HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-04-26, Page 2•
• • '
uwuk Tkla RilOPOOrlt VOW
itt winairoolus;—gooctoala Batten
tfroctenn if subectihers Will kindlY see to
it that their subeetiptions are paid in
sr4vati4. The price of Taper and of
Whiting material of all kincle has ad -
/visored very teateriatly during the past
' AreArt. white the price cf material has
ieriodAed the settle, , Our white pane*'
Veala tie gc per lb. more than it did last
. yVIArs.• Thie reiders it all the more me
.4tkrifri that subscribers pay promptly.
, 10/111 those who have not. paid remit us
eirt, once the amount of their But -oxlip-
' lion. Otte dollar or two to a subsea-
' res may seen] a small amount, but
i 'when hundreds such are scattered
it becomes a serious matter.
t •
FRIDAY APRIL 26, 1901.
Ureat Britain's Enormous Drink
The British drink bill fcr 1900 has
been figured up, aed the friends of
*temperance are del lying some slight
e,701,tiefstetion from the fact that it is $6,-
393,452 lees than in 4899, To what ex-
tent tho absence of a coup'e of hundred
!thousand men in South Africa affected
. it, is, of course, unknown. but the
probabilities are that if Mr Kruger had
been good the reduction wotiTd
have been quite so marked.
Still, the account is a most formid-
able one, amounting in 1900 to no less
• , than $787,542,666,, a most striking trib-
ute to the font of Bacehus. The
tion did not spend as much in its cloth-
ing,nor in (he cup that cheers, yet does
not inebriate,
' The sum would pay the rent of all the
/uses and farms occupied by tenants
r '.*--41.1. the United Kingdsm. One-seventh
•of it represents the nation's conttibn-
tions to religions and charitable oh•
Ijects. TM se facts will help one to
['be figures show that Great Britain
grasp its magniLude better than the
mete display of figures.
is declining as a beer drinking nation,
while the consumption of spirits is in-
creasing. In 1899. the spirits consum•
ed it the Upited Kingdom cost $215,-
8,258, while the amount in NCO, des-
pite the decrease in the general drink
billwas $245,980,940,an increaseof $30,;
hoer cost it $444,374.243, as against the
previous year's $481.425,321, a decrease
(If 640,050,938. I'here was a decrease in
s the wine hill of about 13 500.CC3.
Thelnetretree in the'use of spirits was
shared by England, Scotland and Ire-
land the greatest percentage of in-
crease being hi England. The decrease
- of beet coneumption was confined en-
tirely to England and Scotland, Ira
I tnd showing an increase of $358,860 in
he expenditure under this heed. The
espesdirnre per head wag 81909 or
per family of eye n-rsone 89545. Ex
cepting minors under the age of six
teen and teetotallers, the average
drink bill of the Britisher must be lit-
tle short of appalling.
Analyz;ng t he expenditure by king -
done:, some further interesting facts
are obtained. In England every in-
habitant is credited with the consump-
tion' of a gallon of spiris, a barrel
of her, four -tenths of a gallon
of wine and four -tenths of re gallon of
cider. tee. This is computed to cost
him 82024 In Scot land he consumes
. twice as much spirits, only half as
! 7 mneh beer and wine and quarter eia'
much cider, etc. The cost s reduced
to $16.13.
In Ireland, the most temperate or
- the three, the consumption of spirits is
_ one and a tenth gallons per inhallitant,
* half a b srrel of neer and a third of a
^ gallon of wine, and the same amount
' • of eider as in Scotland. The cost is
The Canadian consumption is quite
moderate compared wrth these,for the
Canadian only requires seven -tenths.
of a gallon of sphere, four antl a third
gallons of beer, and a very small meas-
ure of wine. Estimating this at the
seine cot* at which the British con-
'sunaption it. reckoned. the Canadian's
hill would be in the neighborhood of
$525. Compared with Great Britain
Canada le a most temperate country.
Dressed Poultry.
Among the growing industries of :Unarm
is that of trane-Atlantio trade in poultry.
This industry has already seamed large
proportions, and there ti no apprent reason
why the advancement should not be con.
*nutria. The inchistry is one that doer;
\ not neoessitate any radical change in term
operations, for it is the farmer 'to whom
we most look for a large portion of each
, produce. Poultry merino oan he eardee
. _
simulteneonsli with regular farM Otlet•
amens with very little, if any, interference
with the farnsere'regular work. We know
of nothing else that will repay better- the
Amount of time and labor expended upon
it than poultry raising. • Especially Is
this the case now that the industry has
been placed upon a mom permanent basis
In the way of facilities for trans-Atlantio
The Canadian Dressed Poultry Com -
IL petty has been constituted to facilitate
▪ matters fit connection with trade in the
new Industry, They are in a Fadden to
inferin poultry raisers on the requirements
of the British market; to give instruction
,in feeding and proper care of fowls, and to
• bring the market practically to the door
of producer. `The 'finned @tides tariff
hes &Vatted the Canadian produoer of
the New York and Boston markets, but
1111/W that the Britielt.taarkell 10 wifla open
' the disiefrantage is practically disaolved.
