HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-04-05, Page 7a
I.� shall close ova
Great Clearing,
e will offer
2Ov•resat at Less thanHAL Price.1
100 Odd Pants and -a.. � `25
Boys' Sults all of which ' will be
sold regardless of cost.
Game on Saturday and,
Lein in the;LBo JJ_ s
Fred T. Jackson,
Dealer in '
all k><nds of Footwe '
A, oordial invitation is extended to everybody to oall:and inepeot aur .goods and prices
'We have a very choiaelseleo$ion of specie lines, fresh from the'makers,, nF.to-date in:
•. every .respoot . '._.
Our line of
MEN'S SHOES aresuperior
to any even...
sold in Clinton, ins style, in material, in workmanship.
Ilib lines afL
mods of
,, are
the highest skill . in shore : building:
SHOES � FOR BOYS have received special ` attention;
P „t
our lines cannot be equalled for durability. ;
OUr~ tains are tltrlctll , cash. We guarantee satisfaction' or your
mono book q
BUTTER' and BOGS (•1Gtf3 will be taken'.pa Dash, and when the valve' : {
of either article offered.. exceeds the -amount:of-•the •• purchase, we will pay the
difference in obeli. •
Our store is in the ;Beaver Block, next door to
Grigg's Famous Jewellery establishment:
Bicycles for Sale or
Having bought ont'the whole ;took of bicycles from A., T. Cooper.inolnding 14
wheels •--2 hart orde 8 Wolverines, 2 Oi vel nds one with th ooa t
r brake 2 Gendrone,
1 E. & D., 2 E. L, 2 Cresents, 01 of which we intend to run of at a loci margin to make
room to new wheels. - Anyone wanting a good bicycle Would save money by baying one
• ,of these.
etnteAllkinde ofreliairs kept on hand end Wheels cleaned: or repaired. were guar
• New tires froniild to Ink
„ Blacksmith and machine shop in oonneotion. •
• We are also prepared to do all .kinds, of 'work in horse shoeing, gang and general
repairing. • .
All the plow pointe and repairs kept by J, Tedtotd'still kept in Stook:•
Pointe for the Tedford plow.
" of Miller -Tedford'.
" " Tedrd No, 8. •
' " e Wit, 'neon No, 7 and. 21.
1' Men y No, 15,.12,10 and 21.
" 'Sylvester No. 7,
" Hill's patent, -
" Old NO, 18. -
ag Turner
Tedford's'-old stand.. itattenbu ystreet, Clinton.:'
• lithe farmere would have their ilex' Drop of oath entirely free tro"m smut,
file seed itx tltfltrfollowldg manner.
Take,4 oz. 01 Oombe'e Eormalilehyde and 10 gallons of water, itnmerde for 10
• Yniiiptes, (abeelateely" no htrm to the seed,) Your next orop will be absolutely free from
" SMUT:0111 - OATS
.put np in 11b bottles, for .75o.
000/11364 • Chemist Drug'g'ist.
uy your new hat' •looter tor
Spring -*
if you desire it new bait or pair 01
Wooers- made to your order, ready
for :Zelda, vre shell have to .hike
Ana thelrlby saverlisap ottrtiri*.
We olaith w oertaaia dit not Woo,
laity of style and flwhit*only
the gartuente thein ` lien darn.
Stinnes lard eentl.drees snit to
- order.
1. .
HOLLOyiii, Cls %%
Before' Beater, befofethe°style and
u, get brr ken, w'e shake a •sneclality of
bite d poi* a larger Ate,* hien in any
.previarie .•(►flan' alit* best English acid
tnerloan make, *Oleo and aim.
Iitl Eruglltb hate w hers the 'cote.
lasted Wakefleld, Saoktllle end Leslie
rustled. Our Amerloan SSW 0011tbine sort;
style ted gtlttlity in *lythe nets' 00100from
peed to hitch.
A. J, 110410S110- Clinton;
Regret we are so busy pre-
iparag for Easter and, selling:
and Timothy
We are no '1:In18t4
our ad this
Our telephone number le 40,.
°maw TON
�l� Sc�Granite
I4hre StuClic Aar ( Cdol.NT(ilh 'laatik.40.tb
Montreal, April The receipts aE . the. F Corrected overs Tonder afternoon.
earn end abattoir tbie morning were 740 i Tlouradlty, .Opsit 5 ,1901.
head of :oattle, 75 01000,SO „don and 40 ball '4Vltetat .. ..
