HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-05-10, Page 2:•;•"'"; •;•' l‘itty Wet 1901 Does WiLla concern Yeu? b WIB weld U 8 4001 eeal of oaths,. fact 100 elthsci 'hers u ill Wildly !tee to it thet ei. redact fp; km 8 are 'told in advances Tin- p,ice of paper and of "printing, mat et lel of all kinds has ad- vanced very materially during the past Year, while ihi pf it e of material has ternained the same. Our white paper .Costs tis 9c per 11. mote than it did last year, This rendere it all the More ne• ceesary that salvor hers pay promptly. • Will those who have not. paid remit us at Once the amount of their subset ip. Oen. Otte dollar or two to a subscrib- ett may seem a small amount, but When •hundreds such are scattered arsund it becomes a eerious metter, • R. HOLMES fgetittiXin FRIDAY MAY 10. 1901. Crisp County Clippings We understand J. Wray has sold his (iv et y businests in Gordo to Mr Millseot Senforth,for the snug SIMI of $1.400. Wrn. ki,Jenies, tiOn of E. James, of East Wavvanosh, died at her tether's it.roe on April 17th, in the 20th year of b14 lige. TIIE CLINTON NEW ERA Weather Prophets. 1.••••11....1000061PROM To Elie Editor oi the Clinton .We Era. STR.-A pubrcation has been brought to ray notice called"Word and Work," published, I believe, in St, Louis, edited by a man called flicks, This individual pretenda to give a forecast of the weather for some time ahead, and, as 1' have been judged deficient, because 1 place no value upon the publication in question. I would desire to call the attention of those who put any faith in 'flicks" prophecies to the following table. The left hand column contains Hicks pia; His Lordship, the:Bishop of Huron; dictions for April and the right hand column gives the weather as we actually will come rate st.paues church.wioRs hod it here in Clinton :- hamon '.euesday afternoon, May 7th, 1, '•11 h th . PROPHECY ' • • I e e g s trig es at w*inams thud finger Of his rigat haDd fillet) off 1 Apr, 1st berometeraain.hail and their- FACTS ditto I I date I Baer, 1 wind temper. geravveather Very high temperatsse, low euitigle Gerriiati. Stinson had the der on or next to atit, Storrni- by eitallogan contact With A ca'aro • nege with heavy April mines On Tuesday Chris. 0., eldest son of • )angerou6 tefileala storms 1st Ms and Meta 1. McMath, Goderioh, died of a severe attack of • laryngitis, after a yet y short illness at the age of 5 years, • When Mrs Bagshaw, of Exeter, was cleaning stove pipes the step -ladder on which she etood slipped, and in falling places 'sear the wiist. „ L. the floor,broke her s'aisat arm in 1.7,0 Mt s Reid, relict of tt."61ate aeo.Reicl, of .13ast,k!y.o,,sy—,...,.,•,-t-ub;-b::, died very sudden - 1 . The-Ontario„Goyernment is restock- ,1,ti.aar ' .esday week. She ,leaves - tw- in s f tje lithes. Biotehergt,04 fish SIOI- ag' mothee and one daughter. She itii aie ioiti .t iti- °di aiig 119131 i„," I Me. 53 years ,of age. -.01e I RuMards, oxqralleawpakeis% a°.tivatyheorrij°11oril EV"ing eSe tbr.AS adies hes eet,h, (4e of 74 yeare uene come to pass intceearse e of the Lodon (rif ont wilaeor hnifirale wasaraiiyA of niturchea.krarg#0 ;laud. 1 he Toronto St ga.ys bathine W ii Ile kle p tinful accident recently, While pulp- ano sue teansedaughtere and two sons, • • ext thing at batt'ams. S.ANtatitt, 'Varna, met with a f eTY' The age limit at a hich children may ng mangelds he mit the ends taken off b.. einployed factories in Ontatitu itha ee fingers on his left band. one of fourteen years, and during 1900 there them being cut -as far -as -the -bone, • - T. McLeughlio;l3russeis, has 'sold his e v.) s few cases of t ielat ion of the weiahred mere Jessie McLaughlin, to lavediscovered by the factory harms. John K,ellv. of 'Listoivel, for the line The appl cat ion for a license for the Tecumseh House at London was re - SAID of $200. This is a gcod price for a 3.yeareald. R McOcarnell, Blyth, htts ,purchased from Messrs Ba,wden & Mc one , o fused by the commissioners and t' e Exeter, the imported shire stallion. applicants were given until Ann: t mit 6,4d's Baran. tie is •five • years 1st to sell out otherwise no license w II be granted to the hi! el. tad and weichs 2000 lbs. The price paid was 61400. • • • • We extend:sytnpathy to Laidlaw, o' Morris, owing tolaie death of hiswife. While attars. Kt; Pat t (aeon was speak. e other night, ht. was int et rupt- • el hv• the eloq lent strains of a bag. pip , 'Ha as the House smiled at the unu noise, Mi. Patterson said "I Ste volt% fut merly Miss Mary J, Black, daughter of Mr and Mrs T. Black, of E •et WA wa nosh, and had only been m tt ried fifteen months. " N. °tint ine, of St. Joseph, *bile on the American side recently had. his lite instil ed in the NewYorkLife and the lsrew York Equitable fob $50.C) each. He has effected a loareof $10, - Cal to be Applied in budding up St. Jos- eph, which he says will be a city in the neat future: Messrs 13awden & MeDonoll, Exeter!, have made two very important horse a sales lately They .have sold to J.Hen- like that music very tilt ich -kit not just now." It turned oat that a 'num- bar of membets had been otri-Ill a sup per, af d • to. a , vertu)! -General's pirer headed them up to the House and around the corridoy-, trying to warm tnsin CI 4. dance. hot not one of t he 21m -fold step a ighlaial fling ;.