The Clinton New Era, 1901-05-17, Page 4e ' 4 '
7.711/741M .17',;X""7
thisis really the very „beginning of the Whitewear Season and right nolo we are going to
make prices Iswer on good whitewear than has ever been seen in town before. We madesomelarge purchases flew the maker months ago—during their dull season at pricee that enable
us to o'er these bargains—not in poorly made whitewear, gotten up fir the purpose of con-
ducting a sale—but absolutely the best that could be made- .euen the cheaper garments are
made of good cotton, well finished, nu skimping in cut or carelessness in sewing.
On sale commencing Saturday„morning at 8 o'clock,
1.80 corset Covers at 10c -75c Gowns at 5190
10 dozen ()meet Covent made of good strong cotton, all sizes,regu. In Ladies' Gowns, made of fine quality cotton, trimmed down front KQ
ler value 18e, Seturday morning to clear at, each , ......... • I 1.1 cambric frill, good length and width: well woad 750, Sale price.. 0./
6_ owns at $1
Made of very fine cotton, tucked yoke and fine Hamburg embroi-
dery triaireed, well Worth $1.35, white sale price.. „ .. • I
White Drawers at 22c
Drawers made of good qUalltY Nviiite cotton, lace trimmed, special
Comet (lovers of good quality +of cotton, well made and trimmed D
with lave, Would be good value at 25c to 80c, on sale at, each- P I 9
'Corset Covers of tine white eaten, nicely triunned with embroi.
elery, perfect in fit and finish, regular 85e and 40c value,
to go at, each 26 & 35
. 75v White Skirts at 49c
Ladiee' _St irts, made of good strong cotton. with Cambric frill and 49
tucks, draw et ing at waist,well worth 75c, our special price,ea,ch g
85c Skirt for 69c
Ladies' Skirts, made of .A 1 quality of white cotton, seams all over
stitched, full width, nicely trimmed with embroidery,good value
- ar135c, special Saturday morning at each .69
st di $1.25 Skirts at 89c
Ladies' tine white cotton Skirte, nicely made and 'trimmed with
$1 Wei $1.25, en eale at each
wide HelmInwg end,/ oideey and tucks, full width, 'regular values 89
$i 60WIIIS at 6-0c
Gowns of -finer White cotton,inicery I rimnied
down front and around neck and sleeves usual '
pier sale price 1 69
- -
22 foe sale at. net Pair * .oros• t 00 4.4*•••• ......... *•s
broidery, all sizes at, per "
Drawers of fine white cc ttoo, nicely made and trimmed with ern-, 47
8c, 10c and 12c
Embroideiles atOc
500 yards of Embroideries, 2 to 5
inches Wide, with strong edges,
embroidered on good cotton, relate.
Jar value Se 100 and 12e.c, all at
poo-priee Saurday morning... ee.,
Strong Specials for Saturday & Monday
We have preparbd a Very special list of Ba,'Pgain-s" for Saturday and Monday a IA OVery 'Woman who wants to save
thiltl Will find this a splendid chance. Every article is good in every way
200 yards of Victoria Lawn, 38 inches
10c Lawn for 6/2c Shirt Waists at 60c
. 75o Lade curtains for 50c '
wide. it good wearing 'cloth and well Nottingham Lace Curtains, si yards long,
34 incites wide,with lock stitched edges. 60
Ladies Shirt Waist% inade of A 1 quality
print, in navy with white figure and •
warranted fast eolors, niade with the
75c, our price only.
new Bishop tleeve, would be cheap at 60.
wet b to day 10c, on sale Saturday or
Monday ..... ........ 2
10c Print at 7-a •
30ffyards ot the beet 10c Pi frits, in. light .
and dark colors, warranted all fast n7
e colors, special fop two days,at..... I
" Children's Caps at 25c
40 Children's Tams and Caps, in assorted .
coiner; and shapps, regular 30c, 50c & 756 2.5
Values, on sale Saturday or Monday•st .
Ladies' Wrappers- at 75c
'Laidieti' Wrappers, made of good quality
o nrint, in light colors only in stripes
end checks. well worth $1, Saturday or
Monday, each , ...............
Trimmed Hats
the newest designs
- $2.50, $3, $3.50
and $4.50.
