HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-05-10, Page 5� 11 ter follow 'When convenient, but, ,do I � � I . not be later titan 0 -morrow." I' 1. 'CEYLON' AND INDIA TEA 8110 tore It Into small plecem, and t . � . I II hummed a tuno. I . � . " It Is " 0 murmured, "I I .. ­, . ant not =610168 ably longer. I am I , � GREEN OR BLACK?' 91 In to London, It Is true, my I � . � . . . I 44rguncle, but not, to 1j:ePsIngtoll I , - I., ­.: You call play Richelieu to, 11curl and - . I" JUST A WORD OR TWO cousin, If It pleaspa yoa� I won. . �AQREAT SIBERIAN RIVER. ISSUEr.W01919910, ' YEARS A, PRISONEHO I — --'--1 ­ ..-,—,— . . 1 I A Vast ("Ountr'j.. Still Awalting,I)OV01- , I I opillont III Utissla, . I � OAM : A SundrI496 FarMOr 0108elY Tile Amour �at Xhabarof biL, though � I , ouse we were more titan five hundred I 1 . Contined in Hi . s'own H Miles from Ita, mouth, ,was lully a 3C I , . mile Lilt(! 4 half W13 V, 4110. fl(AIVOd III I ­­�I.k I . . . I der "-- One Day A Beauty Doctor ,oat in Itevelilly TAberate(l, 110 11astens to, it strong. full currotiL, whiolt [not .. . from yourr brotlIter pololillats, the Tea Plantero. of Ce�lon and India,. liar face grew softer and more liar .Pink Reception ROOM hoplug Write an Olpois'­114etter, 'Volljoig or we realized for many a day there - you to try their m4olitue-ro . thoughtful. Suddenly' alto laughed 1118 Ye"I'S 0i3Il80eY,1AlId1kls .MIA- after 40 wO M11410 our slow And lied t" and compare ,Tapan with that alto resembled her Lithographs. AVIAloun Release. � , tollsomi) way agalust It. 1.174to Atuour tMulsion. , 111 , , 11 . it TIX4know the oompax%04 will be so odtOU4, that you will wonder why Outright to herself. She went, and Igor Income was. a Do . I � � . - I ycm ovex draAk,JAPAX. I sat down on the couch, where Wol- . liar ovary 4 # Lo'One Of tho fow grtktt(ut rivers ? 11 1, I . 1, . I .. . .1 1. i tonden bad been lying. I . time she took a Full, Breath. She _Sundridgo, .31ay 9--�49P201a0­4 Of tile world, Ili logth It Is .(-(IUUI- of Cod Liver Oil is the means � . 1. �. I � � .I I I � L, L I ­­ �. .. . I., I A case or prolonged torture ha8 just W by no river lit Xurope, and sur - (I � I . . — "It would have basil simpler," alto got It by selling Freo.kie Food and come to, light in 3itrulig towlifillip, a passed only by the yalig-tso-Xiang of life, and en*oyment of life tio � I 11 j;ealed. land Said to herself. "How 11 � . ) - � � ie are sold I Ice A man it Preparation for ,getting rid of few julleu from here, orld Yenisei lit Asia., by the ,Nile and n and sp to think of such a daring thing I 1 thousands: men wome . . pookets, onlyp never in b#11k. . Afoles. called Al9line. liar Itot Spa- rt seems hard that ail holiest man C0.1jgo In Africa, and by tile Amu. . . wlsh�l almost, wish—I had consent. 01alty was to Calblmln6 tile Has- should.,be kept a prisoner Willa own zoll -Ilcenzle Ili Anterica, Children. "SALAD"A" "'on , and Alat, � Blac1c, rjjXed or Uncolored Ceylon ad. What a dellghtful sensation It Beens and feed them a little, Uln- holde tot, over foar years, ana yel; though It We reckon the Ahsialasippl: When appetite fails, it re- ,, � _ ­ ---would have .M4dQ,"'�OCCIlf�-WilL-1&Ugl�'-gorL just' What bapponed' to, All'. 'and Allnuourl as one rIvor,i It is long. I . � emu. -bamples an xp'pjjcatloa� Address- 40. SALAPAY" -Toreato. , .mAk-oand, - them Into'the Arena -that IF)" . , I — when, �I tell liar of:thIs., To bar I looking like Vassar Girls, unless tile Win. Doey, of* lot 19 coliceission 131 er, Mialit . ally of tll(,nl, except tile I - — I 11 I I I have alway -it . -.When food is ­a .1 - .. . . ­ � - ­; I sores it - I ��- 8 seemed ambitious,. and .Ualn happened to wasill. It -off. It towiliship Of Strong. 'His fit And Nile. Its water Is somewhat muddy b I �, L -ft - I . 11 . � I .- . ambitions only . and now, I not . mily I .,ur did- take . her long to put au , at Vladivostok, but nothing, like the W � I . , frie-nicla all tried W secure 111� release, .den, it lifts the burden. � 1. I have round out that I have a heart, an Nyo-Brow, and kthe but. lat vain. � I I en you -lose flesh,it brings I I I 11 0,41Y to give It away. Helaall, I consistency of the Allosissippi at St. . . I could providid A Blush for those who "For fuitr yaar� I suffered e%cru" I Louth. It cannot be oald; to be "both 11� . There was a knock at the door, ha,d. beeb going to (lard Parties so elating tortUre, during whioli time I . the p umpness of health. I I A servant 'entered. food p6nd drink.." Au. wo mucend Its i � . � ,( long that they lia,d forgotten how was scarcely a,n hour. free ,from pain, , W en work is. hard and . � ,� A PLOT FOR EMPIRL ka" Miss Merton would be glad to to Blush, When she got - after ' a " The trouble oommenqed In In swift current It. constantly grows . Ow It you could spare liar a mo I y ' clearer, until a thomoalid miles. far- . - . . �.11- , - � . ment before you left, M Wild Hair the Hair simplY threw b.'tQk, Where It often remained sta- ther lip, it is about the, .color duty is' heavy, it makes life . L . . I I'll -1 , , Jas,o thema; up both Hands and quit. In a little for months, and so Intense '01 bri I- t. ---....A— ­62.�— � . I . n . . white wine, antl Is sweet and whole- n . " + � . - . � . Folder entitled "HOW to Pool Every- ='Pain that I wuld 'tot It() LiO�Vll soma to the taste. I � . � Helena glanced at tile clock, . . t is the thin edge of the , �, � A " . 1 44 1 body except those who live Lit the to take rest, but. Ijjtd to sit itligi'li Ito shoros are still In their virgin Ii� A THRILLING STORY Of CONTINENTAL CONSPIRACY AGAINST BRITAIN. . . . ain going; very shortly," alto � Sjil�t& Hodue,,, alto bad proved that and day In -a. chair. - The pain would I greeiiery. For hundreds of milbs at wedge; the thick end is*.foodi. '"' '. I I . %, � . . . said #* "ohe had better come in now.,, there was no, reason why a Girl,of then remove to other'parts of my 14 . . 4 �, . Tbo man withdrew, but returned 60 should not look, like 19 if alto body, and when in Itty knees, I IV' time one sees. not it, cultivated j3ut What is the use of 'food, " � , , � , - I - - - - - - - - - . � I , - ... almost Immedia.tely ushering In Miss ,put on enough Siliellac, . ant] kept out unable to ,Walk, and 'confined a " I field, though doubticoa some such J I 11 - - - ----- ;____I_ .. . . Merton. For the first time 11oletia of tile Light. I I .. . � - I con- . tilled land liesi back from tile river When you -hate it, and can't di, ' . �,-�. . 