HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-04-26, Page 7;f. ;ly ' err• • We shall close our Great Clearing Sale e will offer 32 Overcoats at Less than HALF Price. 100.Odd Pants and 25 Boys' Suits, all of wlich sold regardless of cost. Come . on Saturday Bring in the Boys CLINTON will be RE .GLINTON NEW BRA Live Stack Markets.. Liverpool, April 22,- Canadian cattle, 61d, London, Apri122.--tinned States cattle, 6}d; sheep, 62d, No market. on Saturday. Trade today is bad. Montreal, April 20. -The receipts at the east end abattoir Alio . morning were 450 head of cattle, 300oelyee, 25 sheep and 25 Jambe. The demand wee good, and proms were mair.tained. Cattle, ohpromsce, sold et 4ic to 5o per lb : good at 4o to 4io per lb.: lower grades at no to 3) o per lb, Calves were sold from 32 to $10 each; sheep broupht4ao to 5o per Ib ; tam113 sold from 4o to 50 ret ip.; hogs brought from (h to 7o per lb, East -Buffalo, N. Y April 22.--tlattie•-- Generally active and on handy butcher cattle was fully 10o to 16c higher. Receipts light, only 140 loade'cn sale, 80 of which were Canada cattle, the largce: receipts of Canada* to several months; ohoioe to extra export rattle of desirable quality, $5 50 to. $5.65: good. to best, $4,75 to $5; shipping etecro, $4 70 to $4.90; export belle ohoioe to extra, $8,7o to $4,26; good • to best .fat bolls, $8,50 to $4,85, feeders Sults , $8 to $8.25; good to choice fat !mem, $4 to .$4,25; fat heifers, choice to extra, $4.60 to $5y Canada stook, salves, choice to extra, $4.60 t to $4.85; milkers, choice to extra, $50. -t. ' $55; eprtngers, choice to extra $48 to $52: calves,- choice to extra 05.50 to .$5.. 75.Y e andlamb Active. rad gneralllyhlgber60 loads ,; wool lamb.. choice to extra, $5:90 to $6; clipped. lamb choice to extra,* $5.50 to $5,60; sheet choice to extra, hie to $5..Hoge opens' :needy; heavy. $G 30; mixe 1,$6,25 to $6 3(1; Yorkers, $6 25; pigs, $6.20 to $6.25; rough , $5,60 to $5,75; stage, $4.50 to $4 75; mat kat declined and wee generally weak, otos tog at $6 20 -to $62n. Toronto, April 28 F.fty five loads were received" at -the •'oattle niarkat"to.day, oat •'' taining 1,074 cattle, 200 hogs and 200 sheet andlambsand about a dozen calve,. Trade was fair,.though prices were a lath weaker. Good butcher., cattle %ell -yell, bu the average run was not firstclass, ant• -prices were•a little off. Sheep and laml ' were steady, and the delivery :Olt, Hoe were a little lower than last week. Expel .. Cattle, -Prices showed no great change Buyers said they were. prepared to Inc 34,85 to $5,20 for choice shipping cattle The offeringe werenot practioularly good. but eeveri.l loaie sold at $5 to $5.1:. Medium including light weightu, wet eteadvat_,,$4 5. to 34.80. Butchers' Cat tle.-The damend was principally fo: '' e better close:e of cattle, and there was tie activity iu the medium . and low , . dee. ,Several_bun0':_es.ofpickedsold at $'.