HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-04-12, Page 2°
re' ree tee:et7eireeeeeelir""linatrarq, .711MAIIMPWitTrVRTIMIW ,
A.prl.1 12 1901
•4 e
Doe* 1111* ttli!call Yew' Dominion Experimental
IR WM *Veld Ue• a gond deal of sidle, Farms,
ittetIon if eunecribere will kindly eee to
It that their etthectiptions ate paid ht
*dvaritle, The price Of paper and of
prinLiz g Material of all ltintle hag ad,
*anted very roateriallY during the past
Ulliforta 00.0pOrntIVO Herd
Test Reg0111.
The attention of Canadian farmer
interim e in the development o
3,ear, the price of ,material has Canada's greatest industrial factot, th
vsinained the name. Our white paper Dairy Herd, Is draven to the followin
e er, recent y sent Mit to a_few term
cote us to per lb. more theta it did lest u
ers in each province of the Dominion
/ear, Tills render(' it alj the more tle Ceritral,Erneeimental Farro,Ottawa,
'apeesery that eleheeeibere PAY Promptly, DEAR Sr -Your name has bee
viral those vvho have not paid remit us handed to me astthattelf A farmer wh
kt once the anebunt of their eubsci ip- itsicrnaroterattr.ly tire: ewdet gleorvrttluce
OM+ Que dollar or two to a subscrib- that the great majority of dairy herds
may seem a small amount, but
are losing' i e
If we may anovtlgeetlyencash returns alone
ep hundreds seteh are mattered er, certain that this need
Unit towev
tternilld it beeolnes a setions matter, case _ if rscutlis elent care and inotellige
the ecenewni,:d in selecting and feedin
Nodal for milk producers
So, in order to be able to work MOre
effectively toward improvement along
ie. this line, I am desirous of securing
BOMA exact informatio,n as to the
methods of feeding followed in differ-
ent parts of Canaan, I should, there -
fere. be much' indebted to you if you
would write me briefly upon the fol-
lowing points: -
The Ottawa Letter. 1 -Rind and quantity of roughage
ration fed to your milking cows in
2 -Kind ,and quantity of grain fed
your milking COWS in (a) Summer, (b)
Winter. .
3 -Quantity of milk yielded per cow
4 -Do you use pure-bred bulls? What
5 -What use do you make of by-pro-
ducth (whey, etc.) if you have any?
Would you care to carry on a simple
daieyheld test during 1901 in conjunc-
tion with dairymen in .different parte
of Canada and us here ? The only ex.
mon on preferential trade, for that was pense would be a spring balance for
what the budget debate developed into, is weighing the milk. We would furnish
4 ever, thank goodness, and after saying the You With blanks each month for keep.
mime thing over enciover again, in as many int,. the records, if Canadian dairymen
' different ways es the ingenuity of men are to raise the average -yield of their
could devise, the members have, upon
strictly party policies, placed on record
their adherence to two diametrically op-
' Pined policies. Not quite on party lines,
though, for there were two Conservatives -
Mr Calvin of Frontenac, and Jebel Robin.
on of Elgin -who could not stomach the
-dose, but frankly declared their support of
the Liberal policy of commee sense and
progress. The Independebt members, also,.
•to a man, voted with the Government,
Crisp County Clippings
A. branch of the Molioree bank is be.
lIng *started at Zurich. .
- Wpm, Duncan, ljeborne, has sold hie
farm to Mr Atkinson for the num of
e Wee Case's', of Seaforth, a teacher
employed at 1"erabroke,d1e4of typhoid
fever last week.
The horse races in Seaforth thisclyear
will be held on Tuesday and We IMS -
day, July 9th and 10th. ,
Andrew Taylor has eold his 100 acre
farm, lot 13, 5th line, Morrie, to -his
brother James, the price being 44,100.
Wne. Sutton, for many years ra re-
spected resident of the (ith of Turn
berry, ham retired from fanning and
, moved into Wingham.
O Mrs Morlock,Exeter,received the sad
e intelligence last week of the death of
g her daughter-in-litwadrs Morlock, who
, died in Detroit on Friday. •
Another old resident of Morris,in
the person of J. Olark, near Sunshine,
died'at his son's Alex. Clark, on Sun-
day week, aged 88 years.
The Ronald Engine Woaks will be
moved from Bruesels to London about
the let of June, where it will be run by
eYndicate ferreted in that city.
FRIDAY ▪ Al Rill, 12, 1901:
(By a Correspondent.)
Ottaweelearch 30 :-With a comforteble
' resjority ot 52 at their backs the Govern-
ment may jog along with tbe business of
giving the country good, sound, upao-date
adnunistration, and continue the work of
•0-sloye1oping ear splendid natural resources
eatt ntelligent trade regulations. providing
the maxinatim of encouragement with the
enthiranneof taxation, as they have been
doing for the pest five yeere-without being
wOrried with anxiety as to whether -they
;; will be able tor hold ;their job. The discus -
Now that the matter has been so clearly
nettled between the two parties,, that their
relative positions may be considered finally
• and magically establiehed- or at lease the
Opposition discovers the hopelessness of its
• position, and svgitohee eff on to some ether
• track- it will not be amiss to put down in
set terms a etatemeni of eaoh policy. This
...may be down iu offl .it language, for each
party is on mole.
