HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-04-19, Page 1.7,77-11,1P, F 7"11117177Frilt7., if you bavenot Be: 717.5.7171111111TirMlig. • owed your Subscription lb this yea, now: is the right tiro, o do mso. Socominetid the NOW Era to your Woods. , itO41444444ilitc*****4uPotittuPpitimi Ilte eliflton 4401tileTrr 1101571181,Piilillaber .,0140.0004,4404.44 Nagraying done while est fashion with us, We hove pove110004 one of the letest improved engraving machine and ex - teed an invitation to all to . eall and eee this really wen - dead piece of machinery. , We will be pleased to show and exprein it to von and engrave any arti- • i cal you wiah done while you I wait, . Jou wait. is the lat. , We ewererve ' all citadel -bought here free of charge, no mat- ter bow large or small it may be. It can't make a mistake Cell and see it, then tell • your friends ahem h ?.B., CREWS, ig:::::4117:15:14:d 1 NwaszloEftiailFaicoll "Tir0Whaelyshl: W Jed S. Lawrence, w a With a Oral hand, for the pa 1 years, in 8, 8, NO. 2, haft handed LeolifilloantNillholisallasechPouotlPacrteesr td° Mer vacattott ; there le eoree th e Normal term being ex ten one-year, ito our friend wishes through.. before the rain COmea. Recently while Daniel 0 COT. 1, was felling a tree an a happenedto ble tereyeamtid se happily not fatal; one ef the tre On the little fellow, .rendering hi . .000,, ut a -stump being • in the o St. Helen* to be Nowns,--+F. McDpnald spent Satute farmers kw with friends in Goderich, O. A. led be. Tehbutt, has returned after speudIng t -al the basOer vacation with friends in ectletich township, Berlin and else, st two vebere. ftobt, McGowan, Of in his recently bought a consignment of ap- ing to le syrup to the villarre, Which was Pre - e suns• nouuced excellent. We are glad to talk of learn that Mrs McCrea Is able to be out ded to again. Miss Weatherbead and Mr L. to go O. Weatbei head attended the funeral (mason of their uncle W. E. Brown, of Blyth, liddert, the NAY haying been brought from ccideot Tampa, Florida, Mrs Wilburn, Loo- n,. but on and nare Palmer, from near St. ract fell Thomas spent a week with their par - w. un- ente Mre El And The pnblither would Alitsties lt ff reedere would, When purcheeee, mention that they mercheertanalvertieentent in tide CLINTON. ONTARIO, 0A.PBIL 191 1.901. . way averted a serioue accident. • Linea Le. -A meant* for the retied- -Um of delegates lor.No.5 divisionaaod. erich townattne will be held on Satur- day evening at the house of 3-,W, Yeti, at 8 pan, . • Palette PrInciatiettn.--J, :W. ,Yeo is now the owner of two More farms,hav- ing bought lots 80 and 31 on the Otla concessian belonging to Peter Cook; in all there are 1-60 acres, 80 nets& in each AncTION SALE.-Itich. Baker has instructed D. Dickinsou to sell at the Ooromercial.hotel, Clinton. eon-Satnr- day, April 20th, at tee° o'clock, lot 24, con, 15s Goderich township, 100 acres of land, brick house, hank been, wind- mill, plenty ot water, 20 acres of fall -wheat and DiOwin Expert Wateh Repairer Jeweler. Aud Optician . reet44.0-0,4144:00.0-teelefeeteCeeet.iet Seaforth. aionts.-Thoroas Irwin, who lived in 'Seaforth for a number of years, died early last Saturday morning at the Tresidence of his residence of his sister, Mrs McBride, Hamilton, death being due to pneumonia. TOWN AEISESSBIENT. -Mr Wm. Bal. ..iantyne, the assessor, -has returned his rell, and from it, we glean the follow- ing statistics: The total value of real and personal property and taxable in- come is $031,035; taxable inconae, *0,- 4100; personal property. $50,750; real Property, *567,685; total population, 2,M, or 46 Linder last year; number of birth's. 25; number ot deaths, 13; hor- ses, 04 ;cattle, 42 ; hoes, ; dogs, 89; etbain boilers, 17. The town assets areassessed as follows : Water. worke, 'witla.grounds, ti13,000 ; town weigbscales andgrounds,615,000;fire ate ,liances,$2,800;public school $9000-001. • , erriate Institute,61.2.000; public library, 4;2,000 ;areal, $5S8,000, Hinbrafrity Nollte.-Mrs S. Gray is -at present confined to her bed through illness.' ,Mrs Jaseltushei presented her husband tattle a bourreing boy on Monday. We are sorry treport the illness of Thos. Scott, who is confined to his bed from rheumatism. Our townsman, Jae, Wilkie, left this. Weeterais_Halairaville •a. eral ot his hicithiir4 • w Gordon Petterson, Sovill S. Mur• oar, of Toronto, spent a few days ith friends in this place before going to Kincardine where he has secured a good position as clerk in Murray's Dry Goode store. Miss Lulu K. Mc- Lel* returned from,London 'Monday, .havitig competed a term in the Acad. erny of music in the place; Miss Mc- Lellan intends teaching music again this summer. Bert Hale left this week tots. visit to his home in Goder- ich -; Bert bas been in the employ of W. G. Murdoch as clerk for the past three months, and has won many friends during his stay among us. Walter Murdoch, of Carberry, Man., bits taken his place; Wat is no stran- ger to the people of Amberly, having spent two Tears in this place when he as keening the clerking businests. ur public school is at present closed Wing to the teacher, Mr McInnes, bee ng called home through the illness of is mother we understand he is not .orning back, and the trustees are try. ng to obtain a teacher to finish out the dr.rerrrrrr... . T. Beckett, f Listowel, visited Mende in this vie- nity during the Easter holiday! Mr aVebster, Mr R. J, Miller and Miss M. 1 le h Weittg1014.