HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-04-12, Page 10• A.prd 1 1 o.i TUE "M'L I gar o.SII NEW ERA 1?'R1DAY, Ad'11,12, 1901 1 I.OUAI, N.OT1OES. "`" stations, north, for shipment to Oulltn,g- wood and other pointe. This week mos has each Tessalon 1 Wallis & Cantelon had two. double Our matt lateertatleu of dishes J.ast receiv. Beakers for Toronto and R. eltzsimone ed a', trt41 i21, one for for (ollingwood. The price Nurettre•.*Art aeronent. rt t ?ala tri l a-34lata pard wvas $tl2 abut there is rise of 10 silt ba pieced in ouurt for eoligotlo ti- •J48, / Ceuts fur neatt assts Our" � ' 1......_..a-. Adat7J..A,t7t11�,Fi`d'X'. talk this week is of thisSaar Nostra -Au stook of home weeds. It 1S a SLOG St brituTe,^Tire yards at the station resented acktvity, at least In the frog tag eeaIan of 1,900 ; loot year March ins on Monday there being 10 oar closed with conelderailee Wow lying oats, 1400 hogs, front Ciintan and around, frost occurred nearly every. night while this season la an advance upon test, A. B. Webb is sweeting with success in the wale of the book "Canada's sons on Kopje .and veldt" awdlaoh ontingen t Iaccount South Aar ca ; he ears its accounts correspond exactly with his diary from the time he left Vanada until his return. •%\ . M, Low- rie, of 011nton, is one of the names a - pearing in the successful who recently passed. the: final exam. at the veterin- ary college,- Toronto, Cox Bros. 20th,° Century Concert 0o, was billed to an. T4 di[oRser�rEly -The aeaeop for horse 4 ear at the town hall on Tuesday and bills is naw at hind, and those in need d'tlin, Emma McDonald, vlolince'lo;. edgesday evening but failed to put of work in thislinewitidu well to leave Helen Morrie, harp. and Grace John« in ton appearance. Easter 'assets their ordere at the Ne W EHA aigee. We have a good stock of cuts, etc., and the prices will be found as low as is cone.'+tent with good work. 13•EO. lanIrr 0 Tu '•Vigo:leads Si($ Co --hi connection with our notice of the Williams Shoe Co. in a recent issce we stated that the, output was 1(10.) pairs a. week; in a note received from the secretary, Mr .Taylor, he states that they ate turning o'ut. 2500 pairs, a, week, and are so . much rushed with orders from all over the country that severe' thousands of dollars wo th of orders, ve hrch. sho.ild have beeership= ped by Aprii 1, are yet to. make, They will halve six travell. re on the road for next seaso n'e trade. SUGAR ,BEET .INDtisTRY.—Interest to the growing of Sugar beets has been widening around Clinton. D. A. For- t ester and J. Scott have hero energet.' ically promoting the scheme. A few weeks .ago circttlers were issuer], as a result of which both. gent/et-nen have' received a number of applications.for seed; they intend to make a test of growing sugar beet's tilts coming seas- on. Should a factory be started here Clinton would make an excellent ship ping point, and farmers, in the vicinity popular game of . cribbage has .a am should put the.itse'.ves in a position to .started in town ; a' number spent ood Fri takeda , coukracts for the test of q�turter yens yrntx themselves with the April;6th wilt be pt,l<t.eii in court for "celleo r n1AAY, AItYIe 12. .—This is the date th :t tian. J. 0, 14W444' (ltintQn, (ant. of the next entertainment of the Met - l1 u Concert tlompany rte string quartette Met- e' escatg and�tanl�,now to Pros and soprano soloist), *abase personnel *011Wrest. consists of W, Eugene Page,inando- Iinisr; Florence Phelps. Mcuue wan- ar suits us better in every way than a i - we have ever shown before. It suits us .bet= because it is better. It 'is the best 8th tock of house furnishings in this section *and whether your home wants. are e floor coverings, curtains or draperies you'll • g , aeries you Il, and here big Varier upto dhhte pattern's,, abl. , x • c��a� t�.es and downrightgood values. � . he New Carpets An ever increasing turnover in our carpet department is the'best evidence we haveP that we do the calrpet business *gilt. We couldn't go ou . selliing_. more. every .season if ave didn't sell carpets that were satisfactoryin ever wa, . 