• On March 29 b, I Ast year, the Liberal
Volley was recorded in the following terms,
every Liberal supporting it and every Con-
• etiryntive opposing it: --0That this Howie
regards the prinoiples of British preference
Intbe Canada customs tariff as one Nth eth
• .• in its application has alraidy resulted, Red
. will, in an inoreased. measure, continue to
*Eels in material benefit to the mother
• „. reeintry and ip attnaaa, and whi2h has al
herds and make a profit it
musthe by
first finding out what their individual
cows are doing. If the now is not pay-
ing her keep and leaving a good profit
for the dairyman; either the cow is not
good or the dairyman Is not feeding
her properly. If you are really inter-
ested -in the dairy business and meet: to
go' into a do-OperatiVe test as mention-
ed above I should be pleased to send
you further particulars re the same,
In any case, I should like to here froln
you on the aforementioned points.
, Yours yety Laub-, •
J. EL Grisdale, Agriculturist.
The replies elicited by this letter
were of such a character at to indicate
the advisability of making the matter
more public. With such an end in view
the foregoing is given for ublication,
It is hoped that many o our dairy
farmers may Hee tbe importance and
eecessity • of keeping such reeords as
are sturgested,and that they may think
it advisable to join in this Co-operative
Dairy Herd Record or Test. ••
Any farmer interested may obtain
full particulars by addressing "The
Agriculturist. Ottawa." All letters so
addressed are carried post free.
. •
' reedy aided in weldtng, and must enli TAP AdditiOnall 14ocal News
timely weld together the ties which bind •
anp res to expreee, its enephetio
a de i
of such British preference having Posen REDUCTIONS. -Hon. WM. Mulook,
ntel by the Parliament of Can- Postmester-General has authorized an
other very important posterreform to take.
Ina.n.4 .T.Lie glitga oNE. IOWA next Monday. Not only are the
ratee'for moneyorders reduced, but after:
WI, shill:Yei
'er, the Opposition April lat there s no additional ohargeon
, every Liberal opposing ardor's payeble in the United Stites. 30
onseryative, with the two will pay for a money order payable at any
ve mentioned, eupporting it: pleoe in Canada or United States up to $5.
e welfare of this country re The regulation is also reciprocal; orders hi-
e a pronounced polioy of protection at enedin the.Statee are payable in Canada
all times; that the adoption of 0 policy of nt tee owe mos. .•. ,
stated trade preference within the no pire ,. mtierkit .46.. ../ti.a.x.diiii;i8..rn. vie-
' • -- watild-Preve ofereete benefit to the mother ad--- -
pressnt time is partionlarly opportune for case, Judge 13arrett emphasized aepoinkof...ride.,Forest 'on Monday and raet a corn -
taking prompt and energetic steps towards law that 'is frequently overlooked by rnit tee of the. Council to discuss 'the es•t
magistrates. The Jag° held that when tablishment of his Gloye faciory in
the furtherance of this ohjeot; end that
a magistrate issues his summons and fixes that toten, and so far as We can learn, -
adequate duties should be imposed by Can-
ada upon the products and manufactures a (ley of trial, that he oannot diepose of ..the cliscuasinn was miitually sitisfaet-'
of countries failing to ad mit Canadian pro- the case before the dale filed, and in the Ory.
ducts and mennfacturee upon fair terms." absence of the complainant, even though Mrs A. Proctor, of Belgrave, who is
The actual wording of this latter resolution the defendant theuld in the Meantime • 74 Team of age, has commenced and
excepted the empire from the working of come forward and plead guilty. It ja a finished a quilt this winter containing
the high tariff proposal, but the epeeohes of corm:eon onstom among magistrates to fe510 nieces besides attending . to her
all who sepporred the resolution distinctly. accept a plea of guilty, and to er a* e settla houeehold duties. This is a feat which
air:mated the placing of the rest of the em- ment of the case, without any regard what- yery few young people would be able
pire in the same class as toreign nations ever to the complainant. • • • , to accomplish.
unless and until tbey were prepeoed to give Amur, Foneoesee.-Rev. Ira. Rieke, the
-the preference to Canada that the Comer. scientific foreooster of •weather, condition.
vatives persist in demanding. has issued April predictions.. In subatonce
THE TIME 18 NOT T. they are -as follows: -Owing to extra ,
- t, . . causes being combined, weather 'Edw.
That free trade within themepire may bane" will not only be more general and
come some day, and with it a ifieerence to severe but the storm periods Will be pro
Colcontal products is by no meatie:out of the longed so att.to overlap each other at OMB.
renge of possibility, and when it does come The first storm period from March Piet
history will have recorded the proud that to April 5th, has three causes betides
that it was the Liberal party under Laurier
that introduced and put into operation a
policy whit& opened the way to the draw.
nig together of the empire in the bonds of
rantnel preferential trade. The feeling in
favor of mut a pcificy is gaining strength in
England -it is for the Liberahrin Canada
.143 eauchte the country towards tree trade to 7th, About 8th and ath, elieree to
with -England, which, while tiotyet feasible, werMers -hi...
hettaatah,!!!!'eitins, hail and mail -
perhaps is not RD impossibilityA the fat. der frmi east -to west. Prom -12th- to, ltall 1
ure. Public opinion is slowly but surely a regular (deem period, with crisis about
drifting .in that direction on both sides of 15th, whenlook for vicious eleotrical goatee c
the Atlentie- in England towards a mutual attended by rain,heil and dangerone winds;
r reference, and in Canada towards that low barometer, high temperature, daily
larger measure of free trade which is the trim ems of wind and d II ...
