HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-04-05, Page 8Irtr.
• •
to Dr; Piette"s Golden
bopeemeti. • It ettrett•iliilett'
cent Of ell Who list It.
of disease, •Obetluate
Vftnig liutrh epltting of.
eakee and emaciation ;We
y and permanently cured by
wrful remedy. •
wIfJ bad hemorrhage of the
Virites W. A. Sentient% liszki of
li!seeti Co. W. Ira, "-She ,Itad
stuarirlasget, s04 the people all
hero said she wonld, never be
in. But she began to take
erce'a Golden moogra•moecrvii
be 4494 begat* to gain Ottengtit
smell. After taking ten bottles. oho ,
rcNrty well.. If eity one. tionhte
bey may enelose self-teldretised•
474°14APP..' end will ansivetr
Biels 'pet -Mint are 'invited to consult'
Pierce '1:0`. letter (roe of Afore.
ootieiSanienee, `'striCtik private. •
PrR. V. Pierce,
Itoittly Lese,41roviis* Per It Thew
it Dreamt or Littrlstaillas,
Of all' the tingetionn OW. bY PinTle
1 who have never heen much out at doors
none seente ea simple to the old timers as
loremsfeee1014 Time lirek4 AU tile 1Pilie* that which eoncerrus the dr tato Which
0300ts 0! ?, Contear.orris00,40010 the tamper may be eiposi from the at -
„v,4411,,,, poem° yap piaaaa Thai taelm of wild bent,. It le chiefly wink
Nudeal in, .4 rimoioat 1,4,",007. en and children whb ask such queatione,
Put it le, evident thet in the 'tritium of
many inexperienced persons lo firroly ese
tablished a belibt that wild Animal' me
dengeroue- that wolveo, panthers and
„beam prowl about .s'eeking whom they
pia Y devour. This) belief la in, glirob.
ability a survival in part of earlieiWaYe.
when the most civilized men dvieit large-
ly in the mot, where might be encoun-
tered lione, which wouid attack 'them, or
,Ityenao ready to Neap. up 'the tray ehild
wandering Away from , the 'etnal!, or
bears ofthe, type encountered by the ir-
reverent ilifinate, who apostrophized Eli
oho,' and Wee in part of that timeirthen
the weapons ot Primitive man were so
feeble and ot,fio little avail against***
wild beasts that thee° were justly to he
feared. — •
This feeling already intleting is
eouraged and etrengthened isr_ a certai*
amount of the Writing of the day. The
average monand woriian love to reed. A
bear or panther or wolf Story not testi •
than de stettil beY4 eyeirchg.
• droll. listen -with 'pleasure tO *elides of
some venereble uncle or grandfather who
relates the story of the wolves; that used
to howl. :about his cabin or vioit'his sheep•
told when first he Nettled in the country.
In this land of, Americit, ea Many, kstevP,.
there are to such. tblnge as daugeroup
animals, though there arerereaturea F*16
MaY- be made .dtingeroni,', The' wolf, the
bear and the cougar are far more. anxious
to get away from man than man la to get
• away from. tbeM. If given the oppertu-
theY. will.elways olio away and run'
and If they fight it is because they be.
• Hove that they have been cut off from ev-
ery: avenue of escape; Where an animal
has been wounded it is a different Matter.
Then • often ,contilderetlena of prudence
are forgotten End the -animal acts mg
Instead of doing What It knows to
be wise,buteeven so, there is much more..
danger, from -ii Wounded deer 'thenfrom
a Wounded panther and vastly more_from
a. wounded moose.:. • • • .
But for the average Mau who Is travel-
ing throagla a new coontrl' 'Where wilcV
animals utay 'he Plenty, who stops whet
uoian n
gah was an Mob
Otani ne begitO lire In a Netv England
ratline factory and conselentieuely we'rk,
ed his wey OP trout a Wage Of $1,50 4
403, to •die worth 85,000,000. He vino
_Shrewd and bright And knew the value et
Motley, - He saved to ouch good Perpese
that when the rubber trust ;was formed
he Was at the, bead of one et the biggeot
factories in the eountry,located in Prov-
idence. His knowledge ot the trade 'wee
Se thoiough that, deolte the fact that be
• Mutest invariably eteed etnell Ts” in
writing a letter,. he was made preeldent,
of the trust,' his. hoam
ldiuge ounting to
• bout 40,000 shares. When matters had
been moving aleng for„ Anne time Han.
nigan made. up his mind that the other
men M the truet the big fellows,' were,
• not treating bina right and that the beet
• thing hneenld de was to! get 914: 430 he
• packed hie stock certificates In a grin.
