HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-04-12, Page 3•morliM^11:77.,r- ' PAW.% , If you have neuralgia, Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil will feed the nerve that is cry -- int for food. -it is hungry !,.,nd set your whole body going again, in a way to satisfy nerve arta brain, from your usual food. That is care. If you are nervous and irri. table, you may only need more fat to cushion your nerves, you are probably thin—and Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver • Qi1 will give you the fat, to be- -OA with. Cure, so far, as it goes. Full cure is getting the fat, yen need from usual food, and •',;SCott's Emulsion will help you 'to that 11 Yoe have not teed it, send for free sample, Iti sgreetible taste will surprise you, SCOTT at Chemists, lea Karl druggists..." • . MATRON AN. Signorina Teresa Labriolas at not figt , of 27 years, has been appointed pMfessor of law- at the University of Rome. Fraulein beide Bulow, a daughter of tessaisCeelpaa Wagner by her first . hus- band, the pianist, is about to marry Kerr • Beuthner, professor of the pianoforte at Baireuth. Mrs. Honore McCarty - of South Silent - bury, Vt., probably enjoys the distinction of being the oldest person In Vermont. Authentic records show that she was born in the county of Cork, Ireland, in 1790. Mrs. Mary E. Lease has changed her naiad about, siting her husband, • Charles Lease, for divorce. The, suit whieb. • was prepared two months ago was never filed and never will be unless the Leases quar- rel again. Mre. Julia Dent Grant, widow of the • aeneral, .recently denied the. stories of ter husband's dislike for music. "He eid net," she said, "care for musical amnesties, as he called theta, but he was most fond of tnusie and often 'asked me to Sing for him." Julia Marlowe appears, to be _the most. literary of contemporary actresses. She. carries with heean tour a select library of nearly 800 valet:nes, and the 1184'. as , . furnished by .her press agent,. • rangeke from Herbert Spencer's "Dataof Ethics to curreat popilar novels. . • •, , Sada' liaeci,..the Japanese same vilte has been seen in this country, has been cotamissionedto make a study of the•Etx- ropean .stage and to select a neraber ag Ogee suitable for translation'. into Jaya- neW This commission cornea • direct from the Japanese emperor. •• Janqy Lind's letters to a woulan friend• . living In Ray from 1845 to 1$74 will soon be published, by an Italian, firm.•The letters, it is reported; number over 100' ,nnd give the prima donna's. outspoken and unconventional opinions about the, music and many of the mesielans of. her time. Miss Laurenee Alina Tatleirm, Ough- t f-klao-artist, brought out on "the first • . Sunday ot• the -first month of . the - first year of the new century": a new periodical called The Herb of Grace. Its aim is to bring :about a retorn to a simpler lite, and its distinctive featurals the absence of advertisements, fashions, personalities and illustrations. Mrs. Margaret Woods Lawrence* Who. -died the other day at Marblehead, Mass., at . the age of 88, was the daughter of , Professor Leonard Woods of Andover Theological seminary and sister of Leon- ard Woods, Jr., president of BoWdoin college. She was married to the Rev. Edward A. Lavvrenee. 1839. Re. died . in 1883, • She had 'beet' a. resident of Marblehead -for about 50 years. - THE etarros Nur mu A Man Is aastroug ao the power he The king'or Spelo he* not yet Noe able truotelo. The traitor laugbeat the storm to show either hie teote or him pluck ha for he le as strong as the ship he to Odium for hit mother to so narrow, *bout sas tanding on, the engineer to as strong * that Os eld two evea Ilke to sea hint the power of tteam, the Britloh Balratting too bold ow hie wooden boom, dier le aor ttrorig as (meet Britian he. The hoar of the ridil3e lestoe on the reel hind blin and the Ohrietlan is aootrong thins Is always ete: et anxiety for the re- aand e the God he trusts in. Though fleoh gent. Thgy may thet title rear bones blbellood, and earth combine to tree] a prediction, which Wes mice mole I overthrow him nothing can daunt he to her by a a/0y. ' man whoee truet iir in the Most High "for I „WU persuaded that neither death note lire, nor angels* nor principalities, 419r powers nor things presents hoe