Reuben Sanburn,one of the very first
pioneers of T.urnberry and a highly re-
spected man, is dead at the age of 81
years. The drst settlers are fast slip-
ping away.
R. J. Shine, of Grey, who has been
attending the Ontario Veterinery Col-
lege, ha a passed his final examination
and is now a 1 ell fledged veterinary
Miller White, of the Exeter Times,
leayes that paper shortly to take charge
of aetaily-papekeein-Winiesiete" '
brother Robert will assume control of
Messrs Bawden de McDonell soldl.to
Mi Peter Lamont, reeve of Hay, the
fine Shire stallion "Desford Marquie."
He is four years old; and was sold for
' On Wednesday afternoon of last
week Miss Tressie, &wetter . of Geo
Christopher, of near Walton, was unit-
ed in matrimony to Thos, Bolger, a
popular young farmer of this vicinity,
MisteAdelaide jeckell, of Usborne,; a
former student of Goderich Collegiate
Institute, has been engaged * as
school teachermear Oxbow, N. W. T.,•
and lett last week to take the pdsition.
A netition urging the License Com-
.missioner s to cut off the liceime of the
Walton hotel has been large's, and
freely signed by the ratepayers in the
•eouth.easterly portion of the township.
On Tuesday afteknoon, April 2nd.Mr
S.McBride and Miss Jose hineWillert,
of Fay, were united in the holy bonds
of matrimony. The ceremony wag
performed by Rey.Henderson, Hensel'.
.:as. H. Iroyer,.yoengest son of Jas.
E. Troyer., of Hensel', had the misfor-
tune, when'talighting from the Zurich
and Hensel' stage wagon, to fall and"
break. his arm between the, ,wreat, and
L.... •
B. Wray, ileir Belgrave, is said to be
, re oldest man in East Watvanosh, he
eeing 86 years of age. • He has good
health and is quite able to take long
trips through Ontario and Michigan
during the summer months. .
A very pleasant event toOk place at
Bruce Mine, Algrima, on March 13th.
when LantylNethervformerly of East
V,Vawanosh, and Miss McGuire, an es.
tunable young lady of that town, were
united in the holy bonds of matrimony.
On Friday evening a number of the
personal friends of Robt. McCutcheon,
Wessels, surprised him in a pleasant
manner by presenting a Very hand-
some silver water; pitcher to him and
Mrs McCutcheon. They are moving
ociuntry and the colonies, and that the course of his remarks on. the Lobsinger W.J. Chapman, of •Winghem: , wasin
Planetary causes, Rath, hail and thunder
may be expected on or next to the let. E'riday afternoon, after a very brief HT -
Storminess with repel Mine continue up to nese. Death was due to perfore,tion of
about the 4th ; tornadoes in some parts, the bowels. resulting in general peri -
and the storm god meyolaim some•victims, tonitis She was highly respected by
Cool weather will follow the irot storm all who knew her for her many estirn-
with probably snow end froste from 4th able qualities. • She was an active
worker in the church and Sabbath
licleeteel ancl....ece an exeMplary Christie])
Last isioQini)ii; the was a ditch
toe opa before His Honor Judge.
Maw% in Industry Hall, Blyth, Five
of the witnessee swore that the water
Major Serpa-Pinto, the well known, At.
*leen exploits., di's' the other day In Lis.
Presideut MeRinley has promised to
make an address at the benneet of the II-
linoie Manufacturere• amok:Lathe to be
elven hi Chicago in February or March. .,
Ernest Brenner, the uew president of
the republic or Switzerlaud, Is °lily 44
years old. yet he is deemed One or the
ablest of the international lawyers of Eu-
Frank T. Howard, a millionaire of
New Orleaure hes announced his inten.
Lion of giving to that city a sum or money
for tee erection and conducting of a mod-
Speaker Henderson is acid to be 418.
entielied with the portrait for which he
sat a year ago, The tae, ha thinks, is a
good likeness, but he objects that the
artist ha e Put a head on a boy's
431x -Speaker Reed declares that he has
loet soMething over 80 pounds in weight
doing the last few menthe and saya the
reduction in flesh has doe° him a world
of geed. He refuses, however, to make
public the prescription, if he uses any.
. Few public men have had so charming
home life as the late ex -Governor Wol-
ebtt of Massachusetts. •'Once, while he
was in office, bis very young son VMS, ask.
ed at school who was governor Of Medea:
ehueetts. "tape says he is," said the boy,
"but he fools so much I can't
General Sir Redvers Buller, whelp a
youth, had hie •choice maw all the pro-.
fessiona. His relatives greased him to
take up politics, as he had a private for-
tune. .11Is ready response•was, "I would
rather be a private hr the least of the
uteri's regiments than England's prime
Jobil_Beliarnba_Parsotte,....head_of the
Philadelphia Union Traction companY,
has risen from a "$5 a Nveek job" to a
post that pays him $30,000 a year. • Sur -
fee° car lines have furnished -a peculiarly
profitable field for 'executiye ability, and
the "traction millionaire" N one of the
Most laterestlag of his kind, as he Is the
• After working as a locomotive engineer
eni the Baltimore and Ohio • railroad for
lust half a century, Joseph West of Cum-
berland, Md., has been retired on .a pen-
sion at the age of 75. In all the years of
hia eitspIdymenf he never: received the
alighted injury, never had a wreck of
any consequence and at no time was a
• Itlea'of his crew killed.
