HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-04-26, Page 3I 18 II
tatnning'11 Mat
And. eleetricity for TWO,
hittlaelf ainklettly stopped. It
slieettnt IS if 1 C014 heed nletched his
beetto 111* brain whirls; eau hardly
wiNliet is it?" he elk* 1114.111elf 44
the attack pellet!.
If hie qu,eatioll
'Meets 4. right ans
,itifer, .be Old
'Mat KS 'WPM is
4- Warning to nay
'Mere attention to
10 shianarh,Whicla
is,r, meal*
food*, r
r, Pietie.,
M rt filediear
DtanOVery Cures
.°010ettaelt of the
tetOrtlebeh and or -
gone of digestion
• .and nUtrition, It
•lelirninaitefrout the
;blond diseaec
•'biteable poisons.
It Make* the blood ,
end *pure, and t'
'fernhibtal a found.
:*tion for fOr '1/40Ound,
1414* health,
"about ten years
•Ago X began to have
,ttrouble with my
csionutels.a writes Mr.
connolly, of ms
'Walnut street. Lorain;
•Ohlo. "It got so bad
,thit I hod to lay oft
• •&ulte often—tyro and
roe days th II Week. 'AM been treated by
e -best doctors in this city, but got no help.
• 41inne sold I had cancer of the stomach, others
: ,tiontatrb, Others dyspepsia. Then I wrote tO
'zee/or Advice. You advised the use of your
Golden Medic, Dlscovoy' iad• Plonsant P
.conmencdto get tiir
hove not lost a day this summer On account of
my stomach. x feet tip-top, and better than I
:nave for tea years."
_Keep the bowels healthy by wring Dr.
...Plerces‘Pellets. They don't gripe.
-••••seerriirrelapareF ,"%.•
r 7
TUE Othettif NE* ERA,
Glockling, ot the Oast io Labor
Bureau announces that 250 new Was
• tries have been established in Ontario
• towns and cities In the past two years,
No Home should be without it. Pain
the best all-around medicine
• ever made. Used as a liniment for
bruises and swellings. Internally for
tramps and diarrhoea. Avoid sub-
• etitntes, there is but one PainlKiller,
• Perky Davis'. 25e. and 50c.
• The ladies of South Fluron have
•',formed a branch institute, to be
• known as the Ladies' Institute for
South ?aurae.
If yoa aretronhied with any kind of kid• .
ney complaint, give Doarile PIlls a trial.
On -Wednesday, April 10th, Miss
Eine 51,, daughter of I Bricker, 0th
• con., Howick, was marrled to T. P. Mc-
, Donald. of Cuirass.
Frank R. Hummel, of Tottenham,
-puke killed by a fall while working -at
:the celebra. t Morn has purchased
'Os orottglelsianrei
Which was stolen several Years ago
-and recovered in Chicago.
• Floods, caused by swollen streams,
• are reported in the Northwest Terri-
itories. At Regina the residents fear
the reservoir may give way, and resi-
dents in the barracks flats are moving"
An explosion took place in the Ro-
man Catholic church of St. Michael,
• -at Berlin. A soldier and two boys
were ininred, the building damaged
and the conirregation was badly fright-
• sued.
• The body cd Adolph Wilson, who,
3eft Regina for Wood Mountain laet
. winter, after serving a term in jail,
• was found on the prairie. He had
• been caught pi a snowstorm and was
frozen to death.
'As memory Will surely destroy the sense of
emelt end oompletely derange the whole
system when entering it through the mu°.
•ous eitrfaces. Such erticies should never
leduledegoept,on prescriptions from reput-
- albs physicians, as the damage they will do
• is ten fold to the good you can possibly de-
• rive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cureanan-
tifactured by F. J. Chesney & Co., Toledo,
• O., contains) no mercury and is taken inter-
naily, noting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. In buying
• gall'e Catarrh Cure be aure you get the
genuine. It is taken internally, and slade
-in Toledo, 0., by F. J. Chesney & C. Tes-
timonials free,
Said by sail druggiate, price 75 ciente per
Rowe Family Pills are the best.
ft is repotted that Sir William Van
-11rnfine securedthe right way for his
Cuba railway without expropriation
powers by buying the farms along the
Even If you are
troubled with
Backache and
04. not able to at-
tend to your h011ikiNild duties. it
you have not Used Doan's NILS YOU
CA be absolutely cured by them.
• .foitra.iitLgt!, Ad. 2802,1901.