00, left Proyitlence on the night beat,
landed in NeW 'York bright and early,
, bad his breakfast -end then madil a bee
., line for 4 etockbroker's. 'office. lie bad
Assed himself •io advauce that this
stoelibroker' Was to be' relied -404 end
. Bo he told hina frankly what • he intended
• to do,
"I want M eel) oat; hag and baggage,"
he eald, "I. went to. get -rid ot every, one
of ray 40,000 shares, Here' they are.
• Fait them on the market aod sell them."
, The stecithroker told him that .that
wend •pwrer do. : If he wanted to realize
fulrvalue for his hoidinge. he would hive
to go, about it In ti, different way; for if ,
, he should throw his, 400 shares . into
the 'market it. would knock the bottom
out (V .prices„ and he -would get little or
nothing for his stock. Ur. Hannigan. saw
the point and asked what he ought to do.
"Buy," said :the hroker. •. '
"Ant I don't want to buy., I have 'get,
more now than I want."- •
"That is all right; buy 'anyway; that
will make a market fer the stock, .and
you can unload when the time cornea." '
"How much must I buy?" .
".011, about $250,000 worth!"
he 'has made a day's merch and is at home
"But' T have not got $2150,000 in cash
to goend buy rithher stock." •'. • Ithsvg night finds' Min, there IS nut nen '
"Wellyou -can boirow it. A man in nor ever was more danger from the wild
•••• %leGtuud
Jory returned a true, bill
-anitObs Free Press Com-
montory lihel. of Premier
. • •
Coo atleett. the attends heye foa u t a blees-
'.-ingle,Ahe batik in Dr, King's New Life
poi4tiVelyi.oure Ottnatipatiou,
Sick I1uho, DiasinSOS, Janndioe, Ka,
and Ague and all Liver .ad
troublat, purely vegetable;
neNer groM or weaken. Only 25o at all
''',;(4141 .skerec"... •
your. position, Mr. Hannigan,, will have
no difficulty in borrowing V50,090."
Much against his will the old raan was
animals of the country then from the
lightnings whkh blaze in the' out:other. sky.
'Many" Ettore tteople have been' killed bY
The .Ken,... At)/ Court of Aimed has finally persuaded to do as he was told. lightning 'than lave been rim over by
ranted bete trials to Caleb Posvers stampeding buffalo herds or killed by ult.-
About two weeks later the broker
" . Woundtd-grizzly bears or-by-all.the.other
animals of the prairte put together. 00e
might Almost Bfly •fft-ra•Ore-Pe&P aTe
been aro& bi falling meteorites than
• have been killed by panthers .or wolves.
And Yet from day te day the neripapers
continue to print hear stories, catamount
storiesawl -wolf stories, -and probably
theY will do an until long after the last
..and':JainekloWard, (sentenced in the
lower coui'tto -lift imprisonment
tion,Witlf:the.' shooting of Governor
460.12.0.1iLDN'T ITA.VE STOOD IT.
Mug- POO.- They're- ter;
rihiY mitering; but fiaolslet'e. Aruba
atty 0 tefiletire the worst tette of piles o
, ,parth Atfiaatc.,etated thonsande. For .
j'rli'. PainalirSodily •;.Eraptl04 Wa the
• beit elVe in the waeld,;.•Priee.gfits a box.
re :enitratitead; :Bold by All Druggists.