• Ntrrite.,-.Mre Olemene, who at tended the funeral of her mother, Mee 0, Ileum intends returning to her home near Heepeier this week. The League meeting Friday 'evening was conducted by Ethel Oarter and was fairly well attended. Mrs Mary Blake, of Galt, is visiting her brother, George sorry. W. Taylor a borne McDowell went to Collegiate, PU Monday, after the Baster holidays at thei here. Henry, of Washington, who has spent the vvinter under the _pavan intende to take In the PantA Exhibition before returning Mrs Dr. Henry, of Dutton,afte ing el* weeks at her father' 41. per le in ret pee weeelrinot so AirtfrrIfbligial,"--. The annual Mee Alberts, E. Dieney is home from I 1 Ohhalin$ IMO Glelag, ?lvestry meeting of new St. Pania Toronto, where she hes been spending et I eant riiciehn;?:thiviske.ta,oi,torooWuatipaephrif4Iduitheinenge.thhuisechh&: cuojelpEillitomsforainnvoisenotualit0010.tzto;:suwrahood wtoe tveruce °too! past year was an eventful one, a new servatory of Movie on Monday. :1:1111U'eThhcasttingc$51508 Itv*erjtfvoinugodbsteonblecint" i Gunn reteraed home on Mender, ud mei.. a most gratifying cauditieneend after frOro Olatottgo, where be hie been for oeeer., spending the year had been fully pada cash bal. Dr, Sellery. of flensall, and hie mother, r_hitalees. reeree zasapsodinetleacireador 4itattencdo.unteurdefiteorrr,a1 !feral, :33,volierre0;1! wie.incezirneol, iewewreeekgn. err4 zrve"a""ef ed to them, ,The Sunday offerings ur * 0 t esderish all salaries and current expensee for , al weeks on some hoenital work.. v....1 ,_ Wereverygreatly in excess of any pre- l a 14' 6n el"' wit° bss bssit visit. I taw! roof year, and all departments of IT stel.cadl' In Ster",,tf9rdet°r "me home to few days this week and 'part of leonvisiting aurae7e. church work are in ii, vigorous condi. •, -,41 w88,,t ‘Y§,gie on ..ee- wttY •-erse .0 r spend. teloreincIndi_jri ell obligations to the .6194erish* /alenaarew°efrtenAPPOltifed and the Most not. her slater, Him gory, before the latter toromvo, 4b mtg. The °ale:et:ma:iv yeoxilit reaspreafroorchtihael Mies L i ante Irwin was la Toronto for a ed and proeperous year of church ens hereto there to live with her brother John terprise in the history -of the parish in Durand, Mich. woe concludes] by prayer and hetedig- ' tion, . Among the teachers wire manned to ' their clut 133 on Monday were Miefi Mary "'""-----'--,---' ' Stewart Io Luoknow, Miss Eva Cooper 49 • NOTBS.-klou?e:Linnaing and fishing 0, Ring to Dealiwood, • Colborne, Miss D. O'Neil to Auburn, Miss are the order of the day. ' Seeding is • going_allead_rapidly;but rain is need, .was in,town on .weaneanny; beesays,thi; James L. Great. °ensue Commissioner, ewcierbbIttearueltres ojf° Pn e. sift the Murray &yr' eotStiurni: 1 olvx°04.0kotiroolrawrigior wPilribebdet eaAduyw irtehotailisT day last. Miss Mary. Gibenn is visiting k es, eem.yetyeeedidiy dome Mrs Murray, . , The Mor,den Obrenicki thus &ludo to 4tithatreictittilin:!dotr'a. weinsipna;rpettgl:itcalieOdiixnni ' Idorden on Thursday, to spend a 'few days with her brother and sister here." Mr John Johnston, inspector ' of echo( Is . . .. for Elooth Resting's, visited Jas. McGuire, of the Clarendon, on Friday Met. 116 bat been inspector for 20 years and was a stud. suijusEtts 47„ mmaaLuee.rast as •-ent with the late D. M. Malloeh. ' an exchangr says, "Got • pinched . for . A A Santa Was dewn at St. Joseph. on such like would make an excellent a round sum", .'Fleeced :memos* or chnoenizenees ,bzli-ause:dgirot balks fere9irod ethbalotaft head line for a double - damn write up . in one of our sensational *city intend to invest $60,010 in the -village, ' aroomPaniel 'by several .captealists, who joureals; When .. will it come that Among °the; s ,who visited Goderich hist sensible men shake these confidence week were a mimeo from Clinton: -Mr and men or auspicious characters. . It mrs J. McGarva, J. F.Tiedale, Father Mc sometimeshappens that. the smartest Menatnine Mr andiffre P. -11, -Ore* . Mae% business Man .fall• the easiest vie. W. Ball, "Mrs J. Whitehead, J. E. tiva. On Monday of last week .while elem. V. Latornel. attending.a foot race at Kippen W. R. llodgins, of