Dear Flti,4tbeen Toronto,
*for 1
•yok, ,_from kidney trouble, had terrible
btessiebeika Wei trotibled with dies:Wise.
lily 111'10 WKS soanty, highly Welted and
etniiiiried OW* Nikky eedltoerit; 1 otai.
without any ineoeis Ind
41,10104# gees tirtin deeptir. Ai leek 1 geW
DOM% oft t Offsitired two
DAMI of WM Ittid they gebtoo ineOtittlets
Mint and- X Oats attend to my hot* Old
Attiletnithintt: teenble, 1 een reetenniend-
Dante Pill. Mid rittiat say that 4110, *Maid
tit tried by ell 104 ettfethfrOirt Milner
`St*ablii‘ lifIttfo teketWeb,
• .4 • — ' ,207"
To the last /winked yeare Tilrkey hea
halt 000 belt of 1M territory. Tb.
leoka Me if eteaehody had been tieing the
CUOMO te Welk on, --
IiTOW time e hare Changed! It le said
OW that the lazy Indian le a MMUS,
There Wei a tittle. back ID, the early Sig.
flea when 4 lliaY Indian would have been
considered a goduend.--,--Minneapolis Jour.
The fight the 13oera tire now Makin Is
hopeless', however heroic it may be, end
to preloug it is but to add to the Beer
loose. wlthinit any ground to hope that
the Britieh will ultimately be defeated...,
Denver Reonblican.
The Canadians; beve vainly tried to get
a measure or reciprocity, but now time
are-gettingreomething almost aa veluable
from the overflow of surplus, American
capital in the development of their Fin
• sources,—NeW Xork Oonunercial Advert
Of the 8208,000,000 deposited In the
twinge banks dertng 1000 perhapi fully
one-half represents depoeita of men or
wealth divided among 'eventl of these
Inetitutions for the purpose of avoiding
taxatton'and pending investment in some
profitable way,—Brooklyn Citizen.
The lateet cure for excessive fat—thet
eating of cold tood—may confidently be
accepted as effective. Habitual cold
lunchea will put a man under ground as
surely es anything, and there is no more
certain way of reducing the most come,
lent to a okeletOn.—Providelte4 IOttrual.
Commerce is destined to be a groat
peacemaker. There is It growing impress.
sion among the wise ones ot Europe that
the nations of that part of the world must
quit shaking their fiats at each other and
get down to business or the United States
will ateal their trade away.—Minneaeolla
• Times.
While Connecticut is trying to adopt
the whipping post method of deterring
husbands from beating their wives Rhode
Island is trying to amend her divorce
laws 'so that wives' cannot SO easily slip
out of the control of their husbands, and
thus deem the pendulum of reform in Nev
England swing back and forth and make
no progresc —San Francisco Call.
Much money has been expended In a
vaineffort to kill out the Canadian this.
tie. It bas now been discovered that the
Ober of the mem can be used in paper.
making and, for that matter, in the man-
ufacture of cloth. Instead of trying to
eliminate the thistle, why not cultivate
It? Possibly then, it ;night disappear,
very much to_tke Ohapla of the would be
Anthony' kepi, is net la 'geed health
and is restricting his engagement • fts
ranch as possible.. He continuesto write,
however, in spite of his illness,Wililam •
Jonathan .Neidig, a young San
Francine° journalist and short ptory writ-
er, has been made a member ofthe feed-
ty of English ot Leland- Stanford univer-
'' sin from, Which he.. was graduated' in
1806. •
Frederic Harrison says that Heath*,
men are: 'greed 'in regarding • Herbert
Spencer se the greatest living man of let.
tem. Tb, philosopher' is now 83; and hie
mind 'remains singularly clear fin. -bin
years. . •
Sir LaurenCe Alma - Tadema, best
. .
known as a painter of pictures, decorated
recently a set of chine • which the Dutcb
coleny in London gave as 4 wedding pree
ent to Queen Wilheludzia. Tadenta was
born in the Netherianda.
Herbert Spencer's "Autoblograph?' ttx
tends to two volumes and 'lain print, but
will not be published while he Wee. He
is an ottogenaritui, bid looks ten years"'
younger. It .isseid that he doe* not con-
template any ftrther revision of .hit
When Tennyson wee nearing'80 .yeare
of age and his tame might- fairly be aa-•
awned to be worldwide, Edward Noxell,
the publisher,. decided to approach Gus-
tave Dort and eommiesien 'him to illus-
trate the "Idylls of the King." After
Dore bad considered- the proposal he ask-
ed, "Who, then, la this. Bit.. Tenn:viol" .