thinga to come nor )ieight, nor depth nor any other creature shalt be able ,to separate us from the love of God whieh ie In Christ Jesus our Lord"' "And now into Wm that is able to keep you trona failing and to present you faultnese before tbe presence of Hie glory With exceeding joy, To the only Wise btod, our OevItr be glory and maiests".dominion,power,both now and forever. Amen. Preached hi Rattenbury St. Methodist church* Clinton, on March It Rees isr KetinedY, Etirangeillet, "Good Cheerio" critic sitting on ilie throne laughing at Rom 818 " l his creel:tree when the fail .Juv 44 work togeteer for geed to them that love lave,' father pitietb His obit ren BO the Lord , pitieth all them that fear Him." Re is toTolgrootwpasseeotneer twberuitel °ofth three; tnheaVrt remernereth that we are dust." "Is-. not asking us to.be angele or saints,"Ele was the Apostle pew, He wrote one rteeps. ePekeRepeeervernneyheetrb stainnintsb4ereeintneorr. hook greater than all other books; that o vitae the book of ROlnallat In that book cession, for am," there Is one chapter greater than all . Day and night heetands breads the others, the eighth chapter; and in that throne making the rough ' 'places chapter there is One Veree better than Smooth and the crooked placesetraight. all other verses, that le the Xith PQM, The galleries of heaven are Wed with Itt our pieces of business We find men the heavenly hoot and the great crowd keep their valuables in eafee, and only or witnesses look on, and -"they that those who know the combination of are for us are more than all that can filled with the greateet of truths and wthieth"thtels cWanratadeeerfrribbatoiks inside. S� tbfr4ieegvInstEckaeud'svnelatti ened gate,eaVtet 0 r trobt 81 at eaul vl voi oef ut take II: . only underetand a in . so far as we espiciady the eighth chapter- We can aHnedavoiene,atOngiteleasnhdotetthofourtei4,",weollid000nned" know how to nlock the safe;to de this bye when we get near enough Reav, we must use the 28th Verse as the her. WS gate °Orden Oars will hear. .The /*Oat of 'Paul's wonderful life can God is good, not because He has to only be explained by his censtant faith bis'not because any law compete Rim* - in this text that all things, though he but because Re is the origin of good - understood not how, .were working to- nese and ."the Giver ()revery good ,and getber for his good. To understand perfect gift." It is true indeed He of. this text we roust knowythat the-vvord tee causes some ot Ells best seevants to "good" means. go through the fire of affliction. You If "goer Means,. riches, • honor or remember the day poor Hager I was pleasure then this verse as not true; for, forcert,to-leavathahousent- Abraham. the facts are against it. .All things de She walked away that Morning Witif4. not work together to make the elloris- aorrowful heart; She thought she had. tian rich or to give him honor or pleas-. been ill-treated and Boshe had. . She ure,judging from tenstandard of men. had a good mule againet Abraham and Then working together for good must Sarah. They had nohdone the kindest. Mean something else viewed :from thing. So site wandered away • with God'e. standpoint. This verve is true. her Nayand when weary and worn This life'is a snivel. Life lenotan oy- threw inm down under a ; bush, and dee to simply open and eat, and the went away a little distance that she mall who thinks it is, is on the wrong might not see hien die. As She lay Planet.. Life is a real thing; We are there God called to her and saitl,,"wbat here in this 'world to live,., Nobody aileth thee Hager? what . is the , mat - asked. us wbethet • we would. come or ter"? Heaven is not so for'from earth not. •• We had no 'choice- as to whotu after all and "God is not vet y far away our Parents should be min what Conn. fromany one of us" mid He kporreth try or age We should be born, yeti we us all by name. Though Hager was a arekere,there is no0 doubt about that, .potir bond -women still God-shat1-4ime and it's a great honor even to be creat- that morning to . Cometo earth and ed. The past is gone. and we are what comfort her With the premise that the the pasthas: made .up. .._ We stand • in son whom she thought , was dying the present, but liyein.the future. :. Life would be the father of a great • nation, is real, we itust