A, Very important tome, one to which we,
Weelld direct the attention %if oar readers,
11 tbet theee Ls no °hence for monopoly in
haelline., With the Canadian Merged
r.anitry.Corapany. Anyone Ws bedtime
leer4aoldee. Ferintirs lula poultry ear-
avedAntif /01 Your OPnottaaitY. '
Thore Will he no general election in
Ontarlo until after the Aetiuk of 1002.
ilefoye the session closed Pre.mler gofer',
lattodOWa bill' providing that -Par-
%intent *hall not, ethic% until after
the C:ose of the next SeatiOn. Ile ex.
planed that tinder the Atte as it etoOd,
Parliament riOdniii. 'eXPiril On March
th, 1902041d as the Seanion would not
about Febistf thereVOUld
be tineta complete the bittlintrui
before the llettee. hill wilt over -
o000 tbitt diftettlitio
The Ottawa, Letter
(By e Corregnondent.)
:Events ooteide of Sediment hoe been
more interesting these holiday times then
anything going on within the legislative
belle where the people's repreeentativeir
have been principally engaged in voting
eupplies, a very neyeseery protieeding, and
ot niuoh inosortance teall concerned, but
one that is admittedly unintereeting esi
rule to the Ordinary glazer'. The publio
wineries have been empty all the week,
and the occupants of the prate, gallery,
who are alwayri found faithful to duty
whether there s anything worth reporting
or not, have found difficulty An thtlog up
"cony" in any kind ot readable shape.
Outside, however, it has been different.
Take for example the Yining Liberal ban-
quet in Toronto on Easter Monday night;
it is a question if any politioal event has
occurred in Ontario singe the general eleo-
tione of mord interest and hionient. This
importance was derived principally from
the ependid bnplession created upon asa
Ontario audienoe of representative men --
mainly. Protestant, and entirely English-
speaking, by Senator Danduragd,
from Quebec, who was most appropriately
called upon to respond to the toastof
"Canada", and 'did so in terms whioh de.
lighted his auditore, end stamped hire as
worthy to interpret the best sentiments of
the best men who are making that name
beloved ir the Empire and respeoted in
the world. Fla took as his etext",-"A.
house divided against iteelf gannet stand",
and after depreeeting, in nimertaie
terms, the wretched endeevois so igni
stantly made in the late campaign, to stir
up racnal strife, he pointed out the utter
foolishness of supposireglherthe- French-
speaking section in Lower Canada would
wish to throw off British rule and place
themselves tinder the control of old France.
'Fiera is not a section of this •country, he
declared, that is more interested in main.
Mining the present condition than the
French Canadians; they are as good as
patriotio Canadians as in any other see,
tion or any other race in this country.
"The rea"-cn is obvious", continued the
Senator, "we are the oldest inhabitants of
Canada; we have deep roots in this country;
we have no single tie with Europe;
When we leave it to go to a. foreign land
'we do not say that wa are going- home un-
til we are returning to Canada.
"Now the ol3arge goes further, It says
that we would desire to fall back under the
French flag. This is an insult to our in-
telligence. Why should we desire to aban-
don onr freedom, our autonomy, our ab-
solute control of our own affairs, to return
tn what? To the status of a French colony,
which has but the empty honor of .1% re.
p-esentative in the Parisian Parliament.
We hait here a selegoyerning oolory; we
elect out own members of Parliament, .do
our own business ae we please. And we
are expected to throw that to the winds,
abandon it, and return to e system in
which we would haws no control of our
own affairs, would be governed by a non -
responsible Government as the French
colonies are. It is absolutely prepouterous.
Let any newspaper raan go through the
Province, and he will not find a single
French Canadian eci foolish as to think of
ever. changing our alleaiance as we have it
to -day."
Thia is the sort of thing tbe people of
Oatariii want to be told, the Province has
hed eltogether too much incendiary balder -
d591) tinned into it ears in the past, and
the Young Liberals are doing the country
a real service, by giving an opportunity to
those who msv be deceived by mush non-
sense to bear and eee the men who are
this being branded as traitors.
Crisp County Clippings
Messrs Ward Brothers, Liman, have
leased the Seaforth flax" mill, and will
tun it the; seaeon,
J. Howett. Aehfield, sold a two-year-
ol 1 filly to W. L. Ferguson. of Gel:
bourne, for $130.
J. Dickenson, of Ashfield, has sus,
tained a great loss in the death. of his
wife on Surulay, April 14 h.
J. E.Swarte, of Wingbam, sold a tine
team of driving horses end buggy to
Wm. Bishop, o. Kincardine ,
Oa Thursday last week Mies B. M.
Lewis, a former resident of Wingharn,
was married to E. Phillips, in Toronto.
Patrick Curtin, of Biddulph, has
sold his 200 acre farm to Mr O'Neal,
of Dash wood. for $13,000, and will pro-
bably go west.
John Hawkshaw has sold his' fifty
acre farm, on the London road, Us. -
borne, to the adjoining owner, Thomas
Horton, for $2.575.
A Dunnage, merchant; Lakelets dis-
posed of his business te W. 13ushfield,
Seaforth, and he purposes moving t�
Wingham-in a short tirne.
C. Hertleib has purchased the bar-
neis business of E. Appel, of Zurich.
He has &leo rented the store and will
start a hardware businese in conhec-
M. Jordan, who has been in the groc.
ery businees in Seaforth a great many
rears, having distrosed of his stock
there, has taken a situation in Wood-
A quiet.wedding took place on Tues-
day of last week, at the residence of
Mr and Mrs bsit ,p2gplar, Fixeter,
when :,aeleigillItArt 19. MifitYr "
v",,eadea to Fred Baker, .Landou.
On Sunday week Yohn Watcher, a
resident of Winghean for a number ot
years, died at his home there, aged 81
years and 6 months. Hk wife prede-
-ceased him fear years ago, One son
and siT daughters are left to mourn,
As usual the sawing 'content, took a
crowd to Brussels last Friday Week.
