HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-04-26, Page 10• .•
April, 26th 1901
For your Windows
11c1 Floor' s
t no store near here can you find;
such. a collection of window draperies and 1
floor coverings as Will be found in our
Home Furnishing Department. .The stock
is the largest in this section; that means
greatest variety for you to select from It
was bought for cash and in most caies
rect from the makers that means
at closest prices and as we buy so .we sell.
The patterns and colors are all the newest
that are shown for this season, that means
up-to-date goods. The qualities are the
kind we like Well, those that are absolutely
dependable in every way, a big assortment,
close prices, the latest patterns, and abso-
lutely reliable qualities are what you get
when you do your carpet and curtain buy-
ing here.
There is no better time to buy carpets and curtains than
now. The variety is better than it will be later on and we
can arrange to put your carpet down just When your want it
if we have a little notice ahea. 1. Here are a few of our many
good. values:
Fe:* yeller Floors ,
Hemp Carpets • .
Heavy Hemp Carpet, printed floral design on strong, firm cloth, re,
vent tile, will giyeexcellent wear, makes a good bedroom carpet 20c
Union Carpets 50c
Vey hate) Union Carpet, extra weight, full yard wide, reversible, a
good assortment of scroll and floral designs in the new spring ,„
colorings, colors guaranteed not to run, (special value, per yard ogre
WoolCarpet 75c '.
. •
Heavy two ply all Wool Carpet, made from thoroughly scoured and
• clean yarns, handsome brussels designs in medium and dark *
shade , colors guaranteed,will wear well and keep its appearance 7t,
until worn out
Tapestry Carpet 65c, ,
Tapestry Carpet, full 27 inches wide, a good range of new up --,o date
,patterns. shades of red, brown, fawn, green, ems, clogs pile,a oar
pet thst looke„well unci gives excellent wear...
Brussels 2ariet $1.00 • .
The carpet of carpets for any room where thereSs extra hard wear.
This special line we have in good ranged new patterns and colors
it is firm and sten. with s close pile and wilt be Mind a good
wear- e, pr yer.i. . .......... . ... .. . . 1.11V
Linoleum 50e '
Heavy Sootth Linoleum, 2 yards wide, bioek or floral patterns, miid- • +
ium zoloriugs, unequalled as a floor covering for kitchen or din
ing rnam, per eenere 3.ard 50c
Fe. r youtr Windows
Lace Curtains $1.00
Nnftingin•m Lace Curiarmsfull 3yds long, 54 imihes wide, a strong, I 09
firm . s extra special •
• Lace Curtains $1.110 • • , • • - • ;
Fine Nottingham Lore curtains, tail 3i .urs long, lock stitch ed
56 inches wide, handsome Jitney pattern on strong net, will look
Wal win n hung and giye excellent weitissner .....
wiU anon be flying the 'street sprinkling
, will *mon be a question for the council
ERIDAY, PL26, 1901, to deal with. At •tittles this matter
has occasioned ann Iyance. Many
LOOAL NOTICES. think the preset cart we have is not
Lace c urtains "
Very fine Nottingham Lace Curtains, full 3i yards long, look stitch
edge, fine and strong net, handsome lacey. patterns, sad .plain
sentre with heavy border, curtains fit for any room, per pair- • %."44)
pirt Muslin Mc
Fine colored A t Mnahn 36 inches wide, a good range of floral design
with torders, make a nice oheap curtain andkeep the color well s11s. •
prr Tara,. .................. . ..... • • ..... ••
Spot Muslin 10c .
(Join t muslin, pure white gond- actiatia,41i0e4ityr_
medium sizes spot . 15c
Robinette Curtains
Isvge eaotigh to do the rvot k thin( ugn-
Dee a lhie earth insertion 1
• ly and sp eh nntl be done earlY
settee -Ali iteigrant0 •t peal tv May 1st I
wit' be placed jet court for eolieetion- ss,e.in th e morrunst so as to give eatisfac.
MornsaOSEKTY. ' tion to all. When this street watering
*air itestorer.-Aly hair restorer eresente
the hair from falling out and b lugs on anew
growth of hair. Gond reoem • ends.