Hensall, had been Miss Louisa Helms left on Thurfthy neadelhe victim of misplaced eonfid. for 'Philadelphia, where she intends to take ence. A bean, bet up and that while a two yearrrofunie of study in the Hospital the.race was= progress the stack hold- of the University of Pennsylvania, as nurse. er had joined' in. the-imn. carrying with him $4-A), half of which belonged to Me toThrtnefterostasthteoeiemeoienithh: wisortkhei:00 g' rhea:11)01%7y Hodgins, Thslatter at ence drove to In its last moue theeGodene Star tiaid Roma and sent telegrams in all dirge. Wm. Jones, of Clinton, spent the Easter tions to constables+ asking them to look holiday with hif3relative,DIr On wio nroa up the runaway. Oenstables GrundY, road, and. is one of the moat 6 ere and of Goderich, Bessenbuty, -of .Zurich, faithful mechanics in he Dominion, and Dumont • and othere. joined in the bas been in Clinton f ndry and machine the meeteaeven if the felldw irecaught. returned to their respeetwe sole er, in ig, hunt. It Weald that as it was onlyea works for 80 years, a good record. • . breath of trust nothing Can be aone in Minn garriet and Henrietta lo'rnes elnalorlgins' miefortunecrught to prove Guelph -and Tileonberg -on Saturday lest mi warning to others not to ' fool with after apeading the taster holiday; at their the gun when it's loaded for game. home here. Miss Jelninia, who has tem ailing for some time; accompanied them, and will spend a month at eaoh piece in the hope that the change will ben °fibber, Dr. Macdonald, the eviller Al. P. for East Huron, and dope!), speaker of the House, is unfortunata. in the meVer of so- oidener. Re has had one of his legs brol en two or three tones, some of his ribs broken, and is at present lora up b3. a epee% to his foot., He got it hurt in the elevator of tke ROsset House, Ottawa, and, though 14 carts- ed•hirn no, trouble at the. time, developed. into an injury which nioesaitates ,00ntine. want so his room until it is better, ars rimy s, left for Colborne en Saturday to epend n meek or two with returned to Goderleh to re- i haroellth r Mrs E. Fischer, before some their•work at the G. O. L Miss retrvroinri'to' her home in Dutton, L. Todd is visiting With friends in De - WA at present. R. Curran, of Algo. roa, has taken up his abode with bis. sister, Mies Ellen Curran, of this place. T. Davidson is this -week peoving on to a farm oear Donnybrook, and Re ale. Geire Will tete Pesseestien et the beetle Mr Dayidson vacates. The members of the Episcopalian church purpose building A new church this summer and already have S100 subscribed for Thaf farrPosi; The 'Presbyteriune.are aiming to have closest sheds erected le Sinffliner. Miss Ethel Robertson Lucknow, has returned to St. Helene, ord was received last week of the ath of Mrs Wm. Gorclon,of Toronte,' ha was one of the pioneero, 91 St. ,Helen's .but for a number of years has been living in Toronto. • Miss B. Re Somerville. of Hamilton, visited here father before leaving for Bristish Col- umbia, Mrs Doonolly, of the 12th con Weet Wawanosh, died last Sun- day, quite suddenly, from. an attack of erysipelas ; she leaves a,daughter and three sons to mum her loss; the in. terment took place at the R. O. ceme- tery here. Miss M. Clark accompan- ied by her uncle, A. McKenzie,Kintail, visited her fathen last week. l/Ve are 1/1 th of g one. Terms IV made knovvn at sale. At lot 30, 9th de con., Goderich township, on Saturday, w April 27th, at 12 'o'clock, Peter tgook p p e or, Thos. Brotvo, auctisneer, Colb Orgies simmer SArate-Rich. Baker has instructed Auctioneer to. Dickinson to sell by auction at the Commercial hotel, Clinton, nn Saturday, April .20, at two &Week, lot .22, Maitland con.. containing 150 acres of good farm land, bank barn, house, eta, plenty ot water, 20 acres.'41. fall wheat and plowing done. Tortes made known at 1 Notbst..-.Mrs Dr. tieriiy; of Du who has been visitinv West and under the parental roof was c borne on Monday on account of Dv. being sick; David Henry, of kace, Washington,. who has spending a few months in 'West under the roof, was see' lends in this 'vicinity last week, ndrevve who has heen visiting Ober: Mrs Stewartaa"Ben miller, e past month has returned to me in Cleveland. Rev. M. J n. Of Nile, Will preach ,educatio mons on the Bee/Miler circuit n nday. M. Johns has...started to esfoundation fcr his new barn . ends enlarging his old barn and g etonefouedstion under it. 111101100 Cotarcire-Hullett Council met on Saturday, the lath inet. Members ail .present: The Usual by-law was passed app feting pathmastera teoctiiiewere 'Mitt potiadkeenere, and'thesellY4aW No. 4 of 1890 appointing Drainage Inepect- or was repealed. The sum of $200 was appropriated for the special purpose of grading the road, a portion thereof to be expended in each division of the