'season's stock is have Y - h • the biggest and best we ever .shown which malts that it is the biggest and best' Milton. ag ever brought. into .._.ton It is a stock that is 'thoroughly in every way. If you are thinkingof New Caret goody s see what we can think that we can satisfy you, that it will be to ourdinterQ t to buy here. These will giveyou an idea of the stock we have, Dau't miss TwttcheJra Great .Clearing Sale ropolitan Coufiae--the Eugene Pa -Hemp Carpets Iieimpcarpets woven or printed patterns, in stripes or floraral designs,mediumt and dark colorings, good wearing qualities, per:yard 121c to 3�C Hemp Stair Carets p• - as a soloist,,u.asEwe l member taking appears part An A coed ores ni suitable many $more the eprogram le workhe econdfirst artrt n• day,IdThe April meeting�ot tthenecbool. clndes duet numbers, etc., and part board iamb oa Monday evening the some new,aad novel features, When, onlybusigess done was the receiving ever this company has appeared the of Principal L'ough's monthly report audiences have been captivated ' with and the passing of several accounts. the excellence of the progzam provide only one case was oxo the docketof the ed. "Double encores to many of the divielan court on Saturday but it was selections showed the popularity of adjourned, rhe Globe asfora while the artiste, and their, graciousness in past, been giving pictures of the pro responding to the many recalls was minent !'people we meet";: in ;Wednes• one of the meet pleasing features of Bag's edition contains that of Ge:13.41314a; , Mc- thio very successful concert. -Flint,, .Ewen, of Heneall,thepo nlar'M. P. for Mieb•, J•ourrtal. We feel assured that South Huron. Chas... Welke held a tlpev, .Wilt please :the - eneral cubits; it very successfnl auction sale of stock, everll y lover of muconcert sic.lo should delight Gundry on last aapuning and aenerget c auctioneer ; the horses went from $00 NoTrte,-.Don't slam the door in the to $103 and cows from 525 to 083. census men's face even if you don't like The board of . license commissioners his questions ; it may cost you 540. for will meet at -the inspector's office, here, 'a slam. The'rortds ate becoming dry on Tuesday, April.l6th, to consider the and encouraging to the bicyclist and it .applicatioas for the yeate1001 2 ; there will not be long before -there will<..be .-ar_e.fivenejwa llicatione,,S. Pike,,,of many seen ; we notice a few in use al.• the lvaverly ouse being one of them. ready. Geo. Potts, who ha been 0, Hoare has this weekleased the been doing some work for friends. in most distant customer be has yet had London, has come back to town .to, be the pleaeure.of serving .; ,he made .the r'eadyfor the spring work. The old sale of a Doherty. organ .to_ Rev.L_Mc- Callum' from Asia Minor,to be shipped to the Armenian Mission. Thological College, . near the city of of an erre; the seed is given free and game. S. Jackson has accepted a' situ. tarsus. The past few weeks or so has aim in the oldest drug house in Mon- witnessed an. epidemic of coughs, colds treal being a general :favorit•e. among and many cases of grip. ' D. Munro, D. the boys and in many social affairs he. D, G. M,, paid the Clinton A. F. and i w`, . will be greatly. missed. Earn.A. Jackson M. lodge an o'''ctal visit last I+'rfila has' gone to Woodstock when he will night. McLennan's resturant