HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1914-04-09, Page 7READ THE LABEL
;a I I I Mall! 1,11 I I I I IIIMUMMUMINIMMUllgilltiffilliller
f.ove 11;1 /4100 111 00 11011.111,S the 1.1.013., i;olate.1 mad: awl it
site soblaid piteously, f was ono of tile.p. ,11011.10 tint
"1 \ 'ell, it 1111t,t, he at oin,(1, 1111 011111011 t11101. 11'0.11 011011 1.01.00 ;10 tO break
Mid:trod. "Y011 1111114 e11111e 11 1 11 MO 110 frail faslening, throlvirnif it back
now. I have but little time to spare if opon its hinges, and the tall poplar 10 v
00111111 SONO 1 11111100, 111))1 0110g where it hadfallen athwart
trembling hands she 1101110111 1111 I he ;11111 SISle.
11 1 t 11 1111 S11111; RIO 101101110d 111111 to the „ .
(»tillage; he lifted her Into 100 vehicle,
-implied Ids whip to his 10,000 and they
'1 a' flew down the road. ,
No \vord \vas spoken between thew—
/000» \\hen hoy readied the sinall
, al no ost consciorasne \s when
she sunk nitwit ott, the altar, as was at
(ins) sunnosPl110 gia,i of "wed ‘valer
-if am /milted her, and 1tarris re,
inteste I that the coreftionv go on.
.1111 t ditl go on to the very end, ond
,tti„ 1,1,1, they 0000o to— the fatal words were spoken that Itomul
told thiew rein. Iteautiltil Leafy 1 htton to the loan at
Frank llarris explained his errand to her side foo'
Toke one f te
i/1»111s1110,, d 1'0e;1e1t1t1
ollowed hitthevethe venerable pastor, who lol across
he ray, and tliny wranon standingfmnoa trvmbefore the sacred altar. A few spoken10100011a, nLiceaalflyv
ie tended her
\vords, and the gloriously beautiful girl to sign her 0111111 10 inarria").
by his shit) woolildbr. his own. gister, (Ineptly beneath biu own.
401,1 inastor looked at Ihe lovely She saW that it ‘1111.1 tile first signa-
young, creature standing beside tlf•e tore on the fiftieth paps. It was strange
Inantl»time man, 10 W01111 111%he that Ike impulse 010)0101 seize her to of,.
:Prig: (mat tInt tajfkgyoo, 111011/1/110 tiff, plgo, dazed, stanned, and
lied despair 011 her lovely, child- infortsick as elfe was. Th,
1.11 f„,,,„, or 10i00) it only Ids morbid PI to stand out in letters of 'fire, that
fancy? awl was it fanny, too, or did he P•Iforehed her eyes as rested npon
tautly hear thepiteous words; "lleaven them.
pity met" Stle hall barely dropped the pen from
"I am so old., my senses aro playing her iliattb1nd01 itraqirs err, prank }Innis.
ruo fake," he thought ; girl is low, mocking latij,0•17 fell upon her ;balled
a Rile j0.yrees_01 brides are ner. ears.
O ous while .they »tam] at the altar \rift) glow, my beautiful little
inan they love, 1 suppose, .111- he (fried Iritininhantiv. "I used
it is the ono great in 111010 elerer little strategy to' tvin y011, 010
001' marriage either proves a blessing or flear." he erien jubilantly, "hut all 10
It curse." 1fair lo love and war thev ear. I alight
)1,Iiite as death, Leafy stood by Frani: ns ',von "ws 10 the 011111 111111) 111111t
ifit04,],; ,fde, \OW, ,11;n ernol, 11S last. for what's done <fan neV0r
'wards 1\ 11101 \\10110 10 1011;1 lo siteloa trag. undone. The story 1 told you about,
were tittered. doe /4 all a mylit. Tlw fact is on the
(Mee or twice Frank fliarrif< look0,1
1)01) 10101]' into Ito. white T11 1111. 111 1111110
feared 0he would fall dead at ilissfeet.
Clearly, and distinctly 111)0110) made his
responses . Lealy's oilcans veitar
!Lately flaall)10, tioulil twitting. SLIVO Iter
ere it ups 'too 'late?
filloWly the old minister paused ere he
Tronoti»ced the fatal -words ;that fivinthl
fetter ftintse two liven together, asking
the imposing question of the prelude,
"'If any erre knows aright ,'Why this
marriage should, not lie solemnized, let
him :Teak molt, or forever hold his
A momentary siltintieftinened, the love.
fly 'beide trentlded, the lights f(ram tho
eliandelifir seemed to durkeit,
1010 finrilt,y thrill shot 'throtigh Frani<
Timers' heat 1, \Vhat if anything should
hopper' ;to ftear Infautihil Mealy 'from
him al the last instant. Ali! surely noth-
ing (mold lalnaelf•
Nit at that instan10 eni ithe minister
00)1111iproticed, the chitrolioloor was flung
" - • mai °Innen, rand sytta -
at "ire 1110 lo I?rily bride — toy- - That Terrible ratig
.Stirely britle Ilet 1111;1111r
.11111 11101010 1,0o1,e froin his lips in
gasps, I he nerspir.alion fairly elood
in Iwo& on his vein -knotted forehead.
