HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1901-04-05, Page 441. • aa, • 5th, 1.901 THE CLINTON NEW ERA, ,40.4444,4,44,44. The 0011pit Merriafig 8$C.osiow-triettew, is...eofsweewee,,easissoeteetese-00010.4.0-ewoivie,..ge,,..„10.....,.. " - A iattei or YerY greatiroportance Itliq.it ilgrPAPP41N,,, ,40,..„..04,00,„ - to Roman. Catholics, and, eepeclallY 1, Of last week was the most sucdeesful we have ever had. All feminine Clinton' c2me,sag,), and admired the lead or Millinery Fashion. From many sourees came, „ . the verdict that our display orliats, flonnet,s, waithefinestand Iiiryest ever „ • seen In Clinton, , The store from noui on will be filled with thonghts of Spring, every day"we'll have, something-rawest/no to show visitors, Millinery, Dress Goods,Gleves, Belts, e Ribbons,- tixce4eto; commands Your attention just now, our stock of these goods • t, was neverse complete, and never were prices so low for such worthy geode, You are l'Iorclictilg invited to come, and,view the new .things, no need to buy if yoy're not ready. • . • • ,those in Am Province of Quebec, has Plat ba'en Settled by Inds° Archibald, 1Of Montreal, in the famoua Delpit case* ,The circumstances of the OMB can be I briefly summarized as follows: -In May, 1803, IteY W. S. Barnes, a minted ter et the Unitarian. Church, solemn, emnized the marriageof R.:. Delpit and Misr' Cote, atul after -the parties had Ilived. together as husband and wife for several years, three children havintt been i born, Mr Delp% asked the (moles. lasdcal tribunal of juatice to declare his marriage null and void, on the 1, rnttirthVlTe°11?itetig3obA he and 'cel loinister who, married them was not a icompetent officer to perfortn the °ere., &buy, and his act was of no effect. The ecclesiastical court granted .fidr IDefpWe demand, and he then milted the civil court to confirm that judg- ment, but Mrs Delpit, : naturally. de. "1 centred andit .fought . • The decision of Judge Archibald is • • that ..he marriage was legal and bind- ' BCIth. b1.401E" and colors in all the IDOat wanted fa‘bries, 'frOM. the heavier b-roadcloths and 2 it.r. Tfhls effect of. it is that the mar- , homespun§ to the lighter clinging goods for summer wear. 'Just a few descriptions i' thet mtigrat'ig;lit11113--111 bVtitrtrant ii, e. agree most popular kinds. Black figured Dress Goods are in. greater --demand than ever for skirts" ,,, , . porting to. 401101 this marriage le itself ° ^ . 1 of the- ist man Catholic 0.hurcti Pur, disortraent is very complete: -, . -.,. ' ' ' • a nullity, It would have been ! great 1 misfortune hadre • it been otherwise. / . , Black 1igt1 red,:0* Woe GlOods full 42 Inches wide . 56 inch wide Itemeenune, plain Weave., in a Broadcleth Sultings full 50 inches wide, in extra bat d finish, beat:value we bar ever On „Ana light weight, pure wool cloth, in the colores of fawn,. grey, purple. red, brown, low Ter the looney,. Flee per yArg. , IA/ u newest colors of light and dark greY,nevY• also black, . This is a very tine all wool green, fawn, brovvn and cadet blue, .a.lso ' ., . cloth and will be a, great favorite for suits - ' Black "[leered ,DeSes-fdoode 42 inches wide. in time, tengthe only and no two alike, rich • black. We bought them direct from in and dresses. Some colors cafne in dress r f c blue blielak - will not hold - .. ••-• ° - , Mill and Can safe You oue,. third 1,).,), I 00 lengths. Price per yd. ..:....... price: Per yard, .... .... , . - . 0.- ; ....... .1 "st °V:V311' Al N;:441" at 3 50 4.'00 5.50 w.,iriso, wide. efi.leoot gergee in shades of little heavier weight than the abovelineelna ' "`" fetairrir5nAfeenhyd*wCdiredensYeir,helonogineerfatieSione,rgtthehsee' GpopularlalInewesti t" Lea,* length llonlespun Suiting's full 56 Inches ivide, • ., reg, mrowo, navy,. fawn, Also black. will , the same shades with steel grey added, the shades et blue, grez navy, ,7, . . irieke' very seeviceable dresses. 