HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1914-04-09, Page 8al . G.t t b C•1,• 0 * • - 4. Spris_ "', soils, New 'Spring Suits for Boys and Men now in stock. We are showing a Targe rang ge in the newest styles and weaves at popular prices. New Carpet Squares have also arrived and we are now prepa red to show you a full range in regular sizes. ** *r,0********************* E. BENDER, 'FACE EIGI-Ir-THE R1.. WALL,PAPE a*cut residence King tit 11 ted 1 InIittg papering, itlld ittepee our ,1as0rt1110111. We halve tenet of the Ohoicest Designs the Market. The pop0r c o be scow hv unll E. ROBINSON' PAF ERHANGER AND PAIN 1'1 Blyth, Ont. *I * BLYTH, ONT. Local News. Not Needed Here. '!'here roust be something wrong Get your Laster 1Iat at Gidley's. with our ttuuugrtttiou department, See Uttley's Easter Neckwear, 11'e are told that the Government asks (tone but farmers, farm servants Airs. D. D. Crittenden will visa and domestic servants to conte out with Exeter 1'118008 over Good Fn. to Canada 13ut there arrived in day. Mr, and Alas C. 17, Beese will spend G.ud Friday with M vet tee friends. Ml's. James Gin 10 0. of 1 ueknuw, rues the guest of Airs R. 111, AlcKay the latter par t of the week, A1r.James FauquilIrsun tiedfem• ily, of Morris, telt tel 'Tuesday 1 Provost, Alta, where they will re- side, Rev, George JeNitt ri ut'nad on Friday from Gerrie where he had .been lissisting in revival services for have found out it they were hound I ,Iuntot' Priruer--Vincent Kelly, Set ';v days, for the rural districts and if not they L' t R u School Report The following is the report of S. No. 10, East Waw'anoeh, for month of March: Senior 4 -Ruth AieOewail, Or vi ;McGowan. Junior 1 -Violet Parker, Hill la McGowan, Cora !Fear, Ernest '11 George 1Vilson, Manila Wilson, Senior 3-E la ,Peer, Ernest To Junior 3-1 1118 Mid 18au, Lue .Wilson, John Parker, Walter Paae son, Senor )-Ella Tull Junior )-May Palter Clara Al (rowan lfn;ay 111eGuw Ill Primer- Ruby 'Pull Ida McGo an, E. Al, Centres, 'Comber er The following is the repine of 1.1 5, 5, No. 3, Morris end East Wawa nosh for the mouth of Alarch: Senior 4-EIlna Coaling, Junior4-AnnaCronyn, Seeicr 3 -Mary Putter, Harold 'Williams. Junior 3 --Ida Stalker BerthaJohnson, Alary Kell', Annie May s. Body, 1loy Noble, George Johnson. I mental a few days ago fromEuro-Senior Alaggie (iron yo, Bern. e eight hundred immigrants, and ;tett Craig, 13irdetta Noble, Harry not .Jou of them, we are told, would ( Johnson, Nellie Hallahan, 0 Clouyn. I tohseo1 to go on a furls to work. I Junior 2 a -Annie Kelly, Anett Now, why did these people twine 1;liallahlt !, Louis House, out? They moatet have known that Junior Mf b -Viola Rouse, a'v there was no need for them in the !:Phelan, Bettie Craig, h'retidiu femme cities, for tine fact that work was (liargarite Phelan, Jimmie Stalked, scarce here and that thousands of hien wale walking the streets lock) ing for something to do was pretty well spread abroad in the old colontry. Before these people were al. 'Jived to sad the Government should John Thomas llalhthan, Mary John- son, (Nair; Williams. Sr 1st 13k -Mary Ellis, Joe Kelly. Junior 1st like -John Phelan, Mike .Healy', Sr Primer --Grace Johns it , vet 1 t nes u ';c, e ai meetingnl' the Blyth should have been dissuaded tion Annie b' eGew e Tie au , will he held it) Se conning. All winter the citizens Teacher uwflt+g L' a this (Thursday) of every town in Canada have been "olge Club sei, v 'r"equeeted ' lilliffg, It that thea all c bel "gwd unt�r, nemhers, � > r1titlieW,ostk v2o,000 will have to pay higher tar probaaieg wills in the future, '_Om new regt.11.0iOliti in regard -to lawyers lees lar probet- 1ug estates have gone tote effect (tel after this the legal authorities ran Maim as high as $100.00 for the job OPgond estates, Up to last week the most they could claim was ;•';i10 The change in rules With ordered at Osgoode hall some weeks ago, 0 1iug crit charity to men who were The following is the report f r S. unable to find wark to earn a living. 