"Not dead, repotted the venerahle
millisitir slowly; "Imi 11101001 SO 111111,
;"/I', V0111' yonng bride has fltid 1)11110
herds epteng past him like 11 mad-
man to \\1,11/1. the testify, 00 here he hail
bi laialy IlO so white and still, 11
ore of 1.10, 1, Illo fOR111-
110011011 111/01 1111 1 111e (001110 N'Ilive Of the
01,1 initlista\r, who \vas follotifIng /dose
behind lilt», eame to him dislingls,
"It happenediii this way. 1 hail gone
\vitt) the et. atiol atiross 1 110 01:0 to
'Udell towels and rt to maim the
t libtv 11111/10 001»f0111/1 NO; 11.1ion 1ro.
turned she wan gone. loaf lout beim
Orli Tref,/ 110 1 1141001.; :11111111 othar is
Cal Be Ov rcome
SUM-a:sista I
n Nearly Every Case,
'Thai hi:, ruble narvoustiesu and half -
nick, ling -fill -the -time condition is Inc
nine iu ten to It clogged up
tent. 1,i crow irrItrible turd depouil-
ent, \ lad< m111)11100, energy hetallf
all gone. rimiest road to health is by
the I'D giant use of Dr. I lam i
1011101 lleiy will make Yoh reel litie new
11111,1, it, 1 proy AIWA it at once, all 0111' in a short; time,
and learn if ycoo can the Pause of your Writing from his 110100 lo Darce-
young hi ide's flight: I ani (mile 1111. lona, Ale. lorederlelt ) ,01la er states:
nerved by it." "I think no otrti ever suffered so se -
Frank Dalai; mantis' ilfr hid111111:1,, Vert1101 NS 1 did for nearly trIx months,
in had unfolded il, and So many serious symptoms wale de-
rail his lurid eye.; over the bib( 000. velopiug 00 a consequence of tilts evil
tem, ,whielt were its followa': condition of 010 system 11101 1 realized
"To Prod; married ure 1 must litcl a renistly. Tho strong
thrtnigh frattd, but your duplicity shall pills of vartons kinds 1 tried scented
tly from you, 1 woma radier suffer it"nfateltit'i fft't 11:'tiv(tt'ir,fseec,tsaft'dvelle 001)ilt'lertiot0t
avail you uothitig, for I ping to
avail, 1,1;8,1 0.10, you. To 0010 011 Ill' 1011 way to turn for relief,
110' 111 tinni,o'01 1111011 t:), 1,11,o, '40)111000
orxr010- Ianedakt‘i' xl toun,s10ll
.3 stataisiiii(,
found a true remedy. Instead of
010, 111 001lI,)lll1'e 1,0 1,),10 nap, gyIpliig with undue activity, .Dr. Ham -
1100' 000 l"r,00k Ilarik' fnee lo a 41)11110Y1$1 1.00 110111111110 noate'.eladetilatstaultletn",ralllY 1)00'01'11
lima ride to rare as be read it through. 151.1 to i»erense the dose, arid, indocd,
'010it inh, al 4. ing 1 ,o, within a month I reduced it, turd when
11111 gei,1•1:Ii:li01}'1111111i'the system finally acted of its own
0101 001 1I 01iil-.4,171111: 111
tteCord as 0 reStulf, of l)r, Ilamilton's
parnee: that it shocked the liood 0101 Pillar 1 10011 a dose ',wise a Week only,
jitst to make sure the old condition
inimster Ito the 101;11 SOUL
"1101'1111 1e1 Ia0 1/11011 R1111 11 11;1 1111 ;11 Mk‘11.11'1 01011 0°".10 1010e10r"
No other rentedyr cures constipation
this," he thonglit, With 0 shinbler,
lovely youtte. bride !las wiferiped 0 veritte ell5ilY or sarfillY aa
demon '' D,44,1-lamilton's Pills; they are an, ideal
111 1110 101411 1 1111,1 Tie,tfy was speedinfs tluffilY "InedY rm.' 411 alserf8es of the
sterna tilt, liver arid bowela. Sold in
rapidly A01.1101 front the ;11111 Okt 01111(11'11
210. boxes, five for $1,00, all druggists
11,1 nrid storekeepers, or The Illatarrhozone
Co., hialfttle, N. and 1<ingston.,
11 11 101 A ;IA .1111110111 I' it 0010001.6d,
1010 1011 VII 11, 101. 10110111, 111 the
111Ifitile,,, ool the bight-, she did irpt. know.