1, "I hate .letting you go," he said.. the -bill rd-room'atADejjngham� Hall -noticed W r tt . . stantly to my room. ' and out of eight. Oro -lylles crest it? - . . . . 1 ,�.. la . , ho p el T the girl , was. ,tor had seen, ma " a waso treated for rile - by . � �, : . . . I I I � The .19eauty Doe . Uy untatIsm. .at wood . �­ - r. "I hate 411 thig; mystery. When one Opened-' Her trim, dainty ttle figure Was a Derelict float in for a uew Coat several doctors, ki.nd also trield jually� for t4o uho of- the frequent ,,river 0 , . � : ��.. . - ­ .11 "' -1 don't exactly remember," lie fal­ shown, off- to its. utmost advantage , s.toamor$ are the,, most common , bb� - Scott's Exnulgion *of -Cod -, - ", - ' I I I of- Atlilor Plate, - but tfic Nobo�ly' -meiftineo- wit - I . .1 . .1, � tered. f'Perhaps I was mistaken. Time " comen to think of It, -I do n ,a I hout vo'celvIlig- ail R .. I , by the neat tailor gown site... wits Darling that wafted In this Day es- belief it. Almost In despair, I feare(YI je(,'tFl that 9bOW tho hand of man, but Live'r Oil is thefood that, Makes. . �, � r know your name I It Is ridiculous I goes so QuIckly I" - . wearing, and there waa ' a bright I ova�i thene are often In desperately . � I I . . �, ��, - Why cannot, I take you to London. tablialled a Record. abo'was some-. I"would never ,again, e.�pprienao the "I wonder," the'Admiral said-, mak, 91OW of color In her checks. Helene, otiltl-v. 'Tli&t is. If she ple I. lonely spots, so that One can 7 you forge.t your stomach. . � . 11 briskly . thing like F, of being free frolu',palri. scarcall . . I I stepping � -a I . . 77 find we can be married to -morrow. Ing 4 ,ca'n�on and who - had no liking for. liar uncle's A i;pooe, it did' not "aturillort ttme ago my attention ,bolleve that they were ever visited r It You have not tried t. send, for lk Then I should have the right to pro.. round the table, "how It goes At all typewriter, and Who had scarcely carried ,Any . d , res earn ple. Its sarseable taste Will . ., � tWt you 'against this black- ard." * show In her race or Feet. And oils was. directed t6, wour) remarkable by liuman bolngo. And yet all till$ vii Ise I . . I ,. I U witli-yott young men who do nothing, yet spoken to her, remained stand. I ... She laughed sortly. Her ' wouldn!t have toTli under the cures of Rlieulantisfil by* Dodd's Kid- Immense river basin of il.aj f a million. r?Cr0TT'&"-l3CYW-N2. Chemists. " 11pa,were , I I " �: . Great. migtAke to have no. profession, , Willting. to .hear what: she had Wine. ­ She -had a Bird'a-Eye Alaple -1,.ay P1119. rccord,)d I'll. til�,'Pi'ablIo prlut,4, equareirilleEr is apparently lortile and '. Tor6nto. ' �1,1�1. parted In dainty curves and ',hei eyes Wolf I I w1sh, I could make you see It." Ing gay. .. . ,, . . � . I I . I 50c, and $ 1.00, all druaglstea­ - -- .: I ,,,,, w0re lit with merriment.-, 44 . . . Complexion and wore one of , those I procured it bux, and s<)on found tilat IlAbltabto, and, witen we saw it, was ,. I . ,.: "I ­ 1.qulte agreev�jtfi yoq,11 W61fenden " I *ahted to see Mr. Sabin," she Gowns that' OU ,get by measuring they Were dolng ma good. I continubd, .glowing In rich and brilliamt verdure, .=M. ... �' I .L . '#How delightful you aTe,11 she -ex- -1 I ---­ - ­.­­,­­­­— L I I � � , � sa. --�Ty6k-aust not lookrup6w-mo- as -began - -fd-C&----- -­-,-­t0T ... In'e- -Wilon-'11-a' "-'---- -- - I- --L y � . _ , . I . L an you . - ---- 18­6nd� .- � ". '. I I . . e h a String wffd 6 i- -10 t fery soon I W . , , A-WM14, -V AIMIP, &-* L 'I , d. 1117 - aimed. " And to think. that the wo- - yotirse f It n L g I �-Aurel-.V-*--tllu-vor)4-tff-uot.---,Yet-, oTar- . . . . --, � I ' . . L r . . - �,L�'� quite an'Idler, though., .I am a full- will' 6 back?'-�, ' . Two Dollars. Slie'lu'W' about-'" much I entirel free, from I)a4n, . 4 . peopled white such a. lordly domain njor - . . men of my country call you English. ; , 40 � y JL L . a to a Wisconsin farmer who- �� , Men slow wooers!" . fledged barrister, you know, although "He has gone to'. I ndon,11 Helene Contour as the Letter I. Without - " � have contIn led so. for -over 'six is waiting for the plough a,ud ,the . ' ,� . "Won't you prove the co I do not'practise, and I ha.ve'ser1011s. replied. "-410 will not be .returning saying anything in 'able (lose what ' greit'Majokity'of the , � '. L , , �� thoughts of Parliament," ' horb at afi.,, . I L I Disparagement inolithsi, being tile to attend to my I-eaper.-�-Harper's Weekly. .- (L . ' . - L ,. he begged. I The Admiral .shook his bead. . . of bier Private ,Character, Dr. denying (I , duties oil* farm, and feeling . . .. . . -I---- . . I . people Will do In a few yeirm When . I I -The girl's surprise was evidently .that � been k14d toiler ,!"b"11111for tmy' kind of L work... � . I 11;� . She shook bar head. . "Poor e rear genul . ne., .. she"may havi , ' lie has an�q,hlrig,'to sell he places a. , . L 'itreer, my boy, poor .c� . . I - clatiQns,L it may -be adde'd,'JtljAt��jleL " I verily believe this 0111 . . I I � �, "It Is already proved. But if you ntleMan,fi L _ I . R tngei thu SOZODONT Tooth. Powder 2:50 ,. are Sure for a ge son. Take my it& ' But he said nothing a I . I . . small "ad"' In the local newspaper and . .. �� I ,you feel well bOut It 4 -resembled ' a Dally Ilint* from j -ho., remarkable cure,, has been affected . . I I . please go now. I wa.nt to catch -ep out � of Parlictment, I am g6'k, I I , walk, vice and ke . . few hours a she exclalmed. " You: . . VIL I L' . . soon.banxii from the dealers. When he 't' -'.L. ' the aftern going to pot the red.- I don't'like the Short Timber, '� '. . by iho use of Dodd'B' Kidney PIJIB' L� eWs of altusslan Woman. wan 9 o L ,. Don traln to London." . .. . . . are lit: his confidence, I! know. This' --I saw your Card lit tile Bee-ICeep- and I think it- my duty'to make this I . I L t I - bfiy a horse, cow or anyw I �1- He held out his halide and tried red ball,,Wolf.Ll It -keeps looking At me morning he gave me soinet4ing to laoided to stittement public, fo;F the benefit' Of RUOS1411 .I L ,thing else he I � once more to draw her to him. . But like-7-like'that , Man. Ab !" . . do.. - I was to got Air, BlatherwidIc erar Bazaar, - and I have d 'a afflicted as I . . - Mine. Friedland,. the ec- I . . L - spends hal L f a.dollar for �.. . � - . I I ,. Xle flung his cue with a: rattle back In for 4 few Repairs," said the I .a nvom was.