HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-04-12, Page 5� .� I
. 1�1
I � - � __1 - . � - �'.T. ", 7:,' , * .- - .. I I e-.11111- .1 I I'— - � _.W;.-_' l�11—'%wapp-M -T" -51--'1%,.".
. -4 .... rW1WRM4FFWT IF. A -1.77 "7'w' -__-_`9r7 ' ---',q",v,
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.0 . "P71M
* . �. I �'f . � I I � . I I I . ' . .1 I I - ,am"
. .
. � I 'ANT TO THE MIXTON NEW ERA , - . -, - -, - �� �-, -, t 7 - Z '-
� I . S.UPPLIMML I I I 6 � � ,
. ON W! IN L � ------------ --�----�---,�--��-.---.--,------- - -1 I
. - � ,� 1--.1-1---.,_,-___ I I I
11 - AN
''' - ------
he stow lor, 0, M01 X�! and
`Tullilerooilerean,dau Jtbl,noi,eQ,ln,ttt,"hull'pl,,,rllb,,;elalI
lookO Into Ills face. '
*#to+"+#+++++++++ +++Off0
1-1 I__
118SUR NO 15 190 )
it motber'a
,, "It
I "ALF, t
bow Votesits A3047III btrugglo for 4
___.-_. -11 11
I .
. . �
is nk, bat to 1.
How, I till Hot vii9t.
. .
� 'axr.
I �
TUa evil 1% uot of oar dobig Ill
. IIAVT=,%� V.
0 'XI.
V N* &V +
The Harp . P.Y
. y Uding ,of a Vol
to call, havIU8; aurved hill 0 ittly
anTal fee ,
I 1101
Ung lit$ bLi,by legs tired of ,bc.
I ff
W, %
, k
01 It Was Mr. Sabin." ,
serloup 44d Painful 04se.
weight they had uut yet leartiod to"
carry, latcl blm�alf down. On this U6>
.. I
. Trade is confed,erating the Empire. 11 I
It was still an hour' or two before
,4'Wlly,. What's tbo. matter, daugli�
cow. shifted her position. f4he turned
. 0 . 'Ad 0 K6.
. . . +1
Britain is Qanada's- hesit Oustomer, .
dawn. No traco Whatever of the
maurad.g.re had boon discoverqd, either
ter 7 *Uoen marrtiod but a brief month
and Weeping too bitterly. I Tell we
Mrs. flughes Was Very Ill -01oated
limit round, and lifted her head high,
AV 0110 Uid Do a sense of peril wall
, I I I ,
I - .1 I � - . I .. '
Britain cannot kmy I? she does. not' sell,
outside the. house or within... . �Vltli,
difficulty the Emr), bad been per.
what Is the trouble. Surply- you and
Jaol� havou't quarrolod already.., 4ave
and 11% 00"staut Allsviry, $tie Butter"
e4:For Foor'Years, HQXore the Veed
buroo, In Upon, )ter title uootrila. Hhm
recognized It Inotantly. With a, isuort
If p.ou have neuralgia, Sco -
I I �
sanded to tell Ida smoking to-
you ?" . . I
Dodd's Kidney ,Pills- 5bo, Is New
r anger she igillfed rtgalu;
0 "'I'll
.I--- .�L
Eluu.14on of Cod LiVor 0 1
Woo TEA drawa In a BrItIsh C,olony by British capital.
to his
volver, and ItaT116:1111red , room.
, 413ima"Lv
"No, in r
Well and Happy,
i9taujpeU a challenge with her loro
. "
Teas In, leall
The doors had all been looked, and two
"And lie hasn't gone away an() aeft
I .
110010, and levelled the lance-pollits of
Will feed the� nerve that is c1r,
a. are sold seatod
"SALADA" .'�ey,',(,) , '
to In bulk#
Of the, most
c trustworthy servanta left
In charge of the library, W 91=
;you, I'm, sure,"
Qh, no, mammo, I Jack be
%1mley, Ont., April 1I.-fteolal.)_
Nelsolt Leflar, Jit.-t1ce the Veaca
liar horilielowards tile menace. The
neXt moment bar eyes, inado keen by
Ing for, food,it 'is hungry--*'
a only, , niyer
pack ,
wouldn't ,
tho fear love, detracted tile bI40I
, rllxed or Uncolored Ceylon
Blh � �
had lithwelf accompanied ,,,a
upstairs, and after a low words with
- quite Ail recall as that."
"Then w,hat in the worldoa.0 have
of this place, voliolloa for the t�rutll
of the following. interesting story,.
of g
outl1up ol the bour's head through the
and set �our Whole, bQdy going .
I I .
Green. .Samples on application. Address 44 SALAD,At" Toronto,
him ,had returned to, Ills own -apart,
inerit. With Ui mother lie had scarce-
ly exchanged a. isingle sentence, Olkoo
bap an
Is�p ad to make ;i,ou so�mlsorable?
44k In trouble --I mean, has he
. 1.
met with any reverses?" I .
told by Mrs. Tlivarlas Hughes.
I -
Verification, however, wIlI not be
necessary to. th000 who. know Mrs.,
coarse, screen of the juniper. Without
a 136c0ad's hesitation, Rho fluOR UP
liar tall, gavp m short bellow, and
. nery
again, in a way to satisfy , *-�
and brain from your usual food.
. �. 11 1. 1-1 1. � -1 .1 11
1� . - . . .
� I I 11 I . 11 .
i !It!g! kttptAn�'ll""�'ll",��������������� . ..... ,� ... 0��,011�
il!111�1 ..
+� .
their'eyes; had met, and lie had till.
mediately lookeil away. Nevertheless
"Yes. mainins, that's it I I -
, , . Ila re
Tersest, When. ho ivas courting me
0 a
Hughes, its that, lady Is n of the
mo,it euwd residents. of
charged, .
The moment she saw herself detect�
the bear her hind-
That is cure. . . .
lie was not. altogethe� unprepared for
that goutle ktiocking . at Ills door
which came about halt an hour alter
lie never. left the house till :114 o'clock
or,after and now be14 reversed that
, .
rWo andilever 0oulbs home tillabout
y. . Hughes says:
Qroy C1101ghl(
, 'I I was a great, sufferer for fou r
years. I was treated by four doctors,
ad, rose upon
quarters; nevertheless
I '. site was In 0,
measure surprised by the blind fury
. I I
- If you are nervous and *M- '
table,* you ruay only need In. Qro I
. 0
I . . ,
the house was once litore silent,
Ile two at once from his obalr0
that time.11—lachmolid, Dispatch,
. I — . '
A DO. -aspeoiall.,it . from tile United
States, I tried nearly every kind of
of the attack. Nimbly she swerved to
avoid It, Writing at the same time
fat to cu-shion. your nervq*--_.
. . .
seemed �ecnrcely a alght for sleep—
and opened it cautloust). was
An embarr � gave gut
, nosed, minister
the first line of a bymn ,.
medleble ,I could be4r, of, but none
seemed to do me any good.
4 9troke with liar mighty fore -arm,
which, it it, bad found Its mark, would
You are probabl, , d. -
V thin--:a�
� �
� there
Lady Deringliam who
"This. world Is all it floating shoe.11
"I was"In bed ib� nearly three
have �mmhhed her adversary's neck.