'Extra 25 new spring camel hair effect, our special I 15 40 50•00 _Ida tie at per yard (worth one-third rnore)priceneeyd " ° I • ' fawn, red., etc., price ' s . . , , . . . , .. ., - . • ' Quebec the Marriage ' Of Catholics to Proteetants, and vice verse, IS quite 1 common, as ie. WOO tbe marriage of - Catholics by Protestant ministere, end one can easily see what a horrible state Of airfare it would • lead to if, the view yas accepted, vis., that all „snob Marriages were i legal. - , • The writer of this has asked a num- ber of French Canadian Roman Orellv. olice for their opinion on the judgment and, Without exception. ' they have warmly agreed with it. Tbe case will likely -be annealed, Wt. we do not be- lieve thejudgmentwillever be set "aside. Political Pointers. , • , 'ForAti.ttfish and wear there is nothing -to equal the gloves We are selling at 85c and s1.00. Other stores charge $10, arid.$1,20 for gloves that are no better. We were long .6i:60'1144e we found a Maker that would give us ,a,gOod glove to sell for less than $1.00 and .25. , We hh-(te them'now, you'll need a pair to go with your. new t and Suit: Xid ohy,*,,,,a in shades of !flak We, lewowe.alesu grey, silk stitching 86 Dade fit • *Mt8. to 1 pf.g.". Pirench id Ove,., 1.. a.1 the :ino t wanted shades of grey. White, also black. all sizes, „with silk: stitching on 11 Yeal•healltY at per pair... .. . „ • , eftetAre More popular than ever for Spring. No store, ever tioldfsuch geed Laces and Eirebtoideries for so litLle. .The news.of ; this . department is beinghereided byour patrons. one titifeinglt to.,another. The foliewing are 'a few Simples of what We haye ready • your choosing: , ITAlenciennes Lace in excluelye designs, as- sorted widths, per doz. yd. 11 ec,20c, a se Well worth one-third mere, • Embroideries frona St. Gull, Switzerland, in a very choice lot of • design% assorted widths; spepial gable -at per yd.. : . . Ete, COO Oriental Laces and Insertions in a beautifullopof patterns to be oboe a entoreltip. The cos has co ap. sod, and Mr Cook's theme of !wee getting A private letter received in Dawson, Contains the imformation that Premier Laurier and Hon. Mr When would ' visit -DiewoOn'daringthe coming summer. Th. liutberfOrd, ex -g. P„ one of *he imeet popular representatives from the I 'lied. by the Minister or Agriculture to go west in the last Parliament, has been in - in ,Englehaethere to superintend the ! tuber- , eulin tom( tecattle intended tot, breeding purpose', in Canada.The doctor has not ... yet replied to the offer. 1 , it family seen that Hr. H. H. Cook,. DeWitt expected tabs oiled Opal to prove his charge that hobo!' been asked. to, Nur. 0.• • •NATURA L? • YES . • The splendid effects shown In our excellent line of Wall Paperi ere popular because the designs•• are so rurtural.and graceful. Wo give you all tho satiefaction 4 -ore high grade etock and PerfOOd . coloring to bring Oub.the beauty of yoUr ran apd make you happy in the peceeeelell of a gracefully' . . Ornamented room, We offer great variety in patterns and epleudid effects in coloring Our papers are the beat of the product() of the best reettititacturere anti we are sure Yon will enjoy you home the better for having papered from roach a stock as ours. • , • • Special for Saturday 200 Bolls Gilt Wall Paper.' cOniplete combinatione of wall, border and ceiling, choice conventional pAtterns, eultable for any room, regular 150 and 20e. On sale Saturday at 8c. • , 1 used with or w'thouVribbons. Price per .1 yard.... il,c f 5c, I13e; 25c • Ni.or New Corsets.. • • Oil 4\ • V • • • • f " • The style and fit of your new dress 4:le enda sErMuch on the corset how important it is that you get the best make. Another "hip '01 Of new corsets just arrived, never sold so many corseta t - as we are selling just now. 