• 0_to. $4,40, • Eiport Bulls, -Slightly higher prices are 4uoted for heavy boils. They . sold tc-day at :$4 to $4.87i;Feedere-Shorl•- keep are firmer at $4 to $4.50. Itledinn, are qulat at $3.65 to 04 an ` ii;ha steady at J.: at son,r. W.. N. Walker, _4444._-Ui>fioisterer In all kinde of Parlor Furniture and Mat- . ufaoturer et Mattresses Loue ges os ori ern. 1144 for S Bicycles Having bought oat thewhole stook of b'icyclea.froni A Tr'Coopier. including' 14 wheels -2 33artforde 3 W IFerines, 2 Cleve] ode (one with coaster brake,) 2 Gendrone, r. - Ete.: ((Carpets taken rap,, oleahea and'relaid and, ) house;cleaningattended .to. .Mattresses ► made over. Prices reasonable. Call and see samples of work •and' cover- eringe, or for partionlars. For Sale 75 yarde cf fine Brussels Carpet, almost .aagood ,as,new, : .Stand—Shepherd. Blook,:Ontario Street. Clinton'. • 1 A, & D., 2 E. Z., 2 Cresente, all of which we intend to run of at low margin to make room for new wheels. Anyone wanting a good bicycle would save money by buying one -` — of these. All kinds of repairs kept on hand and wheels` cleaned or. repaired. Work guar- anteed:* uaranteed New tires from 36 to $10. blacksmith andmachine shop in connection, n general r t doill kinds ofwork in horse shoeing, and We are also prepared o 1 w fi g, epairing. All the plow poi: to and repairs kept by J. Tedford stillkept in' stook: Points for the Tedford plow, ' 4' Miller -Tedford., `• " Tedford No, 8. " Wilkinson: No. 7 and 21. " Fleury No. 18, 12, and. 21: 44 " Sylveeter No. •7. ' "an* „ Hill'a patent. " " Old No. 13. TurnerS�eele • az Tedford's old stand. Rattenburv:street, Clinton. T'NPITCHELL'S Great Clea,ring Sale Of Boots and Shoes We will continue the Bargain Sale for, thirty, days longer in order to dispose of the balance of the stock gra the bargain list. Call and ask to see the Children's---boots-at- 25e and 85c, worth from 50c to $1.00. - We also keep a line of Slater's Fine Boots for Men and the King Quality for Ladies. J.TWITCHELL Victoria Rlock, CLINTON If you Want New Shops CALL ON Fred T. Jackson, • Deafer in all kinds of .Footwear. The People Who Know Will congratulate�you, if your choice of a wheel this season should be a Mc. Burney -Beattie. The best to -day and•best for years, Our prices $40 and $30 ate within' teach of all. EMERSON'S 'BICYCLE ANli MUSIC HOUSE, Goderich Livery Repair* 4ieapFrui $3,25 to 33 055: Stockeh 32 $5 to 38 2f' butchers 'bnlld 32,50 to $3 50; mitoh cowa, $25 to $4 Shear -E .pr r' ease, 33 50 to•$4; bntoher $2 50 to $5;'1 ueki33 to$ 3. 50; gr.+in.fe ,. s 50. r • fat - el ale 6 ? o S 450 to oH s 1440 , $ e and lighte.$6 25; Wanted. A' good roan to work in the garden. ' Apply. Co NEW ERA. Office. , April 26 1. Iiif itricry people (MiIda nto i and wishes v vicinity that she .is priate tq m pared to make over straw Indies' • hats'. in the most stylish And fashionable shapes. Order:* left ather home, Princess St..prompt`y attend - April 26-1.- " Wanted-On.•.ton of Butter weekly.' Eggs 12c. We have 510 bushels Borrie G rnwn TImo- thy and Ciover Seed for Sale. G. E. KING, Wii.gham. •, Sale Register. Auction sale , f[arnt stock and Implements, etc., n01ot 30, eon, 9, .Godorich township, on Saturday. April 27, at le o'ab•nk sharp. PETER -COO -K. . •._ THOS: -BROWN. -•-•• Proprietor. Auctioneer Auction tale of 15 .cboice oa:ve5 fr m 3 to • 8 days•i•l' !, at li .. m. Saturday.. April . 