HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-04-26, Page 5� " I!, � - - - ---V---V--"
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. I I � . I .. . I.. - __ I - _____________, ____�
Ir Admiralty, tio wil(iom 40 10- personally I
7 -1 . FRAGRANT . well known. I ]lad no Melt of acting -
� I
. � except Ill the Moot opell mallinaro auir -
I 11. . I I I calioa (it Derijighain Will yQatorday ,
! : A " . . . , afternoon, and rent lit lily vard lit I
I . I I DO . I perfectly ovthwiox wayi its you may
,X" , V. � NT have heard. Your mother took
f . . - quite all ulleXpk.%vtetl � le w of
I . 11 1 , tile W
. , . ... ()Z() ... 11 I hole Affair, uw1ag partly I,
� , , ". I -) . IIIIII, . .to your fathop's unfortunate' state
I LAID UP, 0 ' 'AN AMBIDEXTROUS BOY. 18,Wfl NO 17 1-9010
"� '___,____ ____
. I I - A Various PUZZ010 to All Students of
. Psychology.
A Strong Man on ,His Back Pittsburg to puzzling itself oyer
the Strange cawo of a i,_,-Wc4r-ultI cons= . , "Ion
, 7hrough Ridney Triouble, Wy, Harry Mlinor, "I'lick buy L4 am- I Pi
. . 1110oxtrous, writlag And drawing ,o, 1�,, fl, .4 _AV I .
., . I . ecluAllY Well. with, either hand.Jjult 0 AAW. 44-M."140P iz., A. Nw; V,
i, . , ,.. . . I - of health and partly to some extra It Is pretty generally accopted that A,j,OlrQi1toO9ntrActor,$vI10 was X.Ovei all
.. ordinary a,ttompts, which I am given thUt 110 writes or draws with hlo diseaselt is thought to be,
�, . 1.� . . were It not for tho,softoning Influence Without Pain for Years, and who left hand W duno upside duWa, While
11.1 to understand. have been madd ' to had Blany 111rues to Quit Wolcl(-- tile, Same things dune Ivith , tile in the begin'ning.7 '_ -_
11 ''.., . for the MTH and BREATH rob Jilin of him Work. lolho was very exerted by Women our much -boasted Dodd's Kidney Pills I I
� I , - . anxious to help me, but Insisted tl,iat. modern olvillzatloo would fall to Is '&(Ia I IM Well - right hand a.ro right b1do, up. Tito
, - isw S16 SOZODONT LIQUID a I I Nbt It can always be stopped—.
, 0 20 It must be secretly. Last night's bual. pleces. Howover, that woman, does Toronto, Out., April 20._(SpeoIaI.)- ,rangest phase of Ilia case IS that
. 0 vess wgo, I admit, a ghastly mistake not deserve all tile credit foi- our pre- At does aut apprectate. oz, ciannut
Only It was not, my mistake I l .. No. 80 LippInegAt street, In this , ' The trouble
I Now Patent Box SOZODONT POWDER s , 26c vity, resides Mr. W. J,, Kou,ne. Mr. L11001911118h. tho.1difforence, 11 . the in the beginning.
, . I I . '71elded to Lady DerIngliam's proposal 80llt-d4y humanity Is jiltown b,v tile work of film lit hand Is -turned
. . 'Keane Is a contractor, and Is one of upskle .down,
I Large LI UID and POWDER - - - 75c .260' under strong protest. As a man, I fact.t1lat there Is a community where. theL lr,i,� cannot make ]lead is.: you don't ],-now you've got
, beat k,tlp.wn mou In Ills fine of � .
A . 'think 1 -may Say of.pome Intelligence, nd WIlkere the 111011 business In toronto. , . . or tail of it, ankli if tho work of I 0 t ; you do 't -believe it; you
At the Stores or by Mail, postpAJ4, for the Price. I am ashamed. of the whole a left hand Is, rl
, ffair; are notcd for their kindfiess and 1108, Like turned right side up t , .
. . At the same Villa *I h14 guilty .only *of liatilly other successful weii, becomes illegible to'l
L M0 On the coast of Macedonia Mr. . Keano has Suffered durLng. his I ilia. If tic I
� I antiseptic .1 d. hy an Indiscretion which was sanctioned girls a (11rawing or tat letter wi It
I A Dentist's Opinion * "As ax an gie =Iiy; a promaon - tory, wlilch, Wcause, busy life a great deal from Kidney - won't believe it— till you are ,
". � mouthwash, and for the c;ie and preservation of the teeth and And instigated by your mother. I there are no fewer titan twenty mon- Dleorders.. , one hand anti attempts to finish t forced to. Then it is. danger, -1
.11 I ums I cordially recommend Sozodont. I consider it the i0ea really do not goo howl, I can take Any ai;terles Scattered '001119 t4e roolty great p V or Years he suffermt, yvItIl, tile other, the I rmult is a hopo- . I . I
. .
"I rentMice for children's use." [Name of writer upon applicationj -self Ili the matter-"' , . alit. He was forced at times less tangle, aH one part Wit be toile OUS, .
. blame to m) tile oltore, Is called tile tol quit Ills work altogether an(I go � I I I . .
11 � "You could scarcely attribute to -"Mountain of ilia Monks," Hare, 9,far aLsolute r(Yorse of the other. Don't bew afraid; but attend
''I HALL & RUCKEL, MONTREAL, Lady Deringham," Wolfenden remark. to bad. He used Dodd's Kidney Pills, In all otlilar respects tile buy is , � .
� from, tile ma4ding crowd, bpyoiitl the 4,114 Is wall. "J.'Ws IS wha.t �
, ,�'. , . � . oil, 11the Injury to the ivatchman," wrlikienca of modern surroundings, of abDkit- it: . 110 says 'normal, Ile Is bright, heafthy, to it quick— yo4can d it your,
L I .1 - . . � - �. ..-, "I can take but little blame to my' distracting alft.1 hollow vAllitice " It gives me great pleasure to strong and well, good-natured and . . 0 . . .
. I � 11.1, ,__,..,.""!1.,. ----------- "I self," Mr. Sabin answered promptly, these ascet=mAlell apart from their write In praise of Dodd's Ki(I active, without tiny of tile signis usa. self and. at home, . I .. 0.
I !, i i�i� I "I", PIP" I'll "I'll � il` "The man was drunk; he had been, fc1loWs. In this community there Is A, and the good ibc,y have doneY Pills, aly ascribed to "dogeneratefs." He
�,� . I I Imagine, made drunk, And- I merely t Ite me. I is. ona of -the best learnera in Iiii Take Scott's F,.Mulsion of
I" I i shed film out of tile -way. He fell own, called Caxyes, which, Wears con- am never Without them. I class and one of tile brightest child. Cod Liver Oilvand live care. - �
�, I sIderable resembittace to, the thrifty "I have been a groat Sufferer with
, avilyi but the fault was not mine, N111ago of Our civil -country. There tire' ran In the neighborhood where lie , - .
�:If 1 Look at my physique, and romember plans. in illy back; In the region ,of W,ea. . �
�'il. . A PLOT FOR EMPIRE. Flo business streets lined with IIttI0 010PS my kidneys . f ully every way, I
I . that I was unarmed, and ask yourself and bazaars, filled with busy . I was 'very slak- and at Now, the curious ,features of,the . q
�':, � what mischl,ol'I could possibly have . 0116- Clitioa could not attenfA -to my Work �
, �. ____-&_+__-4000000- done to. the fellow." , . towers, cappersmlths,� plying. their ,it all. , . . case are not yet told, Nkithing was ' : This is. Sound doctrine, .. .