, . , .... 64
0 63 a 0
lambs. There wee it good demand, andpate ..., ......., , ,.. 0 20 M 0 80
Flees were well :maintained. Cattle-. Ye's....,...«.:..r„ 0 40 a 0 44
Choice sold et !Ito to die per lb.; good, Batley ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0 88 a 0 40
4oto4to;lower grades, 2o to 8o; naives, Peas•.,..•,' ••. � M 2 a
02 to $10 mob; sheep, .8?ia to 4o; leinbe, 4}o Hoar per cwt ........
to bo; boas, ,6o to 7t+. Butter, loom 15.16,p k.' 0 15 a 0 10 :
Nast Buffalo. N. ,, April 1 --•Cattle-•-: Eggs per dos.. , .... ,,. 0.10 a 0 11
Active and Wong; 140 loads on sale; ex -:w y, I ............... 8 00 a, 8 00
bppnotrot heetreeertaeefrualllsotoeatody1;5b0 ahgdhnadnmomNaa• e1papkrienop t,r.m...li.d.e.a. 05 4
003 aa' 05 0500
Potatoes, R,. r....1.. 0 25 a 0 25
Obtckene, per pair ..... 0 20 a 0 20
Duelist eaoh ..... 0 60 a 0 70
Geese, per lb .. R , 007 a 0 t 8
ork P
Tinker, per 0 09 •a 0 10
. .' r 5 tie a 5
. iia
Pick, dressed., ..... 700 a 700
rood ,bort .'..,.,,., 2 25 a 2 25
mon oattle about steady. The offerings
tnoluded 13 loads of Canada cattle, whish'
sold higher; stockers and feedere were in
good demand and higher; fresh cows and
epriOSers lower;; choice to extra export
t >! aii
1quality, $5:50 to 68,60;.
good to beet, 04 85 to $5; shipping steers,
04,60 to 64.75;. export bulls, choice to extra.
$4 to 64,25; good to choice butcher steers,,
$4.85 to 04.65; feeders, good to choice, $3..-
900 $4 25,etookere, common to good, $8,35
to 04;0anada oalves,ohoioe to extra, of good
oolor,$4.25 to 04 60. Jorsey stookers,$2.50
3;mil et n
to adolP
k a a v s choice x
, o t e 4
o extra
A� 5
toy '
Osgood to ohoioe,$88 to 045;calyea.ohoiae
to- extra, $6.75 to $7.25;sheep,lambe10olow-
erohojoe tolextralla mus, $$.75 to $4 90;ohoice
to extra, $5.25 to $5.40; good to choice; $6
to 05.25; common to fair, . $3 25 to $4 50
Hoge -Offerings, 85 to 90' leads; market
opened with' an aotive demand; heavy,
$6.25 to $6.30: mixed, $6 20 to $6,25; pigs,
56,10 to $6.15; roughs, 55.50 to . $5.75;
stage, .4,25 to $4.75; all offerings Bold.
London, :April1,-Here and at Liver.
pool prices are eteady. at from 11,}o to 18o
per Ib, dressed weight; sheep, held at from
130 to 14o per Ib, and; lambs at 15o 'per ib,
refrigerator beef is 9fc to 9}o.per lb.
• Toronto,Aprtl. 2;-E ighty one'loadd into
day, inoludiog 1,193 hogs, 472 sheep and
lambs' and 154 salves, Export cattle choice
54 60 to $4 85; do, light, $4 to $4 , 50 ;
belle, choice,' $3 80 to 64 25; do, light, $325
to $8 75; butchers' cattle, pinked lots, 8380
to $4 80; do, medium, mixed, $3 25 to 03-
60; do, common, $2 60 to $3 40; feedere
. heavy, $3 80 to $4 20; . do, light, $3 50 to
3 80; feeding bulls, $3 to $3 50; etookere,
52-75 to $8 50;stook bulla, '02 to. $2 75;
milk oowe, choice, each $44 to $52; do,.
common, $25 to $38; salves, per head, $3
to 010; sheep, ewes, per owt, .$3 to $3 65
do, books,$2 50 to $3 25; 'sheep, butchers,
each, $2 50 to $4; spring lambs, eaoh $3 to
$6; !limbo, • barnyard, per cwt. $4' to- 04 50;
do, grain -fed, $4'50 to 05 25; .bogs, singers,
$6 75; thick fats, 6c, lights, $6 25 off oars.
trade very bead.
