HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-05-10, Page 7• 'Po CUKOR NNW ERA eg to Notifj Our customers and the, public generally that we shall on Saturday Next May lith, • Commence to sell one of the largest stocks, of Clothing consisting of Men's, Youths' and Boys' Snits, which has this week been bought from the trustees of - the estate of John, Calder & Co., the largest manufac- turers in Canada, who have gone " to liquidation; The goOds-haVe been bought at a very low figure • for spot cash, which will enable us to sell far below any dealer in the county of Huron. (. The first Saturday will be' devoted to the Boys' aTid-Furiiishings. We invite everybody to inspect these good3. CLINTON Bicyclesfor Sale 0 t Having bought out thewhole stook, of bicycles from . T. Cooper, including 14 witeele ;--2 Hartfords, 3"Wolverinee; 2 OTeende (one with coaster breke.) 2 Gendrone, 1 E, & D., 2 E. Z., 2 °resents, ali of which we intend to run of at a low margin le make room frr new wheels. Anyone wanting a good bioyale would save money by buying one •of these ,All kinds of repairs kept mi hand and wheels cleaned or repaired. Work guar - *little& kew tires from le6 to $10. . • • Bleiekemith and machine shop in connection. • We are also prepared to do all kinde of work in horse shoeing, and .general • 'repairing. All the plow points and eepaire kept by 1, Tedford still kept in etook:-- Pointe fer the Tedford plow.. • 4 " Miller -Tedford. • • " Tedford No. 8. • " " Wilkineon No. 7 and 21. " " Fleury No, 13, 12, 10 and 21. • " Sylvester No. 7, • • " Hill's patent. Old No..13. Seeley az Turner 4.;.4100..... Medford's old stand. Ratteubury street, Clinton. ,.t 4 If you Want New. Shoes CILL ON Fret]. T. Jackson, Dealer in all kinds of Footwear. A•sunareal invitation is extended taft'Arynody to Gall and intipect cer roods scd prices Wogisee a very choic4se1ectiou sp,..eied lint!, trash fr:ra the etagere tip•to•Jale in twery respect, Our line of MEN'S SHOESare superior to aever in style, n atott!rialon workmanship. Our lines of LADIESAMISSES" and CHILDREN'S are models of the highest skill in shoe building. SHOES FOR BOYS have received special attention awl our -lines cannot be equalled for durability. ' our termite are atrictiCask. We unman* satisfaction Or your • money back. WITTER and EGGS will be taken as cash, and when the vile of either mettle offered exeeeds theattiount of the purchase, we will pay the difference in cash. • . • Our store is in the Beaver Block, next door to Grigg's Famous Jewellery establishment. Wanted. • ticc4 12'. One t in of batter_ we .kly V e Wive all kn L. ef corn from Orompt etn's ealey waft. We are sole agents fur the oelebratect J any Ivor silo „ pnipuees it has no eon ,l, 'so says. .1 o. McMullin & Sone, tne rg et corn prr,ducers of Canada.. U. E. KING, Wiertuam, .11011r4 OANNING-In bleaforth. April Le, wife of Mr James Canning, a daughter. OuORNR-In i.ippon, April P5, wi`e of Ur W. W, Cooper, a elm. D.A.LTON-In Ifibbert, April 26, wife of Mr JohnDalton, a eon. CUMMINGZ-fri Ooderleh township, Bar- field road, April 10, wife of Mr John Om - rain e a dem Ivor .0IJINTOIX 000,6044 every Thursday afternoon. 11'U Wheat T.h. .4f.."1..17;40Pr0101 11, 109001.4. Gate .. •• Att••••••ttIO 0 roil a 0- 30, Rye 0 40 a 0 45 Barioy ...,, 088 040 • x ** f057 11. 