� .turor,, w.ho littio. been ..appearing ,be:- newspaper spa;oe, and P varybody in. � . �� :., Ishe stepped backwards laughing, upon away from the Ha.11, alld keep him Visitor., - "If YOU Dan build me 'Out, Thiso is tile statement which Mr. forii womon's olu'b§ lately, says, that * . ­ ': ��, � the floor ofthilald wood, And started * . the neighborhood who. wants to .sell I I ��­ � "You must please be patienVI she . L . with me , as long an I could� Yon w1th -de ' Am: can women aie not , so . inuch .1 ,. , back' ... . . . a Set of Curves the sai as'l , Doey makes over Ills own signature,. I . Or' . I I I �., , said, " and romezuber' that to -day, I . ­ . . do not � know . Mr. Blatherwick.? see. .in the * Cigarette Pietares and -, . -as tannot he ,iruce L L' .. . � , . more adv, ,d than those of'Russia. 0 a a $I . and ,o ,jp being* struck -by oalhY on lilm or writ i to him. " Th . � ' ;� I ,I, am betrothed to somebody -else 1 Good- Look, Wolf I", he cried. "He's grin- Then .Von cannot * sympathize ivith . eauise my Hair to Bush out and Hang- Its sincetIty. Everyone In t1lis neigh- . "Every time I I open il�n American newspaper , a . w I �L- * " njng lit met, Come here, boy I Tell me M6. 'Since. 10, o'clock I -have been to tile Belt.Li-ne the same astit used. boirIfood knows thaf Mr. Doey was a labbe, as . �,� bye V, . qew�apapet,"� she said .recently, -I , & advertla went 8avas time - " , , , " ­ - been trlooked? He- h ill L t I . . � nd many of .our, adviar. ' L. CHAPTER XXXIII. � , ,the truth I Have I as with him. At last - I. oould'keep I ,D WIje,n wap a GiQddef�s of Liberty, cripple for ybaro,:and his nifraculous pra,y for Patience before I read the I .. . . . I .. � I no Alonger.: Se. has gone back to on .1 HaywWagon .In tho,firalt Grant r6stoiation to heath has orbated a Articles on Russia. Tbey.have killed -tloer I4Las.*IearnedL ,. . . , � . told me that' be w ' Mr. C., Land I . I1'ee` - Mr. Sabin Triumphs. gave him everything! Look at bis (49P,ift . 1 , . L , . , I a �Ha-1j­.1-1-, -� give , L L ' . . t46 Czar.,Jn every'posslble and im- IL . I 1, p 11 I .� , , - gmat'deal'of . � I—. � � . .. ­ ". how It changes I lie isn't like. C; now! . 4 ' . .Canipaign, and I) ' jo ,some pet . talk in and around Sund- ­ - - " "' - - , -L' ' I - . .:, L I , , . Woltendial. for perhaps the first I Mr. -S4.blu'wlll probably write to I -o" .possiblk4 way.;- T9iejy­Ija;v1a­poIodned To Cure a Cold In O" Day. 11; He Is like-wIld Is It he to like? , C's. , fumed' Lr)ogb " thlit *III * regtore a ..rj_f* -;-�M0ad"9LK1Aziey-PlIls'aro- having . , .. , C- . ---I- �F­--­' L h ID'. Made 111. I L So. 8-1 j--- ' -r ' L f�'. time Ili his life, chose the Inland 'road face, .19"not-so-pale as. thatj and --he ,��41 -' aelone . said.. J!-Thlo --bou. I ahes, 'and , .1 I In die of bad air in the Takeo Lozative Dromo Quinine, Tablets.' At, .- . .Pedr, ream omp eiro, Oil or a veryr large sale tiers. I � L . - [tit ­61fid does not limp, I 0eem to'rembinber . . 1. Crimea, Where people, are. -seat for A drug to refund the -money it It fails to cure, *4�­_ . home. He Was still feeling fa, . . taked for. � �it,nothar fortnight, ano.,j before Mdy lot, I *will do, the Geller- I L . I . I . I . . . . . 0 . .. giddy. and the fresh air only parti- blin, too! Can't'. you fielp me ? 'Can't . YOU.. 0411, of course, remain. here If oils 'Phing b,v you and pay In up t . . .. salubrious clintito; liave fbopened ,a, L16c. V W. Gr ve'a signature is on caeb, be,3�. . . L .L . IL C I . .. -0 , , T.wo* Baby Republics.. . . . . ... . . !, - qlly revived him.,Re walked slowly, bee. him; boy ?11 . . . . YOU CIIoQse­ YbUL wil ertitinly hear Soven Dollapa.11 . I .. � I I . 1. . dozen times,the .wound, Ile- recelved. %! ­. 1 . . .�.. ... . . � and rested more than once. It took you bebn - mdv1 . ng troill-lifin% within, 'the next day or What is th6smallest,repabile'in the �jq. Japan ten Year& ap ; and haVe I . . PA; Re had ' -backwards . I The Devuty�'Dootor 6aldbin too - � A F'rieud lit. Need..�. � . � . T11111". him almost half an hour to reach tile tW6""�, . . . .. I . lc�:the wo�ltl ? Andorra, olle reader way pay; ca.*Ile,rj, him,an 6pileptio, and wondered ,. ,, ' I ­ . . . slowly. He was leaning -now agairlst . I . :.1 - *Count but this was one of the Tintes,. . I . I . � '. . � �p - croes roads. Here he sat on a 6t'Io the wall, his ,face *blanched and per- - Miss Merton .shrugged her about- "Ary PrIvato' . Secretary will.. - take, gall MiLtInO 4.XlOthar. ]Both Would be L If..li6 weic-not an ldi6t.11 " i � * I So Birdie Flyppe. marrlett a lame L . . � . ­ . . . - . - , :., . I .1 . .. . . MA a .1 a,st thing. I wduld I -� --- : I 1..� for a few minutes, until he began to fectly.bloodleaff, 1118.6yes'wild and Ills Oars. -L I. .. . I . , cliargg of .your case,11'she saRl -faint- ,wrong.' These are, 'Indeed, the small- . . L h ! � It Is t1l a L L . . I feel himself again. Just aiI. he was , I 'Well, I I Zalall . titke I L holida' ." S116' ly�, anql then .. te.r . . 'current L I L . I over. have expected b r to do.." . .. I . �� V pupils dilated. WQIfenden lald Ills cue �' 1 .7 she went,into aubtl set republics; meAtioned In L . silt ivaalt caso, of gratitude, -1 bla­ I ' 1. - ' , declared; . it .. . ,yelopedias and -. - - . . . . . W, preparing to rmume his walk, lie Was d6yvri and ea�me'.Over..to hie side'. .. . .1 . ApartIOKV and lay down..* * enc gazatteers­� CATH B :toge_ ' L L I've finished .' typing All . ,RH -,CANNOT �E CUREP Rave; Tilley .were Wpwrlecked .1 L L .1 . I I aware of a carrIage being driven rap- ,,No, Copy. I 'had, Hav�?Vt You, drop.. ., I .. I �1` .1 canit.00ee htrrr-fathere�-ho . the '171!o'Privit-'tia:.S�ecret�,iy. wita the Strangely enough both Goust, lti' .. 1. IL .1 L I . I L ,.. 9 � i idly towards him, along the private sal&gently. "I think It must be failc�y; pet] 'sometaillig thdre T' . : .* Litat 11"ort.:H;e h4d no.conscience. the,'Lovrer Pyrenees, -and,. Tavolara, :APPLICATIONS, as they can- theri a�nd by uoing his cork le� as &,:� � � . I road from Deringham Hall. ­ . . V L . ",,ill, -LOCAL fe'. preserver Ile managed' to hare'' , � . I an t r1kch the seat of,the disease. Catarrhjs a 11 . ',�� , you have 'been working t6o hard." 7. She St06p.ed suddenly forward, and or fwo-peasono'be, had bee'n a Cloak � lolaiid 'a; tow mlle§ northeast of blood or constItutiondl d1hoase, and In order I o thein both."