Patriotism no longer means love your
country. It meana hate. Your height:lore,
Deathbed repentances should he fol.
lowed by deaths. ' Life tries them too
London Is Piccadilly evd the park,-er it
Is nothing. Tit" lire in London one mist
be born rich or die dishonest.•
What is the house of lords bni a mon-
key house—all these brand new peer's,
these brewers and bankers, aping the,eld
feudal lords, inimicking their imiditeval
Modern battles are won Ilk brain, not
by brawn. The future Napoleon will be
a paralytic chess player carried about the
field on a water bed. ---"The Mantle of
Elijah," by I. Zangwill.
To clean gilded frames, wipe them gen-
tly with a fine cotton cloth saturated with
sweet oil.
Laces and other delicate trifles should
be placed in a muslin bag before being
boiled. 1 hie prevents their getting lost
and torn in t he wash.
If machine grease gets upon WaSliable
fabric*, filay be taken out with washing
soda and cold water. Apply the "soda to
She spot and wash it in the water. Thee
wash it with soap and water.
To restore Ivory knife handle's which
are stained, damp a rag slightly and with
it apply a ilttle etilts of lotion to the
spots. Wipe with a damp rag and then
polieh witty soft dusten--
Elongated ear lobes are considered a
mark of beauty in Borneo. Girls with
this feature reaching down to their el-
bow' are not tlfteOtaraOti.
Wilitani tiVembwell, aged 70, and Cath-
arine tteley, aged 57, AIMPed (ever a
•hrootastick at Cowie, near Doncaster,
England, recently arsd theme:pen beerithe,
according to Romany modem, man "end
Tyro hundred find twfilty-four gallons
of fresh Water weigh &ton.
The brattchet of the Mieiulppt hoe
an aggregate length of 15,000 mile,. •
The greatest Waterfall le, 'Niagara,
which lends aver 82,000000 toe of Irste
tezan hone.
• Iliktvati Portaa1etatto-4312by coati end
ohommott flavor, Dr. Agnew's Liver Pille
run herniehold favorites, Inspuritieli leave
the eystero, The nerves ate toned. The,
Moodie peibbxl. The complexion kiln -len
itsid nuldy. Ileaditehes Vanish and perfect
health follotin their Ula o 400*
Sold by 3nd, Druggitt# OlIntom
AT 0 ft$180.
VOTTO1 ridittrill St111 Celebrated hi
' Dolma, or the "karst of home," 14 a
very' old festival in India. The //indoos
ray that on a time lour RV the god
(let Rid of the Cough. the
,Iiitcking, the Spitting.
the Wheezing.
Special Advantages
Are Offered by Dr. Slocum to all
Those Who Desires a Positiva
and Permanent Cur. of Ctutearap•
000 In any Form,
Good saris, sOn ear, but bow earl we do it when
one remedy alter soother hie been tried without
improvement or hope or o et" gust. true.
Scores of sufferers from all kinds of Inas trouble;
hare been 8 nark for unscrupulous =Weal cog,
cern, who never Adeoldeff to our* ion. Pr.151,0414
has matte the cure of coneturGHI011. end LAMS
Tretthloe the study et his lite, and thousands et
men and women la all parte of Cortsda ere reads
to teottfr to the marvelous narettve prolontlw or
Li e Bk101311k system, Dr. Slocum in ready atul
wllEnit to orgy* the ofacaor of hte,treattursat. Shd
has no heeiteUon" in offering It to fon trt rear Mok
friends stesonurativ Penn. ales, le order. rhot
YOU 1114y tdet the Mecum apnea ens ;aesegor
reunion regsollog its merits. '
Ton or your sick ftlends eat hare a PREEconrso
of Treatment, Money write 50 Ta,p7. A:Inmesm
casaioss. co., Limited, 173 X1134 Uit Week Terrr*o.
to, giving poet remand express Mace addroas, and
the tree medicine (The Mecum Cute) will be
.proinpur sent, .
Wiens writing etw them lowers montIon thfs
Persona In Canada, satins Sloourn's tree offer In
American papers will Memo mad for aszaWir ro
the Toronto laboratories
now n• Canrek Was flayed. '
• Accordling to a story told itt Marseilles
the Church of Notre Dame de la Garde,
in that dty, was miraculously, saved from
destruction in the cloeing days of the
'nineteenth century. The stor rig as ,fol-;
lows: •.
