HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-05-10, Page 3- ••• ..T17,7rWawviass ;:ww•-comr*7-4-tm T .. r 7-'-'7".4112rwir CLINTON NEW ERA. May 10th, 1901. 1.-N vi DILb:inr '. f.* I kl, ., ifv 1) you have itt'yeu kit now . You haew all about- the heavy feelin ig In the stomach, the 0. .,tormtion of 'gas, the PaPSeao sick, headache, and general weakness of the whole body. Du can't have k *week without .Your blood being impure and your nerves all exhausted. There's just one remedy for You' • There's notbtij about it. Tour grand- parents look. it. 'Twos an old Sarsaparilla before other sarsaparillas were -.known. It made' thevOrd " Sarsaparilla " famous over the whole world. • There's no other iarsa- • parilla lilelt,. 111_11ge_illifi_ power to cure it's "The leader of them all." alas bottle. All deficit*, Ayer's Pills eine constipation.. Wafter suffering terribly I was induced to try your Sarsaparilla. I took three bottles and now feel like a new man. I would advise ail my fellow creatures to try this medicine, for it has stood the test of time its curative power aannot be ex- celled." E. D. Goma ,Thm, SO, INS. BrowntoWn, Va. "Agfa fko tioratois. if you have any eoniptaira whatever and desire the best-rnediutl advice you ean Doesibly receive. write the doctor'. freely. You will receive • prompt as - PIN without coat. Address, Ms. J. 0. AIMS, Lowell. kale. A:DESPERATE DUEL NC SVRGEON$ NOR SECONDS IN AT TENDANCE AT THIS FIGHT, The Story of *tow attendee "Celli,' *ad lifelsone the Steekman Pettled Their rattle Affair of Honor otA the' Lonely It Frepeli gentlemen thirsting for each other' gore really wish to 1010W how to light for honer's sake, let them visit 1Ofedielne Hat and hear the story of bow "Bulldog" Kelly and Mahone the atock- Wan fought for theirs. It N only neces- sari to say et Kelly that once in his Re he figured hi a celebrated international law controversy which the then Secretary of state, Thome lt. Bayerd, ended. Hat mother wall a friend of John A. Logan, Mahone was nothing niore nor lean than a treader cattleman. He Met Kelly Shit at Calgary, where in a dispute over Cards an eliMitf arose between theta. BulaSeqUelitly they clashed In the Medi - eine Hat conntry, and Mahone wrongedh ly accused Kelly of stealing stock, KW - 17 Weald have killed hies then and there but for tile Interference of the Cauadian mounted police, Subsequently one of these policemen suggested to him that he challenge Mahone to a cluel and that they have it out alone, Kelly *evidently Tftli$TING OM TO A RoPE. ! Walking Ltel;;;4--0—voif tt, (AM 404 Pown Ito erkor, A, fowler of the iietieciast Mar be in lit. 1 tie danger of loeing his lite while walking the cliffs, tor he ie Mire footed, iron nem, ed, hardy and reeoureeful, but it InUst be •a crony business to wnteb, ae it surely ; is to read about. To see * Man Walk ) bacirvrarO o'er the ton et 4 clifhhetween $00 and 400 feet above the waves breelt. Ing at itit bt0let to Sect hira go steadily down, down, fiaved from felling, as it seem, by a mere thread; to nee hundreds of birds cireling but hie head, filling the air with their diecordwit cries, while he swinge to and fro like a pendulum—to eee thle Must end a thrill up the spine. •Yet nowadays such elimblug is carried 012 aritenlatically and, according to * writer in "Chumn," with every precaution suggested by the lossoon of the past. Each party confining of four men, who be. gin operations by driving an Iran Oro** bar into the top of the Cliff. To this la fagtened what ie called the guide rope. the end of which hangs loosely down the cliff and is used by the .climber for cons trolling his movements, signaling and her on. Then the man who i.e to descend, Wearing something like a sling round his Waist and thighs, to which is securely at. triched the end ot another rope, walks, backward over the cliff and down its • face. thought well of the suggestien, for St day Hie body is inclined outwAr4, and its isr, two later, meeting Alelhelie in thatiste. -weight is mostly•borne by the rope, trhich- - lined and abused town, Medicine Hat, be holds by both hands, The other