1. G. MEDD,. Rerun st. Minton.
Auction sate -D. t lokinson has Serie in.
etre tee to sett by public autaisn a beautiful
phaeton on the Market Square, On eatureav,
April. 27th, at 8 o'clock,
getup *alma.
comes tip to be dealt with the council
sbonld take this into cobhideration, In
many placethe town owns the cart
which is mede to sprinkle the entire
width of the street if need be. and we
believe the citizens generally would
approve if this conned would purcha se
an up-to-date watering cart,
ASSEsSmENT ROLL,+ -11' Cottle has
COSTLY GLADIOLI'S BULP8.-George made up his roll for 1901 and from it
eueuaihr satoddhliutig garebr cu5°1- i wabeieleafrena II uh raets thereflromarelas t twoytt r in obtelicne-
leetiou. They are for exhibition Put- I an increase of about $8,000 in the
poses and calculated to mas eet fauni
otal assessment and the population
keen competition in this popular time- of the town is slightly
larger. From
er ; they cost from one dollar down
. he roll we gather a few items of ein-
pee bulb,
40- ; erest relating generally ; - •
BUILDING OPEN TIONS,- A great Total value of real and personal
improvement will he made to the property and income $639,982
English church rectory ; besides Taxable income.. .... ... . . • s 7,950
building an edition and changing the Personal property. .. .. . , 28,458
inside of the house the front fence
will be removed. S. S. Ct oper is put, ,Real property, ... , . ... .... . 003,0s2
Population .,, ..,. 2,482
ting an addition and a dodo window 0. of
to J. 1. Ernmerton's home Isaac street, N a. of cattle"... . ..... . ,
NOT SOLD,- On Saturclay afternoor No. of dogs....
at the Commercial hotel, Autioneer Dp. No. of bitched
Dickinson, offered for sale R, Baker's
two farms one of which is in Goderich
township mid another iu Oolbarne but
as the reserve bid was not reached no
sale was effected, ' We believe, it is Mr
Baker's intenticn to tnnve into town,
should he suceeed in dispoeinn of these
Fon THE NonsusivEsr,----Thennuel town. We are pleased to learn that
exodus of settlers for the Northwest-, V. U French,ofWetaskiwin, Alberta,
hes bonen. Oil the 9th inst., about N, W. T., i9 meeting with success in
200 people went from We'erloo coun. the newspaper liue. We are glad
No. ef steam boilers • . 14
Town Hall and scales ,,..... 12,000
Fire e gine and appliances..., 3.500
Collegiate Institute 9,000
Public eclat ol . .. 8,000
Public library.. ..... s.s. • 5,000
NOTES. -Saturday was a disagree-
able. day and' few farmers were in
ty with ever 20 car loads of effec's ;
the niejority of them were for Alberta
Thei e haye been a great many from
around these par ts who have . gone to
locate in the Northern Territories or
Beitiela Cplumbia, • • - •
to know tha- Frack Akam, who has
been set iously ill with blood poisoning,
in one of his arm is now recovering.
John Forrester, son of D. A. Forrester,
whGwent west a few week's ago. has
been offered a situation for the
with a government:surveying
party, which starts on t from Norkton,
The census enumerators for the town
N W.. T, this week. The great Pan+
ha.ve completed their work ancl return- American wilt start on Wednesday
ed th, is • lists to J.. L. Grant, • the corn next, May 1.-C ; there are many Clio;
mibsioner, who was here last week. 'tontons who intend to go durin this.
He repoets the -work went on smooth •
ly no trouble having been experienced
by any of thetn, The hooka have
been, nn the whole, done by compet-
ent men and ,the lists are clean and
OoLDEri WEDDING.-- Several ()lin-
tonians ha•xe received invitatious to
day. A. T, Cooper has been appoint.
ed to look after the transportation
for Ontario for the great Christian
Endeavor gathering to be held at
Cleveland in July. We are told riere
le a wedding down for the middle of
May ; two popular Clintonians are
the interested parties. Tuesday was
St, George's day when haiglishinen
wear a rose to mark the day. The
dust was flying on the streets last
week t the Watering cart Would' have
been fount very useful. A depute,.
tion from Huron and Bruce counties
waited upon Mr Dickson, general pas -
Rowe agent of the G. T. R,, recently
and completed arrangements for the
June excursions to the Guelph Model
Farm ; the deputation were J A.