•1‘.LsAlina.SdOixiora Who was,arrest-
e'l un
charge of ehilifting,•:conemit-
Aed at.tite; by. twisting a
elteettirotind-liefe peat. :
hetWeen. the Chicago
.i?irdlof‘,Tratle and. the telegrapttenal-
te him that he must buy some more -
this thne__$290.000 worth. Mr. Mimi;
gan need rather, strong Tingitage, Bel"
finally yielded as before. lie borrowed
$200,060 and turned it over. With this
additional capital to work on the broker,
continued toniaiiipulate.the_market...The
Insiders soon discovered that some strong;
party was bulieg, but they did not know
who, Hannigan having carefully kept
himself in the background. His broker'
• operated skillfully in the stock, one day
bear, •catatnount and wolf shall hare dis
appeared from the land.
buying, the neat selling, to keep the •
stock active. tihe broker after awhile
1 -----
began tit borrow. largelAnMounte of the ,_- "i "..1.• 4 , ' . ,,..: :• '''..koi
stock. ?Thin. convinced *Insiders that , wh, Are hit litilles /fly
there was a . big short interest some, •''' Pli°Fe Inuin the cewt. r•thite'it .
where,...and they got together. In -Order to ,' Why. is it that most peremiti ,When.en.:
squeeze the shorts. The • inside- holders , tering a pestahrant•will Sent. theni' !mires
who controlled most of the stock corn- - at one et the side tables in Preference to
has , IT, i e . kt e mat-bined to squeeze "the shorts" out. In.
Atnticas Witistiott.be again hand- . furtherance of this - plan they put .the .
' letl' h,st -eele.grOli:: , .,'„„ , : • .,
, : . - 1 puce up to 61, and at about that :figure
.,„ 4-UAGIi5.0.,ift(intiN, 71e0OP.. : Pennigan's stock was. all uuloadtid• Bee.
WeithedeliiWir....a.' telegraph imi-whiscia •fliden _now found hinutelf full et inoncYp .
hae,'041lis,..44iiiiben,..1?,.,- had to, re, :*hile the `other fellow* were ,,,ffiled up
•,Pairi'Stnnafrigiwithstlaeep.m icy water," .'with his itoCk.- Thef Over-livrakenct-
-'"Iteleritets,•:0tgaVits; 'Me a terrible' 'mid ' and to the filet . that ' thepreaklenC had sold•
''''' .04.461E!:It. *Ow woine daily. Fluidly the eitt on theta] MAR his shares:were de-
:•„. bel0dfictorain OttichinkNeli., Sioux City livered against their purchases.. as they
Ottetherseld / had Consumption and thought, elf "short" stock. Rubber
•not live. Then. I began using DA.. „ broke -and did .not stop tumbling tutu it
's New Discovery and was wholly had gone from 01 to 10.
by-,eitc betties:" Positively,guaranteed This deal, had! ell the elements of a
nAlirktlUidi and ell Throat ond Lung :,cOmedylo,drania, aiiii, the, playwright who
lea by 44 VrOiegista:Prioe 50o. . can &kir justice) willAnd material . there
til"',-11111t1red Boers, under "Com- •Which will makeildat 'an everlasting for-
Inian'aer.04404; bav.3 wrecked a sap. iiiilie and reputation. . -. .
lplyti'liiivnoith of . Viakiaagte. They ' It is not often, however, that nevicom-
.0oeepowered the escort and carried cff era in the street fare as well as this in
‘tie.ieral,wagion loads of provisions. the end. For a time the will go on mer-
igidren iry toc
'Tho fight between the British and.
Beheptiet'e conimando of Boer, invad-
ersthit busenville dititeict,,-proved
Moat diaani,rous to the latrghertit For-
•-• ty-ilve-detid B mrs were foun4. on the
FrZEPV,1/113 LEO,. .
Twee rieire "agc)4.-S,.. W. Baldwin, Of
. 'Hattfordi Cornie'aoretchedrhie leg with
-`rtisty Wite,,Intitmrnation and blood poi-
soning:retie, For two years he suffered
Inteocelif.,,The_M the hake doctors aeged am-
PO4tlitioir l'hilt,ri! writes, fif uaed 000
Vane. oellectriollitters and boxes of
13nolrien'tt:Artiea .$11ve end my leg was
anted and well ever."; Pot Eruptions,
EdZeilit, Vetter, Belt Blown, Sores and all
bleed •, didOrdere ;aleottid Bitters has to
•ritail no earth; ,Wry them.' Ail druggiete
. guarantee satisfaction or refund
• 'tioney4Otly 80 ante.