There were nine saws in the contest,
thetigh fooly eight of th:r,t finished.
Harris ifs Ramsay, who have Won at
all similar,
contests here. were barred
this year, and first -Money went to the
Williamson BrotS., who took: second
place last year.'
' A quiet, hut pretty wedding took.
place at the residence of Mrs J. Og-
den, sr, ftoortilitte Ushourne'• on Weds
ineeday eeenitig,. Apell 10th,when her
taietind daughter Male/Wee United in
intetitneny.stiSP Willigin Niuliger, of
Dashw.tiodi by "RAW. , Milian 'Stont,
: rector of St. Patrick's church, Old..
dulph.' , ,
A very nice 'don* WM ing took ,
place ott'WediidedeireVenifig week, at
.the residence tif Chas. Rutledge,. 8rd
enti,;,!'•Tuelartilttitti, *hen he eldest
dinighter,,lfiatt Nellie, Witt iitiltta . in '
niorlitgoto Mr-Bribt.MCGdrinigle,and
histhird danghteri Miss Harriet); was
'warded' toile/at. GrieVe, ' ' The core-
MOO- vtaiiptirfritrilkt by lleClifr Saw.',
els, of ErucelleitL •
fittorimains'of the. lata Thomas Ir-
win, formerly of the littrod tosA.,00ar
Alma, Were interred, in the Maitland.
bank CeinefOrt Seaforth, on Monday
-Weeks Me Irwin died in 114'0211ton*
, ilthure he bet been living for the poet
five years:With his sister:Botta only
been ilta couple of driYes pilrienlenia
being the WOWS of detail, and WM 70
tears Of aga and umnarrind.
After atter a lingering Ehnen frona
cOusuniption, Wm. lioward aarnes, of
East Wawanoeh, passed away on the
17th inst., at the age of 25.
The mart logo of P. Baker,Orarthrook,
to Mise Jenealaughter of R. Menary.of
Car0Vstook place at the inanse,Braesele,
on Wednenclay afternoon week.
At the home of F, and Mrs Gooding,
Shoehone, Idaho, on April 10th, Mies
Annie McNichol was married to Wm.
Baeker, both formerly of Brussels.
On Wednesday -week Miss Anna,
daughter ot Mr and 11 Ira13. Munnings,
Goderich, was married to L. Owen, In..
gereoll, Rev, J. A. Anderson, perfor m-
ing the ceremony, ,
A former resident of blielei'leh, Alex,
Kedslie, eldest son of the late Francis
Kedslie, died on Monday last at ktol.
stein, Grey county, The deceased was
forty-five years of age and unmarried,
It. Pentland, 'Wawanosh,is in receipt
of a letter informteg him Of an acci-
dent. that caused the death of his bro-
ther W tn., of Los Angeles, Cal. De-
ceased was born in Wawanosh, near
F, son of T. Gilpin, 'Brussels,
who is ateeoding the Chicago Dental
College,has purchased tbe fine practice
and office etamipment of Dr. liaison.
He will be mined in partnership with
Dr. Bissett, formerly of Goderich.
At the honoe of Mr and' Mrs Geo.
Thomson, Goderich, was the scene of
a the wedding of Miss Agnes, to Frank
Wright. of the G. R , Stratford, a
former Goderich boy. The ceremony
-Was p. et:Write-a- by -ROW J.-A.-Alitle resits, '
13. A.
NkrE understand that Fs Naylor, jrsof
East Wawanosb, who had he misfor
tune to have one of his hand mangled
in the Union furniture factory, '14 Ing-
ham, a while ago, has given notice of
actitn Against the Canada Furniture
Manufactarers, Liras, Winghani. .
It is our sad duty to chronicle the
death of Mrs Jos,Campean, sister of A;
Mittelboltz. J,Mittelholtz and Mrs J.B.
Foster; of Zurich. The death occurred
at Detroit, Mich;; en April 13th. The
degeased was only 56 yeats and 7
months. She leaves 4 hue -band and.
two Sons.
Their died in Goderich, on Sunday
week, V. 1?. at- the age of 77
Years. Deeeased was a hrother-in-
la w of Pollee Magistrate, James O' -
L nine, of S let ford. He and his bro-
ther, the late George Efiely, were at
one time sole owners of Vie Toronto
street railway.' •
On Thursday' week, Jane. Eaton,
youngest daughter of George, •Eeton,
of Goderich, and Lorne McDonald,
formerly of, Winghsim, but now a
resident of Goderich, were united in
marriage, 'Rev. Jaspar Wilson, past or
tor of North street Methodist church,
perform scl the ceremony.
Afteran illness of several months'
duration, Janet Caldwell, beloved wife
of U. Sher, passed peacefUlly away at.
her home in Vin, gnaw, on April 13 h,
aged 37 years and 18 days She has
been alresident or Wingharri and viciro
ity all her life, and leaves a husband
and five young daughters:
H.Murray, who has been well known
for many years to the travelling pub-
lic as brakesman on the Goderich.
Stratfind line, has given up his posi-
tion on the CT, T. It and left on Mon-
day for Philadelphia to join his brothel'
who is 'engaged it) bridgebuilding. Mr
Murray's family will leave later on.
The marriage of Mies Minnie Eddie
-Cecil Hicks only daughter of Mrs
Hicks, of Serlferth, and gee nd-deng h -
ter of .M rs Knox, of Harpurhey, to J.
J Mervyn, one at Toronto's prosper -
o05 ynung businese men, took place
in Seatorth, ou WednesdaV,April 17/h.
The cereinonv was performed by Rey.