060 10.11TH-•-ln G•Jderlolt, April 10, wife of Mr -Meer'lo Per ewc • •• • • •• 75 2 00 IR. E. Smith. a daughter. Butter, ose 15,16,p'/A" 0 14 a 0 15 Ziunee ' , 0 00 a 8 00 LAIDLAW-In Morrie, Aoill 22, wife of kr Egoper doz *** 0 9 a 020 Laaw, anon. Hay RUSSELL -In East Wawanosh, April n. Sheepskins 0 40 .90 0- 60 wife of Mr Frank Rune% a eon. No, 1 Green trim, hides 0 00 0 00 80.a0 -1n Morrie, APv1122. vidle of My Potatoes. ...... .. . . . 0 25 a 0 25 Wm, Skelton, $ daughter. 34FIA.141till-droYE gilletaoWn. awanosh, April 20,wife' TI :31.1 uhenerifiey' npe gee ri pa perel hrb: b:17:7“.• 0000 O' 070 :44. (C)100 (7121 L1NDSAY-In Myth, April 27, Wife of Tr o faMoro Tr: Ad apurigth tot:: wife 01 Arthur Pork, live . .. .. " 5 05 a 5 05 Att...04, Pork, drooped 7 00 * 7 00 Robb, a daughter. Wood. .o, ., . 2 ....... 25 2 5 e, 2 ILIOHMONV-in Erna, April 21, hort wife of Xi' • ,.. -t: , .. Hugh Richmond, a pen. HALLIDAT-In Branden, Man., Apri120,.to Live Stock Markets, Mr aod Mrs George Halliday, formerly of Brussels, a daughter. • MoCALLUAI-In Grey, April 21, wife of Donald MoCalltun, a eon. TURNER- In Sear. rth, April 20, wife 01 John Turner, a daughter, JOHNSTON-On Me y let, con, 10, Tauber ry,. Mss Rd.Johnston, a daughter, • ILUTCHISON-LOEBER-In Winghamion . A , Mr Jut • chigoe, Dr the Rev. D. Perrie, Mr Thomas Ent- chison to Miss Bertha M. E. Loeser, both of Idorningten Perth Co COATES-SINCLAIR-In Sheshene, April 19, by Rev. Mr Barger, of Shoshoue, Mr 3. 1. Coates. to Alin Fannie 3, Sinclair, alliof Shos- hone, Idaho. formerly of Grey township. N GRI1Ta-PLEET-.A 9.Paure,Fordwich* r Rev. Wm. Lowe,, May let, Wm. Griffith of the township of Howiok to Miss Iva Fleet of the village of Fordwioh. ' IMAD. SLEEVE- In Seaforth, April 26, Mery_Rolll_ dayrwil1e-tMlra r-VR1131ifeth. 'gel 78Yeltza. MOSELT-/n Goderich, April 21," Mary Har- " yrrellot-of-the4ate-Johu--Moselyraiged---80 years. MoNEVIN-In Colborne, Apri121, John Mo - Nevin. aged 73 years BROWN -1n Detroit, April 22, James Brown, formerly of East Wawrinosh, aged 71 leas.. LEVIT'T-In Exeter, 'April 18. Huldah M. Grafton, wife of Mr Wm, Levitt, aged Sayre REID-Ia East Wawanosh, April 20, Evenia relict of the ?attract. Reid, aged 58 years. YOUNG -At Zetland, April 28, Barbara Robinson,reliet of the late James Young, aged 1 78 years. MeRINNON-In Wingliani,.Aprilmi, Donald MoKinnion. of Rinloss, aged 78 yeare. • LAIDLAW-In Morrie, Apri; 25, Mary Black, wife of Mr James. Laidlaw, aged .31 BARE -In Mullett, April SQ,Zolin Alexander. Barr. aged 78 tyears. • FCRE-In Clinton; April 24, gig; pelts Puke, MATH/ ItS-Lln. Morrie 22, . infant al &Os years. AprII -• d of Mr and Mrs Geo. Mather.. • HOWARD In 17Phi bv April 27 wife Of Themes Ht. ward, sister Of Mr johil Govett Estate of Walter Riddell of Clinton. - ' 1)eceased. All persons having clainut against the estate of Walter ttiddell,late of toe village, of Lon. th., trough, in this county of Huron, yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the 7th day of April, 1901, are hereby required cm er beforeSaturdey. the 15 h d -y of J une 1901, to send by Post prepaid,. or eliver to William T. Riddell, Auburn, Ont., and David McGill. Blyth, Ont., thoegeentors of the said tstate, or to the undersigned,their solicitor, Tull particulars of the r claims, duly verified by declaration. After thel5th day of June, 1901. the said ex- ecutors will proceed to dist•ibute-the pre - Geode of the said estate among the parties entitled, having