- I
,Scott's Emulsion Of Cod Liver ,
white and teembling, He held. ()uj,
frilat did Bound right and Oia
years. I had pains up my Aiplaml ool.
But as she struck gut, In
Oil will 4ive you the fat, �t6 be,
. . .
. � ..
_ .
his hand and kilie leaned heayll$ on
It during; her passage into' thO�
. I I
made an attempt. , I
uct , 1 1
"This world to all 6 -shouting f ea.' -
umn, Ila my head, over my eyes, acro as
my back,*tftrough. roy left side, and
of ell -her Position, a depression
. ,. i,ftlnw
of the ground, threw bar off her bal-
� � .
gin -with. . 14 .� .
____ ___ �
4��!-?_ 0��p!i�?i?22�� �52�� �����
�____ � �.�11'�
.... -11
,� � ..... � -I
Wolfenden began to feel that they
rpom. I . I � -
' I
He wheeled his. own, easy ohax be-
fore the fire and helped bar. Into It.
Driven to desperation by thesm I
b tas
of his congregation -lie charged ato It
O�caalona.11y, In my right side.
'Tor three nights Lit a time I would
never In .
anco. sharp
� horn caught her alantingly .in tile
flank, rIppizig Ito way upward, while
Cure, so far As it , gdos, ':
Full' cure is 'getting the f4t'
I A Midnight Visitor.
were on.the Chreshold of a tragedy,
; They had reached the ground floor
She seemed .altogether incapable of
top of his voice. ..
"This world is v .a. sheeting TIOW, ""
close my eyes sleep.
terribly bloated_so that' I could. not
the, maEl impact threw liar a o her
� . I I P
. ..
11 , ;iPed frorri- -
msualjood Alla_�.-
-wolf I Wolf I,, ,
� ,bt In front'of thera was.
novs-, stritig he sound 9f mufflO,
door, T
.0P` eoh. ��he Was tremblfitg violently,
' , �
-a nd liar, face was �erfeetly "bloocitessf.
Then he. oat down exhausted ivii'lie
, .
one of the deacons read. ' ' '
or walk. Ky age .was fort
Bit up : Y_
one whon as tak,
-Iw -an sick. .
back. . . ... ��
" �
Grappling, she had her asiallanVa
. .. . , ., .
�Ieol tt'� Emulsion will help yoti
- . Woltandea. to whom sleep before the
early morning hours i vas a thing ab,
the library .
movements within the room were di�-
ible. The admiral's br5atb
Wolfendou droppe d . on lili knees by,
h at side andbegan.chating, her hands,
I �
"This world Is all a fleeting show," �
, the
11 a have taken In all foarteen'box0o
Of Dodd's Xidney Plllu, and now I am
haad a ad shoulders In atrap, And her
gighn ti C claws out through the fleSh
. I
-to that- -- - .
. .1 � .
salutely Impo-Able, was lounging In Ills
Vzotly aud ,
. . , . .
c,tme fast. , � I .
. �
Tile touch of his fingers seemed - to.
. I
revive he Bile was not already judged
which was correct , version.
Clergymen are particularly subject
strong, and able to dq a good day's
- aill minew like ki;lves - but at the ded-
perate o dload ran cage 'or be. r. position
df 3rou hive not tried ft,*send'for free s=^ -
taste will surprise
avo You.
oasy chair meditating on tho. t-yents
*X the day over a final cigarett,'. He
"Tread I!1;htly, Wolf,"'Ile muttered -
" -ear. us I Lot us
Don't let them h
then; She lifted liar oyes, and loqked
� '
to tha� pranks of. the little word Imp,
but are always conscious of it
WOT -k, as I have ever' bE.eu. The doo.
tora said I had Rheumatism. They
sale - could . inf lict no disabling ,blow,
C & BOWN'S, Cheinisto, - . �
. I
.Toronto. -
had come to hie rQom at mldnliht in
rather a.,ft0c ftmpk
catch them red, -handed .1" . .." .
-, - ddz6w- . '01"t M
6 last "-rdr hww y-
at him sorrowfully. I � .. .
-,untaL-tho—omlss,lot"r,--�ev,a6ion--h as-
produced a sensation, One deliberate
� . sald�_t�ila t -zoilifilg_ could. be,.-dene.-for.
. .
me. �
The coyv,_ q4.,t4p.-6t,bcLi�ho,xi.d,.,thangiv
ififfIlRed 4�d at _'
I reaming with blood,
kept her
�,____.. . -spo.,4ud-$r.b6i'�a�l.,dmg&tgi-.-.--,,-� . I I
I I � . � I .
. � _ _,W� .o...Q.I-.jujAO-�Ab&-:.-�put,-th
day'b happenings had scarcely gone in
Ids favor. Helene had looked upon It. Ink
was diver White -flags tasselate(l, and
like marble. Woltendea's shoes
den?" she asked. .- ...
11 . thought, about It at)
.1 have lint
"speaker alluded -wr�4. Sunday to a
church supper Was to begIven
.111 was nqt ablo. tc? eat any,thing,
Qlll�. ciorn starch and aouj�) of solue
pounding with. whole mas-
,live, weight, and with..short, tTemen-
. -1 -, -
I . I
tokily-almost with, 6-aspiclon. In the'
I .
moruln.Z he would be able to expla i
. ip-too Walk
� _t4q�AdmirAl'a t .
creaXp4 �
f . -wag- a; sudden -
was no light on& vrhatb
all," he ,answered. "I am only wonder.
_ Ing. You "to come to.explaiii. every,"
--- -
, In the future, of ,which "due notice" .kind.
was wh at .,he
My weight had Increasecl from
1:112 to :147. pounds. 'I am now, down
shocks crushing the bramt1i from
h toe'a, ribs. I . .
Presently, herself,
I � ..
. . ,
— ,
. . I
tbd'Famous CrItloware
everything, but In the mearitinie 1
; '
cessavon of- all sounds; they had been
� thing 211 4� -. - - __ _
� .
1�he. shuddered. EXplaln I
_1?79qId-__b6 glven.,That
Intended -to -say,'_-b4t'tha,_"ImPt? 04V-7
L .
_to L my niormal weight again. I can
wrenching f roe,
tile cow drew off for another batter-
,Ancestors of I
. . ' Named 510Calinan. .
Blanche was ,upon the spot, and - lie i
had an uneasy feeling' that the girl I
heard 1, The adnalral., with a low cry
of rage, leaped f . orwards. Woltendell
.That, was' a task,: indeed When
� if
"Itituted...14new dolighmits,'.' and the
unfortunate man was the, recipient
ne*e-f- fitc.:�.'--'O'TOugh-f-Or._-I):&dO's F,'duQT-
Pills, for I min satisfied that they,
- Ifig'chAige-, ---�and as, �,shs did - sor--the-
beat burled hereelf vlolentl�, dawn
. . I I .� I
, �
hfr.' .kle:iiL�d6r-Cf.ar-'�iieli'ae-1, gave,the,
4was his enemy. He had begun to doubt
Whether that drive, so natural a thlug
, I
! followed ,clbse. behind. ' .
Even as they cr�wsed the threshold
the heart, in . young and to is a'
'full and generous thing - '. in the
'days �dyeutur
of a donation party onthestretigth
6t the supposed hitit, These stories
saved my life.'! . . . ,
I .. .