• 25c Sheeting at 19c
72 inch wide Grey Sheeting, in twill and
plain weave.. good quality, regular 25c e
value on sale for two days at.. ., p
30c 23c
75 yards of 72 inch wide Whit Sheeting, •
in twiii and plain make, very fine qual-
ity, regular 80e value on sale days at.
7c Grey Cotton at 4%c
800 yards of 85 inch wide Grey Cotton:fine
eveo thread, regular value to -day is 7c
on sale for two day at, per yard.
goad design, regular 75c pair, on sale at .
Dress Goods Reitman -
-• 60c to 75c Goods at 40c • -
_Black Dress Goods ends. from 2-t yards to
0 yards in piece, replier 000 to 75e per 10 0
yard, on sale days at, .peryard..............
Ladies' Aailaes at We
Straw Sailors, in mixed cokes of brown
lar 60c value for •
And white, black and white, etc., fegu- 25
Ladies' Cotton. Hose at 121:40
200 pairs of Ladies' Plain and Ribbed Cete
ton Hose, perfectly fast black, ell sizes,
Well worth 15c to 1Sc, on sale, choice
. .............. .. . . . . .121
. .
ristat NACIe 'BACK
ir-tott weasel
P.rnahes-R. P. Reelde
omen's Whitwear-W Newcombe.
Cn your new baby -W Cooper Co
Vtworia Day- F Hodg'ens.. •
Our Pargnin sine Plurnsteel &Gibbinga
H4vp.your head free -.1 Horey
Division convt--w Coats
For Sale-- W Ferran
- Let us have them - J Hays
t4eed corn L unimette ..
• Bargains in elothine-McKinnon if; Co..
Fame Bargains -W Taylor & Son.......
)day millinery -Hodge= Bros
page I Is He Permanently Out?
4 It is announced that Hon. G E. Fos+
gter, ex -finance -Minister, hat; decided on
taking up.his residence. in Toronto.
5 This is ineinapottant aneouncement in
5 one I espeeti• for it means that the hOn-
orable geatleman has made u his t
• mind that there is no likelihood of his
that will not cut
or change color
750, $1., $1.25
CLINTON $1.35 to $2.75
Sal Ottawa' printer got badly burned
by a type -setting machine. His near+
nese to the devil," no doubt, made it
hot for hirn.
A hook -has xeceinly been lesued en-
itled "The idiot at borne." Most
early re-entry into the arena °Wen:oin-
k n politice Whether. Imes to become
a raptor in Local panties remains ea be
Victoria Day „De doubt hie desire to egain lake his
seen, It woold nut hesurprising thouvh
place in a smal!er *Inhere than the due
be has been accustomed &I.•
May 24th
people are concerned abo t the id I.
who are not at borne,
• ---- •
%he latest thing is said to be a watch
combine. In a short, time ' it may be
Wound up.
There are eleven thousand inguttee
in the eighteen insane astylurcis ot the
. y lag t ose-who
• Dominuin to sa nuthi of h
Bourn tickets at singie Pii'
gegip prol and 24th returning up
eoiaI excursion to Buffalo, May 20tb e
and 28-b.
• Fare $2.46 good for Iwo days.
Purchase Sheets up town and save de-
• jet) at station.
I% Hodgens, ticket agent.
East littron Liberals.. • ought to be leimatee.
The test Huron Liberal Association
will hold its annual meeting for the
lection of officers and receiving re-
orts in the Town Hall, .Bruseels, On
Tueaday, Ably 2,8th, commencing •at 1
e •
1-Ittlea , --
At the heated season will soon be
here we may took for the no -quorum
° nuisance at meetings.
a a •
Last census showed the Dominion to
have a pepuletion of 2.400,471 melee
ann 2,372,764 females which gives an
excess of 87,707 males. My 1 what a
Cinch the Canadian girl.; have.
• • .
• Our esteemed friend of the Seaforth
Expositor is passing thrcugh unussially
eavere affliction, and the syrnpathteof
, the entire community will be extended
him. A few days since he lost his dd.
•est SODA young man of great, promise
kildthis we.k his brother, editor of
the Picton Times, pureed away, at the
age of years.