• tb y looked sober, too, dersoa, of 11 .1ton,' the Clyde chit "Lips The troubles of North Btuce ate ton" for 61500• • Thav:Atlso. _sold to J.. not yet over, for Cie riding is to have a further election Li ial. On Satut day a petition against the return nf Mr Halliday, who WAS elected by a small • majority at the recent bye -election, Suggit,• fliillsborough, Charnok intr." a •-hire horse SLX years old. He weighs 2,030 pounds._ The prige was $1030. . . • Another •old resident of East Wawa- nash passed away on Sunday weeit, in the person of BerbaraRobinson, relict wee filed at Oegoode Hall,' he petition- of the late Rev Jas. Young, who for er being Jamet, McAlpine. a resident sixteen years taught schoel in Zetland. of Wiarton The petit ha% follows the Deceased Was hot n in Scotland;hiithad usual teal,- of such doctittien,s, and been in Eist Wawaroish for nearly lays the ett -Lomat y chat ges a In the, y. forty y are. She was 78 years of age. .,-.-- payment or , Yle yelling expet,-eg, elm itaa Patrick Hogan, art old and respected ha' Poraon- not P.: i. led it. voi e, et c. Mr. resident of Godericb, departed this life HalliclaY hlift"-if is inci"d" in these on April 23rd. Deceriee0 Was born in chat gee, le- %tell as his agente, and his Ireland 83 years ago. and was a farmer • di,c; n ilitivat i, In, a,4 well as tit iseitt ing,is at Carlsw before retiring to Godench. dem .. ded The dale ( f the trial has He leaves', heckles, his widow,tsvo sons not yet been fixed, tf 1 d t he pat oiculars living in Bulfhlo, t woilaughtera in De.' have not, yet been filed. troitand one at home. ----.. •sw,mame......• in a* J. J. McLauchlin, McKillop, It is nct surprising thet the manage- put chosed-fraerm-Gendry Bees., their mmt of the Pan -A me lean .Vitir should pure-bred Clydesdale stallion, Pickites endeavor to get something for nothing, roil dr;,irotne.dAirttormill;pitilewoonoe Park. but a e wav , ; e newspapers of On- the Pifer) shire stallion, Deefor'd 143tr.'• tario are being played for stickers, quiet the price is said to be $200. J, without apparently uaderstanding the Vol(lidinhwasnstrolc i 7 Btv,),27. VAT game, is truly astonishing, Prectical- field. taking in exchange a nice has; ly all the mnney th o the fair directors Colt by King Stanton. • a Fenian Buffalo are earl:reeding for 1 A fatal accident. happened in Hensel! on Tuesday week. when A. Short, an publ city is being spent in the li Hitt d empi„yee of W. Welsh, received such States baz lose the Yukon Publi. her is -lila, iee as caused his death. He was . too astute to pelt any. nes cher: it s engaged at a circularasaw. and while- wi bout, getCng paid full ti no. The altetypthig to remove a board he Was methods put su d with the Canadian tinning, it was caught in some manner and wee thrown with gteat for ceaarik. publisher are widely different. For , Ina the unfortunate man on the side, six months p .st the Yankee pfess near t he hip. Medical aid wee sum - agency that supplies “plate matter to atoned, but all to no avail, as he passed scorer; of Cs nad'an country weeklies away the following day, through is Toronto brarich has hren 14 ading up the ct limns of nearly eve ty In the death of Mee Agnes Gerrond 1, cal exchange thin Cf mes. into this ef. MeDougall which occurred on Friday fire with titer puffs of :be great Tin a sek. Inc Virden district lost A very Pen, The Canadian editors who allow old and highly respected resident. At 1;,. mselyes to he wot ked 1 his way do the re sidence of her son, A.G.McDoug- no. deserve to get anything ft r the all, the deeeasad passed away at the - spare which is their stock in trade.-- age of 89 years. Mrs McDougall, relict Tor onto Saturday Night. Of the late Wm. MeDbureall, formerly of Seaforth. Ont.. was horn at elate, heuseanorleet, Gallowa,y, Scotland, and crime 'With her husband to Can- ada in 1857, fettling down in Elullett. TA columns, is rather inclined to be Huron tounty, Four years later the pessimistic ot times, when dealing death of husband and father °centred. at timer., wnen dealing with the Shecontinned to reside near Seaforth prom e -s of the country under the new until ahnut 12 Yeats ago, when she ()ultra things But the truth gets ptet iy well told in its news celumna We select the following from a late ite. lir of our con temperer y : "Mr F. Paiquette, a French-Cana- adian, now living at Lowell, Mass., was at the Canadian Pacific colonize- seree cleaned, 40 784; acres wood, 6.184; r ion department yeet cedar snaking iimeetiaarratirri,11 859; tofaI aseessrnens of as 1 angemenis for i be t ransport at ion t eat pt, oriel t v, $1,740 3'o; personal ere . of 500 of his compatriot ti tram Lowell, pert y. 80 400: real and versional. 0,740, Mass, to Swan loser. 400 miles north- 774 : tottd populat inn. 3343; doge. 428; vest of Wu:inlet sg. Some years ago; bitches, 7; rattle, 11.218 t sbeeP, 8.4115 : the immigt at inn was to the Slat es, hilt tinge, 1911. ; horses. 1.934; births,. 53; tor the -last few years, and especially deaths. 25; acres orchard. 