A gentleman enteredthe church art,' -
big two Candies, which be placed in
chandelier. After lighting them he re-
tired from the mainbody of the church
and called two beggars who were stand-
ing at the door. Placing them in a posi-
tion Where.they could, see the chandelier,
he gave each of them 10 fiance to watch
the cendies and tn. relight ,them if the
!lame went out.. He had made a To*, he
Said, and it was ot great importance to
his futons hopes that both candles shonid
he entirely consumed. •
The Man then withdrew and the beg-,
pia begen their wateh. As -evening came
.on they became 'deemed and called aloud
to. k priest whom they saw In * distant.
part of the chard. When he went, to
them; they declared that they had twice •
heard a veto- commanding them to extin-
guish th candle*. The priest listened,
but heard -nothing.' The beggars appealed
to him• not. t� leave them', and to please,
them .he blew but -the candles and took'
them from, the chandelier. In bandling
tliern he was struck by their weight;
when I, turning one around in lila hinds
• the wax peeled off and revealed- a car-
• tridge of dynamite. •
. iralaenetieve Mourner..
• The Chinese posse's it_ great leits of
• fonereir display And .heartless- Crocodile
tears, •"sts they seem at least to western
eyes. An immense trumpet is 'even
used sometlines, which Is worked like
. garden pump to sob out the "boo-hoo"
of the afflicted, relative& The more mn..
earthly end •heartrending its sobs the bet-
ter therseera to be pleased.. For a great
„funeral -all the beggars and Mgarenfeni
and impudent elnall boys in this vicinity
are hired. They are decked 01# in
tawdry clothes, or perhaps their rags are
not even disgulied in any way, but they
•-are at least given .banners to carry and
sre hired to wail ',and • sob as 11 their
hearts were breaking: The dull, indiffer-
ent, !stolid facer; of . the men and • the
roguish, .mischievous amllea on the begs':
eft -ea' belie their wails and .give a very
unreal air' of hypocritical aorrow tothe
avenge Chinese flner4 though doubt-
less there is much genuine sorrow end
as .many real heartaches as in otner
hinds. •
The /Mad Suenrieed Muse .
Alwaye read a letter to the end and
hear a story to the end before you ars
too muck elated or depressed.
A popular physician was much pleased
with a certain aerated water end by his
assiduous recommendation procured for
It a celebrity it justly deserved. The
doctor acted solely in the intereilt of hu-
manity generally and expected no return.'
To hie surprise there came one morn-
ing an effusive letter from the company
stating that his recommendations had
done them so much good that they "ven-
tured to send him a hundred"—
Here the page came to an end.
"This will never do," said the doctor.
"it is very kind, but I could not think
of accepting anythingsn-----
Here he turned the page and found the
sentence ran:
—"of our cieculars for.distribution."—
London Tit -Bite.
• Even the best. judges of tobacco can't
ensveys be depended on. Sometimes their
taste goes back on them, so te speak, and
remains blunted for a week at a stretth.
Professional samplers of tobacco take a
week off every few months arid never
look eit Ithe veil Wit they Mare to
duty, In that way they keep, la conditi�n.
Thle iseason of the yeer when coughs
and cold!' are so prevalent, it would
be adeleablelo keep it bottle of De,
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup hi the
/t allays all inflammation and irti-
talon of the breathing organs,, ahd
(burets coughs anti colt% of young and
old morequickly and effeetuallythan
any other remedy.
Mrs. Arthur Moleekey, 'Whites
Queen's Co., N.B., writes:
(In the fall Of 18911, 1 was taken
down withi a goitre attack of La
Grippe which left irte with a bad
cough, r tried !several remedidi and
&Mid obteln no relief Ana Wes almost
in &solar Of a euro whett a friend
adVhied Me to take tit« 'Wood's tier -
way Pluo Syrup; I toolt throe bottles
In all and it wedge eoinpleteoure.”
na went to war th the king of
()Won and Was vietorious Wane* Ida
anny had better home and balx-ka than
the king's MIA/tht..yearly* at the time
Og a new Moon, the Mindoo&worehip the
horses and bullecke. •
I had never heard _of Oil. footle -el, and
tin the morning Qg Miser& X Err.
prteed to And MY Arab pony Raja ell
trimmed with brightlellow flowers, tie
had a -wraeth around hie seek, on
pendants of flowers hung about his ears,
enklete of the same ,briglit flower'. were
Red around hie legio Juot above the hoof
end satain Ithera the knees, and, ting, ben -
WWI leers tied to the bemuse i*8 many
plaees and on the reinktoo. It wits %wet-
- ty, and I am aura RSA felt "drearied up,"
for be wire dignified andquiet ell thee
day and carried big heed a little higher
than wad. Sometireei he does iklaky
thiage, but we ere not at all afraid of
atm, foe. he is, intelligent, and if We istry,
"ROM Rajal" in, a decided tone he seems.
to know- Abet we What bin* to 11o4. Rais.be dugni.