JObti,i446:noriahouse ivits fatally in.
tate4. hi/ printing press an the estab-
fithfftent Of'Vrartimit Brea. & Sutter.1
„ . , ,
the:,center• tables? If this IdiOayncragy
. .
of reatanrant patrons has neve z: attracted
your attention just note .the aimearneee
of your oWn restaurant' when next you
Jove ocelision•to go there before the mid-
day rush seta •
AlmoStevery side table. Will. he taltell,la
one �r more pertone, while of the, eenfer
• tables scarcely one will boast of an weal.
• Pant. This ride, 'holds good :from the
highest class of establisliineat the
cheaftent form or "beanery.'" And not lolly
is it true of .eating Places Urnstly patron -
zed by pro,. but.also: of reatauraets in
the shopPing diatrictit ivhere women form
theygrenter part of the eastern.
Many waiters with& whom 1.have,telktel
On the aubject confirmed. the truth of *the
'Statement, but few sought to etplitin it:
contenting themselves with. the' remark.
thetthey much preferred to be assigned •to
rily enough and send • things, booming, side tables. Where they were not only as-,
but in the end most of them, get the
worst of Ito,' • •
Mr. A. H.• Stockwell Is a gqod illustra-
tion of the truth of this. Atibne time he
was worth many millions.of 'dollars. me
start in life -wits as a purser on a Lake
Erie steamboat. His tether, it is said,
kept it livery stable in Cleveland.. On
one of his trips Stockwell vvas e posi-
tion to show „considerable. attention. to
Mins laawe, the inventor of the eye at
, the top end of the sewing machine nee-
dle. Mr. Bogie was acconmafiled by, his
:daughter. Stockwell'. Made himself agree-
able to Miss Howe also and with with
good effect that be manfiged to win her
affections and sold! thereafter ---nrittriel
her. ••••-... • ' •
Well came Mtn posSession ot her father's
tnilliona: • With this peal egg Stockwell
started in Wall StreeL and before any
one realized what kind helmeted .'he Was
the most talked or Doan le. the. dietriet.
He. Ott :fill tie *Mts. 'millions. in- Pacific
Mail stet*, secured entire control or the
company and elected: himself its preri-
dente. mune into the,•street. tie plain
Steckwell, Then, as the hevyti of hie
'Floridity and good fellowship, spread',
bectun SteekWell. After he got
held of the Paelfic Mall he Was CottlinCe
dere ;Stockwellby common consent.
erybody bowed. and . scraped to. him. and
110 men was so high :atui mighty that he
was hot proud to -shake -his hand.
Stockwell toeit: hold Of Paelfie Mall at
about 40 end sent it up M 107, It was
at this period" that he was win* 00 pa-
per over $15,000,000: But he fotltido
'fortunately when .it was too itito to :re
trent that, though Peelfic.Mail teat tip
to 107, it *tat Worth that figure
"10101-4116.4ibloadiag 7coixtmeli
He VMS 'landed high Itild dry With It
all, and the street told hige.he was viel-
come to it tried to cell and folind
that there Was. no Market. Then Came
violent detnatida on him ,to pay AP his
.1autneroust call 'ohne, and in order to re -
?mond he had to sell regardless Of 'price,
end Thug Witiriptiel was create4 Which
finaily sent the stock down to; the Oct
at which he had begun original ptits.
chain': In this one upeethe Mot ell hie
-paper profits tied hie Wifel he-
eldese,-Elent, Clore in. flitturtley. Even -
Mg Post.
Ala to Appearancee.• -
qfanY er '11110..'remerked- Bode .113ph,
"who tim wearife de overalls am 'entitled
toe wear de dreti Sult. on alio ao' odder
war rontid.o. • 0
er s
git4.411fintathlaI of
sured of more chance to make "tips," bet
where these self same tips wore also
much More generous. the satisfaction of
sitting at the side seeming to promote
the good nature of the linicher or diner.