-Chleago. Tribune .. . . . L L ,,� I He stood quite still and watched It. "You are blind. boy, blind " the Ad. -PICkcd UP, it lockot from the- floor..' Sa.lewman. "Surely Vod I . iavij',n,5t" Sa,rdl,uia� have been 6verlooked .,b,y ' � . I.. . ,. % . I I �� The roads were heavy after Much . L' . . curelt you must. take internal rcmedie& Hall -'s . I . I . m1ral mutter Was It saw �,." Is this yours 7" slid tot,- 1.rTeatL coins r al authorltleo; Both, Catarrh Cure Is t k � I ... � � .. ­ I I I . I ' �:�, . ..".'' 1*X ,ed..,'!Where . I asked. Iii-ke mpni," tleLottld, smiling .our .geLvgraphIN Is a 4a Internally, and aots di. - Catarrhdzone Cures 'Asthiria.' �� , � .­-'�. " ' . . .. � -Ile . .. I raln., and the mud was IsaptiXg tip In- 'it 1�1*117 "-__ ' - % - - . at tllo Q&lIer;,.­kQ11 have Lt* IM6 republic% "Goust the smaller in reptly brf the b1dodan(l mucous nurfaeeA.H*II'aL I I . � . . . . . . . him last ? Thete were sands�and a 'L � L . I L.. I I . Shape I ' ; Catarrh Cute lonot a quack medichib.- It was 1. . . . . . . . . ,. . L I . , . � . . . . .. L I , : L to the sumlline from the flying burnim , sun-hiB shot.wen . t -,.wide, but . S116 held 'tile L locket t.jkIl.tiY- in ­rIer that they aid raving about in 1.5aree .area; o0c.up,ying� baiel y Ono Mile. : of ,. . . . . . 1 . . .'', 1. � , . * , . �.�, � wheels. bespattering the c*rriage, 51 1 car-- )land.' Her ad . riveted upon title Spring; rifid wo COUI(IL. Il'ot _ Im * -� territ o*ry, I . while Tavolara 19 about - prescribed by one of,the.best physicians in this , '' . � Cot I eAtial costumes. ..r'. I L I .1 , .14 . :.. I.. � , , ­ J the man., ,who 1. atme low,'aatO I lilt h1m,' He eyps $coin . t . doiIntry for years and is a regular prescription. �i.,. , - and reaclung even ried himself breLvely, He was an Arta- It.. it Was 'very sniqll and fashion.' Prove your Generitj Tint -no matter ,'fLv'o mile& long by five-eigh ]is of a Itiscoinp000d oUlie best tonics known coin- .Hustban(]-1 wonder what wo-shall'' ..*., . I sat upon the box. The horses tocrat, and,hei never forgot It, but ad of plain gold, wlth a coronet. mile -wIde. But Gouat. ha,s about 150 binedwithilto bestblood piII-0 era.. acting di- I - . . .1 I ... .: . L... and )low mamy Coati we used. The,quIet I elyLr wear, kq Heaven. . . I >0, - perfe L . � �� L Aliss Merton I ct �Ife,-IN'ell, ... - I . had broken into , a gallop, I Elegance your Inhabitante. Tavol%ra haB*l combination of the two ingredlenta is What . ... vrhy does he call himself. .Ali. (, ?. letter on' the fa*eia.* � ook. L and 'unobtrugIvi, of L mr reetly on the mucous surtaoes. The lf:jou�jetL therej- John, L the dr1yer was leaning forward, -whip What ha:s,.h, W I at it In- amaZeniont. . L _ , , .1 . (jet-Tjp,'c6mb1iIed wIth what -,Nature Vor ovar.two -centuries and a. half -wonderfid'results in.eurtfig I imagin,& most. -of us will Wear wir-! , I - my work ?", e( , . produces' s0chL :� I in hand. Ile knew at once whose car� Wolfenden qlioked, doWn a lurn'p lit . "':Wily,, this 'to � - ha.b so g6ne' OatL 'to Goust. bad elected *a- President everyL . catarrh. Send for testimoiAials, free. L . L ised 'Io6ksw-7-Ma�y .SmbLrt Set. , " -,. % � : 4 ­::.. ,gL, n d WDI belongs' 'to W63r� . rously: prtreelled. v6D L pr 1� , L - ­ , LC r �' -L ­ . I . a a to surmise what L6r tendon, I � lie exclaimed. you, -makes, It'ti 6ces . v--- to. tit- .a Years, and Its Ifidependeheb"ham L: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Pro . � . I - I I . . . riage It.Vao; it was the little brough- . � L . I . ". am which Air. Sabin had brought down tile VIroat. He b a , nn Sax. .. 1, .. I . . p4, Toileao; Ont . . .. . .. . ' ,'.-� I " . had happened..' . I . . I L L I . negne L -4 been recognized by both"Fratee and 'fits. price 75c '' ". Minardle. Liniment oure§ Dlphtherlai­ . . . ,.. IN I L I L looked at her In col& L tenUpt any Itoxationa. All that,you . . .'L 8o)d*b3r dritzi I . ­ I . �L, �,, from London. He had been up to the - "L&t. u . . .. . 0014� . � retain Intact, -�ur. ftitln.. -Tavolara did not bee � a '. I , .. I . ­ I . '. . . . L � . -. L: �', a go Into, the other room," "khie. . L. ,-. . . need to do to, to y . I .11all's Fam. ly Pills are* tho. beet., - - - . . . . i I . . . .. L , , I L � � . $ L, . *,�Ije .r ategor . . — � _ .. , " � hall, then I Wolfenden's face grew -said, gently,.'"It is too " lt '10 Yer poeslblt-," ,�id. L* , present. . C. y- of. Superlative republic ubtfl- recently� the. . . , : ." � I... fatheri", Ile.L In W. I There Is a vast. hiatus ofttime"s be I . I . � , i . .1 a - ", . stern. He stood well out in the middle. cold for billia 11 I : 'i*Ho was here a- short -ti 1 D- , '. Charms. This you 'onn: Manag . she nit It,' Right. . . . + N rds.1 � . wby a- abs,oluto dominion of,,the island was I . . . � tween, laughter and mIrth. . , �, of the road. The horsea would L have to . rile. ag, . ' OIL_ A little .girl who lives In Crafton . . I - . 1. I L I L . � 1. � I - hold out his 'arm. Ila AIjaS. Merton clenched tile locket . I I Y The4dintral ca�reftil'rerusdl. of our Book, "How to conceded bf. Charles. Albert, King I . .,.. -1. L - . . . . . L L . �1� - bi? chocked a little at the sharp turn seented.suddenly -weak and '61d. Him Lin her hand; Stay Pretty.' It comea�to Teri Ducks." Sardinia,. to t1jo Bartoleoill ffl,rfilj�y" racelve.d an. invitation� to. a paity . I r - ". I .1 . � I tte . . as. though site, reared. . - -1 - beforp him. They would probably shy eyes were dull and lie. was.. ran , r- � for ' .. . . ; So tlio,m( wk haq the Vol -m whose� head becaltio' King P&al 1. WhIch­a' frieyid wa�s abou't to .jr! vo .. ­ - . . HE; safety. - .. . . , )ultin'�. Ila . . . . kLij . .. a little, seeing him stand there In the Ing to himself. Wolfendeh led *him gen. I In ­ hat to Eat." T�lte Ilivitatio j.'�L �, 11 Here - this. -room V, ume, wrappdd illi. awl ,.- want away He was'likeWise Pnul the last, for. says "W L . L L centre of the road.; be Would be able tickled, for Shp knew that she was a oil Ills death, In' 1882; he , reqnested Itad been written by,,^the small licai* � .. I I L ., �: tly from' the robilt - and upstaArs to l4 Certainlyl j He ' Ir tird f Paxadise....' � that Ills. title sliq'jild bn burled , . a %V I � �!.