end he quietly told him that he would meet of the rope is under the control of a coin- hira the •next morning as the sun rose •nankin, tvho Sits on the top, his feet firm - on, the Tortured trail and prove to hints ly planted in holes. The rope is passed with a gun that he was not a thief. Ma- round hie waist, which is protected by a hone nodded his head in acceptance of strong leathetsbeit and be gradually Peri the defiance, and that was all _thersehwa•shhit.out,. hearing .the weight. of the climbers - iv the -challenge ' upon hie loins., Kelly slept In A ranchhouse that night Down the gleaner goes, sometinlee for but was no before dawn saddling his 70 or 80 yards or even *greater distance. DEADLY FaeNoli PRINKS. herlelau 'ripple* That flay Veva. With ranide Conetitntion. It would seem from the letteet medical reports that absinthe, Whicb. is the national appetizer, is a baby by the side of the vulneraire which Is one of the favorite drinks with French ladies, writes a Parte correa- pondent of London Sketch. It con - tales no less than seventeen, poisons, Seven tend to epilepsy, live lead to Stupefaction and emnplete Soo of the powers of the lege and arms and the other live te a pronounced stage of coma. , What is even more curious to read is thot absinthe no longer exists. The original basis ot absinthe Was wormwood; to -day it seems that it is a mix-up of the essence of sting- ing nettles, spinach pickled in alco- hol, indigo dye and a dozen other drugs that, on injection, have killed a dog in tvselve hours. Even var.. mouth in violently attacked. It is a 'difficult city to live in, Is Paris. The Municipal Council decorates the walls with posters anhouneing • that you are as good as dead if you drink Seine water, and, now that the doctors have started out to prove that you ehould drink nothing, the "Gay City" seems dry—and not humorous1y • • A elanaaPion of the Tfornt. I • The recent session of the BrItish Parliament furnished an amusing it- lustration a the ,occasional power of satire to bring about results which ataasaahs.haaaameht, has .failed, -to acconas ph A bill designed to psevent cruelty to wild animals in captivity had lame. He carried •for arms .two ?ix Then, -if he ie an expert, he worits hinh ehootere and a short hilted, bear 'hide. self to the right or the left. This Is a He rode away from the ranch in the PreeautiOn of the first importance, for a ,heiorshdarkness.._beforesdaybrealtsslieful- _stone--diniodged-above by the hopes will, ed for the Tortured trail. He was a SIX"i..,, the law of gravitation, fall in * , looter sandy haired heal,' jawed and , called"Bulldog" because he had ,ence. - pitted himself against an animal of, that 1 ' title and whipped him. in a ,free fight. His courage was extreme from the brute' point of view. To illustrate. this; years after thieevent, when he was ou trial for his life In a murder ease, he was insttuet- , ed by We attorney to kill one of the wit- • noses against him in the courtroom if he attempted to give certain testimony. "You listen -to Wm," . said the attorney, "and if his tries to testify as • to certain. , things let him have it." . •' • • • Kelly, as a .prisener, eatered the conrt- room with. a knife up. his sleeve, and he . sat through all the proceedings with his * eyes on the man he ,was to watch. .The latter 'grew ;melees, and . when he took the 'Wand broke hown completely and did . . not -11.1e1 the.prosecutioii-at all.. Hedivieed - --without.knoWing it that it he testified -as • the prosecution believed he would Kelly would thenntol there end hinh And this all tookhlace not in 4 frontierscourt, but in. A court. of the .7C:rutted States gpvern- • went. s .. . ,,- : . ., , • - Well Kelly 'rode down the :trail is gay . In spirit as a man of his -net* Could be. He did not whietle, for. whiatliqg men are rarely brutal. Bet he abused. his here% .aed that was the best .of evidence that he felt well - He Watched tiie •dark hang eloser and closer to the plain grasses, the . stars grow less .brilliiint• until suddenly in the east it was as if a wirtain was drawe ' 'up and the day tamawith the call or wild. birds and a wine which 'rose. Conn' the west 'to Meet the sun, rie glanced toward • Medicine Hat and from that point, out of . the.black and gray of .the. hour, rode Ma- • hone,' armed aii his opponent was. They were a mile apart whey they recognized via .other., Rah reined in his horse and • waited. MabonlOame on. No 'surgeons nor iteconds wereensattendance. Medicine . Hat was asleep. Mahonedrew. _nearer, moving a little to- the .left,. as if to , circle. about' Kelly. The latter suddenly drop- ped tinder his, horseht neck and , fired. . 