HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-04-12, Page 11/4
Retootoload Oa Now gra to
, your Moods.
If you have not Renewed your Subsoriptiop. for this year now is tlio righttime to do so.
o. Tbp*blish
ro If readers would, on
ouroberies mom
o. merchont minve
RINABriiiiREEe Woo
Attninft'n AnnoMinnnublisher
u wait. Is the' lat;
est fashion with us. \
We have purcitasetP:k
one of the latest imp '
engraving machine aningno
tend an invitation teitlIV:
can and pee this really woffo
derful piece of machinery/
We will be pleased i
* to show and explain -nit to
•vou and enoraTlny arti-
s cal you wiehdo e ivhile you I
/ l'
We engrave
all ortinles bought bare X
free lif charge, no mat- 4'
tesonow large or small it X
ay be. .•!..
• s.S. o
lit can't make a mistake
iii Call and see it, then tell no
your friends about it ;
B. °REIN'S, ..1
Expert Watch Repairer t
Jeweler Aad Optician .
Mos:Ion-Miss Maggie McEwan, who
teaches school near Windsor, is spend-
in:g her Venation at home, Mrs John
k Weisner, of Bayfield, WAS visitin_g at
the hoinie of the lateJ.Gilinour. Thos.
Giilmoton of Turnherry, was in Staiale
Attending the funeral of his brother, .
Gnomon Geo. Gillinonr, ot Winnipeg,
tatrivectimme on Monday eVening ; be
irrass4 of. J. Gilmour, deceased. R.
B tird left on Tuesday for Posqua, A.ssa. is
he took a carload of settlers' effects.
Miss Hamilton, or Blyth, Is onsitingold
acquaintances; she is a. guest at Wm.
Gritham's. D. McTavish and famtly
lett for Kincardine on Thursday, W.
McTavish, whits has been at Saratoga.
for some time, arrived home last Sat-
NoTEs.-Mr Atcheson of Koos Col-
lege, Toronto, preached on Sunday
evening on behalf of the Knox College
missionary society. Miss Edith Sowers,
of Westminister, is spending her vaca-
tion at home. Mrs Laird and son,JOhn
Laird, of Clinton, was visiting at the
home of Dr. Armstrong. Mr Stephens,
r - -of Westminster, visited. at the manse
JrartrANY.- Surprise was depicted
on every countenance as on Saturday
last word was passed from one to
another that J. Gilmour had posed
away. He had been in comparatively
good health for sorue time past and on
Friday woe visiting in . Brucefield.
Shortly after reaching home in .the
evening he complained of a severe.
pain in the head and soon became un-
conssious. He lingered in that state
for about ten hours and then passed
quietly away. He was in his seventy-
first year. Di ecoased was a native of
Ramsay township, • Lanark counts?,
where he was born on April 20th, 1830.
He was son of the late James Gila
tnour, who died at the advanced age of
U. About the year 1843 Mr jos. Gil-
niour with his family, ot whom John
was the eldest son, moved west arid
settled on lots 23 and 24- on the thitd
concession of Stanley, then kdown as
the Huron Tract. By dint of hard
work the family soon made a coinforl -
able home. John settled on lot 24,.
where he rensained till his death. De-
ceased was a man of sterling qualities,
.otheart and mind•rionl-was-uttetir op -
i.... to sham and pretence of any
this week. B R. Higgins is visiting at lin. Strong in his convictions, he
the home of his.brother, Rev. Jos.Hig- was equally strong in maintaining and
gins, of Mountain, Montreal Presby- advocating them. was always
t r is at resent vet W Miss
e who y .
Lena Shaw, Wiingham, is the guest of
• Mee Emma McIntosh. Miss Biggins
and Miss F. Chrysler are spending the
Easter vacation,in Toronto. J. Aiken -
head and wife are visiting, relatives in
'London. J. Kaiser is having the sale
stablene lately' purchased from I, Mc
Gregor repaired for to use as a black-
smith shop. A number of farmers
bave started plowing. Mamie Sproat,
Tuckersaiith, is the guest of Mies B.
Gibson. The census man visited our
villag, e this weekosnd, oh, the questions
be asked
InEUES.NcE MATTER& - Owing to
the recent.frequency of tires in this
place,some of the insurance coinpsnies
are hostile ' doing business here, and
° have refuee business sent by their re-
presentatives Whether this is due
ons oto concerted action on the part of the
Underwriters, or Minot, the result of
individUal action by the Insurance
' • •Oomplinies, is unknown, but the fact
remains that risks are being refused.
OBITUART.-A gloom was cast over
• tlifinx.,otiolinal tiotstoils4eiy sno.ruesday last by the
• ' death o rs Jo mg:, of the 14th.
The deceased lady. was in her usual
• -health"( ritir Monday night; when Oaks
tog suddenly ill passed peacefidly away
at an early bout Tuesday morning, in
- the seventy-fourth yeao of her age.
She resided -on the 14th con. for nearly
BO years, she and her husband being
thetst to break the primeval forest
thisjo locality. She was one pf those
persons who consmauded the respect
and esteem of all with whom she came
in contact,a thorougb friend and neigh-
bor. She WAS a consistent member ot
the Presbyterian church; she leaves a
grown-up family to Mourn. Tho tun -
oral on Monday was very large,friends
- from far and near showing their last
• respect for the depot ted.