, � . . trade, frditerers offering their wares, " I Used several medicines, bu, known of the boyV abnor . mality un- I . . I
I � Wolrenden reflected. . I t noth- tit ho went to school, and'Lliell not whatever you may think or - -
. . till apparently moving itiong'much. as Ing, I over tried Seemed to hot until' they sought to teach him t
I � -"You appear to be anxious," he said,, wa are. But there is a I
. . . I p. me
i A THRIWNG STORY OF CONTINENTAL CONSPIRACY A15'AINST BRITAI ever the swish In the J(-Ast, until & friend 0.1 mine ' be told,; and, if � heeded, will
� . ,.,to convince me that ;your desire to of a skirt, never it wa=An'a face Is I . write. lie wr'ote lnstlnctivel� 'With . �� -
11 � gain ecose to a portion nf illy Seen. There are it(> maidens, no adVLS6d. me to try - Dqdd'i Kidney flia left hand, He leartick.1 to fordn Save life . . . 1. .
. fattleg pers, Is a harmless one. I Pills. I Immediately found relief, and tile characters pal , .. . . I I . I
, . , cooing, Infants, no rnl6chievous little, was able. -to, resume -fectly, but, to . . . I
1 . I . . I. , should Illpato ask you. why you have 1 raf,cala to '.annoy the frulterer by Illy work. . eve.ryonels amaz . c,ment Including, It You have not tried Ito t,,,,,,,,,d for , I
; 6116 ChTow at him tu glance In your, employ. a'Young -lady who was "X Used altogettle.r seven -boxes be. , free-sar" t Will
� � . Of Con- without looking at her, conscious, pilfering JAS tealptilig wares;-noi busy fore being coiniplately ou.red.* ,$iTice,'that or Ills parents, lie formed the our ,_Is_ U!tp airraeable "
�� teMPt, and tourned aa though to leave thougli a was � -that lLer dark eyes dismissed from Deringliam Hall under little mothers nursing their dollies Ili. than I , have never ))call Sick a (lay characters upside' down, writing StoTjp� *bWNE, cherrilsts.
I I= Ilia Invitingly, and _ that 'Iclou ?" � I � . . I
the room. Mr. Sabin, recognizing the were se I dircumatances, of strong ousp - - I - .
� fact t1balt the situation was becoming her lips were cirrving If I ito a'smile. . Mr. Sabin rals front of the door. . ., . from rl,glit to left or the paper In- ,11 � oronto. .
,ed his eyebrows, , A,ocording.to tha stpkirstitious be� I )lave never had -the slightet3t-ladlca 500. ar%d $1.00; all druggists. � � ..
; . dangerous, permitted himself no'long- "I am hot thinking of playing golf "It IS the first time I 'have -beard . � Von & a return lof the trouble," stead of -from left to ,rLght, as is .. .
I or the lux=y of doisl3laymg his anger. to-day.1- lie said, "Unfortunately I of Anything Suspicious connected with Ilef 'it Waso the Virgin %axy herself It Is hard to understand Ito* any- usual.' ankl from Vie bottom t6ward . I .�
., He was quite himself again, calm, have less pleasant. things to consider.. Was Merton," lie said. "She .came Into who foirbade, tbLEP:fspot to women. One oale will continue tb L,Uffor frGm Lame, thip top� of the paper when - the char- I Thread In the Bible,, . I I . I
. ' I .
. judicial, Incisive. If you could give ind five minuteO,'Mr. my service. WItht excellp-', 'testimoni- of the monasteries contains a W76- 'Da0k.or any'othar-ormptom of KI(I.�. actors 'covered more thriul a Itlie. - i ..
� I . I 11 i4l . .0,19, ,and -I. engaged-Airor. I at,� Williliglo- .-tei-lous Image which Is very precious ney .Trouble after iso ranaty frank .and It was 110A 'wIthout much trouble ,,,"'a first mention df thread occurs .
I -lease," he said k�ablh]ol-' Ift.6'64deid, * "I -should be -very, AatL � _A,jl9L_P_4W1 11
a Don't go away, p ' � . bureau. The fact 'that she had been- UF Vroey aw of-' 7 the- members -of- the -fl,,,---atavdiy,ffii.fa--uT-.ffh-B7ife-ir--,kii6*K- A- --Ilo,m,;---iv.aA--ta�'Ll.�--tit�--�to.�v.rtt,e.,-ttt..- __, .ge�.Nvbore - Abraham -sald. ,�
� , I ra sorry th&t you have read those re- glad." - ' Greek church, The legend runs that -La all; walk cq ljfo� till With Iii -4 right hand. In fact.. at th the King of SDdom that he.woaLd. .
� . u, so inlich as a
, at Derltk�;Ixaknk Hall was a , that Dodd's Kid- ' mod iniposm1ble for him tlireaO-to a 0hoo-lat6liet, lost he
'A' - rts- ly not take from hif
I PO unore than sorry that you She rose ImmedlatWy with till 4ho employe'd I
_1; .- r, i � one (lay the Image or picture of tile illy PHIS have cured them. first it See , . .
": should have &ttached any particular appearance of being genuinely offelid- me coincidence." . � .
. '� credence to them. As, you, know, tho ad; there was a little flush Ili her "Was It.'albo a.collicide ' ' Wolf. Virgin ci�illed 'to the Empress- Pul- Dodd's Kidney-Pilla". always cure. to inkitater tile taik, Bilt lie (lid ac.
1'?.�. . enden contiliki 'ce'� to a clie,040mv she w4a going to ]ter deira- They never fall.. They -caainoit fa C'Molialk, It at. length with much of-: AlOU143 any that It was lik).wIlo._haA_*
.. ��. newspapers always exaggexate; in cheeks and she walked straight"to the , led, '.Itl�at in �rep y. , it, a I inado hini. rich. Three thn6g ttferb Is
�� , . r to ,"What 'do you, a Years of trial 114ve abso-lutely.proven - pf% �
.. 1. many of the stories which they tell door. Wolfenden held it- open for ber., fatter attempting . to b my; tions iinying,. . � fort, and In 'doing, so clevelo I oppelal mentlow.of a 6atirlet thread, -
. I
... I lil ra,ther's Socretar . y, Mr. Dlittlibrwick. womalfi� here.'? .. Depart 'from title, that there Is no oa,4e,qf,Kldnoy com. other wonder (if lit.,; o1iigular gift ,
� A as w1len tile elder of T,tknar'i; twins �
C 11 do not believe that there is a sin- ant exceedingly ooriy 'to ]lave It was she, Miss Merton, who kept aft , . church, for woman's, feet shall he. wrote right .slilo Up -urith , th% .
�' itle word ,)f truth. But I will admit been In the way for a.moment,"-she .1. . . more tread till& floor." The r,mpr!o'j;la1nt, Lame. Back * 'Inietimatism, I I. was, ZlIstingulshad bY lk scarlet, thread
� . that Mnri bas not been altogether said; "pray proceed wIth your busi- appointment with him?" . . 1 a5a( J,.ulnbaim Sclatlegi, 6out, -Neuralgia, hand. --.-.. ___ . - ."bound oil 'Wo hand, 'and when the.
- - .
;1: � - . � , ,.'1Tbatj'.1 Mr. Sabin answered, . "I obeyed ilia Injunbtlon,Ahough 6he:had Madder 'okii-GAnary Troubles,' that sirATR opoillo, ClT* Ole TOLE:Do, I .. Spies told R4hik.b to put a, line ofsear
:1 ,�, discreet. Yet he is young, and there ness at once." o (,nee . -, �greatly enricbed and beautified the - 1. I � �"� I
f I ,"rol - know nothing of ,� If you wish t . � . . . Dodd's Kidney Pills will ilot'curcr. - - . - I LVGAS C'OUWl!V. . -.-
I are many excu*aes to be made for fenden did not answer -her, AS Men 'Xiss Merton, YOU arb quite at, buildinK.' as, lot thread In the windo,vN-from widoh" ,
I- him. Apart from that, the whole ques- she PAssed thr0-ug1r--ttTedoorway 'she P, � I Dodd's Kidney Pills'dr6 the only I FnAxx J, Cin=y malces oath't lat'he. is son. ad a assisted tlieni. to escape, ; and , :'
I . liberty. - to. -do so; I will send for her. Since that (lay no Woman or femaN. . medicine that evot cur�d BkIght's Vs- L or partner ofthe firin, of Z J. cilpNr,y & Co-,� , I kin, when.the raptur u.9,writer-of .