Lamb, Walkert011•11. I. Nelson, POI'
;ey, J. Douglas, Tara, W. Robertson,
Wingham, W, H. Kerr, Brussels, and
E. Little, Teeswater. Tyndall Bros,
delivered to J. McMann, of Seaforth,
a five year old heavy mare, tipping the
scales at 1700 lbs., the price being $195.
Mies Eva BUrnett had the misfortune
to step on a rusty nail causing her to
rest for a few days but is aroundagain.
et week Davis & Davis, liverymen,
bought a handsome new varnish gear-
ed buggy from Rumball & McMath.
We are informed by some that a •m-
ber of lads with small guns are • g
around shooting robins and other
birds for which it is contrary to law
and the boys should remember this for
a certain citizen says he will have some
of them arrester' if the practice is
continued; it is also dangerous
work. J. W. Elliott has had a
number of his buggies in his livery
repainted. We understand that J.
Taylor has bought from Mr Holloway, .
the second half of the Foxtorf dwelling
on Rattenbui y street, and now owns
the entire house, which he is having
thoroughly overhauled and repaired
The cottage • on Townsen I street,.
adjoining the residence of Mr Hovey,
is being fitted up for the occupation of
a well-known and popular young busi-
ness man, J. E. Hovey. D.Dickinson,
as enumerator for StsGeorge's ward,
wishes to thank the house holders of
that ward for the curteous manner he
had been received when taking the cen-
sus lately. Charlie Moore is out again
after having recently undergone a suc-
cessful operation. We are glad to see
Mr Thos.Lavin out again, aft er a serious
illness which has confined him to his
house for about three months; Isaac
Jackson has been considerably under
the weather for awhile past. The re-
sulitt of the annual examinasions.in the
faculty of theology of Toronto Victoria,
Univeisity are out and we congratu-
late two well known theologians on
their success; the names were in the
11. acperse,, '.W, A. Gifford _being
successful in the t hree suliS ects he wrote
on and Rev.A.E.111.Thomson (formerly
of Turner's) having completed the
course for graduates in Arta.' Win. Ar-
gent has' started into the gardening
businessme feelassured the people wit!
find Mr Argent reliable in all his deal-
, h bl
sunitner, Jas. Copp has paintedsev-
eral lame signs for J. W. .Elliott's
livery stable. The law relating to the
killing of fish has been made so that
the property owners may spear pike.
suckers, muilett and carp on their
own property in creeks and ditches
hut shooting is absolutely prohibited.
the golden wedding anniversary of as. la, HelQv_er. hae, erected, a_ lifting
Mi aid Met. Doniiiti crane at the Clinton. marble works for
takes Place at La Gtange, Ills on the to be. nied far removing stone. A
2nd of May. They were married in snow storm _raged over Ontar•io. and
Bow,menville, and spent a number of part of the Sates on SittUrda,y snd
years in -Clinton, wherti'mr McTavish Clinton lihd a mild sample of What
parried on a blacksinithing kitisinePS• many plitcrs' experienced, Lakes
Their. old friends win, them unbotinds Erie and Ontario thelew vessels which.:
aid happiness, . continued. , prospe.rity,
and many yearsmore Of :wedded
ing a•disa.greeatile day very few farm-
ers were in town and • business was
quieter than usual. _However, produce
throne:6UL the'week has been in geed not many fan -lilies etn boast of such
supply with egell dainand. Canty( •n a long period of married life, witimut
Stites made. their usual shipmentfor t he' a break therein hy death. An itein
east, tt a de. The local prices are: but et has b*,en going the rounds of I he. press
froth 13. to 1-k.; eggs from 9c. to 10es t•iat, M. e w ts .t sever
apples.are becotning scarce arid high- his connection with the Bxelet Times'
priced,geinn it from $1 to $1 25 per and go to Windsor to engage in the
per hag; maple syrup $1 to $1 25 pet newspaner bueiness ; we learn the re-
gelion; eegetables tire in demand and- port is without foundation. The
.pr:ices are I uled hy the gardeners. chicken men iliac now have but. one
th• u ,ht- the incubator: 'The lees,'
1$PARE THE Nrlw that the
birds are teturning to us, for the sum-
mer, we wish to say a word to the
about. Mr and Mrs Gilchrist have • an these days it keeps one guessing. We
logs. The weatheri is so c angea e
happened out were' batlly knocked
experience in married life that is re- understand that the Queen City Oil Co.