ItHlAPII, king, sad we WiTe
bumtbat name ,lieeetisie We think hint, tha
king eg Arab pounii, '"' ' • •
At Dosera 'the .ballockei which are as
muck need her as horses, had their
horns stained with bright 'colored
generally ft different color tor each- here,
and strings of little tapeele of many- dif-
ferent whirs were tied front the tip of'
onehorn to the tip ot the other, or bright
pleces of ribbonwould be used instead of
thTeilteassweblei.t. •
of which there are
very many here, and the white bullocksi
too,' were painted, some in stars or in
round dots. Others had the rising sun
painted on both- aIdea of their bodiee in
red and gold colors. Some horses had
only their tails and manes colored', while
a few drivers peinted the sides of .tho
cart and the wheel's also. .
• • After all WS decorating -was 'finished
the people made nejah to the anima!,
which Means that .they -worshiped the
horses and the bullocks., I could not find
any one Who would tell me if they' ;wor-
shiped the carts, too, but I think they did.
After this be done the people give each
other presents, vvhieli should 'be of gold,
but as the people are most of there toe
poor to give gold they give the leaf of
the "gold" plant, , and that answers Very .
Wben evening came, and the mech-
man who had trimmed Raja: with the •
fresh flowers. had not .received "back
shush," he felt very muck neglected and
sent word to me that it wits the eastern
of the reentry to give the, coachman te
donation. I sent him a rupee and made 1
I'M quite bappy..- • '
• ' baa new jewe
Bro......; E
eltd sword, present fro* the Dalt
Xohes chaeiher of tketunereeb,
Robert Leird Benien, SAW Oppoeitiett
leaner la the Cenectian parliament, comes
of 44 old Tory Welly In c/Mmettleut.
301teph ulitzer GOY totally
and hie conditlen so worlos upon him thet
pheimort:;,,b,...Contented linleins in motion,
Tbet is why he le alwaya traveling front
Senator Efansbreagli Of Net* Wroth
hos the tille western centerept for *Ht.
reornkeferming. "Why," he raid the *thee
•dll m
ay, "they tee that In Blaine the
farmers kayo to shoot the seed into the
lina"tor Cockrell of Miegouri orders ar-
m- day in the senate reetaurent "st eteak
done just as like it." The other (ley
he Ound it necessary to add, "A.zid, Tom,
remember Mt to bare any of that darned
gross tia it."
Edward Conrad, a railroad netetnan of
Allegheny, Pa., suffered an injury some
Years age which Madeit neeessary to
Amputate one of bis lege. Since then he
has bad ave accidente, in each et which
1)ICM itaprttatRiaIL ithgawrdp.
a'stlitLty, II. 'S. N,,
wire, as governor of the island qf Gimm,
won laurels which have not yet bad time
to fade, Is hobbling around- on crutchea.
• His leg was bijured a few weeks ago in
fall At the League Island navy yard.
• aeorge N. Brown, assistant attorney
general at Washington, was a newspaper
man in his younger days. For three years.
city editor of the Cheyenne (Wy.) Bun1
he afterward engaged in journalistic work
in Denver, Kaneko City and Peoria, Ills.
Bismarck, the "roan of iron," we in
hie love letters aa sentimental as a Poet.
Among the names" he addressed to his
sweetheart were mon ange, angelii nil*,
my ,dear heart, my better half, my poor,
tick bitten, sweetest heart, Czarina Mot -
mile duszo ,and similar expressions la
halfit dozen languages,
• Mr. Thompson, ft member of the Cm.
necticat legielature, introduced a new
word the other day in a legislative debate.
It was in a horse story, A. neighbor of
Mr, Thompson went to buy a fast horse
After haying been shown some with peat
records and ;Rime •with possible future
records the roan said, "I don't want a
has been nor a will be; I want an is-er."
f Judge George A. Gear of Honolulu,
who Came to this country and unsuccess.
fully opposed the admission. of Robert
•Wilcox to a geat in the house of retire.sentatis as a delegate front Hawaii,
will go back with certain compensations
for his disappointmeut—namely, a Phila-
delphia bride and an appointment to one
• of the three federal judgeships of Ha.