There itre many ladie� sufferIng'as
the olope, and gained liar feet behind
a dense thicket of bay scrub. . The
Glasgow , RusUin . Society tile 6tbar�
evening the result of his luveitlga�, '
I an It really happened, was not care-
the room 'Was P16ged Into sudden
of . romance, When:
and love-makin I as
coma as a natural
recall to mind *that of ' the EAg-
Mrs, Hughes did, although but'few
cow, with one eye blJnded,' glared
, t4ons.into the family name of Ras- -
. fully planned on her part, Nr�th a full
darkness; they had but a momentary
. I
heritage and form of the order
lish curate, who drdWled. out - IlUere
may be as low as ,site was, �
around for -her Ili Valli, then, in 9,
Mat says the Westminster Gazette. �
knowledge of the fact that they would'
meet Mr. Sabin and his rilece. It Was
and partial glimpse of the Interior,.
Wolfenden. saw a dim,'slim f Igure bendi
0; things, then tile w6vds which t.he
I beginneth. the,..fifth. chapter of the
Dook of Bouterulloiny.111 110 tried it
I Deraxgad� Kidneys are. redponsIble
for almost ali the trouble tfiat comes
panic of mother terror, plunged baelt
to )let caIf,--C, G. D. Roberts,— in
TA Gleu,Lonan� In the Land of Lotus, ,
41most uAder,the a4adow of Den Crd- ,
all the wore Irritating because durl ng
Ing forwaid, with big finger " still I
woman,114d to.'6ay would hAve, come
lightly enough from her -lips, low per-
, several other ways -but was unable
to wompil In mi die life,,and n We
. . d 0 -
. .
V rdnk Lealle's. . " . . .
A-Ehan. there were at Ono time sev. .
'�"_ I
the last few days he bad beeii grad-
natty growing. into the belief that so
pressed to the ball of the- lamp. Tile
table was. strewn with papers, some.
haps as a. confosa4'u* a it _bidt-
, thatil, a
� .
-to get It right, ... � , 1,; . . � ,
. �, U . .
mall can AffOird to be careless,'when
I I ter -
kidneys are In dug. way threat '
I I � ... I
industries carried on, aniong, �
I -To .
which was a tannery.'
� this tan- '�
far as his suit with Helene was con-
-earned, the gLrI herself was not alto-
thing -somebody -was., flattering bo
I was
hind the %screen yonaer.i .rliere
apologetle narra tion. Bat lit the:days
when youih-llmi far behind, Whell Its
� .
. Interiviewer--:klaerman' 'Swathed, .1
have come to got. -your vlowar on*.-tlie
oned. 1. . . . I ..,
. __ � , �
,W11 t cured - Mrs.'Hughes. Of thl.s.
I . Luc" COUNTY, 138. I . I
F9ANX J. CHENEY niakes�oath t1at lie is son -
Lee partner of tbetrin of. F. J. Cs,zxny & Co",
. nary -. bark; oT course, had tia, be ,,
.. I
brought for. dybing purposes. .Ooe,�';
gaither Indifferent to him. She had
barely a speond of light;;. then.. with.
glamor has faded away And nothing
bat thebare IncIde nts, remain, unbedu-
Proposed ell ange In , the oprriculum
V a CT cage 'will care agy case.
. doing bualnem in the City of Toledo, -County
rally Of .the distriet.. by - name Met-
Pa 'to 'have - ":
� refused him definitely enough, so. far
an mere words but there wer�b�
a sharp plIck;.the nt out.. and
. ,
the f1guid of the man w4s'lost'ia OV-
I ,: �Qle,-'fuli coloria �
41fied by g and, exubei-
of. the grammar 6dbool.. I ., . .
Kidn �
DZ4d ey Pills',&,e the only
remedy. ever cured Bright,4 Dis?�
� a
th%d, Mite aforesaid and that -said firm Will pay
sum of ONE i4UNDHED D(ffiLA1J$L. for
* seem ,ii,oplled'tli:ZW� .
,V vaa"t� the peeling of the. bark and!-'
lights in her Foft, dark eyes, -and
something Indefinable, but apparent in
scurlty.' Almolt 'simultaneously there'.
came a1lash of level fire And the laud
ance of the- springtime of life, the most
trIfIlug Indiscretions 'then. stand out
rmauL ,
Aide Swellied --w. CarrIculuni I
What,P that? I'm ag!ln At, 'llat.
I 11 IV. ..
. .
()Agev Dlabefesi or Drolisy,,,.aud thev
never'falied, � ,-,. 1. . . . . .. .
each and every. case bf CATAnUll that - can -
riot be cur�d by, the use ot RAIX'S CATARRH'
briAgIng' it. to .the tannery., xo*r,. "I
- I Ig Gaelic' :�
the bark ofm tree la calla(
her manner, which had forbidden him
� I
repor�,df this admiral's ravol-vor. There
. like Idlotie.orlmes. LaO Derlugham
had. been
it . Is, - -
Over .
Ald6rman $*allied. reading. the're-
.have .
. I I . . . '.. . .
, . 1. . .. . ..
.. *1'
.. .
.. S*drq tobefore me and 67abscribed in Tny
this, Oth day 'of December A.I),, 1886.
I . 1,
'�ruqk " Bonn died '�rqosbk,"�* and Via '
'who 'this `
to abandon all hope. Yet it was hard-
to bel -eve that she was In any -wiiy
wah no. groan. so Wolfeuden concluded
tliat'the,�man, whoever �fie' - might .be,
. I a proud woman -a proud.
woman all liar life. She. had borde In
port of i the IntervLo*er fiext morn-,
Ing. "Our d1stingulshod. townsman,
1. ,. : ..
Gold ,In Sea San;d�,
On the northern Callfor-
. presence,
. ......... I ....... . : I A. W.-GLHASN, . ,..
iMAL . *NotaryPublic.
11----r I
Men , followed occupation', ,
lc� . . ,
ere,called "ruahkerJa," auld .--,this ''
�ffubjoct to the will of her guardian,.
Mr. Sabin. In small tliluki he-tobli
4 e
bad not been hit. The sound- of the
. e.
6040tY reputation of an
6:kdI almolt
- uspVajjd .-,lK--hb -- - IiI6
I or - ome
ultff-' .
_-T-d,ri---M-. * I ud-in-lils,
T-kkwelhed;�-Ivas ou
DW -9
, luff,-` *gold-bearill
, * near Gold b
I . . I
� _ ___ _. .
:': . R_ - -a - - -
,11,,Bc tarrh Ciirotafg,k,eTi*fn*t'otii��Iii,�iid
c6 ncrmew -g.tu.0k to tile ''Nocalman-1
-g . I
, , .
family. - - . . d
no pains to study. him; she was evI -
breatlildga silence. There Was no move..
. only. a
merit in the
she had lj�aeu Aornothing of 6if auto-
crat. Perhaps this was the fildst mis-
611ariiiing home, surrounded by abund-
-a-n-t - ind"tLou of �.ripo so . h6larslilp
beach'gan4s ate still'profitably op-
erated. The, pantillae surfs of, the
noto directly on the blood and mucous suriacea.
of the, syiitem�, Send for testimonials. free. -
., ,
I t � . ".
