HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-04-26, Page 141 * AR04;01041004 the Now Era to * it re Mr trilende. 4 .er ;4441,444304f4k4PierrieeeteteFetet144 ' , • lastreerasmao ism t dlOPIOBT ROrellterta, Peelisher 1 Isbr would U reader* would, When poreheses, mention I:het they eel!. inerebsixt'sadvertisernitn$ in tins MINTON. ONT.A.TtIO, APRIL 20•, 001. 44404+0444.tossixto•o0+044... - • Engraying done while you wait Is the lat- est fashion with us: W. wive Parcballed one Of the latest IrePreeed engraving methineend eke tend an ineitation to all to oaII and eee tide molly wen. derfot piece of maohinery. . We win be Pleased in ebowant.kelptain, it ,to vou and engrave any lute • oI you wildi done while you . wait. We Sagraire . • all tiencles -henget hope Isee'etir charge, no Mat- ter hove)areeoe emelt, it , may be. , - It can't taalte a mistake Call and see it, then tell Tony friends about if • B. OR4ViTS, pert Watch Relpalirer Jeweler A.ed.. Optician Westfield. NOTEe. -Meet Bertha Newcombe, of esiletir, "Pent lest week with Misses M. and C. lffeClititon. Arthur Harris, • of Essex, is at present the guest .of ,hitteriendeslifeesrs. Hertnan and Wal- ter Wightman. Mrs R. Johnston, sr., .3rd -con., is at present very ill with sciatica and heart trouble. Mt* W. ' •A, .Killougir and children, of Cliuten, have been spending a few days with her sister, Mrs At B. Care. Rs Taylor and Miss lUarrle Humphrey, of St. • Helens !Spent Sunday -here, - Joseph ailleteh spent Sunday with friends m Brussels. A S. McDowell, who has been attending the Detroit Medical Ceelegee arrived here last week to epend his Vacation tern] with friends here. Mrs Jackson Wighemitn and Mre R. MeThiwell epent a couple of dayslatit weteit with their sister, Mrs A.; I, Morrish, of Goderich. Mrs J. ..fteMeOlinton is spending a MO weeks with her sister Mrs John Wilson, of ABLYthe • Coderleb. . MITE ROLL. -From the asepsis:3"es' roll • we, warp of the' follo'Wing statistics re- ,gliedingeloierich:-No. of children bes • .tweene theAges of .and 21, lesyee -between 5 and 16, ; totalepopulatior, -4.0,60; total value of real property, elle 1111.980; value of personal property oth- er than income, $51,525; taxable it. :5124ke412re°gi,t1o9t8a, gt.61141 of .real, • cattle, 175; birth:ea:deaths, stettenbeilerte 28.• " • ' Wia0ham Tax ASSESSMENT.-Wingham's to el • -assessment for 190/ it #605;037,as cones papel with $567,614 for I900,an increase of,M323 in the totalassessment of the town. The population is given RA 2,192 inereatie of only 9. This • is not as • Norge on increase as we would liked to have seen, ea,ye the Times. One good reason that can beadvanced in this dir- ection is that there is not sufficient dsvelling lathe town to accommodate • "thoSe who would like to reside there. - Nile Gaderleb Towniliip Londeebere. ,., PARK HENTED.-Martin Squire, n ho I SERIOUSLY ninny Mende hales:had charge ef the' Peter Cook of J. M on formerly of lemaesbore, fatless on. the 9h con., clone has rented the now a reeldent of lieadingly,Man,, will homeetead for a term ofeeeven years. indeed be sorry to hear OW he had to HO le an industrious and deserving be Laken to Winnipeg General fleapit. • Yentrig 'Men, Who Will take good care of al, having contractea diphtheria some the property he has secured. to four or five weeks ago. But we are Weit HIROO Liberals. soft fRomrtr TGoRr'ont-o TWr P eSt : 70dor tee hasAl. 1 Pleaaed to hear that he ell the 11 a LI e 42 ' non,ha9Hon. utu41411111°4"):44:e: enTab I it: 44:euege :::::: at $: .4Y11111::14:13114;:v I ttet it:ehn:e341 d:ljgv ret 7'4;1Ln:eq. :DIX; Ittai di. ineetgial If: lel and that in a few days Will he able to the purpose ot selecting it beneidatefor I bert Andereon, lot 24, Hayfield 'road, : return te• Ileadikuriv• the 14oca1 Legisletere. The election known as the Thomas (look farinsi the ; NOTES. -H. ARM clerk.. at W. L. resulted in the re-election of all the Price Paid was 0200. It is considered etifinsette we are sorry to say, Is very termer officers* viz: . good property and the price very fair. sick. MrtMcAallieter, teacher ef No, e„ W. eiroudfoot, Goderich, Pies. has had to give up echool.for a while Me Patens Xingebridge.lat vice Jas. Young, Auburn, 2eci vice, and go home to Hensall, owing to sick - IL Morris, Nile... "...Sea vice nese. Mise Edna Allen came honle leen] Wyoming. on Tuesday, owing to W.Cloate, Clinton, Secy.-Treas. ; '.e•he illness of her brother. Rev. • and F.Macpiterson, Clinton, auditor 1)1re Andeews, of Varna, called here on The auditor's report showed a bal. wedeesdey, ater varianr moved part Mice of VS in the treasury. The fol. Of hitehoubeheld gootle to Clinton thie lewieg Pereme were appointed eluttr' man f 1 week. , MARRIED IN THE WEST. -The follow- ing, from the Neepawa, Manitoba. Press', refeee to e forneer resident of tlietiseettele4ALREE'Wtiathiediik; OW ADVisee.