WIlliara Wallace Campbell,. who hart,
lust. been elected director of the Lick ob-
gervatery to succeed the late James EL
Keeler, was born on a farm in Hancock
ecusity, a, In 1862. He made a specialty
bf astronomy at ehe University of Michi-
gan under Professor Schaeberle, took the
chair of mathematics and astronomy at
the University of Colorado and later at
Ann ,Arbor. •
General J•dha G. Parke, who died re-
- eently in Washington, was the Nat ofncer
to comniand the army of the Potomac.
'Cratere' Resets was spendiag a few hours
with-Geneial Grant at City Point when
Rya Doughis broke through the Federal
'lines, of which Parke had to hake corn-
meal That was on Maj 25, 1865. The
battle of Tort Stedman, one of the moat
brilliant of the war, was also fought tin-
ier him.
The queen of Holland has an enormotte
fortune, a•pitat -ivbieh belongs to
the crown. •
The Priec• of Wales recently had a pi-
geon hour's built near Sandringham cas-
tle, where carrier pigeons are trained by
experts. He intends to put his pigeon
house at the disposal of the British navy.
According to the dispatcher', the wid-
owed Queen Margherlta will after all
take up her home in Rome aud devote
her tinie aid money to •the haellectual
culture and -artistic -derrelopment Of -her -
own cowry. She received under King
Humbert's will ,about $2,000, and the
state makes her a do -wager's allowance of
$200,000 a year.
• Housecleaning. •
The sweetest woman in the world becomes
a terror, when
The ieason comes which tries the SOnlil of
all home loving men;
When span, and wet, and slop, and deem,
• end dire confusion reign
And to the god of cleanliness she dedicates
R. J. Richardson, B. A., Stanley, has her brain ;
recently been offerecta position in the 'Tie then mon teels that marriage may a
department ofphilosophy in the Uni- woeful failure be,
versify of Wisconsin. Mr Richardscn And in bis motet soul, perhaps, he wishes
hatenowever,decided not to accept, and • he were free.
will devote his'attention, tor time,to
farming, an occupation which he flnde She tears the carpet up with vim, and
• '
wends the Inlay brugh ;
more conductive* to his health.• The oat pate np her fussy back and runs
Miss Flossie Andrew, dough te'r of air out with a rush;
T. Andrew, Constance, passed awn The dog, with tail half-mast, runs out and
hides away;
He knowiethe racket she is at will last for
many a day.
The sage old spiders save their lives by
-fleeing to the emits,
And all the that wintered througlefell
prone upon their bechei,
And then she pins haf dfeas front, de'
termined in bet Mein, • '
Which says that though the hermits fall
ebe shall go on and clean
Cold rooms,. cold dinners, chilly bed% cold
odes, oced ohatr�
A smell of varnish eaeryWheee. and tacks
upon the 'stake,
Wet mei wayley_yen, cold winds run liot
The empty hall she'll airing, with her no se
eongeiled and blue.
• queetion of time when these two will have Another deeh of cold winch tie •` '"4
necessary preliminary. Itis then only a
bridged tbe abyss now dividing the coin- follow. ,The lest wee- •-"* nball will
di i
IP• melees' policsies of the two entiptries and iwnint 7 gtor:-
, , as period. From 25th to Olth,
....not April is covered
have brought about a trade alliance withhe ,:a.., look out for atoning of energy,
• the empire which will be eine tq get tb- eith intioh rain and bail, April will
teet of the world at defiaeee- eye •• .'“3 bring many extrenaes of very warm and
mini, compelled them ti3 ors, , better
• same common seine toe.- ..., an on the quite cool wmther, a war with northery
••, ee-ependeer, The InO .d of the -universal- end souther' enrrente. Reim will be
•'distatice off 1,-- ..enium may be quite a
world ere e ., es, but the nations of the
:• _..„,...,:___Ban 17 _.. getting more enlighteired-strthey
e...,:e• .a age and experience, and now, an
elegem the Britisher leads the way,
• 'Teinity church of New York 19 re -
garcted as the rrchest church in Amer-
' 103,. Ib has very large holdings in real
• estate; but St. Bartholomew's Episce-
p41 church. New York, has an income
otabouit $201) 000 a year, while Trinity.
oleo Episcopal, receiyes about $168,C,1
•ri, year. There are several Episcopal
• chnethee in New York, Philadelphia
' and Boston having incomes of from
11400 ,000 to 8130,00(1 a year. The largest
ificorraof any Pregbyterialt church is
' that of the Brick, New York, which is
$110,009 a year: the next larvest is
Second of Indianapolis, with $85,009,
MadiaMt Ayenue, Nevi York, has the
laageet Inecarte Of any Methodist
•" Church, $39,000 a year. The wealthiest
Baptigt Gilurch teifth Avenue, New
nlowlburistrin sonde locale
ities-too wet for 10W land. •
At a recent mle eting Of the Hotel°
Mission Committee of the Presbyter -
lay church, no important changes were
made in the revision of grants. The
grants for the ensuing year- arer--°On-
tario and Quebec. $27,050; Manitoba
and the Northwest, $18,000t British
Coluinbia, $24,000; the Ydkon, $5,0C);
foreigners, $8,000; traVelling othenaes
of British Columbia, Manitoba and
• Yukon -missionaries, $6,000; printing,
interest and general expenses, $4,000;
salaries and expenses of superintend. -
onto, $4,500; total, $07,150. As thie
calla for $2.5,000 more than the rev trine
of the Horne Missionary Ward front
the church, It was decided that Dr.
