HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-04-05, Page 6. . , : :::: I loo. 1 = ...." ::: ow , . - � . I I . 1 2 , I . ---1.1. 1-1 .
I . I I � I 11111:1�: I I mo.0 ail 1:11::14will Z. V l, 1 � =, I . 11
. -- 1oo11A11:1=Vq I I .op. " I...i. . i!;! I :== � ; = -UPOON issm No 14 19 �
- -----i '' �. 0 r . -:: :1 :2 � ,,,
;;.;;;,;;;;"0 . 1. . . , === I y A NQJ31jlN . 010
I . . . . I I � - Xr. 1113th(Mvick oo,litillued, Curbing said, painting; with Ili$ WIlIP- " — : ..'', : ;�:;'::== =-
11 I VPP11'11111�!1111!1111!� 1�� b .elf with an effort. "I m I I wish 4rowld. leave of our Late. re�aeo-lQVIlIg ;:111�1:111 :
1M t4� - 0=%XX=1ii`,241V-,9-� I—— , img Was TbAt, . -,7;-- """',
5s4lizilit, I I pro- alone, Cho 11, - I , ;ZZ="= , , " --
.0 . .. � I rill not little "Oor R SMITH 8
01,41, blM
I listen to, *ar-or permit In my 301all
. . � last- that 11 On Otte condition." quo said# Mil- , gliteep. . .
,, ... l I I bence any aspersion Aga . 1 sit . Art
� yQun Ing up at him# #oI will.,, e, believed devoutly. Inproser � I
Volfenal4eyn", SUC, 44 It to gritaw alroaMrol' ce of the. empire. 1IQw0fi`C!! A re I
. .419r. Blatherwtokll lie I utl?i . . I . . . tho 04 ulded I � .
A'PLOTFOR EMPIRL . o1c bts head 911,404 clo,red. .- arrogance ofsomo mlag
" I I I -, , $414, 1 ,,as tz ,
I - ., I I I That you lot me drive for Just a ANIC10 lie v . , Pon tIAQ
. . The a rooll I YOU ouglit to know that I � . r, it r a an of Some who. gat u �
I I . . . I I :
. 11 1� "I .. -w----+.-&-Pw,#- I " am not the sort cif man to. make evil mile 11, . I Britiol, throne, changed the .world .
� .
I 11 I, . I . Temirks about a lady behind her back, lie handed liar 'the roing at Once# — ,� Into a 'veritable "Aculdem-U." I$aU- 1 You � , .
' NvIijit"I Avail Talking and Changed sep,tso From the V101 I I . & nookburn aud, VIDdden, In, r5cottish 1, . .
. . unto$$ I ICACAV , I , . . � I
ENT4 CONSPIRACY AGAINST ORITAIN, moment ment mile . I . .
. a , . took th-eu: a Honest apcJ Varges I .
, , � abo4t. 1 cannot t this k he'e,041d see that A , t Friend history, Neseby and I-IrestoA In V-,Hg7 -
, , .. . XTURILLING STORY OF CONTIN . provo,, It, but I Alz WOr-417 CORVlaced She was an accomplished whip. no lish history, without wentIO111119 the I � .
. ,
I � . � . 41.
11 225�5511§&!��' 2211:�I::!�:!�, -- - - ---- - -- I tuat alas Merton Came here to -day at leaned back And lit a cigarette. . I of the Sick Speaks, . Ava.vq of blQod which rollod over tile I .
:i, , . I
I - z , #I Blatlierwickfe re- fi
i�i terloo and So-
: Me g� .� .,;, ,., ,, ;,�% the. fristiga, p vation," be /� . well?
X -Rd ., j4145�2�;��,;,-X=� Z5 �� :i, tioa of the Ix-rson. who Sal , -- den. testify to the recklepilleos . at Am -
rose to her teat and drew iwered, I- I am leaying for that,verY WToto to you, naid that she'only re- ,Marked, ,'has been easily purchased," , .
I I I $be er curiously, but did Ils Uls ;attento to IV 644.1a bittou Au,1 the uia4ilasa of mlogqlde(�. I �
reasola. I do not conceive that In fair' tralnecl ftom to . He To , .,
11 1. � gking 'you Some Offer, Silo aralled rath . so D
I I - 'Y VOWOr- 01 all the Waru SU
Z�, If A it I glaould Continue to because She' knew quite Well that WO not reply,4 . hired carriage was 0010 Kidneys P V .
* ap before him PrOudli, She I � Unu al question I '
"a I I Ills,- and the 905Ults arDlt'L'al -
.. ;0�y4ped above him, handsome, distill- � AcH9 to MyrA In work which .0111, were. within hearing." Item, and her eyeg were In which Britain WAS Concerned da
. .
I __ . Waste my time I to ards t Provo k1le wisdonv In so Doing, .* 9 . �
- �104, angry. I rust, UIRS not Itatell to another word. tit they' . I , Ins, , er Maj� one was . If your digestion needs a
,,, she said firmly, "I Va. bring forth no fruit, I V 11 I will Wed upon it. In a Monte � BstY's reign not
I A�`� -,,,,�,..," victor 7 at once I I Uerton, that you agree with me," Lord Wolfendono" �Jr. BlatherViek do, t past, and woltend9n. was con- Instigated by liar desire to despoil
, Mcolet, Quo., March 2S.-(9P(3CI'aI),, ,tal rest �-whitever else may be
j,�, � 114 - ybit can P &Wft' a 1 Bile answered, gravely. CIO at a ast unpleasant Sensation. Smith, of tills place, re4 any other sovereign at his la .* - .
I - -ea, ,: Perfectly'" , 44 IS clarod vigorously. " It, YOU are )IOA- ,. -Dr. WI I bf extoading � trujo-you call .
, I., *111, have no more to . I , he Continued, cruelly mis,JudgIng that It was ITelene, who3e dark eyes were rights for the purpose get it -frdr -
I , � -say or to d Iscase . ,n
.1 .. .1 The countapso, o eat, you are rts two cases of I .
; � � There have it not, you must. kndw glancing; front the girl to 111=14 CO)d I the boundaries of 4
I With a! 'You have given me UP m. Y . P0 s3dueyt 11)
. . 70 ell worried. young lady; I , cured bY Doddle X1440Y Valat AvIdell .er own empire, t . 4
11 . I letters, It Is true. yet for that you well, ))lit uxul . ,enings at proper epithet to be surprise ; and Mr. Sabin, who ail Uore than this, - when public opkg- SCOTT S Emut,sloli of - Cod"
. �.. . � tin Upon MY Own stra,uge hap-hap-hapi yourself tile 1 , . . v;' "a very striking testimonials to I I
TO 00, special Ole Walton- r aide wrapped In a. was Influmed, as It had'beell 0 .
� - ,*. J* " you left, Lord applied to the person who defames. ail Jonah . � . the merit of this great medicine. The lox n . . �
� �.',.' C. illitude. A man of honor Would the Hall since Mar-, I . . Blanche looked down " Liver Oil, . .
'A den IS there. Xly-tbe-byv. MIsO innolient girl behind liar baCkol Iwlsll a huge for qoat. subjects are, Mr, Caleb, alva.rd jaRii more than one occarlon, -by the Ill- , '
I 1. I .1 V4 destroyed them. lout ago." - - r i . I . . . . advised encroachment, of some for-
... - "I � � I . 0 tog,, .be added, dropping his VOICOo,'11 �O, q arte noon, sIrI 1, shall leave 'at, him Innocently. ' eign power tipart her ,rights and tllQ;- ay be--
� , I . , I axed up at her. and th do *not_ ot-�fiiuk that you, used. -to she re- Mr,, Souelph Hamel. Whatever else it ra
. 04 . I jw;6ntA�
a. , U4100 �Ir. Rivard suffered from I . I
flickered er ;bam Hall to-morroW." . 11 Fancy meeting them"
I I I— t of an unholy smile very Billy awayo and Welfenden marked, tounitine; Hector ' with the I alty .%a it Sovei;elga, and when her I -
I � , I .1 consider Lord Wolauden so He strode . I . . �nd ulgltt� Re . acation for stomach and
, 11 It does not Matter, doce. it ? neAce of the urine daY , � �. ..
- I I
1 .. I ��'. , I orm- big lips. �, I had given when.you. were at periligham." ivtth a fallft, regretful whip. . rie'd by the disobarK, Of Ulaisters were disposed to - resent It IS 4V . . .
.1 I I tell YOU thai I imes-whati watched him was so wori rehaoed sucli encroachment in -language val- ppurtly for bowel$. . � . .