re- epective councillore. John F. Staples is engaged to operate the township grader this ;summer and he is instruct- ed that wherever the road requires to be and is graded during the year, that the said grading must be 14 feet wide with.a slope from'tbe ceotre eaek way of not less one inch. to • the foot. The .clerk was authorized to get printed fot the use of the council and poundkeep. .ers copies of the by-law prohibiting 'animals from running -At. large. Vow:t- ell adjourned until SaturdayaMay 25th, the same day as the ()cult of ,Xlevisiore• DEATH Oi!Atex.. ViTeftseep,--There died in Borth Dakota, on the 7th inst.; Alex., eon of Mr and Mrs Jas. Webster, con, 13, Hullett, et the 'early pleased to see Miss .E. Der nin out again age of 32 years. He was only ill one after her recent, illness, P. Phillips, of week, . being suddenly taken off by field. .Gannta. don. 'Ashfield, anent last . Sabbath at J. elored pneumonia,which reeulted front B, Crawford left 'last week • a cold contracted. He was only mar - ailed far:Manitoba, where ha.expects to re- ried four months and had just settled the Main for some time.: Mews F. Mc- down to a happy life, being prosper - Spa •Donald' and O. •Decher have new bier. ors. young farmer, the ownerbfet Whole !leap -cies. this.season, Mr and Mrs -T. -Henry, section of land rn Nerthern• Dakotteen- nen" 'entertained a number of Olen& on Pre tirely free -from deli'-. In hie religious turg day evening iest, etre 4). Rutherforet convictiene he ..was a Preabertaniebefol- Alte 'Vlsited Mende in Godeitch this week. lowing Hume of his parents. •• The ' re - het Mr' Phillips mEpicts'to have his : brick mains were interredin•Sanboi•n. His for kiln in operation by'May let ewe belle death Makes the first break in the'filin- Wil. tor it proves a cuccess. An entertainment il ." I , oe et to mourn are y or Bros. consisting -el moving nice. hisacivinit wife, his father end toOther- nal twee illustrating the Queen's funeral, an•Hullett, brother Williatn and sister ext etc , find ronawal.program is to be b e orneistead, brotherb dig .given in the town- akbaelight Joseph in SanborneJamee in Toronto, He thee)c- Mr Tebbott lausiog the garden teed taster, Mrs aadefeaville, of Clinton. put.: rake gaits often in clearung - up the • school' ground ; this with occasional. • Isitreeffeld. ' bonfires will soon clear the. yard. Quite a number in, tine vicinity haye Noerre.--The .atinual meeting of the begun aeoffing. the. lend beiog„ tergte Rovers' Foottialtillub is crifled for Sate dry- Mrs R. Ks Miller bought a pretty urday evening for the purpose of etett- ilielhactkoilwraiverip-farceerj_. Salkeld, of Goder. •• terested are asked to attend. D. Itose ing officers, and other business; all ip- is building a house on the propertrhe purchased -Priam flugh •McVartney; Mr Daymond finished the stone cellar last- near- the building• will be • a. frame one. Rev. T. Gs WhoMnsern, Toronto,. formerly .9f this place.. Waited. here Wit week on his way to Bayfielci, where • e preached on Sunday. Dr. Baird, late of Sudbury,is visiting at his homePIr ' Scott has hought'a large quantity of -grain 'lately, mostly bariey and wheat: 'Mrs J. ftoes,. Auburn; is visit - in her daughter, Mrs 'W. Berm Mrs .Gbrclon attended the teneral of her sisteran-14W, lifraMoKay,of Holyrood, formerly • of Bruceheld, this week: The Presbytery • of. flacon meets at Brucelield Presbyterian church on Tuesday,, April 23rd. • . . • Landeshorae 'Meas. -Mr and Mrs gliverildise Alice and Master E'illton Moved to Thessaloe, Ont-., this week; We. wish them eaccess in. their new home. Miss 0: Longman is vieiting friends in Man- itoba, J. Riddell returned to hie hocue in Manitoba this week, The laullett council have put it new floor to the iron bridge, south of the village. W. Bete -- ham has the honor Of the Bret -raising of the season. ; he has put an addition to his been rev 26,• con 11 ; he unfor- tunately had the that ktock clown,. be. fog- struck with -a scantling. Mrs R. Brown has latent -UM for tfla better, ii it Only continuo, A. Woodman le no better. -Mr Webb shipped 4 tar of dont' laid week. Miss 131ariche Health. waits, of Loridoe, ut visiting at her home here. O. Barkwell epentSunday• at Silver Leaf farm ; his sister, -Mies Stella, who his berm vireting her cou- sin, Mrs returned With bine to Carlow. The Wane child of Mrs Hirk- connell as Mee R. IX Jeffery is irn- proving, The twin Ton of Gem Ste - yens died Saturday night and was bee - led on Monday- afternoon. We were admiring Mr Hilets' Jersey stock the other clay.".; Coauseerat.