Reid be instructed to make a tour a
Ontario to try and raise the neeessary
funde. •
It was announced lately* in the
Brutish House of Ootmxions that the
• Government was still Without Infor-
YOE* itre ineome year amounted to Mation tte to whether the Manchurian
SiAdoo. The Rockefellers attend agreement had -been signed or nob.
this church( and its income last year
does nob represent a flied amount.
While the Baptiet'chureilee have More
than six times as many members as
the Episcopalian, the cost of maintain -
log the latter qrs, more than $2,000,000
greater', •
tO Matt A COLD 113 ORR DAY('
Titketatetere Beano eteleitie,Tableta 411
&erode refired the memo if it hat Us tette
/Teti: 13.biEffatare Mt eaCh ben'
ran eastward, while MC Smith
alone swore that it twei Westward. Mr
Smith was poeitt'e that be was right,
and after the court was over offered to
Wager any sum of money with the
other five witnesses that lie was cor-
rect. The filler Wan accepted. During
the present Week it has been proven
by the water itself that Mr Smith was
rightvfor theewater is running West'
• H. Citway„nn_o_l_d_reAdent of Pt. Al-
bert, departed thla life on Wednesday
afternoon last at the home of his sister,
Mrs Hayden, where he had lived for
the litet five years. His death was
catised by blood poisonrng, brought on
by getting his foot frozen two months
ago. He was a merchant in Port Al-
bert for over 20 years, but retired
from business on the death Of his wire,
in 1894. • Ile was an Englishman by
birth, being the youngest son of the
late tiaptain Otway, an officer in the
English navy. He leaves behind him
two sistere, Mrs Richardson, of T3ron-
US, and Mrs HaydersiOf Sheppardton.
wont wawa YOD SLEEP.
If you take a Laxa-tiver pato-night,be-
fore retiring, it will work while yon. sleep
without a gripe or pain, curing bilionenest,
oonistipation, dyspepsia and eiek headache,
an make you, feel better in the morning.
Commandants Kritzinger, Scheenne.
and Van Heenan have joined forces,
• CASTOR IA ivirt?",,,Teetri:4in:(3,94,cir:;)attbesnizte
tion of the Orange River Colony.
lila Infants itiut Mann.
-Ewe ilk
Ail spring inedioine Burdock Blood Bit-
ters hit no equal. It tonet up the Byttent
ana, leenleVell all impuritiesfrom the blood
ana, takes away that tired, treaty feeling so
prevalent in the None.
She skins her knuoklee, tears her nails, her
head and bedy_aohe,
-But slide happy for she knows 'Ear house
would take the slake; • *
No nook be corner has °gimped, the order
settles o'er
That domicile, from attic down to dean
swept cellar floor.
And though that woman's almost dead, her
forehead is serene,
Because she know), let come what may,
that house of her's is clean,
3". PERCY Com, Geldrieh Tp.
In nom° of the Swiss valleys the baited.
tants ere all titillated with goitre Or "thick
neck", Inetead of regarding this as a de.
font:thy they stern to think it a natural
feature of physical development, and tone -
Jets passing through the valleye are some-
times jeered by the goitrous inhabitants,
beseuse they are without this offensive
swelling, Thus a form • of diseetie may
become se mini:non that it is regarded as a
natural and neceettary condition Of life.
It hi so, to a large extent, with what are
called diseseee of women, Every woman
suffere more or less hom irreigularity,nicer.
Minn, debilitating amine, or female Weak -
nem, !end this suffering is no common and
so universal that many women accept it ea
• a condition sutural and necessary to their
sex. But it is 4 condition se unnatural ad
it ircutinecesssry. The Use of Dr. Pierce'*
Favorite Pre,, 11.14011 stiengthaus the dell.
date womeele o,Tanti and regulates
the worn fl123/A30i1/3i itt thot WOMan
is practically delieerea Irani the pain and
misery Whinh est no ten yeerg of her life -
between the eget of fifteen and forty.Ave.
"Favorite k.rintion" Makeif Walk WO.
men Wong and WE Wentati wall.
Propertiesifor Sale or to Let
On ViOtOr16 St., near Organ Faoteu. 3500
will buy a EOOMY, comfortable house with geed
kit -the property recently occupied by Prank
Unoball. Aleile et once to --
narrister ON. Clinton.
Rouse tor hale
A large, two etory frame house with pretty
surroundings, on Unroll street, le offered for
sale at a bargain ; 0 cisterns: and a never -failing
well, Will sell for $1,000 lese than its coat as
Proprietor la leaving for Manitoba. POP parte-
cetera apply on the preanises, or to Jelin Ridout
agent. JOHN TEDFORD, clinton, Feb.24-tr
Choice Farm for Sale
Subscriber offers for sale his fine farm or 10
acres, being lot 26,00 a. 18, Ilullett Alt clear-
ed but four wee. Brick house (and alto frame
house for hired man),bank barn, spring creek
bearing orchard of 2 acres, 14 miles from Lore
deroboro, soil first-class and in good condition.
