HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-04-05, Page 5� P . � 1 - -- ----- -_ __ . 'p- ­­', -:-7-�'--------V1r--1'-r-­'4- , -- 11 .7vww "I 11 -1 __ 114711 .,-­R-�-Ir— —.-.SrW,%*RWM -rW­rT5FF­Tq,W­ ,,_V�'Irv��0w­qrr-VrMrr_VrW '. . � . , 4. I . :. , , . I . % I A , WWMFTI.Wllvl�� , , I I I . . \ I . . a . I � I � I I I I � . . . I I . I I * . . I , -11 . r 1, " t . -9 . . . . , , . . I - I PL'E"NT TO THE CLINTON NEW, BRA. 11 . . � . SITF I : . - 7,7Z.- .— I I . ... i- I...".. 10''l, 0 0, "'� I I I ''.. I .. ­ 11 m _;��"_,____�__ ____ ;�, ...... " . . .1 � . _:.111.Z � : :: - __.— , --i.11. I . : lotrall too Second train. I being well attended to. I :0 yat"', WAS 'discovered In � - I . I I I � � ., time, %nd the Doera 'wer0t driven Itefugoes at Pretoria. 11 11 . 'P CEYLON AND INDIA-, - TEA� ROUS NOW ') f r. ", " I Pretoria March 41.-A consIderalblo ITILIO—GER819N . . I . . "' ' I .1 , � The pilot train whielipreceileS 018 number Of Boer refilgeem, mom, ivo- . . ;, ,; . I �. . 1, . . � -nall train exploded a charge of "Y"a'" men and children. continue to flock ­ I - � I I VnItte (in tile lips ne4x Vlakillaote. ! �, 11 I � I 13REEN OR BLAOK . , , Into the city daily from tile Outlying L I . . TRAIN WHICURS tPortunately only the front truck .districts, They are Wing sent tutho, PERT10K I . I - 1, I I 1, : The Favoxitq Tea of Britain "d bar CololdQq. i (: ( I 't I . was damaged.. The. remainder of tile .detention camp at Ireue. . . . . . I . RO LLL ­... .I.... _,_ - train jumped tile openjil; ujade by A, train 4(runj 'Tallailliesbutre-in Waw . � _. . I 11 , c � I I GROWN BY BRITISH PLANTERS. . I _' 1. . . the explosion. Boerar'illi. ie tile galfoll sta, - . � . . I - 1, . � Two hundred and fifty . tion.on 1',VliursdAy niglitp but except for I � I . I der Buys, with wagons and Cape jho 1youn Mules, no dam. Meeting of Statesmen Yes � I I � Alnualug to see foreldn Teas advertised so clean,. ' i ! I it , . ., ! I In It not filth that col ore them I . . Natal Light .Horse Having a oa, , rti?. were aeon to bat In readitioNs . ding or two � .. . � I . , ago was dwie. . . . I . . .to take away any food which might A ti-ain going east was doralled b I , I Busy Time. I. W captured, On the arrival 01 tile jkoers,,near Balm&At last lit'j1Z ter ay Was Cordial, � i ­__ � . d � as are sold In sealed lead . I troops froin Vlaklaacto tile enemy and four of tile trugkil Wore 1311'. . - packets only 11114ever in bulk, I I . , viiade off, I . . stroyed, I � . .. , . . . , L I I � � 11 � � __ . I � ___ . . . . . . . , I ' ` S A L A D A ' ' ce"O" To rhe Will, 114',aquiry., - A ., .1 Black, rllxed or Uncolored V010" . . . Ir .. . - . " . -In speaking of 31orr(nianle Warill,19,Y170rds, - . I Greeng Samples on application, Address s4SALADA," Toronto. ,ondon, Majoh 2Q. , . . . the propnSed war o . nquiry, Lord Fidlis- ,London, Maxell al.-jotin Xavler. I . . I METHUEN I ILL �OF I q , RIOTING -IN SWITZERLAND. . . _�_­ - . ­­ ---------- . --- __ . buty eala It wile a mistake to SUP- 31errLjnA,n, one of tile Cape Colony 11T I I � A . . . joose that hir had ever promised an statesman whoul tile Salisbury Gov- . � - - _et,-_-� —­._-_�—_-%"'-^-,�­.-­- I . I 1. N ----^--.-,- -~, 'r , - , �_ , , , r_-�-, - --, - -r,-_� . I — . All lie h%d done. WAS to ieramoint has dented a hearing before I - -_11. V, - �� 11 I . � I . . . 1� -Oqlllry, Nrickalry tied al- the HOUMe,of Commons rel4tITO to the I I I I- I . � rl� . p6tut out that An e . � �' . Outlook lit. Itusslit Is Threatealng- I � ,, a (, - ft�, - . �l F1 yq -ported ..%e.rIousIV II11--The t�eady been promised, and t,1l0,taaY- South Afrle&n jultug,,tIon, granted an . 1. -1 I - I � 11 R'S MENO� , Ste . . . thing t,ha,t was to be considered liad extended Interview yesterda;r after. 14)otjlA-,. to NiAt.coallued, to tile . . .... I , I � "'ONOAR TO 0 T T E.-:14 .1 . . i I , .. . I Isuiors L(JstllcA*�".Vtlle'414atBlo'Atll better be reserved until that OPPQr,- noon. . - � .q I ... li .. � .. 'tiquirs . . I "When Goil. Botha. made him grgat ,.Sludents - svalbla k"loverty - I � I,- I The Canadians Royally I ­iiolleburyon War R -Pro- tuxllty,, � . � I Entertained by t1w Nobil-ty . I ' He thought they .Wore .deceiving concession, offering to negotiate up� Aiixl(.,t.�.,t(ii,�kVesseLP%.,cllevf.d. , ., ... �� littring ter Winter - Shelill'.1- a'basiq of modifled independence I . . 0 thoinvolves In this matter. The 0ov­ Om, I ­ I � � - - of Great BrZtaln in Loadon. KritzIn-,or.' . , ornitient had never been in ft-vor of for tit* late. Republic, Dritalu haod her 'Cape Coast Castle, Gold'Co4at Vol� I I 1' 1. 4. " I �­ I . . I . . . - I � J 11, . I , . lan ,pnqulry, but In'the, position they Opportunity, It phould hays been seiz- -Ony, Aprij Ll,­-Tba leader of themen ' . ­ I � I L;;o��P.k-'­40,�-Pj;e�� 100%:AW;1%�0;L_1__-0'_4R .1, I Durltan, Natal, Mareb'209.-Tbo See. they could -nut without axPoR- ed, with avIdItyj . Complete rjelf�gov- . I . - 1 . . � .. . Wore . balourrine to tile, Wept African RP' J- I � 1. , .. rroni it London, England, paper, tile toll Palace, Words failed him, and.he ond, Imperial. Light. Horse, which Is Ing, the nraly to lind"a ontsplelon Ve­ lermellt should ItAve peen eagerly . I P I . . Aa �.: - � - I tod Ilistead of -. tbe sclf.coVeru� intent who receutl.y mutinted, be". tive . ', "i ) "I ,h*mo to the therefory vsked Ills men to expr" Made no. of' a, is- busy Ili. fumr,,�, an enquiry lf'domanded-'. it 11 I L' I . � ; I following rep,.)rt of th., we themt;olves !it Canadian fashion on - . . Na,taltall, . I. . I . I -mont which. we. offered. The Crown they lid([ nut been returned- to iiierra . ­ , 1. I . ,,, . ! -_ 1149. cap. enquiry was demanded, It must be . . . . OSSI I , _ "I . I Rojyal-Canadl.an Infantry Is taken- their. osvn behalf. Swag,114nd. The regiment . held, but they must nOt I'MaK1118 it colonT administratibn Is a, imost odl- . Loolie at tile time* thoy'underat ,� I/ . ...". A few ni�nutes before .L o'clock th! III redlJOW30 W tile CO)OUDI'S InvI. '.ture,d i,G.'00 )lead of , Boor , �attle. e6uld be an anodyne, or- ImpOri0lial "a 'form of devii6tism. Against thit UOY Ward to be sent bome,lia,S, b oud . . Jl ... , b I . . � the Boers will fight ladefliiiitely-They " .".... .. tueu marchad to the hLstokrIC resideace tation the men rogia and gave "three Some of -tile men mett a Boor party, enquiry. . . . - o6art-i'llartialml and publiely al,iot, R! I I . ,jo�, 7 troau thvir barracks over tile way, hearty cheers and a tiger." It should conslatIng, 'of. 