• • • •
The trading. in st•ock has set the 'Wail
Street brokers in New York wild late-
ty, All over the world Hashed the
-Deere, that the railway stock Of the
Northern Pacific, which could* usually
be bought for legs than $100 went up
009 and eyen one sale was made a'
91000, This was enough to Make
itgonie .vrondet MI* York had gone
etiritY,,ettiti, Of course, this made many
wish- they hadgone in On the cheap, en
that they could sell at the irilintitiSe
PrOilt Made by abet*. the Otelteitient
Witt Dittitedby ittetrtietione from Hill
"aid Mateaath tehtty all thelvorthern
Name stout ,Thie W_ati done ode to
taint tont t ot Of the EterliegtOn000 'tie
sald thid feiW made wits Of itiOnoy by
their itrttestmetit. Thu' wikitiese ehewe
.thexticertainity of ...belling What dosst
act eXiatItit'fiatitre delivery and buy-
ing Withentanr intention ever rnlin4
as Owe its4k initte,the less fektO.
Whiting theft Other Ittielt Oftpeettla den
wben rail as legitinlate Ptirie
It is .propcsed to eetablish a Cana-
dian rinnt at Ottawa. That's in ken. • rtiblIc School Board, mansbtit eetitinet in title connection
ing Phi tilt/ fitness of things for the loWered him in the eyes of the Souse.
English Mkt(..) theite also.• The regUilit IMOStibit foe May, wee held The charge should never have. been
Parliamentary Sketches.
By the Viditer.
theatrical display were indulged in by
A few daya eine° mock heroics and
several membere of the Oppoeition,
who wanted to ineke Certain legielit.)
tion retroactive, and thus give the
' seat in WeRt DOI WWI to the Conserva-
tive. The Governroenteteatended that
, this couldenoctobuertdsithatone,aetbje.eatemerawelle
before t
should not interfere in any case that
was under trial. The decision of the
.court, just rendered, ehow s the 001,Ind-
Vega of the Government's position,
cause the court has virtually unseated
iblEnroTubsolornittsond.ecisTiohne, cotarnat wasfres
mit that the circumstances surround-
ing this case are unfortunate, M
Thornton got a majority of the vote
polled, but objection was taken to JO
election because he gave a marked
cheque for his deposit instead of cur
rency. The objection Was only a cAulb
ble, and should never have been raised
if his seat had been attacked for cot'.
rupt practises only,well and good: But
it, was attacked on two grounds, and
t.he case has succeeded. The issue
will now have to be settledat the polls,
but by an act of the present session, a
marked cheque+, for a deposit, is legal
tender, so that this point cannot be
ral.sed again,
If any leading politician Or itidge
.dies, the ever -versatile Ottawa corres-
pondent starts a Cabinet reconstruc-
tion, and says"the air is full of political
rumors," while, as a matter of fact,
there may not be a "political rumor"
within hailing distance, According'
to runaor the present Cabinet "was
about tobeaeconstructed"---gedozen
time over, yet it has only undergone
two changes since .its formation in
one of these watt caused by death,
t be other' by removal, The political
guesses have had Hon. Mr Tarte out
of the Cabinet a number of times. Now
that a Judge of the Supreme Court has
died, it is either the Hon, Mr Mills or
Sir Lottie Do.vies, Who is tQ leave the
Cabinet and suceeed him. It is pure
guese work, The Hon. MrTarte, if he
folloWed his own inclination, would
again take up newspaper work. Not
that he dislikes.political woik-beeause
he does not- but he likes to be at lib-
erty to put his opinions before the Rub-
lic en print. He makes a splendid Jilin-
ister of, Public Works, being master of
all the details of his large department,
and devotes himself closely to the
duties thereof,. being in his office at 9
soon beTaid and practice will start.
The fifteens appoi n red are; --Hon. ?res.,
W. Doherty; pros.. J. Harland; vice.,
J. W. Chidiey; 2ed vicea S. McRae,
eaPte G. Bairgel seeY., J. Cantelon;
treas,, J. Hoover; ground committee,
A. McGarva, P. Couch end P. Fair. .
The C. Le A. meeting called for Die -
trim No 0,. junior series, called by
Mr Rank Williams, a Mitchell, the
District' Secreutry, was held at the
Hicks+ House, Mitchell, on Tuesday, re-
presentatives being nresent &oar
Clinton, Mitchell and Seatorth.
The fullowiug echedule was drawn up,
subject to amendment by the C.L, A: -
June 7 -01intot at initchell.