One erg Various InteirentInts Features
the Polo Itord littelneee.
Scaffold Poles to Hire."
So read a sign painted on, the end of a 3
buildin'g standing in a pole yard, and a w
man whose eye chanced to fall upon
Thirty yeare ago George johneton, the
Laird of the Fife Isle estate," near
- D
undee, Scotland, niadea,YOW that from
•j that hour no human being should look
upon his face. He religiously kept the „w
strange vow. The servant ho cooked
his food placed it outside of his door.
s ng a bell, and passed out of sight.
ohnston has just died, leaving an estate
orth $25,000,000. He was a bachelor,
nd a nephew is his heir.
. •
wondered., just what it meant. .11. heti
heard of renting item believe and pianos
end horsesi mid railroad cars" and secsis,',
lied he knew that there -is seateele • any-
thing, perhaps nothing, that cannot be
rented,but he had never heard before of
renting scaffeld poles, and it seemed an
•.odd thing to do,. .
As a. matter. of fact there an 10to
-scaffold poles' "tented. It is an -old ati
to theme • who have occasion to know:.
about it familiar .branch of the. pole yard:
• business. .'
• Scaffold Poles are rented, of course, mon
largely to budder's, and. there are 'more
builders Who hire eraffold poles than.'
.there at'whoown them. • Thfs for the:
'elropie reason, tbitt It !Lifer most build.;
era ,eheeper to. hire. The verY iaxgut
builders who must have a yard Anyway.
whieh to 'keep material and oiatit-ot
one !sort and another own 'their Ohl
scaffold poles.. and keep Ahern when mot
in use in their own yard Where they briy0
room for them. •
The smaller builder, having very likely
no material yard, has no convenient place
to,'tote poleis when not in. use, and he,
hies poles, asfar that matter 'toms of,
the larger builders do also. -
Scaffold • poker are let at so much for
* job, whether it is a few days or %mita,
but while it blinder:keeps the poles ,
one price -on one job as long as he int -
.need them he :cannot if he gets .thromg
rent.a job Orly haul the poles off to set
en on -another. job without pitying more
The life of a scaffold pole is about six
years. A pole yard man wild that they
eould be Made tO last ten yeare by care.
People always 'drive nails into scaffeld
Wes. These lialis rust, and the wood
=oiled them rotseand trie iiSie gradual',
pea to decay. If the, poles were ad,
earefally overhauled and looked after
when they came back to the yard frog*
joh end the nails ell pulled out, they
would. Last four yeare longer, but this is'
not done for the simplereason that it
Wouldn't pay. The cost' of 'the werk."
would be greater than the gain by it, and
go • they use the poles ae long as they ere
fit to 12EIS aftd the chop' them up.
An amusing joke waii once played on
post commandant in Cuba who,- like all:
other post commandants, was not popu-
lar. tie had two fads. Re believed in
whitewash and plenty., of it, asee,rting 11
t� be the most effective preventive of
tropical diseases ever diseovered, and he
was equally attached to a pet flaminge
who regented being kept in captivity _and'
showed his resentment by nipping at ev-
ery soldier, who passed his stay. On the
part qf the eoldier there was nothing to
do but swearender his breath and wait
for revenge. -
00. it certain Elosidaybiorning an ordey
not sheltered from the weather ghoul
was issued from headquartere that 1111
artieles pertaining to camp . which we
ba whitewashed. The pest commandant's'
wratk can be imagined when he tie4t.
gaged On his pet fiaminge, who had
dettly intorno at white tactile dreeen
Ono% To the sorra* ot the soldiers the
bird eurvived the operation.
t1 you want to succeed in the world,
you must make year Own oppOrtunitati
41 you go on. The tatm Who waits for
some seventh wave to tote him on dry
head will find thet the seventh wave 15 a
long -time coming. You Min, commit no
greater folly than to sit by the roadside
until aome one comet along and invitee
YOU to tide with hita to Wealth Or Iasi -
01%1 WOO"' says
O'Dell o Truro, 11 S. Want any
avidenco of the real merit of Dr. Von Sees
Pineapple Tablets -as a cure let all forties of
attends troable than that ttrzybre in t;st h
great demand? Not a nauscoim tifl.;/1 that
Makes one's- very Insidea rebel—hut pleasant,
quick end hartnless-ua tiny tablet to carry
in yout pocket, cants.--to4
Sold.by E. Hovey, OlintOnt Ontario
".....11.11ktali...0alkiii:oil a/40 43.