5522- ; r cr a Ibis year, the i ush has been towards fall wheat, 3931 steam boilers, 10. the Nor the est. People are at last be- The amnia Spring Vale under the. '4th 4th • to 7th 8th to 9th _ laths, • to 16th 18th to 21st _ • to to 8rd, . • - Very cool wether with pod- eibly late snow and Octets,. Witteh for tender plants. Marked change to warm. Lower barometer, heavy April rake bail and thunder, fol- lowed by colder weather. About1502 viol:outs electrical Storms, attended by hall,artin and dangerous wincli, Low barornetershigh tempee- • ature,daityperoxysms"..1 wind, Ps againatthno,d".; pbriel down. 'be wisest° anticipate stormrs of much energy, with heavy rains and hail. In ex- treme northern parts possib- ilities of sleet antl snow. 1 2 4 • 6 0 7 9 10 11 12 18 15 16 17 :18 19 ne; 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 20 30 28th 29 80 29.20 28.76 28.97 2872-2890 28 90 29,10 29.80 29.40 29 et) 29,85 29 20 29 15 29.10 29.20 29 15 28.90 na't/.22 29 40' 29 05 29.00 -29 20 29.16 2980 2985 -29.40- 29.50 29,60 29.85 N. W. mild very One N. E. mild cier.dy,showery N, N. E, etalartine N, mild Ana mild very aim E. mild cloudy N. E. cold fine N.• cold cloudy N cold very fine N. E, warns fucie N, fr N. 14 11 • W. if W. " a • S. E. a •04 EL 11 N . W. N. E. N. E. N, F.. N. 8.- 8,8. 8, B; ' S. W., 13, W. matt piously 7 _., cold, rain turn to snow 1 - ononlit solneoewt and snow •'• jarnealackie was comptetely buried bv. t he caving in of a • eewer „ at St. cold showery . Catharines, and was dug out in the mild showery nick of time. •• , • milder fine "Wore 'recite, loth opted." arid "hasten slowly", ere provErbs born of experience that some things met be hurried without loos and waste, 'Abet 10 specially true of eating. The railway lunch bane., eave minutest for refreshments", is a habit most dieastrous to the health. You may hurry your eating. You can't hurry your digestion, and the neglect to allow proper tiroe for tilts important function re the beginnirg of sorro , 0 t3 AlrinY a busineee I legs, uellee fullneFe after eat in, )1(1 A young woman to help in housework, AP - mart. When the tolgue is foul, the bead ashes, when there are sour or bitter rite flushes, irritability, nervousness, irrese- ply at the NEW ERA offiee. lution, Old ex remitles, and other annoy- Mar. 22 -If. mg eymptnms, be sure the stomach and orgasm of digestion and nutrition have "broken dawn". Nothing will rearstablish them in active healthy operation *to quick- ly act Dr. Pierce'Golden Medical Die - every, It strengthetre the stomach. • WANTED. At once -t0 good ;rowing girls via JACKSON MANUFACTURING 0 , Mar. 1-tf. Clintoxt, Ont. Boarders Wanted. Boarders and roomers wanted. App' NEW ERA FFIC.R. Wanted • Japanese Illillett. For sale, any quantity of pure japanese Elliott ateed,left at $1 per bushel. Mai' Ott ELF03.0 iit SON, flolmeovide. nuirlebes the tamers, purifies the blood, I . tereperanee 0104:sine eantalfillia no aka. Sale or to Rent, and builds up the body. It fs a strictly For 1 bol Or 001' int0Zioant. Given awl. Dr. The brick store on Albert St, lately own•. Teercea great work, The People's Com- pled by Mrs McLellan win he s id, e on recei, t of stamps to pav expensee of a•de and on eteltterms: Apish to ° 8 48°4" May 8-4. US BIDDLEOOMBE,Clinteli. Mon Senile Medical Adviser is sent free mailing and custorns. fiend 31 one.eent . _ . • • etaMps for the paper oovered book, or .50 • UrOovh Lost etamps for cloth binaing, to Dr, R.• V. P.eroe, Buffalo,- • Da auntlay esetelpe, somewhere between St Paul's church and the poet (Mee a star shaped brooch with brilliants. Finder please leave mine for the,owner at the NEW ERA °Moe. May 8-1. Wanted • Girl to do general house work for small family in London, Apply to MRS R. HOLMES, Queen St. C intuit. • .4 milder fine mild fine . wenn -fine - 4, 41 • OlOadY Froth the above it will be seen that however-valtrable snch prophetic utter- ances may be in the vicinity of St,Louls,Morshere in Canada they cannot he held in the highest esteem, For instance, there has been no hail, no thunder,no tor- nadic storms. no heavy rains, no daily paroxysms of wind and Apt il down- pours, no vicious electrical storms, etc, etc, Instead of all this, the very sound of which is music in the ear of the would-be weather prophet, we have had on the whole a most beautiful month. *.the highest harolneter, 29.00; the lowest, 2872, a very slight variation in a month. Out of 80 days only on 7 did we have rain, sleet or snow ; 21 days were positively delightful weather, and on the whole few, Aprils have been so helpful to this principal proportion of our coun- trymen, viz., the farmers. If Mr Hicks does not do better in future, even his most devoted admirers will begin to lose faith. • Yours truly; Jolitre'ReetSFORD. • • • Returning to eanada. , - - Ile Montreal Gazette, in its editor. came to Marritobtovehere her OM have made their homes. Two sisters and one hrother survive the deceased, also a family of two sons and one daughter. The following are figures regarding Grey :-Total number of acres, 01,887 ; / Additional Local News The Cigarette Evil, •Properties for Sale or to Let , HOUSE' for SALE or to ItE,NT. On Victoria St., near Organ Factory., goo° will buy a roomy, comfortable house with good lot -the property recently occupied by Frank Unshall. Aimly at once to - W. BRYDONE, Barrieter &a. Clinton. Wow,' WILL. LIE CREAi....