-A loet letter was found the otht3t dey in neighbor's garden by some /muter of the place which was addressed to ft young gentleman in this locality and bore the signature from some part of the United Settee, This is at present the popular joke with the boys, and we hereby -give the youth this sound advice,- not to be too care. lees concerning his correspondence and loving eptstlee,'•but admit to the flames all osuch• paper that he may receive • - 10th, there occurred in our neighbor. GOOD CATTLE-. Vole, 9th conehas :porieroam of heed Mie of thoseinteresting events -a seee his beef cattleto a wedding, when.Mr Wm. J'ase:Critten- Hulleet at., cents per lb, which wecon- den was united in matrimony -.to 'Mies sider a fair at Ptitce; • are oub The noted buyer re- - Mary Fairservide, of' Lorldiasboro, Ont. merited thhe, withany ex ception' the best steers ever eetzghe in Lp_u_rt ilneg elm morning, utftil nearly this township. This speake well forts... the peohle kePt coming to the home ef Mr (Jrietenden until a goodie' ,Me Cele as a geed .feeder tepd e first- • • number' had gathered. At, twelve case facia raiser. , 0,olooe mos ma cement:lose who was Nor. -Those egg pedlars arelkeep-, presiding at -the organ, struck the first ing their share of the rola those times; notes of the wedding march and as its we advise the takeneral wives not to melody tiounded forth all waited ex-. neglect the hens tine time of the year. pectantly for the bridal party. Soon Miss Ida Miller is spending the balmy the groom and his assistant, Mr Wm. spring ie Stanley with her cousin, C.' Forsyth, 'took • their N place, followed Donaldson. Our old familiar friend; shortly by- the rest of the,briclal party.. Ben Switzer, was in ,this vicinity last The bride, beautifully Attired in blue week, Willis Bell, of the Hayfield 'trimmed with White satin and pearl line, sports a dandy new buggy., Miss triromtegs,was supPoIrted, by Miss Lot, Minnie Yeo .spent last ,week in and tie Crittenden, dressed in- white or - around Holinegyille. L switzer, dit- .ge,ody„ trieumea with insertion and posed of six head of cattle:last week to lace; The•ceremony was performed by O. Middleton: Miss Violet •Oisle spent Sunday with her cousin, Affee Flossie Cole. leeward Miller was carrying a -nasty nay on his face recently., which was clone by an infuriated cat•jomping on his shoulder and leaving the mark ot her claws on his cheek; the boys are hour and a half was spent, partaking led to egenkio3 “wag it a cat" p, of the -dainties', and inlulging in and ' listening tb the enjoy table that. The four -storey bride's cake was then cut and served. This Important pert Of PERSONAL. -Mies Martin haseecured the ceremony being over all ,tetired to the -services of Mies Gardner as trim- ' the parlor, where thellieses Oritten. Mer for the seasinvandes now'ready to den entertained by rendering a num- take online for spring • 'her duetts to the, enjoyment, of all qa4nnalionvii*NT4)-0. M1' e PAlleeD,1084reewr'ePNano: 9, Isaac Andrew," Lecknew; No. 4. J. OriewfordePortAloertelco,--k`M'SUIIi., van, Kingsbridge; No, 6, D. McLean, Lucknove No. 7, J. Jamieson, Laurier. • Brirret-No, 1,, H. McQuarele; Ns. 2, N. Young, Blyth, • • tharrrort-le. Metpherson,ClintOn, 00LBORNE-Noil. W.Hill,Bennefiller; No, 2. Sandie SaltfOrd; No. 3, Jos. Bell,Carlow; No. 4, .D.Outinningp, Dun- lop, • EIODERIOR:V.-No, 1, Jos Salkeld, Goderich; No. 2, Go. ' ,COE. Porters wHi.ijilesearog. Tookurteasnyc.iell.e;PNorot.e07 No, 4, J. Wiggington Gnaw); No. 5, Yee, ,Holneestele, .00DERJOH-Aleit, San riders, Goderich.' • Wpiortax- Abner goneins, Wing - hum. • • • UutT4Erk-No. 5, Joe: Southcombe. Clinton; . No. 6, H. Snell,. Londeelaero; No. 7,-,Joirte Wilson. Auburn, • E. Weiweetoset -ale, 1, R C,McGiew- an, Myth; No. 2,T. H. Teeter, jr., Bel - Rev. Geo; Stoney* of'Glenhurnie, who. ZreeliNlle°sfrPaie're'W8chhtiteicItliVtrurcinhkeseham, N.°. it few minutes past twelve pronounced en vier • y. Aweistoeffe-No. 1, B.crawforcl, the happy Pair man and wife. After :cererminy a sumptuous repeat Dungan non;No.2,T;Radeliffe, Auburn; spread. The guests repaired .to wehaeS ..No. 3, le White, St. Helens; No. 4, A, S',uart, St. Helens; No. 5, John Sheriff, dining Coons where Be very enjoyable Leeenow. - . After the routine business had been transected, .the president asked for nominations of a candidate, and tne Hon. J. T. Garrott, was immediately nominated. No other oftine was men. tioned; although :ainpleettne was given to do so, and the announcement that Mr Garrovv Was the nueniinous choice of the convention was received with !Tares -Rey. Mr forth, occupied ;St. AAtnedlireeh sts, oefbuSrecati- Present, while