This branch of the McCalman. fam- ,
lly: Is 'the' from '-� .
dent].* not In the'least under
-dominion.,On the contrary, there Was .
sort r6ora :
of any g
faint breeze stealln .. In through -the
-irlde-6pdn �Win&-.va, a
�. . 0 in t of her life. *Her son
it outito .
.er b.1, .
Was looking ather with cold, inquiring
and sturdy common sense. .
to our rbporter'a question lie eald:
. ' '
ol I � trat.ors.
opian,act, as gigantic conceit
There are two kindsi'the "straight
. r, J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by DrugOets, ,75c. - ,
I - nall,a panilly plilli ar t best , , ...
116 .
, one wbt,ch RuskIti,
wasv descended.: Oriie. member of It, :
- took, `
In his manner towards her a certain
deference, as though it was she whose
. qaused: gentle
rustling Of the I .papers with which the
. I .
, I . 1.
eybs.-Sha-��wms on liar defence before
, .4 11 do not desire, to �.force my
I- .
oplill,ons. upori the public, 'but this I
In surf" Lind the ordinary,. pannh4g
surf 'Till) ""straight In". Is doca-t
�e I
, I , .
___. . ,
� ' � - . ,
migrated Pettlighlre . and.' , ", .
� �!v cognomen with -him.. Tlipro 'W6
. 'Will was the ruling one between them.
As a matter of fact, her appearance
table wa� strewn,. and attains
- tlie,'o
SW`00d, geutly�� backwards"and for-
hini, I --. and sptike:
-Sh6 �towed-her � . wol.
1� Tell Jim- what ��Yqu - thought, . ,
fandou.1 I . �� , � . . ..
� . . -
E) is
will ftay,� tftm*k.I havi *ittert to. tb
I .
, obation. ,long utudious.atten-
sioued.bY the western wind accu-
mulatiag'tho sand upon the seaihoie.'
. I le Wum :W11 I g*. .
� I . . . :
. wleaveri, t1red .and. wearyi wlnd-�
know tnde06ndently ' that RusVin!1a �
I fdtbar'w" afterward borni and the " '
find whole hearing seemed to indicate
wards., This admiral, .with his panses
all on the alert, stood mo�lonl i *'the
. � .: 1. �
,.!'Forgive :mo," lie., said'. . 1. I �. A
. .and .
. . . I
tion, Incidentally exam fning. into the
The palining , surf coines 'with .m�
. slowly by the ..banks
i49 his way I
Amter .history Is pulille propeit . l, ,
I t. -
Is intaieatlh,& to learn that 7 �'
plie accustomed to comma rid. .
. faintly or connections she had never
revolver 1, nd, Ills
ti6nsio In hig'h& reely
. ; �t6. I .
eager eyes straining; p area the
only'think that there *6,s. robbery,
and that �ou, for - Oonio� suff 101but rda-
cur-rloula of Institutions of When-
Ing, both .,at home, � and abroad, and4
. ilortbw Last or sout. Imest wlnd� ex.;�
. cruising a. rocking motion -on the cu-
. For tit
t -nal - to-
Of he and. Clyde Ca ' ..
wards St. Mungu, hailed 'the steers-
. ,
so Tar back the ked# apprebt.atlou'_,
trabeable, family. "
Token of to him, yet he had not
al,ghtest doubt but that she lvaa of.
darkness. . By' Ills slae, Wolferiden,
son) I am sui� wol-6 miding. 1 could
- think 'else, I?"
: . � I' find - W
&Jtllougl, the exl6ting.
couia(a,of. study -not 6 tow -matters
mulative sand heaps, panning
. . g -them
down.and the materialfor
an of a pa barge and asked
in as
him if � he would 11tak, him. oil to
of color Was the
havink been noted- for -their 6olorinj -,
gentle bIrth. Even if it should turn
equally agitated.now, though' a
not anything could
".'You' Wei-
condemnation, i still, upon. 't
the I ch
appliances. of the bea
..Glesea ?" 110u, ay,'� rej))W . tile
Of the taxt an anti atfier. home-made ,
out that this was not the case, Wort .
fenden democratic to
I dlffereht reason, stood Ills
-breath, ]its 'head .thrust 'forward, lits
though' . vrhat was true,'
don,"I she whispered. " r lielpa
fen -was
,lor, . ,he.
- W11,01% I cannot say. that I should
minor. . . . I . . . .
. I .� I I � .
I I .
batgeman..."gin -ye'll work- yei' pa6-'
clothing.. . .. . I L�,
I I . ... I . . � I . I . ,� .
.... .. .. _.
. was enough
- think that It made no differezice. Bile
eyes striving� to penetrat,b the veil of
. .
trig anotheir � man to rob your fa.ther 1.
'I,i �4
. "
-advise any radical change until 1,
ful-ther, time to lutb
"isage.11- . d,6'thmt,'! answeredithe'
-w�aaverj With Joyful aldority; "There,
. . � I I
1C r6ozone, cures Influenza.
� ata � .-
. I
. . I I
. I L.. -1 il. 1. .. ...
I �a=dl enough to be his wife. Her
arm and manners were almo3t
9106111'Whibli lay a thick .barrier
between �hlm and the'screen. H13 fear.
wab--oaly- very trifling. theft -L-6
handful 6f -notes. from.. his : lir6rk-Jor afthe,
.have e.,;umine
On - - ..
- - * `
bjeot.� 11 . I
I'By'Geollge, that feller's.,got '
. �,
. . . .1 . . .
.'' .
. , I
. . . . .
.. . . . . .
,. . . - . . I .
.1 .
then," . cried the steersman, at the
some time casting a tope's. efid�,
. .. . .
1. .- -_
. 1. � . .
.. � --- = . .. 1.
. . . . I ;
- ' N ISo.shals ;�7, eh ? How did you -I
T, --Whatever theta
Ypically aristo3ratL
6 u itself a yeq
-reial.and terrible
plag.azine article. But. It w . . .,
I .
. ,. I 1. my
akdet.-language, , word fog Word I
.. . 1. .
. . I . .
- ." � . � I . . . .
- . - ,
. I
ashore, . "tak' that an, - ph, ." - . �
. �
lle�l attgad- tlw�r_o �
might be In bar present surroundings
or in her past which savored of mys-
form. There had been'
a m6ment, 'before. the extWetIon of
ahkil I, vv:a,g an accomplice I". ; 1.
:. There- was m. short . -silence.. Her
. � I
And . he didn't take no.notes, neltherl
I was cured of. imme , ack,' afte, i �-
b r
ferlug U ' cars- by MINARDIS LINT-
. . . .. L I ..
� To,Gurc a Cold In, Ono Da ' ,
don't' mean to gay. dhe told.you T1
I'Yerf,, her
- tery, he would at least have staked
his Eoul upon her honesty. He realized
tho lamp plunged ,the room Into
darkness, when lie had seen,,. Or fdricled:
pyes, keeking steadfastly, to read Ills'
1ace, bould.make'. nothing. of. lt� ,. ,
By Owego, what.* 4 memory
I . I
teller must h4v6!�'-TIt-ZIts. .
Y . .
i MEN,T,.. . I .
.. .
. .
� . .Y
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Al
It It fails'to
I �asked at what age she. ,
i*ht a. girl- about 'marry." , ,
.,tho lig, . .4 , �
.1 . . .. . . 1.
