HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-05-10, Page 10May 10th 1901 THE C NTOE' ' NEW ERA, �vivai Sale o� VLen's Hays at Ninety=nne dents. I,0U:lkI4 NOTICES.. IDeo a line tools irsirtion-1. Fur gene•-Fn•trtnr and Epp lige Corn edam- • moth 8mitbern'a S reot,Yellow Dimes\ bttopap, Com entre. eerie, , Early Palley, Bruce's Sonic - taste Post. W. (u t,tn Len esbvrro nod _. ..... I the 24th ; a number of Clinton s ns intend to go to the Wacdbine horse races at Toronto that day. During the electric and rain storm on Thurs- day night last week J. B. Eloover's barn was struck by a bolt four beams were literally splintered. Look on page 2 where there will be found an Gown *0010. 1 interesting article from the pen of John Bamford it le an accurately state to a b. of kept record 1)II,D IN CL,INTON.-•- Recently Ni eweather +' s lilt ens of for the month of April with compari- +nein o Polly of the serinu i b Rt givenpropheticallyy so th f aQ n am r t Exeter,f 's 1 n o 91se Fisk t'Qlin ,people yQ Of whom D.HICKS f Rev. Ira 4 week, R e Wed ne da we , h 012-i r a. U. t }rredic- April 2•Ith, she died bete at tl e are of general re y upon in weather p 46 years. and 10 rnontnt. The remains tions. T e teeaforethmbra of of the Were taken to Exeter wharetheY were Central Huron tit ae ythe tt t' kat ..-. • R...has commenced operations for n tntEeArtteL`CLoslNts.-The solicitors,toli� seashe on, robe G. T. R. will indouble crease vevancers and insurance agents. of heading f freight twill sbe abolishedthe ; this Is Clinton have decided to close theirevery ,re_ ay and short. trains with ape �lar,omotive Our annual sale of Men's Hats at ninety-nine for lee offices month at ay,' June, July and said willonly l in town of which young couples of Clinton will be the rnoet intereeted par- ties ; watch if we are right." -On, Satter. day A. Hooper.agent for the Dominion of Canada Accident and Sick 13eneflt Insurance Co., delivered to L. G, Sage, of town, a. cheque for $25, he holding a, policy in the above company end having been laid off for aye weeks with pneumonia. We regret to learn. 1 J. ow e of the illneee of H sQn which hes confined him to. the house lately, S. S, Cooper has the contract of building to thehouse o M, Glew, G w anadditionk r Hallett, On Saturday last the officials of Rattenbury etreet churchwere stak- ing out the ground for the new Metho• dist church ; Hiram Hill, who has the contract for the foundation will have the sod turned. soon. Wm. S. Har- land • has been out for over a week; his friends were delighted to see him and it will not be long before he will be able to be back at his store. The eecond local shooting match took place at the gun club grounds Wednesday evening; the target was 20 birds; Dr. Holmes scored 18, E. 3,: Canteton 15 and J. E. Hovey 10. The greatest care cannot be taken with those who are in the habit of using firearms of any kind; a stray bullet went through the front window of J. B. Rum residence the other day, which might have proved serious, The collegate teachers feel elated, the trusteeshaving covered the reception room with a nice. mew oil cloth; it might have been car- peted bad they worked the scheme, The other day Mrs, Granger was un- fortunate enough to have a ladder fall on her foot injuring the large toe which keeps her confined to the house, Per. haps-, some -people do -not -realize -to - what extent the long distance phone can be used; the other day N. Contine used it frcrn Zurich through Utinton office to a place on the other side of Chicago and it was att'.distinct as. if. speaking -over -two -local -phones; 'tvat not cheap talk either, for the few r�ri rtr- utes' conversation it: cost over$500. We learn that A. B. Webb left 'Mon- treal for Liverpool by steamer Cham. plain onthe 2nd' inst„'this being the same steamship that Ben came home from •En land in when returning from, . ; ' i IN G May 1 lth, and will continue -lxieb>�lces SATURDAY MORNING, y lastthat long. o in week, that is if stocks a • alt Q� thein foil w g have a bi collection of Shapely and Nobby Mats in We �' '�d and Soft Shapes ready for this sale. ar year an un. ualified success and we can't affora Last• year it was q to let this.year's sale lag b 3hind. There's not one hat in the entire lot. worth less than $1.25; laid' most of them are regular $2 and $2.50 goods. It's