` . to bring them to a standstill. - So lie Ills .own apartment. There -he .made S , . called .to see A . ohippery 10 L I j�itll ess. After aurveying tile u6t ' ' Ith I . TO - I ,'�... remained there mo,tionlesii. Nearer a . . abln and remained for some. time 1, I Moral -Tho. Only Oneiq,'� who need lilm -amd. that the kingdom be turned delight for a few minutes, the reclpw . I I I,'- n excuse for- jeavin1j, hire. for. a. MO.: Miss Merton 'w,tis * . . .. � .T ,.. and nearer they came. Wolfenden. a little., paleni Lpate . �. - , ,. . L '�! . set� Ment, and hurried down into the 11b, She ;ild hot.lbok quite so Pretty now. hing are Thqoo� who think they Into .a republic, A constitution was -lent said: .:.-. 1. -, , � . .'' I Lot I L . - . 11��.�. hie teeth hard, and forgot his dizzi- rary. Mr. Blaillerwick.wag writing L "Did you 8�e him V1 she -asked. ' need It. , ; � . .1, ftecordhiglk drawn up, and unde'r'.1ts - Zpapa, -r �w lider Ifolt is a. btrtll- Tht Fan-fliflown . , . . I . . . I- 1- Dees. there alone. . . . I . .. I . . � terms a PreOld6it,.wlih. a Co . . - , . . . -.eyebrows.. . . - L' ' . - . Unell'of. 4y parrty-.Fil � I '', Ion, . ,� . I . � . , They were almost upon, him now. TD -'* "Blatheiwick;'l . Wbifendeft dXchillii- - . Helene raised liar 1. . , L AN -INDIAN COUP L" � , m.e see. .f1jej, in'' j ' " ­ I X I ;­ r I scarc�jy understand.11--ahe, said, L ,TS"1P..% six,. Is elected � every 'six years,. UJIL. ...�"Letl ;' V1 I)Ctloll." . . . ". . his surprise the driver Was Making no ad. "What ha�s -Vappened this' morn- ( " . .. a L 'L . . . .1 . . . 1. . � ­ . '. - fel DNA " ' � , ,, . twhat business It.. Is' *Ince - ­ .. — , , . . . M. a it,dul'i :malb or nrllp� casting a �kfter. rC. brief: Inspection,. he sald.i . . . � � . I I � .. effort to check his galloping horses. It Ing? Who has 'been here?!',. . . . of yours. IS . Illg P,yels Klas Tasted Lil . �e . ppffalo brillot; No. salary' Is paid elther. to . "Yos, It m4uat be a. birthday. tit . ­ .. . I . . seemed Impossible that they could ' Xoft- ask me, however,- I have no ob .L.. .. L . . . . 1. . ,,� .. I I . . � .-,. -0 - . Mr. Blatherwick blushed, scarlet. jeotion to telling yoif-fliat I dift see .' - * ,Taltow,, I . % . . the President or the membere of _Ills begifig, "You.r pkesents�,Is' desired.,11 .: � - . BUM10, Mau Ifit. '­ , . . L . round that narrow, corner at the pace "Allas Merton, called, and .a gall- _ . . . . .. . . - . . . .. I � . . IL . I .. . . .... � -, .- I I L 11. ' , . � . they were L going. A froth of. white tlemaji with her,'. from ' L the Home 01- .uortl Wolfenden..� H6..remalb�d sOM6 - "We'd jbpon, there an" hotr', I r,c-�. Conilclli � .. . I . I . . .L . . . .. 1. . . - I - — . I L . to - Ist, 1001. I ..'... lio,�e." , , L, - I . .. I , . I . N YOU GOING AW10,ST7L .' . I . Nov . 'L , .!, . ti)no here.. .with .me 'aft'el! .Mr., Sabin 'kon, whah 'Big Eyei she got up an. 4 . ,. AR . I I . . .. I . I foam was on their bits, and their eyes floe, I b -b -be .. ... . No Bironolital Attacks'. Sinf-e, the. Vae , I . ' L . ' z , "'. . t. � -,Who �lct hl', Into - * left.'? 'L .. ... , . . ! I . . Come over *to Whet, .1 .was sittin', .L . .. I .. . . . If so, send a letter'or�postal card , Tito. Grand Trunk Is the Dfireat and . V were bloodsho They were almost�.. in the,. library ?" IlPierliaps,11' Miss Merton suggested,' 'beside the dhief, tun' sh,'sto,od.therie, , -. ,t4.th,e signiid; ansWaking the. Popular ItOut0k from all Point$ to But- - , . L � ,, .) upon Wolfenden before he reallsed Wolfenden asked, atenily. ­ L . . of Catarrho I zone. '! �, under . . � . .. L I . . .. . . I . 11 � r� with acidity, "that Was L.Why; f. was� r1g:,ht in fjogit * OL"*. mo,'goln, up ail' Mrcp William.Poil I following questions: � falo., . I I I .1 I. L L .L what was happening. They made no Mr. Blatherwick finga;ed 'his collar . . I . Ock, of Blythi,*Ont., I . . ' .. . ' .. . ��. ,. . , � " . I sent. out.of the wily"' - -w.ni lobkin' at, fua� all, I -I ' .:Elegant and Zuperior Service. . . . I I . attempt 'to turn the corner which li� as tile � do ookin down says�, cliivefl 'Cat' Where.sie you jgolrig� ' . i- i " ug,h linjound A too tight for L . I OWL re arihozonel and. ' I n.L . L , , � ,* was - L Helene looked at ]ter through lialf- - ,wha,t have Used it for � six 'weeka �a;nd'nm . W/111811 a= , . Parlor, Pullman and Wing Cara o. * . . , , guarding, but flashed straight. him. and appeared g(wridrally I to, tIW ground, I didn't.kil you going ? I . . I .1 I - I., - . . . .. . 'uncom' closed eyes.' . ... .. ­­-­. . I . -tle Bear h sign- -Wheane* do you otdrt from ?L . � through train&. L L I I . . ., - past him along the Cromer road. Wolf- . . I , . .. . . sll46 wanted,'tIlILlt Well 'pleased .With tit L My . . I . loftiable, . L . � am.afraid,11 site said, "thilt Yon ed io Mo;l,*Wa 4to, tee th heri 0--reaUltS. -a rates, - *., . I , L. I enden shouted and waved Ills arms, "JiLt Atlas Alartonla request, Lord " I .. I 8 & wle ]lead' fe(FIN b6tter,and I have.b L ad no I .How Many 61*0 Irt your� party ? For all Into'rmation. at ratoture; 4p- " _: I .. 1. but the coachman did not even glance Wolfefidon'," lie L sitid, II0rVoUaIV , " I dre a Very Impertinent young- 'wo- I wal,filt m1nd-ed to be mean,-,noit Af- brIonchial attacks since I commeneed . ,Will �' .you, take , *Your, housbfi6ld tkaln'LoarVi�e, tourist 111''e I I . � . .. .. In his direction. He caught ,as '' man. Be so. good its to put that , thigy'd treated nj6­1t . 9 I . . . I . I . . I ply to agent&, Grand,Trunk Railway . I . a glimp allowed him to come In. 1 - understood ter the way L usIng youri treatment." . . code ? . . . "tile L . y . . . I I of Mr. Sabin's face as he leaned back . locks upon the table ail(] leave the. L to<) p ; so j got tip If. You undbratbod tile properti . Special low. rate rs' � tickets L. eM' I . . that he. had Won sent fur by )ter 1700Z . . .. I I . . ked easy e,�nbugb, too S, it .. . I L I . . , . I .. . an, 6ornmenced hoppin', You -Origh- catarrhozo-no y6n W as of on sale during' Maxeh- And .April to AL 0. DICKSON', DIstri6t - Passenger ' . . . . . - . L . d. theML squaws cackle I I rac- - . ,Agent, Toronto, Ont. � - � . . I . . .. like, forbidding. The thin lips seemed wrong.'- - I , On the ,eon- ter hear :der that Mr. Pollook:ffas had no re to lift Manitobit, Brltlgh�, Colum. . . . aniongst the cushions, dark, antyr- ladyship, I trust, that I did . not � The,glrl did neither I ould not -won' '� PoIn ia� L . . tr bla, Oregon, *Callforn slid all West�- -- L . . . I ). ,.