'nor", o -nes we sell at 50c, 75c and, $1,00 are the best that money can • buy'at the price. They arwall steel filled and g ) guaranteed perfect in fit finish and wearing i ., , qualities. , ,. .,_. . . ." irbe,Etect Form Corset N having a wonderful sale, it throws allGirls' Corset Waists at 26c and 60c with , pressursod the hips and back muscles, the figure is held erect I straps oyer sliculdere, all 81203 in ' and straight and is given a tine military carriage, price I . . k. Ail sizes in stock. • NEWCOMBE'S CL11110 . . ONTARIO STAMM OlittritOsi Lek ‘0400,4AASNOWIA!,VOAAAA#46- The Governmen144 Majority.. 1 ehirreb Chimers '.:Sunday wive review and the lessens DI AtkP_ LAS, courdiainigiereinviantilettottrcelzonworkers generally, are , were taken by, Messrs. Mirth, Hooper The yote On the budget, taken at 4. tribute items of church is, nd Shaw. Special mimic is being pre - 1 E X C 1 I R SI 0 N a.m on Saturday, Warr the &et that ZWE; Ire,:ler this heading, from their :r;e0Peetive ' pared for Sunday next. , • . c- .., , Return tickets. will'be- ' gives any idea as to the standang Of the Huron Presbytery Will meet it ChuIn the Grand Forks Daily Herald, of - Issued . ' two partiee in the House, and show% ton On April!al. .- . . . march 2let, the followinte refere to our that the government has a clear ma- The young people of Viringham Pres- highly -respected Rev. S. Acheson v!-- jority of eve* 50. the largest 110t anY byterian church has taken upon. tbent- "There was a' good attendance at the '00verriznent of °ailed& over nva in selves to raise fund5 for a pipe organ; 1 meeting of Pembina . Presbytery held the first seseion after an election. _ The in the First Pi eebyterian church..,be- Govermierit nialortty.when the Howie 1. " At preeeet,there are __tbree Preebt. 1 ginning Tuesday night. The initial dislolved was forty-e.g. TWo Weeke tenr aPP°Intaleate An. 4.419a VaP 3' sermon wee preached by Rev Acheson e..4014. Avail 41It to 8511 . 'cit4itint ei. re Tuesday, aprt1 stk ," AT ingle Fare PO,' the:tonna trip Biiiirtnitinkete at the- up town Yer pirtieutare este Otte, de Apply „ R. liODORNI3, 111111Wp * =hip Agent, °Raton. a teat in the Upper Chamber are gone forever. The Conservative) whose dupe lb has been, having no further uss for him, will drop him like a hot potato. . If we are to believe Mr H. H. Cook, year% after he was "insulted" by the offer of a Senatorship on payment of $10,000, ha was still clamoring for the office at the Mande of the men who had ,sinealter him. Men who are inordinately ambition% and who have hot tempera, get- themselves into extraordinary sometimes. Mr. Firmin McClure), ex-M.P., died on Much 28 th. Mr. McClure sal( in the lest Parliament---ef • Canada as tepreeentidiri eleotion m April, 1597, after being,defeated Thee. Carter, of Chatham Business Cof- fer Colchester. He wile elected at a • bye - in the general election of 4896. He was deter% Mrs M. Do. Ivor. lege, will spend the Easter nolidaye his sleeted. to the Nova Soot's •Aseembly in L. Kennedy metes it e Point to be home'. Amine*, 1896, and thee introduced, a bill every Saturday. He repo_rte basin!, in tO prohibit retail treat° in intoxicating the paper trade is good. liqUoni within the Province. Born in Trutt> Biro and mill am. °town ilia two ail. be studied law Militia, and was remitted Trate Guardilir irollme188waeltoellitilo2r, darnathme" akiinredng".)rfolgtElimehheollivrni'lZahnearewlvir'PentingdZatarerr tothe her in recognition of hie service' to the temper- umei. PAM/ CARRIAGES . and ao CARTS If Oarriage you citQthtgbuy,egelitterjabY at the price you ought to pay, yisit our storsbnd have look over our stock. • Go Carts as low as $2,50. - - Baby Carriages $8 te $18.50.. • W. Cooper,. CLINTON4 % • _ Agents for 0. P, R. Telegraph and, Dominion Express ••• Money Orders., also for Butterick Patterns " •ft.e•,WeaAe•-'4%.. . ' ewaing and