Mr Chas. Whelpton, his usual able usannee, helped to en. wild applause. He was then called up - pulpit laseSabbath morning and even - Ing. Ata meeting called by the mem- ber's of St. Andrew's church' it Was de- cided -to extend a call to Rev. .3107 Moe Neill, of this place; the call,,has been unartithenslYsigned,by the; inerabets end adherents. Mies Beate has im- proved the appearance of her cottage by a coat of mat and e rustic porch: T. Burnside bus .purchased a house and lot on Main St, gest, the property of J. T. Gaultier. • Mr Jewett has closed his sawmill for this season. The fisher. men ate imelly engaged, in labinchine their boats, preparatory for the fishing season. ,Mtss Brown, who 'has been dangetoitsly ill, is slowly recovering. W. Brandon nee %wed one of his frame 1st:Uses to the rear of his let' aelfi intends using it as a barn. De. Woods Rainiest/111e . . sad bride have art ivied home; Hayfield r people welcome them. ,• , I NOTES -W. Tebbutt and Foster Woons-Buee.,seeeee,=-A quiet but very -have. been on'the tick list but are both Pretty wedding was celebrated at the receyering. Blford is under the residenee Mr. Walter Ewing Buchan, • weather. F. Lowel, who haft been laid • of Darhain, Ont., On Tuesday, t uP for so.ne thne,, is around•again. Mar- Yee, finished taking :the census last 16th, when hi eldest deughter, garet Fisher Egon became the wife: Week and W. J. Marquis some d Lys o! Dr. Ni nian' W. Woods, oftleayfield. eaefier.: A few :timers • are through mptly I•sittestlie-leclur-appointed seeding.*4,431IfOrdir-Winghatnrielriffi liven the. occaelon by the beautiful se- lections given on his vielip. So pleas- antly :lathe thine pass that the an- nouncement for tea was received with, surprtee. ' Tea being toyer the older people and those from' a distance de- parted for their homes 'but-tbe Young folk, loath to leave, •spent it few, more enjoyable hours with the happy wed- ded pair. The bride was the recipient of many handsothe and useful presents. At a late hour all returned to their homes wishine Mr and Mrs Crittenden a long,hePpy and prosperous life. Miss Fairservice is a daughter of Mr Thos. Fairservice; Lotideeboro,Ont. ' Miss M. Fairset vice, sister of tie° bride; attend- ed wedding.- - •7 NOT/M.-Miss Grace Linfield, of Nile, -spent Sunday and Monday with hers ~friend, Miss Tebbutt, of Goderich. To Make Lite -Like Pietur.es Is the object of every 'good photo. grainier, 13r:theft-go further we In- - elet that all our work shalt be perior in toning,printing, fine:hit%• . etfeetiler-, es• ""1".' • tiny% Photo • lituf110. •••• Cuu We a • . Change? •,Is-ihe Cry of Every . . . :I.\ Housekeeper. Stitomfbitirry Pie Mani 11,16,:lipproehutikit Sailtpal , (74ri ref StillifiCh Such as, ye your '.4gor and u�s Buinetes c'anee Oreetter to tattle rettetoffee: . . • • .. %Ate be Yoh, order for Lette00 and %tog Onions early itt the week. • Oweer More la..0e010'43100k. festinate mid F.iae on • for a speech, sand in accepting the notnination,,. went over - the •.ground that led up to the preeent•vacancy,and expressed a detertnination toed° all, in his, preveteio. held the eiding for the Liberals, • ' . . Speeches were also made by Relate Holeree,.M. P., Jas. L. Grant, P. Holt, Hugh McPhee and Morgan' - Dalton.. Resolutions. of confidence in the elo- tack) and Dominion eloVernmenteeand otie of • regret in connection With the Queen, were passed; With cheers. fee Sir NV Iliad Lathier, Ron. G. W. Roes, the King and HOP. J. To Garreye, .the conyeption was brcught to a close: •• . • _ see . e.e. Aciitoy. .,... . N TES. -Mr WM.-Graham has gone , to Detroit 10 visit A brother-itehtw,who es ilk Miss Brown, . of Winghate, ac - Om periled him., Mrs J. Falconer,' of: Hayfield. whe.hes ,been visiting with - Mrs S. Gilmoursfor a week, retuened : home, on Tuesdity, 3. Moffatt has, en- gaged U. Walmeeley,,BaYfield,lor the .8111111Lter MOIlths; O. ROSS has enenged Mr Townsend for he Seasen• A. Mgr, "dock, of the 'Medical School, Toretitce was kerne for a few days. On Seeds, he fettered orLeeCatnerontlawyer, the ceremony, while . the, ,streins of tug at is Seres ! Me Elford is 90, years 'of Brandon, took ylece a,t his brother's Mendelsohn's Wedding March, played Old eleed.up to the last fete monthe, has. P. Cameron : he leaves it wife and five by•NCIskiAllee Buchan, of :Walkerton, been quite smart. • - E. Levis and br. children.. W. McBeth lost a good. core floated through the rooms, the groom, Huller have been dieing wells recent- thie week • frim ' milk fever. Mist) supp'orted by Die Jas. Turnbull, Of i • • Mrs ' T. O. Pickard claims she , Matheeon, Of Clinton ' visited tie the Goderich, took his • place le the draw- • id not say weather in ;Dakota was I home of her uncle, He Reed. ' G. Gil- ing