- - I .. ,�r slipped th locket In.0 kon I did look some'funny, 1couxit ol 'his distressing and I . . . i to part Into a triumphant smile as he "You .'are ail list;, BlatIterwick," t . of I , let- gown. t. I . - turn of' L Catafrhozone. , (,1,ang6,,i: ern States. Full paxticulars, from B. . . k I O"W � . . - " . saw Wolfenden standing there. It'was Woltanden. not havin' got the hang o? It; an', � 9%10 ) 11 exclaimed angrily. "Yo�t ', ' ous malady. p IDR%Rjw- 10 I& . . -, all over In a moment. The carriage, seem to enjoy le . ndl I will *takepire of, tlils,'l .she re. besides, I I(adn't took moreln. a doz- haled, spreading to the remotest air .H. 1-Benoett, General Agent, Chicago - - ' ) * I - 11 L '., tig yourself to be. marked. L . I .. - jumps till my' - Wind gave. out. . I . way, . - , I .. �,, with Its whirling wheels,' wa,s already the tool of owifidlers and thieves. 'My L . I . . Oil � I cell of 'the longs -It - bathes - K6rth'we9t4DrII L Rail 2 KInj; .Treated Free. ,. . . ." . the & L Ve have rande dropsy and its .1. i ;�. -- I a apeek In Ud--dr§fdJhd&­- . father has lost big reason entire),, ,41elone laid liar hand upon the bell. 9Twas it duinmed might lfacrder'n it bromcb! . street east, .Toronto, � Oat. . eelalty .. I . , I . at tubes with Its stimulating, . .. . ... . .. complications a sp . ". I Wolfenden looked at his watch. It now, and it Is, .*our fault., Yon - lil�d 'T am' arraidi" Rile sahl, "that yoll I looked. I ,felt like I'd raii a Mile . . I . . . _, f4 r, . � 11! Must be Unwell. I am igoing to, ring I I . a`nd healing powers, promote$ expee- '' I 4 —, , twenty years. Quick relief. , I . I L . . o L was five -and -twenty minutes to one. -better leave here at oncal You are . vee ii, big Itill; but I WaVt goin' toration, liealq. soro spots an(j L She trIftgge(I aLT'rahi. .Curds worst cases. B60k of . , : 1; r , ; Mr., Sabin's purpose was obvious. He altogether tDo credulous 'for this tile bell. Perham you will be' good I . io, knucklo.down. Xo slr�ee I I kePi soothes the Inflamed mucous memm .1 Mrs. Frank White,.6f Linton, Indo, I I I TZ8Tl3l01'TXAXoS and10 mjws, - � - ` '. , ", . . . �. uh e tile locket oil - that on, beat I could, ' . . . treatment mus. . . ,L "'."- 1 1'. . .,.*.� 4 was trying to catch the one o'clock world.'- .1 tit ble L hnd,leave tlie.room." .. ail' was Just wish- braneo. Surely a remedy., capable of has, received so over thc.S.6uth-: DR. H. 11' GREEN'S SQj($h L ' . "� , I �, express to London. To pursue that car- Wolfenden strode away towards ht$ � In, ,I - hadn't at such a :ter'ble big doing all. thlo must,, and -cannot fall ern Indiana lataillr1wid which . is good � " I 'no± 0 L ATLA2VTA, GA.. . I , , . . : 4 1. %ligs Merton drew herself L tip an- Big Eye aft'd finhitched , .. ., � , 0 TIage was absolutely hopeless. Wolf- mother's room, but a-cloy'from up-, . 1. . au (jr, w.he;n . � � , . ,� enden set his face towards Deringh A -him grIly. : I . . PP ... 'tot cure. Ask your dr�gglst about Ca- L for the'rest of -her life.'Mrs, Whi be -­..... ------ --- '' . , am stairs 'direct =h -abe -Ladv Der- - - . � tha­rohg-e��-wea =tarrhomru.-CoThpieze-onvit,===$T, -, 11 --tlI&x---z-no -d--r-ofi-ivd�frn . . . . — ---- U -I- - I . ___. -_2.1. - . e . - 14 il ... overed grouu Winner- . . 1. 1, � - R­un=Wffd-F&n---jAVe-Wdffy­- ursldrmiyRiv � 111111117 jKlil 1,116 , % (,xt t1wards me, We I �: I L la oAg­U1aro=a-c1­. am and he met o lap In her A,tms small size, .25o; at drugglats"Or by #. . . t I locket than ,anyone," idie said. "I am t neath the tracks of the Island My . " . 11 He was filled with vague fears. Tits or'g door and, entered thQ rooln to- , . stop Jiggin", but ohe give It a mail. A trial sent for 10a. by W. C. . I . ',, geeing Lord Wolfenden constantly. I , . coal mining district .had been under- 10 . SentonTrillill . � 11.-� 111. memory of Air. Sabin's smile haunted Wher. They came face to - face Will give It to film.,, . . ­ whirl, comin' up clost to. me, ail' Poison & Co., -Kingston, CaniIAa, or mined, and .site fa h I . . 111. I I I . '. he . Our L , atwholexaleprift. . I I �. �­' him. He had succeeded. By -what with t , Admiral, . -1 I than Ellie slung It right over Hartford, Conn., U. S. - . , %ble cloth a passenger train, that, I L . 4.1rhink you; you ilced not trouble," it.eads, an before I knowed what I I ­. 1�1 means? Pbrbapa by violoncel Wolfen- flout of M. -way!" lie eried fur, 11blene answered. ,tI 'L I . .1 . � Ituot satisfactor$- . . I ; .. y Wolf.tL i . . . . . . den forgot his own aching head. He lonslY�. "Come with me - oliall send a shr- oho was doln- obo'd ketche would otlterwJoe .have beeft .wreck- money tefunded. I L . � I . I 0 .-Vv- It L d me�rouind Sign- Ron rd,.EngIftli lit Japan., . ad. 3?or thlo,act the company gave N . ­ I ; I was filled only with an Intense anxi- must follow lilm. I � must have been TRIlt with It -to Deringliam Hall. Will I tho neck w1th or aringi I . WASH Guaranteed tarun 1. an' drawed I I. the pass to her as Att expression of I easter ­ .. end.-, -Ao��-�­­ %, ' I 'you bt, good enough ,to give it to 1. my,head &rvv,,n an' kissed mo, -smack f There are sio,me attempts lit Eng . . rk than �.. sty to reach file destination. If Mr. dreaming. He told me. that lip was . L . . lish L . I . bel ter we I . ­ . I Sabin had so much as raised his hand, C. I g4Ve him all lie, asked for I 'We me ?11 . I .. . I Indiana are', arwful funny kissers, to be seen on tile aign-boards III the gratitude. . . I � . . wkyokhorIn"hins . . I �. . , be should pay fot it. He Imderstood. Intl4t -have them back, ,11prelful , Ullfsw Merton drew a stop backwards I too. 9110 took her tlMe to It,.An, when streets of Toklo -, , . I 1. .7 I .i . . I . . on the ra-irket. A I . . . I I . .. Unit shook her � bead. - . . . I now why that blow had been given. heavells. if lie publishes t'hem, wo , ,, . I got to thInkin' it over afterwards,, "Willej beer, and other medicinef0k L . good maotilne for Rganto to handle. ft . . I I � , 1 It was to keep him put of the way. are - ruined . . . . #rhcra did I think", o . . . 1. mon4symade.. Thousands in use. For terms .� Come from ? L more con . cc lie said, 11 that T itIn I kind o' made ulp MY, mind 1twaln't - "A shorpt the kind of: Umbrellao - . . . 11 . I and pj4coo address . . 40 I AA be ran on, his teeth clenched, and lie . . . . Tll(,.V roed In It than ,Yon are, suell a ll;ad kiss; attly It did taste tol. parafl,Dl or stock." I I . TA$lDAXt)D SurrLT CO.. Ramilton, Oat. I J . I : o'' ave It to him," . ... I 0 . I . I . � . his breast coming fast, lie grew hot told nit) that lip, Was dea(k, .L . . 'I'lljo . . er'blo str.oing o' . but -lo -taller an' rh I I . 