27. at the Commercial hotel, Clinton. (5.CHAPMAN, Proprietor . HE irlACE.N FiY fiTALL1Q 1 T as ton's Dane elt L u 9 ,u -91- I^. `ase) d I DESCRIPTION -1 .aneton's Dinegelt-91 Canad'ao Hacknei IS. B., and {934 American Hackney S. )3., wab'foaled,in 1897, and is conee'- qunnily fur year* old'; he is a benntifnl dap-. pie chestnut' color with is on face, end both front feet and near hind et o ing white; he 3s a very high knee aster, and hock action cannot be excels•) ; he comes f om champion stook in England and the U. S.,. both hie sire and dam having.3een imp rted from England. Langtou'8 U await was bred by, � Mr Fre 1C.8tevens.of blaylewood Hackney titd, Attica . N. Y. one of tne moat, sucor'aeful and best known breeders in • he 4 ' it4'I States • and. t anade. He was Imported to Canada by his present owner,Mr E. to Attrill. and 3s. pro- nounced by al, who have seen him as one of • the best specimens of the Hackney type now in Canada• Ho Rua sired by Langton's Pre. former, (48444E4C..242 American, by Garton Duke of Connaught (9009) Eng. S. B. His dam was Lady Danegelt. (1038) Eng. Hack., (720) American; she by Deeegelit (174) Eng, Hackney S. B. This pedigree, can be: traced back indefinite- ly but breeders ahoare interested in this class of;pt,ck wf 1 readily see that Langton'* Dane- gelt stands in the front rank of Hackney lead- ers. Terme, 212 to insure, payable January lit, 1902. Route: -•On Monday, April 29, he Will le ive hie own stable ;ltilgewood Parx, end proceed ti Tbomae Belts,ret condo ode (ch Tp„ for for noon; to Albion nicht. Tuesday; ho will proceed to JenBothwell'a Barfield Skins, tornoon; thence to . WiIson's American House. Brncelield for night. Wodneeday . will proceed' to C3mmeroial Hotel,Seafoith,for neon ; thence to Samuel Olitton'c. Huron Read, for night. • Thursday, ha will proceed to MoCaughey's Comnaerolal Hote'; Clinton, for noon: thence to Wm. Colclongh's, lith don., Goderioh, for night. Friday, he will proceed. to Wm. Driver's Huron Road, for noon; theme! to Tilt's barn Goderich, for night, were he will remain all daySaturday, and then return to Ridgewood is route will be oontinned• during the sea- ton, health and weather permitting. EDWARD 0. ATTRILI., •.OTTER 13. WILSON, Proprietor. • Manager. w1{ ter•+ We havedecided to sell until -further notice -- 28 the beet selected raisins .32.00 3 44 • ... 25 Prutlds per lir 5r " Dates .. .., ... , .1. 5 Figs " . ". .. 5 Young Hyson Tea per lb16 Agent for Ransfords' fine Dairy. Salt. . `oordialPinvitation is extended to everybody to tall and inepeat our ;Dada std prices We bevel, very choice:selection of sptclal hors, trash frcm the makers Up•t:• late in every reepeot. Our line of MEN'S ' SHOES are superior to any ever sold in Clinton, in sstyte, n material, In workmanship. ' Our Blies of LADIES', MISSES* and CHILDREN'S are models of the, highest skill in shoe building. SHOES.FOR BOW'S have received special attention, and our lines cannot be equalled for durability. our terms art strlrtl :cash. We guarantee satisfaction or your motes? back. RUTTE and EGGS will be taken as cash, and when the value of either 'article offered erose& the pinonnt of the purchase, we will pay the difference in cash. Our store Is in the Seaver Block, next door to , __r 's famous s Jeweller.. establishment. �ri�� s ori � FEED T. JACKSON' *44.664.4466 _44664616.61-11!:6442611416661,4. Come early and often. lFIWJBGROCBRY . Our telephone number le 48. The Novelty Bakery an4 Restaurant We are prepared to supply' all your wants in the bakery line, and we guarantee to giTe satiefaotion in every respect. We make a epeolalty in wed- ding Oakes and of icing oakee al a reseonable price. Our Restaurant ` la'a plaoe where you will Land everything in a first ohm ; restanr ant. (:undies of alt;kinde and always fresh. Cigars in the beat of brands. Tobaccos of all kinds. We will have lee Cream and Drinks Of all kinds an coon as the welt• then k Irritable. MoOiacherty'e Old Stand Parimer & *Clay' Telephone No. 1. CLINTON. 