11 -.01441 I, it ,Wag very dull somet smile upon Ilia lips. Then lie turood You look dreadfullY cross I" tiiat he Pit 'L . .
... � .. I Qqm all back to you ?'I he said, . nwick;" silo . tle t1irlil of bott, Woltenden Just mattered some In- Urine B -t night oulated to kindle.10to a, flame the , .. I .
: 0; all save you were busy. Mr.,01athe round suddenly; a lit from Dr. Staltit a, rubber Instrument -
I �1; , diAh I that Was 06 MIStak . . angles liar luacho. 4,1 will musical laughter came L floating oa� definite jeply, and threvr1ts cigarette ; Dr. $m1th BAvIsod basest p4salouR of,the liuinan. beatr,to � It feeds you a little, without . .,
. . 1. � ,ered, beg I to protect his bad � I Imed . . I
� ,,- , , L ,� . - - ' '' ' '
"I ogg," I should have valoll One I Uelit, "aw CeSS In tile He bought, Same, tier voice more than once ca
ro. confess to you t-hqt I did try to1l,muse from a. re darkest s,.%vagaly into the road � After 0,11 he
" . : ip `qoe�- Well, your .sez 'are P myself A little , with Lord Wolfenden. coru�r of . sa sure that Mr: BlatherwIck's DoAd's Xidney P1118, he doctox tumult,..and her 41ploulacy'khare than any work at,all by the Stomach, � - -
� loatillig ,was nao . and soon rei
- _, 3orted 0 t � I . ' ..
��:.:, �. -,. virbiall aggrta elyul, you know. It But 110 Wag altogether too rustlo-too the hall, WAS MOrtOli WASalounge, 1, .. ayitrted .the carnage and borror . I
'. Y 11 Salvation had been ch,qa01V Won The tro0lo once ittle' ay" 'be enough to
'� I 1A the one 'a musement. . . (TO ' ' th' , ..
11 I allow paper writ- back amongst the CUS1116110 Of at ha'Was quite cured. � . of W41, This was notably. the Case .That I , m -
.Witlibraing III ' be Oontinued.) peared. - . I � "
, �
� I 1:1 m Mentone, I r stupid I X, like it�.Man n'dkercIij'.ef and -eyes gleaming with - a I I . 0 I had entirely (1164P � ,,tile American rebellion, when
, ,
� � .. . Ua fro: You remembe ber during I set whole body. going . .
.; It better than . She 13eckoned - . . . - . r .
Harcutt produced a he Wolfendell to liar . W,riflam of, his ease , I you
.. �: . . it, I I always liked - ,, Wte . REP14,13 ITIN Q -QLD 151,rYLA � �WJQ Xidney Disease angry feelings on both sides of the . . I �
. , I . . ... 1,
�, . stuffed It ,In his mouth ., Ills face was m6lodramat�pl Wasn't It?" � . qr - s'uV;'f'eMr ed. 0, and again ,- forit helps you more ,
am of the Others." slowly becoming'. purple With SUP- . ring her skirts for .- . . . . for three or four ye"s So bad that Xtlantio were deeply arousi . .
nor white hands flashed Out lathe , ierwIck or- mhe exclaimed, =01 When the Smallest Spark: mloh,t have 'L .
r. ur, f3latl him to -sit. by, bar' side, I'Dear little As Told by Rev00. J. Hardy, ff. -A-s I would )lave to lay Oft twoi Or started tile m Cog,16,_ L i �
ag press I . L L . . work ,oat . terrible I it e -
,relight. it seemed almost . Cre ad laughte I . a I , . , than, ' f.e. ds you, � ,L .
I cough silo must have struc� him. d the champagne. � . W . . a , to .. 04aplaila. to a. a. Forces. . three da.ya every weeX"Vft-0-0fttIU'- gration. ' And as a tesult of tier Oft- IfYOU haye� .L . . L . . .. L,
I � In -I Was *ery Jealous Of -him," he Mon T� Do you kao I 110 . W Ut - -Pit, iu .
� :,� IL She was not I Larry. -me?" I. � Tillage_ is, zo, 1iattAr.way.,oJja@Apt -, expressed desire.,for peace, tawhich. - not tried it send for frLito Moto ,..
� U ,,xr id was tokeed to walk I
1, . - dmltted -011109t, 14 a Whisper MI. U447- Rlck.-gx - , I I 11
I He W lied to her yon a] , � sinceable til,ste Will su uw, -1-- " -4 . ",
1. L 'really free; he W&O.OtIll the master a ,, What a clever--- girl einent that haA.taken iilg�j-4lIW6ht- with I '.. - . . I
� 1. , Vile 11tio eyco wors raVed. Collin very ' , -"really you'd Ing the Impr6y .like an old wag, I I the world has Often, listened .as In- . , rprise yo --- - .
� ,,, : " � big $lave 1, silo stood as . . . . Voltendea reraii-fted' , Place Ili the *moral, -social and mater- the pziiaj� ;. 1. had lost all my energy, teAtIy--a,S,;1�he-proVhet to.thO still , �soolrT & BOWN'e"Chemimft.
I , jand she ., eloquently W )lie.. , I gently; make an admirable wife for him," ' aoldlarO---tho,nL"-'to",�l-,-heArd--of�-I)oddl-&-Tfid,ne7-pi-ltw-*-t-tm-r- . ' Tororjt�f , . .* .. I , , . . . .1
lol,� ,. , . tbouirli turned to stone. ,II. vY94.Iiadno cause," she 4a.14 .1, . I I . - lal. Condit ion .-,Lof--our jog L Small voice at Horeb,, liar people were it;iete. . . .
I,, that you WI , She Pouted a little. I posiera now I ba,d takon -a few.. doscoo. I war( do t30'0, an I
�� - ' "I think;" lie said, soand, Bir. Blatherwick.'haV60 you I YOU L aid. -Compare the recruitk: able. to devote themselves to * the, . d. $4�00 1 all drAl . . I*
' . . ver mucli", bile - 0 � -those bf fora . . . I L - I -,
.1 I lint6d now to 0, little dan which 11 Thank .y issued vIvIth; ,ker days. I lighted to find Myself Improving., ace; villages 'grevi 106
�,,,, has Just, 00ourred to Mae. I will yo forgotten something ?" !, i am not contemplating, making any-, artillery . m,ged I continued, and art�aof 41 . MOMIENT I I , , . ' L' .
.11 mr.Biatherwick had sipped his glass I before me - title new. . Thus encourf . COMLigarce spread , from R . ' .
,: " , io an Admirable. Wife; matrimony have J -on barrack the tuird box my trouble had cittO ; .
11 2001f I pwter, which may be.seen, n f-oompasolacl, thb- - . ()]US.MATTERS. L
. I
. of.champague, and answered Witll(itlti 01 I ty- - rely could itand . . . , . I
��- him svith a, it stutter. � dbes g I l." put forth thir wal disappeared. I, whole globe; ,her.enterprising-oons . . * . - . I L.. - L.
She looked away from , plelitsure you gates, and. another., - 7'alltdi k ani., pain -dAughters went forth to con-
.: I 4 pgotten ,,I don't. knoW what I '�hat '.
1, Ila*e"g0t,,! he metal, P L deeent aLv years ago. The, first Is an attrau uprl0t, Without . and I f Londolk, 7�', �
, shudder. I dan: find -la making 11- foot Of I ct-16U.,--It - uppeo-is or---stiffliess Whatever, This, to over - Occupy the Ileads o .
- '' s I, What Is it?" $Ilia asked boAr"OlYe.. Y V . .- -,- . ... - _ , . I tive, - artIstic -produl . I .1 . r-,tvd '*(XVId :f�pt civilliatton B�-gd I§aB8j6tY.'o I . . L'� I . I L -
L . I
' ' -
3.,4� � . . on to ceit me by W. - little 01111P .like tfiat" I lie Said, I I It's. � patriotism mud love of adven- six: months aV, arid� I havo nothad quo . til place . L . . - . . I.. 1,
. -, . , I, Yon used , V Chris . a, Blanche." � .. to the lIllgebt, efteated youths'; the aUghtest return- of tile trouble the ompire;.Itterature took I at L Is really time that 11104f in -14011:' � I
.1. CHAPTER XXVI. , Van nitme,11' . . . -too bad of you . ture of Into . .. 1. . ais one of the great �tioral forces. of
. -
'.. St. Intholly. , ., I Should . . Cal' you i." One must anialse Oneself, and -lie Is. � I ts a . true,' and there or pa.in." . ollitta the age, and .
�'L.17,. 31r. Blatherwick as, . be delighted' to odd. and so very much lit earnait.,t Its. atateman to, . 0 other The religion Itself all- don, who ought to know better Should . .