'A' commandant and The thing% In which people were will never submit to It any more than I ... . 1! be explained tbat a "tiger" In the I the Briton would.iiabilift to It It the The rest* of'the ,mutineers have ' . , � , " were precisely the person- . - � . I 4 and oal arriving th?,y wore cordially Canadian senso is a fourth and com. several otheii Officers. * *They order- Intore situation Were.. reversed. ' . be,eig edtIpped,to tbe� Islarid of Sherbert I . - I matters, and, they wislipil to know �1, . welcomal by th.� oificials. They Pro- pl1mant,ary cheer only given .oil very ad. tile Boers to thiOw up their hands. 11,My colleagaoit an.1 in,voolf, reoqm. , -1-2 a I I � , � . , ;,"F- C'ee al ban- for ealih divasto Re ntl- Jue, - - �,, . Who Were slow In obeying ther -lie He did not mateLl 1111, I I I . . bU410UPY W Witlre*� , . . quoting chamber, the walls of which . . . .. Ing who was to blai - willingness for the Doers 11-1 G H12 m:G :� ded at once to th,3 beautff special occaalous. The Princess and. Two r and 9 ' li s).Abrtconi- mand, now that Gen. Botha ham I forty -miles from Sierra Le6 I ,��i the Duke lbtjked exceedingly pleased I - RADE � ��, axe decorated With Ma.nY famous mas- at this display of enthusiasm, and order. Avere winged, - whereupon tile think it wag ar,,sli-ablet to know Who t j - I I .. - � . ­ - - I- . 11 � . o rellwittish absolute" Independence, Nei ' IF York, April 2. -The retlrement � I . . . ­,... , - ' __U�er_ ,Wa ,b 4 that Sontli Afrigia: I uld Imm telY�- or Lord13allsbury from-�publja 11-ra IT - � - terpteces, tlicju�lag tha w.11-kiip -affo jI-'---H --fld.'rather leave ,� , wn Oil both bowed their acknowledgmente. party surrendered. Later a riant ipo, a wot sio, adla - [`�, paintiags of ilia Battio of Trafalgar, I A Speclad Illonor. of' sillpt6rif . d, that part �h 6baourltY, but If 'it was be f ideratpil after -the malliner, of Carl-' mucli ilearer ttiaii is goner � ,'*. by llugg'ns. It, � I A then .'eaptured a coi I to at all It must b,g.ex&.M- kt44 and Australia. That ivitolb ooun- lieved, says the London correspond- J � �111 was amp.e A great treat was now In store . Tlie regime I . I � . -1 I -in tile melting -pot. It should be Nr .: . I , . I . � try to . - . . u I ally be" " "A. . is a rather spacloue 1. examined In ant � Of tile 7 ibune.� There. will be. a -T- E ,. 7' � apartment, tuid thare ed tally. , � I GEYLON' �� I ,I : :objii for the man, wile wore seated loz tile Canadian officers, Inasmuch voy -of 96 wagons aid &'numbsr of - � . . Is a0i . � . . ..:. I . . . . __" . mouldix! Into a.melf-guverning cbm- 'Dow Vrime MinlateT before tI - . _. I � I 1. I I � - Pt two, Joni; tables. AL th3 toP of tile a& tho Princess graciously conabuted attle,,aheip.and horses, Later tm- � . monwealtN No other. schanii prom- - vion ondii, and the' 'Luinistry may'bo Shoutd, be tried; We 1k n*iV- yo Illu. � :��, . a � . . ]Jesse$ of the Knemy. . . , . . I . ��, hall tablLs were arranged In horse�- to aet. as gaidet over the Palace, an . .. I I . � � I iW*Ahe_jA_Illtest hopw-01--peaco. - -changed. . . - I � . il .� ater-. other VOUVoy of tell wag4a wao - * .1 -4, I I I at -one Or two ,points. One . I . ­_ . . I . I I - raliiyj l.hap,_�, and hare chaLre were placed to explain various ObJ30-bS Of I .* ­_ I-' - --- - � P-t,dtorifL,i--bl�,rch-29�-=�The� Boer- lbss� This Boer waj�'Ii Ona bf.-the 01ad- fojp�clast maY be -repeated with con� . . 1. . appreciate It. . , .�. for th.! 1juk.3 of Argyll. who presided, eat with whigh tile royal dweill-ug- c&Ptur0d!_.-. , --- '-- ­ � __.-, ��, . . ,Vry Iii Irlit. I . I I . I . . , 11 _ .. . . _..��_ , , eo for.tha,mboth of Febru desit tr6wedigs Whistory. Its dOvd.11- f1clence. no there Is, :high authority . I . . I . on , . ­ Princess Lau'de (Dut:h2ss of Argyll), abounda. Evcry Important and his, - ,. I I " . . . ed amountod to 190, while over 0011 tation anr3 m*ry beggar descilP- for It. Thist 14 the speedy aiipointment BLACK. ' AgEgk I OR . on . � . I. . - " i! � ethuou wer.a takervprloone�s or'sur n. In the Tranevaul And Oeangc of Ur. I . Mlrdiiter, ­ , __' � . I who Was UT'. d3d by Lady hi,tad torical apartment waiR visited In thls� ' . . ' � ' M_1� . . 31 ALI., . rendered. tjo SaLfbato' as Prime '1 - " ' and Countess Grey. way, and the tour was made -all. the , alatex giv6n'by .the Colony It Liam destroyed iv*r . I I I . " RoAewl.ou, LaxI . I I . .� Lord and Lady S�,Mth.;oua, 'Viscount- more interesting by reason of the L wtoe 0 1 ,ondon, Alarell 29.�A - despit6l, Accordin . atil amd by prisoners, J)ut 11ta. 1. . . I Yth 119 with elevati, n to tile Veerage� . � ­­... ­_ I * . . enemy In the field , . . . , . - -�,�;_ - �*­�rv­,,-- I . . . . I ' ­-- �, . Afethudil Is . I � . st,"4141111LK %Vltli :T018tol. ..; I . I !. . ess Canvelupe, Mr. and Mrs Herbort chatty little descriptions given by .from i2re;torl.wsayx Gen. . ­ 11' "Three 'jmArsi a these countries .. � I : . . . � . I � the number of killed and woun ad. , , go WILL D, I I , . � ­ I WIN'' T,'UP � 11 " Cliambarlaiti. Gxi.-S,)TO�t, Col. Ullater Her Royal HIgliness. The dolls' llo�aep ill or fever, but is. � toieth r.Wao 560, -the 'majority .of . pl-Q&POkolis"and were r . . .. I . . �, I .piograoslng sat-' Wore i,pIdly be. London, Aprll.2,�"Ono thOtioand . . . . . . . - i: anti Capt. ampsoo, Col. Otter, Who and the toys with whf6h Her Alaj- . . . . . .. . L: , , 11 . .. a �VtltdtentS Of tile University of Kleff, . � —.:. . I I � ��, t lefdutoril.y. � . th(c. mtsuilltles being .the result Of coming Apgllolzed. They were mend- . r . .. coommatias thi :.Uid Battalion Royal p y plaved as a child In Kensing on - I . . ., �. . . $6nffl, hayo. forward6d - a petition to the ,§Aw DIII. Lake. 3kilaing- Company to - & _%. . . I . I . . � 0 8 Land in- their'sons to our universities and I I . I .. . . . I , 1. �. , � trong . . . , , - ..... attoLok o ' IP us - I all, theolr tradq,­ but ,-unless 11.61y Synod," says tho Odessa corres- - . , . 