has been be employed in the ' ham organ fac- beautified by ,paint and repapered by tory. The passenger traffic. on :the •J, J. Fisher, who .nae started his spring is going to boon this season more than 'railways at ],aster was.heaey although work. ASseesor Cottle ie stilt engaged is ever 'tad in from the asonberof mem- nerhaps not as heavy as last year. rlt his work'every-young iryan,i wenty- J g g Fire insurance rates have been , advan. one years old is entitled to vote at par - hers which the-' club.will ,have. Mr cod, commencing on'•March 28, and the llamentary elections;so'see to it hat Ransf.ird is the right man in the right• rise is on.. blocks without fire walls, you are not overlooked by the assessor"; place when. 'holding down the press- double and vacant stores last year this relates to the country as well as to dent's -chair of the club.; heehaw• Fecur-= -the'ioesea same heapsy-to-the::con: au., ..Atom). Mies ENT. 099Per entertain- ed about 40 memberssofai for this .year, 'les and now the less•desirable property nd-a nurnber of`f-rie' a ..on i? r r s wapl ei sen Uy , naludin>;:some pine new prayers. The will have to nay the higher rate.. ' Mr evening ; a few hours was. ' pleasantly' awn• will be in shape for playing MrMcOlay.(Parlmer & McClay) . has .sent in garues',and. music. We • are n about annual b hies weeks. t t we Ks. The ' moved into the house vacated .by' 17 pleased when we learn of the success convention of the I.median, La ', Fell, who he reruoved t'o Seaforth..ofaClintoniariof which the following mese Association.wae held. on Good The Marks Bros. Comedy Co.' will be refers to Miss' Clara da Friday. P..,McMillan, 'ofBeaverton, arsund'this part of the country" Scott,:. of' daughter of S. Tt., captured the presidency,and-F,•Nelson, socn ;;the are billed.` again townp; the hilts Packet 1' for ;Wrnarham on says.an important addition has late.• of Toronto, the vice presidency, The May 23, 24 and. 25, Messrs, Bell & . ly been made to the ranks • Excelsiois, of Mitchell: were represent, Johtnstou are of; t'iliis meeting with great sac- .musicians :by the corrin amongst' .uti• ed b Messrs. W. • Davidson and , R,. cess in their sales stable' and made .ex- ,of Miss Scott, tvho o. gR choir only assisted ahs McKay ; the Si rathceauas, of Clinton, change of horses .that.. farmers ' have Methodist church choir o un n Sunday land by Mows, G. Duran and V. .J. Wick=;' been well pleased 'with ; among•the in the attractive service :at"song, .and the Beaters,. of Seaforth, by Messrs. J. -horses they now have on saie is a heavy render ed 'a ' solo' at the evening A, and J. id. Case The amendment . pair of beautiful matched'bleaeks, just service, in excellent voice. Eggs are to secure a residential grralificat inn the • team for a dray. The . schools going at from 9e -to IOe and butterfrom dating fr.tm the lit of April, was de- will reopen on Monday after the Eas- 14c_to 15c ; Canteicn' Bros. made the waled, tis was also that to abolish a- ter` vacation. N. B. Henry has a die- usual shipment of eggs to Montreal and field�' .L•f r casem s matches Cites inthe play of c 'tot • P os t'Y in b s P window Halifax,. t whf The cha.k square a n4 q i re fence has C. L A. will now: be pl rued in fear: reflect credit upon hie woz k.: H. smIth,• been crowded out this week. A .ecru. periods of twenty minutes each, with' V:etoria street,. has a beautiful .bed 'of mittee meeting on the,ppork packing Live minutes of rest int.ervsl-, goals to . sno.wdi ops.. Making . maple' sugar'is establishment was to have met on be changed only at the expiration of now the order of the day in many parts April lst but it, was postponed owing each period: The three football clubs of the country. At this season of the