!ler thought; were in 11 tumult, lon' iI,awio ro irre;datible together, mkt that
heart oit fire. Pre beautiful ;.1rangn0 should tell Leo 1'
'Oh, 0\ hat altx11 I do ---x Poe L 11"t' fl0110r0elle07
ate she moaned,inneing Ilimmefords hail novel. been uttered,
liertfelf 0,'p 110101000l4 111 the 0%1in-0/MIL. 11 1/1I0 more entail that (loath ,vould
ed grass. gna. 1 would give this \‘'CIVItt 11,11 atallact, Mal 11110 5101' swoold
if 1 hall .1110, 1'1 IA file, illie 10i:01111. ill all 000e1' link, been written.
olds alolo ,,,,11) to go 10-00110 olio olio 1 101;11,1 11'1,1 ell 1 111111 1111/1110 10 1111" 1111.11
111011111 11011/ and advise me, tell lig what "a 1011,1 0, 1,1f000t
1 011;414 10 do, Olt, mottle], mother; 1 0 '1' ltind to sympathize with
did yoo 1110,1 ro„,. 111100 ow, room for her on
1.11 I le Loot\ alone in this cold, ernel lwr; "I 11'llo 11111011111/11g
11 10-111 1" All thilt 11'01'0' wie in the whole
Tie.; Ballad 1,1 rapiaja appr,iiaertinv (qt)'. i01(t14 w.i.i.liar.1-11..ail-e.1 and tiinipil front
ria,ile wlieiii6 itroteted her tA nothing else Iff"j, l'"1111.11."
in Ille world rintlil have Mate, llitir.i. ',glint drew Leafy's ,iold, trent-
She sprang lo her 1,1, e111,e .0 startled line? 11,111,1 ill a eloirer, wanner clia-lr.
",in mailer, Miry timely your life 11111V
. ,
1 \ 'hat if 1/ 00,,,,,, her mortal Ine concloo' bo,,Iiolo,;.1,i
,,, it 10111111 1t
11d 11.1111,il,I,11,11 If „11,11)1,111,111,0,011„ne(
il111" hi search of her?
'lly this time he nine( luive .Iiir(ivoreil 1,111,1, 'linking hock her ,n"olden curls,
her flight awl the tipiffox.*::" would ttittM '
10 , 1 0010
,n,,1,f,11101,., 1101,I,,i;t6 1I1
1'1101'!ey, 01.II
,IIifil 1 :1'11,,'Iff,110)::-Inilf)
den him to a perfeet frenzy,
1 1 110, wk,,,,, lo find, in,,, i„),,,., 010 ins ite. I nip ,t foundling- loom] one slimmer
blaming on the doorstep of a poor
potent fury. 10.' might I<ill Pp.
<Om fairl \: flew.- ..
ljear lout \vingsoir,os,latanif,,,tir,ic.,,10,fr.,01t,,1,1a01-11)(1, i'iiititill'el".'s',:;:t011:-„al!,111I 1 \IIiiltni,I,Pe. III!‘kkivrte`f11. j.,`,:11'1„al
loath ber t.erzor was but too well Pfs loll book \vas 10110d by ute. 0thielt ttlso
tifmnfled - the partimai vont,tillau Stank ''''14i'llss'l a hriel. illsti' "oil l'illiug (hose
She tronid hear Ids loud. tiogry voles c',1jse Oho child well- git - Iter a tooth-
ss'n,"112. 41e loft Yoll 14110 met with quite rirginir hit pantorg, leam-fleeked horse 4
a ln,oeto,1o
rl"cr,il' eill'e
seen; ariehlnt, She 10(10) trampled rat to 'realerspeed. :,0,11\1''1111' .T'
hy in"o,'"'''i(0110).)':'r) tPo"o`Ik'
doiri 10, a hrsas site was ores:101g the She betvd the florist iiimreettiun that tthe poor xvid,t1lil alp
rood, 1111,1 1,100 151101, totl,no61iiiti,sheeeeeilliapied,,,,,y,trok3of1100„hip, II, and eared for me, lfcr yeas she
revived long enough to \rite a Mote 10 0,111 01e <no\v if he were to Tld her, ::t71i011,tlsllwhssl''11110,00
awl but no one (iyer mint.— no word,
'at line ,vas ever received.
"A l'erv 1)100110., tem lay foster -Pother
e .
ti,frkl. I would hare starved if 110, 1<itul
si fct).01 thistees !tad not tillstiii pity 011)t,,,7(1:11,11 lid 1 0,0,, lett ,,it 0100,' in' rh,
1,, tit; 1 gi 0011 110' II a illirgr,r school to
lidit.; sitter, all hive ttf ever Ihtowing
0, at \vas had died out of my levant ;
00 iitt lot in the millet of IAN' 11111111i11(1•110
0 111
11' Cti0111111111, It filld111111 l',1Y Ai light
1111,0 i till'Oligh the gloom of the 101ma,.