0- hilluldste. . .� � I -A t I - . _­'­ . t�7_ - visitor . et�e . D t Jo iiMieiburg Pabilixton"s � . �ll . elaroy!q ,mendw-her -wa7s.tIme will. ,pondont bf the Daily Expresi, "in � a Th . �_�. . . 1. an Ills . op rat I . *` - ­ �--' - - Canadia.0 Inlantry, had the posi; ol Pellace naturally p(maeosed a .a Gdneral 7 Fr . liplitir out tile r!gltt of the princess, and fascination for the r1be'ry it, P- . - .� - Elltiaiil n . � !� resetit were L:eu�.- was a miniature kit,cheh, fully. - -� - - .. .. . . - * .. 'forelm I I . . I . . � Toronto, A.PrIl i.�4be, 'and of fta- , 11 . . a1110,11g6t, 01.11�rfi 1) Ing offl. equipped with pots and paus Johannaal�prg, Alarch 29. -, Tile I � .� . never see that. condItIon:aqatit. Our Willett they ask to be,excommunlofit'. - ,. . .___ . . _ I .. other ill-starred mlnlbg, elfterprW IV ­ . Cod. ISu.hAu alid t4io renuija and . '. . . . ' Empire -.will die In Solith.Africa. Ger- 'Od .iV!tb Count Toijwtok," . - I , W' .. . I I ­ 1. . c -ars of Llx,- regiment now �ii.lbug Loll, plates, a small coach and a charm. Military T,ribunal hug sentenced tho 3111% stoyn Iteported All. . I , mdny will be our heir - . 1. . Lii fftht, Bf�...Ijt. N. xlttsdb�qbf Jul it- , . . . . . . . I . Already Ger - Anothee 31109tor Atttwked. ' " I I I . . � don. Th,� tablea were odorned with 'Ing collection of other little thin manager of the Cyanide WOrkof Mr. - Bloomfontetli, Ainrell . ,I 9. " , Vir- manu - Ais deolkly rooted there, an . 0 1 in - - 'gs I . ' d mmer, to� . t . w9. �Te ard 1abdr I .1 tung to -day prIn0 - 4 special des' for tile Saw'Bill Lake x1iiing � - a. . I magnitLent,guILl oatu sonve of which bore d Berlin, April -.2.�The Yosache Zel: t A, thla moriiina appiled to xl� '' liar me , ars' h' Ste *L t- a . I -4 I rare flovvers, an( evl(7ionces of yn 9 ptil-i -.r�portod to -Ue Was - they -ont-y-, wait -hn � opportune, mo- 'tice, Meredith for 9, wilidinga-up.47,der, � � I - se of the � ... � . _. I . § .In- the neighborhood Zambesi . 7. I silver plata, whIla s. string baUd, StU- wear ija� tbe rvice for Ai,ttVmpLin� to -bribe tile, Ileuteu- of .the railwa I . � nient, to holes their* fing from - . tIoned tit an adjoining room, played Royal nursery. Ths room In which . � . .. ­ I .. .. of Paardsba,rg- 'It Is stated thatAle to tijjp� Calpe.11 '. I I.. . 1. 1. I . ,� patch. from Lumberg (c.apIta;,I of Gall- pany, composed chiefly 6X*,Hii�14 in, . � -1 %. dW;ng tbj progretes of 1wich. the Queen wast born was visited by ant .of polipa by, promwing, a share . . '. , � . I .. I 0a), In which, baHad up;)n Infor-ma- I .. I ,.,I 4 W ,suf foring, fr,.,Pm , dysen t ar,y. _ - ' � . . . �, , stockholders, the dompao, '.0 Ing ­ . everyone. Some time ago thern wa,6 of the.proceed-9- of bUrLdd g6ld 'Ili' re. 1. . . .. I . .. .. . 1 . I . . , . I .1. � - . . . . . . tibit rbeeivecl from Warsa, I.-hed to C.' Soott.1' ­­ . � . T c uttite of Argyll. I I . __ � ' . . I . . . *, It Is said aas K 7!he '.bi!il . 1. . I . that the Russian Mlnlster� of ..ill it, �_ - L ; , . I a contraVeray as to the exact lo- turn ..for ':aAmIstance to recovor ttlil � ipolkoiq. � .. . . I a Ili- wao gTanted,,. bat at the re 4 t, ., " . Altar the banquet the Duke of Ar- cation of tbLg historical apartment, same.. � ' I . - � . Boers ft.ellp.jins.in Cape . , - fffIC - Ittl] L I . ` - terlor Privy Councillor. alpyaghlo, N44, .C. MIllaT, X..C., who -App, , r a . ' '. .. , . . � ­ I . . . . gyll rose to propose the he&1th of btut the evidence obtained' "was �. A Dang WRS.charg6d �wlt 1A . � . - , � : . h being Duiban, 11rhac. 29. -It . was re,ently.shot at, but --that. tile eight Toronto men Who cl;ft ollivie .., � "The Queau." Oil such an occutsion, strong enough to set all doubts at.. vvitbo'ur, * a realdentlai- permlt', n4d that . a, -considarable .area ., __ TH. . . . I 1, . ,� azd lit tlia presence of such an its- . . . . : - - . . . . . ylot to assassinate- him faljed� '., . obtalned �rlgbt% 6 th ' '"' ' rest, and a little bra -se plate with In- with. OrIbIng'a podcaman, Tho court, Ivait - of Qrang.e� Colony, wlkleb was , .. � _.. , - I I . . � ver, a pr perty,.as _Vh,i L" A:± " . . . . �,The-atudentO *of tbia University. of tile .8aw till "IhNif 90rh'i �.7 - , . 1-0�[-*S" -N "a -r - ; �_� I _'. �. . . I Reef Al ­_ � I �1_ . rih� ' . I sembjy, lie said, ,words were indeed ocrlpttoii bas bnen nalledto the -wall �W o nteucixi� him to oix inquviis, said ' n, aftei P-iiiii) - - lid,g *a19' � 14" been, preparing, - it It was. further provide'. -did �-_' . unnecessary. In ti us Canadian st-yis . Q i . - sow ools iurrend.&; ' ,ho gave thrim tbi toast of -La Elaine." . . I , . I'119' I deolpring "in thJ9 room the Queen, _t was, (tetarintuad to put ,d stop to no,w been r.atiche I . reat demonrytrLvtlon MS. a nia;rk or' vvindifig-up ordbi Shall not' -1 one:7 - g . : I I - wa-9 born." All tho men were delight- Cho 4tttiiiaptm, : .. to brilod' ' difficlit1s,' who, will bia.tilus suppliod'With. Sgrairl. . 1 61N G. G I " I igympa:,.tli�",t.Ot.tli,&Lr�.*RtissliiiI -oom. Th4raday, , The- Saw' 81.11. .'shires 'at � : The toast was drunk with euthu. � . , . . ... �. . ..O.._ , .. i � . .. . . " . - I . . . . . � : � , I I .. : . I I ' '" ed with the-vLOt, and with the cour- wadeli wure bppointlig fr 11lie to' , � .1 . . . . rades.- . - . . a r I . I . ,4 .�. - . I I I .11 I . . . . I I _,�_____�.. �.: .��, __ '. I I . in man a . a pr � I � I . �� . . . One �tl a � e6bi d a , elnlliin� - : slasm, and theia, without InvItatiorl, tvisy itni pains displayed by the, pal- I . � _­ . . . i .. I Ift-poula -'was . the entire company rose"spontaneous- . � 4;- "I, . . .., ;� � � ­ vy tile. astroj�6mlc; Institute' bat-thal ptoilatty -fouila �to;.,be ­ * I Lion officials In explaInInj; the rooms- 4. , ". I � Preparing for.Wil,ter.. 1. . . . . . ­ . .- , e , , ' "i't . I - . . . . .. , I. .. . 