NOTES. -Mr W.Craig and sister,Miss
Hannah; left this week for Moose Jaw.
Man, where Mr Craig has bought a
Onosint FrUnrins.-Mesers Dr.Olack-
all and W. S. Lawn ence have been can-
vassing with a view to organizing a
Court of Chosen Friends here. They
are meeting with good success, and in-
tend organizing Thu:today night at
Willson'e hall
NEw ibmvornv.-John Mulholland
has bronched out a little this season
and will run a bicycle and repair shop.
He understands a, good wheel and
knows how to tido one too. We wish
him success. A neat, new sign, paint-
ed by our village artist, W,Millengives
it to this public as "The Lone Star Bi-
cycle Repair Shop," ' •
Vionotts.-J. Mulholland and *lin,
of Mitchelt have been Visiting Mrs
Amen and t'W.• Mulholland in the vil-
lage. Fred Leonard event Easter at.
Bright, his old home. Masters Bert
and Artie Birknot London,areet theft
grandparents, MISS Courtice. Olin•
ton, is visiting her grandparents, Mr
and Mrs J. L. Courtice.• Miss Edythe
Tebbutt, of London,spent two orthrne
days visiting at istitne; she speaks very
highly of London life and enjoys her
work immensely.. A. .Blackwell and
family, of Clinison, epent Easter here.
Miss E. Holdsworth, who hos been on
an extended visit in Fullarton, return-
ed on Saturday.
•Noons.--The contract of putting the
cement floor in the cheese factory was
let to Thos.Walker, of Clinton, for the
sum of 0270, Wm. Pickard recently
sold one of his horses arid purchased a
good colt near Seaforth. Ezra Pickard
alto parted with one of his team, but,
replaced it with a fine mare from the
sale stable of Johnston & Bell. Mc-
Leod Bros. sold a fine draft horse -to a
Seaforth buyer last week &led •are now
looking for another. J. Jervis sold a
colt to Albert Bothwell for a good fig-
ure. • W. Jenkins, of the Maitland,.
bought a heavy work horse at theosal43-
onO,Wiliis on Ss -turtle -sr. . W. Pickard
hat hired F. O. Elford to take the mail
to Porter's Hill twice a week. F.O.Els
ford hat. engaged F.Stevenson,Clinton,
for he summer. 0 -Willson and sister,
loontloahon0o -
NOTES. -The regular services were
held in Knox church last Sunday; the
church inside has a very fine appear-
ance now, and wlil likely be further
improved by painting andgraining the
seats and wainscotino. Good Friday
and Easter brought several home to
the village-H.'W., Adams from Nor.
wich, W. Orisp from. Seaforth. Mitts L.
Ouimette from Toronto, and several
other visitors came betatrons different
Places; James Oliver returned from
Algoma in time for Easter. Mrs Lear
and Mre Nott nent Easter in London.
Mrs D. Floody spent a few days in time to get together and the sooner the
Blyth. Rev Mr McCallum, missionary better.
from Turkey, addreesed the congrega- •os
titans in, Burnie, Knox and the Metho- 1 tIOUGHT Tare Insonorninsios.-A cons.
h h last Snails- The Meth. inittee from Bensons including the
whets had a coup e o ees an 8 i 14
the shed this week. Mrs Rich. Brown
is very low at present, with little pros.
net of getting' better. Several far -
Additional Local News
THE 24,Ta oR tew years ago
the 2,4th of May wee alwaye looked
forwardto Clinaton 'citizens for a
celebration. Last year was a diversion
from the ordinary It being thought
not advisable by many owing to neigh-
boring towns celebrating. If it is the
intention to hold a celebration or sporta
of some kind on the 24th of next month
it is getting time to start the ball roll-
ing. Several other places have tainted
%Rd air e arran gi g program s,eo now i the
List c urc eig Y. •
councilwere n on recently InepeIr-
ting the brass band instrument -roof the
O. O. F. bond which existed last year,.
A notriber in that place have decided
to organize a bind and it was with a
joase.sr.9 ustmteepd epnlir singleown Mdosnydsavis.iirergs
view of purchasing the eoiromittee Isis -
friends in Clinton and Varna. In a ited Clinton. We learn that a bargain
was made; in alnthere are about twelve
test Of cream separatorirsin
liullett instruments with the drums and(
hetween tbeNational and Mtnotte for
they were sold at ti OU $70. We hope
three days the National produced one the flonsoll people wtli have a good
pound of' butter more than the other.
organization and favor as at some near
B, Riddell arrived here from Iowa on
Sundanojanies and John Riddell and datg
MreSVninigahrtr,ibVeeidngfmcamlleMenhiotlbea bCiisn cently writing from Ontario, Cantor -
in Cootrontrzo.-A subscribeu re-
Mondayfr iends of Mr Riddell came from a dies .are settled, soya that prospects- in that
the death of their father; several other Id% where
tanco toattend the funeral. James place for fruit are good, They Wive
a number of 01intonlans
moved to tninton on Wednesday. Mr prune and apricot 1.rees . are in full
McOlay, and wife and Mrs Hovison had recent rains, and the plum, peach,
attended the -funeral of the late Mrs A. weather is like June, and there are
and Mrs -James Webster and family bloom; barley is high and green. The
The infant daughter of J. ShObbrook is
W. Webster in Wingliam on Tuesday. I more tourists than ever bermes during
the winter _Los Angeles, a few mics
-,quite,ill. Maple syrup, making is the'
order of the day. James Webster has that could not be accommodated, not -
from Ontario turned away over 300
rented his farm; he bail been a hard withstanding there being :number of
Condom and.GoInn.