-Mr Editor, -f notice' enaite tittle hi the Lobileeborci news of feet week, Stating that in *test between the patient' and, Melotte Create Separetora the Nasion. al prodnoed one. lb. more buttet than she Melotte. The two resehines were glued Si Aibett laoadenS; thermoses:trip tlui **lona was tried for the dna three dam and pro - hoed 11 lba better, The Melofie Was tried for the nextthree days, but tedettn, nately quantity of the arearelront the Melotte had been wetted; yet the Were* 'produced lok lbs. of butter. Mre trodden ecintiderea that at lewd enough °nun to make one lb, more butter, had been waded; therefore, the tfelOtie Wait half.11-1b. &heed. Mr Yodden was to well phased with the &Waite the* ae pureluieeit at soot of $85 oath, while he oohlit have go* the No- tional at sow leo, W. IL Lobb, villa, agent for afelette. A ho so se Su th int tin „ eleartattee • Dneerle,--Geo. Brown 'passed away on Thursday morning last as a result of •being•kicked by a horse a while ago: In Mr Brown's death eve lose a pad citizen ; he Was . of a quiet retiring nature and will be much missed in • his home. He leaves one daughter and hisvrife amply provided for.. The re- mains were Interred in the village cemetery on Saterday last. SICK. -The friends here Of Mrs Sand- erson will be pleated to hear she is re- covering after a severe illness. "Mrs T. Detwiler is ill at present. Mrs .I. Stan- ley had a cancer removed by DM. Mc. Kay and Scott recently and is recover- ering nwely. A. Snell Is on . the sick list at present, Dr. Flotham his • moa. ed to Sea,forth and there is a first class opening here for a physician. Sonooe Raeosz-The., following le the result of The recen t prom otion ex- amination held in Constance* ?Labile schbob-Vrom part 1 to part II- Wil- lie Lowrie, Clarence Anderson, Ellen Taylor, Mabel Armstrong, Vera Col. clough; front jr. I/ to Sr. Maude Lowrie; from 8r. rz to Jr, III- Edit Taylor, John McMillaret die•Oempbell 4),004,,00.004,44.44,eseeeee, y arish, Oliver Andersmeltobert Janiiesone Teresa Armstron E tolciough; from Jr,11I to br. sell McIntosh, atellie•Sutherland, Vitae Button, Campbell Sutherland, Joseph Riley, Janes Jamieson, Howard Arm. strong; from Sr. III to- Jr. IV May Adams, William Taylor Eliza Riley; fromelaelV to Sr, ',John -Buttons Retie jamieson,'Adrian Hall - M. a %axle, teacher. Photos Photos I Photos* Of all sizes and descrip- tion. Large- or small, which ever you wish, from ): $1.25 a dozen up as high as you care to go. Oall and see samples. Henry's hoto fudio; Vhat 'flui We Have lova change ? . 0,4t\i- fry of Every gousekeeper. Ultiltiogest a fast APPIAIZerai Strawberry Ple Pleat P114 114P1e Chunk* Staffed Flak* - • evil. satices:F! Cerra Spinach nth as-. $ye Oar tggs - IttfiMetrat Catlett '-•-ClitentOr to little 'yoUreollice. out poet order for Lett**. -And Itotibg Gaeta Orly In the Walk. • COO 4t Mike* oda. eau** 'C.;0' • .Tin Latio Clititr3XiOrault DAttc,- We made brief referenee last 'week to the death of Christopher Dale, of this pint& The following additional particulars will be of interest to the minim:pus file/ids of the deceased. Mr Dale vests the eldest on of the late Christopher Dele, who semi one of the hest known residents of the county of flutten The deceased was born in Yorkshire, E +Wand, and came to Can- ada with the other, members of his family in 1.848. They fleet settled in Oxford county. near Woodstock. They removed - from •Qx fora n 1860,and prune to •Iltiron, settlingon lot 5, con. 5, Hui- -Id?, a fariri which was owned by the deceased at the time of his death. Mr. Dale et ntinued lo -reside here with his father until his marriage, when he to. cated on the term in thia district on which he Continuer:Ito reside until his death. His wife was a daughter of the late Jas. Johnstob Einburn, and she, with a fatriily of two vane and six danghterelmetive him. Mr Dale was the owner of 1000 acres of land, ail in the township of fluilett, at the time of hie death. Aside froni the theurnatiene. With tahieli he had been Afflicted for severe; nears, 'be enjoyed the beet of health Until his late ilineee. which was the result of, blood pareming from a cut le the fingete and an infury he ree celvsd featn it fall, hurting his breast. Altettotter• ObIrteirne.a.Tbeapteotth League Of Christian Endeavor Wet thbfevening for the purpose of electing now officera for the emoting yertri--Tioe, Prea.,Rev, • M. 3. Wilson% Pres, W. lab vice, Mieo Meg& Bruce; fired vice. Mho E. Rutledge; -3rd !ace, Mrs 1.14alleugh; 41h vice Miss O. Mille; Sec,,Nortnan 5. Ohureh;aTreas„Wro,Flttigant organiat, Miler 0, Miller aesittalab orgertds4 Miss Nan, 4vviuon, iltekerlarilth. Nblete,--0, O. Off& hitt been int& Oessfut In plaelfig ;Otte Of hie it, ft, ma- chines in, the neighborteed• Wkdell we helitete le an A X machine, Nielmeatalle • - vereuerreet.-mr, ernaceau, and b. T. Lawrence have been here In the inter- ests of the O. 0. 