June 19-Seaforth at Clinton.
June 28 -Mitchell at Seaforth.
July 3 -Clinton at Seafurth.
July 1.6`Mitchell at Clinton.
. July 20 --Seem th at Mitchell.
elleeevottellee •
Your New Baby
Carriage Be Sure to Have
Robber Tireti TA heels
The kind we give Yon are
guaranteed and you run
no risk of the tire A •
Another ehiprnent of Carriages'
received this week at pricee rant.
ing frern $7.50 te $20,00, . f
s Rxpress 11+ gons
and Velocipedes
Some have bent rail around.
others have wood or iron box.
Wagolut are a littlemore expert.
sive than they were two years
ago but you can get a good one
at $2.50, smaller ones at $1.25
and $.1.50
* 4
Our Trimmer
Is Humming
with our. Wall Paper Sales,
our .sanaples as we are sure
there is nothilug toequal them
in the county. • -
• A choice line of splendid Gilt
Paperssold regularly at 20c &25c
on saleSaturday per single roil 100.
300 rolls:Ungrounded Paper, suit-
able for bedroonlione color only Be
- Cooper, Si Co.* CierNTON.
i -Agents (or C. P.E. Telegraph' and Dominion Express
Money Orders, also for Butterick Patterns:
$de,finable fascination of newspaper
a.m. every working day. But the in ,
work has attractrons for him. His '16."'Ibeibelte'lle4oe'lbeleeleelbelle. fe•twee'eaetee-eataseess,..ea-eas.aseele.aweeete
genuine; loyalty to hisparty and chief,
however, induce hiru to waive his own
-desires for the public good, and it.will
be a national lose should -he ever yield
to perscnal considerations, and give
up the knaportant trust hes.° honorably
For the third time the circumstances
.surreunding the sir ike of laborers and
operatives of the Montreal Cotton Mille
at.Vallesdield prior to last electimeanel
the settlement of that trouble occupied
the attention of the Reuse of 'Commons
at Remitting on Tuesday... On the first
occasion Mr F. D. Monk, member for
Jacques Cartier, charged Mr W.L.Mac-
kenzie King, deputy Ministerof Labor,
with having acted as a..politica,1 parte:-
an, and when challenged to make hie
statements good he promised to peo-
duce affidavits which would' prove
that his informants were speaking the
truth. Weeks went by until Mr Loy.
member for Beauharnme, demanded
the production of the affidavits, and
then Mr Monk pleaded for 'more time,
saying the -docrunents were bard to
get.- On Tuesday he made a very long
speech in the endeavor to set himself
right before the House, with the result
that he stande today in the position
that he neither pi oved the charges nor
apologized for giving utterance to
them. He read several affidavits ad.
mittedly for the purpose of proving
his care, but in none of theee was there
one of the allegations which the hon.
member had made against the capatde
and talented young gentleman who
ministers the Lebor Department under
the Minister of Labor. It was atoward-
ly attack ;for the deputy -leader of the
Opposition to make, and he put in as
an uncomfortable an afternoon as any
one could desire, for tieveral speakers
on thegovernment side rubbed it into
bim ungiercifully; he poses at; a gentle.
on Mondi1Y evehing, those present being made he t e aret itice;it cost the count'
They tried to burn an enalen at the Messrs O'Neill, Agnew, Taylor, Stirlen. try about $15, to discuss it three
o'clock p. to. Associated with this I stake somewhere in Quebec the other ebcki:ont; elr,0Ee.r}11 odgene findinhge days in the second place; and it was n
. e . .,. . „ .. - . - day. He roust be the wooden Indian t , P • ' . P P 3' Perform t fizzle and take in the third place.
won ring win, ue not t it Nominating dukes of ob irmen tendered bits reeigna. - an ettendance for April of.. 207 boys, 198
tion and Dr. gnew, aoted in thie oalnieitY
pro tem. Principal Lough's report showed
girlie total 405, average 339; the inareitee
of the attendance over March was 80 girls
enforced now its the summer mouths are
coming. The petition ot the teschere re -
lording Empire (ley will be complied
with. The frame echool house will be
painted,and tenders to be received for such
Etna also for the supply of COQ reqUired.
The communication received from Dr.