5. No. 7 Hallett, for month of Muesli Alen)/ of these men "are still idle, and Names are in wider of merit, tis et' t( foal w damp rt lot more 01 i d0N1010 IV -Louie llerrin,y_ Mt', A, 11. !Wilford, of 1Viegletne was in town on Monday. lie has but recently purchased the \Vhole• (file Produce business ol'Duon's Ltd' his life in the Woodbine Hotel lire hi that town, The Wiughatn Ad at Toronto tveo weeks ago, carried Vence has the f.11lowing to say-: "Ae tui accident insufanee policV on Ills important business deal has been life for $4000. with double liability coesummated which will lemur much Lir the town of W114gh4u8, in the pnsetog of Guru's, Limited, Whole sitle Pi'oduee Dealers, to Mr, A, II. Wilford of town, Air. Wilford knows the produce business thoroughly, tend is endowed with mu di energy and, business acumen, so dere is no dim' 1 but what Wieghtuuel be Iaudeo, Blyth. u0 pre on the Con[itry at it t the like tl$s. Some effort should 0: made 10 put a stop to this sort t work. cJauada does nut need these wen. There are too many idle men in the. cities now, No man or wo- man should be asked to 008113 lere unless they wit) go on farms, and If they do not when come here, they should be scut bac,: from wheeze they came, The Intl t'J,tek" 13raharu, who lost hi case of death by fire. The policy was made out in favor of his fiencee, Alis( Ednit Burridge, of King Sttett,: Loudon, to wilnnt 11e was` to baV'e' Wen married shortly. The instil.) as ee c,otplaty have paid' over to Albs Burridge the 88000. Miss Burs ridge Is e. cousin of Mrs, D, D. Cot. a great centre for the gatlterwg in by wsgen, and 1' ilread large quer titles of cream, butter, t s a,i,d 100111y. Wlugha.nr is a mound Corrie for the Northwestern cooti! Of Western Woolf) Hi0 lir, Mefferd will no doubt make the Inose of this excellent location." The AiountForest Cohlodelate con 0 ined the following account (I' the marriage of Miss Zulla Calder, a for titer Myth young lady: -On S,uaa' day, March 14'0, in Mount mores,. et the home of Mr, and Alr.1, P. A, Lewis, Waterloo street, the mane:tire of Miss Zelda Carder, daaghtor of the tete 1)t, and Airs, 1) 0. Carder, of Blyth, toMr, W 11 Green. cf Cal gory, wts solemnized by rev. \V, 11 Ifartley, of Durham, formerly rem• ,or at Blyth. At one o'aierk the pride, handsomely attired in white Earth with overdress if en)bridered chiffon end cares ing a sheaf of roses entered the drawing room m1 the aro) of her brother -in law, Mr. I, A Les - I+, 00 the atraius of the Lohengrin wedding march, played by het• sis ter, Ailss P,dna (.siders i'hede:ore inns were earriedtout in prole and White carnations, smilax and fern. 'Phe happy couple left no the 4,3u train for their home in Calg, i1 1, vis Ring Chicago, St. Patel mid 01(1neap• alfa. The bride's goirg away gown was of Copenhagen crepe Cloth with at to match. Amongst the guests present from a distance were Rev, tend Mrs, Hartley, Durham, Air, and Alre.'Cnilis, London; n1i': l' Carder Torun Miss C, Al. T1Ion] pson, Stl'et ford; -Mrs, Jaques, Jarvis; Ait's, I.'ark 11emiItem( 0Ifi`11t6i3�x dettiott t1Y -('haul's bllikelei e Annie Pollard, Lily 'I'amblyu, P1 r man Sanderson, 1(00(111 Ilogg'Irt, (equal. slNIoa Ir --Laura, Beacom, Jul,et McViftie, Berta St itdersull. 