0113 bullet just clipped the mane of .41ahone's horse: .Mahone . gave 'd wild whoop and fired back, riding, as Kelly was, :Indian: , fashion and looking ftir an opening. Roth liorses•Were:now in motion, and the shots came thick and fait. Kelly's. animal went down- .first,' .screaraing -from a' bullet • through his lungs., tilt! rider intrenched behind Jilin. Mahone. made a charge and lost bin own horse,' besides .getting. a bul- let through his left.:arra.- He, too, le - trenched. In a few m•ornentit (Meer his shots cut •a red ereaee acroso. the forehead' of Kelly and filled.. his eyes . with' blood. He Wiped hit:melt off and tied a. hapdker- chief eVer the Mark, • •' Each was .afrald 'to start- out front his horse, but in the caiithe•of half an bout their amnIunitiOn'. was exhausted,. and then they threw their pistols from 'them — • - A westbound freight ran "info , open switch at Parkhill. Fireman 'Grieves was killed and Engineer Mar- tin badly hurt, Aboutten cars 'were piled up. OLD SOLDIER'S ExPERIENCE. • M.M. Austin, a civil war veterarocif Win • hester,Ind.,writes. My wife was sick -a long time in spite of good doctors treat' menhbrit was wholly cured by Lir.King's New Life Pills, which worked wonders tor her health. " They always do. Try them. -Only 25o at all Dragged& • Ivan geregrine, of Aurora, was kill- ed by a tram while wheeling over a railway creasing. Bich and Poor Alike use Pain-Hilles. Taken internally tor cramps, collo and • diarrhoea. Applied externally cures' eprains, swollen musoles, etc. Avoid substitutes, there is but one Pain -Killer, Perry Davie' 25a. and 500. • About a dozen cases of smallpox "Plillave been disc9vered in the vicinity of Kirkfield. TO PREVENT CONSUMPTION. Hard to cure; easy to prevent. Scott's Emulsion nourishee the body, keeps all • the organs and tissues healthy; and the .consumption germs cannot • gat it foot- , hold. • The name decided upon for the UM bank is the Sovereign Bank of -Canada. Many people say they are "all nerves" - easily startled and upset, easily worried sna irritated. Millturn's Hort and Nerve Pills are just the remedy such • people re- quire.' filmy restore perfect harmory of - the nerve centres and give new nerve force to shattered nervous Systems. J. W. Sifton. father df Hon. ' Clif- ford Sifton, is lying seriously ill at Winnipeg.' • It's not the weather that'a at fault. It's your system,ologged with poisonous mater- ials that makes you feel dull, drowsy,weak and miserable. Let Burdock Blood Bit - tars olear away all the poisons, parity and enrich your blood, make you feel bright and vigorous. Hon. Sydney Fisher will leave next month on a trip to the Glasgow ,Ex- hibition The Auditor -General has blocked • the granting of superannuation to Lieut. Col, Steele. been presented, and was opposed by a number of members on the ground that if passed it would endanger cer- tain -kinds of- legitimate sport.- - I '' The Earl of •Kiniberley arose and $5,000 • Reward! IF NOT TRUE. TWITCHELL'S Great Clearing. Of Boots and Shoes An advertisement may in- duce a person to try an article a FIRST time. But an advertisement won't induce a person to use that article a ageom, time unless it gives satiss faction. Sunlight Soap has a sale larger than the • combined sates of any other three soaps. An advertisement may in- _ •-duce people to try SUN- , LIGHT SOAP once. ' • But it ie quality and ' ity alone, that makes • people use SUNLIGHT SOAP contimeausly and elways. LOVER BRoTHERS 1.111DTBD, '• Soap Manufacturers, • TORONTO. ale 32 • We will continue thti