live, we must eats we and within a stone's throw there was a must work, we inust pay out debts, we fountain of water. She had stoppedmtist consider. others 'as well as Our. a little too soon, as some Of US often do. selves,' We are On 'by...one:thing,. Loa also at the life of joseph; at then -another, hardly knowing why 'we first grief peeme to have, marked him • follow the phantom, ' Rattling* When for her own. Sohjectee to slander and We'iletsseems like the thing we thought envy in his own halal% trotakjust treat- .'IM P E RTI N ENT PE R§ON A LS*. it was, yet we never giVe up -s like the anent from big Master. and to higratis hoe seeking a pot of gold at the foot of tode at the hand of the butler,; stilt he. . The Coma' de .Castelline Prover* to • lai: - . -the rainbow, .onthe nearest hill, stili coices out unsoiled; With a, kind ' fee-. Sadly nniousinesslike in 'everything except ' keeps ,up lite chaeatheugh he Audit • it gennrespirit and an excellence lifehar. i • the former in *Mob he made his Mar - not;. he always thinks it over the next acter only possible to those trained. in • rhige.s-Washineton Sous . ' . ,. • hills ...The merchant toiling. for years God's sehool. of SOtretv.: • • , 'And is tbe immortal Patti' may Coma in search of wealth,when he be•oldsmay • David, too, Must needs Pass through .and sing 'toes again. , It le now bellevee, have it tie he may no, yet • he has with- the Ore*: .', Leek at early days of his that this dive's farewelj. tour was the in :hire a • character developed in the. life: At first w*are.tod he was • ttwas. toorigiontetr ittetallutent plan sentererises- te be blessed. ' ' - .." - • • . David was God's. idea Of a man.. Still ed hhio On ''mate never is, but, always town heart David was a man,. or that school of honesty and integritY 44 his a man after Getl'e own heart". : That New York Woile, . _ reward, though - the prize. he sought does not mean that,' his heart wet N • ; ; • ' . " ' was Something else, yet :prize Mut- like God's heart, but that after GO s • • • • • , . Now that Sir john Teaniel has retired from his work on Punch a' rimer it abroad to the, effect that he is to be raised Life, I arty, is e school, at the end of God put bin) through the Ree, irtanclea•mhe, . Peerage vtlah tbe title of . Lord it We natist pass aor-exathination.. Two new hunted for years be. Saul a .. Sixetcheeee et cartoones-Taondoe Express. boys at school stand in the same dee% mon outlaw, till poor .. David 'cried, their gifts and talents are efittal. They 4 (there is but a step betWeeri Me and both want to leave school, they would ,demh„ / shall now. perish by the 13e,ed •ratherPley. One 'stayer -father saideNo, et Saul"; Rot. did . he Perish' by the my boy; you must go to.school.'" The hand of Saul? Did not Saul iso. down boy does ;not .see why,' big the father to his grave "unwept, ' tanhonoted and does.- So the boy Obeys. and at twenty unsung" and 'David ascetic] the threne. he graduated from college: " Thew he and reign? As. true . as ..God is true sees the wisdoms:of:his father's edelee n :A reigned -.1 often years •Thafathersofsth killtiviriet;buat4herA Vert; iYrtneerirsihrilieddbbYY ' other boy lets his boy play, and at his own hand, by his own wicisedheart, twenty when his boy emtsPeres him. not in the dark day of Seel, but. the .self with tbe boy who ten yeato. before darker day of Bathsheba, be well nigh was hie eqnse curses has father tor not: feu skim Bergetse elite . to hell, •• Be. cOuicelling hini to go to sehoOL..; We Hese it my friends we will never perish cannot . understand soinetimere whr from outward circumstances or by the God reifulreaustolearricertain lessons, hand of Saul.' ' It we cerleh we perish it may 'be. that some 'obscure enee in, thahemthelm of life.are being Prenars. by the wickedness of our 'bent deceit- the to reign over ten 'cities in the • next ful hearts; God chastens those He World. Only those Who suffer reigh, elhviletanitnYa9rruellsibagw iYn°.,.)trhen-ggrehebrieta tbe•only way to the crown ' is. by. the 'cross-. From - rods Standpoint He remold not concern you so Much but it kbc*a it la . for tine. own good. and bi they Were your oWn. You would correct His Great' Day et Explanation we'll thTemheamPontchee;'V who : takes the ':knife under etand. - is s -s - Nothing meat Was