--lbere is a Mr Sem Grigg f•orriter. Clintoniam„ • falling offin the exports bona Toronto to well known: as an old .hotel keepebt, the United Statee as shown by. the but no* a zealrois- and effibient American consul's 'figures for fiest three gelist, sends the following letter, months of 1900 end the corr esponding . which is Worthy the 4WD t ion. of .811 'term for this Yeae,arnounting to 006.431 • who are addicted to the cigarette A large Portion of • the decrease in ex- habit :- • . ports is accounted for by the fad that Dear May I (found note in the first quarter of 1900 wool to the of warning thrpugh. your . columns to extent Of $78,000 Was shipped,while this • unsuspecting parents and . fellow cit I. year was but $00.50. In.explan, zens.on a most invert:rot euhlect ? ation of this alotal dealer in wool stat- During the year 1895, while. running es that practically all oflast year's wool the.newsboYs' half, I.eaw borne of -the • is in the country . yet.. It was • bought evils produced, .uot . only by The use from the pi OduCers• at the 'high price" cigarettes, but also by the .obscene prevailing last sumnrermrid as the pride: pictures which were ; in the • packages since has dropped the 'dealers can sold. ' -As a result' of my complaint not let rid of their stocks, ' epeeist action Was. taken by the au - WATCH 1.11E ADS. -Every traveled • thorities. With the gratifying, result' r dwapaper reader,especially the ladies: tnat the unclean pictures largely readily ;acknowledges. that the real. appeared although the evil.of cigarette 'news that, effecth the pocketbook is selling and cigarette smirking EARL re- foinid in theadvertieennents of the local' .Mains. At that titne I made the state-. 'merchants. The merchant who adver, meat thittl .would ."prefer to see a. tises is a reporter: s He reports to the boy taking a drink of Whiskey from a newspapers what he has to offer: And flask than to use a cigarette," and it is real news. It effects the pocket- while.I then believed the cigarette to. book of every Unitise If same merche be the. more ruinous of • 'the. two, 1 ant hi making a great run'on•shoes,and am far more conyinced today of the selling them,that is news tbat -every 'tremendous., evil constquences that person.who• needs shoes ought to know.' follow its use. Since then I have lived If another is offering special bargains. tospee many of the .boys then addicted in overcoats. underwear, corsets, hets. to the cigarette habit. serving terms in furniture,drestego-de,carpits,groceries the penitehterry for havingheennrie coal or wood,s1 oves or 'anything a WO- fitted •for study and too lazy to . work; ily.needs,Why, it is news' that rneens they have gone frorrobad boyhood, ;to money to every farnity'andtbe. people work. manhood, and crimes' of various kno*. it That's why the merchants kinds haveheen associated with their advertitie in the newepapers. • , Timm I can honestly say after a varied experience 32 years in • the liquor fruitiness, 'have come in. contact • Gambling Women. . with the many ientiriets inflicted by the trade; that. tbrecigarette habit bids fair • (Preshyterian Review) . .• From Toronto,Montrettl and Boston to become a scourge greater than that 'sinoUltaneously reach us a . cry again et for which t he drink teat:fide not respon. t he pernicions habit of gembling wig Bible. In -bygone days I •have lowed *omen. A young women gave as her through the subterraneoute passages of reason for not.uniting With a certain the infernal opium (Jerre of .San 14rture organizetiOn,that whist clubs occupied disco, and the results theee do not giye four afterni cies and twoeveninge, while cvstaiireerltfo4rgoroes,oftewr hailoahrmr now wn wtrhigte,priet-, tWO. MOinirigg were derated to lessons in whist-playmg. Anotber :Women.de, was in San Francisco that the anedical dared a short time ago that the habit inspector at public schools peoniatinced with cards in her neighborhood was the cigarette 'habit greater in its • evils almost as fatal as the habit of opium. than the opium traffic. Loss of mem- The wife of oprominent gentleman in orY, blindness, insanity, lack of ene a Canadian city sat rine afternoon after ergy, and worst of all, a blunted con- another.from One week to anotheroin. science, are bute. few of the 'fearful til the closed blinds,the gas -light' by. results. foretelling national calamity day..and the operations of conscience unless strong bands • and courageous. compelled her to remove from associat- hearth are brought to overthrow the ions that were dvertrflug her wcmar.. entrenched fce.• Many of our leading hoodatmothering, her desires for better and most successtul business men' are things,and injUring the happiness and refusing to enwlov and discharging harmony el home. Things have come from their service those who are known sto-thatspasteinsomesplaces-notessossfar-steestrse-the and alt fair - away away from home,that there is a cry as- minded men with but a stiperficinl eending to -Heaven that our mothei s knowledge of the matter must agree and 'their daughters may withdraw that they are wise in their action in from those modern indulgences which this respect. Before 'closing, would like to say are turning so many from vaths of thoughtfulness and titithatnd that the that cigar or pipe molting, injurinus card -table and the wasting ofafternoon as either may be to those who indulge, hours may give way to a more sober and offensive as it may he to those who and satisfying