0.4114 VA 01•A RAMS Corrected every Thureday afternoon. Tbureday. April 11, 1201. Fall Wheat . .4,.1•4,. 0 63 a '0 G4 Oats ,.., 0 20 a 0 80 .Rye...,.,..•. -4444... 0 40 a 0 46 Batley 0 38 a .0 40 Noe ..... ,•4..,,,.44.4 0 57 a 0 60 h'lourper uwt.,,,.,., 1 75 2 00 Butter, fosse 15.16;p'l:' C 14 a 0 15 Eggs per doz.,... , , 0 9 a 0 10: Hay, . 1414., 8.00 a 8 00 Sheepskins ...>. ,.,, 0 40 a 0 50 No, 1 Green trirn. bidee 5 00 a 5 00 Potatoes, 4441 0 25 a .0 25 Chickens, per air , , , 0 20 a 0 20 Dunks, eauh. 0 60 a 0 70 Geese, per 1b . , 0 07 a 0 ( 8 Turkeye,perlb0 09 a 0 10 Perk, live R , ..... , , . , 5 05 a 5 05 Pork, dressed... 7 0.0 a 7 00 Wood short 2 25 a 2.25 THE S YLIt Ole HAIR WORN —Is On important factor to produce a younger and refined face and well -shaped head to a lid or eratIP an. Prof, Dor- en i, c*nd.who wnl'he at the Iiwl,tptrbuxy House, Clinton, can demonstrate this to anyone calling on him at, his show rooms, He has ladies' and create' wise, toupees, hangs, wavy and plain fronts, switches iu everyy length and 'shade, r hat he will gladly ad f net on any lady's .. head face of charge to prove this. Don't. fail to see him on Wedno'd'ty, May 8, April 20th, 1901. Wk.i.iiuioi.. .11.Co. BOIUi. BASER -In Walkerville, April 6, wife of • Mt' Geo. Baker, formerly bf Exeter, a son. SPAIN -In Seaforth, April 11, wife of Peter Spain a daughter. HESS At Zurich, April 16 wife of Win. G. ;. $stars kow_, GROVES -In Lower P Winghai5;" itP it 16; wife of Thos. Groves, a daughter. DUNN-In Whifeohureh, April 16, --Mrs (Rev.) G. M. Dunn, ason, WAL(ACE=In Goderich, April 16, _Wife of Wrn. Wallace, a daughter. • BELL -In Goderich, April IC wife of George Bell, a daughter. EDMONDSON-In Goderich, April 15, • wife of John Edmondson, a son, CUMWINGS-In Goderich township,. Bay field road, April 19, wife of John Cummings, a daughter. - SMITH -In Goderich, April:19,w'fe of R.E. Smith, a daughter.. (�� } R.1 MABBIED. GRIEVE=-RUTL•EDGE Attheresidenbe. of the bride's father, Tuokoramith,' April 17, by Rev. Mr Sawers, Brueeffeld.. Mr James Gr eye, to miss Harriet, third daughter of Mr Charles Rutledge, all-of,Takersmrth. McGONI)LE-RUJTLEDGE-At the resid- ence of the bride's father, Tuker,rnith, April 17, by Rev. Mr•Sawers Mr Robert McGonigle, to Mies Nellie . eldest daughter of Mr Charles Rutledge, of Tuokersmit r. • ADAM: -VINCENT -At Janie'. street.par- nonage, Exeter, April 10, by Rev, C. W, Brown, B. D., Mr Franklin Adams, to Miss Mary' Vin- cent, both of the township of Stephen, WRIGHT-THOMPSO' -At the residence of the bride's father, Goderich,_April 174 by B ev. Ja'A. Andsteno`.B.a -wreak Wright, of Stratford. to'Agnes, youngest daughter r of • Geo. W. Thomson. ' HARRIS-MORTIMER At the resider,ee', of the bride's parents, Burlington, April 17; by the Rev; Dr. Henderson, Alexandrine . (Lena) ' N. Mortimer to. Elgin A, Harris, publisher e The Burlington Gazette; and formerly . of ,:the Wingham Times staff. • -WOODS-BUd$AN-In Durham; April. 