. � tion of his behavior is beside the glanced up tit hIAi; lie w4s not, even - Wolfenden shook )its head. , I '11,nimal lie& live&on. the'prorkiQlitgry. doing businog4 'in the CA* of Toledo, County agr .
� . . - I ' . kiaso,- Diabetes or Dro�psy. - - - kind late aforesaid and that said firin will pay' Aho Canticles, says,the 1ps, �of Ills. ,
!:r � question. YouT marriage with him lookbig-at her. His. eyes were fixed .,,Mles Merton -wa's fair' too �:oier to Only the birds of the air. baive broke" Thousands ot ca,nadians hav of ONE YlUNDRED DOLLARS for love are liko. wthreado octirlet. Onv'� .
I I . I was never intended to be one of af- upon Mr. Sabin. The fingers, which comn4t herself," he'saild; 1'r .� k 6 order, but,this Is 'Unavoidable I ,a; tried ,the sum
. . new th, . I eaohand overy'caso-of CATARRiftliat'ean- 'wo .00casionsi.tbe easy, ,breaking of I
I fection. His is well enough in his way, rested upon . the dobr kiibb seemed miejbod -brethren, however, do thei� wid proTed, and,teitified.. - , t
I .
1.11, fro�m the first that she wa� 1. . being � � I not be oured by. the nee Of HALL'S OATARRH
I .
,. .bitt there is not the stuff in him to twitching With impatleoce to.close It. Watched, and bellaYed accori ,ogly. If atmd�t td See that the wish of their ; . - , I � - bohda. is likened to the breaki n g bf it
, I . - CURE. - I FRANK J. CHENEY. thre".- � � ,. ... . .
I make a, mali worthy of your love. She stood quite still'for a momidlit.; the Disturb"'ces oil tlt6 �$Un� , . . Sworn 16-"o dr-o--v-x-4'an&-suIWMVed In , I I
I ghewas not, there as your.a, ,tit, her Iveavenly patrork IS ,lot diarega,rded, , ,n � . ., . I .
,, � D., 18%y � I - I - � - . .. - .. .. �
Youx alliance with him is simply a us- color left bar cheeks, and, bar eyes position, b .71io, min's surface* IS kno*;1i'to be - ptesetice, this4th day of Docemlim A. . t
1. , ed,omes more extr Irdinaxy anti. when --,fowl le served bn their - r_A__1 . � I � . . A W. GLEASON, - . , � ,1 -Luckily, Ife, Isust. . . I
I I . cesBary link in the chain 6f oux great grew soft. .Site was not angry,, tiny stili.,,' �- . . . . . � , ...... I.. ... .tablev only the 'cockerel Is perm'ls-. 861*ct to Oea,tly Incroa,eed"'clIsturb- . �� I , . - I Notary Public. ' ' , - .
. . .
`_ . . years, known.as *--�_ : I � . I . I �
�. I undertaking. Between you, you will longer. Instinctively - some Idea ',of the "I can,�assure You," Mr. -SahId*saId,*1 silible, ( .., . , tatces .every elevert . - I skl,ml .. Mrs. Arllngton�If§ tba,t young man
. Arart -Ile .enga,go4_:.to ,
`:1 represent the two royal families of truth flashed In ul)i)n'hor; she passed I with an. air 6f weariness, ,*that. I a: . . . -.__� Alle, -sunspot� parlod�- A i;jdJ#�f&yj§ v-Halfir Catarrh -buraris faken--fittv'rnally,-aird 41A,t-Zth61-W-,i-n9&t4.� � . .1 "
.., , ,in _ .,____._,.__._ I. .. U1,111 actq directly on the blood and mucous , surfaces Rmaxt? . . I . . I . .1 ..
I 11 France. That is what Is necessary. ont thoughtfully. Wolfenden _k1gised I It mystery you seem. to - N UIV, A RA.110 Ir H N SV',A.., ' , dleturbances of the earth's mag.z of the systenk. 'Send for testimonials. free. , Mrs. L6xIngt6n_WeIl, It he'were as, . .
� -you must marry him, but Afterwards— tile door and. turned MT-Sal),ii. . not,, a mail c I . � � .. .. I . getlent )lave a Similar period, and the , � � .
, - . - to think a.. I* sh6uld'iiever dream of . � . . � -Z 1. CHENEY & CO., Toloo, 0. bright no dici tl�lnks lie I's everybody I I
I .
I,— , well, yoki will be a queen!" " You ean easily imagine the nature employing such'roundabout. means. of . .No fInp'r trip can be -taken than ilia pleturep of.tlie .cor,olia, which. have 'Sold by Druggists,'75e.- - - . .
I . �s.,' Jib said, coicjjy.'� "' I gaining possession' 'f6w .fitatIs- �'Vrater rout' down the , 1. ..baerk'obt4thed Show markedly bliarac- . Rall's.Famlly Pills Are*.the best, . - around here �wotkld I:Iit,v:q to -wenr blue - I ,
Again he had erred. She looked at or my . a St. Lawrence, . . .
. .busLnos of a 1. *,., " �. - � . I . .� �
,, him with bent brows and kindling " I. . .1., . . I torl#flc varieties .: * . .. lasses.-8-omerville - Jov.rnal. '" .
� - , , ,
. . I have comp to have an exp'la.nailoll tAcs." - - � ' - I I .. . passing through the Bay of Quint.ki, . . of form dependent, 'When W , 6 � re, You -Born'? ., , 9 .. . , . . . .
eyes. . .. . � . . , wollenden-'W48 arlent'. � HIS ckitse WAS, Th�ousand` Islands .,ai �.sunspot pbriod. go one � �' . I 1. � . � � 1.
I � with you.". , . I I ld runfilng the-. -also- upon the ________.___ , , 1. .1 .. I
. I ... . � . I .
"Ohl you are hideously cynicalT r pd -o t ver to , of, 'the., principal 'eff9r,t9'of* sole ? , Heie :is Ad . old astrological prodic. ,.. I . . � ..
!I - Mr. Sabin 14 a fresh clgareti6r and altogether -'ono of siirnklsaa..�?, lie cou-14 4 � 6, f lie otists . I . . - . .. ..
I � . .. I . . ,. .� .1
* prove no ri. .. �� . . 1.1, i .94 -Montreal of -to obta(n ple- tfun said to Indicate with tolkij&bie, -� - . * . ... . . . , .
i�l " , She exclaimed. "I may, be ambitious, smiled on Wolfenden'thoughtfully. , � . . .. isfoiatr,Laii.,�, bl,6' i�llton* late, years h4i�s.-been I .
but It is, for my, country's sake. If I 1. � . . . . .4 , . " . . LI . lie Steamers 1pave Hamilton at 1; 'tulrea*V* the coirona; .wit'lit 0 . "I'll . A .. I . - , I .
, lift . . 11.
. Certainly," lie sold -�.'*,%� . expla: Ia- ei.lia- �Jie i5aid,j ,1 .have been. . I a ..-Inklell Gartalatir 'the, 0.11ara6tor - of -tbe'-gIrl- *, - . I I ,
. � ... �:.,. - P. lk�., a a ' llueoda$s doiitll .to p6slikble. � .1 I ... ... , - . I
� .
reign, the Court of France Shall beaof tio,n ! Exac,tly !" ' ' _ pr elpitm-00, It Would appearr so�j �B6t d Torol6ti) at'7 .p. in. f . . . I ; . . I a,cewdlirg,.to the iftionth"of her birth: , . .1 .1 . 1, , 1. � � N� . � . I . .