spending of time. It Is do not, is not nearly as disastrous in its not necessary to go away from our effects as the "cigarette habit," for the own borders to find .worneti fritting CigArette smoke takes the smoke into away precious boursanisueing the en. both hinge and brain, whet eits conden • ergy which God has bleseed them with mann produces the desired sensation, competing in dress, striving. for the while the cigar or pipe smoker throwe fir st prize attached to the gaming table, off to someextent at least the nicotine and demoralizing themselves, their chit- drawn into the mouth. A young .man dren and others who are inflaented by recently informed me that he requires their example t hrough-ayhat has Cooly- as many as three dozen qgaret tea to ad from the gaming into the •gambling predure sleep, and on rising in the niorning he Indere his favorite cigar. nuisance. • ette to breakfast, Hewn, cigar or eanadlati Magazine Por May pipe. The gating man in question had been for sometime aconsistent drinker and smoke, ,r‘ but the former Practices haye lost their (+anti before the more poisonous and stupefying practice of Sigarette .emoktnara There_.10.. another. Man With Wiiihrile have been 'long ac- quainted, who, years after relmquish. Ing the practice, still suffered from the "tobacco heart," and often the physic- ian had to he called. to attend him in the middleof the night. In my work 'letting Jane and Conducting missions I find the evil making inroads in cities, towns, villageti, weeto among boys(' and girls in our schools. and parents should unitedly rise.to resist thle invas- ion which threatens Birch tvidespread devastation. I am cotivinced that many ordinary smokers would cease their practice were they but par Willy acquainted with the terrific commuter- ees attending cigarette antOking to which they, by their eirattple; often become decoys to many of more tender ye ars and !elm motel strength than themselves. It is reported t hat the health of for mer President Steyn has broken down and that he has advised all Doers on commando to surrender immediately. A ease of ernallpox1e) repeated in the vicinity of Waterloo town. ginning -if) reaii ze the agri c drat- ad--;-- vontnges of the west." As supplementing the above it may • he noted that conductors on various p• PP of railroads running from the Ea& ern States towards Montresiaetate that a great many French-Oanadians who have been employed in factories and elsewhere in American towns. ate permanently returning to Canada. The Methodist tvventleth century thasksgiving fund committee met in Toronto a few cloys ago. The returns were not complete, so that final sched- ules could be submitted, but the grand tteal os subscriptions was reported et $1,200.000. ' Of this, local church debts get the largeat share, or $570.007, cow. latietional funds got $22/ 511; other 13g.. ufes could not be giyen with exacti- tude, and those now given are approx. inlate. Cash on general adcOtint to the atinertit of 1,21,553. Wag dirtrilauted arneng seven colleges, including Victoria College which waived its claim, The expense of administering the Whole fund 00 for Was $20,435, and $6,000 More was appropriated to can - Vete it, The execittive committee Of the Main, Cirtiltrtit tee was ged by the addition of four clerical and two lay members, this executive being charged with the duty of winding up the affairs of the fund, merit renrrithirSoutle-floroto---Agrictrfr 3uf al Society, was held in Brucefleld on April 101 b. The following were the • swards :-Aged di aught stallion, Vs , M. Bin Bon's "Gallant Column". Aged carringe Or coech, let. Levy * 00A "Milbttre ; 2nd. E. 0, Attrill's "Lena - tort's Danegell" ; Ord. Thos. Dissitt's "Clear Grit". 'Three years old, Tema Skinner's "St. George." Two years old. Thos. Skinner's "Sir 'Wilber." Aged roadster, B. A. Higgins' Sid Tol- stoi." Blood etallion. Thos, Skinner's "Tyrnrie". Sweepstakes for best tight horse of any close, E. a Attrill's "Le neeion's1Daneael t". Bulls, Durham aged,1et, Elcoat Bros.le"Gerieral Have - Ick"; 2nd, Smillie &Chapman's "New Year's ; 3rd, A. & Broarifoot's "Ohencellor"; 4th, R. Charters' "Prinee Mat Ode." Two years old, Istsj. Snell's "Star Mnrning" ;29(1. Thor; Lane's Diamond's Mash" 8rd, R. D. hfcLsan's "Knight the West",1.4th,Snider Bro'd "Prince of rertutie.” Yearlings, glcoat Bros', General Buller." Sweepstakes fOr beat bull Of any age in the beefing gate, atis. Snell's "Star of Morning." Hereford,-- Alex. Monteith's "Mat - them". .Tereey,-D. MeIntoth's "gra- ger of Brompton," Iudgetv-Ileavy horses, .L Hamburg; Light horses. P. toren, ViroOdateek; bullet Thoo. 'gobs P., Merton, Lan« don towneb The Canadian Magazine for May Contains some excellent material and he fir tit instalrnentg of two new oriels. Joanna. E. Wnocl_writers ofQtarlett 'Algernon' Silifibitrne whom, she claims, is the greatest living English writer. The illuetral ions for this article are very valuable. Ancther beautifully illustrated article is -Katherine Hale's" Some Prominent Playere," with por- traits of Bernhardt, Willard. Mansfield ihn Drew and others equally 'famous. Among the other contributore Of the month are Profeesor Maurice Hutton. Profesaor I. E. Lellossignor, F. Clifford Smith, Agnes Deane Cameron, Agnes Maule Machar, Charles Gorden Edgers, F.. Blake Crofton Virna Sheard, Head - June issue will be the hundredth num. Head- on Hill -all vrelleknt7n names, The der ofthe "Canadian, 'and thepublish- ere prowlers something eepeeially good in tne way of a valnable and artistic production.. Canadian pitblishing in- terest ate developing fast. The congregation of Christ's church, St. Helene,. 