regard only to the claims of which they then have notice. Etated at Clinton, April 30th, 1901. . • • W. BRTDONE. .12olieittir for the extroutore, May 3-3 Clinton; Out_ DR. C. W. THOM PS001 - Physician, Surgeon, Etc. Special attention given to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Throat and hose.. • • °Ince and Residence-- Albert Street, 2 Blockg North sr Mattembary • .The Novelty Bakery and Restmirant We are prepared to supply an your wants in the bakeryline, and we guarantee to give setiefaction in every respect. , We make a epeeialty in Wed- ding Cakee and of icing cakes at a remonable price. Our Restaurant is a place where you will find everything in a first clam restanr- ant. Candle* of allikitide and always fresh. Cigars in the best of bratide. Tobaceoe of &Mande. We will have Ice Cream and Drinks Of all kinds immense the er is au table. MoOlaoherty's Old Stand -knairlmer• McCiay Telephone No, 1. CLINTON. fr • FRED T. JACKSON The People Who Know Will 000061W/4e you if yOtir chillee'of *Wheel thie tietviOn should be 01 Mew gigetyoUgaggIg. The beet to -day ant best fair Years, Our prices;$40 *no IMO are Within teach ot au. .0'44 1"1:ne *early and oft4b.. aRocaltir ii i h W% 014011 141111i310 11011SL Coder t Ilv•ry igoaltm CheapFrtiit HOPPA T -in Stanl• y M -y 6. Janet Mc- Kenzie, rel of tbe late Walt. r -Mfa', .acd, 66 years. PENNINGTON-In Colborne township, May 2, Mrs Thomas .l'en.nineton, treed 43 Na,tra„ • • • OLIN '1'01\T • ar e uranite 179r01:?.,ICS The purchaser of a. monument should haN,e complete crnfidence in the reliability of the fiurn, fr 3m which he buys, for the material and workmanehip is eomsthing very few blayers are familiar with. ' If you do not know us, please in- ' quire about our reliability from those who know us best. We are the only practical men here in our . line. • - • ' ' B. -Hoover,' Proprietor SoRwell Dtike won rho followine Th`rd, Royal Counties Show at Canterbury-, • 1893; Second,' Pletfleitl,, 1894. Highly cora- men,her, T.ondon Show. 1395. Fillies sired by • Seigel! Doukemade 450 guinea. Vatru- a 1 , 850g t ea* ato fit' le; • ' 29.) ta, nese fit, Mr AtrnitlIts • we. A filly a so London, May 6, -"united. States (Attie, 61d; sheep, 7d. LirerF0011 Ma, G. -Canadian cattle, to 6d. Cattle firm; eheep Blow. •• Montreal, May 6. -The receipts et the east end abattoir this morning were 600 heeds of cattle, 80 calves, 50 sweep and 75 lambs; There was a good attendance of buyers and prices were good. Cattle choice sold at 4a0 to 5o per lb;good at 4o to 40 per lb; lower grades at 2o to no per 11); calves sold from 32 to 38 mob Sheep brought 4o to 5o per lb„ Iambs sold from 4o to 5o per Ib. Bogs brought from 6o to 7o -per lb. Toronto. May 7.--Eighty,six loade in to, day including 661 hogs, 153 sheep and lambs; and 128 calves. Export cattle,. obohle, $4 90 to $5.25; export cattle, light, 84.40 to 05; export bulls,ohoide, $3.84 to .14440Lexmort bulis, Iight, $3,25, to 1180. butchers oattle; picked lot, $4 to $4,60; butchers cattle, medium, mixed, $3 60 to -$47101-butchertf-dattle common, $3,15-fii- $8,50; feeders heavy,$4. to $4.75; feeders, light, $3,C0 to $4,30; feeding bulls,113.25 tO 113.75; stockers, $3 10 83.60; stock bulls. 212 to $3 ; milk cows, choice, $45 to $55; milk cows, common, eaoh, $30 to $40. Sheep, ewes, per owt , $4 to $5; sheep, bucks, per cwt., $3, 50 to $4; lambh, epring, each, $2 to $5; lambs, barnyard, per cwt.,.