Bargain Sale for thirty days longer in order to dispose of the balame of the stock on the bargain list. Call and ask to see the Children's boots at 25o and 35c, worth from 500 to $1.00. We also keep a line of Slater's Fine Boots for Men and the King Quality for Ladies. ^3.TWITCHELL Victoria Block, • CLINTON o Kill SHUT ON OATS If the farmets would have their next crop of oats entirely tree from mut, trait the seeldttiknet4h:ofozi.lootwoinoginmbeaheireor.;mai dehyde and 10 gallons of water, immerse for 10 •Minntee, (absehltelY no hahra to the seed.) Your next crop will be absolutely free from smut• Put up in 1 lb bottles, for 75o. _ _ H. B COMBE,. chemist a Druggist - etraight line, and if the clinhhaer should be gravely admitte of thi the force a • there to Intercept it he runs the risk of argument. ash DROP OF INR. having his skull melte . • d "Undpubtedly, h he said the bill. • However'such accidents take place would put an end to fishing with in egg gathering are alarming rather than wurnis as bait„, .It is a bill," he cress , tragic. They rarely do more than cause tinged, "to prevent crueltyto wild anxiety. As en instance a happening animate in captivity; the schedule which occurred list season on the north says the word 'animalshall be held seacoast of Scotland will do as well as to• include reptile; a worm May be any. ' ' held to be a.reptile; a worm impaled One day after a climber had been over on a hook must certainly be held to the cliff for 'seine flute the man on MP • be in captivity; therefore the angler could not "feel," him. His weight was who uses a live worm for bait would • not perceptible. This circumstance made be guilty of eruelty -fo an animal in ..• . • his conimosions apprehensive that att. ac- captivity cident had befallen himand when the • minutes•sped on and no signal came from. The laugh . Which this argument I. below they beeame very uneasy. So at .ous stiortsmen robbed the opposition last they tried to pull up the rope, only, of 'whatever force it had, and Carried howeve.r, to fail. They could not get it raised at the expense of the schrialt- Oa :this one of the patty trent along VUle" b41 t° .a successful issuo. th to till he could command a View of •• n. P• the•face. Much. to his relief be savr the climber sitting ,on *ledge calmly smoking his pipe. • • What had tairee place? Siinply this: The rope had slipped into a drach. Thio • beitig so, Abe gatherer had climbed up the guide rope and settled down as -com- fortably as possible till his corneal:done ithOeld diecover the' Peaition of affairn, A MANY COURSE DINNER. • Its Effect on the Orator Who Mee tee . Speak /alter It think that one 'of the •worst instru- ments of torture that were ever Invented' Is theocustom wig& makes it necessary for a speaker to sit through a id course dinner, every minute of the time feeling sure that his speech is going to. prove a dismal failure and disappointment. ' • I rarely take part in one of .these long dinners:that I do, not wish that I could put myself back in the little cabin where . I was a slave boy and again go.through the experience there—of getting molasses to eat once a week from the "big house" , Our -usual diet on the plantation was cornbread and pork, but on Sunday morn- ing my mother was permitted to bring down a little molasses front . the "big • house" for her three children, and. when it was received how I did whits that every day was Sunday! • _ • I would get my tin plate and hold it up for the sweet morsel, but I would always shut My eyes while the Molasses was bes Ing poured , out Into the plate, with the hope that when I opened them.1 would • be surprised to see how much I had got. -When I opened my eyes, I would UP the plate in one direction and another, so as , to make the molasses spread all over it, in the fullSbellef that there would be more of it and that •it would laid longer if spread out in tbis way. • So strong are my childish impressions of those Sunday I f t that it =Md. be pretty A drop of ink, with aro awl skin combined, In oinanacatal character mahrined A. noble thought. Another drop went wrong through want