Whet, the etplanation may be is
milt to say exactly. ?erbium because the
eoat hooks are usually. ranged along the
walls those seeking to replenish their in.
• ner e'conolny prefer to be where they can
at the same time keep close watch of
their outer integuments, but this only
conies into ionsideration during the win-
ter, as in summit. there 'are no coats or
wraps to watch out for._ Man, and wom-
an, too, for that matter, is a creature of
habit, however, and the custom acquired
during the winter .probably unconsciously
Another reason advanced is that ninny
persons prefer to eat with as much pri-
Vacy as possible and think .they call se-
cure this in a greater meavire by sit. lug
at one side Of a room rather than iu the
middle, where' they are exposed, ass it
were, 'to the eoncentrated gnze of all.
• those in the establishment.
tsomethiallite re.
1"Orrits,"tiolkl.not imepra•"
Boswell Field, the brother et Illittene enything frem your mothers." At willeh
Field, 1. an escheats, editor in Borden. the 7owar giti saryly winks her eyo meek•
Dr. Edward L. Deer has been elected telly *04 fief* tale° mentally): "Oh, yes!
Pliddent Qt. the. Phillui4Phlik)14.41"1 thi tinhactithesorM.9*Anil
Moe the smite will lose only Ishort• that girl. Now, 'While I do not uphold the
Through the defend of &meter Chan- it ggiotrKil,'ItteieaPia
yle-thletv. :hoe tviteturyt baBedototoeaegieiathoot.
band writer.
General R. A. Alger hd 40 e as it Is the daughter's. When
ini e0 mthee
bank accounts of 41 each for Pbtroit tdeeirgthheteutr otltoehear. lee:mpeothvieurg,tlachibcrbeawchhuriel
Rockefeller, will macro.trent hie
father one. ot the beat collectione of faro
b°171ekiks4itlitotril"Bcaotounittrytti Oeergin Me a
those few who 'till inoist that the pres-
entcentury beton Jou, 1, 1900. Ind in
Mote that he is correet • '
Hugh John Macdonald •of Menitobe,
the 100 of the late Sir John A. Mitedom
ad, who recently tried for the leadership
of -the ConierTlitive Part,. has retired
PerMatientlY from politke.
Colonel Z. Harry Roger!, 84 Volt= Old,
ot Newcastle, Pao has challenged Abut*
boo OPPettheimer. 80 year* old, of Phil*.
„ delphia, who calls. himself champion old
name skater, to skate with Mm.
Senator:" Hanna is to join the Greta
Army of the Republic. He wail one of
the 100 4�.y eoldiere caLled to the defense.
.of Wishingtott and eerved so lieuten-
ant le the One- Hundred and Fiftieth
Ohio. • .
Colonel Goldsmith le the gest 'dletin-
eniebed Jew serving •In South Attlee.
As an administrator he has gained the
higheet trent 'Lord Roberti. He
was once sent by Baron Hirsch to rescue
froM financial' ruin. the Jewholz colonies
In Argentina, • • . • • .
Dr. F'. Faintv•ill,. Most illustrione,of
English scholars •In England and Just
rarralee rrenum wedd,,, la probably 4 prank is not betlI, the moth.
er, instead, of laughing' over t first and
appearing to enjoy It and then gently and
carefully point out the error, lifts up her
hands in gligrY Protest and Probably calls
her idietie and seneelees. Then it is that
I juetify the girl In saj'ingt "Oh, yea 1
siee myself telling her anything,"
While it le necessary for the mother to
point ant the error Om moot do it so care-
tulli that the daughter will not be hurt
or even made to aehamed that she will
not confide In • her agaln.-Philadelphia
Glue ot Water at Bedtime.
The human body is constantly' Under*
going tissue changes. Water has, the
power of increasing these °henget!, which
MultielY the waste products, but at the
same time they are removed by Ite agen-
cy, giving rise to •increase'appetite,
which In turn provides fresh nutriment.
If you do not accustom yourself to drink
• water regniarly, you are liable to have.
the Neste produens form faster •than
• they are removed. Any obefruction to
the free working of natural laws at_oncer
produces disease, says the Toronto News.