e°11i- lie . EIVIERS011 i ' Mrs J. Bell has been visitng dare Mao. - %- Kenzie M Blovele for the rue' few weeks.' . Mr and Mrs Jae. Smith will spend the • Easter holidays with friends in Woodstock. I -, B CYCL . . E -''' Mies R. MacAllister is here visiting• among her friends and will remain. for &wile. • parlitament having edjourned for the Bee. WAREF!pUsE IL -Holmes came home on TruiredaY ter vanatien. • • W. 0. hteyere was a visitor in town for several days *hie week; we understand hie • wade are pen leal. . anoe came wee elected Grand- worthy pet.. Mis A. H, Goodwin, who has been aura, rierok of the Sons of Temperance in 1801. ing Rev', and Mrs Green, of Hohneeyille, ritrudfautiCtleair: twhaesgtehneeruaniseureoetitioenfalinleisboorva! mditorii.ledgaythiefteptia.rt month, .mthrned ltbree on ember lest. Ire was bora in 1861, . Capes. H. B. Combo And. M. bloTaggart Our Vtientll. .attending month* of -the Coneolideted were, in TOT01110 led Thursday and Frilled, TO the Editor of the Ileto Are. • Mr Arthur Tritethell, of Clinton, ab, Pulp and Piper Ca, Bis. -It seeing' like Waste Of words to tended. the funeral of her eieteran-law the lite Mrs Jardine, and while in God - 'rich met Many other old hien& • Another diatineition,for 6 Buronite. B. B. Heys, of Seeforths. hie been appointed PC. irit.taipMedir olrf °Bet Sybil .AVroolltit Mbersobizenry,Grand Mrs' McAllister *hobos been at the. hot - pita here for a month pot was so much recovered Bud .h. 1.1* on Monday te vita relativee in Heneall for awhile before. re. fuming to her Own home in .-TackereMillr last Friday W. J. PA °owlet, V.,15.; graft 415 on, tie has been at Tomer, .Veter. bury Colleace at denioneirator for eorne time but tins week took thereof the pro - Bonin Beaforth whith he recently. bough*. Jame,. keti'betion,' Ex -Mayor of Rio cardine bee set one of the beet exteimples of church going we have yet heard of. Outing the int 'fifty- years' Ur McPhee. fnraonmillenhurtmoiltmill6ed Buntiall • , We were pleated to hews a call .2from Chits, reylor, on Ttteeday. Mi. and Inni iTheeylloorvwlecroeuprtoe.ittriTt717‘ near Blytb, frorotheirindding trip and *hid afforded 6 &IOW) to many a friend to 'oorigtatulitte 'Sohn Forrester and Frank Fait were :among these who' lock train on Tactility for the west. They have not deoided. where they will locate but we hoe they will flea onitable plies and mike- money in ihei Modern comity. W,ero-yeling lady graduated' of One of Ire- . ton Collesitiorateitituto hale been select. ed offiortot the WOMen't Literary So• tiny of Tomato Universit Mine M. Dickson, daughter of John Dickson. of :Tuckers* ith,, has teen appointed treastiter 'of the Noddy; and her Oster, Mise 3. G. Djekoon, has been geppointed 'third Veer re'• presentelivt of threditeelal lidera of 'Ver., flit • • • . • The vacancies are . . , call publics attention .to the roir-doings of asZi.n. asp:001!* lan gwaCUE:fin:Ctilt,:en. ibiUnderneftti Ivellacrl cianetetPeraeaire°dElemith's Hill Hayfield i eloquent and instructive address. Mr indifference to be inothed in the ordinary , of Kippen Ont., who delivered a very our Council. There is a tired feeling of ' .3 an Bethany,aild Belgrave and d Calvin. speeches tad been Oliade 011 either slue .. Acheson is a brother _of Rev.T.D.Ache- ratepayer -there ie r callommees abroad tbe tot were largely repetitions of the SALVATION AlimY;:---All, glister lucli- 1 son, of Park River," We earnestly thatetioes not betoken the keen uttered lee 'will lie held in • the barraCke Oh .othere. It: was rather signilicent that . ' hope that Mr „Acheson will not take a that should szlet in political matters. that while the Ooneeryatives in the .House Mondiy; April fell; Mr (J. Freeze wilt I notion to stay in Dakota but Will te- *figure badly for the welfare of Our town.. 