'Mende to build a tieW church to cost il2C:1. More than $15C0 are alteady subscribed. A private letter from Vermont. states that Rey, Dr. G. 'L MeKay, * Mission- ary well-known to our readopt:, has re- turned to Formosa from Hong lIortg, where he hat been for some thne 10 him sodomy trouble and with hie fem. the hospttal. Hitt throat le still giving Children Cry for fam- ily be Is rating at hell" resort en CASTOR IA. one of the Hyatt: of the Wad. House tor Sale A large, two story frame house with pretty surroundings, on Huron street, is offered for sale eta bargain; 2 cisterns; and a never -failing well. Will sell for $1,000 less than its cost as proprietor is leaving for Manitoba. For parti- culars apply on the promises, or to John Ridout, agent. JOHN TEDFgED, Clinton, Feb.22- if' 'MO choice Farm for Pale Subscriber offers for sale his fine farm 01 147 acres, being lot 25,0011. 18, Iluilett, All clear- ed but four acree. Brick house (and also frame house for hired.man),bank barn, spring creek, 'bearing orchard. of 2 acres, N. miles from 1.91e desborq, soil first -chum and in good oondition. Possession at any time, terms to snit purchaser Jan 4 --*1 m-tt W. HILES. Londesttoro. • The fianfeeettage on Orange street, occu- pied by the undersigned, is offered fair sale on reasonable terms. The lot is a of an acre, with herd and soft water, stable, good fruit and vegetable garden, The house contains hall, parlor, two bedr% ems, clothes closet, dining room, summer kitchen, cellar and woodsho, is centrally located, possession given any time to suit purchater. ELIZABETH GRAHAM tf House for Sale. Lot number 634, Maple Street, Clintort owned and fortnerly occupied by Ma Thomas hobertson is offered for sale at a. reasonable price. The house is commodious and in good condition. For. pa. flouters apply to •°lintel:taller 6th, 1001.• W. 1111YDONE; STORE to_rt SA. LE. The premises occaylea by R. X. Cluff, and consulting of a first c ties brick eters, on Albert Street Clinton, is offered for sale on, easy "Arra° Cottage on A.-11;m:t Street, with two lots, stable. and all conviences.- Particulars on appicatien to Para W. Robertson, Clinton or airs C. W. McGregor, Constance. • FARM FOR SALE, Subscriber offers for sale his -farm of 158 scree, situated on the ' Maitland coneession, Colborne. About 140 acres cleared, , frame house, bank barn. plenty cif water and in good Mate of cultivation,i of a utile from school tend 2 miles from Hohnesville. Terms reasonable. Deo 14-tf SICHARD BAKE it. Clinton PM ' To Rent tor . Grazing.. • The south half of lot 60, Maitland concession, Goderich township, comprising 67 acres. Two good orchards on theproperty wiil be included also. The piece is well fenced and tnere is an abundant supply of water. Apply to WM. Me- MATH,Goderich F. 0.,or to CURTIS STEVEN - SON, Clintort. , April 7-M. For Sale or te, Rent. e choice brick house o- the corner of Ful- ton and Joseph streets, belonging to the estate of the late Richard Heywood. is offered either for tale or to rent. It contains room for ordi- nary family, Is practically a new house, With all conveniences, and three -tenths of at sore afloat& If the proper is not sold Or rented, part of it will be rented, Apply to W. COATS Executor Clinton. FARM FOR SALE -- Stibsorrber offers for sale his farm of 100 .aores, lot No.84 situated on 10th. con., town - shit. of Hallett, linroa Co., about 90 acres cleared arid in a good atate o' cultivation, bal- ance bush. On the farm ilia good fratne house, large bank been and other out Wilding, got d -hear#fa-mehard.nd-well-watered-Apply_ "to JOSEPH MORRIS, March 22-tf Londetaboro. To Rent. Store to rent in thriving wcsteen town, malt - able for dry goods, gi rite furir siting*, groceries, boots and shoes or Remind store, ilustuess not co elderly. An A I bleed, newly refitted deposit. leading farmera hotel anti market, tw * doors from inlet ranee, Town supported by itidustries Arming dairying. trait anti btdokratolag, first sense %wine. A regular snap for the right man write if you inean breath ese. s SMALN, Auril 10-4 liox 64 Li t oW TILE 1140KNICY e'r.alt.10$ Langton's nattegnit. umin mut -in- IMSORIPIION ,-Tateaton's lautegalt Canadian Hackney IS, 11., 1&10) *1110k110Y B. B WAS tented in end 1s0011811 fluently t Itt Iowa old he la, ft beautiful dep. pie chestnut tailor with stripe cm face, and both (void feet and neer hind it lam White; he is a very high tout. Motor, and hook artion ottnnot be excelled ; (tomes f out champion stock in Ragland atulthell, both blq sire And dent haylegbeett into reed from FIngland. _Laugtelealrettegelt Avas...1n441....bv Mr- Feed. -111.1ilevene,of Mina ewitod Hackney tittui,At Hen, N. Y., oat of tlat Meet sacerdotal ard best 'known brooders In the Ut Red States And (ali81. 11. was Imported to Clan Ada by hie present Owner, Mr it, 0 Attila. anal Is Oro- nouneed by Eli who have seen- him ail one of the best epoch:mut of the Hackney type now in Canada' was Mired by Laugtotas Pre. fernier. 