� I , I
very fully, as lie eat there smoking
that he had seen, a .woman's �klrto
flt+t�v +Ii,� T7r 4-- 4-1i .— .+t
. lvlly,�, Ila gala
'- I will not ask 'you I
,I I -IV . + , I I A
, . , --- - " '.
I I . �
A --t. . ,��i-jh iv;, �;,� W.�,
. I .ir&g� cured of :Diphtheria, after .
dund the money cure.
druggists re
'.!Be. )C,W,L4i-ovdasigtiiLtureigoti.e:xoli��ox. .
I . . . ..
I .. . . �— — - -
. in the 6arly hours of the mornuig. & . If � ji, I - -11 J . . . _. .- . .y k, I .y . , —_ --- ._ . ,
that the was no gassing fancy of his; tits father!p-a'ttention !lad been .,wholly I . doctors failed, by KINARDIS.1,1141v I ' 'e; -go I !
____ , good roa6ons. - But I want'to WIl,"ll furnished another example . of the MENT. . - I I . The . Four (A ol . a. * - .
�_ riveted upon the other 'end - of the i otc(i .thing. I am beginning to . have .piseudo. apology at Ills own. expense. ' ' * , , it . -3 four 0 t,
. .
, - , she was his first love -for good or 11room "Yet -be was filled. with a nervous gr I eve doubts as to whother . ,. my Having preachad a. very, clever ser� Aittlgonish., . - JOHN A. FORIE�r. . Deat. canio to th I eormea In I
. 1�r_ evil aim wozzid J)D his last. Failure, , . I I' 'was cured.of corblvaction'of mus- different witys. The firsti as' iriost
he said to himEelf, WAs a word wbl6h -drqmd-I0stat�6ny- .m.oment�thatr-..re-T.fat,lTerls--state,-Is-rea-ll..Y-,as---bE�,Ll..-as�Dr.--Mou.on..tlLe-.�3uiLda�r,.'Iie,ealledu�,on -eiog-.)�7MIXARD-18--L-INC-AIENT ''-.- - tpe6plo;,know, dbed'of:au._apoplcGtIQ
, , . ..'' .1
he would not admit in his vocabulary. :'volver might ch.Lngg Its dir2etion.. WhIflatt thtfiks-wbether, In.'fihort,Jd3 .`4 certalW colonel. �ou the Moilda�� . . : , - MRS.- . lWimL s.kU`N,DtRS. ot.roke, which selzed'hial while in hie
. I
ear's were strained to the utindst.tp 'work -is not �after' all. really .of,- sonto especially to ask his opinion. . .
$'lie was moving towards hlVa a�ready, , I * Dalh,ouslo, I I . . carriagio on' tha, wiLy to . Osnabruck,.
. , .
some day she would be his I Througl) eatch-the slightest sign, of any move,! " siderablf,- *value. There are %3everal* --'*HOW clid. f like the s6rm6u V said .. I . , In Hanoveri.* . - , . 11
inent. , *' I . I ., . � . ,. PIDn . . .. . e I
the mists of the blue tobacco smoke � consIderationg-wUlch'. incline me to* take the colondl. "Very much Indeed. It'd ( , ., .. I - 5, i76O, -
which hovered around him h At last the silence' wag broken ; . � . I I . I � . While out. .walking on 06t.
e seemed, this view.,!. . I .. . I . .. . one bf.my,fa*orltes.11 .. . . .1 ... . . .. .� I ,
h ,,Zry there was a faint movement near the �. . . ",One . o I, Ites 11" stammered I . . .. I .the second suddenly - -itqpped .short,
. Pleas- . The.'_ suggestion Visibly' disturbed . .yourfavor . _ .1 -
I .
ant effort of 'his agination, window, and then akaln,-WIthOqt & the curate, slightly puzzled. "I do not- - --- . . I . . exolainied,:"My. -Godl'�.and fell on
� -.Lady D&Iughmni. .She moved � in 4er .. . . . the gronnd-�ikd. Hoart r1l,se"e, had,
to Pee Eome faint visions of liar second'a besita.tion, theta was' ,.tha�i �. Jair uneasily. . I * I ' . . *� - , . iinderstand.!' �.. I I ... ... . I I . � . I . I .
,c] . 1. I � � . R�ssell $age as a ,Wit. killed'. him. �
mood,, love 'Tile colonel' a kded him with.ok, I . . �
� In that more softening" .1 Ilne,oZ tied and loud r6pprt from I' Yon,'haV6 hoard what,Mr..Blather-, . 16 at th r 911 , our George III,', W''114D 'was agedi !
-aguest recollectlo the Admiral's revol,ftr. There i�hs'no wick smysP she objected. ' 11 I am rare twink 0. back of his eyes. (.':Of Itusiell;,Si�ge's Yallkee Aiwestij re- P' -Io6t,his rea-
, �
the % n of Which 6et I , # , . I blind, and had long sinoo
bis heart beating fast -and ,sent the groan, no Mgn�df anyone havingbeen that he to, abTolutely -trustworthy." ' coursel, I - oWbn?.t say. a word,"- he amid, appeaks. In. Ills- . - face, - figarb, speech .. d mefully away wIthout ,
, �
blood moving through his veins to hit,. The' Admiral began to.. -move , !-.,.There Is, no .4odbt. about, Blather., ,,but I khow very . 'well that you.btola and. thought. * Oncei .,when Manhat-, 80,12, passe pc� �
I . .
slowly in the dirootloA of tb6* *101! wick, y,", . lie a4mitted, " , bit , t lt�'And alao'.'Where you stole It from."- tdo, elevated stock was� below -par uttering, a syllable; I "lo seemed meib-.
music. How delicately handsome -she , . .A honest' - ' sunk In6 g rof6ulld slum-
. : dow; Wolfenden remained where. . he , f -say' that h da . "Sir I" said the cuf4te, ant] Ile spoke gomeonO .asked him lile age. He smil. � ly, "to bave . , � i
1Y,te the lines of her- . the admiral billikel 5 �
was ] how exqu. . ' A . , a re . bdf,'�' � . .
girlish, yet graceful. and queenly was,liatening intently. He Was it d - that for .,Weeks lie. from Out the whirlwind ol his., right- ed,''answeied, , "'But, I Ikk -4 1 .
. trust- no One, .n . I I I . _ , , George,IV. was sitting upon lxls� bed
figure I With her clear, creap* a . k* right, there was 4 smothered move- I hah gIven-Ailm. no papor of impotta3ce, coca -Indignation' "I am not.- lit the the Elevated, I propose to go� above 't1he, ' . Ills d6itth, when a
.in' ment. from' behincl: the .screen. -Some. habit, air, of stealing my,ser ions. I a' hundred t" - .1. . . I . . o a, night of
soft as alabaster below th�D red gold i t6 work upori. almp)y.� foe that reason. I I in , . . blood � vessel suddenly broke - in li.ls
of her ha'.r, the somewhat harughty one v�mo mdving from there towards I ilt has been.grow-!ng upon me that wo I .fear You &rOAmboring under it mis-. To an 4niport-Inent (dend, who'jisk4 , ' .. .. , .