of cars, Fell on mr work ind marred i4 texture fair With blot,• Thus each of fortune's gifts, 'tis plain to ler. Vied or unused, a potent,power must be • • For good or ill. Small actions oft with big results are fraught' Each word, each look, e'en every pluming thought • Saadi guidance pull.. Fancy F urniture AT LOW PRICES • New styles in parlor suit es Great variety, of easy &heirs. Mattresses and Wire Springs very °titian. Great values in Window Shades. Headquarters for Baby narrieges rind hhinggnee. Pirtni ell framed White you wait; The Keiser as ari Orator. • In spite ef, the fact that 'Emperor William Often hias oceasion to re- • gret his words of a previous evening he is a •brilliant orator. He speaks in ,abrupt sentences, which he punc- tuates regularly with a. gesture of his right arni—e. goture without either grace or elegance, but jerky and ener- getic , His left hand invariably re- mains riveted on the hilt of his sword, and his arin—hot hilly devel- oped—is, c/osely pressed to his side. When- the Emperor is going to stieak, his physlogonotny reflects a sacces • ion Of impressions °curious to Watch.. His. features,: immohile and even . rigid at first, relax immediately he opens his mouth. Lightning, as if were playa over hie energetic face, eyes • sparkle with a fascinating radiancy, and his upper lip, se beautifully forro.ed, reveals every ether raornerit two rows ot. •dazzlieg white teeth. Eyersything he says has sock a pro- found sense • of conviction, and breathes such Zeal, that hie listeners , Worked upon completely, - 'taken • poesessien 'of, :and no longer dreani of being critical, If he had not boon Emperor, William I. might have be- ccime a popular tribute, eapable of ; mating" the "masses° by the effect ' of his word alone, I• Mow flinch a Itithy The baby ef nornial weight tips • down et birth the tiny 'scales at the seven -pound inarh. If. he or she: is much heavier :Or much lighter, he or she. is at war with the average. A peculiar feattire 'of baby weight is i that, during the. first days of its life, ; the yeungstertnat fa the perfectly normal youngsteradoses one pound. : Thus, examination made on, the see- ' ond and fourth days Will show, a • and came toward each other through the grass With their knives out. Kelly now there is not raore molasses on a plate the first- week, at the end of which weight of six pounds on y. u a er hard for any one to convince me that bad two good wounds and Mahone had been shot three times They visibly stags When it is spread all over the Plate than time the lost,pound Should be regain- gered as they played for the first chance when it oCCupieS a little corner, if there is ed, there is a steady advance in the to close hi. At last the knives crossed, a Fors in a Plate. ..., infant avoirdupois. and Kelly get the first thrust and miss- ! "It a nY rate 1 have never believed In 1 Ten Pounds Should 'save been reach- ed, for which ewIrwarcinees Mahone gave o'cornorine sirup. My share of the sirup ed by the time the baby ie eight am sone usually about two tablespoonfuls, weeks old, and when it is 20 weeks him a eavage cut. They hacked Stabbed at each other Until neither could awl those two epoonfule of molasses were old the weight •should be fohnteen . hot Denendehre. --Teacher—And why should en- deavor to rise by our own: efforts? -• Johnny Wise—Tense there's no teilln when :the alarm clock will go wrong. • mov-C-airthi-Plival)-Wpi10 t eine Hat, getting wind of what was go- erturse Writer after Which I ittn to speak. should be sixteen pounds, and the ing.on, rode out and brought them in for S ---Booker T. Washington in OutNok. S ,year-old baby should have a meek of reediest atteiidano. • Kelly, besides. his 1 . • 1 twenty-one pounds to its credit. bullet wounds, had 14.knife cuts and Ma- ' • ' 'Vet They . Felt .1:tlanDooluteti. 