'were declelring by their voteeethat Bugi be there wiz') his wonderful zonophone..I wag hi. the agree. Preebytery• And why is ld SO 7 Talk to people and you land should give Canada a preference : and Win render some beautifiii selee- I . . in her niarketti. Sir Michael Hicks- tions. The 8.A, baud will piny special 1 - . • receive but one anivrer--.**What's the good? 111:7tteiirse Uulgritliii=itt21° Sunday even- ,ZeltrilitientP'IrwhIllitseu. icolliTreireet:leln. - .;Nitr. lieettioentento Beat% was ' declaring in the •Entrlish -.• nilIsie for the occasion. . _ Renee of .Onminene that England could ' . Many will regretito learn of rhedeatlx .meeting. of .the - Oh -riot -leo Endeavor & cetweityre-emigent for Ile obtusenees is ,Iptu -01Ifecti-olde-:41 -P lieSkiii. --- ' Palm I not do anything bt the WW1; vitt Otte- . Of Rev. John. McNabb. PreabYterian Was held after church berelci and on net. desirable. • Ie there any foundation for - • rr ternthnni.,..,..neurrs--. • •• ..f... • • “.1. .1 .-liciet shorildnot expect it. Fori coneren- clergyman et Ltieknow,.. which look Monday evening'the regtilar etwinette this.tharge ? Let us tree 1 Last yeer the ' • ''' `' ' 4 fence we give- the present (deriding rot meeting When the officers for the en- ' i• --(14,0mwtitoixittanto It Coate it4on......7... 8 ,, • place At the family residence on Wed- ..• Slidir atr-NeWcanba's .. 4 . the,partio in the Dominion' House, as needay of lask,week alter along and Shing tilx Months., were elected t-Pree.• /ling been in eye sora a by•word-was pat Market square -which has slued the begin- , ' - recydlete--et_ • • ._. - _ • • il 4 5 ;declared by the vote and other pircuun' painful -illness. - The reverend gentle- J.' „MclIvien ; afro, Miss M. Matheson; into komething like dedeni ehape; An weY. ..._.; efenceet-, . mut wieder years the highlyeecy,Mise A, O. Taylor ; sec. secy., Mies • grol3rier_- w. T. er'lleit... 5 , 5 Liberaiewho voted Iff_ ' 'clerk of Maitland Presbytery. H. re:Bisected ... , ... co•___eteey milietee-12 AdaMit. Mackenzie; treat', Miss G. Clamp. --,• '.' - ,Tillicirot the metter.,-W W. gert., ', A: • Lavoie paired . le 0 - . 'bell - Convenors of pornmittees-Look- . . .... - fltatorReedg*Vi It ()tette L. . ..,. , ••• 5 ' . Mr-Sfodbout (reailinad)ir.-.4m, .0 1 61T, S0813111'9.-8681160 -Will te bed out -Mrs (Rev Stewart.: tie:Vial-4E88 ; • ' Bitted elia14441aIletnd ate.. 6, - Morannon (Queen s)istt here yes. 1 "IllOonlie101itriet-lir .3 teisiey5„ - ,' • '' ."- To Rente4fartislitovefilink 5 ranayliiimillmra--4 31 CbelloWt..,.....,6 • ,,-"...e.,04id. eire...-1117` 33' Reis . ., ,.. 4 • • . -,_isair fliinao-Rodgen Orme.. .. •• Il ..., 8 ' '..§Liii thifirtolltio. Titoi-41“1601.113;osi„ . • - ;5P3,1 0.,Voetifier'"Tf.Ilder 4t 00i . ....,, e at 0 aun. on Holy Thursday and Good Jennie Jones ; prayer -Meeting-Miss Jebel Robinson, abient 'and not paired, but promised to vote Friday, and in the evetiinge at 7.15. J. Wilson ; music -Miss A. C. Taylor; with the Go -remittent 04 .. .0 . • I StlbjeCV0f kileCOUraeS on Thursday ofganiet; Miele L. Lindsay;_assiStant epeaker.... . ..... ••••;,0"4.•°.0° ening on "Real Presence" and on Fri- organ:18011W Ida ROOS. The services day evening 60 "Passion and death of on Sunday will be specially laterestitig , Total ..., 1 • our Lord." the public will receive a and several 00tbeln8 will be gtimn ConservativeSivhe voted.; Conseryetiver paired is cordial welcome. „ thechoir at bah morning and even- Ireadart 14.Brue0, not here. , A.-. pp:Si-igOty'- -- - • '• 'Itt Addition are two Lunrepree . ---v. terited-at-preeteent,Weatilitillatte;Whieh, 41" COnaervative, and It seta ' 10 Quebec : represented by a Liberal, who Also le._ presentea Montreal ettat.,00 that these . ". :ten along letter to. prove that he had 4statid equal, ' 'The -GlovernMetit's illtt.