The Doherty Organa.
The following is *aka* from the Mont-
real Witness, and speaks for itself: -"(;on-.
tinnity of policy and management has con -
anima to po small :degree.towards placing
the Doherty Organ in iterpresent position
of eminen e'
o in the mueioal world at home
and abroad. For 26 years, under•the moat
competent and progressive leadership of
Mrpoherty, the-fo nder of the business,
has this tlrm given ha undivided attention:
to theconstraotion of reed organs, with the
resnit�tbet1t'"hass and ie:, -presenting to the
trade an article beyond compare. The
Doherty' Gold Medal Organ is.suppereminent
in every characteristic of a perfeot inetrq-
meat, and adequately supports in active
service every claim they make for it. " No
or lin has
ever a ai
a 1a the .D
u e Doherty in
elevating the standard. of excellence in
reed organa or in contributing. to the devel-
opment of ' a high musical :taste,
Their'original and elaborately designed cotes aro
moat artistic environments' for the superb
action, the easily manipulated and reliable
stop rigging; and the powerful and perfectly
adjusted bellow,, which dwell within. The
Doherty tone is a unique combination of
quality and power. Their heat and attrac-
tive catalogues show a very large line of
stylee,in:both'.aingle.•and-doable manual or-
gans and particular attention should be
'given to their 'New Piano,"Harvard,''Vio.
Iorian,' 'Concert,' and 'Cathedral.' Their
samples at Clinton, Ontario, Canada, have
every possible facility, and. are equipped
with the most modern appliances, enabling
them to pi Mace a high-grade instrument
at a low price. a fast which 'has.made the
Doherty easy to sell and pleasant to buy."
_,..,.The.-puroheser of ' a • monument
should have complete. confidence -
'inthe•reliability of the firm, from
which bebayr, for thematerial
and workmanshipis, something
very few bfyere are familiar with. •
' If yon do hot know .tie,, please in. -
quire about our reliability trona
those who' know us beet.* We are
the only practical men herein our
: • line.
J. B. Hoover, Proprietor
Next :to Commercialp
Sale register.
Auction sale of farm stook, etc., in Clin-
ton, on Retarder. April 6th, rt one o'clock
sharp, at (7has. Wallie',on the old Lsele'
property,.opposito Mary street.; The stock
consists of good working horse and drivers,
good milk cows ; Were and heifere, wagon,
buggies, harness, plow, Doherty organ; coo.
Chas, Wallis, proprietor ; Thoe, Gundry,
Lord Ltnedowne. Foreign Secretary,
announces that no further military
Operations by the British troops in
China are contemplated for the pre-
New Tweeds
Serges and Suitings
Our Tailoring Department Is now
in charge of liffr Robert Downs, ho
needs' no introdnetion.
R. Coats .'9‘Son
CCOO$E-In Monson on'Mar. 26, the wife of
it. a.
n (Hinton,r.
2,the wife of
W. D. McBrien, a daughter.
MoROBERTS-Iu Mitchell, Mar. 80, to Air
and Mrs'J. W, McRoberts, a, daughter,
Mo('OOL-1n Mullett, Mar, 27,:1iifu of Wm.
McCool a son.
ROBERTON-in Mullett, on'.april 1, the wife
of Geo Roberton, of a daughter. •
MOIILEY-In Exeter, on ar, 24, the wife of
John Mork•y, a son. • . •
REN DLE-'!n Exeter, on Mar. 24, the wife of
John Randle; a son,
THOMPSON-At Farquhar, on Mar. 20, the
wife of Mr John Thompson, a son:
BREW12Ra--In Brusee s, on Mar. 22, to Mr and
Mrs H. R. Brewer. a sun,
WORTH In Winghatn, on Mar. 22, to Mr and
Mrs Robt. Worth,_a son.
DIAMOND -In Wingham, Mar.`28, Mrs Wm.
Diamond. a daughter,
MANNING -In Hullett,April2,11 Con•, Chas,
Manning• , a daughter.
WEY'MOUTil-Iii Hullett, ApriT,].; :wife of
Albert' a mouth,;* daughter.'•
ELLIOT'r�-In Turnberry, Mar. 27, to Mr and
Mrs Charles Elliott a sola
W AMS -At Ifo air Colborne• . townshig,.
.larch 27 wife of M; ivVIWanis,a on.