51 years and have had nine children,
mai kable e they have been •n3esaiee. will bend an oil tank at the station here
for use of the retailers here, There are
every one of whom is alive and well ; still quite a number of people suffering
from sore throats and colds. The
Ohindse laundry which was. started
here a short time ago has quit business;
the celeel la's have gone to other partb.
The eastern baseball league started yes-
terday (Thursday) George Cook, Vic-
toriastreet,has tomatoes out, in bloom.
in his garden. On going to press we
learn that Mt s Ward,e1clest daughter of
Mr and Mrs B.P.Sibley,died Monday In
Jersey Oity,from pneumoniadier father
telephones received repairs on Mon- did not reach there before her. death
.boys, some ot whom are too fond •of
shooting at them with guns and cat 1/4-
pults. The birds are ssety useful it
killing insects which are muttons til
vegetation, and it is to the interest of
all that they should not be destrosed
'or given away, to say nothing of the
cruelt y of killing them. It is unlew
ful to shoot, destroy, catch, injure •n
attempt so to do, any, weld or nal i ve
bird f)ther than.hawks, crows, black-
birds and English 'sparrows, and 'there
is a fine (or, default of payment, len-
' Prisonmenf ) for violation of the law.
Destruction of the nests. of igrds is pro -
Whited also under the same penalties.
VVe hope thet e will be no occasion to
repeat this warning.
first. wedding performed by Fat her
McMenamin at St. Joseph's (*buret)
was that on Monday morning at 10
a. in. when Miss Jane, daughter of .11/41r
and Mrs Thomas Oarbert, of Hullett,
w .s united in° the bonds matrimony
to John Thomas McCaughey. of Mox.
tis township. . The bride lookedvesry
ffietty in her light grey travelling
chess with white hat ; tier grfildsmaid
yeas Miss Minnie ReanoldS, who was
prettily costumed, and Frank Kelly
filled a similar function for the groom,
Immediately after the ceremony
the wedding party returned to the
home of the bride's parent; whoret
dinner was partaken and a merry
time spent. l'he coup/e will mane
theirhothe in Morris amid th well
wishes of their numerous friends for
a happy married hfe.
The swell windo* drapery this season is
the Bobinette Curtains. It gives an effect that
can be had with no other curtain and is very
handsome. We show some very pretty' effects
trimmed with lace insertions and frills at $2.25
to $t.50.
Becoming Miltinery
• •
Moderately priced
That is just the kind of Millinery that is leaving our shim
room every day. Millinery that is everything it ought to be
as regards styles and very moderate in price. Every little idea
and novelty in shape, trimming or style is quickly represented
in our show room and there is always something new to be
seen here. This week it is
New straw ,hapes • -
New flowers and foliage
New fanc1
y trimmings
i-leadwear for
the Little Ones
We were not unmindful to the little
folks when buying an1 are showing some
very nobby styles in tam o'shanters and
fancy hats for children. Two lines.
Childrens tams, stiff crown, Wired, rhildrens tams, stiff or molt crowns,
plain band with ends, coloof some very nobby styles in plain
navy, red and white.. X9le colors and oonalainatione,.,,.,..
BOY'a T.0.5
The Silk Stock.
'Just two items from te silk stock to remind you of
extra good values that direct importing enables us to lay
fore you.
vios„ Bat eilk 21 inches wide, good . Mein Taffete Bilk, good weight, will
weight, will not out, imitable for weir well, a tilk with body to it
Walfitd or trimmingo, all shades 6,, tnekts nicely, and for waists or
Ana Meek, ...iiiiii•iik•yvNt.,. e *I Uri. WI wings, all shades and bleek,s
be -
Was a very poor attendance at the ftfi....
town hall on Thnraday evening to am.-•
hear Mks Rose, of Guelph, and Mr 11...'....--
meNoiti, of Walkeryille, speak nn
plants, flowers, trees and shi ;lbs. 3.
Houston, of the Collegiate, presided
and opened with a few very appeo-
peiate Words. Miss Rose spoke on
'.V hy I have a garden" and was welt
listened to ; she seems to thoroughly
understand every point of flower
growing. Mr McNeill gave a vtry
interesting talk on horticulture ; he I a!" -
gave many valuable suggestions which
will peeve of great help to stimulate
11110▪ ..▪ .