room, which was tastefully decor. worse- then!rhat, we. its.d Cul 8,Ltutlair- mtutt'10 visiting his uncle T. Gilmour. ated for the occasion. He wasshortly Cauione-Rev. J. Greene is impro4- W. Graham was in Blyth On lueediel joined by his fiance, who came lean- inc and expects to be °et next S unday. ati'shdiug the fhOerrl of his brother -to -I ing on the arm of her father and et- Mr Shaw, of Clinton, occunied the pul- id*, Sas, Brown. Mrand Mrs j. But- I tended by Miss Mateeret Stinson, of pit Sunday morningand Tees. Murch Chart,' G. Baitd and his son are ill with Stratford. The bride was beautifully in the evening, bot eery acceptably,. grip and Jail. .A.ikenhead and ' N. *- attired in white silk organdie as was League will meet. at g o'clock in. the ,Gregin are reeovex ing fromthe sande also the brideitchaid,.ard both cerried, Petere instead of 7.8(). W. 0. Meers,of ' .Comegette-Council. Met ite per ad. huge borpiets of lovely. rose' The Brantfo-, will take the-pasts:Os work journiment; all the tnembere Present. oven:tiny wes, performed by tife Revs here next Sunday. • A week from 'next After the reading 'of athletes of laeb luncheotehad.beeti seeveaand- the otte I of th. y ler; neet‘SenrlaY morning *Ill Wm. Farquharson, of Outherte After Sued T „viii be jade easseely . meoetwe meeting, the engineer's report on big drain Was read. ' Mitch discilegeli, than :er-festiyities, had been concluded, . the'betli,?•:•oll Call and: resentation of cer- followed for and against the dram, as appy couple efe on . the 5.30 tram vial tificate of member:: ip. The pastor has . many of the ratepayers were present. Winghanefor Detroit, Ann Arbor and issued the follOwing tit:tie:310 all , the other AnleriOnn cite* on theie' return members requesting ti, full attendance: mained a good majority in favor of the 1 After a11 Said, and done ' fhere still re. shoeywill settle down in • the doctor.% The 'following letter has 'been ad- 'drain. The coueteil adopted the report pretty residence over-lot:ging the wee- dreseectto the mernbeie of the Metho. and after cleating with. other .matterer, ers of Like Huron. • • dist church bete:- ' it adjourned to meet as a 'court of re - Bit • , • vision:en Mity 27t hett10 olelock.-J. E. ' TO TEE a/EMBERS AND .A.PERRENTs• HAR+TWELL, 01 rk. , - e ' leapt *ettelanosh ' , -Inesmiteh as we are now closingan• ' - e ' • THE LIATE•JAS, 13nOWN.-We regret' other Conference term, the pastor is exceedingly being balled ePeri to set- : desirous to leave the niernbeeeniei eetle ....e.,-.., ...........e - ' ,Aftelesees-•-- --..:-...- , nounce the death of Air Jas'; Brown, 1 as ,co „i*-,...", " ' le et °TIM -Wallet has been Very sick which occurred in Petreiter.or eelesee'lee "hence() 'erg a few kl ' of 1st% owing t� erysipelas in his foot:, geseimixe. cletla-teh:eTt,g.e• of 71 years, Me Church neeiribership s o d stand ana•hait been tinder the cloctor'S 'care BroWn war.: Well known as a former for a cheeiged heart, d a, cheng• •for it coitele of weeks. 0 Watt, who le engaged to assist'Mr Herrington for very highly respected resident of this ed life, or at least for itch as are this summer, injured his ankle at a township, where he fillee the position e ,earnestly seeking such. experiences; Wood bee the other ' day. .T.MeE were is of township collector for O. 'number of consequently there is' need thwt visiting his brother, A.14.,. of thelethy. yeetes A few yearteago he :sold out.his -we • examine ourselves in •coneee- -gage farm and rat:wee:I to Detroit, where he tion with receiving oar tekens Of Mein- X.Knort. has engaged With his former employer,' G.McOlutre. A.num- retiirled until his death, which resulted bership. 1 -We hope every nieniber of bet. of bort in this vicinity were treat - from Bright's disease, He was a Men the Church- if at all. Poesible-will be ed to a taffy poll on the night of the of sterling integrity and .principle, and present on Sunday morning to receive 20th at"tet, Knox a, sr.,. emd,as usual,hit4 enjoyed the otinfidence and dr:teem:of their tickets; or have some one to re- an excellent time. ' all, in religion a t3tauxech Presbyter- present them. , 2 -Any who Wish to be , • elan, in pelities a Liberal. • Hie death is enrolled fte trieinberel Will be received the third one in the family that has oc- either on sooleation;ot as catechumens, ' minefields - curved within. a few Woke, the others and we should. like to have those preen NOtrate-Rev. Mr *Nab, Who lately: •being his hrother . William, and his ent Whosigned the ConsecretionOards. died in"LucknOW, was well e known in sister, MVO W.Grahantecif Stanleeeboth- 15+;117,the God 0? hope fill you With in joy neighborhood having preached In the of Wheat have recently passed away, and Peace in believing. tlitit