.1 le ter eitme to the village postoffieti
ra 00e ----a long leiter front my
14 Iteggell me to forgive him l'or hit,
eraffilnegleet, tosolaiiii»g that it would
be, Open intin woroe Limn lea to
bon tb, have looked upon the fact. of the
dart VIM hal cost ld,s fair piling 1)ride
hp lite nearly seventeen years igattie.
'110 110,1 gout. ahroad.11 Well 01/1:: he
retuned home after Imlay year., 1)1100'
'08 in bachelor still. No (me Iowa'
110, fol tottlin,, of that beautiful boo
rail ti'pe that had been 011110ted 11101
e11 11 1 i140 trtlf1:11,1 11>' a luroit T.
yon, the doetor guiding the tam io her
stiffening finger. They told her she
would reeover in the (arouse .0 a fort-
night. hot brain fever set in and 'she
died. I knew you \very ignorant off the
whop 11 1 1011', and I used name
to ivin yam, 000give me, 1.ettfe, conlil who inarriett uto through such mug
not give yon up, And now thrit you are fraud and trefichory, and he forced to
live with him as his wife!”
She rent -fluid a bend itt i he road 11110
ligil L. of a small railway station,
and the atilt 111,10;1\1er lient111101.1 of an in-
coining train burst into sight.
11105 it fate that paused her to think
of boarding the, train; going wherever Us\
tiestiniatioit might be? --witillter she M-
ile knew or cared,
live admit es 1111111e 01111 0,110 ryas whirl-
ing away' from her foe as fast as steam
could reavry her.
'4101 hod -gunkon' the enshioinur
seat Ivith tier thmtglits in too much ot a
'lin think. even; '
dad money enough 10-j. bor to talm
vend stallons distant; when slit,
d There wouldgm time en.
„hen to think \rim do
that her doom wolittl b faitled-
fweold show her uo meree,
"IVItere shall 1.11)010'' she cried, wring-
ing her siim, hitt' 1111 11110 thge11100 10)
114111il. "I 'would rather di.,
(hail fall ratio the marvel' of lhis man,
mine lei 114 the 1011/1t Of eaoli Miter,
I will inalo you a good husband --T
0111'))' 1 \yin!,
Leafy this gazing at hint \vith a white.
awful Pee; ever..< slow, deliberate word
he had littered had fallen like /1 'blow on
her liorror.strieken. heart.
Ileitice was dead, then, 0 ail this ter-
,aarifiee, that blasted o Iranian
IV/10 maile vrtin--all in vain!
Slut wras homn1 for iihr to the saloon -
1»g villain Who bad woo 'her by- a Dm -
ming; lie ---who lind used her 'love for
llaitlee to instiare hey, lletier death
thud; and dreary existence seem -
the lonely, friendles< girl drilling.
tile 00 the strami aerran of Me,
one 000''o \\111.11 ;1 11 t1111 Strellt11,11 or
mitiring heart, ,irot01 strang,oly
ittiother whom she loathed,
0) whom site was fleeing in ter<
ever .0 yonng girl's late wore
ti sent directly opposite tarrifyr
Ming niol beautiful girl, Sim hail
itelling 01(1' tear-rtained, wistful
,10 essed close against the whitlow,
11 ivas vote hall an hour era fie ra-. toyer WAIN' Italy b1111 (Alloyed the ear.
torned.'ind ilieftre 'he .erossed 'the portal -She could 1101, Recount for the ilfmnisa
be luiely sonnething lind happened --he that caused Ina. to rise hurriedly end
rend it in the white, startled faee of 'the cross 0,10- fto NV 111.111 site -1311 ti
111I01001' .‘01411 nava:need to 'Von are in thmlila—you are crying,"
meet bile. alio iib, itt 10 9111(tet, 001111111t1let01e Nolen.
"tireat Ileaytin!" he htriexcitely, mem 1 lieln you n any array'? I have
"what Tins Itannened---wo yll l , goat cause for rejoicing tmtlayog
1 hat it mats any happiness to sp. any
taw sad."
glanvell op in startlell dummy
into the li000bio1, girlish face bending
over Joni. The Ind \oily eyes gazingslowit
itt, her were kluile as blue as lier own,
her Intir ,just 50 goldett.
'No one eat\ twin returned lanify
-ortr sorrow is too gr,rnt
tor test, I must aravy tho' burden .of it
rlways,- until death release -0 ine, 001 lo:ool
win\ relative 10 11 1111111 I could go for (gm.
bon, the future fa mild 1,0)1 be 11,) 1)0
and tlyeary---lint, alms; 1 ;urn ,obi 01011 111
L111' 1001'111."