3. Bannon was here from Teeswater for
a few daos.
nwlia M Toronto thio Week,
P. Saville was visiting friende m Wood-
enta.bellisioeCeseooltrwipa.s it Stratford thia week
ingto,n, Toronto, is here
- B. Sage, T. ?011ie and 4, Disney. 01'00
Sunday at Seoforthi
Hi. Bell and 3, Doyle, of Wingham, ripens
Good Piaday in town.
oi's •
S'O'S •, .L.
> •
1 ., .We carry a full line ot en the
leading and popular gyring modish:I.,
es moloding goodie Satsikrar
ilia, Ayers 14,:acsaporillet
Burdock. Blood Bittern,
•'Pother. McMenamin was in London for
&few days this week. •
Mies Roberts, of t3eaforth, spent ' Easter
ot M. Glewno Hallett. -
Geo. McGuire and D. Connell have gone
to.the Canadian Sault. • ,
11'hos. Jaolition,jr., went on his usual
burnous trip on Monday.
• Walter Coats spent Easter holidays with
friends -in Mount Forest,
J. Ransford was in Toronto for several
dor) this weekod business.
wOrking Man, and well deserves a rest; iamosh000koodo oha, eomootoanopoiees.
.sve haOe not learned -as---Yet-where-be , .
intends taking up his abode. •
'131oRE To HIS REST -At the 'years AMONG THE Into -We are glad to
know that W. S. Harland, who has
follow each other in rapld succession
.1:Me link after another of' the chain. been confined to bed for several weeks.
that joins • the present with the early *snow on the road to recovery, though
ready to assist in advancing anY cameo Ella,
which he thought was for tl•ti benefit nonsotog.-The many friends of Rev.
left for Toronto a few days ago. and itant history of this rovince
J. Green and wife will be much pleased
so know . they are improving. They
nave had the sympathies of the com-
munity during their illness eon ail will
be glad tei see thetinnortrinxtound-t he
not yet able to leave his room. iss
Minnie Couch has been.confiried to the
house this week with congestion; her
friends will he delighted Lo learn thot
the is improving, and will soon ber out,
again. D. McGillicuddy; of the nroden
ono icisSignalo, bad a relapse ft QM pneu-
over three-toisarters of a century:
day was woman's day; Mrs Moan of ern. county„ in 1825,' his parents (Mr
was boon near town of Perth, Loos monia after' his recent visit . to the
Press Association at Toronto; but we
pastor in his pulpit again. Lost un -
Toronto, was expected to give an ad- and Mrs Ja;n2eS Riddell) *acing 'eon. die glad to know that he is gaining.
was not ptesent, so oot own local tal- grated frc PeithShire, io Scotland, Many Siesendo. will be sorry to bear of
J. oonmerton, of tioderioli is visiting; at
his tonni,J. T. Ernmerton.
• da3yaaiss. ilitheurdeleartaMsKinintcoawranie, sPaab a fear •
Miss Parlour, of Londesboro, spent
Good Fringty with friends in town. .
Mrs R. boogies, prussels, was vishiag at
the tome of Mos S. Crich thie week.
Miss Grumrnett. of Nile, spent the Eas-
Earnest Twitcheli left Thursdayniensing
ter holidays witti Mist Olive Helyar.
• • for Toronto where he has reoured sttu
Mre Whitehead was tile guest of Mrs Z.
A. Fowler.of Goderich, on Monday. • ' Mr and Mt s Rich. Irwin were in Heave- ,
• Mrs T. Odlurn,of Riohmond, Va., demon. ler this week attending the funeral of the,
teroot_ John Retion_iii home on a visit. IeftaeMBr.ssJhoshwn,-147nienr,awl ahgesdnitefdoirnala/tui
with hia daughter, Mrs J. W. Irwin.
W. Barr, St. Themes, spent a iew dto a
R. P. Reekie's
prescription Drug Store
Successor to Syiney Jackson.
N. H. -We call" speeial at'
lention to our own COM*
pound Extritet of Sarsapnrit
fila, which as a blood purtt
tier and spri medielne-lis
equalled by few and excell- -
ed by none: •
o)pfoo444.41.4*****.e 2
Z. Carter, Chathern, is visittog-instowt000.'
o the Loolon Life Insurance Compeny, is - .
J, Everett went to Detroit on Monday. in Exeter paying death olaim on the life ot
where he has scoured a good position . Jclin Treble.
- •• .