to the illness of the chairman. ..Mrs. entered for the .Hough are Clinton, year it is especiallyinteresting to call Reid, of.Princese street, moved to her :Seaforth and Goderieh enllegiate instie to mindthe weather of the correspond farts in Ratiock on Thursday, tures. the latter to. defer& t . GttN CLUB TOUuNAMENT --Goad Fri- day was an ideal day for the Gun. Club • , Rapid moire Argument in favor of our Will Paper Stook is the aseortmontt and the prise, In variety of design they represent silitastes, shades uses and colors, so in this respect fill a large olaes of wants. In price they are Whet we Swart try to have said by knowing people about a cit d p !l r goodie vier -equal in all cases to thegaality, aglow se we oan meltethetn and be honest, jest a fair profit is whatwe want and muethes All other prlce advantages to o B you, They please most people in all respeote. Wonder if they won'$ please you. The W. D, FAIR • 00, , Chnto% "��Oj�llttefn ��th�e����Cheapest---Always the Best." Pugs lilf►�lf Mitt �I ��j� 1�jj��,�)) `, ��TY1SY'I�YY'11'Y'lt�MMANYMA 44/844%4446.1v 104'111,1''114 ?'fr tested by the Goyernwei'tt, Any in formation regarding this industry may he had how either Mr. Forrester or Mr Scott, who have studied thematter' ho roughly, ghly, and to whom application be made. aroRTiz,a' ,NOTES. -The bowling club. Beam stair oarpets,all reversible patterns, plain or fancy centres with contrasting' no borders, 15 to 23 inches wide... ....,......,...... .....,........31�+ t0 ac. Union Carpets All colors guaranteed not to run, newest 1901 patterns' and colorings, qualities that will stand hard wear, reversible, full yard. wide 25c :to 60c• 1 Till Wool Carpets C • �ar p Our -stook of all wool carpets was made by the best makers in Canada e is guaranteed pure wool, and the colors ace fast, They' vary arses f9f pare wear, a fine assortment o at tyardare the ideal3carpet. .. f patterns, a� per 7GG, SaC , and Mc Tapestry est r � Y Gar pets • Hardly a piece we show but is new this season, small, medium and ;lar a desi gne in all the newest colorings, handsome designs and color biendin' a and good wearing qualities, at per yard 25e8 50e, GOe, Toe and Japanese Matting Grew more i n favor every season. Theyn are a ideal 1 summer floor covering. er � This spring w, show some 'particularly good value and sgood range of pats s, at per yard 1:.c, 20e and ,+r7C en oCloth and Linoleums • 0iic .18 inches to 4 yards wide, real good qualities, black or floral patterns,per yard • 1 5C to 3.20 Rugs Are being used more each season and are very fashionable -We carry a good assortment and can get any wanted size for you at a few days' notice. We remind you again that we know how to out carpets with the least possible waste and to make and Iay' them pro- erlp. CURTAINS DIREeT The curtains in this stock are bought direct from the man who made them. That paeans that they are bought at the lowest possible price. As w e buy so we sell and turn them °over to you the same way. There are hundreds of pairs of now curtains here all the way from 25c to $7.00 per pair. The patterns are new and correct and you'll- get the right styles and save money if you do your curtainbuying here. Here are a few curtain price hints. At Seventysfive cents 3!7ottfn�ham Laoe,Curtains, Si yards long, plain centre, fldral design boder, Ii0 inches wide, lock stitch edge, per liars...... ..,.'.........we At One dollar Nottingham Lace Curtains, full 8,} yards.Icng, 50 inches wide, look stitch edge, `handsome floral design, extra special value 1.00 :t One dollar and a -quarter fpttfngham Lace Curtains, full 8� yards long, 48 inches wide, locketiteh edge,very '` • new patterns, square border, plain Centre with dot, a nice bedroom curtain',, ' 2t One dollar and.Seventysfive Vibe Nottingham Lace Curtains, film, strong net, look stitch edge, 3i yards loin 60 inches wide, handsome vine pattern, per pair Curtains at $3,00. 