the MOrke Savin chance=of the year to -get a good -hat under -value. - y g 100 bee's Felt Hats, hard and fedora shapes, in blank, fawn, brown - and r , odd ones and two of linea that.areeeearly-eoid�oat-and y99C • broken linea, regular $L25, $2.00 and $2.b0 goods, olearinK, commeaoing Saturday,eaob More about Men's Goods be dune to asaommodate the. August. The druggists of town have assenger traffic to the Pan-American. agreed to rl rse their shops at 7 p.m. The Seaforth Collegiate Institute have during he summer months. '.decided to offer two scholarships, of DEATH OF MRS HOWARD —On April oneyear each, open to the pupils 27th there died at her home in Whitby, writiug onentrance examinations t the beloved wife. of Thomas Howard, their institute annually, one tob sister of Mrs "John 0•+vett, of town,the- awardedto a pupil from the country cause of her demise being from infla- and theother'to a town puppil, taking inahon. This is tete second sister Mrs the highest number of marksin their Govet h ss lost during the past four respective classes ; this is certainly a menthe, her sister,Mrsourtice,baving good move and we think might be died in Mariposa, near Whitby. i.wisely done by our "collegiate board Teta PORK PACKING INDUSTRY.-- The• as it will increase an interest among pCcgress'of the Ontario pone -packing the,Mile and thereby cause a friendly industryis indicated in the cattle marer__ ; riva�•yy-,which would be beneficial to ked, returns for the last four months, all. D. K. Prior has the contract for ewer -neared with the same period last . the. brick work for the new' priest's year. Least year the number of hogs borne plated; the esstone work has been co ni- er:4hPttl et tdsl&1r11K.tliost innnth W __econtraetesePs-MeNeil=(of-Ford-- 31c-.. 70 036; thre v, a - the numbed was 48,2x34 Neil) nearly carne sustaining serious The differ en a is largly due to the fact ,.injurywhile handling ice into the re sheat' a pickers are buyingas.ke3frectly in. fr, gertor, the plank having broken•he re - stead of 1 i oukh the, market,. • 1• falling to the ground and a large block -„_GIIE1;PS EXCURSIONS.—A deleg” time landing on top of him ; he was conoid- cOnsisting ofd Q -Elford* "of-Holames-7-- erahly shaken up but -now is-allerigbe dile, Thud. McMillan, of Conetauee,Jas. again. We learn that Walter Irwin. A Cline, of Wingbain; Jas.A, Lamb, has secured a splendid situation on the of W,lkertnn; R J. Nelson, of Paisley; , steamer Majestic, Hi Owen Sound. and W. H. Kerr, of Brussels, went.. toT. Jackson, sen.,.has had a brand new Toronto last week to arrange with the t awning put up by the gentleman from management of the G.T.R. and C.P.1t. • Owen Sound who bee been around for excursions .the the Guelph Model lately in thiswork, ll, -ports ,say the "A Pen q Saved is a Pen. y Earned" Old Proverb, "A Penny Saved Costs you a Dollar" •tProverb, Vp oato r► Some little dieorepanoy to 'love, nev eribelese both ere tree, E.x - travagance means rain, buttbe extreme opposite is often the wort possible extravaganoe. An ooean steamer costa milleons but is not ortravagant,it is typical oheripness,bntan ill -tatted and cheap launob would be a piece of costly saving. This men's fm nishing department/of ours is;a complete "furnishing store in itself. Iu it you will find everything you 'would expect to findin an up-to–date men's furnishing 1 ng store - with values a little 1 etter don't depend on perhaps because we this department men ta10 alone. NIFTY - SHIRTS - Our Colored Shirts are selling fast. struck the right We seem to have sir right patterns and qualities for we never ' havehad as good a Shirtbusiness as is coming our a this spring. . Values are good, pat. way terns good and colors fast. You'll ::no miss it if you buy any of these.. Boyer Negligee Shirtsmade fromsilk finished: carnbrics, neat .amalloheeks, fast colors, soh front, pearl buttons, all'sizea, , . 