1. . has been closed, beca,use the stud- very low grade an pock y: lie il ' th ' ' . � ly nad SU,Ug tile 1�ational Anthem. It I Cor 111.11. Aida Uiw,j3�ikX..*,e4.P , le . - -4 .. at Joe . I and objectst of Int4 -eat. A Special . I L I 11 � pectaolet to see thes,� � orojjjydio�jrj, ;11,�I.ujj- 2Q.-TIle So..retary . .. I ents'llave engaged ill rloits.. - Was reached'. �. I . . . I" :,.. . "tio I Waa a utriiiing a honor wito reserved for the boy bugler Capa Twir.11'. 'Ma-roI1,20.,--!V94.N' �6vl- f llas� received , a . to.1c,grain alyst6k, a town of Russian rol.. 4 . I - 11 , s=-tauned Canauianii, clad in.their t"a dirnhjutive little e, Lit tbia treason ionl Lord Xitcholler to, thf)"Offect � orker* Who. U . I miles soutlaviasit of Grodnp, , � .1 : . Llano trial# at DOrd- f New ' Y Abd " cted 1� Bi ' .. .� of the regimen � :_ .. . . . and, 4152 - . I "L., I vraycl-kjtain&a khakit, miss to their a I'll-, . . I I .1 , . , , SWIMIst . aslotle I d � big G VO - ' , man who walknd with the reglment* ciasohl; disclosed the fac'D.tliat "PonY" tbat ,any comforts which OVAt I , : a F funeral �occ .SUFFERIN ' I'MENi , . all tibe waY to Prettorla-Inasniuch :>a Wot -, ­ divi. . .�. riote, Thousands of persons paraded �,,. ' . . � . � F . :, � . I , . .:."I . feet with one accurdo wwj refreshing . who 'represents 'Wood,ohousc " ouals. *might d�eslre -to send out . Two,' From, Montreal, . ... I � . . . - . . . .1 . I . � , i � to hear tile vigorouv obsers whic-Il aa h9 Was Introduced -to Her Royal Lit the Xosombly, actluxl[Y, asNiat6d at to the .troops in view, Of -the no- . . I . . L. I . rstrtots, ,-singing rev'O!utionary -songs - . . . .. . � I � - .. I ... I. , 11 ... . "' U011 Higli.ness by Colonel Otter. He sub- Oke trial'Of L IL proa . L . . I . I I � and al . iou tin g,'� "Long 'Jive- liberty"' � ­ .. � . ' . . . I.- fGll0w(xl upon tile Singing Of . Several Loyal: coianial na. � ching, jvhiter In J�outli Afrism Savo UM Queen." OerS.. .. acceptable, ' L*and , - . . I e3pqueutly told his ou,mrades that the ., LLvos Which took plaoa when the.13 -Would fie most, .. . L . . '. . .11 ,. .�. . The InUitary finally quelled the -(6- . I ,I. TJto Dulte of Argyll said he wanted Y . mpled. tile. t6wM L. L - ft .... ,L . A' Message, of .'Hope 10.� th el ,.. . Princess bad spoken "ver. kindly" to YQ( . .. aliould be despatched &13 earlY ,6 � . .. . . . . � % turban6e, but n6t Ivithout tonalder-. ' I . . . I L.. 't; -Z -.� , , -�, . . .1 . � lt� . L .. . . I . _1 . �, W a"urofthe Canadians how delight him, and that he Intended .to write Several of'the inen were Sentenced possible. I ... I . . . able blofAshedi - . L . W,b I L ' * � .1 %* I , ed the Princess COL ba 91lot, bat they Were -_ . . .J�n. - L . , L ' . . ` , I In the old Palace of kaneington, a . -BI I . � . . . ; ..� . . . 1. .. ... ''. I 'gitritills Pullishet). - . a ndL - .. I . , .4.�� was to receive thein tL,,,, words down "as soon as he reach- saved by L � - . ANOTHER JDNA-PPING CASE . k a Depressed., .. � - �, 1.1L ed barracks." it was late in the af- C110 timely arrival Of. th'a -ItIS11. IY6 �. rL. sh-itill Doers. . . . .L . . . . . , I � . . .. � L � MOUS . . . ''. I . . . stailt1hople, 4ipril � 2-Tw,tAve t ­ .. . PL ,� ­; � � I . " I . loilihiing A%h lit historic amsocl 'ationw, ternoan. wben thp Vanadians left the %Vet Is no rela,tion' of t1w -fit .; 20, he -.r! ren6h pol Ide - , . " * . I COY, I . : , . . � ;—. .. . . .. I tvnd 'Tvitere the Queen herself WILL I - I .. . � �Havre, March - --�-T . . BuIga.PjLjjia.trjfi.,d at MonasUr forthe - - - . ." . . I . .. , . - - I palaw, lit or&�r to drive to StAirbil gelloral. . :6, . I .., . : . 1 . .. .. I I I . bor--. M�r Royal ffigliness- had been Engll,Sh'rebals *as fl ned, have --nrrested a.. mtoh of-1,ndividuaN . . . 1. .. . I I � '� L Murder or. a priest at, 87tavero, and .. . .. . � ­_ . , . Ington I! Ofte of the . . ,.. . . Kcn-9. Matienin and tile Natura Iwr tho Ba2r 00.9tilin3i nndk trylri,g I A GrAteftil . Woiii�n Tells of 11" it doterniliteLl not t I egoo. Th2 evi(jonce roveals, thQ :00111- Wear t. . . , . . er e- . 0 allow them to Im" History Blu!"um. � While brfer,' Great. Sit'niwi Conibtfw With ,$31,tj.: for. other revolutionary acts, have . . . . � through England without seizing the _­___.-_-.-.__­_. spl�tq ayinp4thy. of th-2 rol�qjij . With to imitate tlair language# . . � I . . been. sentenced, one' to death, three � I caso Fro ill I h 6 Agoll I estha t 'Afflict - - . . I � , I I . first opportunity of gre-eting theat, . . . . Lite Lite Itepubliou. . 1. . ... I , LL. ilng. for salo. at, ally price, snNugLI , 00010010 "Capitni Flolkled-001111 Lo, imprLsonitiont for lffi; anti -tile illc_,r Sex AftorTINKee 11300018 11,titt.i , - - . . .. . L. . )ry.A1l?_y Wl�l,tjlq eredu- - . .. . � L . . . I I, ­ ­­, " � I "... ­ .� �, � � ........ mut fito talle hail m1we up liev Winl. to - ) . ­ ....., .. � .. . . I � ,Ijp I er. � . 1. I I C-114INESEL 'f VERTBESINQ: - - . ___ , �,. . . . .-Cl�)4$'L -'r1W.'�r4tk . , . , ,* 4' ' , i, l'It".onif. P ix Prices kir. Fut-1 for. the 6thort) -fok --imprisarnimlit ­.j_0r.'­tj,�llj:f, ", ' I- jl'(:jJ­Jj�'j1c . A L . . 4 . . .. * " , ... . . jull.v pcipulation in the c6un'try town -J. .. -L. I I I L varying ,from two -to .ton, yeb 1:9. : 'L . I I . .. I . VS. . I 'through Which . . . . . .. . ­ . I I I I . , I er . I I they passed ivas tha.t %'o:Ll­11v.Ad�on Collision 'Restilt, I I . . 111110 A - __ 'Sle.4d Sev I Hou .' . . L I I I . . I . . --- I , . ,mount of, suff,pring borne. �y.. _ ' something of them at K .Npf-elikien Asuionneeniptil' of' an Orl- I . . . . .)o SeIZUE1 tWU'L 11ritIsh , ''. * . .1 . I I 1. ' .. � . Lt . LL, ' , - . - - Palace, (Lou(] che i!m.)_ They -_ I Londcarij. March 29. -From Tarka- � 0 't�oers had � I . I .., I I 'bowe down front .Scotlajid and to stee 'll.hil gt'n I - - � _ a were -Mil _31P(n! - I , ,F Y. , '. . 11 . I . I � � Berlin, April 3. -The Lokal ,�neblder lwomdn lirough6ut the coulftry can - , ' . I . . seated at the I . n0lnelLt ill, tin old vitEal It -til, -lite Ifither. � suui RGuter. tolegraphs that on ,San- vesselvi that they- had.brought part - ialall. , ' ' ' � ulider�tands' that the uOliferenCO be- .never. be . eatimat . 