J. W. Hodgins,
Ed: flopper, an old resident of Goder-
ich,died on Monday week aged 76 years.
Deceased wae born in tiranhr ook, coun-
ty ot Kat, England, and when young
he enlisted He came with his wife to
Goderich,arriving just 34 years; ago,and
had liYed there.since.. He was mar-
ried 52 years agn, and he leaves a wife
and five children.
An accident which might have re-
sulted seriously occurred on Thursday
eek to Geo. W. Forrest,exprese man-
ager on the G. T. R. Just as the late
train was leavinv Mitche1f>1.e fell down
the steps aLt1 ctr the car, landing on
his hip and shoulder. His absence
front the train wasnot noticed until
Seaforth was reached.
The following official announceinent
has been madeThe Huron and Bruce
Loan and Investment Co, of Goderich,
after an honorable career .of -same 16
years, le about to retire frcm the field,
and its affairs are to be taken over and
wound up by the Canada Trust Co.. of
London. - The shareholders Will receive
about 98 cents on the dollar,
A telegram tVes received at Kippen
on Monday morning Week, informing
John McKay's relatives of the death
of Mrs McKay, who moved with her
husband to Hollyrood soMe tuontbs
ago. Her death resulted from blood
poisoning. She leaves a husband, and
Infant daughter. .The deceased was
an adopted -daughter Of the late Mrs
Redmond, of Kippen.
CA Friday afternoon* week, Mrs
Nathaniel Austin, of Brussels, who in
a-dan"hter of. gectirVellrOti: was
cleaniug nn 19t thlek atu and burn -
Ina the rubbish. A. spark caught her
dress which was cotton, and before it
could be put_opt, was so badly burned
-that she died eleven hours afterwards.
She leaves a husband, a son and two
datightere to mourn her 100.
Alex. Caniernn, brother of Peter
Cameron, of Stariley, (Ind in Bran.
don, Man., recently. -The remains
Were taken home and -interred in
Baird's cemetery Bructifield.
ea was a lawyer by profession. tte
htsdIived for nine years In Brandon.
He taught tielieni at one time on the
Parr Line. EltenleY:' sifter this he
resided for some time In liarrilltonf
where he was married, no leaves' a
Wife and five of a tinnily to rdcbtra
their loss. Johnand pee Cameron,
of the 4th con., Statile , wore brothers
of 'decease& • • "
Additional Lova,' News
milted that February last was one of
the woret months for deaths from
Pneumonia and 01 her lung trotibles in
the history of Ontario. The recorcle
juet, iesued by the Board of Health
provee how abnormal was the, death
rate. The total recorded deaths were
2,485, as against 1,902 in 190D, and this
net withstanding the fact that. wily 00
per cent. of the population was repot t-
ed on thie year tie compared with 07
in 1900. The deaths from consuniption
were 2a8 as against 180 lit February
1900. On March 25 there were- 124
email pox cases in Ontario -a big de-
cease over February.
CLEAN 17P CLEAR •UP !-Spring is
now here and the citizens of Clinton
should commence their spring clean-
ing. There is always bound to be
avast amount of filth accumulate dur-
ing the long winter that needs attention
with the warm weatner of apt nig,
Streets, alleys, and front and back
yards should be cleaned.' Let the work
be thorough and after- it itt once _clone
keep the town clean. Outhouses should
be given Stria attention and sit and
refuse matter should not be t ro wn
out on the surface of the ground to feet-
er beneath the rays of a SODICESP sun,to
breed germs of typhoid and other, dis-
eases. A little labor on the pert of
each resident will work wonders in the
appeat ance of the town.
POSTAL. .MoistRY OltnElte.-- An ar-
. rangement haejust been concluded bes
tween'this United -States and Canada,
under which all postalmoneys se I,
between this country and the United
States will go at the domestic rate
• 210 of 1 per cent., instead of t he inter-
national rate of 1 per cent. OS ttt Pres-
ent. This concession is regarded as
more important to the money order
bustne..s than ai.y action taken since
the inception of the system. The mon-
ey orders annually sent to the 'United
States now aggregate about $2,000,000
and in the other direction about the
same. The excban ,eof these ordere is
now restricted to four thousand offices
in tbin country, but under the new ar-
rangement will be extended to 30,000_
offices in this.country, any money ors
der office in Either country, being thus
authorized to isgue or pay -then. It is
expected that the radical reduction in
the rate will treble the business,
AMERICAN -The folio wing greeting
has heen 'sent to all the ledges of the L
O. O. F. throughout:the:world .by the
I. O. O. F., Pau -American Committee: -
You are hereby fraternally requested
to nte with the Va8t army of Odd
Fellows in making "Odd-Fellow' D Lys!'
at the Pan-Ainerican Expositioio mem-
orablpt in the annals of our beloved
order, and to that end we extend to
the members of your lodge a cordial
invitation to be presnt on this occasion.
On June 26-27 we anticipate the plea-
sure of meeting and greeting Grand
8 ro Cable, the Grand Master and Grand
Officers of each Grand Lodge Jurisdic-
tionf throughout.the world, as well as'
many of the memhers of your lodge.