148141, Keg.. 24$1 Animation, by °erten Duke or Connaught 1110013 kng. 8. 11. Hie data wee Lady Dainegelt,_ (8616) Eng. Neck., (720) Amoricion she by Eng* ETftlikittalnefaillittBehe can be traced batik indefinite- ly but breeders Who aril interested in thiS class Of stotk reedit, gee that LitogtOu'it Dane. atilt shads in the front rank of Hackney lead - erg. Terms, gIS to insure, parable January 1st, Horde: -On atonday,Aprii 20, he will leiva )Ie own stable, Itidgaweed Park, a nd,_joroceed to Thomas Belt's, tat con.. Goderiell Te„ for noon; theno• to Albion Liotel, Bayfield. for Tneeiley, lie will 'anointed to John Bothwelre for, nowt; therein to Wiltion'e Awmeolaincaenoparo.tiewe.ifluirroefIceeoldd, ftoor nolgtoohtm, °root Rotel, Seaforth, for 7 thence to Sartitsel Glittotes, Huron 'toad, for night s Thursday, he will -proceed to MeCatighey'a Clornmerbiel Hotel, °lintel% ter noon; 'bonen utotetra.. 001elotigh's, lith con., Gederich, tor Friday, he wet proceed to Wm. Driveret Muter Read, tor noon then. Tina; barn, Gotimichr for night, were he will remain all day, tiaturdey, mei then return to Ridgewood Thisrolde wIll be (iodinate timing the tea. me, health and Weather permit tine. vs it wimosE,DWARD 0. ATrittht, Proprietor, Manager. Professional andOtherCards JAMES SCOTT Barrister, Senator, dm.. CLINTON. 011/1017-1Wiott Block, Ietuto Street - MONEY To.11.04,E. Wo BRYCiONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, ETO. • °glee -Beaver Block. Up-etaire, GPPosite Foster's Pheitt Gager/ . CLINTON • CHARLES SEAGIR Barrister, Solicitor, Notary and Cenroyancey orace-opposite collberne Hotel tkodlertch ' tt • * Go CAMERON " formerly of eameren Ron & Cameron) BARRISTER AND „ SOLICITOR, Office-liamilton St opposite Colborne House r GODERIOH. ONT GARROVV & GARROVV - - Bannteergne,-Sur..LotTORO, A79, Office -Corner Illamilten St. and the Square Goderich, Ont. I. T. GABRow. Q, 0, CHAS. GAMOW, List), • • ENGINE FOR SALE • ____ An upright engine' and boiler, four horse power, in' good working order, lust the thing for a farm er or some one who 'wants light Dower. Can kid Been at NEW ERA -Office valr be sold cheap ,••• Shorthorns for Sale - 8 young bulls, 10 to 18 menthe old, also fiORIO young heifers, breeding age, a choice lot. good quality.. Come and see them. E. H. WISH, " . . Feb. 8-tf Clinton. Agents women for a genuine .WANTED— slineda tie books, insurane every house a customer. Particulars free. Write to- - e moor fiareakiscnhgem position; day. THE F. E. EARN CO.. 132 Victoria% Street, Toronto. PEE. NOV. 16--tho • • •. teariiS Bicycle _ Fred Forrester, agent for tbe. celebrated_ Stearns Bicycle. $50 wheels will be sold: at a reduction for 416. Anyone wisking a -cheap up -to date wheel, to Cognized, as one of the best made, should eall or drop a card to FRED FORRESTPR, Agent .Buttermilk Tenders will be. received' Until Apebith for thanuttermilk Of the Central Huron Cream- ery for the balance of the year 1901.. .For par- • tionlara. apply -to the -Manager of The j. E. OIIEALY DAIRY 00.. . Butter and ButterMila retailed at factory., • Clinton, April 16th., . . Lumber tor. Sale. . . Suitable for Finn Buildings. ' • . Reek Elm asou 21 'mama thick. price $12.00 per M. .sitooftoEetrnam12.14, 14and2 inches thick,. prior. • Hard Maple 1. 1/, 14, 2 -and 3 inclus thick. Pride 1200.„per M. W, DOHERTY & Co. 1,115•• Clinton. Seed Grain tor Sale 2 oars Seed Peas,. lei )• BUGS) from Owen 4 kinds choice Seed Oats, Barley, and Goose Wheat. quaritityof feeding Corn at all times I sell -for °ash or Exchange for any kind o' Grain. In some cases from 2109 months time caixbe had if desired. Drive right to our ware house railway staion. • W. U. PERRIN. 'Clinton March 61901. Notice to Creditors In ad matter of the Estate of the late Rich- ard Waite, of the Township ()Mullett, to the County of Huron,Yoentan, Deceased. . Notice is hereby given pursuant to.R. S. 0. 1897, Cap. '129, that all creditors and ethers having claims against the Estate of the a.bov named Richard Waite, deceased, who died on or about theltah day of Fetruary, 1901,are _re- quested to send or deliver oti or before tha Seth day of May, 1001, to wiwam Waite. Londes- hero, P.O. Ont., the exeoutor of .the will of the said dec.ased full particulars of their claims and of the secnritioe held by them And notice is further „given thitt, after arta last mentioned date the said exeoutor will Proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he ehalithen hove notice, JAMES SCOTT. Solicitor for William Waite.EXeoutor, Dated at Clinton, thin Toth day ofApet.t9 - - Agents .raneeniectorts, Authors WANTED— "4 The Queen herself, Dr John emitter. from London Eng.,John A.Coop- er, editor of Canadian Magazine, Toronto: nliont 700 perces ; quality never %%quelled ;I; W. GLEN CA MPISEL st.75, ace ether adverliaments in this pepe----, Also to . %%lea -.11 11.4. paper. II orta PainliSning Cc. Gael ili. Oat. •PROUDFOOT & HAYS, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PURL 18 PROCTCES IN urn memento: COURT, &C. ,, OMee: North st., next doer toSIgnal Office, Private Funds to lend at lowest rates of interest. W. PROUDFOOT. R. C. HAYS. - JOHN FilDOUT. 'CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, ETC, Real Estate and erance Agent, Money to lend on Mortgage and Note security. Office-RIMON STREET. CLINTON . • ••DR. AGNEVV. - _—_,—, • DENTIST, CLINTON Office adjoining Photo Stades. • • 'Office Hours --9 to 5 'Ar Itteererp EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON DR. G. ERNEST 'HOLMES •• DENTIST " • ' (Successor to Dr. T. C. Bruce) spectamit An Crowe and Midge Wert; • . L. D. S;-(Iraduate Royal College Denial Syn. - geons.of Ontario, Toronto. D. D. Ie. -First-class Honor graduate of DO- tal Department of Toronto Univergiaa. Special attention _paid to preservation et children's teesh, Will visit Bayfield 'ever' Monday. Office over 1,V Taylor & Son's shoe store. - • DR.. 0.' W. THOMPSON Physician, Surgeon, . Office and Residence- • . . Albert Street North. near Palr's MILL • DR: WM. GRAHAM - . Licentiate of the Road College of Physician London, England. • y. . Ofilce and Residence- • . • PlutiffiBPS BLOCK', laktataitis, • Swimsuits to Dr. Turnbill. "Vt. J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, sutioBtx LYAmenchour, etc., melee and reeldenee Oro tario St., opposite !Oneida church, formerla my. envied by Dr. Mapleton.. Clinton Ont. STANBCRY, GRADUATE OF TRW .• Medical Department of Victoria Univac. ,..--a- sity.,.Torotito, formerly of ' the •Hospitals 'and . Dispensarie_,s New York. Coroner • et the County of Huron, Hayfield. Ont. " DR. j. FREEMAN; ' VETEEtikAtilt EitifiGEON, Member of the Veterinary Medical Amoeba tions of London and Edinburgh, and Grad -n- ate of the Ontario Veterinery College, TREAT DISEASES OF ADL ANIMALS Office open night and day, opposite -Com: - moralist Rohl. Successor to Dr W J. R. Fowler, Clinton, Ont. • 13LACRALL VETERINARY SURGEON te • lionoraryGradnate of theOntarloVeterinerl College, Trash' alldieesses of domesticated AO mats on the most modern and scientific prince • Pies'. Office- imm talk tel-itan th 0f'bp New Era . Mace. Residence - A./A.11. t. tiofl Gs night ordsv sttendedto proinialv • . . -- MARRIAGE lACENSES iesned by the un. signed at his Residence, Mary street, Clinton. JAMES SCOTT, SL • TAMES OAraPBELL, LONDESBORO. el ISSUER OF MA.RRIAGE LICENSE?, No wittier..., rennired 14-1 W. FABNCOMB, MEMBER OF ASSN OP • P. L. S., groVinelal Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, London, Ont. -Office at Geo Stewart's Grocery Store. Clinton. Musical B. P. Sibley, C,E.Tanney, S. T. Murch and 0, McRae,Ake D_oherty Male QUertette,seoond seasons -are -prepared- to fin engagements air church and concert entertainments at maven - able rates. For terms, addreee Oet 8--tf S. T. MURCH. secretary, Clinton McKILI.O-P MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. FARM ISOLA.TED-liOWN PROPeat MOM INSURED °Moms 11.MeLeati. President. KipOett la 0 They. roue% Viee.preeldent, Brucatield P. O. • Tbo.. ilays, istetysTreaes Seatorth 1). O.; 'W. 6. lireatifoot, Inspettor of Lwow, Seaforth P. O. „. niaseaohe W. (4. Joroadtoot, Seaforth; John G. Grieve Winthrop T. tr.:George Dale. Seaforth: Jobs Ihionewals, Dubbin J. Evane, BeechlroOd 04 John Watt, Harlot* P. O.; Thomas Fraeer Brno:meld : John McLean, Hipper' Janata 001111d1174 ClInton. Robert -Stun -kr, Itarlock; TWA. lifetrillaroSes forth; James ournmIng, Eamondville., J. W. Yoe, Holmeeville ; George Idardieend John C. Morrieon, euditoes. Partite deeirous to frect Iesence sir trans. eat other business Will be promptly attended te OR Application to atieof the above oftlicters addressed to theirrest ettare (Otiose THAT TOUCHES The SPOT IfeLEOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR • OF . Weak and Impnro Mood) 'laver trineases, rental° ComPlitints Etc, A11Druggiato, or Write direbt te At lactigoD, Ciodereth, Ord, Organist and Musical Direetor of North, Street Church, Goderioh, and teaoher en 2100, FIFE ORGAN an THEORY, is tore, pared to take t limited stuffier of Pupils in the abeVe, For !Arms apply this office or to MR CAMPBELL,may be sem% from 11.. is V p.m., at the Clarendon, Hotel, OlIntosa • Friday or saoh.week. • , CLINTON • WOOD and COIL YARDS Subscriber lo prepared to promptly A as or. ders for Wood or Coal, Which Will be eold ab lowed *Mee °Dice on Isaac Street, al LAVIS IMPLEMENT ROOMS W. WHEATLEY FwLife Insurance oALL, -- CHAS:- 11.---11414 ON elinton, Ont., Pv b L MACPHERSON .111017RA/476Z roe, • tire, tccident Plate Elaei. VIM..1101•••• Orgies 'Illogar Cram* . JOHN W. YE0 HOLMESV/LLE, Agent for the MANcnitsma Erna Assunageg Co, of Matiehester, England, whose lam& and, iteourity are rated at $14,500,000. Also the )4411 BALLO)? litratiAtInstMANox Co. All chieseilof farm ritsks sad Wien Orenerti taken at OWeiat rates. First-cless Loan Oompanlei. also reeresented. Money Mr be had from 4e per dentin), oixtorditist to nature Of ilesuriter..-- Daily mall te Holmenville pests! card Will' fetolt lab* GEET8 WANTED for ,"TIIE LUIS 401, •rnR,EIGN OF QUEEN VICTORIA, Inellidffig lipeeiel memorial. tribute, front the Mat inure- ent Britt& and CantuPan stritesnim and "Tho rAfe of Ring Edward VIL" Site max, Motor KG pagers_ better illostrated theca any rhea wore. eirritthn by Dr. Jno. Cotalsee, from Leta don, Eng. the eelebreted. Risteeieri and Jour - Brit, and John A. Cooper. editor Oatmeal; aline, Toronto. Price owe $1.76 -neve, Apo from cotter to Cover. Extra Hoge tionninseves • . credit glean; Menton* free to eittateafere: Wend Pahlielting Olt et son* oat