1 'And so the future citizen: and citi- hone •bad 15. They. were put to bed in ; In a large warehouse in a Scottish eity zeness goes on building up, Until, . at the same room, and the same doctor. at- . atVorthy official who had served his ene the age of 2 years, it is abio to tended both.. For days they ley ahnost pioyers faithfully ', for over 20 stare ' point with pride to a record ' of tlinehing Hell other, and neither Spoke. thought he would ilke a &tinge of scene ' twenty-seven pounds.. "*Medicine Hat had been unable to decide and occupation lathe south of England. which had the better of the fight, and it Accordingly be tient in his resignation, S When the Zees Clean riouso teemed as if it Would be resumed It both -vshich was accepted with regret , a . lived to reeoyer. But one Morning Ma- Ills fellow employees, by whore he had The honey bee, like every good hone raised himself - painfully from his alwaYa been highlY respected, raised housekeeper, begins cleaning house in mattreSs, and be put out his hand to lei- among themselves a purse cif 100 sofee. the spring, as early as the .weather ly and saki: . eigne, will& the senior partner Of the Will permit, • They may be 'seen at "You ain't no thieh You're gerna" OM presented to him in a neat, choice the hive • entrance bringirig out the -And-Kelly covered the.hand with We epoch. . • bees thathave died hi the winter,_ own, and they sbooh. That settled their ' •"Weelhi'. Wild. the recipient as he pecks bits of eornb, and everithing that fetid. They Were under the doethee , eted the parse and rose to thank his do- ' may heate abouinulated in the hire as care for "three months, but When able In 110t0, "I 'lima ken how 1 ean thank ie for, waste material. They are not can - get out rode away to Medicine Hat this Magneeficent present. I'm . sure I tent to drop this at the edge of the together the best of friends. j never thecht I -Was sae "reel likelt until • bottoin board, or near the hie, but That was a real fight, the only kind of thie meenit, an tioo, when, I see ye a' sae cart it all to some distance away, a fight that a real man goes into if he is kind an 'lorry at the prospeck o' loin and it looks strange to elee a bee going to fight at all. It was a pity that me, I-4 think'Ill betstop ming ye an flying off with the .body 'of a dead Kelly -did not hold hie courage afterward no 'gang Mya.' at el" ' comrade as large as itself. This And stop he did, and he'e there atill, I Work is done before they begin to ecierandes Voloaneee. I gather pollen or honey, and any.eale oziy that does not attend to this an A Volcania,feature 0* Iceland is the Sol ohs • take a goed Mild Ware Valles% plane studded with' a : 80011 as thqr needs looking after, his it le probithe number of low, One dittoed hillocks" front ' ly very weak, or perhaps qtazeialetle. 'whose tops Jett] of steain aseend. In oths •er ogees baling reed issues from thhr After. they hetes comploted title work, ground elx to eight feet into the air, H Itt they are ready to go to rearing New Zeeland. . . I brood, and they may need feeding. -4- , .. , • . ••I.Itural World. ' Ptah are great gluttons. That is proba- i ' bly the reason why One looking bait 1 e Hibbs in many Totignes. tempts so many Of them to destruction. A I•BThuring the; last century the Bible sitigle bluefish has been ktiown to kill and t 'was translated into 260 languages1 detour tete eod, each as big as hiMaelfs• ID and . it is note accessible to nine . - - s tepid liuccession. tenths of thh World'aphsulationt - • assiaaaasas as ......... a. ManyeArtnan dresses to go out, feels irresolute, .its down, and falls into a fit of despondent musing. Ask her what's the matter, and she'll probably answer ajust the 'blues:, And what are the blued? Only ,Hother name in general, for a disordeted liver and a diseased stomach. Cleanse the liver, heal the efoiriach, purify the blood, tt;id there'll be no snore „blues. It can be done by tise use of Dr. Pierce's Goidett Medical, sciahety. Thiel medicine Mite the dito oft/ltd. organs of digestion and netrithio • .a4ta o a condition of sound health. It L rinbth ates from e blood air ititpure and• ' sdnoner substances, and cleannes the .bogged liver. It contains neither al, hobo' not neteotice. 0; bed' iivxmotint for the Past fifteen vgirk, otiiim ted with dysrpplitt 74 II a 6do WIR rs, la, nerifie . 