4 . . . . I I :� with passionate aneer. T4e had been he crnwlpcl bnek out of lie] I ? - I at "1101u, gave It to 1111V I'll shop fox, the furniture of' the . . I . . . I I V - . . WOOd-81110kO. VIIIINU 8110 got . I I tPXCULATORS MECHANICS, OLIDRIKO . I I . L V � Mr. Sabin's dupe. Curse the man I Ithn otice'L Re has . qiiw Merton no(ltic*d. dOlIO, several countries.,, � . . DoarLSIro,-I have beet it great snf-w S - laborers avid others desirtno In formation . I � W , never torgott it C. alto sneaked out from under thb,robe, .. "Prices, no Increase or dimlidsh.", - rarer ,fro te. Marie, Ontario and Michigan- I ; "od!" 11 Yes! If ybo don't believe Ok. quick,loavtn' it hantrin' over me an' "All kinds of Buq)&Ior sundries. kept 'have been confined to my bad. . . 4 He turned the final corner In the It! This Is Ills vengeance! Olt, C me.. 10 Ili rheumatism, and lately 'about 9aultS &&" . ' . .. rgittled.1 . 'See- painphlot-Aand ctsonallotterg contaftilngfulf. . - - drive, climbed the steps and entered If.a. sqnk down Into n. chair. The l iwas that lVot.anid tbG;.ght here." 11 �', � the hall. The oer�v .s.wer I 1. . I . . I a at Or Fftood h t. 141to drew the locket from her. bosom L ,Ing your M!INARDIS LjNfifr. XT­a(I'L infoorpatleg wl I be mailed to any address- on � . , tr_n Arqtion -- ; ­ � ­­ -- ­. - %41; - . ,L- Out I Zfcn. ' L I ,never woald get It pawed off ol ,Sk . receipt of 2 cents to defra.3, expenses, Moore & I ,. 6:15but i - - a We -ail(li--liolilhig-l-t�-(.>tl-t-,-touelie("t-api4ng---M--o-101--�runlc-LUSIW*w-Al,,,thl,,------.�� lx)Lmke.r.�.,.And,.�oolle".Oti�mall!!., ver, A. as usual. Thar re 8 ... * a 11d -*---,--r(i-yorpl—lf.,L(I., 114 . t1se , I tried It, nala got.1nilhodl- Allijer, p,o.,BoxAMj*a,qB gtq marle, ont. .I I I ­­...'­ � . - ­ ---'...- of anytbing having happened.' T a. . iVaR slinking frolit'honA to foot, .145nd. There was a small Miniature Irside; -- . torin shop)," " - . . � tito rellef, I nacribe iny restoration ' I , — I I .1 . . 0AI E , 5 W V LY; NO . I � I � � . � . � � eanvassing; we have -overa Llines to V,d - 11 looked at him curiously, but t at donly tile head dr I In tile net Helene, leamilig oVor, recognized It sit Lightning 'NelAiralglu, Cure. "Ladles' furnislidd In the upstair.11 to, haalth to tile wond)artul power of. 14 - W0R1t-$6 TO'$l , might well be, owing to his dishevelled of further speeeh,ovi'011 once. ' .It, wiu; a likept.,48 of tile -girl - Not dangerous because It nets quick. -Tlt Bito. . .. . I I your medlellno. I . . . out; some to copy letterg: art hou or two eve � '�� ., I wordK dled horsplf. S,be felt tha color leavo her ly,81inply poworful-sxAreoly lee$ than Ca M, W -M S. BUTLVIL Ingo Will add $6 to inco e; . � '. condition. away upon his lips. Re, %,as uncon- cheeko, but she did not filtioli. " tarrhozone Ct,rcs Asthma.. . I so to your , weekly . . . I enclose etamp, work sent siny didd 0 . � , I "I j I "Where Is the Admiral, Groves?" he selous. - The ClotinteR.4 knelt by Ills Ill was not aware," alto said, "that five thneg stronger than any other . Burin, NrId. , . . dress Eqglo YA(z. Co- A09 So , tz­ 111114111 . I I oaked breathlessly. aide, nad Wolfenden stood over )ter, . In remedy In the world -lo Nervi. I I . i . "Him Lordship Is In the billiard, You Were on such friendly tormaw1bb, . � I ­. I Toledo, V. . .. . . 2 11 Do ,&oil know 4tnytllin I IP14ne. lit brief, one 'drop of Nervillne All One Way. .1 . � . . � . 1. room," the man answered. 9 'of '%vl1at L;rd Wolfenden.". . . I I I . . . . I I ..... . - I � .1 , lids 114pphed ?" -wolfenden naked. The girl 6mlle(LI O(jdly. � has a power over pain equal, to five "There's another oils of them.11� - I- . . . IVIL ENGINEERAND SURVEYINa . ass- dropoof any othor remedy. Ifyousuf. . . I I L � .. W01 den stopped short In his p , is *Very littlo," Alle WIIISPerPtl ', "Lord Wolferideh," k4le said, , 0 hag . for from,Neuralgla use Nerviline, You "Another one of what Vl . - C pradticeforgalo, For partioulars, address . .; . L, . , . age mb the hall, and looked at the toomehow lie, Air. "4ijLj)jn, got 111to been very Icind to me." "Of thei atoTIM of someone Who to . I � I I County Engineer, Slincoo. onf. 1. � ­ . - man In %azement. I the library, and the F;IIoCk Went 111111 "Perbap4,11 "Ilelone continued, it I I have convlAcIng proof of Its value and ,g%ng somewhere to clalin a fortunei,l . . I 149LP-MAL9, � -.' ' : - . :1 ­ "Where?" -like this. Here Is, tho doetor." ought.not. to it.4k, but I muktt eon. you got rid of yoftr -pain. Drugglaits Somehow these stories axe all one I Varl7ety. - TR1178T.. . "In the billiard -room, My Lard," tile Dr. Whitlett, WAR Ushered In. They I sell It, Mooby back It not no. � 'WANTED -AMBITIOUS AND I fe,-�11 that YOU havo Hurprised me. *Ij I . L way.10 I . . . "Dki you any you thougnt there � WorthY ng Mall teL �r rell4ble I I 1 $: e a was Itiquiring for . Lord Wolfenden-i'our lover ?11 . L _ you _ travel A � all three looked (lowil Upon tilt, Ad- ,-how ?" . . I waa a great deal of 841noness In m3t tirm; $is weekly and all expenses guArAnteod, - . 'nan r " 7 ,W . , %, , 'Reflections of a 6torekeepoN 26 security requiroill . omptit ago." 1111ral, and the dootop asked it, le . "All g6ft, never coming I We never arguments Vl Inquired tile polltj- first,claag references aud # . k , .1 I ur e A -V Merton shil't Ito tile locket with ' y M rap It questions. Thorn wag (.Or. yo " a ,& on olrenden n d sharp t6 the left I 110 ea"Vagalng�L Mr.' . and entered the blillard-room. 3111, a. click and returned It to )ter bosom, I Whomever a. woman glves,215 cents 06em'to hear of anyone retu clan. . . experience Unnecessary,, . . � to rning Brown, 194 Main street, office 15, 13uffalo. . . I I L thinly it great change In Ills facc� Therp waa no longer itny questiollas to it, ellarity bazar slw always trios ,With the rortube lie went- get.to "I did#" replied tile mereenary . ? father was standing there With 111H A stron linef or two had " a ('It I" to )ter retaining it. ,--'!jja looked at to bmt h9 down 50 cents on,& bar. * � I personv . jr�IjACICSAUTIT SIrOP, DWELTANO AND .. I I � coat off and a one In his hand. Direct- ' a Vol of f(oar. " wood shop; good opening, terms cast. ... 