'l'o'000 sprang to her companion's pretty
blue 0)'fis,
'All alone in, the world,' elm repeated,
0..1010. no elle IL110111 better num 1 did —
up to yeslerdity---the bitterness Oat lie‘ot
1)0 11110sa few arords.
-Perhaps you woolil forget your sor-
row if 0 were to tell you my story; and
WI10 ha some smolt bright wimp
awaits you. It is strait a short story. T
ran tell it in It vrir,y few words.' '
Wits it the horrible irony :01 fate
that tlicee two pining sirbi should 110
berm gatinning snare nightfall r
lrrolon forth 111 »13 its Any%
The thunder roithid in the distanoe
1101 vole(' off an angry fled, and the
vivid lightning 'flash ',wept descll'uction
(15 vvery side. n1 its fiery path as it
stniel, the trembling' ;snail. Ctiani ;Irani
Nverf. uprooted rind 10c01101o00'
PIM A1111.01K
Count Ten—Then Relief Comes (;tim Troe. of Australia, 'and this is
fortifpartiesied by other gertn-kiiiing pro -
from Chronic Asthma. which, when so scientifically
combined, make Caiarrhozone' a vet-
' able specific For ),stIona,Catarrh and
Nothing yet discovered can compare it
; . '
t 11101101101(0,with Catarrhozone in bad, ugly case') •
of Asthma. 1 Ele10 though many other remedies
Catarrhozone is the only remedy 0 have failed—even though you are &-
that can be sent quickly and direct to <managed and blue—cheer up and try
all parts of the breathing upparattis. Catarrhozone to -day, What It repeat-
edly has done for others it will surely
The effect from Catarrhozene is' a ;
net fail to accomplish for you.
qttick enc—you feel better in no time ;
"Ir—keeP 010 the good work, use Catarrh- ; Patarrilwxne is not expensive, One
zone as directed and'you got doilar will buy a complete outfit front
„ Yottr case is curable, if anything ; any druggist, The money will he weji
0 earth can rid YOU permanently ofspent beCaUse your immediate int-
VAtIthma, it will be Catarrhozone. It ; prevenient In health will surpass 00111'
'ICOntiTins that strangely soothing 1101 1 fondest expectations. Don't iralt—Ao;
powerall found in thir Dine day is the time 10 U00 Calitrrbozone.
,..tinve maths amends for it all
top 1]' 01111,': "I have trivet] ntr story
t0 ho. Oh, ilatighter; N‘liose --
11,00"A'i.ii I Ito not. know, \mole to Limy I Counts There, a
00 N.: 1,00,
I Lot:Arent uealtii, ill .11,011 lea show -
and my nitree, \vim
,,Ped 1,1 inherit the fortune of her
Int. 1100111, 11110 11111) 1111.. 1 11,011g11
1111,'4,11 of their 'brilliant c‘peet
theu you 1010011:, darlina,i, for
*44.'11101.; romaniki, 1," Din-
ah' la: 1Iiirti; "bat every %Yon' of it is
hue 1001 nty goal fortune Int; eann,
too I ent'' she whispered silly, '1
001 10 11111g to enjoy a father's
love ia<lt to, 01 fnr 11
11,11 t1001110.- eonsantntion 1010ri0eal ate
10 r'' lire,V long ago, sod 1 Int doctor
(eh..0 thairt 11' bit a few short,
utonei- thr. lutstt. Papa ;rill 11,1 me,
toduO loose ma ver,t soon,
era, pap!' ;sin' nuclitiintel. \ tending
Tito phi Ito liad inelosed in Ids !otter;
tt,e, iu,tv kind good Toth-, and
leilter; it itimeats though it
Ine; 1,11 blotter troth tiara.
na etailt Leary, farg•ffal lier
ottoi ottot over the letter anti the
laxe whiett 0101 10,111 111
110 01 11(0 tool friglitfol ifonfoxim
reige fjtild error; of t ror, 11110-
ana frightful ,ricait forward, and
pled all'' 'tlitT leashing of abuts otal
woni10,00010. rent the tilulit air, The to
7heil - gee darlottiss or deal'', mingled
with lb ttionns of the elreefl 111
111•010,1 if for 1.eitfy and her efinipattititt,
limo. ',foul' when the gra,\- light wf
"„nifj ,I.twated, matt the search ffir the
1011111 goltiefehaired girls lying side
titv rom the let ter ,L,eld in oiol
had tiotttit mer 01 ling she EciE
held 11,
at 111c. 100
010-11 010 11011114e tI0)t1'011110 loo] la kcal
'kit' 110'et0leitIl11111 i1 -1011
COI1111111 111011, (1 A) ai/A/0 11 1111 name and
101,10 hong in lite leiter), informing
hip of the foxiineitt, and letittesting bi
lo ne oil ;1 11 1 11 1,0 e11,11110 of his
.11, for I le. compli. :Odom. of tie
noi-I cruel. 1 loire uu as 110 01111 IA fell him
of rho 'fatal mirtaloi Wat, 0 00
ring' 11(1 11 Ivan Ike gliebalrirkell
(0,)1 hl,,il if 100,,, lot his tis itgh
ler ot en whom lie ail, 1V001011'4 n.1011
Aar, .10 tong Men Weep hat once in
0 it:clime.