In our army 804 officers speak' Spanish
" fluently, 224 are handy with their French
and 138 are well up in. German,
, One British regiment has been in mourn-
ing for more than a century.. This is the
old Forty-seventh, the Loyal North Lan-
cashire regiment. The officers wear black
blended with gold braid in merrery. of
General Wolfe,who was killed et Que-
bec.• •
Japan has greatly increased her caval-
ry in the last few years and still more
recent/y added nearly 40 field batteries
to her artillery, and as the country itself
produces no horses suitable for this pur-
pose the necessity for importing them is
The artillery of the French colonial
army is composed of 6 field, 10 mountain.
and 20 foot batteries. The headquarters
are tn Paris with the relief depot com-
prising 4 field, 2 MotIntaln and 6 foot bat-
teries. The remainder are distributed in
Cochin China, Madagascar, the African
settlement!' and the French islands in the
West ladies and elsewhere.
Not wily- is education free in New Zege
land, but, where necessary, children ars
conveyed to and from school gratuitously
on the government railways. •
Penneylvanie university • has a new.
moot: Down in the big svrimtning pool;• --
in the basement of Efouratm hall, floats
Ben Franklin. He is a bor duck, orig.
• WWI,' white, though now dyed in the uni-
vereity colors. .
One of Booker Washington's college
professors at Turskegee, the Rev, Charles
W. Wood, was once a bootblack in Chi.
cago. A boyish contest in o atory, the
honors of which he earn , -ed ff, started
hire on his career.
Ellen Cage, Jt, et Philadelphia halt
given an endoWtnent fund to the Chirer-
sity Penneylvania for er, perpetual
scholarship inenaory of his father,
Charles Banton. Coxe„ a graduate of the
class of '62, who was a major in the
Sirty-eirth Penheylvania cavalry daring
the civil war.
It iwestimated that there are now only,
1,000 buffaloes. alive on the Notth Ameri-
can continent,. 0 •
No wonder the fish crop le neve?
"short." Tbe flounder lays 7,000,000
eggs annually, several otherg from 1,00%.
000 to 14,000,000, while the turbot -
credited witla depo siting froze' 11,000,000
to 12,000,000 donut; each breeding sea*
A canu4 posisesees twice thee earrying
power of an or, With an ordinary load
of 400 pound* he can trivet 12 or 14
days without water, going 40 miles a daY.
Camels are tit to work at IS years old, buil
their strength betinis to decline et 211.
although they usually liV6 to 40.
About 12,000 horsepower is trartertlitteft
le the fora of electricity tress Niagara to
IProfessor Mika Thotapson says that
'"electricity is finally to be one of the
most potent agencies in the treatment of
diteitse and the alleviation of human file."
The 13110 ef the telephone itt Cairo and
Alexandria has grown to such proportione
that it lute bean necessary to cow.
neat the two *RIO by a telephone truth
eilVti Physicians Void Met 1 Moat
WS, but South Anierican Ridney Clire
oured ma of that awful Bright's isease "
Thiaisasenteuce front a letter af a well,
lamina business man in a %Vattern town who
thrilugh overwork and worry bed contracted
this kidney pestilence. ft will relieve
instantly old cora
86111 b novo; dieggin, (metes
Green, or Slack
Trade is confederating the Empire
Britain is Canada's best customer.
Britain cannot buy if she' does not sell.
Use Tea Crown In a Fritish Colony by British capitalist&
•iniiiall ds,,„da,, Ceylon Tett e areeold in sealed_ ed llead.ptek -
•VOA eta only never inhulk, Black, Miror,
•Unrclored Ceylon Omen. Saniplee on
application, Addreee "SALADA.," Toronto.
Q. Kill
15 thetarroore would have their next crop of Oat entirely free from mint tread
She seed in the following Luanne
Take 4-4 os, ot Combe's Formaldehyde and 10 eellone of water, immerse for Me
minutes, (absolutely no harm to the seed.) Your next crop will be Absolutely free from
Put up in 1 In bottles, for 750,
H B. C0114 BE, Chemist a Druggist
GIs st .Ilo too and 14 tb,' L'i";:°t• P.Uh+ 1 rt..&-ft&tir
. . _
0,....7....aldriroby"IFt4lt"-tijics"164:::d t.e"rrittel,..rni::`,tYt 0•".:;...to577041f Vta7
perlaikabt• rotfumo *0 ,14 for us it pot/ cot When oiht. trturs monry..