ever; done Jruick- from the child thoeirit:lie.cries, or pulls • him back the fire doek: not ' love Coughs, colds, bronohitis, ly. And was in a hurry. Fie has bhp km, so with God; .ab is more hoarsenees 'eternity to work .in. A thensand *sore throat, asthma, whooping cough .yieid years with him is as bbe, day. small , anxious to SW tis safeathome in heaven , Syrup, as it contains the lung-bealing vie. to the • curative power of Norway Pine was the grea,test of God's cent/thine Yet eth in us to. will and to do of Hitt own than we are to get there. • "Ile work he waited until theevening of the sixth . shoe of the pine tree. day (*creation to make him. good pleasuie" and nis.own•golid Plea. : The tax rate of London, ie 28e mills. was the greatest scene of this worlds gairecr is to give us the Kingdom, . "It is ex- Th God waited four thr asand years edient,"said the Savior "for you thee bladder and urinary organs only. . Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kidneys, They. 11, mushroon will grow in a bight bli before -be sent She baba of Bethlehem. wilgo°,16whalv°e''staifyeitdwheerree,b8tister°irduiffntBere.' cure baokaohes,. weak baek, • rhetunetism, an oak tree will not. Jonah's geurd ceding for Us. Re may be _testing us . -clitthetee, congestion, inflammation, gravel, .but, beyer tempting us. His grace IS rew in a night NO it withered in a Bright's disease and all ocher diseaseettrie. 5.,,, Anything ,•premature is abort sufficient,' not for to -morrow's trials hag from wrong action of the kidneyit and lived ' yoo shake your harvest. apPle brought into to -day but fee to -day's. S bladder. . _ , . _ tree and . rips fruit will fall._ but it is. Cheer up I The most of theotrouble in • wormy at the core. It takes even God a this vrotld never happiness. His yoke • on Apri1.25, The Welland Canal will be opened long time to make a . teat cheracter: easy and His burden is light if you All progress is s ow. You cah .will only 'eon of Him. "When things notice the trade . coming in by hours, are at their worst they begin to mend" nothY minutestthere is many a ,fitictu- and it's worth while having winter to tONSTIPATIO est, sorest and last lesson man has to two, blahy.a backward motion) hut apereciate sprikag.. Let a roan fully be- all Progress just the Same. The hard - loath is subiniesiob to the Will Of God.' ehines More brightly the darker the ha will be like the evening star which lieve.that all things work fel' good and ' When sil 16 sunshine i" baY "0" 18 deepen US and make us better acquaint.; Hight becomes. Trials only widen and, religion" and 'bey "Gott is good," but -ed with Jesus, and empty the heareand Chrietian life is not over AO long as God has anything for us to suffer or to storms do not effect the ' depths. of make tOOM for greater blessing. - do. Goals seeking goodneee, not cotn. tort; for Hie children. We may loose the ocean nor the tops of the highest our riches in a day, our knowledge iri wniecilleenntaniont8.10Weeren.thtioNatithbelliseveowt: when a fever, but character never. God has predestined Mine to fail. lie : meant &ming When all le dark and everything, that ehould beats even God and tbe Itibialolaks like a lie, oh the IhnY441Werel'hilieael .frem-lidna"'"' 'dentate, Ships heavily loon take age, for this reason He raised btra up apostle, .Phar- •Delaystb-anewering=pray_ere-ure--not- to escort the children of brael to the tbe tenger to come into harbor, If promised land. The winds and Waves we cannot, get the best let us get the that wrecked the ship Were intended ubsesntillgastiboi:haonted biles happy. (3�d re" °IdfStithee8 to isn'her beet friends. God 'o ways are past finding. out, btu give Rini time to anti alwayo ohone we would never tee ' make all things work together, and Re the elory of the starry heaVerat and if cart Make a bulb a my. an aeon an it Were not for the darkness sonletimee oak tree, er a convert a saint fit for in our Christian life we would of ) , glory, We Watch the vme,dresaar loosesome of the greatest sou z rk e , pentane his vine and wonder why he tinonTfteseGficie toe 01"4'tontati . , mitionf so Many' branches.Which appear 60 mit fah We wonder why God per. Ao mews we mop not - toter -take yeti but such rut e• e *I $,, . t f Octittelp3toPhen to,beotoned and dailies evety billy. has them, and • kw 