Shaw, medical health officer, requeeting
the vaccination of all the soholare will be
*Winded to in t he neer future, Dr. Agnew,
was appointed chairman for the balance
of the year. Other business' transacted
vies the pluming of a few accounts.
Convention for the riding in conuec-
Lion with the Provincial Legislature.
Five delegates are allowed from each
polling sub-divielore Addresses are ex-
pected from A. Iiislop M. P. P. ; Dr.
ateDe ee----otetn
Commons; Eloir..R. W. Roes, Premier
of Ontario; and Hon, J,T.Gaerow. The
municipal chairmen will receive the
necessary blank credentials for their
respective mueicipahtles,
DAVID 11.4.RUM Coment.--From all
sides we learn that the • impersonation
of Ed win d P. Elliott, in "David Hamm"
in twelve cherecters, was delightful.
With such a story, the dramatization
Westc itt'a nevel,a,i-tory of American
life in the Eastlq`la states, will remain
in the Minds of those who went to the
town hall last Priclay night, and there
was a good audience, Mr Elliott Is an
tiot and brought out the fineliterary
parts in each character admirably; in
expression, gesture and tcne he
gave an impersonation
think the Were orginal personages.
This was the last entertainment of the
Metropolitim course of which U 0
one reads a oat.
The leicomotive triist should be able
to make It go.
• The question is asked "How triech
experience is that it does not contain
much of anything.
Some one bays that a mates beet
friends are hie ten fingere. Possibly
but most neeple would prefer It read
"ten figures."
It is said there is no house cleaning
in Heaven, bat if some of the angels
we know get there, they'll want to
change around the furniture anyhow.
sporting sate*.
Clinton goee to Myth to play foot-
ball tonight (Fader.)
A' senior baseball team will' play a
Lucknow Ori the 24th.
On the 2,4th of May the lacroese club
will play the xeter teatri in Exeter,
. .
Rance has handled well. At times he e Juni° beseball club will play
the Mitchell nine
wee disouraged having prefisedfor cam- . • •
palates and failed but sickneess caused ,es, Meeting among baseball .04 Vraa
the disappointments. We are mire the held at Harrtston last Week, which was
subscribers have been pleased with the f -r the purpose of fanning it League,
course given and although they had to
wait they were repaid when the respec.
tive entertainments Were put on 'the
bootie. If Mr Rance Calile out par
with the course he hail done well.
Tug New Cotott.-Metny of our
citizens have been on the lookout for
the new comet, but we have not
heard of attyoue having item] it
yet although said it to be visible
in Arnerlea. Pot the berieflt of
MMus who may wish to gaze for it
we-tnay say that from infotination by
the Astro no mica( Society of To ton to end
from the Marvard College UbservatOry
It would appear that the comet report.
ed at being soot ae the ()Ape of Good
Hope on May ard eald 4th is now yla-
in the northern have. about 7
dowel's eget and 8 degrees north of
Riget the red star in the constellation
of Orion, clot* to the horizon in the
weetere short* after eunget. The
comet is circular in toren, lose than iS
blitIllteOf arc in diaratter, brighter
than, a third magnitude Star, bas
welt -defied nucleus, and a tail more
than two degrees In length, It id Ibri#
MOYIng tett ahd north at about
.4eitreel 901 day*
IIMAN NOR-.11M'S Assize: -The non-
nry sitting of the High Cotot of Justioe
• o,3erted at Goderich on Tumidity, before
Hon. Mr justice wtien the
doaket of nine cases began to melt like
anew in the sun. DIalcet va, Scoti was
-settled;--NVillitunt- flogies-00131-poned;
Hebb v..Bable postponed for trial before
the County Judge; and Stewart v. hIti
Millen, settled, Murchison v. Murchison,
an alimony Snit, was partly tried and was
then 'settled, the defendant agreeing to
withdrew all chops of ineanity. Jewett
v. Jewett was gi ease Of alimony from -
13* Bayfield The defendant did not appear,
s composed of teams from an no evidence WAS offered for the de-
Winghatn, flarriston; Palmerston and fence, ixnuital relying on the epeeist air-
D•ayton. • • cometanoes of the ease II precluding a
The next football gaeae for the Hough jedgnient for plimony. Judgment re -
Cup among the Collegiate Institutes. served until tomorrow. aVirditmei y. Hebb,
W 't honeyed between Goderich and consent judgment for the plaintiff for
Seaforth testae probably to -day, the $2,479,50.