77. E c +Aust so With . Window Shade Rollers 11 you •want pleasure and tiatiefaotion in using your shades 8, good roller is an eeseetial one. that is self acting and that will respond to your will. An attempt to save a few pennies in the prioe will give • you annoyance in using your shadeand perchance deetroy itoosting you a new ehade you nave time, patience and money in getting the beet at an advanced pride,. It is on these good rollers, the best and cheapest, that all our shades are mounted; our stook is just the same as our eamplee on display; there is no money fraying in buying at a lees price than ours, We respectfully eolioit your inspection if you have window shade wants; The Farm this summer in connection with storm on Thursday night last week South Africa; he'bas h••rn assigned t•les. will rus• i h,ethe u of I 'ae his di t he •Farmers Institutes and Agricul- tural Societies;, June 16,20 and 27 were nip struck the stat. 1,• belonging to e,tgaq a in other out k in saber gaits the dates named, but trill announce: the laundryman at Ex ter and . killed ,,f both England and SL ;.and, There hien t will be made known. his horse as web, Tu, heel agent is lei .an elk ctric light pole, near Elliott's 'e r . on es 'to be 1annoyance to PUS' h na usof three t e', awhich cause an y n p forms i n livery, o a sed many t n E T .--Be e ogle crv�I N s sars by by having their clothes deetroy- very people making improvements, Orme added. making 98 in leaf ;'the' nevi,' sue+• very extensive, around their premises scribers -tire Wilbur Manning, Rev. U:, ed with oil or grease which keeps drop or re idences we notice•the town coon R.Gunne and the ,Bowling'Clutt. Pre- ring from the transformer; it shored be cit has also been at it. Huron street vexations are in progress for •a new; lo rks,welt from the effects of the grad- house on Townsend street. (opposite er and so do the other streets , which the Misses McNaughton) for Hirer. Ship - were scraped. We notice nearly, every ley.,' who will remove to ,t.o+vn in the one,. with a few: exceptions of fall. Seaforth buyers gather some wood • . eo le have raked up and horseflesh from Clinton and: vaenity ; wedding ifMr and,. Mrs D... Ale avish, utltldy P p , 'during the: past week J:°'Aref.t.batd, of g Uhlci go,bas been sent us by'it, Maths- that•town, bought tw,. tem flet". Hillson, formerly editor of the NEW ERA, and one from C. Lovett. -c'f - `iumrner: hut now of the MTh; city ; it will'be bill. and one fiem. W. Robin.•en. • D. nsue.. . N. :B ill recently houghtfrom.las,,Rose, .Hoarepublishe , ofd town ingemtusicweekst'or'sei,shas sold whc� has gone to Chicago to reside,half .three:Doherty or ans and hree new • of his lot on Albeit street. nor( ti, coil;ands, Miss 0• ppm, e, Twee,of Wining Mise' riinga gnarl of ern fere, upon llyke, of town, has again come' out which he will build a house ; for What,• first nt the: Gudelitll t ollekiaio:. in her Alen's summer shirts, Goff. fronts. pearl buttons, body _of fine and strongwhite . ... cotton, front and Doffs of fancy striped 'senates, in blase oto., guaranteed 1.00 fast colors, each. SiIri,'a co'o.cd shirts, stif3 fronts, 2 collars and one pal bf ings, assorted pat terns :n stripes and checks in colors of bine and'lavender, nobby and ser 15 vioable,each-•.•••. -•'-"• ec looked after. Cant elon Brod made the. usual produce shipment to the eastern .market this week ;• hotter i' q•ioted re- tail at 12 : to 13c and eggs at U.: to 10c. An inter eating account of the olden W. D. FAIR 00, Clinton. . "Often the Cheapest—Always the :Best." ����s�!j� j��sNY �1'Y'11-Y'i�Tlri burned the dead leaves and haye "flaw ' erseeds planted which In bine will add beauty to their, front lawns. Mrs Shan - nein, Geo. Rorke and .as. Heine have had their front lawns sodded' and ter- reced:which irirproves the street much. Frank. Hell has all :been very attentive in his and has put in a .large window. in his hon -e' There are miuly otters Idens fine colored shirts, made of fine quality Sooton Zephyes,'neat checks and broken bids in all the popular shades o'' bine and lavender, • very . ; s.' p nobby goods will girl excellent wear, co' ors gnitiranteed fast:. �re7• A Shirt Bargain $1.25 Shirt for 88c We have a special bargain. for shirt buyers this week. One of the kind that don't come very often, es- pecially early in the season. They are the famous: W. 