11 r 0 h Alain Wall the sword and yet it Mal* be temptation there is ' 11' ' - touched the . garb of Saul of Tarsus or trial, but let us look for the. wet, ',,of that the dg'PraYer "t tolil'e'* thnii Let UN Minn not look at thinker pte, oil. and gave to the Werld.theapoetlePtitd. ,,,,,,,,,s, In Mdiather' r ti*m t The vtnedreeeer undererande hia. oven . iiiiirgoo-af,-o-aihTf;r-dgo.:17gti:g "lit business,, we do • not, We efetett the love or God, _When tried, the eoll one nhetegraPher developing his /*°,144 Whispers in our ear "God Is not, good We w'role!'i *11/ 11° needs 116 1114011' Or Re wotdd never let you suffer, ' turn that:lop much °tondo° MikhaUtlehblek on hinh tividt salt utai to look Week tOgether LO bring his Week tat IAA ho- knows how tot:lake all thing:: is'1417117;renia;1;;;;;Ati;d:rolittitatretr perfectio Ohtietian life is like, the fleggee. id- the bleeding, unchangeable Weather; t changeable. All stitv, Same "the gable yesterday,. to -clay and Woe would never ,gips A harvost, feteTerr"ttad he Will nob Wk. That lit re& Iskir Mead et *We hatteell Sue .te etiefoeit Of he hot all the time, neither freM you. go will rittyet look teeter& neither would all cleud, It Would. Mei gisilWthhiltimirthtatiteidgehratirinhieneelTjeir to' !try Burdock Wood Mite, end ifeet the Wotait do for, It to be cold alwar. the dose t bowl!' leave you and angels duet a bettlitef It tst doe With. r do. bot,00d nanoct things. too lei natter. or win some end whist& uoto you, Bo. ..riretleo. tauc'h benefit tron that thot 'I the geed lif Mabee° lia Obviate:a itfe, Bove ft, uoy friend% every star thet . siontinttee tenenit, and leek iir elitheekos . alt le het entuthinte fleabite le *Unbind shines, syerr bird that dime every batlike Whittio ifeMpletille Attired Ine, • . Were einisthine We. might forget touter' cum woo& apse* eorrow :land, .: That *es tfisi seoatiht. NM aad as tar Cf. ntlifg en Were 410114 We 014140e* UP tHal are Werking together for yettr healtithee . n aptsudideveriliburilmito. ul deePair. floint poleette Welts:tin the -good, etut Inlet, under the iliteetierr of )ria mod whet* who:sold :• if * ' rewitectires,e1"/Wrnis tittratio,ishfit ithsh bottiendirwilito Ittbuttteloyet.hui.thata fit in .1i.s.of 1 Pmmn.,...,..•TMOMPPANWOMMIN VALE VICTORIA* • ' The 'Weedaritsthe 'Peas N.bl's teleeraelt anima ,the simple Utah: The reign . or 'Victoria will leave an indelible Meares' neon the history of the world.-Syraetunk •Post -Standard. •• It is the. greeted of Victoria'. , . . hong that she :Will leave her country bet- ter for, haring ruled over it and tho world better. for having lived.. le its -s Baltimore Sun. . Few sovereigns have eminent:led so • Muclt respect and gdmiratiort trot* the world at large. No other sovereign hal been so universally laved and respected . by the English people. -Chicago Tribs tine. " Victoria's womanliness was the touch of *same which made her , kin -to -the .whobeEnglislespeakleg world.' If to be well •lietesteds.beett -token' Of-gfelitlfetd, Queea Victoria was the peer of our Washington. . . It would be impossible to sum up the 'moults o$ Queen. Victorials long reign in it tele words. Whatever • defects after operations may discover, whatever de- ductions they note 'ins.'s's 'from' the praise's we are vioet to shower upon ourselves, It is. plain 'that% the ,Vietorian age hap ,been one ot the great einiehe .or the world's history. • There never, was IC:Puritan reformer who more. inexorably sweg ent,ef court all the scandal and license And intdgue that had made the Hanoverian resime odious or who set and rigidly enforced .4 • higher standard of ' peisoztal purity and integrity Of life. The sovereign was • not loot in the aeoesan, as was unworth- ily the ease in the reign et Anne. Nee _thee lhe women lost in the sever • elan, al was too often the case rinild the splendors. . the Elixabetliaa era. else fleeter of Defeat. .That was the greatest blessing that ever hoppened to we, That defeat watt my greatest euccess. In 1894 I Was a eandidate for the mayoralty ot my native town, Yonkers, was bore there, you hem, In May, 1802, Sonneof roe fellow townsmen thought that votfid be of some use to them as mayor. I Was high- ly elated, I could gee •a greet future- congresa Perchtthee tbe presidency. But eould not go around end lure votere. I staid et home and made no speeches. and on election day my opponent won by a small majority, In later years, when I Salt how Would have been forced to abandon lxiY chosen profession for poll. tics, when I learned that the mayoralty would have token every moment of my ante, watt glad that I had been defeat- ed. might have developed into a second °Murices' Depew l'n been elected,'" "sjoha Kendrick Bangs in Success. Trearr..