Poesession at any time, terms to snit Purchaser
Jan 4-n m -$t W. filLES.Londesboro.
The framecottage on Oraoge street, occu-
pied by the undersigned, is offered for sale on
reasonable tonne. The lot is of an acre, with
hard and eat water, stable, gond fruit and
vegetable garden, The I °use coritains hall,
Parlor, two bedroom'', cletbes closet, dining
room, summer /Henan, cellar and woodshed,
is centrally located, possesonon_given any time
to suit purchaser. ELIZABETH GRAHAM tf
House for S• ale.
• Lot number 634. Maple Street, Clinton.
owned and formerly occupied by Mr Thomae
fiAobrter offered for sale et a reasonable
ne house is commodious and in: good
condition. For pas tieulara apply to
Clinton,Mar 6th, 1901, W. BRYD ONE.•
The premises ocenpied
°outdating of &first class brick store, on Albert
Street Clinton, is offered fornoale on stagy
• Ale° Cottage on Albert Street, with two
lots, stable, and all conviences. Partioulars
on appication to Mrs W: Robertson, Canters
or Mrs C. W. McGregor, Constance.
Subscriber offers for sale,his farm of 156
acres, situated on the Maitland concession,
Colborne. .About 140 acres cleared, frame
house; bank bans, plenty of water and in good
state of eultivation,e of a mile from school and
2 miles from Holmesville. Terms reasonable.
Deo 14-tf RICHARD BARER. ciinton P.0
.• To Rent tor Grazing.
, The soutlehaff of lot 80, Maitland concession,
Goderieh township, coroprising 67 acres. Two
good orchards on the property will be included
• also. The place is well fenced and there is an
abundant supoly of water, Apply to WM. Mc-
MATH,Goderich P. 0.,or to CURTIS STEVEN -
SON, Clinton.• April 7-31.
For Sale or to Rent.
The choke brick house on the corner of Ful.
ton and Josoph streets, belonging to the estate
of the kite Richard Heywood, ieoffered either
for sole or to rent. Itcontains room for ordi-
nary family, is practically a new house, With
all conveniences. and three -tenths of an acre
of land. If the prOperty is not sold or rented,
part of it will be rooted. Apply to
\ W. COATS Executor Clinton.
Subscriber offers for sale his farm .1 100
acres, lot No, 84, situated on 10th oon., town-
ship: of Hallett, Marge Co., about e3 acres
cleared and in a good state csi cultivation, bal-
• ance bush. On the farm 1. a good frame house.
large bank bern and other out buildings, goad
bearing orchard; and well watered. Apply
• Maroh 22--tt Londesboro.
Rouse tor Sale.
The subscriber offers for glee the House and
Lot adjoining the bowling green on the south
gide of Mary street. The house is in aood re-
pair, with 10 rooms, hardand soft water, and
a nice little garden. The purchaser may have
the option of buying spies.) of land adjoining
the property for a huger garden. Apply ton.
ICENNDEY, Clinton or MRS W, C. HELE,
1 m. 11.15 Winisham.
Farm for Sale or to Rent
The undersigned often; for sale tor to rent
Lot so; con. 9, Ifullettconsisting of 1051, acres,
80 acres bleared, 10 acres bush, and balance
uncleared land used for pasture, The farni is
well. watered by spring Greek and well. There
is about one acre of orchard. There are 15i
acres of fall Wheat sown and 18 scree of fall
plowing done. Upon the premises there is a
a storey frame dwelling and 2 barns,one 86x56
andthe other 36x65. Good stabling. The farm
is Smiles from Clinton and i miles from Sum-
merhill P. 0„ church and school. Will be sold
or rented on reasonable terms For further
particulars apply to.
Sept 28-- tf. • Clinton P. 0.
AgC1111,49. D—women for a genuine
money -making position;
in books, ihsurance or take :scheme; every
house a customer. Particulars free. Write tc-
day. TIME F. E. EARN CO..
132 Victoria Street, Toronto. Can.
Nov. 16-8m
SYSTEM 11101111101i
Or -
Weak and limpurnBiood,
Liver & Kidney Diaeasee,
• Female Complaint, Etc.
All Druggista, or write direct to :
.1 i. MoLEOD,
• Goderioh, Ont.
At onee-20 good pewing girls.
Mar. 1-11.•Minter', Ont.
A young _woman kr help in bouge work., AP.
ply at the Naw 113m& office. ,
Mar. 22-1t.
Professional anflOtherCarol
13olic1teeeke -a
Orrnere•Rillott Block, Into Street
BUBL/$0, ETO. ,
°Rice -Beaver' Block.