16,; . Durham Dr N W. Woods, of Bayfield, to bliss Margaaet No. 0 Tea kettles ' $1.25 98o Fisher, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs. Waiter Ewing Buchan. Teapot .,: '40o. • 28o McCAUGHEY-I;ARBERT-'At St.'Joseph ,,•45x 300 . church Clinton, April 22, by, 'Father Sic sten- . • at the residence of the bride a permits. or�ey's /othin We And there is a growing demand for a better quality of clothing, and n - ar to meet he, weu rat b better a t of ea e. m t demand h ve bo 'numb u. It R d t w ea P olothiog for the spring and summer trade than formerly. y Our stook of unite for men,.youtha end children is superior to anything we have ever show-, and although the quality is mush better, tne prioee are within reach of ;all. Men's ine andblack sere suit sizes- 6 to 40 att d 50,$4 end- . 5 n bb o g a. 3 � 50... $ ► Men's. Tweed Suits, in mature and. checks, in, ell aiznn, at $5, 915 50, $6, Men's suits, in fine tweed, in fanny mixtures and light and dark invisible cheoke. at $8, 110 and $12, • 2 t1. Boys' o, i oe sulfa ei as from 3 0 2 1 25,75' and 2. tw e z 6°$a $_ y P$ Boy's snits with veetee, at $2, $2.60, $3 50 d $4. Boy's pants, in blue serge and tweed, doah at and•kne4e,45e, 6b 7 i3. " Youths' three-piece suits, bhie.serge and faf is tweeds, sixes 29 to 33, at '350 4 4. a .5. lificKin it . . $ 50 rad $ moll ...' C Special Sale of ANITI! � TINWARE rt ci!f, the Vtock of, the -estate i£.Johnsal_Bros. ,Seaforth) For• One � Week Only. • Conimenc i n., Monday, April 22nd, and, continuing until Saturday April 29t11.• ....Examine list below.... GR'ANITEWARE Regular price Sale price anima •tolin T', nlcpanghey',• of ,Morris, to Miss Jane, slaughter of Mr and Mrs Thos: Carbert, •of $ullett, ' . • DIED. • MOSELY=In Goderich, Apr11Xi, Mary Par= vey; reliotof the late John.;Hosely, aged 89 yrs., McNEVIN-In the township 'of•'Colborne, April 21, John12eNevin, aged 78 years. HOGAN InGod'erich Apri128,•P. Hogan. C&MERON-At Brandon, Manitoba,' April 14, Alexander D1ncan Cameron,barrister, aged. 51 years. Deceased was a' brother of .deters Puler and John Cameron, of Stanley. 'JOIINT--in$earortlr, Aprll•18inez'7oynt,. daughter' of Mr Andrew P Joynt, aged 9 mons. IRWIN•-In Hamilton, Aprll 13, Thomas Irwin', aged 76 years. AUSTIN. -In Brwsels, April. 19. Mrs. • Nathan Atrstin, aged 41 years. - 7fIcGill-In-Clin'cn; Ap n. 22,Jnnies McGill, aged 74 ears . . year's.' 114.11JLER.-.In Howiok, Apri111 Grace Miller, danghterof. the late. George A Miller, aged 14 Stmt . ;zALTER=in East Wawanosh, April hf, JohnSalter, aged 97 years ' WALT(.HER-In Winghem, Apri114, Jolie Waltoher, a,r.d 81 years. •4INWARE. Regular prioe baje pace Fails =$' .1513 12o . " , . 20c . 160.. 444. 5Gc:' 360 • Pressed hulk pans,. 12c 90 . 110; ... ,,. .. 140 Dippers,', .. 4(13 24c Soap dishes .. , . 150 120 ' ' Strainer pails..... .. 65o . 48o '. Wash basins 250 ^ 124 ., ., .., 500 350 • .. 800 2• .: Brrndpene with cover... ; 600 ;. 460' ,, a30. .. 250 MIA strainers 25c 15t+ Pie plates 4444120 90 " 20c 130 .. " .Teapots . .. , • • • • - • 25e 15o 190 • 7•io Meat plattere..... 35o ' 26o ".:•45o 330 'Double Cookers.. . . •100 •.720 Cope 4444 . 100.. 50 Mage: » . . 12:r 8o Diel pens, 1444,,.,. 500 430 • •,.. . 65o '. 58o Stew pans with cover'.. 35o 28o ,.. . .: 500 `. , 40o Settee pans, lipped , ..: 20o. • 163 +, a 80o ' • 24c. Preserving kettles 40o 32o... see .:' goo n.