1.75 Extra Vine Nottingham Cnrtaind, hand some border with small figure in contre,a wedeln good enough for any room, Si yards long, fine but strong net r•.rs sirs,rr.rrrrrrw'Irr ty 7rrrsk.,r,3jUV fat{ /fir, 111r�'' rli�rlt•.iiliiltlrt"tl'II',"i���1'l.�'•;,.�� ..:• finm..�. hiht Stti� Ftp Boblnette Curtails are the swell window draperyrno othose kind looks so fresh and dainty especially for bedroom or sitting rooms. In the Vatted States the demand is greatet.than the supply and they are growing mote popular -,here OVInT.....day. We show some handsome designs shoat, .The meet- craved anccessful, Mt?? r of r !Vitt! r r I be di; r rent events eels inn '. ly c on M t?? r t?! ort tt 1 '! t t t !ergs t t tun Ciut wasanhotrod cls. djvjd. • • tttt'ltttt{tttttttttttattttttttttttttttttttttt.rttttttttt. tg tt Gun 'Chit) rules, .and prizes vpere;divid- ,1 i for class -shooting. Outsiders.pres. sorsa • pr -pa Footwear Our great reduction sale for the past) few weeke,has been a wonderful success, the best we ever had. What we hayeleft of Jackson Bros''etcek,.'while it le composed of the beat goods, such as the King . Quality and the Bell Shoes for Ladies' wear, we are willing to lets them goat a slight advance on the Wholesale Price, wwauonfiin- dnceimexrfsfor•: a e e.-ofterint yos a_e r patraviugage, on. evnderythe_,pair! You buy. We tattier were at; entbnatastio over our stook: and our prospects for a big spring trade were never quite as bright air for this season. ,Wei. never •.had as good bargains to offer, never had es good a stook to choose from and never felt, more inclined to be just as liberal witn all who may favor us with theirpatronge. We are out for business, We are too bus to give any uotatione for this week but we have sews special bargains in. men's wmen's boy's, and girl's fine ehoes,, for Satnrday,`whioh it will pay you to investigate: • s , The -Old Reliable, Toe Store That Nearer Disappoints Taylor Cash and One Price. Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. ''1►11►''1i411%%4 %WS/4.1111 % ed Rut were Messrs Rnllingqshead, Dutton; 11Renedv, .Mehler,Ketchum from Ailsa; �-- �i ' �' , /' -.w Orel ice. r:om Cts.nde oye t) ds t C i B' f b.w�" and Bright from Sexforth, and Sinclair from Brussels, This. pairs was carried ear:. off by Mr Bice, who made 108 points �•• out of a possible 120,. capturing, about . $23 -prize money's E. Havey came next with a score of 103, with prizes of or - about 515 he also won the merchandise prize, The results of.,' the different Names Nntnher` nt Targets: • 10 15.20 255 15 20.15 -120 Hollingshead 7 14 14 21 1316 10- 95 sr-•. '.covey 813 13 20 14 20 15-103 do - Holmes . ' 9 11 1'3.19.12 16 6 - 86 Canteion 8 11 16 17 10 17 14 - 93 $ennedy ' ' 4 13 14 16 14 13 8--.82 i :3ice 9 15 16 23 13 19 13-108 t Blackall 8 8 15 19 12 14 12- 88 , events were as f flows' Dodds 811 14 21. X1.16 12 -- 93,`11110 whler 7 13 15 10 11 12 13-- 90 :sontiro The . Famous Clothing People ONT. a Retchutn 6 9 10 12'10 .. .6- 53 , �m" , 1 I' t' ' T. a '� n'�µ'9Furtr5Nrn63-b, Bright 7 $ 18 21 12 . . . 66 sour.- #ii c tircY ,• Sinclair 5 10 13 .. .. 28 r► C l` (ir •�' "C` $" A CASE or SMALLPDX -A few days 1: s. ". ',:',:e.. -. es O ettr.- etitew since Miss McRoberts, of London township, -came --here on It- :visit'..to, friends; she was at the time suffering Manufacturers of Fine Ordered Clothing 1lianiutactiire0 of Ready to wear Clothing Importers of furnishings, Hats and Caps. from.what'was thoughtto be chicken a►— ( � :"'xr�.'!�l��ii�t:< .". -��: '. �:��: _.