11 ed, the countenanen Was mll&V And Helena thoughtfully. I Ultiardle Ll;,i�;-Ibnt. aures,Coldv, otei "How will I avoid It?" * I I Box S,T. Xettleby, Ont. , . ly lie turned round Wolfenden wUA Younger. It Was like the face Of it .111no lie been ninking love to. you 210 XUot As quickly as a man gets . "Quit using $10 bills and tr- , I . aware, of a peculiar change in his faee child. Wolfenden Was afraid to spe i,lip asked aboiptly. Married he stops buying hair oll, arid A Tabloid Proposal. . twenties for & while."*4'Washingtoli IWANTED-ITOTIM PORTER, INDUS. 91,12d expression. Th6 liard llne,q Vad tile ,,yea. open, lie sentned already Ili Helene ralsed her eyos and 1,Dok(,, trious, willing to be generally useful. AII- . . vanished, every trace of anxiety Ream, ,,, begIng to buy our dyspepsia cure. . Mar, I I . � , , linaginatioll to picture to Ilillisplf tit 110 There, Is no dog we like to kIck 11111inks has a j)brfect wania. for ---.-.-..-- -- V. with particulaft. Manager, Box 807, North . ed to have left him. His eyes WOO soft tl')Olr .r... The Other girl ((%It 611(idenly so well an tim dog *110 Ila" lost all condensing everything. Did youlidEr "�-a,rrbozone Cures Astlima. . WaY. L , , , � L and M.clear as a child's, He turned Wilitlet't,","t1t, u0se0ilig llgllt- Dr, very litislignificant. . . I shook Ills, head gadly, "You must not ask Trip 1111portillent. Ills teeth. , I how lie proposed ?11 . I . WAGGONSR EXTANSIOX LADDER to Wolfenden With a bland smile, 0,Tkil " ( AM afrtild," be said, gravely, questions," all() said, . callilly. lot Wo tbink JMOra Of &L clerk who can IVO.fl I . T1.1E liffit ot 't t I hgidleot juade; � I 1C.It" 0.1 11 6 , . . I Immediately began to (-balk fits Islip. " tilat whon Lord De n litan r(,(,o%-- I , eaC a, clioe%o'thaa of one who can Ile held up. n ring Trying Both I'lalies. the r,lb 4 I euvr o 11 exondion step I 1% b 'e, �'Ojt 110 ,,,r] g C011 "O I ., ',I fl()t tell 1110 anything I ladder- boa . lot Icking. PaIntl , I nothin I 1,Whon I get to hea-vPn,", said. 6 t 1A A - "Itome-and play me a game, Wolf," era he will remmil g! He out & owelL 1�iore the girl's eyes and said 6 plumbIng a I so; 6 0% ftlgor le:1191 . . L blis 11, unle . I I lip cried out cheerfully. "Yo,uIll have to 'td' a Re m y,ou chome. It Is for yoo to " Eb'?,)y I go . . 'Ve 're f4ho(.,k, all(IL'there I . It pug (logo %vere 411 killed soma . I I woman to I*r Baconian husband, one-, atio st a , oard& OM . L givo me a few, I'm -so* out of Israetlee'. L ItIL eve y Please yourstlf.11 I "I'll) going to 49k Rlmki,lspoare Ithe 001. 111, 21 to I) t r e� Address the I 'r Indication that Ills nilad mitrrlad.wompn lVoUld IlAve nothing ,':Attd what did 19110 BaY.V' . r It , , Madoo, OnL I'VoIll make It it bundred and you oball his It 111he girl was wbItc with anger. ,41to to .14VO.--syraeurm 11108t.'Standard. $be just, jv*dded.11, . I . wrato thoge Plays." Waggon . r ,, Ad. not 11, tItlin of Ilelellwi; i;clf-von- I frM4 thore"i IV. I give r4o twpntv. Which Will you have, given way." , . I I . - . ybe, lie 'Won't be as FAT1111 FARIC . .� gpot or PlAtIr ?11 , Wolfend6n (6w his teeth together trol, and she felt fliat she waffliot I I I t . I . rolt 8,&t% -()NX or It'91111 . . ; ., RAVA.gelY. Tllls� thim, was tile requit Making tile best of her opporbunitlee. Catarrhozono Cures Aittlima. CfttAVrhOZOno Cures Asthma. . L lbe, reply, finest in the Ni t" " . '� .. Woltenden galpod clown hill Afnavel, of Air. 8'abill's v1sit. . I I "Lor(l, Wolfentlell," f4l I . . --- , . I . . . 1',Tl im, you ask blin," said. the Wife wiftobei, 10 mileafr6m %milton 611, tWo'fitil- . -- A--- --j -t�- ­­­ . L WA,70, 130 aotod Ill, 1611 36 of whioll Is In Walk , �' j44!d RlOwly'- ­­'­ ­ :- ­ , ". - "L. ". ­­ - t � � - ­­ - - ­Tltostoin-lourl)al�­. �� ... �.�­ - ­­­­ ­.. mosur. "M ­ -..--1. -1 .11110ivt , I '. -1 I - _ , ­­ ­ -- .­ ­­­ I ­ 1. I -1 ­ �-t., -. ­ � � � li(ii(l"i)r6iiitr,(;'t-()'.Iilllr'ry' Tile ollct%. I ,V61''It-.(�oillukori One. , N,IIlb.-A6ldIn0.6­P&r4461 Or - . - I It*41th -An Affort. . . -Xly. I i dirldid lot* lot'l of Is to to liom be ifto tar. ­ ' take plain," lie said. -rt,# I, long CXIAPTI-'�ft X% - V fffl a, I I h � b6s. 1 , I h I �. - I I I . � I Il. I ! 'I, 19 t, �\ � 1) . t I ". I ll, - 11 " I& I � I . i I � "' ' ��L'% thno, limIt It, since we played V1 'I, was Ills fittiler'n fioeretniv, and I "WhaVe the charge against thia Little, Efiner (Who bits aff 1114ftiring' Mln%rd'o Liniment Curoe Gargot In 11 olikeftV. This is 06 dedd6d bhrsAln *d&000 11 Mancha Mokoll's Little V16t, w6f turned away, Oil Ills accoallt.10 In" 11, "Asked V10, Magistrate. � mind) -Papa, whot Is novacionee I cowir, i"011thik" , I J�,"" L fa rathet. factid film for & minuto . At If CarpeatAr, P, O. box W, Ills" - . I "I f �("k)n t L "I'lain tirtink," answ0red tho police- Professor Broadhead - Conse,leoce. ­..-­­­-­­ - 0340016. . . : and oeeniod porploxod' A0 about 4 o'clock in the after. "Indeed,tt 'L "Not PO Tory lotir I t6 L ­­ . " offliel Y. 110011, "a '"bleno wair Preparing to (To b a . hilled.) , Mall. my A(m, Is tho name usually given 11 Cadlel�hla boyfi are not very pq Ite, I floothIn I'" al. : [ L whillilt I . . Init,va the toodge, IL telegram WaI4 --- UN lwin§16*10 I. It VeOerdnv, or the dav Wore I'll , "Yovilra a, lint, Irish ill shouted f tho t.ho fcaj� we feel that other people are they ? 11 "No; but Own. OI "110w, *ays 6 uted tot, Childrtl%:Mftlnog� t"Othd - I . ,*i;1fpnd0;k wondore(F(e)l, It, lildninn't brougilt Ill jo'horL from Mr. Sabin. , 'Wofflolils, pra,yefiFIL d,lneon- orlsionor, ­T%van , a ellanif)aglid . �tll) I . I aro,, Indee will flAd uA out,-11tirpev'si Uazar� It takeff illroo rnmerations nallp i the ound, o6ittim tke eamtouras wi Ad "H?., . I . . 111100101' that blOW litid A-ttkItOd 111-4 "I IUVO JUKTOOdOd Alld 0.111 flow I gruouel pptltlorw, Evon the wngols tirtink, with all the frills,"-judlAnap- i �' Oulti re. oind IN tho bak rom"I for luritt". TWOMY I I . a gentlemall." 11 I guead It , , IV , I . � brtiln, It wajo yofira since Ito bad ueen on rout4 for r,ondon. You had' bbt- 111-110t fiftill(%, tlj��r'L'J.t "It t!juea' oils 1511U. . , I 7". W Uthard's Liniment Cures DistamOdt4i quW0 regell eatloli Ill th)k ease." Ave 40*u A botas . . I �' . � f . I i. , , * I . . I . . I I . _,j 1", . . , � � I I . . I. . It .L . � . A ­ I . . . .1 L I . I 1. " . . . I I I . I t, 'i . 1 . I . I I � I � . " \ . .4, . I I " , .� . A I I I � 11 I I . . I I I . . I . . I I . I . , � ­­ .". 1. � � 1, � � �, I . 1 /' � ­­­­ --- I . I � " *� 1. I � I . .... . --- I I I I I I . I 441 I I . .d,---.. ­.,L I- - I 1.�­a­ 1-1 . � ').. ik- i '. J� � I I 11111141111i&,�,�-, I -- 11 I . . . . I . . . .11 ­a&.........mm I 4 I .. ­