.., : , . arcut,t - said, Mls4u-Blanche for over," Ile $aid boldly, so Is.no, attempt to deceive. Th, , me cures have Caused A sumed. a more .0hrlst-like : ,aspect. be' "quainted' with. tLbe fact that - -
s' - 11 I am afraid," 11 L I : L . 1, 01. lbourse,", Wolfenden contilluedi Aently'addressed -to toot$, and 'sensation In the nelg.hb6rb * M L I I..
..':."-oIttm% elt was a boax, ,,May .I?" L . Ct", Is evi . am Whitt a noble. reign I"Hon, . W. 'black ties Are nort good form wltbl, - L.� I
. . . ance both .gentlemen axe o �* ' Iloss 'in the Legislature., '. " . � -a nojtic�d at the .
-her the letter. � -no* that You had another able � L o0d
,,I 1. � I supposes so Inuch. bovine Ignor well ku g . evening dress; I baT . .
,� ��. or the writer has thought better Slid laughed sot ' tly.� I 11 Had IT', . ' . . . . .. ... ... .. LL hot . it 19 hunior d very popu- restaursats' lately - 11 . ..
. ,�, It is half - aly hour "Well, I doil-t quite know about ' d tetill and gullibility -t . .. . aus, D45016 ICI ney *Pilia, are , ,i '' L , . I . , . --eatres' and . 1 . ..
I'., of the matter. .. 14 You came here -to try an I In Its, oylitclm.04 - . . . I .1 I . . . . - iblat quite half the men prose . .....,
. r' Mr. Bfath- that," she Said'; .You may for tills . - . lar In Nlco.let, * I .1 Nervillue,'Cares PAW. - . tit have ,
Vast the time, and Poo I Lt the poor little felloW with a tIlOUSau( . 1, L . — � .. . . .. t*
erwick is still alone I' morning, tit least, -it -is go pleapar ' . I I . . .1 � Uere It IS.` . � . I .. . This is the testimony.of mutterers been. wearing'� tb�bae , obJectionable �. �- �
� L HOW the -work Pounds 11" - - . . 11 .1 . ... St6p!--okalie notice I " , Doubts Tears ,of Preacher- - ,- . v know that a white , . .
Wolfenden glaaced' to;rards the to see yon ejabi'L IS L' .14 1 have - I I ' have nQW in every part'of -tile Dominlob. Mr. , ties. Surely, the, , . . 1"..
L I V., . I I .. . . .%never.,,., 8110 intepposed �calm . .Single. Men L )a0re'lly a mething else th&t haPP011- I . -, for *ear In* the'. . . .... . 11
- getting on . L . Fine, 7. oling -p Q, OnI7-JP.vP@04I0
� Ilty of Joining L tit(,' - --1.-1..--. -A -111.--1tt -fl Benjami-ri,--.Dlllon,-�,.,o.t,.�..Lecds,,.,.�;.Qx,lt. - -OP .'�...-
. endld opportur, . jod at one..of the rev va Mee - D.P. G I
. He groaned. . . ; - 1. .\. .. . a BPI '. 5 . to . i *of* 'matter ow eb�p%i�-- .
distant table,where big ratherla see . . I fy,*�'Iposmaawd a�,tllousaud shillings In babi even -Ing, no . .Ni, ---41- . .
� .
, . . . .. .
ratary wVA% already flulshing- his . . . a4ure at 7* . I coTivention duri. 9, Its stafes: "I ani not In the maurning may.be� , '... � �. .
� modest meal. I I "Don)t ask me, please 1. It,'10 awful I M� life."' , They must me >5 the.-bolitiess a &fflng,up proprietary medicines, but . :, .
r old Blatherwlekl" he re- I ant truly glad that am leaving I Not on .your - own a,0001111t, Of -* ,ana be between. 1:7 and 2 , glege in this.elty. A�t a service to I f eel it -my d - liawd ,a rather fuu�ay Story Ill ,� ,_.'L I �
L .
� � .
6. POO I � .1 . . , all bebalf"\oLf Your imolies, . Will � all L rgeeive � . uty to add to tbe'testi I Wa.
I any reasons I". - . course; YOU CaMeL years OX age,. They. .Church one of I.tllc -11 .. Value Of L conjueotlarl wIth, , Sma].Vt �. . � , : , �
I �. k d; 11 I know he's awfully re- -for in ' l5abl�,, or solifi&'he be�. I " I ... the Metropolitan r �ony - as to 'the * in6irvall6lis . A: A�ery I .1
LL 111a for tills ,, Have you finished . copying , those' employer, Mr. ,at I 'viltry,, the I same liberal - - ministers became.i;o :Qarrled awa3 . L I .
�. �e,� � Ilev I lies too nervous de � .. ; plervilige,as 94 remedy for pain. -Not4-. dinner was given julte. reeentlyo 1. .
, . ar- Wild 11110, I- W .. �tlits . . Bouilty of �5 :15a.-- dd. .
"I .1 - he L would awful details of the defective ., I *with' what lie *am. Saying � that h.( universal NO'hell SOIMA Members of the tbeatricM ,�
� '� , V of thing; I believe plates 2", asked, _L suddenly Blancho?" * - I I I L . " on *their atrival at -thOY'Wlll "4 great briny tear#) InK I think equals. It - ab- a - were prlilsext, one of - I ..,. .
, . ' '.., eye lost him head altogether if his Mar she she looked at him. out of wide-open dWg, driving, bagan, Itb cry, d llpliders .ought, to, . profession, � L .
'r ' sterlaus correspondent had turn. dropping her ,Voice, so that It' baL�rely. , be taught tile art,of rl. Played ta,g'-with each oth-or as they .feel it as Much, a nocessitY ad -bread wilom'Wag wearing jet bu0oua On :
� '. tv .
I .. , table. .eyes, but Bile made no &n$w6r. \ 2ery and mechanical . .. -and -U- *big black satin - '
I L: . . p, reached thol'other side of the marke,r]#. feilcing, r.uPl , scurried down his. Cheeks.. t ' gold by, dealers In ! medicine � his ;W�:t, I . ,�.
. , . "Ltha ,,Only lot night," he answered; "it '106 far Us I -can see,!' he io lArliereby. guns are Moved with the atire time ML little �glrl . itself.'! . .. b6iw�.- A. ladY who was present �gald: . :
. I � 11:
, .
I '' L . "I I suppose," Harcut I t -Ms 'a ItIstle, the ever . L .1 Oat and ".... ..
1, - . ,t said, - t " I izius*6 confess that foolery see I During the*e ywho,re. . :, ' .
.. Very hard work, afid'so ridiculous Sallie f4LClltt,y ad.a pephyw not:more thiin'12 y6a.ra old stood. in . I . . . .. . "Has ?&.,.-" I any L dear fri : , .
"I rm. . 1-.0611% imagi , O�A�der. I I L 'L . . .. , . ".'--
may take It for granted that was 1 itilltly , , no ftliY�,'. 'a 4nd manufacture Of gutn , ---: . .� . . . L . .
- box gs If I .
It want Into the . ,with .the rost of -better t6 " L al.fIr U6 rear of thb'church looklag.with 0; ' I . beside, the t)Uaqft?l'L I 1
113 not in the room." - . � Work worth tile l,lid'oiher beau a- 4 I - . I Not Love Nailing, - . L . ..
of , Walfanden an. the flnialled,Wwork.tItiq 1�iOrpipg-`. In � my'futher'�' I . Y -rockets; a . I - . - I . I .,,a gentleman Irk qUeStiOn 'i�ais one
Zvory soul here," L . � col�doctlon of alleme to sk g and lignto6ile'the adlng� "out - s"Iyl-aughtta�-have -known, bet- � . - . -- . :
a new - any elaborate a are aleb .lodged In! the Nvonderin e.ut. the Mh I .�.
to Ing 61the' "Did the. Admiral ongage . L I � , works. They pro ' the a ' They � had ,been re, . I
r . . . . J sea mind that; there 119 it w1d,Jm-te.- :WJ14 ' ftet�al;jgp - I - V.ho, r _ -L ...
------ �,LN_qqg
Avvicw5d, 11 Is known ar'?"L Bile laoitilred. . I " i I. But ilever jWe& "-arr&Qkq.in'.tha-w-c - - A . -crourtgigp-in--M,exl-ao,-tliz-�-youjidwb-out� V -A. black-tIO.With evening dress I . :1
. I hL U . - ter.
all typle-writl I WMwAt the L beat nor -treaticulationisr had . . I- "' acted and itil .