17th Int. .
NOW 13tareentete.-The building con.
The President of the teWn -86°4113,1, tractors telt , us they are being kept
Club informs us that the lawn Wni very busy and will be for awhile attend.
Irohably be inleondition by the 24th of ing to the conteacts on hand for new
aednroroatt payment on the aatOS
May, Meantime stthseriPtinns are duo reeidencee or additions, There is eVell
LO prospece that builders' imitative will find
the feresiderit will corifer a &Ver.' em; Ioyinent this bummer as there will
!bight proopecte for a imeeeitsful sea,
eon let prenicted for the Laittl TOWS be the new Methodiet church anti a,
numberof houses bedut up in totem
Club of town.* which, re,orgatilzed on Among ,othere eleengle of the
Thuraday evening het, • There Wae b Oliriton PlaninT. g Mills, has taken the
oddly number preeent and the folloW4 following contractst--bletvgehool house
hag officers Were appointed :- litoLi. 28x40 feet, Vahan No, 4,0odericir town.
Pres *- Be,.,Oti B. 01112.5eL .Ptec,„ I E. ehip and Hallett; brick residences for
Resell, Mies M. nent oeeti Ale, Gray, of Tutkeremith; T. Dfttni-
'treas.* W. ti.Laterneli assietent. Wee eon, of 'Vernal N. T. Adams,of Mullett;
Snell; committee to be. composed of
°More elected
A *Hat* club le organized in town
and everything points to a successful
season, many of the old cricketers tetk-
fog an tetereet in the gatriefor the tObl'
iliff iteentett. Theta Win also be a nein-
bar of OW inmate% The memo will
It is probably setae estimate to oay,
that nearly nine tenths of the House Part 1I-eQuartette,"My native home",
wMi4liindilterthaedtneaelmaableIrtsfibe:lhie°yret filo4)rdhri, eoSfviBilleyLthe;agriloielOgreadlienegT. .ElkWamil;
that its adoption will very seriously receikt:trdio.n,'‘'ITartheettLaree dBeraeLeMies B.
ii-Tantrobartharthir burd
be assumed are enormously more than Kraelingi Messrs Gerry and Brown; itf-
the Province can stand, and that once
it is ratified the people thereof will be
under a monopoly infinitely more grie-
vious than any experienced heretofore.
And notwithstanding ,all fhb+, the dis-
position of the House is to allow Mare
Robe to do as it likes, on the ground
that we have no tight to interfere with
a matter which is mainly of Provincial
interest. Some people argue that it hi
wrong to allow Manitoba to assume
ell these obligations, and that the Do-
minion should protect the weak, but
there is scarcely two opinions in the
Howie, nearly everyone believing that
Manitoba should be allowed to de
wrong if it wants to.
ehilreh .ehinites
• Ministers and church workers generaill are
'cordially invited to contribute items of c 'urch
news under this heading, frompheir respective.
c'mrehes .
Sec teauree:e- Rev 0..R. Gunter oc-
eupied the pulpit at both. services last
Sundae. In the morning it was with
difficulty for elle' congregation to see
Or hear owing Uzi the storm with pate
railed at the time. In. the evening
ST, PAUL'S.- On Ascension Day,May
leth, therewill be siervice in St. Paul's;
church at $ p.m., when the rector, Rev,
(LR. Gunne, will. preach. All are in-
vited to attend, and it is hoped that
the invitation will he freely accepted
by members ,of other churches. The.
rectory is nearing 'etimpleton as to the
improvements being Made and it will
not belong before Rev. Mr Gunne and
his family will remove to tow Th
4. sthteewreawrtas jaaelkasrogne tflairvnooreudt athnel c.Monagstree,r.
gation with that beautiful solo • And I gbreeeennmboereen iandokweetpoinrgemhaaind.the. ever -
some trees but it would, somethink,.