Upitairs, Opp:wile Potter's Photo 00W,
„ -
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary and 004YPTanOelt
• Offlee-.0ppesite Colborne
• Gederleh
Two girls wanted -One as chambermaid and
another for the Kitchen, at the Clarendon hotel
apply to A. MeGUIRE, Clinton. April 5-1
An upright eegine pnd boiler, four horse
power, in ROO WOrkiDS OrderiDet the thieg
for a farmer or some one who wants light
Power. Can be seen at NEW ERA Office will
be Bold cheap
Shorthorns for Sale
Feb, 8-tf •
young buns, 10 t nths old, also" some
oyoung heifers breedinga hoice lot, good
quality. Come and tn. lf, H. WIRE,
fo-merly of•Carneron Hell it Cameron)
BARRISTER am; souorroa,
office-aftsniaon st oppomite Colborne Roust,
GODE111011, ONT
' Stearns Bicycle .
earne Bicycle; $50 wbeels 'will be sold at a
• Fred Forrester, agent for the celebrated Oilice-Corner Hamilton St. and the Square.
recluot on for $45. Anyone wishing a cheap
-- ...,.ST.:0R4SerrSicOhL:;n1Tt.ORS, ETC
. '
J. T. GAnsow, (1.0' Cosa cisititlw,L,L.D.,..
RARIMeiruns, Souorrons, NOTARIES PIIRL Te'
*nice: North at., next dclor.toillirnal (Men
Private P:undoaftioniteenredsta..tlbrest rates•
W, PROUDFfrOT, ft, C. TIA51,
Y '
--' - . JOHN RIDOU.
Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Ilfondr.46 .,
2 oars Seed Peas. ENO BUGS) from Owen lend on mortgage and Note security. N.'"-•.‘„
• Office-RURON -ET. . 1
4 kinds choice Seed Oats," Barley, and Goose
Szeda.t .
Grain, In some canes from 2 to 9 months time
houseo e hraaidlwitadyeesitraelodn. . Drive rVlita to r ozuRr lake
Clinton Marin 5 1901.
up -to date wheel, recognized as one of the
best made. should °all or drop a card toFRBB
LuMber tor Sale.
Suitable for Farm Sliding's.
Root 11m2 and 2i inches thick, price 412.00
per M.
Soft Elm 1,13, 11- and 2 inchee thiok, price
312.00 per M. •
--Hard Maple -1, 11, 4,2 -and -8- inches( -Wick.
price 12.00 pee M. Ws DOHERTY & Co.
• M15 Clinton.
Seed Grain tor Sale
A quantity of feeding Corn at all time e
I sell for cash or Exchange for any kind of
• Crown and Bridge Work.
Agents W NA TED. --Lit; EACH MONTH
Queen Victoria Authors Office Hours -9 to 5 '
The Queen herself, Dr -
John Coulter. from London, Eng„john A. Coop.
er, editor 'et Canadian Magazine,- Toronto;
about 700 pages; quality never equalled; price
• $1.75. See other advertisments in this paper
ano to reviews in this paper.
World Tormenting Co., Gael Ont,..;
Exchange and Sales Stable.
' Opened in elinton.
• Mews 3 Bell and 0. Johnston have
• opened up an exchange and sale stable in
Clinton where they will keep on hand for
sale .or to exchange a first -tease selection of
horses dee' classes.
At present on hand 15 fret class 3 year
old *nares, •geldings and Allies -heavy
drafts working horses and suitable for
Buyers or farmers are invited to in-
Clinton. •Clinton.
• •444.•-•••••••44.44:
into line on April let and and spend
a few months from that date in one
of the departments of our School and
thus prepare for a better position in
life. --Education opens -the way lo
success. Try it. Our &hoot with
a staff of 10 teacher, and finest
equipment in Canada is worthy, cf
your consideration. Writ foe cata-
logue. • .No meoetions. Sprip.g trona
April 1st •
Central 'Business College
w. H. SHAW, Principal
•OTTIRazZA. INT 11" 8
• PRBSII AND enisrir
We have been conducting onr business
on the eash system Once the first of the
year and it has proved so astiefactory to
both our customers and ourselves that we
intend to continue it and to continue se
well as giving a dim:oast of ten per cent.
In eddirion to this diseount for cash
we will give our onetemers '
pounds of clean currants for
• 25 cents.
,- This offer will hold good until .Triclay,
April 18th.
Good Batter and Egos wanted.
Having boughtok
the business of
James McOlacherty
we hope to merit the
continuance of your
patronage by keep-
ing Fresh and tip -to -
date Goods.. Please
give us a trial and
we will try to be khid
and courteous in all
our dealings. Don't
forget to leave your
order for anything
• in the bakery line at
ParImer & MeClar
Novelty Bakery
•• And Restaurant(
Telephone NO.
With referenda to the above f' beg
to thank my Many customeroi for
past favour and patronage and hope,,
you will 41111 Wilting* the Settle with
my ittodeseora,
J. B. McLean, President, Nippon P. 0 ; Thor.
Fraser. vIce.prealdent, Minefield P. 0. • Tin r
It. flays, Secy-Treas., Seaforth P. O.; 'W. 0.
13roadfoot,Inspecter of Losses, Seafotth P. 0.
(Successor to Dr. T. C. Bruce)
• Specialist In Crown and Bridge Work
L. D. S. -Graduate Royal College Dental Sur-
• geons, of Ontario, Toronto.
D.D. S.-First-elass Renee graduate of Den-
tal Department of Toronto University..
Special attention paid to preservation or
children's teesh. Will visit Bayfield. ever"
Monday.• • •
Office over W Taylor & Sonie shoe store.
Physician, Surgeon, Etc.
Office and Residence- •
• Rattenbury Street. • •• • •
Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians,.
•London, England.