0. F. and had it lodge organized on bast Thursday: The of- ficers installed on Saturday evening are P.O., A. Wilson; teal, A.Oantelon; V. O., L. Tebbutt; Treas., 0,K. Forster; Rec., VV.Millere prelate, Pad nlholland; Guard, J. Jervis; Sentry, J. Halstead PERSONAL. -Mrs T. 0, '1-"ickard, who has been for. some time visiting mem- bete of her family in Dakota, returned here on Wednesday; she enjoyed her visitin the West very much,a,nd thinks there ara many- drawbaeks to lifeon the prairie but there are also convent*. times, -On the way. home she paid a visit to her daughter, Mrs McRobert, at Mitchell, w5-6 came back with her, and will remain for a few weeks. , Orttenoete-atr Shaw, of Clinton,takes the work for Rev J.Green on Sunday. The League was favored by an -address hem A. E. AIim,a Colborne, Monday night, which was highly appreciated; Mr All% dealt with _places visited by him ireEogland and Wales, his impres- sions of the country and people,etee as lecturer he is certainly a success, it he can be judged by Monday night. Rev. J., Green continues to itnprove vat' aleWlee The Mutter of painting the parsonage and Making Borne re- pairs to the church came up in the League Monday Hight; but was laid over for a week. NotEue;-Mrs Wm. Baciour and fane ity, of 0ourtright, has been visiting itt A. Badour's the pastweek. AIM Be - dour and sister, Maggie, Spent a few days visiting in St, Josepb, Miss M. Rudd, of Clinton, has been visiting in the vicinity- Miss B. Pickard and Roy arrived home from Mitchell on Tues- day. T. Walker is busy at the con- crete floor of the cheese factory. A. Oebelcleston, who hastbeeti underthe weather for several weeks is able to he nut again. Mr and Mrs Kemp; of run. lartoin, have been visiting here. P.Pot. ter has been repairing the fence and fixing "un generally about his village prtperty, W. Stanley is improving the appearance of his reeidence by a new; vaandah. Mr Leereneell, Coder, kb, has been in the eicloity for a week doing imme grafting. 'Myth NOTE11.-31ie3 bland rant who hart been visiting in the States returned home 011 Monday evening. Peed Hee- gitt and wife visited friends- in Gtoder- Ich. on Sunday. Mrs /oho White and Mies Lena Lloyd, who have been Welt - log Mende in Tara and vicinity Once the first of February, returned home on Tumidity. The centaur takers have finished theft week in teWtrthis week. Mr and Mrs Gerthatti were in Auburn last Thursday, Mr Graham and Mies Bitten BrOWri are at preterit in Detroit vielting the letterset brother, who has been very el6k• Litabarine NOTES. -MIS ObidloW, Kincardine, eek Miss M. Harrison, of Galeria slet and nghtee 'Waited P. Staub this w township, le:plating her relativehdre# A:. 'Horton hao hired with Me TOWeley for 7 months and M., Horton With Air Porter's Hill. Duette*. of Nile, for 5 month* 'Minn 00 Zulus.-- To -the officers Obitreitta.-A glacier Wait Mit Oyer said Membert of Pettey; Hill Connell, this place last Wettneeday =Unit* 14' No.280, a. 0, 0. P,. -I desire to express the- death of Alm 11. Ohlohelm. She to you my sincere tbabkit for the had been troubled with heartWarn prompt payment of the $16001nouranee for it few week* but her death was not carried by My late son, Thomes kt,Me- expected so seen, The largo nUMber Cartney, io your noble order and for attending ehe funeral Y Metre e kind eXpreesion of empathy paler- Ing showed the batmen in •Whitlt the ed by resolution of the onus% I Wish I Was held, Mooh eyinpathy la emirate. your order prorMerity and !Medea*, ea to the husband *ud chfieten lb that Year* respectfully 4, Me0AntriorY, sad leireawetieoti .•,1 , A: laraelartmeeerase Brophy -paid a fly - Ina 'visit to Varna on Tuesday- last, He kept hotel in Venire.% 1850-e the time of the Russiao war -and is quite smart yet. He has been living in the town - Ale Of Mc011yray for a number of yea'e. • - • flenialt • ittlytteld. • ' NOTES.-- flurry Faikener /eft lase week for Owen Sound; he is engaged for the spinner on ,the Government boat. "Baylleld"rthey will make Owen Sound their headquarters. A. Town. send -wilt work' with Chas, Ross, Stan.. ley, for the summer. ' Mrs Falkener is visiting at the home of Mrs J.Gilmstur. • Went Miran LICettlene The cornier:sternums for West Huron Met at the Inspeetor's office, Clinton, Ottawe, formerly of Clinton, will be p e va- The =my friends of Mrs Anna Bose, cd to consider applications for the license .ed to know thither deughter,Blise Margery, year of 1901-2. Last year there were 30 who has been a trivets sufferer from rheum, hotel and 2 shop licenses granted; this atiem for 6 longtime, haa recovered so far year tbere are 83 hotel and 2 shop ii. cense antilications three of which are and help hcraelf. It will also be a matter that she is now able. to take short walks to be considered aethe adjourned meet- of interest to know that another daughter, fug. .That of S. Pike.' Waverly House, whose engagement to a missionary was en - Mao% IMO not granted, owing to in- nouncea some thee age,expeate to leave for sufficient population, W. k rotidfoot, that portion of the King's domains,: some Gocierich, was present in the interest cif time m September next. the Maxon estate, .to secure a license ..