WOW PeblIBbleif Ottel .114 Ont.
J. B. MOL60.e, President, Mimeo 3', 0 The,.
Fraser. vioseprelident, Bruceeeld 3'.,0. • Tho..
It Rayl,seey-Tresis„ Seaforth P. O. 'Me. G.
fteagentrInspeotor of Loseeei, Seefortie P.O.
• renrienents
W. Ge iffeedietdc Seatortio John et. delve
Winthree Dele-Seoolfthl Jolt*
Berzeiroweris, on Jo, Evans. Beachwood 1,
John Watt, :Ear ook 0.; Thereat! Ftader
ErribeiRld ; John KiPpelli Jarrett
Connolly. Olintosi.
Itoheet Smith, Oarlock; litte McMillan Spa.
ferth; Ottraltinet, entotffie t
Yee, ; storm, autioaad John C.
Wanton, antlitore.
Partiets degratill te 111'04 beano or aline-
aot other bvineet w011 be protepoy attended te
on apPliftEtel to ante of the_ above oIoiri
tO theirrest active 01B009a
Real Estate and Insurance Agent Money to
• lend on Mortgage and, Note security.
• • Office-HURON"WR-131131T. CLINTON
• Office adjoining Photo Studio. ,
Office Houill--:$ to 5
. (Successor to Dr. T, C. Bruce)
• Specialist in crown and Bridge work'
L D. S. -Graduate Royal College Dotter Sur-
_ georerof Ontario, Toronto,—
D. D. S. -Fast -alms Honor graduate of -Den-
•• tal Department of Toronto University.
Special attention paid to pre ervation of
children's teesh. will visit BaBytield every
Monday. •
• Offiee over W Taylor Or Son' s shoe store.'
Licentiate of the Royal College of Phyaioian
London, England. •
Office and Residence-
• manures BLOCK, Vp Stair*,
Successor to Dr. Turnbull.
•1./Ascouchenr, eto., office and residence On.
tario Sit, opposite Englieh church, formerly ore
envied by Dr. Appleton, Clinton Ont.
aet medical Department of Victoria Univer-
sity, Toronto, formerly of the flospitai...a4
Diepensariee, New York, Coroner o
• County of Huron; BityfiehL -Ont. -•
Minstar of the Veterinary Medical Assoc'a.
time of London and Edinburgh, and Grade. -
ate of the Ontario Yeterinery College.
Office open night and day, opposite Com.
• Successor to De %N.J. R. Fowlere Denton,
•' Physician„ Surgeon, ,Eto.
Special attention given to diseases of the
• Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose.
annidocitekBeNidoerniche-Albert or
•HonoraryGraduitteof theontarioveterinsrp
'College. Treats .11.11one:es ut unuesticated art
male on the most modern and scientific prinei
pies mac e- immediat elysonth of the New Era
Office. Residence - Albert St. Clinton. Call
tilidtt ordav attendedto promPtIV
MARMAGH LIoNNSEs issued by the un.
signed at his Residence, Mary street,
Clinton. ,• ••
•••• No witnessee required
A: • P. L. S., Orovinoial Land Surveyor and
'Civil Engineer, London, Ont. -Office ild Geo
Stewert's Grocery Store. Clinton ,
Musical •
McRae, the Voherty, kale Quartette, second. •
Season, are prepared to fill engagements for •
ohnrob and concert entertainments at reason.' .
able rates. For terms, address . A
.0ot rpe-tf S. T. MURCH, secretary,
Organist and Markel Director of North
Street Churgh, Goderich, and teseclier ort
PIANO, PIPE 014GAN an THEORY, is pre-
pared to take a limited atrabet of Papik in
the above. For terms apply this office or to
MROAMPBELL,may be seen froni 11 a. rii.r 50
2 p.m., at the 0Iarendon Rotel, +Minters,
Friday or each week.
• • OLiNTOW •
• Bubsdriber Id prepared to promptly fl an ots
dere for Wood or Coal, which will be sold at
lowest rates Office on Isaac Street, at LAVIS
F"Life Insurance
CHAS. B. HALE, 5',
Clinton, Out.
• 011117RANOM
nee,• Life. &cadent ruso GINS*
Omcn mamas Beata, Liarroll •
Agent ter the Mandel:52ln Flinn AlieUeettee
00. of Manehester, England, Whose fund* end
merarity are rated at $14,800,000. Also the MO-
RI:mop littrisAL INsMitaNcE C4. All elegises of
farm risks and town property taken at
*Wed rates. First-Olass Lean Companies
also retiresentecL Motley hi be lied front per
eentup, etioirdieer ter rioters of, aecarteyee
1/anytime' Si Hoisawreille ... postal card will
fetish bin
ealtEIGN OF QUEEN VICTORIA, bieledipe ,
epeettil ineMOrial trlbutes frOM the meet endue
ent Britieh And daneatan eteteeraen, 8ad ',aloe
Life Of Biter Edward VII." Siee 100% arunt
000 pawl!. better intistratea__ than any tteal
week. written- by Die ono, camber, from sees .
don, liege the oelentrited Histettattana,m '
est. trittl.aohn A. Cooper; editor Osinartien
seine, Toronto, Price Only 0.75 -LW
from enter tei atter. Extra -huge lama
eueditetticente weepfttues free MI clairriuteetl,
World Pabliskthtt Coe, Geoli*, Oat,