. 7 or .by eight. The man . - .� -1 **Im �-M-It-.No, . lig�llt work and'go'ocl Pa" 'I ,y In,which it a oond 'as dogskin . . I.
-- -- , L
� : � -*I : - . --ehoa"ts-haad1.----. " �.. . niW,-4ndy,d1-,-ffN lU. L'It ig-fl, b L y - - E1016 un�IV t 6 a , its Wa � is M . Much alut. of place'. .. i.. .
. I -n---- Y-- ' He I - after' . the came to this
". the dark in6astacho sitt g b , ay� that be hii;s nea;rly f In, I make � - propoiltlon.,to yo ae-f altid mutton that' can d -- hia-Ve. a mu . I that -and finally . Y .. gWres' d it j6d handkemIlIeCtuck- ,' -
I I . 1. � I L . � .. I I . . an . I
. .
'NO; Ile 8 . .1 � . , in the bar.m .. . . , -� ...... -
himself to a London solicitor, . who to ... I . ;., . .'Of money, I SAlP.)P6§e';'Av1II.yOU land, a corn: -place , , began to cry. , re.j . . - . ,tb,L.,Wt L . ed -ID th,ol.walstepati - ..... ..-.; . ..
.�� � Imbed .1 . t, I matter Over 'to My fortable, , . PaXt L 0 .1jc.fi mile paragraph a a or , W, recelved a
blailit himself a builgelow here four ali �M 60i glad'," She said. "You have name your L terms .to. co.in6 I L racke, called -the �#canteez,,"'L.Vat. a . That� ifeemed to be in -- "Nfter:a, time I allude. to this subJeCt Lbecaus ., , . 'L.'
- I , . . , . . . _
, .
I years sad comes down every had no temptation- �to flirt . then � side?" ' .' .. . . ... IL' , for tbeb�'to's6c their friends In, and could: stand, -for, turnlhg� -to. 0. little 'b the girl; a1w a acconipahled- by there has been, 66 -much ,discuestolk , . . . . .
6, . L' I Y 01110 I
other =k for golf. The two men with ? " . I A look crept '*into her. eyes wh Oil �ake it cheerful' glass;. al.80L an excel-. �.o-mpaulon that otood, near. her, - she wuo:usudily carries an , . ari eirclos lately.- .1, F L -
1.11 Speculators anybody else, bave.you . . . I I - .. I . an . . ' . ..'... . . ''.. . her: ,mother, L the - young about it In l0m -N
In- the corner, are land 0TO flirt -with anybody algal 0111. puzzled hirit. - , - - leat. .... .. L' . Id . the Ponversa.tion, with . LoAdou Car, of Paris, -E& .Y. ffer- " ... . . i
� - ' ' , . . . I I
I fromi NGrwlch; and their neighbor .1 .. vor 0 O ending � Room � "Now, that b1globater On't crying I i.. . , I 'L .' sad. - - I . . .
,,, - platiclie. Do. you. think itr side," Llbrayy and. , nlau�.? . L I . .
I . . abb repeated'
4 MIB6-X mean . .. I. I .
11,4 Is Captain Stoneham, who rides the't L I 00131d I I . . . litfull . 11 Do you mind telling; me -L I . any more Hats Just. put- , Then they looked at; each other and I . . I I . � . . �
do thhtV oil � 4 - Park. and Plebtsure Ground ' .., thiin 'I be.': .1. .. . .. . I -- 1. ..., . . .. 7
e - - My male:a. . . .. I . � � - .. . I . . '.I . .. , , . ,
, , . I I P. . . * I , I
I from' the barracks twice a, Rio, little round � face whou, � with exactl, lat you.,innan by that?" - witil a select number of horses. kept tin, it am' woma,n an? I 4 �
.� over the L unac- ; a t ou Y accident, tb c L ' - each far nOthIlil. .ignordnt the ire,' - he said . . � L
I -
* I
week. also for jolf." sincerity and,the hemt,of . -11�iiltb * and Fill .never, bellers tax oV9V-*`, � : - . - � - A onoo. I I � . , I
e delicate for , their'instruotloa." I Y . r . , , % I
'' ' 'its' and�'Ir6m.-virbich she had- j. Lt . . . 'fer _ , ' L
:, � " It is rath;mr a sell f6r us," Elar- I . Lis . , I L . I . - a Bing . � . . . et ;�?�� . . . .. . . !,
.� � the who, - I customed wine. � His .eyes � were *&ter- IS"Land amusement. . .. I It's, only when pa glvds.hor at 'last. - '. I . . 1! . All I . . I I
. Its a Iltt ' . � - Is completed, the, 011-0,ori L � . -. , , . I . It..
; cutt remarked. " On . al, . le,.Lafid ItV dpeciv�cl6s were . Withdrawn he,i glove,.touched h AfterAbdirledueation . t -as, and women ciles-eas-, . 4.0h,'very"; She returned. , ' .� 1L. .1
. t 'ikinr I , ut", I 1. 4
.. am not sorry that I. .havel to go "dull. , Tile. L d at - lit inviting 1is - equally ij.LnO .11an mail an' that'ifL Why the -'And they- call the. love -m ., This signature fs� 0. evQry box of me gen
.L 1 � % , j,o,-- vt-wn to -night. Great gIrl. loqke . . .m. . -remained there as though ip -'at him an opportunity will be MII.L tOL ter J .1 � . I HiiiIS!'Olkly. '116. , '.- I ..' ' . :1 L . I !' ' .� L "
.., in. amusement. . .... - .. "Clas.p.'84o looked.ciuickly t WlthdiltL favor* affokded'to Preacher .aln!t' drying. . auggested, Laxktive Brotho-Quidine Tabli'a:
) 441 1 -said, With ", aL - her eye$.' W . ellevle.il' hicagb Ch�r6atote, Absur(ill" Bhe'asserted, � ; or . � .. ;
, Scottl What a Vrettv gizill", am afiald," she I ind , drdoped offenden travel In foreign 'c6ligtries, where akin',b . �Vl . . . � li *be rezedy that env"..^ cold In, one . I ..: � �-,.'
.1 of Long - 'took her -hand, patted. it.k.1ndly, and t�jey'may -drink t1leIr wine at. two- in .� I. I The fact.10,11.1tesald, ,'they don't . I �, . . .
: - I fli t' , with . I. I � . ! I + . .
back. yon 'Idiotil, Wolfen . � .. .; . . - . . .. .- * . ,,, . �,
. sigh, "the . . . . ' � "
11 . I I . ( ap. . . I . . -ad -of Harry. . - L � �
den exclaimed softly; I1d='t move Mo., , I . 'tt replaced lt--iu1ex I ' .pence a battlel-'by the new tariff, La',GriPP6 -Prevented and Cured know the diffellenco between making L .No NC L . . .
I If Yon can help it 11, 17 cair 'assure you, m-'k-Blitnobe, . "Look � here, Blanch-eil" lie ,said, "I and return to their friends With . .. Quickly.. . I I 1: love and,, conducting negotiations." . Sweet - Olil-It's -just too ineam Jor ".. L . 11 . .
- - I . ' .Aven,t - affect. to Misunderstand you; M ' end experience$ ' . .1 )t into dxeeatIve:t3eR- .
. Morutt grasped the situation he declared earnestly, "that, I never one.r, '- mUnere, . . . -Then thu'wel � a ything-Thei* iSn't-g6lng' to - be- ' .. - . ".-
. I ' I 1-�-T did but'haventt *you learnt by thi8 time . . .� I .I . ' - 11 . . .
. . and obeyed at once. The Par' said a Word to'�yoa Which ' : with a . I . I ' . Sea$ a,;. -Sion,.-fr.,om--w4de-h-the.Mextonns--Migbt'.&Ily.oper,IL. . .. � ..... .. . .
. . .Ls�... Grippe, I" 6 germ At' 0--�.0 ' .. . � ; "I I ., . . . . .
1� Von of the dirting-room in - not bon-bon-honeStIYL, mean. Blanche, 6t&t.,adye,rk ics-arjil not.,in 'my way? - 'for 01 no kills the'germs. You Can- have I . . Old School �Fileud,-Are , YOu SO tend ,
I I. , I.. 1, Llborkt'PrOvI91011 d Age" " learned miloU.,' . . . .
"'. which they were sitting LI I . . h Pa. . . . . . .. ", I . . . 1 1, 4 L
11 ivas little Viabould -Ilke, . mething."- ';L-Jas'g6W* t an atany time, per a 't';men required for ---�� .