—James. aged 2;', years. SHERS-In Wingh'tm, April 13, .Janet Cald- w211, wife of U. Sherk, aged 37.years. .TAMES-Iu East Wawanosh' April 17,• 75o 60'0 'Wm. i, C$ALLENGER.-In cunt Forest, A%nil. Podding pane a 150 12c 19th, Wm. Chalenger, father of A. E. Ch „ • , *' , , 180. • 140 ger, of Clinton, aged 84 years. BROWN. -At Detroit, April 20th. las. Brown, „ . e formerly of East Wawanoah20xi6 , aged 71 year. . • " • Copper bottom,. .500 ' 3go Spice bots sets 25o 150.. Combe oases ., ' 100 . 8o Natoli safes . 10x• 60 Stew .par s..: 250 1;50 „ 20o; 12e Wash bowlal,a. . , 8e 100,14o Pie plates..... Pepper Pe per boxes,. 2 for. 50 Cakecutters,, 2e each a - ' .. 4 gallon: it 'can.......... 48o i3 o 4 ,", 20c 'r I lc 63o .2' rr „ . No.9 teakettle. Dish' pars.... . 86e. "• 20; .4 ... .25a " 19c Podding pane 4c-Gc-Bo L= TON`' :a Marble ar. &Granite "WORMS 30 The purchaser of a monument should have complete confidence. in the reliability of atm firm, fr)m which he buys, for the material end workmanship is something very few buyers are familiar with. If you do not know ne, please quire about" oar reliability from three who know us best. We are the only practical men here in.onr . line. B. Hoover, Proprietor1 W• . We have several ..lines which are .great bargains: Best Sarnia white coal oil only 15e per gallon. ill -goods --at bat gain prices 'strictly cash: ARLABTD BROS.' Cheap Hardware Nouse Text to Commercial Hotel Prof. Dorenwend OF TORONTO, Hair Goods Artist IS eOMING , He will be at the Rattcnbury.` House,Clinton, THE. FAMOUS ON Wednesday, May Sufi With every kind and style of LADIES' ,and ,OLN- TLEMEWS wtCGB,TOU PEES, BANGS WA IC and PLAIN; FMMONTS, - r� « SWITOI EB of all long halt' in every length �jQR , Qs, Me and shade, ART TYLE ere known and'worn by • - ✓ rs� alt e a res STYLES n t Be Imre to visit his Show -'looms et tbeHotel and dee hii new deeigne.• ne wilt, free of charge, deMoniteate by fitting you with what is the most imitable coming yori. and Their nee addieREAIiT1I1, COMPORT end YOUNGER, APPEARANCE GENTLEMEN WHO sun BALM should investigate, and see hie p'E',D I't`f at vine •ttr Tounts and W/08 worn on ever ,55,000 heads. . .TT f ,+;a Lottdesbo `o L OUIMETTE, Londesboro \aii Papers Pretty floral design+, on cream and buil grounds, nice for. bedroom, only 5b per roll, 0 inch border to match.' Embossed; Gilt Wall Pr per, complete combination of wall, border and ceiling, choice designs, blue, green and fawn: oolore for patrong, diningroom and hall, per roll. 60 to 120, ' ART MUSLIN . Choice new 'floral patterns, very pretty for sitting rows diming Wont ittr4bed - roome, at 5o, 8o, 10o, 12o and 15o per yard, . LACE CURTAINS Beet value and choicest designs we halal yeti offered, 2 yards, 40e, 500 alpd 750 1V pair. • 0 yards ?5c and $1. • - 3 yards, 0, $1,60: Curtain net 40 inch 16o a yard. ' Curtain poles, wood rings, walnut cherry, oak and mahogany 85c east .- . CARPETS tramp carpets,1210 to 20o a yard„ Union catpetd, a yard wide. 4 patterns 80o to 800. Stair and floor oil clothe, 12i to 80o per yard, PAINTS : ll the Sherman ilia We sell Sh 'W 1 ma Paint. 'They baits' a fat ir range of oaioil`r, loafs better, wear better, and cover. more outfit* than any otter maker We have in stock aft dee ratte oolore. They are mixed ready for nee, pot up in handy package% And gra easily ?p We elr w a good range o>l paint brniibee. >•very8hingrequired' for home iurniIhingand LAS 116ani vai 1