-Tha Markt Maid to Plant. . It has often been :said that 4 man who plants trees pleat, for his grandchildren, and of course that Is not a very envier - aging sort of enterprise, lint there are trees and trees, and some speele$ are such quick growers that, unless one starts at the business In old age; .he May reap the prolit for himself, Red oak, box elder, red and silver maple, black mid honey locust,. cottattwoed, Aspen and black wit., -IOW wilt eve VOW- timberstafrem 10 tO"- 80 years. The planter is recommended to confine. Me attention to a small number of useful kinds and nreferably to any filet may grow naturally about ids home. , Servants In Germ/tar. Servante. In Germany hatie their "char. iteter books" duly stamped by the police, and in these are. Written full particulars of their cella -net -when senrice. The employer keeps the book until the servant leavers when it la banded • tree after an • account of the servant's behavior and the reason for leaving have beep entered. Mao lixactiona of ilitittnette* "Listen!" . be whispered.. . - Utah:1de pressed: his hand. softly. • "Not nowt" she said, "Ie is bad form. • to listen whilestee. piano is elaring."-e • •Detroit Journal; ' • , Medical Wets been- shown that coffee increase's mental and bodily waste rather . titan retards, it. . ,,- • • . , Every square mile of aei is eetimated neritain Same 44),(10es:fee eels NOT MADE IN GERMANY. , . Brussels, olls, Decilat, 1900. J. IL McLeod, McLeod's Laboratory, , Goderich. Ont. . Dealt Stn, -• Having.,received greet laywdrliatesttoinge xbperneesfle tmfryomgrayetardineLearette restoration of that precioua 'boon, health,roubl ComingSeer Itag:vla felt an n hY While Nikola Testa has been talking trouble of sometimes one kind and foolisintees toramtmicatiii: with sometiones anothehgee alit chanefe: Iters elle if his Mende has inviuted t -b0 Mige Wit tbe'dIffeerreet-Pb-i-erccie-7 ; consulted* Seine Mid tfinerated stow ach, grade Old cancer and'others seam- ed -puzzled -over what was really wrong. I was sometimes a tittle better and then a greatdeel worse. This went' on.tor three years, -when I. -found -I had to do eomething or else I would be un. able to attend to ray house and family. About this time we left our home in the country and moved to eargo,North Dakota. where we havaeince lived, I' 'was treated by seyeral doctorawho had the name of being splendid men in their profession. One of there was a most euccessful practitioner. and any benefit received was abhis hands. In, Spite of care and medicine, however, I became weaker and weakFr, until at length the hospital Was suggested as & possible aid to recovery. With the hope of getting relief, no matter from what source, and would, believe.bave died, had I been left there much long- er. 1 then Went back to my old doctor and was still, taking his medicine when decided to come over and see my sold friends in. Canada. I arrived here in December. 1809, and while still on the train for Brussels I met a lady Who recommended your remedies vary highly to Me. thought it could do no 'berm to try thern.• Shortly after New Year [ gst A bottle of your eiystera Re- novator and a bottle of 'MacLennan's Liniment. It was not in vain this time, for from the time I began your medicine I began elowly but surely to improve in weight and in strength right along, and that dreadful pain in my strimach and the vomiting which distressed tele so much became a, thieg of the pain-. gained twenty pounds in two months. It is unnecessary to say more, for I can truly say that -1 have not for years bit as well as I do 'now; I am going back to Dakota, and r am taking some of your Renoyator with me. I hope that you may be;spared long in life and that your remedies may cure more, as ythoeirsdsidinmeeerv, Mus Anton LodAse, Sold by 11.B.Combe and it.P.Reekie, (JIInton. :Permanently Cured and all its 111 Effects kentoYed by