6d; , Sil a . atly, I al- , 'L I L argoes to rranca tO.Sell, Lind - New Yoril, 'April p.�-Joseph Graf tolit' . I L Pntch house, inasmuch as the PaI. At'l%ertialng Ili Chluese newspapers day Commalidaut� :KrItzingor. was o;f the e. . . twoelt tile Imperial Chancellori Clount 1. I . . 'L I � .. Mee had been. cotistructed by "Dutch [,a dour, eaaght.� Le tile fork formed by. the tfillt they 11itendad to return to tile IV O . 11glior, umird mbst lkopolesSiyo they, L andure' L from,. . , 0 , in much more enticing Jan. , ' b gava. 111a'address 'as 4.52 Sixth �on Bnelow, afid .9 .01, I . Wifflion," who in Ills time had be- gua Mande And Vlekpooit rivers by Cpl� TmIlsvitalwith the prb0cedi. In liftvre' . - ' ' . . day to ,day aff Iletlons, that can -to a country. Perhaps a held.. In, $;81i000 ball in the -Itada.0 PremI6, at Verona, yeki- - 61.v- I . , L . come a good q;d Britishe-,- go thun in till ' , onel De Lisle, who had made a*rapld they offered What they. c.illed a talls- av611ta`,,'wA, . . . .. . tDrd&y, Ivitir'll *as of conbiderableL fftl I to � tile' lot of wo I mbn.- The ,�rol --,. - " 11 I 8, Ile thisi 1, necessary In order to.make an March from' cump. The enemy were man for toothael a all 3'efferson:SlArket Cou.r , I (clj".�ru)-tt. isign. of the time .i . Th,,y wora. . .t 'to-dAy for I . . . 'n ' I 1, . length, wari Intelided -to remove. tile lowing story of- the sufferl.ng and, - . j' J� L I , '' jinatl6n 01) J -ha charge Loll ad I . s6loij, Oicated. by Inhil . I I hoped. (Loud cheers.) They all trout linpres4on on tho C1116e-ip roaders, sheiJeA f or seven, bourm,amd, had Col- 'natives nf a vUlaga near. Bot�. . . oxam falser Impr.e ilia- . L . I ,. . . .1 ' . , . I bL pljlega "tel Gorringe Arrl�ed soonar.tosup- . -,- , .. . . , . eg� 'o � . ed that their Dutch opponent's would who aro luellned to rather . . . . . . sidnottug, two �(JftQon 'Yeax old girls tibris, An -the French.1press regard- release of Mrs. Charles ]EEO* f . L . . . ' I . . - I I ". - ' follow the example and become as mittic. . . I : . pog Colonel Do Lisle, they L Would Sir Allred. 1111nor 111'ravalting', .. rrom:,XoJijtreaI. - They are 1,70rilm, Ing tho. relations.between Italyand Southampton, ,N.- S., onght to bring .. . good Briti,sliprs ats "Dutch William." * � pro ably haybi been- obliged to our- 1,1lO2tafojitoIn,:'Afarc',i 28;-61� Mtred . I 'ho GerWilly. .Tile plilaia� interpret 06 hopa L and health. ,and happloem' to,,., ,' " - 'A nere. for Instance, is tile announce- render. They Succeeded, h6wever', In , d train, .Brown anfl Mary ,Frfo.ndley.. '. .T .. ' . � (La,ughter..) When Wl;liam 111. tired . meaning; ff C'S. .'Xrs..Uoe ' sa-YS: ".­' - �11, Melit or tile maker or quack medicine: 6roa Ing the . Elalids river, and thus Nifliner, eacarted by an armore mag:stra; . to commItt I ed the girls to , as proving the continu- -other an er r . .1 9: . � I of 111iltehall he built Kensingtom "Unr ri,cipe hau coind to us from .0 9 L . I haw returned to Transira,al­COl4ny;-' . I I au��-,o of thoronglily'l-ri ndly -relations 4FOr !line - out . -of fthe thirty-two .11 ,ad .. . .- I . . � . . . . . ­ . I .. ' hildron' and says � . . ; d I - Palace, and there ha-rl bpen it great pfiyi�lcian of tile Nling, dyllit�tY.' A I a good their eso.ape. _ � I ___ I the. onrc�of.,the C 0 Society- botween the two coinitrieu, . ­� It ny historidal evetitti connected Colonel Do L:sIc's column, ALIN"s, a I . . re of my life I have suffere, 1, ma ceLtain mandarin w" Journeying Ili Reuter'sL ei)ectal 1xindon, March .31.-,� despatch to , '. ,,* 4i�r Kidnakliping., that., the leave-taking OrA118 � two yea ' d`ag : I Message, mad� a tli6 Will. (gtic, Allot. . witil tho place Mace then ; Ili fact, . . a from'Gen. Kitchener I .- . � . � Lite 1011 country, when lie .Saw it agnificent marall, AM14 a terrific dateq Pretoria, Blare jL, New York, April 2. -After vainly "4tesillitil IV ' as corii1al. no woman, unless. She has been s � Lm- ! - __117 ', - with the exception of the `Ikmver wuiu:in papsing soutlovurd oIor tho m4 h-80, Says til.1 . In official circles fb.16 admitted tj,�,,j alfliated, can Imaglue-4could 'L . anti St. Jamp4q', it was, perhaps, the uluuntaill-9, its though flying'. Ill 1101 Sto,TlJii,_tboL�m_= singing.ao they rod* � a traln.was dorarted by a . mine near running out every clue the &lloe be- that. Nvjlile the� meeting at 'V61,011a L 7 . ' L�� Moat lildtoricnl house in London. On So daxk was the night that tile force Pan. Two hundred Boer,o who were eama c . ollivince L d.last night. that Wil�. was acclidental,.611gynor Za,ijardell ba- guffer and .yet have lived. 111bree �, - . - babalf of the Princess, lie w;shed ltan.1 mie, held a stick, and Bile Wafi ha,d to depend on. lightning flashes to � , . ") his. Country es- weeks out of four I would be ana I ., , , 1� purening till old follosv of 4 hundred advanclog to loot the, train were Ile bitacormick, jail., 4 tell year ,old Ing oil Ills way t . I . I . �IL them a lialq)y and safe return to yeare '.L'Iiu mandarlit asked: I show' tlie, road. � . driven off With a loss of SIX killed. . ho'dls�ppaaied latat tate, tile relationu - bietw,e0n' the blia, to move abo'ut,'and Indeed,. nt . The rivers nad becomeAmpassable, , ' I . . 111glibrt,d9a boy, w -_ . . . . I a their homes and a p�eaaant life An 1* 'Wiii, (lo you beat that old nian T ad from the. top of 31agerme.naber L a Thd Brittall sustained no loSson tim of two countries were discussed, . Big- - no time was re.ally1it, to attend, to I � that great and free country to -Slit% anpiNerell: Ala 19 my grandsciii, ' A tr,41n, of empty care was ;;rock- WOdnesdNy might, WAS the TIO , nor'LU-nardiell, It, IS saldi gave tan- . Do Ijisle saw the ellemynihst be com- . + my - liousehold"duties. *1 conil�tid__-%� �, which ho bim,wlf was able to look for I am 500 years old and lie is 11.1� taut night at 011fant-9fontoln. No- - a kidnapphug plot. . - I tirely satisfal3tory txagurances. . I , back with feelitigg of pleautire mad hY taking pilatoly Jammed Ill. Thla for�e eX- Cd L I . � . physlolans�"three of the �.