$4.50 to $5.50; lambe, per owt, graft% fed65.50 to $6,25; calves, per heal, 62 to .$8. Hogs.- Singere, 6 7 Bo; fate and lights, 6 3.83 off oars. Trade good for everything; • East Buffalo, N. Y., May 0.-.--Cattle- Generally lower, with 210 loads on sale.. •Choice to. extra export cattle of desirable quality, $5,40 to $5.60; shipping steers, $4 75 to 85.25; ,export bul10,0houie to extra, $4 to 84 50; good to choice butcher stem. $4.60 to $1.80; good to beet fat bulls; 53.25 to 24; feeder bullp, $3 to $3.25 stock; hula. 23 to $3 50;good to choice fat. cowir,83 75 to 84.25; fat heifers', choice to extra, 84.5,1 to .04,75; Canada stook calves, choice tc extra, 314 to .25, ()goad% feeders, good to eatta, 64.25 to $4,40; milkers, cho'oe to • extra, $60 to $55; springers, choice to extra, 848 to $52; calves, choice to eXirs, $5.00 to $5.74.0he p and lambs- 7be rnarketopen d on .the ba.i, f 85.15 to 35.25 for, clipped Jambs; choke to 'extra, $5.10 to $5,15, cheep were about steady at ruoNing prides; choice to 'extra.$4,50to $4 70 ,Bogs opened Op to 100 lower, heavy 8590; Yoe kers,65.80 to 65 tg; pigs, $5,95 to$5. 75; roughe, $5.25 • Ir HE PURE BRED EN1-41.1-1H SHIRE A s.T.ALLION. DESPORD MARQUIS. 16639. English Shire Stud Bok. This splendid teenier' was foaled in 1898 and pn chit ed 1.. his iinporrer • Means Box den a llic.Donnell, front t he Usk Shiro Hone Co., - who used him for two seasons. Bred k)rt W. & J. Thompson. of Baron's Park, Desforci, Leicestershire. Kr eland. He is a beautiful tar. with blaze on face and • four white lrgs, weight 20 o p.'u de. sod is in.strie, action and ert very other tint • tioa spec'men as has ret reached this country. • was sir. 1 by sorwell Duke (14.302), bred' by Lord Verulam, of Ropwell, and his dam being Deaf rd. Puchese of Bridgeport (7047), ftred by Ear flglieszne. • May 101b1 1.901 .4,.***vivisosiowtoow.„4,,e,„ 48r. Co. $•• NEW ILLINERY • .-., aat'sr May is always our big month tor 61111inery and judging from the way it darted this month will be a record breaker, but we are fully prepared to supply all dernande Made upon ue. Our Wag Bolter vieited the ceetree of $ :pillion and attended the summer millinery openings lest week, Where all the latest Hens in millinery were displayed. She bought very largely in all the new Styles in bete, bonnets, sailor% trimmings, Aware, ole,, and with her . large staff of assistants all orders entrusted to her will be trimmed on Shed nogoe and in the very latest etyle. We will be pleased to have you visit our large millinery Elbowroom and view all the new creations in headgear, whet)]. er you rent to bay now or not. Youswill always find something? new 'and up•to date in this do;artment, ft we have made arrangemente to have all the newest otylee ehipped to us as soon so they appear On the Market We pay spot melt for all the goods we buy, which pntsue n a position toitquote prime like these. . 7."...7"7.111kfiggir.4 Ladies',Trimmed'S..nors, regular price 350 for 25c. Ladies'' Trimmed Saikire, in white, black and fancy draw, at 35e, 450,, 50o and 75o. A special line of Ladies' Sailors. in bright Maokinavn white straw, rept.. t.•• Ladileasr, 7H5aet,afttitrr5ini0oplea to order in the leteSi. aty.le, from 62 to.