MOP▪ .▪ .
Good Quality'
limiest Prices; •
Liberal 'Assortment
Dainty Desig 413
DOWII to date Ideas
***********W.4440 fOck**********
Are Chameteristics of our
• • waLL PAPER sereeK
idddr,t**kg,**********kkfdd,frk *************
The w
D. FAIR CO, Clinton.
"Often the Cheapest -Always the Best."
• During the past few weeks we ilaVe
been kept busy placing intb stock neW
arrivals of spring•shoes and we have now
---withenst-a-doubt•--the largest • and , best
assortment of
. Up -to date •
loots and Shoes
to be found in the county.
The steady increase in our already big business piomptina'to still
greater efforts to hold and maintain your confidence. With this end in
view we have given great care in the selection of our Spring Goods.
:We are sole agents in Clinton for the Slater Shoe, Floreheran,
Williams, Kings, Bells. Sovereign and Ernpress, whose names alone are
a gua,rantee of the superiority of our Footwear. We buy and sell for
Cash and our aim is Constantly towards the mark of public patronage..
The (111d
Tne Stpre That Never Disappoints
Cash and One Price. .•
Butter and Egad taken as Cask. .
************************** *irkfric
energy to those who engagein the
cultivation of fruit or flowers, Both
speakers had the faculty of making
their addressee interesting as Well
as inetruetive. In the afternoon they.
addressed a large number of the stu-
dents of the collegiate and scholars of
the public school,
JAS. MoGlit.t. PASSES A.WAV. -The
accident to Jamee McGill Which we
mentioned In last week's issue as one
probably fatal has tome only too true.
On Sunday he passed away after ling-
ering.a.little over a week's LIMO In his
74th year. • Men reeeiving the fall
the result of which broke his neck.
he became paralyzed entirely and
never recovered although perfectly
conscious to the last. On Sunday
when learning the sad news inane
remarks of sympathy were heard, for
he had many friends. He was a taith-
fal member of the Ontario street
Methodiet church and was prepared
to go, awaiting the end. The family
left, behind are Mrs F. W. Watts of
town, MPS B. Olutterharii, of Joliet,
85e III., and 11. 3. McGill, of Chicago, who
were all here at the bedside and had!
the ' consolation of conversing with I
him before biz demise. The funeral!
took place at the home of his daugh-
ter,Mrs Watts,' Rattenbury street, mor,
on Tuesday morning, the remains
being taken by train to Gorrie where
he was laid in the cemeter3r there be -1
side of hie wife who predeceased'
CL um g riov him S. December. ta+440 1
The Lion Brand. of
Boys' School Clothing I
Our new ideas in Boys' School Clothing are 20th • Century ideas,
They are ilittle ahead-af the times but they will be thoroughly apprecigted`by all buyers, 0•..111
This line of Boys' Clothino. is munufActured from pure all wool Halifax tweeds) specially made for hard wear. :14111 le
in a ...IN
You can. buy this in four different colors which will arways be carried in stock. =
You can buy the whole suit complete or you can leave out the Vest and buy only the coat and knickers, .
You can buy the Coat seperate or the Knickers separate,in
can match up the suit at any time.
Doesn't this strike you as a good idea. If you buy a Coat
Knickers in the fall along with a Vest you cln get them to mAtch
Knickers. Our Knickers are always made with double seats and
handling,the "LION" brand.
fact you can buy them anyway you like and you
and Knickers now and want a second pair vf
the Coat which will always outwear two pail of
double knees. We are the only people in town; =illa
: 4 wage
. ;97;•114?).)
,4"., •
.' .1
' I
A $71.50 Suit
Made by ourselves from pure all wool Tweeds.
Cut in a manner totally different from ordinary Readymades.
Trimmed in the best of style.
•PAgo• Made in an up-to-date manner. ,
No Such value is to be found on the market because being manu-
facturers you buy this suit at wholesale cost.
We carry a full range of sizes, but if we cannot fit you properly
you can have one made to your measure at the same price. I
r T Can you equal this offer anyivhere,
444)PPPOP htO4-V-‘99APPef----t 44144404414.V441444444*****4
c son Bros. Thaitveopie