� ..f 1. - Ir I o . ra - -tor usle- YOU...'sa d .hast * She was.watehfug his face, -ead As the- number 0 . lit . GrIppia .if you, breathe. Ca . of mum�o ? - - . 1. -- 1:
�� ' ,more than a -recei�i blia, Interrupte , and 'L thIs's6rvlce .will soon -be completed, 11 . r you. have it, it.wIII '- ' Deitfuess Cannot be Cured -
4' divided a f I -Not now," . . I.* ' tarrh .0. I . . ., ' ' SweWi..GIO.�$-o, bat I ILtbiAk It - - ' - -,
, . . . the main apartment by leavy. our-, ly. , ,"Do you know, I faudY - tllv-t I've Iti expression .with. Ii U114194iks o Men deeIrLon,; of availing thqM-. leisen lis'Intenalty imd,eut short the 13i local apilliioaii�ns asihei -canholtzeach the there had been. forty Or. fifty niglate I
. . . .9 , young I , - '
I . , .i I . .
.confidentiv4.' trufb-� . � ' LSe �rea or th6go upcqualleo advalitit'ges attack. Caterilliozone i(i as .absolute' diseasild.portionof the ear. There W oulroll(li -4 MT. �Xioe,. � I .
toins', and seldom used except in the must be Lgetting ,too` e leyegldft, -, . I I SL Grlppo� aa..Itt . to dekfuessoild. that is by constitu- of operaAhead Goo -1 Mort L .
t .Summer whan visitors were plentiful, That odious man ,with -tit . " Bah 110 she said, 11thbrer is jop. man are earnestly advised to reply Vvlth-� a specific for L to a' way to on, - Des ness is eauseil by au In, felloo--would; havo,' proposed .as. ,a .1 .
Mr. Blatherwick's table was really keeps 11 me 'what. who would -be -so brutal -as you, un- ' .time �to- the recruiting ifte far Bronchitis, Catarritt .slid I"011al remedieH. , my.-I� change. . , .' .. I., . .
staring at us. To I � . ,out -low of '. I Dfthe mucousItuillf,Of the Mattev, of ecom X . 4 1
� . - . : , . ..; 11 '; .. .11 I Epee -a � flamed condition i .. 1. . . . . . I
I within a few feet of theirs, but they a when you idave ,. less -A--,,: � i. - 1. tl . L' . party'at-��-. L . I. I . � . a. Druggists: ,vory4where sell Ito nTube. When this tube Is Inflamed . . . -- , . '. I
. . . Aathm Rustachlai I . . .- i
"hemselves were hidden Arom it by a here. 'You Can * ask ine-what YOU -9#nlosa;A�,h&. , 1. . Ill, , . . . God SaVe -the Quelen. . 3;. 25c,' and.,$1, or �Y.-m,moll olthavearutribling sound, . - ' I -
I I t you are going.to d , t ri - :. , .. . . . or imijerfect -bear;
I . I � � -her I two; filzol waard's,LitilmentlCurds Distemper. . 'L,� I
.. i eQZ-neT-* of the f6ldingL doors. 'rh8y, were going to IdterwardsjA" , 11 "He were In IpV6 wij,h'ailot. gir I . I I on receipt a T, ti when lkis, entirely closed; DeAfness IN I . . .. 'j. - .
I , . 641"Ineot bgrrao�ks In the ,World t� t'pald f price. N. C. usc, Rill the inflammation cambe .I- . . L I I I I
' .
. .
� Ldd chosen the position with care, 31r, Blaillerivic1c ' eloquent, . - (sperhays I am -Manciie.11 I. . . � at. -wag printed pol$on & CO,, . Xlugaton, , ont.,. - the reaulti, -and unless Is restored to its normal . I bred , flettylly..L ., . . .
and apparently with Success. grow ti - . 1. . At:00 time thle-post . . I . ., and L taken out and this tul ver; - I . So . I it - .
I . ..
I., . and jignehe was OF to C- It was '411 know that you are." . . odation for our soldiers 11e;rtf ,Cogn,.. . � �. - i condition, hearine willbe dostroyed-fore ii1swish too aspr ypu avo, question'.. . I.. . . .
1. mpatl , '. I .;,:.. . nine cases out of tort are caused by Catarrh . .
. . The girl who had entered the room quite halt an hour befor they, rose - So jooked at h6i% olulickly. . ?I) . tile, acdomml . lad, was . . . . . I . 1 4 1 1 ,
I., � t looking round to dePart , . . ,,-But you do hot know- Avith, .whom ai.hofiiji; and�eOP0016117'abrc, , ,which is ndthinpr but an 1pflamed coluditiOn �i seld the SWeet Young Thlug, , . . . .
stood Bar- a momen and prepared . a disgrace to a civilized country. The . Floilier. Colors and Odors. . I ... � . I I � .
, . . . .. the mucous. surfaces. , "Go ahead"' amaweted the Savage. ..
,. as though about to select a table, "I know Von wonItmIACIII, 131dricbe r She -had 'not, guessedt' bat- she kndw . I . . . . .We will e lairs Or any - lng�4t *Oman, of'000rse - - - "
o , I , . I ; . I boat and mutton then Issued were am iA,, botanist in Garinafiy ,has been _ve,ono Itnuilred Dol BaChilor. I';& I
. Harcutt's'exclamation visa not wi.tlh- said to Illin-confidblitially, "if I�azk : no*. , � - easoof I)eaftiensim,aiiedby4mtarrla)tbe�t cAd-.1 . ilng personal." : -
I . you . to leave - tile PeO-.. ' 4 I thInk so,11, sho st-Lid . 0 . - bad. asi,they Could be,''though they. 6'xatln e, " f IoAvets -of' Europe notbe VaIL!0CatarthCur% Seud.fO.r 3rour question Is motattl] - -'
, -
1. out Justificatiom, for she was ear- tile hatel.11rat , I. it is with , -�h-t -to baVo been the "boat 1l, con- ;ivi� rt�gg�vie th � Ing what oircuisrs'-free.-. . . .. I . 11 'what I wan A.rei .
1. riicAla,r,: Itifut vtCC6 of Mr. Sabin I you Oug ' V;r ,to ' discover , I , t t6know Is this: . �
, tainsy pretty. She was neatly dressed pbe I am with aiO.OV31ttle i4 the beat � . .. was 0 - . �� F."Y' CHBN.By & 00.j Toli you - So, moan . because You are 'a I . .
. in a grey wulkIng suit, and a 'velvet and -it would Scarcely do,.you see, for' liav� admirable tatte." . - Flidering. 1101V . little there f propOrtiOn of. them give out la plea ., . bdo, 0
'. I in; SO -Much Pecula,tl6n and v*iate . I , . .. . bachelor, a ' -
' , . , . Sold b d 98 50 ,r are. You. a badhelor. be . � �
I I Tam-o-Sthan-ter hat With a smart fea,-� us to go out togeth6r." ,. "Never mind about fhat," h'6 Said- the j -to a soldier' samt, odor. : and, w.hat effect color It 7 . ?II--.fTndianapo., , ,
. . "Certainly," 1. "Wo;1d -you 'nlet us com6. to my offer, I Will glv�' was there 'In referenei I hag on this poln.t. -.Re fbiatid that ' ,,,1V3.,rM,d, ,P.2A;th,lb"-t.. ' . �
her. . 11 t-ly . ,. -f- ,00:uw you are so Mean .
; ." . . - ther. Suddenly she saw Mr. Blat -like . . lie.ireplld( . . Uld i�6 CyGn. g. hu7ndred'a jear'.for life, Battle ratlona. before the reforms of .110U. only 420 out of 4,800.1cinds of flow- . .. . .�. lis'Press. - .. .. I . . .. � . I
wick and advanced towards him with ero-w�wo said , . -Wilat Algotry. . I . I , 1, . .� . .
I andtO, lettie you It %. tany yearm agc�, Uat. there was ' , � . . U eff Catarrh. ., I
ilintstretchad hand I .. it U00n.you, if 'Yon will teU me every- V have a pleasant .odor, nearly all '
4, * ' an7d a charming be better ill , - . . to have been then only eight bites W erg I , � I .The , Tyre N&W B1161611d old ladlee were jan,tarrhozone, C. r .. .
Walk ,tb the door with thing.ti - I .. ,, - --
I . .
i. � . leing, offensive. � � -
v- Smile. "You lalsht nner. the I Park and pleasure the others t rheard in conArerfilati011 16 the fOl- I . .1.