' .
goise of her small, shapely head, she the. door, someone' *Ith light foot-, way have boon mistaken' all along, take and—qr—forgetting Yourself,, sit,., ed Whatwas the.most'PhIlauthroble Ili - ead ' I I . -110 ex-
. . I . . "My God I I . am Oing Ill:
,steps and a trailing skirt., Ile drew that very"Ilkely Miss Merton was, pall I must ask you tolapol6glze�ll � . . way of using m large, fortiftle, lie �re- clatmed,; tlh'en relapsed Into - m
rought him vivid recollections of back Into the doorway ,, he: meant, to I to steal* hie work_mnd ,that It may The colonel 'Waa silent a: moment. plied: - I I .1. . . .1 . I 1. . coma -
that o.d ari8tocracy of France, as lot her pass, whoever It might be, but 1possess, for certain people, , - and for - than lit' said: "It. mmy be that I have I I . . I . tose coilditfon. Presently, however,
one reads of them now only in the lie meant to know who it was. lie I . 'Keep, It constantly active, In or. t(hoso alien �, him murmur:
� t hIm h(%i.d
pages of romance or history. She had certain purposes, a real technical im- made a mistake'. Walt h moment, I d�r. tol,.gire eniployment to thQ ',This -Is my death" , and_he closed
� I .
could haar her burried'broathing; a por once. Hbir elm. can wo account .. . � _v,
the grand air—even the great Qaeeir I . t will make, sure."'. - Vargest number of human. beinga.11 h,ls , _, for the last thile.-Lon-don
�ajnv, laininar perfume, shaken oub for the deliberate efforts volitoll. have Going to Ills- bookcase he took down When lie gave gage Hall to the .Express. , I . . I ____1___1_;-_ , .
. could not have walked to the scaffold'. by the movement of )lot skirts, lyuz. beer made to, Obtain possession of .it?,, a massive tome of,.-soraiGgs-a rare, Troy Feilialet Seminary,. .someone . . .-_ . I . . � .. I I , I . . . I .. . 'I
wlith a more ma�gnlfibent contempt of zled him.; It's very familiarity bowil. "You haTo 'spent- Eome time exo and' almost forgotten work'. ' Xle said -. . . . I . . � . .. I I. - 601HES WASHO ,
- . the iabble, whose victim she was' dared hira. �She knew. that -lie � was I aniliting It yourselfil! she said In a . . Why- didn't you Prevent .1t. tol t .NerVellne Cares I ... .. - . . I
� . turned to' a, certain page and. an' �. I : I , . I .. . gentonTelall. ,�
Some more personal thought came to therk, she must know It, for sho,had . . . ap � . .
jbian ; he half closed his eyes and Idan- ' ' low .tone; "what :,was. yoir own ologetlo, horrible look came'tipon Ills 00,110 men's college ?11 I . . Rheumatism, Tito remarkft�bla . I . I atwliukialoprldCl � i
ed back he his chair steeped in p',ea- pau�e& The.pos'l[tion was terribly o�lnlofi T, - I I � . . face as he. -glanced up at the curate. � � X1. Saga, respondea qii1dkly : strength and marvellous soottilng . - ' . I If not qat,efacto .
I � critical. 'A few 27ards away: the Ad. I ee mos roperty of Nervillne-nerve piiin W"I �'
sant thoughts'; and then lit all came 'I found Some-sheeta," lie-ansWer- . "I beg -your pardon," be. said. "I apol� "Tba. women n ded it the t." P: , . M11 ,, morwy.x6fundoZ. i
ndr4l was groping about, revolver In ,.them .4 . 00111
'. : to a sw:A f, 1brupt and, these reveries h4no _,mambling to himself a string ' ad, 11 and I read Very care- .oglze. Tou,did hot- steal It, after all, �_Frank. Leslie's Popular ISIonthly. ' cure-L-rendero It Oniost Infallible In wASHM I Guaraut.ced Torun ,
� -, - , for I flnd.it to still here. M�'mlgtmko, . 1. . . . I , . I . easier -end do ' -
Itilly'; -they �w.aro colineated with . . . I bettor work than �
. -0-aid -46 '-'--- 'b_ I I - .. d1lifia_
-Vas, Of torrible.threata, Tbo casting of' air; my lu19tdk0l`-;'A6cTekft SodldtY. � -Lid7 - - T uuy- - uth r, - -its -peneti�athlg .....- - � C
and pleasant - cas-tFo-baltdift. flo _ _, � . Rheilinatisfil, Five , times stronger ,.
back in the presozz. waddenly to- , a sliado,w would call forth that death- the -vnrions landing places upon the . atk zone areff. ne; ±dWw than e I an or
. . . , " , . I
called hn a most extrha�rainarj man' dealing fire. Wollenden thrust ,out Suffolk coast. ,An Immense amount I ___ 1. 1. . bl"v .-- . I i 1 , , - I I oX
I - , , power enables It to reach the source . lie ,rket. A - J '
nor, to realization of the hour and hIs hand, cautiously; it f 11 u .of detail was very cleverly given. A: st6ry In London-Sparo Moments , , . I � . . 7 .� . . of pialn and drive onto the_. disease. goo4 maebino for agents to hau le. 1011i,
a I . t ting, nioneif,made. Thousan(iii Ili use. or terms
place. Surely he could not have beeni , a poll & I lie currents, bays' and fortlflca� fulls that a, circus p, ld a flying Visit ' A Trausgr6ssloll. ,� I NervIllne, is more pone ra and,pilces addrem ' - I ... � I I i
; rabstaken I That was a low knocking woman's arm, She did not cry. out, I lie word all got out; even th to a small northera town not'fong . . stronger, and more highly paln7gub- . � 4
although her rapid breathing sank al- t 0 0 STANDAUD SUPPLY CIO., naftillfOn. Olit, - �
at his locked door outside; there was' roads and railways Into the Inter-- ag'), and tile pilce of adnilselon was' ' h you're breaking dul"g. jU..Its,$lct1on than any modichic I P I . I
I I no doubt aboat it. There it was againi 1134cot to a, moall.1 For a moment he one of the most ImportuAt . rules of heretofore devised for tho relief of -, � _________
� .
. -but lin Was staggered -the room seemed to I 'fror Weirs dealt with, I co)-i3pared Isixpenco, children under ten yeata of the game. - I . . mail's Infirmities, Druggists sell It . t ,� . . " - I
He heard his own name, softly - be going round with. him; be had to. them afterwards with a map Of age half price. it was Edith's tenth Brassey-What's that?, - - � I . . 11
'y I Suffolk. They were, I so far ag. one "birthday, and her brother Tom, aged Lill everywheie, . . . . I �� . - bnapsy
inistakab, spoken in a trembling bit, Ills 1115a to, stifle the exclamation I ka-In addressing the ball ,you '. . I . - I Tleated - *
voice. He glanced at his watch, it wa'S which very nearly escaped him. Then could. Judge, correct. Of 0our9b, this I 18, took-Ifei' in thd'afternoon to gap should do -go in language -fit for pub- , - , 'We have madodrops anrlitt. '�
between two and thras o'clock ;- then 110 stood away from the door with it was only it Pago or two.at .ran- the s1pow. Arrived at the door be put llcation� nelles of tile Congo.. complications a spocrIalty
' , 'Harpor's Bazar. 1( - for
r through doul., but. I list say It made wn nin"en6e dud asked for two -1 . , twenty years. Quick relief#..