-- , ' •'' 'itothinit.,, t� do With the ' removal of lority Is. therefore, 55; In *full house.' POstriaattter ' Bentierten- at, White: A- mot Which should not belosteight of The Manitoba, correapondent of the . . eherot, . What IS the matter with Mr. In .eenneol ion with the vote is this-- Presbyterian .1teview,has the toiloWing ,nointeo .\,...The ',:tenit/v411 was either . irlsVery French-Canadian who voted to say about an old Settforth boy: "Rev b".• +ratifiable* it was -40.,,&1* Ir It Was joett, , With the .0oVertunent had walked out [ J. S. Iduldreve, *of Morrie, has received Lowe, .7,V.Vinghana, will 'Anew% Rev ' ilethiMilebY ebeetild Mr Hoimett disclaim and abstained from votieg, the GOV- it heady •cali &ore the Souris. etifigre Prot ThIrgeEnt, of Huron College, will "- • ...Att./ correction With It? It ,R Wito uh. er riMent WOUld,still haire,bek,it MajOro .getien,.. which wAif enetained by the occupy fhe,polpit. at both terences. On .Gleriboro Presbyter/. ,..• The Sour% Sunday, and also. at .the ehildren'e en- ,, ,, • justitiable,bas hie Holmes placed this 10'..; . . ;...,„ , , , . . . , • may congratolatli_ lhercteel tee if . Mr vtee-in the afternoon at 2,80. A epecial of Doi Oerator, the. Deputy?-'. London he ., eut!e of. Comtnensia'dlointled Mulcirew accepte." • .. • - . A ittIiht'grol:AletTnyfeeedo ,..131-eag t: :Arta !e, ' ' •,. ', view. Orthe Matter to. liehltrefr Mnitiek ,T ' it ' - ,. • 1, '.....'• Frei Prase. .r. ' . ' , ' ' '•'. . 00. Wedrimat, 'evening fel' the PIIIP" ItInaitt be that err/ices or W.. etorig seryice Will be rendered by the . •• ,- - - - Aft notteetitcq;0 (Them/ ehtsested with., tee lientleYet,teeteatt ef Theeeda*A aa G. Onmpbeill, ate Organist cif North 86. 'children. There iria be two celehro. . - . , • A a a i. . , . , ' „ • Originally' Intended .until.. Tueeda3n. 0 . , church. Gocleneh, have . been. appro. twee of the,. Holly communion, .flext . t- Adding 111,,the von:11dt* ifix' I!, Pobtingtstet 4100; - ,,,, .. ..,, .. ,, '. -- , ,, ' ' elated thie past year, as he ,. . 'half Nan, Soudan. at 8. and at 11 a,.. ni. The lomat . :' Ittitlilchis .6$01!iding*. and With -whose T - 0 - , ,. he, (Uwe , /eurual, Independent ke7e."Flitird f6r. Rnother ___,Y,00, • mit, ntleelonary collection for', EitsteeSurt. ; ' yemoValhelittot t10 tootoi*a..do. thEtntli_o. °0s.esek,•,satoss sayy..4....44$0 - /set 0 the (Itu" 1 hae btta Peet ex Per0"108 in day has been postponed tor two Weekac • I 'f'. .1 -Itilhe inteen, . • liekitaty nothifig ree a _ . t, , ,.. . t. I ., . . !il pio-orts,ti.n. tomolm4 lila different`i bet 4 specie' offertory fe eekod to ea . • . • ' - ..,,,i,itieostoal 110105 justifiable 00 monofe'rfli Ate Per Y ft OPOoiled to the branCilea OZ theOry, end ClirdOn. IS ,to hf the, eh ereh lehn fnu,w14444, 4 , .,,,,,tbenotitit, "_ , ___. na mi. bow 0 .. Ito% preforms -0o tont 'there are. be •congrattilated ori hatitIte fro thor‘ the- or-r;c1-ei if Mr- funds.iiiiiiianTifiaioW174 •, int% 4 m ny onsetvattvee Who will be lad ough it rtitteician Visit our town . each ,-eext, seeder. . , ., ;bomb; as 4143,1viivrtr, of fact he it eb, to see them remain` in Oppoidtiontifor Week. . - .' * S• outhdrood, hanged, imeolf in bite , . • exPected to preach in bid 'own, PUltlit 00010104ft* ti 8 fort*teltelutt:fter' *fern' ingeter' *I'm' ba'. ---"1;- te 1444 t -OW I ft * • fint.,Itit why efttofid be rest under ' the il...,tt't 164. "flind the Journal is °no) Of RaerTgrintigife...The p'aefoe mei be • ". i,- ' ..: epos of on act for Whieh be 'Wee in. no v.oetu.-- . . D Curtis, of or, nehip rate • Err , '. ble,way reepousible. The It ,,, ' - ' ; '" - ' 4 next amulet morning end eeemo mom ...,..... .... .1704 neritt , bill? eatti his affa re, Made his W . Wear SWUM 110t, refuter fithetetetteMe ter .*ho wett appointed about two years to Easter memories, 'The evening -sob. -“`".""" .... ''' .,::#Faji.,e` -I:- 'Anna tahOetiiteil6tekse 1 'rtneleluil'h„as 'been grant. 