Ye /hair abound In late J. Rose% church' hie many bleeds He leaves it widow (a sister of Thoo, hope, in the power of the now ahost..,Titoin. here will be tiorry,to hear Of his death. Hointee, Of Winghitin), Info:eons Sad a tom, pastor, e- 010ANIA, Mrs Bider,- Steatford , ie vieitin her daughter. Oho of tile Obeli le a Mahe- r : i , MOthet. Mth A. leOlgid Mt' en efre dig minlitee in Mieleigan, the ether is LaidlaweTcietintre *lilted Mrs Hare a dentist of Detroit. The remains were If Wore le vielting in Palinergon he :Warred in •Flell'i cemetery on Tuesday, bas 'lately paged an examination for it Rees MrIThenniOn, formerly of BenCe; train despatcher in Stratford. . field, officiating, • •ehta,04 ehill11100 Ministera and church workers generally, are etordiallY Invited to contribute tome of c4web, WOWS under this beading, OM their reePeonve ohurchea Orosslev and. Hunter are conducting revival services at Mount Forest. Bev. Dr. Johnston hae been on it ten dare trig aoutho , Bespent part of the time in Atlanta, (3,,, , . The W. U. T. U. Will holdtt mother's meeting at Ontario street church on Friday afternoon, liey 3rd, at 4 pan. The May meeting of the Methodist churches on Goderich District, will be heti in Rattenbury area church, 011titon, on Tuesday and. Wednesday, May 21, 22o. ]• The London 'Oonference of the Methodist church. will be held this yeor in St. Thomas and opens on June, 4th; Toronto conference begins on June 5th, ST, Josenes.-eFather McMenamin eonducteavase lave Suielayeniereinse and vespers in the evening. He will take these services at, Blyth for next ISunday. s , Rev. Alex. Eider, of least Chester, Pa, hes, been chosen pastor of (looke's .church, at a saleay oe It0000, succeeding. 1 Rev. Wm. Patterson: took place at the residence of Mr. an WEronimeHntte,-Apretty weading Mrs John 0,Wileon,Blyth,on the Oth inet, when their secortd daugher, Maggie HeWatx Married to Mr Jamas A Gri3rar, Nous -MIS Rowed, of London, is of North Ertetthorie,Rey.A.McLeati per - Plaiting at. S. CaldWell'Ei, R. Erratt formed the ceremony and the bride is on the lick list. J. Itaithby hail and grOOM. were unattended. The bride bought thatiatisicly farm for the eum looked. very handsome In it gown of Of $4100,. A number from here attend• cream poplin,trimined with We and ed, the Liberal Convention in Dungan- eark,and carried a beauelfttl holt ttet, non on, Tuesday. Dr, Turnbull as ittle Ateattell McTavish, cousin° the been vieltin at hishome in Milverton; bride, acted tag Maid of honor, and was Dr, Sinith, f Stratford,. has been at- tastefully attired, for the 00003101h tending to hie, practice during_ hie ab- ,The eermitiony over, they an eat down Settee. Rev. Mr ThOrtipeCilL Toronto, tO 11111npthOtie wedding dinner, after preached in the Presbyterian church which. the newly married couple left here and at OarloW last StInditY; RSV. for their home in North Bonbon°, Mr Webeter, of Weetoni_will teke tilt: where they Were cougratulated by charge e next Sabbath, MN Arthur le marry Mende who enjoyed themeolves on the siek Usti by dividing and playing garnet, •Thile II elle Vellt4 NOTES. -Mr Murray, of the. Cooke Bowe, Is busy. Raving now rented a house in Bginondville,are very torry to loose Mr and arra Murray, as they have made a hod of friends here,sinee, they Cattle tWO yore ago. Me Barnwell and Beaty Bros, have itarted, Wittig waggons on the road, this week, the hens will, have to Work, double time. Mr and Are James ArnIStrOng, tended the wooden wedding, of Mr and litre A. Cardoso Setiforth, on Mon- day evening last, Meters, Misty Brea. gold *100 worth of hogs, thie week ; the price received Wee *0,40 per hundred. . •• • • a.41. ONTARIO STREET Onueria.-At the league on Monday evening it was de- i voted to missionary work and Miss Oatrie Shipley ' presided; a Program ' of unusual merit was given. . tie • The Win ha district meeting of the W. M. . will be held in Brussels I on May 21 and 22. and 113 circuits will be represented, Rev. D. Rogers, of Bluevale, is chairmen of the distrio. Beenter Orturierr.-Rev, Mr Ste- wart, of Willis church, preached in the evening last Sunday and his dis- course was enjoyed by those• sent; Rey. Mr Dunlop exchanged pul- pits. The examining board of the Metho- dist. church cemprising a number of mice held the annual examinations for probationers in Mitchell on Tues- day,. Wednesday and Thureday. April 23, 24 and 25. The successful candidates were awarded certificates. A pro re nate, meeting of Maitland Presbytery was ' held in Melville church, Brussels, on April llth, to -con- sider a call from the congregation of Walton Peesbyterian ehurch in favor of Ree. Andrew McNeil; M. A. The call was unanimous And hearty and was sustained. Mr McNab asked for time to consider it before giving his de- cision, and this was granted. In case of acceptanteet was agreed that the in - dueled!) should take ;slave on Tuesday, May 7th. s. the .leading min sters of the liClonfer. NRW METHODIST Cuurip.E.