� I
1, a new type - we will at least Show .. well";, si�ld' w6m,ndpil-, llaulipoo.40. V.I.= unduly a icious, you )lave.. and Thuredaya. 'After. June .5th,J11e. '. , -1 1. 11'a girl-li b6rn In Ja-linitry"'ahe . . .� . , - - _-Z �__ - I I . ..
d. I . I . . . .. I . I " ... .. . I . I
11 tile world t6t to be a Firenoh-wo- 'i-.117-# . . . , yoaf,selr%only.40 wa Tnit boAts...wl.11 make thl-66 trips pe1F Week, i � . I _,T,4 )9reak: Up. it Cold. wilf be, A, pi- - Imusewifo', I . .
Von commaiiiFe, tTiUr I . . . . . , . e -l' 'kon ad . I ud,ent given ' . I ... I ..
� . man Is nbt necessarily to abjure mor- " Mr. Sabin looked puzzled. .,* . ' that your natde is all . assum6d one'. . the,-addItlowtl boa E, on. Saturday. _-Aro' , All..You require W .a, little sugar,'a .io� melancholy; but good tempered - , . . * . I I - p. ,. I .
I . .. , . � -
a,18.11 . I " in * I offer ,�ory fo'wiateis on, thia -line.. for', 'glaiss of ,)lot � witer, thirty dro * 5 1 -., 4-,- A :- , , ,
- " Had. you not better be n - little' YOU refuse 'my .suit to Yo6r- .niece. .1 . I . ps of , If lit February, a humane. and ;a.[- ' . . I . . I . ..
� . . .
Re ehrugged fits shoulders. more I explicit T' he Suggested gently. without -any, -reasonable cause. You both. RInglp an<] return Alckets. .. Nervillne. Take'It hot In the � . . �_, . . . .� I .
. . . I . I . morn- fectl,6nate wife, and 'tender knother -. , � ., . � 11 I I
"That," he said, "will be av y(xi , Tho, Toronto-Montrotil Lih'e-Sfeam- Ing You -Will Wake up without a cold., " .. . ". . .1 I I . !11 .. .
" I will be," Wolifendon repli.6d, Pas are -evidently, to 'be frank, it perSon . � ' If. In MAroh, A: frivolous .'ehatter . ' � . . � : � . ,I I .
. . �
. .
� Court explicit as you ma y choose. My mother ! of inuch- more ImportAnce'than - You leA, . I ervillne Is good for other things" ,b6x,' Bomd*fnt glvo�n ,,to kIuArr-pli, g. - I . .' I I I .. I .
chooW, You will make your eri .v,e Toronto mi, 8;80 p. in Tues-' N if
. , I . , I ".7 . , 1, - --- -1
what you please. Personally, 'I' be- h a given me her wholp cdnfiki�nce - Aaj claim to be. Now, be- open 'N�Ith day - . � . I � _. --I 1\
a . . I,-!-. .. ,e, Thursdays:arid Sdturdays from such astootbache, neuralgiai rheumn- I It, In Aorl.1, I-noonsisieni, no;t 2intlel-. I -i- .
1. .1 I ,..*,. . ,. . ,
"'�', - Ileve that you ar right. f�uch nenti- have emne to ank boyr You (lo,re to,-po. If there_.I"tWr' reaspiki although ,Tunb Jet.to 'June 15tIk, Inclusive, and tism,.For pains.1nolde I and pains Outri, 11gent; but. likely t-6'�be. good46oking,, ' , -----A
'. a I � - . I .. .
. . 11 I . � I ;
� ments'lits you have expressed, pro- enter Deringliarri Halliis E� ftimon,lj--Q,&F,Pll,�t*-�6�ceIN-e all h0Llcst 6na,*:'f0r- (T0.14 1111110 17t.11 daby, oixdept - Still, side Nervlllfi4 As '41m 'Ply ., nan, I , .. I - 11 .1 .. I I .
, col . .. . rve ous. , If.In May, liarkdsoilip'4nd 'likely to , .. .. .
�. perly conveyed to them, would inake burglar attem � , ,rt - i c6neektifig, your identity, why., 1%kill day. Steamer Toronto and- the ,no* - Drugg 6 sall'it. , � � I I . : . I. 1. .
r p�ingtot6mukltath. . � . . tat . . be h4ppy; . . ; ., I . . I . -11 . . . I ..
i ourgeole of 'V -0teamer. K1119MItoll -will Make the ser� - � i 0 . F , . . .1 t I .. .. . . ; , - . .
. --- -_ I 1#�,
I . r . �llr ,. confIdence � absolutely - " , * 11 In- *June, Impethous, ,,.Will marry .. � . Moking Fait Time'� . * I 1. . I
yours abjectly half the b and to demand Aliat yo.u. Instahtly ,, I tile finest . , '. -Trying Again. - . I I., � � .: .., - , ; . . .: . . I
�%, : France! Be as ambitious its you ' . . early axid ba"friV61ous. . .
. please, but at least be sensible. Do return to me a -letter, on which Yon 7; . Y - rely upon that. Tell , in�' vice -on this line. -Tal6y' are I . I I
:.�� J", I, wl 0 ',Von t boato In fresh' water. After. leaving We'are inakfiigit gieat record. No other f�nc� - - - *
have attempt4�d- to levy,blackmal . I LTe, and. who your niece Is,'. . - I .. ,.k teacher, ,wishing to Impress Ilia . If In...TuI.V`,. pasaablk Iianda6me, but' �in'comloete'succcssftllly with the" Page." We .
�� not think any more of this young . . and wily you- ate ailing . about,lu l.-TOronto tbo.flraf port Is T1001168t r; CIASO *1th the ''irirtu * f '' ' - a- Sulky . to . . 1. I � '
�_ . that explirit , � tra� and ja a o . ,"trying ,wIth ---
]Englishman, not at any rate at pre- - . I . ba'� . -11 . . mper., i� make otir own wire and so got ju.st the' I .. .
onough ?" . this- mysterious way." I,ZInkston, "ibusand Islands agaJu Sild.'. "Vb.wi iuppos6 samebne -If in A.agust, amiable,'and pract �' "01
11: �, Air. Sabin's fa6b did not darken, ,nor , .' I . . I I. peculiir quality we need.- Henk;e, we now furnish . I
�, sent. No;thlng but harm can come of Mr, Fi�blb. smiled goDd-humoredly, - rapids'of.the St. Lawrence to Mont- " were'to go on,.dhy after day, ,being cable,- likely to marry rlcli. ' - . .� I a skill better fence than ever. Priceslowerthis I
�. . [lid .110 Ree'm In any way angry or:di,;-. 1. "W'11.1 � I
,.,-. . . -- Mo,fitreal, Quebec, godd and dolfig- g ' ' year. Better I ook Into it. . Vot room. here for r I . .
, Id. It. fie Jig not the like the men of our r-omposed. No phrfed tit his .cigarette . o fic'Fald, "you iunat fort.1ve real. Between; .1 . ocd, despite ,all � If. In'September, df9dreef, -arrablp prices. I Wc& also �nanufrtcttare.lsxwn .fences and. I
Mufrar; Day, * Thdbiieakc, and . the . . I .
01'�� - own country, who know how to take ror a mointent or two, and then looked Xim If I plead gillity to the false Iden- 2 'temptAtlo-A6 and hIndrances, what hild'ilkincht liked,' ' I .. I I I gates.: 11jigh In quaiity and low in prico. .' � -. ' : ' -,
--w-izi� 41 . , -b 41 y .. 1,
,. �mlssal gracefully " Plandly aprogs at ]its 'vlaltor. . ' I tity-and pre.serve It. F or. certain Sagu6itty River, A h4l'it Is the finpat jN ul , ou 0411 It To Persoe.verdnc4 WAS If' in October'' pr16tty an(r 6.cqiie$-. . . . .1 - . .