"• Miss Boobs', on account of sickness, has . Hayfield,
returned to her home in Londesboro. • , NOTES.- Rev. Mr Thompson occupi
and improvetnent of our fellow -men. e. ,ed Stoandrew's church pulpit Sa.bbaih-
gnMe4sostGmibisesonotoNfeTilotroorutt worenk. tl ni*.fts mug., miss Atio gouoto has Iv_ „, 3
turned after spending a term in the
He was a man of •very genial disposi-
Miss G. Mundell, Brampton, is YMting mueical col ego, Loudon. Mrs tiodie
tion, a firm and warm-hearted friend, eit her grandparents,Mr and Mrs R. Porter. . moved into her ce rage,
and was ever ready to lend a helping
is broken, Another of these inks has
been severed by the death of Mr Wal•
ter Riddell:: which took .place on Sun-
day 'morning, April- 7, at. his hoine in
Londestoro, at the advanced age of
• • led is Mrs I whore she will reside for Che summer.
hand whenevet and whereverrequire .• ;Wesley Stevens viol hsister,. .
An obliging and agreeable neighbor, Tnylor, of Brampton, for the Eastr ;holt' A. N% cinch. b" returned, aft er sPeottion ,
. • the winter in "Michigan. Dit, so tools
an active member of society; le was days.
. s lig now completino his cora tont in the •
highly respected by a large circle of
tokitas cf thocensus. Mr °mild Mrs J.
friends and acquaintances. - Thi ough- 'arDsprimatndEaltrearWwiteh tnnmet.ritli4oufgShtt.erThmom
" Morgan noW occupy the River House,
out his life he was a staunch Refoi mar
; Photos
Photos I
A good Photo is worth
The place to go for it is
• Henry's
Photo Studio.
What Can We •Have iOr a is still seriottsly 11 and small hopes are
entertained for her recovery. R, Cole
clress,but owing to otlaer tor instances
the serious illnenoiSr3tonse Masson. /
some et
and a consistent, member of the Pres- B. P. Reekie, . • • . . . , • .
and. took up lend- in Hullett:Oownship- wntch theywill run as a summer -
byterian church. He was twice onar- ent filled the bill very nicely:. A. j.
Courtice conducted the services 'and •
in an a erwar s re urne o ts.• • A •Cooio-os' - e unoerstaoc , ay °omen oTorontoWednesday to sort fot tho coming season. •O Si inooro
"os w T.1 • tt
• Miss Hoinoes and Krell; .H1forct --------------- ,home. where he was married iti1853 to
1851 • d ft • t d t h'
Box lancLlately arrived here arid fore siortirO loore stook ot hoots and shoin to re is ronning his bulginess in. the Stir leen° ,
• • •
ned; by his first wife, IVIargaret Smith,
works, off at bar sibs. ••• '
store at loll blast. F. Geminhat dt will
he han two daughters. and by n at Seale& Bice's marble
his on women's work at home and abroad; Miss Elizabeth Foster, clapgliter of the ma g
late . Christopher Foster Esq., , near
Smith's Falls, and the same year he
established his home on lot 14, on the
13th concession' of Hullett, where he
lived' until seven years ago, when he
retired front the more arduous work
of the farm and removed to Londes-
boro. His beloved. wife has One on
before, and has been. awaiting him in
the !glory kingdorn for 27 years. On
his s mimeo west he had to drive in a
.WagROH frcim Hamilton, the nearest
point of navigation, and the oearest
market town Was Goderich. Those
has been instrumentin gettinoonn,01,. am, is 4,06.16. n keep his hicycle repoirino ohop in ihts
number ot the old hand boys t9gether Lester Reynolds,
the morning collection, which was for atin rink shed helonging to Mr Jotv.
the women, amounted to over $20;they
with. the intention of reorganIZI.Aq a.t ter. is also here. • • etts
a visit ; his sister, Mrs Davis, aid n h- 6 at
MoLeod,of Huns svillsos sp
are to be complimented upon the .suco
band. On Tuesday evening.
cess of their meeting; the evening stir.
second, Agnes Bawd, he had thirteen
children, of whom twelve are still liv-
ing. Of his family six eons and three
daughters are in the Northwest, one
daughter married to Wm. Ross of the
London Road, and one'dnughten and
three sons are athome. These children,
his widow, two brothers Hugh Gil -
moor, of Moosejaw. and Thonntilosour,
of Tuenberry--and four inai ried sisters
are left to mourn his loss. The fuheral
took place on Monday, when a large
number of sympathizing friends fol-
lowed his remains to the place of la-
ment in .Baird's cemetery, The funer-
anservices-were•conducted-by 'Revs -Bo-
ll. Sewers, and tha pall -bearers were
T. Baird, A. Thomson, J. Oameron; J.
Falconer, T Gihnour and G. Baird,
COUNOIL.-Stanley council met as
per adjournment on Monday, Alma 8;
all the Members present The princi-
pal theme of conversation and debate
was the plan of Big Drair ; W.Farn-
-comb, engineer, was present with his
plane and specifications concerning it,
while many ot hers, beside t he council-,
lora interested in the same were also
presetit and took part in (he discussion;
the report will be ead and fully ex.
plained by the engineer at the next
council meeting, whit% will take place
on April 22 in the township hall,Varna,
-J. E. HARNwELT., Clerk.