()rent weakness and languor on rising
• in the Morning are generally due to a
larger secretion of these waste products,
and the remedy its to drink a tumblerful
• of water, either hot or ccild, just before
retiring. .This materially assist" the
ending his tseventy•fifth year, rows lfi procone dories the, night and leaves bse
• miles °Oho Thatoos on 009del's and. re- time& fresh and strong, • ready for
tentlytook part In a race, Which he woo,' ective work of the next day, •
• ship' against etch. vigor as pie? .4;a N gr* E 2:es
.What show has hollow^ chested scholar-
• Senator *aeon, when appointed to the ge., 'e' o'
Committee postoffices and xoadis, was .
• fifth on the -list •ot membere, hut' recent
Polidcal eliantei have ,brotight „Mai to
'the chairinsinship,. since., Senators Wol-
cott, Chandler .and .Carter were, not re-
elected 'IQ Senator Gear •Ie dead..
. .
is said that Lord Roberti M the first,
tnan.who hes ever been .entitled to wear .
both the 'Garter 'and ,the Victoria erose.
He 'is the find- who has: ever worn the'
Cross and .has, been both a Knight of •
the Garter : and of St. Petrick, ntid the
unique .dititinction may, fairly , be. taken
as !symbolical of • the 'unique' ...services
which he hats renderedthomnpire.
Professor Charles Villiers Stanford,
who eucteede the late' Sir. Arthur. Sal.
van its •Vonductor-orthe -Leeds-mu- -
steal r Mitre' is • native of Dublin• and
has Veld t ciiii1For music M the n
. "unity Cambridge since 4187.. In
1883 he 'received hie doctorate -of Musk.
'from Oxford and was afterward profeas-
or Aif composition in the Royal College.
. -4-3± and conductor the.-Becir ,
co r.. • •
• nothing to do*Ithilf.,d ert or Edward,
As a mattee4of fact tlifbnmya
the son of Victoria nil !stand in history.
by what he does,..not by whit he calls
• himself -Pittsburg Dispatch.
Edward VII has bad 'a career with a
distinctly Byronic tinge. Tet through it
all the faith of the Englishmen in their
• future king has been little short of that
old eeirerence Which seems to surround
the reigninglenally ot that country, -St,
Louis Republic. .
Edward VII comes to the throne with
the confidence and affection of the Whole
FliaPrO: WU-know hini ne liberal mind-
ed man of affairs in sympathy with their
own best Interests, , He comes untram-
meled by any personal or party oblige -
tions. He is not bound by 'the blunders
of the Cecile end the Chamberlains. --
Philadelphia Times.
: In their different ways the Edwards
• have achieved distinction in English his.,
tory; The opriertunities which a constitu-
tional king has to impress his persopality
on. the history. of his country are, of
course, far less than in the days when a
, king was a king. There is trouble enough
looming ahead 'for England, however, to
enable Edward VII to put his wisdom
•and sagacity to the test and to give him
the (thence or proving himself no un
worthy 'bearer of a _turnouts pan*.
10104e Shaves Aro Bad.
In shaving to make the skin perfectly
smooth requires not only the removal of
• the hair, but also a portion of the cuticle,
and a close shave means the removal of
a layer or akin all around. The blood
vessels thus exposed are. not visible to
the eye, but under the microscope each
little quivering month; holding a Minute
• blood drop, protests against such treat.
went. The nerVe tips are aloe rincote,
• ered, and the pores are left unprotected,
Which makers the okin tendee and un•
healthy. nig sudden exposure of the
- • inner.layer-or-the..ekin.. renders perison..
liable to have colds, hoarseness and sore
• throat. -London rattily Doctor.
A EICItable Preheat. „
"Mamma," -said 4 Briroklyit girl, owhat
would be an appropriate birthday peel.
ent to give Albert'?" 4.
'"flow long has hg been coming to see
you?" Ateked mentme.
"Abbut four- years." • • ,
'Then I think vou liar' better Sire him
the otick.".
Not the to Semple.
"How do you buy your ittOletit By
the barrel?"