� - * . I � . I . � .
, "Re. is, at feast, a man !" ' i reas,ons it would not. suit me to: take, trip, on th6 coiitlnent.. The boats on - the" word'-walited. . A multltude of 1.14 I - � 0 . . � .
�- , " You are talking iubbish,", he sahl; ' . - . t 91l and likely to'be unImppy. I The PAGEVRE FENCE C. . (Ltd.).- -
"Helene, why should we discus's Illm? , � oveh You Into. my co'nflderkc�. Beeides title line �ca.hnot, be surpassed, The liando were'tlirwt out, Picking one, -,If lit � at, kindi of -'a . . I . - . . - . . . . . .
�_ . . In Ills Usual calm, oveh'to,ii6R, "but you . . . ' T,ovember, , fiber : I .
Re shall wine to no lihrm at my ; which, it y6tt w1fl4orgive my saying Mnnok Richelieu Hotel at MurraY;Bay '�fia teacher poifitetfto ltai'og�q,� and I jyjo�sltlo.UL��_ ..__:. ___ -.:.-�-�I.".�...�---,-W,"KEBMI.LLE-t,,o-KT.��...'�,(�,-.-�,-:�. - _.___
� ban&. 'Be wlse, and forget him, R6 are scarcely tO blame. It Is altogether ,,, I , ji,lil_ Mild � -ft I I I
-- 'qult�o - . ,8oi there does .not Seem to W I the and the Tadous&e Hotel at Taklouiac mid i "Well, what 61i#'��44ir ro If In .P.6coinbari well, proportlotiod_ I 1* 1. . . . . I -
I _owp fault. It -lb ,true that least -necdssIfy* for It. AVe are leaving .n.r.c.tbo,finesirt.summer refrorts In Van'Ll �Iuz'in'v meallift'vs.: , .- i !:! __-t7:.:�=z_�n", �! -. �� '.:, "I.. ..
_ _
"I'. * can be nothing whatever to You.. rPy (6- y 'our Yio_iiF;6 last nighrt, but It . , I �. . ,:,%.;.. 1 _.�'.1.1�1 _ , .:. -t".
rwas .. f6fid 6t `no,%r6Itj- a gje- x traivagall t. :'! . . .. ___� I- � 1-..
, .
.- You know that. You are pledged to . I here during the *eek, and ,shall. Ili ada, Bo-th of thasio'hoteleAre 6wried - O,Monoto�6uai,i.- ITTIled 'the enfafit ' ' . . . . . . ... " . � . . � I .. . . . .11 . . . . I
,� greater things." was at your mother's � Invitation, and ', all probability . go -abroad 41most at -alid operated by th1h cojn�pany� - . For - tj�irrfble. . . . , . . . . . I . , � . 1� , . �. - 1. � , , .. .. DROPSY , .4... .
r I filliould very much ha7o preferred WtIcIrks ' — ,. . . . 1. rance.. . . .
i S -he moved back to her place by the *not Likely to maet� furthor Information. asi,� . I 1 '. I . " I . . Treat6d-Free. - � -
. I coming openly. at the usUal;tlme, V) ' once; so we are I .11 ._. . .1 - - I _ CAtarrb Assu' , ,
I 'r 'I t C * .
I I As
, window. Her eyes were suddenlysoft, ! again. Let us� part'-pleaisantly, and fo.ldere, etc., apply to.H: Fo.ster (bof- -,. ARE. YOU GOING WESTY.. There Is ira. emedy aqua * a- We have made dropsy and Its* . �'
1, her face was sorrowful. Sale did -not tarrh3z6fie for. Catarrh ati'd C ' 1A. complications a, speclfilt:r.
.� Sneaking in aceording. to her directions , abandon a somewhat' profitless . bs- fee, Wbsttbrn Passenger 4jent, Riche- If no, sf!0'a� 146tter -or postaX card - I �Idlo.'� .. for
; a . . � '.. 11 . - lav . : t. -answering the W- J�, . � � . . . I _�i -
� " throughn, Window. It w, s.�)nly, ii -very 1 cussion.10 I . .. lbu'Co NO' " Rillinit, Morri . twenty.years. Quick relief. . I
. - ...
.. Speak, and lie feared her silence more I ; - Itall & Ontario N. .1gat! � I �, I - o. the Undersigned, � sburg; I I Cures worst eases. , Book I . I
than her indignation. When aknock small favor I asked, but.Lady Derinig- I . . "'Chtarrhozokie for. Broncliltlb. and . . , I
I For a -moment Wolfeliden' w4gstag. I<Ing ptroot,�eab�,.Tbrontp, Out., � :. following questions: ,., .... . . ' 1 I ,TESTrmoisirAM and 3:0 1305 .,
. . . I ..
ham perguaded me that yedr father's I ' . � .. . . . : .1 . - and Thr -a I . tredtmokkbrhziki� ., '. . , I I I
at tile door came lie was grateful j, gired. They., *ore leaving. Englan'd-1- ' - - - �'-__ . _ , . , .1 , ... � Where . arb.you, going T Catarrh of tile Head toat has . , '. �. I
. � .
mental health' and ' nn,tlpatliy . I � . in. 3.1 ai ne. -. . w1hen azo, you --gol , ngo? * % � I i . c -a; 'feet 6ure." M na- . . DR.H.TI.G: . EXISSONS, 11 .
for tile interruption -grateful, that I - . away. Tlia.t ,.meant that he , . Harvesting .0-uni gi,vau in .pbr Ilia D1 am ' ' .
. . . I I
IS, until he Kaw who It was Strangers wan such . -that Ito *0111d'. Going ' . 11 Of tile 15 5,000 -p gum 'Where c1q you: start from ? , � .m,JVe, Solitibeinacadle, N..- 9� -_ . . � . . ... :Bo10 ATLAil�VA,GA. ;- -:, � .-. t .'
threshold. Then he*startet I de , I would Sao no more of Helene, His In- , .punds�of spruce ' d . .. I J . .1 � I
. I
�J �.. I to Ills never give me .the .Infornkrition -mah. kindled ,amn"lly. harifosL'afl fit Malfte, 1".>,000 r .H6w, many areln Y*our'par'ty 2 -' 'CaUrr.h�3z'ode has'. wnrked plarvels I . I � � ., ,�
and It, , , I - 1��'algnatlon. against- the : .
-e V I - I .
I feet with a littlp exclamation. gired , volutitarilyo' Vk'as elit I 0 . pounds �dir. moib are* gathered In the Will you.,, take... �roqr -houselibld in vuring my little girl)of C&ta.rrh.`1 ... ,... - I .1. I � 3 . � . I ' �
.., h "Lord Wolfenden! You are allearly at har suggestion th-it'Viad6pted tli' �'alnkost Into passionate ;ingel-. by )its . . . I I CLOTHES WA HER -
.: , meaniq I did. T arn-very corry Ink-1pp(I .mother�a story w I its forgotten, .Over. mon-th of 'March. ,The -gum picker 'goods ?, I . . . 1 . . . Sfra. Wronzo. Orchard, Torpjato. - � I I % ��, . . : �
vieltor." I . I of persocal weajrs steel' climbing spurs on Ills Sp6cIAI ,low ratc:'6ettlero' . - 1� . rial. - .
- that I allowed nlyself to be over ppr- shadowed by n4ceen thrift tickets- . -."It lin 9 -dono more good. for 'mo, lit . . 11 , SentodT . ,. . .
Wolfenden Smiled. grinlly,, and ad � : if. they', -teal tu, and .W fits belt lie carries 'a oli S&le� duirflig March; and April to �onc week than, otber,remedlear. did. fit ' I
, vanced into the room. sanded and placod In all ondoubte*dly Id were - boo . at*holex�le prim .