BAECI%LER-Mar. 27, in Leeburir,; wife of
X. Baecbler, a son.
$AINTON-TOTTEN.At the residence -of
the bride's_ pparents, Mar. 20, by Rev. J. C. Mc-
Cracken,Mr Allan' B. Bahnton, of •Blyth, to
Alias Amanda D. Totten, of Mosley.
WILLIAMS-GOLLEY-At at. Paul's rectory,
W inghara, filar. 2u by Rev.. Wm. Lowe, assist-
ed by ,Rev. Rural Dan Hodgins, of Seaforth,
MissMinnie Golley, to. .Luther J. Williams,
both of Morrie. •
Mar. 20, by Bev. A. M°N'ay, Mr James Strachan,
of Toronto to Miss Kate Murdoch, of Lucknow, -
27, by Rev. G. J. Abov, Thomas Bolger to 2liss
Tressie B„ daughter of George Christopher, all
of Morris,
WEBBTER-BiIIMEE-At the residence of
the bride', parents, Dec.' 29, by Rev. Mr Bent -
b ro), to..E.. Bertha•yyoungest daughter ofnAA
drew Brimier, all of Sannoin , North' Dahota.
ROSS -ADAMS -At B ringbank, Constance,
the residence of the bride's parents, Mar.• 27,
by Rev. J,:A. Hamilton, Wm. G. Roes, Of Mull-
et, to Miss Maude,'daughter of Mr and 'Mrs A. •
T. Adams.
DUNDY-HEA$=In Clinton, at Willisohure.h.
manse, April
Rev. A.taws t
Dandy, of Goderichtownship, to Miss -Annie
Hesk, of Hullett•
toba. Mar. 90, Miss Ettie Garrett, eldest dough
ter. of Mr Jos, Garrett of Londesboro Ont, to -
Mr Fred Mullett. formerly of Mullett.
DALE -In Mullett; near Constance, April 8,
Christo her Thomas Dale, aged 02 years.
CHET-In; Wingham, . 'Mar,. 22, Helen,
relict of the late Benj. Chestnut and mother
Of Mrs,Geo. Ross,Wingham aged..84 years.
CREIGHTON-In Brussels, tsar. , 24, John
Alex Creightonagad 07 veers.
lilac. 28, Hellen, wife o!
Jamestill a ed BA care•
to e g y
In Cilinton Mar. 2, 'George Bone, an
old resident of.Gorrie.
TOWERS, -In Clinton, Auric lst L. McLean,.
beloved wifeofPeter Towers, in icer 79th year.
WAT$INS-In Clinton Mar. 29, Sara *Jane •
Brown wife -of John W. Watkins aged 20 years.
JOHNSTON-At • Chatham Mar. 28, Chris-
tina McNaughton J `
wife of J. E. Johnston, aged
•: sera..
1tael3R1EN-InClinton, APril•2, Martha Reid,
wile of IN illiam McBrien, aged 24.
WATSON- In . Morris . Mar: 25, Elizabeth
Hooey, relict of the late James Watson, aged
92 years:
MOWBRAY-..In.,MoZiilop, . Mar...:.24,,;..14re
Robert Mowbray, aged 25 years. ` '
HENRY -In East Wawanosh,•on March 80th,
Xez fah, wife of George Beaty, aged 02years.
The beautiful showing of Ratner style* in spring noyeltieeneaw•on vk...
in our millinery ehowroome is but a blot of the millinery lwobievements ,
our olever experts. No standard of excellence and styles seems to he„, be-
yond their artietio minds, and they are skilful:adepts to give praaotical form
to any original ideas yon may.eherish. That is why their suggestions ars s9'
highly prized by Blythe beet dressers.
' If you wield ommand their eervices ▪ in the seleotioir of your, TlaateX:
headgear, come and commit them as earl)! Mt you can. The earher you oto'•
• the greater eatisfeobion you'll experience . Orders lee Eaater.millinerky are
coming in thick`and fast, but with our increased staff all orders will roceiye'
speoial attention and be ready on lime. ,
We are showing a toll range ofsilks for. Waists in ell new deeiggel-s .