"Why, my dear Mr. Blatherwiak, ijie, Planed," she 'said, oll am afraid I I 4'A* hundred. a year,V s.Xe repeittlado his oll . of Sweeteart are those with white �Or love: . I . .1 I . a - I consider those
� you must, be very disapp6int6d tba,t Irf"Is that much money ?I' - ground" Meant no doubt a Park ' , d the Jilixt lowtug affect - I Mrs. WICIrwar to oat in Kansas I
1, what an earth are you doing'here I" artlll'r,�,and tile bakr4ok squarei Cream colored peta]a all . . U Mgt th4t Miss: Perkin$ hatchat-wilelding poop � � . . I
Yon left Lloord Are Fou will r art he yelloAvi , "Hev 10 on? I
� she exclaimed. "Have your friend did got come, "Well; It ,oat. more than two _�l ast, lit: ordert) are t ..
. I . ,,still, I where had the "plettB6r6".0f sweet dreedfulir unwomanly. don't y
�, � Varingliam V �. . . . thousand pounds," he - said, 0,foollmh evolutlo"ll the �ied. the blueo and lasit, the via- . 1.
.1 � - , faeta not 1'r . � In going through .tbi . 1.800 vaxietjeo -Vet I wag introduced to Uot yes-: � ,.W1ckw5xe-Ob. I dun�o, Likely they � � 11
MT. Bitithorw1ok rose to his Mr. Blather.wickIg reply wait almost would 'it, and yc considered let out of 1111orS.111s,11 .
8 . that In those' days iverb ,�Z' I'll , . . . grab th6tr hatchets by the middle of' . �
,� 14sbing to his Spec- Incoherent In Its 16xcb - hall if YOU will .be quite. frank With. of Ithe vlofet 0617 1a ,,were found to te ey. the handle oabie aipany other w=au. . .
confused. and W a.- of protesta, � I . . I I The ,.,$elect . number of . 1.
. I I
�il y, ti6ni - They walked down the : roolz 3 If � . � . .. Useful drill, amusemeilt'! is not be sweet. - . I., . . . I .11 , -To wha,t aect 600S Ofie belong '? ilt.3- 1 .1 I � pood.m.-oo-olooloo, ...
� 1� taolee; he greeted the young lad. . Volfenden. ]VID. I hareiis kept for - . . ',To the Miliversallat sect,,,I . - '. .
.. . ' ' I . 1. � I . I.
� . however, with evident pleasure. together. Rarcutt and. She b"itated . . I unlike what sergeants reer"Iting:fOr I . I .. ., I j . . .
"No; that is, not yetj," lie answeied; t. -one another, I . lk�, Bile said, "to think . Minardils LiniMillit,oluree Diphtheria. Ileve." - . . � . I . . I
� , '#I am leaving this week. I did not looked.a- :elaimej�, drink- fil should I , horse anti field artillery Say . now. . . I I . "To, tife, Ugiversa-110t seat ?. And I . - - --1--l-CLOIRE.S. li WASH�41 ' . �---- -
; � - ,,Well," the former By it, over till to -morrow morning ,,,, it ,,Come alog I .. - -..- - ,; � - � � 7 - � -- I I I
� ow -1 had no -ing-up'-his'-I!Vo,r-llt,le-m-�ellti,L'-,,� - -,-.- . . g. with usl," they tali tile —.-,---,T 'Alucli, Cheek�- will -at U their bellet?": - - . SontonTria * . . .
: li -kA idoa�that were - . �-%111 be l�arttri--lor--suppoakn.g7--I-de-- 56 aie'lli�-Vfdfrng Odut tile 010 . "They belleVe that 0,11 human goals . � � � I
, , -_you- �-
, . .. in the vicinity I I am -very pleased "Yes," Wolfenden agreed - thought- y "and you'll lave ,koolardLag to'VNO New York Tri- � atwholosalepricsi �. 11
,. . . tit Ilia ,eyes fixed upon tile cide to accept, I shall know a good. lg�lktlallry�� prof Boston, . I eventually, by the -grace of God', .
I � wl 'a than r know U0W-' . speculator's in will it . I . I .. . . .If not satisfact I .
i:: 11 I ,,It is s'sell,j?, deal More Of 1h, two looses each to rido, .und When burne, doe. ,of. the 149 3, a4 ban- be redeemed, , I I money reflIUME
, '. t*Ah'8:elo`v&t'd' at the emp,ty place at fullo"Ideparting flgureR . I I K .a 44 .Verf wel,l,".he said, "only .1 Should of riding, . whYo Wall street rode-alY Went tA ,,oli they do, de theY:? Wh&i ilIg- Tl . Guaranteed toran I . �
Y you're, tired. 6,wished to bar- I. WAS"tR . .
" " � Us table. . .1 . — . . . - . , advise you, to accept." I . . � .
I L, . ., trolig . 1P u pit , on the gug-ear- ker and said that It , otry PI -Eugene F laid. � .. .. . easier end .. do. .
, -, � - -.� "I Was going to have some Iun- . I CH4&PTft xxxvii. I "One hundred a!,v eat . . . I I 1. I I better work then . .
I . . . . mr, she'lropeated rings, A ,riago and pair rOW $1,000,000. the rospk>1180- . ---� a4yothermachine I
I cheon" she sai#; "I have walked so I I By. Chance or Design? thoughtfully, "Perhaps you Vill have 0 . "All right," was, 1. A I . anth6ntirket- A, ,
, 10 I t your mvill" The "Opportunity to Eip, YOU GOING WIMST"? I
multh'Surther than L intended, and I . changed Your mind by to�motrjow travel In foreign countries" meant "what is Your security'?" go, send a letter of pbsial card good 'motoblue for'agents to handle, gilt -
.. . am ravenously hungry. May X sit at Vrolfenden sent his Phaeton to -the , ,,,Chore is no fear of itj," he ass�red lften',an opportun-. :-,,My C'.heek,, was thealry and O'U� ' It 1 0 aa6w,orhig the MOD
I station Witt, Hareatt, Who had beau I . In t1loso dayi too � � . to. the undersigned . or made. Thousandil 'in use, FOV t16r=6
7*ur table I" . hat, quietly.- . - -aln onelit nat- prising reply. I . .. . . . . I .
"With much pleasure," Mr. Blathar. Summoned back to tOwn upon tin- , Write. ii; down," she said, 111,thluk Ity of never seeing. ag plainded the � banker following questions: ' � and prices odd;cgs -
. , .to . Iva land, or,'If tile soldier did! return, "Well," rem Whera are�you 9011i9l . ,19VANDARD OUPPZ-V 0D.,:3aXJln0tW1, 0OU
vick assented. "I was expeeting a portent business, Afterwards hd illat,I sliftU.agree. 0 you going? I
" g is evidently not ill hall to wait for "Doz. t: yod trust lode, Blanche V of. doing ad' with a largo 011ce Off tfiOulibtfully, '-your security Is, 80 ften ar - . I I . 1)3zopely � .
--a-Driend, but h ItMd back to tile ' bIS constitution, owing to the Wl4t ey.tenalve that Oldr V4uIt W�U not hold W . .1 . lim 46 1
. 60=1114.11 . t irn, and canle face to face colt is a business transactio0*11 she - Oh'41 114YO to decil'Do' -the twoleire do you start from ? . . � .
. "I will take his place then, ID with Na ho, was start- ado It one abomination called here cuplieftilAl- It, so I - a your party?
may" I said Coolly ; "you have nt . cally ,,wine." T410 "liberal protialon, 100"10 . . I I now, ninny are I I
I r.l3latharw1ok, .iv .? 11 � . .1 . TreatedFroe.
i a sa*.d, seating borselo In Ilid.0hair Ing homewards. 1-11, . $0 . urself." . .11 I . . . Will - you, take your UbusehOld Wo halve rande dropsy atid Ito I I
� I . I .
t her, RI was looking for you," VOIfenden for old age" meant, in d, great MV,UY i . st coulpilostions a spee sity for
.. . Ctttarrb�zono 'Cures Ca-Varru., goods I - . . I .
ralithe 'ivaif(;'P w"- h6ld!1319'00 . -�de tore a. s)leat from his POOkOt- 1. . . . ,. . twenty years. q4tok relief. .:
'lid. "Will you tty turned out - Upon Instances, the Workhouse. * . � . . 9136clal. low ',ratd settleral tickets ]3dok,Qf,. , L ..' -
� itud raising her v order SCI& - "your luncheon pal '170 book'And scribbled a few, lines � - Ong -1310h �.VN-Vqr- - - - , 011.-Sa,lol .during UaXob�&nd -April to I . , CUrej WoratdageS, ` � V470" _.-_. - I
tomithing for me I I am too hungry. ytldng . . I � I � � The money, Manners, i6d expert T .,
a Ititle, differentlY. to � a . t . I � I � . -"ter .- -4-VII-h- go- tricarratoxyAtis and,10,
. .!l , I . - � -thler--old, ' - Cblujn 111, - . catment, VA1011.