,�*Jagpolntmellt. I ' . I If not satiotaotp)* -" , -
"I was anxious," lie said, "t I false pogitlon. Women, are alway.cr 0 ving England-, lie might bid- fare- light liatollat, while Strapped to 11W pblitts In Manitoba,. BrItlift. Colum� years." E. P'.:,TaYI6r-,. S�mlth's Falls . .
,o, ru . an. ance of winning her; . with a vVide, mouth bla, Oregon, M.11fornla and all Westa ,Otit , . , .. . . , 0 AMI I . .. money refunded. . ' '
n Illative,, afid' T., am I well to y oil, waist Is. a. .bag . , , - - WA010 Quaianteedtorun -- - ..
no risk of finding you out. My mission I nervous and Imag CIO ,of here, � -of the gain. Cilrnb;- . vrn States. Full Particulate .from B. ' . I .
vonv nee gone oppTilv - and -there were certain w.or for the reception Catarrhazone ,alone pan perman, �
In not altogether a pleasant one!L' I d that If T had , , . . .a.. N9 I easier end do "
! certain gestures, which had combined Ing t1i 6 tme, the picker pfoce6ds fro w H,- Bennett, General Agentf Chicago ently oure-Catarrh; It will pay Y311 I I botlwr *ork than ,
CIIAPU�M, XXX1. to your father a nd ]aid my.caae before t limb to'llnib, inlippifi.g off the lumps, :& Notth'westeril. Rallway, 2 .X . . . .
41 I him he would have 'hi,lpkid .ine.." � to� fan hat littl6 flamo of hop6, which Ing to glic it a trial. Oomploto outfit, � �, I I I -1 . anyothermachlee - -
. .. I f ' nothing ari 'Yet h. abi of gum'.as he fluds them, until he Street east,'Torointo, Ont. ; - I I . .1 ,)n the m,trket. - A . .
"I Make No PromWe." - 1 "'H46 would have (lone, nothing () MI ovei been a , % .1 I $i.00. .Sinall slzb, 25cl: at druggists good machine for agents to handle. �Nv;!A
I i to extlngul�h. . Ile. looked Into, Mr. reaches the top, Most -of the gum Js'�- Realized lifs Own Madness. ' a 'by . . Thousands 16 as. For -11�" . -:J
A single glance from Mr. Sabin lit- I the sort I" Walfenden dpela-"d. "Noth- I Sabin".9, quiet face,. and fie was con. caught In the w1demopen. bag as it . - - .mail. A trial �o��t. for 10o� by nionormade O. to. 4�
-fo 61io* ovint a 1. ' I ,� .. . 1, 1.,C. Palaron & Co., Kingston, Canada, and -prices addiess I . I I , . .. . .. J
to Wolfenden's face was suffleMnt. I Ing would Induce Jilin so OUR 0 , .. I . n
" Under his breath lie swore a, small portion of hiq work to n. ��tran-+er." - , Va Fiense of lielplesoness. 'The. falls from the tr"., .While all that "Now you are t1red of me and abuse , -Hartford, Conn.0 . . STA"ARD SUPPLY CO.. ltarnll(�4,'o t. :� .
, P too i4rong and too wily for , go" t0 the' :1 i or .. , U. 1% ,I 1 .1 .
quiet oath. WbIfenden's appearance Mr. Snbln sbruggo 'I, his �il;kil(lerR � mail , wit s, r grom d .stanos out' il mov!v sobbed .tho young wife isrhme � I . _ . �
� , lliln�, it was all Unequal co . n test. - . 3h relief upon thl-P snow .that It Is. likloband refused to hire another mald . Sion of It. � , . . JACK� PROST. & CO. - -
was unlookpd - for, and almost fatal, gently, and continkled *,Iillout� hpikl- au2, picked lip. Having picked all to take care of her pot dogiii. "tat . ,, Her Ver, I . . I .
. . 1. I - 1� Wei will abandon the discussion i eaA "' I la ,
I . -
yet that dId not prevent him from Ing the lnterrnl�stlqn. . _� y ;A young girl In 0, ul"s preparin .
� greeting his visitor with fits usual 11 As to my blaeknin IIITIF�,r Latly. Per. !' then,. if you Will," Wolfenden said slow- the gum on the tree, the picker hacke Wier continned,- "not tw'o years . ago for admission Into the church wa! - 14. , I I I .
- ,
I JV; "I will talk with Lady Deringliam anil sicars tile bark, so that the tree yen wore jusit oragy to maxry me," � .
-_ , Inedfusive but well-bred courtesy. ingliam, you have sNkon -plalnl,v to ' . I ,
, t "I 1,4galn. . 8he IR In ,Lit extremely nor- may. pr,oduce, *,nother crop. . "Yee," answered the compla by the 'pastor how she ought ... I .
, .
� .. "I am finishing a late bi'leakfast," me, and you muRt forgive.,. -mi -for nn-' voifs -6tatc-.-- it - Is - posbib , le that - She I .- - I , .. .. I . . . man-brut6,`mY'TrT6hdv tol(I-me so at to obey- tlia.�flfth commandment,- bo ��� _____,___________ I 1)
, he remarked. "Can I offer ,you any- Rvroring yon In tho saine fashion. It ' I ,'or, Apring allows
� may have misunderstood you." . A 611F,,�AITVVIIIF, -hef, time, but VdIdWt. realize It Until lkmor� her father and mother, ;She Ras no offoct on the Trod rence The colled.
s thing -a. glass of claret or Benedic- In a, lie I I lind letters of here, which I I.. � V U 31 Jill. . t answered promptly: 11 I ought to take for contraction and. expansion. 11
- Mr. Sablik Sighed witli an.aIr of,gen- 18 _With the heavy, hard u�riqlits Used, Frosb
tine 71, I-voluntaril,,s"Iestroyod- In -her- prespnes: ... 1, -tie relief. , Ono of the moot timely and Inter- after we. were marrle4-.Io�.Kanoi 'them out for walks on Sunday.,, 6IM-1- - R . .
'_ _ n --of � other OttY Stn,X� , � . . . -Pence as no e uhl, A .; Nvanted. - - � . I
Aill, If tilo me voting of recent pubtleations Is the .1 i,gbn " .
Wolfenden scarcely heard him, and 'they wf,-re .o _____L.___ __ (>light not Ao let 0(trit, se hoir' much THE FROST % F NCE Co. Limited, .
.-- . Viv.-ra, littlo 16olish, or I i countries Were only sin easy to 14e- book jitat put.ob 'Oalo by tile World -- - - Idg, "a. more Iknow than they do." She ex- '. ... � I . Welland, Onb . -
Fil (,,4C 4 - � tlii�rrt 1011f,' a90, bide as these EngliShmpn ! What il, Publishing Co. of Guelph, ntItIn Millard's Liniment Ou;;9 00 , 1.
. answered altogether at random. He' i6nld bnve deq riiyo , a d , I I . 1. . . I
.. - had suddenly become, aware that If �had the misfortimp to IY, onee w� trlumpha�nt . career might yet be isQueen victor'la.11o. It IN a cornpre- . .. . � I . I . . pressed an opifilon probably quite I . .1 � . . . I
I , lurren ,ople con. WANTED TO DO LIGHT,GARDRN ' '�
, Helene wad In the room; she was com- favored sultor for your;lklotlier'n hAnd, Ili . . . . A ,reskt Graine. . t! t dmong Young PL
� .91 I _. I (� �
� ling towards him from the window nnrl I think I mayl: venture to aqy-1 I . holialve story of.the rioble. life and reponderance of kao, Boywork and help attend bees, Jas.R.'Holb, . . . - ,-
"I am very glad,!' lie Said, "that lamented A v4lter In a. magazine has � this to to her,Newton RobinsonoOnt. I . 11 .