Tenderly the 1..1 1 1.1' and nisi ate were
'Minuted front Leafy's tflottiliing fingers,
110 1/Iff 11111e11111i, :'',,i 11,Itighter
lay told and still in death 110atting
idenlifiliation, Leafy, still unconseious,
win, retool ed to ids mansion home 111
(To be Confirmed.)
The Gray Ones Are Wiping Out
the Black,
hats aro exterminating thatmulves, ite•
eording to f'rof Id. Elliott, an Idnglish
scientist. noire IA, 111 110 Ol0151111t time,
tu race ar atnong rats. The Ida&
rat is being driven mit by the nraY rat,
atal the gray rat Is In tam» being hilled
in largo numbers during this rat war,
le. Englund and in America, along the
Atlantic coast, the gray rut is supreme,
but there ure nut nearly half us many
gray rats there now as there were a
few years ago,
liiven now, though, iTio coot nf hos IS
01101'1110118, 11 11118 beet, eatimat,,d by
Prof, Elliott that the cost of the rat ht
England alono is over 1,000,000 annually,
'11110 means, of course, that the rats
consume each year food to the value of
101 other countries rats eat food at
atna nceti, .1, , 1101,1,yg, gth ,c1q0 A0n1y i0
t ,tt 001,11 i,ttsq1101,0
, 011:11;
is tim suin demanded by each rat in
Prance, An international union has been
otgani0e10 1.hutre to exterminate them. In
Atherica It 01 es.tlnuated that the number
of,. rats Is ncarTY Mind to, the popula-
tion, but they 011'o' ha 11011 l'I0 00 1111/1/10.-
(1,10 or dest,talethiC 00 Alm rats found lo
nams of the foreign countries, and are
more easily 0,0 terminai.ed,
It is estimated by Inuf. Elliott that
there are 40,000,000 rats 111 Ulu 10011 101
10th»stila's nanolatIon 1,0) outnumbered by
ruts; 10 the extent' of four rats to raid')
human bettor, The average ra1 l,i ludia
cats fowl to the value or 3 cents.
.1 VIM LIAW you the feeling "out of
sorts".—not your usual self. (111110
evhrusted 1t times and cannot de -
veto real. energy , to , your tvork,
sleep does not rest you, and: ypti
1110 feeling "all tired out." litrri
Imps rheumatism is flying througll
your muscles and points, or may be
ytur skin is disfigured by rattles,
bcils, or pimples. 14,2;111011e0, tWilIG;OA
of iteuridgia, fits of nervousness, ir-
ritability of temper and a disor.letied
stomach often inerrrase your dlsecri-
fort in the spring,
:The 61 loan lett its. inia6111c
'you. These trouble; are signs
that your blood is poor and watery,
Oat your nerves aro exhausted. Yin
tonst Dillow and enrich your blood at
once' mill restore tone lo your tired
nerves, or there 1101(3' be a rompleto
bream:town, 'fire most powerful rem-
edy for Enos, miring ailments Inflier.,
women and children is lnor.
Pink: Pills for Pale People, because
Mese Pills cleanse bad bloatb nail
iitrengthen weak: nervea.
New, rich, red blood—your greatest
11000'101 spring—is plentifully created
by Dr. \Villirtras' Pink and
wltbo 0 11110 new, pare blood in your
Ve1111t. Y1001 miiekly regain health and
inerearto yeult strength, Thiiir your
bkin ibt comes clear, j;our eye; bright,
yonr nerves strong, and yott feel bet-
ter, cat hotter, sleep hatter, and rare
able to do your. work,
IIItigtti year spring tonic, treatment
to-dari for tire bloed an 1 nerves utter
130'. 'Williams' Pink Pills—the PI 114
that strentrthen,
There Pills aro sold by most 01e11 1-
01'2, Mit do not he borstiaded to take
"ubniatliing Jost the i0l010," Ir you
can't get the genuine Pilbe front
your dealer they will be stnt you by
mail, post mild, nt 50 errors tr box or
six n.510 by wrijin„,„,
Ori, Medicine Co, Proct.
vitro, Ont.
Everything Else.
As in ererything else, manually connts
in hunting Jobs, .