- for one of the Saltford hotele, and a John A. Macdonald, whe has been oon• dePutation from the same place waited meted, wall the Canada Paper Co.," Ltd., on the conimissionert against licensing Toronto, for 20.years, and was it familia two Saltfotelhotele, and that of a and favorably known traveller in Clinton, Satins Maitland House and M. Farr, hart been. appointee special agent of the Inv. Union' Rouse, Goderichl The former will not be granted; that of 8aulte left over, and Parr received his se. deputation consisting of Rev. Mr VOn and Ur Henderson, atcomisaa' y a petition containing 211 names present agamst licensing the house ) We had the pleature of a call on Priday. obtritiODoriald, of Wbitechurch; 1 from Dr James Baird, formerly with Dr. Matters. will alsobelvonsidered at f Gunn. Hrhalljust returned from Copper adthjoiunrared naeeting to be held on 1,01iffe, where he has been for some time at. tending to a case of small pox, for which be ore reoutrIng licenses ere, (Minton, was handsomely remunerated, and in which attenburv. J. McGuire, John Mc- ha was as atietemful as +several other crises hey, R. Graham, Charles Milne, ther dame under hie supervision. He was rich, Jonathan Miller, Thos. Tilt, oho for a time in (large of the practice of Buxton, W. Craig, Ed, Stouts, M Dr Arthur, of Sudbury end is now visiting Winghatri, A. Soe,tdre Dinsley, his mother atBrueetleld, before Ieavinglor Carr, Sohn 0, SWarte, L. Hanson Edinburgh, &Wend, where he goo to take if Bell r Y Jain es, Mrs Francis Ma- 1k post graduate oeuvre. ,We predict for Aehtlelde • W, J. Mountain and him a brilliant and prosperous future. Mallough, Dubgannon; A. rolling as: McDonald, Kintall;R.DeLong Albert, Colborne, Wm. Gittzlee op; W. Boggs, OrirloW, ,HUllett, tie hill, Lendeshorot A. Robert - Auburn. Shen licenses granted Thos. Bell, (Mitten, and Nit.Saulto, ich, - . the tWo watt Ilef3n Bro led b etas lat these the the at Th 3. R Oa ug Gods :Geo. Parr. John Blyth son. Mrs and J Pore Duni Thom 601)j Were Goder perm de Insurance Co. We wish Pita as much success in Ids new sphere of lif as when on the road for the paper corapan of which hewas a truotworthy and energeti representative. He will make things hn for the Iraperial Life and many an inset at oe agent will fear to see J. A. around. Imp.4444w444444414444,444,404400, Housecleaning Racsisitoo Gum Oarepher Moth Balls Furniture Polish, Oapperasi Intect Powder Silver Polieli • Borax _ Little' Dialiffeotant " A.cid Carbolic Blue Vitroi Gold and Sneer Peinte Gillet's Lye • Caustic Odri, IfontehOld ApamOn:fir R. P. Reekie. Preeniption Drug Store . ,..„... - .. - - CLINTON Elute:teem to Sydney Jaokeon, - N. B, -We have -just receive.c1 1 "sweletr ofe-BiunVi trot ancl-Paris :, Green tor spraying trees.• , aerafef-aetefeeeteeent . Additional Local News • Boxte Huraona,--Out readers will note that a London firm has 4lekdre5 to establish a foundry. fifif the manu. facture of ,stoves, 'furnaces rec., met wii3hee to know what iridecemente, Clinton is pi epared to give eo thet they locate such an establishment here. From several exchanges we melee that this sable firm has writain Craditich ' and Stratford in similar terms and some tiiire'ago the' Wieasham council. I: looks very much as if this flrin is waiting to see wbo bids highest and only, what may be ternaecl,. bonus. hunting, • • THE ILL -There seems to be an. epidein:c disease around just now many have been suffer ing with coide or sore throats. ' ' We -learn that this. health of Mrs altobh, Brussels, is mit what her friends desire at to be. We are Ferny ee learn of the serious Meese of Master Frank A kite), son of Mitt • Akita); be recently got vaccinated and. bed the misfortune., to get the arm ir.-c j tired at ' sehool, with the emit that blood poisoning set in and be is very lovv. His friends were glad to see Mr J Lindsay in roma for the first time on Tuesday; his hand is healing nicely and it it hoped he may have corer iete Use of it very, soon. Airs O. B. lariney's friends will be story to hear that she has been under the s doctor's tare for the past month and has not improved of late ae much as wished tor., An operation was performed upon Patrick Greens on 'Wednesday, he having been suffering frpne a tumor in the head.; Ain grave hopes are entertained for his re- covery. . DitivaIX 01.. J. Q. MaLaGaw.-The nouncement made last vveek of the death of air IVIcLagan, Prenrietor of the Vancouver World,earries oas back in memory to the early days of the tOwn of Cliaton. Mr McLagan was ' bprn at Strathrirdle, Perthshire, in 1838. With his parents and their family he came to Canada in 1353, settling in Lo- gan township, in the county of Perth) • where his fattier, now past 85 years of age, and a bright and hearty old man, still resides, lie was the eldest of a family of eight,_ in which his death eauees the first brads.