-- The building committee of the new Meth- odist church to be built here has given the most effective and practical ans- wer to those who have beentirculating the story that the church' WAS' not to be built this year. The contract for the foundatkin has been given to it praetiele and reliable Man Id, 11111,a,ncl. the work ie to be complead ready for the bricklayer by July 1st, 10011 The •tenders for the other parte of.the work are under consideration and the eon - tracts will be let shortly' .tATTENBultit oTREEZ- The Rev, W. G. Howson, Neill speak next Sun, day morning upon a subject rarely mentioned in a modern pulpit, "Chris- tian Mysticism," and at '7 p.m., '"Un. fortunate through heredity" ; both am° ctlbjects will :prove of unusual interest.. The following are the.. offi- cers appointed for the BpworthLattgue or the currentyeart-etle E. Rorke, Prep. ; L. Doherty, let vice; 'Miss E. Southcombe, 2nd vice; Miss E. Turner, 3rd vice ; Mrs 'U. J. Clantelon, 4th Vice Miss Maggie Davis, 5:h vice A. T. Cooper, stmt. otIptermediete League ; Mitis Susie Cook organist. ' Sr, PA.OL'S Canteen. -The serviees on Sunday were taken by Mr Cat lye., of London, college • his discourses were pleasing. Rev.' 0, R, Gunn will again take service at Sc. Paul's on Sunday next. Holy 00MMUniOrt Will be observed after the Morning's ser- vice. The adjourned vestry meeting of St, Paul% church was held in theschoce room ensTueScla,yetveldeig laseRev. Mr Gunn in the Chair, The veer:cleft over Aroma Iast• meeting two weeks ago was teat of receiving the -auditors' repore and the matter of changiag the Style of supporting the% church from pew rent to free-will offering or enveloite system. The firsepatt of the business was 'received and the auditorsthankee, and in regard to the giving, it was de- cided to introduce the envelope system as far as possible. A committee was appointed' to.look 'after the shade trees oteethelectery grounds, Rev. S-. -Acheicine-e", vSliteeininietert faithfully to the Feesbytefiati people tit 'Kippen for einviirds et setteeu year, went mit :to Dakota about a, month ago; and he has been reeeiVed 1 with kindness and hospitality. While there he preached in the city Of Rea I Lake Falls on the 24th Mei elst ulteend 1 on the 7th inst. in the city of Pembina, ' N.D. He received a call from. each of . the congregations and has accepted that Of the latter. Pembina is a beaut- iful city on the bank of Pembina and Red Rieer with Minnesota and Mani- tobtelying ricer by. It is said to be tt, very flourishing city with A large corn. meeetal trade and, good high .school ace0M01,0datiOn. . The people of Perce tuna have so highly aporeciated Mr Acheson% manner, • appearance and ebility that they have peon:deed him te latipmed of $1,100 a year and .a tree mange. The hengregatien of Pembina WilIfina In Mr Acheson a man kind and oder:Jim to alleeconstarle itehie at- tentions to the oleic erlfetreseed, liber- al in hie Viewri,Well vereed In theology, scholarly, Imasiteely and convincing, in hie diacourees 'a faithful and , devout ,Ohrititiati and'e companionable friend. WILLIS - Ontison.- The , cleaning, service on Sunday was ably taken by Rees Mr Dunlop, of the Baptist church, liev. Mr Stewart ekeherteing• Last night (Thursday) the Sender 'At lad Sunday eveninee Iletetiett Mr John lifoueton the treasurer Of the Century Fund, apoke briefly regard - Ing ' the fund. By the let et May all se rintiene are to be in, whic he wished the congregation to kindly remember: Willis church hes' been very prompt in their rubsolptione .vtith etiverallsteitaant i IMMO h Ave &tubbed, Ohm h four timei the amount au d it number vrho h art bieti Miura* ChiMei . have tient In some of money to the fund in all 111200 has been received which epeees exceeding well. The School child; were provided with a tea from' 0 to 7 80 p, ; the public were invited to the entertainment At which was given a splendidly prepared program :•-• titi;;; gee Ite L9'1645Bdell... `r g'th truiee ng ame • Joan Carling Dialogue xeasrat why. ,,7girls:*7 boys .4olo The anew yr:were...Albert Mitchel' ftecitation......Maida from Japan ,. . • . Ruth Walkinshaw *Helen.Fair • Duett.„ .. Mr T Jaokson faster Stewart Recite. ion." „The Miser., „ Olive Hoenig Recitation. „ ....Lessona from.tne cloak . . . • Lizzie Olittiqty Solo . .Miss WroCorvie Dialogue Jean Ohidley &WilliskDohertY lieeitation111 the Ohildren's Hospital. Winnie (Moine. .