01 few yertis ago n managr:r for a.
v,tholesale saddlery ool 11011100A, 0011C01.11
10111 1118 tAI, and wanted anotlibr in thc
ShITIP 11 Ile Oc 10 Wilt, 110 1011Cett it Idge
/10001A/810 111Allt in a journal trade. This
utuiverldsoment Rod the applicant's
qualifications, Ms past record and his
expectation ns to salary, Though the
advertisement cost him more than 08.,
11 gave him hts choieo of three offers
at a comiamstiflon In per cent, higher
than the rthuee from. *which lie had been
A ,..tr..01, fatiov 00 )10 hail decided to get
int.a sot -rattling less monadic hit liiiintn-
apolis in the initial° of winter Ittotiing
for a job. Tie spent two 0'' 1,' in
quirhtg (hat LIPONAlft fl1101.000. Thr,
WeIll 1.01 the proper city official and .
cured 0o atenet (ulcer's license to 11 010 fif
a certain street,
liy follow Mg his folio!. tactics, he stmn
hail plenty ot hearers. But
trying to sell anything he asked every-
body who itsitmeil for a job, rri,„ ria,q
clay didn't mut him anything bin before
noon of tho see.ond tiny be bad been of .
for,t1 0111111001111O0t RS /1 11111101/001% 00,' se-
ceptr,1 anti Is still in that business, mah-
Ing money,
..A country boy wont to an Ohio owm 10
look for w talc, it was hard iti cind and
arts compelled# to neeept Da, pia, ab
ringing a brill In front of a cheap eating
Ionise for Ills 18. 11... observed that
if anybody \clot carat...fed by the tall
ringing his 11000 01000 Walt) I, LA trod
1iff' 11101111, 10 111011 10/10 el111 111,1 111/ 1,111101
11101011 1.11/1100 propped up against the build-
From this the boy evolved 11 plan to
better Iti»Lself. -.won the confidence
of n shin ;minter, 'and liad a sign pann-
ed which. 11010111 "I'M 11 00111011' boy, ant
of worh. Who will give rile a 101,"" ife
need: this sign and aftrr hinclu borrowed
tho restaurant lfeeper's bell aml stood on
the curb anti rung; it, T111ReP1.010y notiend
the boy 11101 the sign and It wasn't loan
until a dairyman ban given the youth
em ployment.— NOV )110111c. 8011.
Suffered Terribly, From Eyebrum;
Spread to Neck, Chest and Arms,
Completely Cured by Cuticura
Soap and Ointment,
lirierrrest, Sask. —" hen lay batty boy
1,.0 ;1110111, 101111 1110111 11110111 110 /11111111E04 11,1-
1110ly front eczema, Tho 1 rouldo started in
O rash anti was very itchy,
10 math, Illin very crass
and fret ral. T noticed flay
rash first in Ills eyo-irows,
From thero 10 spread ta
Ws, Ms neck, client and arms.
When Ito would scratch,
It wonid maltio soros,
"I got medicine Intlf It
dld no latish 1 tried 011-
torent; remedies Y01.110111/
result. .lt lal 1 gou, ru
uuu.-oluits of 1ii'11110111.11 11'0)1111 11110 1)1w mon( ; :tit
1,1.1 ('01118 10)001 1,,r; 0'O',, to f noriced
O than parC,Iaaa C.,
or 0 uieura soap and f 'otIC`Of +';j,
VI% 0 WWI a 1101. 0o,l, \vat) 1 if
8c0.11,1 ii:lt ^ward 1itit1 „.0-,
the faith:ma Ointment. Before i lo,,Imisit
itiaf of thc Cutlettra Soap and Ohilnuont bi
luau; completely cured." (slimed) 10.110.
11. 1,, Stroriaber% 11000,
T1111 1111e111.1111 Meat:1R 1011100001)0ibr toilet
and bath not only tends to preserve, purify
and beautify the sluin, scalp, halr /1110 11111111S,
11,11 aiiduits la preventing Inflanunallott, tyre
tationand clogging of the pia t tho common
catcre or pimples, Nat-id:tans, redness ;nal
roughnt, yellow, oily, moilty and othei-
umwholti.mnu. conditions of tho shin. 0,10].
00011 0a010p and Olittnicat are 0,0,0 by drug-
gist and dealers everywhere, Ina' a 'thetab
free sant* or cre 1,, vi it h ne-n, book, stead
posi,fard to l'oher Drug Cbetn.
beot. 1), li»ston, 18.0.10.