'G, R. make, and vi e strongly recommend them for their color keeping and wearing qualities. " Men's Colored Cambri^ Shirts 'neat stripes on white ground, extra good quality, nobby goods, fast colors, will give expellent wear, gC regular $1,26 qutties, a spoofal bargain et each, . , . , ... , �S 'The New Shirt Waists Our new stock of the ever .popular i shirt Seasonable :• • •foo � � t ear been -kept basylacing intostock new the past few weeks we have err'i''vals of spring slides and we have now without a doubt thelargest and best assortment of • UpAo date Boots' and Shoes to befound in.the .county. ' d. ' increase in our already bigbusiness prompts us to still . Tie stew y p yypp this n ember efforts to•hold.and maintain your confidence.. With thi end in viewvwe have given great" ears in the selection of our Spring Goods. We are sole .agents in Clinton: for the Slater Shoe, Florsheim, "Williams, Kings, Bells, Sovereign and Empress, whose names alone are auarantee of the superiority of our Footwear. • We . buy:. and sell for C'a h and our aim is..constantly towards the marls cif public patronage. send deserve praise; for : improvemWe reason e will not,. pi' o.iie t rredier ;lams t ;,hisspe,tke highly of her Intel- , madP.. some say fl,r a; path)._ r. The school leets and we congratulate her. W. T,. board has its regular monthly meet.fng EATER TO :Burt .ras E'aN•Anz The. , on next Month eventhe The r •itwat- `cont tures heye agreed a 'ln . ,for Mx y rates to be charged.tothe Buf.rio Pan• will be held ofthe. urn of-Revision27 — Ti l held on Morrdxt', Mar 27 h.,. at American ttxp t it ion. the rates for re= , turn ticket •from taietun. during the 8 o'clock pane if your :;.toe is left off Exposition air. 3 days, .$4,70; 15 days, - 30; month, $7,85.' Single fare tickets' will be •:hid deity ,during the Exposition from polite within a radius• ut three hundred miles of Bufi,alo. wit h the fol- lowing limit -se -One to a hundred miles, tw.i day; 101 to 200 miles, 1hree'days;' 201 to 300 miles„ five d lys; 301 miles ane overr eight days. Special excursions 'mav be runfrompoints distant. from Buti:xl ,. 101 mi'es.or less, nt one c.'nt, a rude each ' way. and more than 100 three quarters of a cent. The minimum piece is to be 42, and the lim- its on the tickets areone to 150 miles, go and ret 'Rime day, 151 to 275 mil . es Iwodnys 275 to 400 miles, thi'eeday's. waist is here. We delayed ordering until the last minute in order that we may be sure of hay- ing correct styles. Those shown here to -day are right in every particular, Some of the prettiest waists in plain white and colored mus•= dins that have ever been in the store are in the lot and you can make no mistake buying now when stocks are at their best. Very handsome waists and good values at 60c, 85c, $1.00, $1.50 . Health and eomfort Demand the use a carpet sweeper. It means less dust, eas- ier work and Tess' of it. Economy demands "Bissell" the king of car - peters. It does better work ltWeep and lasts longer than any other make. Use one once and you'll lL use no other.. Two makes, both good. of $2450 and $3050 TUCKERSUITil TQ THE FRONT. — "Pt uf Harcourt ret urned'fr;m Clinton this morning, where he has been in - epee, ing sugar beet p'otb and looking, after the seed distribution:. He located 25 plots, all. on suitable soil..• and re• 'parts the farmers very deeply interest- ed nterest- ed'`in the work. He brought back with him nsample of oats. from the farm of •R & J. Ransford.: • This sample is call- ed the Sensational variety, ant' has shown a test weight of 41'pounds to the bushel. Pt of. Beret urt was very much interested in this variety of oats, as it is a new line for the College. 1t is probable that an experimental pint of' it will be sown at the Ontario Agricul- ture.) College immediately. The Rens - ford firms has ane :of the largest ard. moat up-to-date farms . in Huron. ' and. it will be no cause, for wonder if their modern methods of cultivation should result .inthebringing out of an improv- ed and more profitable variety of grain." .The ai:ove is from the Guelph Mercury of 2nd inet Messrs 11. 84. J. Ransford tell us that the yield last sea- otr—uf--Brese=apeciai—oats-was-1200' bushels of clean grain from 12 acres,. testing 41 pounds to .the bushel In one way this is not to be wondered at in these days, seeing•that the Messrs Ransford are to the front in all they undertake, .and knowing as we do that their land is situated in the. banner township of Tuckersmith. the, voters' het orynn hi:nk yourassese- mentneeds readjuslincrit"ihis is where, to have" the .grievance attended • to. We. understand ~that J. Taylorhasrent- ed his double house:(t• , nierly the Fox - ton property) on Hattie, bury etreet to two Clinton parties. . Along with swims • came a private message that there are to be a number: of .weddings NOTES.