1 . .. meat tif thh-pree Poe* fa that a pia lyP, ',gong** Poquett nf Cknonons 41.11nerg The morning subject wilt be suitab 4 oltiat,,mgros 4erploszilit4tailiA, ill concerning hirnself. . * „ •• "?. 'ego, died 011 March getb-4, - Deceased per, “The ery of an agonized heart". skottlicta%ia....."...".....t.....t;-7.."..c."4 ...... . ....ebbors ed a divorce from tar' nuftsell. mile ' , .,.!, • WAS 04 iiratkinhtit Inerehant, being the , The eheir 'will render epode' Beater Th5 01411406,011155 ASAIG*11313.11, 4 a .... • • • SWOre oh. NIA te 340 be the stage he- TheVovertarneut 'majority' is 55. in. Proprietor of a Urge departmental ' anthems All ate Welc01111) to theta 4" I '1' icereicee. The inotathir fellowahlp glitkil;C.....:::,rik*,',7= 61 tbert eluding ell the Indaitentlen.t., 'bat al. store itt Quebec.• Mbe IttAftPtetel ItOternment, ONClitY, . .. ... • . we :104 . * ... • I meeti will be held A lb 116•02. The . of 'Mir GOthercherg ist,*tom tif ,drefting. 4114. 1:44144., la. getgeetiNtot"Itipos: ih7; til..ntutgarTi411:73041riattli 1::67. ph:: ... .. "iinutioxihre'dvr- .... * . ..”' „.. . ,„,,,, 0. it 'roster pinata out in foot We congratulate W. It. Deck, of evert hale serviees were not held • .. - , Untied . ' ' ' With the liquor traffic. Thiejs in t :41"•rtitiir.,fitib6i„,11024,L...1 „ .„ - n ..,t . n -e. : ... • “1* Mir . its teyernment contrel and *al& The . itrirce-cio-riiiy,-- a- h-Aii-eret 1 Vtlflatta *IL" ' ing rtiriTh mi i * 7„).e,.,,, „ . • . . . '..4 4.7.e. . ..^^..; •', •• .4 . oOi5 , • trig/Intim. and In the abseues of probih- fa . art tho:: 1/ogiOnitit tnn .--7,-- , Irodede , dAt 14 at i&paibtot meek bo emettitead 141 tO fay- itei mr*.m the ,tiw ..... .. &i.111frak maim ktah. . • ,.'n • 44 , a,.1..,, ii. 44 ,. .j.'.• *14:7 Y., .4'. . . Y ,.,,,,i ., !':,. . . .•'tq':"!-- ., • • . - • tiro- tookurat trailed Pot • : itultert P, has welt. ROAM Moira.. lirossie* and Hunter hare Undertaken to edit an testae Of the Chatham Ilanner on_Thureday,..ApriL the,proceede of which to be giv- en to the General Hospital. The steff will be eomposed of members of the Ladies' Assisting Society of the Gener- al Hospitel, which will receive the took` eet3dve r • ing seeyices. The review of the S. S. lessons.for the limb three nastitha was taken by J. Houston t ft.:beautiful- solo Itita lately br M. -Dolytor,-.- - ST. PATILPS.4-6301tie lads on Sunday evening miebehaVed in church, and aleo broke the lamps in the church tr0130(10; they are known by the cburch nolliciate, who want the damaged article replaced SO as to arold further trouble. There will be it special tterVice on Good /friday evening ar 7.80 o'clock; Rev W. it move was 'nide in that direotion, $ was greded, fenced, part yeas, sodded; fiewer bele cub out, and A ()omen* sidewalk built on one eide, not ta forgot it sort..of 160b• etroeity in the above of a- oien of sidewalk nicking/et 'mother square and abruptly tleesinff, reminding ono very ef the vermiform Appendix. However, theta Were all moves in the right direetion, el - though open at the time end to a little outvotes ()Midler% This all Gobi money, but nobody objected that 1100hia Some of us bad belies the.$ we might ably boil these actiore theperl of the 001111, ell Ito indications of retrirnlbk reason* Badly are we doomed to disappointment. Hardly had the Winter eommenced before two officiate weraobserved uprooting pouts and reinovingpart of the fon. Beaton given -the Council, deoicled, there was not room for farmer to turn With it eleigh. Not teeth for farmer tolOrn in it space 160/160 feet I How the ordinary farrner Will tralle when reee'de this, . People tried° to content theraielvett by /eying, Oh, well', when the spring onto ihe lode will be fixed again. Can iir be coedited; the liat went forthhist Itondey thet the Whole or the Untie was to be removed, and woe; quently anybody who °boosts ten now drive over the tidewalk Where lie plates Any town that oat produce on inetenoo 01 All heeded aseleinity will be gladly AC- Salter, of enta)gthenstPWIen:wurnoenthil, OCRItiLfrrnittiars; corded it higher plan, but at present Clint! he le ORO of the moue eniiinereterli We - ton stands at the head III1e010110., wit osh end, Wiiti Ott hie Ivey beet from Gedettleh, where Ooreenfissioner Growl had • been icapplying the entimetbiore with , Lord M,alitibliry is rotach better; erettotione. It is 86 yeere egS SitiO6 Mr Bolter was in 'Clinton ter Oederieb but Y°hil /411144. 