be walked quickly to the dotA-*nd little shudder, iLnd guided lie in an do — . I tal �aatfiorltles at Bells.. worstdases. B
,. . 1. . T4ie pos C, 001C df
� ored it withotit hesitation. It was it. He heard her footste1w die away Impr6asion upon ine." I .. fr6nt Oeatg. . . I.. . catarrhozone Is ail Emelent Remedy. sets have lately noticed tliat the I i, I M014rALS and 10 JDA,111
. father who stood there, fully along, tile corridor, with it pecullar I There was another silence, this "How old is tile little girl,11" asked . . I . V� ..... �Ti eatffl
dressed, with pale face and angrily sense of . I f6r, Asthniso � mall bags diApatehod. to the Co,ngtj � ` 1� tr eat rnun, .
burning eyes. In his hand he carried relief, Then be thrust Ills. time longer than before.' , oZilitfully, . . Innerkip; Ont.- "Catarrhozono Is wore not being duty returned, and I DR.31111.01114EINISSOXIJ, .
)land. Into the pocket of his dinner Ingham was thiliking, . Once .more, ."Well," replied Mastek Tom, "this -% . L I Be.% 0: A,TLA,HVA, GA.
_& revolver. Wolf-enden...notlaad... that thei4i; tile man had Iled to '-)let I He is her tenth birtlid certainly it very efficient remedy for rouble they d1soov.; ki � _:�,��_-_.=-_*_
. . the fingers which clasped It were coat and drew out'a box of matchoa� my, but she awas 'I "' ...-
. "I all! going to strike a light," lie WmS' on, Some. secret bublveas -of his not born until -rather lato In th . Asthma It afforded me great relief ered the reason. It appears that ' '001,
"W, I at- from C6 first applic � the colored pos�tniou Ili the Congo * Tfils IS -No APRIL+ ,
akIng, as though with cold. own. F511o'shurlidered It . . atlon, and .uItI. I . .
ather," 'WoVenden exclaLated, whispered In' big father's ear slightly. She, . ornooll." . mately curea. me. I kr,oW of ncl�,,Iibot a , Free State mako presents of the, I � - - - -_ -_ -_
* I I 11 � I 11—
"Quick, was ttio reply, "I I had no curiosity as to. Its nature, Tile moncy"tak r accepted the -ad to, a similar - flano I -1 -:111111 I'll,
don't ,rithen," � who have been benefit inall bags to their wivog ot ees. .. I -
"what on earth is the matterf" th it the fellow has got away ,only she remembered what many -statement and baneded him the tlok- eXtent� Mrs.. Ed. Callan." These ladies simply out out the bot-: . - a- -
He dropped his voice in obadiellw Yet.; ho nitist be lildinq-boblild some POOP16, had told her, that where he ets. Bilt It was a close Shave. . No gr*e4ter boon has been extended tom, and by drawing what hcg left ... - ._., **** � , - I
,. to that sudden gesturo for silence. Of the furniture," . 'vent disaster., tot ]owed, A piece of . --- .
The Adinixal, answered him in a hoarse , Ito Asthmatics' than Catarrhozone, over their heads, and wLth tile Ila- 1,1RO8T F10NOR nild c4rito4 pro the raost sor-
Whisper. I . There was tile scratching of a match coal fell Into the grato his,,, from Apropos of the jury's verdict In the Which Is as certain to cure as any- alstappe of it piece of string, they lecable. Tli(Y ate also thoelitwillwit,0011HI r,
"A great deal is the matter I I am upon a silver' box, a feeble f lame grad. i the fire. ,.He stooped to plolult, UA, Marble 13ay accident case, rendered , tillllg Ill t11% world can be certalm have 'an ultra mo,dern -ready-made I v nuri weight of inat(!rlal used. "Sr -
� tkallY AeVelopIng .Into a sure Illamina. and catching a glimpse of liar facd recently, In which the plaintift sued It# affect IS I 11=1111%a eg and Vaney 111-1 La,mWenCo,
being deceived and betrayed in. my , humadlatd, and Ito pro. costume. Tile fact that the Packs aspeciatty. Our catalogile tetli fill about it,
tioll, .. Wolteriden carefully lit tile became Instantly graver, HO: to, foronly'll-1,000 and wals awarded $4,- 1 , I
own bouse I Listen." lamp and raised It high over his head. membered that as yet' -he had heard I 1 longed use resulta In a radical cure. aro furnholied with an enortamiS TITF, r, ROST WIRE kll�.,Xcl,�Co. Libilted. .
.�_ I Th ey stood- together on the dimly .P - nothing of What she, bad come to 000, Is a story told by the late Chief Breathe It for tan minutes tour timear I black achl beating the legend "Drug- � � . . Welland, Ont,
, .rho room was empty I There �w." . Zustlee Davie In his life -time. Ito of- a day, and if It fails to cure we will ; qeIA Centro" ,does not dtfdconeel,tl,,---.--....-..--..-:..----�.
At landinF; holding his breath and no doubt about Itl They two were . tell him. Her Presence In tile library ton remarked that a Jury's verdict refund the money, Druggists or by them. In tlje least. --Stockholm Sven- I
41stening intently, Wollendon was at 'alone. But tile window was Wide was altogether unexplained. , DOLLAR VOU
once awa-ke of faint, distilut sounds. Open and a chair In front of it had 11 TM were I I e ble. slu-no one mall, price $1.00; small size, 125c. A I skit Da-glilad. . rew model Gretsn Seeder' Saves half th6 -
Th6y came from the ground floor al- very g0od," 0110 amid knew.what It was. trial sent for 100. by X C. Poison 1 --...-.-- I labor; Satisfaction. aranteed; Liberal tering
been thrown over. Tito Admiral I sloWlY1 "you stayed what might a 40 he al. 0 1 to Agents. X. mc]?Corson, Silverdale station#
. most immediately below tham. 1"18 strOdOA0 the casement and called out i have boon a trAgedy. YOU know that . When he was first calla t t b & Co., Xhikatun, Canada, or Hart. Catorrhozono ouren, Cold In tit Orkt� I �
father laid his hand heavily upon Ungrily- . . I was %here, you helped me to eA. he praotleed In Canslar and had a ford, Conn., U., g. . � I Head, � I 11 . . ..... .
[Wolienden's shoulder. . lary ease at an assize, )told up there, . . P . SAfAI-41WIT FA,IVk4A IN' T119
deSomeone. is In the Ilbrary,V be said. . "Hoggsl are YOU there? 'Is no Ono CaPO; Yet you must have known After a trial lasting several days, . Very Aluch Relleved. Brother all;I sister
- on duty?" . I F onfamors Ningarit district, ",tile reach belt
"I heard the door 'open distinctly. that I was to league with the man with witnesses front all over the SultOr-X have come to ask you for , of earmilow" sale or exclOtn90, for productilo'
There Was 116- allswer; the tall son. who, was trying to stoal those pa. . Ao--Your preclona Xack says lie's I )orty. Give f till description Of
. Wheal triedtogetoatI foundthat try.bux was empty. . t$ . � country, the base eventually went to your daugliterw hand. town or city prpr
. . perar. I secured a position stuffing monkeys ,orty for exchange, and 8iy what 0 �
I . , ; yourpre J
I . the door of my room was looked ,# there Woltenden came over to bW fath- " There was no mistake., then I the jury. They were out threo or , Father -Well, the fact Is we ate, witot, ataloguefropopaq1loadoo. IN100 ;
is treaehers hare Ill cria aide and brought the lamp With � four hours and. -eventually the tw6IV0 pretty crowded here as It is, and I- I up at theMusetim of Natural History. & Moraen, btokekdo St- C4, atlues,'Ont., Can.