7 . recess, with a. brilliant smile upon her nm sure she will not vontraclict me glorlous reign of our late . I edge in tile rislugr gencration.-Con- so � . . I
L .1 lip". . I you �o.'me tile honor to.take what I 'Queen, including a condensed history Say regarding the game of golf': "it S* . � ,
-that I was hardly troati-cl. The ' can assure you is tho'correct view I , gregatiovallst. - L - . . —
"How very kind of you to look -0-nly 70ti6r I eN,or hild from lipr likely of Great Britain. ,The work IF) writ- a great game, bat shiver my nib lok - I 11 � . I
: us up so early I" she exclaimed. to do bar tho least hirin I dt.i-troV*K1 of tile situlation. I hope that you ton by J'bhn Coulter'i the orninpntL if Itilink it comes tip to tiddledy- I OLD STAMPS WANTF,D.
;, Mr. Sabin smiled grimly as he pour. fifteen yenrs ago,' Who" I first 0in- Will not flurry away -, way 1, offer you L � undon historian, and lohn A, Coopero wInks.11 rt .is Olayed ,'with a o0uplo !Vo Cure d Cold Ili One'Day I , I . ! . Lookup the old let- I .
. . I . �
I a; cigarette ?"'. - , of farmR, a river or So, two or three Take Laxative Broina *Quinino'Tableti. 1.1 , ters (before 187.0), sob
I , � r and Ut a cl- harked upon what bag been to a cer- lVolfendca sat., down for the first tho Wit:)r of tile Canadimn Magazino ; sand hills, a number of Implements druggists refund the Inoney It It fail% to cure, � .. I 100i the stanitiEl 'and �. . _
14 garette. He was perfectly well aware tain extent a career of adventure. I time. . . ... . . , and they have spared no effort. .to 26c, -Z. W. Grove's 6194dturo Is on each box. .got CASH PAID for ' .
, i that Wolfenden's visit was not one told her that tt'vras .not I rose-mbRug dentists' tools, a strange , . � I thorki. WANTED, Old
4--, n the packet make It complete vaid accurate, The . I - . I .
u rne&t,-11 lie asked, - � I . .0
. n you speak of a 0 ,'and 19 language much like Hisdoostani, any. Canada. Now Bruna- .
1� of courtesy; a single glance into lite which we burnt -together yestorday. awhe leaving; E'ligland book cont ilia 'Nfar. 700 pa,ges old L,lothee, and a largo assortmeni . A Gentle' DisposItIoll. . .. wick, Nova Scotia, , .
Ji face had told him all that he cared to It she understood from that that it" ao soon 71, boau-tlfully and ippropriately' Illua- of. oaths,,, . I . . . I . . . . Pdnco Rdward Is- , .
��f know. It was fortunate that Helene was still in MY possession,. and t1lat , " I ,,It Is.& little annoying* to have to . land. British Colum- - . .
�� had been In the room. Every mo. Assuredlyl 'Tou Will do we ilia tl-ato; the letter pTes.q Is good, and � - I I - - - - .11 I—- -bis -ate- - -��__ ____'_ -
I was retaining It for any purpose ju6tlee to admit tha.t I blave never tho'blia g IS, In k.e In with h ,, S.' UASOIT, - , -
11 4111 _ q P ff t 0 , OtLtwr,bD=no-,Cm.eistWiLt!.rlf..---,-,j _ -90t 110 Ili tile middle or the -night �aii(l I— �
I I mentlo respite he gained was pre- W6 was 906yously mis- protendeil to like' your country, have general exoeIIeW6y'6f,tI16 �iblumei. it' . look for burglars, itild'Mr. lafeekton ; . I'Awbsori st, i3out I .
I clous. I 1. . "but Henrietta Satins to .enjoy bav� $100.00 each fo Lbese. . b#, .
" "Have you come to ask =I;ny words. Th,qt JB all I )lave I? I hope t& lea,ve It for several to *.work ivIllch Should find A Clean, City. . _ abilltou, OnL � .
for a drive In that wonderfu me to go . . years, if not for ever, within the In overY patriotic; Canadlaille ni?'aco . Ing. ilia do so." * . , . . .
; I vehicle?" to say." . . 11 ra, Y. 8ydn 71 Australia, Is said to be one ,, ild ,Von do If you really ]FOR -OLD ,&ND RARE CAR-
( I "_ . --- . Whitt Wol ad SALE.
Ile bad Said It very w0l Indead. course of a few wookh.11 Of thopeleancet cities In the world, It fan eallis for said. APPI to Ijr. Courto
� .� . Wolferiden, listening. lnton.tiv to CV01`7 , "And your niece, Mr. .Vatbln V collient Illouseq., not the cleanegit. . The'streats are , StJacquos, Quo, CorroAponxlauco solicited.
11 I she said lightAy. pointing out of the ; - - I found a burglar ?" -
window to where his dogeart was w0rd, w1th his eyes rigidly- fl%od ilpoil ","a accompaiiie,4 me., of course ; she Hullow �Iacka of eement, Instowl of cleaned overy 1,1111ell, Vill so kind hearied that I'm eau — ,
. � I wa,kting. "I should want a stap,lad, tile man's Pountenance, oolild not .iTo - _1JI_ thorough"r "lig"tt," n",'�'� alTald, I wmild be, too. lonlou t. I think rJpHE WAGGONER EXTANSION LADDER � - '
derl%o "at It I" . as this country even less than I d& bricks are being 111sed for building anyone 111")WIng refuse or ,AS , .
7 Wolfanden answered her gravely. tect a single fnl;o noto AftyW11A',-Te. Ire Perhavo, under,the circumstances, Our I purposes In Don,hiark. The * blocks ate tarial of nny sort on the streets is I'd open the door and tell him that -lightest,, strongontand handiest made,, �
I waR puzzled. Porhapi litc; incither had If lie 4ldnot got alit qtd�tly Henrietta the oeldbrated "Lindenwood", extension stop
"I should feel very honored at be. ture Is the beat think that 1 made :L6 by 14 6iF 9 by 181 according ftrreatwl and firlod, All the kitchens ladderi best out for frIllt picking, palnti
� been nervously excit.od, and bad MIS- happon; It Is .it any rate .op- ,. to tile cl,mracter of the Wall, A In'llip larger residences IfIre on i&r Would plumb ng and iteneral iiho, every fqrsder nee 0 .
Ing allowed to take you for a drive = . come, down anWattead to his Noff., I
at sny%Mma." he said, "only I think taken Some centance of 1110; lot' & eovert portune.11 . mI-.Vtqr0 of. sand and slovA .setting top floor, and all tile clothes are casD.11-WaAblilgton Star. . one;also alliteraltrodIds, parto boards, eto-o . .
threat. Yet he thought of her earnest. "I cannot agroe with you, 11 Wbt- coment IS riLinined In. dry moulds In dri6d on the rooL I I I __ ... ._ I I . etc. Illustrated catalogue free, Addr`684thb
,.i , , that I would rather bring a more n . �
�. comfortable carriage." ess, her terrible earne�qtnesq, find -a forlden Said .,L 4 -for mo it Is, most in. tile Usual way. jtftpr about "ti Weeks' - . . . . Catarrhozono, Cuiceu Catarth. ' Waggoner Ladder Co., LikkAted, London, Oat. I I I-
. I She shruggqd her shoulders, - and sense of p6litl,ve bewll(lorivient cropt opportune. I need sCatce)Y'SaY that. liardening t,lic 'blocks are strong Minard's Litilmont Cures Diatempor. .