4 ivearlY-14"11e4' 4f %aye he wilt vieit iround this tro oftener after this. Rev. Si. D. and Mrs Smith left for Oar I klaW nem of labor at Oerherry, Man., this week. kfr Smith WWII Itenday with a' °ulna, of effect*. and 'Mrs Smith will fol. t low on fleturdity from Toronto, amoropan- them- "Rise fiterieo ftenterAr°:).*Aldieme omit he AK got imppott bee, tillosttink 11114 iluetoveygorttivitorageoloar otourutte. led b Ina.* L Middleton who hes been Tonrs *Lord Salisbury24 °OM hat derelo eoul olerk end goer to °tabor* in All ti into Iv, allot toittuouvii, but al. p, in. 6110 "toe line. We trust ell Idiehrter is datirog well, and he hopes weefilkedi may PrnlIPW abandanbly in gni to go to the Itivtera nett week. Geo. Newton, of Winglacon, who of len Tbie2Porta ine Inlaid' 'light rftnitho oonduored heroes Wettable the% pro- of t yaw. * OW AA bairns. grew", ipoiya,.biti Nom ott Abod =lob at CS, 605 weer onswitakilleds ittoriberithipionaNire Maio Ws adooestimmglaehaytot, irk wen %CIA ooye ttt e sheet Yrbile Wiagham will beam whb 'be 2 iron Iva DWANE ring,"1 -.„,•%. F'y --.46do wade% sigres . On 4V\a • • • „‘“ 40a ••• ' • .".st e •,‘ 1 * will re -open next week. with the largest and bait stock of bicycles " and sundries, ever shawn 'Huron. atca-thus space for fu- ture announcements - EMERSON'S RICYcLE AND, MUSIC 1101JSE. Goderich • . moaday, mciriring the' ftrat eod will he tnr:: ea,thelooation for the erection of the lark,a, plant being on the west side of the river, The Company will have a osphrit stock of $200,000 and ketakee the position am slip- ping olork. Their Charter with thetowo delft - for the employment of 100 bands or. over the year round end on the strength of shia agreement twenty five cottage* hove al - reedy commenceelto be buil*. •MieeiYoung, Aylmer, ieyisitine Mrs Ladd' Miss Flossie King, Dessliwood, 1. home' for Easter, Mies Mabel Doherty, Onondagt), Avis' Being at home Mrs Thos._ Smallacombe and children, Ilopuitititeog. ton, are visiting relative; be,re. from Alio% Accompenied by Mies B, Mite Lillie Johnston is home for Easter . Mat W. Bunting, ot Sb. Catharines, will spend Bader to the fguest of her caug- ht, inn Ent. golmee, A. H. Molceod left *hie week for Bided. way where he will supply A Preebyteriso pitiptic during &asuman monthr. ' Men) of the teachers will Spend, tile_E40*- tor VaOlitiOn MIS of town -Mtn A. O. Tay., . iOt at her home in Blythe Was Mail ID , Beaforth, 3. W. Troloyenitt LuelcuMer, and - W. E. Band to Brantford. ' tAKI:11,°e_gngen4tb,earehrgIki."FgaoebnsterY Wk!itrYlkil°130hOCI°11:_•._ B. Qiigley-to Roseland, 0, C.; T. Campbell to Idooreejew; Misr TOO to Ta - mot, Wesb.; ne* 8. B. Smith and J.14, Middleton *0 Carberry, Man,; A. and E. " Stirling SO 141100 Urea. Meat • Wm„ ion of luso Ittokeon, and * &near # 13sw ESA employee, came home Saturday - for a viuit. ,00 was on Of thesillooth AI* thnin betesicema Went 10 orderly ttredipt... Meeker, but later acted as -.layer and g1mber in the ath ma battery; he wilt re - man! here for it few weeks before resuming work in TOr0.11/t0 a4 it Snot! -T. Beck amachhnistiJn the -employ Of the Canadian General Electric Co.. at Peterbote* had hie head evartalredo tp it pulp in one of tilt machined. • • asking Powder - Makes:the bread more healthful. • f, Safeguards the fOod 14 against ikluttri• Akan, balthig poroiett at* tissethat etegutott to built of the protet*Itt 4