ird00113100d litterts- If gouty. suffered time emistipation • for years, tried all the remedied you ove•r *Wird or read 0I, Without getting nOore •than the relief the one dose of the Mal- -Sine,Atorded-r-if you've been tubjent to oil 'tIfioniseries associated with constIpa- tied, 'Seek as sick headache, nantletto bille oustteste pimples, eruptions, blood halters, 'blotches, piles, °tee wouldn't you eteos elder ICA blessing to be mired Of per itoilitipatien to that it would, etay mufti Burdock liilood Bittors eau cure yo - aur. to that tilt curate:Ill be permanent. It hie doh. thoilsande Of theses der - the put, tireitty years. Just one itatainent to peer. What we 41.1' la • *Pic ,O, 5:At_ ?Orli** Pritirles Man., *raters "For treer tere Vette I lea's troubled With sink head:mho and eon- Ittpation* / tried teeny different pilli and patent Medicine:a, teit they only gave ail* !alight, toraporory aubmerine telephone. When will Mr. Testa take a hint from his friends and de something practical7-13enve1' Republic- an. • It memo that Pa Zimmerma,1 has not • yet settled- the debtor that the 'Duke" of Manchester left in England. Mr. Zit:a- men:nen may be playing a deep game for the purpose Of keeping hie daughter at home in spite of her marriage, -Chicago Times -Herald. They say It Coat young Alfred Vander- bilt about $200,000 to get married, but that's nothing. It cost his brother Cor- nelius nearly 130,000,0110, and It Is gen- erally understood that Qonsuelo put up a tidy wad for her duke. When it comes to paying for wives or husbands tbe Van- derbilt children eildentlY consider it poor economy to try to env* evpenses. • THE DOMINIE. Broadwater, near Worthing, had but two rectors in the nineteenth century. The late Incumbent was appointed in 1797 and the present 0130 In 1853. Rev. rather M. 0.; O'Brien, the newly appointed Roman Cathelle bishop of Maine, is widely known in educational circles as an authority- upon 'the vatious dialects of the American Indian, of whom he hat made a lifelong study. The Rev. Jones Boodoo Maloof hes been appointee to the charge of the Syrian Greek Orthodox church in Boston at the request of the Arebiniandrite, Raphael of New York city, the superior of the Syrian mission in this country, English Catholics propose the erection of A moriument to Adrian eV, Nicholas Breakspeares the only pope of English birth, In St. Peter's. Be resisted and humbled the /Amperes- Isrederick Bars barossa and began the long struggle be- tween the papacy and the aohenstath feBniti.shop 'Charles R. gals of Cele), Miss, ls said to be one of the. most learned men In the Episeopal church. When an utkdergraduate at the University et he was associated with Henry Morton, now president of the Steven's Institute of TeChnology, in trans- atinesaudspublishing thaingeriptiontnas the Rosetta stoma. • - • In oases of nervousness, sleepleasnese. weaknese, brain fag, lank of vitality, ner- vous prostration, feint and dizzy spells, to - biked° heart, whiskey nerves, general debit. Pine 10, eta., use lifilburner Heart and. Nerye Mrs Gs Arnold,wife of the keastmast- Louisville, Kent county, was. with her childred, %sewn the ran away and threw them over embankment. AltuArnold w uktor AD'S YULOVf OIL. Tee great ...10Ore. Used externally cures rheumatism, swelling, pains, bruisee, stiffness, pain and soreneres et every ao• soriptitm, Internally used It etthe weds, croupsore threat, heeristrieale **theta, brow:hitt:4 titlin$34.010. Price 26 Oentgi all druggiste. Sir Renri 3oly, who:* health is not froW* has been granted leave to go to California to tectiperitte, In his ate Sallee Chief Juatice hIcOoll will act NS Adminletrator of British Golneabia. Ma Paul of titheteeireattio Palms, When a sufferer dada perm/meta held In estate ttlinitOrldtle mediethe **South Amer& OM Rheumatic Cure, how sled he it to telt it. C.W. Mayhew. Oa Tlisonstilile,Onessouldni welit ot feed hitnoelf for itioethi--faus yesre as.° three bottler of thit *ram remedy cured Alter-uot a pain oduce.-istet ittatensous Mseet Lor rheanmile *Uhler' The Ltindon County Council has de- cided to buy 226 acres of land on which to build workmen's houses to aecom- iiiiidatb-4ZCIffieNotur.7--The-cost-will he 41,500,009. I feel hotter this morning, thank you. /, took a Lors-Liver Pill ' night and it Worked like it" charm— headache and halftones* itre all rIte heard many ladies say they wouldn't be without- Laita.Liver Phis—they're &gat on easy pill to take, do not grips or bloke; luta 'auto constipation, dyis,polil, soot ,Ittoutoiti kteiteil top% bad 'breath sudm1Istonhdjj,crfj15. 