In order that every Odd Fellow. and
Rebekah may be informed of the good
intentions of the Buffalo Odd Fellows,
we respectfully request you tohave this
card printed in your daily and weekly
n ewspapers."
barbers will be interested in the bill
to emend the Ontario shops regulation
ac, which wee given its first reading
in the.Onta,rio Legislature on March 26,
The bill provides as follows; No em-
ployer shall require, permit or suffer
any employee in any barber shop to
wprk on Sunday, and no proprietor of
any barber shop shall open his
shop or permit the same to be
'opened to the public to carry on any
business or works therein at any thne
between the hours of 12 o'clock in the
afternoon on Saturday and 12 o'clock
'in the forenoon on Sunday. Any em-
ployer or any proprietor of a. barber
shop who violates the provisions of the
preceding section shall on conviction
thereof be liable to a penalty of not
less that 620 besides costs, and of not
more than 650 besides costs, and in de-
fault of payment of the same, shall be
imprisoned for a period of not less
than thirty days and of not more than
ter months,"
times we have been informed that dis-
turbances have not only arisen, but
p ,rsons have been in the habit of
trespassing upon church property while
services were going on. The congrega-
tion of St. Paul's has been annoyed by
such conduct and only the other Stm.
day Ontario St, church people found
that something must be done to checit
the habit. This should not be allowed
and measures shdeld be taken to make
an exampleof some of those "smart"
lade who continue the practice. The
hoaid of Ontario St, church decided to
endure it no longer and has issued a
Warn ing(appearing in another column).
The act relating -to the disturbance of
public gatherings for:worship by Mitt-
ereante has been handed to us for pub-
lication, and we append it as followe:-
"Every one is guilty of an offence and
liable, on .setntalary corivictien, to a
penalty not exceeding fifty dollars and
costs, and in nitof payment, 1.0 One
"7.01'1 Imprisonments Who wilfully
tljanrlz, irjhrra distiniets any
assemblage of persons maim' religions.'
WOrShip, or for any moral, social or
benevolent purpose, by profane die -
course, by rude or indecent behavior,
or by making a noise, either within
the place of such Meeting or sir near it
as to disturb the order or solemnity Of
the meeting. Ita8.0., c, 156, S. 2."
• T/0,01110.11 COVROIL.--t. At the
educattenal convention held in Toren.
tto rently W. R. Lough, of Clinton,
was elected chairman of the Training
Departtrient, It Was one of the best
gatherings of the educationaliste ever
held. Inspector Silcox., of St.Thomas,',
made astrongtilea kir an increase in t he
number of mals teachers in Ontario.
lira believed that much of the ineffiCi-
eltelr of teaching was due to the re-
placing of males by females The male
teachers of Ontario now numbered less
then,80 per cent, of the whole. Their
actual numbers had not increased
since 1807. si bile the number of female
teachers hadinerefteed from 2,041 to
0,12A 1,Theanathemet;caltection pass-
ed a resolution to the effect that the
time for introducing the metric sys.
tem into Car &is WI ha yet arrived.
, A resolution was 'adopted by a las go
inajority ,firging the adoption' Cif a
intperainittation system- to be cper.
ate& tindeecontrol of the -minieter of
.eduefttidti. A Special editralttee On
the simplification of high, school en-
trance exatninatiotia, tonsisthia Of a
tinmber of prominent educationists'
rerieftedibsfavdr of lirnitrng the en-
ecamInaUon l� Alt eilbjeete Grain-
naar, geography,' edmpholtion. dicta-
tiOti, ArItiln1fiqes and ve,rOttft. 1 ittead
o ten as at present ; four sithjects
lt'ngliah literature, hi drawing
and phyelology and temperance, being
with dr attn.
Cohildreti 1ry for
The following,lilicenses_have 'been
granted in Oast Fluront-4•10WiCIC— A.
Orr, Pordvrich,• Alex. McGregor, Lake.
let; J. Lamondby; Behrunet O. A. W.
Nite, and blizabeit Duiroags, Ocirrie.
Turnberry*-4.A.; Johnetone, Bluevale;
Wroxeter Geo. Town, A. .Easty,
Gie— clots. Sethavf hfolettrirrth; P,
Gardiner, Ethel; 'J Long Cranbrook
tie three months, only, unless new
stable It built; Thrive *Moen, Ames-
toVolf, wine MOWN,: Morrht— I:I; 'C.
Brate; Belgrave; Mrs Sage,
Beatty cif Clark; 3.
84'10..,SteNttOtt. Mhallictid-.43V Webber,
Ditblinr Thee'. .lonea,' Leidhnt y, la laid
over until Mulday matt, Oat' fileXim
hens% Walton, and Staples, itittburn*
refuted, a. MeMlllan, ex -M. P., and 3.
HinchleY appeared before the ctimmitt.
/tonere to oppose license at Itintatrh;
Rev, floors- to oppose license at 13itte,
vale, and Revs, Dever, McNab and
Roes to oppose licentie to Mrs Sage,
it.21...,L • • 4,4
Mr De Molesa farmer of Ste. Agathe
bas fallen heir to 5,000,000 'francs
through the death of a relative in
Vratic e.
Beauty is barn in the blood, Beauty is
more than "skin deep," it in blood deep,
When the blood la tainted by (Hamm the
flesh will feel it and the akin will show it,
Sallow or muddy complexions, pimple%
blotches and eruptione are only the sur-
face signs of impure blood. Vim Plashee,
lotions, complexion nOwdere, may pallietn
the evils but they CADDO (rum the dinette.
Tbe only cure it to cleanse the blood of the
poisonone matter whioh is the °Wise of the
eutbreak hi the flesh and skin. mpure
blood ce,n be alotiolutely purified by the Pee
of Dr, Pierce's Golden Medical Discovers.
Ite arnica on flesh and skin ie marked.