58N1ue 1'1'. I -Harold Beaco!, JUNIOR or. 1 -Beryl l'ulhu•d, la villa Knox, Bert Beacom. Total attendance, 280; Average ai teadaace, 12,72. STEPHEN J. Adalat its, Teacher, Mise Alice Gillespie was the I'n. tunato one in securing the e400lip right Punto in the voting contest put on by the 1Viegha!n Advance evil wllieb (dosed on Thut 005y tight last The•total vote polled by ,lies Gina) pie was (91200 helug 111800 mune than the next highest eupetiter, Aliss Gillespie desires to ex eed her thanks 1u all those who so kindly as listed her in winning the prize, 91111111111111111111111111eltie I IIIIIIIII II,I 11tH III lilt,, 11NIiIIffLIIIL fine a�ncoa�s A Men $ '1'o have a good raincoat is a .!!latter OF health and protection, yet minty Zook „upon one as an expensi ve unnecessary. Our rain coats cannot be regarded as an expensive. We are able to offer you a good coat that will give good service at the exceptionally low price of $6.60 A THOROUGHLY RELIABLE COAT ,,sale of a good par nada cloth with a military, collar, the seams carefully stitched and cemented. There is no better virtue in the country $7 00 A FINE DOUBLE TEXTURE PARAMETTA COAT -- This is a beautiful coat made from a double texture parametta cloth. The style and fit are correct, has draw tabs on sleeves, military collar. If you want a de- pendable raincoat buy this one at $12.50 aYM .coats for c1,07,7es NO WOMAN should be without the comfort and protection such as a raincoat affords, when she can secure a good one, made from a cotton parametta, cloth AT THE LOW PRICE OF $4,00 AND 5.50 other lines made from navy poplin parametta fawn hei ring bone stripe paramatta, Military Collar, draw tabs on sleeves, Coats that are rainproof at $10.00 POPLETOE AE aADIE, 144441111114114104,1•11,1/%4A1A111,41,111111414 At1C'I'l0Y• SALT: A'. 1 1, FARM r 01151< AND IMPLEMENTS. N S. {{19eou11ersigeed auctioneer has re - e iced instractiom font ATI. James A1cConnell to se11 by media rated ion on Let 'ill ant, part Lot 32, concession 13, 11nl w, commencing at 1 p, m, on TUESDAY, APRIL, 11, 1911, the 1llowiug t;ootls, that is to say: r'w1 heavy mares with foal; urs, old; genera! par- se (, years old; heavy colt lis- t} }ears old; heavy 0011 rising r ,tr old; drty till.; horse a y ea s old le-- 9 cows duo le fro',lleh in Ap- ril; p- ril o w duo to freshen to dune; two dry OWi.; fresh 0111,ed cow; young OUP; calves rising one year old. , 1b 1 -About 50 Rock haus. lin' lenients-Binder, mower, hay. rake seek drill, two wagons, 2 set bob- siug s, buggy, 2 set iron harrows, 2 sing plows, 2 gang plow, scifller, set double harness, feinting mill end 011,11' t dos too numerous to Mention 7t ere will also be otrered for sale tee':valuable farm consisting of two but red AMOS, situated iwo aid a half mil front Lon,eshoto and four miles riot: ''Blyth, Oi tllfs farm there is a hulk 1,ruse 11 Storey high 22o28. 1;iteb 1, qii. )i), woodshed 20x21 ; bank burn eti1 n with tebies under, Stene pig t) I, 0x50; ere acre of orchard, '1•N.I00 5 OF SALE 11 slims of 1t1 00 and under, cash. ova that amount 9 month; credit al nn'1Iatsers furnishing approved joie 0,lt08, fi per cent. Per alma' off rot c:1,0 011 credit amounts. To begin with, it is perfect. To the end it remains perfect -the Edison - Blue Amberol Record No musical -mechanical triumph has approached this re- markable invention of Edison. The new composition of which it is made catches and holds the natural beauty of tone of the world's greatest singers, orchestras and bands, and holds it after you have played it over 3,000 times, The Blue Amberol is a per- of the Edison dealers listed he. petual, practically unbreakable low. You