"That's the way I try tO buy there, but
when I get them home 1 genitally find
bare bou t them by the top layar.me,
Oblcago bunt." , _ „
+ .
• •
. .
Sarah- Grand has. postponed her 'Alder
lean visit for a' month 'or two.'
Matk • TWain la still a devotee clf tobtie
,co and smokes' a pipe continuously wttih
'writing. • '
. Jean Ramesh. the French poet wife hat
attracted attention by a 'poen2 to Queen
Wilhelmitut, 18 40.yeers :aid. He is a na
tive of Gees. department Of Landes, and
has been a student of Medicine -
Henrik lima says that he will. naVei
leave his old home at •Sersdetiord. ui
Way, because •his "eorrespandence Is
esteosiCe..tbat it alone Ift bid make tie
clituge, of eddrese most ineonvetileet."
V. T. Sullen.: the author' of sea tales.
ran away from home and went to sea or
a Cabin boy sr 13, upremoter& ft stinei
until Rioting n tete tie tied. written
and advised tint to go, erence tuto Mete'
ture. , • •
You dot' hi ow when that moat; Will
stop. The cough et constImplion Imo just
ouch a beginning. Take Scott's Emulsion
now while the cough is eerily maneged. •
Ib larep. rted that Hon. Dr. Borden
IS considering m scheMe of pensions for
the,p timatent militia cape, •
no hooks, insurance or fake scheme: every
house customer. Particulars free. Write to-,
day. THE P. E. EARN CO..
1st Vietoria Street, -Toronto. Can.
Nov. 16 -Sus
Wholesale and retail piano, ,
and organ distributing centre.
kfigh grade naw pianos. Five
gugsiendse:ienos_ kar-
• for a pleasing entertainer. We .
are headquarters tor it,
-Bargains-to timthetsittid-itt
dente in Sheet Music, 25o to '
75o pieces for 10a -wholesale.
• Inefruments of MI kin& sold.
Maple ,Batporitita -
ry..-7•7•1" 7 ;•,• , 7,7
-Green ,or Black
18 eetmomienL TER
Its greater strength combined with its absolute Mit,
make it the best tea on the market.
If your grocer does not keep it he will ge it rather thin
lose your trade,
• T HE -C1141('ERION
gm a year. 'Agents tiaonir
The Best illtstrated Month-
ly. Magazine of the kind Pub-
• lished. .
•• its pages &refilled by a brilliant array
• of writers and artists. • Its authoritative
• and independent reyiews of Books. Flays,
Mucto and Art, ita 'clever stories, strong
spiedial articled, humor and- verse, with
'fine ilinetrations, make it a 'neoessary in
every intelligent tonne. The verv low
Rut/sod/Mon price, $1.00 per year, puts- it
wohin the reach of all. Reliable agents
wanted in every. town, Estraerdinory
inducements. • Write for particulars.
A trial subscription will prove it.
• Write to -day tor eatnple copy.
criterion pliangaiion,e0.,
Subscript ton Departmeut,
'.41 East 31st St., 14: Y. City.
Lincoln's Nettle Ointment
The only guaranteed cure
for Piles.
It not only gives instant re-
lief)bntit CUPS to stay cured,
by removing the cause, Con-
Use it as direeted and. you
will be surprised at the result.
Special directions . every
package,will show youlow to
cure, Itching, Protruling r
Bleeding Piles, Constipation f
the bowels or any .disease 0.1
the Skin. Mee. 25e.•
Prep. ated only by Linco- ln
Medicine 4 'ompany,50 (Neon
street, Ottawa.
Recommended 'and for sale
by J. E. Hovey, Obemio.
Askior it.
.A. fro , samire of delleloasSALAAtt Tea sent eas receipt ot p0.
tal mentioning which Mt think-131aek„ Mud or Omen l'ex. Ai!
dress "SALA11A..,/' Toronto or Montreal.
1 temazaamamsmanomanzatoxiamoaradeamk....._
For torpid Liver,
A Poor Digestion,
Flatulence, ,
Biliousness and
• Sick Bead -Ache.
, 91C"..elL3E4E.30
• • L..