$10, McKinnon az Co., Bi A., • • ?Sea t to CO Inmercial flotel ilt1V Wtvertistintiito. • W.tnk d • • . War te:I intmediately n good getiert 1 servant Appl3 of...6r 5 p,m. to PHILLIPP, Ratttn- bury Street Bull for Service Punt,- Hatfield, 189'4; /first, Hattleld, 18911; sired by•Stpwell Luke, u med De -ford Illaok- I-,II'II. held an unbeaten show etatrd in 1898. 1 Atthe annual Il w hall by the Usk Shire Horse • , .'.,1imited...n Oft. 29, 1900, the Itt prize co f wat i re by Degterd martinis, 14889, titkliig'7.t prim, in els ,s and loo ehammon prize ot sh rat, am was scald f,tr a ar u sum to a IMO& of lour r. . bet on. ,y Mar etb. at no n. he will Proored to oiverbi'l, ith con., qoderich The indtreigoed Iris on' his prernifiee; lot .11:1 h con. 4, 1111 lett. a t .orobred Scotoh 1-horthorn then to v o n Youngp, 4th con. f .r nem; bull,"Teciarntn;t.ust.r5otc wilinsaiehriov.ill he kept for. Her- Wediedsdaly, lie*w ian:otlecdfto J., n Wt. alio Com - May 10-tf ' ADAM WEIR, Millen. ton's for noon, 'lteeno 10 SI u 110,4. Com - morello °Rotel, LIU,' on, far Joni . Thitredat. W "4 AZOCeed Wrth Farm to Rent. o'oug'04, 11,th eon., a derich Tp., for noo ;, 1 Friday, ho will. wocerel to Wm Haack( 'ir thenee to George u....tuolt 'a for itioht • That excellent and desirable stooklartn, hat which maybe used for other purposes, cam prising the north hnlf of lot 22,,fird con., Hul et, contsinhor 160 acres. Possession given er harvest For particulars apply to D. SHAMA. HAN, Hallett. May 10-tf Township of Mullett Court of Revision. Notice4Wherebrgivetcrthatt-thrt metttinFort 4444610111030n-ve . I We have decided to sell until furt4er notice— 28 !WINO Waited raisins $2.60 3 it Si 26 Prunes per lb, .., ti • * • 6 .. take " ... Pigs IfeangAisen, Tea pest )'• $ Agent for' Roister& 1$ das Daisy Balt. • . : • • ‘1, 21 Lair& Our telephone parabola 48, 8 Court for the Revision of the Aesessment Roll d°feethbora oT7Owlishn Satiu9r0dfa ylluyillaeltt.25.witi, a lbe th heeldhaottLOr .017 uore 11,;01.43.4., lOo'elcicka.m ,for the purpose of hearing and settling complaints against the said assessment roll. Persons having business at the Court will please attend at, the said time and place with- out further notice. • mai 30_3 JAMBE! CAMPBELL. • Clerk. Huron Road, or noon; t heure to Tilt's barn, Goderich, for night, and wiltr.rayin all f day Saturd.. , and then r. turn to kideewrod I Pork .where he wiliremain until flu folic Wing MOB slay noon. This route will be continued during the Bea- ton, health and weather permit ting. Terms, 815 to insure. parable January let, 1902. EDWARD a Arrati.L. 1,yrrnx 00N, Proprietor. :41,4 a '‘r" 1111-1333 ankr t Stoc 0. B. KOENIG Will all be moved into our own store • ior 6hr Great Bargain Sale To .Begin Friday Morning at Eight o'clock. Out sholvts aro piled. full of Bargains which we are sure it will be worth your wbik to dome and inspect. We hoe not time this week to] quote prices but invite you to give uriii call. and see foryoursolverwhat tO Offet% Phunsteel Gibbing • / tit • ,11, .