-�kil- ... . L . - most ride. People In England. had al- Hu iviii not. purlly Itimsialf telvded from river .to river, a distance .body was hurt. . Captam Titm, of the central 'de- , ItIo.16 ill N�Nl zerland, . '. -1 1, P like medicine,'and so I am .b6ating 1 C04 �jbomjjlkty, 17'Ifte'eit hundred horses and other tectj ful doctors I� the county of Contheri- 4. � ways rcgarded Canada as a land 11,131.7 1 -Mllca.�_Tha Irish � . ­­­­­­jftI'­­--Co yo ... btlroall..� ..and Capt. James - London'LLApril, 3. -Exprew . U Cannon, of thet HL b L - -TtS I �._: " of model institutions, wh�ro Justice tinder Ca.ptalin Moore, elated at fight. stock, from tho Orauge ver lony ­ 4librIdge P6110EV nip rec4L�l�ect-flie-aill"vllllnl��,�-fi.6& litAd"Tti; xWf4ireni--tin�ea-li4d--,ell;itgo - - - '­ � "Tho mandarin alighted from lilt Ing on St. Patrick's day, took a kopie havo' boon brought in recently. The Statjon� _k.11avo put , every available ool,rgapunlent at Geneva, "A riot of my ease. These all agreed in their . . . ,,� utid freedoin reigned, and when they horso an.1 unelt down, and did obals- in.:dashing Style. , Lord Fingall bad tOOP9 Making tile captures killed le&n orn t1ra case, � . 1140 Oootirroj at Bien -le, In the valley dlagnosis,'blit the treatMeat Var-,* I I ' �1 , - their once to Jjer, saying.: ,Uive mel, Vp.rt�j, . his horse, shot',under hIM.L' 411d cap- The 011 -Ad's mothei- Is prostrated had returtied to civil life In . si�:ven Bber.q. Wounded nlpe, of' Clipmounij, owing to the Muni- . . n . Led ; and while at times I 'Would, ex. . �'. ativei country they would be ab)p .voit, this arug, that I may hand Il Unfortunately 100 of ,tile defence turad seventy. .. L . from grief La,nd-ainxletyj and the fa- clp�l Council Selling land on which . . . to reflect with satisfaction upon �oi;n tv poeterlty fur the salvation forot.:, who were ordered to hold the Gen. -French reporte - from Vry- ther, who IS a retired florist, 011108t. 'the I.. I had enJoyed - -grazing, parlance some relief at Ifo, ,ytIm9 � , I I . . . , L, * peop a _ # a the part they had borne In extewl- pf ninitkind.' . ( id 217 .qaally iiia. . .. , : rights'. The Inhabitants tried la sei' Was there any.hope given die �Of, A . I I I lug justice and freedom by the ghl- 11 Hencp It got Its name-Falry Re- extreme left near the barik-of the held that between Njaroh IG at I .. .. 0. L ,kfany a ntg1j'j�'.. , ' Slaiwa River, Mistook their orders, his command hail killod-or Wounded 'IL bullikoll colliblue. tire to tile Town Ball, and a"I'larde- " nent cur . . - )ant fL&,hA th,3y bid- mada on tile colpt for Lengthening Life.' Take It ' n the rioters _Fe�'�"' wandered 10 miother- direction. 117 Doers and taken 51 prlaoncra.. Xew York, Apkit 2.-Tile4unroAl of coliflict onvaild batIvee When I went to eOd I would have ' � battlefield. They deplored the loss for 'five days aild tile body will feel ana 'endarmeal, Ton persons wore boon gla,d If death hatcoMe bqfo-ro .Ttle error 'thus oaftsed Was irrepar- Ninerty-throa borgilare gurrenderod. Commerce Says: A prominent Nolli, aAA till) 9 � I . I � of friends and fallen comrades, but light, take It for fen days a'nd yout able, Tit(, river began to fall, 'and In 'rho giltieli also captured 100 rifle York financial authority, W110 10 kille'd "d fifteen lnjurod� morning. I. never .Iidd much' .faith � ,ill ripirlts will becom3 bri3k, for twenty tj . 8, � . It waa no sin. COMPenSfttiOn to - . �ro� - . ltwtshin 0010ok Blue, . . think that they, had borne their days nod the -voice will b3 sprong and to ,Lb;§ence of the defence fokee tile 15,950 rounds of ammunition, 41'a piersbnal*' Interested In the - . In proprietary medicines, but.atone I onemy succeeded In getting 'across. 110142�% and much other stock. . . posc-a Salmon oombinatloii,. report- I U,ndon, April 3�-The'Vlonux oor-a time I took ti, half dozen bottles. Of I . -1 I I . �;, part like men aad Soldiers of the clear and the hands and reet supple, Colonel Do Lisle, igays a Cradock � - - - . I a bloodwmaktng 0 that - w" - . �� � (,jueon in making South Africa re- for one yvar and white hairs will be- mestange, Im 'retut'ning to Xroonstad* 11 ad from San FraneWco, sal.1 IU9t re,s,Po,n,dcnt of 06 Times taues a Her- ompound � I . semble Australia and Canada and come black again, dnd yoa move as - � Cinisting KrI01tuger,. . . L tjlat the. capiltal Would bil to a,w of the. Russian political highly recoinmendea. Thlo, ,-, like , : � 1. , ,& Reuter's Special telegram from , � ho' fIrst` everything else, failed to 'help In L ". though flying, 111%"o L otlipr British Colonies, in the sense . drsAttff 110,1118t stateS that myouth Capa TiCtivii, March 31. - The obl-7 0 to o,00o in boinition and pre- situation,, believing that t ���: that they bad fought .for freedom "Take It constantly, and, all trou named rAkard, a pupil of the local act. unlike of -Cols. GorrInget, Crablia and ferred stook and debentlart, Wilda, Of symptomi of far-readhing rovolll- There Seemed to be u ,a partle , ­ L L . LL _, ,.,f 1. . and justice ant] enlightened Inatitti- bles will vanish, ant] you will pass a io still actively engaged In the debentures $1,000,00a Would re- tjollaroy movements are confirmed by. of'blood.lp � � 1 _401, " . .. ­fft . . . I . logeo who had joined XrItzinger's Do Lialo..a. a ports, of Sanguinary disturb- abSolut6l;F 6 ass, an . I y lip! - . - )o,' was thrashed In promence purvaing Commandant Xrltg:ingpr. It main' In the tr asurY. a Who same the re ptw . ; tione. (Loud cheers.) long life without growing old, Two � I ' . . I , .. - - "I L. - _ -P(j d6W-Ared.tJ1e,__r YrL...tu-.1�0,--aAeLss--In-PJM;y . � ­ --I- ­_­ - ____ , it )4mang Y- eD -$kp - is t1to A-IMOst d a.' -1. often, , xv 1 c i5trM-11 but IS,- ­­' -- - �­-­­, of al( Tile - --- 0114d. ­- tir-gairkthat-thlEr Boor-octimn"dor-ims- sullfstanthilly correct In univexrelity, Tile (11 I ; - -authomit. - ,qh,�6era there I '11 lie PrIncras %lips. b6yv;-a-nd- al its men- no sordi-4-iliem"n- amir-Innithb- - Ora otters -toli� .,L Ali announcernant Inserted by a jilt. - �_.­­._­_ Ogg tile, . ThF- Pri,icess Lonise expressed tier . __ daggmirod of -being able to or -, . ,desiro tl,.at She might hear o nd'i�Fdlil--W-Tti5i-o-Ti.