Office and Residence- •
Successor to Dr. Turnlaull.
onehenr, eto., &Hoe andtreeidence On Elt., opposite Englisb church, formerly oc-
cupied by Dr. Appleton, Clinton Ont.
Medical Department of Victoria Univer-'
sity,- Toronto, formerly of the- Hospitals and
Dispensarie ,s New York,.• Coroner , of titer
County of Huron, Bayfieid, Ont,
• DR. J.
--meMbbrv- 01theV
tje tiiitileriiiviy Medical A.-esoolit-
tiona of London and, Edinburgh, and Grade -
ate of the Ontario Veterinery College• , ,
Office open night and day, ormosite Com,
mercial Boll.
Successor to Dr. 14.3. It. Fowler, Clinton,
el • Honoraryeeraduate of theOrttattOVeterinsrip
College, Treats alldiseases of domesticated am
male on the most modern and scientific prinel •
plea Onion- immediately south of the New Era
til°111gbet dRosidenoe-adAtlobeprrtorailtp„teivlintou, cat
MARRIAGE LICENSES issued by the- un-
signed at his Residence, Mary street'.
issursn• 01' MARRIAGE LICENSEt,
No Witnesses required
.E • P. L. S., Provincial Land Surveyor Ind
Civil Engineer, London, Ont -Mace at Geo
Stewart's Grocers, Store. Winton.
........,••••-....r.r.••• Imme......... MOM.
. . ' •Musical .
B. P. Sibley, O.E.Tanney, 8.31. Marchand 0.•
• McRae, the Doherty Male Quartette, Scrota
season-, are prepared to fill engagements for
church and concert entertainments at reason-
able rates. For tering, addresa-
1 canton
Oct 5.--tf S. T. -muR013, secretary, -
• 1
Street Church, Gloderich, and teacher on
Organist and Musical Direotor of North
pared to take a limited atmberof Paints ht ,
the above. For tootle apply this office or to:•
Friday of each week.
MR CAMPBELL,rnay be seen front 11*. m., toe
2 p.m., at the Clarendon Hotel, Clinton,
: -
A ,
subscriber ie prepa--7..-red to promptly 11 ad or-
ders for Wood or coal, which
aac Street, *will be sold at
lowest rates. Office on Isat D'AVIS
eorge Dal;
Greadfoot,„ Seaforth,John Ggeve_ ..1/JPILIPMBET MOMS- _ ___WcyeREATLE5
Winthrop P. 0.; G
e. Seaforth; Jobs
Bonnewels. Dublin; Jas. Elmo, Beechwood
O.; John Watt, Harlook P. O.; Thomee , Fraser
Brumfield ; John B, McLean, Rippen James
Connolly. Clinton_ . AGENTS
F"Life Insurance
Robert Smith, Harlock; Rebt. McMillan, Sea-
forth; James Cumming, Eirrnondville ; J. W. CIIAS. IIALE,
Yeo, Holtriesville ; George Mardieand John' 0.
Mordeon, auditors. Parties desirous to r ffect Insunce or trans.
'Cilnton, Ont..
eot other businese will be promptly attended tri
on -application tO env of the above °Mimi
addreseod te theirreet ettive offices
b. L. 1111CPREMON
Fire, Life, accident Plate Mats
License District 1 0„,.
4, The Board, of License Commissioners
will meet at the
Inspector's Office, elinton,
, -OF-. .
Tuesday, April 1.0th, 1901,
Rt 5 o'clock p‘ Ms,: .
to consider the applications for the license year
of 101,1402.
All petitions or applieatiOns to be sent to
W. .1. Paisley, Inspector, Clinton. .
The number of lieenses for the year 1000-11 :1
was SO hotels and 2 shop. The number of im.
Onetime for 1901 Is 80 betels and 2 Phone.
New applieations-,Mieheel Farr, hotelt Clod.
erieh; S. Pike, liallenty hotel, Clint0h; Charles
SimmonS, hotel, Milford; Wm. Prottdfoot ger
IMartin. Nieto, hotel, fetatforaI Bee. BatallA
Ilaihinnt Mailer Gotlerieh.
Agent for the MaNellitgern Finn AesonAgen
Co, of Manchester, Slighted, whine fends and
tonsurity 410 tated at 314,500,000. Alio the Ma
Rttnor lititesAL htsMAANct Co, Alfelasses of'
farrn riskg and town propttrty taken at
°west rates. Pint -ciao Loan Companies,
aleo represehted. Money 10 be had from 43 per
cent tip, Recording to Astor° of esourity,-,
Daily mail to Helnuertilld postal card will.
fetell him
JeltRION 0/3' QUEEN VICTORIA, ineltidhig
epeolal memorial treaties from the meet emin-
ent British and Canadian determent, and "The
Life of King Edward YIL" Size 10x7ei. about
000 pages better illustrated than any rival
work, liVritten by Dr. jeo, Conifer, from Lon-
don, Rage the celebrated Hittoriari Mid Jeanie-
and,Johti A. cooper, editor oistanian Meg,
esti*, Toronto. Pr..e6 only 21.75-ilew; boon
W. PA/SLEY, oredit Van prospeet* free altnetteeekt.
from Or to tenet Extra large OtontMliesion;
A,Prilts•-2• Inepetter.Clinten world Wishing oo.,otusipk.
sins.. • ./ T