• !They are. Safe,
• Mild, QtAlok-actint,
Painless, do not ireaken,
And always .give satisfaction. "
They the Most reliable HOueshold Medicine known, And
ciao bcrtaken at any season -by Adults or Children.
The steely ineresse in our trade 15 geodproof of the feet that our geode are might ana
. otte.orieee lower than those of other dealers in the trade..
We. ininifecifire fureitiiiii on a Is totilit'Mikettit afford to sell °heap:
vie-eave.for400..thaprOlit,ichieh..13.other_oa0e0, tO be law in,toe
• the retail deader. • . ' '•.
• This week we have passed into stook some ot out new designs. Spade will not permit
• us to qrnite prices; buomme and see for yourself•what snepawe have to offer.'
Resiember-we are deteemined IMO Our, prices. Qball be the loweet intliettede. '
In this department our stook le oriMplete, end we have undoubtedly . the • best funeral
outfit in the County. Our mums are as low as the 'divest. • .•
Wheheit been oared of booths:be and ItidnaY
trouble by the ate of Dostniti,Fille leo written
testi foliowe • .
Mrs. Wm. Bishop, Palmyra,. OM., writes ; I
have used iltian's Pills for lame beck and knee,
they ire on exeellent pith 101.-tWolks,O 060.
pleteir used
, .
J. of. Dagettaist Vextreal* Olaf writes!
Oaft yea ego 1 'uttered terribly with kidney
tronble. I consulted WOW physician' and
used titiiit prescription* WItiloat atiecalls.
OW Doan* adiartited. Mo rroestasit boo
mad they med, a complete ave.
mi. I. F. Griffith, Montagne Whitt% P.11414
*Mot Ahem etc month* 5ste,1.91140%
Read the folletitiag letter reedy.
ed by Illie prititipitratlite-
Canada Easiness College
and learn how highly the gradue
uates oltthis aOhool aro thought
61141,tht beldam's peepIes
• Oet,leth, 1906.
Gent -Mem- We have openings now for 144
or *Pee Pod genograPhera *AO have had a.
and it °cared io us that 4 tope
num'r ot straogrophav and oilier ojtot men,
*who have grauditaktfront your oehoot from
Mitt to Ante wad are now holding lootielotitt
tropki &gee to.bolierlhonsoktot If goo dr*
pa as M vostoomication with 4000 ot YO4i• old
valiant/if who hove had two or three year*,
tropetience,. 'pa iltonki be **de o6Ugatios• 16
a ibt la WM that themoan rapt*
a n stook
BROADFOOT 130X 8400 IL ehldle,
14., Night and Sunday calls attend ed to bycalling at J. W. Ohidley's, (Ftmere'
Director) residenhe
ipriug -' oo s•
• •We would remind our patrons and friends that we have ,received a very large
'4E1t4E CtUtlie-pipat beautiful end useful. articles suitable for the spring trade .of
i1011retry store,,,also.u.tny.that would eurpFise city yeeple. The atook•nonsMtsi Of
thovery newest dielgne and patterns •
Dress. Goods, .PirintficSateens, Flannelettes, &gangs,
Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbon's, .ete. . - -
• We haVe siarge supply of •Brett Rorer and 'Straight FO,Ont
• tbe latest • ' • • • '••
Oar cretons art littisliati &ad Draperies ars superb, es its also Our
nery, which always pleases in price and finality. • .
• We are oleo prepared fOr Spring with Boots and filloca and Rubbers.
Our Field and Garden seeds are arriving. daily. We will try, to ;supply ,,your
•. . wants.' Give us a, ?air trial and find out what we can do for you, Our terms -are,
cash or produce for which we allow the yery'sbighest market price. We are agents
•' for the Nation! Cream Separator -the beet out. •
• Mar, 20th, 1001
For the Latest:Book
Contains well on to seven litandred pages, over one
hundred illostratioos and 19 80 cheap it eelle'on
' Mignificent,prospectus ready and finieEed free on • .
Promise to canCoes.
he Bradler#Garretson
Limited, Brat:Word.
oc ors
For in
i'...toveffri kJ"-,