Goderich Township
HORSE DEAD -One of Geo, Sterling's
best working horses fell dead in the
bush the other day.w.hile skiding Out
logs.; whether the •mlimal pulled 'too
hard or not is a mystery; it expired
inside of two 'minutes, •
CHURCHILL Swnitsto-The West, pub.
lished at Regina, thus' refers to a for -
toter Iluionirtn, a to/onset of Mrs Jas.
Lindsay and Mrs 'Cole: -An inter,-
eatiog event occurn itt the parsonage
in Moosejaw on `,,Wednesday; the oc-
casion was the mot itge of Miss Eliza-
_nethsawainofillicago, to Jas. Churchill,
V. S., Regina. Mrs J. R. Green eup-
ported the bride, while Mr Green acted
as best man, Rey O. Darwin tying the
nuptial knot. The newly wed couple
arrived in Regina on the evening en- Marion Auld; the topic was "Dead. to
press, and for the present have taken Sin, alive to Christ; the meetings are
up resideace here. • • very helpful. We are glad to say that
Noons,--Mr and Mee Danby have taks Harvey McDowell is around again.
en up house keeping on the Bayfleld W. Taylor and M. McDowell, of God-
lioe o may their newly wedded lite be erich Uollegiate, are spending their
one of happiness. M. Mains,ot Lonclec- I holidays at their homes. Miss Louisa
•boro,Ond Ins gang. havebeeh taking -out -Barr is keeping honse for T. H. Taylor.
the timber tor tar Middleton's barbs, goons-oroonovoung people liatendotak-
BUilding Operations will be. nearly as ing a trip to the North Vest mien.
brisk as last summer as slalom number •
are oontemphiting improvements, Mist ' Tuckersmith.
It. Switzer, dau hter of Jae Switzer, Non:B.-Mrs to Dourlari, of Walton,
vice was withdrawn. Next Sunday they met and had a preliminat prac-
Mr Lough, of Clinton, will preach in tide under Mr Boirland, who has been
the morning, and Rev. Dr. Gifford will leader of the Peteolen ond St. "Maty's
occupy the pulpit in the evening. A.E.• bands and is just the person to *take
Allin, of Colborne, will give a descrip. ahold of the newly organized one here.
tion of his trip to the Old Country. ' at There were about a dozen present and
the League next Monday nightoevery. with a number More it is their inten-
body welcome. . • turn to have thinos in shave to givo the
ScaO0L Extsmso-rThe : Huron Uni- citizens of Winton first class and trn-to-
form-promotion Examination was held date music in the near iuture. Our
Fin S. h. No, 3, March 28. and 29. Out people will be pleased -to learn this
were the days when early ,settlers had
or tVerefity nine*.winting;•-twentyothree• literality) hew 'out u, home' newel' as•
passed. The following, with their a'destiny for themselves, and clear up
J -r, 4 to Sr. 4, -To pose, 410 ; 677.010110 the land. by , constant and hard toil,
and suffer the numerous privations in -
marks, are those who passed :-
610, Mabel Monologs 581, Myrtle Lavis separably connected with • such life.
679, Olive Sturdy MIL Williams 464 ; Pursuihg. a life of uprighthess and
Sr. 3 to Jr. 4. -To pass, 4%).; Evalina strictest integrity he gained the high-
MaCe.rtney 607.Stanley Amess 591,May est respect and esteem of. those with
Proctor 519, Dasie Williame 455, Wi -
3_41 Whoinhe came in contact; also eulti-
fred Colclough 441 ; Jr. 3 to Sr. Voting a sanguine and cheerful dispo-
Willson 538, Florence Laois 468. Oscar
Tebbutt 445, Albert Pickard 426,, Geo. sition, his presence was as rays of sun-
shine. He was a conscientious and
Oolclough 408 : Sr. 2 to Jr. 3 -To poen
305 ; Francis Potter 413, a Badour 396, cchOnuticeht,enftormmemanbyer oyfeathree Parnesboydteerriaont
HowarnsTrewartha 393, Ida Huller 307; Burns' church, Hullett, and a faithful
jr. 2 to Sr. 2-10 pass, 29n; Muriel Sunday school worker, and he has now
Willson 467, May McCartney 420, Leila gone.to enjoy. the reward prepared for
Ford 416, Wilbert Holstein' 324. • The those who love the Lord, and. to hear
teacher wishes that all stnall pupils the "well done" of the Master whom
commencing school this spring would he served. During his illness,' though
start as soon atter Easter as possible.
N. W. TREWARTHA, Teacher. be suffered intense -pain, not a murmur
or cninplsint passed his lips. A kind,
• indulgent and wise parent, he was
. much beloved by the members of his
' Westfield. . family, who sincerely Mourn his de-
parture, and his mentors; will longbe
Nonte.=-Miss Johnston is the guest cherished by them. Interment took
of Mrs j. Hoover, Mrs N.. Clemens plape in the Hallett Presbyterian cern.
who attended the funeral of her moth- etery on Tuesday • afternoon, after a
er, Mrs G. Henry, is visiting her sister short service by. Rev Mr Hamilton,
at pistiOnnt. Miss- Maine Naylox. AO at who spoke especially from the words:
present making her home with her "For we know that - if our earthly
cousin, Mrs E. McDowell. The funeral house of this tabernacle be dissolved
of the late Mrs Geo. Henry was largely we have a building of God, an house
attonded, showing the esteem in which not made with bands, eternal in the
the deceased was held; service was held heavens.." -2 OoroV ; 1, A large num.
at the ohm eh, Mr Kennedy preaching ber of friends gathered to express their
a very arpropriate sermon, The Lea- sympathy wi-th „the bereaved family
gue meeting Sunday evening vsas con- and testify to their esteem of the de-
- DY Misses Etta McDowell and ported. Among the relatives present
at the funeral were Messrs James and
Jobn anklet's, Pierson, Mao; Geo. A.