-cri'lijVb blop6-Y*1th- ­,­ --- -,,----. ­_. I . LOran 'goi-L"I'lVer, .- tioning am thoeia interested Ill the , his opinion atiow thitt. the rioting Is tifying to the erl of Dr. MI. , - I , � L no of I 1110er Train, Wreckorg. �,. f6i�-kiidgbeiNvocir..AQW_,(Ioal, .T. Plerpollt Morgan, no jongel: confined to studerito. Rams' Pink PJlIS,L but nine years of 1�, . tile tnen Filng "The Land of the Chu Ling, close .a with these heartfolt . .. h 29. -The Boarm The no.gotiatiOnsi . 0 T.fta--C,OrraT=dc0t-,-­jl Words: . London, Marc Lord XLtchonor and Gohorn't Botha August D61moilt' IW SeIJdMa'n,-­--J-.-- LoWe"rv--doea- --suff,erhig-.--aild-�idimootirageme,nt,.-had :� Mnplv," the Canadian national Pang, etigman, and tile PreRldplita of 8ev- . not believe tha.t the domestic Ritua- mad� me too Sceptical to see -an L l 11 I cannot control my wrath anti would &L,em to . be concentrating at Itave &�-verely-hampared (Jan. French 8' sive banking tion! will Immodlately hampor Ran- hop3 of relief, When doctors -,ba. . anti this intimation being made ,)It t- P I tile of the most exten . kno;rn 1hr3ugh Colonel Otter, there . 'noss. MY loved one fin.s. It Is movera.1 polfits oil the Delagoa Rall, In him operations �n Easte�n oral In New York C!,ty. Skills, forolgh. policy. - failed to effect'a cure. But at ]it$ . UcHarg, Plain, beVu enticed aWILY ,by , this way, tyiell, object being to wrelc no Tranavaid. While tile .negotiations houses , I I - F came aekoss the story of 0, car . , were cries for -Sergeant raseal's flooAt. How, Zwondar, o.lin Many tkaing itSL poiaible'L They wrock, Were ht progress tbe Boers Seized Vic (:011101?rlees Pixed. . L50,011 Is Poll" � Minister L of near home"that of Uri Moses BOB . I who discharged the task most Sac- Mere tntior's (Innimy like this succeed ,yj two traltim oil Snnday, Idid deralled opportualty to break through Con. Now York, April 2 ' "The neiv all- Utidrid, April .11,-Th.6 of *Rodney. I h oral r . cessfully. All his comrades joln,d Lit winuln,g her? another on tile following day. Theme ,roneh,SL Ijileg In opal( par.ties thracito Sollodille ba.4 just gone into War, Ot-neral Weylor, has ordered a L I . lienrtily In the cliorus, the Words of " Sare'y lie has not IaAr -or, justice hicidento have not been officially re- and steal to t114 ilorthtVard. elfect. The rate for the spring open- the, exclusion of nang from the ilkIll- time lie had boon regarded a which art.- as , follows: beror.- his eyes. 1-t Is on this trocount ported by jArd Xitelitner, althou I It Is believed that Gans, Botha: 111(t 19 $4 a, ton, a r6ductlon or about tarN,� hospital until the, buftet Oiall hopeleaL C-ongbinlitive, an I ... ... that I amt--advattIsIng. Should, any to one ingtanoo tile englue driver and 'VIJjoon practically agreo,d to me- 25 celito from the winter schedule havo provIdOd fivilds portuitting 1,110111 through Dr. ,1VILDIamat Pin .. The 1,nud of the 11aple Is the Land kind-hearted gentlema a, oils soldier killed, and I determined me to cry the I � fot�'_nif,, n I" tile in- wan Injure ,ept the, British t3rms,or ourrendor. just abrogated. Ule now Sobeduill for to return. L forTdittlon of liar, wl ( ft�,ia otners, captured. glade tile rit- but When tile Boar etommalkidantsi mot tit,, clomIng year is $4 for the spring- %"e,4.'Wf Uff;or(oll sari�� , gan to feel battery and grew � � Thf, Ilome,af the stalwart, the brave, ,r4abcru ts I not taken two boxes befor and free; . letter, I. will roward him with $2d). lah occupation of Itowallgoat, 21 tll,,y were, contemptuously r0jecteil. opelling, 1$4.2110 for the summer find .0lasgow, April 3. -Tho, Allan, Ulm f1dent of it Cure, Lr kept on 11, eliould lie bring liar back to her havo either been 'Wracked or do- __� $4,,AO, for tile winter period, t . �, . The Rose and tile Thistle, the Sliam- nal-ilits. I will Joyfully give Min 0,40. rolled. I . . stoAmor Btio.n,otjAyrJ,ft,n,'wIlV11l passed tile, pil-1.4, all tile time faolllnl�:n * satallit (.11141111s. fleltd-orl Collision, Tor A,itd, on, thi) north coast of veins, activity re a . rock anif Leek, "I will most certainly not eat 3uy Last Sunday a train Containing hog- . I Y I'll m ­: All blooin in one garland beneath the words. IM klildness and beilev6lenoe pital comfort% etc,, Was WrOck"d by Cape Town,' March al. -*Tho Natal l3litfalo, X. Y.,, April 2,--A, Fjprelal to Irelatill, thiis jilorming, signalled that Ing to my limbs, and tha feeling I Rys : Ne gradually wearing away, .. .1 maplo trve. for a myrind of generations, to all it commando of Boors"between 130)faQt proast Is anxiotis to learn what tjl,i� tile ANOWO 81 A he4d-on collision Rho wakr ollort of C0,11, bat thict tile ,�r(�S,ou %, . � etornity, shall not .ba forgotten.".- and IlIddlebilrg, Thq driver waig In- .Government is doing -to r0reViOnt b0tive011 two last freight trains on gh,,j): w.,a_j; Ali ,right. Wbb Pitenou Ayrian Z wilily wfton It may seem in- �... Offel-1K freply. . *01 Pl'kte occurrml. two saAlr�Kl from, PlIladelPilla, Nfav011 11th, oredIble thait Elie More m4ki f "F, I . quite. Foiirth Estate. . Jared, and the Boers fired. klillum a Xatillig cinjills to the territorial ox- thA Nle I Miles 111 0 -111, I c4okini-I Otter Said lie was . private. Tho VelurtInIng five surren- pausioll. when tile tlln�e come,; to con. west or lilxe, Pa., early this morningi for GlAngow, itatil 8=6 APM011011141011 now blocid In my veins 601 I ore I tivablo to give adequate expression elly , (141111. lied: been'telt rpgardlin-9 liar Safety. to. a healthy condition misplaced In- , I to tile gratitntic of hitneelf, his orfi- . Ured. The Boots carried off aquan- 61der thq ",ttlouiont af tile war ques. 110th locomotives were ba I � - -I........ --"- �1' . cerp, atid men for tho kindness which WHIIT MAN TURNS BLACK, tity- of food stuffs'. 