Sores heal and disappear. The skin be-
csmee emooth, and regains its natural
color, The eyes brighten and sparkle,
the whole body is radient with the bright -
noes and beauty of health, nritel len Mea-
nie! Discovery" contains no alcohol,: white
ky or other intoxicant, and is absolutely
tree from opium, cocaine and other nar-
cotics. The nee of Dr, Pierce's pleasant
Pellets, /waste the action ef the “Discov-
ery", by cleansing the system of clogging
Properties for Sale or to Let
HOUSE for SALE or to RENT.
• —
On Victoria St„ near Organ Factory. $300
will buy a roomy. comfortable house with good
lob -the property recently moupied by Frank
Unshall. Apply at once to -
Barrister 8E0 Clinton
• House tor Sale
Alarge two story frame house with pretty
surroundings,on Huron street, is offered for
sale at a bargain ;2 cisterns: and a never -failing,'
well. „Will sell for $1,000 less than its cost as
proprietor is leaving for Manitoba. For parti-
culars apply on the premises, or to John Ridout,
agent. JOHN TEDFORD, Clinton, Feb.22-tf
Choice Farm for Sale
Subscriber offers for sale his fine farm of 147
acres, being lot 26, con, 18, Hullett, All clear-
ed but four acres. Brick house (and ploy frame
house for hired,manhbank twin, sprhag meet,
bearing orchard of 2 acres, 1;4 =ilea from Lon.
desboro, first-class and in good condition.
-Possession !It ant thaw, terms to snit purchaser
W. ndesbOrt;
VOitt.SALE. • -
•••••••••• '
The framecottage on Orange street; °con,
pfSd. by the umersigned, is offered for sale on
reasonable terms. The lot la t of an acre, with
hard and soft water, stable, good fruit and
vegetable garden, The Louse 'contains hall,
parlor, two bedrooms, clothes closet, dining
room, summer kitchen, cellar. and woodshed,
is centrally located, possession given any time
to suit purcharer. ELIZABETH aaanAlsr tf
- House . for Sale.
Lot nrizaber 634, Maple Street, Clinton
owned and forraerly occupied by Mr Thomas
Pobertson is offered for sale la a reasonable
price. The house is comsnoilotts and in good
condition. Per pa ticulars apply to
Clinton.Mar Sth. 1001. • W. BRYDONE.
The premises oaeuWed by Ft. 3. Mae and
consisting of a first class brick store, on Albert
Street Clinton, is offered for,„sale on.easy
Also Cottage on Albert Street, with two
lots, stable. and, all conviences. Particulars
on appication to Mrs W. Robertson, Clinton
or Mrs 0. W. McGregor. Constance.
Subscriber offers fo- r sale his farm of 156
acres, situated on the Maitland concession,
Colborne. About 140 acres cleered, frame
.house, bank barn. plenty of water and in good
state of cultivation,t of a mile from school and
2 miles from Holmesville Terms reasonable.
Deo 14-tf RIOHARD BAKER, Clinton P.O.
To Rent tor Grazing,
The south half of lot 60, Maitland condession.
Goderich township, comprising 67 acres. Two
good orchards on the property will be included
also. The place ia well fenced and tnere is an
abundant supply of water. Apply to 'NW. Mc-
MATH,Goderxch P. 0.,or to CURTIS STEVEN -
SON, Clinton. April 7-M.
For Sale Or to Rent.
The choice brick house 011 the corner of Ful-
ton and'Joseph.streete; belonging to the estate
of the late Richard Heywood. is .offered either
for sale or to rout. It contains room for ordi-
nary family,is practically a new 'house, with
all conveniences, and three -tenths of an acre
of land. -If the property is not sold or rented,
part of it will be recited. 'Apply to
W. COATS Exentor Clinton.
Subscriber offers for. sale his farm of 100
acres, lot No. 34, Situated on 10th con., town-
ship. of Hallett, Hum, Co., about 90 acres
cleared arid fa a good state ot cultivation, bal-
ance bush. On the farm boa good frame house,
large bank barn and other out buildings, go r d
bearing orchard; and well watered. Apply
March 22-tf Londesboro.
To Rent.
St3r6 to rotit-ffi sari -Vim/ western tewn, suit;
able for dry . goods, gt rats furnishings,
groceries., boots and shoes or general Otero.
Bus nese not overdone. An A I stand, newly
refitted opposite leading farniefa hotel and
market, twi doors from mat office. Town
sunport,d by industries Farming dairying,
fruit Ana steekraising, first clans opening,
A regular snap for the rightman write if yea
mean business, S. II. SUALE,
Atoll 19-4 • Box 64 Listowel,
Puma for Sale or to Rent
Ito itedersigned offere for sale leIr to rent
Lot 36, ton. 9, Thillett,consisting of 1061 scree,
60 acres eleare , 10 acres us an *lance
lynnnIletatg:grt;ITAI,ogroprigttatztid ;1111 "r112
e There
a cares out tom, ftiltfioorw,otiletatoda. thilTh4eIre: ,124146,
plowing do .' Upon the premises there is a
11 storey fradto dwelling and 2 barnsone 30266
Mid the othe 36265, Good stebling, The:Arm
is a tnilen frobi Olint011 and I} miles teem Stim-
Ineritill 1'. church and school. Will be sOld
Or Ventedoti reasonable terms. For further
partite:4*re aritee to.
&Dego- tf, CliBtou P tk,
Valuable Property ill:Clinton,
known as the Potter Block,
TENDERS Will be, reoiviVed by me ter the
purchase of ms property, bidet ort .of the
Foster Bloek, in Clinton, containing about
five ftetreS of land.' Tbisirt soeifesillent mar-
ket garden-Prbperty and IS Po* in A condi
Men for Profitable otiltitatiall, du1sg the
coming summer. There are nsarlitwqr stereo
Planted in first cleat Varietiiiif of staw 'berried
and rasp berries; more than an etre of good
Young bestringepple orchard And about two
acres of sell unable fAr vegetable..