„,Whlther Pilgrims are you going.,. ReoitatiOn.,.........The sheep of the fold • Maud 0.;134;;; Recitation, ..12tralter Stewart 9uakers...8 little Qualreressee and their( brother Hezekian _Duett.. .Mr andlirstl..Dewzer Recitals:a; 3.111;,*Wiright Anuabella-McEwea Recitation,..,A girl's a girl for a' • Mariory Mavgi- The f. moue baby show,. • i. httle Ade Solo. &was= iateW. . _ .. „elase-of Ode The topic at the 0. E. on Mooday even- ing was "Walking with Jesus" arid the meetine was_premeed over by Mies B. MoKeneie. l'he socal. committee are otrranging for a.social to be held on the evening of May fith and have invited the Seaforth society. Mrs. Retell eekie has joined the °beech choir. , emnina and - Jett. Scott, was in Goderieh, on Wednes- W. Fosters was home, for it few days this MissveeCka.rol Newtombe was it; London part of last week. Miss Rose Connell, spent Suncley at her home ireGoderich township. • Mr loy,of the Merehante' bank, spent Sunday with hie brother here. Mr and Mrs a, W. Croll, were visiting their daughter, Mrs Green, in Wellesley, 148Bit week. ffelik augerite-Collia; Of Stratford, was the guest of her friend, Mies Edythe Coul- ter, over Sunday. ' • Mrs Alex , Armstrong. • who has been spending a month with friends in Toronto, returned 'home this week. • Miss Lizzie Twitekell, of town, and Alex Lewis of Ilensal I , spent Sunday, with Miss Men' bleW, ei Eluilett. Alex. Clark, who, has been conneoted with the News -Record, left on Saturday to -1 take a situation at Niagara'. - Dr. J. E. Blacken, was in 1.rndon on Tuesday, attending the Western Fair Board of which he to e member. Mr Will Jackson, spent a few days hie week the gueet of his %male, Mr Geo Burn- ett, 7th 00D. Goderich township. F. 11.'Hodgene. G. T. el,e. town agent, this week, booked James Twitchell, to Viotoria, B B. P. Sibley, Nevi York, and Miss Morrison to liareisburg, Ps. D. B. McKay, the reprerehteave of the Gedezioh Organ Co, lets teat week for, Glasgow. Sootland, to atteneehe great ex. posititn, Mee and,MiseWindred.'who have been here for some time as guests of tfre J. C. Housecleaning Requisites Ciunt Camphor Moth Halls Furniture Polish! • Clopperee • In -ect Powder Silver Polish Borax Little's Disinfectant Add Carbolic Blue Vitrol Gold and Silver Paints Gillet's: Lye ' Caustic Soda Household Ammonia: Etc. ,.:Re-oW Pretioription Brett Store - - CLINTON Successor to Sydney Jackson. , eee-asseeeeseeseesereesPerevesettee I N. B. --We have just receivea • a supply of 13lueVitrol and. Feria Green for spraying trees.. , — I Letter From the 'West. .......... To 14e Editor of the Am .ara. DEAR SIR, -Thinking that some of Ywoeuarrreedaodienrgs wi n"tigi this eteateht:ecii'veDwuchiV I thus write a few titles thinking ',, the 'might be read with leterest. k have had a very hard winter h spring is opening up and we are , hav- ing beautiful spring weather new, As .. , for myself I got married at. Iset ana. . as far as my experience goes I viould, ' uivise all bachelors to do the. sante fo I find far Ahead of keeping' tiae A very sad thing leippenedellere 'due • wiqter when a your:glean got lost on the prairie on January last and bis body was not -found till t he snow melt:, rd his sin Ira : team went nut trout het e cal April I5th and brought back the bedy There is a- great nUmber ' of settlers . coming aroand here t his spring, bah from -Canada and the United States and. land is rapidly be. ng taken up all °Vet' the ceuntty, government -land will tioolf**6e hard to get in this district; ' Theft Was it lot of fine horses unported"in this poring, I •rnyself have imported that celebrated stallion, Sunny -Alto; r. , t et ed in the American, teott Wee • regis- ter No, 20417; this, elites .ot horses is badly needed in this country. ' also •represcnt the McPherson. Hovey threshing' machine Co, of • Clinton, in this district, ,There was a let of new land 'broken up 'here -hist spring that will be under crop 1WR season, Virculd say that the acreage will be double what it was laet year gin' - will be. in. splendid feta fur au abendant yield a§ there is p enty of moisture . in the • Miller, Mary Se, returned es their -home oon„frool beijey snow fans of 01 in"Sernitt On Sete/der • ..