—The men. have 'started to wear strew hats ; will the effeminate` men wear shirt waists .this summer P 'The London News says O. B. Koenig, of Clinton, has removed to London having secured a good situation. The ice cream season has opened and the parlors in town are doing a thieving •business, There are a 'number of re- pairs needed' in some of the sidewalks on the•side streets Mrs D. Dickinson wishes her friends to know that she has a handsomely furnished Pension on University Avenue, Toronto, and Will be pleased to have friends call at "Sunniholme." Mr G. A. McKee has di cided not to go to DayMille,Algome, where he intended to s end the sum mer mortheassisting WG.. Doherty, who has charge of the mill ;smallpox is very prevalent up there just. now. New subt,aribers can have the NEW ERA to the end of 10014 for 50 cents ; thit: is big value, for comparison with. othor weeklies show that this pa- per ;far surpasses competitors . for up- to-date clean nnwe. The town water- ing cart started on last Saturday ; it was not before it was required. Some boys have already taken their first swim in the river. A very pretty front lawn is that of W. 0. SeArle's; tulips and other flowers are out in bloom which lend an elegant coloring to the vernal tints of Spring, Part 1 Junior Leaving and Fart 1 Junior Matriculation examinations begins on Tuesday, July 2nd 0.8.15 a.m., Part II Junior Leaving and Senior Leaving or Honor Matriculation on the 4th, at 1,15m., and Part II, Junior Matti- eulatiion on the 8th, at, 8.45 a.m.; the Entrance Will commence on W ednes•t day, June 16th, at 8.45 A.M. There has been a large number of anglers out sauce the trout season began . we have not yet heard of any "fishy" stories. Several gipsy.Waggona . went through the town on Monday, Strtat- t�i�.e. ` } ford,hia ee and t will c are among imus eu *�� l ;� the plae:e>r Which will celebrate the • O'Neil hacerected a miniature struc- ture. in his window, of the new • Meths, - dist church with scrap bees. The town band were well pleased with' the aud- iences which attended the Sherman'•s moving pictures eutertainnientsgiven under: its auspices on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, A. Peterson,after some time•of drilling at H. a Chant's, struck water at 203 feet on Friday week; Mr Chant has given an order lo J. Mil. ler for a windmill• The 01d reliable, Tne Store That Never Disappoints leash and One Price. Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. 4i . r t Mr:TM tet tttatt'ttttet tet tet IMI MITI!Tthetet tet ret tt11t 1tf 11 tet tt tet hetet ter rt to t . t..� F Brothers,- .. 11187:• iRtRR,±y-at4atatl�Wralet _:._, � .� � i^-• •y. lir star▪ •- ✓ NI.' I- OP— leo— illa— ter- r a. - <r rf- fdraw- tt1110-+ E E • ,tk kitirkic*ir r�dr k --•.' • .• • • Artistic Shirts The fancy shirt season is at its height. Men who a few years ago would not dream of wearing anything sbut plain white shirt now wear the fanciest of shirts. What a gchange of ideas, t after all there is nothing like a colored shirt forgeneral purpose wear. This season there are some handsome: de- signs on the market and our stock • represent the choicest goods to be obtain- ed. For $1 we show all the latest patterns of the W. G. & R make which for fit and make cannot be equalled. We have also just passed into stoc • a . eau 1 u range ' • oy8 $O shirts at 75c in sizes from 12 to 14. The very latest and newest designs on the market; boys who appreciate nice goods should see this line• Our great 500 unlaundried white 'shirts still leads the market. en's X7.50 Treed Suits SHI RTS: "I�ul�ul, • We claim that our $7.50 suits .tqual anything offered at $10 00 by other people The reason is simply this. We manufacture all our own goodsand you save the middleman's profit.' On account of being -ih the wholesale clothing business we are enabled to make many purchases of Tweeds direct from the mills thus effecting a big saving. Then again weegive you a cut style and. nape equal to anything costing double the money; shrewd buyers cannot afford to overlook the greatest suit ever offered for the money in this section of the country. acks�n Br esFamous a 9Lthgreop1e. stJ611i II iiWuilllltllllll 11IIr Pi °11161' a a a a ,tr***k iittlikylrfryltYti ****l******Orik **k*tA****• „AA