'Phey also wrocked tionsk. It IS lielleVod there 19 a, icood aged. ; � ------ -- tern6l organa, hilt this hav Wen MY � . - ,� . ­ - . all OX tr whielt were it nambor eat th,qt t1to Utreelit and VrV- 1)11�� Ineer 1). .i. Howard, of Ashta- . . happy experience. My palrio have hail bepn dit-pinyed to them on all 7elivillal refugees. Vilill OneMy pre,41,4P distriets Will. oventu,all,,r be I 1�0., Was, igo badly Injured that lie all left lno,*4114 I ank flow'4d ll()AltllY , �tl , d 1111dialut Parillel-IR ftesoak-kilblo (!its(, Of Poor kliml in the P,ria Hospital two houra I � � a wonian as there to In this place., I . . . sides. fln askpd the Princess an . tried to derail a train from- NVonder- given to, Natil. r ' Williams, , tile I)ilk4,. to bollove that the remem- 31,j act tit's tile PliTAlefiths. foutoln, which went to render nwdst- - --- , . latei. The collision was (lite to a mlo- . Dear Sim -1 waS for seN,en years Thim health I owo to Dr. I ", , britne, or tiio viult to England, nnd alooretli,ndjug of Orders, . & sufferor from 11ronchlal trouble', pink Pills, Which have, respited ine tf Wakirrij, Ind., Apr1I I.-PrAnk Xop- ance. On tile followIng (l he liladen-Powelt ni Cape Tolvil. itt times �'. ", I p"(Wilarly tile visit to XPnslng- linger, of (jillon township, NVells train Wag deraffisil. The escort"of two CApe Town, March- al.-Gon. Mt. I 1. . abd. would be I+.,) hoar.0 k above, front a lite of suftorlqg, If not from (I 4nd twenty-two, men kept Cie I that I oculd -boarcely a0eft thot grii've.11 � ? I : �Ii ton 1111180p, would.for ever remain conlity, to plizvIlligr tho phyajolallo, 11r. qff loot dpill-Powoll Ims arrIved horo� IXTS RHO0113S OUT. it wljjsp�r, I got uo rell(if 'from any. Dr, Williams, pink P11111 are, ago- , - :1 . , green in the memory and hearts 1,r�o,pllrlger to a .farmr, and lip to, two jl�onra off for sionio tilan , finally two ' I ___ . . I . 11- . I thing, till 1 trietl your MIN!ARD'S tumble -to Ia �. .. i! Of the Cnivadlans. (Loud choors.) 011ie yonra. ago will; of fair oolliple.t.lon Officers 'anti seven men were taken . I v fW011110n. Tj , Important HONI,,,y likAj,4�A,Nj,.-T,�vo bottIm 9 10'al ,tile blwdo rootorta I � kindness dtapbiyed In England was lind in complete h6alth. He then no. pr1i6ioners, lint sabs�,qtknntty rel(mried , PrIliqloo Captlived, - (1111aulborlaill 111(hen Ali' .aVo bulict U04 =0 � � � , ,ii Snell na could no-er be effaced from iteacl that his eldii, from crown to An Pngl'shl, lially and two ellildre� London, Unroll 3T. -A SIMIAT doll- kat.4,1114.111. - rellet and stm bottleii Mado a, cotn-. nerves, and eradicate ;those � ftou- . - . j their mindsi, sv,i ti," reception ex- siole,' %#as begInnint',1 to turn dark. HIS wore oil thw,traln. They lild In the from f3tanderton snya, tho Ini- .-J.'roak a statement plette- barp. wotild h6flortIlY rctilm, bles, whielk make the' livom bt-l� aN P"11011 LIA1111; 11orse, under Col, wal. intnd It to � tpn(led to thoin by tile Duke tind been lififiptitc, frdledl� Tio lost lialf )114g P41IWar cuttinpr While ilia firing W per al London, April :L, �ny one M106HUX frolu many women, old find young,A b*r+ I i,spi,el.Illy acceptable, booanae lie bad. ivelght. � .ra lootod tile train. Isico, have captured Coulmandalit a don. 11alpItAtIolt of VIO heart, lift- . kil!,,%do by Mr. (�,hambarlala. the Colo- throat Or hIng trouble. .. . _n alarm lie dolirvalted nuftlor� offig, on. Tho Boo -avellivig PrInsloo, rind 11 convoy of ;W j 10 of Coln. � NUMICTIM. volia 110 I iva,gonq. 0.1 ,A,cretar$,,'jj the MAIN 'T. I,", VAI I apokelli),not only as a retAdent In Inig- ous vpCeIrdleta, 14,tafly roladles lveeo A�nftmbor of' D(xr womon tj I \ 'Ati'lelle ah(j, fiervioojo Dr.6jilIft., I 1. . I ,and - -lb 1' Rnr,1010(1011t, tiv) (los- niong to-dav" It hppealle that the rrmefloton. Moll speodily y1old to thik wondtf. .1 , as one who had formerly tior'd Without effect, iiv( the 661oT by one of tile trains Were rouglily Continand, . t 1111ts , ' � � I C A!)uth Atrl&n war haA�rell,%Vild thO , . 11 . . administered the Dominion In the deApen(A untll be to flow Mmomt its handled by tile Wrtokel-N. Ottoit sayst, lidii, sarrando 40. . ful tnedlelne. T-11=11118 Aro 2"TC110-1 1 . ,-name of the Queen. (Cheera.) It Warl d4tit lip a nk�gto. . About 1.90 �Bmrk vrith a gAlloping ThIltish qra swooping 016 Ofthtatn British Chartered South Aftleark Co. � only hi bo,d% tbo tr I Ad 1. . .1 s at 01110 opeo.lallats have failed to diag. &Ujint made an unofito,00miful attompt TrWilivitAl Claim, Of evorythtnig useful d its tinanolai lin,ollity in ggard to W.palgvr prtnteid In rt -d Ink, ,at bo . i . Drop., ll&,re tilt Jilmoilion raldp the Coli lal Sec- . I ' t a " k I ) ' 0 r ' ' ' h' ' ' * if � ' _. " "' I - , 'i , , , * " I , ` 1 - - I I - . , �� 19 �- I , - I I - - I � I � � - , � - ! , , ­ "" , I - I I I � - I I � I—, � " -11 � . .I - - I I I � 11-1 r � � � - " . � , t, : 1 L . � . I. 00 . 3n � 'i- ii. 'ot Id ay a '0 I r I " �w M, I the PrinceW to 1111VO traVolled so far hoott thi. ealge and )16,Ve r 'I'V611. him Up' to wrook t ttAlu bastweark Xaffireprait. t6 ills 13opro, . All btading 1 1 �_111.1.�.­_­--_­..­ - ­ cooto it bovs or OLV balm fb* 40�M 1. � I � ]bm domtroyod. but'tho womon find re�ktr&admIttInjt 0161 tile 0alms of ulv;il li;l �Im I � tagroet them lbad eheikits) d lob to dlo�'Vf. Xftllkl or I@ b4tely able alid Vlaklaikgte. MI, fte.slo will be istiPlitabilli- and way be, bad ot d 'I Istl% lV 11 . . � I fidatitIO lot, t"Old ", to walk, and dodol 01111driin grm Wing eared for. Vivo thO an 1w =11, from 1), � � t(I hl"Plitisodt told a and- I I adiftum, I I Ito 6 . Wo.,111116 0 -ase IW vald by tilt plijid- - f1tod OrAlli, Tbo.Y tit I U06141114 COMIJ61Ar, A vilik ;� Z1111cle" �Irlvl- .1 9NA, 11IN efto hope. , T116 fit4t trtail to .04 along was avaal had not P lood to , Lt. - orto rellill't of con. AtNj on. an ,ullowt,boa ot. #6W p6r dirmt by. 1114 Li thitlagil(I hundred of tllt,m h&V4 beon, eoliveyllid Ortat Britain 49 thilli - I osh-hw I � " loyisguo- alAAs to be ;4160ut pt000dout. W*04, solaik 01100 1,ifteft tb$lt Wants (M quast. � 0 . I 11 � �. I 11 ilinaft to helish .wo �to tko saittallo, to Utroaht, * I'll I . ­ I . . I I . I I 11 , ( I ­. " �, 1, , . . . � '/ I I - . I � � , �, . 4 . I . 11 I , - ; � . � 1, _11- I , I — - -"PAwwomma. . V-%� - I Allik __ ". . , *N.... ei-I "Aft - . I - ��_-­­L -_ � ­ ._ �.__ . ­ MimAII6..- ..- -1 I '1"iiiils.J_ - , � .4 I M � �