" New silks, in checks and stripes, 22 inoheiwide,in light blue, pink, heli.
otrope, manve, •wile and cardinal, regular price 4Qa for 256.: • , ' • :
Fancy Mike, in lace effects, at 50o, 75o and $1,
Japanese silks, in ali the new colors, 35o, 400 and 500. `
New sbirt'waiste, in colored lawn, madras, percales, dimitier, and' ' ri
the light agminery fabr'.ice, from 50o to '$1,50.
lVtc• : ,On •&..•C .•. Ih
New Sdreriblenit1110.:
Money' 1V
Farmers see what`we"offer • ou in Choice Seed Clover,
Red and Alsike, Timothy, Orchard. Grass; Bug Proof Peas.
Save sold over 50 bushels and have more yet, Price $1.10.
1i1auahurei Barley, • Cc$. Peas and Sppeeltz, The last two
named are new... Come,�h4and ask knout them. . .
Emporium, Londesboro R ADAMS
Mar, 20th, 1901 I.
,aC-�. #Y1 rte.,
What's the matter with• K R ...:R P` •
He's all right 1 .
Jnstreostved a:cone ntneot of Pare Maple Sugar Arai alar• quell r selling at $1;
ter gallon. Wry rouiC, odd values given in ail 5kiode of ries. Try our Tolls,
freak .appp�ly i in arrived, 51b.Ot good .1tpat tea for $1, bbon, i ion, Mon'+ron>;i,
lacl veinlets fn t'ttta.�. ti`if$1141-.� ret; w*hiis, eri n, + e and add
�lt and otohard great. .,-•Ilaapil,
feetion *a We
easily lto mat�d e if Olatd Lesch ! .11 X1. Oal ett.
H's Old Stand.. - IC •
Wanted; -
Two girls wanted -One as chambermaid and
another for the Rita r n, attheClarendon hotel
a pply to A. McGC11IE, Clinton. • April 5-1
Stearns Bieycle
Fred Forrester, agent for' the celebrated
Stearns Bicycle 00 wbeetswill be sold( at a
reduotior for:315, Anyonewishing.: a "'cheap
up•to date wheel ; r cognized as one of the
best =vie should a 11 or drop a card. to FRED
FOR Rbt-.Tr'ti, Agent
To Rent tor :Grazing;
Rte south half of lot b0, Maitland concerMon,
Goderich'township, comprising 07 aures. Two
good orchards on the property will be included
also., The place is' well fenced and tnmre Is an
abundant supply of water. Apply to WM. Mc-
MATH,GoderIeh >", O.,or to.CURTIS STEVEN -
SON, ' linton. April 7-M.
Closure District
The Board of License Commissioners
• will meet -of the
Inspector's Office, Clinton.
Tur'sday, April 16th, 1881,
ilt s o'clock' p. >uw
to consider the applications for thelicense year
.of 1001.1902,
Alt petitions or applications to .be sent to
W. J. Paisley, Inspector, Clinton,
The number of Remises for the year 1900-1901
was 80 hotels and L shop, The number of ap-
piloationa for 1901 is hotels and 2 shops.
New applications -Michael Parr, hotel God-
erich; S. Pike, Railwway hotel, Clinton' Charles
Simmons, hotel, Baltford• Wm, Proutlfoot (for.
Martin estate), hotel, Ba'ltford; Beni Si Ulla,
Railway House, Goderioh
Apri15-2 w� •
I1epea orr,Ciinton
Raving bouliitou▪ t•
the business of
James 31cOlacherty
--Wei -we'liopeto • me "cit' the
continuance of your
patronage by keep-
ing Fresh and Up-to-
date Goods, Please
give us a trial and
we will try to be ,kind.
. and crurteous in. all.
" our dealings. Don't
forget to leave your
For hot x buns, to be
delivered for Friday
Parlrner 1 McClny '
Novelty, Bakerr':
And Relatatlraut:
Telephone No. 1.
With r"eferenoe to the above I beg
to thank ni''vma O1artotnets for
Ott favor* andpairiottage and hots
will Mill ow tlrhi the saamtt with
Still Goutinu�
'We invite all to'attend when convenient the greatest . sale of
Hardware, Granitoware, Tinware, etc., ever' attempted, in, the
county. G-iye us a call and see for yourself. We .kiloW we.
can please you. ' Examine list' below:
`_---Regular tried elite -pito Regular price Sale Price
Hammers 0 2So > 11 18o No. 9 Tea kettles,;;...,,$1.25 98o•
4': ,:.;.. . -t., 50a 38o Teapotj,; .. • 40o • 280•.
: , , , 850 .,. .85o •. 65o '' 45o �.