Riddell, Iowa; Mrs W. Stovin, Delors
aine-(sons and daughters') Mr and Mtn
Thos. Poster and Mrs Alex Foster, of
Tara; Mr and Mrs Vallie Knechtell, of
Seaforth; Miss Lou Ouimette, Toronto;
W. K. and Miss Irene MacLeod, St.
sinatosetother members of the family
are Robert, at Pilot Mound; Man.;
Ilowardat Pierson, Thotatutat Auburn,
Mrs W. Ouimette in Londesboro, Mrs
trkiMghcaGinilli4ataBolliettht,. and Mrs W. Oun.
• Varna
.andwillbe -delighted . to again ! have -
the usual promenades which were so
much enjoyed, ' • . ' •
nowned Mendelssohn 'Male Quartette.
assisted by A.ugusta.E. Grimm, reader,
was received with great favor at the
town hall on Thursday evening ot last,
week. They have sung in all the large
places Of Ontario, as well as in the
United States, and have everywhere
received flattering critichan from the
press. On their visit to Toronto re-
cently the papers spoke in the highest
terms of their einging, and • the aud-
ience was unstinting in its a.pplause.
And well they might be, judging from
the rare treat the audience received
here ; the concert proved one of the
best we hale ever heard. C. O. Rance
left for Detroit. On Monday, to secure
Change ? a situation, jos. Mose, 7 cob., was in
Toronto lad week on account of the
Is the Cry of Every illness of his brother. J. Beacom. of
Porter's Hill. Sondayed with relatives
of Uri Bayfleld line. -John Marshall,jr,.
Itausekeeper. .. took a trip to London. on Monday, to
visit his mater who hoe been ill for
We slifigeSt a few Appetizers some time, P. Cole has a wonderful
Strdwborry Pie Plant het : last week it laid an egg measur-
ing 8x8 filches and weighing 7 oz. ; if it
pins appleehunks keeps up this record Mr Coln had bet-
ter try to have egge sold broweight, in*
Stuffed Pickles stead of by the dozen, 0 Tebbutt,
teacher,Of St. Helens, spent the Easter
holidaye at home and with his eider,'
Miss LOnzies of Berlin. Es H. Wise has
• . In Can Of Spinach 8 ewer( which • recentlir dropped 21
NINO your Eggs
gueh as
lambs, only two have d ed.
. and too Ilurnetto0 Collet
Clearer to Settle youreattee.
',eaten* your order for Lett000
and Young OniOni Moly hi
sine. irt Searlois nittroh.
is viaiting at the home of her parents
here. Mrs G. Nott and Mrs F. W,
Crich are visiting Dr and Mrs N. ()rich,
of Holley* Mich. Miss Maud artry,
teacher of S. S., No. 6, is pend. ; the
holidays at henhome in Seaforth A.
F. Johne, of Midesing, is spending the
holidays at his borne here. Mr and.
Mrs J. G. ()rich and tangly spent Sun-
day at the latter'S home In TJsborne.
Miss Carrie John a visited friends on
the London road this week. Miss M.
Holmes entertained a few friends on
Friday evening last. Bert Holmes, of
Olinton, spent Good Friday Wath
friends her*, Mrs A. Seeley and child-
ren spent a few days at her home
here flsis.week. nliae Lottie Maii.ny of
Bayfield, visited friends here on Good
Nonrea--W.T.Itiddell was in Londes-
Cutglog.-The Presbyterian church boro lad week, I ttendmg his father's
in Auburn is rejoicing in the fact that funeral, Miens Annie and Cora Per -
that the late deficit in the HOMO Mie. gnSOtt are spending the Easter nitOes-
Men fund id now paid in full. A call tion with their parents Mr and Mrs S.
WOO lately made and the money came Ferguson. Mies le epending_the
in aurae ranging from tWentyfive vacation at her home in Clinton, ittort
cents to five thousand dollars, The Mr Marsh, of Hamilton, occupied the
Work has greatly Increased, all 'the pulpit In the Presbyterian church on
college etudente who wished a place to Sunday. Rev. Mr Thomprion,Toonto,
reach in the outlet month° irr the will Peach not/ SandaY. Mies ,Lazzle
ome miesion ig, obbligati it And
Oath for BMW. Ana Hoge Phan** still MONS Melt are needed.
- 1_
:VESTRY MEETING, -The annual ves-
try meeting of St. John's church was
held in the church on Tuesday last, and
was highly satisfactory financially.