There is on the property an excellent sand
exkirrayet pit, which 'sof the'boab.., *Venable
ettalltY for use with clement in the menu.
recta e Of briek, tIle and grafrolithie See-
Metite, etc,
If no sale effensted by 0411 arritnifttorte
Will be made and received for cadent tile V-
int the ininabler. PETER STRAIT
enititon, April-
Agen s WANTED—tmoef
queen victoria Authors
TRE4 Queen Itereelf, 1)r-
dolfiter.'freth LondOnLling...fohn LOOP
er, editor of Canadian mitgattint. Toronto;
abotit 700 per; quell% never ettindled; ries
Alit) 10 *elm,* inthispoper.
Wee d Publitking Oft OM 0/119 OWL,
I. - -e •
eY thaiN, re Psffivit:
utAretope 1:4:3:1043:
*010401 AK tramline
DObooke, inettrea fairs scatemec *very
hOtillei customer.. oularsi... Writs to.
• 111. ANN CO.•
letictoria Sweet, r
or% in—am
••••111•1•11_...tilr.. • -*/ , 'f'•• .1•• .14 ..oZi•414. a!, - Si.,
,At once -20 good sewing girls.
Mar. 1-.tr. Clinton, Ont.
Boarders Wanted.
Boarder* and roomers wasted,
App y N.4vy ERA. FEIGN,
A young woman to help in house work. Ap-
plyf at the hTEW ERA office.
Mr, 2241.
Honey to Loan.
11 TONEY TO LOAN on Farm Property
Apply to MRS HUDIE,Parileld •
April 12, I
-Roots for Sale.
el We have some first close maagolds for sale.
Prim 8 cents per bushel, First mule, first
serv. d. Apply at once
11 4i 3.. RANSFORD.
Ap. 28-2 ' Stop eton Silt Works
Girl to do general bone° work for sumit
&miry in Lomden, Apply to BM It, HOLMES,
Queen St., 0 inton,
An upright engine and boiler, four noree
Power, in good working order, Just the thing
Power. Can be Been at NEW ERA Office will
for a farmer or some one who wants light
be sold cheap
' /Shorthorns for Sale
8 young bulls, 10 to 18 months old, also some
• young heifers breeding age, a choice lot, good
rrealite. eb0o8Lnet rand see them. E. II, WISE,
Stearns Bicycle
Fred Forrester, agent for the celebrated
Stearns Bicycle. $50 wheels will be sold at a
reduction for $46. Anyone wishing a cheap
up-to.date wheel, rrcognised se one of the
beat made, shou Id mall or drop a card to FRED
Tenders! will he received until April 2401 for
the Buttermilk of the Central Huron CrLam-
ery for the !Delano° of the year 1901. For _par-
ticulars apply to the Manager of The J. E.
Butter and Buttermilk retailed at factory.
Clinton, April 15th, 1901.
Lumber lor Sale:
Suitable for Farm Bui'dinge.
Root Elm 2 and 21 inches thick price $12.00
per M.
Soft Elm 1,11, 11 and 2 inches thick, prim
$12.00 per DI.
Hard Maple .1. 11, 11, 9 and 3 - Inches thick.
trice 12.00 per M. W. DOHERTY & Co.
51I5 Clinton.
Seed Grain tor Sale
2 oars Seed Peas, [No • 8008) from Owen
4 kinds chSooicuenaed Oats, Barley, and Goose
A quantityWohf efeaetaing Corr at all time s
I sell for cash or Exchange for any kind 0,
Grain, In some cases from 2109 months ems
can be had if desired. Drive right to our ware
house railway stolen. W. H. PERRIN .
Clinton March 51901. •
Notice to Creditors
In the ?natter of the Estate of the late Rich-
ard Waite, orthe 7'ownship of Hullett,
in the CountyeoefeaH8euion, reeman. '
Notice is hereby given pursuant to 11. S, 0.
1897, Cap. 129, that all creditors and others
having claims against the Estate of the above)
named Richard Waite, deoeased, who died on
or about the 10th day Of February, 1901,are re-
quested to send or deliver on or before the 30th,
day of May, 1001, to William Waite, Londesz
'hem P. O. Om., the executor of the will of
Mie said dec. seed full partionlars of their
claims and of.the securities held by them •
And notice a. farther given thst after such
last mentioned date the said executor will
prdceed to distribute the assets of the said
estate amongst the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to the claims of which he
WWI then have notice.
Solicitor for William Waite, Executor.
Dated at Clinton, this 1011) day of Apri1,1901,
II -9•4-44-114•••••••••••••••
'into line on April let and and epend ,
O few menthe from thei date In one
of the departments of Our School and
thus prepare for a' better position in
life. Education opens the way to
success,. Try it, Our School with
O etaff of 10 teacher, and finest .
equipment in Canada is worthy cf
yourconsideration. Write for cata-
logue. -Navicationt, Spring from_
April 1st.
Centraillusiness College
W. R. 'SHAW, lPrineipal
34404 4,-*4.-•-•44,44*•••••+04$
ozair adsvlip •
J. le. MeLeati, Preeleent, Moven P. 0; Thee,
Prater. vice-president, Brueeneld P. 0.; Thot.