4, )1, lists', Amyl* Olioisu 1 Ara, Oratorio is for lufauts and VitilArsu, flastorio! baraniess substitute for Castor 011, ravegoriel Dreg*. and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Optrouo Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It la Oles***4 Its guarantee lei thirty . years' we by .741111orts of Mothers. Castoria .dcstroys Worms and allais Veverish.. nes& Castello, cures Diarrhaut and Wind Castor* relieves Teething Troubles, •cures Constipation :Mut. flatulency. • Castoria assimilates the Food, regodittes the Stionach and, Bowels otInfants and Children, gt:idog .healthy and: natural sleep. Castoria Is the Childx,on'n Panocea--The Mother's Prieild. , • . •- • Castorio. Castoriar ..o.noks,.• is an excellent Medicine for IN CaatOris* is oso weU adapted to eillidulk. • children* " hfotbara. have repeatedly toid Pla that ererommend It es suer -nor to alt,IttWas, of its good effect upon their ehildreo.,, scription known to me,tl Ds* °moon, Map. R. A, Magna, at..06 Jireeklysta$ , THE FAC-SIMILt SIGNATURE. OF..., APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. - .FH ENTAUR COMPANY. 77 MUMPAY ETNEET: NEW ;MOE CWT. • ew Tweeds erges and uitings ;fr,14[Trailoring Dopartmnt is A. Wn°*' . 01.4i.g6 . . . needs nOliitroduOtiq. , oats •••••.m.m•••••••••••••,rwftwa• lintiiii.Setsb.,..Door, and Blind Factory, • .: Tido factory is the tersest. in the county, and boa OW Very !meet -improved me.- ahinery, capableof doing WI rli on the shortie* notice. Wadarry an °Menai,* and reliable stock and prepared piano, and give estimates former haw Aft clams es of buildings on short notice and on the closest primes All work is imported. ed in a Mechanical way and, satisfaction guarantced. We gell kinds of in- - Valor ane exterior material. Lumber Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Ete Agent, for the Celebrated GRA Ira ILL, SCHOOL DESK, Inartrifealinraft at Waterloo. Cali and get preen and estunates,before plinking vim orders bailge ofavisiness Having bought ihe Grocery and Crockery business se euccessfutlyr ma Having foe • the past la years by J. W. Irwin, and haring oyer 20 years' -....04eriettee myself in who/680k and retail grocery. and °rookery business,1 am confidant I can keep up the good reputation of the old firm in keeping nothing but the very best good* at thejowest prices. I have reduced ail my Dinuer, Tea. Toilet and Table Sete ; s to make room for my import order, Wilk% I meat in a few months.' call and, examine goods and prices before you buy. No trouble to show goods.. J. W. McCabe With reference to the above change of business I take this •opportunity or ees pressing my sweets -thanks to friends and customers for them lest' rat support daring the pare 12 snare and bespeak for my suede/ger, X. W MOC/Abe, the setae Mora treatment so generously accorded to me. S. S. • COOPER • PHOP1IE11)0 General Builder and C011trattor ; J. •NV. IRWIN I.ron makes rich blood. Now is the time that your system tteeds building up, tree is we of , the best Tonics, drives out the impurities of the blood, makes the blood rich and pure and gives tent) to the whole system* our Compound Iron Pills oontaine in a contionsed form, all the elements necessary to predate) new riots blood, and nerve tissue. One or two 'bozo tumidly brings spinet, ono improyettentin health and strength. • 50 VIII§ in a hex 25e, or 5 boxes for Si/ J. E. HOVEY, Dispensing Chemist, Clinton, ....i.h....i.._.......4ic4t4tAupit4t4pmoit.*v.v.v.kfAtmt.kty.v.4t"swnfkik-ocic*)kiobi*******ibt*.fr*1;. First:class •eutteri - andSleiqhs * • We have A large assortineni f firatelass to choose from and intending buyers will ibia our stock Up4O- •date. Pikes are low for high.grade goods ••Also a. numbei oi Ontario and Manitoba Ihihai GOO. Latvia, Cenral Implement Dealer. rettacialis Cut xm 414114 )26 rd atm:rams OitteltleAtrliV which ots stemmed to be the beet madeln the re toy Melt nuoltdoeture, *blab are Op kid** 1 will bt IS • tending perch.** iitY Meek Many Oink afal PION al* ** xxszgre, /futon S ss1,;••=,