Olt Mr• Atli) yew EV*. choir!, of & 1,41,0? Oated Ohow Prawa., w o)
totk .63a1 treyre tioltd (lipid ht&11 tSlktor htrthdey it7ng , $1pxr
rterprotlemle strit wo twill potaix,, without agtor7 ,,r. %ring. %Mr t,,,,Ity Yin, r.,er u....,bwe .1:t ',N.
.241."'"4"---"'IrViltId.; TV".114.";.`"i'v'i."7:,4,"';.!'-' '.:" ' ' - • - . .
Fancy Furniture
New styles in parlor euites, Great Variety of easy ehaire. ' Mattresses and
Wire Springs wry cheap. Great values in Window Shades. lioadeluatlere for
B iby Carriages and Waggons. Pictures framed while you wait.
4013 10141LAk....W, Elivzh
2 ee
. _
iibiac dun ioit- -
2 Very valuable Remedy in all
affections of the
, Large 13ottieso. 25c.
alawnimci3 CO., Limited, .11
Prop's05 rerry-Datisi_Pain.Killer„, .
X general Baulking
Wholesale and retail' piano
and organ distributing centre.
grade new:pianos. Five
• used pianos at decided bar-
. ,
gains. • .
Rny the wondeptil
• for a pleasing Entertainer. We
are headquarters,5 or it.
13argaine to teachers and stn.
dente in Sheet Ideate, 25e to
750 pieces for 10c—wholesale.
Instruments of all kinds sold. •
music Emporium-
0. moARE.cuwro
van:meted. The Sick and Suffering
nuszneto • .
Drafts limed. Interest allowed on
' " • - denosits.-
•.3. P. TISDALL.
Private fends to boon on mortgages et
• west aureent rates. ,
A General Banking Bueiness trangeoted
interest allowed on &pooh's.. ..
• Sale notes bought •
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated bv Alit of Parliament 186t
CAPITAL ' 02,500,005
• REST FUND - 82050,000
Wu. Mezzos illioenensoN, Presideet
* InsesEntzor, Glen. Manager,
Notes dissiounted, Collection!! made, Drafts
isened, Sterling and American exehengt
bought and sold. Interest allowed on de
porno. SAVINGS Bur— Interest allowed on
4UTOil of 41 and up. Money advanced tz,
on their own note, with anew
more Gannets. No triorteage eaquired
H. C. BEER. Manager, Clinton
;Nat aeoeivecl a lot of new Belts,
Buckles, Palley Belts,Bangle trace-
leta, eto. The latest goods in the
miske ispeolalty of fitting
Specteciee and Eye Manes. -
Eyes examined free.
'A Steak Haider"
roe heidies stock the "Page" to tat so*,
reliable kind. It is med On the Lingett Steck
Forma fa, Canada t Hatable for malt et
huge mock. W• two nuke our went whet. Cindel
not gitt seed enough before. It is twice its Memo
Pe that In other fendat and better galysalied. Our
voicing Is thlorred from our rectory rootty.tseso..
one ma local reppreenotive can put up a inlet id'
It for yea ift sleet order. Priers lower this year.
The PAG W11 PENCE CO. 004
• are 'Aerated front
Disease by
Lincoln s.
• Tablets --
If you suffer from Indigestion
Diabetes, Bright's Disea,se,Ner-
.vous Prostration and Gen
Debilty, they will st-yott
nervous, pale and &ROMs
women. • .
Worn out, despondent men
will find them a positive bless-
ing. Price 50c. •
Prepared only by LincoIn
Medicine Companyt50 Queim
street, Ottawa.
Recommended and for sale
by J. E. Ilovey, Chemist.
Meat Market
tieving pretend the buteherieg,-
business of FtR. Powell I ara pre-.
pared to furnish the people of 0150.
ton with all kinde, of,,,Preek
Cured Meaux. Sewage, hot
lord, butter and eggs atwaysi hap
. I
• R. Fitzsitnons a Son.
• Tlephone 74.
i .
(*dere delivered promptly to all
parte ef the town. - '
N.13:—Persorm having hogs for
hirrarnt will boater It gavot by
a ving word at the shep. •
A SteOladder
°Nen Away
To every puroheier of one IttU
of our Pare it/relent tektite
'Powder we will give, lelibotte
any extra 'shared, a stoat
datable itya,toot Stepladder,
iltraitille bars of Seal* tat Afteo
2e Broom* tlo atileOto ,
Nut door *0 VrGoun't .privete
Geed Setter snd Zoo wenild.