Notwithstanding the church repaint Exeter......1840
and the purchase of a new organ, every Goderich....4054
debt was paid off and n balance of 526 aeosolt .4 #4 893
in the Treasurer's handa. The follow- SeafOrt11.,..2426
ing officers were elected for thtseneuing Wiggham .2183
year:---Wardetaa, J. McNaughton anU Wroxeter .. 483
Jan Aomstong; eldesmen, 11,Diehl and •
, . ' , • •
Mrs 3. T. Taylor and daughter Mies
Carrie, of Detroit, are the guests pf Mr and
Mrs Wm Alexander
The many friends of Mr and Mrs Edo
Vitiator*, Berlin, were glad to see then.,W
. •
town for theholidave.
Mrs job Cooper was visiting her cousin
Wm. Kitt:bell, of Turnberry,litet week, also•
J. T. Currie, of East Wawanosh. .
1n'Easter vacation with hisla
Porter's Hill. '
NOTEH-J. Potter, of New
visiting this vveek .ou
and Mrs Geo. Kemp, o
spending a few days her
Cox has been spending her
with her friend, Minnie Lobb,Mais....
con. , Miss Lizzie Gliddou is visiting '
E. J. Potter. o. McPhail spent Easter
Mies Lillie Creightonrof the River Rci., ,
in London...J..1am Onig..baxingdispos-
LanAbton -countsoopent the Easter holidays.
ed uf his farm to F. Pickard, will move -
to the Huron road next week. •
ACCIDENT. -On Monday last while ;
Mr•D. GIiddon, con.1, was felling trent '
in tbe bush,his young son,Melvillnwas, -
stet -ink by falling tree and was Incited
with her sister, Mrs E. p. Hilton.
Wm. Jackson accompanied by his ;dater,
Miss Lizzie spent a few di the Roster holi-
dati ys with relatives in Kincardine,
Misses M. Wiltsie and Mary Robb ate.
home from London Normal school for the. up for dead, but after some nine he re-
. • , gained consciousoess, and if), we hope
Thiene. vacation.
SOLD" OUT. --Mr Potter yvho bas been
thin week in oonneetion with the new pars
on a bur way to recovery.
Arc:lilted Fowler, of Goderioh, was here
conclucting a store here for several
ins residence for Rev. Father McMenamin,
years, has sold out to Ur F. Morgan,
' A. T, Cooper, who is a member of Illo and will move to Chicago. .
Executive of the Ontario 0. E. Union, at-
tendeaeomeeting of the committee at Lon- 4nOnotance . •
Ncoros.- Rich. Proctor has returned
don' on Monday' ' to 'Bluevale where he has engaged to•
of the Commercial House, Exeter, has din
T. W. Bawl:shave, proprietor for years
Lou Proctor has none to take
work Geo. McDonald for the sums
posed of his business there to. go on the men,
deserves credit for having secured thisir ' • for this season. Geo. Brown is still
charge of a cheese factorynear London.
company on his Metropolitan Course oGf°.Tileonburisi
confined to his bed ovving to a severe
of concerts. Owing to circumstances
which could not be altered, their ap-
pearance here was delayed consider-
ably. but the ticket holders were well
repaid lot their waiting. All the mem-
bers have clear voices that show high
cultivation, and blended in grand har-
mony. They were down for four num-
bers; "The Last Chord" was the Worn
ite; two of the company gave solos,and
the other two sang a duet. As a reader
Miss Grimm if very highly thought of;
her reportoire showed a wide range
and ',Mid/ talent; perhaps her best
number was "The Triumph of Justice."
Every number was thoroughly enjoyed
and rapturously applauded, which
meant a number ot encores. Should
this company ever again visit Clinton
they would be heartily Welcomed.
Horton a ficsuULA.TiON. - bounty
Clerk Lane has totalled the population
'of the county from the assessment
rolls, of which he hag just received the
list for 1900, and that our readers may
see the changes one year -makes, we
have given the population for 1809. it
will be seen that towns arid villages
have lost 19, ,and townships 307, tot)
great a loss for the fine old agricultural
cattily of Huron.
Municipality 1900 1899 Inormou Deciresoe
Bayfield .... 570 551 19 "
Blyth ------880 937 .. 57
Brussels .....1228 1167 61
Clinton ....2433 2556 . 122
1841 ' 6 ..
Thos. Stinson; Lay delegate to Synod,
Geo. Beatty._
Nunn...Mrs age, Armstrong, who
has been visiting her daughter in
Drunabo, returned. home last Saturday.
Min Jamieson, of Brucelield, is the
guest of Miss Mond Moffatt. j. Wan-
less had the miefortune to loose a fine
horse this week. T. johns has told his
driver. Missend° Elliott has returned
home bow London. Mr and Mrs j.
Foster spent Easter in London,
1*Fintin Pargx.,Klppen
-Kr Landers, near the
village; has succeeded in getting the
firet prize for bate at the Park EXPOSI*
nen As the exposition watnot Miran-
clal sneceos, the Gold Medal hat no
hoMe, •
Webster, of Goderich..epent Motet at been Bent to him, He could Obtain it Totale euto
by tending $26. Total decreasit..0014/ a*** tit MOO *823
4027 27 ..