grounds present a much better appear-
ance in the removal of the fence and
day513:ail ni; Rsgt &et le8Vvr le:. ae i. i TtaCel°1 NI; i e.W:0hP-1 Si :that81:h. dr I'vteweMh, very few eei wc
Wr hN h,
et 'Sit ste en ewSbi i eenfirrnu: sbee ilef 1 1. lid °es enwti week
Pkbaylt ahMse "
iShi 3 v- aa ht ino nil e t
20 to lune 1 hair
i n c r i at rostr litt isa node.i _
win IS a brother of the new incumbent ade.. Their ebject, is to
spirituality. and teal of
gregations will he sure to greet him.
is an ilsipecackuePrYatnilde PtaurigPe„.itcollne- intensify the
their people and taacreate a •fund to
foreign. missionary fields. ' They are, '
meet, the (emend of their home and
fMtdrioCwairnlygle wRiellv.offiaciaat.ecithneneSuinndoaoy.
doing a splendid work in their Indus -
and on the Sunday following ?reaches
odfuAceisvitribsetoir inapppaoriknhtenel, nReexyt.IsTnedraryy:
tablished in North America, We are
trial homes, rescue and maternity
homes, men's and women'e shelters es -
hie farewell. •. • confident this worthy effort will not be
• °memo- ST.-- rerOf
t wfoirgeatrethienlaanPte°rani-
Gifeorie. who tfoiorpgottoteansohsty. tDhoOnSa,
Wt18 home froth Teeswater far Sunday,
. el gramophone service in the S, A.
and the pastor did not egchange pulpits
aSirtreeedvtehneincr sogrryeret.1°Rnerw.11.hWaileor? eabual:cetk?,Fr'ilyi ShaelouwrdzeeYronigohrtt,hMe May lilt;
in the Klondyke,"
dlasayt Sevuenndianygaths
ewreaswinatsenadutedr.gOen Mon-
HATTENBDRY Sr. -Next 8unday the
ing of young people,it being the League Sunday school a n nir,r ,e., r, 0, .Roten.,
„, bury St. church will be held. For sev-'
of the church giving a reeeption to its
sister sociefiee, Blyth 4nri n°411E11'1'1 eral week(' past preparations have been
league; nf whom about 70 had Accent" goinv or, to make it one of the best ever
ewe!), et hueniunsvuiattityi invitation. 1 1 Tsehie4epterdograanmd excel-giyen
pastor vvill prearh an illustrated ser-
eld in Clinton. In the morning the .
Imenateleykegriavbeiny ptrehrbdidnegdhoasueth. afrinGaeon.anEd, mon on "Light." While this sermon
is snecially for the children the parents
choir, under the leaderehip ef Mr Tan -
will elso find it ot ihterest. The S. S.
voirlledyettibludeuier,ecitnat ion,
"-Qin° °fit° junior male quartette will sing. In the
Ali" ney will render an wither'', and the
cinrei.t; eHnedlernniesovfilleaf;tabg;uesioroetadNinogrm, Dal;
Mural; recitation, "The parson at the afternoon, instead of the usual lesson,a
full program will be rendered, consist+.
ing of a speeially prepared sotig service
hockey match",MisstaWilter,Holmes- entitled "Easter Lillies," solos, duetts
villa; quartette, Misses Flood y and and choruses will be given by the choir
Kraeling,Messrs Blackford and Brown; interspersed with recitations and scrip -
-The Senate Committee appointed tal.
inveetigate the Cook charges decided.
to Wing in no report. eimply reporting
the evidence. The English of this Is
that the Committee does not believe
the charge has been sustained, and
therefore, makes no report. The evid-
ence certaiely warrants the conclusion,
for there was none whatever to war-
rant the statements that haye gone
broadcast. Toe Conservative prose,
which has been glorying in the alleged
revelations, will now proceed to eat,
crow and crawl under the barn in the
proficient -and graceful manner they
have acquired by long practiee.
'Merits at least One member of the:
House who cannot be charged Wirth
lack of zeal in his parliamentary dutiett.