llbe welcome any day, record that reproduces in an amazingway the art of the per- formers. Don't miss the oppor- tunity to hear it played at some Edison Phonographs and Records are sold by JCS . STOTHERS, Blyth. tntlnlnrtitrlire 15 IIIlftrrlill n allrlamnett arrear Caine iritereaa5Wain11. poet ort t mac y ( I'ropr!etor, Airtiuveoe - PA11,Al P011 SALE, 11ie undersigned orbit's his Zine 100 ,I to fel III All'00w and 10t nett 0," illi eoi0e$Sii)n of Morris 11 braid 1 ui 00010,1 0 011 in tut 000,110111 stale 0 ulrlrrtuion 10111 abort !lHaas ofgoo( , utluo orchard. 1'he 1,1111.0 iS well na hied o•nh tivo never failing wells 00 Yin. premises I l,rn e is it good fee na ;nn. ,4x;1) letpith good srono slahn. ling; underneath, illiere is also a 1),' at„1aiy 0 re1110 (1V 11111g 20 x 28 11'it11 ori I:i•ch,n Iii x X1 attached. For i,u4jlrufnls 1 I r Lyon the premises to Taws. 1ItoA1,1', 111yt11.0110. TIIIS T MGIC LETTER--- t1ow tvouidyon answer It? ilolweett the lines of this short 11' 'r ,you rut feud grim tragedy, If its appeal were made to you, personally, how would you answer it? Suppose you held the power to re'01"') this would \Voman you do or to turn her ;eras, y 0Vitt you kindly give rue informnl.i01 ,.,,,,laming tuhnission of a very needy ,sorban neer Inc. Ker huslette Is dead, ned,elieis in consumption, She has two sta411 childi•eu,+at incsen1 in an orphans' borne, 70 the mother is not able to rare for theta, and their only income i.; what an oiled mother warns. They live in one small 11 is easy to Rayl " Why of eetrr'n, I wntl!t miler 08110, if ;t were in my potter 1" net, think ! Aro you sincere wham you Fry that, Are yen In earnest? Do you really want Lethal') poor, Rnfi0rimg Con- nutnptives? Then hero is your chance to l,rdvc your euuerity... Coilributlone to the Muskoka Free Hos- laid for Consualptives will be gratefully ack s'u'ledged by 1V. J. Gage, 'Chairman rttecutivo Committee, 84 Spading Avenue. ,or R. Dunbar, Secretary - Treasurer, hitll! Street !fest, Toronto, x' +++ + ++++++++4'+++' +++t+'+Y, [ASTER SHOES tr In all the newest styles and shapes. See our PATENTTRIMMED BLUCHER. Our stock of SLIPPERS and OXFORDS is complete. A new lot of MEN'S OXFORDS and SHOES to hand. We handle the best Flour and Groceries. • Jas. Nice. Dodds. • Phone SS - 131,1''T11, ONT. t++++++++++++++++++++++++" 4. 4. 4. 4 4. 4 4* 4. �.. ate S l l 1110,5 5 ,0 u0 Could not rest or sleep,; xcited and had indigestion My nerves were continually stration or paralysis. oxes of Dr. Chase's Nerve ved and six boxes made me There is no treatment erve Food as a means of ystem." Dthausted of 51 e a. Pollee riots of more than a.y,, Tlte`case;.of .Gladys , Mere Chief of Pollee 'Stet:alit for fa rest and inlpritionnlent in con with the, same case was not set loy for the presentassizes, and Abet Justice Kelly refused to set it dolvnl' It will come up at the next sitttug i FIVE HOTELS BURN, In the Fire Which Swe`p; tit. Augustine, 1 -fa, 11111•11111111111211111111111111111111111111N1111 SEWING MACHINES Bay you( wi.e a new Sewing Machine for Easter. A present 110 it useful and ornamental, We are agents for the Famous Singer Machines. tt a •h'nes iced r u Introit m r 1'heso t t, l t t l u I,tm wily this. The nnlchiu- es at•e made a little better than formerly. Prices are pared to the lowest point, Wealso Sell , The New Raymond a good reliable machine which is uaranteed for ten years, Prices from $`t) 11t)w'ards. Needles, Oils, Belts, late always on hand. 1)011 at, our Eur11i- ture shire, tend see three ma86inre. 1Hf 7F' L4IL. ISAT , FSI... Sr7C:E3, orrTT. -. "VALLEY FARM" A domestic drama in Four acts Industry Hall, April 16.