• nARLAND BROS.' - Cheap Hardware , Stock of r ware Just received another stock Hardware Graniteware• -• Tinware Nails • • ...Gla'ss Ready mixed Paints Alabasfine Kalsomine . • , Daisy Churns Clothes Wringers TJawn. Mowers Spades Shovels Rakes Hoes, etc. Of . . • All kinds of Fence Wire We buy in large quantities and gi our customers the benefit of it. • Just received 2 carsLaHmtlpind_oxid____:_ Thorold Cement. COI fInd et our prices, Give us a call. A • House • •• • The standard. arca Treiting-fitaillenr- Honduras, No, 81714, Seco d 2 281:- Mondayti wintery. Bayfield. and proceed o Wilson" motel, Brueetield,fer noon; th nee by TenItcks to Commercial Hotel, for night. Tuesday, will proceed to Mason' flotel, for noon; thence to John Redmond's, W. et- field.for night. Weatiesdalt, wi ' iiNceed to Etheritlionobrfro-e D'1110;* /111(11f1, frr night, vad, a's, mac)* r, ior poni; thence When buying iteld meds, you oertainly want the best. No man by looking at 7'12" 22Y' wm P2* • - n"a. tt-n 11' r ="k'r seeds can tell exactly what their crop will be. You Moat rely in a great measure upon nleb?tab' 811.will11,P eaFr11'»; or.°.r, the itanning of the nem from which yon buy., Messrs John A. Bruce & Co. of HIM11. iininn. Hot el. Goderi h. for linen: tut nee tn ton have carried on the badmen of of seedeman for 51 yeers, tvhich in itself is the ampie Chat Coo. tit, -`aytield EA.', for night.Sato • daY, Wilt procaine tnrcuah nayrielo, tO Ai. D. proof of their integrity and fair dealing, West titsitheo'etlioisinuebtl:Balinien,sfog, withal:roe; btaftwpiene For y male tin Alondat a Ohre we have bought field 'undo front this arm and *bay ihvaio proy, We have every confidence in recOniseending it. &woo Gate Post Mammoth Lon Rd Mengel, ill remarkably long, stnesth ming _OUIMETTE Londesboro. (11110A00 NDICATE COMPAA. a sat *dory. OWNaitS. • Brave soy, Vol, 2, No. 2082, Clyde,. dies Stud Book of °shads, Foaled leth June, 1807, will Stand for the IMprevement of stock thig fift- een a folkerne-Mondayi May w 11 IlleY91112 own stable, kit 27. con. 7, Hullett and, proeftd west to G. MeCtirtite Mr noon' bony there south tO Holm. evil 6,, for nig t. 104 Port `Int in ehlre. In the tteft• the lenStM mtements1 farm, Ottatriv.for tho proceed soutli,up Cut Line,to tlas MoDettgol s, season 1899, the ate Post stood lot, predacity yie of thirty lour and en. third iota xerstet Wiljer neep;th n proceed to WIN per Acre. Price per rand 180, Valeitotielt or slight, Wolitniday, _pkideed tome to reed to ROA. Cololotighte, for noon; theette fta Grahams's EV,tel,Olintori, for night Tiotredtty, "nested south,up Lon. Ilrue4 Markt Valk* interthediateldingeL this is anew and dietinet skein don Road, t Appletotillicoat's, fer tooManil, or the Oltermediate Sip% the enormous NW Of the roots, their handsome 'hope, brig). from there torts& Web's, for night, FIl- 00100th. yellow skin, vow tbc seal ot the Meet Iona teeters and mar**. quilt. dor. tiMuieed nortb,nn taa mut Sta cone., lie M. ons of Ib. mos atisithwe virtetues, psioe par pusne, 180, CilelVilt for nftn; sold kora there to his owe. enable, tor night. SattirdaY,Dree ea Beet on Log flea ustegois amino). deo, per pow. Ns pa pond • for nose; then to his urn *titbit., where he 1 lith And 7th oone,, ideas oorftr, thetute atiroes to won, a, and Of to W. R. Foga Ws, ' • willretraittnntil Mo day Morning. SherWin-W1 lenie Pettit, corium the earth, the attpttior quality of Ai* Walk' JA.S. M4X1,14PrOl$0 iltOleit the evirittieo of abildee mad 601oet ina the tithos With whioh it Oat be applied Nakao it Hatio-nitvg.,..0Th6 oem,on.to. ilte mita dietrithht Paint on the ineiket. We 'Aiwa ity olitels you are likely to *anti b lle bad 'arrived and the borgetnan !It need ot such be COUlfilfinght0 "4" Inteteet ter leaylty his' Order sl =toe OtilliETTE Londesboro NOW RAO. alien. A. good choice of .ut,e ; '° Us Whet boat with Tirl2011 . 44 e ...esisuLamea,' - t).