It Isone of the privileges of a member
,of the BOWIE, that he may gpeak On ev-
eryqueetien that ceitneir before- it-unee
only on each subject if the Mouse ut
not in 'committee, but se often at he
likes When in ectitinittee. Thankgood.
nem no uteri:thee avails' himself Of this
privilege, but the 'member who in roost
persistent in bobbing up and doWnotaid
makinghtmeelf Sonaewhat of *n(00400
urn shinge fOr Wrn, Munningte I Gra
hoar*, 'con. 10, Goderich toveriship; he*
Addition for M. Ole% Mullett; *reran- bet
dabs for S. Mohnesville, and ing
Middleton, Goderieh tOWnehipt hay no I
Window int E. Hall, toted; ehinglirig wit
the roofs of housee fur I. McGarr& *ad k ta 0
D. Cole,
ture Selections by. the scholars. The
evening service will be unlike any oth4
em- ever given in this church. It will he
especially'a service of sone, for which
of Mr Murch,has madeleateful prepare -
ter this part of the evening's entertain, -
those who know say it le very fine, and
Lion. The rainde is entirely new, and
Ment was over the refieshmento were
will be specially popular. Below we
inoeutteiant aotor ideesr; and Rev. Dr.
11Deri Joao yi rtah tact! ei cu.;
give the program for the evening ser -
an 7:Ration Wall given
for a return visit to both places and it
tnrertory and anno ncementsianthenif
vice: -Organ voluntary; doxology; in-
vocation; hymn. "Joy to the worict%
will be accepted at some future o. cea.
1.:0A* Mighty Lerd"- Sctipture
abOiri; anthem, "Piero were the wild
Witne Chelsea.- A umbel. of the oWs"; prayer; solo "Guide Thoiteny
Sertforth Ender' voters accepted the id-
batk"; second scripture lesson; anthenai
vitation of Willie church society nn
4,Then arose a great storm"; address' by
Thureday evening last week and vent
the pastor "What are the wild waves.
seemed hours in it well-prepared pro, eaying?" hymn, "Jesus, Savior, pilot
gram and social intercourse; ...I.Tewhoasre.
who favored. by taking, part were:
, dktion. The public are made welcome
me"opecial selection by the choirthene,
solop, "When 11. am big,:' b f't to all these services, and will findthete.
jackson; "Only a daisy,' by Zeda Mc- of unusual interest. teDolaerty led the
!UPI "Only me," bv Miss Sones; violin
League on Monday evening and the
snio by. Mise Irene Jacktion.and solo by
Mr Bayer of Se iforth; reading by Mimi pastor cenducted a promise Meeting
which weervery nterestithe
Wilson, 'The numbers were all well I.
given and greatly appreciated; towards
the close a taloa while wits pleitertnily
epent in chat and the, partaking of a EOM. V
well -laid table of tasty refreshments to etaemm_enounta,,, may ifi, wife okv.
which fulliostice-watt done: .it -Wag b McNeil, a son,
pretty appearance the room presented ____„..4,e,„....,,__„,....„4___*_
by the decorations and draperies and .
which harmonized with the occatdon.
These *hats of shiter eocietiee are pro.
ductive of not only good to tnaletain
intetiestand help to build up the society
but tend, to extend acquaintanceship
among the young people. The 'Irene*
tion for a return vhit to the SettfOrth
society will he accepted. Last Sunday
Morning aBluat tette "Come unto me"
P. iding and Yas.Mettae. and in ther
hy.Miseee cOorvie and Wiseman, W.
evening the anthem “The city bath no
need of the Mee bY the. choir were
pleiteatitly given. Miss, Annie trying
rook the topic at the Endeavor meeting
On Monday evening ittla 111S0 dwelt
With the catechient. Ietet Tuettd0
night Week the ExcelfaiorMiesion Bend
held its regular monthly meeting abd
it, WO Well attended. Mims Jostle O'Nell
rretted which wa; Well given*
SPreriie* the neembet tOr Rot' Meg Otahatti, the pregident. reviewed
y. One member who Claims to mattem pertaining, to. the Ronan ink.
WOOTI $In'eloOk row -mull teM. dAnte , and Aurtulth thete will he no meeting,
4 eedelit Bitting, he Was on his retie r but et the /one -wetter a lent of de.
W Wh'it it is, tothi ear AlteDOnit
e kept tab on the doctor, sows that Woe. It Wats decided that during July
est* than 92 titnee. If thief** not zeal I hate will take place deal rig With Mill*
hont dleeret100, I Would like to went, &trailed Robert Stewart
3041400,),? ;LAN, _
lakesthe bread
wore healthful.
•Safeguards the food.
,against aluni.
Amu batting PoWtter; ate AC 04.4iiat
1001140041, te) health of the present 4y.
OIAPP46 pcmartt