876 17
2118 13 '
2204 21
444 39 4,
16006 17015 181 200
Aehlield.... 3166 3277 .. 111
Colborne.. 1802 1710 92
Godetich .. 2413 2464
Grey .... 83/8 8248 144
Hay ...... $462 8440 12
Howick*.., 8781 oi ; 1
Hullett 2839 2606 142
McKillop 2663 2679
Morrie -4 -0,6 2486 2612 ..
Stanley.... 2146 2222
Stephen 4098 4141
Tuelletirnith 2467 2148 14
Turnberry 2161 2248 a.
reborn° a. 2826 2887 a.
Wevtanosh 1 1016 17
WavranothW 2066 2001
87 ,
42168 48480 421 728
00476 602 028
Mule Harriett, of Guelph, Miss Jerailmai 0 kick which he received from a ' young
Geo, horse. 3.-Rande has hired wi
Whitechurch, and Miss Guano Taylor, of th
Brown tor the summer. M. 1.). Weir
their Edon here; . has gone to tpeod his Easter vacation
G:ehl. spen
iealidbayys baetr
at his home near Winghara; We re-
ister, Mrs Craig, left on Saturday
torget to learn that ouresteemed "Med",
Drotnpton. After spending a few
ll'iTeks I
Dr. Hallam, intends removing to Seas
setting up Mr e Craig's affairs both will re-
forth. It pays to raise good horses
G. Stephenson sold a black horse last „
turn bare for permanent residence..
week, tour years old, fur the handsome
sum Of 1102o.
__ fienmiller.
tarnRcit-Rducational sermons will
be preached on the Benmiller circuit
. J.
Among the tem:nets home for holidays
are :-Misses Olive Helysi, Carlow ; Grace
Shepherd, Arms ; Della O'Neil., Auburn;
Emily. Turner, Brucefield ; Flossie King,
Daehwood ; Drama Stephenson, Renee%
Mien Eva Turnbull, of the Bapcner Post, on Sunday, A,pril 2113t. by Rev, M
Wilbon, B. A., of Nile, (a former 'rat.
epent a few days lest week visiting her
mother; the wits accompanied by nir Bro.wn, 'Zion at 2 30 p.m. and Bentniller at 7 p. •
I tor), as followe :—Bethel at, law a.m.,
foreman in thb oanie office ; the Invitations m, - subscriptions and collections at
are not out yet, but we presort° they mon •
will be.
H. W. Cook, Esq„ ex -warden of Halton.
Cmtikeennktoiafaltheiwidonao?anntWyei,tibtsathnejeas a° Bnilbashtseetrtivi:MmIrtrarril:Pnints Bowers mill, 12th C011 is .thefililla:t Mit` .
each service in aid of the fund. s
' itskfield.
NCITEs.-4. EL Webster hos rented
Mrs R. Webster's farm, 13th con. Mr .
lublio affaireo and may yet he a scendidnin thelumbersand-ehinglesotheseotlays.- -
for patliamintarthonors in the Liberal in- We are glad to learn that Jae. Webster,
tenet. 13th conowho was dangerously ill Witit .
Rev. Mr MoCallum, who has been a rale. pneumonia, is now recovering. i
sionary in Turkey for the past ten years,
spent Sunday in town, and while her pur-
chased one of the world-renowned Doherty
organs, for nee in his mission church, in
the interior of that far-off lend.
Hubert Loftin young son of A. H. tont,
of St. Maryno formerly ot Clinton, fell
head -first into one of the wreaked freight
.4ms Mahe Senna bridge lent Friday and
WAS rendered senseless by the fall. He
WIN thought to hove beers badly burl but
the many Mende of the family will be
pleased to learn that helms fully reoovered,
Among Clintrm Viiitore away holidaying
Were fo-Inise Kelly to Blyth, Miss Doyle to
Winglism, Idol. and MIES Tedford to
Luoknono le McGuire and W. MoVittle to
Blyth, jas. Merritt to Intnoardine, Dr.
llohnea to niondon,Ias. McRae 10 Petrolea.
Miss M. Marsh to Londeaboro, W. V.
listornel and 3. Crooke to Goderich,O. joy
to Mitchell, N. B. Henry to Brantford.
Mrs W. Q.13bIllips to Toronto. ,
Among the 011otOrilan "Dhoti hoMe for
the Nieto holidays were ;-7.1. Kennedy,
MIA Id1016 Minden and IL 0011111 from
Toronto; Percy Gifford ftem Teermoter ;
Mr Ana fdre Wildfong from Berlin Mho
E. Turnbull from Hanover; Stewart Mee.
phonon from Brantford; B. Dayamms from
Stratford; L. Reynoldti and R. Brewer
from Lenders; Bert SloIlveen and Z. Thom -
Ion born Goderiolt ; Efenry Banliferd front
Betlaville ; Ftenk Snags from Brantford.
John Leslie from Goat:lob,
The New
. One hundred yearsagewatches
were thiek bulky affairs; to•dsr)the
lo.dste watches are models n ap.
pentium and time keeping quilitiON
The coat of a watch 10 no longsr
the oriole barrier 11 Onoe was. We
have them for halm, gentlemen or
boys, in gold, go1d4filled. silver and
Woken Mona al prime that will Sidi
Olify pocket. we will be Orteiteed to
abow you our goods.
A. J. Grigg
Iaitalior and Optician.
Ottrostior to Jos. Piddlanarsba