E. Hays, Beer-Treas., Seaforth P. O.; W. 0.
Broadfoot,Inspeetor of Lessee, Seaforth P. O.
oroadfoot, Seaforth;John G. Grieve
Winthrop P. O.; George Dale. Seaforth; Joke
.8•2111•WSIA,Mbla; Jas. Evans, Beschwroad P.
04 John Watt, Bareeekla O.; Thomas Fraser
Wnoteltddi JohisD, McLean. Hitnefi James
Connolly, Clinton.
Robert finalth, Radecki Babb. MeMilmo. Sol"
forth; demo* CumMing, Egniondville I J. W.
Yea, Holmeeville ; George Mardis and John C.
Morrison, auditors.
Partiee desiroue to tffeet /neunce 6r tren
teat Other Wallies* Will be promptly attendsid t
011 application to went the Above trffirs
addreessalo theirrest satire otiose
IIA1011.0118' The SPOT
.-.41111••• •SYSTEM "
• if
' 0.0! • '
Weak ;Alta.lhalitita Sinad
Ivor at Eldney-Disatuicao
° ticimplsint.' Ete,
All Drools* or write direst to
4, M. Matit01),
Goderiolit Ont.
Barrister, Solicitor,
Blook, Immo Street,
Office-,70eaver Block.
up -stains Opposite Foster's Pho'e Gallery
Barrister, Soliolber, Neter/ an4 Conveys -
eniee--Oppeette Colborne Motel'
formerly of oanieron Holt & Cameron)
Ofiloe-Eamilton St opposite Colborne, Hoioe
Baunisrans, Soracirotte, ETO.
onice-Cormee Hamilton St..ind the Ilgoare
tRoderich, Ont.
a. T. GAnnow. Q. C. CITAS.PARTIOW4ier,,D.
.PrionTerre mvoEM4n1TxMa. COURT, &ch.
Office: North st., next door toSignal Office
Private Funds to lend at lowest ratee
of interest. „, •
Real Estate and Insurance Agent, Money to
,lend on Mortgage and Note seouritY
Office adjoining Photo Stedio.
• Office Hours -9 to 4 •
(Successor to Dr. T. C. Bruce) ^
Specialist in Crown and Bridge Weill;
L. D. S. -Graduate Royal College Dental SOX -
goons of Ontario, Toronto,
D.:D. S. -First -oleic; Ronor graduate of Dan-
talDepartment of Toronto University.
Special attention paid to preservation ot
children's teeoh. Will visit „Reynold every
Office oyer'W Taylor & Son's slim store.
Physician, Sturgeon, Etc.
Office and Residence --
Albert Street North. nearsFitir's
Licentiate of the Boyal College of Physicians!,
; London, England.
Office and Residence-
PERRIN'S BLOCK, Up Stairs, "
Sixecessor to Dr. TurnIMIL
Asconcheur, eto., cffice and reeldence On-
tario St., opposite English church. fern:MAY 00,`
envied by Dr. Appleton, Clinton Ont. le
Aa Medical Department of Victoria Univer.
sity. Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and.
Dispensarieg New York, Coroner of Shy
County of Huron, Baylield‘ Ont. '
DR. JR•;m1FASityE-EfilsuRGRA0NN.
Member of the Veterinary Medical Associa-
tions of London and Edinburgh, and Ganda-, -
ate of the Ontario Veterinery College, ,
TREAT- nrincesztt 02' ALL ANIMALS g,
Office open night and day, opposite Ctom-•
InSeitegliellsonoLDr. W. J. R. Fowler, Offido'n,,,
17 emonoraryGraduatecif the OntarioVeterinsry•
College. Trete alleineases oz domentioated ati, •
mats on the most modern and scientific prinei •
pies Office- immediately !moth of the New Era
Office, Residence - Albert St., Clinton. CAW
night ordav attendedto promptly
E LICENSES issued by the un-
signed at his Residence, Mary street..
No witnesees required
J. • P1. 3., Provincial Land Surveyor and
My!! Engineer, London, Ont.-Oftoe at Gee
Stewart's Grocery Store, Clinton.
-B. P. -Sibley. CX.Tanney, S. T. Murch and G.
McRae, the Doherty Male Quartette, second
season, are prepared to fill engagements for
church and concert entertainments at reason-
able rates. For terms, address
001 3-11 S. T. 111111.011. secretary,
Organist and Musical Dirsetor of North
Sti t Ch h
ate sr on
PIANO, PIPE OkGAN an 111404Y, is pro'
pared to take a limited atmber of Papils
the above. For terms apply this office or to.
MR CAMPBELL,may be seen front 11 a. m.,
2 p.m., at the Clarendon Hotel, Clinton,
Friday of sacbtesok.
lertheareeile efired-trio eAl er"
dere for Wood or COal, whio will be
lowest rates. Offiou on Immo Street, at LA.
IMPLEMENT 1100518 W. WHE241•1if
enntoni Ont.
!tire, 6 piste hiM
optics KAMM EWA*, Lant261
A gest yfor the teem elm , Alteteueetreis
P WRAVAL MS .I2111216 06. ' AU easels of
06,6f Manehosteri giant:, *hose fundo Ina
etenrityAre rated A $14„800 Ottl. Alio the Me-
AlOrow 1fann1111:144tal °tea, II' '''''''4' nielret-eitire°4 Loan"' ' 00110"ktan* laj
alaq t61otge0e0704"a frim 43013
isli ar044.r4,4otmwssr.—
Patoa iRe wdli ePlelel card will
fetOtt hint , •
ANTED fht ,011111 =WAND,
v revel
mot boo
mitojet 00naintsd011;
*61-4101ithrial1401611&414.* .0 Alen, "4"ilt