• winter" Om odfri de Dixie wittstin, G. A. Mcdeee leaved this week for Day's Mills, Algoma, where he' will stiptilletend the lumbeebrench of the W. Doherty Co, business at that place. Harry Brewer, son of H. O. 13reivere leaven on Saturday morning, for Stratford. He 'Mere the G. T. R. car shops and will go through for a mechanical engineer, iriJpateo. Twaint000nevIlet.1: Batrgh.ie Tieeekta tehebotIOnitliserlaso agent efiii the Hastings Shingle Company, oes eetitiection with thin business. We are glad to know that Mr Dan Mo- Gitlionddy, 'editor of The Goderich Signal, who has been laid np three weeks with :toyer% attabk of pneumonia, is able to be 413°11.6 )3agatind: pose:neater of Kincerdine, wag in town on Wednesdey. and went over in company with W. W. Partin to Bay- field to look after the 1tiver House; which he haerented for the summer season, 13. P. eibley, left for Jersey City, Wee On Monday, being called by: telegratri on account of the serious inhume of hie &tug& ter, Mrs Ward, He.M0eived word aboat 2.30aria only had time to catoh the London '!faTihneledlievleinggatatit 4f;r1o5m. Clinton to the West. -Huron Liberal' Convention on Tuesday. were: -Messrs, W. Coats, le Holmes, Jaa. Smith, Jeri: Scott, D. lecCorvie, N. Robson Walter Coats, E. S. Courtice, J, Ner Wan'. J. McKenzie . Hey. J. W..110inteS, and wife of London, spent it short time here on Wednesday, shaking hands with am friends. It is not iniprobable they may make a visit here of a more important characiter ere many weeks pass away, Mr I. kraut, who recently took a situa. teturr-tat-Nrscoaetool,' latt,tft: .te. Move hie family,. there in a few dere Mr ro-,...tevsea a good citizen, active in church work, ant. the town.generally, and the Baptist genre/fie in 'Articular, loses by his departure. - Janus' Diokindon, 0.i2 of D. Dlokins of Clattone propeietor of the H Savoy, Niagara Valls, and net only h first:oleo hotel, but does also a. firet olMe tourist business. A. tepreirentaitve of tbta fottee the house,a very. eoramochotuebeetal fully furnished, and evidently will kept. Mr and Afro 13.3. Gibbinge; will be taway from Clinton, for three or four menthe, and leave nett week for different points. Mr Gibbinge, goee to Glasgow exposition as the representative -of the Doheety Organ 8i Co. and Will hike the Vancouver., Of the Dominion line,Portlendem the 4th Of efer. When ecteas the Ocean he will via Other pointe in Scotland, se well ae in England, intending Liverexioi end Louden and also peilatipo take a trip over to Berle, France. Ile nuke it opiendid eepeesentatite,' Mra Gibbings and direghte ,r Will visit her ester, Mrs Dr; Steep, in Winnipeg, with Wheitt she °epode to be with for part of the summer months. • h f ' esee-e. • . , INO 'tin time 69 &Vag Id iiiiiiiidg.7thig , is it the desire for ornamenting otteetteets- ; gone pate? r think there is room for hen. . deeds yet ',to be planted. The •counol should push the work by japing • the emit:eructs, make the distance for the trete, . to be planted and how far apart they 'should be. Many citizens are alexia:eddies. with the treatment the trees haye had toe'''. pass through, with butchery :lone by the wire men; they are lulling the trees by out. • ., Seiroff,the top: branches. Ittsome townel \ they are =Corea hindered in, this Bort of work. On wine ointir6reets the trews- are too thick and should be either pruned or trimmed ouVer: as to allow the electric, lamps light the walks properly. Credit Is due to a number of citizens WhO have re- cently done thisewhile others hsve beeete. fled seem ltotdayerdeliefrIArbrtffelelefe, Let•the good work go on. 'Young, , ' • ' W. O. SWIM, ' ,alattald tiodoirstant One of the, 'hewn °ensue ettliit' 811000 etlahlel heartily the other do when he tit it eettein ettestion to the 'heed Of * "Were ref leforn in the PrOginee of On- larlOf was the question taloa by the Sunni. .ere "No" Wag the :peek repty. was horn, on the Tipperary libel in God,nloh, town- ship." , • At *wile 01 regbitered Itoleteht.Friesien • otitis at Syracuse; N. It., hot week lee head brought $IS,00. The higkeli Prie* *51 U00; whit& was pMd for it end Sheriff Bei.t�b W,.0, 1.14EllitM still in the land of the living and erix joy eplendid health. Hoping yaelwill find space for these • few lines in yeene valuable paper. Respectfully yours, • . Jeserce•Cefoucrote, Min For Properly Owners , .„ ...ADJOURNED Irceuste meeeree,-Atethe adjourned meeting of the liceetle emir tor West Huron all the members being pee sent anti held at tee Inspector's offiee on Wednesday efternomethe burliness left over, ' was attended to. The licenses for the Maitland Hoese to B. Smiler, one that of - that Oceanhouse to. Wsnabb, both at Goeee. fele, were ;granted. A liappeo tes J. Mdt DontildTof acti'',.&:petitionvote .preetii‘ecl by Rs Van. ion., barrister:6f Witighttm, Containing it .inijerity of the ratepayers in - the 'polling , abeliession in ,whigh the heuele is ali0fiked praying for etioh ;•on • the 'tniaeritending theses liveti fir to the etelfiteeiteeiiti of iew partionlerly in eater:we to taiherie winch was 'the:thief ocnitpleititethelidense woe granted. •: •• • ' • _ One hundred yea* ago *who Were thick 'bulky effete:1i to -day, the tip -to -date Wettehal arei Medals In * .peoreinee and time ktiriping qaalt The mai Of a water le to I the iletititilitiiititir IV onoe Wag. have Wien fee, Orel hope in gold, goldeNied, kilter Maid elate at any pocket. We wOl ow you our