. you were doing that. � You 11, . f Is that so ? , . f _____
"How dl. yon got eat V WoMen- him,, And together they leaned out. "It Is true," 'she answered. "It good men and true filed in . to the . SultdiF-Oh, I Intend to take liar fte-Oh, Jack to aiieli a Joker, Ito I BA11GAINS IN DBUING AND HOSIll _�
den -asked. At f tat they could see fiotbing ; then was r who lot him In, who unlock. court. toolno . away from home If 1 marry her. surely was practicing on you.-Ilar-, O'k�Arde of foot N. Stultullas
14tra6t,� Hole at So P
. "Through the bath-�Toomi and down Mroltonden throw off the shado from ad Your father's desk. I Was.hla-ad. ".gave you your verdict, goritle- Vather-Olt, :well, In that case -but i lam Life, I I Vn2 Toronto,
the back stafxs; tbat door wag looked tile lamp and the light fell In a coing1loo I,, � . man f" askod the ZUdge. . . You did give me an awfUl atti,rt,.my
, . ' TO SPLy f E.
. too, but I found a key that fifted It. broad track upon a dark, motionlegs ll Who was tile 14CLU V1 . "Ton," said the foreman, and It was boy. -Boston Trainsoript. holdattlelout)edinovory family. Mira I
a with me. Be careful, I Make . "guilty," - —t,,,. , Mthard'o, UnimentV011res Diatompor. lunk in er or do .
figure ret0h0d out Upou the, ,turf, . . - 4gon ta cArk 0 ro U t 0 � ,� and
- "_ - I 8110 did not tell him at once.,, Uln%rd's Liniment cue's attrigot in . . W. . , to *00 9
to noise Ill . NY61t6nden,et ped down hastily.,, "You are unaillinous, of 0ourgal" . On for samplalwitti Wo 0 end 411
M 6 6 fl ftt tr)d 0
'11 g a. W � elf, Xasoal roni
. 90 9 _ � ,,Unanimous, nine to -tbroo.11 . . A� SurA Thing. �� . . b6 inlna? Thn 0 L !* 1
4$ 6600. . , Revised In Time. 'A
They were on their Way down- I y I" he exclaimed,- 'fit Is (To.be Continued.) they were -again asked. . oil t b 116 t . . 116*4 9, Ili , U, 1:100 of
Atairs new. As they turned the angle 0 gg I Vather$ Wontt You Bound the . - . i ------- - 1, -- --- - � -"Yee, air," replied Mr. Nireman, . I "M10A Strong',," Ila began, ,,will you tit r lot . . Ili 0 Pit,
. of the broad oak stairway., W61faildeu n ? a sliall llav,o to afougs the A Sumir . Orem Toronto, . i,t lo to isay, ep-11 1,01l on, Al . I I I
. I , ------*"—
taught a gRJAPA6 of hi's father's fil-de, I u ", I . Perlia b_11,0W kin I � VoIll Jim fL She find knitted hot, fair brews in A FARN POIt 8AUZ-011111 OP Tn
, ,
16 $a . ps brIdge whist to an Inno- . And the judge collapsed. Ulm Johns<) J�Itlll.T
. andilluddered; Itivasvery white, and T,he,rO Was 116 need, Already tits dent and Inexpenelvo ganie,-as It Is . Jackoon's lovO I I rOW04 . I finest, In the Nlit al'a p4lilina .1
ees e h and wild, his fibr&r$` was halt fWI of hastilydrosa- Played orts "Ur-tIlat I , y I be youra?" Witionii,lgmilostri)rh,womilt,�6ir 't l.
In Hamilton, but rep.. Minardlo *Liniment oilr6a Diphtheria. IS00thAmYer-WhY, eV"rY time' lie Wit X a SMI,O._rn_ %va,yof, 130 sores to all 35 of *1110h A , t ik
� "Too 11 Alto 11 mm i�10,itly peiv,hemi Will be oold ill 6no to oe
torefinier was Already UP611 the trig- ad orvallti; mwakAne(t by the sound from New York are to the 6(felit 0 mad, I
, all$ yo, must- gat a dianapollo Still. . divided Into lots Of I aor" to suit -Dur.
11 . gsr of Is revolver, of tile Admiral'o revolver. pale and . that It Is 0, pretty stiff game. Per. Already .111forlinod. Itchor of beer awl Pitt it little ol dia . ollaters, . d � I ba Ili a -
" Let we he've that," .01 terrified, but neVer more gelf-tom, Ildps they live hot playing real Disappointed Admirer-Yol kin Wt. &O-PoWdor in It. and den. tell him 1,101lathm- , -, , it, I
..MW61fend/ ' R., I %lot, fix"& I
,� *hI4.6ted, toudliblig it 1, Y hand Is Posed, Lady bdiringliain steppod ' but, brfdZ0 In 11AMIlt0ft, bilt 001Y 0141- binall (tat It Alto wttfttd dat thumpp 0, help himatelf to do beer, Do more CittafthoZom ourear Bronchitis. 011tm^ �
, ,
, ? . to thord In A, lolls WbIt6 drosaffig. VerG-�fbuto Wat. $ard ZoliviN ny.elia kin liab him, Soo?"' & drinkio, do more he'll love yol'; ItIm . ____ �..
All%, W%R 6*10 6 - 'A
, "I '" 11r'a'1'%oOk lito boil ', hd __ ..'__ -littl V -ge dons �tolo� her iolinply Itifidliblof,-Ptick. , - 1 0 Cft1l11ft11b14t4Mb*1. tow elit
Dit the adult bil�,tba town. Mat Mond I I 11Tq Cer6a the goddess of himWoM, ry f" votim al
� I WAM 310 sintwer In 'word'#, . Asked Cholly-Sald slip-, I'l-io, RUIP161 way4q bel" f 1�
#11�WIIO has happ,pod Ill ahe 'erled, Onty of the bAet affect$ 'of thorOugh d t -Harplsrlb Bazar, flitchildo,oftent 06, , ow,et W4,00 Id
I tift . C
al- ho 1# a Illes0r. I � - - 64hs and Tile dalty holding tbat job, you Noe$ And Is tho best, r6twAy to*
butt 014 of thO ratolVor beeaftle It, W011`00JI011-11119 YO0 fAtb% I 111tolleotU411 training It it knowledge I I Catarrhwog� ai�ii'w =" *saty
�"; uw4*qWd lutd tW palm of-bla hand, Or WWt au'vono t- - � � Awe
" . I . .1 of -our Owh callaaltio4i.-A., W13, Millard'$ UhAftlallt CUON 061414, 40, 00141. . b 4 04001111H40 C04 "Ilea cuola.11 fly# 0 . 1104W. ,#
J I - I - . . I I . , 't� . q A
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