0( 161 tat prOminent doctors, and not at 0 alt of th OS% Osh, Wis,• of doctored Vh pf hare done me the good, nor egun to do what year medicines hive. / hove used three bottlei , la of Dr. hkahieli Galit bil (Alain:atom oeneets end one bottle ef lo Medical Diseovery, oaf Dr. Slate% Faro he scrifaien, and have ., glided ebouteightten pounde since I lirst began ' Oki Wait tentediedo . - De* ii•teo'• itueta aura bilicalitteite. for. better Ines. no became involved it one of the Most banal murders known to the Calgary region, escaped the hang, Mans noose by technicalities and tinnily In Nebraska or Wyoming fell off 4 bet car one night and was ground to pleeee Isy the Wheels of a transcontinental freight. Mahone never fought again* Force of Debit. Ffaist.4 want *couple of eggs, boiled three and a half minutee, and hur• upetbout It, for i've got to catch-- Waiter,..411 Mr. They'll be ready & ixduntief itching,. Burning Skin Ole* easels relieved in a day. Eczema, Salt Rheum, Barberhi /tch, and all eruptions of the skin quickly relieved and gpeedily cured Iby Dr. Agnew's Ointment. It Will give in- stant nornfott in cases of Itching. Bleeding or Blind Piles, and will etre in from three to six nights.35 C6ntL-119, Sold by 3 P. IlMevi P. Reek% • toASTOR I or Infeztts sta Children, /.14114040 tit Ocininion tense and Modern lipedioal Selenee have reversed the cannot hueniovuerret ThebdIiet great SitoubtehuthAttmtiestil can Rheumatic Cure has turned **tables and has given to sufferers aided, Safe, simple and permanent tura. Thousands have testified' that it has cured them in three .4444 .412LL days.arae SOld by s, n.‘ yowl, & n. P. /Wide, Cantraating View". Some gentle natures welcome spring/ • For vernal beauty's sake. And some denounce it as a time When various germs twalte. ° —Washington Sim WHY WAIT, " If suffering from pain, but go at once t,o any drug store and buy e bottle of ,Nervi - line, the great pain cure. Never fails to give immediate relief. Nerviline is com- posed of the most powerful pain-strbduing subetances known. Neviline is endorsed by_asedioal men everywhere. Don't wait a single hour without trying h NW/line. The best medicine in the world to keep in the home as an emergency. Drugeiets INS it everywhere. • Dr. Ludwig Mond has, it is said, dishosesed a noethod of producing il- luminating coal gas at two pence per thousand feet. AS SURE AS YOU •ARE BORN • Putnaishe Corn.Extractor nitres all kinds ot corns and warts, in ea ehort time., Cures painieesly as well se promrtly, cures radically as well as quickly. The greatest corn raiser on the North Alltuti• can continent, just .ftek your druggist if this isn't so. Druggists all sell it. If you are et a &Owns from a drug store send tWenty-fiye <mete to ha C. robins Co., Kingston, and get it post paid. • The Minister of Marine has recant - Mended to the Govertmsent• that e. hew' el eamship be built for the Hydro- graphic Survey. FOUGHT FOB HIS LIFE. ' "My father And sister both died of 'Don - gumption," writea J. T, We ether wax, Wyan- dotte,Mich, ,"and I was saved from the sante • frightful fate only by Dr.ThinghiNew Dig-. eoyery. An attack of Pneumonia left an obstinate cough and very severe lung trouble, which an excellent doter could not help, but a few molithe'use of this wonderful medicine made hie as Weil as ever and I •gained much in weight." Infallible for • Coughe,Colds and all Thierth arid Lung trouble, Trial' bottles free. Guaranteed bottles 500 and $L00 at ail Druggiste, The steamer Ashanti, reported htgasauseshirShisstasse,..intssbeenssliontedo SHUDDERSATPAST. "I recall, now with horror,"says Mai Carrier 'Burnett Ma,nn,of Levannes0,,"my three years' of suffering from Kidney trouble. I was hardly ever free from dull aches or twine paine he my bacity To stoop or lift mail noire nude me groan., I felt tired,worn out about ready to give np,when I bows to use Meg lo Bitterabut six bol. ties completely cure me and made me feel like a now man. hey're unrivaled: to regulate gtornaehriver,kidneyeand bowels. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed by all Drag- gigeronly 60 cote, Eight French artillerymen were burned to.clea,th at the camp at St, CHILDREN'S COUGHS. 