,.� Ito over lilln. I I have not abandoned my desire. to , . - .� . Tim Good Slan's Joke. i OR SAIX-YRUIT' VARAIS 11; � THE
, oked at him significantly. . enough for illorit, building purposes. �, - I . F faniokkdNhigaradiq.triot� "thopoachbolb
0 "The one you were drivine yeeter. "We will l#4v0'mY mother 01ft of make your niece my wife," It fig claimed that houses built with Only for Publieution. Two golibleiliken ,of the cloth were ofCanada,"aalo or eXchango, for productive
� ore com. tho quoicitlon thm." ho saltl. ,,We wil 'T Should have thought 11 Mr. l4v- tllcse blocks nXia fit for occupation stwiding on a corner Yesterday. to*n4rcItypropbttr- Give full doscriEtioo of
I A, floal with tfilh mattol, lie�wwtk o�hr! . When the bills for our daughter's your property for exchange, and mV w at you I I
� I of satlr6 nividently they were ,talking about want, Catalogue free oil application. MoNell
fortable," be oald; "to -day I only bin Said, with & fine no,t6l ImmokliatplY after completion, And ipmuoseau began to arrIva we 6 Irly � I �
'1� thought, of getting here quickly. I Salvos. I 6110111d like to know exactly In Ills toile, "that you Would hove tollat the Illiti(le of the walls require gnapod. . . a , the extra services to be hold dur- & Xorden, b6kera. t. it i drkes,. Onto Can.
,y s 0 a,
I have a little business with Mr. Sabin-" what part of my frither's work Yon' put far away from you all Idea, of . . Ing the -week of prayer. . I . _.�___. .
i are so anxious to avAll, Yourself of, and neither j�l(,aiklng not, preparation, But our bea, rVe darling, whoin we AnoAINS IN BELTING AND 1108311 I
I. . . 9,1 anticipate a great awakening In Ga-rdonHosoat6OPetf0dt- N,Smith,158
any connection 1vith such sualliclolig o ng or paint, were soon to lose,- console4l kia, my church." said the 'first speaker, york xtreet, Toronto, �
"Is that a hint for mo to go?" she B
L asked, "You are not agreeable this for What purpose ?11 perSonagw", 1 4
, f mornIZ.1 �Jtat ,possible business can Mr. 6abln drow a letter from ,life "I have never had 11 Wolfenden sald Ing at once. . I . "Stupid old papa I" -she twittered, an 111y people never go to, 0101�p," Stall - . I
�", You I th Y uncle ,which does pocket, and handed it, over to Wolfon- calmly, "any suspicion at all con. - weatly as & bIrd. '�ThOA9 are for t'ho other, . 9 TO SVLA, A Ito a I
� . den. It WAS from the offloo of ono of cerning Your nlece�$ 0
not Include me? I Am not Inclined to , Millard's Liniment oure# J51plitherta, hold article usod in every fIM117. To
W. % go away; I shall stay And- listork-11 the first European IteVlOws, Antl bti[Af- ' "She Wotild be, Inm sure, nluol� flat. — , oxhibItlot to tile society reporters, tcAll. t4lere eomeB my car," replied asonts can make from to U per d& . 'Pehd .
V 'A ' � Thcre lit m 90 par cent. discount." the first, and they. pm ., X An"d qui 8? A ;
. .rted company, 12,50 fot fiftiOld WVth - 0
1 Mr. Sabin Smiled faintly; the girl ly contained a ,luept that Mr. Sabin tered,11 Mr. gabin deolared,. 11 At tile - -Ully Called thc nud�at, No1v .We felt vastly. relleved.-Oln- -,klb&ny ,Totirnal. ' . " cure tho-bonefitg Of the Jlrgt Intr0 't 0 �nf
.� . was allowing her Selene now at any- w6uld favor them wltb an artlelo on 9=6 till%(,' I Call ocareely see on whi:Lt Probably not one per cent. of the clunatl Commercial, Tribune. I -_ ______ � ____ . tlusarl,[616. W.H.0lIb6rt,,9MA4O TO V16, I
. iaval str,ongths of grounds You continue to hope, forain DrItiall taxpayere who art) Just now 0 in Loadono Opt. I
- 'en te. Wolfeaden was obviously am- tile c6niparutive I _ - Mid%,rd's Lililmout Cured Garget , � . . . .- . �
harrassed. Helene remained blandly Vurop6atl powers, With particuLar"rof- im"IbIlity. 11y niece's refusal nwdousIr discussing ilia possibility of (Altarrhozone Cures Catarrh. * , towo. � '41WIT VAIRM FOR, "LN--ON9 Or Tom .. 41
unconscious of anything set -IOUs. . etenew to tbo firmament and coast ocemo to nio explicit onoilgh, ospovially Sir Michael 111oks-Beach's, forthcom- , . . 1 ll the NIMA&M Pown0lift L V tail. .
, I ',
. "I suppose," she said, "that you Wan& defences of Oreat Britain. W61tonden when coupled with my own positive InGe budget are nwaro, of the origin WIDOI&IO 111 I" fr6lft anillift on t
. . tn talk golf again I Golf I Whys one read It M00(1111Y and VasPed it back. prohibition." ' .. of the torm. Almost from time lit%-. . Dees as..Wosttller Proplield. 11116 volltrw4t. . WAY$. I "r44 Ilk 36 6f whiolt Ia In f it� I .
I Mostly 061 Mht be sold lit 0126 or
hears nothing else but golf down hare. The letter was genuine; there was no "Your nk,ee," Wolfendoli Said, "it; mortioorittl It Wits, the eu4om In V119- J3"9 are known to be excellent- saino wonleti neVer find lit 11OW di*ldid into lots Of 16 tO 0 .
I of6d to, suit pup- .
:._ Don't. you .ever Shoot or tide, for a Aoub$ .about, tbat�, .. ; doixbtlom of nge, I P.Jiould,not troublo land to put tho estl oift qoqlnt eor. ohas8r*.� Thisla a do OgrgrAAIft droai
' . matae,ot. receipts weathor prophetK There Is 11, Comm heavenly-ItAntooltin-It'' . . I - 1.
rhano ? 11 It *�dmcd to in(:," Aft. Sabin con4 about your cons6lit' It f could galti tibd expen(Ittureq prosontctl to Var- oounLry saying that "a bee was nor and romo & good book until they .Tonatliaii , C*zT6,it&, P, O.-IlOr AW, Ili=,
. Ontario.
I Wolfenden was suddenly aesailled by tintidd, "the M49t natural thing In here, and' 1 illay tin well tell Von at liament In a leather bag, the Word never caught in a, Shower." When experloneed thev llollownek# of __,____�
'. n horrible Suspicion. He could goatee thtiowoticl to tonault Your fatherupon once that T. by no, Inealiff de9pall, of budget being thus borrownd from the ralA. to com1hr, bpw, 40 not go far "vo - Mrs VVInglowle 066 Ia liki.
I - I . tm fightoand the shalu. of heit par 0.1 1, U
I r th"MahrD& , i6tbo 4 * �
. ly believe that her Uftconaciousnose certain niatthr# 66nectning Which 116 doing ,90." . . Old IX(Vtfilvy' WON] 1101190tte, ''W111011 Affold, but bu2i about Clow to thol Wit, . ways U, Vom for ('31111drIm too,
'I . - mi. 60,06 0616 .
L. I waa altogether natural. At the bare la,,br bnA been, a cel6bkated huthority, Mi-, 84bln bit hiq illy, and Ilia (lark nignifloy ' -.ittlij;%, put -e(%. Curlouhl; 111voo ___��� _1_____1._�. - . , tile ahiid� ooftma tho 94 ON,, 1
I ,4 suspicion of her being In league with tit falet I ha(I decided t6 dO 1§0 at thO 03*08 flAfihoclout with a Sudden firb, ellotigh I - %Vnrd 11,114 passed bao ilia is thd bob "wedf for Diatru", W" r �
� this man hS gtiffdI184, 110 Atkswft6d Inatigatio,ft Of 6n6 Of th(l Lot& df,76ur . (TO, be. C�ontlnu4d.) ASAW k .410'raseL from Groat Atit.0.1h.' CatarritoZono Cureaf.tatiarth. ; MUrrboxone ctlr6p C14ftlorw. . I AV6 1*WttI6 . I
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