-- Ile began his apprenticeship to the printine trade tx 1854, under John McWhinney Sore in the old Sentinel office; ViToodstock, since merged with The Review There • • he remained until 1859 veh young wife, he eon:Lovett to Clinton. I Be remained there till the winter of O 18(31, and still has a few aegitaItat- a antes among the older residente ° of this town. In 1 1 he leftfor Quebec, ni having eecureda pueitiert in the Govern., ' meet printing office. In May of that . year he removed to Guelph and'becaine • foreman of The Advertiser, owned . tfie late Jonathan Wilktimon. Then. he and Mr James runes, the former - editor of The Mercury and atelertiser. • bought The Macau y out and the Vete- titre prospered. In 1887 . the -partneri,- ship was dissoleed and Mi. Mc.Legatt, • after some other business- venturee,left for British Columbia, He WAS A long. ' life Liberal, it +staunch Peesbyteriari and leaves a wife andtwo sons. Welders three sisters and three brothers. etenthig and 001fig• * Mr and Mu deo. Sweats. are away visit- ing eeIatives.' lahaterillo.wHoodkg.ensepeute few days - Godtr. Mr Calder, Meyer of Dollen], is spend. trig it few days in *own. • Mimeo Mina Wilke and Mary Eobb re. tertuld tO Leadon ontIonday, Welter Irwin teethed home .frora ihr Canadian SOci, on Wednesday, Prenk Hovey returned te'Torents Ten.. Ityf3atege onMoriday afternoon. fermiLfi its v etA. t:hd litrufeiri on 01)95.41 en): fe ea 0 117b0.6•°:. the Maui of the Shoe fleyareed. O. M. MoGregor, of Cemeteries, gore the New En leen on Friday lest. • Met a. slum raturneabOitto Woodsy from e tee worths vitt to Toronto, blisi Eva Varian hee returned to'Oodit.. ich otter a brieLvisit waft Mende here. - -Mist S. Sea, wee the street of MOIL lifariniug *oral chapel's; week, fare W. Brydone and Mt and Mirt 4 Mo. Mumble *pent leveral days of led week la TatOnta, Mrs /*. PliitaltilOttli *pent *fow clay*lete• vloiltiaer tleughtras, Mre Ed. Munroe, Of so• We had the firet oat frorn Thos,Triels(of Goderifill toWriehip) on Satiirday,he having just returned that day from a pletieure trip in the Bentham Stases. Boleti here on the 271h of November lest and hes been away for about five month", principitilv in Mis- souri, tortiolancand Kansok e fine country hi many reepects but not for faem- log. e the south, near. New ()fleeter, oa- ten, finger eaneirriee, tobacco, and sash like are grown bat up in Kamm is the mining district; in Louleiana,tit Lake °berate is greet ifibibeting. diStrioti one awe turning out one hundred and eighty thous. and feet per day. The people ,eyerywhere are very leviable and would do everything fo make it pleattent, and the etiolate is de•' Rightful. When Mr Trick left here he event direst to „Lake, Charlet, !Malone', whbre, relatives are; heals° ipent part of hie time in Louisiana, iti Arkebese, and many other pimeeritineltiding Rot Sprtegs, where many intedide go to reouperate and Also took & ariptheough the Gulf of Mexico. In tre -turn* he spent 10 doe itt SteLoula, cone fog by way of DettilikkitO Veld his brother, - Willieter Tikedford a veer, before, reach. Ing beeps Bern. of the different reilweya travelled Were the /nitwit Oen- toil, Southern Pacific, Pee Gee, %Oaths, Grand Trunk and other, Al Zoe Charles is* *Lea family, who had iefic Sep, iiela Offline' itix ieera *go, but Horan people ere Very ware* irefitat park it Wilt a trip whioh to worth takine,:hut. to lies there he doe* not detire .trt Tri4 muoh hes proved in heath and ettloyed Memoir im. - :tensely. Friends ere delighted tet Nee 'bite heck ertievreitmatry s ewe from bee. trOtrettall, DitAti... We learn that Rev, A. E. Gottehall, evertgeliet, of Clinton, aim at Boyertown, Perth.; he 'merit the 74th year of his age. Mr* j. Gottithal lit a daeghter of Ohio. Itelyar, of twain, *** . , •The turn of 1700 of araperiel money etas distributed . among the members of 0 Battery in raletattedttring the reture trip of the etessmer from Atria% to Canada The Imperial et ivernment has asked foe" the return of this mbney. Isaac Nanrgbu was killed at 1:nettle,' VIII teari*dowa an old barrii • `i -7-441.446 Prance will take charge of- the Oath. olio claims against China • Z •vt era er. 4C 4C afe' 4 were thick bulky ititairs;..tecley, the• One hundred yeset ego eattehtie up4oelete watches are miracle in apt. peersmae tog time iatophig quelities. ' The edst of wreath le Va lorTger. theberiMa barrier ft 01106 We heels them for lediee, palmate. et boys, in gold, gold4filled *neer nickel cams ub.glreit Melt will a rtnY /mast. We Will be *seed be show -yodeler geode, - • 14441 444