Enormous Quantities Carried
Down by Great Streams,
l'Isatri every sonare mile di »Lied I0v 0)0
Sol tons of -ails itre deposit.
iftl ;mouldy in the (fel( of 2dexii.10, The
itifehige oat flo10- of hie ti el is platfe,I
0,0 tifiAAltitl toil& feet pel Ala
f1'001 nalysis of t his waffel tim
itinount of material in solution to
;no hid Ity the .Nlist-ititilyti has beim al -
1.111i1 1 1111. It 1100,(1)011, Ili,, 10110'10101, 11111111'
tit of 108,40b2.0011 tr.
he =molt of sediment '1110,1try
ilre in militia]: to theor
1; Noumea... Tio, q,limi. 11 3. ,mill1-1,1
to to, tuer 1,1
lov to 1], 1., .11iliott, iilgint 0101,51110,
ontifoun pounds, ot <Mont ItISJ1t10.1.010f1
twos. '
'these Ale the Itr,,ult ,,t inr,
verrtigation of the of weijana
strarim rvatei0, nook. 11,0, the inited
state, ifettlogleal sttrvey
their fitness for irrigafi
The 1111prAgQ
per 100' 10 \
to II7S.11101 (ff
silsiffUleT dtil mai te.fif. tfa Luc 1 by
rjvul, thole Pf(I al' ''10' giou, tjyt,„
this 1r1 111,S011 101 ,1111-11,1111, transom.
inttt the sea, These 0Usoilvtiti salts
40010,00100 ton, of ....Holum salt. ;bib). 10
tons of 0 flialligis salts annot alit to is
of lime. 2.100,110o ton: of gypstatt aUfl
1,,,(11.1.11p11 tons of initeafiefion sidunale
salt-, Inuit:011J 10 total 00,10,
41101)0lO tons of dismIved matter annual.
1,0' carried into 1 (folf of California •
this id\ elf. In snit.. 8 1411.11i,
111110, allloalit, or 1
1.on-1)ered to ba
ft stream of 1t0111 Mineralization ier
\\ esttro sg-tiou of this tionntr,v. This
Ls ,ltati to that foot that the amount, of
fer 1., to °not -meet, :II 1 ''lpO''tll 10
the dissolved 'lil0s. litat the,\ are titi1J-
a ,cry small tomer:Con of 'die total
di -charge.
commit( nti 1,104 110 .4111.1$ :01,
E1/11 I",nl, 111 111, IL011. II 11 el', IA
0,00lop mint. it 0,0 11 that tho 1td-
or0titt. This, isirthoditt t:ver amimally
Lutabonti Ions of iminnoto
is 011101 1,1 1.0.0 tone nor
,I1111 1 0 mile of atea drained. it Itile tht
iliseharge of salt front the 1 111011111,1
1211 1110, 010 1,11111111110 T11A 11/101
amount of salt annoally earnied :tarry
1,, tile Maur Fork 201rinti041t ing<,
if sill and muff
061810 10 !liver amounts,
ns. 111 affflition to thiJ
It 11111't he 10/11111 01 111I11,1„ 110001 Al,
that these 900011i1h0s, sast as they are,
atiphistiat only a fife, tion of the tido;
matter 11 a indit aol, The mud, 'and, -all,
and roodue1n of roe], deammarsition are
de pie -it tal a Ittn, the entire coti(sit 00(
1 int iu tool uu hat' ',report itm 1,1 1 In,
\ciwitt at 1,;1) find, 11- 1,10. Mtn (bo'
;100,1 II 110 1;00 can -ay, but the frald Moo
0a1111111 1,1 Fee. Tt,biol
Quick Cure For
His Rheumatism
('le Suffered for a Year, but His Re-
turn to Hcalth was Clulcir anti Hia
Cure Complete.
Pararg lands, Que., April IT, ---
tSPeCitil).--11ow 1T0th:Ta lia-
ney Dills will (rare 1111 tonatisci and
other forms of Kidney Discami affirfi
tatien Ill the early stages is shown
in the irase of Mr. Reid. .T. Pyle,
w ONV n f 11 0111g T10111' II MIA.
ljt an interview )Ir, hp lo says:
'M'orking in cold, wet weather was
the cause of my trouble, and for alarnt
a year 1 had occasional cramps in the
11111hele8 10 )00 stiffness in the joints,
was often dizzy and felt depresstal and
low spirited. I 0.11,0 nervouso and my
skin itched and burned at night,
"When ithermartism was finally
added to my ills 1 deckled to try
tiodips Kidney Pills. One box cured
me completely, and I 110001 bad no
return of 111:0 trouble."
Dodd's Kidney Pills cured 1\ir.
pyle'S Illiemaatism because It was
mused by sick Kidneys. Dodd's
Kidney always rare sick Kidneys.
If you have any two of Mr. :Pyle's
symptoms, you 11 ItVe %Lek Kidneys and',
You need 1)011010 Kidney Pills.
Ono good thing about green hair-- All the goodness of a good egg does
hilt 110(01 a eruct wound just everybody will know it ris rlyeol.--Warh- not make up for the badness of a bad
1,*-yeined tvinply, Her idem Ington Tferald, etjg in the cake,