� •rtr pox, but a doctor being called' in he pronounced it smallpox, Thegg irl'a --` immediate relatives were Sceptical,and' refused to believe it, and an . expert medico from Toronto wag called in, •+ who confirmed the opinion of the local. praertitioner. The girl and family with whom she was visitiner were at once quarantined, and every possible re - caution taken'ta' prevent a spread of the disease; the father of the gir 1 com- Ing•here was also placed in quarantine. Up to the present the ailment is matt- ed to the one individual case, and it is believed that under. the careful and strict precautions taken there will.be no spread of the disease. •A good • deal of sympathy is felt for the Gentleman at whose home the young lady is stopping, and it means that he and his family are subject to the same rigid t;ttar'antine, and his . burliness its, to a certain extent, at a Standstill, though there is not the slightest Cause for it. All kinds of sensational rumors are afloat, but the public need experience no alar in or anxiety, as the authori les are doing everything in their power to prevent any possible spread of the dis- ease. A press depatch showing the 1a- meetable condition of the relatives of Miss McRoberts, at their new holm in London township, to at; foilows:-- follows: -'"A distressing eight was presented when Dr. Mch'eili M. H. 0, for London township,, called at David 0. McRob- erte'house on the sixteenth concession. (Jets McRoberts, with his face covered with the confluent variety of smallpox, came to the window and, Rate he had chickenpox and not to ore afraiff, The whole family of five are down with entail -pox, and the oldest girl is in pito- ton Salta ;7 pease ton with the wlthfrills and lace and Insertion, The doctors Galled at thesch&4irid at. f1111lfiied. at,'St,2Lj tee 00 certained that the McRoberts' c I1drern • t1P..: had ole en of the bays e heard dontractepd pearshe d"&seade wails.aol,pg..vtth the 'hay preeeer%, aid sines than one by one :have been taken ill with whatwas sup. Posed to be chicken -pox. The tiealth Officer was busy all day vaccinating and quatrantining neighbors and those Who have been exposed. The young man haus+ been all overt even to Gran ton to getshaved, leo that it le difecult iv to tuay where it,wrill erne," ordered Clothing pepartnlent 3 Special features --Fit, Make, Quality Aiwa 3 Great prices --$1&&00, $14.00, $16.00 tis 1110, sotto 110.60r1te.•1111 - The keenest bnxyers in this coiintry will be surprised at the wonderful range of goods 11 �'' � �'' s we are offering at $12, $14 and $10. Never' before have we offered such values,but bigbuying for department enabled;us to do this. Then again ain leak andfinish, ' ih our wholesale g a �,t the cut, make �whlch we put in all , our clothing. �You will not see it anywhere at the price. Let us take your spring order now. We n is not hard to find.: , You will be satisfied you buy here. Y are having a big" rush and the reason Nat DeOattinotit See our spring hats before you buy and you will buy here., Our hats wear the longest and cost the least, Choosing a hat from our stock is a pleasure. We can please you or any other man with a spring hat. Our spring hats are 'brimful of style. - a tJw: 3 a • 'We are agents for the celebrated Christy English Hats and a is not e our ran q a outside the cities. Call in and see our wonderful hl�t X1.50g q�lalied: at . You can have stiff or soft and izt any color. A hat that will wear and a hat that that will give every satisfaction, iacks�n /3ros �aFamoua � Clotluna People. �wwwwwu�iuu�u�wiuwu�wwu�uiwiuwwulwruiuu�wuuuwiuuullu�i rv' ,,i..'"7.iL1J1,.,a.:nit..,.:ar'll+C lir. L:.ti'.°.•,tte.' - -- -.�ii�a'".. /t:.Yh.•'.,L. •y. .. •• ,. .4.if.. sits'• .'ut.uY �e.1'tA13:,eint{ ..'iw,l.;af,C�•.�.-. 3 ..