. --- - - �enaa - -with- which . "Heri I
,to I � - ,, � -, - - -1 ,,*ill that dool" Iffask-ed har, ra should return 3 to an ,EnglIsh'Jolle," exclaim- points in. Manit6ba, BrIUBU . I �
�*nd, Avha.t It is " Ill baff- ex0edled.1,I , . -'
I �10� vi i f sitaffin-g"' She read It through and folded It promised that soldle, M th,e Commercial man, Calfir,rnlit and all West , 1 Dr..11.11.GR,WzX,SS0X0, �
- .
. Mr. Blather 61k gi 2i I "I um. happy", Mi. BlatherAvick said, ore" " Full partleAldrs from ; sox -0 AlmAnTot,ilaA., -.11.1 -,-: .. � � .
, I 1. der and the Walter departed. Miss --to be able to believe that tile letter I .. from abroad, were seldom Soon by ,,Then It baaIr4abdla1ect-JA 'it," !'in" I ; j .. . . �
i . � I. '�
boox. .Vilarer was no , ... the tudall - friends. Vllat I littI6 Day irting in", "The Eng- IGeneral Agent, CbIOa .11 � � �
P carefidly up. �IgtetnnFij, �
t drevr' off bor gloves and.-MAs .Ava�q, after -alt Lt- 'It will do, very nicelYo h said I said the Spo . 90 I .
I., . ease. I one in the r 11 wall " 8 6 a into. t6 talk about & NoTtli-weatern Railway, 2, King CENT,. .
, - 'il .- I . I tw YO lid doubt. With a quiet smile. "And, now I Must W 3 supposed .to be. given to a Sol- limit joker ULWaYs WV � COWS ONF.
idat her end 6101U'nely to be In any xtrsY dies Lb6tit." street east, Tpronto,-Ont. - -- - -
I & tell me about the fri less Observe, 'go back, as quickly as I can," r then wao,kept from him *dpdn .What he knows WaSt i I I - u_-_-_ - . - ,
� whom you ive-re going W.Meet"t she concerned in 'tile matter." I to pretence or another. Ilia man' 41NO; tills is, It, why; can't U'Peat .. — I I �. -
q . gaily at him. "I hope ,ol JlIo Ash Off 1119 They walked tbo tho*hall door ; Lord 01 �ro of a U,lnd thil;t, when he a. . Tho-HolftorN Thanks. I
� Maid, Bmiltng it noot tell me, Mr. Woltendou knocke . Wollendon's carriage had come back ners W1 life efips-and he generally "(I dumb malt tickle nina'WOMen V � R-9 ..
I � ortmea ladeado that goo4 j, Xansas edlitar Whiol had been v1s- ...... -- -, --- -
-you really mup., cigarette without � replylng6 . fr,cw the station and was waiting for Was In n -be -? was al- "Because I WT.tAWS. 0Ur20tItCeftturY
Bla h6rwick, thgR it was a lady 111, "You seem," lie remarked, ,'to be on him. I wag Irk this candltlo lend$ as ,614 man V Ited by a Uonk agent printed tile I I h t4ld 6
tairly IntilAil,te t6i'Mi With Miss Mar, Inest its Much droaded.by fr, ha,tic; because e deat followlAg Unique paragraph! the O-th0r =.ol"Olfl gl", Y..L!t�l Inr
V! "No Yott lilt cat nmallon. GreAtest
. r. Blatherwick colored to the roots . flow are You golng?,, lie asked. Ile was �by� foes. As for 1119 experineeo# $ gestioulate.01 &,
'his hair at the mere suggailtisoil, tag."' . She shook tier hand, It Putt alud dumV man can O"IY Y. weight, tf,ico the strength, rid t rto times the ismt-
astined to discialm It. � . "Ve Were f0llOW Wotke'ro for Ocveral I, re coluothing, I SaPposc�" It was derived for title )nos � Clard of Thalikd-X desire tO *X- Ing quality of by,itnary wire fendtig, --.,* .
11 I must Ili, ops In n- . I ,
Iny dear Miss Mettou I". be Months," Mr. BlatilprivIck reminded allo said'. 11 What beautiful horses I Do from,tho Inbide of drinking Oil Minard"K-Linkmelit Cures Oblds, ate- 7 th,anks in tills public M114 IIIEVROSVIV 119 FENC� Cdjld., Wall . add, � Onto -
- ;hat It film, 'naturally We ja iffei,out towns.-at--hoinO and in dlf- .. ,. ---- - .. ---
aimed, "I Dan assure you 1 , I , &W a good, deal see, Ireefok remembers me quite d; I . zo:aa��Iu Colonel A.. It. Whipple, the AAAIR IN T
os; abroad, If there ),sent. Ae called ut -VRVIT V
�� s not I L -I shoWd not think of, of one gnother." . YOU ; I used to,tftke bread to him Ill ferent col"Itri I ChildIsIt Proult66- � W611 kywAva book . famous Niagara district, " the Poach apt
111, Avail theme In re rith Sample , pon sAf,r
. . zho 18,11 Wolfenden continued# " 4 flee thto morning. M Of0arl'ada,""18 or oxchnVzo, for prbdUtIvo
� the . rutting posters only tbirty,six 111 thilek," said tha MAURget, "that my O'f 'Worldv" In tewltorcitypropertyi GIVOIX111de0erl 0110
I Stich a thilig." "I dolif stable When I vas at Doringliam were 'statements like been my'youllgegt daughter 10 going to sh:oets of "Artlats of the- for.the I .
8he nodded, and began to break up, very charming girl," .Hall, Good old man V e] i your pr er,tg change, hndsarw ab ou
I - 4ior roll gild eat It. Ader liar, In every way," Mr.. Ira Ago. What MVBt have . .. tWell.ty-eight volumes; 0140 1 a for ex, 11 tioll 0 oil
. to bear It, Slid patted tile IlOrOO'A neck. WOI-� Yet �at apero. -singet," 2r, tA ogue free oil
. . $,X aid very Mr. 91a,therwick said with enthuslaom, I'm relldon did not like it, but lie )lad no tile fe.1sehoodal In. those documents become a gro �r yo-unk to war. set; &b volume por mointh'. AS Colo Avimt; 09%, 6 to Can.
& " Xsaosild - "], warn you Moat dellglkttul Young WAY. 1-1 am I fifty or 0, hundred Years .before tills "The'dhild Is r4the Ver $6 X0jr#ojn, brokers, St, �1611.4',' I
glatharwio 1 i, . a earper,ol V0- O$ual Whipple is a e,xtremelY Ole -11�
I � that I *all prolpared to be veo Jdal. VerY Muell attached to liar." I alternative. OW ine, to give you, time I And If persons ,of eduotttlon rant iWOMOU006 Wr tO ageat� he ve .4 me 0 so 13AA0AIN9 IN BP11TING D 110SA
� *1 Won't you till to con. plied the frielid. "Atit - 1 have all- ao,rdea 11olsol t4t 6opet toot ANN.) Smith,163 - ,
ig. you used to tell me, you know, Wolfooden' laid life hand on the ' ked ab- and high .position could stoop 0.01 slu ut lie very kindly �
ot , I . a lift 1,, 310 said, with a Mar an oiflelml net. served C, certain memory for must It he per lated ; I I t I had Totk, stralsb, Toronto. I � I
was the only girl *1th Whom WerotAWO shoulder- quor in tills WdY he ellaracterls- let me off On Y 1. I I -
that I Bence of Cordiality Ili Ills toga; ,,or llc6 under tile roya�arlaj§ A U0910,11d, "*fed- She 'MR all t iNTS TO BELL A ItOUSZ- 1,
you, varod to talk," "Blatherw1oktif lie maid, "You're ft ( no feeling var,v
-It Is -quite true, quite trae� Miss good fellow, and I like you. Don't be if yotx would prefer It, I can easily )tea ties. . Ovary time, f1he, altims her lips be6i$* Sick, d WAN
- . how huge most have been the molley.0 I hold article used In every far . .,
I I - order a Carriage front tile the it is either to sing at a0k 161- wall. . oilly, Ufa
blertonk,, he answered eagerly, drop- offended at what I tLIA-going to say, � I, hotel." told to country bumpkins by �� . . it outs call ranko from to per . Pon ,
" � 11 . I oil I I Would much rather 90 With ngton Stmr.' . I 0&tArthozone Cured 014arril. W for sitmold I 6rao le"baclaiMjind,16� I I I
- Ping Ills Voloto it, little and glitficing you must not trust Ulso Morton; Bile donyt ml"�J,11 911110, ad I Wagw � I . . . ----------�, 611re the benellto -of the first Introduction of
.� . o - . - I this article.