Took Hammers . ...... 1(l0 80 � •' .: ...:. ..� ... :..:.
56o '"36o.":1
Sorewdriyers...........:150-='--- 10o Dippers..„ „.:;,,.. 80o 24c
4'12o 80 Soap dishes . .15c 12e
Sewin Machines 10o 6o. Wash bowls....• • 25o 190 '
Lanid,: .s•a w a. .
... 76o
62 0 0 .
Oo 22 •
Braces.... • d', 50a 38o Pie pi
ste. ,
Bite all sizes atr•uned prices ,., . . . 1V9o0-'
d -
... 1.00 780. Meat platters:..,..,..... 350
z cut eawe,handlee.flle., , 3.00 . " 45o
.Batte all sizes. per
a 5o 'o a ookers :'1 00
, :...... pair r D Cbl
Gate hinges large...... 25o per pair . Celia:"... .. ...:i .100 •
Cat nails away down
Curry Comber 8o, 12o, 150 Mage ...... ............ 15o
•Wood,,Tt►okplame; .•.-v., 4. 860.680 " ...., 120 $o
Wood Smooth•plaine.....: 75o - 600• 43o- "-
Manure Forks. 85o . " 70o_ . 53o,
only 2 clothes wringers left: at 2,65,
Can openers at 5o and 100• •
Cobblers sat for ...:.:..... ` ' 55o
Bewsons harness oil..., 30o 24o
Shoe Polish per bottle.... 25o ' 180.
• •' " •15a•' 10a.
Padlocks..., .• 25o 15o
ft15o 8o
Cow Chaine.. 25o 18o-
$200.00 worth of cutlery, etc., wholesale.
830 '.
80" . Y
Buloher knives .. 30e 200
" " .' 25o • 180.
Horse brushes at'reduced prices
blah pane. , , ...:. 500 65
• �•.... 75e
Stew pane with cover .....35o.
" '. " ,: 65c
Sauce pane, hipped' 150'
„ „• ,480 320
"I„r3galbfg kettles'.. . r • 400. 820
' .....: 5Ce' '• 400
" . 65o ' •48a
.-. ..
1'tiddingpane ...,► .,.., 150:-,
a'• . x..' 180
'Regular price Sale price 'Regular price , ants! prsre
Pails. .•, 150: . 12' Wash bowls ......:. ,..., 8o, nes 140 '
,, ` . 20o 16o Quart dippers...... , ....4..: Orly 4c
Pressed hulk pans. ' •12o . 90 Dishpans .14 ,19e, 32o •'
" • " - 14o •; 12o Pie plates ......... ' 80. and
Strainer pails.. , ... . 650 ,48o Pepper boxer tr.2 'afor 5o '
" t.......... 500 • 35o Cake cutters..........., .. 2orea oh
Breadpans with cover.... 60o 46o. Spice box sate.....•, t 25o , 1
Milk strainers , ....... • .. 25o 15o Combe oases 10o" 110• '"
20o 13o Meath safes ,.., ... 10o 6o
Teapots..:... ...:i, 25o: 15c Stew pars.... ...:..... 25o 16o
y ' pp€r bottom.... .....50o" 88o I . ,, `20q' ' 120
• A few w'o'od .cooking stoves at away down prices in, order..
to make room'for more hardware stock eomis
A 027 nook stove for 028. A 025 cook etcye for 021 An 018 ooOk stove for $1e...
Best Sarnia white coal` oil only 15c per gallon. •
American 20e,
4 or 5 good second hand cook stoves very cheap.
-.All goods at bargain prices, stKetly
Cheap Hardware Rouse
L; • OUINIITTI ` Lo-ndesboro.
There is a loonier old saying thatood luck will abide'with you th''rougliO ,,
the year if you wear something hew and fresh on Laster niairh.
• This of oodree fe mere superstiiiota, cut there is no euperlttltion abotlt;elia
good fortune yon will .have ifou buy your Easter needs het*, for you will be
getting the latest fashions and the beat vitae* -
1K1 1 O IT
we' planed in •storsk tbitr weak a Ibis' or M.n'r Toted Suite *t $$ tliSINte ,rare
Willing to haveyou *ampere with any Tweed Snit you rase * sew
Our: line of Men'a �e Snits tat 1;4:50 have the Ming
a imide to mtsature ttiat twice the rice,
Our large of thing imide if duet iallogethst JO the to
Buy your sprig low,
Ler ' ,J ei, TE, Land