111111181 ANC1101111:121MAZO RECOMMENDED BY PHYSICIAN: • . . -Pond's Extract • Overfifty years a household roniedy . for Burns, Sprains, Wounds, Bruises • Coughs, Colds and ell accidents lia ble to ocenrin every home. CAUTION -Allots is only • one' Pond's Extract. •Be sure you art the genuine, sold only in sealed bottles ID buff Wrappers. Wholesale snit retail pialio and orgae.distributing centre. • • High grade newSpianos. Fie used pianos at decided be!- , gains. • • " • Buy the. wond0fal. Gramaphono ' . „ , for a pleasing entertainer. We • are headquarters for it.' Bargeine to teachers and stu- dents ifi Sheet Maine, 5oto 75c pieces for 10c—wholeiale. I:enrolments of all kinda sold, , Music Emirehitint t. OAREs .0LiNropi GL 11), A,GGA_RT BANKER A,L8.1KAT ST, . - CL.INTO.N A general Banking Businerp transagted. • 'Noigs.m8pa-uNTEn Drafts ssued. Intermit 0, lowed on •• deposits. • r. rrisDALL. BANKER, CLINTON, ONT. Frivatefunds to loan on mortgagee at west ourrent veto. A GeneralBanking Business tranqcted intend allowerl deposits, • Bale notes bought • The Itiolsons Bank Incorporated by Act of Parliament Het CAPITAL s 02,600,000 ,REST FUND h2,050,000 HEAD OffEICE•111ONTREAL. . Wm. tilotsoN alecennashs, Vrestdent Same Bta.toT Gen, Manager. Notes demounted, Wollectione made, Drafts 'issued, Sterling and American exchange bought and sold. Interest allowed on dc• posits. • SAVINGS Baur—Interest allowed on mime of 51 and up, Money Etdvatteed ta arritteir-shenhatoteasseitli—o more ndersers. No mostgage required 11. 0, 4:Mg-NMI:Manager, Clinton Ammovvvw•vyvvv4mAkompay% RUMBALL'S • WATCH AND . • JEWELRY STORE • just, seceived d lot of new l3eite, Briekles, Pulley Belts,Bangle Brace. lets, eto. The Jatest_goode in the We make epeoialty of fitting Speetaoles and Eye Waimea• Eyo examined free. Therida nothing' 80 good for, eialldrerVe 'soughs and eolds, croup, whooping cough' or bronehitte m Pr. Wood,* Noriedy Pine Syrup. • • • It's so Mos to take that yonngsteri beg for It, and it envie 80 quieklytliat inotbara are delighted. We. R. P. Leonard, Perry:Sound, ont.i writes: "I have used Dr, Wood's Nor- way Blue Syrup for cough* and acacia of myself and baby. / dud it cures * eold, quieker than any other sough mixtureand is pleat° titite.” . and.*Ifferifig are liberated from . Disease by 1060147sablets. If you suffer from Indigestion . . Diabetes, Bright's Disease,Ner- yobs Prostration and General Debilty;they, will set you free nervous, pale and delicate women. Worn out, despondent men will find them a positive' bless- 13.hiler'drie.etPlainreieedet3005in:lepialayny05140'iQuinacoen Street, Ottawa. Recommended •and for sale by 4, E. Hovey, Chemist W. N. Walker, Upholsterer In all kinds of Perlor Putniture and Man. rtfaoturer of 0 - Mattresses Lounges Couches Etc0.o8y (10glieirg Chapati taken np, cleaned and taiga and henna:staining attended O. Mattresses • made over. Prices realonable. Call and Ha eamplee of work dna 00Vel'o eringe, or by particulars, For Sale -45 yet& of fine Womb' Carpet, &knot as good as new, Stand —Shepherd.. Block, Ontario Street, Clinton A Commission to revise. the etatuttiff of MartitObe has been, aprointed,' COO. elating of Of • ttrustico Killaro, IVIessra, ZIA. Taylor and 1.y.- El, Mel/eons, , • Ohlicirevs Ivy for ›-e++++44 0-460.444.e.e+te-t,i Central Meat Market I •iHaving purckagea the butehering bossiness of F. IL PoWeli I am pre- pared to furnish the people ef 01111. ton With all kinds of Fresh and Cared Meats. Sausage, bologna • lard, butter andeggs always kept on • hand. tt -SOIL TiephOne 76. Orders delbrerecl promptly to• *11 parte of the town. • )T.B.—Pereone having: hogs • for a ving word M the shop. hiprnent confer e favor by sh140114410411,4114100isisneareiriblairmiliiislilli ASTORIA., A Stepladder Given Away • • To every purchaser of One Oen of our Pure Crean Baking Powder we will give, With** any extra ohatge, a stria' durable fiyeefoot Stepladder* 'three 16e bars of Soap fOr 25e Breoinle go at gOai 0« OLSON* Nett door to Dr. Outm's private: hoepitt‘ Gond Butter arta Eget wanted. .