F , tit #1 May I really?" drill ftigea,llts of the per] - - L, Willett, 0 Mast
J '., 10ASIly OVOr ]Its A1101110)r, of 1"I have 1a; not qultol,w.hat aba'appears to you.0 � �011 It YOU really L � � I . . . W.1 liloTemplo, �
. In Vol% vori much indeed; It has *11t, klatl�er*lck ,took a step back. � 811,14 . oetarrhwtoaa Cures Catarrh � Jay Xbough .. ..
L . Istod I, , I. I Shall be -very pleased." he an- Lord Ilutd0s 001*90000 116"it, . eg, Subbubs-You didn't ,got much I 021AD.n. Ont. . — . /�
I . .. 1, �olt voty doll -l" Ward anti flashed red with aft0f. - Voi twenty yomrs .1 M! out.of your wulk, did yod, 'yon I SAL'N`:�ii&0-FFiiiX1 '193 ACAVS,
�'. W do not .trutbrully. !, I ought, per the great bodas- Mimed HU - chance, --
.� . Xr, ghtther.wlek Alkhodf lie was roo � oil understand. You, Lord AWOred. tin I 01badute (
from a Wolteadolik," he sa,ld. ',What do you - lintin to t0l you that tile horses aro of Urtl 33lite, bn Bute 1810-t1d, hag T000 -Re's awful h4adoome, an't dear ? ' - . �, gdod toil, btibit holAtto, trold bArno, ins,rkolU I
. I I I I , -
I., . Watited bY'u, Very klod, gIA-110 Itlebo agd, . #4 I I ochool, churches couve on ., ralir"a 2 Milos. ,
,,�. I � ", AM -. Us fingered ve -V ftlet ' beon to process Of Construe r8:1 3 0 Tfa 4 0 . - Ur Sublitibs (boaml,09W-111del0t, co less than value ror particular# ad4.kw . , I
- I at V,00 to, byeg kd<w of miss Merton?*, Jh And don't 90 Well together � chapel ion think ? 11 � �
, " .. JjAihh�o�,W�e listj and bbga,u to- Wonder "X0t'V()rY Alueb", Walrenden Ostia thres, have a nolaty Watilt, of tanulAd 19 not finialled yet, the - W 0 0.7, A $014 W that handsome dl� * V U, Noth, 11100aburt, unt. - 1. . 11
1, I k chain- quietly ; "quite enough, though, to MWAY (Towis hill", I . giftifillix, to b6 oompleted. When It doos. ,Ue had the Importhionolo§'Llitlit i, tfh&t 11114WOr 1.0t - . .. I I ,I -1 � 1� t
�. , . . 'IRVIT VAAM IrO.4 SALZ-014 � �
WbdtIIdt.' be,' Wmilti, eare, -10
- .I... - , A , 46riou, stailed Cheerfully, and lifting liar flutpitc,d, howdVer, )jaunt Stuart, 49 9 ra I a,W Welt '"u, ate., t or "till I
. � justify T46 to Wavilling jola� oly silo Me lie wag 0
I & clever young skirts placod a dainty little foot, upon tho place to Oalledf %Vill be one of the ftht to tell ft to k1ga Ilq, Sco ,hk I gillest In, tile, Nia f4m P61111161ftl
. ft h6k. she to a ver . I we the. first Chance he got, and-" Ut. kiubbubjj-011� that doltan't Mat. t 6 .
"all the efga nd � I) the t ter. W(hAt do, you thlink? I foand a , Yoh ISO a6rao in all 30 Or AxeJu 30 ik
>- 114 -IN,## toli, 016,31 I&* said, 11 tabliallmenta I V,
I I .41% they (Lit At'VerIfichm 4111 Afrolln very tin. the step. moot g4orgdolls ea Tea$-WOrahot You; 1109111ant WIAGAN 10 tail" frAm tuitIttin ion I
t . � ,!I datt Ws'
11gll-Atic, doat old adfOlUll and the 00rd IOUs 0.01' .11t "Iftl6b '.0tses", - itho nald, i . I X6117in one ,P 1W
no,woo, H6,W world. Tile e0trft9CV hall Alaile With though I golf' ball I lost last 0111111100--PhU ftlasurb6achm Mills :1 M
. ;, olilit,#"g, 4fid thitt "markitblY hillf ro MIAtb6rWIdk WAR grave, 41111bat if4lid I My* "n AiR60 to being. ran its great watblo columns 'and floor, , lless-1 ollould bay. flo dian't keep �dolpwa ptelso. , X In 616till of 16 to to Aaroll 111r.
, 0 ,# . ., Ais to a d � r1rAln,
� I , Vo IN propilort,-Plillad
11 a &WAY WLth all My life. T, rather Ilko wallo ggrl delitlig In tdarblor of every h'� diihia, prese. � �
, - rd Wolfbadot I nifl6d. . I Atbaft Oil" 1,140 I 0 '09 10011116�
Y,Ciunj�,Wafl, U I cost $500i uldud's Liniment cures (lariat to 416n 1 � .
I . 4# 4P � Wolfattlooft. toeel*66 A kink ilodatthe . d forldelftill �h6 gaid, "you It., , I *61(onoftn resigned hini"elf to 016� Varl6q. &bd flual, Will havo � I ftiatollozon6'.011roo 04titreb. 00two. .. . I
, .1 I . It to find itto the w6n octly 6gloy6r, but t V 000. I I_ -1 -- �� � .. .. ,".- I *OWN. �
� 1, . Oole uArnottom ftwiI pottively _ 'Ag y0q 'that In6vitablOo, 116 took tho ftlild, and tb6Y ----. lltor Wag .-----o-r- Uft W1111616*10 "dathl" *110 #11OWa Ill"
� , Jailca t Sth
~ ", I - , I.
0 U13 11
0 1
.1 I. 11
, I : .1
I 11 I
I' I I
I — --
- -
.1 r
- -
ini � t`b T
to, �
olo-N14-telpe'n I
-, - I., N40W I
� W, ,
, i I
a 11
I w4tood, W1,611 Mgt, Mt,. yAlitth6twicki Uke t -ho Doi film at utown,41though th6 ,w(t � ,
�z � A., At 11 Vilrbe tee thkv dinner 11, -41 ,hild"11 Ae hlft. It t 4
. � ton tb you -ire a 16*4-11 rAttlod oft 101rards Derltightiffi. Abo 01hu bbliMd tor 0
. ta,Ok &. g6tiog to MOO "W"i trality, wbo6t 141 the fflatt(3011 al
h6w&4m. J10 a M,4"t totgoit k quite 6hIlly, be rZomw oloftenjo tuo gumo. 40ral WI
*yf It, I . ad "rtev. . . I "t
I womliaan halt way tliero tloy saw 46 HUN blAk% �, it booted 100 Mit thO tAllrO � .- I
Bad Wade' UP his Wild "St-60'als Va04tw1okol, , o, I � ,,That 614 3somits f6t DIA011low US
rwox!wlty, 9 -or I . o tile - bath, o 11 1101*y, ?oyj, ,1 owd If, exclaimed the editor. "The *rA Ittaillb6abit0ow I
,f , , * , , f1sure'. awa"r oil the elift path I �A' , .
4, lvite�np ad, "you milst itot call M0 . "tlq%16-�-Suhl 80tig 00C I_- I Of, hill hollse.11 1.
11 to btdoe dampapme, , I 0 1 t, Irmur4oi0otod" lot time it we* turea dollarap, Witt ookotboUlb I I .
L . rif I , Meg jeti . 4'
"I ,#who, Ad-nd-stdallml W wou in *to 111 , I oth. , kww 611 ou � " I . ....
I AllYi," 1110 MI- 04i "*4 AtA 0"Itwull 0* tnttl I b Is ut., 1416.01arwick", lwolfihdorl so 0"412 when Of- . I I'# .
� boaf*V, blat *004 MAIM , 4* 11, 1. � - . � I 4 I'm
� . - � � . 41 " �
I .
, f . 5 1 P .1 I/ . . , � �N I. - * . .1 � I I . -1 - -
. . .,.. . . If - �
I � � z I
-1 ,.�.�, _,c,l -1 - � �' I .1 .0�q * L
. I I - I . k_t 0 Lli&, . - 11JW -1, .., - � �-', " �,, ai�ILLV. ., ,i-uaAkbamA.i.b �6,,�. - ,. - ... - J- -L � 0 